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Factors Affecting Teachers' Promotion Thesis Proposal

A Thesis Proposal
Presented to the Faculty of Graduate School
Mindanao State University
MPA – Human Resource Management
November 23, 2021
1.1 Background of the Study
Teachers influence so many lives during their career. They play a very important
role as they create the interest of the students to develop and learn more. They are not
only expected to impart knowledge but they are also expected to develop the values
and shape the attitude of their students.
Teaching is a profession that needs so much dedication and time as teachers are
expected to produce students that will make a difference in the society and determines
what the society will become in the future.
With this great responsibility at hand, teachers continue to perform their functions
amidst the challenges they are facing in their everyday teaching life. Although they are
many ways to show appreciation to teachers to acknowledge their dedication and hard
work, being promoted from work could probably be one of the best reward they could
Promotions are advancement of position with greater challenges, more
responsibility and more authority than in previous job. Promotions usually include pay
increases (Noe et al., 2015). Promotion is viewed as desirable by employees because
of the impact a promotion has on pay, authority, responsibility, and the ability to
influence broader organizational decision making (Healthfield, 2019). Promotion entails
not only climbing to higher ranks but also entails higher salary thus promotion will not
only boost the morale of the employees but will also help their economic needs.
However, promotion has become less concern of some teachers because of the
need to focus on academic activities in school that has become more demanding.
Teachers face excessive paperwork and systems such as gathering of documents,
accomplish forms, complete excessive lesson plans and even report to school on
Further, Tinio (2018) mentioned that Teachers’ career advancement is hindered
by the sluggish processing of promotion in DepEd, the imposition of numerous
requirements, and certain limitations such as the scarcity of plantilla items for higher
positions and the setting of ratios between teaching items.
It is also sad to note that there are teachers who does not want promotion and
are just contented of their current promotion because they believe that teachers who are
being promoted are given too much work and responsibilities. On the other hand, some
of the teachers are interested to be promoted however they are not well acquainted of
the policies and guidelines about promotion.
With these issues and concerns, the researcher aims to conduct further study on
the challenges being experience by the teachers when it comes to career advancement.
Particularly, the researcher would like to conduct a study on the factors affecting
teachers’ promotion in DepEd Region XII
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The study aims to identify the factors affecting teachers’ promotion in DepEd
Sarangani Division. Specifically, the researcher would like to answer the following
1. What are the factors affecting teachers’ promotion in DepEd Region XII in
terms of:
DepEd recruitment and selection policies; and
Administrative service delivery?
2. Is there a significant relationship between teachers’ promotion and DepEd
recruitment and selection process?
3. Is there a significant relationship between teachers’ promotion and
administrative service delivery?
4. What are the challenges encountered by the respondents in acquiring
5. What intervention plan can be drawn from the findings?
1.3 Significance of the Study
The contribution of teachers in the society is very important in developing lifelong
learning of the students that will eventually help in building the nation. Job satisfaction
and promotion are very essential to the continuing growth of the teacher. Thus, this
study will be significant to the following:
DepEd Policy makers. This is study will be an appropriate basis in determining
policy directions that will create promotional guidelines that is at par with the needs of
the teachers and the current situation of DepEd.
School Administrators. This study will help determine the kind of technical
assistance they can provide in the career advancement of their teachers.
Teachers. This study will help them be informed on the factors that affect
teachers’ promotion that they can use for future planning for promotion. In addition, the
analysis on this study will help teachers to train oneself and to be competitive in the
career advancement.
The Researcher. This will help her to come up with a suggestions or proposal to
her supervisors on the improvement of recruitment and selection services of Personnel
Unit of DepEd Sarangani Division Office.
Other Researchers. This will serve as a further reference for them to study other
factors that affect teachers’ promotion in support to teachers’ career progression.
This section presents the significant literatures and studies that are related in the
current study.
These pieces of literatures and studies were arranged sequentially
based on the importance of the study at hand.
2.1 Legal References
DepED Order No. 29, s. 2002 “Merit Selection Plan of DEPED”
The Merit Selection Plan (MSP) of DepEd is a systematic method of assessing
and selecting employees on the basis of their relative qualifications and competence to
perform the duties and responsibilities of the position.
DepEd’s MSP was issued on July 22, 2002 with the objectives of establishing a
system that is characterized by strict observance of the principles of merit, competence
and fitness in the selection of employees for appointment to positions in the career and
non-career service in all levels and create equal opportunities for employment to all who
are qualified to enter government service and for career advancement in the DepEd,
regardless of gender,, civil status, disability, religion, ethnicity, or political affiliation.
