STUDY GUIDE SOLUTION MANUAL Copyright 2011 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the publisher. This McGraw-Hill Create text may include materials submitted to McGraw-Hill for publication by the instructor of this course. The instructor is solely responsible for the editorial content of such materials. Instructors retain copyright of these additional materials. ISBN-10: 1121180612 ISBN-13: 9781121180611 Contents 1. Structure and Bonding 1 2. Acids and Bases 33 3. Introduction to Organic Molecules and Functional Groups 57 4. Alkanes 75 5. Stereochemistry 111 6. Understanding Organic Reactions 139 7. Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution 159 8. Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions 193 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Epoxides 223 10. Alkenes 257 11. Alkynes 287 12. Oxidation and Reduction 309 13. Mass Spectrometry and Infrared Spectroscopy 337 14. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 351 15. Radical Reactions 373 16. Conjugation, Resonance, and Dienes 397 17. Benzene and Aromatic Compounds 421 18. Electrophilic and Aromatic Substitution 443 19. Carboxylic Acids and the Acidity of the O-H Bond 479 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Chemistry 501 21. Aldehydes and Ketones — Nucleophilic Addition 535 22. Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives — Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution 567 23. Substitution Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds at the a Carbon 603 24. Carbonyl Condensation Reactions 631 25. Amines 659 26. Carbon-Carbon Bonding-Forming Reactions in Organic Synthesis 693 27. Carbohydrates 715 28. Amino Acids and Proteins 751 29. Lipids 785 30. Synthetic Polymers 801 iii Credits 1. Structure and Bonding: Chapter 1 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 1 2. Acids and Bases: Chapter 2 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 33 3. Introduction to Organic Molecules and Functional Groups: Chapter 3 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 57 4. Alkanes: Chapter 4 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 75 5. Stereochemistry: Chapter 5 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 111 6. Understanding Organic Reactions: Chapter 6 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 139 7. Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution: Chapter 7 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 159 8. Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions: Chapter 8 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 193 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Epoxides: Chapter 9 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 223 10. Alkenes: Chapter 10 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 257 11. Alkynes: Chapter 11 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 287 12. Oxidation and Reduction: Chapter 12 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 309 13. Mass Spectrometry and Infrared Spectroscopy: Chapter 13 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 337 14. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: Chapter 14 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 351 15. Radical Reactions: Chapter 15 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 373 16. Conjugation, Resonance, and Dienes: Chapter 16 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 397 17. Benzene and Aromatic Compounds: Chapter 17 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 421 18. Electrophilic and Aromatic Substitution: Chapter 18 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 443 19. Carboxylic Acids and the Acidity of the O-H Bond: Chapter 19 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 479 iv 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Chemistry: Chapter 20 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 501 21. Aldehydes and Ketones — Nucleophilic Addition: Chapter 21 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 535 22. Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives — Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution: Chapter 22 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 567 23. Substitution Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds at the a Carbon: Chapter 23 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 603 24. Carbonyl Condensation Reactions: Chapter 24 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 631 25. Amines: Chapter 25 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 659 26. Carbon-Carbon Bonding-Forming Reactions in Organic Synthesis: Chapter 26 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 693 27. Carbohydrates: Chapter 27 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 715 28. Amino Acids and Proteins: Chapter 28 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 751 29. Lipids: Chapter 29 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 785 30. Synthetic Polymers: Chapter 30 from Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition by Smith 801 v Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 1. Structure and Bonding © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Structure and Bonding 1–1 C Chhaapptteerr 11:: SSttrruuccttuurree aanndd B Boonnddiinngg IIm mppoorrttaanntt ffaaccttss • The general rule of bonding: Atoms strive to attain a complete outer shell of valence electrons (Section 1.2). H “wants” 2 electrons. Second-row elements “want” 8 electrons. nonbonded electron pair H C N O X Usual number of bonds in neutral atoms 1 4 3 2 1 Number of nonbonded electron pairs 0 0 1 2 3 X = F, Cl, Br, I The sum (# of bonds + # of lone pairs) = 4 for all elements except H. • Formal charge (FC) is the difference between the number of valence electrons of an atom and the number of electrons it “owns” (Section 1.3C). See Sample Problem 1.4 for a stepwise example. Definition: Examples: formal charge number of valence electrons C C • C shares 8 electrons. • C "owns" 4 electrons. • FC = 0 • = – number of electrons an atom "owns" C • Each C shares 6 electrons. • Each C "owns" 3 electrons. • FC = +1 • C shares 6 electrons. • C has 2 unshared electrons. • C "owns" 5 electrons. • FC = 1 Curved arrow notation shows the movement of an electron pair. The tail of the arrow always begins at an electron pair, either in a bond or a lone pair. The head points to where the electron pair “moves” (Section 1.5). Move an electron pair to O. O H C N H A O H C N H B Use this electron pair to form a double bond. • Electrostatic potential plots are color-coded maps of electron density, indicating electron rich and electron deficient regions (Section 1.11). 1 2 Smith: Study Guide/ 1. Structure and Bonding Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 1–2 TThhee iim mppoorrttaannccee ooff LLeew wiiss ssttrruuccttuurreess ((SSeeccttiioonnss 11..33,, 11..44)) A properly drawn Lewis structure shows the number of bonds and lone pairs present around each atom in a molecule. In a valid Lewis structure, each H has two electrons, and each second-row element has no more than eight. This is the first step needed to determine many properties of a molecule. [linear, trigonal planar, or tetrahedral] (Section 1.6) Geometry Hybridization Lewis structure [sp, sp2, or sp3] (Section 1.8) Types of bonds [single, double, or triple] (Sections 1.3, 1.9) R Reessoonnaannccee ((SSeeccttiioonn 11..55)) The basic principles: • Resonance occurs when a compound cannot be represented by a single Lewis structure. • Two resonance structures differ only in the position of nonbonded electrons and bonds. • The resonance hybrid is the only accurate representation for a resonance-stabilized compound. A hybrid is more stable than any single resonance structure because electron density is delocalized. O O O CH3CH2 C CH3CH2 C O delocalized charges CH3CH2 C O O delocalized bonds resonance structures hybrid The difference between resonance structures and isomers: • Two isomers differ in the arrangement of both atoms and electrons. • Resonance structures differ only in the arrangement of electrons. O O CH3 C O CH3CH2 C O CH3 isomers CH3CH2 C O H O H resonance structures G Geeoom meettrryy aanndd hhyybbrriiddiizzaattiioonn The number of groups around an atom determines both its geometry (Section 1.6) and hybridization (Section 1.8). Number of groups 2 3 4 Geometry Bond angle (o) Hybridization Examples linear trigonal planar tetrahedral 180 120 109.5 sp sp2 sp3 BeH2, HCCH BF3, CH2=CH2 CH4, NH3, H2O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 1. Structure and Bonding © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Structure and Bonding 1–3 D Drraaw wiinngg oorrggaanniicc m moolleeccuulleess ((SSeeccttiioonn 11..77)) • Shorthand methods are used to abbreviate the structure of organic molecules. CH3 H = CH3 C C C H H CH3 skeletal structure • CH3 CH3 (CH3)2CHCH2C(CH3)3 = isooctane condensed structure A carbon bonded to four atoms is tetrahedral in shape. The best way to represent a tetrahedron is to draw two bonds in the plane, one in front, and one behind. Four equivalent drawings for CH4 H C H H H H H H HH C C C H H H H H HH Each drawing has two solid lines, one wedge, and one dashed line. B Boonndd lleennggtthh • Bond length decreases across a row and increases down a column of the periodic table (Section 1.6A). C H > N H > O H H F H Cl < < H Br Increasing bond length Increasing bond length • Bond length decreases as the number of electrons between two nuclei increases (Section 1.10A). CH3 CH3 < CH2 CH2 < H C C H Increasing bond length • Bond length increases as the percent s-character decreases (Section 1.10B). Csp H Csp2 H Csp3 H Increasing bond length • Bond length and bond strength are inversely related. Shorter bonds are stronger bonds (Section 1.10). longest C–C bond weakest bond C C C C Increasing bond strength C C shortest C–C bond strongest bond 3 4 Smith: Study Guide/ 1. Structure and Bonding Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 1–4 • Sigma () bonds are generally stronger than bonds (Section 1.9). C C 1 strong m bond C C 1 stronger m bond 1 weaker / bond C C 1 stronger m bond 2 weaker / bonds EElleeccttrroonneeggaattiivviittyy aanndd ppoollaarriittyy ((SSeeccttiioonnss 11..1111,, 11..1122)) • Electronegativity increases across a row and decreases down a column of the periodic table. • A polar bond results when two atoms of different electronegativity are bonded together. Whenever C or H is bonded to N, O, or any halogen, the bond is polar. • A polar molecule has either one polar bond, or two or more bond dipoles that reinforce. D Drraaw wiinngg LLeew wiiss ssttrruuccttuurreess:: A A sshhoorrttccuutt Chapter 1 devotes a great deal of time to drawing valid Lewis structures. For molecules with many bonds, it may take quite awhile to find acceptable Lewis structures by using trial-and-error to place electrons. Fortunately, a shortcut can be used to figure out how many bonds are present in a molecule. Shortcut on drawing Lewis structures—Determining the number of bonds: [1] Count up the number of valence electrons. [2] Calculate how many electrons are needed if there were no bonds between atoms and every atom has a filled shell of valence electrons; i.e., hydrogen gets two electrons, and second-row elements get eight. [3] Subtract the number obtained in Step [2] from the sum obtained in Step [1]. This difference tells how many electrons must be shared to give every H two electrons and every second-row element eight. Since there are two electrons per bond, dividing this difference by two tells how many bonds are needed. To draw the Lewis structure: [1] Arrange the atoms as usual. [2] Count up the number of valence electrons. [3] Use the shortcut to determine how many bonds are present. [4] Draw in the two-electron bonds to all the H’s first. Then, draw the remaining bonds between other atoms making sure that no second-row element gets more than eight electrons and that you use the total number of bonds determined previously. [5] Finally, place unshared electron pairs on all atoms that do not have an octet of electrons, and calculate formal charge. You should have now used all the valence electrons determined in the first step. Example: Draw all valid Lewis structures for CH3NCO using the shortcut procedure. [1] Arrange the atoms. H • In this case the arrangement of atoms is implied by the way the structure is H C N C O drawn. H Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 1. Structure and Bonding © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Structure and Bonding 1–5 [2] Count up the number of valence electrons. 3H's 2C's 1N 1O x x x x 1 electron per H 4 electrons per C 5 electrons per N 6 electrons per O = = = = 3 electrons 8 electrons 5 electrons + 6 electrons 22 electrons total [3] Use the shortcut to figure out how many bonds are needed. • Number of electrons needed if there were no bonds: 3 H's x 4 second-row elements x • 2 electrons per H = 8 electrons per element = 6 electrons + 32 electrons 38 electrons needed if there were no bonds Number of electrons that must be shared: 38 electrons – 22 electrons 16 electrons must be shared • Since every bond takes two electrons, 16/2 = 8 bonds are needed. [4] Draw all possible Lewis structures. • Draw the bonds to the H’s first (three bonds). Then add five more bonds. Arrange them between the C’s, N, and O, making sure that no atom gets more than eight electrons. There are three possible arrangements of bonds; i.e., there are three resonance structures. • Add additional electron pairs to give each atom an octet and check that all 22 electrons are used. H H H C N C O H C N C O H H H H H C N C O H H C N C O H Bonds to H's added. H C N C O H H H H H C N C O H C N C O H All bonds drawn in. Three arrangements possible. • Calculate the formal charge on each atom. H H H C N C O H H C N C O H +1 • H Electron pairs drawn in. Every atom has an octet. –1 H H C N C O H –1 +1 You can evaluate the Lewis structures you have drawn. The middle structure is the best resonance structure, since it has no charged atoms. Note: This method works for compounds that contain second-row elements in which every element gets an octet of electrons. It does NOT necessarily work for compounds with an atom that does not have an octet (such as BF3), or compounds that have elements located in the third row and later in the periodic table. 5 6 Smith: Study Guide/ 1. Structure and Bonding Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 1–6 C Chhaapptteerr 11:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 1.1 The mass number is the number of protons and neutrons. The atomic number is the number of protons and is the same for all isotopes. Nitrogen-14 Nitrogen-13 a. number of protons = atomic number for N = 7 7 7 b. number of neutrons = mass number – atomic number 7 6 c. number of electrons = number of protons 7 7 d. The group number is the same for all isotopes. 5A 5A 1.2 The atomic number is the number of protons. The total number of electrons in the neutral atom is equal to the number of protons. The number of valence electrons is equal to the group number for second-row elements. The group number is located above each column in the periodic table. a. atomic number [1] 31P 15 15 1.3 c. valence e– 5 d. group number 5A [2] 19 F 9 9 9 7 7A [3] 12H 1 1 1 1A Ionic bonds form when an element on the far left side of the periodic table transfers an electron to an element on the far right side of the periodic table. Covalent bonds result when two atoms share electrons. a. F F covalent 1.4 b. total number of e– 15 b. Li+ Br ionic H H c. H C C H H H All C–H and C–C bonds are covalent. d. Na+ N H H ionic Both N–H bonds are covalent. a. Ionic bonding is observed in NaF since Na is in group 1A and has only one valence electron, and F is in group 7A and has seven valence electrons. When F gains one electron from Na, they form an ionic bond. b. Covalent bonding is observed in CFCl3 since carbon is a nonmetal in the middle of the periodic table and does not readily transfer electrons. 1.5 Atoms with one, two, three, or four valence electrons form one, two, three, or four bonds, respectively. Atoms with five or more valence electrons form [8 – (number of valence electrons)] bonds. a. O 8 6 valence e = 2 bonds c. Br 8 7 valence e = 1 bond b. Al 3 valence e = 3 bonds d. Si 4 valence e = 4 bonds Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 1. Structure and Bonding © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Structure and Bonding 1–7 1.6 [1] Arrange the atoms with the H’s on the periphery. [2] Count the valence electrons. [3] Arrange the electrons around the atoms. Give the H’s 2 electrons first, and then fill the octets of the other atoms. [4] Assign formal charges (Section 1.3C). a. [1] [2] Count valence e. 2C x 4 e = 8 6H x 1 e = 6 total e = 14 [2] Count valence e. 1C x 4 e = 4 5H x 1 e = 5 1N x 5 e = 5 total e = 14 H H H C C H H H b. [1] H H C N H H H c. [1] [2] Count valence e. 1C x 4 e =4 =3 3H x 1 e negative charge = 1 =8 total e H H C H d. [1] H H H C C H H H [3] All 14 e used. All second-row elements have an octet. H H H C N H H C N H H H H H e 12 used. N needs 2 more electrons for an octet. [3] H H H C H C H H [The –1 charge on C is 6 used. explained in Section 1.3C.] C needs 2 more electrons for an octet. e H H [2] Count valence e. [3] = 4 1C x 4 e H C Cl H C Cl 3H x 1 e = 3 H H = 7 1Cl x 7 e– 8 e used. Complete octet. total e = 14 Cl needs 6 more electrons for an octet. H H C Cl H 1.7 [3] Follow the directions from Answer 1.6. a. HCN b. H2CO H C N H C O H c. HOCH2CO2H Count valence e. 1C x 4 e = 4 1H x 1 e = 1 1N x 5 e = 5 total e = 10 Count valence e. 1C x 4 e = 4 2H x 1 e = 2 1O x 6 e = 6 = 12 total e H O Count valence e. H O C C O H 2C x 4 e = 8 H 4H x 1 e = 4 3O x 6 e = 18 total e = 30 H C N 4 e used. H C N Complete N and C octets. H C O H C O H H 6 e used. Complete O and C octets. H O H O C C O H H 16 e used. H O H O C C O H H Complete octets. 7 8 Smith: Study Guide/ 1. Structure and Bonding Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 1–8 1.8 Formal charge (FC) = number of valence electrons – [number of unshared electrons + 1/2 (number of shared electrons)] H a. 6 [2 + 1/2(6)] = +1 5 [0 + 1/2(8)] = +1 + c. CH3 N C b. H N H O O O H 4 [0 + 1/2(8)] = 0 5 [0 + 1/2(8)] = +1 4 [2 + 1/2(6)] = 1 6 [4 + 1/2(4)] = 0 6 [6 + 1/2(2)] = 1 1.9 H H a. CH3O [1] H C O H [1] H C C b. HC2 c. (CH3NH3) [1] H H H C N H H H d. (CH3NH)– [1] H H C N H H H [2] Count valence e. [3] H C O 1C x 4 e = 4 H 3H x 1 e = 3 8 e used. 1O x 6 e = 6 = 13 total e Add 1 for () charge = 14 H C O [2] Count valence e. [3] H C C 2C x 4 e = 8 1H x 1 e = 1 4 e used. total e = 9 Add 1 for () charge = 10 H C C H [4] H C O H H Assign charge. [4] H C C Assign charge. [2] Count valence e. [3] H H 1C x 4 e = 4 H C N H 6H x 1 e = 6 H H 1N x 5 e = 5 14 e used. total e = 15 Subtract 1 for (+) charge = 14 [4] [2] Count valence e. [3] H 1C x 4 e = 4 H C N H 4H x 1 e = 4 H 1N x 5 e = 5 used. 10 e total e = 13 Add 1 for () charge = 14 [4] H H Assign charge. Count valence e. 2C x 4 e = 8 4H x 1 e = 4 2Cl x 7 e = 14 total e = 26 H H C H H C Cl Cl H H C Cl H Complete octet and assign charge. H C Cl H H b. C3H8O (three isomers) Count valence e. 3C x 4 e = 12 8H x 1 e = 8 1O x 6 e = 6 total e = 26 H H H H C C C O H H H H H O H H C C C H H H H H H H H C C O C H H H H H C N H 1.10 a. C2H4Cl2 (two isomers) H H H C N H H Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 1. Structure and Bonding © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Structure and Bonding 1–9 c. C3H6 (two isomers) H Count valence e. 3C x 4 e =12 6H x 1 e = 6 total e = 18 H H C C C H H H H H H C C C H H H 1.11 Two different definitions: • Isomers have the same molecular formula and a different arrangement of atoms. • Resonance structures have the same molecular formula and the same arrangement of atoms. 2 lone pairs N in the middle N at the end 3 lone pairs O a. N C O and C N O b. O HO C O different arrangement of atoms = isomers and HO C O same arrangement of atoms = resonance structures 1.12 Isomers have the same molecular formula and a different arrangement of atoms. Resonance structures have the same molecular formula and the same arrangement of atoms. 2 lone pairs 3 lone pairs CH3 bonded to C=O H bonded to C=O a. O O CH3 C OH CH3 C OH O c. same arrangement of atoms = resonance structures (C2H5O2)– C2H4O2 O CH3 C OH A C D different arrangement of atoms = isomers O CH3 C OH H C CH2OH A B A b. CH3 C OH O O O d. CH3 C OH H H C CH2OH B D different arrangement of atoms = isomers different molecular formulas = neither 1.13 Curved arrow notation shows the movement of an electron pair. The tail begins at an electron pair (a bond or a lone pair) and the head points to where the electron pair moves. a. H C O H C O H H The net charge is the same in both resonance structures. b. CH3 C C CH2 CH3 C C CH2 H H H H The net charge is the same in both resonance structures. 9 10 Smith: Study Guide/ 1. Structure and Bonding Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 1–10 1.14 Compare the resonance structures to see what electrons have “moved.” Use one curved arrow to show the movement of each electron pair. a. CH2 C C CH3 H CH2 C H C CH3 H b. O C O O C O O O H One electron pair moves: one curved arrow. Two electron pairs move: two curved arrows. 1.15 To draw another resonance structure, move electrons only in multiple bonds and lone pairs and keep the number of unpaired electrons constant. a. CH3 C C H H b. C CH3 CH3 C C H H H CH3 C CH3 CH3 C CH3 Cl Cl C CH3 c. H C C Cl H H C C Cl H H H H 1.16 A “better” resonance structure is one that has more bonds and fewer charges. The better structure is the major contributor and all others are minor contributors. To draw the resonance hybrid, use dashed lines for bonds that are in only one resonance structure, and use partial charges when the charge is on different atoms in the resonance structures. a. CH3 C N CH3 CH3 C N CH3 H H H H hybrid: + + All atoms have octets. one more bond major contributor CH3 C N CH3 b. CH2 C CH2 CH2 H CH2 H These two resonance structures are equivalent. They both have one charge and the same number of bonds. They are equal contributors to the hybrid. hybrid: H H C CH2 C CH2 H 1.17 Draw a second resonance structure for nitrous acid. + H O N O H O N O major contributor fewer charges minor contributor H O – N O hybrid 1.18 All representations have a carbon with two bonds in the plane of the page, one in front of the page (solid wedge) and one behind the page (dashed line). Four possibilities: H H H Cl Cl C C C Cl Cl Cl Cl H H Cl Cl C H HH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 1. Structure and Bonding © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Structure and Bonding 1–11 1.19 To predict the geometry around an atom, count the number of groups (atoms + lone pairs), making sure to draw in any needed lone pairs or hydrogens: 2 groups = linear, 3 groups = trigonal planar, 4 groups = tetrahedral. N has 2 atoms + 2 lone pairs 4 groups = tetrahedral (or bent molecular shape) 3 groups = trigonal planar 4 groups = tetrahedral 4 groups = tetrahedral O CH3 C CH3 a. c. NH2 3 groups = trigonal planar b. 4 groups = tetrahedral 4 groups = tetrahedral 4 groups = tetrahedral CH3 C N d. CH3 O CH3 2 groups = linear 2 groups = linear 4 groups = tetrahedral (or bent molecular shape) 1.20 To predict the bond angle around an atom, count the number of groups (atoms + lone pairs), making sure to draw in any needed lone pairs or hydrogens: 2 groups = 180°, 3 groups = 120°, 4 groups = 109.5°. This C has 3 groups, so both angles are 120°. 2 groups = 180° H a. CH3 C C Cl H b. CH2 C Cl c. CH3 C Cl H This C has 4 groups, so both angles are 109.5°. 2 groups = 180° 1.21 To predict the geometry around an atom, use the rules in Answer 1.19. 3 groups H H trigonal planar H C HO C C C C C C C C C C H H H H H 4 groups 2 groups tetrahedral linear (or bent molecular shape) 4 groups tetrahedral (or bent molecular shape) H 4 groups H H O H H tetrahedral C C C C C CH3 H H H H H 3 groups trigonal planar enanthotoxin 11 12 Smith: Study Guide/ 1. Structure and Bonding Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 1–12 1.22 Reading from left to right, draw the molecule as a Lewis structure. Always check that carbon has four bonds and all heteroatoms have an octet by adding any needed lone pairs. (CH3)2CHCH(CH2CH3)2 (CH3)3CCH(OH)CH2CH3 H (CH3)2CHCHO H C H H H H C H H H H H H a. H C C C C C C H H H C H HH C H H C H b. H C H H H H H H C H c. H C C H H CH3(CH2)4CH(CH3)2 C H C H H H O H H C C C H HH C H H C H H H O d. H C C C H H H C H H H H H H H C H double bond needed to give C an octet H 1.23 Simplify each condensed structure using parentheses. CH2CH3 a. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2Cl CH2OH b. CH3CH2CH2 C CH2CH3 H CH3(CH2)4Cl CH3 CH3 c. HOCH2 C CH2CH2CH2 C CH2 C CH3 H CH3(CH2)2CH(CH2CH3)2 CH3 CH3 (HOCH2)2CH(CH2)3C(CH3)2CH2C(CH3)3 1.24 Draw the Lewis structure of lactic acid. H H O H C C CH3CH(OH)CO2H O C O H H H 1.25 In shorthand or skeletal drawings, all line junctions or ends of lines represent carbon atoms. The carbons are all tetravalent. 1H 1H 1H O O O 3 H's 0 H's O a. b. 0 H's O 0 H's O octinoxate (2-ethylhexyl 4-methoxycinnamate) 3 H's avobenzone 1.26 In shorthand or skeletal drawings, all line junctions or ends of lines represent carbon atoms. Convert by writing in all carbons, and then adding hydrogen atoms to make the carbons tetravalent. H a. H C C CH3 CH3 H C C H H H b. H H O H C C H H H C C C H H H H CH3 H c. CH3 C C H C H H C Cl C C H H H H HH d. CH3 N C C N CH3 H H CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 1. Structure and Bonding © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Structure and Bonding 1–13 1.27 A charge on a carbon atom takes the place of one hydrogen atom. A negatively charged C has one lone pair, and a positively charged C has none. H d. c. b. a. positive charge no lone pairs one H needed negative charge one lone pair one H needed positive charge no lone pairs no H's needed O H H negative charge one lone pair one H needed 1.28 Draw each indicated structure. Recall that in the skeletal drawings, a carbon atom is located at the intersection of any two lines and at the end of any line. O a. (CH3)2C CH(CH2)4CH3 = c. N = (CH3)2CH(CH2)2CONHCH3 H H b. H CH3 C C CH2CH2Cl H2N C H C H H O Cl = d. HO O = HO(CH2)2CH=CHCO2CH(CH3)2 H2N 1.29 To determine the orbitals used in bonding, count the number of groups (atoms + lone pairs): 4 groups = sp3, 3 groups = sp2, 2 groups = sp, H atom = 1s (no hybridization). All covalent single bonds are , and all double bonds contain one and one bond. Each H uses a 1s orbital. H H H H C C C H All single bonds are bonds. Each C–C bond is Csp3–Csp3. Each C–H bond is Csp3–H1s. H H H Total of 10 bonds. Each C has 4 groups and is sp3 hybridized. 1.30 [1] Draw a valid Lewis structure for each molecule. [2] Count the number of groups around each atom: 4 groups = sp3, 3 groups = sp2, 2 groups = sp, H atom = 1s (no hybridization). Note: Be and B (Groups 2A and 3A) do not have enough valence e– to form an octet, and do not form an octet in neutral molecules. H a. [1] H C Be H [2] Count groups around each atom: H H Be has 2 bonds. H C Be H H 4 groups sp3 2 groups sp [3] All C–H bonds: Csp3–H1s C–Be bond: Csp3–Besp Be–H bond: Besp–H1s 13 14 Smith: Study Guide/ 1. Structure and Bonding Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 1–14 CH3 b. [1] CH3 B CH3 [2] Count groups around each atom: [3] All C–H bonds: Csp3–H1s C–B bonds: Csp3–Bsp2 CH3 CH3 B CH3 B forms 3 bonds. 4 groups sp3 H 3 groups sp2 H [2] Count groups around each atom: c. [1] H C O C H H H H [3] All C–H bonds: Csp3–H1s C–O bonds: Csp3–Osp3 H H C O C H 4 groups sp3 H H 4 groups sp3 1.31 To determine the hybridization, count the number of groups around each atom: 4 groups = sp3, 3 groups = sp2, 2 groups = sp, H atom = 1s (no hybridization). a. b. CH3 C CH 3 groups 3 groups sp2 sp2 2 groups sp 4 groups sp3 c. CH2 C CH2 N CH3 3 groups sp2 2 groups sp 1.32 All single bonds are . Multiple bonds contain one bond, and all others are bonds. All CH bonds are bonds. O a. CH3 C H bond one bond, one bond bond b. CH3 C N one + two bonds bond bond c. H O C bond one bond, one bond O CH3 bond 1.33 Bond length and bond strength are inversely related: longer bonds are weaker bonds. Single bonds are weaker and longer than double bonds, which are weaker and longer than triple bonds. bond 1: single bond a. bond 3: double bond C C increasing bond strength: 1 < 3 < 2 increasing bond length: 2 < 3 < 1 bond 2: triple bond b. bond 1: single bond CH3 H N N bond 2: double bond C N bond 3: triple bond increasing bond strength: 1 < 2 < 3 increasing bond length: 3 < 2 < 1 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 1. Structure and Bonding © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Structure and Bonding 1–15 1.34 Bond length and bond strength are inversely related: longer bonds are weaker bonds. Single bonds are weaker and longer than double bonds, which are weaker and longer than triple bonds. Increasing percent s-character increases bond strength and decreases bond length. CH3 a. CH3 C C H or H Csp–H1s CH2 N H H CH3 N H or Nsp2–H1s 33% s-character shorter bond Csp2–H1s 33% s-character 50% s-character shorter bond Nsp3–H1s 25% s-character H H b. c. C CH2 C O H C OH or H H 2 Csp –H1s 33% s-character shorter bond Csp3–H1s 25% s-character 1.35 Electronegativity increases across a row of the periodic table and decreases down a column. Look at the relative position of the atoms to determine their relative electronegativity. most electropositive most electropositive most electronegative most electronegative a. Se < S < O Na < P < Cl b. increasing electronegativity most electropositive most electropositive most electronegative most electronegative c. increasing electronegativity S < Cl < F increasing electronegativity d. P<N<O increasing electronegativity 1.36 Dipoles result from unequal sharing of electrons in covalent bonds. More electronegative atoms “pull” electron density towards them, making a dipole. Dipole arrows point towards the atom of higher electron density. + a. H F b. + B C c. + C Li d. + C Cl 15 16 Smith: Study Guide/ 1. Structure and Bonding Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 1–16 1.37 Polar molecules result from a net dipole. To determine polarity, draw the molecule in three dimensions around any polar bonds, draw in the dipoles, and look to see whether the dipoles cancel or reinforce. Electronegative atom pulls e density. c. Br +C a. H net dipole C F H H + F no resulting dipole = nonpolar molecule F F Four polar bonds cancel. All C–H bonds have no dipole. one polar bond net dipole = polar molecule + H b. Br C Br H re-draw C Br resulting dipole = polar molecule d. H H Br resulting dipole = polar molecule Note: You must draw the molecule in three dimensions to observe the net dipole. In the Lewis structure, it appears the dipoles would cancel out, when in fact they add to make a polar molecule. Cl Cl + C H H Cl e. + C H no resulting dipole = nonpolar molecule +C C + H Cl Two polar bonds are equal and opposite and cancel. 1.38 The C–O and O–H bonds are polar. + H O H C C + H O C H O H H C C C C C C + H N H+ O H The two circled C's are hybridized. H H H + All the C–H bonds are nonpolar. All H's bonded to O and N bear a partial positive charge (+). sp3 H H H C C O H O C C C C H N H O H C C H O C H H one possibility Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 1. Structure and Bonding © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Structure and Bonding 1–17 1.39 Use the definitions in Answer 1.1. Iodine-123 53 70 53 7A a. number of protons = atomic number for I = 53 b. number of neutrons = mass number – atomic number c. number of electrons = number of protons d. The group number is the same for all isotopes. Iodine-131 53 78 53 7A 1.40 Use bonding rules in Answer 1.3. H a. Na I + – b. Br Cl c. H e. Na+ d. H C N H H Cl O C H H H covalent ionic ionic all covalent bonds covalent H All other bonds are covalent. 1.41 Formal charge (FC) = number of valence electrons – [number of unshared electrons + 1/2 (number of shared electrons)]. C is in group 4A. H H a. CH2 CH b. c. H C H d. H C H H 4 [0 + 1/2(8)] = 0 4 [2 + 1/2(6)] = 1 4 [2 + 1/2(4)] = 0 4 [1 + 1/2(6)] = 0 H C C H H 4 [0 + 1/2(8)] = 0 4 [0 + 1/2(6)] = +1 1.42 Formal charge (FC) = number of valence electrons – [number of unshared electrons + 1/2 (number of shared electrons)]. N is in group 5A and O is in group 6A. a. CH3 N CH3 5 [4 + 1/2(4)] = 1 c. e. CH3 O CH3 N N 5 [0 + 1/2(8)] = +1 6 [5 + 1/2(2)] = 0 5 [2 + 1/2(6)] = 0 6 [2 + 1/2(6)] = +1 5 [2 + 1/2(6)] = 0 5 [0 + 1/2(8)] = +1 OH b. d. N N N CH3 C CH3 f. CH3 N O 6 [4 + 1/2(4)] = 0 5 [4 + 1/2(4)] = 1 5 [4 + 1/2(4)] = 1 17 18 Smith: Study Guide/ 1. Structure and Bonding Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 1–18 1.43 Follow the steps in Answer 1.6 to draw Lewis structures. a. CH2N2 valence e 1C x 4 e = 4 2H x 1 e = 2 2N x 5 e = 10 total e = 16 H H H H C N O valence e 2C x 4 e = 3H x 1 e = 1N x 5 e = 1O x 6 e = total e = or H C N O H O H O H H H C C N O H C O O O e. HCO3 valence e or H O C O H O C O 1C x 4 e = 4 O 1H x 1 e = 1 3O x 6 e = 18 or H O C O 1 for () charge = 1 total e = 24 f. CH2CN or H C C N O H H 8 3 5 6 22 or valence H C O 1C x 4 e = 4 1H x 1 e = 1 2O x 6 e = 12 1 for () charge = 1 = 18 total e or H C N N valence e 1C x 4 e = 4 3H x 1 e = 3 1N x 5 e = 5 2O x 6 e = 12 total e = 24 O O e H b. CH3NO2 c. CH3CNO d. HCO2 H C N N H 2– or H C C N O H H C C N e valence 2C x 4 e = 8 2H x 1 e = 2 1N x 5 e = 5 1 for () charge = 1 total e = 16 or H C C N H H 1.44 Follow the steps in Answer 1.6 to draw Lewis structures. a. N2 [1] N N b. (CH3OH2)+ [1] H H C O H H H c. (CH3CH2) [1] H H C C H H H d. HNNH [1] H N N H [2] Count valence e. 2N x 5 e = 10 total e = 10 [3] [2] Count valence e. 1C x 4 e = 4 5H x 1 e = 5 1O x 6 e = 6 total e = 15 Subtract 1 for (+) charge = 14 [3] [2] Count valence e. 2C x 4 e = 8 5H x 1 e = 5 total e = 13 Add 1 for () charge = 14 [3] [2] Count valence e. 2H x 1 e = 2 2N x 5 e = 10 total e = 12 [3] H N N H N N 2 e used. H N N Complete N octets. [4] H C O H H H 12 e H H Add charge and lone pair. used. [4] H H H C O H H H C C H H C C H H H H H 12 e used. 6 e used. Add charge and lone pair. H N N H Complete N octets. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 1. Structure and Bonding © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Structure and Bonding 1–19 [1] e. H6BN [2] Count valence e. 1B x 3 e = 3 6H x 1 e = 6 1N x 5 e = 5 total e = 14 H H H B N H H H [3] [4] H H H H H B N H H B N H H H H H 14 e used. Add charges. 1.45 Follow the steps in Answer 1.6 to draw Lewis structures. a. (CH3CH2)2O b. CH2CHCN [2] Count valence e. 1O x 6 e = 6 H C C O C C H 10H x 1 e = 10 H H H H 4C x 4 e = 16 total e = 32 [1] H H [2] Count valence e. 1N x 5 e = 5 C C C N 3H x 1 e = 3 H 3C x 4 e = 12 total e = 20 [1] [3] H H H H H H H H H H H H [4] H H C C C N C C C N H H 12 e used. [3] [2] Count valence e. 3O x 6 e = 18 H C C O C C H 6H x 1 e = 6 H H 4C x 4 e = 16 total e = 40 [3] H O Add lone pairs and bonds. [4] H O H H O C C C O H H H O H H O C C C O H H H 22 e used. [4] O H H C C O C C H H Cl H H H Cl H H C C C H H C C C H H O H H H H H H H 24 e used. O H O H H C C H H C C H H H H H O C C H H H H C C C N H H C C N C H H H H H H H H H H H H Add lone pairs and bonds. c. Four isomers of molecular formula C3H9N b. Three isomers of molecular formula C2H4O O H H C C O C C H H H H H H Add lone pairs and bonds. 1.46 Isomers must have a different arrangement of atoms. a. Two isomers of molecular formula C3H7Cl H H Add lone pairs. [3] H H O H H H H C C O C C H 28 e used. H O H [1] H O [4] H H H C C O C C H [2] Count valence e. 3O x 6 e = 18 H O C C C O H 6H x 1 e = 6 H H 3C x 4 e = 12 total e = 36 c. (HOCH2)2CO [1] d. (CH3CO)2O H H H H H H C N C H H C C C H H H H H C H H H H N H H H 19 20 Smith: Study Guide/ 1. Structure and Bonding Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 1–20 1.47 Nine isomers of C3H6O: H H O H O H H C C C H H C C C H H H H H H H H H C C C OH H H H H C C C H HO H H C O H O H C H C C H H H HO H H C C H H H H H C C C H H H H H C C O C H H H H H O H C C C H H H H 1.48 Use the definition of isomers and resonance structures in Answer 1.11. O O O O O CH2 a. b. c. d. 5 membered ring C 6 H8 O A C6H8O isomers C6H10O different molecular formula neither isomers nor resonance structures C6H8O C6H8O same arrangement different arrangement of atoms of atoms resonance structures isomers 1.49 Use the definitions of isomers and resonance structures in Answer 1.11. a. (C8H11)+ B b. d. c. (C8H11)+ (C8H11)+ (C8H11)+ (C8H9)+ different arrangement same arrangement different arrangement different molecular formula neither of atoms of atoms of atoms isomers resonance structures isomers 1.50 Use the definitions of isomers and resonance structures in Answer 1.11. CH3 a. CH3 O CH2CH3 and CH3 C OH c. and H one O–H bond two C–O bonds Different arrangement of atoms. Both have molecular formula C3H8O = isomers b. and CH3 C C CH3 H H ring double bond Different arrangement of atoms. Both have molecular formula C4H8 = isomers Same arrangement of atoms. Both have molecular formula (C4H7). Different arrangement of electrons = resonance structures d. CH3CH2CH3 and CH3CH2CH2 molecular formula C3H8 molecular formula (C3H7) different molecular formulas = neither Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 1. Structure and Bonding © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Structure and Bonding 1–21 1.51 Compare the resonance structures to see what electrons have “moved.” Use one curved arrow to show the movement of each electron pair. H a. H CH3 C N CH3 CH3 C N CH3 H H CH2 One electron pair moves = one arrow O b. O H C NH2 CH2 c. Four electron pairs move = four arrows H C NH2 Two electron pairs move = two arrows 1.52 Curved arrow notation shows the movement of an electron pair. The tail begins at an electron pair (a bond or a lone pair) and the head points to where the electron pair moves. a. CH3 N N CH3 N N O b. c. CH3 CH3 NH2 O CH3 C CH CH2 NH2 d. CH3 C CH CH2 1.53 Use the rules in Answer 1.15. O O O a. CH3 C O O c. CH3 C O Two electron pairs move = two arrows Two electron pairs move = two arrows OH b. CH2 NH2 CH2 NH2 d. One electron pair moves = one arrow OH H C H H C H One electron pair moves = one arrow 1.54 To draw the resonance hybrid, use the rules in Answer 1.16. Charge is on both O's. Double bond can be in 2 locations. O a. CH3 C O Charge is on both atoms. O c. Double bond can be in 2 locations. + partial double bond character b. + + CH2 NH2 Charge is on both atoms. Charge is on both atoms. OH d. H C H + C–O bond has partial double bond character. 