NAVIGATE Participant Kit Designing Team Direction TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction NAVIGATE Module Overview 3 3 Course Objective And Learner Takeaway Agenda 4 5 How To Encourage Involvement 6 Understanding The Culture Of Improvement And Involvement The Pygmalion Effect The Pygmalion Effect Defined Guide: Building On The Pygmalion Effect 8 10 The Role Clarification Process Guide for Role Clarification 11 14 Clarifying Roles Highlighting Individual Goals To The Overall Vision Of Alcantara Group Creating Our Team Mandala A Simple Framework To Keep Yourself Aligned Review And Reflect 19 48 20 22 2 DESIGNING TEAM DIRECTION NAVIGATE ACTION TARGET ROLES IMPROVEMENT INVOLVEMENT In today’s fast-paced world, improvements must be implemented a step ahead of the requirements of the client. How fast a company implement its improvements may spell the difference between profit and loss. Managers and frontline supervisors play a major role in identifying possibilities for improvement since they have the knowledge and the depth of understanding the business, but they cannot do it alone. For improvement to effectively make a positive impact, everyone must be part of the process in planning and implementation. To know more about what levels of involvement can be utilized within the team, a manager must establish the functional roles and how these are interconnected. When this is done, the team must agree as to what are their broad target to support the improvement initiative, and break it down into specific indicators of success. The blueprint of an improvement initiative is the action plan which outlines the activities that will be carried out, as well as the system for tracking and evaluating results. At some point, there might be details that will need to be ironed out or revised and the involvement of the manager to be on top of the adjustments ensures that the actions remain on track. It can be simply be a simple matter of the manager helping the employees review performance standards and connect these to the overall goals. Overall, the challenge is for every people leader to have solid understanding of what can be improved and develop the skills to promote involvement and collaboration among the people. 3 DESIGNING TEAM DIRECTION Course Objectives NAVIGATE By the end of this course, you should be able to: • Explain the importance of improvement and involvement in encouraging optimal performance Explain the Pygmalion Effect and how to apply this principle in your team setting • Determine individual roles and how they connect to the other roles within the team • Connect back the individual goals to the company’s overall organizational goals Learner Takeaways By the end of the program, the participants shall have: • A conceptual framework of improvement and involvement and ideas on how to apply these in the workplace • Tips in improving positive attitude • Tools to objectively assess clarity of roles • A clearer understanding of how one’s role connects to the bigger organizational goals 4 DESIGNING TEAM DIRECTION NAVIGATE AGENDA Designing Team Directions Understanding the Culture of Improvement and Involvement The Pygmalion Effect Clarifying Roles Highlighting Individual Goals to the Overall Mission of Alcantara Group 5 DESIGNING TEAM DIRECTION NAVIGATE HOW TO ENCOURAGE INVOLVEMENT “If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.” – Peter Drucker Improvement has always been at the core of keeping the business going and the most robust organizations would place their people at the helm of the improvement initiatives. Ensuring the full participation of the people in the planning and implementation, as well as in establishing the standards and priorities, enable the old without the new and more efficient way of driving business results. The ultimate question for managers would be: “How to encourage and sustain involvement?” ESTABLISH COMMUNICATION CHANNEL WHERE IDEAS ARE HEARD. Whether you have a 10-minute brown bag session or just a routine Floor Walk, a communication platform where ideas are heard send a strong message to employees that the leadership wants people to be involved in the process. As managers, the most important questions you may ask are, “What’s your major roadblock in accomplishing your daily tasks?”, How can I help in improving your process?” By asking them their task-specific challenges, you respect their opinion and by asking how you can help them, you give your commitment to work with them in addressing and improving their challenges. SHOW HONESTY AND OPENNESS .Remember the rule “under-promise and over-deliver instead of “over-promise then under-deliver”. This nugget of wisdom is true if you seek commitment. Your people will rather face the truth that an idea will not work, rather than giving them false assurances. LINK REWARDS TO ACCOMPLISHMENTS The rewards do not always have to be monetary. Some of the traditional forms of rewards can be recognition systems and upward career movement. Managers may build on the competitive spirit to award improvement initiatives and encourage continuous collaboration to accomplish shared goals. 6 DESIGNING TEAM DIRECTION When you… Ask team members for input on how an objective can be accomplished. Truly listen to team members’ concerns about achieving their objectives. Discuss various ways you can help your team members achieve their objectives. Show team members how important their role is to the overall Alcantara Group success of Wells Fargo. NAVIGATE Team members may feel… Included Valued Supported Inspired 7 DESIGNING TEAM DIRECTION NAVIGATE THE PYGMALION EFFECT DEFINED The goal is for all of us to have that DRIVE to be better everyday. 8 PONDER ON NAVIGATE What a manager expects from his people and how he treats an employee largely determine the quality of one’s performance and career growth. Effective managers are those who set high expectations which the employees fulfill. In most instances, employees do what they believe they are expected to do. This is the principle of the Pygmalion effect which effectively remind leaders that if they treat their people to be high flyers, their people will work hard to meet that expectation. As managers, how can you leverage the Pygmalion effect in achieving business results? 1. 2. 3. 