DepEd Order No. 66, s. 2007 “Revised Guidelines on the Appointment and
Promotion of Other Teaching, Related Teaching and Non-Teaching”
DepED Order 66, s. 2007 provides the existing guidelines of DepEd for
appointment and promotion of teaching (except master teachers and SHS teachers),
non-teaching and teaching related (except school heads) positions. It provides the
procedures to be undertaken by the Human Resource Management Office, the
Personnel Section Board (PSB) and the appointing authority. It also indicates the
composition of PSB from the Central Office, Regional Office, Schools Division Office
and Schools. Further, it sets the computation of points in the evaluation of applicants
which includes criteria in the areas of performance ratings, experience, outstanding
accomplishments, education, trainings, psychosocial attributes and potentials. The
guideless sets a different computation of the teaching and teaching related positions
from that of non-teaching positions computation.
Deped Order 42 s. 2007 “The Revised Guidelines on the Selection, Promotion and
Selection of School Heads”
DepEd Order 24, s. 2007 sets the leadership framework, qualification standards,
appointment and selection of school heads. It also discusses the criteria and
computation of points in the evaluation of the applicants. The same criteria were used
from that of DO No. 66, s. 2007 but the assigning of points are different.
MEC Order No. 10, s. 1979 “Implementing Rules and Regulation for the System of
Career Progression for Public School Teachers”
MEC Order No. 10, s. 1979 stipulates for the guidelines in the recruitment,
selection and placement of Master Teachers. It provides the qualification standards,
mandatory requirements and allocation of Master Teachers in the schools. It presents
the criteria for evaluation of applicants in the areas leadership, accomplishments and
potential. Further, it also presented the creditable allowances in determining Masteral
equivalent to offset the deficiency in educational preparation and years in service of the
DBM Manual on Position Classification and Compensation
Chapter 6 of this manual provides the “Position Classification and Compensation
Scheme for Teaching Positions in Elementary and Secondary Schools” where the DBM
in consultation with the DepED establishes “equivalents” to the academic preparation
prerequisites and defines the “area of equivalents” and the corresponding units or
points. The existing equivalents and areas of equivalents are as follows:
DepEd Order 29, s. 2011 “Revised Guidelines on the
Allocation and
Reclassification of School Heads”
This order provides for the rules on the allocation of school heads and promotion
of school heads through reclassification. Reclassification refers to the change in the
position title requiring the issuance of an appointment with a corresponding increase in
rank and salary. Reclassification may be restored only if there are no available vacant
School Head position. DO 29, s. 2011 further provides the qualification standards, the
computation of points and the procedures involve in the reclassification process.
2.2 Related Literature
Employee Promotion
Promotion is something that every employee looks forward to since it is
considered a form of reward by recognizing the employee’s hard work, good
performance and loyalty.
Promotion is the advancement of a career employee from one position to another
with an increase in duties and responsibilities, as authorized by law, and usually
accompanied by increase in salary. Promotion may be from one department or agency
or to another or from one organizational unit to another within the same department or
agency (CSC MC 14, s. 2018).
Understanding from the above definition, promotion will boost the morale of the
employee as he is entrusted to perform higher functions and responsibilities. It connotes
that the employee is entrusted to a bigger role and recognizes his ability and skill to
excel in other areas of responsibility that brings self-fulfillment and career advancement.
Also, since promotion comes with increase in rank and salary, it will provide economic
benefits to the employee.
Armstrong (2006) contends that promotion opportunities are positions within the
organization hierarchy that require to be filled whenever possible by qualified
candidates not from outside the organization workforce. When promotions opportunities
exists in an organization, then first priority should be given to internal employees
otherwise there will be little motivation for them to do a better job if better and higher
paying jobs are reserved for outsiders. Most employees are motivated if they feel that
they can move upwards in the organization
On the part of the employer, promotion is both an expression of gratitude and a
motivational tool. Employee promotion no doubt brings the additional benefit of "binding"
the worker to the organization and preventing "brain drain" (Ong-amo, 2012).
In addition, according to Falconi (2019), benefits of promotion includes increase
in employee retention, engagement and productivity, facilitates career path and growth
of employee, bring sense of management and supports to the rewards and recognition
program of the company. In fact, many scholars perceive promotion as one of the most
important components of employer-employee relations (Belyh 2020, Ford, 2021).
Recruitment and Selection
Generally, recruitment and selection refers to organization's hiring processes -the recruitment of applicants and selection from viable candidates for jobs within your
company. Recruitment and selection can be looked at separately, but looking at the
entire process of hiring employees is effective in gauging the success of a recruitment
selection process (Harness, 2019).
Recruitment is the generation of an applicant pool for a position or job in order to
provide the required number of candidates for a subsequent selection or promotion
program. Recruitment is done to meet management goals and objectives for the
organization and must also meet current legal requirements such as human rights,
employment equity, labour law, and other legislation (Canato et. al., 2013). It refers to
the process where potential applicants are searched for, and then encouraged to apply
for an actual or anticipated vacancy.
