ERIK ERIKSON June 15, 1902, Southern Germany Changed his name from Homburger to Erickson Published “Childhood and Society” in 1950 Died May 12, 1994 EGO IN POST- FREUDIAN THEORY EGO- positive force that creates a self- identity, a sense of “I”. o Our ego keeps us from loosing our individuality to the society and also adapt to various conflicts. o Ego is person’s ability to unify their experience and actions in an adaptive manner. 3 ASPECTS OF EGO o BODY EGO- refers to the experiences our body has, physical self o EGO IDEAL- represents the image we have in ourselves o EGO IDENTITY- image we have of ourselves n the variety of social roles SOCIETY’S INFLUENCE o PSEUDOSCIENCES- illusion perpetrated by a particular society o ego exists as potential at birth, but it must emerge from within a cultural environment. EPIGENETIC PRINCIPLE o Step by step o Embryonic, ego follows the path according to each stage STAGES OF PSYCHOSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT INFANCY o ORAL SENSORY MODE TRUST VS. MISTRUST If the mother will provide it, they will have trust but f there is no response to their needs, it is basic mistrust BASIC STRENGTH HOPE CORE PATHOLOGY WITHDRAWAL EARLY CHILDHOOD o ANAL-URETHRAL-MUSCULAR MODE Learning to walk o run AUTONOMY VS SHAME AND DOUBT