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Vince DelMonte’s
Hello and Welcome!
Thank you for trusting me and
purchasing my e-book NoNonsense Muscle Building:
Skinny Guy Secrets to Insane
Muscle Gain. I debated until
the wee hours of the morning
(right now it’s 2:30 a.m. and if
you know me then this won’t
surprise you - I get my best
Skinny Guy Secrets To
Insane Muscle Gain
No Nonsense Muscle Building
This program is a step-by-step program that involves gradual but consistent progression to the point of lifting very heavy weights. Proper warm-up is mandatory before
every workout to ensure that you protect your tendons, ligaments, and joints from
Although exercise is beneficial and this program has been created to progress beginners to advanced and elite training levels there is still the risk of injury. Vince DelMonte Fitness and its owners, agents, affiliates and employees will not be held responsible
or liable for any injury sustained while lifting or moving weights at your home, gym or
elsewhere. Always consult with your physician before beginning any weight-training
program or other exercise, even if it is progressive in nature. If you experience any
strain or pain while training, stop and immediately consult your family doctor.
© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
All rights reserved.
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No Nonsense Muscle Building
Hello and Welcome!
Thank you for trusting me and purchasing my e-book No-Nonsense Muscle Building:
Skinny Guy Secrets to Insane Muscle Gain. I debated until the wee hours of the
morning (right now it’s 2:30 a.m. and if you know me then this won’t surprise you - I get my best
ideas at these times) whether to call this book “Skinny Guy Secrets...” or “Average Guy
The reality is that building muscle is building muscle, so this program and system will
work for anybody. Young or old. Male or female. Skinny or chubby. But since I used to
be a former ‘skinny guy’ myself, my inspiration to write this book is a result of wanting to help as many skinny guys - I mean, hard gainers - as possible!
This Step-By-Step Program is loaded with unconventional
training methods and proven techniques
that allow you to safely, quickly and effectively
transform your body to any level of
muscularity and any level of conditioning that you desire.
Whether you want to tone and firm up, require sport-specific conditioning, compete in
a Fitness Model or Bodybuilding competition or to simply pack on 20, 30, 40 or even 50
pounds of new muscle to your frame, this program can help you achieve real results!
And like I promise on my web site, you can do this without drugs, without spending
a fortune on supplements and without wasting another second in the gym. All the
information you need to be successful is within the pages of this book.
This book is easy to read, straight to the point, concise and contains the ‘core’ of my
Knowledge. Much of what is out there is pretty boring and academic. I don’t want to
give you anatomy, physiology or biomechanics lessons. Instead, you’ll be given the
‘nuts and bolts’ information – the important stuff! This book is simply a collection of
the most important, time tested, no-nonsense muscle building principles
that you must use as your stone and mortar.
I work at a gym in Hamilton, Ontario, called Phoenix Fitness. This is where I run a
Personal Training Department of 14 full-time Personal Trainers (and growing). Over the
last few years I have been doing ‘in-the-trenches’ research on trainees ranging from
the ages of 14-75 years. I have been able to measure client results every step of
the way and compile pages of useful data. I have synthesized all my knowledge and
‘real-world results’ into a book that encompasses my ‘core’ systems and techniques. I am about to share with you the best of the best. I have condensed everything you need to know into one small book.
© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
All rights reserved.
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No Nonsense Muscle Building
And that’s what you have right now. The best information packaged from years of
study and research and real world testing. I encourage you to read every word.
Do not skim this manual to find a ‘tip’ or something ‘new.’
This is not a rehashed newsstand magazine with the same conventional thinking you
have been exposed to in bodybuilding magazines and on the Internet. The key to your
success lies in the pages of this particular book. The techniques and principles will be
the building blocks of success from now on. I promise that if you follow every single
technique laid out in this book (training, nutrition, stretching and the psychological components), you will build new muscle and your strength will dramatically increase.
However, before you begin this program you have a task –and this is your
first step to trusting what I have to say!
If you have been training for more than three consecutive months without a break, I
am not suggesting or recommending – I am TELLING you - to take ONE week off from
ALL training. Better yet, do not even think about going to the gym. This will ensure
that your body is FULLY recovered before you begin this program. I need you 100%
fully recovered before we start this routine to help you build some serious muscle! Instead, print off this manual at your local Business Depot, get it nicely bound and start
studying the content over the next week. Better yet, read it a few times and ingrain
the content into your head!
Lastly, when reading through this manual you must follow every single section of this
course. You will not be as successful if you pick and choose. This program is not designed to be ‘compartmentalized.’ It must be integrated as a whole. Think of
the Titanic –the largest ship up to that point in history. The Titanic was thought to be
an unstoppable force. It was created as a series of compartments and it was thought
that if one section got flooded then the whole big unit would not sink because the
water would not be able to get into the other co-joining compartments. As you know,
the Titanic sunk because the ‘compartment’ strategy did not work.
If you do not follow one section of this program, problems will arise and the ‘water’ will overflow into other areas of your training and ‘sink your boat!’ I repeat,
you must follow every section without fail!
Welcome to the world of No-Nonsense Muscle Building & Weight Gain! The difference
between success and failure is the decision to just go for it. This is YOUR chance. And
there is absolutely no reason why you cannot do it. I’m giving you the MOST personal,
most privileged information, organized in the exact, proven formula you need to build
your own road to success. And I can’t wait to hear all about your results!
I hope you have a great workout and thank you for being my customer!
-Vince© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
All rights reserved.
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No Nonsense Muscle Building
Table Introduction
No-Nonsense Muscle Building:
Skinny Guy Secrets to Insane Muscle Gain
By Vince DelMonte
TaBLE oF ContEntS
Chapter 1
Top 14 Mistakes to Avoid
Before You Even Start Training
Page 6
Chapter 2
The Top 12 Bodybuilding Myths
Page 23
Chapter 3
How to Build Muscle
Page 34
Chapter 4
Recovery Methods How to Accelerate Recovery
Page 48
Chapter 5
Maximizing Hormonal Responses for Maximum
Muscle Growth and Maximal Fat Loss
Page 52
Chapter 6
Explosive Fat Burning Secrets
Page 61
Chapter 7
Massive Eating and Nutrition
Page 74
Chapter 8
Making Sense of Supplementation
Choose Them Wisely
Page 115
Chapter 9
Injury Prevention and Avoiding The Causes
Page 137
Chapter 10
No-Nonsense Maximum Muscle Growth Program
Page 144
© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
All rights reserved.
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No Nonsense Muscle Building
Chapter 1
Chapter 1:
Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid Before You Even Start Training
All good plans start with a clear, concise picture of the desired objective. The main
problem starts when the objective is not clearly defined. When was the last time you
tried to buy a new car and you just hoped the money would show up in your account?
Hopefully never! So why do so many people go the gym and hope that they will build
muscle and lose fat? You must have clearly defined goals that work like magnets. They
pull you in their direction. The better YOU DEFINE them, the better YOU DESCRIBE
them, the harder YOU WORK to achieve them, the stronger THEY PULL. And I’m sure
you will agree that there are a truckload of excuses to block your road to becoming
‘buff,’ so you’ll need a very strong magnet to pull you forward. My father always said,
“Vince, obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.”
So your first step is to WRITE OUT, DEFINE and DESCRIBE your goals. This goes further
than just saying, “I want to build more muscle.” It suggests you need to be clear, specific and detailed as well as visual about what you wish to achieve. Defining your goals
might include how much specific weight you want to gain, what size of clothes you will
fit into, the people you wish to associate with, the lifestyle you live, and how you feel
each day. Visualize how your goals will affect everything and everyone around you and
set that picture as your true goal.
Before we continue, do a quick mental assessment of the guy or girl you want to look
like – physique wise. Would you like to look like Ronnie Coleman or the guy on the
cover of Men’s Health magazine? Would you like a hard bodybuilder body or a leaner,
more athletic body? Do you want to simply look good in clothes or do you want to
look ripped naked? Perhaps you have a friend you wish to resemble? Conversely, make
a quick mental assessment of the guy or girl you never want to look like – physique
wise. From my observation, the individual who has well defined and descriptive goals
is the one who resembles your desired physique and lifestyle. Am I right? Thought so!
Those who think that their bodies – pear-shaped or thin – can’t be transformed, just
don’t have enough reasons to change You must HAVE ENOUGH REASONS. Are you
sick and tired of being called silly nicknames? Are you tired of being weak? Are you
frustrated that you can’t wear the clothes you want to wear? Do you just feel discontent with your level of fitness or energy? Do you want to look good for the opposite
sex? Do you want to impress others and demand respect?
© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
All rights reserved.
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Chapter 1
I’ve learned that reasons come first and answers second. It seems that life camouflages the answers in such a way that they only become visible to those who are inspired
enough to look for them – who also have driving reasons to look for them.
I am sure you would agree because this example could relate to you. You knew that
you wanted to transform your body and went on a mission to find success. Fortunately,
you are now holding the answers to your questions in your hand (or on your computer
screen) and the answers, methods and solutions you’ll need to solve your problems
will be revealed to you as you read this manual.
I know your motivation must be strong to take your level of fitness to a new level,
however, have you asked yourself, “What truly motivates me?” “What are my ‘hot
buttons’?” You must discover your own list. I encourage you to do a mini inventory
and after defining your goals, ask yourself, “WHY are these my goals?” Perhaps it is
for recognition or a certain feeling, the challenge, to fit into old clothes, to go to the
beach without embarrassment, to impress the opposite sex, to increase your self-esteem and/or to prevent health problems. You must WRITE these reasons down and
remind yourself of the consequences of not taking action. These reasons are your
lifelines; they will keep your focus aligned on your target.
2. ‘Hard Gainer’ – Dump the Title!
As soon as you start labeling yourself as a ‘hard gainer,’ you will bring your results to a
screeching halt. This phrase has enough power to sabotage your potential for a
muscular physique before you even begin reading this book. Keep calling yourself a
‘hard gainer’ – or a ‘no gainer’ and don’t be surprised if you continue to waste time,
effort and money. If you’re lucky maybe you will build 5- 10 pounds of muscle a year.
But if you still don’t look like someone who actually lifts weights and want to put on
20, 30 and even up to 50 pounds then this next section is CRITICAL!
The problem I have with the term ‘hard gainer’ is what happens when people perceive themselves to be so-called ‘hard gainers.’ Sure you might be a ‘hard gainer’ but
I think that most skinny guys believe they are actually ‘no gainers.’ ‘Hard gainers’ do
exist but --
You might think you are a ‘hard gainer’ because you have trained religiously for few
years, you eat the right foods, take all the latest supplements and yet no one can tell
you work out! Everyone has the ability to put on slabs of muscle in record time, and I
have proven every client that was a perceived ‘hard gainer’ - dead wrong. The term
‘hard gainer’ is just a poor excuse.
Plain and simple: excuses are for the weak. It’s easy when your workouts are
© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
All rights reserved.
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Chapter 1
inconsistent, your training is sub-maximal or if you indulge in an extravagant social
lifestyle to simply shift the blame from yourself and make an excuse. Don’t worry, you
can just keep telling everyone that you are a ‘hard gainer.’ Correct?
This term is a great disguise for skinny guys who never reach their
true genetic potential. Instead of taking responsibility for your actions,
it’s a lot easier to pull out the ‘hard gainer’ card and flash it to everyone. It sits by your driver’s license and becomes a part of your identity.
Consider this. It’s like saying, “I can’t afford it.” This should be considered a deadly
statement because it forces your brain to stop working and reinforces a false perception of your true abilities. Instead you should say, “How can I afford it?” By constantly
saying, “How can I afford it” or “I can afford it,” you will reinforce a new perception of yourself - you will no longer think of yourself as poor, but as a rich person.
If you examine these two statements, you will see that “How can I afford it?” opens
your mind to examining the possibilities of accumulating wealth. “I can’t afford it,”
on the other hand, closes your mind to any possibility of attaining what you desire.
Let’s make this example practical now. By simply being aware of the words you use,
you can self-detect your self-perceptions. By changing your words, you can begin to
change your self-perceptions - if you choose. So by simply reminding yourself to say,
“There is no such thing as a ‘hard gainer’” you will be able to bring out the muscular person inside of you. By saying, “I am a hard gainer” you are reinforcing the small
and weak person who was already there.
Do you truly think that you can casually or unintentionally become ripped and
muscular? NO WAY! Do you really think deep down that if you believe you are a hard
gainer and a muscular physique is out of your limits, that you will ever achieve any
I’m not talking about 3 or 5 pounds of muscle a year. I’m talking about 20-50
pounds of massive muscle. Every trip to the gym, every set, every meal, every
shake you gulp down will be snuffed out because the beliefs in your mind have sentenced you to a life of smallness.
The very first step you must take before you read any of the training or nutrition
content of this book is DITCH THE TITLE.
Stop labeling yourself and start thinking of yourself as aN
‘untapped reservoir with explosive muscular strength.’
© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
All rights reserved.
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Chapter 1
Many personal development coaches stress the principle, ‘you get what you focus on.’
Therefore if you focus on being small, you will be small. Focus on being big and muscular and this will direct your mind and actions to the things you must do to become
just that. All actions come from your beliefs and if you truly don’t believe that you
can succeed then what chance do you have?
Focus on believing in yourself and your abilities and re-classify yourself as a ‘consistent gainer’ or an ‘unstoppable gainer’ or whatever title suits your motivation best. If you focus
on being successful you will be and you are already one step
closer to becoming the person you really want to be!
3. Avoid the Two Most Dangerous Words in the English Language!
Your brain is designed to protect your body. Your body does not like change. It
actually FEARS change and will do everything in its power to prevent your body from
experiencing something different - whether it is creating a new habit or forming a
new lifestyle.
The thoughts and words that you use will dictate the actions that you will take.
Do you know what the two most dangerous words in the English language are? I Know!
What is your immediate response when I say:
“You must eat more to get bigger”?
“You must recover before you start your next workout”?
“You should eat more fruits and vegetables”?
I know. I know. And once more - I know.
Do you know why this is your immediate response? Because as soon as these TWO
DEADLY words leave your mind your brain switches off. That’s right - it simply stops
thinking. Your body is smarter than you think and can detect potential for change.
Your body does not want to go through an extensive training program or a bulk up
phase or adapt to a new lifestyle. It would prefer to stay in ‘balance’ and sit still.
I am here to convince you otherwise. “YOU DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING”
That’s right, and I will say it again a little nicer without screaming at you this time,
“You do not know anything UNTIL YOU HAVE DONE IT.” People confuse ‘knowing’ with
‘doing.’ You DO NOT LEARN ANYTHING BY TALKING ABOUT IT. You don’t know anything
about ‘BULKING UP’ until you have actually ‘bulked up.’ You do not know anything
about lifting heavy weights until you have actually lifted heavy and seen the benefits.
I think you get the point.
© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
All rights reserved.
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Chapter 1
DO NOT CONFUSE ‘KNOWING’ something with ‘DOING’ it.
You might have TALKED about ‘bulking up,’ or TALKED about lifting heavy but you DO
The reason I stress this so much is because you must adjust your mind-set to what you
are about to take in. If you read a technique, tip or concept that you have read somewhere else then your immediate response might be, “I know that.” But ask yourself
HOW you know that. Do you “know that” because you read about it or talked about
it? Or do you “know that” because you have actually done it yourself and experienced
the benefit?
I strongly ask you to remember this when you stumble across a section in this book
where something might sound redundant. If you “know that” but have not truly experienced success from it, then you have only heard about it or read about it.
TRUE learning comes from DOING not talking about it or reading about it.
Avoid these two deadly words and you will be more
mentally prepared to do what you must DO to succeed.
The Second Most Dangerous Word – Tomorrow
I learned from my parents when I was young that, “The most life-destroying word of
all is the word tomorrow.” The poor, the unsuccessful, the unhappy, and the unhealthy
(being overweight or skinny could fit this example perfectly) are the ones who use the word
tomorrow the most. These people often say, “I will start my diet tomorrow.” Or, “I’ll
start investing tomorrow.” Or, “I’ll start learning more tomorrow.” And so on.
The word tomorrow is the word that destroys more lives than any other single word.
My parents have said, “The problem with tomorrow is that I have never seen a tomorrow.”
Tomorrow does not exist. It is not promised and it is not guaranteed.
Tomorrow only exists in the minds of dreamers and procrastinators.
4. Setting Performance Goals versus Outcome Goals –
Know Which Ones to Set.
People who put off ‘till tomorrow find out that their bad habits will eventually catch
up with them. My parents would conclude with “I have never seen a tomorrow. All I
have are today’s.” Therefore today is the word for winners and tomorrow is the word
for procrastinators. Of all the things I learned from my father, (as a Pastor, I see him as my
Spiritual Personal Trainer) in my early days as a teenager, it was that goal setting would
have the most profound effect on my life. Every aspect of my existence – my athletic accomplishments, my income, my relationships, my spiritual life and my level
© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
All rights reserved.
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Chapter 1
of knowledge – all changed for the better.
Each year my father would have me and my two brothers write out our goals for the
upcoming year. Our instant response was, “Do we have to?” It seemed more like a
chore at the time, not knowing that this would be a life-changing habit that would be
repeated every year for the rest of my life. This leads me to include an entire section
of this book discussing this often misunderstood process.
What most people don’t know is that effective goals focus
on performance, not outcome.
I will use the term performance to also parallel the word ‘habit.’ Performance or
habit is what you control. Outcome is often controlled by others. An athlete may have
an outstanding performance and not win a contest because other athletes have performed even better.
Conversely, an athlete may perform poorly and still win if all the other athletes performed at a lower level. If an athlete’s goal is to run 12.10 seconds in the 100m race,
the athlete has greater control in achieving this goal than winning. However, the athlete has even greater control of achieving a goal if the goal is to run using the correct
form and driving the knees through the entire race. This performance goal ultimately
gives the athlete more control over his/her performance.
My private clients often begin by sharing their ‘outcome’ goals, which is certainly
important, but fail to recognize that it is their habit goals that will determine their
level of success. What is wrong with goals such as, ‘lose weight, tone up, build muscle
and feel better?’
Setting ‘outcome goals’ is a surefire way of failing.
You do not have control of the ‘outcome.’ You cannot control the amount of fat you will lose or the amount of muscle
you will build. However, you can control the habits that are
required to lose fat and build more muscle.
You DO have control over the habits that will allow you to build more muscle and lose
more fat. You can control how many meals you eat each day and the amount, how
heavy you lift, what kind of foods you eat, how much sleep you get, how intense you
train, what time you wake up, how many times a week you go the gym, and how you
spend your social life. You see the difference? The first type of goal focuses on an
‘outcome.’ Outcomes are out of your control.
But, bad habits can be starved and destroyed and new, hopefully ‘good’ habits, can
be born and fed.
© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
All rights reserved.
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Chapter 1
5. Not Being Truly Committed to Your Goals.
Your commitment is the vehicle that will drive you forward. What are you truly
committed to right now? What takes up most of your time, energy and attention? Behind these answers lie your commitments.
In today’s world, change is constant. Mandates change, interests change, circumstances change and priorities change. What you are doing today for a certain result may
not be enough for tomorrow. Each day your commitment will be challenged. What
keeps you committed?
When you are struggling to be truly committed, this is a good time to review the reasons for your goals.
As you read on, I will need you to record on a piece of paper the habits in your life that
will be required to change so that you build more muscle and lose more fat. These will
be your SET goals!
Often I see clients involved with their goals but they are not committed to their goals.
What is the difference? There is a big difference - the kind of difference that separates day from night, fat from slim, scrawny from brawny, and success from failure.
You can be involved in church but not be a true Christian; you can be involved in a
relationship but not really be there; you can be involved in a fitness program but not
be truly committed. Is this you?
My goal is not to question your commitment but to guide you
in discovering why you may have not succeeded in the past,
and what you need to do differently in order to achieve a better body this time around.
Re-evaluate your priorities. Are you prepared to invest the optimal amount of time,
attention and energy to get what you want or are you just hoping this program will
work for you?
When was the last time you hoped for something and it happened? Probably never,
right! Before you read on, ask yourself if there is any circumstance that could
prevent you from achieving your goals and begin planning how you will RESPOND if
and when that circumstance arises.
Better yet, mentally commit right now that you will not allow anything to prevent you
from breaking your commitment!
© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
All rights reserved.
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Chapter 1
6. Not Prepared to Break Old Habits and Build New Habits.
Habits are basically like automatic behaviors. I will be the first to admit that breaking bad habits and forming new habits is not easy at all. If it were, you would have
no financial problems, perfect relationships, a healthy body and you would be rocking
this world!
The ‘sick-cycle’ is the term I use to describe the continuous cycle of poor choices.
When we continue to make choices that lead to the same dead end,
we are in the midst of a sick cycle.
It’s interesting how you have probably tried to break an old habit by doing the same
thing over and over but expecting a different result. Isn’t this foolish? Why can’t we
see that trying to write a different ending to a story by mentally writing a different
story in our minds just does not work and it will never work!
Creating new habits to transform your body into a Greek-God or a Greek-Goddess is
not easy and will require you to assess which habits in your life need to be destroyed.
But you probably already know what habits are destroying your progress. Knowing
what to do is not enough. In my opinion, YOU DO NOT TRULY KNOW ANYTHING – you
might have talked about it – UNTIL YOU actually EXPERIENCE AND LIVE IT!
“A bad habit never disappears miraculously;
it’s an undo-it-yourself project.”
-Abigail Van Buren-
Here are some tips to help you create new habits:
In his book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” (Simon & Schuster,
1990), Stephen Covey compares the making and breaking of habits to the launching of
a spacecraft. “To get to the moon,” writes Covey, those astronauts “literally had to
break out of the tremendous gravity pull of the Earth.”
I also have my own analogy that has helped me break my own bad habits:
1) Escape the Bondage.
Visualize your hands clasped together, finger-over-finger, and tied together
with tight string. This picture represents bondage to a bad habit. Every
time you resist a bad habit, one of these strings will come undone – this
represents resisting your bad habit once. Since you have only removed one
string the bad habit is still present. However, as you continue to resist and
resist, another string, and another, and another will fall off your hands and
© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
All rights reserved.
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Chapter 1
eventually your hands will be free to move and come apart freely. This analogy works in reverse as well. Every time you reinforce a bad habit, a new
string binds tighter around your hands and it will become harder and will
require more time to remove all the strings tying your hands together.
2) A negative habit can be broken by replacing it with a new, more
desirable habit.
Rather than simply deciding to stop eating junk food, replace this behavior
with a better one, such as deciding what groceries you will shop for. Instead
of saying you will start eating every 3-4 hours, plan a time on Sunday where
you will cook all your meals in advance. Instead of saying you will train more
intensely, hire a Personal Trainer or find a workout partner. Instead of saying you will wake up earlier, go to bed earlier.
3) Change your environment.
This might be common sense but it requires some hard decisions. When I had
to prepare for a Fitness Model competition, I had to eliminate a huge component of my social life, which included turning down invitations to the local
bar and poker nights with the boys. I knew I was weak (at the time) to resist
certain foods and drinks that would be present and impede my progress. Did
I get kidded by my buddies? Sure did. Did they understand? Probably not. Was
it worth it? You bet! One of the most powerful methods to breaking a bad
habit is to place yourself in an environment that encourages the ‘building’ of a new good habit. Instead, I spent time with my girlfriend who was
preparing for the same contest and we would avoid restaurants and social
environments that were ‘toxic’ to our discipline of maintaining new habits
required to shed a lot of body fat.
A ‘non-toxic’ support system is often essential for life-enhancing change.
7. Not Putting A Deadline on Your Goals.
My father always told me, “goals without deadlines are simply dreams.” Prior
to making a true commitment, most people train on sporadic schedules whenever
they feel like it. They also attain the attitude of “Well, it would be nice if I was
able to tone up in the process.” What kind of lame approach is that to achieving
your goals? Do you think Arnold, Lee Haney, and Ronnie Coleman wake up each day
and say, “I’m going to try and get to the gym today, and we’ll see how I feel if I get
there, and maybe train some upper body and hopefully build some muscle...” YEAH
The instant you make a deadline with a goal - something will shift inside your mind.
The clock will start ticking and it will force you to focus.
© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
All rights reserved.
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Goals without deadlines are far less empowering,
motivating and powerful compared to goals
with deadlines.
What goals do you have that do not have deadlines? You probably want to build
some muscle or lose some fat when the time is right. However, these are just goals
without deadlines.
Once you have a deadline, all sorts of things will start to happen that would not
have happened otherwise. Big goals require incremental sacrifice. They
require daily attention. And in my opinion, they are accomplished because of these
deadlines. Set a deadline to have this e-book read.
Better yet, set a deadline to read each individual chapter. Do you want to build 5
pounds of muscle? Set a deadline. Do you want to compete? Pick a show and register today. Do you want to gain 50 pounds of muscle? Set a deadline.
You’ve got to have a goal. But a goal without a deadline is like a story without a
point. What’s the point? Choose your next goal and set a deadline today.
8. Failing to Prepare is Preparing to Fail.
I could not agree more strongly with the late Benjamin Franklin, “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.” Training without a program is like building a house
with out a blueprint. How will the final product look – if a final product is even
achieved? When I refer to plan, I’m referring to all the specific details of an exercise program. I’m referring to the muscles trained, specific exercises chosen,
the number of sets and reps, amount of rest, the tempo etc. These details must
be pre-planned before you even go to the gym! Yes, this is a true plan. How much
easier will it be to maintain your focus every time you arrive at the gym? Having a
plan to follow leads to one simple task – work it and execute it!
This applies to your nutrition plan as well. You must know what foods you will
eat, in which amounts, and at what times. Once you have created your plan, again,
this leads to one simple task – work it and execute it!
The programs I have designed for you are essentially your blueprints
– they are very powerful training and nutrition tools. You have one
simple job – EXECUTE!
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9. Not Writing it Down.
Having a plan is a start but this next rule will take it one step further. WRITE IT
DOWN. By writing your goals and writing out your plan, it will help you visualize
the future and it will raise your level of commitment.
Did you know that only 5% of the population actually write down their goals and action plan? No wonder there are so few people who are living dissatisfied and far from
their genetic potential.
Writing down your goals and plan is your road map to success and will set the ball
in motion. The main reason I need you write down your goals and plan is that it creates a set of instructions for your subconscious mind to carry out. Your subconscious
mind is an extremely powerful tool. It cannot decipher between right and wrong and
it does not judge. Its primary function is to carry out its instructions.
Not only should you write down your goals and plan but you must write them down in
complete detail. Again, the goal is to give your subconscious mind a detailed set of
instructions to work on. The more information you feed it, the clearer the final outcome becomes.
In addition, write your goals and your plan in present tense. Do not write, “I will gain
weight by next month.” Guess what? This causes your brain to switch over and favor
your subconscious mind’s path of least resistance. I guarantee, month after month,
you will still be saying, “I will gain weight by next month.” Instead, write, “This
month I will gain weight no matter what.” I guarantee that this will be the month that
you gain weight!
Don’t ask me the full psychology, but for some reason, having goals and a plan written
down makes them more important. Writing it down is a critical step to making your
goals and plan real. Putting it in writing breathes life into it making it an unstoppable
10. Not Keeping A Log Book.
Tracking your progress is mandatory. This is like professional sports teams competing
without keeping score. Or like runners and swimmers working out without a stopwatch. How do you expect to get better? In my opinion, if you work out without a log
book you really aren’t serious and should reconsider the reasons you work out. Feel
free to continue working out - just do not expect significant gains.
Whether or not you buy a formal training log or simply buy a mini
notebook, here is a list of things you should keep track of:
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• Muscles Trained
• Exercises Used
• Weight Used
• Number of Sets
• Time to Complete Workout
• Time of Day
• Energy Levels
11. Using ‘Bad Information.’
I did a search for the phrase, ‘The truth and...” on a few popular bodybuilding sites
and I found more than 12 pages of articles that began with, “The truth about abs,”
“The truth about supplements,” “The truth about gaining mass,” and the list went on
and on.
It appears that the easiest way to become instantly credible on a topic is to name
the title of the article, “The truth about what I would like to sell you!” Now don’t
get me wrong, I’m not discrediting the authors of these articles – in fact, I probably
agree with a good percentage of what some of them teach. But it’s interesting to see
a variety of articles on the same topic that all begin with, “The truth about...” and
both articles contradict each other! No wonder everyone is so confused and lost when
it comes to finding good information. I believe that your level of success is completely
related to the amount of information that you have on that particular topic. I assume
you would agree or else you would not be reading my manual right now! So I applaud
you for recognizing the benefit of seeking out information and solutions to your problems.
Here are some tips that will prevent you from being caught in
the middle of what I call – ‘bad information.’
You’ve probably already been lied to, scammed or mislead numerous times.
You must learn to discern and become very wise if you wish to
avoid getting burned for using ‘bad information.’
Understanding the root cause of ‘bad information’ is the first step to help alert your
truth radar. Realize that weight loss alone is a 30-billion dollar a year industry. With
this kind of money at stake, there are thousands of hungry marketers out there who
will tell you anything – and try to sell you anything – that will deepen their pockets.
On top of that, if you do a Google search on fitness you will find 227,000,000 results!
Search ‘build muscle’ and 7,930,000 results come up. And search weight loss and
66,550,000 results come up! This should instantly tell you that there is no shortage of
information. The problem is that there is too much information flooding TV infomer© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
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cials, bookstore shelves, and dozens of magazines cluttering newsstands. If all of this
information was correct then why is 60% of the North American population still
considered obese?
And just because an industry professional such as a dietitian, research scientist, MD,
Ph.D., or Certified Trainer has some fancy initials behind their name does not qualify
them as an expert. So how do you discover if you are reading the truth, the whole
truth and nothing but the truth? I had to question a lot of the information out there
too. This leads me to my next point!
12. Not Harnessing Your Power of Intuition and Instinct.
This point applies to the above as well as your ability to make training decisions that
no guru, expert, magazine, forum, best-selling book and not even I, can answer. If I
told you that you have more answers than I do with regards to how to train, would
you think I’m crazy?
Now don’t lose me here. What I’m about to share with you is a philosophy that will
serve you the rest of your life and teach you to go against the social pressure of
not thinking for yourself – not to trust your instincts and intuition.
All through modern history, from the church, government and science, we have been
told how to think. I am often asked by my private clients after they invest a few
thousand dollars into a one-on-one service what I think about certain matters with regards to muscle building or fat loss. I usually ask in return, ‘what do you think?’ I have
drawn some horrific and blank stares in return from my response. I have discovered
that they have been taught not to think, rather to be told, and to bow down to the
fancy letters behind my name that I was awarded through the approved educational
I believe our early educational system has de-conditioned and reduced our ability to
think for ourselves. This influence affects our training together as my clients appear
unworthy of forming an opinion of their own because it may not be right. Are the only
ones able to state their opinions those who start their sentence with, ‘Well the research shows...,” or have the fancy initials behind their name that ‘prove’ they must
hold the keys to ‘truth?’
One of my personal goals as a Fitness Trainer is to empower and teach my clients that
they hold the answers to their training questions. I’m simply here to use my
‘scientific’ knowledge, real-world experience and observation, and
then take the client’s individual information and marry the two situations.
Some of the training principles I share are not documented in the latest university
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studies because I believe that we do not need to wait for science to ‘prove’ anything
before we can benefit from it. Science is simply a theory intended to provide objective analysis.
Objectivity is lost during experimentation when the research conclusions are influenced by the researcher. I’m not trying to devalue or reject science but rather to
teach you to keep science in context and understand how it is misused to make certain claims and beliefs, especially when the companies are paying the researchers’
Intuition can be used interchangeably with the term ‘gut instinct.’ So how do you
identify intuition? It’s simple - it’s when, ‘you feel it’s the right way to go!’ Remember
that hesitation comes from your ego, fearing that you have made the wrong decision
and what others will think.
If you look at transforming your body as more of an art
rather than a science,
you must learn to master your gut instincts.
If you believe it is more of a science rather than an art, you will have to find comfort
in your academic textbook answers. If you see it as science, expect test tube results.
13. Not Deciding to Be Successful and Not Taking Responsibility.
I learned this philosophy from the Australian strength coach Ian King. It goes something like this:
“You are getting everything you deserve right now based on the person you
are being and the decisions you have made. You will continue to get the same
thing if you continue doing the same thing. You will not get a different result
unless you become a different person by habit and action.”
This philosophy has seriously impacted me – everything you have in life is exactly what
you deserve to have and everything you want to have.
Jim Rohn, one of the world’s greatest personal development coaches constantly
preaches passionately on this topic and has this to say.
“You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances,
the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you
have charge of. You don’t have charge of the constellations, but you do have
charge of whether you read, develop new skills, and take new classes.”
Brad Sugars, an Australian entrepreneur and wealth/business coach, describes an
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excellent picture of this philosophy of taking responsibility. It is a very clear and accurate portrayal of the difference between taking responsibility (described as playing above the line), and avoiding responsibility (playing below the line). Observe the
words ‘victim’ correlating with playing below the line, and the words ‘victor’ correlating with playing above the line.
Which line do you play in? It is much easier to play below the line, especially when
our society reinforces this attitude.
One of my goals in writing this book is to help you focus on reaching your full potential with regards to your physical being (although these principles apply to your intellectual,
relational and spiritual life too).
Do you think that the best way to fulfill your potential is by blaming
someone else? Does this way of living allow you to reach your full potential? Never!
This is a guaranteed way of allowing short term relief
but the downside is that it leads to a
long term spiral downward of
never gaining control of your life
and not truly reaching your potential.
So whatever body you are living in now – maybe it’s too thin, too big, too soft, too
flabby, not tight enough, not strong enough and so forth – you are responsible for
transforming your body for the better, if that is truly what you desire.
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14. Not Being Held Accountable.
The famous King David of the Bible speaks about this issue in Proverbs 27:17 (New Living
Translation). “As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend.”
This does not mean sharing your goals with the world but it does mean committing
to a trusted friend – perhaps your training partner, your personal trainer, or a close
friend of the same sex – what you plan on accomplishing, and allowing them to ask
you the hard questions once a week. “Are you on track to your goals?” “Did you eat
the 6 meals a day that you said you would?” “Did you perform your 5x of cardio at
7 A.M. like you planned?” “Did you buy water instead of Coke when you went shopping?”
Give your accountability partner
permission to be hard on you.
I once had a training partner that had a hard time keeping a schedule so he agreed in
writing that if he ever missed more than two training sessions with me each month,
he would pay me $500 cash!!!
Nobody wants to appear apathetic, uncommitted and half-hearted towards their
This is why being accountable to a journal or a diary will not cut it. How will the
piece of paper hold you accountable? There is no consequence to your action. Hold
yourself accountable to someone you admire, who will not be easy on you and
someone you do not want to disappoint.
This might sound extreme and against the norm of society but if you want to look like
the rest of society then live how the rest of society but if you want to look like the
rest of society then live how the rest of society lives, without accepting the consequences of their actions or keeping commitments.
As iron sharpens iron, a flame starts to burn, and as that flame burns it becomes so
hot that the fire becomes an unstoppable force. Accountability is not designed as a
guilt trip but as a tool to strengthen and reinforce your commitments to another human being. I promise you that you will gain inner strength and life from this activity
and your commitments will burn hot and turn to hard, iron steal!
15. Ignorance
I believe that what you are about to read will live up to its promise – but before we
move on to disproving some of the most common bodybuilding myths, let’s ensure we
sidestep the NUMBER ONE PITFALL and OBSTACLE that is stopping skinny guys from
achieving their goals.
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IGNORANCE – the complete misunderstanding of the principles of muscle growth.
And this is not completely your fault. Just spend a few hours on the Internet or flipping through the pages of a bodybuilding magazine and you will view an assembly of
10-50 workout routines in just one magazine. This leads the reader to believe there
is no one way of training and variety is the key – however this is a misconception that
can roadblock your success!
Think about it - your muscle has a specific personality and identity. A muscle is a
muscle, it is not fat, it is not bone, it does not have feeling or emotions and it does
not have a brain. Muscles CANNOT choose which stimulus they wish to respond to.
Muscles will respond to a certain stimulus – without negotiation or bargain - no matter
what condition.
In fact, I will be bold enough to say that muscle – in most circumstances – will grow
even in the harshest of conditions based on some universal principles that we will dive
into shortly. Building muscle and getting lean and ripped has been complicated by the
commercialized fitness industry, nutrition industry and supplementation industry – all
driven for the sake of the almighty dollar.
With that in mind, it’s time to
disprove some common
muscle-building myths.
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Chapter 2:
The Top 12 Muscle Building Myths
1. Nutrition Supplements Will Help You Gain Muscle
Assuming your training, nutrition, lifestyle, and sleep habits are operating on the
optimal end of the spectrum, introducing supplements will make a 10% difference
- at best - and this is being generous. Generally I would say they make a 1-2 % difference because they only work in synergy when your training, nutrition and lifestyle are
dialed in – and for most guys taking supplements, this is not the case.
You will be more successful taking your fitness to the next level by mastering the
training techniques, recovery techniques and nutrition habits that I share in this
book. Pick up any bodybuilding magazine nearby and I promise you that the only thing
those supplement advertisements will deliver is a lighter wallet.
Powders are nothing more than crushed up food and are
loaded with artificial flavoring, preservatives,
and lots of chemicals.
Shakes are certainly convenient and may assist you in reaching your goal calories but
do not kid yourself into believing that they will have the same anabolic effect as food
– don’t let any supplement ad convince you otherwise!
Dumping chemicals, artificial colors, flavoring, sugars, sweeteners, and preservatives
into your body basically turns your insides into a toxic waste dump! And did you know
that this toxic waste loves to attach itself to your fat stores, making it even harder to get rid of body fat? You can imagine how much harder it will be to build
massive muscle in a toxic environment. What goes in must come out!
Put garbage in and garbage will come out in the form of decreased energy, slow recovery, poor appetite, poor sleep, and
poor attitude – all elements critical for muscle building.
When was the last time an athlete won, or a medal was won, or a team won on pills,
powders and shakes? Never! Nutritional supplements – not even food – will stimulate
muscle growth. But exercise does.
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2. You Need to Alternate Between Low Intensity Phases
and High Intensity Phases
The fact is that your muscles will only get bigger and stronger as a result of applying
the most fundamental muscle building principle in this book – progressive overload. Low intensity training contradicts the most fundamental training principles
required for building muscle.
Progressive Overload refers to gradually and consistently
INCREASING the demands on the musculoskeletal system in order to continually make gains in muscle size,
strength, endurance and flexibility.
In simple terms – you must subject your muscles to an unaccustomed stress. When a
muscle is subjected to a degree of unaccustomed stress and effort, (to the point of
avoiding injury) muscle adapts to the added stress by growing larger.
A simple principle by definition, but the term has been abused, taken out of
context and very poorly executed. Remember that your muscles will only enlarge if
you give them sufficient reason to.
Many magazines say that progressive overload is as simple as doing more sets, more
reps and more weight. This is PARTLY true. Misapplying this concept is where most
people completely screw up the cornerstone of muscle building. If doing more sets
was the answer, then high volume workouts, found in bodybuilding magazines, would
be the key, and you would probably already be massive and ripped.
Doing more reps is definitely not the answer, because every lady who lifted their pink
colored weights with high reps would be muscular. And simply lifting more weight is
not the answer because I know guys who can lift a lot of weight a few times and they
are not the biggest guys. We will discuss this in greater detail later.
How will your muscles grow if you reduce the overload
for a low intensity phase?
No new muscle can be built because there is no overload.
When you train light you are wasting your time and your body’s resources that could
be used to restore and recuperate your body, which will accelerate your recovery and
opportunity to overload again.
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Intensity is the least forgiving of the three main training variables –
Intensity, Duration and Frequency.
This means that if intensity is decreased for a period of time, strength and muscle
mass gains will deteriorate very rapidly. Decreasing the frequency and duration (more
often has a positive response) have the smallest negative impact to your muscle gains,
compared to the disastrous consequence of dropping your intensity.
If you are going to rest then rest; if you’re going to train
hard then train hard.
3. If You are Not Getting Bigger Blame it on Your Genetics
Too bad the advice of ‘choose your parents wisely’ is out of your power! The bottom
line is that bad genetics is an excuse for the lazy. It’s an easy way out and it’s a very
convenient cop-out especially when there is no one around to prove that it’s true.
How sure can we be when the guy who cries ‘bad genetics’ is training his calves every
few weeks as an afterthought and eats like “crap” when no one is around? Perhaps he
was born with 50% less muscle fiber than the rest of us, but most likely it is because
he has not learned the basics of muscle growth.
Rarely are genetics the problem – most of the time the problem is YOU! However, if
you truly are genetically cursed, you will ALWAYS have to work a little harder to keep
up to par but I believe you will be quite surprised with the results you attain using my
I would like to make this very clear though Skinny Guy! There is no excuse, I repeat –
NO EXCUSE to throw in the towel and give up if you have muscle unfriendly genes.
By training smarter, you can overcome most obstacles and
conceal your shortcomings.
Remember, if a skinny long distance runner, like myself, who made his genes even
more ‘slow twitch’ dominant by running 80-120 km a week for over 10 years than
there is no excuse why you can’t build at least 30-50 more pounds of muscle than you
have now.
4. Take Steroids if You Have Not Made Gains After a Few Years
Again, the cornerstone of muscle growth is progressive intensity. Long story short
– you must give your muscles a reason to grow. If you do not then they will simply
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laugh at you and go back to sleep. Most trainees have heard this message but fail to
add the second part of the equation – recovery. Your muscle gains are 100% responsible for overloading them with more weight and reps, but as intensity increases over
the years so does your need for more rest.
Taking drugs will cure this problem because you will be able to train more often and
recover quicker – but WHY? Would you rather not just take more rest days to ensure
Yes, taking drugs such as steroids, growth hormones, and thyroid drugs will help you
get that superhuman and ripped physique but at the expense of health risks like
cancer, infertility, heart disease and degenerative diseases (not to mention horrible skin, pimples, acne, impotence, hair loss and raisin nuts)! The reality
is that steroids increase your hormone production above normal levels, they allow you
to be sloppy with your recovery, they allow you to be sloppy with your diet and they
allow you to train carelessly and still make significant gains.
I do not mean to moralize but you have two ways to look at it when deciding where
you will stand: There is a 100% chance that as soon as any one of your friends discover (and they will) that you have been using the juice then all your hard effort
will no longer count for anything.
Your friends and peers will automatically discredit all your gains because they will
contribute it to the juice. Are you prepared for this consequence? Just think about
it. Every time you see someone who is very big and muscular, you probably think to
yourself, ‘I wonder if he is natural.’ If he is, you are truly impressed, motivated and
inspired. If he is not, than you brush him away with your hand and give him no credit
at all for his physique. Do you want guys to discredit your gains for giving into curiosity?
Alternatively, you can go through your entire life and always be curious about the
gains you could have made with steroids but you can take pride in saying that every
ounce of muscle you own was done naturally through your own true commitment,
hard work, smart training and nutrition program – not from straying to the dark
side . After a year or two of training, the intensity required to overload becomes
much greater than the intensity required in the first few months of weight lifting.
Most guys are not capable of duplicating the intensity required to overload the muscle naturally.
I believe this is because trainees do not take enough time between their workouts to
actually create NEW muscle that will allow a future opportunity for overload. More
advanced individuals must not necessarily work out harder, but they must work out
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Progress occurs during recovery, or between workouts. If the body has not fully
recovered and you return to the gym not fully recovered then it is literally impossible to overload your muscles again. Over-training is probably
the most common mistake of weight trainees of any level and becomes even more
critical after a few years of training when results can slow. I will teach you how to
FULLY recover to ensure you can continue overloading, which will reduce the curiosity
of sticking a needle where the sun don’t shine!
5. “I’m Training To Sculpt, Tone, Shape And Define”
This one cracks me up, and again, I wish it was as easy as painting a picture. Who ever
thought it was possible to shape, define or sculpt a muscle? I don’t remember
any chapters on this in anatomy class. Your muscles have an origin and insertion point,
influenced by your genetics, and these factors will determine how a muscle is shaped.
Toned and defined muscles are simply a reflection of the
amount of body fat surrounding the muscle.
There is no such thing as toning a fat arm. You either get rid of the fat and make it
more defined or you build muscle and make it bigger. Your body can only do one of
four things – gain or lose fat and gain or lose muscle. This is important to clarify before you set your goals.
Larry Scott, for whom ‘biceps peaking’ was named, didn’t have much of a peak but
had tremendous biceps (that’s where the Scott curl bar came from too). The shape of your
muscle is determined by your genetic makeup. When you work a muscle, any muscle,
it operates on the ‘all-or-nothing’ principle, meaning that each muscle fiber recruited
to a do a lift – along the entire length of that muscle – is contracted fully.
Do you think your biceps say, ‘hey, we are doing concentration curls so we better start
growing more fibers here in the middle of the bicep because this is a peaking exercise!’ Of course not. This is true of any muscle.