On the other hand, selection is the process of choosing from a group of
applicants the individual best and providing them a job in the organization (Gusdorf,
While definitions on recruitment and selection may sound fairly simplistic, the
actual process is much more complicated, as just getting candidates isn't enough
because the aim is to get the right candidates who will not only be able to do the job, but
do it with the right attitude and, ideally, do it while fitting in with your overall company
culture. In fact, recruitment and selection is easily one of the, if not the, most important
role of human resource management (2010).
Factors affecting Employee Promotion
Organizations undertake different bases of promotion. It depends upon the
nature, size and management of the organizations. Some organizations (Public Sector
Undertakings) decide promotions solely on the basis of seniority while others (Private
Corporate) finalize promotions on the basis of merit. There are also organizations those
who decide promotions on the basis of seniority-cum-merit or merit-cum-seniority
(Soumita, 2021).
A promotion is an important decision since it doesn’t only involve change in rank
but also more duties and responsibilities and hence must be taken after careful
assessment and evaluation of one’s skills, performance and several other factors such
as performance, length of service, merit and ability, educational/technical qualifications,
assessment of potential, spacing of the promotion and career span of the individual and
training (Belyh, 2020).
In DepEd, the criteria being used in the assessment of candidates for promotion
of the HRMPSB includes performance ratings, experience, accomplishments, trainings,
education, potential and psychosocial attributes. The overall scores of the candidates is
reflected in the comparative assessment results or ranking which will be the basis of the
appointing authority in choosing the successful candidate to fill in the vacated position.
However, under CSC MC No. 14, s. 2018, the appointing authority is limited to select
from among the top 5 candidates, in so far as practicable.
2.3 Related Studies
A study was conducted in New York on the government employees’ perceptions
of performance-based versus content-based evaluations for promotion. The results
showed that that constituents found the performance-based system to be more
effective, innovative, and comprehensive than the content-based exam but the results
also showed the performance-based system to be considered less efficient than the
content-based exams administered on a central basis by state agencies such as Civil
Service (Baugher et. al., 2011)
Another study was conducted in Kenya with an objective to establish how the
social capital influence the promotion of an employee. It was found out employees who
are known to be well connected with the management are most likely to get the
promotion, that employees who has social networks gets easy access on information on
vacancies, while some employees had no interest how promotions are done as they
considered job titles as traditional and not socially appealing (Njagi, 2012).
A study was conducted investigating the organizational impact of promotion
systems usually being practiced in an organization such as merit-based systems,
seniority-based systems and up-or-out systems. Universities, professional service firms,
and the military often use up-or-out models of promotion, where junior employees must
make the grade within a specified period of time or exit the organization. Many other
organizations rely on some form of merit or rank-order system, where those receiving
the highest performance evaluations in a given cohort are promoted while those missing
the cut remain at their current level. Seniority has also been widely used as a basis for
promotion in many industries (particularly in public administration) but has fallen from
favor in recent years. The results show that effectiveness of any promotion is dependent
on wide range of factors including the design of organizational structure, frequency of
monitoring, criteria performance, nature of task involved and transferability of
knowledge (Phelan and Lin, 2001).
In the study conducted by Ong’amo (2012) in relation to perceived factors
influencing employee promotion in a sugar company in Kenya, it was found out that
work experience and academic qualifications were ranked highest as perceived by
employees to have influence in the promotion. This was followed by performance,
length of service, merit, success in projects and professional knowledge. Medium
influence are age, gender, personal similarities between supervisors and employee,
political tools, marital status and ethnicity. While some employees neither agreed nor
disagree that there were factors influencing promotion and another set of employees
disagreed that the variables of who you know and not what you know and constant
pressure by worker on supervisor were factors influencing employee promotion.
In a similar study conducted by Sharabi (2011) concerning factors influencing
promotion in High Tech Industry in Israel, it was revealed that managers and workers
ranked success in projects as the highest factor that influence promotion. Both
managers and workers believed that gender, age and tenure had the least influence on
promotion. However, even if workers and managers provide the same rankings for the
most and least important factors that influence promotion, there were substancial
differences in the ranking of other factors. Education and multi-disciplinary knowledge
were ranked second and third among managers while politics and pressure on the
supervisor were ranked second and third among workers.
A study was conducted in Makadara District- Nairobi, Kenya to find out the
factors that affect the career progression of graduate teachers in public secondary
schools. The findings stated that when the promotional policies of Teachers Service
Commission are properly enforced, strengthened, clearly stated, well communicated
and put in place, the graduate teachers will benefit from promotions and progression in
their career. (Bernard et. al.,2014).
2.4 Conceptual Framework
In this study, the Dependent variables are the challenges encountered by the
respondents in acquiring promotion and the possible intervention plan that can be
drawn based on the findings of the research. Likewise, the Independent variables are
the Factors affecting Teachers’ promotion in DepEd Sarangani Division. Particularly, the
DepEd recruitment and selection policies; and the Administrative service delivery.