21 22 Smith: Study Guide/ 1. Structure and Bonding Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 1–22 1.55 For the compounds where the arrangement of atoms is not given, first draw a Lewis structure. Then use the rules in Answer 1.15. a. O3 Count valence e. 3O x 6 e = 18 total e = 18 b. NO3 (a central N atom) Count valence e. 1N x 5 e = 5 3O x 6 e = 18 () charge = 1 total e = 24 Count valence e. 3N x 5 e = 15 () charge = 1 = 16 total e c. N3 d. CH2 CH CH CH CH2 O O O N O O N O O N O O 2– 2– H O H O H H O O O N N N H C C C C C H H O O O N N N N N N H O H O H H O H O H H C C C C C H H C C C C C H H H H H e. f. O CH2 CH CH CH CH2 O CH2 CH CH CH CH2 O g. 1.56 To draw the resonance hybrid, use the rules in Answer 1.16. H H H H H CH2 H CH2 H CH2 H H H H H H H H H H H H resonance hybrid H H + + CH2 + + H H H H CH2 H H H CH2 H H Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 1. Structure and Bonding 23 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Structure and Bonding 1–23 1.57 A “better” resonance structure is one that has more bonds and fewer charges. The better structure is the major contributor and all others are minor contributors. O a. O CH3 C O CH3 3 C–O bonds no charges contributes the most = 3 b. O CH3 C O CH3 CH3 C O CH3 2 C–O bonds 2 charges contributes the least = 1 3 C–O bonds 2 charges 2 CH3 CH3 C N NH2 CH3 CH3 C N NH2 3 bonds for this N no charges contributes the most = 3 CH3 CH3 C N NH2 3 bonds for this N 2 charges 2 2 bonds for this N 2 charges contributes the least = 1 1.58 This C would have 5 bonds. H H H H invalid a. c. CH3CH2 C N b. CH3CH2 C N O d. H H [Note: The pentavalent C's in (a) and (d) bear a (–1) formal charge.] 1.59 Use the rules in Answer 1.20. 3 groups = 120° H Cl C H H H This C would have 5 bonds. invalid a. CH3Cl O c. 120° H H H 4 groups = 109.5° C N H CH3 4 groups = 109.5° 4 groups = ~109.5° H b. H N O H H 4 groups = ~109.5° d. HC C C OH H both C's surrounded by 2 groups = 180° Cl H H e. 3 groups = 120° 4 groups = 109.5° H 4 groups = ~109.5° H 120° All C atoms have 3 groups = 120°. 24 Smith: Study Guide/ 1. Structure and Bonding Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 1–24 1.60 To predict the geometry around an atom, use the rules in Answer 1.19. O CH3CH2CH2CH3 a. c. 3 groups (3 atoms) trigonal planar 4 groups (4 atoms) tetrahedral b. d. (CH3)2N e. 3 groups (3 atoms) trigonal planar f. BF4 (CH3)3N 4 groups (3 atoms, 1 lone pair) tetrahedral (trigonal pyramidal molecular shape) 4 groups (4 atoms) tetrahedral 4 groups (2 atoms, 2 lone pairs) tetrahedral (bent molecular shape) CH3 C OH 1.61 Each C has two bonds in the plane of the page, one in front of the page (solid wedge) and one behind the page (dashed line). F F CF3CHClBr F C H C Br Cl 1.62 In shorthand or skeletal drawings, all line junctions or ends of lines represent carbon atoms. The C’s are all tetravalent. All H’s bonded to C’s are drawn in the following structures. C’s labeled with (*) have no H’s bonded to them. H CH3 O H H * * H H H H H H H H H H OH CH3 N * a. HO * O H H H H H H CH3 b. H H HH * H N * H H H H H H * H H H H H H H * * H H H H H H H H OH H H CH3 CH3 * CO2H * Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 1. Structure and Bonding © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Structure and Bonding 1–25 1.63 In shorthand or skeletal drawings, all line junctions or ends of lines represent carbon atoms. Convert by writing in all C’s, and then adding H’s to make the C’s tetravalent. a. H H H C CH3 C C H H HO H C H CH3 C C H C CH3 H H menthol (isolated from peppermint oil) CH3 H H b. CH3 C C C H C C C H H H H C H H H O C H H H H H N CH3 C C C C N C C CH3 H H HH H H C H H H OH c. H C ethambutol (drug used to treat tuberculosis) H H H H d. H C C O C C H H H CH3 O H H C C C C H H C C C C H C C H H CH H C C H H H H H H estradiol (a female sex hormone) myrcene (isolated from bayberry) 1.64 In skeletal formulas, leave out all C’s and H’s, except H’s bonded to heteroatoms. H a. (CH3)2CHCH2CH2CH(CH3)2 H d. H C C C C C f. N CH3(CH2)2C(CH3)2CH(CH3)CH(CH3)CH(Br)CH3 H H b. CH3CH(Cl)CH(OH)CH3 Cl H e. OH N Br H H H H CH3 C C C C C CH2 H H H CH3 c. (CH3)3C(CH2)5CH3 C C limonene (oil of lemon) 1.65 For Lewis structures, all atoms including H’s and all lone pairs must be drawn in. a. CH3CH2COOH H H O H C C H C O H H H H C H H C O C H b. CH3CONHCH3 H c. CH3COCH2Br O H C N H C H H e. (CH3)3CCHO CH3 O H C Br CH3 C CH3 H d. (CH3)3COH CH3 CH3 C O H CH3 C H f. CH3COCl H H C H O C Cl g. CH3COCH2CO2H H O H O H C C C C O H H H h. HO2CCH(OH)CO2H O H O H O C C C O H O H 25 26 Smith: Study Guide/ 1. Structure and Bonding Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 1–26 1.66 A charge on a C atom takes the place of one H atom. A negatively charged C has one lone pair, and a positively charged C has none. H a. H H O H b. H H H H H c. H H H d. H H H H H H H CH3 H H H H 1.67 H CH3 a. CH NCH3 b. CH3 C NH H H c. O CH3 H H H H H O d. CH3 H H O H H H N CH3 CH3 CH3 1.68 Examine each structure to determine the error. This C has 3 bonds. a. CH3CH=CH=CHCH3 CH2CH3 OH e. CH2CH3 d. c. This C has 5 bonds. b. (CH3)3CHCH2CH2CH3 This H has 2 bonds. It should be HO–. This C has 4 bonds. The negative charge means a lone pair, which gives C 10 electrons. This C has 5 bonds. This C has 5 bonds. It should be CH3CH2–. 1.69 To determine the hybridization around the labeled atoms, use the procedure in Answer 1.31. a. CH3CH2 4 groups (3 atoms, 1 lone pair) sp3, tetrahedral b. 4 groups (4 atoms) sp3, tetrahedral (Each C has 2 H's.) c. (CH3)3O+ e. CH3 C C H 4 groups (3 atoms, 1 lone pair) sp3, tetrahedral d. CH2Cl 4 groups (4 atoms) sp3, tetrahedral 2 groups (2 atoms) sp, linear f. CH2=NOCH3 3 groups (2 atoms, 1 lone pair) sp2, trigonal planar g. CH3CH=C=CH2 3 groups (3 atoms) sp2 trigonal planar 2 groups (2 atoms) sp, linear Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 1. Structure and Bonding © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Structure and Bonding 1–27 1.70 To determine what orbitals are involved in bonding, use the procedure in Answer 1.29. O Csp2–Csp3 H H : Csp2–Osp2 : Cp–Op Csp3–H1s a. c. Csp3–Csp3 Csp–Csp2 : Csp2–Csp2 : Cp–Cp H Csp2–H1s b. H C C C N CH3 d. : Csp3–Nsp2 H Csp2–Csp3 Csp–H1s : Csp–Csp : Cp–Cp : Cp–Cp 1.71 To determine what orbitals are involved in bonding, use the procedure in Answer 1.29. Csp3–Osp3 Osp3–H1s H a. : Csp2–Osp2 : Cp–Op O Csp3–Osp3 CO2H O O O b. HO Csp2–Csp3 OH CH3 Csp2–Csp3 O Csp3–Csp3 HO Csp3–Csp3 H Csp2–H1s zingerone (responsible for the pungent taste of ginger) citric acid (responsible for the tartness of citrus fruits) 1.72 bonds : Csp–Csp2 : Cp–Cp sp sp2 sp2 bond bonds H CH2 C O ketene sp2 C 1s : Csp–Osp2 : Cp–Op H C sp2 O H sp sp2 bond H C C sp2 [For clarity, only the large bonding lobes of the hybrid orbitals are drawn.] 1.73 CH2 CH sp2 sp : Csp2–Csp : Cp–Cp CH2 CH sp2 sp2 : Csp2–Csp2 : Cp–Cp C 27 28 Smith: Study Guide/ 1. Structure and Bonding Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 1–28 1.74 To determine relative bond length, use the rules in Answer 1.34. H H a. C C H C C H H H H C C CH2 C C C H H H H H double bond middle triple bond shortest b. C CH3 single bond longest Csp3–H1s Csp–H1s Csp2–H1s lowest highest middle % s-character % s-character % s-character longest shortest middle 1.75 To determine relative bond length, use the rules in Answer 1.34. a. HO NH2 b. longer (N is to the left of O in the second row.) Cl Br c. single bond longer CH3 N NH2 CH3 longer (Br is below Cl in group 7A.) 1.76 c. shortest, strongest C–C bond b. and d. bond (1) longest, weakest C–C bond (2) single bond H a. shortest C–C single bond e. strongest C–H bond f. Bond (1) is a Csp3–Csp3 bond, and bond (2) is a Csp3–Csp2 bond. Bond (2) is shorter due to the increased percent s-character in the sp2 hybridized carbon. 1.77 Remember shorter bonds are stronger bonds. A bond formed from two sp2 hybridized C’s is stronger than a bond formed from two sp3 hybridized C’s because the sp2 hybridized C orbitals have a higher percent s-character. 1.78 Percent s-character determines the strength of a bond. The higher percent s-character of an orbital used to form a bond, the stronger the bond. vinyl chloride CH2 CH Csp2 1.79 Cl 33% s-character higher percent s-character stronger bond chloroethane (ethyl chloride) CH3 CH2 Cl 25% s-character Csp3 a. No, a compound with only one polar bond must be polar. The single bond dipole is not cancelled by another bond dipole, so the molecule as a whole remains polar. + Br Cl Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 1. Structure and Bonding © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Structure and Bonding 1–29 b. Yes, a compound with multiple polar bonds can be nonpolar since the dipoles can cancel each other out, making a nonpolar molecule. Cl C Cl Cl no net dipole Cl c. No, a compound cannot be polar if it contains only nonpolar bonds. There must be differences in electronegativity to make a compound polar. H H nonpolar 1.80 Dipoles result from unequal sharing of electrons in covalent bonds. More electronegative atoms “pull” electron density towards them, making a dipole. a. + Br Cl + b. + NH2 OH c. d. CH3 NH2 Li + 1.81 Use the directions from Answer 1.37. Br c. CBr4 a. CHBr3 Br H C Br Br C net dipole Br b. CH3CH2OCH2CH3 Br d. e. CH3 net dipole net dipole 1.82 1 and 2 bonds polar bond (essentially) nonpolar tetrahedral sp3 hybridized CH3 C N linear sp hybridized net dipole Cl CH3 C O O Br Br no net dipole Br linear sp hybridized The lone pair is in an sp hybrid orbital. All C–H bonds are nonpolar bonds. All H's use a 1s orbital in bonding. f. no net dipole Cl 29 30 Smith: Study Guide/ 1. Structure and Bonding Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 1–30 1.83 a. sp2 b. Each C is trigonal planar; the ring is flat, drawn as a hexagon. c. H H H H sp2 hybridized C H H H H H [Only the larger bonding lobe of each orbital is drawn.] H H H p orbitals on C's overlap sp2 hybrid orbitals on C bonds bonds d. e. Benzene is stable because of its two resonance structures that contribute equally to the hybrid. [This is only part of the story. We'll learn more about benzene's unusual stability in Chapter 17.] 1.84 3 groups sp2 a. trigonal planar 3 groups sp2 trigonal planar H H 4 groups sp3 tetrahedral H O H H H HO S C C N NH2 H N O H CH3 CH3 H C O 3 groups sp2 trigonal planar 4 groups HO sp3 tetrahedral (trigonal pyramidal molecular shape) H H H O H H H b. HO S C C N NH2 H H N O All C–O, C–N, C–S, N–H, and O–H bonds are polar and labeled with arrows. All partial positive charges lie on the C. All partial negative charges lie on the O, N, or S. In OH and NH bonds, H bears a +. CH3 CH3 H C O H O skeletal structure: NH2 H NH2 H N N c. O HO S N O d. HO O O S N O 6 bonds O OH OH e. 33% s-character = sp2 hybridized H H These C–H bonds have 33% s-character. HO H H Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 1. Structure and Bonding © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Structure and Bonding 1–31 1.85 a, b, c. d. 4 groups CH3 sp3 tetrahedral (trigonal pyramidal molecular shape) lone pair in sp3 orbital N N 3 groups sp2 trigonal planar lone pair in sp2 orbital CH3 N e. N H N N constitutional isomer CH3 resonance structure 1.86 a. longest C–N bond H H H H O H O C C C C H C C C C O C C H C N H H H H * H C N C C H H H N O shortest longest C–C bond C–N bond O b. The C–C bonds in the CH2CH3 groups are the longest because they are formed from sp3 hybridized C's. c. The shortest C–C bond is labeled with a (*) because it is formed from orbitals with the highest percent s-character (Csp–Csp2). d. The longest C–N bond is formed from the sp3 hybridized C atom bonded to a N atom [labeled in part (a)]. e. The shortest C–N bond is the triple bond (CN); increasing the number of electrons between atoms decreases bond length. H f. O H N CH2CH3 H O H C N H N CH2CH3 CH2CH3 H O H N O O O H O H O H N CH2CH3 H O H C N O H O N O H g. H H O C N H CH2CH3 O H O N CH2CH3 CH2CH3 H O H N O N O O O C N CH2CH3 31 32 Smith: Study Guide/ 1. Structure and Bonding Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 1–32 1.87 4 groups CH3 sp3 tetrahedral (The molecular shape is trigonal pyramidal.) plot B 3 groups sp2 trigonal planar plot A CH3 The blue region is evidence of the electron-poor cation. The red region is evidence of the electron-rich anion. 1.88 Polar bonds result from unequal sharing of electrons in covalent bonds. Normally we think of more electronegative atoms “pulling” more of the electron density towards them, making a dipole. In looking at a Csp2–Csp3 bond, the atom with a higher percent s-character will “pull” more of the electron density towards it, creating a small dipole. 33% s-character higher percent s-character pulls more electron density more electronegative + sp2 Csp3 C 25% s-character 1.89 Isomers of C4H8: H H C C H CH2CH3 CH3 H C C H CH3 CH3 H C H C H H C C CH3 CH3 CH3 These two compounds are different because of restricted rotation around the C=C (Section 8.2B). 1.90 Carbocation A is more stable than carbocation B because resonance distributes the positive charge over two carbons. Delocalizing electron density is stabilizing. B has no possibility of resonance delocalization. No resonance structures A B 1.91 H HO O + a. HO b. H [1] H H H Cl + OH H H OH H [2] Cl Cl H + [3] X phenol H Cl Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 2. Acids and Bases © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Acids and Bases 2–1 C Chhaapptteerr 22:: A Acciiddss aanndd B Baasseess A A ccoom mppaarriissoonn ooff B Brrøønnsstteedd––LLoow wrryy aanndd LLeew wiiss aacciiddss aanndd bbaasseess Type Brønsted–Lowry acid (2.1) Definition proton donor Structural feature a proton Brønsted–Lowry base (2.1) proton acceptor a lone pair or a bond Lewis acid (2.8) electron pair acceptor a proton, or an unfilled valence shell, or a partial (+) charge Lewis base (2.8) electron pair donor a lone pair or a bond Examples HCl, H2SO4, H2O, CH3COOH, TsOH – OH, –OCH3, H–, –NH2, CH2=CH2 BF3, AlCl3, HCl, CH3COOH, H2O – OH, –OCH3, H–, –NH2, CH2=CH2 A Acciidd––bbaassee rreeaaccttiioonnss [1] A Brønsted–Lowry acid donates a proton to a Brønsted–Lowry base (2.2). H Example H O H acid proton donor + H N H H base proton acceptor O + conjugate base H N H conjugate acid [2] A Lewis base donates an electron pair to a Lewis acid (2.8). CH3 Example CH3 C CH3 + Br CH3 C Br CH3 Lewis acid electrophile • • CH3 Lewis base nucleophile Electron-rich species react with electron-poor ones. Nucleophiles react with electrophiles. IIm mppoorrttaanntt ffaaccttss • Definition: pKa = log Ka. The lower the pKa, the stronger the acid (2.3). NH3 pKa = 38 versus H 2O pKa = 15.7 lower pKa = stronger acid 33 34 Smith: Study Guide/ 2. Acids and Bases Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 2–2 • The stronger the acid, the weaker the conjugate base (2.3). Increasing pKa Increasing pKa of the conjugate acid CH2 CH2 CH3COOH HCl pKa = 44 pKa = 4.8 pKa = –7 Cl CH3COO Increasing basicity Increasing acidity • CH2 CH In proton transfer reactions, equilibrium favors the weaker acid and weaker base (2.4). H C C H + NH2 + H C C NH3 pKa = 38 weaker acid pKa = 25 stronger acid Equilibrium favors the products. unequal equilibrium arrows • An acid can be deprotonated by the conjugate base of any acid having a higher pKa (2.4). Acid pKa Conjugate base CH3COO–H 4.8 CH3COO— CH3CH2O–H 16 CH3CH2O— These bases HCCH 25 HCC— can deprotonate H–H 35 H — CH3COO–H. higher pKa than CH3COO–H FFaaccttoorrss tthhaatt ddeetteerrm miinnee aacciiddiittyy ((22..55)) [1] Element effects (2.5A) The acidity of HA increases both across a row and down a column of the periodic table. C H N H O H H F Increasing electronegativity Increasing acidity H F H Cl H Br Increasing size Increasing acidity H I Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 2. Acids and Bases © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Acids and Bases 2–3 [2] Inductive effects (2.5B) The acidity of HA increases with the presence of electronwithdrawing groups in A. CH3CH2OH weaker acid CF3CH2OH CH3CH2O No additional electronegative atoms stabilize the conjugate base. – F stronger acid F – C + H C O F– H CF3 withdraws electron density, stabilizing the conjugate base. [3] Resonance effects (2.5C) The acidity of HA increases when the conjugate base A:– is resonance stabilized. CH3CH2O H ethanol CH3CH2O ethoxide conjugate base only one Lewis structure O CH3 C OH acetic acid more acidic [4] Hybridization effects (2.5D) O O CH3 C O CH3 C acetate conjugate base O two resonance structures The acidity of HA increases as the percent s-character of the A:– increases. H C C H CH3CH3 CH2=CH2 ethane ethylene acetylene pKa = 50 pKa = 44 pKa = 25 Increasing acidity 35 36 Smith: Study Guide/ 2. Acids and Bases Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 2–4 C Chhaapptteerr 22:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 2.1 Brønsted–Lowry acids are proton donors and must contain a hydrogen atom. Brønsted–Lowry bases are proton acceptors and must have an available electron pair (either a lone pair or a bond). a. b. HBr NH3 CCl4 acid acid not an acid—no H CH3CH3 (CH3)3CO H C C H lone pairs on O base base— bonds no lone pairs or bonds not a base O c. CH3 C CH3CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2OH OCH3 not a base—no lone pairs or bonds acid—contains H atoms base—lone pairs on O acid—contains H atoms base—lone pairs on O's, bond acid—contains H atoms 2.2 A Brønsted–Lowry base accepts a proton to form the conjugate acid. A Brønsted–Lowry acid loses a proton to form the conjugate base. a. NH3 NH4+ Cl HCl (CH3)2C=O b. Br HBr SO42– HSO4 CH3O CH3OH (CH3)2C=OH 2.3 Use the definitions from Answer 2.2. CH2 CH2 CH2 CH3 ethylene accepts a proton conjugate acid CH2 CH2 CH2 CH loses a proton conjugate base 2.4 The Brønsted–Lowry base accepts a proton to form the conjugate acid. The Brønsted–Lowry acid loses a proton to form the conjugate base. Use curved arrows to show the movement of electrons (NOT protons). Re-draw the starting materials if necessary to clarify the electron movement. a. H Cl + acid Cl H2O base CH3 C acid H3O conjugate base conjugate acid O b. + O CH2 H + OCH3 CH3 base C CH2 + CH3OH conjugate base conjugate acid Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 2. Acids and Bases © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Acids and Bases 2–5 2.5 To draw the products: [1] Find the acid and base. [2] Transfer a proton from the acid to the base. [3] Check that the charges on each side of the arrows are balanced. O a. O + Cl3C C O CH3 O H H + acid + H C C ()1 charge on each side H2 base + CH3 NH2 CH3 NH3 H Cl base d. ()1 charge on each side base H C C H c. HO CH3 O acid b. + Cl3C C + net neutral on each side Cl acid CH3CH2 O H + CH3CH2 O H + H OSO3H base OSO3H net neutral on each side H acid 2.6 Draw the products in each reaction as in Answer 2.5. a. CH3OH HCl b. (CH3CH2)2O CH3OH2 + Cl– HCl (CH3CH2)2OH + Cl– c. (CH3)3N d. NH HCl (CH3)3NH + Cl– HCl – NH2 + Cl 2.7 The smaller the pKa, the stronger the acid. The larger Ka, the stronger the acid. OH a. CH3CH2CH3 pKa = 50 or CH3CH2OH CH3 or b. pKa = 16 Ka = 10–10 smaller pKa stronger acid Ka = 10–41 larger Ka stronger acid 2.8 To convert from Ka to pKa, take (–) the log of the Ka; pKa = –log Ka. To convert pKa to Ka, take the antilog of (–) the pKa. a. Ka = 10–10 pKa = 10 Ka = 10–21 Ka = 5.2 x 10–5 pKa = 21 pKa = 4.3 b. pKa = 7 pKa = 11 pKa = 3.2 Ka = 10–7 Ka = 10–11 Ka = 6.3 x 10–4 37 38 Smith: Study Guide/ 2. Acids and Bases Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 2–6 2.9 Since strong acids form weak conjugate bases, the basicity of conjugate bases increases with increasing pKa of their acids. Find the pKa of each acid from Table 2.1 and then rank the acids in order of increasing pKa. This will also be the order of increasing basicity of their conjugate bases. a. Increasing acidity Increasing acidity b. H2O, NH3, CH4 pKa = 15.7 38 50 conjugate bases: OH, NH 2, CH HCCH, CH2=CH2, CH4 pKa = CH 3 (CH3)3CCO2H pivalic acid pKa = 5.0 c. weaker acid = stronger conjugate base a. smaller pKa = larger Ka b. smaller pKa = stronger acid d. stronger acid = equilibrium farther to the right To estimate the pKa of the indicated bond, find a similar bond in the pKa table (H bonded to the same atom with the same hybridization). H N H a. b. For NH3, pKa is 38. estimated pKa = 38 2.12 2, Use the definitions in Answer 2.9 to compare the acids. The smaller the pKa, the larger the Ka and the stronger the acid. When a stronger acid dissolves in water, the equilibrium lies farther to the right. HCO2H formic acid pKa = 3.8 2.11 50 Increasing basicity Increasing basicity 2.10 44 CCH, CH=CH conjugate bases: 3 25 c. BrCH2COO H O H For CH3CH2OH, pKa is 16. estimated pKa = 16 For CH3COOH, pKa is 4.8. estimated pKa = 5 Label the acid and the base and then transfer a proton from the acid to the base. To determine if the reaction will proceed as written, compare the pKa of the acid on the left with the conjugate acid on the right. The equilibrium always favors the formation of the weaker acid and the weaker base. a. CH2 CH2 + acid pKa = 44 weaker acid b. CH4 + acid pKa = 50 weaker acid c. CH3COOH acid pKa = 4.8 CH2 CH conjugate base OH CH3 base conjugate base + + H base CH3CH2O base + H2 conjugate acid pKa = 35 H2O conjugate acid pKa = 15.7 CH3COO conjugate base + Equilibrium favors the starting materials. Equilibrium favors the starting materials. CH3CH2OH conjugate acid pKa = 16 weaker acid Equilibrium favors the products. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 2. Acids and Bases © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Acids and Bases 2–7 d. Cl + base 2.13 CH3CH2OH acid pKa = 16 weaker acid Acid HCl HCCH H2 Acid H2 NH3 CH2=CH2 CH4 pKa –7 25 35 Conjugate base Cl not strong enough HCC strong enough H pKa 35 38 44 50 Conjugate base H NH 2 CH2=CH CH3 An acid can be deprotonated by the conjugate base of any acid with a higher pKa. CH3CN pKa = 25 Any base having a conjugate acid with a pKa higher than 25 can deprotonate this acid. Base NaH Na2CO3 NaOH NaNH2 NaHCO3 Conjugate acid H2 HCO3– H2O NH3 H2CO3 pKa 35 10.2 15.7 38 6.4 Only NaH and NaNH2 are strong enough to deprotonate acetonitrile. The acidity of H–Z increases across a row and down a column of the periodic table. b. HBr, HCl a. NH3, H2O O is farther to the right in the periodic table. stronger acid 2.16 conjugate base Equilibrium favors the starting materials. An acid can be deprotonated by the conjugate base of any acid with a higher pKa. HCCH pKa = 25 All of these acids have a higher pKa than HCCH, and a conjugate base that can deprotonate HCCH. 2.15 CH3CH2O conjugate acid pKa = 7 CH3COOH pKa = 4.8 Any base having a conjugate acid with a pKa higher than 4.8 can deprotonate this acid. 2.14 + HCl Br is farther down the periodic table. stronger acid c. H2S, HBr Br is farther across and down the periodic table. stronger acid Compare the most acidic protons in each compound to determine the stronger acid. a. CH3CH2CH2NH2 or (CH3)3N b. CH3CH2OCH3 N–H bond N is farther to the right in the periodic table. stronger acid C–H bond C–H bond or CH3CH2CH2OH O–H bond O is farther to the right in the periodic table. stronger acid 39 40 Smith: Study Guide/ 2. Acids and Bases Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 2–8 2.17 Look at the element bonded to the acidic H and decide its acidity based on the periodic trends. Farther right and down the periodic table is more acidic. most acidic a. CH3CH2CH2CH2OH most acidic b. HOCH2CH2CH2NH2 Molecule contains C–H and O–H bonds. O is farther right; therefore, O–H hydrogen is the most acidic. 2.18 most acidic Molecule contains C–H, N–H, and O–H bonds. O is farthest right; therefore, O–H hydrogen is the most acidic. c. (CH3)2NCH2CH2CH2NH2 Molecule contains C–H and N–H bonds. N is farther right; therefore, N–H hydrogen is the most acidic. The acidity of HA increases across the periodic table. Pseudoephedrine contains C–H, N–H, and O–H bonds. The O–H bond is most acidic. H O H N pseudoephedrine 2.19 More electronegative atoms stabilize the conjugate base, making the acid stronger. Compare the electron-withdrawing groups on the acids below to decide which is a stronger acid (more electronegative groups = more acidic). or ClCH2COOH a. FCH2COOH c. more acidic F is more electronegative than Cl, making the O–H bond in the acid on the right more acidic. b. Cl2CHCH2OH or Cl is closer to the acidic O–H bond. more acidic 2.20 or O2NCH2COOH more acidic NO2 is electron withdrawing, making the O–H bond in the acid on the right more acidic. Cl2CHCH2CH2OH Cl is farther from the O–H bond. More electronegative groups stabilize the conjugate base, making the acid stronger. HOCH2CO2H an -hydroxy acid The extra OH group contains an electronegative O, which stabilizes the conjugate base. stronger acid 2.21 CH3COOH CH3CO2H acetic acid The acidity of an acid increases when the conjugate base is resonance stabilized. Compare the conjugate bases of acetone and propane to explain why acetone is more acidic. O CH3 C CH3 acetone pKa = 19.2 O O C C 2 resonance structures more stable conjugate base CH3 CH2 CH3 CH2 Acetone is more acidic. One resonance structure places the (–) charge on the more electronegative O atom. This is especially good. base Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 2. Acids and Bases © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Acids and Bases 2–9 base CH3CH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2 propane pKa = 50 2.22 only one Lewis structure less stable conjugate base (Any C–H bond in the starting material can be removed.) The acidity of an acid increases when the conjugate base is resonance stabilized. Acetonitrile has a resonance-stabilized conjugate base, which accounts for its acidity. H H C C N H H base The negative charge is stabilized by delocalization on the C and N atoms. H C C N H C C N H acetonitrile (one Lewis structure) 2.23 Having the (–) charge on the electronegative N atom adds stability. Increasing percent s-character makes an acid more acidic. Compare the percent s-character of the carbon atoms in each of the C–H bonds in question. A stronger acid has a weaker conjugate base. H a. or CH3CH2 C C H base b. CH3CH2CH2CH2–H sp hybridized C 50% s-character base more acidic sp3 hybridized C 25% s-character base H or sp2 hybridized C 33% s-character more acidic H sp3 hybridized C 25% s-character base CH3CH2 C C or H CH3CH2CH2CH2 or stronger conjugate base 2.24 stronger conjugate base To compare the acids, first look for element effects. Then identify electron-withdrawing groups, resonance, or hybridization differences. a. CH3CH2CH3 C is farthest left in the periodic table. CH bond is least acidic. CH3CH2NH2 intermediate acidity CH3CH2OH O is farthest right in the periodic table. OH bond is most acidic. b. CH3CH2CH2OH CH3CH2COOH OH group least acidic intermediate acidity c. (CH3)3N CH3CH2NH2 C is farthest left in the periodic table. CH bond is least acidic. BrCH2COOH Br is electron withdrawing and the conjugate base is resonance stabilized. most acidic intermediate acidity CH3CH2OH O is farthest right in the periodic table. OH bond is most acidic. 41 42 Smith: Study Guide/ 2. Acids and Bases Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 2–10 2.25 Look at the element bonded to the acidic H and decide its acidity based on the periodic trends. Farther right and down the periodic table is more acidic. most acidic O most acidic OH b. a. O THC tetrahydrocannabinol The molecule contains C–H and O–H bonds. O is farther right; therefore, O–H hydrogen is the most acidic. 2.26 The molecule contains C–H and O–H bonds. O is farther right; therefore, O–H hydrogen is the most acidic. (CH3)2CHO Na+ d. (CH3)2CHOH + H–OCOCH3 base acid + conjugate base N H most acidic The molecule contains C–H, N–H, and O–H bonds. O is farthest right; therefore, O–H hydrogen is the most acidic. (CH3)2CHOH2 H2 conjugate acid HSO4– + conjugate acid conjugate base (CH3)2CHO Li+ c. (CH3)2CHOH + Li+ –N[CH(CH3)2]2 acid base + HN[CH(CH3)2]2 conjugate base (CH3)2CHOH2 + conjugate acid conjugate acid –OCOCH 3 conjugate base To cross a cell membrane, amphetamine must be in its neutral (not ionic) form. CH3 CH2 CH3 protonation CH2 C H C H NH2 by HCl in the stomach NH2 CH3 deprotonation CH2 C H in the intestines H amphetamine NH2 absorption here in the neutral form Lewis bases are electron pair donors: they contain a lone pair or a bond. a. NH3 yes - has lone pair 2.29 propranolol OH Draw the products of proton transfer from the acid to the base. b. (CH3)2CHOH + H–OSO3H base acid 2.28 O ketoprofen a. (CH3)2CHOH + Na+ H acid base 2.27 c. COOH b. CH3CH2CH3 no - no lone pair or / bond c. H d. H C C H yes - has lone pair yes - has 2 / bonds Lewis acids are electron pair acceptors. Most Lewis acids contain a proton or an unfilled valence shell of electrons. a. BBr3 yes unfilled valence shell on B b. CH3CH2OH yes contains a proton c. (CH3)3C+ d. Br yes no unfilled valence shell no proton on C no unfilled valence shell Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 2. Acids and Bases 43 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Acids and Bases 2–11 2.30 Label the Lewis acid and Lewis base and then draw the curved arrows. new bond F a. BF3 + CH3 O CH3 F Lewis base Lewis acid unfilled valence shell lone pairs on B on O 2.31 CH3 b. F B O CH3 (CH3)2CH + (CH3)2CHOH OH Lewis acid Lewis base unfilled valence lone pairs shell on C on O A Lewis acid is also called an electrophile. When a Lewis base reacts with an electrophile other than a proton, it is called a nucleophile. Label the electrophile and nucleophile in the starting materials and then draw the products. Cl Br O Br B Br a. CH3CH2 O CH2CH3 Lewis base nucleophile lone pairs on O 2.32 + BBr3 Cl Al Cl CH3CH2 O CH2CH3 b. CH3 C CH3 + AlCl3 Lewis acid CH3 Lewis base electrophile nucleophile unfilled valence shell lone pairs on Al on O Lewis acid electrophile unfilled valence shell on B O C Draw the product of each reaction by using an electron pair of the Lewis base to form a new bond to the Lewis acid. CH3 CH3 B CH3 a. CH3CH2 N CH2CH3 + B(CH3)3 CH2CH3 Lewis base nucleophile lone pair on N CH3CH2 N CH2CH3 CH2CH3 Lewis acid electrophile unfilled valence shell on B CH3 CH3 C CH3 b. CH3CH2 N CH2CH3 + +C(CH ) 3 3 CH2CH3 Lewis base nucleophile lone pair on N CH3CH2 N CH2CH3 CH2CH3 Lewis acid electrophile unfilled valence shell on C Cl Cl Al Cl c. CH3CH2 N CH2CH3 + AlCl3 CH2CH3 Lewis base nucleophile lone pair on N CH3CH2 N CH2CH3 CH2CH3 Lewis acid electrophile unfilled valence shell on Al CH3 44 Smith: Study Guide/ 2. Acids and Bases Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 2–12 2.33 Curved arrows begin at the Lewis base and point towards the Lewis acid. CH2 C new C–H bond H CH3 H C C H H H CH3 H2 O + H + H2O Lewis acid Lewis base contains a bond contains a proton 2.34 To draw the conjugate acid of a Brønsted–Lowry base, add a proton to the base. H a. H2O H d. CH3CH2NHCH3 H3O CH3CH2NH2CH3 H b. NH2 H H c. HCO3 2.35 e. CH3OCH3 H2CO3 f. CH3COO CH3 O CH3 H CH3COOH To draw the conjugate base of a Brønsted–Lowry acid, remove a proton from the acid. H a. HCN CO32 H c. (CH3)2NH2 H d. HC CH CN H b. HCO3 2.36 NH3 H (CH3)2NH HC C H e. CH3CH2COOH H f. CH3SO3H CH3CH2COO CH3SO3 To draw the products of an acid–base reaction, transfer a proton from the acid (H2SO4 in this case) to the base. a. + OH + H OSO3H + O H HSO4 H b. NH2 c. OCH3 + + NH3 + HSO4 H OSO3H + + H OSO3H + HSO4 OCH3 H d. 2.37 N CH3 + + H N H OSO3H + CH3 HSO4 To draw the products of an acid–base reaction, transfer a proton from the acid to the base (–OH in this case). a. O H + K+ –OH O K+ + H2O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 2. Acids and Bases © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Acids and Bases 2–13 O O + K+ –OH b. + H2O O K+ O H d. CH3 2.38 + K+ –OH C C H c. + K+ –OH O H + C C K+ H2O O K+ CH3 + H2O Label the Brønsted–Lowry acid and Brønsted–Lowry base in the starting materials and transfer a proton from the acid to the base for the products. a. CH3O H NH2 CH3O + acid base conjugate base NH3 conjugate acid O b. O CH3CH2 C + O H O CH3 acid CH3CH2 C + O base HO CH3 conjugate acid conjugate base c. CH3CH2 C C H + acid d. (CH3CH2)3N + base e. CH3CH2 O H CH3CH2 C C + conjugate base conjugate acid H Cl (CH3CH2)3NH acid conjugate acid + base f. H base H Br acid + CH3C C H OH base Cl conjugate base + CH3CH2 O H Br H conjugate acid CH3C CH acid + H2 + conjugate base HO conjugate acid conjugate base 2.39 Label the acid and base in the starting materials and then draw the products of proton transfer from acid to base. O C a. O O H C O + acid NH3 + base O b. F3C C acid c. NH4 O + O H CH3 C C H acid Na+ HCO3 base + Na+ NH2 base + F3C C O H2CO3 Na CH3 C C Na + NH3 45 46 Smith: Study Guide/ 2. Acids and Bases Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 2–14 d. K+ + CH3CH2 O H OH CH3CH2 O base acid O e. CH3 N H + CH3 H S O H CH3 f. CH3 acid CH3 CH3 C CH3 + HSO4 acid Label the acid and base in the starting materials and then draw the products of proton transfer from acid to base. a. + CH2CH(CH3)NH2 H Cl base b. CH2CH(CH3)NH3 Cl CH2CH(CH3)NH H2 acid CH2CH(CH3)N H + Na+ H H acid 2.41 Na base H CH 3 COO– Na+ COO–H + CH3O acid Na+ OH base H CH2CH2NH2CH3 CF3 + H–Cl O b. + H2O CH3O H CH2CH2NHCH3 O CF3 + Cl acid base 2.42 + Draw the products of proton transfer from acid to base. H CH 3 a. SO3 O H H OSO3H base 2.40 CH3 CH3 O C + CH3 N H O base H2O + K Draw the products of proton transfer from acid to base. CF3 CF3 CH2CH(CH3)NHCH2CH3 + H OCOCH3 base CH2C(CH3)2NH2 base CH2CH(CH3)NHCH2CH3 H acid + H OCOCH3 acid CH2C(CH3)2NH3 + OCOCH3 + OCOCH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 2. Acids and Bases © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Acids and Bases 2–15 2.43 To convert pKa to Ka, take the antilog of (–) the pKa. a. H2S pKa = 7.0 Ka = 10–7 2.44 b. ClCH2COOH pKa = 2.8 Ka = 1.6 x 10–3 To convert from Ka to pKa, take (–) the log of the Ka; pKa = –log Ka. + CH2NH3 a. + NH3 b. Ka = 4.7 x 10–10 pKa = 9.3 2.45 c. HCN pKa = 9.1 Ka = 7.9 x 10–10 Ka = 2.3 x 10–5 pKa = 4.6 Acid CH3CH2OH pKa Conjugate base CH3CH2O HCCH 16 25 H2 NH3 CH2=CH2 35 38 44 HCC H NH 2 CH2=CH CH4 50 CH3 b. NH3 Acid pKa = 38 Any base with a conjugate CH2=CH2 CH4 acid having a pKa higher than 38 can deprotonate it. Strong enough to deprotonate H2O. pKa Conjugate base CH2=CH Strong enough to 44 50 CH3 deprotonate NH3. c. CH4 pKa = 50 There is no base with a conjugate acid having a pKa higher than 50 in the table. An acid can be deprotonated by the conjugate base of any acid with a higher pKa. CH3CH2CH2CCH pKa = 25 Any base having a conjugate acid with a pKa higher than 25 can deprotonate this acid. 2.47 Ka = 5.9 x 10–1 pKa = 0.23 An acid can be deprotonated by the conjugate base of any acid with a higher pKa. a. H2O pKa = 15.7 Any base with a conjugate acid having a pKa higher than 15.7 can deprotonate it. 2.46 c. CF3COOH – Base H2O NaOH NaNH2 NH3 NaH CH3Li Conjugate acid H3O+ H2O NH3 NH4+ H2 CH4 pKa –1.7 15.7 38 9.4 35 50 Only NaNH2, NaH, and CH3Li are strong enough to deprotonate the acid. OH can deprotonate any acid with a pKa < 15.7. a. HCOOH pKa = 3.8 stronger acid deprotonated b. H2S pKa = 7.0 stronger acid deprotonated c. CH3 pKa = 41 weaker acid d. CH3NH2 pKa = 40 weaker acid These acids are too weak to be deprotonated by OH. 47 48 Smith: Study Guide/ 2. Acids and Bases Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 2–16 2.48 Draw the products and then compare the pKa of the acid on the left and the conjugate acid on the right. The equilibrium lies towards the side having the acid with a higher pKa (weaker acid). O a. O + CF3 C OCH2CH3 + HOCH2CH3 pKa = 16 CF3 C O O H products favored pKa = 0.2 O b. O CH3CH2 C + O H Na+ Cl + CH3CH2 C Na+ O pKa = ~5 c. (CH3)3COH + HOSO3H + (CH3)3COH2 pKa = –9 pKa = ~ –3 + Na+ HCO 3 + H2CO3 pKa = 6.4 pKa = 10 e. H C C H + Li+ CH2CH3 H C C starting material favored pKa = 50 CH3NH2 + HOSO3H pKa = –9 2.49 products favored Li+ + CH3CH3 pKa = 25 f. HSO4 starting material favored O Na+ O H d. + HCl pKa = –7 + CH3NH3 + HSO4 products favored products favored pKa = 10.7 Compare element effects first and then resonance, hybridization, and electron-withdrawing groups to determine the relative strengths of the acids. a. Acidity increases across a row: NH3 < H2O < HF b. Acidity increases down a column: HF < HCl < HBr c. increasing acidity: OH < H2O < H3O + d. increasing acidity: NH3 < H2O < H2S Compare NH and OH bonds first: acidity increases across a row. OH is more acidic. Then compare OH and SH bonds: acidity increases down a column. SH is more acidic. e. Acidity increases across a row: CH3CH3 < CH3NH2 < CH3OH f. increasing acidity: H2O < H2S < HCl Compare HCl and SH bonds first: acidity increases across a row. H–Cl is more acidic. Compare OH and SH bonds: acidity increases down a column. SH is more acidic. g. CH3CH2CH3, ClCH2CH2OH, CH3CH2OH O–H bond and O–H bond electron-withdrawing Cl strongest acid increasing acidity: CH3CH2CH3 < CH3CH2OH < ClCH2CH2OH only C–H bonds weakest acid h. HC CCH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2CH3 CH3C CCH3 H H sp C–H strongest acid sp3 C–H all weakest acid sp2 C–H increasing acidity: CH3CH2CH2CH3 < CH3CH=CHCH3 < HC CCH2CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 2. Acids and Bases © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Acids and Bases 2–17 2.50 The strongest acid has the weakest conjugate base. a. Draw the conjugate acid. Increasing acidity of conjugate acids: CH3CH3 < CH3NH2 < CH3OH d. Draw the conjugate acid. Increasing acidity of conjugate acids: increasing basicity: CH3O < CH3NH < CH3CH2 b. CH CH2 < CH2CH3 < Draw the conjugate acid. Increasing acidity of conjugate acids: CH4 < H2O < HBr C CH increasing basicity: < C C increasing basicity: Br < HO < CH3 CH CH < CH2CH2 c. Draw the conjugate acid. Increasing acidity of conjugate acids: CH3CH2OH < CH3COOH < ClCH2COOH increasing basicity: ClCH2COO < CH3COO < CH3CH2O 2.51 More electronegative atoms stabilize the conjugate base by an electron-withdrawing inductive effect, making the acid stronger. Thus, an O atom increases the acidity of an acid. NH2 pKa = 11.1 2.52 O NH2 The O atom makes this cation the stronger acid. pKa = 8.33 In both molecules the OH proton is the most acidic H. In addition, compare the percent scharacter of the carbon atoms in each molecule. Nearby C’s with a higher percent s-character can help to stabilize the conjugate base. HC CCO2H CH3CH2CO2H pKa = 1.8 The sp hybridized C's of the triple bond have a higher percent s-character than an sp3 hybridized C, so they pull electron density towards them, stabilizing the conjugate base. stronger acid pKa = 4.9 2.53 CH3 CH3CH2CH2 H O CH2 C CH3 CH2 H pKa = 50 pKa = 43 C The negative charge on O is good. This makes this resonance structure especially good. CH2 H pKa = 19.2 conjugate base: CH3 CH3CH2CH2 CH2 C CH2 one Lewis structure weakest acid CH3 O CH2 C CH2 two resonance structures negative charge delocalized on two carbons CH3 C O CH2 CH3 C CH2 two resonance structures negative charge delocalized on one O and one C strongest acid 49 50 Smith: Study Guide/ 2. Acids and Bases Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 2–18 2.54 To draw the conjugate acid, look for the most basic site and protonate it. To draw the conjugate base, look for the most acidic site and remove a proton. NH3 OH NH2 conjugate acid 2.55 OH most basic site A NH2 O conjugate base most acidic proton Remove the most acidic proton to form the conjugate base. Protonate the most basic electron pair to form the conjugate acid. only O–H bond most acidic proton N most basic electron pair O OCH3 Increasing basicity: COOH O O N ibuprofen O cocaine conjugate base: conjugate acid: H N O OCH3 COO O O 2.56 A lower pKa means a stronger acid. The pKa is low for the C–H bond in CH3NO2 due to resonance stabilization of the conjugate base. H H O B H C N H O H C N O H H O H C N O O O The negative charge is delocalized on the electronegative O atom. This stabilizes the conjugate base. 2.57 Compare the isomers. dimethyl ether CH3 O CH3 All H's are on C. O H C N CH3CH2OH ethanol One O–H bond O–H bonds are more acidic than C–H bonds. more acidic Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 2. Acids and Bases 51 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Acids and Bases 2–19 Compare the Lewis structures of the conjugate bases when each H is removed. The more stable base makes the proton more acidic. 