6. High Reps Equal Getting Cut And Low Reps Equal Mass
Your muscles do not have multiple personality traits – they are either growing,
shrinking or staying the same. If you want your muscle to grow then expose it to
progressive overload. Gradually force your muscles to do more work – the intensity
overload must exceed and out perform your last workout’s performance.
If you are content with the size of your muscles right now this is easy – just keep doing what you are doing. And to make the muscle smaller - this is even easier – just
avoid it and do not train it.
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You can not program certain exercises to get a muscle ‘cut’ or make a muscle huge this theory holds no water. Muscle cuts are a reflection of two features on the body:
pure muscle size and the low levels of body fat (in the single digits). So, if you want
to build massive muscles get ready to apply the fundamental principle of progressive
overload. And if you wish to get cut and ripped be prepared to drop your body fat
levels into the single digits.
Next time you hear someone say, “I just lift light weights to get toned,” ask them if
it’s working and point them in the direction of the cardio room as a better option.
Light weights do not build muscle - period. They will burn
calories and that’s all.
You’re better off maximizing your time by running or cycling. And if you see someone
with the goal to get bigger and they are a cardio junkie – grab their hand, while they
are kicking and screaming, and lead them to the heavy weights department. Now you
know that lowering your body fat is for cutting and heavy weights are for building
7. Yesterday Was Chest Day, Today Is Leg Day
And Tomorrow Is Arm Day
Splitting up a routine is presented like gospel, and in my lifetime never questioned as
the way to structure a muscle building routine. And sure, splitting up a routine is fine
and has some benefits BUT it is also the fastest way to over-train and burn
Remember that you do not get stronger in the gym – you get stronger and bigger when
you go home, rest, sleep, eat and are FULLY recovered. To SUPER COMPENSATE from
your previous workout your muscles are not the only things that must experience a
full recovery.
Do not neglect the fact that you are taxing and depleting
your central nervous system, hormonal system, and immune
system – systems that in fact take longer than your muscles
do to recover.
Just because your muscles say, “Okay we feel fine, let’s train again,” you still must
experience FULL recovery prior to attempting to stimulate your muscles again for
more muscle growth.
Many scientific studies demonstrate one set is almost as effective as multiple sets, if
not just as effective in strength and muscle hypertrophy. A few maverick fitness au© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
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thorities and professional bodybuilders have advocated high intense, very low volume
Author Jones, the founder of Nautilus and MedX weight training equipment, was one
of the early pioneers of single set training. In the 1980s, Casey Viator, the youngest
Mr. America and Mr. Olympia contestant, and Mike Mentzer, Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia contestant, promoted the high intense, low volume training. More recently, Dorian
Yates, several time Mr. Olympia, reportedly performed only a warm-up set and one or
occasionally two workout sets throughout his off-season training.
Higher duration and more frequent sessions are critical if
your goals are muscular
endurance, fat loss and cardiovascular training.
Duration, frequency and intensity are all inversely related, which means that if duration is long then intensity will be low. If frequency is regular then intensity will also
be lower.
As you can see, multiple sets workouts (more than 3-6 sets per muscle total) and frequent
training sessions (training two days in a row for a hard gainer is suicidal) contradict the most
critical variable of muscle building – intensity! Ironically, bodybuilding magazines create these ridiculously long and arduous sessions, which make hard training impossible.
8. You Need to ‘Shock” Your Muscles and Keep Them Guessing
This has got to be one of the dumbest and most unintelligent statements ever made
(no hard feelings because I used to think like this too). Interestingly, the people who used to
give me this advice must have been shocking or tricking their muscles the wrong way
because they had no muscle mass on their bodies to back up that statement! Believe
this and you will never see any muscular gains to your body.
If you think about this myth long enough you might start to laugh. Do you think you
can really change your exercises and training routine to surprise your body and get a
different reaction out of them?
Your muscles do not have outside eyes that reward you with new muscle growth if
you confuse them. Your muscles understand MOVEMENT and that’s all – push, pull,
curl, extend, contract or release – that’s it. You can be lifting bags of sand or dead
lifting 400 pounds and the action on your back is the same – your knees bend and your
trunk flexes. So where is the shock? Why would your back muscles say, “Holy Macaroni
Batman, you’re lifting with an Olympic bar and not sand bags anymore?” Better pack
on some muscle.
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Or maybe you can switch up the order of your routine by hitting a weak body part
twice in the week. If you only train your arms once in the week and than strategically
throw arms in twice then they will be confused and shocked into growing. Please! Your
muscles operate on laws of science, not on laws of trickery.
Forget trying to ‘shock’, ‘confuse’, ‘trick’ and ‘keep the muscle guessing’ nonsense.
The only thing that will be shocked and confused is the person messing around with
the exercises with no clue why their body has not changed in a month since they
started this ‘keep the body guessing’ program.
Remember your muscles are not shocked by change in exercise. They are designed to
tolerate it.
9. For The Best Results You Must Train To Failure
Training to ‘failure’ has probably received more writing, misapplication, misunderstanding, and improper logic resulting in too much wasted effort. Going to failure– going to the point in a set where you are physically incapable of going just one
more rep, hence you ‘fail’ - is preached as the most promised rule to make continual
muscle gains.
Interestingly, there is no activity outside the gym that demonstrates this ‘going to
failure’ principle is critical, as bodybuilders have employed and made it to be magical.
Growing up as a long distance runner I often stood by and watched the sprinters compete - who astonished me with their tremendous quadriceps and hamstring muscles.
Yet I never remember watching the sprinter on my track team train until failure nor
do I recall them ever sprinting through the finish line and collapsing. I never saw these
sprinters train to failure. Yet they demonstrated a greater amount of mus-
cular work in less time each time they practiced and raced.
I will never forget the phenomenal muscularity of the construction workers I used to
work with when I laid bricks and framed houses. Yet I never recall them carrying timber around the yard until they could not pick up one more piece. Nor do I remember
the bricklayers moving the bricks around until they could not pick up one more. Both
of these groups had incredible muscularity and were able to stimulate muscle growth
without going to failure. So why do so many command that ‘failure’ is an absolute law
for stimulating muscle growth when all the evidence shows otherwise?
Improving your body’s sensitivity to the cold does not require you to go outside in the
middle of winter with no clothes up to the point before passing out. If you want to improve your tan it isn’t necessary to subject your skin to the sun prior to the moment
of blistering. If you want to improve your ability to hold your breath under water, you
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don’t need to go to the point prior to losing consciousness. Since your body’s primary
function in life is to survive it will adapt only to the point where your body has sufficient defense to whatever element it is exposed.
Similarly, when lifting weights your body will adapt to the intensity you have
exposed it to over time while maintaining your recovery resources. As you can see,
muscle growth stimulation operates on the same principle and does not require exposure to your muscles’ absolute limits. This is considered overkill!
I believe the biggest problem is that trainees are lead to believe that intensity equals failure.
Popular bodybuilding literature says to get an intense workout you must train to failure. Intensity does not equal failure! Let’s review one of the most indispensable
elements of muscle building. HEAVEY WEIGHTS FOR HIGH REPS! You have to lift heavy
weights for high reps in order to build bigger muscles.
This concept will be explained later.
Why? Your muscles are designed to respond and to adapt to stress. Force them to do
extra work and they adapt by getting bigger. How do you force you muscles to do extra work?
By lifting weights that are heavier than your previous threshold for a longer duration
(high reps). Stated another way, you must work at a higher intensity. Note this definition never said anything about lifting until absolute failure where you leave the
gym crippled. Muscles get bigger and stronger as an adaptation to increased demands
placed on them. Your brain will only send signals to grow more muscle if there is sufficient reason to. The reason must be that your body needs more muscle in order to
tolerate all the hard work it is doing.
Once your muscles perform more work than your previous workout
your mission is accomplished. You have achieved progressive overload
and it is time to move on to the next muscle group. There is absolutely
no rational for continuing a Nazi torture session for another 45 minutes on the same
muscle after it has already surpassed its previous work threshold. This is considered
overkill and leads to wasted energy that could be utilized growing muscle and results
in a delayed recovery.
You will learn shortly that training to failure within a set is completely acceptable and
nothing shy of this will promote muscle growth.
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10. Train Instinctively and “Listen To Your Body”
Do professional athletes and teams practice instinctively? Do competitive long distance athletes train without their stopwatch? Do swimmers work out without measuring the distance and time of each interval? Of course not. So why would someone
trying to build muscle favor an ineffective and unproven tool that can lead you astray?
Building muscle is based on improving the intensity of the workout progressively in
each session. So why complicate things by following this ‘inner compass’ that has no
idea of the difference between 9 reps with 225 lbs in 30 seconds and 13 reps with 185
reps in 45 seconds?
Aside from listening to your body and hearing your mind say stop, can you really decipher which was more intense? In this manual I will give you tools of reason to gage
your progress - not poorly defined instincts!
11. Searching For the Perfect Workout
I agree that there are perfect principles but not perfect workouts. The perfect
workout usually follows the latest trends, changes every few months, involves some
miracle pill on the pages of hyped-up magazines and web sites. How could the program POSSIBLY be perfect if it is not individually customized?
The problem with the perfect workout is that it is written
by an author in the absence of your abilities, training age,
genetics, and goals. Your are better off looking for the perfect principles that will ensure muscle growth.
Also, any workout is like the food in your cupboards. What do you do when it
expires? You throw it out – it is no longer useful and has no more purpose. Every training workout has a lifespan to it and will expire as well.
The training principles I will share in this book’s program can be applied for the
rest of your life. However, I would be lying to you if I told you that my program did
not have an expiry date. You will not fully exploit the potential of my program in a
period of less than six months. Don’t worry, you have a ways to go before that point
so keep reading!
Stop looking for the perfect workout as if it’s locked up somewhere in
a secret vault. There is no program or author of a program that knows more about
your body and personal circumstances better than you do. Your body is a brilliant organism and will adapt to anything you force on it. This means that the initial stimulus
of any perfect program will wear off because your body will accommodate to it.
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To prevent plateaus, you must learn how to cycle a few of
the most fundamental muscle building
principles discussed shortly.
12. Getting A Pump Is Necessary For Muscular Size
The muscle pump is described as when you put your muscles under an extended period of constant tension. As your muscles stretch and contract they become gorged with
blood, making them feel tighter and fuller.
Getting a muscle pump is not necessarily what causes the muscle to grow – doing
100 reps with a light rep will create a huge pump, but will this make your muscle
grow? Of course not! Distance runners get a pump in their legs when they sprint uphill. Do they get big muscles? Heck no!
The main problem with training for the pump is that it leads to muscular fatigue and
not muscular overload. Muscular fatigue is when you lift moderate weights for higher
reps and you can not complete the set because of the burning sensation caused from
the lactic acid buildup which results from a lack of oxygen to the muscle. You complete the set far from muscular overload. You must discontinue the set because your
muscles are simply on fire and burning – not because your muscles failed you because
of strength. Lactic acid, waste products, and no oxygen are great if you want to lose
body fat, do a cutting phase or run a marathon, but they will
limit the size you put on your frame.
Now if you are lifting extremely heavy weights and achieving a pump then this is a
very good sign that you are making the muscle fibers work enough. I would only use
the pump as an indicator to reveal how well you are ‘targeting’ the working muscle.
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Chapter 3:
How To Build Muscle
If you just arrived today from planet Mars and were not exposed to any of the above
mythology, you would instantly have an unfair advantage over the rest of the skinny
guys trying to build a body they deserve and can be proud of – a body that turn heads
and captures attention everywhere.
If you are still struggling with some of the above myths I do not expect you to let go
of your own way of thinking and crash your inner hard drive immediately. However,
each day you need to delete corrupt files that you have allowed to influence your way
of thinking and replace them with new fresh files that will make your system perform
more efficiently and powerfully!
To emphasize again, as you read through this course you must trust me – completely
let go and abandon any preconceived ideas you may have. Filter out all
the tips and secrets and techniques that did not get you anywhere. No
matter how popular a certain concept is, it might not be for you. Don’t be surprised if
you come across some content that causes you to drop your jaw or surprises you – I will
explain the why to everything. Follow it as if you are really from another planet and
have never read any popular bodybuilding literature before.
What you are going to learn in this e-book is absent from the majority of bodybuilding
and fitness magazines, gym conversations, and personal training certifications. I realize it will take courage and faith to go against what everyone else is doing. But REAL
learning is DOING – not just talking or reading about it. You will not really LEARN
this system until you have actually DONE IT.
Most training programs you have followed only work temporary or for short periods of
time. Some authors will tell you three exercises per muscle group, some will say 6
sets of 6, and some will say 4 sets of 8. Some say short rest, some say long rest, some
say train every 3 days, some say 5 days.
So which is it? The method I will teach you is the most powerful way to build muscle
naturally and has been shown to work indefinitely until you reach your true genetic
potential and disposition for size! I will put to rest all the confusion and explain the
simplest yet most powerful system to insane muscle gain!
You must earn muscle! It is not something given to you freely. In fact, your body does
not even want to keep muscle on your body – it is metabolically very costly. Your
muscle is lazy and would prefer to sleep all day – not grow. You are fighting against
your body’s will to build muscle. Don’t ever forget that this is your goal not your
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body’s goal. If you truly want to add inches to your frame then you must overcome
your body’s resistance and stubborn attitude to building muscle. Get this through your
head - you must give your muscles a reason to grow.
Why? Because your body is designed to adapt to stress. Walk into the cold and you will
begin to shiver to keep warm. Walk into a hot room and your body will sweat to keep
you cool. Walk into the sun and your skin will darken to protect you from the sunlight.
And to make this practical, force your muscles to do ‘more work’ and they will be
forced to get bigger.
How Do You Force Your Muscles To Do More Work?
The Stress Must Be Specific
No-Nonsense Growth Principle
This is one of the foundational principles of muscle growth. Basically, if you wish to
reach your training objectives you must train specific to your goals. The word ‘specific’ rules out the importance of many erroneous training principles in magazines
such as drop sets, super sets, pre-exhaust sets, instinctive training, descending sets
and more. If you want to become a really good runner – run. If you want to become a
really good swimmer – swim. If you want to become really good at super sets and drop
sets – do super sets and drop sets. But realize these training principles are not based
on forcing your muscle to do more work, which is the only way to force more muscle
growth. These techniques will make you fail because of fatigue, not strength.
Hard to believe but think about it yourself. The principle of specificity is based on
Newton’s law of physics – cause and effect. Applied in bodybuilding this means that
for every action there is a reaction, so if you apply a specific stress (the cause) there
should be a specific adaptation (the effect).
The Stress Must Be Above Your Threshold
No-Nonsense Growth Principle
The stress must be heavy enough to exceed the normal threshold of the muscles. You
see, training with weights at your 60-80% 1 Rep Max (RM) will not stimulate new muscle growth.
In other words, if you simply want to have the ability to lift weights to failure using
60-80% of your one rep max then keep doing this because your muscles will accommodate this specific stress. Your muscles will not grow larger than they have to accommodate for that specific stress.
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Don’t get me wrong – you body will adapt muscularly, neurologically, and structurally
to this specific stress – but it will stop and end here. Even if you are increasing reps
and sets, the muscle might grow minimally but there will be NO sufficient reason for
your muscle to grow further because you are still within your natural threshold. So if
you want to gain 2-5 pounds of muscle a year – keep following conventional training
programs that emphasize higher volumes of training, because they are not made for
extraordinary gains.
The Stress Must Be With Heavy Weights
No-Nonsense Growth Principle
Remember that your muscles do not want to work any harder than they have to. Think
of your muscles as being lazy - they always want to sleep. They will only wake up in
an extreme emergency and if it disrupts their sleep. Your muscles do not want to work
any harder than have to and will only use the necessary amount of muscle fibers responsible to get the job done. If this means the inactive muscle fibers make no effort
or contribution to the lift – so be it. They would rather sleep anyway and not have to
go to work and grow.
From this we discover that we must do exercises that are extremely demanding
(yet avoiding injury) and involve the totality of the muscle. So how do we recruit and
use every single muscle fiber without our own MRI machine? You lift really HEAVY
Heavy weights call on every fiber of muscle that you have – by using all your muscle’s
capacity. Forget those wimpy isolation exercises that target only part of the muscle.
The Stress Must Be With High Reps
No-Nonsense Growth Principle
This is the second part of the equation.
Simply lifting heavy weights close to your one rep max will not do the trick. Ask yourself – will your muscles be forced to grow more by doing 2-3 reps of a heavy weight or
8-9 reps with the same heavy weight? That’s right, the additional reps will force your
muscle tissue to adapt that much more than with just low reps.
Over the years I have watched so many guys in the gym load up 9-10 plates a side on
leg press or dead lift 2-5 plates a side and they did not look any bigger than any other
guys in the gym. These guys appeared to be as strong as oxen, but had nothing to visually show for it.
You see – these guys were only lifting for 2-3 reps. I bet you even know a lot of friends
who are super strong but their muscularity does not match up.
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Why is this? This is the main reason many get stronger and stronger but look the same
as when they joined the gym two years ago. Their weights go up but their muscle size
does not. The central nervous system (or neural system) is what instructs your muscles. When you are lifting a weight, your nervous system will send the ‘signal’ to curl,
push, pull, extend or stretch. So the signal is sent from the nervous system – or
command center – to the muscles.
Therefore, the more powerful and efficient the ‘signals,’ the
more powerful and efficient the response from the muscles.
When you first start working out (or doing any new activity for that matter), think of your
nervous system on SLOW SPEED INTERNET! If you use a modem or dial-up-connection
the signals can be slow and involve multiple tries. You see, slow speed Internet sends
very weak signals to your computer and can be an ineffective way of working.
On the flip side, when working with high-speed cable, broadband or DSL Internet, the
connection is very quick and almost instantaneous. The signals sent are very strong
and if you are trying to download something it happens in a matter of seconds.
The signals from your brain to your muscles operate on the same concepts. The stronger these signals, the more force, speed and recruitment occurs in the muscles allowing you to lift more weight. Therefore, in alignment with the rule of specificity, your
nervous system will certainly get better...but this adaptation has nothing to do with
building bigger muscles.
This is why you see Olympic lifters who can lift 500-600 pounds in different power
lifting events but do not have anywhere near the same muscle size as a bodybuilder.
The Stress Must Be Progressive Overload
No-Nonsense Growth Principle
This is basically saying the stress must be above your threshold, but because it is the
cornerstone of No-Nonsense Muscle Building let’s review it again.
You have probably read a lot about lifting with slow-speed, quality repetitions (which
instead of lifting heavy weights for muscle
usually happen to be light weights - go figure)
Let me tell you straight out – lifting slow speed light weight for high reps is good for
burning calories and that’s it. Quality light repetitions will do nothing for gaining
muscle mass – there is no overload, there is no intensity, there is no unaccustomed
stimulus and there is minimal muscle fiber recruitment. To get the muscle to
grow you must subject it to unaccustomed stress. When your muscles are
subjected to a sufficient degree of unusual discomfort and stress (not to the point of
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Chapter 3
injury), your muscles will respond by getting larger to adapt and cope with the added
High volume workouts with multiple sets and
multiple exercises will only allow you
to work out at a moderate intensity and moderate weight.
Training in these ranges only causes your muscles to laugh at you and go back to sleep
because there is no damn good reason they need to grow. If this was enough to build
muscle you would see old ladies with huge muscles from all the groceries they carry
While there is much research to say heavy weights and low reps is the only thing
necessary for muscle growth - there is much more research and real-world results to
prove that maximum muscle building occurs when heavy weights and high repetitions
are used.
Furthermore, the set must be taken to absolute muscular failure – nothing shy of this
is acceptable. You will note that I mentioned in Myth #9 that going to failure is not
Realize that I am referring to overall total body failure – staying in the gym for a reckless amount of time for the sake of hammering your body. This approach is wrong.
Training to muscular failure within a set is correct.
Interestingly, this is when you see the light and discover why you may have not been
making significant gains using conventional training programs. Here is the contradiction – the author of a conventional muscle-building program tells you that you must
train hard, and then prescribes a program that makes hard training impossible!
Working out with a conventional program is not severe enough to threaten the survival
of the muscles and body. The conventional routine overload is too low and the stress
is not progressive. This is why fitness magazine routines will always fail
– the level of overload required contradicts the volume prescribed and
the intensity is not reoccurring.
You see, your muscles operate out of ‘survival.’ Your body is set up with a regulatory
and sensory system that is a part of your body’s defense mechanism for survival. Your
muscles will only signal the need for more muscle if they are scared or frightened
into preventing a previous nightmare (your previous training session). When you progressively overload your muscles they will be frightened of experiencing the same trauma
and scared into growing so they do not have to face the same nightmare again! Your
muscle would prefer to sleep peacefully (homeostasis) all day long and not have to wake
up and grow.
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The Stress Must Be Intense
No-Nonsense Growth Principle
Let’s first define what intensity is NOT:
Intensity has nothing to do with duration. You might hear, “Man, I just worked out for
2 hours and that was intense.” No it wasn’t – it was just long and dumb.
Intensity has nothing to do with frequency. You might hear, “Man, I just trained 5 days
straight, it was super intense.” No it wasn’t – it was just overkill and dumb!
The problem with the term ‘intensity’ is that it is a subjective term and many fail
to view its limitations. You have probably seen workout ads claiming to be the ‘most
killer routine ever,’ or ‘the most intense system ever’, or the ‘best system ever.’
Now ask yourself, “measured how?” By what standard of measure proves that Workout
A is more intense then Workout B?
I have to give credit to Arthur Jones and Mike Mentzer who first gave some real clarity
to the term intensity - yet their definition is very vague and can create a downward
spiral if not fully understood. Basically, they say you must exert “100% of momentary
effort.” This is a good start. However, if you exert 100% effort on a day that you are
coming down with the flu, just partied the night before, are coming off a night shift,
or dealing with some personal life-related stress your 100% effort will not trigger
any new muscle growth because it was still below your last workout’s 100% effort (or
threshold). So the Jones/Mentzer definition of intensity is subjective, not objective.
Continual muscle gains OBJECTIVE DEFINITIONS; it needs numbers
and calculations – not feeling.
You Must Recover From the Stress
No-Nonsense Growth Principle
When was the last time you saw a full-page advertisement on ‘Recovery?’ Why is this
topic rarely talked about, so poorly understood and ineffectively applied? Probably
because there is no money to be made on the concept of sit on your ass and do nothing. Seriously, how much money can be made in a DVD series, seminar, e-book or fitness magazine that promotes ‘doing nothing’ and still offers results?
To make consistent muscle gains you need a better way to measure the
intensity of each exercise. You need a better way to ensure progressive
overload and a better way to prevent overtraining. Read on – we are getting there.
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This is probably the TOUGHEST CONCEPT TO PROGRAM into your
brain. But the truth is that staying out of the gym and recovering will put far more muscle on you than any amount of
money spent on supplements and a ‘training like the pros’
way of thinking.
I’m guessing (since you bought this book) that your goal is to build NEW muscle –
muscle that is not on your body right now. NEW muscle has to grow. First, you
have to give your body a reason to build new muscle (progressive overload). Second, you have to give it time to build new muscle.
If camping out at the gym until you gained 2 pounds worked then you would not need
to RECOVER! But you don’t grow muscle in the gym – you create the POTENTIAL for
growth assuming you recover – IF you eat and sleep optimally the next few days.
These are the times that muscle growth actually occurs.
As we have discussed, the way to get your muscle (body???) to grow new muscle is to
make it NEED more muscle by training at a level of intensity above your previous
threshold – you must surpass your previous limits. Compare a grueling training session
to getting run over by a truck – your body is broken down and your energy resources
are depleted.
Your training sessions must induce trauma and make your body extremely vulnerable
because of the damage you have evoked. So, your PRIMARY focus after an exhausting and damaging, muscle-stimulating workout is for your entire body (not just your
muscles) to FULLY recover. In the process you will grow NEW muscle that will prepare
you for the next act of brutality on your muscles!
However, if you returned to the gym and repeated the identical workout again – it
would not be as taxing and we know that this would not create the POTENTIAL to
stimulate NEW muscle again.
So this explains how we will be able to lift more and more weight each workout! The
process is almost AUTOMATIC if we fully recover. If you are not fully recovered by the
time you head back to the gym don’t be surprised that you will have no new muscle to
work with which means not being able to apply the progressive overload principle.
To conclude, when you are training at the limits of your muscular capacity, recovery is
the missing link and any miscalculation will cause an immediate plateau or even
muscle loss.
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No-Nonsense Growth Principle
There is an inverse relationship between volume and intensity. This means that if the
volume (number of sets) is high than the intensity is low and the higher the intensity
of the workout the shorter the duration. It is a universal law that states you can not
train hard and long simultaneously.
Ironically, this is what every bodybuilding and fitness magazine preaches. This is
probably another one of the greatest bodybuilding misconceptions that causes people
to fail. It started in the 1970’s when professional bodybuilders started spending hours
in the gym 6-7 days a week. This kind of training for a natural trainee is suicide. You
have literally created your own grave. This program will not help you build an ounce
of muscle and in fact will cause your body to store more fat to handle the abuse.
It is like turning your hard earned muscle over to a school of piranhas for lunch!
Since science has not determined our recovery code this is a very individualized process but the principles are the same. You must not commence your next workout until
you are FULLY recovered. Not just your muscles but your entire system. Even split
routines (like upper body on Monday and lower body on Wednesday) are unproductive
because they neglect central nervous system, immune and hormonal fatigue created
on the body, and both muscle groups use the same energy reserve.
Please re-read the above few paragraphs a number of times. It is absolutely imperative that you understand and are prepared to execute this particular concept. We have
all been brainwashed into thinking that we must do 3-4 exercises per muscle group and
three to four sets per exercise piling on over 20 sets per muscle, which is absolutely
lubricious and downright silly (don’t worry I have been there too).
The Two Elements Of Training :
Neuromuscular and Metabolic Training
Neuromuscular training is based primarily, but not exclusively, on the work of the
nerves and muscles. Metabolic training is based primarily, but not exclusively, on the
supply of energy to the muscles.
Physical work can be divided into neuromuscular and metabolic work, or you can sim-
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ply refer neuromuscular work to strength and metabolic work to endurance/capacity.
Both physical qualities can be trained connectedly in the same workout (doing heavy
training and endurance training during the same workout) or else on opposite end of
the spectrum (isolating one quality per training phase).
Here is small chart to distinguish the characteristics between
neural and metabolic training:
Exercise Selection
Speed of Movement
Time Under Tension
Length Of Workout
Muscle Fibers Used
Layman’s Description
Metabolic Training
aka Giant Sets
30-60 sec
60-80% Max
Isolated, Body weight,
Slower Controlled
40 - 70 seconds
30-45 minutes
Slow-Twitch and Fast
‘Bodybuilding’ / ‘muscle
Neuromuscular Training
aka Crash Sets
90-120+ sec
90-100% Max
Faster, Explosive
1 - 40 seconds
45-60 minutes
‘Strength training’ / ‘power training’
How Do I Know if I Have Recovered?
The key to avoid over-training is determining your optimal training frequency and to
closely monitor the progress you make from workout to workout and be aware of any
signs of slow or arrested development. Not progressing in one exercise out of five is a
yellow flag and not progressing in more than two exercises is a red flag - and means
you need time off.
Here are
3 RULES to follow to monitor over-training:
· The weight did not increase.
Aim for a 5% increase each workout. Building more muscle is about progressive overload. If you begin your workout and realize that you are not
going to be able to lift more weight, literally pack it in quickly and go home. You have
not recovered yet.
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· The reps did not increase.
If you are using the same weight as the previous workout
(this is okay) then you’d better be able to lift more reps.
· If it takes you longer to perform the workout.
Progress is driven by intensity of muscular output. Intensity is a function of time.
So even if you do the same number of reps and the same amount of weight but you
achieved it in a shorter period of time then your intensity has increased. And the reverse also holds true. If it takes longer, then you have not fully recovered and this will
delay the recovery process because you are in the hole deeper. Lower intensity can
not build new muscle.
How To Measure Intensity
Here is the simplest tool to measure intensity. Remember we discussed the major
pitfall of intensity is that it’s subjective and relies on feeling – not the most effective
gage for muscle building.
Instead of simply tracking your weights and reps from workout to workout, you will
calculate the overall poundage lifted in your one-set, all out special set. This will be
explained in greater detail later but for now let’s use this simple example: If you lift 8
reps of 225 pounds (8 reps x 225 lbs = 1800 lbs) your overall poundage would be 1800
pounds. So next workout when you wish to compare your overall poundage you can do
the same calculation. Let’s say you did 5 reps at 245 lbs. Let’s see what happens:
5 reps x 245 lbs = 1125 lbs. Looks like your overall intensity was lower. This is not good
and means you did not recover. Don’t fret – we have simply discovered that your previous training frequency was not optimal and we will add one extra day to the recovery cycle.
(Advanced) No-Nonsense Growth Principle
After a few years of training, your body becomes less responsive to your workout
intensity and your progress slows. Some might say, “You are reaching your maximum
genetic potential...” Pretty obvious statement, correct?
Many trainees who have been training greater then 4 years can confess to this. The
majority of people will agree they made their best gains within the first few months
and even first few years of training. I can personally attest to this myself. I have not
continued to gain 40+ pounds of lean mass every 6 months – I wish!
Think about the majority of people you know who have had dramatic body transfor© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
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Chapter 3
mations. Next time you see them, ask them what contributed to their initial results.
I am confident to say that at least 8 out of 10 will give you a blank stare because they
don’t have a clue! They simply trained and got results. They might have even over
trained. They might have used sloppy lifting techniques. They might have had poor
nutrition. But they still got results. Why?
In the beginning – everything works! Don’t get me wrong, there are certainly methods
more effective than others – that is why you are reading this book.
However, the reality is that any new stimulus, applied with the above growth principles will work for a certain period of time. The question is, “How long?”
This final no nonsense growth principle is specifically designed for advanced trainees who are reaching their maximal genetic potential. It emphasizes the principle
of INTENSITY at it’s fullest. It will only be used in the Advanced 29-Week MaxPower program:
Ideally it wouldn’t take any sets to build muscle, but since we know the only way to
stimulate muscle mass is to weight train we must begin with a minimum of one set
– one set per exercise per body part.
The best-set sequence would be one set per body part. One set for legs, one set for
back etc. You could even say, “The ONLY SET in your workout that will FORCE your
muscles to get BIGGER and STRONGER is the SET in which you perform the HIGHEST amount of weight and MOST AMOUNT of reps.”
Any other set beyond that ONE, ALL-OUT SET is just a waste of your precious energy.
Any other sets beyond or before the set that you perform with the greatest amount of
weight and the most amount of reps will do nothing more to build muscle!
Not necessarily true for beginners or intermediate trainees because these neglects
the fact that their bodies becomes bigger and more muscular from increased glycogen retention, increased metabolic adaptations, increased capillary size etc
To actually build new, dry muscle mass, think about this:
Let’s say you are doing Bench Press and warm up with 135 lbs for 12 reps, then for
your second set you perform 185 lbs for 10 reps and then for your third set you perform 225 lbs for 6 reps. Then your fourth set you can only do 225 lbs for 3 reps. Think
about it really hard. Which set do you think will inflict the most growth?
Remember, if you are truly going ‘all-out’ then you would have fully exhausted
that muscle and would have recruited the maximal amount of muscle fibers necessary for that particular muscle (after your all-out set).
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The concept I want you to grasp is simple: Any additional sets will deplete your finite
energy reserves. For every set you perform over and above your ONE, ALL-OUT SET,
you are eating into your recovery ability. Thus your workouts must be very short and
infrequent for muscle growth to occur.
Consider this “one, all-out” set your last set of each set. It’s the set that you empty
the tank on. It’s the set that you record a new personal best. This is the set that you
will probably require a spotter. This is the most important set of the workout. This
is the reason you came to workout today. To outperform last weeks “all-out set”
and out do your previous performance for that particular exercise.
There is no need to stress the muscle once you have ‘sparked’ it into growth with
this last ‘all-out set.” You are striving for the absolute minimum amount of stress
to achieve the maximal result. Muscle growth will result from sparking your muscles
into growth by going ALL-OUT on this last set of every exercise – it may result in one
extra pound or one extra rep but this ONE ALL-OUT SET PER EXERCISE PER
Your body has no reason to develop exaggerated amounts of muscle mass; it has no
interest whatsoever. It is more concerned with other functions in your body such as
gathering energy from food, air and water to keep the brain and body functioning.
Your body does not even give a second thought to rebuilding torn muscle tissue and
then super compensating UNTIL its basic energy reserves are replenished. If you continue to do more sets and more workouts before your energy reserves are replenished
then all the fuel that you have been taking in that should have gone to building new
muscle will be directed to simply replenishing the whole recovery system of the body.
Bottom line: Once you apply high intensity stress on the muscle stop performing
any more sets or workouts. It takes one attempt to stimulate muscle mass. Adding
more sets or more workouts prior to a complete recovery is detrimental to your
muscle growth progress.
Sure bodybuilders do multiple exercises per muscle group and multiple sets but if
you uncover the structure of their program it is very similar to our concept of ONE,
ALLOUT SET. But since we train natural and have not invested in a chemical laboratory inside our bodies we will aim for the minimum number of sets and exercises per
muscle group.
You see, professional bodybuilders use this same technique disguised in a method
called pyramiding. They will perform their first set with a certain amount of weight,
then the second set is slightly heavier with a few less reps, then they go heavier
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Chapter 3
again, and on their final set they will do the heaviest weight with the greatest amount
of reps possible. You will never seem them do an additional set with the same
weight for the same number of reps. NEVER! Watch the Arnold DVD, Ronnie Coleman DVD or Jay Cutler DVD. Basically they have a few ‘warm-up’ sets plus their ONE,
ALL-OUT SET SET which is typically the last set of each exercise.
So let me make this perfectly clear – our goal is to use the fewest sets possible
and the fewest number of exercises per muscle group – this will lead to the maximal results with the least amount of work. All it takes is one, full-out, extremely
tough, go till you blow set per exercise to produce the maximal potential for that
muscle to get bigger and stronger.
I’m dead serious - any additional set beyond this special set will be a waste of time
and energy.
I know you are saying, ‘how could one set possibly be enough to grow muscle?’ Don’t
worry, your not going to be doing literally just one set however the take home message is that it’s only the last set of each exercise that makes the greatest impact on
your physique.
Don’t underestimate the power of the one set that involves the maximal amount
of weight with the greatest amount of reps that will involve the greatest amount
of muscle fibers. Unfortunately most guys begin a workout with 4 or 5 exercises in
mind for each body part. How the heck can you truly go ‘all-out’ with that kind of
volume? You can’t. Training hard and training long cancel each other out. Anything
requiring you to lift less weight or less reps than your current threshold and involves
less muscle fibers activated than possible – violates every fundamental bodybuilding
principle in existence and will lead you right back to your old way of training.
After you perform this one, all-out special set it is time to go home, eat, sleep and
rest up until your next session where we will gradually and consistently exploit this
Remember, if you want to look like everyone else – train like everyone else. If your
subconscious tries to trick you into thinking that spending hours in the gym and repeating set after set is the right way then take a second look at these people and
see that they do not look any different whatsoever. Most guys who are big have no
idea how they got like that (genetics) and most guys who have a half decent physique
achieved it in the first few months as a beginner which is when the greatest gains occur. How many people do you know that look bigger and bigger year after year? I bet
very few, if any.
Going to the gym and training until you need a wheelchair and seeing how much pain
you can inflict on your body is great if you are running a “Fear-Factor” show or “Nazi
Boot Camp” but it has NOTHING to do with stimulating muscular tissue to grow stronger and larger.
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The 29 – week training program incorporates an advanced training technique that is
literally created around only ‘one, all-out set.’ I call them Crash Sets.
However, the 29 – week beginner-intermediate training program will still require you
to go absolutely all-out on the last set of every exercise. More to come on that later.
To Summarize:
• The stress must be SPECIFIC – the only way muscles will grow is if you upset
their state of normalization (remember your muscles would prefer to stay small and
sleep all day – the last thing they are thinking about is getting bigger).
• The stress must be HEAVY – the threat of the weight must recruit every single
muscle fiber. The stress must be am extreme abnormality that far exceeds the normal
carry capacity of the local muscle. The body will deal with this emergency through
hypertrophy (the cells that make your muscle increase in number, and thus size).
• The stress must be PROGRESSIVE – each trip to the gym must bring gains in
strength, and the stronger you become the bigger you become – this is a universal
law. Training with a conventional training program and adding more sets and reps
will counteract this principle. Conventional programs do not focus on gaining more
strength and gaining strength in a critical component of the growth cycle. The two
are directly related. The stronger you get the bigger you get and vice versa. This is
another fact that can not be argued unless you are deliberately making an attempt to
not eat, sleep or recover.
• The stress must be INFREQUENT – this is an individual difference that can
be hindered or accelerated based on your choice of recovery techniques. Exploit the
recovery techniques in the next chapter and you will be able to train every 3 days but
this is not set in stone – you might need more and very rarely less (unless you are doing drugs, which I do not promote).
• The stress must be INTENSE – I have given you a tool to measure intensity so
you will no longer be guessing and using your instincts, which is a poor way of gauging
your progress. I also suggest that you time the length of your workout. Completing the
entire workout in a shorter duration is a definite sign of greater intensity.
• The stress must be SHORT – remember that intensity and volume are inversely related. You can not have the best of both worlds. The only way to train with maximum
intensity is to avoid long, moderately intense training sessions like the plague – these
will just drain your energy reserves like a hole in a cup of water. I have made it crystal clear that you will ONLY need ONE, ALL-OUT, NO-NONSENSE, EXTREMELY DIFFICULT
SET PER EXERCISE PER BODY PART. After this one SPECIAL set you move on to the next
muscle group.
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Chapter 4
Chapter 4:
Advanced Recovery Methods -How To Accelerate
Recovery From Training
1. Time
The most underestimated and most important factor of recovery is time. This can be
expressed in days or hours between each workout. Time recovery can also be applied
to periods of training cycles.
The goal is to recover as quickly as possible to commence your next session. The key
is to determine the optimal amount of time required to fully recover taking into consideration the muscles trained, nervous system, immune system and hormonal system.
Generally, anything done at a higher level of intensity requires longer time between workouts. Anything done at a
lower intensity can be done at a more frequent schedule.
Your training frequency should be governed by the intensity
and volume of your workouts.
Finding the balance between work and recovery involves a consideration
of the type of training you are engaged in. Let’s say you are focusing on
improving your muscular strength. You will be using heavier loads that will place more
demand on your central nervous system compared to a moderate-weight hypertrophy
phase. If you are training for strength than you will need a longer break between sessions – let’s say 48-72 hours. On the flip side, when training for size, as long the overall volume is within reason and your energy intake is sufficient than you will be able
to train up to 4 times a week with serious results. This is because your nervous system
is not as beat up during this type of phase.
Next, you must allow time recovery between training cycles.
I have two forms of recovery:
Half week recovery and full week of recovery:
This means absolutely nothing but perhaps very light aerobic work and relaxation
techniques during these recovery weeks. You might be surprised by how much benefit
your body receives by taking strategic recovery periods.
I recommend taking one full week off every 12 weeks no matter what your level of
conditioning. In a 12-week program, I would even suggest ½-week recovery weeks ev-
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ery 3 weeks. Yes, that means every 3 and ½ weeks you take the last 4 days off before
you commence the next 3-week block. The higher the intensity of training,
the more beneficial the recovery weeks will be.
Ignoring or not taking these guidelines seriously will lead to over-training, injury and
plateaus - guaranteed. I believe the average trainee (trained less than 4 years) should
never go beyond 6-9 weeks of uninterrupted training. And there is no exception for
the advanced trainee (greater than 4 years) to train longer than 12 weeks uninterrupted.
2. Nutrition
I think that a considerable amount of people do not have a clue of what to eat. Nutrition is extremely important with recovery because it provides us the raw materials
for recuperation, recovery and growth. Without an ideal nutrition plan, your efforts in
the gym will be in vain.
Because this topic is so critical I have given
it a chapter of its own.
3. Supplements
Are supplements necessary? It depends. Again, this topic will be discussed in further
detail, as I believe it requires a chapter of its own. Just so that I don’t leave you
hanging, I believe supplements are ideal if they are pre-planned for specific training
phases and prioritized around specific training goals.
Also, I do not recommend the use of any unnatural supplements for the first 4 weeks
of training. I want you become a believer of achieving superior results by training
smart, eating 90% whole foods, optimizing your recovery and getting plenty of sleep.
4. Drugs
I have no intention of addressing this topic in this manual. There is no shortage of
material on what and how to take certain drugs to enhance recovery. I personally,
have never trained dirty. I decided before I began training that I would not be led to
the dark side. I do not mean to moralize the topic but I will relate my own personal
stance on the issue. As far as I’m concerned, you will and I will ALWAYS remain curious
and tempted to the gains and ‘benefits’ you will receive from steroids. However, once
you travel to the dark side, you will never be able to say that you trained clean . You
will always have to live with it. I would prefer to simply keep it at that – a curiosity
and a temptation.
On the flip side, the reality is that it is your choice. The reality is that drugs exist,
they are used, and they can be very effective. But nothing comes without a price.
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While most bodybuilding drugs are not physiologically addictive, they are emotionally addictive. Can you imagine putting on 3 inches on your arms but having to spend
a few thousand dollars a month to achieve and maintain that? What if you could not
afford to buy your physique anymore? This could lead to a downward spiral of many
negative outcomes....
Bottom line, your recovery will be affected if you are using drugs or not. If you are
not using drugs, do not copy programs of guys who are. This is crazy!
5. Sleep
A part of the critical code for muscle growth is sleep. But how much sleep is enough
to accelerate recovery and optimize muscle growth? And how are you supposed to get
the optimal 8 hours of sleep on top of late nights, partying, studying, T.V, and cramming the rest of our silly lives into the short 24 hours we have? I will not lecture you
on time management – the lesson here is to follow Nike’s motto and JUST DO IT!
So how does sleep relate to the phenomenon of building big muscles? The number one
reason getting enough sleep is so important is because Growth Hormone rises during
sleep and begins to rise 30-45 minutes after falling asleep. If you are taking your
training program seriously then I would suggest the optimal 8 hours, however this is a
very individualistic measure and as few as 6 hours can be adequate for some.
I have created a simple test that will allow you to determine the minimum amount of
sleep required to optimize muscle growth. Sleep without an alarm clock for three
days, two on the weekday and one weekend. Average out the number of hours your
body sleeps until it wakes up naturally. Average out the three days and this is the optimal number of hours you should strive for each night.
Also, there is a theory that every hour of sleep
you get before midnight is equivalent
to 2 hours of sleep. So if you go to bed at 10pm and wake up 6
am – you will feel as if you have just slept 10 hours (and not
the actual 8 hours)
I would say try this one out for yourself and see. Too be honest, I personally feel tremendously better going to bed earlier and waking up earlier.
Take advantage of power naps – they are not for wimps. Professional bodybuilders
take them regularly in the course of a day. It is said that a 20-minute nap in the middle of the day is the equivalent of a 2-hour sleep. Again, try it out and see for yourself. Naps are extremely beneficial if you did not sleep well the night before.
Remember that your muscles grow when you rest – this is the time between weight
training sessions. Sleep is the best opportunity to let your muscles rest.
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There is other research that shows that when you are deprived sleep your body releases the hormone leptin. Leptin is a hormone that tells our body to feel full so if we are
deprived of this hormone you will be more prone to eat carbohydrates even though
you actually had enough food. This can quickly lead to fat gain for the sleep deprived.
If your sleep quality is poor try to supplement with ZMA (Zinc Monomethionine
Aspartate plus Magnesium Aspartate and vitamin B-6). This almost guarantees a higher
quality of sleep and is said to release testosterone, which is a critical muscle-building hormone. Also drinking warm milk activates a chemical from the heat to make you
feel more soporific.
6. Stress Management
Even Jesus Christ challenged his followers by asking them, “Who of you by worrying
can add a single hour to his life?” (Matthew 6:27). Not only will stress take days away
from your life but it will hinder your recovery between muscle-gaining sessions!
How seriously do you take the following stress-related inducers into your training:
· relationships
· finances
· studies
· travel
· job environment
· social environment
I guarantee that if you take an inventory of your life you will discover times in your
training history when you have not adjusted your training program because one of
these factors contributed to increased stress.
Stress – good and bad - has the power to override our body’s
natural defense mechanisms against sickness.
It drives the production of inflammatory hormones that result in diseases such as
diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Stress sparks rheumatoid arthritis and other
degenerative diseases. Stress will create depression and age the brain as well. And
remember, you do not grow muscle during the workout but rather, while you are resting. Stress releases catabolic hormones that do not support an environment for muscle
growth and fat loss.
If you approach a training session when your stress levels are high then you MUST
reduce the duration of your workout, reduce the volume of the workout, decrease the
frequency of your training or increase your nutrient intake. More specifically, you
should double your vitamin/mineral and antioxidant intake to combat the build-up of
free radicals which leads to a catabolic environment when stressed.
Ideally, eliminate the specific stress all together!
