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90-Day Fat Loss Challenge Manual

90-Day Fat Loss Challenge
By: Jordan Syatt
Headmaster of the SF Inner Circle
Table of Contents
Challenge Overview............................... 3
Tracking Your Progress........................... 5
Nutrition Guidelines............................. 7
Notes on Nutrition........................... 8
My Challenge to You.......................... 9
Nutrition: Month 1.......................... 11
Nutrition: Month 2...........................12
Nutrition: Month 3...........................13
Workout Program..................................14
➢ Key Notes on the Workouts....................15
➢ Workout Program: 4x/Week.....................16
➢ Workout Program: 3x/Week.....................23
➢ Cardio/Metabolic Workout Menu................30
Final Note.......................................34
Congratulations and welcome to the UNICORN STRONG
90-Day Fat Loss Challenge!
Accessing this challenge means
you’ve joined the Inner Circle so,
once more, congratulations and
welcome to the most positive,
encouraging, supportive, magical,
silly, & comprehensive fitness
community in the world.
You will get unwavering support &
answers to all of your questions in
our members-only Facebook group.
So, if you haven’t already, go
introduce yourself because you’ll
quickly see how welcoming everyone
In the meantime, The Unicorn Strong
90-Day Fat Loss Challenge is
NOT Easy.
But simple.
Simple in that if you take this challenge and follow the
nutrition & workouts 100%...you will burn more fat, build
more strength, get more muscle definition, and see more
progress in the next 90 days than you have in your entire
Seriously. I’m not kidding.
This isn’t because the nutrition guidelines are drizzled with
Felix Felicis (good luck serum). And it’s not because the
workouts were written by Albus Dumbledore, himself.
You will change your body more in the next 90 days than you have
in your entire life because you will follow this plan to a “T.”
No matter what.
You will not give up. You will not quit.
You will not waver.
You will stick to this Challenge and give it everything you have
for the next 90 days.
Because, if you’re here, odds are you’re sick of trying workout
after workout, diet after diet, supplement after supplement, and
never getting to the point where you truly love how you look.
Especially not for all the time & effort you put into your
health and fitness.
So. Here’s the deal. In this challenge manual you will find your
nutrition and workout instructions mapped out for you every step
of the way.
Literally, everything you need to quickly get rid of stubborn
fat and build lean, strong muscle (while getting more defined).
All you need to do is…do it.
You ready? I know you are. But what I know doesn’t matter. What
matters is what you know. So let’s do this together. I’m here
with you every step of the way. I’ve got your back. Promise.
Beep boop!
Tracking Your Progress
Want to hear something awful?
Most people give up and quit on whatever diet or workout they’re
doing because they think they aren’t making progress. Usually
because they don’t see the scale dropping as quickly as they’d
like, so they throw in the towel.
The awful part?
90% of the time they ARE making progress. They literally quit
while things were working. They just didn’t understand how to
properly track their data and/or they got impatient (even when
they knew they shouldn’t).
Here’s the deal.
There are many ways to track your progress. Yes, the scale is
one. But it’s not the only one. And it’s definitely not the most
I encourage you to use the scale but DO NOT expect your weight
to drop every day or every week or even every 2 weeks. If you
use the scale, you should NOT compare your weight day-to-day.
Instead, you should compare your weight month-to-month.
For example, instead of comparing daily weigh-ins, you should
compare your January 1st weigh-in to your February 1st weigh-in.
And your January 10th weigh-in to your February 10th weigh-in.
This way you get a much more accurate picture of your trend. And
you cannot get mad at day-to-day (or week-to-week) fluctuations
because you aren’t comparing those weights anyway. Got it? Good.
Now, here are the main ways I want you to rack your progress.
Tracking Your Progress
Weigh yourself in the morning,
before eating/drinking & after
peeing/pooping. Compare your
weights month-to-month, not
Keep an eye on your belt. If
you start fitting into notches
further down your belt…that’s
a HUGE win, regardless of what
the scale says.
I don’t care what the scale
says – if your pant size is
dropping, you’re making
progress! Don’t forget that.
Take new progress pictures
(front/side/back) in the same
lighting, under the same
conditions once every 4 weeks.
pictures before you start.
Take a gander at yourself. It’s
harder to be objective (and
things do change day-to-day due
to hydration) but if you start
to see visible differences,
that’s progress!
This is most important, above
all else. If you feel better,
you’re making progress.
Nutrition Guidelines
Key Notes on Nutrition
1) Calories & Protein Are Most Important. Carbs & fats
are irrelevant. Feel free to track them if you want
but as long as you hit your calories and protein
you will make HUGE progress.