2.58 H H B N H O O H O O OH O H H The negative charge on N is stabilized by resonance. This conjugate base is more stable, so it is formed by removal of the more acidic H. N OH B less acidic proton no resonance stabilization formed from the weaker acid Draw the conjugate base to determine the most acidic hydrogen. O O O O O H H O H Resonance stabilization of the conjugate base makes this the most acidic proton. In Appendix A, the closest compound for comparison is CH3CO2CH2CH3 with a pKa of 24.5; therefore, the estimated pKa of ethyl butanoate is 25. 2.60 N OH N N O H H H N O N OH N 2.59 O H more acidic proton O H O N OH H N H resonance-stabilized conjugate base Look at the element bonded to the acidic H and decide its acidity based on the periodic trends. Farther right across a row and down a column of the periodic table is more acidic. F a. OH b. CO2H most acidic The molecule contains C–H and O–H bonds. O is farther right in the periodic table; therefore, the O–H hydrogen is the most acidic. c. O O O NH O H N most acidic CH3O most acidic The molecule contains C–H and N–H bonds. N is farther right in the periodic table; therefore, the N–H hydrogen is the most acidic. The molecule contains C–H, N–H, and O–H bonds. O is farthest right in the periodic table; therefore, the O–H hydrogen is the most acidic. 52 Smith: Study Guide/ 2. Acids and Bases Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 2–20 2.61 Use element effects, inductive effects, and resonance to determine which protons are the most acidic. The H’s of the CH3 group are least acidic since they are bonded to an sp3 hybridized C and the conjugate base formed by their removal is not resonance stabilized. O lactic acid c>b>a Both O–H protons [(b) and (c)] are more acidic than the C–H proton (a) by the element effect. The most acidic proton has added resonance stabilization when it is removed, making its conjugate base the most stable. OH H OH c a b O conjugate base by loss of (c): O O O H OH H OH resonance stabilization negative charge on O in both resonance structures This makes (c) most acidic. O conjugate base by loss of (b): H O no resonance stabilization, but negative charge on O, an electronegative atom OH O conjugate base by loss of (a): 2.62 OH OH OH OH This conjugate base has two resonance structures, but one places a negative charge on C. Lewis bases are electron pair donors: they contain a lone pair or a bond. Brønsted–Lowry bases are proton acceptors: to accept a proton they need a lone pair or a bond. This means Lewis bases are also Brønsted–Lowry bases. lone pairs on O both O a. b. 2.63 O H C CH3 Cl lone pairs on Cl both d. c. H neither = no lone pairs or bond bonds both A Lewis acid is an electron pair acceptor and usually contains a proton or an unfilled valence shell of electrons. A Brønsted–Lowry acid is a proton donor and must contain a hydrogen atom. All Brønsted–Lowry acids are Lewis acids, though the reverse may not be true. a. H3O+ both contains a H b. Cl3C+ Lewis acid unfilled valence shell on C c. BCl3 d. BF4 Lewis acid unfilled valence shell on B neither no H or unfilled valence shell Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 2. Acids and Bases 53 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Acids and Bases 2–21 2.64 Label the Lewis acid and Lewis base and then draw the products. Cl a. + BCl3 Cl Lewis base O c. Cl B Cl CH3 Cl Lewis acid new bond b. CH3 CH3 C C CH3 CH3 H OSO3H + CH3 Cl OH Lewis base C C H CH3 + HSO4 new bond BF3 CH3CH2OH + BF3 nucleophile electrophile OH2 CH3CH2 O H + H2O d. electrophile b. CH3 C O CH3 c. CH3 S CH3 Br electrophile + e. Br Br CH3 + BF3 nucleophile nucleophile AlCl3 CH3SCH3 + AlCl3 nucleophile nucleophile FeBr3 Br Br Fe Br Br electrophile C O BF3 CH3 electrophile Draw the product of each reaction. CH2CH3 CH2CH3 + H2O a. CH3CH2 C CH2CH3 CH2CH3 b. CH3CH2 C CH3CH2 C + NH3 CH2CH3 CH2CH3 + (CH3)2NH CH3CH2 CH3 e. CH3CH2 C OH CH2CH3 CH2CH3 CH2CH3 CH3CH2 C NH3 CH2CH3 CH3CH2 CH3 + CH3OH CH2CH3 c. CH3CH2 C CH2CH3 d. CH3CH2 C CH3CH2 C OH2 CH2CH3 CH3CH2 C CH2CH3 CH3CH2 C O CH3 CH2CH3 2.67 nucleophile OH H Br proton transfer OH2 Br + Br electrophile NHCH3 CH2CH3 CH3CH2 CH3 + (CH3)2O CH2CH3 a. new bond A Lewis acid is also called an electrophile. When a Lewis base reacts with an electrophile other than a proton, it is called a nucleophile. Label the electrophile and nucleophile in the starting materials and then draw the products. a. 2.66 CH3 C Cl Lewis acid Lewis base 2.65 O + OH CH3 CH3 Lewis acid C + H2 O 54 Smith: Study Guide/ 2. Acids and Bases Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 2–22 Br b. proton transfer H Br + Br electrophile nucleophile H H Br + Br c. H Br + Br proton transfer + HBr H H nucleophile electrophile Draw the products of each reaction. In part (a), –OH pulls off a proton and thus acts as a Brønsted–Lowry base. In part (b), –OH attacks a carbon and thus acts as a Lewis base. 2.68 a. CH2 + C(CH3)2 b. OH + (CH3)3C+ H2O + CH2=C(CH3)2 (CH3)3COH H OH Answer each question about esmolol. 2.69 most acidic second most acidic Esmolol contains C–H, N–H, and O–H bonds. H Since acidity increases across a row of the N periodic table, the OH bond is most acidic, followed by the NH bond. OH a. O CH3O esmolol O O H b. O Na+ O H N O Na+ H CH3O + H2 CH3O O O O H c. O OH H H H N O H Cl CH3O O OH d, e, f. O * CH3O * O * * * H N * N + Cl– CH3O O * H N All sp2 C are indicated with an arrow. The N is the only trigonal pyramidal atom. The + C's are indicated with a (*). Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 2. Acids and Bases 55 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Acids and Bases 2–23 2.70 Draw the product of protonation of either O or N and compare the conjugate acids. When acetamide reacts with an acid, the O atom is protonated because it results in a resonancestabilized conjugate acid. O protonate O CH3 O CH3 C NH2 C H O NH2 CH3 C H resonance stabilization of the + charge O is more readily protonated because the product is resonance stabilized. NH2 O protonate N acetamide CH3 C no other resonance structure NH3 2.71 O O HO O OH pKa = 2.86 HO O O + O O O O O O O This group destabilizes the second negative charge. O HO O + + stabilizes the () charge of the conjugate base. COO now acts as an electron-donor group which destabilizes the conjugate base, making removal of the second proton more difficult and thus it is less acidic than CH3COOH. The nearby COOH group serves as an electron-withdrawing group to stabilize the negative charge. This makes the first proton more acidic than CH3COOH. 2.72 O pKa = 5.70 O The COOH group of glycine gives up a proton to the basic NH2 group to form the zwitterion. O a. acts as a base NH2CH2 C proton transfer acts as an acid OH glycine b. O O + Cl NH3CH2 C O OH most basic site O c. H NH2 CH2 C O most acidic site Na+ OH O zwitterion form H Cl NH3CH2 C O NH3CH2 C O NH2CH2 C O + Na+ + H2O 56 Smith: Study Guide/ 2. Acids and Bases Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 2–24 2.73 Use curved arrows to show how the reaction occurs. O [1] O H O O H H OH O O [2] + H O H OH H Protonate the negative charge on this carbon to form the product. 2.74 Compare the OH bonds in Vitamin C and decide which one is the most acidic. OH O HO O Vitamin C ascorbic acid This is the most acidic proton since the conjugate base is most resonance stabilized. HO OH loss of H+ OH OH O HO O O OH O OH OH O OH O HO O HO O O OH The most delocalized anion with 3 resonance structures. Removal of either of these H's does not give a resonancestabilized anion. HO OH O HO O OH loss of H+ HO OH O HO O O HO O HO only 2 resonance structures This proton is less acidic since its conjugate base is less resonance stabilized. O O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 3. Introduction to Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Molecules and Functional Groups 57 Introduction to Organic Molecules and Functional Groups 3–1 C Chhaapptteerr 33:: IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo O Orrggaanniicc M Moolleeccuulleess aanndd FFuunnccttiioonnaall G Grroouuppss Increasing strength TTyyppeess ooff iinntteerrm moolleeccuullaarr ffoorrcceess ((33..33)) Type of force van der Waals (VDW) Cause Due to the interaction of temporary dipoles • Larger surface area, stronger forces • Larger, more polarizable atoms, stronger forces Examples All organic compounds dipole–dipole Due to the interaction of permanent dipoles (DD) hydrogen bonding Due to the electrostatic interaction of a H atom (HB or H-bonding) in an O–H, N–H, or H–F bond with another N, O, or F atom. H2O ion–ion NaCl, LiF Due to the interaction of two ions (CH3)2C=O, H2O PPhhyyssiiccaall pprrooppeerrttiieess Property Boiling point (3.4A) • Observation For compounds of comparable molecular weight, the stronger the forces the higher the bp. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2CHO VDW, DD MW = 72 bp = 76 oC VDW MW = 72 bp = 36 oC CH3CH2CH2CH2OH VDW, DD, HB MW = 74 bp = 118 oC Increasing strength of intermolecular forces Increasing boiling point 3.1 For compounds with similar functional groups, the larger the surface area, the higher the bp. CH3CH2CH2CH3 bp = 0 oC CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 bp = 36 oC Increasing surface area Increasing boiling point • For compounds with similar functional groups, the more polarizable the atoms, the higher the bp. CH3I CH3F bp = 78 oC bp = 42 oC Increasing polarizability Increasing boiling point 58 Smith: Study Guide/ 3. Introduction to Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Molecules and Functional accompany Organic Groups Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 3–2 Melting point (3.4B) • For compounds of comparable molecular weight, the stronger the forces the higher the mp. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2CHO VDW, DD MW = 72 mp = 96 oC VDW MW = 72 mp = 130 oC CH3CH2CH2CH2OH VDW, DD, HB MW = 74 mp = 90 oC Increasing strength of intermolecular forces Increasing melting point • For compounds with similar functional groups, the more symmetrical the compound, the higher the mp. CH3CH2CH(CH3)2 mp = 160 oC (CH3)4C mp = 17 oC Increasing symmetry Increasing melting point Solubility (3.4C) Types of water-soluble compounds: • Ionic compounds • Organic compounds having 5 C’s, and an O or N atom for hydrogen bonding (for a compound with one functional group). Types of compounds soluble in organic solvents: • Organic compounds regardless of size or functional group. • Examples: CCl4 soluble CCl4 soluble H2O soluble O CH3CH2CH2CH3 butane CH3 H2O insoluble C CH3 acetone Key: VDW = van der Waals, DD = dipole–dipole, HB = hydrogen bonding MW = molecular weight R Reeaaccttiivviittyy ((33..88)) • Nucleophiles react with electrophiles. • Electronegative heteroatoms create electrophilic carbon atoms, which tend to react with nucleophiles. • Lone pairs and bonds are nucleophilic sites that tend to react with electrophiles. CH3CH2 Cl + electrophilic site OH + CH3 CH3 O CH3 CH3 N CH3 basic and nucleophilic site Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 59 © The McGraw−Hill 3. Introduction to Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Molecules and Functional Groups Introduction to Organic Molecules and Functional Groups 3–3 Chapter 3: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 3.1 CH3CH2 OH CH3CH2 O H H OSO3H Na+ H + HSO4 CH3CH2 OH2 H2SO4 CH3CH3 CH3CH2 O Na+ + H2 no reaction NaH CH3CH3 no reaction 3.2 Identify the functional groups based on Tables 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3. alkene (double bond) HO alkene (double bond) CO2H ether O CO2CH2CH3 O HO carboxylic acid N H OH shikimic acid alcohols (hydroxy groups) ester NH2 oseltamivir amide amine 3.3 One possible structure for each functional group: O a. aldehyde = R b. ketone = R C H CH3CH2CH2 C c. carboxylic acid = H O O O C C C CH3 R d. ester = CH2CH3 R 3.4 One possible structure for each description: O a. C5H10O CH3CH2CH2CH2 C O H CH3CH2CH2 aldehyde ketone b. C6H10O CH3CH2 O H C C C H C CH3 ketone ketone CH3 alkene O O O CH3CH2 O C H C C H H C H alkene H R C CH3CH2CH2 OH O O R CH3CH2 C O CH3 C OH 60 Smith: Study Guide/ 3. Introduction to Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Molecules and Functional accompany Organic Groups Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 3–4 3.5 Summary of forces: • All compounds exhibit van der Waals forces (VDW). • Polar molecules have dipole–dipole forces (DD). • Hydrogen bonding (H-bonding) can occur only when a H is bonded to an O, N, or F. a. only nonpolar C–C and C–H bonds VDW only e. CH3CH2CH2COOH (CH3CH2)3N c. • VDW forces • polar C–N bonds - DD • no H on N so no H-bonding • VDW forces • polar C–O bonds and a net dipole - DD • H bonded to O H-bonding O b. d. f. CH2 CHCl • VDW forces • polar C–Cl bond - DD • VDW forces • 2 polar C–O bonds and a net dipole - DD • no H on O so no H-bonding CH3 C C CH3 only nonpolar C–H and C–C bonds VDW only 3.6 One principle governs boiling point: • Stronger intermolecular forces = higher bp. Increasing intermolecular forces: van der Waals < dipole–dipole < hydrogen bonding Two factors affect the strength of van der Waals forces, and thus affect bp: • Increasing surface area = increasing bp. Longer molecules have a larger surface area. Any branching decreases the surface area of a molecule. • Increasing polarizability = increasing bp. a. (CH3)2C=CH2 or (CH3)2C=O c. CH3(CH2)4CH3 or CH3(CH2)5CH3 longer molecule, more surface area higher boiling point only VDW VDW and DD polar, stronger intermolecular forces higher boiling point b. CH3CH2COOH or CH3COOCH3 d. CH2 CHCl or CH2 CHI I is more polarizable. higher boiling point no H-bonding VDW, DD, and H-bonding stronger intermolecular forces higher boiling point 3.7 Increasing intermolecular forces: van der Waals < dipole–dipole < hydrogen bonding O CH3CH2 C O NH2 N–H bonds allow for hydrogen bonding. stronger intermolecular forces higher boiling point H C N CH3 CH3 no hydrogen bonding weaker intermolecular forces Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 3. Introduction to Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Molecules and Functional Groups 61 Introduction to Organic Molecules and Functional Groups 3–5 3.8 a. or b. NH2 more polar stronger intermolecular forces (H-bonding) higher mp 3.9 or more spherical packs better higher mp Compare the intermolecular forces to explain why sodium acetate has a higher melting point than acetic acid. O CH3 C O OH CH3 acetic acid C O– Na+ sodium acetate a. VDW, DD, and H-bonding b. not ionic, lower melting point a. VDW, DD, ionic bonds b. Ionic bonds are the strongest: higher melting point. 3.10 In the more ordered solid phase, molecules are much closer together than in the less ordered liquid phase. The shape of a molecule determines how closely it can pack in the solid phase so symmetry is important. In the liquid phase, molecules are already farther apart, so symmetry is less important and thus it doesn’t affect boiling point. 3.11 A compound is water soluble if it is ionic or if it has an O or N atom and 5 C’s. a. CH3CH2OCH2CH3 b. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 an O atom that can H-bond with water 5 C's water soluble c. (CH3CH2CH2CH2)3N nonpolar not water soluble an N atom that can H-bond to H2O, but > 5 C's not water soluble 3.12 Hydrophobic portions will primarily be hydrocarbon chains. Hydrophilic portions will be polar. Circled regions are hydrophilic because they are polar. All other regions are hydrophobic since they have only C and H. OH C C H O COOH a. c. b. HO O norethindrone arachidonic acid OH benzo[a]pyrene derivative 62 Smith: Study Guide/ 3. Introduction to Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Molecules and Functional accompany Organic Groups Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 3–6 3.13 Like dissolves like. • To be soluble in water, a molecule must be ionic, or have a polar functional group capable of Hbonding for every 5 C’s. • Organic compounds are generally soluble in organic solvents regardless of size or functional group. nonpolar long hydrocarbon chain polar O O OH a. N b. polar vitamin B3 (niacin) soluble in water due to two polar functional groups and only 6 C's in the molecule nonpolar O vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) soluble in organic solvents two polar C–O bonds but the compound has > 10 C's water insoluble 3.14 A soap contains both a long hydrocarbon chain and a carboxylic acid salt. ionic salt a. CH3CO2–Na+ short chain carboxylic acid salt ionic salt b. CH3(CH2)14CO2–Na+ c. CH3(CH2)12COOH long chain no salt This is a soap because it contains both a long chain and a carboxylic acid salt. d. CH3(CH2)9CO2–Na+ long chain This is a soap because it contains both a long chain and a carboxylic acid salt. 3.15 Detergents have a polar head consisting of oppositely charged ions, and a nonpolar tail consisting of C–C and C–H bonds, just like soaps do. Detergents clean by having the hydrophobic ends of molecules surround grease, while the hydrophilic portion of the molecule interacts with the polar solvent (usually water). a detergent SO3 Na+ nonpolar tail hydrophobic This end interacts with the grease to dissolve it. polar head ionic - hydrophilic This end interacts with the water solvent to maintain the micelle's solubility in water. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 3. Introduction to Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Molecules and Functional Groups 63 Introduction to Organic Molecules and Functional Groups 3–7 3.16 amide ester ester ester ether ether ester H O ester O O O O O O O O HN O O O ether N O O H N amide ether H O O O O N O O ester amide O O O O O O O N O O N H O ester ester ester ester amide amide valinomycin nonactin 3.17 Electronegative heteroatoms like N, O, or X make a carbon atom an electrophile. A lone pair on a heteroatom makes it basic and nucleophilic. Bonds create nucleophilic sites and are more easily broken than bonds. nucleophilic a. electrophilic b. H O H Br C bonded to Br electrophilic nucleophilic nucleophilic c. d. nucleophilic N CH3 electrophilic 3.18 Electrophiles and nucleophiles react with each other. O a. CH3CH2 Br electrophile b. + YES c. + Br nucleophile CH3 C Cl + electrophile nucleophile CH3 C C CH3 nucleophile OH NO d. CH3 C C CH3 nucleophile OCH3 YES nucleophile + Br electrophile YES H amide 64 Smith: Study Guide/ 3. Introduction to Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Molecules and Functional accompany Organic Groups Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 3–8 3.19 Identify the functional groups based on Tables 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3. amide aromatic rings aromatic ring aromatic ring a. CH2 HO c. CH3CH2CO2 C CH3 C H e. Darvon O N carboxylic acid sulfide CH3 CH3 COOH penicillin G ibuprofen carboxylic acid amine amine NH2 alkene amine N CO2H b. S O CH2N(CH3)2 ester amide H N O d. alkene carboxylic acid pregabalin f. OH H O alkyne alkene alkenes O O alcohol ester ketone pyrethrin I histrionicotoxin 3.20 CH3 OH CH2OH CH3 CH CH2 CH3 CH3CH2CH2CH2 OH alcohol alcohol CH3 C OH CH3 CH CH3 CH3 alcohol alcohol CH3 CH3CH2 O CH3CH2 CH3 O CH CH3 ether ether CH3 O CH2CH2CH3 ether 3.21 A cyclic ester is called a lactone. A cyclic amide is called a lactam. O a. N CH3 O b. amine c. ether d. O NH O ester lactone amide lactam 3.22 Draw the constitutional isomers and identify the functional groups. O ketone OH carboxylic acid H O OH ester O aldehyde O ester O H alcohol O OH alcohol O aldehyde O H O aldehyde OH alcohol H O ether Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 3. Introduction to Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Molecules and Functional Groups 65 Introduction to Organic Molecules and Functional Groups 3–9 3.23 Use the rules from Answer 3.5. O O OH a. OCH3 b. c. d. N VDW VDW VDW no dipole–dipole dipole–dipole dipole–dipole no H-bonding (no O–H bond) no H-bonding (no N–H bond) (nonpolar C–C, C–H bonds) no H-bonding (no O, N, F) VDW dipole–dipole H-bonding (O–H bond) 3.24 Increasing intermolecular forces: van der Waals < dipole–dipole < H-bonding a. increasing intermolecular forces: CH3CH3 < CH3Cl < CH3NH2 c. increasing intermolecular forces: (CH3)2C=C(CH3)2 < (CH3)2CHCOCH3 < (CH3)2CHCOOH VDW VDW dipole–dipole dipole–dipole H-bonding b. increasing intermolecular forces: VDW VDW dipole–dipole VDW d. increasing intermolecular forces: CH3Cl < CH3Br < CH3I VDW dipole–dipole H-bonding CH3Cl < CH3OH < NaCl Increasing polarizability stronger intermolecular forces VDW VDW ionic dipole–dipole dipole–dipole H-bonding 3.25 O CH3 H O C CH3 C O H O hydrogen bonding between two acetic acid molecules 3.26 A = VDW forces; B = H-bonding; C = ion–ion interactions; D = H-bonding; E = H-bonding; F = VDW forces. 3.27 Use the principles from Answer 3.6. a. I CH3(CH2)4 CH3(CH2)5 I CH3(CH2)6 I Increasing size, increasing surface area, increasing boiling point b. CH3CH2CH2CH3 < (CH3)3N < CH3CH2CH2NH2 VDW VDW dipole–dipole VDW dipole–dipole H-bonding Increasing boiling point 66 Smith: Study Guide/ 3. Introduction to Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Molecules and Functional accompany Organic Groups Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 3–10 c. (CH3)3COC(CH3)3 < CH3(CH2)3O(CH2)3CH3 < CH3(CH2)7OH VDW VDW VDW dipole–dipole dipole–dipole dipole–dipole smaller surface area larger surface area H-bonding highest bp Increasing boiling point d. < Br < VDW VDW dipole–dipole OH VDW dipole–dipole H-bonding OH < VDW dipole–dipole H-bonding larger surface area Increasing boiling point < e. < smallest surface area most branching largest surface area Increasing boiling point OH O f. < VDW < VDW dipole–dipole VDW dipole–dipole H-bonding Increasing boiling point 3.28 In CH3CH2NHCH3, there is a N–H bond so the molecules exhibit intermolecular hydrogen bonding, whereas in (CH3)3N the N is bonded only to C, so there is no hydrogen bonding. The hydrogen bonding in CH3CH2NHCH3 makes it have much stronger intermolecular forces than (CH3)3N. As intermolecular forces increase, the boiling point of a molecule of the same molecular weight increases. 3.29 Stronger forces, higher mp. CH3 O CH(CH3)2 menthone VDW dipole–dipole lower melting point CH3 OH CH(CH3)2 menthol VDW dipole–dipole H-bonding stronger forces higher melting point Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 3. Introduction to Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Molecules and Functional Groups 67 Introduction to Organic Molecules and Functional Groups 3–11 3.30 Stronger forces, higher mp. More symmetrical compounds, higher mp. CH3 a. (CH3)3CH < (CH3)2C=O < (CH3)2CHOH VDW VDW DD c. VDW DD H-bonding < VDW NH2 < VDW DD Increasing intermolecular forces Increasing melting point Cl VDW DD H-bonding Increasing intermolecular forces b. CH3F < CH3Cl < CH3I Increasing melting point Increasing polarizability Increasing melting point 3.31 119 oC not symmetrical 118 oC not symmetrical In both compounds the CH3 group dangling from the chain makes packing in the solid difficult, so the mp is low. 3.32 91 oC symmetrical higher mp 25 oC most spherical highest mp This molecule can pack somewhat better since it has no CH3 group dangling from the chain, so the mp is somewhat higher. It also has the most surface area and this increases VDW forces compared to the first two compounds. This compound packs the best since it is the most spherical in shape, increasing its mp. Boiling point is determined solely by the strength of the intermolecular forces. Since benzene has a smaller size, it has less surface area and weaker VDW interactions and therefore a lower boiling point than toluene. The increased melting point for benzene can be explained by symmetry: benzene is much more symmetrical than toluene. More symmetrical molecules can pack more tightly together, increasing their melting point. Symmetry has no effect on boiling point. benzene bp = 80 oC mp = 5 oC very symmetrical closer packing in solid form higher mp CH3 and toluene bp = 111 oC mp = 93 oC less symmetrical lower mp 68 Smith: Study Guide/ 3. Introduction to Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Molecules and Functional accompany Organic Groups Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 3–12 3.33 Increasing polarity = increasing water solubility. Neither compound is very H2O soluble. a. CH3CH2CH2CH3 < (CH3)3CH < CH3OCH2CH3 < CH3CH2CH2OH VDW VDW VDW DD more spherical (This nonpolar, hydrophobic molecule is more compact, making it more water soluble than its straight-chain isomer, drawn to the left.) b. Br polar no H-bonding OH O polar H-bonding to H2O, not itself VDW DD H-bonding polar and H-bonding More opportunities for H-bonding with its O atom and its H on O. 3.34 Look for two things: • To H-bond to another molecule like itself, the molecule must contain a H bonded to O, N, or F. • To H-bond with water, a molecule need only contain an O, N, or F. These molecules can H-bond with water. All of these molecules have an O or N atom. b. CH3NH2, c. CH3OCH3, d. (CH3CH2)3N, e. CH3CH2CH2CONH2, g. CH3SOCH3, h. CH3CH2COOCH3 Each of these molecules can H-bond to another molecule like itself. Both compounds have N–H bonds. b. CH3NH2, e. CH3CH2CH2CONH2 3.35 Draw the molecules in question and look at the intermolecular forces involved. no H bonded to O O diethyl ether OH H bonded to O: hydrogen bonding 1-butanol VDW forces dipole–dipole forces H-bonding • Both have 5 C's and an electronegative O atom, so they can H-bond to water, making them soluble in water. • Only 1-butanol can H-bond to another molecule like itself, and this increases its boiling point. VDW forces dipole–dipole forces Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 3. Introduction to Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Molecules and Functional Groups 69 Introduction to Organic Molecules and Functional Groups 3–13 3.36 Use the solubility rule from Answer 3.13. OH CCl3 a. Cl C Cl H O CH3 b. O COOH 2 polar functional groups but > 10 C's not water soluble O HO d. N many polar bonds with N and O atoms many opportunities for H-bonding water soluble OH OH O HO O HO O CH3 caffeine HO OCH3 aspartame many polar bonds with N and O atoms many opportunities for H-bonding water soluble OH N N N H CH3O CH3 N H2N mestranol DDT no N or O not water soluble O e. c. OH f. OH sucrose many polar bonds with O 11 O's and 12 C's many opportunities for H-bonding with H2O water soluble carotatoxin 1 polar functional group but > 10 C's not water soluble 3.37 (CH3)2CHCH(CH3)2 B 6 C's Branching makes less surface area, weaker VDW. lowest bp CH3(CH2)4CH3 C 6 C's no branching CH3(CH2)5CH3 D 7 C's CH3(CH2)6CH3 A 8 C's highest bp C, D, and A are all long chain hydrocarbons, but the size increases from C to D to A, increasing the VDW forces and increasing bp. 3.38 a. Water solubility is determined by polarity. Polar molecules are soluble in water, while nonpolar molecules are soluble in organic solvents. Arrows indicate polar functional groups. CH3 CH2NH2 b. HO CH3 CH3 O CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 vitamin E only 2 polar functional groups many nonpolar C–C and C–H bonds (29 C's) soluble in organic solvents insoluble in H2O HOCH2 OH N CH3 pyridoxine vitamin B6 many polar bonds and few nonpolar bonds soluble in H2O It is also soluble in organic solvents since it is organic, but is probably more soluble in H2O. 70 Smith: Study Guide/ 3. Introduction to Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Molecules and Functional accompany Organic Groups Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 3–14 3.39 Compare the functional groups in the two components of sunscreen. Dioxybenzone will most likely be washed off in water because it contains two hydroxy groups and is more water soluble. O OH O CH3O C(CH3)3 avobenzone two ketones one ether 3.40 O OCH3 dioxybenzone two hydroxy groups one ketone one ether more water soluble Because of the O atoms, PEG is capable of hydrogen bonding with water, which makes PEG water soluble and suitable for a product like shampoo. PVC cannot hydrogen bond to water, so PVC is water insoluble, even though it has many polar bonds. Since PVC is water insoluble, it can be used to transport and hold water. O H-bond H no H-bonding H O O O O Cl poly(ethylene glycol) PEG water soluble 3.41 OH Cl Cl Cl poly(vinyl chloride) PVC water insoluble Molecules that dissolve in water are readily excreted from the body in urine whereas less polar molecules that dissolve in organic solvents are soluble in fatty tissue and are retained for longer periods. Compare the solubility properties of THC and ethanol to determine why drug screenings can detect THC and not ethanol weeks after introduction to the body. CH3 OH CH3CH2 CH3 O CH3 (CH2)4CH3 OH ethanol tetrahydrocannabinol THC THC has relatively few polar bonds compared to the number of nonpolar bonds, making it soluble in organic solvents and therefore soluble in fatty tissue. Ethanol has 1 O atom and only 2 C's, making it soluble in water. Due to their solubilities, THC is retained much longer in the fatty tissue of the body, being slowly excreted over many weeks, while ethanol is excreted rapidly in urine after ingestion. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 3. Introduction to Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Molecules and Functional Groups 71 Introduction to Organic Molecules and Functional Groups 3–15 3.42 Compare the intermolecular forces of crack and cocaine hydrochloride. Stronger intermolecular forces increase both the boiling point and the water solubility. CH3 ionic bond H N CH3 N Cl COOCH3 COOCH3 O O O C O C H H cocaine hydrochloride a salt cocaine (crack) neutral organic molecule The molecules are identical except for the ionic bond in cocaine hydrochloride. Ionic forces are extremely strong forces, and therefore the cocaine hydrochloride salt has a much higher boiling point and is more water soluble. Since the salt is highly water soluble, it can be injected directly into the bloodstream where it dissolves. Crack is smoked because it can dissolve in the organic tissues of the nasal passage and lungs. 3.43 A laundry detergent must have both a highly polar end of the molecule and a nonpolar end of the molecule. The polar end will interact with water, while the nonpolar end surrounds the grease/organic material. H O H H O H a. OCH2CH2O CH2CH2O H polar interacts with water by H-bonding at all O atoms, as well as H's bonded to O's. nonpolar interacts with organic material H O H H O H CH2CH2O H N CH2CH2O b. O H O H H H O H H O H nonpolar interacts with organic material polar interacts with water by H-bonding at O and H atoms H O H 72 Smith: Study Guide/ 3. Introduction to Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Molecules and Functional accompany Organic Groups Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 3–16 3.44 An emulsifying agent is one that dissolves a compound in a solvent in which it is not normally soluble. In this case the phospholipids can dissolve the oil in its nonpolar tails and bring it into solution in the aqueous vinegar solution. Or, the nonpolar tails dissolve in the oil, and the polar head brings the water-soluble compounds into solution. In any case, the phospholipids make a uniform medium, mayonnaise, from two insoluble layers. vinegar oil aqueous organic hydrophilic hydrophobic These two ingredients will not mix. The emulsifying agent (egg yolk) has phospholipids that have both hydrophobic and hydrophilic portions, making the mayonnaise uniform. 3.45 O a. OH O O O H N HCl O N H OH O O N O H N OH HH O O N H N H five functional groups that have many opportunities for H-bonding water soluble ionic salt more water soluble c. Since the hydrochloride salt is ionic and therefore more water soluble, it is more readily transported in the bloodstream. 3.46 Use the rules from Answer 3.17. nucleophilic a. + I nucleophilic nucleophilic + c. + O + + e. CH3OH electrophilic electrophilic electrophilic O b. CH2 Cl– N H O b. OH H H O d. f. nucleophilic All the C=C's are nucleophilic. CH3 nucleophilic C + Cl electrophilic (All lone pairs on O and Cl are nucleophilic.) N Cl– Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 3. Introduction to Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Molecules and Functional Groups 73 Introduction to Organic Molecules and Functional Groups 3–17 3.47 NO + Br a. d. nucleophilic nucleophilic + CH2Cl b. CN YES + + e. nucleophilic nucleophilic OH NO nucleophilic nucleophilic H3O YES electrophilic electrophilic O c. CH3 C + CH3 CH3 YES nucleophilic electrophilic 3.48 More rigid cell membranes have phospholipids with fewer C=C’s. Each C=C introduces a bend in the molecule, making the phospholipids pack less tightly. Phospholipids without C=C’s can pack very tightly, making the membrane less fluid, and more rigid. The double bonds introduce kinks in the chain, making packing of the hydrocarbon chains less efficient. This makes the cell membrane formed from them more fluid. O CH2O O (CH3)3NCH2CH2 H C O O P O CH2 O O 3.49 amine can H-bond NH2 HO hydroxy group can H-bond OH HO O OH O O O O HO O O HN HO O most acidic proton HO N H O Cl H N O O C Cl N H H2N H N O O OH OH OH O vancomycin N H amide can H-bond NHCH3 a. 7 amide groups [regular (unbolded) arrows] b. OH groups bonded to sp3 C's are circled. OH groups bonded to sp2 C's have a square. c. Despite its size, vancomycin is water soluble because it contains many polar groups and many N and O atoms that can H-bond to H2O. d. The most acidic proton is labeled (COOH group). e. Four functional groups capable of Hbonding are ROH, RCOOH, amides, and amines. 