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Chapter 5
Chapter 5:
Maximizing Hormonal Responses for Maximum Muscle
Growth and Maximal Fat Loss
Hormones are triggered in your body by practically everything you do in your everyday
life. Hormonal levels control our body’s actions. We will discuss the importance of the most popular anabolic and catabolic hormones in the body because they
contribute a significant role to muscle growth.
Hormones are basically chemical messengers secreted by the endocrine system. Once
they reach the blood they travel to specific receptor sites on cells. Body adaptations
are partly dependent on hormonal levels. It is critical to understand how to manipulate these hormones to maximize muscle growth, fat loss and overall health. I will not
provide a physiology or endocrine lesson on these hormones because the science is
quite heavy and might make the gray matter in your brain sizzle a little! Instead I will
keep it very simple:
Some hormones build muscle while others breakdown muscle. Some
hormones burn fat while others store it!
We need to appreciate the influence of these hormones so we can manipulate our results by maximizing the amount of muscle building and fat loss hormones and minimizing the production of muscle wasting and fat storing hormones.
Cocktail #1: Insulin
Insulin is released by the pancreas and can be either your best friend or worse nightmare. It is good when it promotes muscle building and it is bad when it promotes
fat storage.
The job of insulin is to lower blood sugar levels when they get too high. When you eat
any sort of carbs, proteins or fat, most of that food is broken down into its simplest
form – glucose (sugar) and released into your bloodstream. This release of glucose
causes your blood sugar levels to rise above normal levels. Insulin comes to the rescue
and returns your blood sugar levels back to normal.
Prolonged high blood sugar levels
result in inflammation in the body.
Insulin lowers blood sugar levels by shuttling the glucose into muscle and liver cells.
Insulin will also carry amino acids into the muscles promoting protein synthesis (muscle
building) and inhibiting protein breakdown (muscle loss). Remember, your muscles and
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liver have a limited storage capacity - similar to a warehouse. Once your muscle warehouse and liver warehouse are full insulin has to carry the remaining glucose somewhere else – unfortunately the next available ‘warehouse’ is your fat cells. So insulin
can also stimulate the storage of fat.
As you can see, insulin is a double-edged sword and you must learn to control your
insulin levels to maximize the benefits of muscle building and to minimize the affect of fat storage. So if you want to see how fat you can get consistently keep your
insulin levels as high as possible (this will consequently lead to a short life span). And if you
want to grow like a skyscraper then consistently keep your insulin levels low (the exception to this rule is during the Energy and Anabolic Phases, which we will discuss shortly). You can
control insulin levels by what you eat. Different foods can cause higher insulin release
than others:
·Carbs: When eaten alone, carbs cause the largest insulin response because they
are converted directly into sugar by the body - 100g of ingested carbs is equal to
100g of glucose entering the bloodstream. This sudden surge of glucose into the
bloodstream causes a huge rise in blood sugar levels, which will cause a massive
release of insulin.
·Protein: Protein causes a smaller insulin release than carbohydrates. Only 58%
of dietary protein will appear in the bloodstream as glucose. Note that this is only
in the absence of carbs. The fewer carbs you eat, the more protein is converted to
glucose, and vice versa.
Your liver will convert the amino acids from protein into glucose. If adequate carbs
are consumed with the protein, the body will not convert much (if any) of the protein into glucose. It would rather use those amino acids for other purposes when
adequate glucose is available.
·Fats: Only 10% of fat will appear in the bloodstream as glucose. Fat has almost no
blood sugar increasing affect. When fat is digested, it is broken down into glycerol
and free fatty acid chains (FFA). Your liver converts the glycerol into glucose.
There are really only a few hours in the day where you can eat a ton of food and
create an extremely powerful anabolic environment – even with the presence of
high insulin levels.
Remember, once your liver and muscle storage capacity is full – the excess food must
get stored somewhere and we have discussed the next storage site is your fat cells.
What times in the day are your muscle and liver storage sites depleted and at their
lowest levels?
At breakfast and during and after your workout (cardio or weights)! These are the
three main times in the day where your body will take full advantage of the anabolic
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effects of high insulin with little chance of fat storage. If your goal is to maintain low
body fat levels year round it is critical to maintain moderate levels to prevent fat
In the nutrition chapter we will discuss the topic of nutrient timing in more detail. You
will learn about workout nutrition and how to optimize these critical windows for
muscle growth.
Cocktail #2: Glucagon
Glucagon is a hormone that has the opposite task of insulin. Insulin’s job is to lower
high blood sugar levels and glucagon raises low blood sugar levels. Glucagon – released from the pancreas - comes to the rescue when your blood sugar levels are
low. Like insulin, glucagon can be your best friend or your worse nightmare. Insulin
promotes muscle building and fat storage, whereas glucagon promotes muscle breakdown and fat burning. If blood sugar levels are too low (if you have not eaten for
more than 3-4 hours) it mobilizes stored glycogen from the liver and releases glucose
for energy. It then begins to help release stored fat into the bloodstream also to be
used for energy. For very low blood sugar levels (not eating for 4-5 hours), it also
plays a part in the breakdown of muscle tissue for fuel. During fat loss diets, el-
evated glucagon levels are important because it causes the burning of
stored fat for fuel.
Cocktail #3: IGF-1
Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) causes increased protein synthesis and tissue
Many believe that it is the key factor in muscle growth. It is released from the
liver during times of high insulin and high GH (growth hormone) levels. I will repeat, to
stimulate the production if IGF-1, GH levels must be high and insulin levels must be
high simultaneously. This is the tricky part because when insulin levels are high, GH is
normally suppressed.
This is another reason why insulin levels must be consistently controlled. Insulin levels
must be raised at specific times to promote enhanced growth and IGF-1 production.
For example, after a hard workout of 45-60 minutes GH levels will be very high. If
you then eat a high carb/high protein meal, you will cause a rise in insulin levels,
which will cause the release of IGF-1.
IGF-1 is not released during times of low insulin levels. Low insulin and low IGF-1
levels are the primary reasons it is difficult to gain muscle on low-carb diets. Low protein also causes a decrease in IGF-1 levels.
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Cocktail #4: Cortisol
Cortisol is the most catabolic hormone in your body and is released from the adrenal cortex in time of mental and physical stress. It is involved in the breakdown of
muscle for fuel and promotes fat storage.
Cortisol is necessary for joint and tendon health but levels must be controlled to
maximize natural testosterone production. To understand cortisol you can
relate it to the exact opposite of testosterone for muscle growth. Testosterone is
an anabolic hormone and a catalyst for many reactions in your body responsible for
muscle growth. Cortisol is a catabolic hormone that is actually responsible for breaking down muscle tissue. Cortisol converts amino acids to carbohydrates and prevents
protein synthesis.
Since you are limited to the amount you can naturally increase your
testosterone levels, it is imperative that you make all possible efforts
to limit cortisol levels.
The following tips may point to problems you have experienced in the past or why
you have not progressed in years:
· Decrease levels of personal, mental and physical stress. Learning how to deal with
daily stress and challenges will separate the skinny from the muscular. Learn how to
keep your problems in perspective and how to treat stressful times with relaxation
Stressing yourself out has shown to increase cortisol levels and inhibit muscle growth.
Stress is relative to the perspective of the person experiencing the stress. By changing
your perspective you can lower stress levels.
· Severe caloric restriction has been shown to increase cortisol levels. This is why dieting and cutting phases, where your calories are restricted for longer than 3-5 days,
result in an increase of cortisol. This is the main reason for muscle tissue loss during
periods of dieting. Cortisol also increases insulin resistance and inhibits thyroid function.
· A diet lacking essential micronutrients and macro nutrients may increase cortisol levels. Add a high quality multivitamin and antioxidant supplement, perhaps even double
or triple the dosage, during stressful times, to suppress cortisol levels.
· Get at least 8-9 hours of rest a night. Your body needs ample rest or cortisol levels
will elevate.
· High volume workouts with short rest periods and training too frequently will elevate cortisol levels. Training more than two days in a row, especially if you are a hard
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gainer, increases cortisol levels dramatically. Also, long periods of training without
recovery weeks can dump a ton of cortisol into the body.
· Cortisol levels have been shown to increase with age. This is why a younger male can
get away with longer duration sessions of 60 minutes but these should be decreased
approximately 10 minutes every 10 years. Therefore a 15-25 year old male could afford a maximal training session of 60 minutes, a 25-35 year old male 50 minutes, 3545 year old male, 40 minutes; a 45-55 year old male 30 minutes and so forth. Those
are very generic recommendations and can be used as a maximal starting point.
Cocktail #5: Testosterone
Probably the most well known hormone, considered to be the ‘big daddy,’ testosterone is produced in the testes. Its primary job is muscle growth. It also helps to burn
fat and establish your sexual characteristics. Testosterone causes muscle growth
by directly stimulating protein synthesis. Women also produce testosterone in their
adrenal gland, but in much smaller quantities than men do. This is why it is easier for
men to build large amounts of muscle.
Under normal circumstances (no exercise or diet), testosterone production begins to
decline by about age 40 in most men. As it does, it can cause muscle loss, bone mass
loss, increased body fat, weakness and depression.
Fortunately, to some degree, testosterone levels can be controlled by the ratios of food in the diet and exercise.
In order to support optimal testosterone levels one’s diet must be balanced and consist of ample amounts of vitamins and minerals specifically from the B vitamins,
vitamin C, zinc and manganese. When trying to gain mass, a high-fat intake is
necessary to stimulate maximum testosterone production. Diets low in fats or products that contain fat, like a vegetarian diet, produce much lower testosterone levels
than a meat or fish-rich diet. The fat provides cholesterol, which is needed for testosterone synthesis. There is about 100mg of cholesterol in 3 oz of red meat.
Heavy resistance training (80-95% effort) and short rest intervals also
stimulate the production of higher than normal testosterone levels.
How to naturally increase Testosterone levels (and other interesting tips):
· Runners and power lifters show lower levels of testosterone
than bodybuilders do.
· Higher volume activities (greater than 8 hours a week) result
in lower T levels.
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· The higher your stress level the lower your T levels.
· Intense training causes a periodic increase in T levels but then drop.
T levels stay low for a day or two before rising again. Another reason
for hard gainers to train every second day.
· Don’t plan a growth cycle when you know your mental and emotional
circumstance will prevent your best gains.
· Alcohol decreases T level and even one night on the town can cause
T levels to plummet.
· Sex, masturbation and erotic stimuli will cause an increase in T levels.
· Painkillers such as aspirin, marijuana, codeine will decrease T levels.
· Diets high in protein, cholesterol, fat, and saturated fat will increase
T levels.
· Increasing polyunsaturated fat and decreasing saturated fat will
decrease T levels.
· Higher protein typically equals more animal fats therefore equals
more saturated fat and cholesterol.
· T levels decrease with restricted diets but are restored within 48 hours
after refeeding.
To summarize, T levels will fluctuate throughout the day, week, and year and are
predictable to being the highest around summer, winning streaks, higher fat intake
periods, and even when you are ‘getting it on’ regularly. And it is predictable that
T levels will be low during winter, losing streaks, stress and depression, low carb
diets, drug and alcohol binges and ‘dry spells.’
Cocktail #6: Growth Hormone (GH)
Growth hormone promotes muscle building and fat loss. It works with testosterone to
build muscle. GH helps to regenerate/strengthen our bones and connective tissue
crucial to support increased muscle size and strength. GH appears to affect every
organ in the body, has been shown to support protein synthesis, a positive nitrogen
balance, increased amino acid uptake, lipolysis (fat breakdown), stimulate cartilage
growth, and enhance immune cell function.
It is released in response to low blood sugar levels caused by fasting, dieting, exercise or sleep.
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Women have higher GH levels during
exercise and at rest than men do.
Once released, it promotes growth by increasing protein synthesis, and causing the release of IGF-1. It also promotes fat burning by moving stored fat into the bloodstream
to be used as fuel. This is its primary function. Because of this fat mobilizing effect,
GH reduces the amount of glucose and protein that is used for fuel, so high GH levels
will protect against muscle loss.
Produced in the anterior pituitary gland, production is highest during adolescence and
peaks around age 20. During that time, your body produces about 500 micrograms
per day.
Under normal circumstances, production begins to decline rapidly after age 31. It
typically declines about 24% per decade. So, at age 40 you are producing 200 mcg,
and at age 80 you will produce only 25 mcg per day.
How to naturally increase GH levels (and other interesting tips):
· Eat low glycemic carbohydrates to keep blood sugars low, especially before
exercise and sleep.
· Go to bed on an empty stomach (no heavy carbs). Carbohydrates produce insulin, which can help store fat.
· Get a good night’s sleep on a regular basis. Large amounts of GH are released
during the first 30-70 minutes of sleep.
· High intensity weight training increases GH levels. While performing your sets, keep tension as high as possible on muscles without rest to optimize GH
· Wear warm clothing.
· Supplement with higher levels of protein, Glutamine and Creatine, may in crease GH levels regardless of age.
· Use certain aminos throughout the day, L-ornithine and L-arginine. Use 500
mg of ornithine and 500 mg of arginine twice per day (before exercise and
sleep), five days per week. L-ornithine is not very practical because
pharmaceutical grade is very expensive.
· Eat a balanced diet. Carbs/protein/fat.
· Eat 5-7 times a day.
· Use the sauna 20 minutes a day.
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· Train using powerful lifts, for example, squats, dead lifts and power cleans.
· Take naps.
· Avoid doing the same exercise every time you go into the gym.
· Reduce your intake of fructose. Excessive fructose intake can block activity of GH and stop the burning of fat for fuel.
Cocktail #7: Catecholamines
The catecholamines are a group of 3 hormones secreted by the adrenal glands, epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine. When you get nervous or get that adrenaline rush, you are experiencing release from these three hormones.
They are important for strength and power because these hormones act to produce
force production and contraction on muscle fibers. Intense weight training with
heavy weight and little rest between sets has been shown to increase levels of epinephrine and norepinephrine.
Cocktail #8: Thyroid Hormones
One final hormone that I would like to address is called T3 (triiodothyronine). This
hormone is produced by your thyroid and controls your overall metabolism. Your
thyroid actually produces two hormones, T3 and T4 (thyroxine), but T3 has the
greatest influence on your metabolism.
Your metabolism is the rate at which your body
burns calories.
Increased T3 production increases your metabolism so you burn more calories per day
(fat and muscle). This is why skinny hard gainers typically have low body fat levels
and difficulty gaining muscle. Their metabolisms are very high so they burn a large
amount of calories.
Decreased T3 production slows your metabolism so that you burn fewer calories
(fat and muscle).
Your thyroid regulates T3 production based on many things, including health, stress,
overtraining, and of course diet. How much you eat plays a very large part in T3
levels. Eating a consistently large amount of calories will keep T3 levels fairly high. If
you decrease your calories too drastically, your body will reduce T3 production to slow
your metabolism. It does this to help conserve calories, preserve muscle mass and
maintain body fat levels. In times of famine (or low calorie dieting), your body tries
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to conserve as much as it can to survive. Low T3 levels means very little fat is being
burned. Since T3 also helps regulate protein synthesis, low levels mean no new
muscle is being built.
During long-term, low calorie diets, your T3 levels can drop by as much as 30%. Your
body also begins to lower noradrenaline production by almost 50%. Fat loss products
like caffeine and the ECA stack help to minimize this metabolic drop in both hormones.
Exercise and increased protein intake will also help in keeping
your metabolism elevated.
Applying this information is critical in the muscle-building and cardio debate because
in this section we will first examine some of the popular beliefs and I will allow you to
come to your own conclusions. Remember, when it comes to muscle building there are
always three sides to every story – my side, your side and the reality. The ‘reality’ can
also be called ‘results.’
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Chapter 6:
Explosive Fat Burning Secrets
Cardio is probably a bodybuilder’s most dreaded word in the dictionary. If you are
just getting started in the muscle building world than I will explain this statement
further. It is well known that training long an endurance athlete is not going to help
you look muscular.
High volumes of cardio, whether it is long and slow duration or short and fast duration, has a great impact on stripping layers of muscle off your body. However, we will learn
shortly that this is not fully true and when done properly
– cardio can help you grow muscle.
You have probably formed your own collection of beliefs from your own reading and
debates and I would like to cover some of the most popular beliefs surrounding fat
loss and have you come to your own conclusions.
If one thing can be taken from this section (which you can apply to all chapters of this
book), let it be to question advice from others. Blindly accepting the advice of “experts” can lead to mental atrophy and apathy. You become a slave to other people’s
advice and never learn to think critically for yourself. Dig deep, do some re-
search, and come to your own conclusions.
Your probably now asking, “Why should I trust you, Vince?” Since you are reading this
book I assume that you found credibility and trust in my website and my own personal
transformation story and I thank you. You can trust me because I walked in the same
shoes as you. I was not gifted with freaky genetics or Samson like strength or a
classic bodybuilder frame. I did not inherit a muscle friendly body so all the advice
you read is from an individual who had to overcome the same obstacles as you.
It is OK if you to do not subscribe to information in line with popular opinion. It is OK
not to endorse the same training that Oprah’s trainer endorses and it is OK to think
differently than the masses. Remember – you want a different and better body than
everyone else, right? You want to build larger muscles and lose more body fat than the
rest of the flock, right?
If you want the same results as everyone else, do the same thing as everyone else. If
you want different results than everyone else you must do something different.
If you want generalized results, follow generalized advice. If you want more superior results then you must separate yourself from the generalized information and
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customize it to your unique self!
If you are getting results with a certain method then who cares what anybody else
says or does?
1. The Difference Between Aerobic Training
and Cardiovascular Training
What is an accurate way to describe cardio? Cardio is when the heart and lungs are
involved to perform exercise. Whether you are performing a swim workout, bike
workout, run workout, sprints or circuit training – cardiovascular work is being performed when you sustain your heart rate, elevate your breathing and sweating.
Aerobic training refers to one form in which cardiovascular activity can be performed.
The definition of aerobic is ‘with oxygen.’ Aerobic training refers to any activity
that can be performed continually – almost indefinitely at a low intensity – as long as
oxygen is constantly being supplied. All aerobic training is cardiovascular training. Not
all cardiovascular training is aerobic training. This will make more sense shortly.
2. Cardiovascular Training – To Do or Not To Do...
One of the most popular beliefs is that cardio will kill any chance of muscle gain. The
reality is that cardio must be a part of your training program even if you goal is pure
maximum muscle gain.
Aerobics have been shown to speed up recovery from weight
training by transporting oxygen and blood flow
to the muscles.
The circulatory system is developed because more oxygen is pushed through your
blood resulting in a greater number and size of blood vessels. Since there is a greater
cardiovascular density of blood vessels, your circulatory system has more ‘supply
routes’ to shuttle oxygen and nutrients to the body tissues, including muscles, and
shuttle away waste products that can slow muscle growth, repair and recovery.
I do not know of anyone who can naturally get their body fat into the
low single digits with resistance training and diet alone.
Interestingly, weight training can augment muscle loss just as much as cardiovascular
– if performed the wrong way! That’s right, cardio can be another powerful musclebuilding tool (that many do not use) in getting big and even staying lean in the process.
I repeat, cardio training, if implemented the correct way, will help you build more
muscle and turn the brewery around your midsection into a six-pack. We will get to
the details shortly.
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3. Steady State Aerobics – Why it’s Not as Effective
It’s well known that low intensity exercise utilizes primarily fat as fuel for energy
and high intensity exercise utilizes more carbohydrate as fuel.
In the past, this was the basis for the idea that steady state aerobics (also referred to
as long slow cardio) was superior for fat loss. Some people were afraid to exercise too
hard because they thought it would take them out of the “fat burning zone” and make
them burn only “sugar” and no body fat.
Consider the reasons why most overweight individuals favor steady state aerobic
training, also referred to as long slow cardio, for fat burning. It burns calories.
There are so many other activities beyond the gym that burn calories, such as
sleeping, cleaning, gardening and talking. Sure, these activities do not burn as
much calories as sprinting and weight training but they do still burn calories. As
long as the muscles are at work and demand extra oxygen to continue working
than you are burning calories. So, no extra points for aerobic training.
I spent 10 years of my life training at 80-120 km a week and racing 800m, 1500m, 3k,
5k and 10k races. I was immersed in the endurance world so I had an inside view of
this topic. Ironically, some of my training partners who raced and trained at the same
volume were not as lean as you would think. This shows real-world proof that high
volumes of cardio activity do not make you lean. So I can not give extra points for
aerobic training as the most effective way to lose body fat.
The fat burning zone. Do you think it’s a coincidence that the majority of people who
train in this ‘zone’ are still fat? This myth was developed years ago when scientists
discovered that carbohydrates were the primary source of fuel for high intensity
exercise and fat was the primary source of fuel for low intensity exercise. How convenient? Exercisers all over the world praised the idea that they could lose fat while
barely breaking a sweat! If low intensity ‘fat burning’ workouts proved to be the
magic bullet than you would expect to see a lot more leaner people around – would
you agree?
It is true that a greater percentage of fat is burned during lower intensity aerobic exercise than it at higher intensities. So if we take this assumption to a further conclusion, we could assume that lying on a coach will burn a greater percentage of fat by
just lying there all day.
And we all know how people look when they sit on a coach all day doing nothing!
The secret to maximal fat loss is to focus on burning
more overall calories.
Even though higher intensity training only burns 35% of calories from fat while
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lower intensities burn may burn up to 50% of the calories from fat, the higher intensities will burn more overall calories than lower intensities.
Think about a real world example – are sprinters (running 10-20 seconds) fatter than
marathon runners (2-2.5 hours of running)? No. Actually sprinters carry less body fat
than distance runners due to their muscle mass. I can personally testify to this. Even
though I was running 80-120 km a week, during my competitive running career, I had
a little potbelly when I ran. This is also because long distance runners, at least in my
case, justified poor food choices for the volume of training we did!
Aerobics makes your body “burn fat.” The problem is that too much aerobics burns
muscle and the ONLY tissue on your body that burns fat at rest is muscle. Aerobics
can strip away too much muscle on your body which is not good because fat is a
dormant tissue and does not encourage your body to burn calories.
The whole physiology of someone who lifts weights is geared up to burn calories. The
opposite is true of aerobic junkies, whose physiology is like that of a Honda Civic;
stretching a gallon of fuel for 40 miles. When you want to lose fat, you want to be
like a Cadillac or a Hot Rod; you want to be fuel inefficient! Therefore you want to do
exercises in such a manner that fuel efficiency is sacrificed.
Sure, aerobic training will burn fat but it will also strip your muscle
leaving you less muscle to burn fat during the day. So if muscle is the only
tissue that burns fat, and aerobic training makes your muscles smaller than that’s not
effective for fat burning during the rest of the day.
The last time I used low intensity cardio was during my very first fitness model show. I
came in very ripped but was told that I would have placed in the top 5 instead of 17th
of 34 guys if I had an extra 5- 10 pounds of muscle. I know for a fact that I lost those
5-10 pounds in my last 4-6 weeks of show prep because long slow cardio was what
everyone else did (and I followed the herd without questioning).
I now believe that low intensity cardio is not the most
effective tool for fat loss.
Here’s a quote from Paul Chek:
“First of all, lifting weights in the intensity zone of 8-12 reps coupled
with short rest periods has been shown beneficial for releasing the androgenic hormone testosterone and growth hormone. These important
hormones encourage development of lean muscle mass, which is a metabolically active tissue consuming calories 24 hours a day.
Fat, on the other hand is just along for the ride! Aerobic exercise has
been linked with the release of the catabolic hormone cortisol, which is
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antagonistic to the development of lean muscle mass. Cortisol also promotes conservation of glucose and encourages the use of fat. This might
sound good on the surface, but you also become as efficient as a Honda
Civic running for 80 kilometers on one gallon of gas. Then you are just
like those people going for hours at a time on machines, only to utilize
minuscule amounts of fat!”
The efficiency argument is interesting. Does weight training build muscle? No. It
breaks down muscle and the body ADAPTS by building more muscle. So in aerobic
training - when we ‘encourage the use of fat’ - do we force that same body to adapt
by storing more fat?
It’s interesting that some of the biggest experts such as Charles Poliquin, Paul Chek,
John Berardi, Eric Serrano, etc., all seem to think so. And most of the spinning and
aerobic instructors at the local gyms in my area who have hired me to get them lean
can anecdotally tell you that the more aerobic training they do - the harder it is for
them to lean out.
There are thousands of overweight individuals each year that complete marathons.
Now completing a marathon is an impressive and honorable feat. However it shows
that the aerobic fitness needed to complete a marathon doesn’t have anything necessarily to do with creating a fat loss effect. So if you are capable of two to three hours
of steady state running and still not burning enough fat - we can either go to a higher
intensity or you can try four hours of running. Any takers for the latter?
In terms of fat loss - calories burned are the most important factor. And
aerobic training burns less calories than anaerobic training and weight training overall
(besides doing very little to increase your metabolism - your body’s calorie-burning engine).
So if we accept that lean mass is a major factor in your fat burning engine - and aerobic training makes that engine smaller (i.e. less muscle) and more efficient at burning
fat (remember more efficient means it burns LESS) - how can having a smaller more
efficient fat burning machine burn more fat? It doesn’t.
Aerobic training raises your metabolism. Actually, muscle is responsible for raising
your metabolism. You will burn more fat at rest compared to someone who does not
carry as much muscle as you. Unfortunately, aerobics does absolutely nothing to build
muscle or maintain muscle, so it will not have a significant role on metabolism at rest.
The downfall to aerobics is that you will only burn calories during the period of time
that you perform it. Let’s say you do one hour of cardio each day. You will only burn
calories for that 1 hour period. What about the other 23 hours left in the day? Very
minimal, if any at all, caloric expenditure from that aerobic workout.
4. A Closer Look At Metabolism.
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The amount of muscle mass and efficiency of your thyroid determines the rate that you burn calories during a typical day.
Someone with a faster metabolism will burn more calories in the day compared to
someone with a slower metabolism. Therefore, your metabolism or metabolic rate is
what dictates that rate that you burn calories.
Whether you like it or not, your body will burn approximately 60 calories for every
additional pound of muscle that you put on. So every additional pound of muscle
you put on requires an additional 60 calories per day to maintain.
So, one pound of muscle on your body requires approximately 60 calories per day.
This equates to 21,360 calories per year or the equivalent of a little over 6 pounds of
fat. So you can see that gaining 10 pounds of muscle in your training program will assist in burning off over 60 pounds of fat next year!!!
In order to really get the lean and muscular look, the key is not just how many
calories you can burn during exercise, it’s how many calories you can force the body
to burn all the time. Increasing your metabolism is the real key to long term fat loss
and physique change.
5. Caloric Expenditure and Anaerobic Training.
Whether you following a low carbohydrate, low fat, high protein, high carbohydrate
etc., diet, the rule you learned in fourth grade gym class remains the same – in or-
der you lose body fat, you must expand more calories than you take
in. Caloric balance is so important that I have saved an entire chapter on it shortly.
Fat loss is all about being in an energy deficit – burning more than you are taking in.
Aerobic training is not the most effective way to achieve an energy deficit because
you only burn calories while you are doing it. Anaerobic training takes advantage
of the other 23 hours left in the day because not only do you burn more overall
calories but it cranks up your metabolism to burn calories hours afterwards. Since
weight training is considered, anaerobic, and it contributes to building muscle and
keeping it, you will burn calories nonstop. Even when you hit the sack!
Anaerobic training is cardiovascular exercise WITHOUT the
presence of oxygen.
Any activity that is 1-3 minutes of intense duration - think middle-distance running,
circuit training, hockey, middle distance track, soccer etc. - will put your body into a
very quick oxygen debt. Think of anaerobic training as the equivalent of taking out a
large sum of money in one withdrawal. The ‘shock’ will be much greater if you withdrawal $10,000 from your account as opposed to taking $1000 out every few months.
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After you withdraw this ‘large sum of money’ you will be in debt! Consider exercise,
after a high intense anaerobic workout your body will be in oxygen debt, which is also
known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). This is the key ingredient to anaerobic training because your metabolism will remain elevated following this
exercise, or withdrawal, until you restore the ‘bank account.’ The size of the ‘withdrawal’ will determine how long your metabolism stays elevated. Very intense and
exhaustive exercise can keep your metabolism elevated for up to 1224 hours while light exercise may elevate your metabolism for only a
few hours.
6. Interval Training
I believe that the best way to rapidly improve fat loss results is to incorporate interval training. Most refer to interval training as high intensity interval training (HIIT)
which is very effective and time efficient.
Interval training is when you alternate an extremely high intense period of activity
with a very low intense period of activity for multiple times. This method of training
conditions your body to higher intensity without fatiguing as quickly. Since you expose
your body to a level of intensity for a series of repeats – you are able to do much more
work in the same period of time than you were before.
Here are the reasons why I favor interval training for fat loss:
· As you improve, the work intervals can get harder and harder, and the re- covery intervals can be shortened, or performed at a higher tempo. The only
downside to this style of training is that it is very hard and will force you to suck for air! As my running buddies would say, ‘Interval training is guaran- teed to put you in the hurt box!’
· Do me a favor and visualize the start line of the Olympic 100m dash or any sprinting type event. Visualize some running backs and some speed skaters.
Are you visualizing huge, ripped and super lean physiques? Do you ever
wonder why these guys’ pecs, arms and abs look better than yours and you spend more time lifting weights to build muscle? Some of the most muscular
athletes in the world are involved in anaerobic sport.
· High-intensity cardio has a much stronger effect on GLUT-4 trans location
in muscle cells due to the increased force of muscle contraction. This means
that high-intensity cardio creates a much stronger nutrient partitioning effect
towards muscle tissue than low-intensity cardio.
· High-intensity training favors the fast twitch muscle fibers, which have the
greatest chance of hypertrophy. Long periods of low-intensity exercise tend
to “over-train” the fast-twitch muscle fibers and convert the intermediate
muscle fibers to slow-twitch fibers. If your body has less fast-twitch fibers,
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then you will experience less hypertrophy from training.
· The body’s hormonal response to high-intensity cardio is similar to the
body’s hormonal response to resistance training (i.e.increased insulin sensitivity, GH
release, IGH-1 release, etc.) without placing the same strain on the nervous system as resistance training. High-intensity cardio causes the body to preferentially store more carbohydrates and burn more fat.
· High-intensity cardiovascular exercise increases oxygen expenditure and
forces the body to adapt by becoming more efficient at oxygen transport
(increase in VO2 max). More efficient oxygen transport to the muscles will increase fat oxidation as fat oxidation is dependent upon the presence of oxygen.
· High-intensity cardio seems to be more muscle sparing. Several studies
have shown that interval training burns fewer calories when compared to
continuous lower intensity cardio. However, the skin fold losses were greater
with the HIIT group (can you expand on what this study is about and where
the information came from – makes it more credible) than in the continuous
intensity group. This means not only did the HIIT group lose more fat, they
also spared more muscle tissue by burning fewer overall calories.
7. Interval Training Is NOT the ONLY Way To Lose Fat
Much of the research today suggests that fat loss is a determined by energy expanded
rather than exercise intensity. Therefore, scientists would say, “It does not matter
what kind of exercise you do or how long you do it. It only matters how efficient you
can be in burning the maximal amount of calories in the minimal amount of time.”
This statement would lead you to believe that low intensity cardio is completely useless. Up to this point you must be thinking that I completely despise low intensity
cardio Up to this point you must be thinking that I completely despise low intensity
cardio but there is much to say in defense of low intensity cardio. I find most that
bash low intensity cardio, do so out of pride and ego and with something to prove.
The reality is that I know many fitness models and bodybuilders who have dropped
their body fat levels and preserved much lean tissue by simply performing 30-40 minutes of cardio 5-6x a week at a very low intensity (walking). So the ‘aerobics is completely useless’ comments are way off base. “So how long and how hard should your
cardio workouts be?”
I believe that both methods – high intensity and low intensity – get the job
done. It does not matter if your cardio sessions are 20 minutes, 30 minutes, or 50
minutes. The higher intensity during the time period, the more TOTAL calories you will
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The more TOTAL calories you burn, the more fat you burn. So
remember, both approaches work but the high intensity activity gets the job done in half the amount of time and has many
more benefits associated with it.
Although many factors, already discussed, are involved in exercise-induced fat loss,
t he most important factor is the total number of calories burned, NOT whether the
calories burned are fat or carbohydrate.
However, it’s also logical that, time permitting, more frequent and longer duration
exercise might cause even greater overall fat loss if intensity is sufficient, simply because more total calories can be burned over the course of a week.
In the end, it’s all about the intensity and the calories burned, not necessarily
whether the workout is performed with intervals or in a steady state.
For example, if you do 20-25 minutes of very intense cardio, you might burn about
400 calories. That’s a lot of calories for such a brief workout. But it only adds up to
1200 total calories in one week if your frequency is only three days per week.
If you (gradually) built up your frequency to four, five, then even six days per week, you
could double your caloric expenditure to 2400 calories per week.
If you also increase your duration, your intensity will decrease so you’ll burn fewer
calories per minute, but the calorie expenditure for the entire workout is higher,
which increases your total weekly calorie-burn even further.
Duration and intensity are inversely related, so the longer the workout, the lower the
intensity. But that doesn’t mean a 30 or 45-minute workout necessarily has to be low
in intensity. A 30 or 45-minute steady state workout can be “moderate” or “moderately-high” in intensity. The combination of the highest intensity you can muster with
a 30-45 minute duration can create an enormous calorie burn. Some of that calorie
burn will occur after the workout as well, because studies have shown that EPOC is
influenced not just by intensity, but also by duration.
Although infrequent and very brief (15-20 minutes or even less) HIIT workouts have
recently gained great popularity (and deservedly so), that doesn’t mean you should never
do steady state cardio, nor does it mean that certain individuals aren’t better off with
longer, less intense cardio.
8. You Must Decide For Yourself
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Best Time Of
Minimize Fat
While Bulking
Option #1
training days.
2-3 x a week
Immediately after
Fat While
Option #2
In between
weight training
2-3 x a
Fat Loss –
Option #1
5-7 x a week
Fat Loss –
Option #2
2x a day 5x a
Fat Loss –
Option #3
5 x a week
How To Do It
Low intensity. Walking
or cycling.
Your heart rate has
already been
up. Tap into fat
reserves quicker.
Any time Interval
5 minute warm
up + 5 minute
cool down.
Sprint 1 minute hard,
then walk minute.
Perform 5-10. Increase
speed each workout.
Separate 6-12 hours Low intensity. Walking
apart from weight on an incline or cycling
training workout.
or elliptical
trainers all work well.
inside where you can
keep heart
rate controlled.
One AM workout
Interval Training. Same
+ One PM
protocol as above.
Use a different training
modality. e.g. Sprinting
in AM and
cycling in PM
Moderate intensity
6-12 hours away
Maintain a greater
from weight traintempo than your
low-intensity workout
but less than
your interval efforts.
These are a variety of methods I have used personally and with my clients to drop
substantial amounts of body fat. Since my background is in long distance running I find
that too much cardio will make me very skinny quickly. It appears that my body has
programmed itself to remembering my skinny state.
I suggest for ONLY true ectomorphs to use NO CARDIO at all when attempting
to gain weight, for at least the entire first month or until you gain at least 10-15
pounds, and then choose a method from above based on the rate you are gaining
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9. The Best Time To Do Cardio?
The largest myth is that one should perform low-intensity cardio on an empty stomach, preferably first thing in the morning. The logic being that if one is in a fasted
state, their glycogen levels will be low and will force their body to burn fat. Unfortunately, this idea is misguided and often never questioned by trainees.
While performing cardio in a fasted state may indeed increase the amount of calories
that are burned from fat stores, it will also increase amino acid oxidation. Cardiovascular exercise while in a fasted state is a great way to increase cortisol release. Cortisol will liberate amino acids to produce glucose (glucose cannot be synthesized from fats)
and can lead to muscle loss.
Interestingly, I find it ironic that many people put so much time and effort into their
meal planning to ensure eating every 2-3 hours in order to prevent muscle loss. However, they intentionally promote this state by going ahead and working out in fasted
10. Cardio Nutrition VS Weight Lifting Nutrition
This is where so many trainees go wrong. Remember that cardio creates the same
anabolic state and window of opportunity as a heavy lifting session. To maximize
this window of opportunity your pre and post workout nutrition should mimic the
same principles as your weight training sessions’ nutrition.
At the top of our list is our good friend, insulin. Keeping insulin up in the period
surrounding a cardio session is critical. Having insulin and carbohydrates present before and during a cardio session seems to slow the muscle destroying action of cortisol, epinephrine and nor epinephrine. This aspect single-handedly slows the start of
using muscle protein for energy. This is exactly what we don’t want.
Next, protein should be added to the mix. High-intensity cardio uses a lot of muscle
groups and makes use of a lot of the type II fibers. The same ones we use during
weight training. This action alone will be drawing the glucose and amino acids directly
to every last one of them. Not adding protein to your post-workout shake its going
to hurt you in the long run. This can lead to the popular term “burning up
Taking in some simple carbs and protein after your workout should be liquid in nature.
Solid foods simply take longer to digest in the stomach and take longer for the nutrients to be delivered to the small intestine for absorption. The longer the delay, the
more muscle loss can occur. The above combination, along with creatine and glutamine, can create a strong anabolic environment that takes advantage of insulin,
IGF-1 and Growth Hormone. These nutrients must be taken in shortly after training
and will be discussed in greater detail in the next chapter.
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Why would you want to deny your muscles nutrients at the most crucial time of the
day, but then provide them during rest? It does not make sense. Treat your cardiovascular work like your lifting.
11.“I’ve Got A Pot Belly And I’m Skinny!”
If I ate a donut every time I got this email I would be a very, very fat man!
I call this the ‘Skinny Fat Syndrome.” You can mask this embarrassment with clothes,
but once the shirt comes off, you might even have a hard time getting a date with
Ugly Betty! The good news is that this is easily fixable and does not require a private
appointment to the liposuction doctor.
First, understand how you have earned ‘Skinny Guy Syndrome’ status.
1. Realize that you have a naturally fast metabolism and were not designed to have
high levels (greater than 13%) of body fat on your body.
2. You have very gradually taken in more calories than you have burned, over the
last number of years, and guess where the excess got stored? That’s right, your
3. You are also eating the wrong kind of foods. My guess is that you are eating lots
of pizza, nachos, wings, fried food, fast food, chips and pastries. These are all
foods that decrease your insulin sensitivity and go straight to your belly.
Your solution?
Read the next chapter very carefully and choose your nutrition program based on your
muscle building goals, not your fat loss goals. Once you gain a solid 15-20 pounds of
muscle, your pot belly will look much smaller, relative to the rest of your body.
As said early, perform zero cardio for the first month or until you gain at least 10-15
pounds if and only you are a true ectomorph.
However, since you have the Skinny Fat Guy Syndrome, incorporate one of the cardio
programs I recommended above into your weight training routine and you should be
able to melt away your pot belly within the first three months in conjunction with a
clean mass plan.
12. Your Body Is Smarter Than You
Research has shown that the type of substrate used during cardiovascular work makes
little overall difference on fat loss. This is most likely due to the fact that if one relies
mostly upon fat stores during cardio (i.e. low-intensity cardio), the body will burn
predominantly glucose at other times of the day.
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Likewise, if one mainly utilizes glucose for energy during cardio (i.e. high-intensity
cardio) the body will customarily rely on fat at other times of the day in order to
spare muscle glycogen.
So in the end, just relax and don’t waste your day
on academic debate regarding fat loss and cardio. It
is something that you truly must experiment with on
your own, no matter what anybody else says.
And even if your method goes against, ‘what’s currently popular’ who cares?! If it works, then use it!
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Chapter 7
Chapter 7:
Massive Eating
It’s another day at the gym and time for your weekly weigh-in ritual. You approach
the scale eagerly for the weekly check-in. You step on. And to your surprise, you still
weigh the exact same weight (maybe you have even lost weight). You try to disguise your
disgust and frustration and head to the floor for another endless workout.
First off, let me say this – gaining weight is NOT the hardest thing to overcome but
is not the EASIEST thing to overcome either. BELIEVING that it is ‘so hard’ to do
makes it easy to quit and make another excuse when the scale stops climbing.
With the majority of the population focusing on the latest fad diet on how to lose
weight there is very little info for the skinny guy who is trying to pack on 30 pounds of
brawn to their frame. When was the last time you saw a commercial on ‘how to gain
weight?’ I don’t ever recall channel surfing late at night and coming across an obnoxious ad with some buffed up beefcake promoting the latest weight-gain ad!
When many young guys start up on a training program, they always neglect the most
critical factor – they always fail to grasp the following:
1% Workout + 38% Sleep + 33% Diet + 28% Lifestyle = 168 Hours In The Week
How did I calculate these?
3-4 hours a week max weight training / 168 hours in a week = 0.017.
So giving this component 1% was actually generous!
9 hours of sleep a night X 7 days = 63 hours / 168 hours in a week = 37.5%
8 meals a day for a 1 hour sitting
(I know this is very generic side but let’s include prep time
to this as well to make 30 minutes of eating + 30 minutes of prep)
X 7 days a week = 56 hours / 168 hours in a week = 33%
Lifestyle = The remainder of the time: 100% - 1% - 37.5% - 33% = 28.5%
The percentages do not reflect the level of importance of each component but only to
demonstrate where your time is allocated. This will help you re-focus your mindset on
what is actually happening.
This formula could also be summarized like this:
1 % Training + 99% Recovery = 100 % Results
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At this point, it is time for you to calculate your own personal energy requirements
based on the following equations above. Now hold on, don’t go running to get your calculators, I have saved you the trouble of doing the math. The goal of this section is very
simple. I want to help you calculate:
So how come 99% of the advertisements you see focus on 1% of the equation. I know
this is a bold statement that you can argue, but what you do outside the gym is far
more important that what you do inside the gym. Like I said before, where is the
seminar, where is the DVD, where is the magazine called “Recovery?” There is none.
You can’t make much money by telling people to sit on their butt and do nothing! I
hope this concept enlightens your thinking.
Back on topic, failing to realize the critical importance of recovery, specifically nutrition, will result in giving up the pursuit of building your dream body and resort
to pulling out a ‘blame card.’ Many of these blame cards are weak excuses (but acceptable in our society) that can bail you out.
Blame cards such as:
“No matter how much food I eat I just can’t get any bigger.”
“You have no idea how much food I eat. I eat all day.”
“I was born with a fast metabolism. I guess I am supposed to be thin.”
“I picked the wrong parents – who are both skinny – so there is no chance for me.”
As I give you this section of the book remember that I used to be a skinny long
distance runner. Don’t get me wrong, I was ‘toned’ but I had no muscle mass
whatsoever so I am confident to say that I am one of the best people to teach you how
to gain weight. On my site, I said I went from 149 to 208 pounds over the course of
a year. I probably could have gone higher but realized I should cut back some of the
fat before I started to climb again. I will keep this section as simple as possible and
do not want to be responsible for making this equation any more complicated or any
more commercialized than it is perceived to be. So let’s get to it.
1. Why you can’t gain weight.
If you are not gaining weight that do not look much further for the answer. It is really
not that complicated and really only breaks down to one or both of the following:
1. You do not truly understand energy balance (Energy In vs. Energy Out).
2. You don’t eat the right foods at the right times (poor food combinations).
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2. Energy Balance.
Here is the easiest way to understand energy balance:
Energy Balance = Energy Intake – Energy Expenditure
Energy intake encompasses whatever you put in your mouth – food or drink. Energy is
made up of several factors including resting metabolic rate (RMR), calorie cost of
activity, thermic effect of food (TEF), and adaptive thermogenesis. The balance of
intake versus outtake is a critical starting point in weight gain or loss.
If you have a SURPLUS of calories (positive energy balance) where the intake
EXCEEDS the expenditure, you gain weight. If you have a DEFICIT of calories (negative
energy balance) where the intake is LESS than expenditure, you lose weight. Simple
Remember, a surplus of calories is ONLY one component of gaining weight! Anybody
who tells you that you must simply eat a SURPLUS of calories to gain weight is RIGHT
– you will definitely gain weight – a dump load of body fat that is. Let’s say your body
needs 3000 calories to grow – don’t think that your body will grow on 3000 calories of
chips and cookies just because you are in a SURPLUS. Three thousand calories of junk
and empty calories is COMPLETELY different than 3000 calories of high quality carbs,
proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Anybody who does not understand this does not
understand the theory that a calorie is not a calorie.
3. Calculating Caloric Requirements for Extreme Muscle Growth
Even though energy intake should be the most basic concept to apply for muscle
growth, most people screw up this factor more than anything else. I debated whether
I would navigate you through the harsh jungle of energy balance equations to determine your BMR, TEF, your cost of activity etc. Instead, with the permission of my
good friend Dr. John Berardi Ph.D., I have included some articles that will stand as the
foundation for our Massive Eating Plan.
The following is an excerpt from an article called Massive Eating Part I and was written by Dr. John Berardi Ph.D. By the end of this article you will know exactly how
much you will need to grow.
Step #1: Resting Metabolic Rate
Resting metabolic rate (RMR) is the energy it costs the body to basically keep alive.
