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Health 9 Lesson Plan: Drug Scenario in the Philippines

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Misamis Oriental
Misamis Oriental General Comprehensive High School
5E’s Detailed Lesson Plan in Health 9
COT No. 1
Name of Teacher:
Grade Level & Section:
Time & Building:
Time Frame:
A. Content Standards:
B. Performance Standards:
C. Learning Competencies/
Write the LC code for each
Xin Xu
Grade 9 – Romans
4:00- 5:00 PM, Floor 2, BESRA D Building
1 hour, August 15, 2019
The Learners demonstrate an understanding of:
the dangers of substance use and abuse on the individual, family
and community
The learners shall be able to shares responsibility with community
members through participation in collective action to prevent and
control substance use and abuse
Describe the drug scenario in the Philippines. H9S-IIa-14
(KRA 3: Objective 7, INDICATOR 7: Plans, manages and implements
developmentally sequenced teaching and learning processes to meet curriculum
requirements and varied teaching contexts)- the LC Code H9S-IIa-14 proves
that this competency is part of the K12 curriculum
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
Drugs Scenario in the Philippines
Physical Education and Health 9 Teacher’s Guide
Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material, pages 270- 277
3. Textbook pages
Physical Education and Health Book, pages 270- 277
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Materials
Power point Presentation• DLP
A. Preliminary Activities/Preparation
*Checking of Attendance
Good afternoon, Everyone.
Good afternoon Ma’am Xin and visitor
Let us begin with a word of prayer.
A student representative will lead the prayer.
Before you will take you seats, please be reminded of our classroom rules: to pick- up pieces of
trash you see on the floor and beneath your chair and throw in the proper trash bins, align your chairs
properly, keep the things you don’t need in our subject and refrain from using your cellphones or put
that into silent mode.
(KRA 2: Objective 5: Setting House Rules/guidelines)
You may now take your seats.
Ask the class beadle to check the absentees in the class.
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Presenting New Lesson
Motivation Activity:
(KRA 2: Objective 1: Providing Motivation)
ADD Game( Agree, Disagree and Don’t Know)
Three students will be holding each of the three signs “Agree”,” Disagree” and “Don’t Know” facing the
class. Statements to be shown in the slides and to be read by the students. Each of the students will
decide if they will agree, disagree or don’t know the answer of the statement being read. Once the signal
is “Go” the students will go to the sign which suits their values, feelings and beliefs. The students can
change their decisions whenever they feel it is necessary. Processing will follow.
Safety Precautions: Avoid pushing and pulling.
Teaching Strategy: Picture Analysis on Drug-Related Crimes
(The students will be asked to analyze the pictures to be shown, identify, and describe the scenarios and
its effects.
Link across : Science (Explain the concept)
(KRA 1: Objective 1, INDICATOR 1: Applies knowledge of content within and
across curriculum teaching areas)
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson
Applies knowledge of the content across the learning area of Araling Panlipunan
(KRA 1: Objective 1,INDICATOR 1: Applies knowledge of content within and across
curriculum teaching areas)
Our topic this afternoon is all about is the drug scenario in the Philippines.
(KRA 2: Objective 5: Praising the learner.
Strategic Questioning on:
The different law enforcing agencies of the government.
(KRA 2: Objective 5, INDICATOR 4: Ensuring learner’s active participation.
Teaching Strategies:
Strategic Questioning
Analyzing Images
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the Lesson
The teacher will discuss the commonly abused drugs in the Philippines.
. (KRA 1: Objective 3, INDICATOR 3: Applies a range of teaching strategies to
develop critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills )
Strategic Questions on :
Effects on the three substances in the body.
(KRA 1: Objective 2, INDICATOR 2: Uses a range of teaching strategies that
enhance learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills)
( Vocabulary skill was developed)
D. Discussion of new concepts and practicing new skills
Common Concepts in Drug Education.
(The students are to share their own opinions on the usual words in substance and abuse)
Oral communication skill.
(KRA 2: Objective 5, Allowing learners to express their ideas/ opinions)
E. Developing mastery
Ask Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) questions and show pictures.
Which do you think is the most abused in the present days or situation? Why or why not?
The student’s expected answers:
Shabu, increases man’s wakefulness, and physical activity, poverty-stricken environment, this
presents a “solution” to a big problem. Due to poverty, many Filipinos work longer hours, which, in turn,
creates a need for something that will allow them to maintain focus for a longer period of time.
Do we have a strict implementation of the policies regarding prohibited drugs? In what way?
Yes, like the compulsory drug test for application of driver’s license, entrance to military service,
application for firearms licensing, and others.
(KRA 2: Objective 5: Allowing learners to express their ideas and opinions)
F. Finding Practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
How significant the use of regulated drugs in our body?
(These reinforce and promoting public health like prescribed medicines for treatment to patients with
which dispensing or buying also requires special knowledge and expertise)
(KRA 2: Objective 6 INDICATOR 6 Uses differentiated, developmentally
appropriate learning experiences to address learners’ gender, needs, strengths,
interests and experiences)
G. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson
Teaching Strategies:
*Short Clip on Drug Abuse and its effects, "Capturing the Power of the Youth in the Campaign Against
Drug Abuse"
(KRA 3: Objective 9: INDICATOR 8: Selects, develops, organizes, and uses
appropriate teaching and learning resources, including ICT, to address learning
(The students are expected to watch the video, ensuring the positive impact in the campaign against
(KRA 2: Objective 5: Ensuring learner’s active participation)
H. Evaluating learning : Formative assessment:
(KRA 4: Objective 10, INDICATOR 9: Designs, selects, organizes, and uses
diagnostic, formative and summative assessment strategies consistent with
curriculum requirements
Short Quiz (1-10 items)
Checking and summing-up will follow after 5 minutes.
Values Integration:
Caring for one’s health.
(Applies knowledge of the content across the learning area of Values Education, Physical Education
and Health )
Goodbye everyone!
(Goodbye and thank you for teaching us today.)