74 Smith: Study Guide/ 3. Introduction to Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Molecules and Functional accompany Organic Groups Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 3–18 3.50 O OH = C CHO O OH H = O H CHO A B The OH and CHO groups are close enough that they can intramolecularly H-bond to each other. Since the two polar functional groups are involved in intramolecular Hbonding, they are less available for H-bonding to H2O. This makes A less H2O soluble than B, whose two functional groups are both available for H-bonding to the H2O solvent. H a. melting point H Fumaric acid has its two larger COOH groups on opposite ends of the molecule, and in this way it can pack better in a lattice than maleic acid, giving it a higher mp. H COOH fumaric acid C C b. solubility H H C C HOOC + +COOH Maleic acid is more polar, giving it greater H2O solubility. The bond dipoles in fumaric acid cancel. maleic acid c. removal of the first proton (pKa1) H H HOOC C C HOOC H C C COOH H H COOH loss of 1 proton loss of 1 proton H C C O C HOOC C O O H C C O H COO H In maleic acid, intramolecular H-bonding stabilizes the conjugate base after one H is removed, making maleic acid more acidic than fumaric acid. d. removal of the second proton (pKa2) H Intramolecular H-bonding is not possible here. H C C O C C O O O Now the dianion is held in close proximity in maleic acid, and this destabilizes the conjugate base. Thus, removing the second H in maleic acid is harder, making it a weaker acid than fumaric acid for removal of the second proton. OOC H C C H C O The OH and the CHO are too far apart to intramolecularly H-bond to each other, leaving more opportunity to H-bond with solvent. 3.51 HOOC H COO The two negative charges are much farther apart. This makes the dianion from fumaric acid more stable and thus pKa2 is lower for fumaric acid than maleic acid. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 4. Alkanes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkanes 4–1 C Chhaapptteerr 44:: A Allkkaanneess G Geenneerraall ffaaccttss aabboouutt aallkkaanneess ((44..11––44..33)) • Alkanes are composed of tetrahedral, sp3 hybridized C’s. • There are two types of alkanes: acyclic alkanes having molecular formula CnH2n + 2, and cycloalkanes having molecular formula CnH2n. • Alkanes have only nonpolar CC and CH bonds and no functional group so they undergo few reactions. • Alkanes are named with the suffix -ane. C Cllaassssiiffyyiinngg C C’’ss aanndd H H’’ss ((44..11A A)) • Carbon atoms are classified by the number of C’s bonded to them; a 1o C is bonded to one other C, and so forth. C C C C C C C C C C 1o C • 2o C CH3 CH3 C C C CH3CH2 C C 3o C H 1o C 4o C C CH3 CH3 4o C 3o C o 2 C Hydrogen atoms are classified by the type of carbon atom to which they are bonded; a 1o H is bonded to a 1o C, and so forth. H C C C C H C C H C C 1o H 2o H CH3 3o H 2o H N Naam meess ooff aallkkyyll ggrroouuppss ((44..44A A)) CH3 = methyl CH3CH2 = isopropyl CH3CH2CHCH3 = sec-butyl = propyl (CH3)2CH = butyl ethyl CH3CH2CH2 CH3CH2CH2CH2 (CH3)2CHCH2 = isobutyl = (CH3)3C tert-butyl 3o H CH3CH2 C CH3 C 1o H H = 75 76 Smith: Study Guide/ 4. Alkanes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 4–2 C Coonnffoorrm maattiioonnss iinn aaccyycclliicc aallkkaanneess ((44..99,, 44..1100)) • Alkane conformations can be classified as staggered, eclipsed, anti, or gauche depending on the relative orientation of the groups on adjacent carbons. eclipsed staggered anti gauche HH H CH3 H H H H H H H H H • • • H H H H H CH3 H CH3 H • H CH3 • Dihedral angle of • Dihedral angle of 2 2 CH3’s = 180o CH3’s = 60o A staggered conformation is lower in energy than an eclipsed conformation. An anti conformation is lower in energy than a gauche conformation. Dihedral angle = 0o Dihedral angle = 60o TTyyppeess ooff ssttrraaiinn • Torsional strain—an increase in energy due to eclipsing interactions (4.9). • Steric strain—an increase in energy when atoms are forced too close to each other (4.10). • Angle strain—an increase in energy when tetrahedral bond angles deviate from 109.5o (4.11). TTw woo ttyyppeess ooff iissoom meerrss [1] Constitutional isomers—isomers that differ in the way the atoms are connected to each other (4.1A). [2] Stereoisomers—isomers that differ only in the way atoms are oriented in space (4.13B). cis trans CH3 CH3 CH3 constitutional isomers CH3 CH3 CH3 stereoisomers C Coonnffoorrm maattiioonnss iinn ccyycclloohheexxaannee ((44..1122,, 44..1133)) • Cyclohexane exists as two chair conformations in rapid equilibrium at room temperature. • Each carbon atom on a cyclohexane ring has one axial and one equatorial hydrogen. Ring-flipping converts axial to equatorial H’s, and vice versa. An axial H flips equatorial. Hax Heq Ring-flip. Heq Hax An equatorial H flips axial. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 4. Alkanes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkanes 4–3 • In substituted cyclohexanes, groups larger than hydrogen are more stable in the more roomy equatorial position. The larger CH3 group is equatorial. H CH3 H CH3 Conformation 1 Conformation 2 more stable 95% • axial 5% Disubstituted cyclohexanes with substituents on different atoms exist as two possible stereoisomers. • The cis isomer has two groups on the same side of the ring, either both up or both down. • The trans isomer has two groups on opposite sides of the ring, one up and one down. CH3 CH3 H CH3 H H trans isomer CH3 H cis isomer O Oxxiiddaattiioonn––rreedduuccttiioonn rreeaaccttiioonnss ((44..1144)) • Oxidation results in an increase in the number of CZ bonds or a decrease in the number of CH bonds. O CH3CH2 OH ethanol • CH3 C OH Increase in C–O bonds = oxidation acetic acid Reduction results in a decrease in the number of CZ bonds or an increase in the number of CH bonds. H H C C H H H H C C H H ethylene H H ethane Increase in C–H bonds = reduction 77 78 Smith: Study Guide/ 4. Alkanes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 4–4 C Chhaapptteerr 44:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 4.1 The general molecular formula for an acyclic alkane is CnH2n + 2. Number of C atoms = n 23 25 27 2n + 2 2(23) + 2 = 2(25) + 2 = 2(27) + 2 = Number of H atoms 48 52 56 4.2 Isopentane has 4 C’s in a row with a 1 C branch. H H a. CH3CH2 C CH3 b. CH3 H C CH3 CH3 C CH3 H c. CH3CH2CH(CH3)2 re-draw H isopentane d. isopentane H C H C H e. f. CH3CH(CH3)CH2CH3 CH3 C H CH3 H re-draw isopentane 5 C's in a row pentane isopentane isopentane 4.3 To classify a carbon atom as 1°, 2°, 3°, or 4° determine how many carbon atoms it is bonded to (1° C = bonded to one other C, 2° C = bonded to two other C’s, 3° C = bonded to three other C’s, 4° C = bonded to four other C’s). Re-draw if necessary to see each carbon clearly. To classify a hydrogen atom as 1°, 2°, or 3°, determine if it is bonded to a 1°, 2°, or 3° C (A 1° H is bonded to a 1° C; a 2° H is bonded to a 2° C; a 3° H is bonded to a 3° C). Re-draw if necessary. 1° C a. 1° C's 1° C [1] CH3CH2CH2CH3 [2] (CH3)3CH [3] [4] 4° C CH3 1° C's 2° C's 1° C CH3 C H CH3 3° C 4° C's All other C's are 1° C's. All other C's are 2° C's. 3° C re-draw re-draw 1° H's 1° H's HH 1° H's CH3 b. [1] CH3CH2CH2CH3 [2] [3] CH C 3 CH3 C H CH3 2° H's CH3 CH3 1° H's 1° H's 3° H C CH3 CH3 CH3 All 1° H's [4] H H CH3 CH3 H H 1° H's CH3 H H H 3° H All others are 2° H's. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 4. Alkanes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkanes 4–5 4.4 Use the definition of 1°, 2°, 3°, or 4° carbon atoms from Answer 4.3. 1° C 4° C O 3° C All other tetrahedral C's are 2° C's. HO 3° C 4.5 Constitutional isomers differ in the way the atoms are connected to each other. To draw all the constitutional isomers: [1] Draw all of the C’s in a long chain. [2] Take off one C and use it as a substituent. (Don’t add it to the end carbon: this re-makes the long chain.) [3] Take off two C’s and use these as substituents, etc. Five constitutional isomers of molecular formula C6H14: [1] long chain [2] with one C as a substituent CH3 CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 [3] using two C's as substituents CH3 CH3 CH3CH2CH2 C CH3 CH3CH2 C CH2CH3 H CH3CH2 C CH3 H H CH3 C CH3 H C CH3 CH3 CH3 4.6 Molecular formula C8H18 with one CH3 substituent: CH3 CH3 CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2 C CH3 CH3 CH3CH2CH2CH2 C CH2CH3 H CH3CH2CH2 C CH2CH2CH3 H H 4.7 Draw each alkane to satisfy the requirements. CH3 a. b. 4° C CH3 c. CH C CH CCH 3 2 3 1° C 1° C All other C's are 2° C's. H 1° H H 3° H 2° H 4.8 Draw each compound as a skeletal structure to compare the compounds. C3 C2 C3 CH3(CH2)3CH(CH3)2 = CH3CH2CH(CH3)CH2CH2CH3 = A B C CH3 bonded to C3 identical to compound C CH3 bonded to C2 CH3 bonded to C3 identical to compound A 79 80 Smith: Study Guide/ 4. Alkanes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 4–6 4.9 Use the steps from Answer 4.5 to draw the constitutional isomers. Five constitutional isomers of molecular formula C5H10 having one ring: [2] [1] [3] CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH2CH3 Follow these steps to name an alkane: [1] Name the parent chain by finding the longest C chain. [2] Number the chain so that the first substituent gets the lower number. Then name and number all substituents, giving like substituents a prefix (di, tri, etc.). [3] Combine all parts, alphabetizing the substituents, ignoring all prefixes except iso. 4.10 4-tert-butyl [1] CH3 a. CH3CH2CH2 [2] CH3 C CH3 C CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH3 4 8 carbons = octane H [1] H C CH3 H C CH2 CHCH3 CH3 CH3 b. [3] 4-tert-butyl-4-methyloctane CH3 CH3 C CH3 CH3CH2CH2 C CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH3 6 7 8 1 2 3 4-methyl 5 H 6 [2] [3] 2,4-dimethylhexane H C CH3 1 H C CH2 CHCH3 4 CH3 2 CH3 6 carbons = hexane 4-methyl 2-methyl 6-isopropyl [1] H [2] CH3 C CH3 CH2CH3 CH3 CH3CH2CH2 C CH2 CH2 C CH3 CH3CH2CH2 H H 9 8 7 6 c. H C CH3 C CH2 CH2 H 5 4 d. [2] CH3 CHCH2 CH3 5 CH2CH2CH3 1 C CH3 3 CH3 CHCH2 7 3-methyl [3] 2,4-dimethylheptane CH2CH2CH3 2 3 H 6 [3] 6-isopropyl-3-methylnonane CH2CH3 C CH3 H 9 carbons = nonane [1] 1 2 C CH3 H 4 CH3 4-methyl 7 carbons = heptane 2-methyl 4.11 Use the steps in Answer 4.10 to name each alkane. a. CH3CH2CH(CH3)CH2CH3 [1] re-draw [2] 1 2 3 4 5 CH3CH2 CH CH2CH3 CH3CH2 CH CH2CH3 CH3 CH3 5 carbons = pentane [3] 3-methylpentane 3-methyl Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 4. Alkanes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkanes 4–7 b. (CH3)3CCH2CH(CH2CH3)2 re-draw [1] [2] 2 CH3 1 CH3 CH3 C CH2 CH CH2CH3 CH3 [3] 4-ethyl-2,2-dimethylhexane 4 5 6 CH3 C CH2 CH CH2CH3 CH2CH3 CH3 CH2CH3 4-ethyl 6 carbons = hexane 2,2-dimethyl c. CH3(CH2)3CH(CH2CH2CH3)CH(CH3)2 re-draw [1] 4-isopropyl [3] 4-isopropyloctane [2] CH3 CH3CH2CH2CH2 CH CH CH3 CH3 8 7 6 5 4 CH3CH2CH2CH2 CH CH CH3 CH2CH2CH3 CH2CH2CH3 3 8 carbons = octane 2 1 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl [2] d. [1] [3] 2,2,4,4-tetramethylpentane 1 2 3 4 5 5 carbons = pentane 2-methyl [2] [1] 1 [3] 3-ethyl-2,5-dimethylheptane 34 5 6 7 e. 2 or 3-ethyl 5-methyl longest chain = 7 carbons = heptane Number so there are more substituents. Pick the upper option. 2-methyl f. [2] 1 [1] 3 5 [3] 5-sec-butyl-3-ethyl-2,7-dimethyldecane 5-sec-butyl 2 10 carbons = decane 3-ethyl 6 8 9 10 7-methyl 4.12 To work backwards from a name to a structure: [1] Find the parent name and draw that number of C’s. Use the suffix to identify the functional group (-ane = alkane). [2] Arbitrarily number the C’s in the chain. Add the substituents to the appropriate C’s. [3] Re-draw with H’s to make C’s have four bonds. a. 3-methylhexane [1] 6 carbon alkane [2] [3] CH3 C C C C C C C methyl on C3 C C C C C CH3 CH3CH2 CH CH2CH2CH3 81 82 Smith: Study Guide/ 4. Alkanes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 4–8 b. 3,3-dimethylpentane [1] 5 carbon alkane methyl groups on C3 [2] [3] CH3 CH3 C C C C C C C CH3CH2 C CH2CH3 C C C CH3 CH3 c. 3,5,5-trimethyloctane [1] 8 carbon alkane [2] C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C [3] methyl groups on C3 and C5 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3CH2 CH CH2 C CH3 CH2CH2CH3 CH3 d. 3-ethyl-4-methylhexane [1] [2] [3] ethyl group on C3 6 carbon alkane CH2CH3 CH3CH2 CH CH CH2CH3 CH3 CH2CH3 C C C C C C C C C C C C CH3 methyl group on C4 e. 3-ethyl-5-isobutylnonane [1] [2] [3] isobutyl group on C5 9 carbon alkane C C C C C C C C C CH3 CH3 CH2 CH CH3 CH2 CH CH3 C C C C C C C C C CH3CH2 CH CH2 CH CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH2CH3 CH2CH3 ethyl group on C3 4.13 Use the steps in Answer 4.10 to name each alkane. [1] [3] hexane [2] H H H H H H H C C C C C C H no substituents, skip [2] H H H H H H 6 carbons = hexane 2-methyl [1] [2] H H H CH3 H H C C C C H H H H C H H H H H CH3 H H C C C C 5 H H H H 1 [3] 2-methylpentane 1 [3] 3-methylpentane C H H 5 carbons = pentane 3-methyl [1] H H CH3 H H H C C C H H H [2] H H CH3 H H C C H H H 5 carbons = pentane H C C C 5 H H H C C H H H Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 4. Alkanes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkanes 4–9 2,2-dimethyl [1] [2] H H CH3 H H C C C C H H H CH3 H 4 1 H H CH3 H H C C C C [3] 2,2-dimethylbutane H H H CH3 H 4 carbons = butane [1] H H H H H C C C C H H CH3 CH3 H [2] 4 1 H H H H H C C C C H [3] 2,3-dimethylbutane H CH3 CH3 H 4 carbons = butane 2,3-dimethyl 4.14 Follow these steps to name a cycloalkane: [1] Name the parent cycloalkane by counting the C’s in the ring and adding cyclo-. [2] Numbering: [2a] Number around the ring beginning at a substituent and giving the second substituent the lower number. [2b] Number to assign the lower number to the substituents alphabetically. [2c] Name and number all substituents, giving like substituents a prefix (di, tri, etc.). [3] Combine all parts, alphabetizing the substituents, ignoring all prefixes except iso. (Remember: If a carbon chain has more C’s than the ring, the chain is the parent, and the ring is a substituent.) 1 2 CH3 [2] 3 C C C CH 3 [1] a. C 4 6 carbons in ring = cyclohexane C 1,1-dimethyl [3] 1,1-dimethylcyclohexane C 6 5 Number so the substituents are at C1. 1,2,3-trimethyl [1] [2] 3 4C b. CH3 C 2 C CH3 [3] 1,2,3-trimethylcyclopentane 5C C CH3 5 carbons in ring = cyclopentane 1 Number so the first substituent is at C1, second at C2. 1 2 3 C C [2] C [1] c. C CH3 4 C 5 6 carbons in ring = cyclohexane C [3] 1-butyl-4-methylcyclohexane 6 1-butyl 4-methyl Number so the earlier alphabetical substituent is at C1, butyl before methyl. 83 84 Smith: Study Guide/ 4. Alkanes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 4–10 1 [1] [2] [3] 1-sec-butyl-2-isopropylcyclohexane C 5C d. 4C C C C 3 6 carbons in ring = cyclohexane 1-sec-butyl 6 2 2-isopropyl Number so the earlier alphabetical substituent is at C1, butyl before isopropyl. [1] [2] e. 1 3 5 C C C C C [3] 1-cyclopropylpentane 4 2 1-cyclopropyl longest chain = 5 carbons = pentane Number so the cyclopropyl is at C1. 5 [1] 6 4 3 [2] [3] 3-butyl-1,1-dimethylcyclohexane 2 f. 3-butyl 6 carbons in ring = cyclohexane 1,1-dimethyl 1 Number so the two methyls are at C1. 4.15 To draw the structures, use the steps in Answer 4.12. a. 1,2-dimethylcyclobutane [1] 4 carbon cycloalkane [2] CH3 1 C C 4 methyl groups on C1 and C2 C C C C [3] CH3 C C 3 CH3 2 CH3 b. 1,1,2-trimethylcyclopropane [1] 3 carbon cycloalkane c. 4-ethyl-1,2-dimethylcyclohexane [1] 6 carbon cycloalkane [2] C C C [1] 5 carbon cycloalkane C [3] CH3 C C C 3 CH3CH2 4 C 2 CH3 C C CH3 [2] 4C CH CH3 CH3 [3] CH CH 3 2 C C ethyl 5 C 1 CH3 6 on C4 2 CH3's C d. 1-sec-butyl-3-isopropylcyclopentane C 3 CH3's 3 C C C 2C C C CH3 1 CH 3 C C CH3 [2] CH3 C3 isopropyl [3] C 2 C C 5 1 CH CH3 CH3 CH2 sec-butyl CH3 CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 4. Alkanes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkanes 4–11 e. 1,1,2,3,4-pentamethylcycloheptane [1] 7 carbon cycloalkane [2] 5 CH3's CH3 [3] CH3 CH3 CH3 3 C 4 C C5 C C C C C C C 2 CH3 C 1 C 6 C C7 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 4.16 To name the cycloalkanes, use the steps from Answer 4.14. [1] 5 carbons in ring = cyclopentane [1] [2] C C [3] methylcyclobutane C C CH3 CH3 4 carbons in ring = cyclobutane [1] methyl [2] CH3 CH3 CH3 3 carbons in ring = cyclopropane [1] [2] CH3 3 carbons in ring = cyclopropane CH3 C C C [3] ethylcyclopropane CH2CH3 ethyl 3 carbons in ring = cyclopropane CH3 [3] 1,2-dimethylcyclopropane 1,2-dimethyl CH2CH3 [1] C C C [2] CH3 [3] 1,1-dimethylcyclopropane CH3 1,1-dimethyl 4.17 Compare the number of C’s and surface area to determine relative boiling points. Rules: [1] Increasing number of C’s = increasing boiling point. [2] Increasing surface area = increasing boiling point (branching decreases surface area). CH3(CH2)6CH3 8 C's linear largest number of C's no branching highest bp CH3(CH2)5CH3 7 C's linear CH3CH2CH2CH2CH(CH3)2 (CH3)3CCH(CH3)2 7 C's one branch 7 C's three branches increasing branching decreasing surface area decreasing bp Increasing boiling point: (CH3)3CCH(CH3)2 < CH3CH2CH2CH2CH(CH3)2 < CH3(CH2)5CH3 < CH3(CH2)6CH3 85 86 Smith: Study Guide/ 4. Alkanes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 4–12 4.18 To draw a Newman projection, visualize the carbons as one in front and one in back of each other. The CC bond is not drawn. There is only one staggered and one eclipsed conformation. Br rotation here H H H C C Br C in front H H H H 60o H H H Br H H H H H 1 staggered 2 eclipsed C behind 4.19 Staggered conformations are more stable than eclipsed conformations. H H H CH3 HH H H HH CH3 H H HH H H CH3 H H H H CH3 H eclipsed energy maximum H H H C C CH3 Energy rotation here H H CH3 CH3 H H H H H 60o 0o CH3 H H H H 120o H H H H H H 180o 240o 300o staggered energy minimum 360o = 0o Dihedral angle 4.20 4.0 kJ/mol H H H CH3 To calculate H,CH3 destabilization: H,H eclipsing 4.0 kJ/mol of destabilization H H 4.0 kJ/mol 14 kJ/mol (total) 8.0 kJ/mol for 2 H,H eclipsing interactions = 6 kJ/mol for one H,CH3 eclipsing interaction Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 4. Alkanes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkanes 4–13 To determine the energy of conformations keep two things in mind: [1] Staggered conformations are more stable than eclipsed conformations. [2] Minimize steric interactions: keep large groups away from each other. The highest energy conformation is the eclipsed conformation in which the two largest groups are eclipsed. The lowest energy conformation is the staggered conformation in which the two largest groups are anti. 4.21 rotation here H H CH3 CH3 CH3 C CH2CH3 CH3 CH3 60o H CH3 H H H 1 staggered most stable H CH3 H CH3 CH3 H 2 eclipsed 3 staggered most stable 60o CH3 CH3 CH3 60o H H 60o CH3 CH3 CH3 H H H 6 eclipsed least stable H CH3 CH3 60o H CH3 CH3 CH3 60o H H H 5 staggered 4 eclipsed least stable 4.22 To determine the most and least stable conformations, use the rules from Answer 4.21. Cl 1,2-dichloroethane H H ClCH2 CH2Cl 60o H H H H H H Cl Cl H Cl 1 staggered, anti 2 eclipsed rotation here 60o H H Cl H Cl 3 staggered, gauche 60o 60o H Cl H H H H Cl 6 eclipsed 60o H H H Cl 60o H H H H Cl Cl Cl 5 staggered, gauche 4 eclipsed 87 88 Smith: Study Guide/ 4. Alkanes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 4–14 highest energy Cl groups eclipsed least stable 4 3 5 1 most stable 180o Eclipsed forms are higher in energy. 6 Energy 2 Staggered forms are lower in energy. 1 most stable Cl groups anti 60o 120o 180o 0o 120o 60o Dihedral angle between 2 Cl's 4.23 Add the energy increase for each eclipsing interaction to determine the destabilization. HH H CH CH3 H 3 HCH3 4.24 H CH 3 b. a. H 1 H,H interaction = 2 H,CH3 interactions (2 x 6.0 kJ/mol) = 12.0 kJ/mol Total destabilization = 16 kJ/mol 4.0 kJ/mol CH3 3 H,CH3 interactions (3 x 6.0 kJ/mol) = 18 kJ/mol Total destabilization Two points: • Axial bonds point up or down, while equatorial bonds point out. • An up carbon has an axial up bond, and a down carbon has an axial down bond. equatorial axial up CH3 Br H H HO H equatorial H H Cl H OH equatorial CH3 axial up H axial down Br HO Cl OH Up carbons are dark circles. Down carbons are clear circles. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 4. Alkanes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 89 Alkanes 4–15 4.25 Draw the second chair conformation by flipping the ring. • The up carbons become down carbons, and the axial bonds become equatorial bonds. • Axial bonds become equatorial, but up bonds stay up; i.e., an axial up bond becomes an equatorial up bond. • The conformation with larger groups equatorial is the more stable conformation and is present in higher concentration at equilibrium. axial H eq Br a. more stable Br is equatorial. Draw in the H Draw second conformation. Br and label the C as up or down. Axial bond is up = up carbon eq H Up carbons switch to down carbons. Br axial Axial bond is down = down carbon axial eq Cl Cl Draw in the H b. and label the C as up or down. Draw second conformation. Up carbons switch to down carbons. H Cl axial eq Axial bond is up = up carbon H Axial bond is down = down carbon more stable Cl is equatorial. Axial bond is up = up carbon eq H c. CH2CH3 more stable CH2CH3 is equatorial. Draw second conformation. Draw in the H CH2CH3 and label the C as up or down. eq Up carbons switch to down carbons. H CH2CH3 Axial bond is down = down carbon 4.26 Larger axial substituents create unfavorable diaxial interactions, whereas equatorial groups have more room and are favored. H H H H C C H CH2CH3 H H larger substituent more important to be equatorial equatorial CH2CH3 H C H H H H C C H more compact substituent less important to be equatorial H C C The axial conformation containing the C CH group is not as unstable as the axial conformation containing the CH2CH3, so it is present in higher concentration at equilibrium. The H's and CH3 of the sp3 hybridized C have severe 1,3-diaxial interactions with the two other axial H's. H C CH equatorial C CH CH3 H H The sp hybridized C's are linear and point down. The 1,3-diaxial interactions with the two other axial H's are less severe. 90 Smith: Study Guide/ 4. Alkanes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 4–16 4.27 Wedges represent “up” groups in front of the page, and dashes are “down” groups in back of the page. Cis groups are on the same side of the ring, and trans groups are on opposite sides of the ring. a. cis-1,2-dimethylcyclopropane CH3 trans-1-ethyl-2-methylcyclopentane b. or CH3 CH3 or CH3 CH3CH2 cis = same side of the ring both groups on wedges or both on dashes CH3 CH3CH2 CH3 trans = opposite sides of the ring one group on a wedge, one group on a dash 4.28 Cis and trans isomers are stereoisomers. cis-1,3-diethylcyclobutane a. trans-1,3-diethylcyclobutane cis = same side of the ring both groups on wedges or both on dashes b. cis-1,2-diethylcyclobutane constitutional isomer different arrangement of atoms trans = opposite sides of the ring one group on a wedge, one group on a dash 4.29 To classify a compound as a cis or trans isomer, classify each non-hydrogen group as up or down. Groups on the same side = cis isomer, groups on opposite sides = trans isomer. down bond (up) (equatorial) HH(up) HO a. down bond (up) (equatorial) H H (up) Br Cl H HO up bond (axial) OH OH down bond (equatorial) both groups down = cis isomer Cl Cl b. up bond H (down) (equatorial) H H c. H (down) H H Br Br down bond H (equatorial) one group up, one down = trans isomer Cl one group up, one down = trans isomer Br 4.30 CH3 a. trans: CH3 CH3 c. CH3 groups on same side cis isomer CH3 cis: H CH3 b. H CH3 groups on opposite sides trans isomer (one possibility) CH3 CH3 H H two chair conformations for the cis isomer Same stability since they both have one equatorial, one axial CH3 group. H CH3 H H CH3 H CH3 both groups equatorial more stable two chair conformations for the trans isomer d. The trans isomer is more stable because it can have both methyl groups in the more roomy equatorial position. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 4. Alkanes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkanes 4–17 4.31 CH2CH3 up axial CH2CH3 CH3CH2 H CH3 a. H down (equatorial) CH3 c. 1,1-disubstituted trans-1,3-disubstituted CH3 up (axial) H H CH2CH3 b. up CH3 d. CH3CH2 up (equatorial) H cis-1,2-disubstituted down H trans-1,4-disubstituted 4.32 Oxidation results in an increase in the number of CZ bonds, or a decrease in the number of CH bonds. Reduction results in a decrease in the number of CZ bonds, or an increase in the number of CH bonds. a. CH3 O O C C H CH3 O c. OH Decrease in the number of C–H bonds. Increase in the number of C–O bonds. Oxidation CH3 C CH3 HO OH C CH3 CH3 No change in the number of C–O or C–H bonds. Neither O b. CH3 C CH3CH2CH3 CH3 d. Decrease in the number of C–O bonds. Increase in the number of C–H bonds. Reduction O OH Decrease in the number of C–O bonds. Increase in the number of C–H bonds. Reduction 4.33 The products of a combustion reaction of a hydrocarbon are always the same: CO2 and H2O. flame a. CH3CH2CH3 b. + + 5 O2 9 O2 flame 3 CO2 + 6 CO2 + 4 H2O + heat 6 H2O + heat 91 92 Smith: Study Guide/ 4. Alkanes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 4–18 4.34 Lipids contain many nonpolar C–C and C–H bonds and few polar functional groups. NH2 HOOC a. CH3(CH2)7CH=CH(CH2)7COOH b. oleic acid H N O CH3O O aspartame only one polar functional group 18 carbons a lipid many polar functional groups only 14 carbons not a lipid 4.35 “Like dissolves like.” Beeswax is a lipid, and therefore, it will be more soluble in nonpolar solvents. H2O is very polar, ethanol is slightly less polar, and chloroform is least polar. Beeswax is most soluble in the least polar solvent. Increasing polarity H2O CH3CH2OH CHCl3 Increasing solubility of beeswax Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 4. Alkanes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkanes 4–19 4.36 Use the rules from Answer 4.3. 1° 4° 3° CH3 CH3 2° a. [1] 2° [2] 4° [2] CH3 CH3 3° 1° CH2 CH2 C b. [1] CH3 CH C CH2 CH3 CH2 CH All CH3's have 1° H's. All CH2's have 2° H's. All CH's have 3° H's. 2° 1° CH3 CH2 CH2 CH CH3 CH3 4.37 One possibility: CH3 a. CH3 C CH3 b. d. (CH3)3CH c. CH3CH2CH3 CH3 4.38 Use the rules from Answer 4.3. 1° O O O O 2° O 4° 4° O OH OH C(CH3)3 2° 2° 2° 3° 4° 1° 4.39 a. Five constitutional isomers of molecular formula C4H8: CH2 CH3CH CHCH3 CH2 CHCH2CH3 CH3 CH3 C CH3 b. Nine constitutional isomers of molecular formula C7H16: H H CH3 C CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2 C CH2CH2CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 C CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2 C CH2CH3 CH3 CH3 H CH3CH2 C CH2CH3 CH2CH3 H CH3 C CH3 C CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 H CH3 C H C CH2CH3 CH3 CH3 H CH3 C H CH2 C CH3 CH3 CH3 93 94 Smith: Study Guide/ 4. Alkanes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 4–20 c. Twelve constitutional isomers of molecular formula C6H12 containing one ring: 4.40 Use the steps in Answers 4.10 and 4.14 to name the alkanes. a. CH3CH2CHCH2CHCH2CH2CH3 [1] CH2CH3 CH3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [2] CH3CH2CHCH2CHCH2CH2CH3 CH3 8 carbons = octane CH2CH3 3-methyl 7-methyl 7 b. CH3CH2CCH2CH2CHCHCH2CH2CH3 [1] 5-ethyl CH3 CH2CH3 CH3 2 3 CH2CH3 [2] 1 [3] 5-ethyl-3-methyloctane [3] 3,3,6-triethyl-7-methyldecane CH3CH2CCH2CH2CHCHCH2CH2CH3 CH2CH3 CH2CH3 CH2CH3 CH2CH3 10 carbons = decane 3,3,6-triethyl c. CH3CH2CH2C(CH3)2C(CH3)2CH2CH3 [1] [2] re-draw CH3 CH3 CH3CH2CH2 C [3] 3,3,4,4-tetramethylheptane CH3 CH3 3 CH3CH2CH2 C C CH2CH3 CH3 CH32 4 CH3 CH3 C CH2CH3 1 3,3,4,4-tetramethyl 7 carbons = heptane d. CH3CH2C(CH2CH3)2CH(CH3)CH(CH2CH2CH3)2 3,3-diethyl re-draw [1] CH3CH2 H CH3CH2 C C 4 [2] CH3CH2 H H CH3CH2 C C CH2CH2CH3 1 CH3CH2 CH3 CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2 H CH3CH2 C C CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2 CH3 7 carbons = heptane C CH2CH2CH3 4-methyl 5-propyl 3,3-diethyl e. (CH3CH2)3CCH(CH3)CH2CH2CH3 re-draw [3] 3,3-diethyl-4-methyl-5-propyloctane CH3CH2 CH3 CH2CH2CH3 8 carbons = octane [1] C 5 H CH3CH2 H [2] CH3CH2 C 1 4 [3] 3,3-diethyl-4-methylheptane C CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2 CH3 6 4-methyl 7 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 4. Alkanes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkanes 4–21 f. CH3CH2CH(CH3)CH(CH3)CH(CH2CH2CH3)(CH2)3CH3 3 4 5 re-draw H H H [1] [2] CH3CH2 C H H H CH3CH2 C C C CH2CH2CH2CH3 1 2 C CH3 CH3 CH2CH2CH3 3,4-dimethyl CH3 CH3 CH2CH2CH3 [3] 3,4-dimethyl-5-propylnonane C CH2CH2CH2CH3 5-propyl 9 carbons = nonane g. (CH3CH2CH2)4C re-draw [1] 4 4,4-dipropyl [2] CH2CH2CH3 CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2 C CH2CH2CH3 [3] 4,4-dipropylheptane CH3CH2CH2 C CH2CH2CH3 CH2CH2CH3 1 2 3 CH2CH2CH3 7 carbons = heptane 1 h. [1] [2] 5 3 7 6-isopropyl 3-methyl 10 carbons = decane i. [3] 6-isopropyl-3-methyldecane 6 [2] [1] 10 carbons = decane 8 6 4-isopropyl 4 [3] 8-ethyl-4-isopropyl-2,6-dimethyldecane 1 8-ethyl j. 2,6-dimethyl 4-isopropyl 4 [3] [2] [1] 4-isopropyloctane 1 8 carbons = octane 2,2,5-trimethyl k. 2,2,5-trimethylheptane 1 2 1 2 CH(CH2CH3)2 l. = 3 3-cyclobutylpentane 4 5 3-cyclobutyl 5 m. 4 3 1 2 1-sec-butyl 2-isopropyl 1-sec-butyl-2-isopropylcyclopentane 95 96 Smith: Study Guide/ 4. Alkanes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 4–22 5 6 1 n. 4 1-isobutyl-3-isopropylcyclohexane 3 2 1-isobutyl 3-isopropyl 4.41 2,2-dimethyl CH3 3,3-dimethyl CH3 4,4-dimethyl CH3 CH3 C CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2 C CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2 C CH2CH2CH3 1 1 1 CH3 H CH3 3 2 2,2-dimethylheptane 3,3-dimethylheptane H CH3 C 1 1 2 CH3 4 CH3 H CH3 C CH2CH2CH2 C CH3 CH3CH2 C 1 1 2 6 CH3 3 2,6-dimethyl 2,6-dimethylheptane 1 3 H C CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH3 2,3-dimethyl 2,3-dimethylheptane 2,5-dimethylheptane H CH3 5 H CH3 C CH3 2,5-dimethyl 2,4-dimethyl 2,4-dimethylheptane H CH2CH2 C CH2CH3 CH3 2 2 H H CH3 C CH2 C CH2CH2CH3 CH3 4 4,4-dimethylheptane H H H CH3CH2 C CH2 C CH2CH3 C CH2CH2CH3 1 CH3 CH3 4 3,4-dimethyl 3 CH3 CH3 5 3,5-dimethyl 3,5-dimethylheptane 3,4-dimethylheptane 4.42 Use the steps in Answer 4.12 to draw the structures. a. 3-ethyl-2-methylhexane [1] 6 C chain C C [2] C C C C C C C C C C H CH3 CH2CH3 methyl on C2 [3] CH3 C H C CH2CH2CH3 CH3 CH2CH3 ethyl on C3 b. sec-butylcyclopentane [1] 5 C ring [2] isopropyl on C4 c. 4-isopropyl-2,4,5-trimethylheptane [1] 7 C chain [2] CH3 CH C C C C CH3 C C C C C C C CH3 C C C CH3 CH3 methyls on C2, C4, and C5 d. cyclobutylcycloheptane [1] 7 C cycloalkane [2] CH3 [3] CH3 CH CH3 CH CH2 C CH3 CHCH2CH3 CH3 CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 4. Alkanes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkanes 4–23 e. 3-ethyl-1,1-dimethylcyclohexane [1] 6 C cycloalkane [2] [3] CH3CH2 C C C C C ethyl on C3 C C 2 ethyl groups C C C C C C C g. 6-isopropyl-2,3-dimethylnonane [1] 9 C alkane C [2] C C C C C isopropyl methyl CH3 CH3 C C C C C C C C C 8 C alkane C C C C C C C C C C CH3 [2] CH3 CH3 C C C C C [1] C C CH3 CH3 C C C C CH2CH3 [3] ethyl on C1 [2] CH2CH3 or j. trans-1-tert-butyl-4-ethylcyclohexane 6 C ring C C methyl CH3 [1] [3] CH3 CH3 i. cis-1-ethyl-3-methylcyclopentane 5 C ring C CH 5 methyl groups h. 2,2,6,6,7-pentamethyloctane [1] C [3] C C C C 2 methyl groups on C1 CH3 C C C C C CH3 C C C [2] 8 C cycloalkane C C C f. 4-butyl-1,1-diethylcyclooctane [1] C methyl on C3 C(CH3)3 [2] CH3CH2 CH3 97 98 Smith: Study Guide/ 4. Alkanes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 4–24 4.43 Draw the compounds. a. 2,2-dimethyl-4-ethylheptane CH3 e. 1-ethyl-2,6-dimethylcycloheptane CH2CH3 alphabetized incorrectly ethyl before methyl CH3 CH2CH3 2 CH3 CH3 C CH2 C CH2CH2CH3 Numbered incorrectly. Re-number so methyls are at C1 and C4. H 1 4 CH3 4-ethyl-2,2-dimethylheptane 2-ethyl-1,4-dimethylcycloheptane b. 5-ethyl-2-methylhexane f. 5,5,6-trimethyloctane Longest chain was not chosen = heptane 3 Numbered incorrectly. Re-number so methyls are at C3 and C4. 4 2,5-dimethylheptane 3,4,4-trimethyloctane g. 3-butyl-2,2-dimethylhexane H c. 2-methyl-2-isopropylheptane CH3C CH3 Longest chain was not chosen = octane CH3 C CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH3 2,3,3-trimethyloctane d. 1,5-dimethylcyclohexane 1 4-tert-butyloctane CH3 1 Numbered incorrectly. Re-number so methyls are at C1 and C3. 4 Longest chain not chosen = octane h. 1,3-dimethylbutane H Longest chain not chosen = pentane 3 CH3 CH3 CCH2 CH3 1,3-dimethylcyclohexane CH2 CH3 2-methylpentane 4.44 CH3 a. H CH3 CH2CH2CH3 CH3 H CH2CH2CH3 b. CH3 H H CH2CH3 re-draw 4 4-isopropylheptane CH3 CH2CH3 re-draw 3 3-ethyl-3-methylpentane c. CH3CH2 CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2 H CH2CH3 re-draw 4 5 4,4-diethyl-5-methyloctane Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 4. Alkanes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkanes 4–25 4.45 Use the rules from Answer 4.17. a. CH3CH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 4 C's 3C's 5 C's lowest boiling point highest boiling point b. (CH3)2CHCH(CH3)2 CH3CH2CH2CH(CH3)2 most branching lowest boiling point CH3(CH2)4CH3 least branching highest boiling point 4.46 a. (CH3)3CC(CH3)3 branching = lower surface area lower boiling point more spherical, better packing = higher melting point CH3(CH2)6CH3 no branching = higher surface area higher boiling point b. There is a 159° difference in the melting points, but only a 20° difference in the boiling points because the symmetry in (CH3)3CC(CH3)3 allows it to pack more tightly in the solid, thus requiring more energy to melt. In contrast, once the compounds are in the liquid state, symmetry is no longer a factor, the compounds are isomeric alkanes, and the boiling points are closer together. 4.47 CH3 a. CH3 H or H H H H CH3 H 1 gauche CH3,CH3 = 3.8 kJ/mol of destabilization CH3 higher energy 2 gauche CH3,CH3 3.8 kJ/mol x 2 = 7.6 kJ/mol of destabilization Energy difference = 7.6 kJ/mol – 3.8 kJ/mol = CH3 H CH3 b. H H or CH3 H CH3 CH3 H CH3 CH3 2 gauche CH3,CH3 3.8 kJ/mol x 2 = 7.6 kJ/mol of destabilization higher energy 3 eclipsed H,CH3 6 kJ/mol x 3 = 18 kJ/mol of destabilization Energy difference = 3.8 kJ/mol H CH3 18 kJ/mol – 7.6 kJ/mol = 10.4 kJ/mol 99 100 Smith: Study Guide/ 4. Alkanes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 4–26 4.48 Use the rules from Answer 4.21 to determine the most and least stable conformations. a. CH3 CH2CH2CH2CH3 b. CH3CH2CH2 CH2CH2CH3 H CH CH CH 2 2 3 H H CH2CH2CH3 H H HH H H H H eclipsed least stable staggered most stable CH3CH2 CH2CH3 CH2CH3 H H H CH2CH3 staggered ethyl groups anti most stable All staggered conformations are equal in energy. All eclipsed conformations are equal in energy. H H HH eclipsed ethyl groups eclipsed least stable 4.49 b. a. c. Br Cl H Cl Cl H H H H Cl H H H CH3 H H CH3 H 4.50 CH3 a. C H H H C H Br C b. H c. H Br Cl H H Cl CH3 H C Br Cl CH3 Cl H Cl H H Br Cl H Br Br CH3 H CH2CH3 Cl Cl CH2CH3 4.51 CH3CH2 H H 60° [1] H CH3CH2 CH2CH2CH3 H CH2CH3 H H H CH3 H 60° H H CH3 H 1 60° H H H CH3 H 6 CH2CH3 CH3 3 2 CH3CH2 H 60° 60° H H H 60° H H H H H CH3CH2 CH3 5 CH3 CH2CH3 4 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 4. Alkanes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkanes 4–27 least stable 4 Energy 2 Eclipsed forms are higher in energy. 6 Staggered forms are lower in energy. 5 3 1 most stable 1 most stable 60o 120o 180o 60o 0o 120o 180o Dihedral angle between two alkyl groups most stable CH3CH2 H [2] CH3CH2 CHCH2CH3 H H CH3 H CH2CH3 H H 60° H H H 60° CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 1 CH2CH3 CH3 3 2 60° CH3CH2 60° H CH3 H H CH3 60° CH3 H 60° H CH3CH2 CH3 H H CH3 CH2CH3 CH3 5 6 H H least stable 4 least stable 4 Energy 2 3 120o Staggered forms are lower in energy. 5 1 most stable 180o Eclipsed forms are higher in energy. 6 1 most stable 60o 0o 60o 120o 180o Dihedral angle (between CH3CH2 in back and CH3 in front) 101 102 Smith: Study Guide/ 4. Alkanes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 4–28 4.52 Two types of strain: 4.1 Torsional strain is due to eclipsed groups on adjacent carbon atoms. 4.2 Steric strain is due to overlapping electron clouds of large groups (ex: gauche interactions). H CH3 H CH3 H a. H H H CH3 b. CH3 H c. H CH3 CH3 two sites three bulky methyl groups close = steric strain HH CH2CH3 CH3CH2 two bulky ethyl groups close = steric strain eclipsed conformation = torsional strain eclipsed conformation = torsional strain 4.53 The barrier to rotation is equal to the difference in energy between the highest energy eclipsed and lowest energy staggered conformations of the molecule. a. CH3 CH(CH3)2 CH3 CH3 H CH3 CH3 H H H b. CH3 C(CH3)3 H most stable H CH3 H H CH3 CH3 H H least stable Destabilization energy = CH3 H H CH3 H CH3 H most stable least stable Destabilization energy = 2 H,CH3 eclipsing interactions 2(6.0 kJ/mol) = 12.0 kJ/mol 1 H,H eclipsing interaction = 4.0 kJ/mol Total destabilization = 16.0 kJ/mol 16.0 kJ/mol = rotation barrier 3 H,CH3 eclipsing interactions 3(6.0 kJ/mol) = 18.0 kJ/mol Total destabilization = 18.0 kJ/mol 18.0 kJ/mol = rotation barrier 4.54 Cl H H H H H most stable HH H Cl H H least stable 2 H,H eclipsing interactions = 2(4.0 kJ/mol) = 8.0 kJ/mol Since the barrier to rotation is 15 kJ/mol, the difference between this value and the destabilization due to H,H eclipsing is the destabilization due to H,Cl eclipsing. 15.0 kJ/mol – 8.0 kJ/mol = 7.0 kJ/mol destabilization due to H,Cl eclipsing Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 4. Alkanes 103 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkanes 4–29 4.55 The gauche conformation can intramolecularly hydrogen bond, making it the more stable conformation. H OH hydrogen bonding O HOCH2 CH2OH H H H O rotation here H H H H OH H anti gauche H Hydrogen bonding can occur only in the gauche conformation, making it more stable. 