This doesn’t include the costs of getting your butt out of bed and moving around;
those numbers are calculated in later.
Although you might not guess it, about 50 to 70 percent of your entire day’s calorie
expenditure is a result of the RMR. So, let’s figure out your RMR right now.
Determining RMR:
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To start off with, you need to take your body weight in pounds and convert it to kilograms. (International readers, please bear with us silly non-metric Americans for a moment.) This is
a simple conversion. Just divide your body weight by 2.2.
Next you take your percent of fat and multiply it by your body weight (which is now in
kilograms). This will give you your fat mass (FM) in kilograms. Next simply subtract this
number from your total weight in kilograms and you’ll have your fat free mass (FFM)
in kilograms.
Before we go on, why don’t we try this out on me. Since I’m an athlete with a body
weight of 200lbs at 5% body fat, I’d take my total body mass and divide it by 2.2:
Total body mass in kilograms = 200lbs / 2.2 = 91 kg
Next I’d multiply this kilogram number (91 kg) by my percent of body fat. Remember,
percents are really decimals so 5% equals 0.05, 12% body fat will be .12 etc.
Fat Mass = 91kg x 0.05 = 4.55kg FM
Next I subtract this fat mass number (4.55 kg) from my total body mass (91kg):
Fat Free Mass = 91kg - 4.55kg = 86.45kg
Therefore my fat free mass is 86.45 kilograms. From that I can determine my RMR.
The formula for RMR is as follows:
Resting Metabolic Rate for Athletes (in calories per day) = 500 + 22 x fat free mass (in
Again, for me, I’d multiply 22 times my fat free mass and add 500 to that number as
shown below:
RMR= 22 x 86.45 + 500 = 2402
Therefore my resting metabolic rate is about 2400 calories per day. Everyone have
their RMR figured out? Good, let’s move on.
Step #2: Cost of Activity
The Cost of Activity represents how many calories are required to move your butt
around during the day.
This includes the cost of walking out to your car, scraping the ice off the damn thing,
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driving to work, pinching the secretary’s ass, going to lunch with the boys, and of
course, training after work. These factors make up about 20 to 40% of your daily caloric intake based on your activity level. So let’s figure out your costs of activity. I’ll
use myself as an example again.
Determining Activity Costs:
Cost of Daily Activity is equal to the RMR you calculated above multiplied by an activity factor that fits your daily routine. I’ve listed some common activity factors below.
Activity Factors:
1.2-1.3 for
1.5-1.6 for
1.6-1.7 for
1.9-2.1 for
Very Light (bed rest)
Light (office work/watching TV)
Moderate (some activity during day)
Heavy (labor type work)
Note: Don’t consider your daily workout when choosing a number. We’ll do that later.
With this information we can get back to determining my calorie needs. Since I work
at a university, most of my day is pretty sedentary. Even though I run back and forth
between the lab and classes, I’ve selected 1.6 as my activity factor. Therefore the
amount of calories it takes to breathe and move around during the day is about 3800
calories as shown below:
RMR x Activity Factor = 2400 calories x 1.6 = 3800 calories
Costs of Exercise Activity:
Next, we need to determine how many calories your exercise activity burns so that we
can factor this into the totals. Exercise activity can be calculated simply by multiplying your total body mass in kilograms (as calculated above) by the duration of your
exercise (in hours). Then you’d multiply that number by the MET value of exercise as
listed below. (MET or metabolic equivalent, is simply a way of expressing the rate of
energy expenditure from a given physical activity.)
MET values for common activities:
high impact aerobics... 7
low impact aerobics... 5
high intensity cycling... 12
low intensity cycling... 3
high intensity walking - 6.5
low intensity walking - 2.5
high intensity running... 18
low intensity running... 7
circuit-type training... 8
intense free weight lifting... 6
moderate machine training... 3
So here’s the formula:
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Cost of Exercise Activity = Body Mass (in kg) x Duration (in hours) x MET value
And here’s how I calculate it for myself:
Exercise Expenditure for weights = 6 METS X 91kg x 1.5 hours = 819 calories
Exercise Expenditure for cardio = 3 METS X 91 kg x .5 hours = 137 calories
Add these two together and I burn 956 total calories during one of my
training sessions.
Since my training includes about 90 minutes of intense free weight training and 30
minutes of low intensity bicycling (four times per week), my exercise energy expenditure
might be as high as 1000 calories per training day!
The next step is to add this exercise number to the number you generated when multiplying your RMR by your activity factor (3800 calories per day in my case).
So 3800 calories + about 1000 calories = a whopping 4800 calories per day!
And we’re not done yet!
(Note: I rounded 956 up to 1000 for the sake of simplicity. If you’re
a thin guy trying to gain muscle, it’s better to round up anyway than to round down.)
Step #3: Thermic Effect of Food
TEF is the amount of calories that it takes your body to digest, absorb, and metabolize your ingested food intake. This makes up about 5 to 15% of your total daily calorie
expenditure. Since the metabolic rate is elevated via this mechanism 10 to 15% for
one to four hours after a meal, the more meals you eat per day, the faster your metabolic rate will be. This is a good thing, though. It’s far better to keep the metabolism
high and eat above that level, than to allow the metabolism to slow down by eating
infrequently. Protein tends to increase TEF to a rate double that of carbs and almost
triple that of fats so that’s one of the reasons why I’m a big fan of protein meals.
Determining the Thermic Effect of Food:
To determine the TEF, you need to multiply your original RMR value (2400 in my case)
by 0.10 for a moderate protein diet or 0.15 for a high protein diet. So this is what the
formula looks like:
TEF = RMR x 0.10 for moderate protein diet (1 gram per pound of body weight)
TEF = RMR x 0.15 for high protein diet (more than 1 gram per pound of body weight)
Since I eat a very high protein diet (about 350 to 400 grams per day), I use the 0.15
factor and my TEF is about 360 calories per day as displayed by the calculation below:
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Thermic Effect of Food = 2400 calories x 0.15 = 360 calories per day
Now add that to your calorie total.
Step #4: Adaptive Thermogenesis
I like to call Adaptive Thermogenesis the “X factor” because we just aren’t sure how
much it can contribute to daily caloric needs. Some have predicted that it can either
increase daily needs by 10% or even decrease daily needs by 10%. Because it’s still a
mystery, we typically don’t factor it into the equation.
Just for interest’s sake, one factor included in the “X factor” is unconscious or spontaneous activity. Some people, when overfed, get hyper and increase their spontaneous
activity and even have been known to be “fidgety.” Others just get sleepy when overfed - obviously the fidgeters will be burning more calories that the sleepy ones.
Other factors include hormone responses to feeding, training, and drugs, hormone
sensitivity (insulin, thyroid, etc.), stress (dramatically increases metabolic rate) or temperature
induced metabolic changes (cold weather induces increased metabolic activity and heat produc-
With all that said, you don’t need to do any math on this part or fiddle with your calorie total. This is just something to keep in mind.
Step #5: Putting it all together
Okay, so how many damn calories do you need to consume each and every day? Well,
adding up RMR plus activity factor (3800 calories in my case), cost of weight training (819
calories), cost of cardio (137 calories), and TEF (360 calories), we get a grand total of about
5116 calories! (Remember, that’s just my total. You’ll get a different number.)
Now that’s a lot of food! And I must eat this each and every day when I want to gain
weight. Are you surprised at how many calories I need? Most people are. So the next
time you complain that you’re “eating all day and can’t gain a pound” you’d better
realistically evaluate how much you’re really eating. If you’re not gaining a pound,
then you’re falling short on calories.
The Secret is in the Surplus!
So at this point, the keen T-mag readers that aren’t afraid of massive eating might ask
the question, “Since this is technically just your maintenance level, how can you get
bigger by eating this amount?
Wouldn’t you need more?” The answer is simple. Since I train only four days per week
this diet would meet my needs on those four days. But on my three off days per week
I’d be in positive calorie balance by about 1,000 calories per day! (That extra thousand calories isn’t being used when training, in other words.) This adds up to a surplus
of 3,000 calories per week. And this is where the growth happens!
=I especially like this “staggered model” because rather than trying to stagger your
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calorie intake on a daily basis by eating different amounts of food on different days, I
let my training cycle my calories for me. This way I can eat the same thing every day
while preventing my body from adapting to that habitual level of intake. Just like we
vary our training to prevent adaptation, prevention of dietary adaptation is one of the
secrets to changing your body composition.
“So just tell me - how many calories must I eat to support my goal of
excessive muscular hypertrophy?”
To make your life easier I have included a calorie calculator that will tell you exactly how many calories you need based on current weight, lean body mass, lifestyle, energy expenditure etc. All you need to do is determine your goal calories and
then pick the appropriate sample meal plan that I have included. Every month you
should recalculate your goal calories and most likely you will gradually move from the
3000 cal meal plan, to 4000 cal meal plan and eventually 6000 cal meal plan.
You are in absolute control of how much
your body will grow.
The meal plans are all based on the principles we are about to discuss.
You have a choice to pick between Maintenance, Cutting, Progressive Weight Gain
and Advanced Weight Gain. I suggest that you all start off with the Progressive
Weight Gain selection.
Here is the link to determining how many calories you body will need to grow:
After you have done that equation you might be saying, ‘Damn that is a lot of stinking
food.’ Are you surprised to see how many calories there are to gain weight? Most people are. So the next time you complain that you ‘are eating all day and can not gain a
pound,’ then you’d better realistically evaluate what you are actually taking in.
As you can see if you wish to get bigger and to get stronger then you must eat a higher than normal amount of calories coming from quality nutrients.
THERE IS NO WAY AROUND IT. Even if you have the perfect training routine, you will
never grow unless you provide your body with the proper amount of nutrients. It’s
like saying you want to build a house but you do not have enough bricks, cement and
wood. It will be impossible to build that house. It’s like saying you want to race a car
as fast as possible but you don’t have any gasoline or oil. It’s downright impossible.
If you wish to ensure that your muscles have enough fuel to support your workouts,
lift heavy weights for high reps, recover from workout to workout and let’s not forget,
GROW NEW MUSCLE, then you have to keep track of what you are eating every day.
There is no way around it. This is the number one reason why skinny guys never gain
weight or why anybody for that matter will not make quality gains that they so desperately strive for.
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Keeping track of what you eat is a lot easier than it sounds – probably
why most people avoid it, because they perceive it to be difficult.
Sure you’re going to have to take some extra time to read wrappers, and labels but if
this method will promise 20-50 pounds in a year from now, is it not worth it? And the
good news is that your brain will create a new file to store all your new nutrient calculations, and since you are eating from the majority of the same foods your ‘memory
food bank’ will expand quickly. If you follow the meal plans I have provided - to the
letter - than you will not have to keep a formal food log.
4. Which strategy to use? ‘Bulk Up’
(Advanced Weight Gain)
or ‘Stay Lean All Year’ (Progressive Weight Gain)
One of your goals in eating-to-grow should be to maximize the muscle:fat ratio. As
this concept seems obvious enough you must be aware that there are two methods of
gaining weight – the slow way and the fast way. There are pros and cons to each but
you must decide for yourself which method you are prepared to pursue and accept
the consequences of each. The meal calculator has provided both options. Let’s look
at both options in depth.
Bulking Up
Warning: What I am about to share is not meant to scare you or discourage you about
how much food is required to TRULY build SERIOUS MUSCLE MASS. Unless you want
to take the long and hard road of building 5-10 pounds of muscle a year, skip this section and start reading “Stay lean all year round.” I do not want to sugar coat the truth
or water down the reality of SERIOUSLY building massive muscle...I’m talking 20,30,
40 and even 50 pounds of SOLID muscle in the next year.
When I say ‘solid’ muscle I am referring to a SIGNIFICANT amount of muscle on your
body that will be NOTICEABLE to every person who sees you. Adding 5-10 pounds
of muscle does not turn heads. You may look ‘all right’ and ‘decent’ but you will not
‘stand out’ in a crowd and you will not cause awe, jealously or impress onlookers. Not
that these should be your goals but they are certainly many people’s motivation so it
is important to know what it will take to get what you TRULY want.
Let’s get specific now; REAL bulking will be achieved if you use the Advanced
Weight Gain selection on the calorie calculator. Go see for yourself how many calories this will work out to and then go take a walk around the block to catch your
breath! Yes, this amount of calories will be your personal requirement to ‘bulk up.’
Sometimes you just have to ignore what the magazines, websites and experts say
about gaining weight and start observing what people are REALLY doing. Unfortunately, 99% of sincere skinny guys trying to gain weight are often misled by role models with high levels of muscularity who say that they achieved all this muscle while
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keeping their body fat levels around 9-10%. You have probably read tons of articles,
ads or sites that promote these guys who kept their calories at this certain level,
never let their body fat drift too high and packed on all this muscle at the same time.
If you are like many then you have probably tried this strategy and if you’re lucky, you
may have seen your weight go up very minimally. It can become downright embarrassing if you have been training for all these years and your body weight is still fluctuating around the same weight as when you first started.
Interestingly, I discovered something when I put down the academic text and started
looking around. I noticed that every person (who had used steroids or not) and possessed a
incredible physique had at ONE POINT IN THEIR LIVES ‘bulked up,’ which led to gaining
the largest percentage of the muscle on their body. Later, they went on a fat burning program to shed off the excess body fat. And let me tell you, I would have taken
their ‘overweight’ period of life any day IF I knew I could reveal the final product
of a super muscular, ripped look at consequence.
Also, it was a major eye-opener for me when I watched a few bodybuilding shows
and attended a few fitness conferences and trade shows where professional bodybuilders were presenting and guest-posing. Now, I was absolutely STUNNED that just
about every bodybuilder I saw did not look anything like their pictures in the magazines. They looked big and bulky and strong but they also looked very OVERWEIGHT
and DOWNRIGHT CHUBBY. There was no definition or cuts at all.
I continued to research my amazement and started looking at pictures of some these
pros in their off-seasons and the theme continued - these guys looked straight up FAT.
Ironically, some of these guys were the same guys that I envied the most and thought
were absolutely incredible, but after viewing their off-season pictures I did not even
recognize them. I would probably not have even taken a second look and would
have never guessed they were bodybuilders.
My mind was made up after this incident. I decided to email a natural pro builder
that has a lot of ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures in a variety of magazines. His magazines
talked all about his reps, sets, nutrition program, supplement program etc. Hey, ‘he’s
got the body to back it up so his routine and information he gives must be right?’
That’s what I thought.
His advertisement shows a before shot where he is very thin and skinny. And his next
shot shows how he is completely different and super muscular. I decided to email him
up and ask him if he ‘bulked up’ first and than got cut for the ‘after’ picture. Sure
enough, he humbly told me that there was a picture missing. He actually ‘bulked’ up
first and than got ‘cut up’ for the pictures. He even went on to say that it would take
too long to gain that much muscle if he did not bulk up first and than ‘cut it down.’
The MAJORITY of his gains were a result of the bulking phase. But all his info products and ads say he built all that muscle using the ‘stay lean all year’ concept....BUT
that’s NOT how he gained all his muscle.
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I also discovered that the majority of very successful bodybuilders who preach, ‘make
sure you can always see your abs,’ or ‘keep an eye on your waistline,’ or ‘never let
your body fat go over...’ blah blah blah - actually do the complete opposite. They do
NOT follow the ‘you do not need to bulk up to gain muscle’ camp at all. History
shows that almost ALL of the massive bodybuilders take at least 3-4 months each year
and focus on simply putting on as much WEIGHT as possible.
I can testify this myself in the real world. When I climbed from 149 to 208 pounds I
was consistently pushing near 5000 calories a day and I was not using the ‘stay lean
all year’ mentality. In addition, EVERY ONE OF MY FRIENDS, who has attempted to gain
weight without a ‘bulking’ phase looks pretty much the same as they did when they
started training 2-3 years ago. No exaggeration.
You can say all you want about how much more advantageous it is to
stay lean all year and not have to do a huge cutting phase at the ‘risk’
of losing muscle, but the reality is that the guys staying lean all year
only gain 3-5 pounds of muscle versus guys who bulk, and yes, look
fat, BUT come back with an extra 20 + pounds of muscle each year.
Which would you prefer? To train like a madman and make few gains each year or to
commit half a year or more to JUST getting BIG and than cutting down? Remember,
you’ll only be ‘chubby’ for 6 months of your life but you will have a lifetime to look
MUSCULAR and look like someone who actually works out with weights. NOW, you will
start turning heads and probably even start getting asked for advice.
Yes, you will gain some fat and yes, you will not be able to see your abs for a little
while but who cares? It will take 3-4 months to get rid of the body fat BUT you will
be 30-50 pounds heavier. Think about the long-term picture not short-term picture.
You can stay ‘lean all year’ for the rest of your life, but you will never make those
massive jumps in muscularity (that you really want) and you will have to live the rest of
your life with the build you have now. Or maybe you’ll be ‘just a little bigger’ over
the course of the next few years. I kid you not, if you choose this method because you
are fearful of gaining some fat, you might make gains of 3-5 pounds max per year. And
this is being generous!
And since you downloaded this e-book I assume you want to build
20-50 pounds of muscle in the next 2 years instead of building 5-10
pounds in the next 5 years!
I am telling you this because I assume YOU WANT TO LOOK LIKE SOMEONE WHO LIFTS
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WEIGHTS. Don’t be that guy who trains week in and week out and month in and month
out and spends tons of money on supplements and has nothing to show for it. All you
have to do is accept the fact that bulking up will truly get you what you want IN THE
You must be 100% committed and not question this theory
once. No, you do not have to become obese but you will definitely not be a lean machine anymore.
Trust me, you will not regret saying, ‘forget staying defined and lean’ and just give it
your all by gaining TRUE size and STRENGTH when it results in 20-50 pounds of new
muscle growth! But I think you will regret it dearly if, in 5 years, you see the exact
same guy looking back in the mirror and you are not even sure if you have gained
more than a few pounds of muscle!
Again, it’s an individual decision and you can see that I trump the Advanced
Weight Gain Plan more than the Progressive Weight Gain Plan. I could go on for a
while with more examples but I think you get the point.
So let me summarize:
There is really NO other option. Any other method is slow, frustrating and almost
impossible. Here is the situation: It appears that you have to ‘overshoot’ your body.
You have to go to the extreme and gain a lot of weight, and if done properly, which I
will teach you shortly, most of it will be muscle. Then after putting on a great deal of
size you can burn off the excess and reveal a massive and shredded physique. Follow my eating plan and my training plan and after you gain 30-50 pounds of weight
THEN you can follow my cardio tips and get lean. And I guarantee you will be a MUCH,
MUCH, MORE muscular person!
5. How Much Weight Should I Aim For or ‘Overshoot’
for Before I Start Cutting?
Here is the scary part. And before we continue let me remind you that this program
is only for those that are truly committed to transforming their bodies, packing on
serious muscle size, and having an eye-popping body. This is not some ‘get huge in
12-weeks’ garbage. This is a SUBSTANTIAL JOURNEY that does not stop with gaining
weight but you must also be committed to dropping the body fat or else you will just
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be a bulky guy. This program is for serious and truly committed individuals who
want to pack on as much muscle as possible and make consistent and significant
gains each year.
Just to give you a general example, the average natural weight lifter (with average
genetics) has to weigh about 40-50 pounds more than his ‘defined’ and ‘ripped’ look
is going to be! For example, someone who wants to be a ripped 175 pounds need to
bulk up to 215-225 pounds before you even think about heading into your ‘fat-burning’ program. Or a guy who wants to be 200 pounds ripped and defined needs to climb
to 240-250 pounds on the scale before he even considers coming down. I wasn’t kidding when I said you have to pack on some serious size to build muscle. Anybody who
makes it sound easier than this is only misleading you.
Remember, our bodies were not designed to carry around a lot of muscle. Your muscles would prefer to sleep all day and not have to grow at all. So to force your body
to do what it has no interest in doing then we must really push its limits. So once you
gain an extra 40-50 pounds of weight that exceeds your goal ‘ripped’ look then you
can start following the cardio instructions. Remember, this is a general example. I
provide a range because genetics will dictate a lot. Some will be able to put on a lot
of muscle with little fat gain so will not have to ‘overshoot’ as much. But this is the
general formula you most follow.
6. Can I Build Muscle and Lose Fat At The Same Time?
The most important question to ask before starting a nutrition plan is this:
“What do I want to accomplish with my nutrition plan?”
To be successful you must DECIDE on what purpose your nutrition plan will serve. I
often get asked, ‘Can I build muscle and lose fat at the same time?’ I think I explained
this above and the obvious answer would be no. Yes, you will see the odd advertisement promoting a program that says you can burn fat and build muscle but what the
advertisement does not tell you is that these results ONLY affect BEGINNERS and for a
VERY LIMITED TIME - 4-6 weeks if you’re lucky. And it’s not something you can control
or manipulate and the people who do experience the best of both worlds often admit
to having no clue to how it occurred! Why try and achieve a goal that only happens to
a small handful of people and is very mysterious?
Instead of trying to build muscle and lose fat at the same time, you
will see more progress and quicker results if you completely focus on
one. You get what you focus on, right?
Completely put all your efforts into ONLY one of them and it will make your life much
easier and focused.
Then when you choose to, you can switch your strategy and refocus your effort and
energy on the other goal much more successfully.
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Remember, it takes a completely different amount of calories to build muscle and a
completely different amount of calories to lose fat. Not only do you need enough fuel
to build the muscle, but you need enough fuel to train at the right intensity, repair
the muscle, recuperate the muscle and then BUILD AND GROW the muscle. Low-calorie diets will accomplish the first goal - fuel your workouts - but will never help you
consistently bounce forward. Instead you will be like a yo-yo rebounding back and
forth. It’s like trying to buy a $50,000 boat but you only have $25,000. It’s like trying
to sail a ship in two different directions. Get ready to take one step forward and two
steps back. It’s an ugly cycle.
7. Creating an Environment for Mass Building – The Kitchen.
True or False? You can stack your fridge, cupboards and pantry with any foods you
choose. Just as long as you only eat the good ones.
Answer: False. The reality is that whatever foods are in your possession or located in
your residence, you will eventually wolf down.
I learned these laws from John Berardi and I would have to agree that these general
principles have served me well and have become the cornerstone of my own body
composition success. Here is an excerpt from one his articles:
“Berardi’s First Law:
If a food is in your possession or located in your residence, you will eventually eat it.
Corollary to Berardi’s First Law:
If you wish to be healthy and lean, you must remove all foods not conducive to those goals from said residence and replace them with a variety of
better, healthier choices.
Second Corollary to Berardi’s First Law:
If you know someone whose house is stocked only with optimal food choices and yet who is not healthy and lean, look under his bed.”
It amazes me how many people shoot themselves in the foot when they go grocery
shopping. This is where your battle is won and lost. There is no doubt that you will
be more successful if you only shop and bring home the foods that are conducive for
your mass building plan. You must remove and stop shopping for foods that will turn
your body into a toxic waste dump and make you fat. If you thought this was only important for people trying to lose weight - think again.
Just because our goals are to gain weight does not mean we are entitled to pig out
and attack ‘all-you-can-eat’ buffets on a regular basis. The only measurement that
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will change is your waist and you don’t want that.
This is the first step to gaining weight, but also maximizing your energy levels to train
at a high intensity and most importantly to be healthy. Your home should be a safe
haven. You are already tempted enough - every day - outside your home. You know for
a fact that if you live in North America your willpower is always on red alert with fast
food on every street corner. Nachos and wings at the bar. Chips and finger food at parties. Popcorn and soda at the movies. Pizza and hot dogs at the game. And a doughnut store every 5 minutes up the street. Don’t make your life harder by stacking your
home with ‘convenience’ and ‘comfort’ foods.
8. Here’s What to Dump in the Garbage
It would be easy to write out a Top 50 list of foods that you should avoid at all costs.
However the reality is that this is rarely the cause for getting fat and not achieving
your goals. There are actually very few BAD FOODS. I learned from an old university
professor who said, “There’s no such thing as good or bad food; there is only good
and bad times to each certain foods.” And yes, there are some foods that you should
avoid at all costs but there is not a ‘David Letterman’s Top 10 List.’
However, I will lay down some guidelines that will give you a better
chance of seeing your six-pack sooner than later. Eating some of these
foods immediately after your workout will do little harm because they
will be converted right into your muscles, but you will be better off
leaving them on the shelves at the grocery store.
Sodas and juices - excluding or including can be the difference between skinny and
fat. Go ahead and read for yourself on your next ‘healthy’ fruit juice the amount of
sugar. You have two ingredients- sugar and water.
High fat processed meat - sausage, pepperoni, bacon and related foods are loaded
with the type of fat that will shorten your lifespan, and are also loaded with sodium.
Don’t confuse these for good sources of protein.
Frozen desserts and ice cream - again, more sugar to transform your six pack
into a keg.. Sugar and oil-laden sauces – whether it is ketchup, barbecue or horseradish sauce, the majority of nice packaged sauces are quick injections of spiced-up high
fructose corn syrup.
You’re better off spicing up your meals naturally without all the sugar
and extra empty calories.
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Most processed foods – make sure your warning sirens go off when you see anything
packaged in colorful wrappers, boxes, bags or containers. These foods promote
‘healthiness’ but fail to admit the degree of processing it went through. Do your own
experiment - next time you are unsure of a processed food just take a look at the
ingredient list. If you see more than 5 ingredients that you can not pronounce then
you have to wonder what the heck you are putting in your body. Most of these
foods have an exhaustive list of ‘fillers’ that preserve the shelf life and have nothing
to do with nutrient value. Avoid this stuff at all cost!
Cookies - refer to the above.
Crackers - refer to the above but you get to choke down a mouthful of sodium too.
White flour products like white bread and bagels - manufacturers first remove
the wheat seed’s bran, its six outer layers, and the germ, which results in more than
75% of the vitamins and minerals being lost and over 95% of the fiber being lost. It
gets worse. What little is left gets bleached in chlorine dioxide to give the bread a
shelf life. It is further whitened by adding chalk, alum, and ammonium carbonate to
make it feel and look more improved for the customer. An anti-aging salt that I do not
even know how to spell or pronounce is added to the final stage.
A few synthetic nutrients are then added back into the white flour and labeled ‘enriched,’ but in reality there has been no real ‘enrichment’ of the original product,
only deception and destruction. Did you know that rats will die within seven to 10
days after being put a diet of white flour?
Baking supplies - more chemicals to wreak havoc on the human body.
Potato chips - a cumulative batch of chemicals to put an enormous amount of strain
on the pancreas, which is forced to protect your body from these chemicals.
Mystery food in rotting Tupperware containers - even though Aunt Wilma
makes a mean turkey dinner and has supplied you with leftovers until next Christmas,
there is no reason to test its life span! Do an inventory once a week and chuck any
foods that have exhausted their expiration date.
9. Here’s What to Add to the Kitchen
Since your fridge is probably looking bare like your college days it’s time to stock it up
so that even Chef Pasquale would be very happy.
Again, this is not the David Letterman Top 10 list but it is a very good start to being
fully prepared to having the ammunition required to build massive muscle.
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Beverages - Get ready to start drinking a lot of water. Invest in filtered water and
avoid tap water if you know your local area comes from poor sources. Also, drink 2-3
cups of green tea a day for its high antioxidant profile and more than a handful of
health reasons. Chuck the killer fruit juices and soda!
Boneless Chicken Breasts – If your budge permits, aim for free-range chickens
(organically raised) as the most superior choice. If you can not afford these regularly
than go for the grain-fed, store-bought type because they carry minimal body fat.
Cooking Spray - Only buy the ones made from canola or olive oil
Cheese - Typically the cheeses that have a stronger taste will serve more purposes.
They have a better protein and fatty-acid profile and they provide more taste to your
food. Cheese is higher in fat so use it in moderation and aim for a variety of cheeses,
such as Feta, goat, Havarti, aged white cheddar and Parmesan.
Dried Fruit - This is a great source of easy calories. Just a small handful of some
dried fruit has the same amount of calories as a large apple. If you’re trying to gain
weight, then dried fruit can work to your advantage, but if you are trying to lose
weight then be very cautious.
Good sources are currants, dates, pears, mango, apples, and banana.
Just don’t eat the extrasweetened ones loaded with
hydrogenated oils as an additive.
Eggs - Omega 3 eggs should always be chosen because they are laid by chickens that
were fed a diet rich in ground flaxseed.
Egg Whites - Egg whites can be a little pricey if you buy them in the cartons, but
can save you the headache and mess of cracking and storing half your fridge with egg
carton boxes.
Instead, buy a few cartons of pasteurized egg whites that are a great substitute to top
off an omelet with some high quality protein. Egg whites are also great to throw into
protein shakes, but don’t be surprised if your significant other runs away because of
wicked stink bombs.
Extra Lean Ground Sirloin - Always go for the leanest sources available. Your local grocery store should meet your requirements but feel free to venture down to a
farmer’s market and go for grass-fed beef freshly ground.
Fruit - Always go for an assortment of colors and make sure your fridge is always
stocked with fresh fruit. I typically shop for seasonal fruit from a quality perspective
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and cost perspective. If you can, go for local and organically grown produce.
Examples are apples, grapes, bananas, kiwi, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, mango, oranges, tangerines, and pineapple.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil - 100% dark extra virgin olive oil is loaded with antioxidants,
is an easy source of calories and can be used with salads and sauces. Use very MINIMAL
amounts for cooking.
Green Tea - Go for the one with out any extra flavoring or fillers. An organic green
tea without any extra herbs is the best.
Grains - Here is some safe ammunition on the grain side: oats (not the instant oatmeal
loaded with sugar), oat bran, whole flaxseed, quinoa, whole barley and wheat bran.
Lean Turkey And Chicken Sausage - This is great to mix things up, and while you
might not want to buy this all the time there is nothing wrong with the occasional
street meat!
Legumes - Kidney beans, split peas, chickpeas and lentils are excellent sources of
fiber and a great addition to your arsenal.
Meat, Poultry and Fish - There are many exotic selections to choose from and the
best advice I can give is VARIETY! Eat a wide assortment and do not limit yourself
to one shopping center. Rotate your shopping trips to farmers markets, the supersize grocery store and smaller grocery stores. Each will carry a different selection of
Mixed Nuts - These are easy calories and a great source of good fat to balance out
your meals. The best sources are walnuts, almonds, cashews, pecans and peanuts.
Sauces and Condiments - There are many options that will enhance your taste buds
while not counteracting the nutrient profile of the meal.
Here are some safe bets: pesto, salsa, curry sauce, tomato pasta sauce, balsamic
vinegar, white cooking wine, red wine, raspberry vinegar and flavored flax oil.
Salmon -Genuine wild salmon is better than farmed salmon because you will benefit
from its higher quality Omega-3 profile and absence of mercury and toxins.
Spices - Here is where the fun comes in. You don’t have to be a gourmet chef to know
how to use certain spice combinations but it may take some experimentation. Consider this free food and customize your spices to your dish. Focusing on just some of
the basics like salt, pepper, fresh garlic, basil, oregano, chili powder, and cinnamon
will bring your food to life.
Vegetables - If you know which aisle the chips and cookies are better than where
the fresh produce section is then we have some work to do. You should be able to pick
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your vegetables from your local food market with your eyes closed. This should be the
one section in the grocery store you are more familiar with than any other. Here are
your staples: spinach, broccoli, peppers, asparagus, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions,
cucumbers, celery and carrots. Try and aim for the colors of the rainbow - the more
variety the better.
10. Secret Tip When Grocery Shopping
You will notice that the majority of these foods are stocked on the periphery of the
grocery store. While you are at the grocery store you will notice that your trek does
not wander into the ‘forbidden aisle.’ These are the aisles full of the present and
future physique challenged. Grocery shopping does not get easier than this once you
discover that the best foods are located in the produce and refrigerated section. Shop
in the ‘safe zone’ to avoid the ambush of pre-packaged food and processed carbs,
sugar and bad fats.
Don’t forget to buy plenty of meal-sized Tupperware containers, plastic bags, a lunch
bag, some 1L water bottles and perhaps some plastic cutlery. This will help you prepare your meals in advance.
Anybody who argues that caloric balance is the only factor determining whether
you gain weight or not is making the scenario too simplistic. If it was this easy then
you could eat doughnuts and fast food all day. You need to understand which foods
and meal combos will make you fatter than necessary when ‘bulking up.’ The foundation of the following recommendations is based on avoiding the nasty scenario of
turning into a blimp.
11. No Nonsense Nutrition Rules
Once you review these 10 rules you will instantly notice that they are very straightforward and you have probably heard of most of them before. In fact, the majority of
these rules are what 90% of nutrition teaches. A few years ago, Dr. John Berardi wrote
an article called, The Ten Habits Of Highly Successful Nutrition Programs.” The following rules here are based on this article but have been slightly tweaked for the skinny
guy who desires weight gain. You will notice that 90% of these rules can be applied
during a cutting phase too.
Don’t underestimate their simplicity and don’t think your plan needs to be any more
complicated. The nutrition industry has become so commercialized and technical that
it’s missing the fundamental requirements that a good nutrition plan should be based
1. When to eat
2. What to eat
3. How much to eat
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Most people are fooled into thinking that ‘caloric intake’ is the most important thing
in gaining weight or losing fat. To be honest, if you did not pay attention to the
amount of calories you were eating one single bit, but simply followed the ten rules
to the letter then I would not be surprised if you had a increase in strength, a drop
in body fat levels and new muscle growth. Getting these habits consistent into your
lifestyle will have greater impact than any other nutrition advice.
Once you start eating at the right time (nutrient timing),
start eating the right foods (food selection), and nailing the
correct volume of food with each meal to hit your goal calories - get ready for some insane muscle gain.
So how do we do this?
Well, let’s start with The 10 No Nonsense Nutrition Rules.
Rule 1: Eat every 2-3 hours for insane muscle gain.
Eating this often sometimes feels like a burden - since the typical North American
diet is somewhere around 3 meals. For a skinny guy who has been programmed with a
super fast metabolism you need an alternative approach and strategy to gain weight.
‘Skinny Guy University’ has shown that this is the most critical component that you
can make to new growth spurts. Do not look at these time intervals as burdens, meals
or snacks. Look at them as GROWTH SURGES. Every time you eat look at it as an opportunity to rebuild another muscle fiber that you broke down. Think of that next
meal as an extra inch on your biceps, think of that next meal as bigger calves. Think
of that next meal as a thicker back and chest.
And if you miss a meal, visualize a sea of piranhas eating up your muscle tissue like
it’s an all-you-can-eat buffet. And those deadly piranhas are eating up your CURRENT
muscle that you are not even satisfied with. They are actually making your muscles
smaller. No, you will not lose an inch on your arms if you miss one meal but once you
start averaging 3-4 instead of 6-8 meals a day don’t be upset when people look surprised when you tell them you work out with weights regularly!
So how many meals should you be eating? That’s easy - just divide the time you’re
awake by 2 or 3. I would suggest mastering eating every 3 hours until you consider
every 2 hours. So if you’re awake 18 hours a day, eat 6 meals. The meal plans included are based on 60% real food, 40% Power Shakes plus your liquid workout nutrition
which will be discussed shortly.
What if one of those meals fall right before bedtime? Then follow the rule - that is
why it’s called a ‘rule.’ Take the opportunity to eat. If we went to the extreme we
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would eat every 3 hours throughout the night as well. No matter what you have heard
on this (never eat after 7 P.M. garbage) ignore it. Trust me!
Also, don’t view these feeding opportunities as ‘snacks.’ This is a wimpy word mentality that should not be in your vocabulary if you are trying to build muscle. Do you
think Ronnie Coleman says, ‘Hey, I think I’m going to go eat a snack?’ Every 3 hours
you should be eating decent size meals that will make your body better.
Rule 2. Eat 40-60 grams of protein with each meal to promote
insane muscle gain.
It is better to get your protein from whole, complete, and lean protein. Remember
that protein is a costly food and burns twice as much energy as carbs and three times
as much energy as fat. You need protein to maximally turbo charge your metabolism,
improve your muscle mass and accelerate recovery.
The meal plans include food sources that provide at least 40-60 grams of protein per
meal. Females should aim for 20-30 grams of protein per meal. Whatever your current
size, hit these requirements and you are doing well.
Aim for lean meats such as ground beef, chicken, turkey etc. Aim for fish such as
salmon, tuna, orange roughy etc. Aim for Omega 3 eggs and pasteurized egg whites.
Aim for dairy from cottage cheese, yogurt and partly skimmed cheeses. And if you
have to resort to supplement shakes go for whey, casein or milk protein blends.
Rule 3. Eat vegetables with each meal to promote
insane muscle gain.
How are vegetables supposed to promote insane muscle gain? Your mom was right
when she told you to eat up all your vegetables if you wanted to grow big and strong.
Finally the ‘muscle-nerds’ are catching up. Not only are vegetables loaded with vitamins and minerals but there are also important plant chemicals called phytochemicals
essential for optimal physiological functioning.
The most neglected benefit of eating vegetables is their role in recovery. Sure you
need calories to grow but you also need these veggies for their high antioxidant profile that will help reduce the amount of free radicals from heavy training, and they
will accelerate recovery by healing damaged muscle cells.
Most are unaware that proteins and grains create high levels of acid loads to the blood
and if this is not balanced out with alkaline rich vegetables and fruits than too much
acid can result in a loss of bone strength and muscle mass. So it is important to keep
these acid levels balanced by ingesting vegetables (and fruits) for their alkalinity to
the blood.
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The best way to get your vegetables is to cut them all up at the start of the week.
This will make life easier and make them more accessible. Aim for at least 2 servings,
which is the equivalent of 1-2 cups per meal. Yes, every 2-3 hours you must be eating
Rule 4. Eat healthy fats with each meal to promote
insane muscle gain.
About 30% of your diet should consist of fat - this number should remain pretty
consistent for everyone. And as a skinny guy or anybody who wants to maximize muscle growth then eating 30% of your intake from fat is critical for boosting testosterone
levels. However, the key is to balance out your intake between saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat. If you achieved 1/3 in each of these than you will
optimize your health and muscle gains. This is not as complicated as it looks.
Since North Americans are harshly deficient in mono (olive oil) and poly fats (from fish
oils) and get enough of saturated fats as it is - your job is to simply include more olive
oil and fish oil into your diet. This is something that can be recommended for every
man and women and has no potential side effects. Again, don’t worry; the meal plans
included have got you covered.
The only fats you MUST avoid at all costs
- for so many reasons -are trans fats.
Trans fatty acids, also known as trans fat, is an artery-clogging fat that is formed
when vegetable oils are hardened into margarine or shortening. It is found in many
other foods besides margarine and shortening, including fried foods like French fries
and fried chicken, doughnuts, cookies, pastries and crackers. In the United States,
typical French fries have about 40 percent trans fatty acids and many popular cookies
and crackers range from 30 percent to 50 percent trans fatty acids. Doughnuts have
about 35 percent to 40 percent trans fatty acids.
To determine the amount of trans fat in a food you must know
what to look for on food labels. Whenever you see shortening, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil higher up on
the list of ingredients, the more trans fat.
Rule 5. Eliminate beverages with ‘empty’ calories to promote
insane muscle gain.
Yes, this means all the ‘healthy’ fruit juices and soda products have to go. It would be
convenient to see these calories as an easy source of extra calories however they pro-
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vide absolutely no nutrient value whatsoever. Don’t think fruit juices are a substitute
for fresh fruits and vegetables. Like I said earlier, get used to drinking a lot of water
and a few cups of green tea each day. Pretty simple. The only other source of liquid
you can safely take in is low fat milk.
Rule 6. Eat whole foods 60% of the time and Power Shakes 40%
of the time to promote insane muscle gain.
I often have my clients use as few supplements as possible for the first few months
of training. You will be amazed at the results achieved by simply putting all your efforts into following your meal plan, proper training and sleep. It’s a very eye-opening
experience when they see almost immediate changes in body composition, health and
energy levels. I do not consider Power Shakes as supplementation because the only
‘supplement’ ingredient is protein powder.
Your food intake should come from high quality food at least 60 % of
the time, which means at least 4 of the 6 meals you are eating.
This will ensure more vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber that supplements and
pills lack. Whole food is loaded with digestive enzymes as well that help the absorption of food instead of eating too much ‘ground up’ food in the form of powder. Power
Shakes will make your life much easier and will remove some of the inconveniences
of having to cook and prepare food all day. Aim to use these at least 2 out of your 4
real meals a day and never more than three power shakes unless your life is extremely
hectic and unmanageable.
Rule 7. Eat a wide spectrum of foods to promote
insane muscle gain.
It is easy to get into a robotic state of nutrition where we eat the exact same foods
every day, ingesting the same breakfast, lunch and dinner and the only time we eat
differently is when we go out for dinner or someone else cooks for us. It is easier to
choose convenience over variety.
Just like our training that we rotate around to prevent boredom, you should rotate
around your food selection. Remember, you will eat whatever is in your house so the
best strategy to eating a healthy variety is to shop for different foods each week. This
will help balance out your diet and help you to measure the response from a variety
of foods. Don’t go for the boring and easy route. The meal plans included are loaded
with a wide variety of meals and even include cooking instructions so you will not just
be slapping random food together.
Rule 8. Raid a buffet at least once a week to promote
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insane muscle gain.
That’s right, I said it! If you want to bulk then you have to eat like Hulk! If you are
trying to look like a bodybuilder than you have to eat like a bodybuilder. Just like
you test your limits in the gym, look at the ‘all-you-can-eat buffet’ as an opportunity
to test your stomach limits. This is a great way to increase your appetite but also to
make you tougher mentally and more in tune to what it takes to build muscle.
The major mistake most skinny guys make in trying to gain muscle is that they do not
discipline themselves to eat enough calories. Just like you will not get bigger if you do
not push your strength limits, the same goes for appetite. You have to push your appetite limits - and the buffet does a fine job of this.
Like many things, when you first try to eat more it will be difficult. The same goes
for eating. After a few weeks of disciplining yourself to eat more your body will gain
more muscle and start ASKING FOR MORE CALORIES - you will notice a dramatic increase in your appetite. The more your muscles grow the more your body will want
that extra food. Be patient, your body will adjust.
The best benefit of the ‘all-you-can-eat buffet’ raid is that it will prevent your
metabolism from adapting to a certain number of calories, which is good to keep your
fat levels in check. Remember, you metabolism reacts to what it did yesterday. If yesterday you raided an all-you-can-eat buffet, than today it will be much quicker and
burn some extra fat calories.
***Note that this rule should only be applied if using the Advanced Weight Gain Phase
and this raid should be planned immediately after a hard training session to minimize
the fat gain and shuttle the majority of the calories to your muscle stores.
Rule 9. Plan ahead and prepare meals in advance.
This rule could easily be number one because oftentimes it is not a shortage of
information that creates a roadblock but our lack of CONSISTENCY and CREATIVITY. I
bet if you did not change anything about what you are currently eating but ensured
food was there when it was time to eat - you would experience a growth surge.
I strongly agree with the famous cliché that states, ‘Failing to plan is planning to fail.’
It is so true. You must have a plan that will ensure you have the food prepared and
cooked in the right selection and amounts every time you eat. This might require you
to spend a few hours on Sunday evening cooking and storing all your food in Tupperware containers. This might mean waking up half an hour early so that you can cook
all your meals for the day.
This might mean packing a few shaker bottles if you know you will be on the road
most of the day. Bottom line - be prepared.
Rule 10. Time your carbohydrates around breakfast, the pre,
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during and post workout window and two
post-workout meals.
No matter what anyone says, I believe this is the safest and most effective way to
maximize your muscle:fat-gain ratio when bulking. Shortly, you will learn the concept of nutrient timing and where to time the majority of your carbohydrates which
will have the greatest influence on whether you build muscle weight or just gain fat
Shortly we will discuss the benefits of packing the bulk of your calories around the
most catabolic and anabolic times of the day so you will have sufficient energy to
train hard and heavy without any risk of muscle breakdown, not to mention enough
calories to support muscle growth. How much food you eat at a particular time of the
day should be based on the NEEDS OF YOUR BODY AT THAT CURRENT MOMENT.
All of the meal plans included are based on these 10 No Nonsense Rules. I trust these
rules have established a foundation and explained the why.
12. Nutrient Timing
I assume your goal is to focus on gaining muscle weight and losing fat - not simply
weight gain and weight loss. An exclusive focus on simply weight gain or fat loss can
cause a serious letdown in your nutritional plan. The following discussion will be a
Sesame Street version of a very complex topic.
The majority of nutritional discussions about bodybuilding, athletic performance and
overall body composition management focus on how much to eat. Unless you’re gifted
with the right genetics, the energy in versus energy out thermodynamic approach to
weight gain (or loss) should be sufficient for intimidating everyone else at the beach
when you strut around!
Basically, the dude gifted with the lucky genes is going to primarily gain muscle when
he ‘bulks up’ and primarily lose fat when he ‘cuts.’
If you are like most, then you are not amongst the ‘friendly genes club.’ You might
have learned the hard way by eating more food than you expand or less than you
expand and were disappointed to discover that you turned into a smaller or bigger version of yourself with the same amounts of muscle and same amounts of fat.