Factors affecting
teachers’ promotion in
DepEd Sarangani
Division in terms of;
encountered by the
respondents in
acquiring promotion
DepEd recruitment and
selection policies; and
Intervention Plan
Administrative service
2.5 Hypothesis
This study is leaning towards the null hypothesis.
Ho1. There is no significant relationship between teachers’ promotion and
DepEd recruitment and selection process.
Ho2. There is no significant relationship between teachers’ promotion and
administrative service delivery?
2.6 Definition of Terms
For clarity and specificity, the following terms were defined conceptually and
operationally as used in the study.
Promotion – Conceptually, the act of moving someone to a higher or more
important position or rank in an organization (Meriam-webster.com). Operationally, it
refers to the accession of teacher’s rank based on DepEd’s system of ranking positions.
Sarangani Division – Conceptually, is one of the 8 DepEd’s schools divisions in
Region 12 found in the southern part of Mindanao. Operationally, it is the Agency whose
teachers are the subject of this study.
Service provider – Conceptually, is an individual or entity that provides services
to another party (Cooleygo.com). Operationally, it refers to Administrative Services Personnel Unit of DepED Sarangani Division who is responsible in providing recruitment
and selection services to the teachers of the said Agency.
Factor - Conceptually, one of the elements contributing to a particular result or
situation (dictionary.com). Operationally, it refers to identified circumstances or facts
that has an effect to teachers promotion in DepEd Sarangani Division.
Influence – Conceptually, the capacity or power of persons or things to be a
compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others
(igi.global.com). Operationally, it refers to the compelling forces that contribute to effect
on the guidelines on teachers’ promotion in DepEd Sarangani Division.
Age – Conceptually, the length of time that a person has lived or a thing has
existed (oxford.com). Operationally, it refers to current span of years of the teachers in
DepEd Sarangani Division.
Gender – Conceptually, either the male or female division of a species,
especially as differentiated by social and cultural roles and behavior (dictionary.com).
Operationally, it refers to the either male or female teachers in DepEd Sarangani
Length of service - Conceptually, the overall length of service is the total time
spent at a job or some other socially beneficial activity. Operationally, it is the duration
of time a teacher is in active service in DepEd Sarangani Division.
This chapter deals with research methods and strategies that were used by the
researcher in the study. It includes the research design, subjects of the study, research
locale, research instrument, research procedure, data gathering procedure, and
statistical treatment.
3.1 Research Design
The study will use descriptive mixed methods both quantitative and qualitative
design. In order to find out the significant relation of independent variable to identified
dependent variable, two (2) methods will be used: survey method and interview method.
3.2 Subjects of the study
The subjects of the study are the Junior High School teachers of selected
secondary schools pf DepEd Sarangani Division. A universal sampling technique will be
employed by the researcher in the conduct of the study. A link of the Google Suite
Form will be sent to all teachers, and the forms of those teachers who participated in the
study will be tabulated.
3.3 Research Locale
The study will be conducted in selected secondary schools of DepEd Sarangani
Division located in the seven (7) municipalities of Sarangani Province, Region XII,
3.4 Research Instrument
The researcher will use a self-made Likert-scale survey questionnaire in
determining the Factors affecting teachers’ promotion in DepEd Sarangani Division,
Province of Sarangani. The contents of the questionnaire will derive from the relevant
literatures gathered by the researcher.
The survey questionnaire will compose of two parts.
The first part will be
intended for the Factors affecting teachers’ promotion in DepEd Sarangani Division in
terms of DepEd recruitment and selection policies. The second is the Factors affecting
teachers’ promotion in DepEd Sarangani Division in terms of Administrative service
As for the research questions number 4 and 5, an interview method will be
3.5 Data Gathering Procedure
In the gathering of data, the researcher will follow the following set of procedure:
A letter addressed to the School Superintendent seeking permission to conduct
the study into the selected secondary schools in the Province of Sarangani. Then, a
letter to the Principal of the selected secondary schools, seeking permission to conduct
the survey on their teachers.
The researcher will utilize the Google Suite in the distribution of survey
questionnaires and a video conference for the interview. The researcher will ensure
that the minimum health protocol is observed.
Data Analysis
The data will be organized, analyzed, presented, and interpreted with the use of
the following statistics:
Frequency and Percentage. The frequency and percentage will be used in describing
the Factors affecting teachers’ promotion in DepEd Sarangani Division.
Independent t-test. The independent t-test will be used in determining if there is a
significant between teachers’ promotion and DepEd recruitment and selection process
as well as the significant relationship between teachers’ promotion and administrative
service delivery.
Thematic Discussion. The data from the interviews in research questions numbers 4
and 5 will be transcribed and categorized in themes.
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