2) The Rapid Fat Loss Cycles are OPTIONAL. The first
week of each month is an OPTIONAL rapid fat loss
phase. If you have a lot of weight to lose and/or
have trouble with motivation, feel free to use
them. HOWEVER, if you are prone to binge eating
and/or have emotional struggles with food (now or
in the past) DO NOT DO THEM. They are 100% optional
and absolutely not necessary.
3) If Your Weight Doesn’t Go Down, Do NOT Quit or
Complain or Think It’s Not Working. The scale is a
fickle fucker and does NOT tell the whole story.
The scale WILL fluctuate and if you let the
fluctuations affect you emotionally, you will burn
4) High & Low Calorie Days Do NOT Need to Coincide
with Workout & Rest Days. All that matters is your
net weekly calorie intake, regardless of whether or
not you eat high/low calorie on workout/rest days.
5) If You Go Over Your Calories Do NOT Freak Out. You
didn’t screw anything up. Just get right back on
track the next meal.
6) You Calories Are More Important Than Protein. So if
you are under your protein for the day but will go
over your calories if you eat, don’t eat. I’d
rather you be under on protein than over calories.
My Challenge to You
Most people say they can be 100% consistent for 90
days straight. But very few, when put to the test,
actually can. Especially with their nutrition.
So, I have a challenge for you.
Get a calendar. A real,
physical calendar. One
you can hold in your
hand. And a marker.
A thick, red marker.
And at the end of every
day…for 90 days
straight…if you hit your
calorie & protein
guidelines 100%, cross
the day off with a big
red X.
Do This Every day.
If you tracked your
calories/protein and hit
them perfectly…cross the
day off with a big red X.
If you didn’t…the day
stays blank.
Be honest with yourself.
If you lie, you’re only cheating yourself.
But, listen.
If you do this openly and honestly, you will
literally watch your body fat drop and muscles get
more defined every month. I’m not kidding, either.
You will see more physical (and mental and
emotional) changes in these 90 days than in your
entire life up to this point.
You will look at yourself in the mirror, in happy
disbelief at who is staring back.
Your friends and family and co-workers will ask for
your “secret.”
They’ll want your magic pill. Your quick fix. Your
secret potion. They’ll want you to let them in on
how you did it so they can, too.
You’ll smile. Look them in the face. And tell them,
“Get a calendar. And a thick, red marker....”
If you’re up for the challenge, buy the calendar,
buy the red marker, take a picture of yourself
holding them and post it in the Inner Circle
Facebook Group.
We’ll be your accountability.
Now, let’s get to work.
Beep boop!
Nutrition: Month 1
Week 1: Optional Rapid Fat Loss
Calories: multiply your GOAL body weight by 6-8
Protein: 1g of protein per pound of your GOAL body weight.
Calories: 150lbs x 6 (up to 8) = 900 (up to 1,200)
Protein: 150lbs x 1 = 150g
Weeks 2-4: Sustainable Fat Loss
High Days (3x/week)
Calories: multiply your GOAL body weight by 11-11.5
Protein: 0.7g of protein per pound of your GOAL body weight.
Calories: 150lbs x 11 (up to 11.5) = 1,650 (up to 1,725)
Protein: 150lbs x 0.7 = 105g
Low Days (4x/week)
Calories: multiply your GOAL body weight by 10-11
Protein: 0.7g of protein per pound of your GOAL body weight.
Calories: 150lbs x 10 (up to 11) = 1,500 (up to 1,650)
Protein: 150lbs x 0.7 = 105g
Nutrition: Month 2
Week 1: Optional Rapid Fat Loss
Calories: multiply your GOAL body weight by 6-8
Protein: 1g of protein per pound of your GOAL body weight.
Calories: 150lbs x 6 (up to 8) = 900 (up to 1,200)
Protein: 150lbs x 1 = 150g
Weeks 2-4: Sustainable
High Days (3x/week)
Calories: multiply your GOAL body weight by 11-12
Protein: 0.7g of protein per pound of your GOAL body weight.
Calories: 150lbs x 11 (up to 12) = 1,650 (up to 1,800)
Protein: 150lbs x 0.7 = 105g
Low Days (4x/week)
Calories: multiply your GOAL body weight by 10-11
Protein: 0.7g of protein per pound of your GOAL body weight.