4.56 axial H OH axial a. [1] c. HO d. down HO HO eq eq HO H H eq Br a. [2] H H H eq H H ax ax OH c. down up CH eq Br 3 H eq H eq CH3eq CH3 d. OH HO ax CH3 up H b. OH eq HO OH ax H ax Br d. both up = cis axial a. eq HO ax Br c. H axial H eq eq OH Br b. H eq CH3 eq H ax OH H one up, one down = trans up axial [3] ax H up OH b. HO ax ax H OH OH eq eq HO eq H H eq H H one up, one down = trans axial H ax 4.57 ax ax H H CH3 CH3 eq eq both groups equatorial more stable eq H H eq CH3 CH3 ax ax OH ax 104 Smith: Study Guide/ 4. Alkanes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 4–30 4.58 Axial/equatorial substituent location Disubstituted cyclohexane a. 1,2-cis disubstituted b. 1,2-trans disubstituted c. 1,3-cis disubstituted d. 1,3-trans disubstituted e. 1,4-cis disubstituted f. 1,4-trans disubstituted Conformation 1 Axial/equatorial Axial/axial Axial/axial Axial/equatorial Axial/equatorial Axial/axial Conformation 2 Equatorial/axial Equatorial/equatorial Equatorial/equatorial Equatorial/axial Equatorial/axial Equatorial/equatorial 4.59 A cis isomer has two groups on the same side of the ring. The two groups can be drawn both up or both down. Only one possibility is drawn. A trans isomer has one group on one side of the ring and one group on the other side. Either group can be drawn on either side. Only one possibility is drawn. [1] a. cis [2] [3] a. a. trans cis trans cis b. cis isomer b. cis isomer trans b. cis isomer ax ax ax ax ax ax eq eq eq both groups equatorial more stable c. trans isomer ax eq eq eq larger group equatorial more stable c. trans isomer larger group equatorial more stable c. trans isomer ax ax eq eq eq eq eq ax eq ax larger group equatorial more stable d. ax both groups equatorial more stable d. d. The cis isomer is more stable than the trans since one conformation has both groups equatorial. both groups equatorial more stable The trans isomer is more stable than the cis since one conformation has both groups equatorial. The trans isomer is more stable than the cis since one conformation has both groups equatorial. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 4. Alkanes 105 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkanes 4–31 4.60 Compare the isomers by drawing them in chair conformations. Equatorial substituents are more stable. See the definitions in Problem 4.59. a. cis CH2CH3 ax ax CH2CH3 ax CH2CH3 H CH2CH3 eq trans H CH2CH3 eq H H CH3CH2 H eq CH2CH3 H ax b. 1-ethyl-3-isopropylcyclohexane ax (CH3)2CH cis (CH3)2CH H CH2CH3 eq H both groups equatorial most stable of all conformations trans isomer ax H trans CH2CH3 H H CH2CH3 H (CH3)2CH H (CH3)2CH eq ax both groups equatorial most stable of all conformations cis isomer The cis isomer is more stable than the trans isomer because its more stable conformation has two groups equatorial. 4.61 Only the more stable conformation is drawn. CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 or CH3 CH3 re-draw to see axial and equatorial CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 more stable substituents on C1, C3, C5 = all equatorial 4.62 OH re-draw to see axial and equatorial OH CH3 CH3 HO all equatorial menthol HO eq CH2CH3 The trans isomer is more stable than the cis isomer because its more stable conformation has two groups equatorial. eq H H eq ax CH2CH3 H 106 Smith: Study Guide/ 4. Alkanes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 4–32 4.63 a. HO OH O OH HO HO or HO HO HO O OH O b. HO HO or HO O OH OH HO most stable All groups are equatorial. HO OH HO OH OH 4.64 OH OH OH a. O OH HO OH OH OH O HO c. O OH OH OH more stable More groups are equatorial. O HO OH HO HO constitutional isomer OH OH OH O OH OH OH b. OH HO HO HO OH galactose O d. OH glucose All groups are equatorial. more stable OH OH stereoisomer 4.65 CH2CH3 a. and d. same molecular formula C4H8 different connectivity constitutional isomers same molecular formula C10H20 different connectivity constitutional isomers CH3 H and H CH3 CH3 H H = CH2CH3 1 down, 1 up = 1 down, 1 up = trans trans same arrangement in three dimensions identical and f. H CH3 molecular formula: C6H12 different molecular formulas not isomers CH3 CH3 CH3 molecular formula: C6H10 different arrangement in three dimensions stereoisomers c. and e. H CH2CH3 CH2CH3 and b. CH2CH3 and CH3CH2 CH2CH3 CH3CH2 1 down, 1 up = both down = cis trans different arrangement in three dimensions stereoisomers Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 4. Alkanes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkanes 4–33 ax ax g. eq eq H CH3CH2 CH2CH3 up CH3 H up up both up = cis h. H CH3 and up and H 3,4-dimethylhexane both up = cis 2,4-dimethylhexane same molecular formula C8H18 different IUPAC names constitutional isomers same arrangement in three dimensions identical 4.66 CH3 a. CH H CH3 CH3 CH3CH2 H H CH2CH3 CH3 CH3 H CH3 CH3 b. and H H H and CH3 CH2CH3 CH(CH3)2 re-draw re-draw CH3 CH3 CH2CH3 CH3 CH CH CH3 CH2 CH3 CH CH CH2CH3 CH2CH3 3-ethyl-2-methylpentane 3-ethyl-2-methylpentane same molecular formula same name identical molecules same molecular formula different arrangement of atoms constitutional isomers 4.67 constitutional isomer One possibility: stereoisomer a. trans cis H b. H H H OH OH HO cis OH H OH c. OH trans H Cl cis Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl trans 107 108 Smith: Study Guide/ 4. Alkanes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 4–34 4.68 Three constitutional isomers of C7H14: 1,1-dimethylcyclopentane 1,2-dimethylcyclopentane 1,3-dimethylcyclopentane or or trans cis cis trans 4.69 Use the definitions from Answer 4.32 to classify the reactions. O a. = CH3CHO CH3 C CH3CH2OH H d. CH2 CH2 Decrease in the number of C–O bonds. Reduction H C C H Decrease in the number of C–H bonds. Oxidation CH3 b. Increase in the number of C–Z bonds. Oxidation Increase in the number of C–O bonds. Oxidation c. CH2 CH2 CH2Br e. O HOCH2CH2OH f. CH3CH2OH CH2 CH2 Loss of one C–O bond and one C–H bond. Neither Two new C–O bonds. Oxidation 4.70 Use the rule from Answer 4.33. flame a. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH(CH3)2 flame 7 CO2 + 8 H2O + heat 4 CO2 + 5 H2O + heat b. 11 O2 (13/2) O2 4.71 1 C–O bond 2 C–O bonds [1] H O a. [2] 2 C–H bonds H benzene an arene oxide [1] increase in C–O bonds oxidation reaction b. OH H 1 C–H bond phenol [2] loss of 1 C–O bond, loss of 1 C–H bond neither Phenol is more water soluble than benzene because it is polar (contains an O–H group) and can hydrogen bond with water, whereas benzene is nonpolar and cannot hydrogen bond. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 4. Alkanes 109 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkanes 4–35 4.72 Lipids contain many nonpolar C–C and C–H bonds and few polar functional groups. OH O HO HO OH a. HO OH mevalonic acid O HO c. d. HO estradiol O HO many polar functional groups not a lipid OH O HO few polar functional groups a lipid OH OH sucrose many polar functional groups not a lipid b. squalene no polar functional groups a lipid 4.73 O OH O COH OH CNHCH2CH2SO3Na+ This polar part of the molecule interacts with water. HO OH HO cholic acid a bile acid OH a bile salt This nonpolar part of the molecule can interact with lipids to create micelles that allow for transport of lipids through aqueous environments. 4.74 The mineral oil can prevent the body’s absorption of important fat-soluble vitamins. The vitamins dissolve in the mineral oil, and are thus not absorbed. Instead, they are expelled with the mineral oil. 4.75 The amide in the four-membered ring has 90° bond angles giving it angle strain, and therefore making it more reactive. amide H N penicillin G S O N CH3 CH3 O COOH strained amide more reactive 110 Smith: Study Guide/ 4. Alkanes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 4–36 4.76 Cl H Example: HH I HH HH H Cl C C H H H I C H Although I is a much bigger atom than Cl, the C–I bond is also much longer than the C–Cl bond. As a result the eclipsing interaction of the H and I atoms is not very much different in magnitude from the H,Cl eclipsing interaction. HH H C H H H longer bond H H 4.77 H H H decalin H trans-decalin cis-decalin H H H H H H trans The trans isomer is more stable since the carbon groups at the ring junction are both in the favorable equatorial position. 1,3-diaxial interaction cis This bond is axial, creating unfavorable 1,3-diaxial interactions. 4.78 4 2 1 5 3 1 1 (1-methylbutyl)cyclopentane 3 4 (1,1-dimethylpropyl)cyclopentane 4 3 2 1 2 3 3 pentylcyclopentane 1 2 2 (2-methylbutyl)cyclopentane (2,2-dimethylpropyl)cyclopentane 3 2 2 1 (1-ethylpropyl)cyclopentane 2 3 1 (1,2-dimethylpropyl)cyclopentane 1 3 4 (3-methylbutyl)cyclopentane Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 5. Stereochemistry © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 111 Stereochemistry 5–1 C Chhaapptteerr 55:: SStteerreeoocchheem miissttrryy IIssoom meerrss aarree ddiiffffeerreenntt ccoom mppoouunnddss w wiitthh tthhee ssaam mee m moolleeccuullaarr ffoorrm muullaa ((55..22,, 55..1111)).. [1] Constitutional isomers—isomers that differ in the way the atoms are connected to each other. They have: • different IUPAC names • the same or different functional groups • different physical and chemical properties. [2] Stereoisomers—isomers that differ only in the way atoms are oriented in space. They have the same functional group and the same IUPAC name except for prefixes such as cis, trans, R, and S. • Enantiomers—stereoisomers that are nonsuperimposable mirror images of each other (5.4). • Diastereomers—stereoisomers that are not mirror images of each other (5.7). CH3 CH2CH3 C CH3CH2 C H Br CH3 C H Br H Br A CH3 C CH2CH3 C H Br Br C H Br C enantiomers CH3 C H Br H B CH3CH2 C H Br D enantiomers A and B are diastereomers of C and D. A Assssiiggnniinngg pprriioorriittyy ((55..66)) • Assign priorities (1, 2, 3, or 4) to the atoms directly bonded to the stereogenic center in order of decreasing atomic number. The atom of highest atomic number gets the highest priority (1). • If two atoms on a stereogenic center are the same, assign priority based on the atomic number of the atoms bonded to these atoms. One atom of higher atomic number determines a higher priority. • If two isotopes are bonded to the stereogenic center, assign priorities in order of decreasing mass number. • To assign a priority to an atom that is part of a multiple bond, consider a multiply bonded atom as an equivalent number of singly bonded atoms. highest atomic number = highest priority 1 3 Br CH2CH2CH3 4 H C CH2I * 3 Cl 2 I is NOT bonded directly to the stereogenic center. 4 CH3 C CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 * 1 OH 2 CH(CH3)2 1 This is the highest priority C since it is bonded to 2 other C's. * = stereogenic center 4 H C CH2OH 3 * COOH 2 This C is considered bonded to 3 O's. 112 Smith: Study Guide/ 5. Stereochemistry Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 5–2 SSoom mee bbaassiicc pprriinncciipplleess • When a compound and its mirror image are superimposable, they are identical achiral compounds. A plane of symmetry in one conformation makes a compound achiral (5.3). • When a compound and its mirror image are not superimposable, they are different chiral compounds called enantiomers. A chiral compound has no plane of symmetry in any conformation (5.3). • A tetrahedral stereogenic center is a carbon atom bonded to four different groups (5.4, 5.5). • For n stereogenic centers, the maximum number of stereoisomers is 2n (5.7). plane of symmetry CH3 C H H CH3 CH3 *C C H plane of symmetry [* = stereogenic center] CH3CH2 H no stereogenic centers H Cl 1 stereogenic center CH3 *C Cl H CH3 CH3 C* H Cl 2 stereogenic centers *C Cl H CH3 C* H Cl 2 stereogenic centers Chiral compounds generally contain stereogenic centers. A plane of symmetry makes these compounds achiral. O Oppttiiccaall aaccttiivviittyy iiss tthhee aabbiilliittyy ooff aa ccoom mppoouunndd ttoo rroottaattee ppllaannee--ppoollaarriizzeedd lliigghhtt ((55..1122)).. • An optically active solution contains a chiral compound. • An optically inactive solution contains one of the following: • an achiral compound with no stereogenic centers. • a meso compound—an achiral compound with two or more stereogenic centers. • a racemic mixture—an equal amount of two enantiomers. TThhee pprreeffiixxeess RR aanndd SS ccoom mppaarreedd w wiitthh dd aanndd ll The prefixes R and S are labels used in nomenclature. Rules on assigning R,S are found in Section 5.6. • An enantiomer has every stereogenic center opposite in configuration. If a compound with two stereogenic centers has the R,R configuration, its enantiomer has the S,S configuration. • A diastereomer of this same compound has either the R,S or S,R configuration; one stereogenic center has the same configuration and one is opposite. The prefixes d (or +) and l (or –) tell the direction a compound rotates plane-polarized light (5.12). • d (or +) stands for dextrorotatory, rotating polarized light clockwise. • l (or –) stands for levorotatory, rotating polarized light counterclockwise. TThhee pphhyyssiiccaall pprrooppeerrttiieess ooff iissoom meerrss ccoom mppaarreedd ((55..1122)) Type of isomer Physical properties Constitutional isomers Different Enantiomers Identical except the direction of rotation of polarized light Diastereomers Different Racemic mixture Possibly different from either enantiomer Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 5. Stereochemistry Text © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 113 Stereochemistry 5–3 EEqquuaattiioonnss • Specific rotation (5.12C): specific = rotation • [] = l x c = observed rotation (o) l = length of sample tube (dm) c = concentration (g/mL) Enantiomeric excess (5.12D): ee = % of one enantiomer – % of other enantiomer = [] mixture x 100% [] pure enantiomer dm = decimeter 1 dm = 10 cm 114 Smith: Study Guide/ 5. Stereochemistry Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 5–4 C Chhaapptteerr 55:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 5.1 Cellulose consists of long chains held together by intermolecular hydrogen bonds forming sheets that stack in extensive three-dimensional arrays. Most of the OH groups in cellulose are in the interior of this three-dimensional network, unavailable for hydrogen bonding to water. Thus, even though cellulose has many OH groups, its three-dimensional structure prevents many of the OH groups from hydrogen bonding with the solvent and this makes it water insoluble. 5.2 Constitutional isomers have atoms bonded to different atoms. Stereoisomers differ only in the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms. and a. 2,3-dimethylpentane 2,4-dimethylpentane different connectivity of atoms different names constitutional isomers O b. and c. and different connectivity of atoms constitutional isomers OH d. four-membered ring three-membered ring and trans isomer different connectivity of atoms constitutional isomers cis isomer Both are 1,2-dimethylcyclobutane, but the CH3 groups are oriented differently. stereoisomers 5.3 Draw the mirror image of each molecule by drawing a mirror plane and then drawing the molecule’s reflection. A chiral molecule is one that is not superimposable on its mirror image. A molecule with one stereogenic center is always chiral. A molecule with zero stereogenic centers is not chiral (in general). CH3 a. C Cl CH3 CH3 C Br CH3 Br c. Cl CH3 O CH3 identical CH3 Br H C Cl Cl Br H stereogenic center nonsuperimposable mirror images chiral molecules CH3 achiral molecule CH3 C O identical achiral molecule b. CH3 H Br d. Br H C F C CH2CH3 CH3CH2 stereogenic center nonsuperimposable mirror images chiral molecules F Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 5. Stereochemistry © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 115 Stereochemistry 5–5 5.4 A plane of symmetry cuts the molecule into two identical halves. 2 H's are behind one another. H H a. CH3 C CH3 b. CH3 H H H CH3 c. H CH3 C CH3 d. H C H Cl H CH3 C H Cl one possible plane of symmetry plane of symmetry plane of symmetry plane of symmetry 5.5 Rotate around the middle CC bond so that the Br atoms are eclipsed. rotate CH3 here H C Br Br Br H C C CH3 H H Br C CH3 CH3 C2 C3 plane of symmetry 5.6 To locate a stereogenic center, omit: All C’s with 2 or more H’s, all sp and sp2 hybridized atoms, and all heteroatoms. (In Chapter 25, we will learn that the N atoms of ammonium salts [R4N+X–] can sometimes be stereogenic centers.) Then evaluate any remaining atoms: a tetrahedral stereogenic center has a carbon bonded to four different groups. H a. CH3CH2 C CH2CH3 d. Cl bonded to 2 identical ethyl groups 0 stereogenic centers CH3CH2CH2OH 0 stereogenic centers CH3 e. (CH3)2CHCH2CH2 C CH2CH3 H b. (CH3)3CH This C is bonded to 4 different groups. 1 stereogenic center 0 stereogenic centers c. H CH3 C CH=CH2 OH This C is bonded to 4 different groups. 1 stereogenic center f. H CH3CH2 C CH2CH2CH3 CH3 This C is bonded to 4 different groups. 1 stereogenic center 116 Smith: Study Guide/ 5. Stereochemistry Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 5–6 5.7 Use the directions from Answer 5.6 to locate the stereogenic centers. Br H a. c. CH3CH2CH2 C CH3 d. OH Br stereogenic center 3 C's bonded to 4 different groups 3 stereogenic centers both C's bonded to 4 different groups 2 stereogenic centers H b. (CH3)2CHCH2 C COOH NH2 stereogenic center 5.8 Use the directions from Answer 5.6 to locate the stereogenic centers. O OH H2N CH3O O O CH3O NH2 H N 4 C's bonded to 4 different groups 4 stereogenic centers aliskiren 5.9 Find the C bonded to four different groups in each molecule. At the stereogenic center, draw two bonds in the plane of the page, one in front (on a wedge), and one behind (on a dash). Then draw the mirror image (enantiomer). stereogenic center stereogenic center c. CH3SCH2CH2CH(NH2)COOH a. CH3CH(Cl)CH2CH3 H CH3 C H Cl Cl CH2CH3 CH3CH2 C CH3 CH3SCH2CH2 mirror images nonsuperimposable enantiomers CH3CH2CH(OH)CH2OH H CH3CH2 OH C CH2OH C COOH H HO HOCH2 mirror images nonsuperimposable enantiomers C CH2CH3 H H2N HOOC mirror images nonsuperimposable enantiomers stereogenic center b. NH2 H C CH2CH2SCH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 5. Stereochemistry 117 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Stereochemistry 5–7 5.10 Draw the chiral molecule with only C and H atoms. CH2CH3 CH2CH3 CH3 C CH2CH2CH3 or CH3 C CH(CH3)2 H H 5.11 Use the directions from Answer 5.6 to locate the stereogenic centers. O C bonded to H and 3 different C's: 1 stereogenic center a. Cl b. Cl c. Each labeled C is bonded to: d. H, Cl, CH2, CHCl: 2 stereogenic centers O 4 C's bonded to 4 different groups: 4 stereogenic centers NH2 O O e. O N H CO2H C bonded to H, 2 different O's and 1 C: 1 stereogenic center no stereogenic centers CO2H 5.12 O a. b. O O O cholesterol HO simvastatin All stereogenic C's are circled. Each C is sp3 hybridized and bonded to 4 different groups. 5.13 Assign priority based on atomic number: atoms with a higher atomic number get a higher priority. If two atoms are the same, look at what they are bonded to and assign priority based on the atomic number of these atoms. a. –CH3, –CH2CH3 higher priority c. –H, –D higher mass higher priority e. –CH2CH2Cl, –CH2CH(CH3)2 higher priority H b. –I, –Br higher priority d. –CH2Br, –CH2CH2Br higher priority f. –CH2OH, –CHO = C O H = C O O C 2 H's, 1 O 2 O's, 1 H 2 C–O bonds C bonded to 2 O's has higher priority. 118 Smith: Study Guide/ 5. Stereochemistry Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 5–8 5.14 Rank by decreasing priority. Lower atomic number = lower priority. Highest priority = 1, Lowest priority = 4 priority priority 2 c. –CH2CH3 C bonded to 2 H's + 1 C a. –COOH C = second lowest 3 atomic number 3 –CH3 C bonded to 3 H's –H H = lowest atomic number 4 –NH2 4 H = lowest atomic number 1 –CH(CH3)2 C bonded to 1 H + 2 C's decreasing priority: –CH(CH3)2, –CH2CH3, –CH3, –H –H N = second highest 2 atomic number O = highest atomic number 1 –OH decreasing priority: –OH, –NH2, –COOH, –H b. –H –CH3 priority 4 H = lowest atomic number C bonded to 3 H's d. –CH=CH2 C bonded to 1 H + 2 C's 3 1 Cl = highest atomic number –CH2Cl C bonded to 2 H's + 1 Cl 2 decreasing priority: –Cl, –CH2Cl, –CH3, –H –Cl priority 2 –CH3 C bonded to 3 H's 3 –CCH C bonded to 3 C's 1 4 H = lowest atomic number decreasing priority: –CCH, –CH=CH2, –CH3, –H –H 5.15 To assign R or S to the molecule, first rank the groups. The lowest priority group must be oriented behind the page. If tracing a circle from (1) (2) (3) proceeds in the clockwise direction, the stereogenic center is labeled R; if the circle is counterclockwise, it is labeled S. 2 2 Cl a. C CH3 3 2 COOH b. H Br C CH3 3 1 counterclockwise S isomer CH2Br c. H OH 1 ClCH2 CH3 counterclockwise S isomer CH2Br rotate C OH CH3 HO H 3 3 C CH2Cl d. 1 counterclockwise S isomer clockwise R isomer lowest priority group now back 5.16 CH3O O 2 Cl CH3OOC N 1 S H Cl N Cl H 3 3 2 COOCH3 N 1 S S clopidogrel clockwise R isomer counterclockwise S isomer Plavix 5.17 The maximum number of stereoisomers = 2n where n = the number of stereogenic centers. a. 3 stereogenic centers 23 = 8 stereoisomers b. 8 stereogenic centers 28 = 256 stereoisomers 2 1 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 5. Stereochemistry © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 119 Stereochemistry 5–9 5.18 a. CH3CH2CH(Cl)CH(OH)CH2CH3 b. CH3CH(Br)CH2CH(Cl)CH3 2 stereogenic centers = 4 possible stereoisomers CH3CH2 CH2CH3 C H Cl C CH3CH2 H HO CH2CH3 C CH2CH3 C H OH A H Cl CH3CH2 H Cl H Br H Cl CH3CH2 HO H Br H Cl H A B H Cl Br H H Br Cl H C D CH2CH3 C H C C B C OH 2 stereogenic centers = 4 possible stereoisomers C H Cl D 5.19 a. CH3CH(OH)CH(OH)CH3 b. CH3CH(OH)CH(Cl)CH3 2 stereogenic centers = 4 possible stereoisomers CH3 CH3 C HO CH3 C H H OH A CH3 H HO CH3 C C B C H OH H HO CH3 C H CH3 C H HO CH3 C C OH HO H CH3 H OH H HO C C CH3 CH3 H Cl H Cl C A CH3 C identical C is a meso compound. A and B are enantiomers. Pairs of diastereomers: A and C, B and C. 5.20 2 stereogenic centers = 4 possible stereoisomers C C H B CH3 CH3 H Cl H Cl C C CH3 OH CH3 C C D H OH Pairs of enantiomers: A and B, C and D. Pairs of diastereomers: A and C, A and D, B and C, B and D. A meso compound must have at least two stereogenic centers. Usually a meso compound has a plane of symmetry. You may have to rotate around a C–C bond to see the plane of symmetry clearly. CH3CH2 a. C HO H CH3 CH2CH3 b. C H OH 2 stereogenic centers plane of symmetry meso compound C HO H OH H Br H C rotate H Br Br H c. CH3 2 stereogenic centers no plane of symmetry not a meso compound Br H 2 stereogenic centers plane of symmetry meso compound 120 Smith: Study Guide/ 5. Stereochemistry Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 5–10 5.21 Use the definition in Answer 5.20 to draw the meso compounds. a. BrCH2CH2CH(Cl)CH(Cl)CH2CH2Br Cl Br H H Cl b. HO OH HO Br c. OH H H plane of symmetry NH2 H2N H H H2N plane of symmetry NH2 plane of symmetry 5.22 The enantiomer must have the exact opposite R,S designations. Diastereomers with two stereogenic centers have one center the same and one different. If a compound is R,S: Exact opposite: R and S interchanged. Its enantiomer is: S,R One designation remains the same, the other changes. Its diastereomers are: R,R and S,S 5.23 The enantiomer must have the exact opposite R,S designations. For diastereomers, at least one of the R,S designations is the same, but not all of them. a. (2R,3S)-2,3-hexanediol and (2R,3R)-2,3-hexanediol One changes; one remains the same: diastereomers b. (2R,3R)-2,3-hexanediol and (2S,3S)-2,3-hexanediol Both R's change to S's: enantiomers c. (2R,3S,4R)-2,3,4-hexanetriol and (2S,3R,4R)-2,3,4-hexanetriol Two change; one remains the same: diastereomers 5.24 The enantiomer must have the exact opposite R,S designations. For diastereomers, at least one of the R,S designations is the same, but not all of them. HO H HO H a. R HO R R S H OH HO H sorbitol HO H HO H b. OH HO R R H OH S S H OH H OH c. OH H OH HO S HO H S S R OH H OH A B One changes; three remain the same. diastereomer All stereogenic centers change. enantiomers Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 5. Stereochemistry © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 121 Stereochemistry 5–11 5.25 Meso compounds generally have a plane of symmetry. They cannot have just one stereogenic center. Cl a. b. c. OH plane of symmetry meso compound no plane of symmetry not a meso compound no plane of symmetry not a meso compound 5.26 Cl 2 stereogenic centers = 4 stereoisomers maximum a. c. Cl Draw the cis and trans isomers: CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 Draw the cis and trans isomers: Cl Cl cis A Cl Cl identical A CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 Cl Cl trans B identical C Cl Cl B identical Pair of enantiomers: B and C. Pairs of diastereomers: A and B, A and C. Pair of diastereomers: A and B. Only 3 stereoisomers exist. Only 2 stereoisomers exist. b. 2 stereogenic centers = 4 stereoisomers maximum HO Draw the cis and trans isomers: cis trans OH CH3 A HO CH3 B Pairs of enantiomers: A and B, C and D. Pairs of diastereomers: A and C, A and D, B and C, B and D. OH CH3 HO C All 4 stereoisomers exist. CH3 D 122 Smith: Study Guide/ 5. Stereochemistry Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 5–12 5.27 Four facts: • Enantiomers are mirror image isomers. • Diastereomers are stereoisomers that are not mirror images. • Constitutional isomers have the same molecular formula but the atoms are bonded to different atoms. • Cis and trans isomers are always diastereomers. CH3 a. C Br S Br and H CH2OH C HOCH2 S c. H CH3 d. C CH3 H NH2 (S)-alanine [] = +8.5 mp = 297 oC OH HO same molecular formula, opposite configuration at one stereogenic center enantiomers COOH and OH 1,3-isomer 1,4- isomer constitutional isomers and 5.28 OH HO same molecular formula same R,S designation: identical b. HO and OH HO trans cis Both 1,3 isomers, cis and trans: diastereomers a. Mp = same as the S isomer. b. The mp of a racemic mixture is often different from the melting point of the enantiomers. c. –8.5, same as S but opposite sign d. Zero. A racemic mixture is optically inactive. e. Solution of pure (S)-alanine: optically active Equal mixture of (R)- and (S)-alanine: optically inactive 75% (S)- and 25% (R)-alanine: optically active 5.29 [] = l xc = observed rotation l = length of tube (dm) c = concentration (g/mL) [] = 10° = +100 = specific rotation 1 dm x (1 g/10 mL) 5.30 Enantiomeric excess = ee = % of one enantiomer % of other enantiomer. a. 95% 5% = 90% ee 5.31 b. 85% 15% = 70% ee a. 90% ee means 90% excess of A, and 10% racemic mixture of A and B (5% each); therefore, 95% A and 5% B. b. 99% ee means 99% excess of A, and 1% racemic mixture of A and B (0.5% each); therefore, 99.5% A and 0.5% B. c. 60% ee means 60% excess of A, and 40% racemic mixture of A and B (20% each); therefore, 80% A and 20% B. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 5. Stereochemistry © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 123 Stereochemistry 5–13 5.32 a. [] mixture ee = +10 x 100% = 42% ee +24 x 100% [] pure enantiomer b. [] solution x 100% = 80% ee +24 [] solution = +19.2 5.33 a. [] mixture x 100% = 60% ee +3.8 b. % one enantiomer – % other enantiomer = ee 80% – 20% = 60% ee [] mixture = +2.3 80% dextrorotatory (+) enantiomer 20% levorotatory (–) enantiomer 5.34 • Enantiomers have the same physical properties (mp, bp, solubility), and rotate the plane of polarized light to an equal but opposite extent. • Diastereomers have different physical properties. • A racemic mixture is optically inactive. cis isomer trans isomers CH3 CH3 A CH3 enantiomers CH3 CH3 B CH3 C A and B are diastereomers of C. a. The bp's of A and B are the same. The bp's of A and C are different. b. Pure A: optically active Pure B: optically active Pure C: optically inactive Equal mixture of A and B: optically inactive Equal mixture of A and C: optically active c. There would be two fractions: one containing A and B (optically inactive), and one containing C (optically inactive). 124 Smith: Study Guide/ 5. Stereochemistry Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 5–14 5.35 Use the definitions from Answer 5.2. CH3 O a. c. and H CH3 and O b. both up cis Both compounds are 1,2-dimethylcyclohexane. one cis, one trans = stereoisomers O and H one up, one down trans same molecular formula C4H8O different connectivity constitutional isomers and d. O same molecular formula C7H14 different connectivity constitutional isomers C5H8O C5H10O different molecular formulas not isomers 5.36 Use the definitions from Answer 5.3. CH3 a. C CH3 OH CH3 CH2OH H HOCH2 H O c. C O e. OHC OH OH CH3 HO OH threose identical achiral identical achiral COOH b. C HSCH2 chiral COOH H NH2 H H2N d. C CH2SH H Br Br H cysteine chiral identical achiral 5.37 CHO C CH3 CH3 a. OH H A R isomer HO C CH3 b. H CHO S enantiomer C OHC HO H c. H OH R identical CH3 C CHO S enantiomer CHO OH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 5. Stereochemistry © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 125 Stereochemistry 5–15 5.38 A plane of symmetry cuts the molecule into two identical halves. H CH3CH2 a. C Cl b. C H C COOH H HO C H H CH3 H and OH are aligned. The plane of symmetry bisects the molecule. plane of symmetry CH2CH3 C Cl d. C C HOOC CH2CH3 CH3CH2 CH3 HO H HO H Cl CH3CH2 Cl c. C H Cl H Cl e. C CH2CH3 no plane of symmetry no plane of symmetry plane of symmetry 5.39 Use the directions from Answer 5.6 to locate the stereogenic centers. a. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 All C's have 2 or more H's. 0 stereogenic centers g. O bonded to 4 different groups 1 stereogenic center H b. CH3CH2O C CH2CH3 CH3 h. 1 stereogenic center All C's have 2 or more H's, or are sp2 hybridized. 0 stereogenic centers c. (CH3)2CHCH(OH)CH(CH3)2 0 stereogenic centers H H d. (CH3)2CHCH2 C CH2 C H C CH3 Cl CH2CH3 CH3 CH3 i. 3 stereogenic centers Each indicated C bonded to 4 different groups = 2 stereogenic centers H e. CH3 C CH2CH3 D OH bonded to 4 different groups 1 stereogenic center HO j. OH OH OH O HO OH OH f. OH OH OH Each indicated C bonded to 4 different groups = 6 stereogenic centers Each indicated C bonded to 4 different groups = 5 stereogenic centers 126 Smith: Study Guide/ 5. Stereochemistry Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 5–16 5.40 Stereogenic centers are circled. Eight constitutional isomers: Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl 5.41 a. H2N H NH2 H NH2 amphetamine O O CH3 COOH b. H COOH H CH3 O HOOC ketoprofen 5.42 Draw a molecule to fit each description. a. OH O c. b. O alcohol ketone cyclic ether 5.43 Assign priority based on the rules in Answer 5.13. a. OH, NH2 c. CH(CH3)2, CH2OH higher atomic number higher priority b. CD3, CH3 D higher mass than H higher priority e. CHO, COOH C bonded to O higher priority d. –CH2Cl, –CH2CH2CH2Br C has 3 bonds to O. higher priority f. CH2NH2, NHCH3 higher atomic number higher priority C bonded to Cl higher priority 5.44 Assign priority based on the rules in Answer 5.13. a. F > OH > NH2 > CH3 d. –COOH > –CHO > –CH2OH > –H b. (CH2)3CH3 > CH2CH2CH3 > CH2CH3 > CH3 e. –Cl > –SH > –OH > –CH3 c. NH2 > CH2NHCH3 > CH2NH2 > CH3 f. –CCH > –CH=CH2 > –CH(CH3)2 > –CH2CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 5. Stereochemistry © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 127 Stereochemistry 5–17 5.45 Use the rules in Answer 5.15 to assign R or S to each stereogenic center. 1 1 I a. H c. C C H CH3 CH3CH2 2 T CH3 switch H and CH3 C CH3 D H D T 2 3 3 counterclockwise It looks like an S isomer, but we must reverse the answer, S to R. counterclockwise S isomer R isomer 1 2 NH2 b. CH3 3 H Cl C d. CH2CH3 Br ICH2 2 Cl switch H and Br C H ICH2 H C 1 Br 3 clockwise, but H in front S isomer counterclockwise It looks like an S isomer, but we must reverse the answer, S to R. R isomer CH3 e. CH(CH3)2 C HOOC C f. CH3 SH H HO NH2 H C CH3 C H g. H S S CH3 HO H S, R R, R Cl h. Cl S 5.46 a. (3R)-3-methylhexane c. (3R,5S,6R)-5-ethyl-3,6-dimethylnonane CH3 H R CH3 H S CH3 H b. (4R,5S)-4,5-diethyloctane 4R R H CH2CH3 d. (3S,6S)-6-isopropyl-3-methyldecane H CH2CH3 H CH(CH3)2 S S CH3CH2 H 5S H CH3 5.47 5 a. 6 H 3 6R 9 1 b. 4 2 7 4R 5 6R 3 5S 3R 1 10 c. 9 7 1 S (3S)-3-methylhexane (4R,6R)-4-ethyl-6-methyldecane (3R,5S,6R)-5-isobutyl-3,6-dimethylnonane 128 Smith: Study Guide/ 5. Stereochemistry Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 5–18 5.48 Two enantiomers of the amino acid leucine. COOH C (CH3)2CHCH2 COOH H NH2 H H2N S isomer naturally occurring C CH2CH(CH3)2 R isomer 5.49 S a. OH NH Cl b. H NH2 HO CH3CH2O2C S CH3 COOH ketamine L-dopa S enalapril O N N H c. O CO2H S 5.50 CO2CH3 H H N methylphenidate H N H CO2CH3 H H R,R S,S 5.51 a. 1R,2S C1 OH d. NHCH3 OH S R NHCH3 e. enantiomer of ephedrine C2 ephedrine b. 1S,2S C1 OH OH NHCH3 R R NHCH3 diastereomer of ephedrine C2 pseudoephedrine c. Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine are diastereomers (one stereogenic center is the same; one is different). 5.52 OH C C H NH2 H N a. HO O S b. O c. O O N O amoxicillin COOH O N O norethindrone CH3 O heroin S Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 5. Stereochemistry © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 129 Stereochemistry 5–19 5.53 O a. CH3CH(OH)CH(OH)CH2CH3 c. b. CH3CH2CH2CH(CH3)2 OH OH HO OH HO 0 stereogenic centers 4 stereogenic centers 24 = 16 possible stereoisomers 2 stereogenic centers 22 = 4 possible stereoisomers 5.54 a. CH3CH(OH)CH(OH)CH2CH3 CH3 CH2CH3 C CH3CH2 C H HO CH3 C H OH C H HO A CH3 CH2CH3 C H OH HO C CH3 C H OH H B CH3CH2 C H HO C H OH D Pairs of enantiomers: A and B, C and D. Pairs of diastereomers: A and C, A and D, B and C, B and D. b. CH3CH(OH)CH2CH2CH(OH)CH3 OH OH OH OH OH OH A C B OH OH identical meso compound Pair of enantiomers: A and B. Pairs of diastereomers: A and C, B and C. c. CH3CH(Cl)CH2CH(Br)CH3 Cl Br Br A Cl Cl Br Br C B Cl D Pairs of enantiomers: A and B, C and D. Pairs of diastereomers: A and C, A and D, B and C, B and D. d. CH3CH(Br)CH(Br)CH(Br)CH3 Br Br Br Br Br Br A identical Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br B C D meso compound Pair of enantiomers: B and C. Pairs of diastereomers: A and B, A and C, A and D, B and D, C and D. Br Br Br identical meso compound 130 Smith: Study Guide/ 5. Stereochemistry Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 5–20 5.55 HOCH2 a. C CH3 CH3 H OH H HO C CH2OH C H HO CH3 C C H OH HO H I I H H I NH2 H I H I H H2N OH d. C C H HO OH H diastereomer I H H2N H2N or HO enantiomer CH2OH diastereomer HO CH3 or C H OH enantiomer c. CH3 diastereomer enantiomer b. CH2OH HO diastereomer CH3 diastereomer CH3 CH3 or CH2CH3 CH3CH2 CH3CH2 CH3CH2 diastereomer enantiomer diastereomer 5.56 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 a. CH3 CH3 A identical CH3 CH3 B C meso compound Pair of enantiomers: B and C. Pairs of diastereomers: A and B, A and C. b. CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 A CH3 CH3 CH3 B identical identical Pair of diastereomers: A and B. Meso compounds: A and B. c. Cl Cl Br Cl Br Br B A C Cl Br D Pairs of enantiomers: A and B, C and D. Pairs of diastereomers: A and C, A and D, B and C, B and D. 5.57 achiral achiral chiral chiral achiral achiral Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 5. Stereochemistry © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 131 Stereochemistry 5–21 5.58 Explain each statement. All molecules have a mirror image, but only chiral molecules have enantiomers. A is not chiral, and therefore, does not have an enantiomer. a. OH B has one stereogenic center, and therefore, has an enantiomer. Only compounds with two or more stereogenic centers have diastereomers. b. Cl C is chiral and has two stereogenic centers, and therefore, has both an enantiomer and a diastereomer. c. Cl OH HO rotate OH D has two stereogenic centers, but is a meso compound. Therefore, it has a diastereomer, but no enantiomer since it is achiral. plane of symmetry d. OH e. HO E has two stereogenic centers, but is a meso compound. Therefore, it has a diastereomer, but no enantiomer since it is achiral. OH plane of symmetry 5.59 OHC H HO C2 C3 OH H C R C R OHC a. CH2OH HO D-erythrose C S H HOCH2 CH2OH C R b. HO H OH 2S,3R diastereomer 2R,3R H C R CHO OHC C R H C HO S H OH 2R,3R identical OHC H OH c. C S d. CH2OH H OH C H R HO 2S,3S enantiomer C S CH2OH 2R,3S diastereomer 5.60 Re-draw each Newman projection and determine the R,S configuration. Then determine how the molecules are related. CHO H CHO CH2OH H OH HO A OHC re-draw OH OH H H HO CH2OH R,R a. A and B are identical. b. A and C are enantiomers. CHO OH HO H H CH2OH HO H CH2OH B re-draw OHC CH2OH R,R OH H CH2OH H H HO H H OH CHO OH C re-draw OHC H OH HO H D re-draw OHC H CH2OH HO CH2OH S,S c. A and D are diastereomers. d. C and D are diastereomers. H OH S,R 132 Smith: Study Guide/ 5. Stereochemistry Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 5–22 5.61 R R trans NH2 A R NH2 NH2 S cis trans trans B C D NH2 NH2 E NH2 group is in a different location. A (trans, R) and B (cis, R) are diastereomers. A (trans, R) and C (trans, R) are identical molecules. A (trans, R) and D (trans, S) are enantiomers. A (trans, R) and E are constitutional isomers. 5.62 a. CH3 and g. C and C H Br enantiomers H 2S,3S CH3 b. CH3 CHO C H HO OH OH OH 1,4-cis 1,4-trans diastereomers i. C H HO H OH and 6 H's 12 H's different molecular formulas not isomers 2R,3R one different configuration diastereomers C d. CH3 H j. BrCH2 and and Cl k. and H Cl Br on end HO CH3 Cl Cl Br H and C H enantiomers H 1,3-trans diastereomers 1,3-cis mirror images not superimposable enantiomers C C CH3 CH3 and I HOCH2 BrCH2 CH2OH CH3 enantiomers different molecular formulas not isomers f. H HO H H C 2R,3S e. CH3 2S,3S CH3 and H C and HO OHC C C H h. same molecular formula different connectivity constitutional isomers c. H Br H Br Br identical and CH3 CH3 CH3 l. Br I and C H CH2Br CH3 CH2OH C Br H Br in middle different connectivity constitutional isomers H Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 5. Stereochemistry © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 133 Stereochemistry 5–23 5.63 a. A and B are constitutional isomers. A and C are constitutional isomers. B and C are diastereomers (cis and trans). C and D are enantiomers. plane of symmetry b. A A has two planes of symmetry. achiral B C D achiral chiral chiral mirror images and not superimposable enantiomers c. Alone, C and D would be optically active. d. A and B have a plane of symmetry. e. A and B have different boiling points. B and C have different boiling points. C and D have the same boiling point. f. B is a meso compound. g. An equal mixture of C and D is optically inactive because it is a racemic mixture. An equal mixture of B and C would be optically active. 