Uploaded by Serena Sovann

Conservation of Energy Worksheet: Physics Concepts

Conservation of Energy
Law of conservation of energy:
Energy transfer and transformation:
1) Car crashes: If a car moving at 100 km/h hits a concrete wall
2) Lifting
All the energy required to lift the weight off the ground comes from _____________
energy stored as chemical bonds in the _____________ of the weight lifter.
The weight then gain ______________ energy as it moves upwards.
At the very top the kinetic energy is converted into ___________________
_________________ energy.
As the wright is allowed to fall all the _______________ ______________ energy is
converted back to into ________________ energy.
3) Pendulums
 Beginning at Position A:
 When it is allowed to swing:
 When the pendulum is at Position B:
 At Position C:
 At Position D:
4) Pole Vaulting
The athlete first runs down the track as fast as he/she can possible go.
a) What energy are they maximising by running as fast as possible: ________________
b) The energy used by the athlete to run down the track has come from
________________ energy stored in the athletes body.
c) When the pole is fully bent the athlete has maximum ___________________ energy.
d) At the very top of the bar all the energy the athlete had just before leaving the ground
has transformed into __________________________ energy
e) Assuming no energy loss during the transformations, all the kinetic energy the athlete
has as they hit the mat after their jump is (choose one)
a. Equal to all the chemical energy in their body
b. Equal to the kinetic energy just before they jump off the ground
c. Equal to all the chemical energy and heat energy in their body
d. Half the amount of gravitational potential energy the athlete has at the top of
the bar
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