4. Assess whether one’s performance can be improved with effort Assess if the employee would want to make the effort. Assess your personal capability to inspire that effort. Plan how to communicate your beliefs in the way you treat your employee 9 GUIDE NAVIGATE BUILDING ON THE PYGMALION EFFECT Think of one person whom you think has significant potential given the right support. What is your belief in his capabilities? What are your beliefs about his openness to improve? Do you think he has the capacity to rise to a challenge? Examine your capability to support him. Can you inspire him to exert harder and aim higher? How will you let him know about your intentions? 10 NAVIGATE ROLES DESIGNING TEAM DIRECTION THE ROLE CLARIFICATION PROCESS The process of clarifying roles aims to assist the individual members of the team to understand their differences and enhance working relationships towards higher productivity and efficiency. For managers, clarifying roles will enable them to objectively map out relationships and base leadership interventions on it. 11 NAVIGATE ROLES DESIGNING TEAM DIRECTION HOW DOES THE PROCESS WORK? 1. INDIVIDUAL REFLECTION The initial step will require the individuals to reflect on their status with their peers and think of ways to sustain good work relationships or improve strained ones. Questions that might be helpful during this process are the things that can make the bond stronger and specific changes which may improve the relationship. 2. DIALOGUE At this point, there would be two people who will talk about their roles and explore together the differences and how to stitch their initiatives to be more efficient at work. 3. ACTION PLANNING A successful role clarification process will produce an action plan that will highlight specific activities both individuals will work on moving forward. 12 DESIGNING TEAM DIRECTION PURPOSE AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY NAVIGATE JOB TITLE A B C C E ACTIVITIES CUSTOMERS Figure 1. SAMPLE ROLE CLARIFICATION SHEET The above template is a simple visual flow of the role clarification process. It starts with establishing a clear purpose for a given role. Then specific activities are list down for every area of responsibility (Key Result Area). Normally, a role will have up to 6 KRAs. Beyond this number, a thorough review is recommended to simplify the KRAs. There might be areas which can already be combined as one. The last part of the clarification process is to establish who the customers are per area. This is an important part of the process because your customers will be the one to acknowledge and confirm your role and your link with their respective roles. 13 GUIDE NAVIGATE GUIDE FOR ROLE CLARIFICATION PROCESS Individuals and organizations can find great value in giving thought to the existing roles in the organization. By defining and clarifying roles, the individual as well as the team can objectively assess task priorities so they can effectively work together as an organization thereby ensuring delivery of quality outputs to the customer. Ask yourself, what is the role trying to achieve overall? Think again—keep editing your answer until your answer clearly details what the role is really all about. 14 GUIDE NAVIGATE Instructions: List down all activities related to your job and put them on COLUMN 1. Review your list and cluster activities that are related to each other. Label each cluster accordingly and write these labels in COLUMN 2. These labels are called “AREA of RESPONSIBILITY” or KEY RESULT AREAS (KRAs) KEY ACTIVITIES List of activities Areas of responsibility / key result areas (at least 5) 15 GUIDE NAVIGATE You now have a broad framework of what your role is all about. The next step is for you to determine what are the specific activities that you must do per category. WRITE IT DOWN AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY Transfer the activities you have identified on page 15. Improve on them to include task measurements (time, target, quality rate, etc) ACTIVITIES: (Maintenance Tasks) 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. IMPROVEMENT TASK (Indicate a special assignment which you had to do as a result of your maintenance tasks. The improvement task may later on form part of maintenance tasks) CHECK THIS OUT! Is your IMPROVEMENT TASK aligned to your current area of responsibility? If this role is assigned to address a crisis or urgent requirement, it is acceptable for a short period of time. If it becomes regular, then this activity must be added and the role should be redefined. 16 GUIDE NAVIGATE DISCUSS IT Determine whether your role is clear and agreed by the people whom you regularly have contact with. Who are your internal and external customers? What are their requirements? Are there gaps or overlaps between your role and other people’s role? What steps do you need to do to clarify the overlaps or gaps? With whom? Who will benefit from the role clarification and how will you communicate this? 17 GUIDE NAVIGATE TAKE IT FURTHER Sometimes, mapping out functional relationships is easier when you draw it. Use below space to draw the relational map between the role you are clarifying and the other roles in the team. 18 DESIGNING TEAM DIRECTION NAVIGATE IMPROVEMENT INVOLVEMENT HIGHLIGHTING INDIVIDUAL GOALS TO THE OVERALL MISSION OF ALCANTARA GROUP The way leaders make decisions are also largely based on how they make decisions in their personal lives, and the quality of the decisions they make are tied with their personal motivations. If one is motivated by a set of values quite different from what the company stands for, you may have an employee that reports for work rather than a leader who is part of the organization. Imagine: if most of your leaders think of the company as just a “job”, what might be the quality of engagement and commitment overall? 19 DESIGNING TEAM DIRECTION NAVIGATE A SIMPLE FRAMEWORK TO KEEP YOURSELF ALIGNED While “alignment” is just a one-word statement, the commitment to take on this initiative might be longer as not all personal motivations may be necessarily related to what your company believes in. It is human and at this point, we are also setting parameters as to how we can develop a framework for reconciling your individual preferences and with that of the larger business goals. Set goal Ask feedback LInk to work progress Make it happen Ask a mentor Measure progress Evaluate results Celebrate success 20 DESIGNING TEAM DIRECTION NAVIGATE SET GOAL ASK A MENTOR MEASURE PROGRESS ASK FEEDBACK LINK TO WORK PROGRESS EVALUATE RESULTS CELEBRATE SUCCESS MAKE IT HAPPEN 21 GUIDE NAVIGATE At the end of this program, what are top three (3) things which you would like to apply on desk? 22