So if you fall into this category (you sincerely did bulk up but just got fat or you
sincerely did cut your calories but seemed to just lose muscle) then focusing on
calories in versus calories out is not going to work for you alone.
Your high school phys-ed teacher was a bit off when he told you that a ‘calorie is a
calorie,’ and if you simply eat less than you expend (no matter what you eat) you will
lose weight. And if you eat more than you expend (eating whatever you want), you’ll
gain weight.
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As you know, this formula will fail because 3000 calories from pastries, pre-packaged
macaroni and cheese, and fast food is completely different from 3000 calories of
natural fruit and vegetables, lean cuts of high quality protein and healthy fats.
Scientists are now discovering that the type of carbs, proteins and fats you choose
will either help or hinder your composition changes. Some carbohydrates have a
different effect on your insulin levels than others – some sugars will enter your bloodstream rapidly and cause a spike in your insulin levels, leading to fat storage. Some
will enter your bloodstream at a slower level and release a steady flow of sugar to
your muscles without the energy fluxes. Some proteins are released into your bloodstream quicker than others and again, depending on the time of day certain proteins
will be more advantageous than others. Still, other fats will go directly to your ‘stubborn’ body parts (making them even more stubborn) and some fats can boost your metabolism, improve testosterone production and increase the amount of fat you burn.
This is why choosing the right foods and eating certain ones at the
right times even if you take in the same amount of calories, can lead
to body composition changes, not to mention the health benefits that
are associated with wise food selection and timing.
So far we have discussed what to eat and I have provided a calculator to determine
which meal plan to start with for how much to eat. Now we will talk about when to
When I was in my last year at the University of Western Ontario, I was a student of
John Berardi. At the time he was not very well known but is now considered one of
the top exercise nutrition coaches in the world. It was under John Berardi that I was
taught the little-known secrets of nutrient timing. I contribute a large percentage
of my own success to the science of when to eat. This was one of the critical components of my nutritional planning that led to gaining over 50 pounds of primarily muscle weight in 6 months.
So what’s the big deal about when to eat? To fully understand nutrient timing it is
critical that you understand these two points:
1. There are ‘windows of opportunity’ in the day when your body will be primed
for muscle gain but there are also ‘windows of in opportunity’ when your body is
primed for fat gain. Add in the wrong foods at the wrong times and you will
instantly sabotage your quest for a lean and ripped physique. Add the right foods
at the right times and you will give your body an enormous advantage over
2. Choose your foods wisely – some can be disastrous at certain times of the day
and some can be extremely powerful at other times of the day. For example,
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sugar should be avoided at almost all costs except prior to, during and after your
workout. Likewise, high fiber foods are excellent at all times of the day but will
be a hindrance during the post workout period. Certain proteins such as whey are
excellent during and immediately after a workout but not so beneficial at other
times of the day.
In the book, “Nutrient Timing” by Drs. John Ivy and Robert Portman, the authors
refer to three critical times of the day in which nutrient timing takes on a greater
importance. These times are known as the Energy Phase, The Anabolic Phase, and The
Growth Phase. Since I like these distinctions, I’ll use them here but add a fourth phase
to refer to the rest of the day called The Recovery Phase. So the four phases are as
1: The Energy Phase
2: The Anabolic Phase
3: The Growth Phase
4: The Recovery Phase
The Energy Phase occurs during the workout when your energy demands are the
highest in the day. If you have not supplied your body with adequate nutrition prior to
commencing your workout then where do you think your body will get the energy to
train hard?
Ideally, you want your energy to come from ingested food prior to workout and not
from your own body stores. If you end up using your own body stores for energy then
don’t be surprised if you actually get smaller and perform at a lower level in the gym.
This is not what you want!
Since we are trying to achieve the opposite effect and pack on inches of hard muscle
to our frame, then it becomes important to ingest the appropriate nutrients during
our training.
Mastering your workout nutrition is one small piece of the
puzzle but this is an explosive first step to getting bigger, as
long as you follow the other phases with equal effort.
Without a physiology lesson, consider the anabolic and catabolic effects that occur
during a high quality, intense training session.
The Pro’s – Anabolic Effects
· Increased blood flow
· Increased Testosterone, Growth Hormone and IGF-1 release
· Decreased Insulin concentrations
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The Con’s – Catabolic Effects
· Glycogen depletion (lost of energy reserves)
· Decreased net protein balance (muscle breakdown)
· Increased Cortisol concentrations and decreased Insulin concentrations
· Increased metabolic rate (6-8x higher at rest so greater breakdown of body reserves)
· Dehydration (decreases strength by 20%)
It should become clear that we have an opportunity to optimize the pros and minimize the cons. During the Energy Phase it is very important to drink a liquid
protein/carbohydrate beverage 15 minutes prior to your workout. In addition, you
should be sipping another one during your workout. I will teach you how to make your
own homemade energy supplement shortly.
Ingesting a protein/carbohydrate supplement drink 15 minutes prior to exercise and sipping on another one during your
workout will actually improve muscle blood flow.
Not only this but you will have a steady flow of amino acids and glucose being shuttled
via your blood directly to your muscles. This will prevent potential muscle breakdown
and glycogen depletion.
In addition, those amino acids and glucose units will help suppress cortisol
concentrations and improve overall immune function. Since you will be sipping on
this drink during your workout, you will be able to train 110% from start to finish and
prevent strength loss as a result of dehydration. Sounds pretty exciting for a little ol’
protein/carbohydrate drink, eh?
Determining how much is not as simple but I will recommend the same formula that
Dr., John Berardi recommends. Let’s assume that you will be using this secret weapon
on your high-intensity weight training days and your goals are to put on as much
muscle mass as possible.
Start off by drinking 0.8g of carbohydrate/kg of body weight and 0.4g of protein/kg
of body weight diluted in about 1 L of water. For a 160 pound male that means 58g of
dextrose ( # lbs / 2.2 = # of kgs) and 29g of hydrolyzed protein powder. Yes, this is a
lot of sugar; you might even feel sick at first. Trust me on this. This is a very powerful
weapon in your quest for size!
The Anabolic Phase occurs immediately after the workout is over and lasts for 12 hours. If the right nutritional choices are made then this can be the most anabolic
(anabolic refers to ‘building’ and for our purposes, specifically refers to muscle building) time of
the day, meaning that it is this time in the day that your muscle cells are primed for
muscle building. I said it ‘can be’ anabolic if the right nutritional choices are made
because it can also be the most catabolic time in the day (catabolic refers to ‘breakdown’
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and for our purposes, specifically refers to muscle breakdown).
Remember, your body’s primary function in life is to survive and supply sugar to
your brain so that you can live. Your body does not care about having 18-inch arms or
a ripped and muscular body that you can show off. If you do not supply your body with
the building blocks it needs to repair itself then where do you think your body gets
what it needs? I hate to say this, but your body needs to get it from somewhere so it
will start to convert your precious muscle into energy for survival! So how do some
guys build huge muscles with crappy or no workout nutrition strategies? Your body flips
a ‘switch’ within about 24 hours and shifts back to anabolism but until you get nutrients into your body it stays in a catabolic state for a few hours after your workout is
complete! So why make your body wait for a day before it starts growing when you
make it start growing right away?
To maximize the Anabolic Phase, you must drink another (yes, which will make it three
in total) liquid protein/carbohydrate drink immediately after your workout. Most of my
clients are overwhelmed with the amount of sugar carbs that are consumed in such a
short period of time.
Regardless, it is important to understand that insulin sensitivity and
glucose tolerance are higher at this time of day than any other time
– take advantage!
Look at it this way. Pretend your muscles, liver and fat cells are three different
storage rooms in a large warehouse. After a busy day these storage sites are cleared
of all their inventory - and the best time for a delivery truck to come and re-stock the
shelves is when all the rooms are empty. If the delivery truck comes when the shelves
are still half-stocked then the excess inventory has to be put somewhere, and guess
which storage site on your body is responsible for the excess? To be more specific,
your muscle cells and liver have only a certain storage capacity. Once they are
topped off the excess inventory or calories go to the only other available storage
site – your fat cells!
As you can see, the post-workout period is when your storage sites are at their
lowest and have the greatest capacity to be re-stocked versus any other time of the
This means that you could actually load up on specific carbohydrates
and proteins that might normally be counterproductive to your goals.
Sugar is typically a no-no at all other times in the day but is actually
one of the best foods to ingest during and after a workout.
Therefore you now know that almost all carbohydrate (assuming the workout was intense
enough) ingested immediately after exercise will be used to replenish your depleted
glycogen reserves and spike your insulin levels to shuttle proteins into your muscles
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for muscle growth and increase fat metabolism. This is the best time of the day to eat
the wrong foods and get away with it – having a king-size carbohydrate and protein
drink will not lead to fat gain.
This strategy will successfully shift your body’s protein balance to positive and keep it
away from the negative (breakdown) zone, replenish glycogen stores, suppress catabolism and also increase anabolism! The Growth Phase occurs for up to six hours
after training, assuming that you depleted at least 70% of your glycogen reserves
during your workout (the program in itself that I have created in this e-book will ensure you severely deplete more than 70%).
During the Growth Phase it is important to continue to feed with carbohydrates and
proteins but not in a 2:1 ratio like the Energy and Anabolic Phases. These meals
should consist of real foods based on a 1:1 ratio since your body is moving back towards normal functioning as that anabolic window closes. Basically the period of time
for muscle growth is diminishing since insulin sensitivity is taking a vacation until your
next workout, and you will have to part ways with your good friends Testosterone and
Growth Hormone for a little while.
Considering this change back to ‘normalcy’ it is important that our high-glycemic sugary foods and rapidly digesting protein super heroes who stole the show in our Energy
and Anabolic Phases are now the arch enemy during the Growth Phase. These liquid
drinks provide a huge, muscle-building insulin surge so they are beneficial during and
after the workout but raising your insulin levels at other times of the day will instantly reward you a fine pot belly!
Unfortunately, your muscles will not be fully recovered within a few hours after your
workout – your glycogen stores will still be partially depleted and your muscles will
still be broken down and under construction. This is the time when it is critical to supply your body with enough food to overload your metabolism for growth, refuel your
muscles for your next training bout and repair the damaged muscles so that you will
have new muscle to train with when you return the gym.
Your best bet is to eliminate any sort of liquid meal during this period and focus on
real food which is more slowly digested and helps prevent insulin fluctuations in blood
sugar, which leads to energy highs and lows and the battle of the bulge! You are better off choosing slower digesting proteins during this time such as meats, cottage
cheese, and yogurt etc., as well as low glycemic carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables, beans, oats, and wild rice during the Growth Phase.
The Recovery Phase will encompass everything you eat during the rest of the day.
After we eliminate 8-9 hours for sleep and 7-8 hours for the Energy, Anabolic and
Growth Phases there are 8-9 more hours in the day which will make up your last three
meals. These are the meals that are considered the Recovery Phase.
How you eat during this period is highly individualized.
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If you are taking the ‘stay lean all year and build muscle slowly’ approach then I
would suggest you reduce the amount of carbohydrates in these three meals a little
more than the Empowered Nutrition Meal Plans. Eating predominantly fats and proteins during these meals will help you keep a lower body fat percentage year round.
Do not eliminate the carbs completely as shown on the meal plans but simply reduce
the amounts slightly.
If you’re taking the ‘bulk up to overshoot your current body
weight by 30-50 pounds’ approach then simply follow the meal
plans to a T. Add only the workout nutrition strategies that
will be outlined shortly.
PhaseTime Period Meal Type
The Energy Phase 15 minutes prior to workout
Sip during workout Liquid P + C
Liquid P + C
No fat
No fat
The Anabolic Phase Immediately after workout
Liquid P + C
No fat
The Growth Phase 1 hour after training P+C+F
Balanced Meal
3 hours after training
Balanced Meal
The Recovery Phase
Few Carbs**
Remainder three or four P + F
Meals in the day **The summary above is based on the ‘stay lean all year’ approach to muscle gain. If
your goal is to take the ‘stay lean all year’ approach and want to make muscle gains
at a slower rate at the expense of keeping your body fat lower then you will eliminate all the carbs found in your Empowered Nutrition Meal Plans during these times
of day. The only carb you will not eliminate are the veggies, which are loaded with
vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber.
These should remain a staple 24/7.
For you ambitious guys who wish to pack on some serious size - I’m talking 30-50
pounds over the next year - then you have no guess work here whatsoever. Simply follow the meal plans provided right to the letter and I promise that you will make some
insane muscle gain!
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13. How Do I Create My Workout Shakes?
Pre Workout During Workout Post Workout
(15 minutes before workout)
(Sip during)
(Immediately after)
0.8g/kg 0.4g/kg 0 g 0.8g/kg
Carbohydrate 0.8g/kg
0.4g/kg Creatine
5 g Best sources of carbohydrate should come from simple glucose and glucose polymers
such as maltodextrin, dextrose, fruit or fruit juice. Personally I use dextrose, which
is also known as corn sugar and can be found in a bulk store or in specialty grocery
stores. If you have trouble getting your hands on either of these products, then you
can also use a sports drink such as Powerade, Gatorade, or fruit juices. I sometimes
use real fruit for the extra vitamins and minerals. One cup of fruit is the equivalent of
about 20-25 g of simple sugars and may be more ideal for your post-workout shake.
The volume of fruit required to get 0.8g/kg might require a very large water bottle
because you will need more liquid to dilute the beverage. Fruit is also not the best
source of post workout sugar because is replenishes your liver glycogen and not muscle glycogen.
Best sources of protein are whey hydrolysates (also known as hydrolyzed whey protein).
Whey hydrolysates have a much faster absorption rate than whey concentrates or isolates which can take 1-2 hours to reach maximum concentrations. We need a protein
that can be absorbed within minutes, just like the glucose. Another benefit of whey
hydrolysates is that they are not only fast but they are non-allergenic. This means
that they are compatible if you have mild protein intolerance or lactose intolerance.
You will not feel bloated, gassy, or congested after taking a whey hydrolysate.
Creatine will be discussed more thoroughly in the next chapter.
Let’s summarize the goals of the crucial post-workout nutrition phase which are
the same goals we wish to accomplish during the workout itself:
1. Muscle glycogen stores are depleted more during and after a workout than any
other time of the day. If the energy is not supplied then, consequently, your body
will resort to your muscle protein for energy. You will have no energy to lift
heavier weights to ‘out-do’ yourself, you will be dehydrated (resulting in even
more loss in strength), and you will dump loads of cortisol into your body causing
the perfect environment for muscle loss. Our goal is to replenish our glycogen
levels immediately and to provide a steady stream of energy to our muscles
during our workout.
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2. Demanding training sessions will eventually shift your protein balance from
positive to negative. Flooding our body with rapidly digesting proteins
immediately after a workout will initiate protein synthesis, simultaneously
minimizing or even preventing muscle breakdown. Listen up. If you do not
consume a post-workout beverage then your body will stay in a negative protein
balance for up to 24 hours instead of flipping the switch on for muscle growth
within 1 hour! Pretty awesome eh! Using a recovery drink can help you recover
almost a day earlier than someone who is not using this strategy.
3. Providing the suggested carbohydrate intake during and after your workout will
ensure that you stimulate high levels of the anabolic hormone insulin, the
hormone that shuttles carbohydrates into the muscles for storage. This is very
important. Some guys think that just because you drink a ‘protein drink’ after a
workout that everything is dandy. Just because you put it into your mouth does
not mean it is traveling to the right place in your body. If you consume only a
protein drink after your workout then you are short-changing yourself. The
protein is almost useless without its taxi driver - insulin! And the taxi driver
(insulin) only shows up when the right passengers are on board (simple sugars).
14.“What If I Don’t Have A Big Appetite?”
I could have a separate email account just to handle this one question! Does this
sound like you? “I realize that to get big, I need to eat a lot of food, but I just can’t
– I don’t have much of an appetite...”
Look at eating as another aspect of bodybuilding that you have to train for. As we
have just discussed, you know that eating every three hours is the maximum amount
of time that you should leave between meals
It’s no doubt that eating that often is challenging when you first start out but it’s easy
if you take it in stage. Inch by inch life is cinch, yard by yard, life is hard!
Just as you add a 10-pound plate to each side of the bar to gradually increase your
bench press, you must also make gradual changes in your diet, adding larger portions
of protein and carbohydrates or adding an additional meal.
Don’t jump to six meals a day if you are currently handling three meals a day. You
wouldn’t double your bench press in one workout, so don’t go to extremes with your
meals in one ‘workout.’
Commit your body to adaptation but eating consistently, just as you lift weights, your
body will eventually adapt and require you to eat every few hours. I, myself, gradually conditioned my body to expect a quality meal every three hours or less. After a
few months, I have to eat 5-6 meals a day to normally function or else I feel like crap.
Just like clock-work, your stomach will begin to growl and crave food every three
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hours of eating!
Chapter 7
Cuts Back On Fats To Increase Your Appetite
A lot of hardgainers try to make up their caloric deficiency with lots of fat however I
would promote the opposite approach. High-fat foods will kill your appetite because
they do not stimulate your metabolism. High-fat foods tend to slow the process which
foods flow through the stomach and digestive system.
An alternate and more effective solution to keeping your metabolism elevated so you
will be hungry again is to stick to ‘clean foods,’ which are empty of excessive fat,
such as leaner proteins and carbohydrates. This is another reason why breakfast and
post workout are such critical times in the day to boost your metabolism. Your body
will tolerate a greater percentage of carbohydrates to support muscle glycogen replenishment and give your metabolism a nice boost.
Any Other Tricks?
Try taking digestive enzymes with meals. I used them while I competed in my fitness model shows and trying to pack on quality weight. They assist in digesting and
breaking down your food. A big part of adding mass is eating enough; the other part is
absorbing what you’re actually eating.
15. Sample Power Shakes
Island Power Gainer Shake
1-3 scoops of protein powder
½ mango, peeled and cubed
½ cup of pineapple chunks in unsweetened juice, undrained
1 kiwi, peeled and cubed
1 strawberry
½ cup of ice cubes
Chocolate Peanut Butter Shake
1-3 scoops of chocolate protein powder
1 cup of 1% chocolate milk
½ cup of cottage cheese
2 tbsp natural peanut butter
cup of ice
Splenda, for taste
Almond Coconut Shake
1-3 scoops of chocolate protein powder
1 cup of 1% chocolate milk
6 almonds
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1 tbsp of grated coconut
Splenda for taste
½ cup of almond extract
1 cup of ice
Vinny’s Classic
1-3 scoops of chocolate protein powder
1 cup of banana’s
1 tbs of natural peanut butter
4 graham crackers
2 cups of 1% milk
1 cup of ice
Berry Blast Shake1
1-3 scoops of vanilla protein powder
1 cup of frozen strawberries
½ cup of frozen blackberries
½ cup of frozen blueberries
½ cup of non-fat yogurt
½ cup of non fat plain yogurt
1 tbs of honey
1 cup of ice
Apple-Cinnamon Shake
1-3 scoops of vanilla protein powder
1 cup of applesauce, unsweetened
2 tbsp of wheat germ
1 tbsp honey
1 cup of ice
Banana Cream Pie
1-3 scoops of vanilla protein powder
1 and ½ cups of skim milk
½ cup of bananas
4 graham crackers
½ tsp of cinnamon
Cement Mixer
1-3 scoops of chocolate protein powder
1 and ½ cups of skim milk
1 scoop of Greens Plus
½ cup of blueberries
½ cup of strawberries
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Chocolate Raspberry Mousse
1-3 scoops of vanilla protein powder
1 spoon of chocolate syrup
½ cup of raspberries
1/5 cups of skim milk
½ cup of ice cubes
Cookie Treat
1-3 scoops of vanilla protein powder
3 chocolate wafers
3 drops of mint extract
½ cup of ice cubes
1 and ½ cups of skim milk
Double Dipped Chocolate Strawberry
1-3 scoops of chocolate protein powder
3 chocolate wafer cookies
1 and ½ cups of skim milk
½ cup of strawberries
Strawberry-Banana Ramma
1-3 scoops of vanilla protein powder
1 and ½ cups of pineapple juice
½ cup of strawberries
½ cup of bananas
Coconut Island
1-3 scoops of protein powder
1 and ½ cups of skim milk
½ cup of bananas
4 graham crackers
1 tsp of coconut extract
Peanut Butter Cup
1-3 scoops of vanilla protein powder
1 and ½ cups of skim milk
1 tbsp of natural peanut butter
3 chocolate wafer cookies
Mocha Java
1-3 scoops of vanilla protein powder
1 and ½ cups of skim milk
1 spoon of chocolate syrup
1 spoon of instant coffee
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Mid-Summers Night Dream
1-3 scoops of vanilla protein powder
1 and ½ cups of pineapple juice
½ cup of blueberries
½ cup of raspberries
Orange Creamsicle
1-3 scoops of protein powder
½ cup of skim milk
1 and ½ cups of orange Gatorade
½ cup of ice
Ravishing Raspberry
1-3 scoops of vanilla protein powder
1 and ½ cups of pineapple juice
½ cup of bananas
½ cup of raspberries
Strawberry Shortcake
1-3 scoops of vanilla protein powder
1 and ½ cups of skim milk
½ cup of strawberries
2-4 graham crackers
Shamrock Shake
1-3 scoops of vanilla protein powder
1 and ½ cups of skim milk
2 scoops of Greens Plus
Chapter 7
After Eight Lite
1-3 scoops of chocolate protein powder
1 and ½ cups of ice water
peppermint extract
Berry Delicious
1-3 scoops of strawberry protein powder
1 and ½ cups of ice water
½ scoop of raspberries
½ scoop of strawberries
Berry Mint Cooler
1-3 scoops of strawberry protein powder
1 and ½ cups of ice water
½ cup of raspberries peppermint extract
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Blue Lagoon
1-3 scoops of vanilla protein powder
1 and ½ cups of ice water
½ cup of blueberries
Caffeine Buzz
1-3 scoops of chocolate protein powder
1 and ½ cups of ice water
instant coffee
Craving Buster
1-3 scoops of vanilla protein powder
1 tbsp of flax oil
½ cup of strawberries
½ cup of raspberries
1 and ½ cups of ice water
Morning Glory
1-3 scoops of vanilla protein powder
1 and ½ cups of ice water
2 scoops of Greens Plus
1 tbs of flax oil
Turbo Charge
1-3 scoops of strawberry protein powder
½ cup of melons
½ cup of bananas
1 and ½ cups of ice water
Splendid Cinnamon
1-3 scoops of chocolate protein powder
1 tbsp of cinnamon
1 and ½ cups of ice water
After Eight
1-3 scoops of chocolate protein powder
1 and ½ cups of skim milk
5 drops of mint extract
½ cup of ice
Cup of Youth
1-3 scoops of chocolate protein powder
1 and ½ cups of skim milk
1 tbsp of chocolate syrup
1 scoop of bananas
4 chocolate wafers
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Tuti Fruiti
1-3 scoops of vanilla protein powder
1 and ½ cups of orange Gatorade
½ cup of strawberries
½ cup of bananas
Wilderness Explosion
1-3 scoops of vanilla protein powder
1 and ½ cups of blueberry Gatorade
½ cup of strawberries
½ cup of blueberries Tips for making your own shakes:
Chapter 7
No Nonsense Gainer Shake (if you can stomach it!)
1-2 cups of pasteurized egg whites
½ cup of cooked oatmeal
1-2 cups of 1% chocolate milk
½ of raspberry yogurt
½ cup of frozen fruit (your choice)
1 tbs of natural peanut butter
Carbs --> should come from oatmeal, fruit, or graham crackers
Protein --> should come from protein powder, egg whites, milk or cottage cheese
Fats --> should come from olive oil, nuts, flax oil or natural peanut butter
Water --> Add one tbsp at a time until smooth and creamy
Ice cubs --> at least ½ cup but not necessary
Juice --> can be alternated as liquid but not suggested because it’s a poor source of
Extras --> be creative and experiment with Oreos, mint extract, vanilla extract, honey
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16. What About My Nutrition On Non-Training Days?
This is very simple. You will follow the appropriate Empowered Nutrition Meal Plans
based on your calorie requirements just as shown. You will eat the same way on your
training days as your recovery days except that you will eliminate the three liquid
drinks around your workout (the Energy and Anabolic Phases). Since your caloric expenditure is smaller on your non-training days it is not necessary to take the extra few
hundred calories found in your workout drinks.
Final Words On Nutrition...
Now before moving on I would like to address an objection you are probably thinking
about after you have discovered how many calories your body actually needs. The
most common e-mail I receive is one that questions the volume of food that is required to achieve the 4,000, 5,000 and 6000-calorie meal plans. For the record – there
are no misprints on these meal plans. I have reviewed them myself and they are correct! I have been informed by many that they ‘can not imagine eating this amount of
food in a day, never mind each day of the week!’
I will accept this objection with all sincerity but will urge you to throw this excuse out
the window for your own scrawny body’s sake. If you think these meal plans are unrealistic then I’m going to say ‘pull up your panties and deal with it!’ Seriously, I have
no desire to sugar coat the truth and tell you that this will be easy. I wish I could show
you how to make it easier but that is not my job. My job is to tell you exactly what is
required to achieve a goal that has appeared impossible. Now that you know what it
takes to achieve the body you desire it is your job to decide how far you want to take
your improvements.
As I said earlier, dump the title of hard gainer. Most of the time the only thing the
average hard gainer is hard of, is hearing! How many times have you been told to eat
more but you never seem to listen – or maybe you listen but you never execute? Or
perhaps your perceived notion of a lot of food is still a few dozen meals away from a
few more inches around your arms.
If right now, the massive eating calculator has determined you need to start with
3,000- calorie meal plan for growth then this is your first step. Some will be content
with the gains they make with this meal plan. For some, as you grow, your caloric
intake will need to be increased and you can start following the 4,000-calorie meal
plan. And so forth. Imagine, for a second, how massive you will be if you have the
commitment and discipline to keep eating until your body requires the 6000-calorie
meal plan to grow!
If these three, four, five and six thousand-calorie plans look like more food than your
perceived three, four, five or six thousand-calorie plan then this might explain why
you appear to be muscularly challenged – you are simply underfed and waiting to be
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fed so you can grow!
The nutritional plans outlined, provided by Empowered Nutrition Systems, which is
owned by Patrick McGuire (a good friend of mine), are your building blocks to build massive amounts of muscle the natural way. They are honest and based on science and
will break you out of your ‘comfort zone’ and accelerate your gains to a new level.
As you can see you are in complete control of how big you become. Do less than your
goal calories tell you and you will get less than what I promise you to expect. Do more
and gain more than I promise you will expect.
Don’t get me wrong - if you mess up these plans once the whole program is not
doomed to failure. The reality is that you will not transition perfectly to these new
habits. All I can promise is that the closer you follow this plan the more you can expect in return. The better choices you make will definitely help improve your body’s
Lastly, if I appear to be coming down hard on you then it is because I am. I do not
want you to fail before you even start, because this program is not about gaining just
5-10 pounds of muscle in the next year. It is about seriously changing the way your
body looks by adding 30-50 pounds of muscle to your frame and making you significantly stronger and a ‘story-to-tell.’
Here is a little philosophy I learned from Australian strength coach Ian King:
“You are completely responsible for everything you have and everything you are getting right now based on the person you are being and the things you are doing. If you
are happy with what you are getting then keep doing what you are doing. If you are
not happy with what you are getting then you must become a different person by
habit and action.”
A little wordy, but very powerful. It’s crazy how many people expect a different result
without doing anything differently. Significant changes are not achieved by using your
current mind-set. Significant changes require significant changes – makes sense right? I
assume that when you purchased this book you decided to trust me and make a decision to learn how to build massive muscles naturally so that you will turn heads wherever you go. By following the principles and strategies in this manual you are making a
wise decision to see your ultimate goals achieved with consistent commitment.
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Chapter 8:
Making Sense of Supplementation - Choose Them Wisely.
1. The Advertisements Only Tell Part of the Story...
Well, I hope I’m not going to shock anybody – but at least it is now official. The U.S.
Federal Trade Commission has published a report that states weight loss adverts are
generally a pack of lies! You can find the entire article at this link: http://www.ftc.
I could have told you that from personal experience – but here are a few extracts
from the FTC reports that were written by Richard Cleland, Walter Gross, and
Paula Kurtzweil Walter:
‘Ads for billions of dollars of diet products and services sold each year often include
false, misleading and exaggerated claims that promise rapid, effortless weight loss
and unachievable goals, according to a government report released yesterday.’
‘With nearly 70 million Americans trying to lose weight or to prevent weight gain at
any given time, these rampant, deceptive claims not only waste money but also place
some consumers at risk.’
‘We have known for some time now that there is a serious problem with weight-loss
product advertising,’ said FTC Chairman Timothy J. Muris. ‘This report demonstrates
the extent of that problem.’
‘At least 40 percent of the 300 ads reviewed in the two- year study made at least one
false representation, such as ‘can eat as much as you want and still lose weight’ ...
‘More than half of the ads either made false statements or statements that were
very likely to be false, including the suggestion that pounds could be shed without
cutting calories and increasing physical activity, and the promise of a steady weight
loss of eight to 10 pounds per week.’
‘Other ads made unproven claims about safety and effectiveness, and still others
purported that their products produced long-term permanent weight loss, when
there was little to support that claim.’
‘It appears that too many unscrupulous marketers are making false claims promising
dramatic and effortless weight loss to sell their products.’
‘As with cigarette smoking and alcohol abuse, false or deceptive advertising of
weight-loss products and services puts people at risk.’
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‘Many of the products and programs most heavily advertised are at best unproven
and at worst unsafe.’
Here’s an actual example of an advert they reviewed...
‘Amazing Fat Fighting Diet Pill Produces an Extremely Fast Weight Loss..... Even
if You Cheat or Refuse to Diet’ Obviously untrue, but before you laugh too hard,
doesn’t that sound just like the muscle gain adverts we see for BS weight gain/steroid alternative supplements all over certain websites and magazines? The reason I
included the above report is because many of these same companies that create fat
loss products also create weight gain and ‘muscle building’ products.
I wonder what conclusion the FTC would come to if they did a review of “weight gain”
supplements? You have probably seen some of the ridiculous claims yourself. Things
like, “Gain 5 Pounds in 8 days On This 3rd Generation Creatine,” or “Scientifically
proven to gain muscle...” or “Put 2 inches on your arms in one month...” and thousands of other claims made by supplement companies to push their products on you.
And of course if you dispute any of their claims, they will quickly show a ‘scientific’
study and some dude in a lab coat that ‘proves’ it works.
The reality is that advertisements only tell you a part of the story.
Remember that advertising is all about selling – sometimes at the cost of truth and
morality. Marketers are geniuses when it comes to getting us to buy. They are trained
professionals and know exactly how to provide obscure details and words, allow us to
fill in the blanks and read in between the lines.
They pry on your emotions and cling to your despair and want you to have faith
in the best situation possible so that you will buy their product. They suggest that
Product A can help you achieve a desired result. Product A can shift your body into
metabolic overdrive, or can help you build mountains of muscle. They never state
that it will. They make outrageous exaggerations beyond our wildest dreams and suggest almost magical results. If you have a problem, they will provide a solution.
Supplement companies’ priorities are quite simple – create a profitable product. They
will go to great lengths to get you to buy their product. This misleading, more accurately – untrustworthy - information is everywhere.
The misinformation about supplements is fueled by the fitness magazines themselves
and results in the root problem. Many people (including myself when I first entered
the bodybuilding world), especially beginners, have no idea that these fitness
magazines also own supplement companies. Some magazines are created for the sole
purpose of building a vehicle to sell their supplement line.
It is now literally impossible to obtain an unbiased and objective viewpoint of the
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product because of the conflicting interest. Can you imagine a supplement company
publishing an article called “Don’t waste your money on Supplement X” and then trying to sell supplements on the next page with a full-page advertising spread!
If only truthful, useful, and factual information was printed in muscle magazines it
would be difficult to fill their pages each month. Magazines would be reduced to 10%
content and 90% advertising (some magazines are close to this ratio already!) A quality
magazine would be reduced to a quarterly publication or a bimonthly publication at
This would be financial suicide because money made from these magazines is not from
subscriptions or newsstands sales but from the supplement advertisers. A reduction in
magazine publications means a reduction in income from advertising sales. Less advertising equals less supplement sales and the sick cycle continues.
2. The Supplement Companies Don’t Want You To Read This...
To be honest, this content is going to scare them, if they know you are reading this.
Not only am I about to reveal to you their most trusted secrets but I’m going to show
you how to create your own supplement routine.
Did you know that you can create your own and even more potent supplements (and spend less money doing it) out of basic
supplements, instead of purchasing overpriced ones?
The supplement industry has discovered how to become rich very quickly. They operate on a series of ‘little known’ rules that everyone follows and nobody questions.
Unfortunately there are not many high quality companies or products that are created
from scratch. They do not sell on volume and deception so have lower sales and can
not afford multi-million dollar advertising campaigns. Not to mention – a good product
is going to cost more – so their product can not compete on cost.
Did you know that 60% of new weight training routines fail in the first 3 months
and that 90% of diet programs fail in the first 3 months? Interestingly, many workout programs and transformation competitions are based on a 12-week plan!?
Not even close. I personally call this ‘The 3–Month Rule,’ and is something many fitness companies have been aware of since this statistic was released. I am not sure if
The 3 Month Rule is the official title for this phenomenon but it will do. The 3–Month
Rule states that the average person will join a gym, buy some exercise equipment,
buy some reading literature, start a new diet, buy some supplements and quit by the
3rd month!
Why do they quit? I would say it’s because they are not getting what they were promised – results. It’s really simple – no results equal no motivation. Why spend
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more time and money if you are not getting anything in return? This means that fitness companies really have no incentive to create products that work.
The only goal is to create a product that works partially and keeps them coming
back for more, and to suck up as much of your money as possible in that three month
period. Big deal if their product does not work. There will be another herd of mooing
cattle moving in for the “slaughter” and this allows the company to continue this
cycle over and over while making a lot of money in the process.
Another rule that goes along with the 3–Month Rule is the
“Repeat Rule.” Even if the product has no influence whatsoever but the trainee experienced some gains, they won’t want
to mess with a good thing and will keep buying the product.
And most likely the supplement had nothing to do with their gains – most likely it had
something to do with their training intensity, program, diet or sleep.
Don’t underestimate the power of the mind. If I gave you a red pill packaged in a
impressive looking bottle (the pill is actually filled with salt but you don’t know this)
and told you this would skyrocket your strength in the next month, I would not be surprised if your strength actually went up the next month! The power created by your
mind could actually be responsible for the real results!
3. So You Want To Create Your Own Supplement Company?
It’s Easier Than You Think!
Most companies get their products from a contract manufacturer. A contract
manufacturer is basically a company that has the tools and equipment to get the materials needed for a specific product, and is able to put the product together. Supplement companies would approach a large manufacture for a bulk order of a specific
product they wanted to create.
So if you wanted to create your own supplement company you would contract with
one of these manufacturers. You would decide on your product name and label, and
then have the supplier formulate your product. You’re now in business.
Pretty much all the creatine and other popular supplements are created by a few
major companies around the world that are responsible for producing mass quantities.
Since you are about to go into business you can buy it from one of these major companies and they will formulate it for you under safe conditions.
Next, throw your company label on the package, hire some supplement reps, pay lots
of money in advertising and pack the shelves with your new product.
As a new supplement company, you now have the job of creating a ‘story’ that will
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sell your product. Are you going to choose a Before and After campaign, create a “10
– page Special Fat Loss Report” or reveal some “New Scientific Breakthrough” your
team has just discovered? Maybe you will call up one of your current clients, who happens to be a Professional Bodybuilder, and have him write about how great Product X
works for him - and pay him a ton of money to lie. Your advertising artillery is endless.
And if you want an “Advanced” or “Cutting Edge” product then you’d better add a
few ‘extra’ ingredients that make your product better! You know these ‘extra ingredients’ do nothing for your customer but it will make your advertisement more exciting!
Finally, once the supplement is formulated your real task is selling the product. Your
most profitable bet is to begin with exaggerated and bogus claims that are more
accurately described as downright lies.
Don’t forget to aim your adverts to young bodybuilders between the ages of 15-25
where the greatest percentage of sales comes from. This group is impatient
and eager to put on the most size possible in the speediest fashion. It is this group
that is the easiest to convince and impress the most. It is this group
that is the most gullible to the deception.
Don’t forget to ‘back up’ your product claims with ‘scientific studies’ and provide
vagueness such as, “an independent university study suggests...” It is necessary to
state the name of the university in case a customer wanted to investigate the study’s
accuracy and claims.
But that is the least of your concerns because how often do readers have time to
cross-reference the listed scientific references? Most of your customers will just take
your advertisement’s word at face value.
4. If It’s Published In Black And White It Must Be True.
Ever notice that virtually every magazine company owns a supplement company? I
guess a little light switched on when magazine owners discovered that they could
increase their bottom line far more by selling supplements instead of magazine subscriptions. Now, whenever you look into a fitness magazine, you will be bombarded
with a publication that is more interested in selling supplement products than providing a quality magazine.
And since you can believe everything that you read in print – magazine publications take advantage of their ‘mega-credibility’ and have lead us to believe that
everything is true - because you can’t print a lie, right? Anything in print must be
true, right?
Don’t these magazines have to meet certain ‘government regulations?’ Guess again.
Most people will believe anything that is printed in a ‘reputa© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
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ble’ and nationally circulated magazine.
It makes sense why magazines are the perfect vehicle for promoting supplements.
Ever wonder why advertising ads look more like articles these days? Have you ever
noticed how many magazine articles are about the ‘latest’ and ‘greatest’ new ‘breakthrough formula’ in supplements? These 5-page ‘reports’ are not really ‘articles’ at
all but adverts in disguise. And how convenient - an 800 number at the end for easy
And even if a magazine publication does not have its own supplement line you still
can’t trust the company to reveal the whole truth. Remember, deep-pocketed companies pay tens of thousands of dollars to advertise in these magazines.
Do you think the editorial department would run an article series on “Supplements
don’t work” and offend their loyal advertises who help them stay in business? You will
never see a magazine article that bashes supplements and then on the next page
issue an advertisement promoting the same supplements that were just bashed.
Magazine companies are not going to burn bridges with advertisers who are paying
thousands of dollars for one page, full color ads.
It would be foolish for magazine companies not to promote supplements like crazy –
whether they work or not – because it creates a very profitable system. The more
supplements sold, the more advertising that can be created. The more advertising
created, the more supplements sold – and naive and desperate consumers are fueling this cycle.
So I’m screaming this as I type –
Question everything. Learn to discern. Use your own intuition and instincts. Use common sense and your own good judgment. Make logical and not emotional buying decisions.
Just because it’s in print does not means it’s true. As the old saying goes, if it is too
good to be true...it probably is!
5. Do I Need All the Recommended Supplements?
No. You do not need any supplements at all to use this program. The No Nonsense
program has been designed to be effective without the use of supplements because
of the nutrient dense meal plans. However, you will notice the meal plans do include
protein shakes and this is a safe exception.
In a perfect world where you could live in your kitchen all day, protein shakes would
not be necessary and you could consume 200-400 grams of protein each day without
protein powder. However, this is very unlikely for 90% of people.
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Here is a little test which is not mandatory but quite powerful to show you the
role of supplements:
Eliminate all supplement intake (including protein powder, multi vitamin and creatine) for the first month to prove to yourself that you can make tremendous muscle
gains with training, nutrition and sleep alone. THEN...start introducing supplements
gradually and monitor the effect.
On top of that, do not use of any supplements until you have gained at least
10 pounds of good quality weight from just whole food. Food is far more anabolic than
supplements. This will be a powerful learning experience.
Remember that you do not need supplements to gain muscle, and taking them does
not automatically mean muscle gain and fat loss. Supplements are simply there to
help, not take the place of a good diet and training regime. If you are not gaining
muscle mass, supplements are not the answer. You need to monitor your training,
nutrition, mental attitude and recuperation strategy to figure out what needs optimizing. Once you get all of these components in check then you will start to gain muscle
mass. Genetics and your effort will determine how much and how fast.
In fact, I only introduce certain supplements into my program when my training
has hit a 90 % threshold – meaning I have honestly implemented all the other training principles I have shared and have approached a minor halt in progress. THEN,
we will consider the introduction of certain supplements as they can potentially
make a 1-5 % difference in your overall results.
There are many supplements on the market - fueled by large marketing budgets to
gullible people looking for an edge - but natural supplements have huge obstacles to
overcome in replacing whole food. They do not work in your digestive system or function with proper life in your bloodstream therefore the effect is very low.
You must be very careful about which supplements you use (if any) and you need to be
educated on which brands are the most reputable. I personally believe that if you focus your effort on high-quality whole food, the need for supplementation is minimal.
After all, for a supplement to be sold over the counter the FDA requires it to be from
a ‘food’ source.
6. Recommended Supplements
Here are a select number of supplements that have similar benefits to whole foods
and function well with your digestive system and body’s means for optimal function.
The following are acceptable supplements that are beneficial for aiding in muscle
growth, fat loss and overall health.
If you take me up on my test, these are the supplements that you should introduce
after you gain your first 10-20 pounds of quality muscle weight with just food alone.
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However, if you wish to start with supplements right from the start of your program,
these are the ones that are acceptable and recommended for the rest of your life as
I. Antioxidants, Antioxidants, and more Antioxidants
What the experts say about Antioxidants:
“The amount of antioxidants that you maintain in your body is directly
proportional to how long you will live.” - Richard Cutler M.D.
“Scientists now believe that free radicals are causal factors in nearly every
known disease, from heart disease to arthritis to cancer to cataracts. In fact,
free radicals are a major culprit in the aging process itself. By controlling
free radicals, antioxidants can make a difference between life and death, as
well as influence how fast and how well we age.” - Lester Packer, Ph.D.
“Scientists’ understanding of the benefits of vitamins have rapidly advanced,
and it now appears that people who get enough vitamins may be able to
prevent such common chronic illnesses as cancer, heart disease and
osteoporosis. All adults should take a multivitamin daily.” - Journal of
American Medical Association
“Powerful antioxidants like lutein and xeaxanthin (from tomatoes) may protect against
coronary-artery disease, cataracts, macular degeneration and cancer.” - Time Magazine
“Antioxidants can cut your risk of heart disease up to 70%, diabetes 40%,
lung cancer 30% and breast cancer 20% studies show. Many leading
authorities now urge all adults to take a daily supplement.” - USA Today
What are Antioxidants?
Antioxidants are your body’s first line of defense to fight off ‘free radicals’ that
are created from exposure to smoking, second-hand smoke, pollution, sunlight,
chemicals in our food and physical and mental stress. These ‘free-radicals’ are responsible for damaging our human cells and can lead to degenerative diseases and
The best way to increase your antioxidant level is twofold eat more fruits and vegetables and take a high-quality
multivitamin supplement.
The National Cancer Institute recommends eating 6-10 serving of fruits and
vegetables per day and the American Medical Association is now recommending
that everyone take a multivitamin supplement daily.
Do you want optimal prevention or optimal function?
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Since your training goals are more ambitious than the general population I would
suggest doubling or even tripling your multivitamin dosage during periods of intense
training. Assuming an adequate diet most nutritionists do not recommend that people
take supplement antioxidants in the form of vitamins and herbs. I believe this advice
is far too conservative and casual in the quest to build muscle.
Traditionally, nutrition recommendations have been based on prevention of deficiency.
Since you are reading this I know you are interested in more than prevention – you are
interested in optimal function.
· Build up to a minimum of 500-1000 mg of Vitamin C and 400 IU of Vitamin E as a
good first step to antioxidant protection.
· In addition, the daily ingestion of 1-3 cups of green tea will provide both antioxidant benefits as well as cancer-fighting and thermogenic effects. In addition,
ginkgo biloba, grape seed extract, and pine bark extract may all promote similar
antioxidant effects with a host of other health benefits.
I still remember the day when I discovered that there were two types of fat – and one
of them was actually very good for you! I had no clue that 80% of North Americans
were deficient in essential fatty acids or EFA’s. Personally I found it hard to believe
that there was actually good fat that would speed up your metabolism, reduce inflammation in the body, and decrease your risk of heart disease, stroke or cancer.
There are three main groups of fat. Saturated fat is considered the ‘bad’ fat
and most commonly associated with animal products. These fats are usually derived from animal products. Most monounsaturated fats are derived from plants
and are most commonly associated with olive and canola oils – these are considered
your vegetable oils.
Polyunsaturated fats are also mainly derived from vegetable and fish
oils. EFA’s can not be made in the body like saturated fat so they must be supplied
in our diet. Since our bodies don’t have the ability to make them, the amounts of
Omega 3’s or 6’s found in the body are largely a function of what we eat. Omega 3’s
are mainly found in fish oil, flaxseed oil, canola oil, walnut oil, and green leafy vegetables. Omega 6’s are mainly found in vegetable oil, corn oil, safflower oil, sunflower
oil, peanut oil, and sesame oil.