5.64 H HO H N ee = CH3O [] mixture x 100% [] pure enantiomer quinine = A quinine's enantiomer = B N quinine a. 50 x 100% = 30% ee 165 b. 30% ee = 30% excess one compound (A) remaining 70% = mixture of 2 compounds (35% each A and B) Amount of A = 30 + 35 = 65% Amount of B = 35% 83 x 100% = 50% ee 165 50% ee = 50% excess one compound (A) remaining 50% = mixture of 2 compounds (25% each A and B) Amount of A = 50 + 25 = 75% Amount of B = 25% 73% ee = 73% excess of one compound (A) remaining 27% = mixture of 2 compounds (13.5% each A and B) Amount of A = 73 + 13.5 = 86.5% Amount of B = 13.5% [] mixture x 100% e. 60% = –165 120 x 100% = 73% ee 165 c. [] = +165 d. 80% 20% = 60% ee [] mixture = 99 134 Smith: Study Guide/ 5. Stereochemistry Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 5–24 5.65 OH HO OH O HO O O OH O HO HCl, H2O OH amygdalin (laetrile) COOH only one of the products formed CN mandelic acid OH a. The 11 stereogenic centers are circled. Maximum number of stereoisomers = 211 = 2048 b. Enantiomers of mandelic acid: HO H H OH HOOC COOH R c. 60% 40% = 20% ee 20% = [] mixture/154 x 100% [] mixture = 31 +50 d. ee = +154 S x 100% = 32% ee [] for (S)-mandelic acid = +154 32% excess of the S enantiomer 68% of racemic R and S = 34% S and 34% R S enantiomer: 32% + 34% = 66% R enantiomer = 34% 5.66 sp2 a. Each stereogenic center is circled. b. The stereogenic centers in mefloquine are labeled. c. Artemisinin has 7 stereogenic centers. 2n = 27 = 128 possible stereoisomers d. One N atom in mefloquine is sp2 and one is sp3. e. Two molecules of artemisinin cannot intermolecularly H-bond because there are no O–H or N–H bonds. CF3 H N CF3 O O O H H O R HO O H H N sp3 H S H artemisinin mefloquine CF3 CF3 N f. CF3 N CF3 H Cl H H N HO H H HO H HH N + Cl Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 5. Stereochemistry © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 135 Stereochemistry 5–25 5.67 c. diastereomer a. Each stereogenic center is circled. O H S N N N S H O N OH CONH2 O saquinavir Trade name: Invirase N S S O H N HS R H N H O N OH CONH2 O H NH H NH (CH3)3C (CH3)3C d. constitutional isomer b. enantiomer O H N N N H O N OH CONH2 O N H H N H O O H NH (CH3)3C new amine NH O H N H new aldehyde N OH O H NH (CH3)3C 5.68 HO a. HO O HO O OH re-draw more stable ring all groups equatorial salicin b. diastereomer O HO HO O re-draw OH O HO HO OH All other groups on the ring are equatorial. HO OH O OH axial HO c. enantiomer HO O OH OH OH HO OH O HO HO O HO O OH OH re-draw HO HO O O OH HO OH In the enantiomer, all groups are still equatorial, but all down bonds are up bonds and all up bonds are down bonds. 136 Smith: Study Guide/ 5. Stereochemistry Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 5–26 5.69 Allenes contain an sp hybridized carbon atom doubly bonded to two other carbons. This makes the double bonds of an allene perpendicular to each other. When each end of the allene has two like substituents, the allene contains two planes of symmetry and it is achiral. When each end of the allene has two different groups, the allene has no plane of symmetry and it becomes chiral. CH3 H CH3 C C C CH3 H H CH3 HC C C C CH C CH CH CH CH CHCH2CO2H C C C B allene H no plane of symmetry mycomycin re-draw chiral A CH CH CH CHCH2CO2H HC C C C These two substituents are at 90o to these two substituents. Allene A contains two planes of symmetry, making it achiral. C C C H H The substituents on each end of the allene in mycomycin are different. Therefore, mycomycin is chiral. 5.70 HO O O OH O OH NH2 O discodermolide OH a. The 13 tetrahedral stereogenic centers are circled. b. Because there is restricted rotation around a C–C double bond, groups on the end of the double bond cannot interconvert. Whenever the substituents on each end of the double bond are different from each other, the double bond is a stereogenic site. Thus, the following two double bonds are isomers: R R R C C H H C C H H R These compounds are isomers. There are three stereogenic double bonds in discodermolide, labeled with arrows. c. The maximum number of stereoisomers for discodermolide must include the 13 tetrahedral stereogenic centers and the three double bonds. Maximum number of stereoisomers = 216 = 65,536. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 5. Stereochemistry © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 137 Stereochemistry 5–27 5.71 racemic mixture of 2-phenylpropanoic acid salts formed by proton transfer COO COOH C H NH2 H CH3 S C + (R)-sec-butylamine diastereomers COO COOH H NH2 C + R R S enantiomers H CH3 H CH3 + H NH3 (R)-sec-butylamine H CH3 + H NH3 C R R These salts are diastereomers, and they are now separable by physical methods since they have different physical properties. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 6. Understanding Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions 139 Understanding Organic Reactions 6–1 C Chhaapptteerr 66:: U Unnddeerrssttaannddiinngg O Orrggaanniicc R Reeaaccttiioonnss W Wrriittiinngg oorrggaanniicc rreeaaccttiioonnss ((66..11)) • Use curved arrows to show the movement of electrons. Full-headed arrows are used for electron pairs and half-headed arrows are used for single electrons. + C C Z C Z Z + Z full-headed arrow half-headed arrows • C Reagents can be drawn either on the left side of an equation or over an arrow. Catalysts are drawn over or under an arrow. TTyyppeess ooff rreeaaccttiioonnss ((66..22)) [1] Substitution C Z + Y C Y + Z Z = H or a heteroatom Y replaces Z [2] Elimination C C X Y + reagent Two bonds are broken. [3] Addition C C + + C C X Y bond X Y C C X Y This bond is broken. IIm mppoorrttaanntt ttrreennddss Values compared Bond dissociation energy and bond strength Two bonds are formed. Trend The higher the bond dissociation energy, the stronger the bond (6.4). Increasing size of the halogen CH3 F Ho = 456 kJ/mol CH3 Cl CH3 Br 351 kJ/mol 293 kJ/mol Increasing bond strength CH3 I 234 kJ/mol 140 Smith: Study Guide/ 6. Understanding Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 6–2 Ea and reaction rate The larger the energy of activation, the slower the reaction (6.9A). Energy Ea larger Ea slower reaction slower reaction Ea faster reaction Reaction coordinate Ea and rate constant The higher the energy of activation, the smaller the rate constant (6.9B). Go products Go > 0 Go reactants Keq < 1 more stable reactants Free energy Free energy Equilibrium always favors the species lower in energy. Go reactants Go < 0 Go products Equilibrium favors the starting materials. Keq > 1 more stable products Equilibrium favors the products. R Reeaaccttiivvee iinntteerrm meeddiiaatteess ((66..33)) • Breaking bonds generates reactive intermediates. • Homolysis generates radicals with unpaired electrons. • Heterolysis generates ions. Reactive intermediate General structure Reactive feature Reactivity radical C unpaired electron electrophilic carbocation C carbanion C positive charge; only six electrons around C net negative charge; lone electron pair on C electrophilic nucleophilic Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 6. Understanding Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions 141 Understanding Organic Reactions 6–3 EEnneerrggyy ddiiaaggrraam mss ((66..77,, 66..88)) Energy transition state Ea reactants Ea determines the rate. Ho is the difference in bonding energy between the reactants and products. Ho products Reaction coordinate C Coonnddiittiioonnss ffaavvoorriinngg pprroodduucctt ffoorrm maattiioonn ((66..55,, 66..66)) Variable Value Meaning Keq Keq > 1 More product than starting material is present at equilibrium. Go Go < 0 The energy of the products is lower than the energy of the reactants. Ho Ho < 0 Bonds in the products are stronger than bonds in the reactants. So So > 0 The product is more disordered than the reactant. EEqquuaattiioonnss ((66..55,, 66..66)) Go = 2.303RT log Keq Keq depends on the energy difference between reactants and products. R = 8.314 J/(K•mol), the gas constant T = Kelvin temperature (K) Go free energy change = Ho TSo change in bonding energy T = Kelvin temperature (K) FFaaccttoorrss aaffffeeccttiinngg rreeaaccttiioonn rraattee ((66..99)) Factor Effect energy of activation higher Ea slower reaction concentration higher concentration faster reaction temperature higher temperature faster reaction change in disorder 142 Smith: Study Guide/ 6. Understanding Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 6–4 C Chhaapptteerr 66:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 6.1 [1] In a substitution reaction, one group replaces another. [2] In an elimination reaction, elements of the starting material are lost and a bond is formed. [3] In an addition reaction, elements are added to the starting material. OH O Br c. a. CH3 C Br replaces OH = substitution reaction b. CH3 CH3 C CH2Cl Cl replaces H = substitution reaction H O O d. CH3CH CHCH3 CH3CH2CH(OH)CH3 OH bond formed elements lost (H + OH) elimination reaction addition of 2 H's addition reaction 6.2 Alkenes undergo addition reactions. HCl CH2 CH2 CH3CH2Cl Br2 CH2 CH2 BrCH2CH2Br addition of 1 H and 1 Cl addition reaction addition of 2 Br's addition reaction 6.3 Heterolysis means one atom gets both of the electrons when a bond is broken. A carbocation is a C with a positive charge, and a carbanion is a C with a negative charge. heterolysis heterolysis CH3 a. CH3 C OH b. heterolysis c. CH3CH2 Li Br CH3 Electrons go to the more electronegative atom, Br. Electrons go to the more electronegative atom, O. Electrons go to the more electronegative atom, C. CH3 CH3 C OH Br CH3CH2 CH3 carbocation Li carbanion carbocation 6.4 Use full-headed arrows to show the movement of electron pairs, and half-headed arrows to show the movement of single electrons. CH3 a. (CH3)3C N N (CH3)3C + N N c. CH3 C CH3 + Br CH3 C Br CH3 b. CH3 + CH3 CH3 CH3 d. HO OH CH3 2 HO Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 6. Understanding Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions 143 Understanding Organic Reactions 6–5 6.5 Increasing number of electrons between atoms = increasing bond strength = increasing bond dissociation energy = decreasing bond length. Increasing size of an atom = increasing bond length = decreasing bond strength. a. H Cl or H Br Br is larger than Cl. longer, weaker bond higher bond dissociation energy b. CH3 OH CH3 SH or S is larger than O. longer, higher bond weaker bond dissociation energy c. (CH3)2C O CH3 OCH3 or higher bond dissociation energy single bond fewer electrons 6.6 To determine Ho for a reaction: [1] Add the bond dissociation energies for all bonds broken in the equation (+ values). [2] Add the bond dissociation energies for all of the bonds formed in the equation ( values). [3] Add the energies together to get the Ho for the reaction. A positive Ho means the reaction is endothermic. A negative Ho means the reaction is exothermic. a. CH3CH2 Br + H2O CH3CH2 OH [1] Bonds broken + HBr [2] Bonds formed Ho (kJ/mol) Ho (kJ/mol) CH3CH2 Br + 285 CH3CH2 OH 389 H OH + 498 H Br 368 + 783 kJ/mol Total 757 kJ/mol Total [3] Overall Ho = sum in Step [1] + sum in Step [2] + 783 kJ/mol 757 kJ/mol ANSWER: + 26 kJ/mol endothermic b. CH4 + Cl2 CH3Cl + HCl [1] Bonds broken [2] Bonds formed Ho (kJ/mol) Ho (kJ/mol) CH3 H + 435 CH3 Cl 351 Cl Cl + 242 H Cl 431 Total + 677 kJ/mol Total 782 kJ/mol [3] Overall Ho = sum in Step [1] + sum in Step [2] + 677 kJ/mol 782 kJ/mol ANSWER: 105 kJ/mol exothermic 144 Smith: Study Guide/ 6. Understanding Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 6–6 6.7 Use the directions from Answer 6.6. In determining the number of bonds broken or formed, you must take into account the coefficients needed to balance an equation. a. CH4 + 2 O2 CO2 + 2 H2O [1] Bonds broken Ho (kJ/mol) CH3 H O O Ho (kJ/mol) OC O 535 x 2 = 1070 + 435 x 4 = + 1740 + 497 x 2 = + 994 sum in Step [1] + sum in Step [2] HO H 498 x 4 = 1992 + 2734 kJ/mol Total [3] Overall Ho = [2] Bonds formed + 2734 kJ/mol 3062 kJ/mol Total 3062 kJ/mol ANSWER: b. 2 CH3CH3 + 7 O2 4 CO2 + 6 H2O [1] Bonds broken [3] Overall Ho = [2] Bonds formed Ho (kJ/mol) CH3CH2 H + 410 x 12 = + 4920 O O + 497 x 7 = + 3479 C C + 368 x 2 = Total 328 kJ/mol +736 Ho (kJ/mol) OC O 535 x 8 = 4280 sum in Step [1] + sum in Step [2] HO H 498 x 12 = 5976 Total 10256 kJ/mol + 9135 kJ/mol + 9135 kJ/mol 10256 kJ/mol ANSWER: 1121 kJ/mol 6.8 Use the following relationships to answer the questions: Keq = 1 then G° = 0; Keq > 1 then G° < 0; Keq < 1 then G° > 0 a. A negative value of G° means the equilibrium favors the product and Keq is > 1. Therefore Keq = 1000 is the answer. b. A lower value of G° means a larger value of Keq, and the products are more favored. Keq = 102 is larger than Keq = 105, so G° is lower. 6.9 Use the relationships from Answer 6.8. a. Keq = 5.5. Keq > 1 means that the equilibrium favors the product. b. G° = 40 kJ/mol. A positive G° means the equilibrium favors the starting material. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 6. Understanding Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions 145 Understanding Organic Reactions 6–7 6.10 When the product is lower in energy than the starting material, the equilibrium favors the product. When the starting material is lower in energy than the product, the equilibrium favors the starting material. a. G° is positive so the equilibrium favors the starting material. Therefore the starting material is lower in energy than the product. b. Keq is > 1 so the equilibrium favors the product. Therefore the product is lower in energy than the starting material. c. G° is negative so the equilibrium favors the product. Therefore the product is lower in energy than the starting material. d. Keq is < 1 so the equilibrium favors the starting material. Therefore the starting material is lower in energy than the product. 6.11 H H OCH3 Keq = 2.7 OCH3 a. The Keq is > 1 and therefore the product (the conformation on the right) is favored at equilibrium. b. The G° for this process must be negative since the product is favored. c. G° is somewhere between 0 and 6 kJ/mol. 6.12 A positive H° favors the starting material. A negative H° favors the product. a. H° is positive (80 kJ/mol). The starting material is favored. b. H° is negative (–40 kJ/mol). The product is favored. 6.13 a. False. b. True. c. False. d. True. e. False. The reaction is endothermic. This assumes that G° is approximately equal to H°. Keq < 1 The starting material is favored at equilibrium. 6.14 a. True. b. False. G° for the reaction is negative. c. True. d. False. The bonds in the product are stronger than the bonds in the starting material. e. True. 146 Smith: Study Guide/ 6. Understanding Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 6–8 6.15 Energy transition state Ea product H° starting material Reaction coordinate 6.16 A transition state is drawn with dashed lines to indicate the partially broken and partially formed bonds. Any atom that gains or loses a charge contains a partial charge in the transition state. CH3 CH3 a. CH3 C OH2 CH3 b. CH3O H H2O CH3 C CH3 CH3 + transition state: CH3 C OH CH3O transition state: + CH3O H2O H OH OH2 CH3 6.17 transition state 2: E Energy transition state 1: D B Ea(A–B) Ea(A–C) H°A–B = endothermic H°A–C = exothermic A a. Reaction A–C is exothermic. Reaction A–B is endothermic. b. Reaction A–C is faster. c. Reaction A–C generates a lower-energy product. d. See labels. e. See labels. f. See labels. C Reaction coordinate 6.18 reactive intermediate Energy transition state 1 Ea1 a. b. c. d. e. transition state 2 Ea2 H°1 Reaction coordinate H°2 H°overall Two steps since there are two energy barriers. See labels. See labels. One reactive intermediate is formed (see label). The first step is rate determining since its transition state is at higher energy. f. The overall reaction is endothermic since the energy of the products is higher than the energy of the reactants. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 6. Understanding Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions 147 Understanding Organic Reactions 6–9 6.19 Energy Ea(B–C) B Ea(A–B) relative energies: C < A < B B C is rate-determining. A C Reaction coordinate 6.20 Ea, concentration, and temperature affect reaction rate. H°, G°, and Keq do not affect reaction rate. a. Ea = 4 kJ/mol corresponds to a faster reaction rate. b. A temperature of 25 °C will have a faster reaction rate since a higher temperature corresponds to a faster reaction. c. No change: Keq does not affect reaction rate. d. No change: H° does not affect reaction rate. Energy 6.21 The Ea of an endothermic reaction is at least as large as its H° because the Ea essentially “includes” the H° in its total. The Ea measures the difference between the energy of the starting material and the energy of the transition state, and in an endothermic reaction, the energy of the products is somewhere in between these two values. Ea H° = (+) value for an endothermic reaction Reaction coordinate 6.22 a. b. c. d. e. False. The reaction occurs at the same rate as a reaction with Keq = 8 and Ea = 80 kJ/mol. False. The reaction is slower than a reaction with Keq = 0.8 and Ea = 40 kJ/mol. True. True. False. The reaction is endothermic. 148 Smith: Study Guide/ 6. Understanding Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 6–10 6.23 All reactants in the rate equation determine the rate of the reaction. [1] rate = k[CH3CH2Br][OH] [2] rate = k[(CH3)3COH] a. Tripling the concentration of CH3CH2Br only The rate is tripled. b. Tripling the concentration of OH only The rate is tripled. c. Tripling the concentration of both CH3CH2CH2Br and OH The rate increases by a factor of 9 (3 3 = 9). a. Doubling the concentration of (CH3)3COH The rate is doubled. b. Increasing the concentration of (CH3)3COH by a factor of 10 The rate increases by a factor of 10. 6.24 The rate equation is determined by the rate-determining step. a. CH3CH2 Br b. (CH3)3C + CH2 CH2 OH (CH3)3C + Br slow + OH fast Br one step rate = k[CH3CH2Br][–OH] + H2O + Br (CH3)2C CH2 + H2O two steps The slow step determines the rate equation. rate = k[(CH3)3CBr] 6.25 A catalyst is not used up or changed in the reaction. It only speeds up the reaction rate. OH and H are added to the starting material. a. H2O CH2 CH2 H2 adds to the starting material. I– not used up = catalyst. CH3CH2OH b. I– CH3Cl CH3OH –OH H2SO4 OH H2SO4 is not used up = catalyst. substitutes for O H2 c. Cl. Pt Pt not used up = catalyst. 6.26 Use the directions from Answer 6.1. O HO OH O H OH c. a. addition of 2 H's addition reaction bond formed elements lost (H + OH) elimination reaction b. H H Cl replaces H = substitution reaction H Cl O d. C OH O Cl H replaces Cl = substitution reaction C H Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 149 © The McGraw−Hill 6. Understanding Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions Understanding Organic Reactions 6–11 6.27 H a. homolysis of c. heterolysis of CH3 MgBr b. heterolysis of CH3 O H CH3 C H H H CH3 C H CH3 O CH3 H H MgBr carbanion radical 6.28 Use the rules in Answer 6.4 to draw the arrows. Br a. Br O b. CH3 Cl CH3 Br d. + Cl e. + + Br Br Br O CH3 C CH3 c. + + Cl C CH3 f. CH3 Cl CH3CH2 Br + H CH3 C CH3 CH3CH2OH + OH CH3 C H + H + H2O C C OH CH3 H Br H 6.29 a. I + OH + OH H OH I H C c. H O H C O b. CH3 C CH2CH2CH3 OCH2CH3 CH3 C d. CH2CH2CH3 H H C H H Br + H H + H2O + C C Br H H C Cl H H + HCl OCH2CH3 6.30 Draw the curved arrows to identify the product X. O + H Br [1] O H + Br Br [2] OH A B X 6.31 Follow the curved arrows to identify the intermediate Y. CO2H [1] O CO2H O O C [2] O COOH O O D Y 150 Smith: Study Guide/ 6. Understanding Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 6–12 6.32 Use the rules from Answer 6.5. a. I CCl3 Br CCl3 largest halogen intermediate weakest bond bond strength b. H2N NH2 Cl CCl3 smallest halogen strongest bond single bond weakest bond HN NH N N double bond intermediate bond strength triple bond strongest bond 6.33 Use the directions from Answer 6.6. a. CH3CH2 H + Br2 CH3CH2 Br [1] Bonds broken + HBr [2] Bonds formed Ho (kJ/mol) [3] Overall Ho = Ho (kJ/mol) CH3CH2 H + 410 CH3CH2 Br 285 + 602 kJ/mol Br Br + 192 H Br 368 653 kJ/mol + 602 kJ/mol Total 653 kJ/mol Total b. OH + CH4 CH3 + H2O [1] Bonds broken [2] Bonds formed Ho (kJ/mol) CH3 H c. ANSWER: 51 kJ/mol Ho (kJ/mol) H OH + 435 kJ/mol CH3 OH + HBr CH3 Br 498 kJ/mol + 435 kJ/mol 498 kJ/mol ANSWER: 63 kJ/mol + H2O [2] Bonds formed [1] Bonds broken [3] Overall Ho = Ho (kJ/mol) [3] Overall Ho = Ho (kJ/mol) CH3 OH + 389 CH3 Br 293 + 757 kJ/mol H Br + 368 H OH 498 791 kJ/mol Total + 757 kJ/mol d. Br + CH4 Total ANSWER: 34 kJ/mol H + CH3Br [1] Bonds broken [2] Bonds formed Ho (kJ/mol) CH3 H 791 kJ/mol + 435 kJ/mol Ho (kJ/mol) CH3 Br 293 kJ/mol [3] Overall Ho = + 435 kJ/mol 293 kJ/mol ANSWER: + 142 kJ/mol Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 6. Understanding Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions 151 Understanding Organic Reactions 6–13 6.34 propane propene CH3 CH2CH3 CH3 CH2CH3 Ho = 356 kJ/mol This bond is formed from two sp3 hybridized C's. CH3 CH CH2 CH3 CH CH2 Ho = 385 kJ/mol This bond is formed from one sp2 and one sp3 hybridized C. The higher percent scharacter in one C makes a stronger bond; thus the bond dissociation energy is higher. 6.35 H H H CH2 CH C H CH2 CH C H CH2 CH C H hybrid: H CH2 CH C H H 6.36 The more stable radical is formed by a reaction with a smaller H°. H CH3 CH2 C H CH3 CH2 C H H Ho = 410 kJ/mol = less stable radical H This C–H bond is stronger. A H CH3 C CH3 CH3 C H CH3 Ho = 397 kJ/mol = more stable radical H This C–H bond is weaker. B Since the bond dissociation for cleavage of the C–H bond to form radical A is higher, more energy must be added to form it. This makes A higher in energy and therefore less stable than B. 6.37 Use the bond dissociation energy for the CC bond in ethane as an estimate of the bond strength in ethylene. Then you can estimate the bond strength as well. CH3 CH3 o H = 368 kJ/mol CH2 CH2 635 – 368 = 267 kJ/mol = bond o H = 635 kJ/mol 6.38 Use the rules from Answer 6.10. a. Keq = 0.5. Keq is less than one so the starting material is favored. b. Go = 100 kJ/mol. Go is less than 0 so the product is favored. c. Ho = 8.0 kJ/mol. Ho is positive, so the starting material is favored. d. Keq = 16. Keq is greater than one so the product is favored. e. Go = 2.0 kJ/mol. Go is greater than zero so the starting material is favored. f. Ho = 200 kJ/mol. Ho is positive so the starting material is favored. g. So = 8 J/(K•mol). So is greater than zero so the product is more disordered and favored. h. So = 8 J/(K•mol). So is less than zero so the starting material is more disordered and favored. 152 Smith: Study Guide/ 6. Understanding Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 6–14 6.39 a. A negative G° must have Keq > 1. Keq = 102. b. Keq = [products]/[reactants] = [1]/[5] = 0.2 = Keq. G° is positive. c. A negative G° has Keq > 1, and a positive G° has Keq < 1. G° = 8 kJ/mol will have a larger Keq. 6.40 R axial R equatorial H R Keq –CH3 –CH2CH3 –CH(CH3)2 –C(CH3)3 H 18 23 38 4000 a. The equatorial conformation is always present in the larger amount at equilibrium since the Keq for all R groups is greater than 1. b. The cyclohexane with the –C(CH3)3 group will have the greatest amount of equatorial conformation at equilibrium since this group has the highest Keq. c. The cyclohexane with the –CH3 group will have the greatest amount of axial conformation at equilibrium since this group has the lowest Keq. d. The cyclohexane with the –C(CH3)3 group will have the most negative G° since it has the largest Keq. e. The larger the R group, the more favored the equatorial conformation. f. The Keq for tert-butylcyclohexane is much higher because the tert-butyl group is bulkier than the other groups. With a tert-butyl group, a CH3 group is always oriented over the ring when the group is axial, creating severe 1,3-diaxial interactions. With all other substituents, the larger CH3 groups can be oriented away from the ring, placing a H over the ring, making the 1,3-diaxial interactions less severe. Compare: tert-butylcyclohexane isopropylcyclohexane CH3 CH3 H C CH3 H H H H severe 1,3-diaxial interactions with the CH3 group and the axial H's C CH3 CH3 less severe 1,3-diaxial interactions 6.41 Calculate Keq, and then find the percentage of axial and equatorial conformations present at equilibrium. F (axial) a. H fluorocyclohexane 1 part F (equatorial) H 1.5 parts G° = –5.9log Keq G° = –1.0 kJ/mol –1.0 kJ/mol = –5.9log Keq Keq = 1.5 b. Keq = [products]/[reactants] 1.5 = [products]/[reactants] 1.5[reactants] = [products] [reactants] = 0.4 = 40% axial [products] = 0.6 = 60% equatorial Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 153 © The McGraw−Hill 6. Understanding Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions Understanding Organic Reactions 6–15 6.42 Reactions resulting in an increase in entropy are favored. When a single molecule forms two molecules, there is an increase in entropy. increased number of molecules S° is positive. products favored decreased number of molecules S° is negative. starting material favored increased number of molecules H2O S° is positive. products favored + a. b. CH3 c. (CH3)2C(OH)2 + CH3CH3 CH3 (CH3)2C=O d. CH3COOCH3 + H2O + CH3COOH + CH3OH no change in the number of molecules neither favored 6.43 Use the directions in Answer 6.16 to draw the transition state. Nonbonded electron pairs are drawn in at reacting sites. Br + a. OH + c. Br O + + Br transition state: + BF3 transition state: Cl F B Cl d. C CH3 F F Cl C H + H2O transition state: H CH3 CH3 + C CH3 H + C C H F F B CH3 H CH3 NH3 O H NH2 transition state: F b. + NH2 H3O + H + C H OH2 H 6.44 A B Reaction coordinate • one step A B • exothermic since B lower than A • low Ea (small energy barrier) H° B A Reaction coordinate • one step A B • endothermic since B higher than A • high Ea (large energy barrier) A B EaA–B Energy Ea Energy Ea H° d. c. b. Energy Energy a. EaB–C C Reaction coordinate H°overall • two steps • A lowest energy • B highest energy • Ea(A-B) is ratedetermining, since the transition state for Step [1] is higher in energy. Ea = 16 kJ/mol A H° = 80 kJ/mol B Reaction coordinate • one step A B • exothermic since B lower than A 154 Smith: Study Guide/ 6. Understanding Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 6–16 6.45 a. CH3 H b. Cl + CH4 CH3 + HCl Cl CH3 + HCl [1] Bonds broken Ho (kJ/mol) 431 kJ/mol H Cl 431 kJ/mol ANSWER: + 4 kJ/mol d. The Ea for the reverse reaction is the difference in energy between the products and the transition state, 12 kJ/mol. c. Ea = 16 kJ/mol Energy + 435 kJ/mol Ho (kJ/mol) + 435 kJ/mol CH3 H [3] Overall Ho = [2] Bonds formed 16 kJ/mol Energy H° = 4 kJ/mol 12 kJ/mol 4 kJ/mol Reaction coordinate Reaction coordinate 6.46 D Energy B a. b. c. d. B, D, and F are transition states. C and E are reactive intermediates. The overall reaction has three steps. A–C is endothermic. C–E is exothermic. E–G is exothermic. e. The overall reaction is exothermic. F C A E G Reaction coordinate 6.47 O CH3 C O CH3 CH3 C O OH CH3 CH3 C CH3 CH3 C OH O CH3 Since pKa (CH3CO2H) = 4.8 and pKa [(CH3)3COH] = 18, the weaker acid is formed as product, and equilibrium favors the products. Thus, H° is negative, and the products are lower in energy than the starting materials. transition state O CH3 C O CH3 H O C CH3 CH3 Energy transition state: Ea starting materials Reaction coordinate H° products Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 6. Understanding Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions 155 Understanding Organic Reactions 6–17 6.48 H H H H H Cl +H [1] H H + Cl Cl [2] H a. Step [1] breaks one bond and the HCl bond, and one CH bond is formed. The H° for this step should be positive since more bonds are broken than formed. b. Step [2] forms one bond. The H° for this step should be negative since one bond is formed and none is broken. c. Step [1] is rate-determining since it is more difficult. d. Transition state for Step [1]: Transition state for Step [2]: H H H H + Cl + H Cl H e. Energy Ea2 H°1 is positive. Ea1 H°2 is negative. H°overall is negative. Reaction coordinate 6.49 B C Energy Ea Ea (CH3)3C + A + H 2O + I Ea (CH3)3C + HI OH (CH3)3C + OH2 H°3 H°2 H°1 = 0 + I H°overall (CH3)3C Reaction coordinate a. The reaction has three steps, since there are three energy barriers. b. See above. I 156 Smith: Study Guide/ 6. Understanding Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 6–18 c. Transition state A (see graph for location): + (CH3)3C OH H Transition state B: (CH3)3C + I Transition state C: + I OH2 + (CH3)3C d. Step [2] is rate-determining since this step has the highest energy transition state. 6.50 Ea, concentration, catalysts, rate constant, and temperature affect reaction rate so (c), (d), (e), (g), and (h) affect rate. 6.51 a. b. c. d. rate = k[CH3Br][NaCN] Double [CH3Br] = rate doubles. Halve [NaCN] = rate halved. Increase both [CH3Br] and [NaCN] by factor of 5 = [5][5] = rate increases by a factor of 25. 6.52 O acetyl C Cl chloride CH3 CH3O [1] slow O CH3O O [2] CH3 C Cl fast CH3 C + Cl– OCH3 methyl acetate a. Only the slow step is included in the rate equation: Rate = k[CH3O–][CH3COCl] b. CH3O– is in the rate equation. Increasing its concentration by 10 times would increase the rate by 10 times. c. When both reactant concentrations are increased by 10 times, the rate increases by 100 times (10 10 = 100). d. This is a substitution reaction (OCH3 substitutes for Cl). 6.53 a. b. c. d. e. f. True: Increasing temperature increases reaction rate. True: If a reaction is fast, it has a large rate constant. False: Corrected - There is no relationship between G° and reaction rate. False: Corrected - When the Ea is large, the rate constant is small. False: Corrected - There is no relationship between Keq and reaction rate. False: Corrected - Increasing the concentration of a reactant increases the rate of a reaction only if the reactant appears in the rate equation. 6.54 a. The first mechanism has one step: Rate = k[(CH3)3CI][–OH] b. The second mechanism has two steps, but only the first step would be in the rate equation since it is slow and therefore rate-determining: Rate = k[(CH3)3CI] c. Possibility [1] is second order; possibility [2] is first order. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 6. Understanding Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions 157 Understanding Organic Reactions 6–19 d. These rate equations can be used to show which mechanism is plausible by changing the concentration of –OH. If this affects the rate, possibility [1] is reasonable. If it does not affect the rate, possibility [2] is reasonable. CH3 e. CH3 C CH2 I Energy – H – OH Ea H° A = (CH3)3CI + –OH B = (CH3)2C=CH2 + I– + H2O B A Reaction coordinate transition state [1] f. transition state [2] Energy B Ea[1] H°[1] (CH3)3C+ + I– + –OH CH3 [1] CH3 C +CH3 I – Ea[2] H°[2] H°overall (CH3)3CI (CH3)2C=CH2 + H2O CH3 [2] CH3 C CH2 + H OH – Reaction coordinate 6.55 The difference in both the acidity and the bond dissociation energy of CH3CH3 versus HCCH is due to the same factor: percent s-character. The difference results because one process is based on homolysis and one is based on heterolysis. Bond dissociation energy: CH3CH2 H sp3 hybridized 25% s-character HC C H sp hybridized 50% s-character Higher percent s-character makes this bond shorter and stronger. Acidity: To compare acidity, we must compare the stability of the conjugate bases: CH3CH2 sp3 hybridized 25% s-character HC C sp hybridized 50% s-character Now a higher percent s-character stabilizes the conjugate base making the starting acid more acidic. 158 Smith: Study Guide/ 6. Understanding Organic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 6–20 6.56 Ha Hb a. Hb Hb Hb C C CH3 C C CH3 C C CH3 C C CH3 H H H H H H H H Hb b. Hb C C CH3 C C CH3 H H H H Ha Hb Ha Ha C C CH3 C C CH3 C C CH3 H H H H H H c. C–Ha is weaker the C–Hb since the carbon radical formed when the C–Ha bond is broken is highly resonance stabilized. This means the bond dissociation energy for C–Ha is lower. 6.57 In Reaction [1], the number of molecules of reactants and products stays the same, so entropy is not a factor. In Reaction [2], a single molecule of starting material forms two molecules of products, so entropy increases. This makes G° more favorable, thus increasing Keq. 6.58 O CH3 C O + CH3CH2OH OH CH3 C OCH2CH3 + H2O Keq = 4 ethyl acetate To increase the yield of ethyl acetate, H2O can be removed from the reaction mixture, or there can be a large excess of one of the starting materials. 6.59 a. O H O O CH3CH2 O H ethanol phenol O resonance stabilized less energy for homolysis O O H Csp2–O higher % s-character shorter bond no resonance stabilization Less energy is required for cleavage of C6H5O–H because homolysis forms the more stable radical. O b. CH3CH2 O CH3CH2 O H Csp3–O lower % s-character longer bond Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Nucleophilic Substitution 159 Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution 7–1 C Chhaapptteerr 77:: A Allkkyyll H Haalliiddeess aanndd N Nuucclleeoopphhiilliicc SSuubbssttiittuuttiioonn G Geenneerraall ffaaccttss aabboouutt aallkkyyll hhaalliiddeess • Alkyl halides contain a halogen atom X bonded to an sp3 hybridized carbon (7.1). • Alkyl halides are named as halo alkanes, with the halogen as a substituent (7.2). • Alkyl halides have a polar C–X bond, so they exhibit dipole–dipole interactions but are incapable of intermolecular hydrogen bonding (7.3). • The polar C–X bond containing an electrophilic carbon makes alkyl halides reactive towards nucleophiles and bases (7.5). TThhee cceennttrraall tthheem mee ((77..66)) • Nucleophilic substitution is one of the two main reactions of alkyl halides. A nucleophile replaces a leaving group on an sp3 hybridized carbon. R X + Nu R Nu nucleophile + X leaving group The electron pair in the CNu bond comes from the nucleophile. • • One bond is broken and one bond is formed. There are two possible mechanisms: SN1 and SN2. SSNNN11 aanndd SSNNN22 m meecchhaanniissm mss ccoom mppaarreedd SN2 mechanism One step (7.11B) • [2] Alkyl halide • Order of reactivity: CH3X > RCH2X > R2CHX > R3CX (7.11D) • Order of reactivity: R3CX > R2CHX > RCH2X > CH3X (7.13D) [3] Rate equation • • rate = k[RX][:Nu–] second-order kinetics (7.11A) • • rate = k[RX] first-order kinetics (7.13A) [4] Stereochemistry • backside attack of the nucleophile (7.11C) inversion of configuration at a stereogenic center favored by stronger nucleophiles (7.17B) better leaving group faster reaction (7.17C) • trigonal planar carbocation intermediate (7.13C) racemization at a stereogenic center favored by weaker nucleophiles (7.17B) better leaving group faster reaction (7.17C) favored by polar aprotic solvents (7.17D) • • [5] Nucleophile • [6] Leaving group • [7] Solvent • • SN1 mechanism Two steps (7.13B) [1] Mechanism • • • favored by polar protic solvents (7.17D) 160 Smith: Study Guide/ 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Nucleophilic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 7–2 Increasing rate of the SN1 reaction H H H R H C Br R C Br R C Br R C Br H H R R 1o 2o 3o both SN1 and SN2 SN 1 methyl SN2 Increasing rate of an SN2 reaction IIm mppoorrttaanntt ttrreennddss • The best leaving group is the weakest base. Leaving group ability increases across a row and down a column of the periodic table (7.7). Increasing basicity NH3 Increasing basicity H2O F Increasing leaving group ability • Cl Br I Increasing leaving group ability Nucleophilicity decreases across a row of the periodic table (7.8A). For 2nd row elements with the same charge: CH3 NH2 OH F Increasing basicity Increasing nucleophilicity • Nucleophilicity decreases down a column of the periodic table in polar aprotic solvents (7.8C). Down a column of the periodic table F Cl Br I Increasing nucleophilicity in polar aprotic solvents • Nucleophilicity increases down a column of the periodic table in polar protic solvents (7.8C). Down a column of the periodic table F Cl Br I Increasing nucleophilicity in polar protic solvents • The stability of a carbocation increases as the number of R groups bonded to the positively charged carbon increases (7.14). + CH3 + RCH2 + R2CH + R3C methyl 1o 2o 3o Increasing carbocation stability Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Nucleophilic Substitution 161 Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution 7–3 IIm mppoorrttaanntt pprriinncciipplleess • Principle Electron-donating groups (such as R groups) stabilize a positive charge (7.14A). • Example 3 Carbocations (R3C+) are more stable than 2o carbocations (R2CH+), which are more stable than 1o carbocations (RCH2+). o • Steric hindrance decreases nucleophilicity but not basicity (7.8B). • (CH3)3CO– is a stronger base but a weaker nucleophile than CH3CH2O–. • Hammond postulate: In an endothermic reaction, the more stable product is formed faster. In an exothermic reaction, this fact is not necessarily true (7.15). • SN1 reactions are faster when more stable (more substituted) carbocations are formed, because the rate-determining step is endothermic. • Planar, sp2 hybridized atoms react with reagents from both sides of the plane (7.13C). • A trigonal planar carbocation reacts with nucleophiles from both sides of the plane. 