Uploaded by Senarath Dunusinghe

River Meandering & Bridge Stability: Hydraulic & Geotechnical Issues

Bank erosion mainly occurs in meandering rivers. River meandering is caused by nature or
human activities and has caused many rivers in the world to meander with erosion.
Considering the black bridge over the Daduru Oya, if the river continues to meander
without a solution, the riverbank may erode continuously. Then the structure may even
collapse due to loss of soil to keep the structure or bridge in proper condition.
Formation of oxbow lakes during the rainy season,
When there’s a heavy rain which the return rate is high, due to increase of momentum of
flow, flow might take its original path. Due to this a part of river get isolated and it is
known as an oxbow lake.
Foundation instability
A bridge foundation is a very important part of a bridge that can provide stability and