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Diet & Training Plan: Meal & Workout Guide

This will be easy to follow and very effective .This download contains diet and training.On diet
your shakes should be 10­20 grams of protein for females and 20­30 grams for males .They
should be mixed with water or unsweetened almond milk .If your protein is of lower protein
content you can use liquid egg whites as a add .Also there are 2 food measures .The smaller is
for females and larger for males .This diet requires 2 meals of choice 1 on Sat and 1 on Sun .Do
not go overboard and ruin this .A medium size plate of something fairly healthy would be a great
choice .
1 2 whole eggs
3 whole eggs
1 serving of oatmeal or cream of wheat
1 cup of green veggies
2 shake
3 4oz lean meat
6oz of lean meat
1 cup of green veggies
½ cup of unsalted nuts or ½ avocado
4 shake
5 same as 3
same as 3 and 5
3.5oz of lean meat
5oz of lean meat
2 cups of green veggies
*** Switch your veggies and lean meats to keep some variety .This will work so well .Make sure
your free meals contain carbs rice potato or pasta *******
Training :
This will be a 2 workout system doing 3 workouts a week rotating them .#1 #2 #1 #2 #1 #2
Try not to do on back to back days .Also do 2­3 days of cardio only at 30+ mins .
Workout #1
20 situps 3 sets
10 kettlebell swings 2 sets
10 bench press or pushup 4 sets
10 lat pulldowns 5 sets
10 dumbbell curls 3 sets `
10 dumbbell side laterals 3 sets
10 dumbbell row 1 set
10 dumbbell fly or peck deck 2 sets
Finish w/4 mins of high intensity on machine of choice
Workout #2
20 calve raises 3 sets
10 crunches 3 sets
10 kettlebell swings 4 sets
10 leg curls 4 sets
10 leg ext 4 sets
10 tricep press downs 4 sets
10 machine shoulder press 3 sets
25 leg press 3 sets
Finish w/5 mins of cardio at a faster than normal pace