162 Smith: Study Guide/ 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Nucleophilic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 7–4 C Chhaapptteerr 77:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 7.1 Classify the alkyl halide as 1°, 2°, or 3° by counting the number of carbons bonded directly to the carbon bonded to the halogen. C bonded to 2 C's 2° alkyl halide C bonded to 1 C 1° alkyl halide I CH3 a. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2 Br F b. c. CH3 C CHCH3 d. CH3 Cl C bonded to 3 C's 3° alkyl halide C bonded to 3 C's 3° alkyl halide 7.2 Use the directions from Answer 7.1. F This F is bonded to a C which is not bonded to any other C's. Therefore, it cannot be classified as 1°, 2°, or 3°. HO S O OCOC2H5 H F O F H bonded to C bonded to 3 C's 3° alkyl halide bonded to C bonded to 2 C's 2° alkyl halide 7.3 Draw a compound of molecular formula C6H13Br to fit each description. Br a. b. Br c. Br 1° alkyl halide one stereogenic center 2° alkyl halide two stereogenic centers 3° alkyl halide no stereogenic centers 7.4 To name a compound with the IUPAC system: [1] Name the parent chain by finding the longest carbon chain. [2] Number the chain so the first substituent gets the lower number. Then name and number all substituents, giving like substituents a prefix (di, tri, etc.). To name the halogen substituent, change the -ine ending to -o. [3] Combine all parts, alphabetizing substituents, and ignoring all prefixes except iso. a. (CH3)2CHCH(Cl)CH2CH3 re-draw [1] 2-methyl [2] Cl 5 carbon alkane = pentane [3] 3-chloro-2-methylpentane 2 Cl 3-chloro Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Nucleophilic Substitution 163 Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution 7–5 2-bromo b. Br [1] [2] Br [3] 2-bromo-5,5-dimethylheptane 2 7 carbon alkane = heptane 5,5-dimethyl c. 2-methyl [2] [1] Br Br [3] 1-bromo-2-methylcyclohexane 1-bromo 1 6 carbon cycloalkane = cyclohexane 2-fluoro d. F [1] F [2] [3] 2-fluoro-5,5-dimethylheptane 5,5-dimethyl 1 2 3 4 7 7 carbon alkane = heptane 7.5 To work backwards from a name to a structure: [1] Find the parent name and draw that number of carbons. Use the suffix to identify the functional group (-ane = alkane). [2] Arbitrarily number the carbons in the chain. Add the substituents to the appropriate carbon. a. 3-chloro-2-methylhexane [1] 6 carbon alkane [2] methyl at C2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cl chloro at C3 b. 4-ethyl-5-iodo-2,2-dimethyloctane [1] 8 carbon alkane [2] ethyl at C4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 2 methyls at C2 iodo at C5 c. cis-1,3-dichlorocyclopentane [1] 5 carbon cycloalkane [2] chloro groups at C1 and C3, both on the same side Cl Cl C3 C1 d. 1,1,3-tribromocyclohexane [1] 6 carbon cycloalkane 3 Br groups [2] Br C3 Br Br C1 164 Smith: Study Guide/ 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Nucleophilic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 7–6 e. propyl chloride [1] 3 carbon alkyl group [2] chloride on end CH3CH2CH2 CH3CH2CH2 Cl f. sec-butyl bromide [1] 4 carbon alkyl group [2] bromide CH3 CHCH2CH3 CH3 CHCH2CH3 Br 7.6 Boiling points of alkyl halides increase as the size (and polarizability) of X increases. Remember: stronger intermolecular forces = higher boiling point. a. smallest halogen least polarizable lowest boiling point b. CH3CH2CH2I middle size halogen intermediate boiling point largest halogen most polarizable highest boiling point CH3(CH2)5Br CH3(CH2)4CH3 weakest forces nonpolar lowest boiling point 7.7 CH3CH3CH2Cl CH3CH2CH2F VDW, DD forces intermediate boiling point CH3(CH2)5OH OH is capable of hydrogen bonding. strongest forces highest boiling point a. Because an sp2 hybridized C has a higher percent s-character than an sp3 hybridized C, it holds electron density closer to C. This pulls a little more electron density towards C, away from Cl, and thus a Csp2–Cl bond is less polar than a Csp3–Cl bond. Cl b. Cl sp3 C–Cl bond intermediate boiling point lowest boiling point Br larger halogen, sp3 C–Br bond highest boiling point 7.8 Since more polar molecules are more water soluble, look for polarity differences between methoxychlor and DDT. methoxychlor DDT H CH3O C H OCH3 CCl3 2 methoxy groups more polar The O atoms can hydrogen bond to H2O. more biodegradable Cl C Cl CCl3 2 chloro groups less polar readily soluble in an organic medium Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Nucleophilic Substitution 165 Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution 7–7 7.9 To draw the products of a nucleophilic substitution reaction: [1] Find the sp3 hybridized electrophilic carbon with a leaving group. [2] Find the nucleophile with lone pairs or electrons in bonds. [3] Substitute the nucleophile for the leaving group on the electrophilic carbon. + a. Br leaving group + Br OCH2CH3 OCH2CH3 nonbonded e pairs nucleophile Cl OH b. + leaving group nonbonded e pairs nucleophile + I c. leaving group + Na+Cl– Na+ OH N3 + I N3 nonbonded e pairs nucleophile Br CN + d. leaving group + Na+Br– Na+ CN nonbonded e pairs nucleophile 7.10 Use the steps from Answer 7.9 and then draw the proton transfer reaction. a. + Br N(CH2CH3)3 substitution + N(CH2CH3)3 + Br nucleophile leaving group + b. (CH3)3C Cl H2O substitution (CH3)3C proton + Cl (CH3)3C transfer H nucleophile leaving group O H 7.11 Draw the structure of CPC using the steps from Answer 7.9. N nucleophile + Cl substitution + N leaving group + CPC Cl O H + HCl 166 Smith: Study Guide/ 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Nucleophilic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 7–8 7.12 Compare the leaving groups based on these trends: • Better leaving groups are weaker bases. • A neutral leaving group is always better than its conjugate base. a. Cl–, I– b. NH3, NH2– farther down a column of the periodic table less basic better leaving group c. H2O, H2S neutral compound less basic better leaving group farther down a column of the periodic table less basic better leaving group 7.13 Good leaving groups include Cl–, Br–, I–, H2O. a. CH3CH2CH2 Br c. CH3CH2CH2 OH2 b. CH3CH2CH2OH Br is a good leaving group. No good leaving group. is too strong a base. H2O is a good leaving group. OH d. CH3CH3 No good leaving group. H is too strong a base. 7.14 To decide whether the equilibrium favors the starting material or the products, compare the nucleophile and the leaving group. The reaction proceeds towards the weaker base. a. CH3CH2 NH2 + Br nucleophile better leaving group weaker base pKa (HBr) = –9 b. I + CN nucleophile pKa (HCN) = 9.1 + CH3CH2 Br NH2 leaving group Reaction favors starting material. pKa (NH3) = 38 CN + I leaving group better leaving group weaker base pKa (HI) = –10 Reaction favors product. 7.15 It is not possible to convert CH3CH2CH2OH to CH3CH2CH2Cl by nucleophilic substitution with NaCl because –OH is a stronger base and poorer leaving group than Cl–. The equilibrium favors the reactants, not the products. CH3CH2CH2OH Na Cl weaker base CH3CH2CH2Cl Na OH stronger base Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Nucleophilic Substitution 167 Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution 7–9 7.16 Use these three rules to find the stronger nucleophile in each pair: [1] Comparing two nucleophiles having the same attacking atom, the stronger base is a stronger nucleophile. [2] Negatively charged nucleophiles are always stronger than their conjugate acids. [3] Across a row of the periodic table, nucleophilicity decreases when comparing species of similar charge. O a. NH3, NH2 b. CH3 , HO c. CH3NH2, CH3OH d. Across a row of the periodic A negatively charged Across a row of the periodic nucleophile is stronger table, nucleophilicity decreases table, nucleophilicity decreases than its conjugate acid. with species of the same charge. with species of the same charge. stronger nucleophile stronger nucleophile stronger nucleophile C CH3 O CH3CH2O same attacking atom (O) stronger base stronger nucleophile 7.17 Polar protic solvents are capable of H-bonding, and therefore must contain a H bonded to an electronegative O or N. Polar aprotic solvents are incapable of H-bonding, and therefore do not contain any O–H or N–H bonds. a. HOCH2CH2OH contains 2 O–H bonds polar protic b. CH3CH2OCH2CH3 no O–H bonds polar aprotic c. CH3COOCH2CH3 no O–H bonds polar aprotic 7.18 • In polar protic solvents, the trend in nucleophilicity is opposite to the trend in basicity down a column of the periodic table so that nucleophilicity increases. • In polar aprotic solvents, the trend is identical to basicity so that nucleophilicity decreases down a column. a. Br and Cl in polar protic solvent farther down the column more nucleophilic in protic solvent b. OH and Cl in polar aprotic solvent farther up the column and to the left in the row more basic more nucleophilic In polar aprotic solvents: nucleophilicity increases O F nucleophilicity Cl increases c. HS and F in polar protic solvent In polar protic solvents: nucleophilicity increases farther down the column O F nucleophilicity and left in the row S increases more nucleophilic in protic solvent 168 Smith: Study Guide/ 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Nucleophilic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 7–10 7.19 The stronger base is the stronger nucleophile except in polar protic solvents when nucleophilicity increases down a column. For other rules, see Answers 7.16 and 7.18. a. H2O OH no charge weakest nucleophile NH2 negatively charged intermediate nucleophile negatively charged farther left in periodic table strongest nucleophile b. Br F Basicity decreases down a Basicity decreases column in polar aprotic solvents. across a row. weakest nucleophile intermediate nucleophile c. H2O OH strongest nucleophile CH3COO OH OH weakest nucleophile strongest nucleophile weaker base than intermediate nucleophile 7.20 To determine what nucleophile is needed to carry out each reaction, look at the product to see what has replaced the leaving group. a. (CH3)2CHCH2CH2 Br (CH3)2CHCH2CH2 c. (CH3)2CHCH2CH2 Br SH SH replaces Br. HS is needed. b. (CH3)2CHCH2CH2 Br (CH3)2CHCH2CH2 (CH3)2CHCH2CH2 OCOCH3 OCOCH3 replaces Br. CH3COO is needed. OCH2CH3 d. (CH3)2CHCH2CH2 Br (CH3)2CHCH2CH2 C CH CCH replaces Br. HCC is needed. OCH2CH3 replaces Br. CH3CH2O is needed. 7.21 The general rate equation for an SN2 reaction is rate = k[RX][:Nu]. a. [RX] is tripled, and [:Nu–] stays the same: rate triples. b. Both [RX] and [:Nu–] are tripled: rate increases by a factor of 9 (3 3 = 9). c. [RX] is halved, and [:Nu–] stays the same: rate halved. d. [RX] is halved, and [:Nu–] is doubled: rate stays the same (1/2 2 = 1). 7.22 The transition state in an SN2 reaction has dashed bonds to both the leaving group and the nucleophile, and must contain partial charges. a. CH3CH2CH2 Cl + OCH3 CH3CH2CH2 OCH3 + Cl CH3CH2CH2 CH3O b. Br + SH SH + Br SH Br Cl Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 169 © The McGraw−Hill 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Nucleophilic Substitution Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution 7–11 7.23 All SN2 reactions have one step. Cl CH3CH2CH2 Energy CH3O Ea CH3CH2CH2 Cl H° + OCH3 CH3CH2CH2 OCH3 + Cl Reaction coordinate 7.24 To draw the products of SN2 reactions, replace the leaving group by the nucleophile, and then draw the stereochemistry with inversion at the stereogenic center. CH3CH2 D a. D CH CH 2 3 C + Br CH3CH2O OCH2CH3 H b. C + I CN CN H 7.25 Increasing the number of R groups increases crowding of the transition state and decreases the rate of an SN2 reaction. Cl or a. CH3CH2 Cl 1° alkyl halide CH3 Cl b. methyl halide faster reaction or 2° alkyl halide c. Cl Br 2° alkyl halide faster reaction 1° alkyl halide faster reaction or Br 3° alkyl halide 7.26 These three methyl groups make the alkyl halide sterically hindered. This slows the rate of an SN2 reaction even though it is a 1° alkyl halide. CH3 CH3 C CH2Br CH3 7.27 + H N N H CH3 SR2 H N A + SR2 N H loss of CH3 a proton H N N CH3 nicotine 7.28 In a first-order reaction, the rate changes with any change in [RX]. The rate is independent of any change in [nucleophile]. a. [RX] is tripled, and [:Nu–] stays the same: rate triples. b. Both [RX] and [:Nu–] are tripled: rate triples. c. [RX] is halved, and [:Nu–] stays the same: rate halved. d. [RX] is halved, and [:Nu–] is doubled: rate halved. 170 Smith: Study Guide/ 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Nucleophilic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 7–12 7.29 In SN1 reactions, racemization always occurs at a stereogenic center. Draw two products, with the two possible configurations at the stereogenic center. leaving group nucleophile CH3 a. C (CH3)2CH CH3 H2O C Br (CH3)2CH CH2CH3 CH3 H CH3CH2 Cl CH2CH3 + HBr OH enantiomers CH3COO CH3 (CH3)2CH CH2CH3 nucleophile b. C + OH H CH3 CH3CH2 H OOCCH3 + OOCCH3 CH3CH2 + Cl– CH3 diastereomers leaving group 7.30 Carbocations are classified by the number of R groups bonded to the carbon: 0 R groups = methyl, 1 R group = 1°, 2 R groups = 2°, and 3 R groups = 3°. a. + b. (CH3)3CCH2 + 1 R group 1° carbocation 2 R groups 2° carbocation c. + d. + 2 R groups 2° carbocation 3 R groups 3° carbocation 7.31 For carbocations: Increasing number of R groups = Increasing stability. + + CH3CH2CH2CH2 + CH3CHCH2CH3 CH3 C CH3 CH3 1° carbocation least stable 2° carbocation intermediate stability 3° carbocation most stable 7.32 For carbocations: Increasing number of R groups = Increasing stability. + a. + + (CH3)2CHCH2CH2 (CH3)2CHCHCH3 1° carbocation least stable 2° carbocation intermediate stability CH2 + (CH3)2CCH2CH3 3° carbocation most stable + b. + 1° carbocation least stable 2° carbocation intermediate stability 3° carbocation most stable Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 171 © The McGraw−Hill 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Nucleophilic Substitution Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution 7–13 7.33 The rate of an SN1 reaction increases with increasing alkyl substitution. a. or (CH3)3CBr (CH3)3CCH2Br CH3 1° alkyl halide 3° alkyl halide faster SN1 reaction slower SN1 reaction b. Br or 2° alkyl halide slower SN1 reaction Br Br c. or 3° alkyl halide faster SN1 reaction Br 2° alkyl halide slower SN1 reaction 3° alkyl halide faster SN1 reaction 7.34 • For methyl and 1° alkyl halides, only SN2 will occur. • For 2° alkyl halides, SN1 and SN2 will occur. • For 3° alkyl halides, only SN1 will occur. CH3 H a. CH3 C C Br b. Br CH3 CH3 Br d. 2° alkyl halide SN1 and SN2 1° alkyl halide SN 2 2° alkyl halide SN1 and SN2 Br c. 3° alkyl halide SN1 7.35 • Draw the product of nucleophilic substitution for each reaction. • For methyl and 1° alkyl halides, only SN2 will occur. • For 2° alkyl halides, SN1 and SN2 will occur and other factors determine which mechanism operates. • For 3° alkyl halides, only SN1 will occur. Strong nucleophile favors SN2. I CH3OH Cl a. OCH3 c. + HCl 3° alkyl halide only SN1 Br b. OCH2CH3 CH3CH3O + I + HBr 2° alkyl halide Both SN1 and SN2 are possible. Weak nucleophile favors SN1. SH SH + Br CH3OH d. Br 1° alkyl halide only SN2 2° alkyl halide Both SN1 and SN2 are possible. OCH3 7.36 First decide whether the reaction will proceed via an SN1 or SN2 mechanism. Then draw the products with stereochemistry. + a. H Br 2° alkyl halide SN1 and SN2 H2O Weak nucleophile favors SN1. + HBr + H OH HO H enantiomers SN1 = racemization at the stereogenic C 172 Smith: Study Guide/ 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Nucleophilic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 7–14 Cl HC C C C H + b. + Cl SN2 = inversion at the stereogenic C D H H D 1° alkyl halide SN2 only 7.37 Compounds with better leaving groups react faster. Weaker bases are better leaving groups. a. CH3CH2CH2Cl c. (CH3)3C OH or CH3CH2CH2I or weaker base better leaving group b. (CH3)3CBr d. CH3CH2CH2OH or weaker base better leaving group 7.38 + OH2 weaker base better leaving group (CH3)3CI or (CH3)3C CH3CH2CH2 OCOCH3 weaker base better leaving group • Polar protic solvents favor the SN1 mechanism by solvating the intermediate carbocation and halide. • Polar aprotic solvents favor the SN2 mechanism by making the nucleophile stronger. b. CH3CN polar aprotic solvent no O–H or N–H bond favors SN2 a. CH3CH2OH polar protic solvent contains an O–H bond favors SN1 c. CH3COOH polar protic solvent contains an O–H bond favors SN1 d. CH3CH2OCH2CH3 polar aprotic solvent no O–H or N–H bond favors SN2 7.39 Compare the solvents in the reactions below. For the solvent to increase the reaction rate of an SN1 reaction, the solvent must be polar protic. a. (CH3)3CBr 3o RX + H2O H2O or H2O (CH3)3COH + HBr – SN1 reaction (CH3)2C=O + CH3OH b. Cl CH3OH + or DMSO HCl Br + OH 1o RX – SN2 reaction d. + H Cl CH3O H2O OH + Br or CH3OH + or 2o RX strong nucleophile SN2 reaction DMF [HCON(CH3)2] Polar aprotic solvent increases the rate of an SN2 reaction. DMF HMPA CH3OH Polar protic solvent increases the rate of an SN1 reaction. OCH3 3o RX – SN1 reaction c. Polar protic solvent increases the rate of an SN1 reaction. H OCH3 Cl HMPA [(CH3)2N]3P=O Polar aprotic solvent increases the rate of an SN2 reaction. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Nucleophilic Substitution 173 Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution 7–15 7.40 To predict whether the reaction follows an SN1 or SN2 mechanism: [1] Classify RX as a methyl, 1°, 2°, or 3° halide. (Methyl, 1° = SN2; 3° = SN1; 2° = either.) [2] Classify the nucleophile as strong or weak. (Strong favors SN2; weak favors SN1.) [3] Classify the solvent as polar protic or polar aprotic. (Polar protic favors SN1; polar aprotic favors SN2.) a. + CH2Br CH3CH2O + CH2OCH2CH3 Br SN2 reaction 1° alkyl halide SN2 b. + Br + Br Strong nucleophile favors SN2. 2° alkyl halide SN1 or SN2 I c. N3 N3 3° alkyl halide SN1 OCH3 CH3OH + SN2 reaction = inversion at the stereogenic center The leaving group was "up." The nucleophile attacks from below. + SN1 reaction HI Weak nucleophile favors SN1. d. + + H2O Weak nucleophile favors SN1. Cl 3° alkyl halide SN1 OH + HCl SN1 reaction forms two enantiomers. HO 7.41 Vinyl carbocations are even less stable than 1° carbocations. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH=CH CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2 CH3CH2CH2CH2CHCH3 vinyl carbocation least stable 1° carbocation intermediate stability 2° carbocation most stable 7.42 Na+ CN a. CN carbon framework CN nucleophile b. (CH3)3CCH2CH2 carbon framework Cl SH (CH3)3CCH2CH2 nucleophile Cl Na+ SH (CH3)3CCH2CH2 SH 174 Smith: Study Guide/ 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Nucleophilic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 7–16 OH Cl OH Na+ OH c. nucleophile carbon framework Na+ C d. CH3CH2 C C H carbon framework CH CH3CH2 C C H CH3CH2 Cl nucleophile 7.43 Cl CH2CH3 CH3O CH3OCH2CH3 Cl CH3 CH3CH2O CH3OCH2CH3 7.44 Use the directions from Answer 7.4 to name the compounds. [1] a. [2] CH3 CH3 C CH2CH2 F [3] 1-fluoro-3,3-dimethylbutane 1 CH3 C CH2CH2 F 3 CH3 CH3 1-fluoro 3,3-dimethyl 4 carbon alkane = butane b.[1] CH3 [2] 3-ethyl 3 I 2 2-methyl [2] 3-ethyl-1-iodo-2-methylhexane 1-iodo 6 carbon alkane = hexane c. [1] (CH3)3CCH2Br [3] 1 I CH3 [3] 1-bromo-2,2-dimethylpropane CH3 C CH2 Br CH3 2 CH3 1 CH3 C CH2 Br 1-bromo 2,2-dimethyl CH3 3 carbon alkane = propane d. [1] [2] Br 6 2 Br Cl 8 carbon alkane = octane 6-methyl Br [2] 2 I I 5 carbon cycloalkane = cyclopentane f. [1] Cl 1-bromo [3] cis-1-bromo-3-iodocyclopentane 3-iodo 1 Cl [2] trans-1,2-dichloro Cl 6 carbon cycloalkane = cyclohexane [3] 6-bromo-2-chloro-6-methyloctane Cl 6-bromo 2-chloro Br e. [1] 1 Cl 2 [3] trans-1,2-dichlorocyclohexane Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Nucleophilic Substitution 175 Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution 7–17 g. [1] (CH3)3CCH2CH(Cl)CH2Cl CH3 CH3 [2] CH3 CH3 C CH2 C CH2Cl CH3 H [3] 1,2-dichloro-4,4-dimethylpentane CH3 C CH2 C CH2Cl H Cl Cl 4,4-dimethyl 1,2-dichloro 5 carbon alkane = pentane h. [1] [2] 4 I H 2 1 [3] (2R)-2-iodo-4,4-dimethylhexane I H 6 carbon alkane = hexane (Indicate the R/S designation also) 4,4-dimethyl 2 3 (2R)-2-iodo I H4 Clockwise R 1 7.45 To work backwards to a structure, use the directions in Answer 7.5. e. 1-bromo-4-ethyl-3-fluorooctane a. isopropyl bromide Br CH3 CHCH3 Bromine on middle C makes it an isopropyl group. b. 3-bromo-4-ethylheptane 3 4-ethyl 4 3-bromo Br c. 1,1-dichloro-2-methylcyclohexane 1 Cl 1,1-dichloro Cl 2 2-methyl d. trans-1-chloro-3-iodocyclobutane 1-chloro 3 Cl 1 I 3-iodo 4-ethyl Br 1 1-bromo 3 F 4 3-fluoro f. (3S)-3-iodo-2-methylnonane 2-methyl 4 3 1 I H 3S 3-iodo g. (1R,2R)-trans-1-bromo-2-chlorocyclohexane 1R 1-bromo Br 1 Cl 2-chloro 2R h. (5R)-4,4,5-trichloro-3,3-dimethyldecane 5R 3,3-dimethyl Cl H 1 4 5 3 Cl Cl 4,4,5-trichloro 176 Smith: Study Guide/ 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Nucleophilic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 7–18 7.46 H H CH3 a. CH3 C CH2CH2F CH3 g. d. Br 1° halide I h. I H e. 2° halide 1° halide 2° halide I c. 1° halide 2° halide 2° halide 2° halide Br b. C C Cl Cl H Cl 3° halide (CH3)2CCH2 (CH3)3CCH2Br Cl 1° halide f. Cl Both are 2° halides. 7.47 1-chloro 3-chloro 1 Cl 1 3 3-chloropentane Cl 1-chloropentane 1-chloro Cl Cl 1 1-chloro-2,2-dimethylpropane 2 2-chloro-2-methylbutane Two stereoisomers 2-chloro 2 2 * Cl 2-chloropentane [* denotes stereogenic center] 3 Cl H 4 1 Clockwise "4" in back = R 2 3 4 1 Cl H Clockwise "4" in front = S Two stereoisomers 3-methyl 3 2 3 * 2-chloro Cl 2-chloro-3-methylbutane [* denotes stereogenic center] 4H 2 2 3 4H Cl 1 Counterclockwise "4" in front = R 1Cl Counterclockwise "4" in back = S Two stereoisomers 1-chloro 2-methyl * 3 4 Cl Cl 1-chloro-2-methylbutane [* denotes stereogenic center] 3 H 2 1 Clockwise "4" in front = S 3 1-chloro 1-chloro-3-methylbutane 2-chloro 2-methyl 2 3-methyl Cl 4 H Cl 2 1 Clockwise "4" in back = R Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 177 © The McGraw−Hill 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Nucleophilic Substitution Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution 7–19 7.48 Use the directions from Answer 7.6. Br a. (CH3)3CBr or CH3CH2CH2CH2Br b. larger surface area = stronger intermolecular forces = higher boiling point I or c. Br or more polar = nonpolar larger halide = more polarizable = only VDW forces higher boiling point higher boiling point 7.49 a. CH3CH2CH2CH2 Br b. CH3CH2CH2CH2 Br SH c. CH3CH2CH2CH2 Br CN d. CH3CH2CH2CH2 Br OCH(CH3)2 e. CH3CH2CH2CH2 Br C CH f. CH3CH2CH2CH2 Br g. CH3CH2CH2CH2 Br NH3 h. CH3CH2CH2CH2 Br Na+ I i. CH3CH2CH2CH2 Br Na+ N3 CH3CH2CH2CH2OH + Br OH H2O CH3CH2CH2CH2SH + Br CH3CH2CH2CH2CN + Br CH3CH2CH2CH2OCH(CH3)2 + Br CH3CH2CH2CH2C CH + Br CH3CH2CH2CH2OH2 + Br CH3CH2CH2CH2NH3 + Br CH3CH2CH2CH2OH + HBr CH3CH2CH2CH2NH2 + HBr CH3CH2CH2CH2I + Na+ Br CH3CH2CH2CH2N3 + Na+ Br 7.50 Use the steps from Answer 7.9 and then draw the proton transfer reaction, when necessary. O a. + Cl CH3 C CH3 nucleophile leaving group I b. leaving group + I c. leaving group d. Cl + Cl CN + NaI O O Na+ –CN nucleophile H2O OH + HI nucleophile + CH3CH2OH leaving group + O nucleophile OCH2CH3 + HCl 178 Smith: Study Guide/ 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Nucleophilic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 7–20 Br OCH3 + Na+ –OCH3 e. nucleophile leaving group Cl f. CH3 + leaving group + NaBr SCH3 + Cl CH3SCH3 nucleophile 7.51 A good leaving group is a weak base. OH c. a. bad leaving group OH is a strong base. b. CH3CH2CH2CH2 Cl e. This has only C–C and C–H bonds. No good leaving group. OH2 d. Cl good leaving group weak base bad leaving group NH2 is a strong base. f. good leaving group H2O is a weak base. CH3CH2NH2 CH3CH2CH2 I I good leaving group weak base 7.52 Use the rules from Answer 7.12. a. increasing leaving group ability: NH2 < OH < F c. increasing leaving group ability: Cl < Br < I least basic best leaving group most basic worst leaving group most basic worst leaving group b. increasing leaving group ability: NH2 < OH < H2O most basic worst leaving group least basic best leaving group d. increasing leaving group ability: NH3 < H2O < H2S most basic worst leaving group least basic best leaving group least basic best leaving group 7.53 Compare the nucleophile and the leaving group in each reaction. The reaction will occur if it proceeds towards the weaker base. Remember that the stronger the acid (lower pKa), the weaker the conjugate base. I NH2 + I a. weaker base pKa (HI) = –10 b. CH3CH2I + CH3O stronger base pKa (CH3OH) = 15.5 + NH2 Reaction will not occur. stronger base pKa (NH3) = 38 CH3CH2OCH3 + I weaker base pKa (HI) = –10 Reaction will occur. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Nucleophilic Substitution 179 Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution 7–21 c. OH F + F weaker base pKa (HF) = 3.2 CN d. + Reaction will not occur. OH stronger base pKa (H2O) = 15.7 I + I + CN Reaction will not occur. stronger base pKa (HCN) = 9.1 weaker base pKa (HI) = –10 7.54 Br A SCH3 replaces Br. SCH is needed. 3 SCH3 a. b. OCH(CH3)2 OCH(CH3)2 replaces Br. OCH(CH ) 3 2 needed. C c. C CH3 N(CH3)3 d. Br C CCH3 replaces Br. C CCH3 is needed. N(CH3)3 replaces Br. N(CH3)3 is needed. 7.55 Use the directions in Answer 7.16. a. Across a row of the periodic table nucleophilicity decreases. OH < NH 2< d. CH3 b. • In a polar protic solvent (CH3OH), nucleophilicity increases down a column of the periodic table, so: SH is more nucleophilic than OH. • Negatively charged species are more nucleophilic than neutral species so OH is more nucleophilic than H2O. H2O < OH < SH c. • In a polar protic solvent (CH3OH), nucleophilicity increases down a column of the periodic table, so: CH3CH2S is more nucleophilic than CH3CH2O. • For two species with the same attacking atom, the more basic is the more nucleophilic so CH3CH2O is more nucleophilic than CH3COO. CH3COO < CH3CH2O < CH3CH2S Compare the nucleophilicity of N, S, and O. In a polar aprotic solvent (acetone), nucleophilicity parallels basicity. CH3SH < CH3OH < CH3NH2 e. In a polar aprotic solvent (acetone), nucleophilicity parallels basicity. Across a row and down a column of the periodic table nucleophilicity decreases. Cl < F < OH f. Nucleophilicity decreases across a row so SH is more nucleophilic than Cl. In a polar protic solvent (CH3OH), nucleophilicity increases down a column so Cl is more nucleophilic than F. F < Cl < SH 180 Smith: Study Guide/ 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Nucleophilic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 7–22 7.56 Polar protic solvents are capable of hydrogen bonding, and therefore must contain a H bonded to an electronegative O or N. Polar aprotic solvents are incapable of hydrogen bonding, and therefore do not contain any O–H or N–H bonds. a. c. (CH3)2CHOH e. no O–H or N–H bond aprotic contains O–H bond protic b. CH2Cl2 d. CH3NO2 no O–H or N–H bond aprotic f. HCONH2 contains an N–H bond protic NH3 contains N–H bond protic no O–H or N–H bond aprotic N(CH3)3 7.57 O CH3 C O N N H H CH3 CH3 The amine N is more nucleophilic since the electron pair is localized on the N. C O N N H H CH3 CH3 C N N H H The amide N is less nucleophilic since the electron pair is delocalized by resonance. 7.58 1° alkyl halide SN2 reaction Br a. Mechanism: + CN CN Energy b. Energy diagram: c. Transition state: Ea Br + + Br acetone CN Br H° CN + Br CN Reaction coordinate d. Rate equation: one step reaction with both nucleophile and alkyl halide in the only step: rate = k[R–Br][–CN] e. [1] The leaving group is changed from Br to I: Leaving group becomes less basic a better leaving group faster reaction. [2] The solvent is changed from acetone to CH3CH2OH: Solvent changed to polar protic decreases reaction rate. [3] The alkyl halide is changed from CH3(CH2)4Br to CH3CH2CH2CH(Br)CH3: Changed from 1° to 2° alkyl halide the alkyl halide gets more crowded and the reaction rate decreases. [4] The concentration of CN is increased by a factor of 5. Reaction rate will increase by a factor of 5. [5] The concentration of both the alkyl halide and CN are increased by a factor of 5: Reaction rate will increase by a factor of 25 (5 x 5 = 25). CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Nucleophilic Substitution 181 Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution 7–23 7.59 Use the directions for Answer 7.25. Br Br Br a. 2° alkyl halide intermediate reactivity 3° alkyl halide least reactive 1° alkyl halide most reactive Br Br b. Br 3° alkyl halide least reactive c. 2° alkyl halide intermediate reactivity 1° alkyl halide most reactive Br Br Br 2° alkyl halide intermediate reactivity vinyl halide least reactive 1° alkyl halide most reactive 7.60 better leaving group a. CH3CH2Br CH3CH2Cl + OH + OH faster reaction stronger nucleophile b. Br + OH Br + H2O faster reaction stronger nucleophile c. d. Cl + NaOH Cl + NaOCOCH3 I + OCH3 + OCH3 I faster reaction CH3OH DMSO faster reaction polar aprotic solvent less steric hindrance e. Br + OCH2CH3 Br + OCH2CH3 faster reaction 182 Smith: Study Guide/ 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Nucleophilic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 7–24 7.61 All SN2 reactions proceed with backside attack of the nucleophile. When nucleophilic attack occurs at a stereogenic center, inversion of configuration occurs. CH3 CH3 a. C H + Cl * D I b. + Cl * c. C OCH3 + H OH OH * * + I OCH2CH3 * OCH2CH3 H d. inversion of configuration + Cl D * OCH3 Br + CN CN * * + Cl No bond to the stereogenic center is broken, since the leaving group is not bonded to the stereogenic center. H inversion of configuration + Br [* denotes a stereogenic center] 7.62 Follow the definitions from Answer 7.30. a. CH3CH2CHCH2CH3 c. 2° carbocation e. (CH3)2CHCH2CH2 1° carbocation 2° carbocation CH2CH3 b. d. f. 3° carbocation CH2 3° carbocation 1° carbocation 7.63 For carbocations: Increasing number of R groups = Increasing stability. a. CH2 b. 1° carbocation least stable 2° carbocation intermediate stablity 3° carbocation most stable 1° carbocation least stable 2° carbocation intermediate stablity 7.64 Cl H H H Cl C C H C C Cl H H H + 3 Cl groups – electron-withdrawing destabilizing least stable methyl group without added Cl's more stable H H H C O C H H H H H C O C H resonance stabilized most stable H 3° carbocation most stable Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Nucleophilic Substitution 183 Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution 7–25 7.65 Step [1] CH3 a. Mechanism: SN1 only CH3 C CH2CH3 I + H2O CH3 CH3 A CH3 Step [2] C CH2CH3 + H2O B CH3 C CH2CH3 OH2 + I C Energy b. Energy diagram: Ea1 B H°1 Ea2 H°2 H°overall = 0 C CH3 A CH3 CH3 C CH2CH3 CH3 C CH2CH3 OH2 I Reaction coordinate c. Transition states: CH3 CH3 + CH3 + C CH2CH3 CH3 OH2 + C CH2CH3 I – d. rate equation: rate = k[(CH3)2CICH2CH3] e. [1] Leaving group changed from I to Cl: rate decreases since I is a better leaving group. [2] Solvent changed from H2O (polar protic) to DMF (polar aprotic): rate decreases since polar protic solvent favors SN1. [3] Alkyl halide changed from 3° to 2°: rate decreases since 2° carbocations are less stable. [4] [H2O] increased by factor of five: no change in rate since H2O is not in rate equation. [5] [R–X] and [H2O] increased by factor of five: rate increases by a factor of five. (Only the concentration of R–X affects the rate.) 7.66 The rate of an SN1 reaction increases with increasing alkyl substitution. Br a. Br Br 1° alkyl halide least reactive 3° alkyl halide most reactive 2° alkyl halide intermediate reactivity b. Br Br Br 1° alkyl halide least reactive Br 2° alkyl halide intermediate reactivity 3° alkyl halide most reactive Br Br c. aryl halide least reactive 2° alkyl halide intermediate reactivity 3° alkyl halide most reactive 184 Smith: Study Guide/ 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Nucleophilic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 7–26 7.67 The rate of an SN1 reaction increases with increasing alkyl substitution, polar protic solvents, and better leaving groups. a. (CH3)3CCl + H2O (CH3)3CI + H2O b. Br Cl c. better leaving group faster reaction Br + CH OH 3 Cl 2° halide faster SN1 reaction + H2O 3° halide d. faster SN1 reaction I 1° halide slower SN1 reaction I CH3OH + aryl halide slower reaction + H O 2 + CH3CH2OH CH3CH2OH + CH3CH2OH DMSO polar protic solvent faster reaction polar aprotic solvent slower reaction 7.68 CH3CH2 a. Br CH3 C CH3 b. + H2O HO Cl CH3 + CH3OH CH3CH2 CH3 + C CH3 CH3 C CH3CH2 CH3CH2 CH2CH3 C OH CH3 C + HCl OCH3 Br OCH2CH3 c. + + CH3CH2OH Br d. + HBr CH3CH2O + HBr OH + H2 O + OH + HBr 7.69 The 1o alkyl halide is also allylic, so it forms a resonance-stabilized carbocation. Increasing the stability of the carbocation by resonance, increases the rate of the SN1 reaction. CH3OH CH3CH2CH2CH CHCH2Br CH3CH2CH2CH CHCH2OCH3 CH3CH2CH2CHCH CH2 HBr OCH3 CH3CH2CH2CH CHCH2 CH3CH2CH2CH CH CH2 Br CH3CH2CH2CH CH CH2 Br resonance-stabilized carbocation Use each resonance structure individually to continue the mechanism: CH3CH2CH2CH CH CH2 CH3OH CH3CH2CH2CH CHCH2 H OCH3 CH3CH2CH2CH CHCH2OCH3 Br CH3CH2CH2CH CH CH2 CH3CH2CH2CH CH CH2 H OCH3 CH3OH Br CH3CH2CH2CHCH CH2 OCH3 HBr HBr Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Nucleophilic Substitution 185 Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution 7–27 7.70 H H Br a. + CN + Br CN acetone 1° alkyl halide SN2 only b. + OCH3 DMSO + Br H strong nucleophile polar aprotic solvent Both favor SN2. 2° alkyl halide SN1 and SN2 Br c. Br H OCH3 reaction at a stereogenic center inversion of configuration OCH3 + CH3OH + HBr CH2CH2CH3 CH2CH2CH3 3° alkyl halide SN1 only CH2CH3 d. C H CH2CH3 C + CH3COOH I CH3 H CH2CH3 C CH3COO CH3 OOCCH3 CH3 H 2° alkyl halide Weak nucleophile favors SN1. SN1 and SN2 e. + OCH2CH3 Br 2° alkyl halide SN1 and SN2 f. OCH2CH3 DMF + Br HI reaction at a stereogenic center racemization of product reaction at a stereogenic center inversion of configuration strong nucleophile polar aprotic solvent Both favor SN2. OCH2CH3 OCH2CH3 Cl + CH3CH2OH + + HCl two products – diastereomers Nucleophile attacks from above and below. Weak nucleophile favors SN1. 2° alkyl halide SN1 and SN2 7.71 H CN (axial) CN Br a. (CH3)3C (eq) acetone H (CH3)3C H inversion (equatorial to axial) H polar aprotic solvent SN2 reaction Large tert-butyl group in more roomy equatorial position. Br (axial) H b. (CH3)3C CN acetone H (CH3)3C H H polar aprotic solvent SN2 reaction inversion (axial to equatorial) CN (eq) 186 Smith: Study Guide/ 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Nucleophilic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 7–28 7.72 Br [2] C [1] Na+H (CH3)2NCH2CH2O H OCH2CH2N(CH3)2 H Na+ (CH3)2NCH2CH2O C + NaBr + H2 H diphenhydramine 7.73 First decide whether the reaction will proceed via an SN1 or SN2 mechanism (Answer 7.40), and then draw the mechanism. H Br OCH2CH3 Br OCH2CH3 H CH3CH2OH can attack from above or below 3° alkyl halide SN1 only + Br OCH2CH3 OCH2CH3 + HBr + 7.74 nucleophile O O C O H O C O C OH + Br O Br Br C7H10O2 leaving group 7.75 Br H H N CH3 Br– N Br H N CO32– CH3 N H CH3 N CO32– N + HCO3– Br– N CH3 N nicotine + NaHCO3 + NaBr Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 187 © The McGraw−Hill 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Nucleophilic Substitution Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution 7–29 7.76 a. Hexane is nonpolar and therefore few nucleophiles will dissolve in it. b. (CH3)3CO– is a stronger base than CH3CH2O–: The three electron-donating CH3 groups add electron density to the negative charge of the conjugate base, destabilizing it and making it a stronger base. c. By the Hammond postulate, the SN1 reaction is faster with RX that form more stable carbocations. (CH3)3C (CH3)2C CF3 3° Carbocation is stabilized by three electron-donor CH3 groups. Although this carbocation is also 3°, the three electron-withdrawing F atoms destabilize the positive charge. Since the carbocation is less stable, the reaction to form it is slower. d. The identity of the nucleophile does not affect the rate of SN1 reactions since the nucleophile does not appear in the rate-determining step. Polar aprotic solvent favors SN2 reaction. e. 2° alkyl halide SN1 or SN2 H Br H Br acetone Br Br S (2R)-2-bromobutane optically active Strong nucleophile favors SN2 reaction. This compound reacts with Br until a 50:50 mixture results, making the mixture optically inactive. Then either compound can react with Br and the mixture remains optically inactive. 7.77 CH3NH2 Cl N Cl + CH3NH2 N Cl + N Cl N CH3 + H N H CH3 CH3NH3 N Cl N H + CH3NH3 CH3 N N H CH3 CH3NH2 + Cl 188 Smith: Study Guide/ 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Nucleophilic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 7–30 7.78 In the first reaction, substitution occurs at the stereogenic center. Since an achiral, planar carbocation is formed, the nucleophile can attack from either side, thus generating a racemic mixture. 3° alkyl halide CH3OH OCH3 two steps SN1 Br (6R)-6-bromo-2,6-dimethylnonane Br OCH3 achiral, planar carbocation racemic mixture optically inactive In the second reaction, the starting material contains a stereogenic center, but the nucleophile does not attack at that carbon. Since a bond to the stereogenic center is not broken, the configuration is retained and a chiral product is formed. 