Interestingly, the fats from animal products (meat, dairy, and eggs) that we usually
think of as being all saturated can also provide some polyunsaturates. The level of
polyunsaturates and the ratio of 3’s to 6’s is entirely dependent on what the animals
are fed. Animal feed high in corn will produce animals that have high Omega 6 fats.
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Animals fed natural grasses will be high in Omega 3s.
· Since Westerner’s are already high in Omega 6, during all training phases, make a
conscious attempt to eliminate the Omega 6 polyunsaturates from your diet while
simultaneously increasing your Omega 3’s, mostly in the form of fish/salmon oils
(DHA, EPA) and some flax seeds, and some flax oil. This increase in 3’s, as well as
the more favorable ratio of 3’s to 6’s, can potentially increase insulin sensitivity
in muscle, decrease it in fat, reduce body fat, decrease muscle damage and soreness, and decrease disease or injury-induced inflammation.
· Replacing saturates with monounsaturates in the form of olive oils is a smart
move. This can favorably impact blood lipid profiles and cell integrity (by preventing free radical induced oxidation.)
· During mass phases you should eat more saturated fats – up to 30% of your intake
max, by using butter instead of oil when cooking. During diet phases, decrease
this ratio to about 10% of total fat intake and attack the salmon and olives for the
rest of your fats.
· Finally, don’t reduce fat intake to such low levels that your energy levels are
that of an 80-year-old bridge player. Trust me; your testes will become nothing
more than little dangling ornaments with no real function but to get in your way
during leg presses.
III. Protein Powder
So, although protein supplements are not an absolute requirement for gaining mass, I
have yet to meet any person able to get 400 grams of protein per day from cooking
food. If your protein intake is greater than 200 grams per day I will suggest a protein
powder – it will make your life a lot easier.
In addition, dollar for dollar, protein powders and meal replacement drinks tend to be
more cost effective than whole food. Don’t get me wrong, though. Protein powders
are still supplements in my book. Supplement means an addition to the diet. I emphasize this because the focus of any diet should be food. Whole food is often preferable to powders because it can offer a whole spectrum of nutrients that powders
Most of your dietary protein should come from meat, fish, poultry and eggs. However
getting all your protein from whole food is not always practical or convenient, especially if you have to eat 6 or more times a day to get your required intake. I will stress
to you, for optimal muscle gains, that you should limit yourself to a maximum of three per day or 40 % of your meals. This advice might appear to
contradict the meal plans I provided because you will notice that 2-3 meals a day are
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liquids, not including the additional three workout drinks. The plans were made with
the majority in mind – most people will be able to handle three real meals and three
liquid meals no problem. If your lifestyle permits then you are free to substitute a
liquid meal for a real meal.
The bottom line is that both are necessary to achieve a complete nutritional balance as well as the desired level of protein intake, especially if you’re not a big fan
of cooking. Do not make the fatal mistake of thinking protein powders can take the
place of a solid training and nutrition program.
Before deciding which protein powder is necessary, here is a short protein primer to
help you make sense of the thousands of different protein powders from which to
Whey protein makes up 20% of total milk protein. Whey is recognized for its
excellent amino acid profile, high cysteine content, rapid digestion, and interesting
variety of peptides. Since it is very quickly digested the best time to consume it is
during the Energy and Anabolic Phases.
Casein protein makes up 80% of total milk protein. Casein is recognized for its
excellent amino acid profile, slow digestion and interesting variety of peptides. Since
casein is slowly digested into your bloodstream, don’t use it during workouts or after
workouts – you need a fast absorbing protein at these times. Instead, use a casein
protein for the Growth and Recovery Phases.
Soy protein is the most controversial of all protein types. While the soy groupies
have gone to great lengths to label soy as a super food with magical effects, there is
also a good amount of research that suggests soy protein may be contraindicated in
many situations.
Because of all the confusion, I suggest avoiding soy protein
altogether and sticking to the other types listed.
Protein Blends are generally a combination of several types of protein blends such
as whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, egg protein, casein protein,
and soy protein. Why would you want a blend anyway? You will receive the full spectrum of proteins and you will receive varying rates of absorption from the different
types of protein. Using a blend will create an anabolic environment from the whey
and an anti-catabolic environment from the casein – use this kind during the Growth
and Recovery Phases.
Whey hydrolysates (also known as hydrolyzed whey protein, and are also called peptides), are
powerful proteins that are more quickly absorbed; more so than any other form, since
your body prefers peptides to whole proteins. Hydrolysates are produced through very
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low heat, low acid and mild enzymatic filtration processes, (those highest in the essential and the branched chain amino acids) and are potentially the most anabolic for
short-term protein synthesis such as the Energy and Anabolic Phases.
Whey Protein Versus Whey Isolate:
Most whey protein powders that stock the supplement shelves are made up of whey
concentrate and mixed in with a small portion of whey isolate. Comparing the two,
whey protein isolate is more expensive than whey protein concentrate because it has
a higher quality (more pure) and a higher BV (biological value). Whey protein isolate contains more protein and less fat and lactose per serving. Most whey protein isolates
contain 90-98% protein while whey concentrates contain 70-85% protein.
Whey protein isolate is the highest yield of protein currently available that comes
from milk. Because of its chemical properties it is the easiest to absorb into your
system. Obviously with its high concentration, it appears that an isolate protein
would be the obvious choice instead of a concentrate. However, this is an individual
decision because the isolate is more expensive, and just because it is purer does not
guarantee that it will help build bigger muscles. Its extra concentration may not justify its extra cost.
So what is the bottom line? Which should you choose?
For the Energy and Anabolic Phases, as long as whey hydrolysate is the first or second
ingredient on the supplement label then there is probably enough in the product to
influence protein synthesis to reap the optimal benefits. As stated, whey isolates are
also an very extremely high quality whey and for maximal anabolism isolates should
be combined with whey hydrolysates for only the Energy and Anabolic Phases of your
program. The inclusion of small amounts of whey concentrates will not harm you but
this should not be the first ingredient on the tub of protein powder.
If you are looking for the strongest protein powder to exploit your full growth potential during the Growth and Recovery Phases then use a blend.
You will receive the full spectrum of proteins and you will receive varying rates of
absorption from the different types of protein. Using a blend will create an anabolic
environment from the whey and an anti-catabolic environment from the casein.
· Most protein powder contains an array of questionable ingredients such as aspartame, saccharin, fructose and artificial colors. It’s interesting to note how
unhealthy most of these protein powders actually are. Look for a protein powder
with natural ingredients rather than products that are sweetened with chemicals
and made with ingredients that are certainly not going to create an environment
for muscle growth.
Also avoid products with refined carbohydrates such as fructose, sucrose or brown
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rice syrup. Make sure that the product is made from a reputable company that is
genuinely interested in good health. I do not recommend specific companies or
product in this book however you are welcome to email me and consult with me
on which product and company would be a wise and safe choice for you. Supplement manufacturers will continue to meet the demands of bodybuilding consumers with unknown crappy products because we buy it and it is cheaper for them to
· In the past one of my criteria for a healthy protein product was that it was great
tasting and that it should mix easily. Most protein powders mix quite easily, even
with a spoon, however I was disappointed to discover that taste will inevitably be
sacrificed for a safe and healthy product. I can live with this. You see, once a
product is removed of all artificial chemical sweeteners such as aspartame or
sucralose, and simple sugars it is left almost tasteless and downright gross.
IV. Creatine
Creatine is so commonplace now that if you don’t see people taking creatine then
they are talking about creatine. If you have never used creatine (monohydrate) or never
heard of it then take a big breath. I will be spending more time discussing this product
because I believe it is one of the only muscle-building supplements that has stood the
test of time and provides an array of safe and effective benefits backed up by years of
scientific research.
Creatine is a compound that can be made in our bodies or taken as a dietary supplement. The chemical name for creatine is
methyl guanidine-acetic acid. That sure is a mouthful - which
is why it is much easier to just call it creatine.
Creatine is made up of three amino acids - Arginine, Glycine and Methionine. Our
liver has the ability to combine these three amino acids and make creatine. The other
way we get creatine is from our diet. Depending on the amount of muscle mass you
have and your weight, on average a 160-pound person would have about 120 grams of
creatine stored in their body.
So the question would be, “Is the 120 grams of creatine
in my body enough?”
Maybe. The whole idea behind taking creatine as a supplement is that if you work
out you burn up a lot of creatine. If you take a creatine supplement you will have
more energy - because the ATP energy cycle can go on for a longer time. Unfortunately your muscle’s creatine supply is not limitless. The average human has between 3.5
and 4 grams of creatine per kilogram of muscle. Once you use up the creatine in your
muscle you have to rest your muscles and wait a while before you can exercise the
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muscle again. Studies have shown that the human muscle can store up to 5 grams of
creatine per kilogram. So, by taking a creatine supplement you can raise your levels
from 3.5 to 5 grams of creatine - and thus enjoy more of the benefits of creatine.
Excess creatine is eventually converted into the waste product creatinine and excreted from the body.
It is believed that 95 - 98% of the creatine in our body is stored in our muscles. The
remaining 2 - 5% is stored in various other parts of the body including the brain, heart
and testes. Understand that the theory of what creatine does - is just that - theory. It
is amazing how little we actually know about what goes on in our body. At any rate,
the majority of research currently agrees with the positive role creatine plays in
our body.
The primary benefit of creatine use is in providing additional energy for your
For the first five days of a creatine cycle, use the following chart to determine an effective loading phase for your current starting lean muscle mass. You do not require excess
creatine for your body fat weight.
muscles. I will explain this with a quick and simple biology lesson. In your body you
have a compound called ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate). Think of ATP as an energy-containing compound. What is important to know about ATP is that the body can very quickly
get energy from an ATP reaction. You have other sources of energy such as carbohydrates and fat - but they take longer to convert into a usable energy source. When
you are doing an intense quick burst activity - such as lifting a weight or sprinting,
your muscles must contract and need a quick source of energy. This immediate energy
comes from ATP.
Still with me? Here is where it gets interesting. When your muscles use ATP for
energy a chemical process happens whereby the ATP is broken down into two simpler
chemicals ADP (adenosine di-phosphate) and inorganic phosphate. This process of ATP
turning into ADP releases the energy that gives your muscles the ability to contract.
Unfortunately, we do not have an endless supply of ATP. In fact, your muscles only
contain enough ATP to last about 10-15 seconds at maximum exertion. In case you
were wondering - no, the ADP can not be used to create more energy for your
Here is where the creatine comes in - or more specifically the creatine phosphate
(CP). I don’t want to go into great detail on creatine vs. creatine phosphate - all you
need to know now is that the majority of creatine that is stored in the muscles bonds
with abundant phosphorus stores in the muscles and is converted into Creatine Phos-
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phate (CP). CP is able to react with the ADP in your body and turn “useless” ADP back
into the “super useful” energy source - ATP. More ATP in your body means more fuel
for your muscles.
Creatine also increases volumization within your muscles. I did not make this word
up myself -volumization! Actually, it’s just a fancy name for the process of pulling
fluid into the muscle cells and thus increasing the volume of the muscles. Creatine
has been shown to pull water into your muscle cells, which increases the size of your
muscles. Don’t get too excited - it is not clear how great an effect this has. Point #1 is
a much clearer benefit of creatine.
New research has shown that creatine can help buffer lactic
acid that builds-up in the muscles during exercise.
This leads to that nasty burning feel you get in your muscles.
Scientifically it is a complicated process - basically the creatine bonds with a hydrogen ion and that helps delay the build up of lactic acid. More research needs to be
done to see if this point is true.
There is some data to indicate that creatine helps put the body in a more anabolic
state where protein synthesis can occur. The more protein synthesis - the greater the
muscle gain.
That is creatine in a nutshell. Of the above points - the first benefit is the most powerful and the other points are more debated - but still look to be valid.
How To Use It:
I recommend a loading phase to get the most out of creatine. I find very few people
get great results without the loading phase. A loading phase is a better guarantee
that you will improve nitrogen retention, water retention, and cell volumization in
the muscles. Keep water intake as high as possible for optimal benefits of creatine. It
requires optimal hydration to work effectively.
After you have loaded all the creatine that you can, simply use it year round with your
pre, during and post workout shakes as discussed earlier. The only time you will not
be using creatine is when you are not training and taking a week or two off for down
time (you will learn more about this later).
This means that if you are 200 pounds and 15% body fat then your lean mass is 170
200 pounds x .15 = 30 pounds of fat
200 pounds of body weight – 15 pounds of fat = 170 pounds of lean mass
Lean Body Mass Weight Creatine Dosage - 5g
Up to 150 pounds 3 x a day
150 – 200 pounds 5 x a day
200 – 250 pounds 7 x a day
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V. Greens +
Greens+ is a product that deserves special mention. The reality is that probably
99% of us don’t get enough veggies in our diets. Unfortunately this is a huge problem. Greens+, a blend of antioxidants, enzymes, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals, can help in this regard. Can it replace adequate intake of fruits and vegetables?
Absolutely not. But this is one area in which you can and should supplement.
A serving of Greens+ can be put in every protein shake you drink. This product is not
cheap, but aim to take it at least twice a day – once in the morning on an empty
stomach and once before bed on an empty stomach. Some nutrition experts suggest
this product is so nutrient dense that you can practically live on it. I would not go this
far but it is worth the extra money if you are having a hard time getting in fruits and
VI. Fiber
Fiber helps improve digestion, speed up metabolism and contributes to overall colon
health. A serving of fiber-based food once or twice a day is a fantastic insurance
policy to because for some it is difficult to achieve the recommended 35 – 65 g per
day. However, if you are following the 30 day Empowered Nutrition Plans than fiber
supplementation is not necessary because you will easily exceed the optimal dosage.
7. Supplements to Avoid Weight Gain Powders
If you have been thinking about using weight gain powders, consider that you are better off wolfing down a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts, which will provide about the
same nutrient intake. Sure, the doughnuts don’t have the protein but don’t kid yourself, most of these weight gain powders don’t even have the protein amounts that are
advertised. The protein is substituted with chalk or cake mix that is much cheaper
and profitable, tastes OK and meets the consumers’ needs – more convenient calories.
These products should be avoided because they are loaded
with low quality ingredients, will cause you to lose all your
friends because of their farting
potential, put a lot of stress on your digestive system and
make you even lazier.
Meal Replacement Powders
MRP’s are another result of nutrition industry commercialization, and have gained
popularity simply from the marketing hype promoting these ‘engineered foods.’ Most
MRP’s have better ingredients than weight gain powders but not by much. Basically
you are consuming a modern day weight gain powder for the Average Joe.
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If you want to save money then buy a high quality protein
powder, mix it with a tablespoon of flax oil, olive oil or natural peanut butter (good fat) as well as a cup of yogurt or a
cup of fruit (for your carbs), and some ice cubes, and you now
have a homemade - and healthy - meal replacement.
Myostatin Inhibitors
Myostatin is a protein that negatively regulates muscle growth. Basically it is released
at a certain point to prevent you from getting ‘too big.’
The myostatin ‘inhibitors’ are all about marketing and have nothing to do with results
- save your money and don’t get scammed. All they have going for them is their advertising. The advertising for this product is unbelievable as it takes some laboratory
(nothing proven in the real world) credibility and than unashamedly promotes a product that costs about $2 to make. This is another product that uses the dirty low-costsell-high-promise-everything-deliver-nothing technique.
Don’t forget, these products are marketed by companies who want to make as much
money as possible. When no one actually experiences real world results they take it
off the shelf and create a new product. This is the sick mentality of the supplement
Nitric Oxide Boosters
Say no to NO. Nitric Oxide (NO) is a free radical gas produced in the body by the
amino acid arginine. The primary function of NO is to relax the smooth muscle of your
blood vessels.
At first glance, this allows NO to lower blood pressure, increase blood flow to working
muscles and organs, which results in a better ‘pump’ that advertisements say is anabolic. Interestingly, NO products do not actually contain any nitric oxide; rather they
carry the amino acid precursors for NO. Whether these amino acids actually increase
NO is an entirely different discussion altogether.
Most guys swear that it works because of the ‘pump’ and this is why this product has
probably remained a best-seller and might stick around for a little while longer despite its ridiculous price (some of these NO products cost over $100)! As long as naïve
trainees believe that a pump is necessary for muscle growth then NO has not outlived
its glory. However, since we have already discussed that ‘training for the pump’ is one
of the top 20 ways to screw up in the gym you will be one of the few who says no to
NO! By buying these products, all you are pumping up is the supplement companies’
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Carbohydrate Energy Drinks
I have absolutely no problem with this type of supplement but why spend the money
when you can have fruit juice or a sport drink like Powerade or Gatorade, for 1/10th
of the cost?
However, like I mentioned earlier, you should aim to use dextrose before anything else
when making your own easy at-home concoction. Dextrose will enter your blood
stream and go immediately to your muscle glycogen as where fructose goes to your
liver glycogen.
Creatine Sugar Mixes
Again, there is no need to spend $100 on a tub of sugar that has only a few grams of
creatine and a few other bells and whistles (that will have minimal effect) thrown in.
You can cut your cost in half by buying sugar at the grocery store and mixing it with
creatine (bought in bulk for about $30-$40). You will gain the same insulin boosting
effects as the more expensive mixes.
Testosterone Boosters
Testosterone boosters are designed to either directly or indirectly affect androgen
levels in the body. Some supposedly do it directly by supplying a testosterone precursor (any of the androstenedione formulations on the market), and others do it indirectly by increasing levels of luteinizing hormone and manipulating the body’s feedback systems.
Although there has been a handful of research on the most popular testosterone
booster, tribulus terrestris, the quality of product found in most health food stores
is poor and basically useless. If you can find a very high quality tribulus product then
feel free to experiment and notice a slight increase in strength.
Following is an article I recently wrote on glutamine:
When was the last time you read an article discrediting the effects of glutamine?
Maybe this will be your first one? Unfortunately, the majority of bodybuilding and
muscle magazines still have this supplement on their “Top 5 Lists.” I am not here to
convince you to never buy another tub of glutamine again, but if stay with me, I will
do my best to debunk some of the common myths that have led you to believe that
this expensive supplement is necessary.
But I Thought Glutamine Was A “No Brainer” Supplement?
Creatine is a ‘no brainer’ supplement, protein powder is a ‘no brainer’ supplement,
multi vitamins and fish oils are ‘no brainer’ supplements. Sorry, Glutamine, you did
not make the team - despite the fact it gets its own message boards, chat rooms,
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magazine articles and its own section in the supplement store. I don’t need to remind you that the supplement industry is a billion-dollar industry. Since I used to be a
skinny guy myself, I know how badly you want to build the perfect body - or at least
one that gets you more dates and more respect at the gym!
Since I have already wasted thousands of dollars on certain, not all, supplements myself, I feel an obligation to tell you the other side of the story. To reveal the glutamine
research that NOBODY wants you to read. But this is obvious - nobody makes money
disproving the credibility of a hot selling supplement!
So here is where I will make my stand. Glutamine has no muscle-building effects
whatsoever. Now before we get too deep, remember that I am not a PH.D student or
a research geek. I will pass along the information and let you decide for yourself, and,
in the process, do my best to make this fun and interesting.
Glutamine 101
Here is a quick introduction for you skinny guys who have never heard of glutamine.
Glutamine makes up 2/3’s of the amino acids in our body, which could make a strong
case for it being the most important. Understand that glutamine is also a non-essential amino acid which means your body produces it by itself. This does not mean you
do not need it - only that external consumption is not mandatory. The most interesting fact about glutamine is that during times of stress (which is not clearly defined),
our amino acid pool is depleted which can prevent muscle growth since glutamine
makes up the greatest percentage of amino acids. Hence, the theory for supplementing with glutamine if you weight train.
Glutamine Claims
I cut and pasted these right out of random chat room just to show you I am more in
tune with the word on the street:
“...glutamine helps with weight training and prevents muscle soreness...”
“...you need glutamine to repair your muscles.”
“...supplemental glutamine can help prevent your body from losing muscle.”
“...glutamine is not worthless. I train with bodybuilders every day and they recommend it.”
“Glutamine is the most important supplement for bodybuilders...”
“It boosts immune function which helps you recover from colds much quicker..”
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“Taking large amounts of glutamine before a workout contributes to huge pumps...”
“Glutamine assists in situations of trauma which contributes to faster recovery...”
What Glutamine Sales Reps Are Afraid Of You Discovering
Although the majority of glutamine supplementation hoopla praises its contribution to
increased muscle size and strength, decreased chance of overtraining and the other
claims above, current research today gives no evident benefits for the skinny guy who
wants to build muscle - never mind for any weight trainer in general.
Recently I received an article from a fellow colleague, David Barr MSc., who collected
a large batch of research with an exhaustive reference list supporting the notion that
glutamine is useful for only very specific conditions (which we will discuss shortly).
Here is a list of some of the most interesting data that David Barr found in his research with my extra commentary:
• Just because glutamine has been proven to work in clinical stress testing does not
mean it equates to exercise stress that you experience after a killer workout. Clinical
stress such as severe burns, AIDS and extensive surgery are good reasons to warrant
its, use but you simply don’t cause enough muscular damage during your workouts to
justify its use.
• A 2001 study by Candow et al determined that 0.9g of supplemental glutamine/kg/
day during weight training resulted in no considerable effect on muscle performance,
body composition or muscle breakdown on healthy adults. Since I am just over 200 lbs
that is 80 grams of glutamine a day or over $1000 US in glutamine a year! If 80 grams
was shown to have no anti-catabolic effects, why would you waste your money on taking the recommended 5-10 grams per day?
• The majority of the research on endurance athletes has revealed minimal contribution in regards to enhancement of the immune system. More significantly, a number of
studies disclosed information that glutamine supplementation does not alter exerciseinduced suppression of the immune system. Contrary to popular belief, whether your
glutamine levels drop or not after training, they have no impact on immunity. - Hiscock N, Pedersen BK. Exercise-induced immunodepression- plasma glutamine is not
the link. J Appl Physiol 2002 Sep;93(3):813-22
• Many claim that glutamine helps increase your ‘pump’ by improving cell volumization. Dr. John Berardi, Ph.D, did some preliminary testing and discovered nothing to
support this. Glutamine supplementation has no response on total body water, intracellular fluid levels, or extra-cellular fluid levels. - Dr. John M Berardi, Ph.D., Appetite
For Construction, JohnBerardi.com 2002 Nov 8
• It is still a question whether or not glutamine improves glycogen stores post-weight
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training. But why should you care? If you are already consuming a post-workout drink
with sugary carbs to replenish glycogen (this is mandatory for any skinny guy who
wants to build muscle), then further supplementation with glutamine is unnecessary.
• In conclusion, studies that tested athletes who consumed an amino acid drink postworkout showed an increase in protein synthesis by 48%. However, when glutamine
was added to the drink, no additional benefits occurred. That blows the muscle-building theory out the window!
So Is Glutamine A Worthless Supplement?
Well, if you stopped reading right now you would think so! And you are probably confused as heck right now because everything you have heard on glutamine before today
praised its holiness. Remember, the supplement industry is a billion-dollar industry
and nobody makes money by disproving the effectiveness of supplements. In the end,
you must decide for yourself what you wish to believe.
When Glutamine Is Worth Using
David Barr fingers a few situations when glutamine supplement will prove useful
for the bodybuilder, so here is a chance to see if your glutamine should still be in
your budget:
• Glutamine supplementation could prove useful for bodybuilders who decrease their
testosterone levels after coming off a cycle improperly. Muscle breakdown is at its
highest in these circumstances despite a quality nutrition plan, so glutamine might
• During a pre-contest training regiment that consists of very low calories and high
volumes of exercise, protein breakdown is much more likely. Basically, any extreme
dieting or fat loss program with the hopes of getting extremely lean can result in increased stress, therefore increased catabolism. Competitive bodybuilders and fitness
models are perfect examples of those who might benefit from glutamine supplementation in this above-normal fat loss situation.
• During incidences of extreme weather conditions and/or multi day training, there
are situations where extreme stress can be counteract with glutamine supplementation. Triathletes and endurance athletes come to mind.
• “ Glutamine supplementation would be beneficial for conditions where catabolic
waste is at its peak. Severe burns, severe colds or flu’s, severe allergies, alcoholism,
chemotherapy, HIV/AIDS, irritable bowel syndrome are a few examples.
In Conclusion
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At the start I stated that, “Glutamine has no muscle building effects whatsoever.”
After reviewing this article, you will notice that is not as black and white as that.
However, the take home message, especially to you skinny guys, is that if you are on
a proper muscle-building meal plan and using solid post-workout nutrition strategies,
glutamine is not a worthwhile supplement for you. Save your money and put it towards food if you are motivated to gain muscle weight.
Save your money and put it towards food if you are motivated to gain muscle weight.
I hope this supplement was a good example of looking at the evidence rather then the
hyped-up muscle rags and advice from the ‘expert’ at your gym. In the end, you are
free to believe what you wish, but remember that the current research today does
not support the spectacular muscle-building effects supplement companies claim.
I will say this. Supplements like NO2 products, glutamine, testosterone boosters
and any other ‘new’ and ‘cutting edge’ product is being hyped up as you read this
might have their place. A small, small place.
If money is not an option for you then knock yourself out and put as much into
supplements as you wish. I won’t lie to you. When my training hits a 90 % threshold – meaning I have honestly implemented all the other training principles I have
shared and have approached a minor halt in progress. THEN, I might consider using
some glutamine, NO2, and test boosters because they might in fact make a 5-10 %
difference in my overall results, ONLY because everything else is in place.
But realize that I am not expecting miracles. I’m simply seeking a little bit of an
edge because I refuse to use steroids and these supplements might help me kick
down a door that’s being stubborn. Remember, supplement companies don’t make
money by bashing or discrediting a new product on the shelf. Be wise. Use common sense. Keep everything in perspective and you won’t be scammed or disappointed.
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Chapter 9
Chapter 9:
Injury Prevention And Avoiding the Causes
Injuries have causes – they do not simply find us
out of bad luck or fate.
One of the most common problems faced by strength training athletes is injury.
Whether it is tendon, ligament or joint pain I constantly meet with trainees - in the
midst of a training program - who tell me, “My shoulder is killing me,” or “This knee
has been aching for months,” or “I have been on pain killers to help with my elbow
pain,” or “I can’t doing anything that involves bending because it hurts my low back.”
Interestingly enough, this discussion rarely catches the attention of popular fitness
and bodybuilding magazines. Maybe there is no money to be made by helping people
to prevent injuries because there will be no supplement to sell them to fix it, or perhaps the topic is not ‘sexy’ enough for a front page spread or perhaps it is not ‘revolutionary’ enough. It would be more comforting to know that ‘injury prevention’ is
not a hot topic because injuries are very uncommon – but we know this is not true and
if you have a history of injury or a present problem - we need to fix and, better yet,
prevent injury potential altogether.
Top 10 Causes of Injuries and How to Avoid Them:
1. Failing to Warm-up.
If you have never warmed up and have never been injured, consider yourself lucky and a hopeful candidate for the lottery. A warm up is a great insurance policy against
a strain or injury.
Warming up is highly subjective and based on a few considerations but regardless, I
recommend that everyone spend a few minutes warming up before a strength-training
The best way to warm up depends on your age, your level of conditioning, your history of injury, what you’re wearing and your surrounding temperature. The objective
is to get blood rushing through your body and to allow a few minutes to mentally
rehearse your goals and the heavy lifts you are about to move. In the end you will
have to make your own decision whether you feel ready for heavy lifting or not.
That being said, here is what I promote. Always begin with 10-20 minutes of light
aerobic work on a treadmill, elliptical or seated bike. Nothing anaerobic or of high intensity that dips into your energy reserves required for the heavy lifting. Then, before
each weight lifting exercise perform 15-20 repetitions with 1/3 of your lifting weight.
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Depending on your level of flexibility I would recommend full range of movement.
Using this technique has helped me stay injury free in the gym - I’m sure it will do the
same for you. If you are nursing an old injury, do two warm-up sets - the second set
being 10% heavier for 10-15 repetitions.
2. Training Too Often.
Have you ever heard a friend say, or maybe you’ve said the following yourself,
“Yesterday was chest day, today is leg day and tomorrow is arm day.” Yes, I know
this is how every single person and their brother trains. Yes, I know this is what every
fitness magazine preaches to the masses. Splitting a routine has its benefits, but its
benefits are counteracted when you train too often.
Remember this:
Every day is a joint day.
Every day is an immune system day.
Every day is a central nervous system day.
Every day is a hormone day.
It’s not just your muscles that require recovery but your organs, joints, hormonal and
nervous system (just to name a few). These vital systems can be overworked too, and
just because you feel ‘ready to go’ does not mean these other systems have fully recovered.
Your structural system does not care that you worked chest yesterday and are giving it
a break by training back today. It’s all the same to your tendons, ligaments and joints.
Your hormonal and central nervous system could care less that yesterday was an upper
body day and today is a lower body day. It all means the same to the other systems in
your body that require FULL recovery too.
I assume you want steady and consistent gains so do not underestimate the other
systems in your body. You must FULLY recover before you try to stimulate more growth
from any muscle in your body.
3. Psychological Factors.
Studies have shown that athletes who are aggressive, tense, and compulsive have
a higher risk of injury than their relaxed peers. Tension may make muscles and tendons more taut, increasing the risk that they will be harmed during workouts.
However, don’t underestimate the value of ‘psyching’ yourself up prior to a weight
training session. Productive strength training comes from progressively overloading
your muscles. This means today’s workout must be better than your last workout. You
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must reach a greater muscular capacity to create any potential for muscle growth.
Similar to other life goals, improvement requires a sense of focus and purpose prior to
each workout.
4. Inappropriate Weights (Lifting Outside of Limits).
Even though our goals are muscle mass and strength there are still times when you
could choose a weight that will compromise your form and risk injury. Not only will
your form be incorrect but you will lose the isolation on the muscle. Remember, your
muscles can not read the amount of weight on the plates. Yes, muscular overload
must be attained with heavy lifts but the progress must be consistent and gradual.
Inch by inch life is a cinch. Yard by yard life is hard! A cute saying that can be applied
to the concept of progression. Your goal is to stimulate your muscles - not your joints.
Oftentimes choosing a weight that is outside our limits will transfer the stress to your
tendons, ligaments and joints.
Most trainees have no idea until a few days later when they can’t figure out why the
heck their lower back, shoulder and knee are killing. Worse yet, most young trainees
who are currently lifting outside their limits will have no clue until 5-10 years from
now when their neck and shoulder start hurting and they have to start spending hundreds of dollars on therapy. Don’t be that guy!
5. Check Your Ego at the Door.
This one ties into the above. Ego is the mortal enemy of common sense. Don’t let your
ego be your guide in lifting. Impress your friends with your physique, not with the
amount of weight you can lift. Are you more impressed with the little guy lifting more
weight or the massive monster lifting less weight?
Amusingly, I have witnessed more weight selection based on the influence of those
watching, not on what impact it will have on the body. For what - 20 seconds of glory?
Don’t be that guy on the beach telling everyone how much weight he lifted yesterday
at the gym. You know why they have to tell everyone how much weight they lift - because you would never guess by just looking at him!
On a side note, not only will you prevent injuries but you will spend less time fighting
others, convincing, competing, defending and proving yourself. You should have nothing to prove and nothing to lose. Rise above your ego and you will have more time,
more energy and learn more in a shorter period of time. Value your unique self and
resist the need to be seen for more than who you are!
6. They Don’t Take in Adequate Nutrients.
Most joint problems, such as arthritis, tendinitis, and bursitis, can be reduced with
natural compounds that can save you from aching joints and years of pain. The sad
news is that most treatments offered by traditional medicine simply treat the symptoms and make the problem worse in the long run. Common doctor recommendations
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of anti-inflammatory drugs, injections, joint replacement and ‘stay off it’ advice are
useless and could be avoided if the proper measures were taken years ago.
Supplement with flax oil at least three times a day to help reduce inflammation in
the joints, which will also help reduce pain from heavy lifting. Glucosamine is considered by many as one of the best natural products for the treatment and prevention
of cartilage degeneration. It is an essential part of cartilage, synovial fluid, and other
components of joints. Chondroitin sulphate is related to glucosamine and acts like flax
oil helping to reduce inflammation around the joints. Also, the antioxidants Vitamin E
and C should be added because it is well known that free radical pathology is part of
the damage that takes place in the joints.
7. Choose the Appropriate Range-of-Motion Based on Your Flexibility.
Many injuries occur when training in the weakest part of the motion. For example,
the bottom of the squat position places outrageous stress on the knees and the bottom of the bench press position can tear the ligaments and tendons of the upper arm
and shoulder.
However, lifting heavy with a full range of motion is acceptable and will stimulate
more muscle tissue if you have gradually progressed with a slower and controlled
movement and then progressively add resistance. If you are training with full
range movements and have limiting flexibility issues in certain joints,
only train within your current range. Do not use weight training as a method
to improve your flexibility - save that for the yoga class.
8. Not Stretching At Least Half the Amount of Time That You Lift.
Stretching is not popular, nor has it ever been. Most ‘current’ thinking leads trainees
to believe that stretching is ‘bad’ and results in a fear of the unknown, leaving many
to avoid it altogether. I think the ‘fear’ is more of an excuse for laziness and an uncertainty of what stretching can actually do. And interestingly, most of the anti-stretch
advocates change their reasoning every few years and can not touch their toes!
Many ‘believers’ in stretching have learned the side effects of not stretching, not
stretching enough and not stretching effectively. Before you read any more literature
on the academic stretch debate I encourage you to decide on this one for yourself.
You can create your own laboratory and test out my recommendations yourself, and
I’m confident to say that your participation in this experiment will teach you - by doing - the role of flexibility training.
I really don’t care what kind of stretching a person uses, providing that the desired
range of motion is achieved and sustained to minimize injury and maximize performance.
Studies show that shortened muscles perform weaker, slower and have a higher
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incidence of injuries. But big muscles require strong, lengthened and healthy tissue – so why would you neglect a component of your fitness that can skyrocket your
strength through the roof, maintain healthy specific joint relationships, greater joint
angles and accelerate recovery?
Flexibility Tips and Guidelines:
• Flexibility training should be treated just like every other component of your fitness
program. If you have a nutrition, strength, and cardio program – why would you not
have a flexibility program? You should spend just as much time and effort into making
consistent progress and gains with your range of motion as your other physical qualities.
• As a general guideline, you should spend just as much time stretching as in all
other training. This means if you spend 2 hours lifting weights in the week, you
should spend 2 hours stretching. Ghaah! I can hear the groans now. And if you spend
an additional 2 hours doing cardio – you’d better find time to do at least 2 hours of
stretching. The consequence is greater for those with lower levels of flexibility.
A 1:1 ratio is the optimal amount of time, based on my personal study and experience, for injury prevention and performance enhancement. For the lazy man I recommend a bare minimum of 0.5:1. This means that if you train 2 hours a week with
weights, you MUST stretch for at least 1 hour total.
• Flexibility training is the only component in exercise where more may be better.
Strength training, endurance, speed and power training more often lead to injury,
unlike stretching. There is a positive correlation between more frequent stretching
sessions, longer stretching sessions and holding the stretch longer – and improving the
length of a tendon, ligament or muscle tissue.
• Monitor your progress in flexibility. From session to session, ask yourself what kind
of progress you have made. Compare the difference. Have you improved? If not,
why not? If you have, how much did your range improve and note what you did prior.
• Flexibility training involves progressive overload just like your cardio and strength
training. One of the main reasons I believe people ‘give up’ on stretching is that they
do not experience the benefits. They make a lame attempt and say, “I’ve never been
able to touch my toes.” The lack of progress is because of the absence of progressive overload. If you are not attempting to improve your flexibility from session to
session then your tissue will continue to maintain the same length.
• Don’t take advice from people who can’t touch their toes. Most coaches, experts,
and athletes have little exposure to true flexibility training and have little knowledge
of the ‘real-world benefits.’ You would not take money advice from someone who is
broke, so why take stretching advice from someone who is always injured, tight, sore,
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and who has never personally experienced the benefits of flexibility training?
• Start off by stretching your tight muscles. It does not matter which order you
stretch them in (it actually does but for now let’s just develop the habit). Start by stretching
the tight side first. Spend at least one minute per side and focus on building up to
5-10 minutes per stretch in each session. If you increase the range bit by bit I can
promise you that almost any ache or pain in your body will disappear, you will feel
absolutely incredible, and your strength will go through the roof!
• Stretch before you work out. I can hear the cries right now, “Stretching before you
work out makes you weaker!” Does it? I, myself, and the majority of my clients have
set personal bests after 30 + minute stretch sessions prior to lifting. Please note that I
am referring to stretching over reactive muscles. For example, if your hip flexors are
extremely tight it will be in your best interest to reduce the amount of tension so
that you can attain a deeper range of motion when you squat or deadlift etc. It is not
necessary to stretch muscles or around joints that currently have optimal ranges of
motion. This guideline applies to your tighter muscles that can limit range of motion.
9. Muscle and Structural Imbalances
Screening for muscle imbalances and postural alignment is the current cutting edge of
injury prevention. The rationale behind this is that there are detectable and correctable abnormalities of muscle strength and length that are fundamental to the development of almost all musculo-skeletal pain and dysfunction. Detection of these
abnormalities and correction before injury has occurred should be
part of any injury prevention strategy.
Assessment of muscle strength and alignment by a professional therapist should occur prior to your training. Can you imagine if you were training with one leg longer
than the other or a separated joint you are not even aware of or a misalignment in
your shoulder girdle - and then you go the gym and expose your body to thousands of
pounds of poundage? HELLO! Your body is screaming for an injury!
I would suggest approaching a reputable and trusted chiropractor, massage therapist
and/or Active Release (ART) therapist for regular clean ups and maintenance. Don’t
look at these professionals as a ‘crutch’ or someone you need to ‘rely’ on. If you are
serious about making consistent strength gains your body will thank you immensely. If
you decide not to make these therapists a part of your team – be prepared to pay for
some physiotherapist’s next European vacation when you get hurt!
10. Muscle Weakness
The quickest way to get injured (and stunt your muscular gains) is to ignore your
weaknesses. Most often it is the smallest muscle in your body that appears to have no
significance until you are sidelined and down for the count. Most people acknowledge
this principle but most fail to execute it appropriately.
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No matter how small the muscle weakness, this will be the missing link that
crashes the house if you do not address it. Most muscle weaknesses are created
over time from continually doing the same exercises and working the same muscle
groups in the same order week after week.
If you did not follow the No-Nonsense Program, but simply took this one tip away I
could guarantee that you would experience some new gains.
Simply flip your entire current program upside down. If you were doing chest first
– do it last. If you were doing calves on Friday – put them on Monday. Flip everything
upside down. You are in for a surprise in your next workout – be prepared to find new
All weak muscles should be placed at the start of the week and early in the session
because this is when you are the most fresh, and they will reap the most benefit.
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Chapter 10:
No Nonsense Maximum Muscle Growth Programs
Foundational Principles to Execute during Each Workout:
1. Increase Muscle Threshold above Last Workout
2. Activate as Many Muscle Fibers as Possible
3. Train With Heavy Weights for High Reps
4. Train to Failure
5. Measure Your Intensity
Muscle Threshold
Muscle Threshold (output, workload, and capacity are all other terms I use interchangeably for threshold) is the amount of work your body achieves in a specific
amount of time.
This is the number one goal of every single workout - the cornerstone of every single
training session. To build more SIZE, GET STRONGER, or to become MORE MUSCULAR
you must INCREASE your MUSCLE THRESHOLD each and every workout.
We discussed that you must give your muscles a reason to grow and this is that reason
- your muscles are designed to tolerate trauma and adapt, as a survival mechanism, to
protect themselves from being traumatized ever again. It is your job to inflict more
trauma than they have ever experienced before.
Activate as Many Muscle Fibers as Possible
Each rule builds on the last one. Your next goal is to ensure that you have utilized
every single muscle fiber within that particular area of the trained muscle. Your goal
is to leave no single muscle fiber UNTRAINED or UNWORKED. If you train a few reps
short of momentary failure or if you train a few pounds too light then you will not
activate all the potential muscle fibers that could lead to growth.
Train With Heavy Weights for High Reps
The greater the workload placed on the muscle the greater reason it has to grow and
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become stronger. This means you must perform more work in the same or less time
than before.
Which will stimulate more muscle fiber and have a greater chance of surpassing your
muscle threshold? Training with heavy weights for 2-3 reps, or training with the same
amount of weight for 8-9 reps? That’s right, doing heavy weights for high reps will
make your muscles do more work than doing heavy weight with low reps. And surpassing your muscles’ previous threshold will lead to bigger muscles. More on this
concept shortly.
Train to Failure
Muscular failure is the point that you reach in a set where you can no longer move
the weight, no matter how hard you try. You have reached the limit of the muscle. It
is extremely important to take a set to complete failure because it ensures that you
have exhausted as many possible muscle fibers in that particular area. If you stop 2
or 3 reps short of failure then you are leaving a lot of precious muscle fiber untapped
and unworked, meaning you are leaving a good portion of the muscle untrained.
Measure Your Intensity
Now it is time to see IF our sweat and tears will result in an anabolic environment muscle growth, that is. Notice I emphasized IF because if this workout did not surpass
your last workout’s threshold then there will be NO REASON for NEW muscle growth
- which is why we are training in the first place, so listen up.
The longer you have trained the more critical it is to have a tool that you can use to
objectively measure your progress. You must have a tool that will allow you to measure if you are, if fact, increasing the workload on each particular exercise. You must
keep track of your progress in a training log so that you can ensure a greater muscle
stress on each muscle group - this is the cornerstone for muscle growth.
I recommend carrying a diary to the gym and KNOWING what you must BEAT before
you start your workout. You must have GOALS for each workout. This way you are
prepared to do battle each workout and can visualize the extra rep or extra poundage
you will be lifting.
How to Measure Your Results
Let’s review the basics to accurately increase our muscular threshold:
1. Number of Sets
2. Number of Repetitions
3. Amount of Time it Takes to Complete Specific Set Measured in Seconds
Since time has many variables that can effect its outcome (such as tempo, range of
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motion etc) we will leave this variable out of the equation because it will be a constant in each training phase. And it is difficult to start and stop a stopwatch for each
and every set!
The only time factor we will monitor to measure intensity is the
total duration of the workout.
Set #
# Reps
3000 lbs
2560 lbs
If you did, then it is safe to say that your intensity (and work capacity) has, in fact,
increased, which means you recovered from your last workout, and you have just set
up the potential for NEW muscle growth. This is FANTASTIC! Hold you head up high
because this is a critical requirement of new muscle growth and this is where people
screw up the most.
Ways to Set New Muscle Thresholds
Your muscle capacity can be increased by the following:
Increasing the training weight, assuming reps and sets are the same.
Increasing the number of sets, assuming weight and reps are the same.
Increasing the number of reps, assuming sets and weight is the same.
Performing the same weight, sets and reps in 40 minutes instead
of 45 minutes.
On my website I promised you that this was a simple step-by-step plan and this is
what I meant. These above factors are all you need to worry about. There are many
other proposed methods for alternating intensity and calculating power; however, I
do not intend to lift a pencil more than I lift weighs so this system will meet all of our
requirements to progressively overload our muscles. Making it any more complicated
than this is a waste of time and could lead to another 100 pages of reading for you!
How Much Stronger Should I Be Getting Each Workout?
This is a valuable tool to determine the percentage increase of each exercises workload:
You will need your old workload for the exercise you are comparing, which we will
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refer to as your Old Personal Best.
And your new work-completed calculation. This will be referred to as your New Personal Best.
New PB - Old PB = Difference in Work
Difference Divided By Old PB Multiplied By 100 = Percentage Increase In Work
(Diff / Old PB X 100).
Keep A Log Book
Tracking your progress is mandatory. This is like professional sports teams competing
without keeping score. Or like runners and swimmers working out without a stopwatch. How do you expect to get better? In my opinion, if you work out without a log
book you really aren’t serious and should reconsider the reasons you work out. Keep
working out - just don’t expect any exceptional gains.
• Workout Tempo
• Muscles Trained
• Exercises Used
• Weight Used
• Number of Sets
• Time to Complete Workout
• Time of Day
• Energy Levels
By monitoring your gains you can actually see if your workouts are progressing, which
will help prevent plateaus. If your workouts are not progressing then you can see exactly where the problem is - perhaps an extra day was needed to recover or your body
did not receive sufficient calories etc.
Training to Failure is Not A Valid Way to Measure Intensity
Interestingly, bodybuilding is the only activity I know that preaches this theory of
training to failure. Do you know any basketball team that shoots the ball until they
can’t shoot one more? Do you know any swimmer or runner who trains until they can
not take one more stroke or one more step? Training to failure has grown in popular-
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ity in weight training circles the past few decades and not only has this concept inspired millions to train ‘hard’ but it has also misled millions to train stupid.