Calories: 150lbs x 10 (up to 11) = 1,500 (up to 1,650)
Protein: 150lbs x 0.7 = 105g
Nutrition: Month 3
Week 1: Optional Rapid Fat Loss
Calories: multiply your GOAL body weight by 6-8
Protein: 1g of protein per pound of your GOAL body weight.
Calories: 150lbs x 6 (up to 8) = 900 (up to 1,200)
Protein: 150lbs x 1 = 150g
Weeks 2-4: Sustainable
High Days (3x/week)
Calories: multiply your GOAL body weight by 11.5-12.5
Protein: 0.7g of protein per pound of your GOAL body weight.
Calories: 150lbs x 11 (up to 11.5) = 1,725 (up to 1,875)
Protein: 150lbs x 0.7 = 105g
Low Days (4x/week)
Calories: multiply your GOAL body weight by 10-11
Protein: 0.7g of protein per pound of your GOAL body weight.
Calories: 150lbs x 10 (up to 11) = 1,500 (up to 1,650)
Protein: 150lbs x 0.7 = 105g
Workout Program
Key Notes on Workouts
1) Choose 3 OR 4x/week. Neither is better or worse.
Most important is choosing one you can do
consistently. I’d rather you do 3x/week 100%
consistent than 4x/week 70% consist. Remember, fat
loss comes from nutrition. The workouts are for
building strength & defining muscle.
2) You Can Do Cardio/Metabolic Workouts On Your Rest
Days. But that is 100% optional and NOT necessary.
If all you do is these workouts (3 or 4x/week), you
will get stronger, faster, more flexible, and way
more defined.
3) If You Want to Do Extra Cardio/Metabolic Workouts
you can choose from the cardio/metabolic workout
menu on page 30.
4) How Do You Know How Much Weight to Lift? The
general rule of thumb is to lift as heavy as
possible while maintaining perfect form and hitting
all prescribed sets & reps. If your form is
breaking down and/or you can’t hit the prescribed
reps, lower the weight. If you’re hitting the
prescribed reps without much difficulty, increase
the weight. The last 2-3 reps of every set should
be VERY challenging.
5) Rest Periods Should Follow This Sequence:
• Exercises 1a-1b: rest 2-3min between sets
• Exercises 2a-2c: rest 1-2min between sets
• Exercises 3a-3d: rest 30-60sec between sets
6) Not Sure How to Do an Exercise? All exercises have
a full video tutorial in The Inner Circle Exercise
Database in your member portal.
Workout Program
Day 1: Lower Body
1a) Sumo Deadlift: 4 x 5
1b) Glute Bridge: 4 x 10
2a) Dumbbell Reverse Lunge: 3 x 8/leg
2b) Russian Twist: 3 x 10/side (slow twist)
3a) Lying Leg Curl on Physio Ball (SHELC): 3 x 12
3b) Push-Up Plank: 3 x 5/side
3c) Goblet Squat: 3 x 12
Day 2: Upper Body
1a) Bench Press: 4 x 8
1b) Dumbbell Row: 4 x 8/arm
2a) Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 x 8
2b) Chin-Up OR Lat Pull Down: 3 x 10
3a) Seated Dumbbell Lateral Shoulder Raise: 3 x 12
3b) Push-Up (hands elevated if needed): 3 x 12
3c) Seated Dumbbell Bent Over Rear Delt Raise: 3 x 12
Day 3: Lower Body
1a) Box Squat: 4 x 6
1b) Glute Bridge: 4 x 10
2a) Sumo Romanian Deadlift: 3 x 8/leg
2b) Russian Twist: 3 x 10/side (slow twist)
3a) Dumbbell Walking Forward Lunge: 3 x 10/leg
3b) Push-Up Plank: 3 x 5/side
3c) Single-Leg Hip Thrust: 3 x 10/leg
Day 4: Upper Body
1a) Overhead Press: 4 x 8
1b) Dumbbell Row with Pause on Chest: 4 x 8/arm
2a) 1.5 Dumbbell Bench Press 3 x 8
2b) Chin-Up Cluster (assisted if needed): 3 x 2-2-2-2
Note: One cluster set = 2 reps, rest 10sec, 2 reps,
rest 10sec, 2 reps, rest 10sec, 2 reps, rest
3a) Cable Rope Tricep Press Down: 3 x 15
3b) Push-Up (hands elevated if needed): 3 x 12
3c) Cable Rope Bicep Curl: 3 x 15
Day 1: Lower Body
1a) Deadlift (Sumo or Conventional): 3 x 4
1b) Single-Leg Glute Bridge: 3 x 10/leg
