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Transactional Analysis: Ego States

E ploring the
Three States of Ego
These are three distinct ego states that
influence behavior:
1. Parent Ego State
Reflects attitudes and behaviors learned from
authority figures. Expressions can be critical
or nurturing.
- Verbal Clues: Always, never, remember,
stupid, absurd, ridiculous, if I were you,
unthinking judgmental reactions, etc.
- Non-Verbal Clues: Pointing accusingly,
shaking the head, making consoling sounds,
2. Adult Ego State
Involves objective analysis of reality, weighing facts,
and making decisions based on rationality and
3. Child Ego State
Displays childlike emotions, can be selfish, easily
angered, often fickle and fascinated by the idea of
doing wrong.
- Verbal Clues: Childish, restless, tricky, artful
dodger, loves playing jokes, etc.
- Non-Verbal Clues: Often fickle, fascinated by
Life Script
Every person has a life script, much like a
theatrical script, which determines life patterns,
characters, dialogues, acts, themes, and plots.
Many people may not be aware of it, but they act
it out in their everyday life.
Transactional Analysis offers a valuable framework for
understanding human behavior and improving interpersonal
interactions. By recognizing and managing the three ego
states - P arent, Adult, and Child - we can enhance selfawareness, communication skills, and relationship dynamics.
Applying Transactional Analysis principles fosters personal
growth and more fulfilling connections with others.