Let’s say you just finished a workout after a night of partying and drinking and poor
nutrient intake. You’re dehydrated, your energy reserves are depleted, your testosterone levels are zapped from the alcohol but you have a great workout because you
trained to failure. The reality is that your workout probably fell short of your personal best. Because of the circumstances your work volume and poundage did not
come close to your personal best and your workout time was probably longer. You did
not meet any of the requirements to set up an environment for muscle growth. Do
not base your progress on intangibles like how you felt and what you ‘perceived’ to be
intense. Base your progress on solid evidence - use the formula I provided above.
The Muscle Growth Formula
Instead of describing the structure and complicated make-up of your muscles (this will
do nothing for muscle growth and could put you to sleep) I have created the above
mission statement to simplify the training process and give you one clear goal for every training session at the gym.
If you truly want to see some insane muscle gain then you must execute these principles during every rep, every set and every single workout. This is how you will reach
your true genetic potential. Let’s look at it further:
In the year 2000, Charles Poliquin first popularized the concept. He suggested a
new training variable that would help influence training response by measuring how
long a muscle was ‘under tension’ during an exercise by using a stopwatch. Ian King,
an Australian strength coach furthered the concept by using a numerical system. An
example of this system might look like this:
Which means the weight is lowered in 4 seconds, paused for 2 seconds and lifted in 1
second. This would be considered the ‘tempo’ or ‘timing.’ Each tempo would reflect
a different training response. So using this tempo for 10 reps would equal a total
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time under tension of 7 seconds X 10 reps = 70 seconds
20 sec
40 sec
60 sec
Neural Response
Metabolic Response
Neural adaptations refer to increased central nervous system functions, such as an
increased ability to recruit muscle fibers and increase coordination between different muscles. Neural training is another name for strength training, power training, or
speed training.
Metabolic adaptations refer to a change in body structure, such as an increase in
muscle fiber size and other connective tissues, increased substrate stores giving a
‘fuller’ look, increased size and function of blood vessels etc. Metabolic training is a
technical way to say muscle building or hypertrophy (muscle growth).
Charles Poliquin, a strength and conditioning coach, has come up with these numbers
as a guide to help determine T.U.T.
1. If you train for relative strength, TUT [time-under-tension] should be under 20 seconds.
2. If you train for hypertrophy, TUT should be around 40-70 seconds.
These numbers are based on a full set. In other words your T.U.T. should total between 40-70 seconds per set for hypertrophy, which is what most of us are looking
for. Growth! (Shortly, you will learn how I have tweaked and exploited this principle
further specifically for hard gainers).
Maximum duration refers to reaching the point of momentary muscular failure.
When you have trained until you can not complete one more unassisted rep, you
have reached maximum duration for that specific exercise and load.
The key to insane muscle gain is to incorporate the best of both worlds – sets between
20-40 seconds and sets between 40-70 seconds. A weight that is maximized for the
duration of 20-40 seconds has been shown to increase neuromuscular strength – this
means an increased ability to recruit more muscle fibers and increased coordination between different muscles. A weight that is maximized for the duration of 40-70
seconds has been shown to increase muscle fiber size and other connective tissues,
increase substrate stores such as glycogen, and increase size and function of blood
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My training program combines the best of both worlds. This method has turned out
Overview of the Programs Principles and Techniques
In order to overload your muscles to create the potential for NEW muscle growth you
must get your muscles to generate as much force as possible AFTER you have FULLY
recovered from your last training session to ensure SUPERCOMPENSATION. You must
use the heaviest weight possible – relative to your level of strength – for a maximum duration of 40-70 seconds.
In order to overload your muscles to create the potential for NEW muscle growth you
must get your muscles to generate as much force as possible AFTER you have FULLY
recovered from your last training session to ensure SUPERCOMPENSATION. You must
use the heaviest weight possible – relative to your level of strength – for a maximum duration of 20-40 seconds.
Yes, you read that correctly above. If you have been training longer than 12 weeks
consistently, then I strongly suggest that you take at least one week off without any
training whatsoever. This is extremely critical because if you don’t then you will bring
residual fatigue into the new routine and it will not work. I need you FULLY recovered
– not just your muscles, but your immune, hormonal and central nervous systems,
which are taxed harder and have slower recovery rates than your muscles – or else
you will be starting the program in a over-trained state.
You will be amazed at how you feel once you have fully recuperated and begin this
new muscle-building routine. In the meantime, take the next week to study this
course, read and re-read through it a few times and make any preparations (groceries etc.) that will be necessary prior to beginning.
I have taught in detail that you will only grow AFTER you have fully recovered from
training. Therefore your attention to the recovery process should be given just as
much attention as the training process itself.
Training consumes or depletes. It disrupts homeostasis and inflicts trauma to your tissues. The amount of damage you inflict on your body will reflect the amount of recovery required. Exceed it at your own peril. Creating a recovery plan is not rigid and
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can be altered based on your stress levels and age, which are the two most powerful factors working against you. You can also alter the recovery process with nutrition, supplements, sleep and rest etc.
Your lack of progress is more often caused by over-training than any other factor.
Over-training occurs if you are exposed to a subsequent bout of training before recovering from the previous one. When this occurs a few times in a row, you start to see
more obvious signs of over-training. Too much bodybuilding literature focuses on the
symptoms instead of prevention of them. You may have read the terms ‘over-training
syndrome’ and ‘planned over-training.’ There is no need for this – if you are in control
of the recovery process and training, if you train to preset levels, and recover in preplanned ways, you don’t need to know anything about ‘over-training syndrome.’
Your goal is to return to the gym recovered, with NEW muscle so that you will be able
to naturally lift more and repeat the process. If, for whatever reason, you return to
the gym and realize that you have not fully recovered, you have two choices.
You can walk out immediately and return the next day to attempt the workout again,
or you can ‘tough it out’ and train at sub-maximal loads that will do NOTHING for any
further muscle growth and have taken you one step toward over-training.
This has happened to me before – it is a tough decision because your natural tendency
is to slug it out – but your goal is to get stronger from workout to workout, not to see
how tough you are. Don’t worry if you made an error in judgment prior to the workout
and realize that you have not fully recovered – I want you to go home! An alternative
would be to replace your weight session with a flexibility session if you do not want
the trip to the gym to be completely in vain.
Recovery Rule B
Your second goal is to make consistent strength gains from week to week.
Increasing a minimum of 5% strength every 2 weeks is your guide on isolation lifts. So
let’s say you are bicep curling 30 pounds right now. In 4 weeks you should be at least
3 pounds up - I know this is not a lot of weight. But in 9 weeks you will be curling 40
pounds and in 4 months you will be curling 50 pounds! Again, this is a generalization
and biceps is a smaller muscle group.
Increasing a minimum of 5% strength every week is your guide on compound lifts. So
let’s say you squat 225 pounds right now. In 4 weeks you should be squatting closer
to 270 pounds – an extra 45 pounds. If you are a few pounds off or ahead of schedule,
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don’t sweat it. Think long-term gains. Slow and steady wins the race!
You have two forms of recovery after each training phase –
½ weeks or full weeks.
This means absolutely no exercise whatsoever for these periods of times.
Here are my guidelines:
Take a ½ week off every 6 weeks
Take a full week off every 12 weeks
#5 - Upside Down Training
This is the phase of the program that will be CUSTOMIZED completely to you. I believe this phase makes the program far more powerful because it brings you – the
trainee – into the training process. Many programs neglect the importance of individual differences such as posture, muscle imbalances and individual muscle weaknesses.
This is also an excellent opportunity to troubleshoot any potential injuries. Some
refer to this phase as the Corrective Training Phase, Preparatory Training Phase or
Control/Stability Phase – I will refer to it as Upside Down Training because it is my bet
that for the majority this will feel upside down!
Upside Down Training is the first step before I unleash the keys to the car. You
wouldn’t take out a beat up car on a long road trip or under hazardous conditions
would you? You would make sure the car is in alignment, the tires are balanced,
there were no malfunctioning parts, the tank was full of gas and any old parts were
replaced with new parts etc. Therefore consider this first phase of your training like
an automobile tune-up. When we start lifting some really heavy weights in a few
short weeks, all of your weaknesses will become exposed. Either you address them
now or you will pay for them later. Skipping this stage is like building a 10-story
building and than realizing there is a problem with the foundation.
Priority #1 for UDT – Improve Posture By Lengthening Shortened Muscles
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Improving posture requires lengthening shortened muscles and strengthening weakened muscles. Let’s begin with lengthening shortened muscles with a flexibility training program.
Below is the Stretching Program to be followed during the entire year:
Lower Body Stretching:
1.Low Back (Lying)
2.Letter T Stretch
3.Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
Side Lying Quad Stretch
Supine Hamstring Stretch
Gluts/Piriformis Stretch
Double Leg Straddle Stretch
8.Tensor Fascia Latae Stretch
9.Forward Lunge Calve Stretch
Upper Body Stretching:
1.Trapezius Stretch
2.Chest Stretch (doorway or wall)
3.Anterior Shoulder Stretch
Back Stretch (wall)
5.Quadratus Lumborum/Lat Stretch
Seated Lateral Stretch
7.Forearms (kneeling)
The below is a brief version of a proper fitness assessment. Postural analysis, flexibility and muscular assessment methods are beyond the scope of this book. These areas
of focus will not cure every problem but will eliminate some of the most popular ones
and will help you discover where some of your weak links lie and how to customize
the stretching program around your tighter areas.
If your pelvis is tilted forward then expect to do more stretching on your quads and
hip flexors and strengthening your abdominals.
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If your pelvis is tilted posteriorly then expect to do more stretching on your hamstrings and possibly weak spinal erectors.
This is a sign of weak glutes and tightness in the Tensor Fascia latae (TFL) and iliotibial band (ITB) on the lateral part of the thigh.
Same as above but probably also tight adductors (inner thigh muscles) and weak
abductors (outer thigh muscles). Get ready to strengthen those hip extensors (butt
muscles), and abductors, not to mention a lot of stretching out your TFL, ITB, adductor’s and hip flexors.
If you can not squat down below parallel, feet a little wider than shoulder width, to
the floor holding a broomstick over your head with a flat back then you require some
flexibility work around your shoulder, hip and ankle joints. Most can not do this while
keeping their back flat, head up and arms in line with their spine. This calls for some
serious stretching around the hip flexors, quads, calves, chest and shoulders.
If you have a condition that you feel is not addressed then seek out a qualified therapist to eliminate any potential injury. Not all perceived flexibility and muscular issues
are actually a result of poor range of motion or lack of strength. Oftentimes a muscle
will not ‘fire’ or do its job because of a nerve problem (nerve entrapment will make
the respective muscle unresponsive), or structural problem.
This could mean the joint is not holding or not in alignment (pelvis out of alignment,
one leg longer than the other, unknown shoulder separation etc.). If you are in doubt
of a lagging body part or nagging injury, feel free to contact me to troubleshoot the
problem and I will make the best recommendation as to which steps to take.
I highly recommend seeing a competent injury treatment professional such as a chiropractor, ART therapist, and/or massage therapist that can ‘clean up’ any abnormalities that
would be outside of your own scope of correcting.
Seek out an assessment from a competent therapist and have them treat the cause,
not the symptom. You are wasting your time and money if the therapist fails to determine the cause of the current condition. Not correcting the root cause will lead to
further occurrences of this condition in the future.
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Chapter 10
*To exploit the full benefits of flexibility training this program can be done on a daily
basis, not just on your workout days.
**It does not matter whether you stretch before or after your workouts. Personally
I find stretching to be a relaxing activity so it kills my ‘edge’ before I have to train
hard so I prefer to stretch after a workout. The bottom line is that you find time to
stretch period. Many will debate ‘the best time to stretch,’ but in the end I believe
that’s just another reason for the ‘talkers’ to talk instead of getting off their butts
and actually doing it.
***Consider doing your stretching program on your non-weight training days so you
are not pressed for time and so that you can put all your energy and focus into a high
quality flexibility session.
****Hold each stretch for a minimum of 60 seconds per side – this is called good oldfashioned static stretching. Build up to 2-3 minutes per side on areas of attention.
Yes, that will be almost one hour of stretching a day if you perform upper and lower
body each day.
Maybe you don’t stretch at all right now and are freaking out about the idea of
stretching at all. If you are going to be completely changing the way you eat and
train, you might as well make it three and add stretching.
*****Spend more time on the areas that are tighter and don’t hold yourself to the
above recommendations. If you feel you would benefit from stretching your hips
flexors for up to 10 minutes then go for it.
Stretching is one of the only things where more is better. Oh yeah, don’t stretch
with a stopwatch either. Stretch for RESULTS. Just like your weights – you should
be increasing your range of motion each week. Go somewhere quiet and get into a
relaxed zone. Your body will thank you dearly!
Priority #2 for UDT – Improve Posture By Strengthening Weaker Or Imbalanced Muscles
• Minimize Muscle Imbalances: During UDT you will do EVERYTHING unilaterally with
free weights and cables, and avoid ALL bilateral movements. A bilateral movement is
where you are using both limbs together –a lat pulldown or bench press would be a
bilateral movement and is out of the question during UDT.
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When you have a strength imbalance there is a tendency to ‘shift’ the load to the
strong side, thus increasing the imbalance. The insidious part to this is that it’s not
detectable visually until the imbalance has reached ridiculous proportions. Instead,
plan to use ‘unilateral’ movements. A unilateral movement is where you only use one
limb at a time.
• Apply Ian King’s Weak Side Rule: I think I learned this from the Australian strength
coach and even though it appears obvious I have never heard these rules shared in
conventional bodybuilding magazines. Another advantage of avoiding bilateral movements in UDT is that any hidden muscle weakness will be exposed and can be treated.
• Strength train the weak or injured side first and stretch the tighter side first;
• then MAYBE do the strong or more flexible side;
• do no more reps or load (strength) or time (stretching) on the strong/long side
than the weak/tighter side could do;
• never perform more reps or more stretch on the strong/long side. So, if you
are doing leg extensions and can only do 5 reps on the weaker side, you should do no more than 5 reps on the stronger side (even if it feels like you can do 15 or more).
• Train Through A FULL Range Of Motion: Some sources say that you only need to train
through a limited range of motion. A limited range of motion equals a limited range
of the muscle being used, and if your goal is to stimulate as much muscle fiber as
possible then you must train through a full range of motion. Be prepared to discover
some ‘new muscle’ with this one tip.
Priority #3 for UDT – Improve Posture By Increasing Core Stability And Strength
This can be discovered by lying on your back in a sit-up position. Keep your knees
bent 90 degrees and your feet flat on the floor. Now try to sit all the way up with
your arms at your side. You should be able to sit all the way up without acceleration
and without your feet leaving the ground. If not than your abs are VERY weak.
The attached abdominal program, at this stage, is injury prevention focused. The primary purpose of this initial abdominal training is to prioritize the health of the lower
back, hips and lower extremities. These exercises are not designed to make your
abdominals ‘pop out’ – that will come during the 29- week programs!
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Chapter 10
Abdominal Program
Air Bike
Janda Sit Up
(wrists to knees)
Full Sit Ups
Lying Side
1-2 minutes
and repeat
Supine Double
Leg Raise
Alternating Toe
Hip Thrusts
***Special Tips
• This is a continuous circuit which means you will move from exercise to exercise
with zero rest.
• Notice the tempo is quicker. Keep your body moving.
• Start with 1 set of 10 and build up to 2 sets of 15 with about a 1-2 minutes between sets.
• Don’t be surprised if you feel like someone is ripping your stomach apart! This is a
beautiful circuit of exercises and it kills. Your abs will be on fire!
• Unless they are really sore, do this program every workout. It’s based on higher
volume and no load so your abs will recover quickly.
Priority #4 for UDT – Improve Posture By Increasing Shoulder Stability
The majority of people will be able to answer this fairly easily. If you have had a
previous shoulder injury, if you have been training longer then 4 years or if you fail to
meet the test below, you will benefit from the simple shoulder stability program attached below.
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Chapter 10
Stand beside a mirror and look at your body with a side view. If you can see the top
of your upper back in the mirror than you have internally rotated shoulders.
Now face the mirror and take a look at the position that your thumbs are facing. If
your thumbs are facing straight ahead then you’re golden. If your thumbs are pointed
inward diagonally, slightly facing your thighs than you have mild internal rotation of
the shoulder joint. If you look down and see your palm or thumb facing the wall behind you then you have severe internal shoulder rotation.
Most likely you have done too much lat or pec work and not enough retraction or external rotator work. Get ready for tons of pec, lat, front delts and biceps stretching.
In addition, we will be strengthening the external rotators of your shoulder and lots of
strengthening the scapula to correct this problem.
Shoulder Stability Program
Reverse Fly with
Tubing (dumbells optional)
External Rotation with tubing (dumbells
Diagonal External Rotation
with tubing (
dumbells optional)
Prone Dumbell
Reverse Flys
1-2 minutes
and repeat
***Special Tips
• This is a continuous circuit which means you will move from exercise to exercise
with zero rest.
• Notice the tempo is slower because it is also injury prevention centered. Focus on
• Start with 1 set of 10 and build up to 2 sets of 15 with about a 1-2 minutes between sets.
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• Your goal is not to ‘work it’ but to simply ‘switch on’ the rotator cuff and external
rotators so they are prepared to stabilize the shoulder area.
• I suggest performing this mini routine prior to every one of your upper body workouts. They heavier you plan to lift the more beneficial this will be. In exchange for
an extra 5 minutes of your workout, this mini routine will extend the lifespan of your
shoulder joint so you can train hard and pain free!
Priority #5 for UDT – Improve Functional Strength And Conditioning
With Body Weight Exercises
Introduce Body Weight Training: Alwyn Cosgrove preaches that, ‘you have no freaking business using a load if you can’t stabilize, control and move efficiently using only
your body weight.’ I can’t agree more. I assume the majority of you reading this
book are skinny guys so you have no excuse that your body weight is too much.
No matter what your frame, body type, age or sex – body weight exercises should be
the foundation of any training program. You can’t lift your own body weight? Tough!
This phase has your name written all over it!
Get ready to introduce lots of very functional based movements which include
push-ups, chin-ups, pull-ups, handstand push-ups, dips, wall sits, one leg squats,
one leg deadlifts, one leg back extensions, sit-ups, and a few others that might be
new for you. You will notice that this workout can be done literally anywhere – at
your gym, in your basement or at the mall!
Body Weight Conditioning Program
Standard Pushup
High Knee Drill
(running on the
Close Grip
Chin Ups
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Bench Dip
Modified Pullup
Split Squat
Single Leg Hip
Reverse Lunge
Single Leg
Plank Raise
Oblique Adductor Raise
***Special Tips
• This is a continuous circuit which means you will move from exercise to exercise.
• You will require a stop watch that has a timer which beeps every 20 seconds and
than breaks for 20 seconds.
• Your goal is to perform as many reps as possible within 20 seconds and then move
to the next exercise. You get 20 seconds rest between exercises.
• Focus on using a faster tempo for this 20 seconds so you can get more and more
reps within the 20 second time frame.
• Feel free to improvise with this circuit if your fitness is really low. For example,
you could group all of the upper body exercises together and all the lower body exercises together and perform them on separate days.
• The secret to this circuit is INTENSITY. The order of exercises is not so important.
The goal should be to perform AS MANY REPS AS POSSIBLE within each time frame.
Your heart will be pumping and you will be sweating harder than when you do cardio
– trust me!
• Don’t be surprised if you feel light headed or really winded! As I said, this is also a
conditioning program! Build up to 3 sets with with only 1 minute between sets. If 20
second intervals are not enough then build up to 30 seconds per exercise.
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Chapter 10
Priority #6 for UDT – Decrease Lagging Body Parts With Advanced Intensity Techniques
Introduce 1 and 1/2’s: An example would be on a leg extension; you would extend
your leg fully, pause, lower the leg half way, pause, extend your leg again, pause and
return the weight to the bottom. This is one rep. This means that you will not be doing boring singles all the time. This is an excellent method for isolating the weakest
range of a movement. Did I mention that these suckers burn like crazy?
Introduce 21’s: Yes, I know these are nothing new but have you done 21’s for more
than just biceps? Get ready to use 21’s on almost every muscle in your body. There
are many ways to perform this movement but my favorite, which you will be using, is
to do 7 half reps in the weakest half, followed immediately by 7 full reps, followed
immediately by 7 half reps in the strongest half. Pause every time before you change
direction to experience the full effect.
Introduce Slow Speed Methods: This does not involve a lot of weight but is excellent to ensure the working muscles are switched on. This will force your muscles to
learn how to control the desired joint and ensure solid joint stability. My favorites are
the lifting speeds 814, 613 and 515. For 814, this means you would take 8 seconds to
lower the weight, pause for one second and then take 4 seconds to lift the weight. Of
course you will be doing fewer reps.
Introduce Small Muscle Groups Prior To Large Muscle Groups: Sure, this goes against
what every personal training certification teaches and against Joe Weiders top training secrets but we are playing by a different set of rules.
Ask yourself, how will your smaller and lagging body parts every catch up if you always train them at the end of the workout when your body is depleted of energy?
How will your lagging parts no longer be the limiting factor in your strength gains
if they are never given any priority? The obvious answer is that they will never
keep up to the growth rate of your larger muscle groups which will lead to a plateau in your larger muscle groups as well. Now we have a serious problem!
MINIMIZE MUSCLE WEAKNESSES – This is a fun exercise. Grab a piece of paper and
write down all your muscle groups and number them from weakest (or underdeveloped) to strongest.
I’m just guessing but you might note calves, abs, forearms, arms etc. These are the
most popular muscle weaknesses because they are given lower volume and less priority than the major muscle groups like chest, back, shoulders and legs.
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Chapter 10
Whatever the case there is a very simple principle we will follow for upside down
training. The exercises you do first in the workout and first in the training week are
the exercises that get the best effort, and therefore the best results. It is human nature to put one’s favorite exercises first in the week and first in the workout – year in
and year out – and then wonder why muscle imbalances occur.
Every time you do Upside Down Training, you will do your weak muscles first in the
workout and first in the week. As said above, you will break some of the popular
‘bodybuilding laws’ such as ‘NEVER train a small muscle before a large muscle.’
Imagine how strong you will bench press after we specialize on your shoulder
stabilizers and triceps for a few weeks. Imagine how strong your lat pulldown will
be after we strengthen those stubborn forearms that are always giving out first.
Imagine how strong your squat will be after we spend a few weeks strengthening
your core and neglected glute muscles. Hopefully you are getting excited by seeing the bigger picture!
You will notice smaller muscles such as your forearms, traps, biceps, triceps and
calves getting more priority in volume and sequence during Upside Down Training.
Priority #7 for UDT – Decrease Weak Angles Of A Muscle By Adjusting Training Technique
**I would like to note that a nice handful of skinny guys also tend to have long limbs
(not advantageous for lifting heavy weights) and would benefit from altering their
technique on many exercises. Unfortunately, teaching how to alter these lifts is
beyond the scope of the first edition of this book. Stay tuned, as I am in the process
of devoting an entire chapter to analyzing lifting technique. For now, simply change
the following.
SQUATS - aim to get your butt to literally touch the floor. Open your stance wider
and point your toes outward. Only travel as low as you can while maintaining a flat
back. Consider ‘front squats’ if your flexibility is pitiful.
BENCH PRESS – turn your elbows in (no flaring) to maintain emphasis on your shoulders and triceps. If you have really long arms then leave 1-2 inches between your
chest and the bar when lowering.
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Chapter 10
SHOULDER PRESS – have the dumbbells come below your shoulders on the way down.
If you have really long arms, only extend them ¾ of the way and do not waste energy
pressing them all the way back over your head.
TRICEPS – lock out your elbow joint.
BICEPS – fully extend your arm around your elbow joint. Always keep your palms facing upwards.
LAT PULLDOWN – fully allow your traps to elevate on the way up and make sure the
bar touches your clavicle on the way down.
SEATED ROW – allow your shoulder blades to roll forward. Pull with your back and
not with your arms.
HAM CURLS – your heels should touch your butt and fully extend. Keep your toes
pointed. Suck your abs in like a vacuum to minimize any hip movement.
CALVE RAISES – let your heels touch the floor. When you believe you are the highest
you can stand, stand up higher.
Be prepared to use lighter weights with this form and be prepared to discover some
new muscle tissue if you have being using limited range movements. It is your goal
to stimulate as much muscle as possible and this will only be achieved by using a full
range of motion.
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Chapter 10
Wednesday Thursday
Workout A and C - Lower Body Stretching:
Low Back (Lying)
Letter T Stretch
Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
Side Lying Quad Stretch
Supine Hamstring Stretch
Gluts/Piriformis Stretch
Double Leg Straddle Stretch
Tensor Fascia Latae Stretch
Forward Lunge Calve Stretch
Workout B and D - Upper Body Stretching:
Trapezius Stretch
Chest Stretch (doorway or wall)
Anterior Shoulder Stretch
Back Stretch (wall)
Quadratus Lumborum/Lat Stretch
Seated Lateral Stretch
Forearms (kneeling)
*To exploit the full benefits of flexibility training this program can be done on a daily
basis, not just the prescribed two days.
**Hold each stretch for a minimum of 60 seconds per side – this is called good oldfashioned static stretching. Build up to 2-3 minutes per side on areas of attention.
Yes, that will be almost one hour of stretching a day if you perform upper and lower
body each day.
Maybe you don’t stretch at all right now and are freaking out about the idea of
stretching at all. If you are going to be completely changing the way you eat and
train, you might as well make it three and add stretching.
***Spend more time on the areas that are tighter and don’t hold yourself to the above
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Chapter 10
recommendations. If you feel you would benefit from stretching your hips flexors for
up to 10 minutes then go for it.
Stretching is one of the only things where more is better. Oh yeah, don’t stretch
with a stopwatch either. Go somewhere quiet and get into a relaxed zone.
A – Lower Body Weight Training And Abdominals
Calf Tri Set:
1. Machine Seated Calf Raise
2.Standing Machine Calf Raise
3. Supine Calf
Thigh Super Set:
1. Hip Abduction
With Cable
2. Hip Adduction
With Band (or
Hip/Quad Super
1. Single Leg
Hip Extension
2. One Leg Box
Step Up
Hip/Quad Super
1. Single Leg
Curl (standing
or lying)
2. Single Leg
Leg Extension
1 and
10 sec
hold at
the top of
every 10th
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Chapter 10
Hip/Quad Super
1. Back Extension
2. Single Leg
Hip/Quad Super
1. DB Bulgarian
Split Squat
2. Deadlift (trap
bar or straight
Abdominal Circuit:
1-2 minutes
and repeat
1. Air Bike
2. Janda Sit Ups
3. Full Sit Ups
4. Lying Side
5. Supine Double Leg Raise
6. AlternatingToe Touch
7.Hip Thrusts
(see next page for more training tables)
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Chapter 10
Workout B - Body Weight Conditioning Program
Standard Pushup
20 seconds
20 seconds
20 seconds
20 seconds
20 seconds
20 seconds
High Knee Drill
20 seconds
20 seconds
(running on
the spot)
20 seconds
20 seconds
Close Grip
Chin Ups
20 seconds
20 seconds
Bench Dip
20 seconds
20 seconds
20 seconds
20 seconds
Split Squat
Single Leg Hip
20 seconds
20 seconds
20 seconds
20 seconds
Reverse Lunge
20 seconds
20 seconds
Single Leg
Plank Raise
20 seconds
20 seconds
20 seconds
20 seconds
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Chapter 10
Workout C – Upper Body Weight Training And Abdominals
Trap Super Set:
1. Shrug
2. DB Shrug
Tricep Super
1. Supine Close
Grip Bench Press
2. Reverse Grip
Bicep Super Set:
1. Supinated Incline Bicep Curls
2. Reverse Barbell Curls
Forearm Super
1. Seated Barbell Wrist Curl
2. Seated Barbell Reverse
Shoulder Super
1 .Lying Dumbbell Lateral
2. Lateral Raises
(standing or
1 and
1 and
1 and
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Back Super Set:
1. Close Grip
2. Pullovers
1-2 minutes
and repeat
1 and
1/2’s for
Chest Super Set:
1. Incline DB
Chest Press
2. Dumbell Fly
Chapter 10
1 and
1/2’s for
chest flys
8. Air Bike
9. Janda Sit Ups
10. Full Sit Ups
11. Lying Side
12. Supine
Double Leg
Toe Touch
14. Hip Thrusts
Workout D - Body Weight Conditioning Program
Standard Pushup
20 seconds
20 seconds
20 seconds
20 seconds
20 seconds
20 seconds
High Knee Drill
20 seconds
20 seconds
(running on
the spot)
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Chapter 10
20 seconds
20 seconds
Close Grip
Chin Ups
20 seconds
20 seconds
Bench Dip
20 seconds
20 seconds
20 seconds
20 seconds
Split Squat
Single Leg Hip
20 seconds
20 seconds
20 seconds
20 seconds
Reverse Lunge
20 seconds
20 seconds
Single Leg
Plank Raise
20 seconds
20 seconds
***Special Tips
• Ideally this program should be done on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday or
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Notice the pattern.
• You might be unusually sore after the first few workouts. Your body will tell you
if you clearly over did it however a little bit of muscle soreness is not a bad thing.
Train right through it and you might find the body weight workouts actually help
loosen you up.
• Incorporate the flexibility training either before or after the workout. If you find
this drags the workout well past your time limits then do the flexibility training on
it’s own day.
• Feel free to incorporate the shoulder stability program at least 2 x a week BEFORE
the body weight conditioning program.
• 5-10 minutes of easy cardio is recommended before each workout.
• Use the first and second week to get familiar with the new tempos and for choos© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
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Chapter 10
ing the appropriate work loads. You should be hitting failure within the given rep
ranges. As you get familiar with the program, increase the weights and intensity of
the workout.
• Don’t be surprised if you feel beat up after some of these workouts. I’ve given you
a program I’m confident you have not experienced before. It will take some time for
your body to condition it self. I have recommended at least 4 weeks on Upside Down
Training but you are free to do it for up to 6 weeks as well and you are free to come
back to Upside Down Training every few months.
If you wish to see astonishing results you must follow this cycle to the letter. I will
teach you the variables you must customize based on your training age, recovery ability, progression etc. You must follow the entire program consistently for the next 6
Do not be impatient and expect to see your body transform in the next two weeks.
If you have never worked out before, simply focus on performing each exercise
with perfect form and moderate intensity for the first two weeks. Expect visual
results in the first 3-6 weeks – in most cases closer to the 6-week period, but results
are very individualized.
Do not cut sets, cut reps and do not add sets or reps to ‘grow faster’ or if you have
been training for years previous to beginning this program. Follow this program as
written for at least the first 6 months before you make any changes.
It is absolutely critical that you understand the concept of both training phases. You
have been brainwashed into thinking that you must do 3-4 exercises of one muscle
group on each day with at least 3-4 sets for each exercise, adding up to 12, 16 and
even 24 sets for ONE muscle. Like I exaggerated in my website – this is INSANE! Workouts like these could paralyze an adult gorilla. Trust me, these conventional bodybuilding programs are ABSOLUTELY garbage and nonsense. I question anybody’s ability
to train hard for more than 6 – 9 sets per muscle – and this is for ONLY those maximizing ALL my recovery techniques.
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Chapter 10
(Beginner-Intermediate 29-Week Program)
This second phase of your training will follow after at least 4 weeks of Upside Down
This second phase of your training is called the Beginner-Intermediate 29-Week Program and is probably like nothing you have ever seen before.
I am about to expose to you another new way of training, which is exactly what you
will need to start accelerating new strength and muscular development.
The foundation of the Beginner-Intermediate program will be based on Undulating Periodization, which is going to be your new secret weapon. Let’s review the other two
forms of traditional periodization:
Standard Periodization:
Requires maintaining all variables constant for a determined training block e.g. 12
weeks, with consideration of change for future training blocks.
This is the traditional model of training designed in the 1960’s which lead to 3
x 10. So whenever you see 3 x 10, you now know that this is one of the oldest
and most traditional forms of training. No one, other than a complete beginner
should consider this form of training. On the flip side, it was shown to develop
muscle strength but I would personally like to see more variety within the training
block, even for beginners.
An example of standard periodization:
Week Number
Number of Reps
Linear Periodization:
A more effective approach than standard periodization is linear periodization
which is geared more towards intermediate trainee’s (training longer than a
year). Linear periodization involves lowering the reps (while increasing the load)
which allows for a smooth progression towards lower reps with heavier weights.
The only problem is that is causes a detraining effect on neural adaptations on
the first six weeks and than a detraining effect on the metabolic adaptations on
the second six weeks.
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An example of linear periodization:
Week Number
Number of Reps
Alternating Periodization:
Involves alternating between heavy weights (intensity) and lower weights (volume) which was popularized in the 1980’s. This method is definitely suited for
advanced trainees (training more than 2 years) and its main advantage is that it
avoids the detraining of the metabolic and neural systems because of the more
frequent exposure to both. The only disadvantage is that you have to be familiar
with load selection and know your body well enough to choose the appropriate
weights since the reps drop and rise suddenly.
An example of ALTERNATING periodization:
Week Number
Number of Reps
Undulating Periodization:
Prior to recent published research from Arizona State University, I was introduced
to this system of training before anybody even heard of it. Undulating periodization, also know as Variable Rep Training, based on a very unique way of structuring the set, rep and rest protocols. Undulating periodization takes the organization of sets, reps and rest one step further. This powerful system manipulates the
sets, reps and rest periods of every workout.
Typically, a trainee will change the exercises or sets first which is not the most effective training system. In actuality – the body adapts to the rep range the quickest, and the exercise selection the slowest. So we need to pay closer attention
to the rep bracket more so than the change in exercises. Unfortunately, a trainee
will mess around with the exercises first – which is far from effective.
By introducing a new stimulus on the most sensitive training variable, reps, you
will prevent staleness and plateau and keep the body progressing positively.
An example of UNDULATING periodization:
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Sets and Reps
3 x 15
4 x 10
#8 Is A Spotter/Training Partner Necessary?
You will find a hard time convincing anybody that a spotter, or a training partner, is
not necessary. I have to agree, but that does not mean you are doomed with out one.
I did almost 90% of my training, alone, during my transformation and made sure that
the program was adaptable to training alone because I am fully aware that this involves the majority of my customers.
Let’s first review some popular
reasons for having a training partner:
• Accountability. The stakes are higher when you have someone speak ‘open’ to you
about your behavior and actions. Nobody wants to disappoint or let down a friend
they made a commitment to.
• Consistency. Staying focused and dedicated is the key to not missing workouts.
• Similar vision. Train with someone who is just as serious if not more serious than
you. You always want to surround yourself in an environment that supports growth
and forward momentum.
• Motivation. The reality is that weight training can be grueling and gut wrenching at
times and it is much easier to tough out these sessions with a your fellow warrior.
• Intensity. If you goals are the same, a healthy rivalry could result in driving each
other beyond your limits in strive for the more dominant physique.
• Honesty. A training partner will silently keep the reps, rest periods and program
requirements honest because nobody wants to be seen as lazy or a wimp.
• Knowledge. Two heads are always better than one and will keep you mentally sharp
and contribute to better gains as you can combine your discoveries together.
• Technique. As fatigue and discomfort set in, technique starts to crumble. Having an
outside set of eyes coach you through the last few reps will prevent injury and maintain intensity.
Are Forced Reps Even Necessary?
No. Forced reps are reps that you get the spotter to assist you on without dropping
the weight. Basically, the spotter lifts the last 3-4 reps for you while you grunt and
groan pretending you are doing most of the work! I call these artificial reps and do
nothing for your muscles but deplete there energy reserves and delay recovery.
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However, I am certainly not against having a spotter for the last 1-2 reps, MAX, on
your last 1 or 2 sets. Your goal should be to complete your desired rep and set goals
with weights that you can personally handle yourself at least 90% of your workout. If
you feel you need a spot on your last set of the workout than seek out a trusted lifter
in the gym who can spot your safely.
If you do not have access to a spotter at all, simply choose your weights around completing all the desired sets and reps alone. I want you to stick to the same exercises;
there is no need to modify them. Look at this positively because it will be a fully accurate reflection of your progress.
Too much spotting can trick you into believing
you are stronger than reality.
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Chapter 10
The Complete Beginner-Intermediate
29 Week Intensive Workout Program:
You can find this entire program at www.fitnessgenerator.com/getbuffed
Sign up for a free account on the left hand side. You will assign yourself a username
and password (different than the one that got you access to the customer log in page) and you
will be able to refer to the entire program.
The site includes exercise descriptions, 3D animated pictures and program notes.
There is a section for you to track your workouts online and you are able to print off
the workouts as well.
Send me an email if you want your program to start on a specific day and I can do that
manually for you.
Below is Weeks 1-3 based on Liner Periodization:
3 sets of 15 reps. 30 secs rest. 311 tempo
Thursday Friday
***Special Tips
• 3 sets of 15 with only 30 second rest will stimulate your slow twitch muscle
fibers and teach your muscles how to handle maximum tension for 40-70 seconds,
which leads to maximal metabolic gains.
• Keep the rest period HONEST. You will not discover the intensity of this workout unless you truly maintain a 30 second rest period. An honest 30 seconds, that
means you use a stop watch, flies by! You will barely have enough time to even
drink in between sets.
• Leave your ego at the door. If you have never trained for muscular endurance
than you don’t be surprised if you get light headed and faint.
• Focus on completing all the reps with a full range of motion. You are establishing a foundation in preparation for you heavy lifting.
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Chapter 10
• Perform at least two interval cardio workouts per week at 20-30 minutes each
on separate days.
• Perform the workouts in the order that they written. Notice that you are supersetting opposing movements throughout the entire workout i.e. Quads vs. Hips,
Horizontal Pull vs. Horizontal Push, Vertical Pull vs. Vertical Push etc
Workout A (Monday)
Full Squat
Straight Back
Stiff Leg
Cable Seated
Incline DB
Chest Press
Close Grip
Cable Pulldown
Standing Military Press
Incline Curl
Bench Dip
Machine Calf
Shrug (Barbell)
Hanging Legs
Weighted Ball
Sit Ups
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Workout B (Wednesday)
Bentover Barbell Rear Delt
Barbell Bench
Behind The
Neck Barbell
Hammer Curl
Lying Dumbbell Tricep
Front Lunges
RDL’s with
Hanging Hip
Stability Ball
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Chapter 10
Workout C (Friday)
Barbell Deadlifts
Lying Hamstring Curls
Bentover Row
Bench Press
Chin Up
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder
Barbell Curl
Two Arm
Cable Pressdown (heavy
Hanging Hip
Stability Ball
Sit Ups
Below is Weeks 4-6 based on Liner Periodization : 4 sets of 10 reps. 60 secs rest. 311
Thursday Friday
***Special Tips
• 4 sets of 10 with only 60 second rest will stimulate a combination of slow twitch
and fast twitch muscle fibers which will emphasize a mixed metabolic and neural
• Keep the rest period HONEST. You will not discover the intensity of this workout unless you truly maintain a 60 second rest period. An honest 60 seconds will
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give you just enough time to sip on your workout drink and change the weights if
• The goal in this phase is to focus on strength gains. Each week you should be
starting 5 - 10 lbs heavier than your last week.
• Focus on completing all 4 sets of 10 with the same weight. Yes, that means
your first two sets might not be extremely difficult to complete 10 but your last
two sets will be more your increase your muscle density! Aim to do the first three
sets on your own. The fourth set you will require a spotter to assist you on your
last 1-2 reps...
• Perform at least two interval cardio workouts per week at 20-30 minutes each
on separate days.
• Perform the workouts in the order that they written. Notice that you are supersetting opposing movements throughout the entire workout i.e. Quads vs. Hips,
Horizontal Pull vs. Horizontal Push, Vertical Pull vs. Vertical Push etc
Workout A (Monday)
Full Squat
Straight Back
Stiff Leg
Cable Seated
Incline DB
Chest Press
Close Grip
Cable Pulldown
Standing Military Press
Incline Curl
Bench Dip
Machine Calf
Shrug (Barbell)
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Hanging Legs
Weighted Ball
Sit Ups
Chapter 10
Workout B (Wednesday)
Bentover Barbell Rear Delt
Barbell Bench
Behind The
Neck Barbell
Hammer Curl
Lying Dumbbell Tricep
Front Lunges
RDL’s with
Hanging Hip
Stability Ball
Workout C (Friday)
Barbell Deadlifts
Lying Hamstring Curls
Bentover Row
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Bench Press
Chin Up
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder
Barbell Curl
Two Arm
Cable Pressdown (heavy
Hanging Hip
Stability Ball
Sit Ups
Below is Weeks 7 – 9 based on Liner Periodization: 5 sets of 5reps. 90 secs rest. 311
Thursday Friday
***Special Tips
• 5 sets of 5 with a nice 90 second rest will stimulate primarily your fast twitch
muscle fibers which will lead to a strong neuromuscular response, tapping into
many untouched and untrained muscle fibers.
• Keep the rest period HONEST. You will not discover the intensity of this workout unless you truly maintain a 60 second rest period. An honest 60 seconds will
give you just enough time to sip on your workout drink and change the weights if
• Keep the weights HEAVY. Here is your opportunity to pick up some serious iron
and test your limits.
• The last 2 reps on your last two sets should be a struggle and if you wish to use
a spotter, do it now.
• If you find your last three sets are easier than your first two sets than this means
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Chapter 10
that your nervous system was not warmed up and would benefit from an extra 1
or 2 warm up sets.
• Focus on completing all 5 sets of 5 with the same weight. However, it is not a
bad idea to do the first and second set slightly lighter. e.g. 70 lbs – 75 lbs – 85 lbs
– 85 lbs – 85 lbs
• Perform at least two easy cardio workouts per week at 30-45 minutes each on
separate days. Notice that long slow cardio might feel better on your body during
this phase since your nervous system is already being stimulated during the heavy
lifting. The interval cardio might delay your nervous system recovery.
Perform the workouts in the order that they written. Notice that you are supersetting
opposing movements throughout the entire workout i.e. Quads vs. Hips, Horizontal
Pull vs. Horizontal Push, Vertical Pull vs. Vertical Push etc:
Workout A (Monday)
Full Squat
Straight Back
Stiff Leg
Cable Seated
Incline DB
Chest Press
Close Grip
Cable Pulldown
Standing Military Press
Incline Curl
Bench Dip
Machine Calf
Shrug (Barbell)
Hanging Legs
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Weighted Ball
Sit Ups
Chapter 10
Workout B (Wednesday)
Bentover Barbell Rear Delt
Barbell Bench
Behind The
Neck Barbell
Hammer Curl
Lying Dumbbell Tricep
Front Lunges
RDL’s with
Hanging Hip
Stability Ball
Workout C (Friday)
Barbell Deadlifts
Lying Hamstring Curls
Bentover Row
Bench Press
Chin Up
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Seated Dumbbell Shoulder
Barbell Curl
Two Arm
Cable Pressdown (heavy
Hanging Hip
Stability Ball
Sit Ups
Below is Weeks 10 - 12 based on Undulating Periodization:
Thursday Friday
Workout A (Monday) – 3 sets of 15 with 30 sec rest 311 tempo
Workout B (Wednesday) – 5 sets of 5 with 90 sec rest 311 tempo
Workout C (Friday) – 4 sets of 10 with 60 sec rest 311 temo
***Special Tips
• You are not going to follow the principles of Undulating Periodization aka Variable Rep Training to wrap up the last three weeks of this 12 week phase. Choose
your favorite workout from above, that is, pick either Monday’s, Wednesday’s or
Friday’s workout to be your set workout. You will now only have ONE workout.
• However, the reps will be changing from workout to workout now that you have
familiarized your body with different loading parameters.
• By this phase, you should attempt to do the weight that you did for 4 x 10 for 3
x 15. e.g. If you bench pressed 4 sets of 10 with 135 lbs. Try to do 3 x 15 for 135
• Keep the rest periods HONEST.
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Chapter 10
• The last 2 reps on your last two sets should be a struggle for all the loading parameters, do it now.
• By now, you have been training for almost 16 weeks and should be in tune with
your body. You should know which cardio your body responds best with to maximize your muscle to fat ratio. By now you should be deciding on how much cardio
is appropriate based on monitoring your progress the past 12 weeks.
• If you have trained consecutively for 12 weeks now, it is time to take a full
week off. You should be up at least 20 pounds in solid muscle mass by now. Write
me an email to tell me your results and I will put you up on my website!
Below is Weeks 14-16 based on Linear Periodization 4 sets of 12 with 30 sec rest 311
Thursday Friday
Workout A (Monday) – Upper Body Horizontal Push and Horizontal Pull
Workout B (Wednesday) –Quad and Hip Dominant
Workout C (Friday) – Upper Body Vertical Push and Vertical Pull
Workout A (Monday)
Barbell Incline
Chest Press
Cable Seated
Bench Press
Dumbbell Bentover Row
Two Arm Cable
Cable Kneeling
Weighted Stability Ball Crunch
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Workout B (Wednesday)
Barbell Deadlift
DB Lunge
Lying Hamstring
Standing Machine Calf Raise
DB Shrug
Machine Seated
Calf Raise
Close Grip Barbell Shrug
Workout C (Friday)
Behind The
Neck Barbell
Close Grip Chin
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder
Seated Dumbbell Bicep Curl
Cable Kneeling
Weighted Stability Ball Crunch
***Special Tips
• This is the equivalent of the 3 sets of 15 phase. As you will note, we are going
back to stimulate slow twitch muscle fibers but at a lower rep range which will
allow you to lift heavier.