2a) Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat: 4 x 8/leg
2b) Pallof Press: 4 x 10/side (slow)
2c) Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift: 4 x 8
3a) Split Stance Romanian Deadlift: 3 x 8/leg
3b) Bodysaw: 3 x 10
3c) Goblet Alternating Reverse Lunge: 3 x 10/leg
Day 2: Upper Body
1a) Bench Press: 3 x 6
1b) Seated Cable Row: 3 x 8
2a) Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press: 4 x 8/arm
2b) Chin-Up (assisted if needed): 4 x 8
Note: Substitute Lat Pull Down (4 x 10) if you’d
prefer over chin-ups
2c) Standing Dumbbell Lateral Shoulder Raise: 4 x 10
3a) 1.5 Push-Ups (hands elevated if needed): 3 X 12
3b) Batwing Row: 3 x 12
3c) Chest Supported Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise: 3 x 15
Day 3: Lower Body
1a) Squat: 3 x 5
1b) Single-Leg Glute Bridge: 3 x 10/leg
2a) Romanian Deadlift: 4 x 10
2b) Pallof Press: 4 x 10/side (slow)
2c) 1.5 Goblet Squat: 4 x 10
3a) Dumbbell Alternating Reverse Lunge: 3 x 10/leg
3b) Bodysaw: 3 x 10
3c) Kettlebell Swing: 3 x 12
Day 4: Upper Body
1a) Overhead Press: 3 x 6
1b) Bent Over Barbell Row: 3 x 8
2a) Arnold Press: 4 x 8
2b) Chin-Up Cluster (assisted if needed): 4 x 3-2-1
Note: One cluster set = 3 reps, rest 10sec, 2 reps,
rest 10sec, 1 reps, rest
2c) Seated Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension: 4 x 12
3a) Pause Push-Up (hands elevated if needed): 3 x 12
3b) Seated Cable Row: 3 x 12
3c) Standing Dumbbell Hammer Curl: 3 x 12/arm
Day 1: Lower Body
1a) Deadlift (Sumo or Conventional): 4 x 3
1b) Single-Leg Hip Thrust: 4 x 10/leg
2a) Dumbbell Single-Leg RDL to Reverse Lunge Complex:
4 x 8/leg
2b) ABC Plank: 4 x A-M (big, slow letters)
2c) Bodyweight Jump Squat: 4 x 10
Note: if you have cranky knees, do a body weight
speed squat (no jump)
3a) Goblet Squat w/ Pulse: 3 x 8 (light weight)
3b) Bicycle Crunches: 3 x 12/side (slow)
3c) Lying Leg Curl on Physio Ball (SHELC): 3 x 12
Day 2: Upper Body
1a) Bench Press: 4 x 5
1b) Dumbbell Row with 3sec Eccentric: 4 x 8/arm
Note: The “eccentric” is the lowering portion of
the row
2a) Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press: 4 x 8/arm
2b) Chin-Up (assisted if needed): 4 x 6
Note: Substitute Lat Pull Down (4 x 8) if you’d
prefer over chin-ups
2c) Push-Up: 4 x Fail
3a) Dumbbell Squeeze Press: 3 x 12
3b) Alternating Batwing Row: 3 x 12/arm
3c) Dumbbell Tricep Kickback: 3 x 12/arm
Day 3: Lower Body
1a) Squat: 4 x 5
1b) Single-Leg Hip Thrust: 4 x 10/leg
2a) Sumo Romanian Deadlift: 4 x 10
2b) ABC Plank: 4 x A-M (big, slow letters)
2c) Goblet Squat to Reverse Lunge Combo: 4 x 8/leg
3a) Goblet Squat with 3sec Eccentric: 3 x 10
3b) Bicycle Crunches: 3 x 12/side (slow)
3c) V-Up: 3 x 12
Day 4: Upper Body
1a) Overhead Press: 4 x 5
1b) Seated Cable Row: 4 x 8
2a) Seated Alternating Shoulder Press: 4 x 8/arm
2b) Chin-Up Cluster (assisted if needed): 4 x 3-2-2-1
Note: One cluster set = 3 reps, rest 10sec, 2 reps,
rest 10sec, 2 reps, rest 10sec, 1 rep, rest
2c) Single-Leg Push-Up: 4 x 5/leg
3a) Cable Rope Overhead Tricep Extension: 3 x 12
3b) Cable Rope Face Pull: 3 x 12
3c) Standing Dumbbell Cross Body Curl: 3 x 12/arm
Workout Program
Day 1: Lower Body
1a) Sumo Deadlift: 4 x 5
1b) Glute Bridge: 4 x 10
2a) Dumbbell Reverse Lunge: 3 x 8/leg
2b) Russian Twist: 3 x 10/side (slow twist)
3a) Lying Leg Curl on Physio Ball (SHELC): 3 x 12
3b) Push-Up Plank: 3 x 5/side
3c) Goblet Squat: 3 x 12
Day 2: Upper Body
1a) Bench Press: 4 x 8
1b) Dumbbell Row: 4 x 8/arm
2a) Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 x 8
