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S. A. Q's

3. What is peer assistance and what steps could an RN take if he or she is struggling with a
substance-related disorder?
a. Peer assistance is a program available for nurses who have a substance
addiction. It allows the nurse to receive professional help along with support from other
nurses without facing repercussions from the board of nursing. The program offers
evaluation, counseling, and ongoing support. The end goal is for the nurse to return
safely back into the workforce.
The Ohio board of nursing website and the Ohio Revised Code outline the requirements
a nurse must meet to be eligible for the non- disciplinary program.
If a nurse is struggling with a substance- related disorder the first step would be to
confide in a trusted colleague. After the nurse is voicing the want to get help, they can
apply for the alternative program for chemical dependency/ peer assistance. The nurse
is unable to use their nursing license at this time due to safety concerns, but they will
be able to maintain their license.
4. What is a process addiction? Provide examples
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a. A process addiction is an addiction that is not based around substances. It is a
behavioral type of addiction that causes the same brain response as someone who is
using drugs or alcohol.
Gambling was the first process addiction to be recognized as a disorder.
Examples of process addictions are: internet gambling, shopping, and social media
5. Identify potential defense mechanisms that may be seen with patients who use chemicals.
Often people who use substance have faced trauma, painful emotions, painful thoughts,
And great strength.
a. Denial: escaping unpleasant, anxiety- causing thoughts, feelings, wishes, or needs by
ignoring their existence.
b. Projection: the unconscious rejection of emotionally unacceptable features
attributing to themselves/ others.
c. Rationalism: consists of justifying illogical or unreasonable ideas, actions, or feelings
by developing acceptable explanations that satisfy the teller and the listener.
6. What is the CAGE questionnaire?
P. 422
Four questions that are answered by yes or no. They are used to determine if the person
Has an alcohol abuse disorder. A score of 1 or more requires further assessment. These
Questions can also indicate things such as potential withdraw, indicated by questions d.
a. Have you felt you needed to cut down on your drinking? Y/N
b. Are people annoyed by your drinking? Y/N
c. Have you felt guilty about your drinking? Y/N
d. Have you ever had a drink in the morning? Y/N