• Aim to lift the same weight as you were doing 4 sets of 10 for 60 seconds.
• Keep the rest periods HONEST.
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Below is Weeks 17-19 based on Linear Periodization 6 sets of 3 with 2 min rest 311
Thursday Friday
Workout A (Monday) – Upper Body Horizontal Push and Horizontal Pull
Workout B (Wednesday) – Quad and Hip Dominant
Workout C (Friday) – Upper Body Body Vertical Push and Vertical Pull
Workout A (Monday)
Barbell Bench
Standing Bent
Over Row
Barbell Incline
Chest Press
Cable Seated
Close Grip
Bench Press
Seated Cable
Cable Hip Raise
Workout B (Wednesday)
Barbell Deadlift
Seated Leg Press
Lying Hamstring
Standing Machine Calf Raise
DB Shrug
Machine Seated
Calf Raise
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Close Grip Barbell Shrug
Workout C (Friday)
Behind The
Neck Barbell
Close Grip Chin
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder
Standing Barbell
Bicep Curl
Cable Kneeling
Weighted Stability Ball Crunch
***Special Tips
• This is the equivalent of the 5 sets of 5 phase but with an increased opportunity for loading. As you will note, we are going back to stimulating the fast twitch
muscle fibers.
• If there is any phase of this entire program to benefit from a spotter, this is it.
• Ensure your body is properly warmed up every single workout. You will be lifting the heaviest weights of your life in this phase!
• Note that the exercise selection has been changed to exercises that are best
suited for heavy lifting.
• The goal is quality. Don’t fret if you have to take a little longer than 2 minutes
but not much more. Your goal is to maintain the heaviest weight possible for all
six sets.
Below is Weeks 20-22 based on Linear Periodization 5 sets of 8 with 1 min rest 311
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Thursday Friday
Workout A (Monday) – Upper Body Horizontal Push and Horizontal Pull
Workout B (Wednesday) –Quad and Hip Dominant
Workout C (Friday) – Upper Body Vertical Push and Vertical Pull
Workout A (Monday)
Barbell Bench
Standing Bent
Over Row
Barbell Incline
Chest Press
Cable Seated
Close Grip
Bench Press
Seated Cable
Cable Hip Raise
Workout B (Wednesday)
Barbell Deadlift
Seated Leg Press
Lying Hamstring
Standing Machine Calf Raise
DB Shrug
Machine Seated
Calf Raise
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Close Grip Barbell Shrug
Workout C (Friday)
Behind The
Neck Barbell
Close Grip Chin
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder
Standing Barbell
Bicep Curl
Cable Kneeling
Weighted Stability Ball Crunch
***Special Tips
• This is the equivalent of the 4 sets of 10 phase but with an increased opportunity for loading.
• Aim to do the first two or three sets alone without a spotter.
• Note that the exercise selection has remained the same as the 6 x 3 but feel
free to tweak some of the exercises based on your preference.
• The goal is quality. Maintain the heaviest weight possible for all 5 sets of 8.
Keep the rest period honest.
Below is Weeks 23-25 based on Linear Periodization
Thursday Friday
Workout A (Monday) – Upper Body Horizontal Push and Horizontal Pull
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Workout B (Wednesday) –Quad and Hip Dominant
Workout C (Friday) – Upper Body Vertical Push and Vertical Pull
***Special Tips
• This last three weeks is to going to be unique. Instead of me telling you what
to do, I would like you to have the courage and make this next training decision
based on what you have discovered about your body the past six months.
I would like you to ask yourself, “Which rep scheme did your body respond to
best over the past six months? Not, what scheme was the easiest and not what
rep scheme did you like most. But, what rep scheme did you see the best results
Did you get better gains with the heavier loads and longer rests? Higher reps and
shorter rests? Each person will have a different response based on your genetic
muscle fiber make-up.
Have confidence in your instincts, take responsibility for your decision and enjoy
the process of learning by doing!
• By now, you have been training for just over 24 weeks and should be in tune
with your body. You should also know which cardio your body responds best to
maximize your muscle to fat ratio. By now you should be deciding on how much
cardio is appropriate based on monitoring your progress the past 24 weeks.
• If you have trained consecutively for the past 12 weeks now, it is time to take a
full week off. You should be up at least another 10 pounds in solid muscle mass by
now. In total, since you began, you should be a solid 10-50 pounds heavier than
when you first started six months ago!
Write me an email to tell me your results and I will put you up on my website! Feel
free to send me before and after pictures and even before and after measurements
and strength accomplishments.
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No Nonsense Muscle Building
Chapter 10
The Complete Advanced Max-Power
29 Week Training Program
The fun is just beginning! If you are an eager beaver and have scrolled through this
book, do not attempt this training program until you have completed the first 29 week
The following bonus training program is my way of saying thank you for your support
and trusting me thus far. The bonus training program is far more difficult in intensity than before and will be appropriate once you have gained at least an additional
20-30 pounds of muscle mass. The Giant Sets you are about to learn about are quite
demanding from a metabolic standpoint and require a higher level of muscular conditioning. The Crash Sets you are about to learn are very intense from a neuromuscular
standpoint and require a strong foundation.
No Nonsense Rule #1 - How To Use Giant Sets
Giant Sets are one step up from supersets, where 3 or more exercises are performed
on the same muscle group back to back to back with no rest in between, e.g. bench
press, incline fly’s, decline chest press. The most effective combination is a compound movement, isolated movement and then another compound movement emphasizing three different angles on the muscle. This is an extremely powerful method for
muscle groups that do not respond to conventional training methods. Performing this
technique – even mentally absent – is very demanding. Giant Sets take a lot of concentration and require a lot from you physically – they are the entire foundation of No
Nonsense Rule # 1 – Maximum tension for 40 - 70 seconds = maximal metabolic gains!
You probably do not know many people who perform Giant Sets. Don’t be surprised if
you end up running to that empty, unoccupied toilet to toss up your lunch! Giant Sets
will create more stimulation in your muscles than any other training technique – and
they will also make a man out of you very quick! To be honest, you will dread the
days that you must do Giant Sets because I know they will make you sick!
I have discovered that Giant Sets overcome many obstacles that trainee’s face
when trying to push the intensity. For example, most guys understand that they
have to keep the muscle under a longer period of tension for maximal hypertrophy.
However, the reality is that this is damn tough. It is not easy to keep a heavy weight
moving for over 60 seconds. Most guys will default to a weight that is too light and
achieve a higher time under tension or they will wimp out with the heavy weight and
miss the 40-70-second window because it is too hard.
Giant Sets solve both of these problems. Mentally you can break up the set into
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Chapter 10
three small chunks. Each part can be heavy and the total time under tension will be
well into the upper range of 40-70 seconds. Yes, there are about 10 second breaks
between each exercise but I believe this allows the intensity to stay at a superior
level. At the same time, you are able to fatigue a larger amount of the muscle. You
are able to hit the muscle from every possible angle within one set – this method
leaves no muscle fiber untouched or untrained!
Sample Giant Set Combinations:
Vertical Hip Raise – Double Crunch – V -Up
Incline Vertical Hip Raise – Ball Crunch – Side Crunch
Wide Grip Pull Up – Incline Bench Reverse Fly – Close Grip Seated Row
Close Grip Chin Up – Flat Bench Reverse Fly – Bent Over DB Row
Deadlift – T Bar Row – Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
Incline Curl – Barbell Curl – Preacher Curl
Reverse Grip BB Curl – Preacher Curl – Hammer Curl
Barbell Curl – Hammer Curl – Incline Curl
Flat Bench Press – Incline DB Fly – Decline DB Chest Press
Incline Chest Press – Flat Bench DB Fly – Decline Chest Press
Decline Bench Press – Cable Fly’s – Incline Bench Press
Seated Calf Raise – Standing Calf Raise– Toes Raises on Leg Press
Forearm Extension – Forearm Flexion – Farmers Walk
Deadlift – Ham Curl – Straight Leg Deadlift
1 – Leg Deadlift – l Leg Curl – Lying Ball Curl
Squat – Leg Extension – Leg Press
1 Leg Squat – 1 Leg Extension – 1 Leg Press
Bent Over DB Raise – Side Shoulder Raise – Seated DB Shoulder Press
Wide Grip Upright Row – Side Shoulder Raise – Arnold Presses
Military Press – Upright Row – Bent Over Side Raise
Skull Crusher – Close Grip Press – Dip
Seated Overhead Extension – Reverse Grip Skull Crusher – Tricep Pressdown
Tricep Pressdown – Dip – Close Grip Bench
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Chapter 10
Wide Grip Shrug – Close Grip Shrug – Farmers Walk
No Nonsense Rule #2 – How to use Crash Sets
The Creation of The Full-Force-Go-Till-You-Blow Take-It-To-The-Max Crash Set
I am yet to see this method performed anywhere else. It is truly unique and involves
the HEAVY WEIGHTS FOR HIGH REPS technique I have been talking about for so long.
As we discussed, the weight you are lifting must be heavy enough for a reaction within the muscle to stimulate every single muscle fiber to fire. If your program includes
light weights, just think about your muscles laughing back at you - because they are
watching you work and they have no reason to change.
This technique was designed to TRULY allow you to go ALL OUT – for heavy weight and
for high reps. It is the most effective technique I have discovered to maximize more
muscle fiber AT THE SAME TIME using the HEAVIEST WEIGHT possible relative to your
strength. How could this be possible?
Consider two scenarios: Performing your 3 rep max with 200 pounds, or 10 reps with
your 3 rep max with 200 pounds? Which will force more recruitment of muscle? Of
course the set with 10 reps. Duh! But how could you possibly lift 10 reps if it is your
3 rep max?
If we can force a 3 rep set into a 10-12 rep set than we will force even more
untouched and untrained muscle fibers to ‘awaken’ after the muscle fibers (that are
normally recruited first) tire and fatigue. In order to extend a 3 rep max set up to
high reps such as 10-12 reps, additional fibers have no choice but to come in, assist
and help the already fatigued fibers. Thus, by the 10th or 11th rep you will have used
up a much greater number of muscle fibers than if you had only done 3 reps with the
heavy weight.
This is another reason why many guys who are capable of lifting very heavy weights
for only a few reps might not have great muscular development. Lifting heavy
weights is only part of the equation. If you lift heavy weights but do not obligate
or force NEW muscle fiber to come into play then you will only remain strong but
NOT muscular.
Now let’s go back to the question,
“How is this Heavy Weights For High Reps possible?”
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Let’s say you do between 1-5 reps, which leads to about 20 seconds of tension, then
you will just be strengthening your tendons and ligaments and nervous system but you
will not stimulate much muscle growth because the overall amount of tension does
not reach 40-70 seconds which is the optimal period of time for hypertrophy. We already know that a muscle requires a higher amount of reps to help activate the most
muscle fibers. However, on the flip side we also know that we must use the heaviest
weight possible to recruit as many muscle fibers as possible. So, this might lead to rep
ranges of 10-20.
When doing these higher reps sets let’s say 15 reps is the goal. I realize, and I’m sure
you will agree, that there is not much work until the last 2-3 reps. The first 12-13 reps
really do not present a challenge. The reality is that the muscle does not have to engage many muscle fibers nor does it really struggle until the last 2-3 reps. So the first
12-13 reps are not doing a whole lot for any muscular growth! It appears that only
the last 2-3 reps really do anything for muscle growth.
INTERESTING. So how could I do high reps but make my muscles really fight and
engage the most possible amount of muscle fibers deep within the muscle (which is
what will really lead to some insane muscle gain)? So here it is – exactly how to perform the
Instead of selecting a weight that results in the typical first 12-13 wasted reps (and
only the last 2-3 beneficial reps), select a weight that will make you reach failure within 20
seconds – probably 5-7 reps will be perfect – under normal circumstances.
After you perform your first set of 5-7 reps, set the weight down and rest for 30 seconds (this is the amount of time that it takes to replenish 50% of your major source of energy called
adenisophine triphosphate or ATP). Then pick the weight back up and lift until failure again
(which should be another 3-5 reps). Again, set the weight back down and rest another 30
seconds. Then, again, pick the weight back up and do as many reps as possible, which
will be another 2-5 reps. Then, and ONLY THEN, IS THE CRASH SET FINALLY OVER.
Let’s take a closer look. First, choose a weight to fail around 5-7 reps (under 20 seconds
of work), rest 30 seconds, do more reps to failure, which is about another 3-5 reps
(another 15-20 seconds), rest another 30 seconds and do one last set to squeeze out 3-5
more reps (another 15-20 seconds). Let’s say you hit 6 reps in your first initial set, rested,
than did 4 more reps, rested, and finally finished with more 2 reps - that’s a total of
12 reps with the same amount of weight!!!
Realize this is 12 TOTAL REPS, not 12 initial reps. For your initial reps you want 5-7
and for your total number of reps you want to stay between 12-15. Anything more
and it is too light and vice versa. So basically you are using weights that would normally be selected during a ‘heavy’ phase of neural training but using them for the
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same amount of time that you would typically be using lighter weights for hypertrophy training of 40-70 seconds.
By using this method, you will be able to combine the best of
No Nonsense Rule #3– Perform 2 Exercises For Each Muscle
Group During Crash Set Workouts.
Your muscles work through a variety of angles and can perform in different lines of
movement. There is not one muscle in your body than can be completely isolated
with only one exercise. For example, even though a flat bench press works trains
the majority of your chest it might neglect some of the upper and lower portion.
During maximal strength training, it is rarely necessary to use more than two exercises per muscle group. Most muscle groups have an outer and inner portion or upper
and lower portion therefore we will use two exercises per muscle group while performing Crash Sets. We will choose exercises that have as little overlap in movement
and angle pattern as possible.
For example, you would not choose a flat bench press and flat bench dumb bell press
because there is too much similarity is musculature. You want the second exercise to
be the same muscle group but with a completely different angle on the muscle. This
way you will minimize residual fatigue from the previous exercise into the next.
No Nonsense Rule #4 – Keep Your Rest Periods to A Minimum.
As a natural trainee you are competing against the clock. Carry a stopwatch to EVERY single workout and start the timer once you commence your warm-up set. Since
we are training smarter we do not want our total workout duration to exceed 45-60
minutes. Testosterone levels decline and cortisol levels begin to climb and turn your
muscle into a lunch buffet around 45-60 minutes of total training duration.
Giant Sets Rest Period: Rest for absolutely no longer than it takes to travel from one
exercise to the next. This is not the time to get some water or chat it up.
Aim to ‘rush’ to the next exercise, knocking over anything
or anyone that gets into your way. The Giant Set is complete
when you have finished ALL three exercises consecutively.
Take a maximum of 90 seconds between each Giant Set during phase one. Reduce
your rest to 60 seconds during phase two. Your ultimate goal will be to complete all
your goal number of Giant Sets with 30 seconds of rest. This will not occur until your
third, but more likely, fourth phase. Your level of conditioning and fitness will be at
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the elite level by this achievement. When you are able to train at this intensity, no
one will want to train with you!
Crash Sets Rest Period: To review – our goal is to lift heavy weights for high reps with
this technique. The only way you will be able to do this is if you adequately recover
between each exercise. You do not want to carry residual fatigue into the next exercise, therefore, take anywhere from 3-7 minutes between each exercise.
However, as noted, rest only 30 seconds
between each mini-set to failure.
No Nonsense Rule #5– Periodize Training Frequencies
A part of determining how many days you should take in between workouts really depends on which training phase you are performing. For instance, let’s say you are focusing on improving your muscular strength using Crash Sets. The heavier loads will
place a much greater demand on your central nervous system in comparison to
doing a higher volume with lower loads such as Giant Sets. Therefore you will need
a longer rest period between muscle groups and workouts. However, when you are
training for size using Giant Sets and you ensure that your energy intake is adequate,
lifting as frequently as four times a week will yield some impressive results. This is
because your nervous system does not take as much of a beating in this phase.
Most recovery protocols found in conventional training magazines promote training each muscle group once a week.
They claim that training a muscle more than this leads to over-training - and it just
might. This is why you will have to tweak this variable with trial and error. The fact is
training frequency should be influenced by the volume of the workouts and intensity
of the workouts – not some concrete rules that only make sense on paper.
Someone who has an office job and is following their nutrition plan, supplement plan,
sleeping at least 8 hours a night, and has minimal stress will be able to train more frequently by recovering quicker than someone who works manual labor all day. Training
frequency is not about meeting inflexible protocols but understanding the factors that
affect your recovery ability.
The reality is that you will have times when you return to
the gym and discover you are not fully recovered – even after you follow the guidelines I am about to set out. If you
need to add an extra day or two to my guidelines that is OK. I
question anybody’s ability to recover quicker than the guidelines you are to follow.
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The nature of my workouts are very short and intense and simply revolve around increasing the intensity from my previous workout, then leaving the gym. Since you are
not doing the ridiculously long 12-24 sets per muscle group, your muscles will need to
be stimulated more often. Because you have average genetics and are most likely a
hard gainer, your body does not want to keep muscle – it is a luxury to your body and
costs it too much energy. Your body would prefer to live without muscle!!! This is
why you must constantly give them a reason to grow, train them more regularly
and train them frequently! Going longer than one week without stimulating your
muscles or telling them to get stronger and bigger is too long.
If you are doing the typical ‘3-4 exercises, 3-4 sets each muscle garbage totaling 1224 sets per muscle’ then yes, training each muscle two times every five days and two
times every 7 days will lead to over-training. But when you are doing my very short
and intense workouts using the all-out Crash Sets and all-out Giant Sets, you aren’t
going to need as much time to recover, recuperate and grow. Training the way I have
talked about in this e-book not only stimulates more muscle growth and strength than
conventional training, but you are able to train that muscle again in just a few days.
And being able to train that muscle more often will lead to more ‘growth spurts.’ This
will lead to some INSANE MUSCLE GAIN!
No Nonsense Rule #6 – Follow This Training Split for Maximum
Recovery and Maximum Intensity.
Here’s how to group your muscles during a Giant Set Phase 1 and 3:
Session A: Triceps, Shoulders, Chest
Session B: Hips, Traps, Abdominals
Session C: Forearms, Biceps, Back
Friday or Saturday:
Session D: Quads, Calves, Abdominals
Continue the cycle for three weeks total.
Here’s how to group your muscles during a Giant Set Phase 2 and 4:
Session A: Hips, Traps, Abdominals
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Session B: Back, Biceps, Forearms
Session C: Quads, Calves, Abdominals
Friday or Saturday
Session D: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Continue the cycle for three weeks total.
You will notice that each training phase alternates the pairing of different muscles.
This concept is based on giving all your muscle groups equal opportunity to train fresh
at the start of the workout. How do you expect your arms, calves and abs to be just
as visually pleasing and strong if they are always thrown in at the end of a workout as
an afterthought?
Here’s how to group your muscles during Crash Set Phase 1 and 3:
Session A1: Quads, Chest, Biceps, Abdominals
Session B1: Back, Shoulders, Triceps, Abdominals
Session A2: Hips, Chest, Biceps, Abdominals
Session B2: Back, Shoulders, Triceps, Abdominals
Session A1: Quads, Chest, Biceps, Abdominals
Session B1: Back, Shoulders, Triceps, Abdominals
Continue the cycle...
Here’s how to group your muscles during a Crash Set Phase 2 and 4:
Session A1: Hips, Shoulders, Biceps, Abdominals
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Session B1: Chest, Back, Triceps, Abdominals
Session A2: Quads, Shoulders, Biceps, Abdominals
Session B2: Chest, Back, Triceps, Abdominals
Session A1: Hips, Shoulders, Biceps, Abdominals
Session B1: Chest, Back, Triceps, Abdominals
Continue the cycle...
You will notice that during this phase, as many unrelated muscle groups are paired
together. This will eliminate any potential residual fatigue from being carried from
a previous set into the next. Basically each muscle group is almost absolutely fresh
when started. This will allow for the best gains possible.
Lifting the weights exactly how I have laid them out will give you exactly the amount
of rest and training needed to consistently grow bigger and stronger week-to-week. I
highly suggest you DO NOT change the order of muscles. Leave it as is. Trust me, there
are many others that I have tested but this is by far the most effective.
You will also notice that there is an A1 and A2 and B1 and B2. There is a reason for
that which I will explain next.
No Nonsense Rule #7 – Alternate Workouts Between
A1 and A2 and B1 and B2
Giant Sets Protocol:
A1 and A2 represent two different workouts. The order of muscle groups trained is
listed above. All you have to do is pick ONE of the combos from the selection of Giant
Sets Combos a few pages up and this is your routine.
For example, on Chest-Shoulders-Triceps-Abdominals day here is a sample workout:
CHEST: Flat Bench Press – Incline DB Fly’s – Decline DB Chest Press
SHOULDERS: Bent Over DB Raises – Side Shoulder Raises –
Seated DB Shoulder Press
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TRICEPS: Skull Crushers – Close Grip Presses – Dips
ABDOMINALS: Vertical Hip Raise – Double Crunch – V Up
This is the complete workout. For each phase I suggest you pick a new combo but
stick to the same combo for each training phase to make progression.
Crash Set Protocol:
Here is an example of what your entire training routine
will look like for Crash Sets Phase 1:
Session A1: Quads, Chest, Biceps, Abdominals
Leg Press
Warm-up set: 135 lbs / 15 reps
Warm-up set: 185 lbs / 10 reps
Warm-up set: 225 lbs / 5 reps
Crash Set: 250 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...3 reps = TOTAL 13 reps
Dumbbell Lunges
Crash Set: 50 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...3 reps = TOTAL 13 reps
Standing Calf Raises
Warm-up set: 100 lbs / 15 reps
Warm-up set: 120 lbs / 10 reps
Warm-up set: 140 lbs / 5 reps
Crash Set: 160 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...4 reps = TOTAL 14 reps
Seated Calf Raises
Crash Set: 200 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...4 reps = TOTAL 14 reps
Bench Press
Warm-up set: 135 lbs / 15 reps
Warm-up set: 185 lbs / 10 reps
Warm-up set: 225 lbs / 5 reps
Crash Set: 225 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...3 reps = TOTAL 13 reps
Incline Dumbbell Press
Crash Set: 80 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...3 reps = TOTAL 13 reps
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Incline Curls
Warm-up set: 30 lbs / 15 reps
Warm-up set: 35 lbs / 10 reps
Warm-up set: 45 lbs / 5 reps
Crash Set: 55 lbs / 7 reps...4 reps...4 reps = TOTAL 15 reps
Cable Curls
Crash Set: 55 lbs / 7 reps...4 reps...4 reps = TOTAL 15 reps
Weighted Sit Ups On Stability Ball
Warm-up set: 40 lbs / 15 reps
Warm-up set: 60 lbs / 10 reps
Warm-up set: 80 lbs / 5 reps
Crash Set: 100 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...4 reps = TOTAL 14 reps
Session B1: Back, Shoulders, Triceps, Abdominals
Lat Pulldown
Warm-up set: 120 lbs / 15 reps
Warm-up set: 150 lbs / 10 reps
Warm-up set: 180 lbs / 5 reps
Crash Set: 200 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...3 reps = TOTAL 13 reps
1 – Arm Dumbbell Rows
Crash Set: 80 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...3 reps = TOTAL 13 reps
Behind the Neck Shoulder Press
Warm-up set: 95 lbs / 15 reps
Warm-up set: 135 lbs / 10 reps
Warm-up set: 155 lbs / 5 reps
Crash Set: 175 lbs / 7 reps...4 reps...4 reps = TOTAL 15 reps
Shoulder Machine Press
Crash Set: 150 lbs / 7 reps...4 reps...4 reps = TOTAL 15 reps
Barbell Shrugs
Crash Set: 225 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...4 reps = TOTAL 14 reps
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Skull Crushers
Warm-up set: 60 lbs / 15 reps
Warm-up set: 70 lbs / 10 reps
Warm-up set: 80 lbs / 5 reps
Crash Set: 90 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...4 reps = TOTAL 14 reps
Wide Grip Tricep Pressdowns
Crash Set: 90 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...4 reps = TOTAL 14 reps
Weighted Ball SitUps With A Twist
Warm-up set: 20 lbs / 15 reps
Warm-up set: 30 lbs / 10 reps
Warm-up set: 40 lbs / 5 reps
Crash Set: 60 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...4 reps = TOTAL 14 reps
Session A2: Hips, Chest, Biceps, Abdominals
Warm-up set: 135 lbs / 15 reps
Warm-up set: 225 lbs / 10 reps
Warm-up set: 275 lbs / 5 reps
Crash Set: 300 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...3 reps = TOTAL 13 reps
Lying Leg Curl
Crash Set: 160 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...4 reps = TOTAL 14 reps
Bench Press
Warm-up set: 135 lbs / 15 reps
Warm-up set: 185 lbs / 10 reps
Warm-up set: 225 lbs / 5 reps
Crash Set: 225 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...3 reps = TOTAL 13 reps
Incline Dumbbell Press
Crash Set: 80 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...3 reps = TOTAL 13 reps
Incline Curls
Warm-up set: 30 lbs / 15 reps
Warm-up set: 35 lbs / 10 reps
Warm-up set: 45 lbs / 5 reps
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Crash Set: 55 lbs / 7 reps...4 reps...4 reps = TOTAL 15 reps
Cable Curls
Crash Set: 100 lbs / 7 reps...4 reps...4 reps = TOTAL 15 reps
Weighted Sit-ups On Ball
Warm-up set: 20 lbs / 15 reps
Warm-up set: 30 lbs / 10 reps
Warm-up set: 35 lbs / 5 reps
Crash Set: 40 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...4 reps = TOTAL 14 reps
Session A2: Back, Shoulders, Triceps, Abdominals
Lat Pulldown
Warm-up set: 120 lbs / 15 reps
Warm-up set: 150 lbs / 10 reps
Warm-up set: 180 lbs / 5 reps
Crash Set: 200 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...3 reps = TOTAL 13 reps
1 – Arm Dumbbell Rows
Crash Set: 80 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...3 reps = TOTAL 13 reps
Behind the Neck Shoulder Press
Warm-up set: 95 lbs / 15 reps
Warm-up set: 135 lbs / 10 reps
Warm-up set: 155 lbs / 5 reps
Crash Set: 175 lbs / 7 reps...4 reps...4 reps = TOTAL 15 reps
Shoulder Machine Press
Crash Set: 150 lbs / 7 reps...4 reps...4 reps = TOTAL 15 reps
Barbell Shrugs
Crash Set: 225 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...4 reps = TOTAL 14 reps
Skull Crushers
Warm-up set: 60 lbs / 15 reps
Warm-up set: 70 lbs / 10 reps
Warm-up set: 80 lbs / 5 reps
Crash Set: 90 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...4 reps = TOTAL 14 reps
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Wide Grip Tricep Pressdowns
Crash Set: 90 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...4 reps = TOTAL 14 reps
Weighted Ball SitUps With A Twist
Warm-up set: 20 lbs / 15 reps
Warm-up set: 30 lbs / 10 reps
Warm-up set: 40 lbs / 5 reps
Crash Set: 60 lbs / 6 reps...4 reps...4 reps = TOTAL 14 reps
Session A1: Quads, Chest, Biceps, Abdominals
Same workout as A1
Session B1: Back, Shoulders, Triceps, Abdominals
Same workout as B1
As you can see, this example includes everything you must do in each workout:
• 2 exercises per muscle. Always choose compound movement. No isolation
movements during Crash Sets.
• 3 warm-up sets pyramiding the weight up each set.
• You will note that there is no warm up for the second exercise for each muscle
group. You only really require the warm up set on the first exercise. Too much
warm up on the second exercise will cut into your energy reserves. Performing an
optional 6-8 rep set to review technique/warm up is your choice.
• 1 full-force real set for each exercise (5-7 initial reps, rest 30 seconds, pick up
the weight and do another 3-5 reps, rest 30 seconds, pick up the weight and finish
with another 2-4 reps and then you are done).
• Because your weight is constant for the full-force sets, multiply the weight by
the TOTAL number of reps. This equals your TOTAL WORKLOAD and hopefully a
NEW PERSONAL BEST. Record this number (your New PB) and get ready to beat it
next time.
• 12-15 TOTAL reps per set.
• Same exercises for each muscle group UNTIL you plateau two workouts in a role
without an increase in strength.
No Nonsense Rule #8 – Pick A New Exercise When You Can No
Longer Increase Your Personal Best Two Workouts In A Row.
You must stick with the recommended exercises until you can no longer increase your
workload. This means you have not been able to increase the reps or weight. So let’s
say you have been doing incline bicep curls and your total poundage does not go up
– it’s time to drop that exercise and pick a new one.
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HOWEVER, if this occurs try just ONE more workout with that exercise, and if again
you do not increase the total workload, then this is a sign to drop this exercise and
choose a new one. Giving it an extra chance to ‘prove itself’ will show if you have really ‘exhausted’ the potential of that particular exercise.
This is how you will cycle your exercises around because it is
absolutely critical to use exercises that will allow you to continually
lift more weight and reps. If not, you will slow to a stop and make
no more gains.
Remember, the name of the game is to continually outdo yourself week in and week
out. If you are not using exercises that will allow you to keep improving your total
workload then you will join the club of people who lift weights for years and have
nothing to show for it!
No Nonsense Rule #9 – Fewest Sets Possible = Maximal Results
With THE Least Amount of Work.
To justify this principle, let’s look at the following example. Let’s say you perform a
set with 200 pounds for 10 reps. The total workload would be 2,000 pounds. Now, if
you truly put everything into that particular set, there is no way you are going to be
able to perform a second or a third set with the exact same amount of weight and the
exact same number of reps.
Assuming that you truly went all-out then you would have exhausted that particular
muscle. Your strength and energy reserves will be depleted. Now let’s say you do a
second and a third set, with the same weight, then you will probably only be able to
do 7-8 reps. Or if you want to perform 10 reps again then you will have to drop the
weight to 180 pounds, for example.
Now think about this really hard and forget all the nonsense you’ve heard about
‘shocking’ the muscle, ‘finishing’ the muscle, ‘killing’ the muscle etc. Which set do
you think is going to have the greatest contribution to making the muscle bigger and
stronger? Your first set with 200 pounds for 10 reps, or the one with lighter weight
with less reps?
Of course, the set that allows you to lift the HEAVIEST amount of weight for the MOST
number of reps is the set that will contribute the most to making your muscles bigger
and stronger. Any other set you perform beyond this ONE ALL-OUT set is just a waste
of precious energy that you need to grow. Any set that does not force more weight
and more reps is absolutely useless for gaining more muscle.
You must trust me on this and go against what every other gym rat, fitness ‘expert’
and ‘latest research’ is saying about how many sets are optimal for building muscle.
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If you ever doubt what I am saying on this one critical phase of your program then just
go to the gym and watch all the guys who are doing set after set, and train day after
day but do not look any different whatsoever since they first started training.
Training to the point where you can not walk out of the gym or until you can not move
your limbs has nothing to do with inducing your muscle tissue to grow larger and
So how many sets should I perform during my Crash Sets Phases?
After your three warm-up sets you will perform only ONE full-force set for two exercises on the same muscle group. Once you are complete two exercises for a muscle
group – move on to the next muscle group. Remember, the heavy loads you will be
using in this workout will be much more taxing to your nervous system than more
moderate weights.
So how many sets should I perform in my Giant Sets Phase?
Perform one warm-up set of all three exercises. Use at least 50% of your goal weight.
Be very cautious because you do not want to deplete any precious energy on your
work sets.
I have discovered that Giant Sets work better at least 2-3 full-force sets instead of
one all-out set. Because the workload is slightly lower than your absolute maximum
(as done during Crash Sets) we are focusing on increasing our total workload through
higher volume instead of weight. Therefore you will have a warm-up set plus 2-3 work
No Nonsense Rule #10 – Choose HEAVY Weights for Everything.
Full-force Crash Sets require you to start with a weight that you can only handle
5-7 times. You will use this weight throughout. Giant Sets require you to start with
weights 10-20 pounds less than the weight you would use on your all-out crash sets.
The number of reps will reflect the amount of time under tension. We have discussed
that placing the muscle at maximal tension for 40-70 seconds will illicit a hypertrophy
response and placing the muscle at maximal tension for 20-40 seconds will illicit a
strength response.
What we did not discuss was how your different muscle fiber types are influenced.
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Don’t worry, I will keep this a grade school physiology lesson.
The human body is made up of several different types of muscle fibers; some are geared more towards endurance work and
some are geared towards more strength,
power and speed work.
Care to take a wild guess what is more predominant in skinny guys? If you guessed
the endurance type then treat yourself to a protein shake. These are known as slowtwitch muscle fibers and are excellent for resisting fatigue but poor in generating
strength, power and speed. Even as a long distance runner I was nailed so many times
in the home stretch by guys who would kick me down before the finish line because I
was really slow twitch dominant.
These slow-twitch fibers truly live up to their name by supplying blood and oxygen
for a quicker recovery and work for a longer duration. Slow-twitch fibers use fat as a
primary source of energy and fast-twitch use glucose (carbs) as a primary source of energy. Slow-twitch contract just about as fast as an old lady moving in a senior’s home,
placing you at a distinct disadvantage. Don’t plan on winning any sprint races, setting
a record in a bench press competition or impressing the guys with your vertical – slowtwitch fibers lack speed, force and power.
The good news is that no body is completely slow-twitch dominant and even ultra-endurance athletes have up to 40% fast-twitch muscle fiber on them. Slowtwitch muscle fibers are known as the type I’s. On the other end of the spectrum you
have your powerhouse type IIb fibers (fast-twitch). It is important to know that there
is one more type squeezed in between the continuum here – they are called type IIa
and have an intermediate contraction speed. What is really interesting is that your
training can influence whether these type IIa become more fast-twitch dominant or
slow-twitch dominant. For example, since I spent about 10 years of my early life racing and training as a competitive long distance runner and triathlete, it is safe to say
that I converted a good percentage of my type IIa fibers to type I fibers. Conversely, a
sprinter or hockey player would have converted the majority of their type IIa muscle
fiber to type IIb muscle fiber.
Whatever your situation, it is not as hopeless as it seems, even if you possess a higher
than average percentage of slow-twitch muscle fibers. You can still add inches to your
frame and build a muscular physique. The reps and time under tension guidelines
presented below will help you to effectively focus on both muscle fiber types to
bring in significant amounts of muscle growth.
Therefore, Giant Sets Phase will serve the purpose of tapping into your
favored slow-twitch muscle fibers for hypertrophy. Even though slow-
twitch muscle fibers have a limited capacity for muscle growth we want to maximize
what we have for growth. On the other hand, when we concentrate on heavier loads
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via the Crash Sets Phase we will be going after those fast-twitch type IIa muscle fibers that have the greatest potential for taking on the properties of type IIb fibers.
If you have not achieved the muscle size that you are after then it is safe to say that
your training, to this point in your life, has not taxed your type IIb or central nervous
system sufficiently. Crash Sets are designed to stimulate the muscle fibers that are
designed for growth – the super-duper powerful fast-twitch type IIb fibers.
Crash Sets can be summed up like this – keep the loading high for 5-6 reps per miniset, the overall volume is low since you are only doing one full-force set per exercise
and target the muscle fibers that have the greatest potential for growth. In total you
will be performing around 12-15 total reps after you add up the three mini-sets within
each Crash Set.
Giant Sets have a greater strain on the metabolic system so the volume can be higher,
however the loading is also high but only for 10 reps per exercise, which will target
the type IIa muscle fibers for growth. The reality is that type IIb fiber training (Crash
Sets) is the key to finding new and untapped muscle fiber. Giant Sets are more the
equivalent of bodybuilding training that focus on just one muscle fiber type. There
is no doubt that power lifters are stronger than bodybuilders but power lifters have
nowhere the amount of muscle cuts and definition of a bodybuilder. I assume you are
interested in getting that ripped, shredded and cut look too. This is why you can not
neglect your type IIa and type I fibers completely, hence another reason to include the
Giant Sets.
No Nonsense Rule #12 – USE A 301 TEMPO FOR CRASH SETS AND A 311
Manipulating speed of tempo is a very powerful variable that will also be exploited
by alternating these two phases. Remember that we can recruit more muscle fiber by
either lifting more weight or lifting more reps. The basic goal is to engage as many
muscle fibers as possible so we can achieve this goal by going slow and fast.
During your Crash Set Phase, use an explosive movement where you focus on driving
the weights up as quickly as possible. By performing each rep with an explosive force
you will obligate the maximal number of muscle fibers. At the same time you must be
in CONTROL. Use only enough weight to allow you to go fast enough BUT while using
good form. Too much speed and you will end up using too much momentum and risk
injury (and also look ridiculous)!
Going too slow simply forces light weights to be used, and this just won’t recruit
enough muscle fiber. What’s going to force more muscle growth? Doing 25-pound
bicep curls at a slow speed or doing 50 pounds with a quicker speed? Clearly, 50
pounds will make your biceps grow quicker than 25 pounds.
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Instead, focus on squeezing the weight with your grip. This will automatically force
your muscles to recruit more muscle and have a far more powerful effect than trying
to squeeze your muscles. Keep it simple and focus on keeping that weight moving and
gripping the heck out of the handles. No resting at the bottom, no long pausing, no
staring at yourself in the mirror, just keep that weight pumping!
If you watch any professional bodybuilder in the gym, like Arnold in his Pumping Iron
DVD or Ronnie Coleman in his Cost of Redemption DVD, these guys don’t use any fancy
techniques like ‘squeezing’, ‘twisting’, ‘slowing it down’, ‘stretching it out’ etc.
These guys are moving the weights around with NO pausing and are firing out rep after
rep like a loaded machine gun. It’s interesting how many professional bodybuilders
tell us one thing (go slow and controlled) in magazine interviews but in real life they use a
completely different method.
The reality is that because you are a natural trainee and not taking in boat loads of
steroids, lifting with explosive movements week in and week out can easily lead to
injury, so it is critical that we alter your lifting tempo. During your Giant Set Phases you will use a moderate and controlled tempo. Slower
than an explosive movement but NOT ‘super slow.’ Take an extra second on the way
up and on the way down to move the weight. Therefore 2-3 seconds on the way down,
pause for at least 1 second and 3-4 seconds on the way up. Altering the amount of
tension on your muscles will prevent plateaus and ensure you find untouched and untrained muscle fiber.
To summarize:
Crash Sets will have a 3-0-1 tempo meaning a 3 second negative, 0 second pause, and
1 second concentric movement.
Giant Sets will have a 311 tempo meaning a 3 second negative, 1 second pause and 1
second concentric movement.
The training sessions I have created are designed to be done within 45 minutes for
Giant Sets and closer to 60-70 minutes for Crash Sets. Aim to stay under the one hour
barrier. This is counterproductive because natural testosterone levels begin to decline
at this mark and the evil cortisol hormone begins to rise and starts eating up your
muscle tissue – especially during metabolic training via Giant Sets (this is more critical). During the neural training phase via Crash Sets you are allowed to take 5-8 minutes between exercise so the workout may be closer to 60-70 minutes in total dura© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
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Chapter 10
tion. Better gains are made by cutting workouts short rather than finishing a workout
for the sake of finishing a workout.
No Nonsense Rule #14 – Minimize The Amount of Cardio You Do.
You have probably heard both sides of the coin. Some experts say that cardio is the
eighth deadly sin for skinny guys because it will burn too much energy and have a
negative impact on one’s ability to gain muscle. And to a certain extent they are
right, cranking out 30-60 minutes in your ‘fat burning zone’ will definitely sabotage
your muscle gain quest.
However don’t kid yourself into believing the hard core extremist who thinks heavyload, low-rep training with long rest periods is going to contribute to any heart and
lung strength. Sure your heart has to work but you will have the cardio fitness of a
senior’s jog/walk club. Seriously, weight training can easily deceive you into thinking
you are in shape because your body is more visually appealing than a marathon runner. Don’t fool yourself.
Your main interest in doing cardio should be for
its health-related benefits.
During your Giant Set Phases your muscular endurance will be challenged far more,
resulting in a higher heart rate, more sweating and more sucking for air! I suggest a
lower volume of cardio during this phase because your energy expenditure will also be
greater at this time. No more than 1 or 2 interval training sessions during this phase
as outlined in the cardio chapter.
During your Crash Sets Phases your body will require cardio workouts that are shorter
and more intense to maintain your heart and lung strength since the high-loads, lowreps and long rest will do very little for heart strength. Absolutely no more than two
or three 15-20 minute interval workouts as outlined in the cardio chapter.
The bottom line is that the caloric support must be there to counteract the energy
demands from the workout. Perform your cardio workouts on your non weight-training days and incorporate the pre-workout and post-workout nutrition drinks to make
up for the extra caloric expenditure. This will keep your body in an anabolic state.
No Nonsense Rule #15 – Warm Up Thoroughly.
Always begin each workout with a 5-10 minute cardio warm-up and stretch. This will
allow you to feel out your body and give you some time to get into the zone. Just
because your body is warm does not mean the specific muscles you will be training
are warm so ALWAYS do one light warm-up set to pump some blood around the joints.
Look at this as lubricating your joints. Not performing warm-up sets can cause a lot
of wear and tear and lead to a short life-span on your joints. Not good if you plan to
lift into your later years of life.
© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
All rights reserved.
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Chapter 10
No Nonsense Rule #16 – Have Fun!
I will leave you with two of my favorite quotes:
“If the mind is willing, the body will often follow.” - Roger Banister
(the first man to break the 4 minute mile)
“Successful people in life have developed the habit of doing what unsuccessful people don’t feel like doing.”
(my father told me that driving in the car when I was in high school)
Conclusion: Taking the Road Less Traveled
By now you should have a fresh and different perspective on how to build muscle the
natural way. The advice in this book was not written by a genetic freak or a dude
who, not even once in my life, dabbled with steroids. My body is completely drugfree and I built every ounce of muscle on my body the natural way – through smart,
yet grueling, training sessions and smart but very hard fork lifting sessions. Not only
that but I made certain sacrifices in my social life and lifestyle to create an environment for muscle growth that I will never regret.
One of my goals is for you to build a body that you can be proud of,
one that turns heads at every street corner and instantly demands
respect from others. In this book, you have learned about the most common
bodybuilding mistakes to avoid and common mistakes that many make before they
even enter the gym. You have learned the importance of caloric intake and have
been provided tools that will tell you exactly how many calories your body requires
to build muscle. I have even provided five 84-day Healthy mass meal plans based
on 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, 5,000 and 6,000 calories of high quality nutrients. If you
ordered the Upgrade package then you also received a set of Cheap mass plans
and Veggie mass plans. These plans even include grocery lists so the guesswork is
taken care of – you will know exactly what to buy every time you go to the grocery
Along the way, you have probably gained a new understanding of the supplement
industry and what is necessary and what can be left on the shelves. You have learned
the importance of workout nutrition, new training techniques that will allow you to
train for size and strength, and the importance of flexibility training. I have even
included the 29-week training program in a step-by-step format, with 3-D animated
pictures to show you how to perform every exercise as well as many other features.
You can access this program at www.fitnessgenerator.com/getbuffed . You can sign
up here to get access to your program. I will activate your account once you register
a username and password (you do not need to put your credit card info in here).
© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
All rights reserved.
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Chapter 10
I believe that over the course of the next year, you’ll be bigger, stronger, and most
importantly, more educated about training and nutrition information than you have
ever been before. You will no longer be that scrawny guy in the gym who busts his
butt yet has nothing to show for it. No more being taken by the latest supplement
hype and cutting edge training program. No more surfing the Internet and spinning
your wheels in the gym. No more justifying your training program because your body
will speak for itself. You now know the universal principles required to create an
anabolic environment and can stack up any information you hear or read to what you
have learned in this book. No more guessing about how much you should be taking in,
and eating the same bland foods.
I have provided the tools that you need to be in complete control of how much
muscle you gain. I have provided the plan; you provide the action. You are in control of the final outcome. But don’t forget that I am always here to help you step-bystep for the entire way.
I truly wish you all the best,
Your friend and coach,
Vince DelMonte
© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
All rights reserved.
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About The Author
Vince DelMonte is a natural competing fitness model, personal
trainer, freelance writer and fitness consultant who runs a
personal training team department in Hamilton Ontario.
He holds an Honors Kinesiology Degree, numerous certifications,
and has been working in the trenches for the past 5 years helping
hundreds of average guys transform their physiques.
His transformation story was featured as Transformation of the
Month at Bodybuilding.Com and has appeared in Maximum
He is the founder of www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com, a fitness
site dedicated to building muscle and losing fat, and is the author of “No-Nonsense Muscle
Building” - Skinny Guy Secrets To Insane Muscle Gain.
© Vince Delmonte www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com 2006.
All rights reserved.
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