2b) Chin-Up OR Lat Pull Down: 3 x 10
3a) Seated Dumbbell Lateral Shoulder Raise: 3 x 12
3b) Push-Up (hands elevated if needed): 3 x 12
3c) Seated Dumbbell Bent Over Rear Delt Raise: 3 x 12
Day 3: Full Body
1a) Box Squat: 4 x 6
1b) Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press: 4 x 8
2a) Sumo Romanian Deadlift: 3 x 8/leg
2b) Russian Twist: 3 x 10/side (slow twist)
2c) Chin-Up Cluster (assisted if needed): 3 x 2-2-2-2
Note: One cluster set = 2 reps, rest 10sec, 2 reps,
rest 10sec, 2 reps, rest 10sec, 2 reps, rest
Dumbbell Walking Forward Lunge: 3 x 10/leg
Push-Up Plank: 3 x 5/side
Dumbbell Row with Pause on Chest: 3 x 10/arm
Cable Rope Tricep Press Down: 3 x 12
Day 1: Lower Body
1a) Deadlift (Sumo or Conventional): 3 x 4
1b) Single-Leg Glute Bridge: 3 x 10/leg
2a) Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat: 4 x 8/leg
2b) Pallof Press: 4 x 10/side (slow)
2c) Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift: 4 x 8
3a) Split Stance Romanian Deadlift: 3 x 8/leg
3b) Bodysaw: 3 x 10
3c) Goblet Alternating Reverse Lunge: 3 x 10/leg
Day 2: Upper Body
1a) Bench Press: 3 x 6
1b) Seated Cable Row: 3 x 8
2a) Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press: 4 x 8/arm
2b) Chin-Up (assisted if needed): 4 x 8
Note: Substitute Lat Pull Down (4 x 10) if you’d
prefer over chin-ups
2c) Standing Dumbbell Lateral Shoulder Raise: 4 x 10
3a) 1.5 Push-Ups (hands elevated if needed): 3 x 12
3b) Batwing Row: 3 x 12
3c) Chest Supported Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise: 3 x 15
Day 3: Full Body
1a) Squat: 3 x 5
1b) Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press: 3 x 6
2a) Romanian Deadlift: 4 x 10
2b) Pallof Press: 4 x 10/side (slow)
2c) Chin-Up Cluster (assisted if needed): 4 x 3-2-1
Note: One cluster set = 3 reps, rest 10sec, 2 reps,
rest 10sec, 1 reps, rest
Dumbbell Alternating Reverse Lunge: 3 x 10/leg
Bodysaw: 3 x 10
Pause Push-Up (hands elevated if needed): 3 x 12
Seated Cable Row: 3 x 12
Day 1: Lower Body
1a) Deadlift (Sumo or Conventional): 4 x 3
1b) Single-Leg Hip Thrust: 4 x 10/leg
2a) Single-Leg RDL to Reverse Lunge: 4 x 8/leg
2b) ABC Plank: 4 x A-M (big, slow letters)
2c) Bodyweight Jump Squat: 4 x 10
Note: if you have cranky knees, do a body weight
speed squat (no jump)
3a) Goblet Squat with Pulse: 3 x 8 (light weight)
3b) Bicycle Crunches: 3 x 12/side (slow)
3c) Lying Leg Curl on Physio Ball (SHELC): 3 x 12
Day 2: Upper Body
1a) Bench Press: 4 x 5
1b) Dumbbell Row with 3sec Eccentric: 4 x 8/arm
Note: The “eccentric” is the lowering portion of the
2a) Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press: 4 x 8/arm
2b) Chin-Up (assisted if needed): 4 x 6
Note: Substitute Lat Pull Down (4 x 8) if you’d
prefer over chin-ups
2c) Push-Up: 4 x Fail
3a) Dumbbell Squeeze Press: 3 x 12
3b) Alternating Batwing Row: 3 x 12/arm
3c) Dumbbell Tricep Kickback: 3 x 12/arm
Day 3: Full Body
1a) Squat: 4 x 5
1b) Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press: 4 x 5
2a) Sumo Romanian Deadlift: 4 x 10
2b) ABC Plank: 4 x A-M (big, slow letters)
2c) Chin-Up Cluster (assisted if needed): 4 x 3-2-2-1
Note: One cluster set = 3 reps, rest 10sec, 2 reps,
rest 10sec, 2 reps, rest 10sec, 1 rep, rest
Goblet Squat to Reverse Lunge Combo: 3 x 8/leg
Bicycle Crunches: 3 x 12/side (slow)
Single-Leg Push-Up: 3 x 5/leg
Seated Cable Row: 3 x 10
Cardio/Metabolic Workout Menu
If you want, you’re welcome to do cardio or metabolic
conditioning on your rest days. But it is 100% optional
and NOT necessary.
Regardless of whether or not you do extra
cardio/metabolic work, you must take AT LEAST one rest
day every week.
If you decide to do extra cardio/metabolic work, you
can choose ONE option from this menu each day. Just
one. There is no need to do more. In fact, if you try
to do more, you’re going to overtrain and cause
yourself to plateau.
Sprint Workouts
1) Workout Name: High Incline Power Development
Instructions: Set the clock for 8-minutes and cycle
through the circuit below as many times as possible
until time runs out.
• High Incline Sprint x 15sec
• Incline Walk x 45sec
2) Workout Name: Simple But Serious
Instructions: Complete 4 full rounds of the sprint
circuit below.
• Flat Sprint x 20sec
• Flat Walk x 20sec
3) Workout Name: Put Up or Shut Up
Instructions: Complete 5 full rounds of the sprint
circuit below.
Incline Sprint x 15sec
Walk x 30sec
Sprint x 15sec
Incline Walk x 30sec
4) Workout Name: The Grand Finale
Instructions: Complete 4 full rounds of the sprint
circuit below.
Low Incline Sprint x 25sec
Low Incline Walk x 45sec
High Incline Sprint x 10sec
Low Incline Walk x 30sec
Metabolic Strength Workouts
Upper Body
1)Workout Name: Crossing the Rubicon
Instructions: Set the clock for 8-minutes and complete
as many rounds as possible while maintaining perfect
Pause Push Up x 3
Close Grip Push Up x 3
Push Up x 3
Batwing Row x 10
2)Workout Name: Crossing the Border
Instructions: Set the clock for 8-minutes and complete
as many rounds as possible while maintaining perfect
• Close Grip Push-Up x 3
• Chin-Up/Lat Pull Down x 3
• Batwing Row x 10
3)Workout Name: Lefty, Righty
Instructions: Complete 4 full rounds as quickly as
possible while maintaining perfect form. Keep rest to a
minimum and try to save it for the bottom of each
Left Arm DB Push Press x 4
Right Arm DB Push Press x 4
Left Arm DB Row x 5
Right Arm DB Row x 5
Metabolic Strength Workouts
Lower Body
1)Workout Name: The Lunge Matrix
Instructions: Complete 5 full rounds as quickly as
possible while maintaining perfect form. Keep rest to a
minimum and try to save it for the bottom of each
• Forward Lunge x 4/leg
• Lateral Lunge x 4/leg
• Reverse Lunge x 4/leg
• Jump Squat x 4
2)Workout Name: DOMS
Instructions: Complete 4 full rounds as quickly as
possible while maintaining perfect form. Keep rest to a
minimum and try to save it for the bottom of each
• Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift x 6
• Dumbbell Front Squat x 6
• Single-Leg Hip Thrust x 6/leg
3)Workout Name: Lift a Little, Will Ya?
Instructions: Complete 4 full rounds as quickly as
possible while maintaining perfect form. Keep rest to a
minimum and try to save it for the bottom of each
• Goblet Bulgarian Split Squat (right leg) x 5
• SHELC x 6
• Goblet Bulgarian Split Squat (left leg) x 5
I’m Here with You.
Every Step of the Way.
Please, do not forget I’m here
with you every step of the
No matter what.
I understand this stuff isn’t
easy. If it was, you wouldn’t
be spending your time reading
a fitness challenge manual
called, Unicorn Strong. And
the fitness industry wouldn’t
rake in $20 Billion annually.
Truth is, most people struggle
with this stuff. And no matter
how hard it gets or how alone
you might feel…I promise, I’m here with you.
Anything you need. No matter what.
I’m here to help and support and encourage you.
Always. Don’t ever forget that.
Got it? Good.
Beep boop!
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