3° alkyl halide Br two steps CH3OH SN1 OCH3 configuration retained Br optically active Reaction does not occur at the stereogenic center. (5R)-2-bromo-2,5-dimethylnonane 7.79 The nucleophile has replaced the leaving group. Missing reagent: a. O I O C CH Cl b. The nucleophile has replaced the leaving group. Missing reagent: C CH N3 c. N3 SH SH d. The nucleophile has replaced the halide. Starting material: Cl The nucleophile has replaced the halide. Starting material: Cl The leaving group must have the opposite orientation to the position of the nucleophile in the product. 7.80 To devise a synthesis, look for the carbon framework and the functional group in the product. The carbon framework is from the alkyl halide and the functional group is from the nucleophile. SH a. carbon framework functional group Cl Na SH SH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Nucleophilic Substitution 189 Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution 7–31 Na O b. O Cl O functional carbon group framework Na c. CH3CH2CN CN CH3CH2Cl CH3CH2CN functional group carbon framework O Cl d. functional group carbon framework Na O O 2o halide O Na or O Cl O 1o halide This path is preferred. The strong nucleophile favors an SN2 reaction so an unhindered 1o alkyl halide reacts faster. carbon functional framework group e. CH3CH2 OCOCH3 carbon framework Na CH3CH2Cl functional group OCOCH3 CH3CH2OCOCH3 7.81 Work backwards to determine the alkyl chloride needed to prepare benzalkonium chloride A. CH3 a. CH3(CH2)17Cl CH2N(CH3)2 CH2 N (CH2)17CH3 Cl– CH3 B b. A CH3 CH3(CH2)17N(CH3)2 CH2Cl CH2 N (CH2)17CH3 CH3 A C 7.82 I B very crowded 3° halide O Na D OCH3 Na+ OCH3 C E CH3I OCH3 A E unhindered methyl halide preferred method The strong nucleophile favors SN2 reaction so the alkyl halide should be unhindered for a faster reaction. Cl– 190 Smith: Study Guide/ 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Nucleophilic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 7–32 7.83 H C C H CH3(CH2)7CH2Br NaH H C C CH3(CH2)7CH2C CH A B NaH CH3(CH2)7CH2C C + H2 C + H2 CH3(CH2)11CH2Br H H addition of H2 C C CH3(CH2)7CH2 CH3(CH2)7CH2C CCH2(CH2)11CH3 (1 equiv) CH2(CH2)11CH3 D muscalure 7.84 O a. H [1] Na+H [2] CH3–Br O O CH3 + H2 (Chapter 9) b. CH3CH2CH2 C C H [1] Na+ NH2 [2] CH3CH2–Br CH3CH2CH2 C C CH3CH2CH2 C C CH2CH3 (Chapter 11) c. H CH(CO2CH2CH3)2 + Na+ Br– [1] Na+ –OCH2CH3 CH(CO2CH2CH3)2 [2] C6H5CH2–Br (Chapter 23) + Na+ Br– + NH3 C6H5CH2 CH(CO2CH2CH3)2 + Na+ Br– + CH3CH2OH 7.85 quinuclidine The three alkyl groups are "tied back" in a ring, making the electron pair more available. N triethylamine CH3CH2 This electron pair is more hindered by the three CH2CH3 groups. N These bulky groups around the N CH2CH3 cause steric hindrance and this CH2CH3 decreases nucleophilicity. This electron pair on quinuclidine is much more available than the one on triethylamine. less steric hindrance more nucleophilic Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 191 © The McGraw−Hill 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Nucleophilic Substitution Alkyl Halides and Nucleophilic Substitution 7–33 7.86 O O H O [1] H + H2 O O CH3 Br CH3 [2] minor product O + NaBr O CH3 Br CH3 [2] major product 7.87 Br Br a. OH base (CH3)3C b. O (CH3)3C OH O intramolecular SN2 (CH3)3C O O base (CH3)3C c. (CH3)3C (CH3)3C Br Br Br (CH3)3C Br base OH O (CH3)3C O 3° alkyl halide harder reaction OH d. Br (CH3)3C intramolecular SN2 intramolecular SN2 (CH3)3C O O base Br (CH3)3C 3° alkyl halide harder reaction intramolecular SN2 (CH3)3C 192 Smith: Study Guide/ 7. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Nucleophilic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 7–34 7.88 Cl bonded to sp2 C cannot undergo SN1. Cl O Cl Cl O Cl CH3OH Cl bonded to sp3 C no resonance stabilization possible for the carbocation formed here Cl Cl bonded to sp3 C Resonance-stabilized carbocation forms. best for SN1 Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl + (1 equiv) O J Cl O re-draw Cl Cl O Cl Cl + CH3OH O O CH3 Cl H Cl Cl + O K OCH3 HCl Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 8. Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 193 Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions 8–1 C Chhaapptteerr 88:: A Allkkyyll H Haalliiddeess aanndd EElliim miinnaattiioonn R Reeaaccttiioonnss A A ccoom mppaarriissoonn bbeettw weeeenn nnuucclleeoopphhiilliicc ssuubbssttiittuuttiioonn aanndd --eelliim miinnaattiioonn Nucleophilic substitutionA nucleophile attacks a carbon atom (7.6). Nu H H Nu + C C C C X substitution product X good leaving group -EliminationA base attacks a proton (8.1). B H C C C C + H B+ + X elimination product • • Similarities In both reactions RX acts as an electrophile, reacting with an electron-rich reagent. Both reactions require a good leaving group X:– willing to accept the electron density in the C–X bond. X good leaving group • • Differences In substitution, a nucleophile attacks a single carbon atom. In elimination, a Brønsted–Lowry base removes a proton to form a bond, and two carbons are involved in the reaction. TThhee iim mppoorrttaannccee ooff tthhee bbaassee iinn EE22 aanndd EE11 rreeaaccttiioonnss ((88..99)) The strength of the base determines the mechanism of elimination. • Strong bases favor E2 reactions. • Weak bases favor E1 reactions. strong base OH CH3 E2 CH3 C CH2 + H2O + Br CH3 same product different mechanism CH3 C CH3 Br H2O weak base E1 CH3 C CH2 CH3 + H3O + + Br 194 Smith: Study Guide/ 8. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Elimination Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 8–2 EE11 aanndd EE22 m meecchhaanniissm mss ccoom mppaarreedd E2 mechanism one step (8.4B) • E1 mechanism two steps (8.6B) [1] Mechanism • [2] Alkyl halide • rate: R3CX > R2CHX > RCH2X (8.4C) • rate: R3CX > R2CHX > RCH2X (8.6C) [3] Rate equation [4] Stereochemistry • • • • • • [5] Base • rate = k[RX][B:] second-order kinetics (8.4A) anti periplanar arrangement of H and X (8.8) favored by strong bases (8.4B) rate = k[RX] first-order kinetics (8.6A) trigonal planar carbocation intermediate (8.6B) favored by weak bases (8.6C) [6] Leaving group • • [7] Solvent • [8] Product • better leaving group faster reaction (8.4B) favored by polar aprotic solvents (8.4B) more substituted alkene favored (Zaitsev rule, 8.5) • • • better leaving group faster reaction (Table 8.4) favored by polar protic solvents (Table 8.4) more substituted alkene favored (Zaitsev rule, 8.6C) SSuum mm maarryy cchhaarrtt oonn tthhee ffoouurr m meecchhaanniissm mss:: SSNNN11,, SSNNN22,, EE11,, oorr EE22 Alkyl halide type 1o RCH2X 2o R2CHX 3o R3CX Conditions strong nucleophile strong bulky base strong base and nucleophile strong bulky base weak base and nucleophile weak base and nucleophile strong base Mechanism SN2 E2 SN2 + E2 E2 SN1 + E1 SN1 + E1 E2 ZZaaiittsseevv rruullee • -Elimination affords the more stable product having the more substituted double bond. • Zaitsev products predominate in E2 reactions except when a cyclohexane ring prevents trans diaxial arrangement. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 8. Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 195 Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions 8–3 C Chhaapptteerr 88:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 8.1 • The carbon bonded to the leaving group is the carbon. Any carbon bonded to it is a carbon. • To draw the products of an elimination reaction: Remove the leaving group from the carbon and a H from the carbon and form a bond. a. b. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2 Cl 1 2 K+ OC(CH3)3 1 CH3CH2CH2CH CH2 (CH3CH2)2C CH2 CH3CH=C(CH3)CH2CH3 Cl 1 c. K+ OC(CH3)3 2 Br K+ OC(CH3)3 1 8.2 Alkenes are classified by the number of carbon atoms bonded to the double bond. A monosubstituted alkene has one carbon atom bonded to the double bond, a disubstituted alkene has two carbon atoms bonded to the double bond, etc. 4 C's bonded to C=C tetrasubstituted 2 C's bonded to each C=C disubstituted OH a. b. vitamin D3 3 C's bonded to each C=C trisubstituted vitamin A H CH2 3 C's bonded to each C=C trisubstituted 2 C's bonded to the C=C disubstituted HO 8.3 To have stereoisomers at a C=C, the two groups on each end of the double bond must be different from each other. two different groups (CH3CH2 and H) a. two CH3 groups no stereoisomers possible two different groups (H and CH3) b. CH3CH2CH CHCH3 stereoisomers possible two different groups two different groups (cyclohexyl and H) (cyclohexyl and H) c. CH CH stereoisomers possible 196 Smith: Study Guide/ 8. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Elimination Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 8–4 8.4 Two definitions: • Constitutional isomers differ in the connectivity of the atoms. • Stereoisomers differ only in the 3-D arrangement of atoms in space. c. and C C H and d. trans H C C and H H CH3 cis trans different arrangement of atoms in space stereoisomers different connectivity of atoms constitutional isomers b. CH3CH2 CH3 CH3CH2 a. trans CH3CH2 CH3 identical H CH3CH2 C C and CH3 C C H H H different connectivity of atoms constitutional isomers 8.5 Two rules to predict the relative stability of alkenes: [1] Trans alkenes are generally more stable than cis alkenes. [2] The stability of an alkene increases as the number of R groups on the C=C increases. a. or monosubstituted b. CH2CH3 CH3CH2 C C CH3CH2 trisubstituted more stable H H CH3 or c. C C or H H CH3 disubstituted more stable disubstituted CH2CH3 trans more stable cis 8.6 Use the rules from Answer 8.5 to explain the energy differences. cis-2-butene trans-2-butene cis-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-3-hexene trans-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-3-hexene more steric interaction between larger tert-butyl groups in the cis isomer larger difference in stability less steric interaction between smaller CH3 groups smaller energy difference 8.7 A B Alkene A is more stable than alkene B because the double bond in A is in a six-membered ring. The double bond in B is in a four-membered ring, which has considerable angle strain due to the small ring size. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 8. Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 197 Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions 8–5 8.8 In an E2 mechanism, four bonds are involved in the single step. Use curved arrows to show these simultaneous actions: [1] The base attacks a hydrogen on a carbon. [2] A bond forms. [3] The leaving group comes off. OCH2CH3 CH3CH2 H CH3CH2 C CHCH3 transition state: (CH3CH2)2C=CHCH3 + Br + HOCH2CH3 CH3CH2 C new bond carbon CH3CH2 H Br OCH2CH3 CHCH3 Br 8.9 For E2 elimination to occur there must be at least one hydrogen on a carbon. carbon CH3 H CH3 C C H no H's on carbon inert to E2 elimination CH3 Br 8.10 In both cases, the rate of elimination decreases. stronger base faster reaction a. CH CH Br 3 2 + OC(CH3)3 CH3CH2 Br + OH better leaving group faster reaction b. CH3CH2 Br + OC(CH3)3 CH3CH2 Cl + OC(CH3)3 8.11 As the number of R groups on the carbon with the leaving group increases, the rate of an E2 reaction increases. a. (CH3)2CHCH2CH2CH2Br (CH3)2CHCH2CH(Br)CH3 2° alkyl halide intermediate reactivity 1° alkyl halide least reactive 3° alkyl halide most reactive CH3 Cl Cl b. Cl 1° alkyl halide least reactive (CH3)2C(Br)CH2CH2CH3 CH3 2° alkyl halide intermediate reactivity 3° alkyl halide most reactive 8.12 Use the following characteristics of an E2 reaction to answer the questions: [1] E2 reactions are second order and one step. [2] More substituted halides react faster. [3] Reactions with strong bases or better leaving groups are faster. [4] Reactions with polar aprotic solvents are faster. 198 Smith: Study Guide/ 8. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Elimination Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 8–6 Rate equation: rate = k[RX][Base] a. tripling the concentration of the alkyl halide = rate triples b. halving the concentration of the base = rate halved c. changing the solvent from CH3OH to DMSO = rate increases (Polar aprotic solvent is better for E2.) d. changing the leaving group from I to Br = rate decreases (I is a better leaving group.) e. changing the base from OH to H2O = rate decreases (weaker base) f. changing the alkyl halide from CH3CH2Br to (CH3)2CHBr = rate increases (More substituted halide reacts faster.) 8.13 The Zaitsev rule states: In a -elimination reaction, the major product has the more substituted double bond. CH3 H a. CH3 C C H Br CH2CH3 (CH3)2C loss of H and Br CH3 b. CHCH2CH3 + (CH3)2CHCH trisubstituted major product Br CHCH3 disubstituted minor product CH3 CH3 CH2 CH3 CH3 CH3 loss of H and Br CH3 trisubstituted minor product tetrasubstituted major product disubstituted minor product Cl c. CH3 monosubstituted minor product disubstituted major product CH3 Cl d. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH=CHCH3 loss of H and Cl trisubstituted CH3 CH3 ONLY product loss of H and Cl CH3 CH3 8.14 An E1 mechanism has two steps: [1] The leaving group comes off, creating a carbocation. [2] A base pulls off a proton from a carbon, and a bond forms. CH3 CH3 C CH2CH3 [1] + CH3OH CH3 CH3 [2] + (CH3)2C=CHCH3 + CH3OH2 + Cl H Cl transition state [1]: C CH CH3 CH3OH + Cl transition state [2]: CH3 CH3 +C CH2CH3 Cl CH3 CH3 C + CH CH3 H OCH3 + H Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 8. Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 199 Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions 8–7 8.15 The Zaitsev rule states: In a -elimination reaction, the major product has the more substituted double bond. 2 CH3 CH3 1 C CHCH3 CH3CH2 CH3CH2 C CH2CH3 + H2O a. CH3CH2 Cl 1 trisubstituted major product 1 CH2CH2CH3 CH3 b. 3 I 2 CH2CH2CH3 + CH3 CH3OH + C CH2 CH3CH2 disubstituted CH2CH2CH3 + tetrasubstituted major product CH2 CH2CH2CH3 CH3 + disubstituted trisubstituted 8.16 Use the following characteristics of an E1 reaction to answer the questions: [1] E1 reactions are first order and two steps. [2] More substituted halides react faster. [3] Weaker bases are preferred. [4] Reactions with better leaving groups are faster. [5] Reactions in polar protic solvents are faster. Rate equation: rate = k[RX]. The base doesn't affect rate. a. doubling the concentration of the alkyl halide = rate doubles b. doubling the concentration of the base = no change (Base is not in the rate equation.) c. changing the alkyl halide from (CH3)3CBr to CH3CH2CH2Br = rate decreases (More substituted halides react faster.) d. changing the leaving group from Cl to Br = rate increases (better leaving group) e. changing the solvent from DMSO to CH3OH = rate increases (Polar protic solvent favors E1.) 8.17 Both SN1 and E1 reactions occur by forming a carbocation. To draw the products: [1] For the SN1 reaction, substitute the nucleophile for the leaving group. [2] For the E1 reaction, remove a proton from a carbon and create a new bond. CH3 CH3 Br a. + H2O leaving group nucleophile and base SN1 product CH3 b. CH3 C CH2CH2CH3 nucleophile and base CH3 E1 products CH3 + CH3CH2OH Cl leaving group CH2 OH CH3 C CH2CH2CH3 OCH2CH3 SN1 product CH3 CH3 C CH2 CH3CH2CH2 C CHCH2CH3 CH3 E1 products 200 Smith: Study Guide/ 8. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Elimination Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 8–8 8.18 E2 reactions occur with anti periplanar geometry. The anti periplanar arrangement uses a staggered conformation and has the H and X on opposite sides of the C–C bond. H H HO C CH3 CH3 C CH3 H Br C base H C CH3 H H and Br are on opposite sides = anti periplanar 8.19 The E2 elimination reactions will occur in the anti periplanar orientation as drawn. To draw the product of elimination, maintain the orientation of the remaining groups around the C=C. CH3CH2O H CH3 a. C6H5 C CH3 C6H5 C H Br C6H5 C C C6H5 H The two benzene rings remain on opposite sides of the newly formed C=C. This makes them trans. The two benzene rings are anti in this conformation (one wedge, one dash). diastereomers CH3CH2O H b. C6H5 C6H5 C6H5 C C H CH3 Br C6H5 C C CH3 H The two benzene rings are gauche in this conformation (both drawn on dashes, behind the plane). The two benzene rings remain on the same side of the newly formed C=C. This makes them cis. 8.20 Note: The Zaitsev products predominate in E2 elimination except when substituents on a cyclohexane ring prevent a trans diaxial arrangement of H and X. axial H's H CH(CH3)2 two conformations a. CH3 Cl CH3 H CH3 H H H CH(CH3)2 Cl A Use this conformation. It has Cl axial and two axial H's. H H H H B H Cl CH(CH3)2 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 8. Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 201 Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions 8–9 H CH3 H H H H 1 H H CH(CH3)2 OH CH3 Cl 2 CH(CH3)2 H H CH3 H H H [loss of H(2) + Cl] A re-draw CH(CH3)2 CH(CH3)2 CH3 CH3 trisubstituted major product disubstituted H CH(CH3)2 CH3 CH3 H two conformations b. CH3 Cl Cl H H CH(CH3)2 H H 1 2 H H B CH(CH3)2 CH3 OH H H H H H Use this conformation. It has Cl axial and one axial H. Cl H Cl H A CH3 H [loss of H(1) + Cl] re-draw two different axial H's CH(CH3)2 CH(CH3)2 B only one axial H on a carbon CH(CH3)2 H H H H CH(CH3)2 [loss of H(1) + Cl] = CH3 disubstituted only product 8.21 Draw the chair conformations of cis-1-chloro-2-methylcyclohexane and its trans isomer. For E2 elimination reactions to occur, there must be a H and X trans diaxial to each other. Two conformations of the cis isomer: Cl CH3 H H H H A reacting conformation (axial Cl) This reacting conformation has only one group axial, making it more stable and present in a higher concentration than B. This makes a faster elimination reaction with the cis isomer. H CH3 H H H Two conformations of the trans isomer: Cl H H Cl H H CH3 H Cl H H H CH3 B reacting conformation (axial Cl) This conformation is less stable than A, since both CH3 and Cl are axial. This slows the rate of elimination from the trans isomer. 202 Smith: Study Guide/ 8. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Elimination Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 8–10 8.22 E2 reactions are favored by strong negatively charged bases and occur with 1°, 2°, and 3° halides, with 3° being the most reactive. E1 reactions are favored by weaker neutral bases and do not occur with 1° halides since they would have to form highly unstable carbocations. CH3 a. C(CH3)3 CH3 C CH3 + Cl Cl c. OCH3 + strong negatively charged base E2 I b. + CH3OH weak neutral base E1 H2O d. CH3CH2Br weak neutral base E1 + OC(CH3)3 strong negatively charged base E2 8.23 Draw the alkynes that result from removal of two equivalents of HX. Br Cl Cl a. C C CH2CH3 NH2 C C CH2CH3 c. CH3 C CH2CH3 NH2 CH3C CCH3 Br H H + HC CCH2CH3 Br KOC(CH3)3 b. CH3CH2CH2CHCl2 CH3CH2C DMSO CH NH2 d. C Br 8.24 1° halide SN2 or E2 H b. K+ OC(CH3)3 Cl a. CH3 C CH2CH3 Cl 2° halide any mechanism strong bulky base E2 OH strong base SN2 and E2 CH2CH3 I c. + weak base SN1 and E1 CH3 CH CHCH3 + SN2 product disubstituted major E2 product OCH2CH3 SN1 product + + E1 product CH3CH2O Cl 3° halide no SN2 CH3CH2OH E2 major E2 product monosubstituted minor E2 product CH2CH3 CHCH3 strong base d. CH2 CH CH2CH3 OH CH2CH3 CH3CH2OH 3° halide no SN2 H CH3 C CH2CH3 minor E2 product E1 product C Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 8. Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 203 Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions 8–11 8.25 3° halide no SN2 weak base SN1 and E1 CH3 CH3 Br CH3OH CH3 overall reaction The steps: CH3 SN1 CH3 CH3OH + Br CH3 H CH3 CH3 Br + + CH3 CH3 or E1 OCH3 O CH3 H CH3 Br CH3 HBr 204 Smith: Study Guide/ 8. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Elimination Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 8–12 8.26 a. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2Br CH3CH2CH2CH2CH CH2 Br b. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH CHCH2CH3 + CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH CHCH3 CH3 c. CH3CH2CHCHCH3 CH3CH2CH C(CH3)2 + CH3CH CHCH(CH3)2 Cl CH2 I d. 8.27 To give only one product in an elimination reaction, the starting alkyl halide must have only one type of carbon with H’s. a. CH2 CHCH2CH2CH3 CH2 CH2CH2CH2CH3 Cl b. (CH3)2CHCH CH2 Cl C(CH3)3 e. CH2Cl c. Two carbons are identical. CH2Cl CH2 CH3 CH3 (CH3)2CHCH2 Cl d. C(CH3)3 Two carbons are identical. 8.28 To have stereoisomers, the two groups on each end of the double bond must be different from each other. farnesene geranial CHO b. a. two methyl groups no stereoisomers 2 H's — no two different groups stereoisomers at each end can have stereoisomers two methyl groups no stereoisomers two different groups at each end can have stereoisomers 8.29 Use the definitions in Answer 8.4. CH3 a. CH2 and and c. trans trans different connectivity constitutional isomers trans trans identical H CH3CH2 b. CH3 and C C CH3 CH3CH2 CH2CH3 stereoisomers CH2CH3 C C CH3 CH3 C d. CH3 CH3 C and CH3 CH3 stereoisomers H Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 8. Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 205 Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions 8–13 8.30 There are three different isomers. Cis and trans isomers are diastereomers. H Cl H C C H Br H C C Br Cl H C C H Cl B A constitutional isomer of B and C Br C diastereomers 8.31 Double bond can be cis or trans. OH a. five sp3 stereogenic centers (four circled, one labeled) b. Two double bonds can both be cis or trans. c. 27 = 128 stereoisomers possible CH2CH CH(CH2)3COOH PGF2 HO CH CHCH(OH)(CH2)4CH3 sp3 stereogenic center Double bond can be cis or trans. 8.32 Use the rules from Answer 8.5 to rank the alkenes. CH3CH2 H monosubstituted b. CH3 CH3CH2 H C C C C a. CH2 CHCH2CH2CH3 H H least stable disubstituted cis intermediate stability CH2 CHCH(CH3)2 CH2 C(CH3)CH2CH3 monosubstituted least stable disubstituted intermediate stability CH3 disubstituted trans most stable (CH3)2C CHCH3 trisubstituted most stable 8.33 A larger negative value for H° means the reaction is more exothermic. Since both 1-butene and cis-2-butene form the same product (butane), these data show that 1-butene was higher in energy to begin with, since more energy is released in the hydrogenation reaction. 1-butene + H2 CH3 CH3 + H2 C C H CH3CH2CH2CH3 Ho = 127 kJ/mol 1-butene H cis-2-butene CH3CH2CH2CH3 Ho = 120 kJ/mol Energy CH2 CHCH2CH3 cis-2-butene larger H° for 1-butene higher in energy butane smaller H° for cis-2-butene lower in energy, more stable 206 Smith: Study Guide/ 8. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Elimination Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 8–14 8.34 Cl a. 1 (CH3)3CO (loss of 2 H) major product disubstituted (loss of 1 H) monosubstituted DBU b. O O only product Cl O O 3 I c. CH3CH=CHCH2CH2CH(CH3)2 2 CH3 1 OH CH3CH2C(CH3)=C(CH3)CH2CH2CH3 2 CH3CH2CH(CH3)C(CH3) CHCH2CH3 (loss of 1 H) major product tetrasubstituted (loss of 2 H) trisubstituted CH2 (loss of 3 H) disubstituted d. Cl OC(CH3)3 only product 2 e. 1 2 f. OH I Br CH3CH2CH2CH2CH=CHCH3 (loss of 1 H) major product disubstituted (loss of 2 H) monosubstituted OH 1 (loss of 2 H) major product trisubstituted (loss of 1 H) disubstituted 8.35 To give only one alkene as the product of elimination, the alkyl halide must have either: • only one carbon with a hydrogen atom • all identical carbons so the resulting elimination products are identical CH3 H a. CH3 C H C H Cl CH3 C CH3 H CH3 H CH3 C C H Cl C H H Cl b. CH=CH2 Cl Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 8. Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 207 Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions 8–15 Cl Cl c. 8.36 Draw the products of the E2 reaction and compare the number of C’s bonded to the C=C. 1 A 2 2 1 major product trisubstituted Br Br 1 (CH3)2CHCH=CHCH3 disubstituted 2 B (CH3)2CHCH=CHCH3 1 major product disubstituted 2 monosubstituted A yields a trisubstituted alkene as the major product and a disubstituted alkene as minor product. B yields a disubstituted alkene as the major product and a monosubstituted alkene as minor product. Since the major and minor products formed from A have more alkyl groups on the C=C (making them more stable) than those formed from B, A reacts faster in an elimination reaction. 8.37 a. Mechanism: by-products Br H OC(CH3)3 + HOC(CH3)3 + Br (CH3)3COH b. Rate = k[R–Br][–OC(CH3)3] [1] Solvent changed to DMF (polar aprotic) = rate increases [2] [–OC(CH3)3] decreased = rate decreases [3] Base changed to –OH = rate decreases (weaker base) [4] Halide changed to 2° = rate increases (More substituted RX reacts faster.) [5] Leaving group changed to I– = rate increases (better leaving group) 8.38 K+ –OC(CH3)3 + Cl A 1-chloro-1-methylcyclopropane B The dehydrohalogenation of an alkyl halide usually forms the more stable alkene. In this case A is more stable than B even though A contains a disubstituted C=C whereas B contains a trisubstituted C=C. The double bond in B is part of a three-membered ring, and is less stable than A because of severe angle strain around both C’s of the double bond. 208 Smith: Study Guide/ 8. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Elimination Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 8–16 8.39 H a. KOH CH3CH2CH2 C NaOCH2CH3 b. Cl Br trans isomer more stable major product trans isomer more stable major product 8.40 CH3 a. Cl CH3 CH3 CH3 CH2 CH3 CH3 CH3 trisubstituted disubstituted tetrasubstituted major product Br b. trisubstituted This isomer is more stable — large groups farther away. major product disubstituted trisubstituted Cl c. disubstituted trisubstituted major product 8.41 Use the rules from Answer 8.22. a. OCH3 CH3CH CHCH3 strong base E2 Br 2° halide CH3OH b. weak base E1 Br 2° halide CH2CH2CH3 H2O Cl CH3 weak base 3° halide E1 OH Cl e. 2° halide strong base E2 OH f. 2° halide Cl CH3CH2CH CH2 (cis and trans) strong base E2 1° halide d. CH3CH CHCH3 OC(CH3)3 I c. CH3CH2CH CH2 (cis and trans) strong base E2 CHCH2CH3 CH3 CH2CH2CH3 CH3 CH2CH2CH3 CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 8. Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 209 Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions 8–17 8.42 The order of reactivity is the same for both E2 and E1: 1° < 2° < 3° a. Br Br Br 1° halide 2° halide 3° halide Increasing reactivity in E1 and E2 CH3 b. Br CH3 Cl CH3 Cl 3° halide 2° halide 3° halide + better leaving group Increasing reactivity in E1 and E2 8.43 CH3 a. Cl Cl OH 3° halide – faster reaction CH3 Cl H2O b. CH3 Cl c. (CH3)3CCl H2O strong base – E2 H2O (CH3)3CCl OH OH OH DMSO 3° halide – faster reaction polar aprotic solvent faster reaction 8.44 In a ten-membered ring, the cis isomer is more stable and, therefore, the preferred elimination product. The trans isomer is less stable because strain is introduced when two ends of the double bond are connected in a trans arrangement in this medium-sized ring. Br bromocyclodecane cis-cyclodecene 8.45 With the strong base –OCH2CH3, the mechanism is E2, whereas with dilute base, the mechanism is E1. E2 elimination proceeds with anti periplanar arrangement of H and X. In the E1 mechanism there is no requirement for elimination to proceed with anti periplanar geometry. In this case the major product is always the most stable, more substituted alkene. Thus, C is the major product under E1 conditions. (In Chapter 9, we will learn that additional elimination products may form in the E1 reaction due to carbocation rearrangement.) Cl OCH2CH3 A strong base E2 B Since this is an E2 mechanism, dehydrohalogenation needs an anti periplanar H to form the double bond. There is only one H trans to Cl, so the disubstituted alkene B must form. Cl CH3OH A weak base E1 B C disubstituted alkene trisubstituted alkene more stable 210 Smith: Study Guide/ 8. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Elimination Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 8–18 8.46 H and Br must be anti during the E2 elimination. Rotate if necessary to make them anti; then eliminate. CH3 a. C6H5 C6H5 Br H CH3 E2 CH2CH3 CH3 CH2CH3 CH3 Br b. Br H CH3 C6H5 CH3 CH3 rotate CH2CH3 C6H5 E2 CH3 CH2CH3 CH3 CH3 CH2CH3 C6H5 CH2CH3 H C6H5 c. C6H5 C6H5 CH3 H CH3 Br H rotate CH2CH3 CH3 CH2CH3 E2 Br CH3 CH3 CH3 8.47 Cl a. two chair conformations H CH3 Cl H H H H H CH3 H B H H CH3 Choose this conformation. axial Cl H H Cl B (CH3)2CH CH3 (CH3)2CH A H CH(CH3)2 (CH3)2CH H axial Cl H H H one axial H (CH3)2CH = CH3 H only product CH3 CH(CH3)2 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 8. Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 211 Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions 8–19 Cl b. H two chair conformations H (CH3)2CH CH(CH3)2 H H H c. 1 re-draw CH3 CH3 CH(CH3)2 CH(CH3)2 D D = D D H (loss of 2 H) (loss of 2 H) D Cl H Cl D H H (CH3)2CH CH3 (loss of 1 H) major product trisubstituted re-draw D H H H (CH3)2CH CH3 H 1 H two axial H's B B Choose this conformation. axial Cl H H H A H Cl Cl (CH3)2CH CH3 2 Cl axial H H Cl H CH3 (CH3)2CH CH3 CH3 H 2 D H H = D H H D enantiomers OH D This conformation reacts. axial Cl D D = H D H (loss of 1 H) D Cl d. = D H H 1 H H D (loss of 2 D) H Cl D 2 This conformation reacts. axial Cl H D Cl H D = D H D H enantiomers OH D H H H D (loss of 1 D) = 212 Smith: Study Guide/ 8. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Elimination Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 8–20 8.48 enantiomers a. H CH3 H CH3 C C CH2CH3 CH3CH2 CH3 C3 C2 H H H CH3 CH3 C C Cl H enantiomers C C CH CH 2 3 CH3 Cl Cl –HCl H and Cl are arranged anti in each stereoisomer, for anti periplanar elimination. CH3CH2 Cl H CH2CH3 C C CH3 CH3 C C CH3 CH3 CH3 CH2CH3 CH3CH2 identical –HCl H H CH3 C C Cl D C –HCl H CH3 C C B A 2-chloro-3-methylpentane H H H CH3 CH3 –HCl CH3 H C C C C CH3 CH2CH3 CH3CH2 CH3 identical b. Two different alkenes are formed as products. c. The products are diastereomers: Two enantiomers (A and B) give identical products. A and B are diastereomers of C and D. Each pair of enantiomers gives a single alkene. Thus diastereomers give diastereomeric products. 8.49 The trans isomer reacts faster. During elimination, Br must be axial to give trans diaxial elimination. In the trans isomer, the more stable conformation has the bulky tert-butyl group in the more roomy equatorial position. In the cis isomer, elimination can occur only when both the tertbutyl and Br groups are axial, a conformation that is not energetically favorable. Br Br H = This conformation must react, but it contains two axial groups. cis Br Br H = trans preferred conformation 8.50 CH2CHCl2 a. C CH NaNH2 (2 equiv) CH3 b. CH3CH2 C CHCH2Br CH3 Br Cl c. CH3 C CH2CH3 Cl NaNH2 (2 equiv) NaNH2 (excess) CH3 CH3CH2 C C CH CH3 HC C CH2CH3 CH3 C C CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 8. Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 213 Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions 8–21 H H d. NaNH2 C C C C (2 equiv) Cl Cl 8.51 H H Br a. CH3C CCH3 CH3 C CH2CH3 or CH3 C C CH3 Br Br Br CH3 CH3 Br b. CH3 C C CH CH3 C CH3 CH3 CH3 Br C CH3 or CH3 C CH3 Br CH CH2Br or C C CH2CHBr2 CH3 CH3 Br H c. CH3 C Br Br or C C C C Br H H H 8.52 H H CH3 C C CH3 CH3 C C CH3 CH3 CH=C=CH2 CH2=CH CH=CH2 C Br Br 2,3-dibromobutane sp sp A sp B 8.53 Use the “Summary chart on the four mechanisms: SN1, SN2, E1, or E2” on p. 8–2 to answer the questions. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Both SN1 and E1 involve carbocation intermediates. Both SN1 and E1 have two steps. SN1, SN2, E1, and E2 have increased reaction rates with better leaving groups. Both SN2 and E2 have increased rates when changing from CH3OH (protic solvent) to (CH3)2SO (aprotic solvent). In SN1 and E1 reactions, the rate depends on only the alkyl halide concentration. Both SN2 and E2 are concerted reactions. CH3CH2Br and NaOH react by an SN2 mechanism. Racemization occurs in SN1 reactions. In SN1, E1, and E2 mechanisms, 3° alkyl halides react faster than 1° or 2° halides. E2 and SN2 reactions follow second-order rate equations. 8.54 Br a. OC(CH3)3 sterically 1° halide hindered base SN2 or E2 OCH2CH3 I b. 1° halide SN2 or E2 Cl c. CH3 C CH3 Cl dihalide strong nucleophile NH2 (2 equiv) strong base HC C CH3 E2 OCH2CH3 SN2 214 Smith: Study Guide/ 8. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Elimination Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 8–22 Br d. sterically hindered base 1° halide SN2 or E2 CH2CH3 2° halide SN1, SN2, E1, E2 CH2CH3 E2 sterically hindered base Br major product OCH2CH3 Br CH3CH2OH CH2CH3 (CH3)2CH SN1 product 2 NaNH2 CHCH2Br CHCH3 CH2CH3 CH2CH3 weak base 3° halide no SN2 g. CH2CH3 OC(CH3)3 e. f. E2 DBU (CH3)2CH E1 products C CH dihalide Br Cl Cl h. KOC(CH3)3 dihalide CH3 OCH2CH3 I CH3CH2OH i. 2° halide SN1, SN2, E1, E2 j. (2 equiv) DMSO CH3 CH3 C C CH CH3CH CHCH3 SN1 product weak base E1 product H2O Cl CH3CH2C(CH3) CHCH3 OH weak base 3° halide no SN2 (cis and trans) E1 product (cis and trans) E1 product SN1 product E1 product 8.55 [1] NaOCOCH3 is a good nucleophile and weak base, and substitution is favored. [3] KOC(CH3)3 is a strong, bulky base that reacts by E2 elimination when there is a hydrogen in the alkyl halide. a. CH3Cl [1] NaOCOCH3 [2] NaOCH3 [3] KOC(CH3)3 Cl CH3OCOCH3 CH3OCH3 CH3OC(CH3)3 b. [1] NaOCOCH3 [2] NaOCH3 [3] KOC(CH3)3 OCOCH3 OCH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 8. Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 215 Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions 8–23 c. [1] NaOCOCH3 Cl Cl d. OCOCH3 [2] NaOCH3 [1] NaOCOCH3 OCOCH3 [2] NaOCH3 OCH3 + E2 SN2 [3] KOC(CH3)3 [3] KOC(CH3)3 8.56 a. two enantiomers: (CH3)3C (CH3)3C A B b. The bulky tert-butyl group anchors the cyclohexane ring and occupies the more roomy equatorial position. The cis isomer has the Br atom axial, while the trans isomer has the Br atom equatorial. For dehydrohalogenation to occur on a halo cyclohexane, the halogen must be axial to afford trans diaxial elimination of H and X. The cis isomer readily reacts since the Br atom is axial. The only way for the trans isomer to react is for the six-membered ring to flip into a highly unstable conformation having both (CH3)3C and Br axial. Thus, the trans isomer reacts much more slowly. Br trans diaxial Br (CH3)3C (CH3)3C H H cis-1-bromo-4-tert-butylcyclohexane trans-1-bromo-4-tert-butylcyclohexane OCH3 c. two products: C= (CH3)3C OCH3 D = (CH3)3C d. cis-1-Bromo-4-tert-butylcyclohexane reacts faster. With the strong nucleophile –OCH3, backside attack occurs by an SN2 reaction, and with the cis isomer, the nucleophile can approach from the equatorial direction, avoiding 1,3-diaxial interactions. 1,3-diaxial interactions Br OCH3 H (CH3)3C H OCH3 equatorial approach preferred cis-1-bromo-4-tert-butylcyclohexane (CH3)3C Br axial approach trans-1-bromo-4-tert-butylcyclohexane e. The bulky base –OC(CH3)3 favors elimination by an E2 mechanism, affording a mixture of two enantiomers A and B. The strong nucleophile –OCH3 favors nucleophilic substitution by an SN2 mechanism. Inversion of configuration results from backside attack of the nucleophile. 216 Smith: Study Guide/ 8. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Elimination Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 8–24 8.57 Cl H H a. strong base SN2 and E2 2° halide SN1, SN2, E1, E2 Cl OH OH H SN2 product major E2 product inversion at stereogenic center HO H2O b. H H weak base SN1 and E1 2° halide SN1, SN2, E1, E2 c. Cl C6H5 3° halide no SN2 minor E2 product OH SN1 products major E1 product CH3 CH3 minor E2 product minor E1 product CH3 CH3 CH3OH OCH3 C6H5 weak base SN1 and E1 minor E1 product CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 C6H5 OCH3 SN1 products C6H5 E1 product NaOH d. strong base SN2 and E2 Cl OH SN2 product 2° halide SN1, SN2, E1, E2 CH3 Br e. 3° halide no SN2 weak base good nucleophile SN1 f. D 2° halide SN1, SN2, E1, E2 achiral SN1 product OH KOH strong base SN2 and E2 minor E2 product CH3 OOCCH3 CH3COO Br major E2 product (trans diaxial elimination of D, Br) D SN2 product inversion at stereogenic center E2 product 8.58 a. b. CH3OH Cl weak base SN1 and E1 KOH Cl strong base E2 OCH3 OCH3 SN1 SN1 E1 E1 E1 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 8. Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 217 Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions 8–25 8.59 CH3 CH3 Br a. OC(CH3)3 OC(CH3)3 CH3 strong bulky base E2 3° halide CH2 major product more substituted alkene No substitution occurs with a strong bulky base and a 3o RX. The C with the leaving group is too crowded for an SN2 substitution to occur. Elimination occurs instead by an E2 mechanism. Br b. 1° halide OCH3 strong nucleophile SN2 OCH3 All elimination reactions are slow with 1° halides. The strong nucleophile reacts by an SN2 mechanism instead. c. CH3 Cl 3° halide minor product only OH strong base E2 I d. Cl 2° halide good nucleophile, weak base SN2 favored CH3 More substituted alkene is favored. minor product only I major product The 2o halide can react by an E2 or SN2 reaction with a negatively charged nucleophile or base. Since I– is a weak base, substitution by an SN2 mechanism is favored. 218 Smith: Study Guide/ 8. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Elimination Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 8–26 8.60 3° halide, weak base: SN1 and E1 CH3CH2OH a. + overall reaction Cl + + HCl OCH2CH3 The steps: + HCl SN1 Any base (such as CH3CH2OH or Cl–) can be used to remove a proton to form an alkene. If Cl– is used, HCl is formed as a reaction by-product. If CH3CH2OH is used, (CH3CH2OH2)+ is formed instead. OCH2CH3 CH3CH2OH H Cl or E1 H + HCl Cl or E1 + HCl H Cl CH3 Cl b. 3° halide strong base E2 CH3 OH CH2 + H2O + Cl + overall reaction CH3 CH3 Cl Each product: one step H OH or + H2O + Cl CH2 H OH CH2 Cl one step 8.61 Draw the products of each reaction with the 1° alkyl halide. Cl a. strong nucleophile SN2 H Cl b. H NaOCH2CH3 OCH2CH3 H KCN strong nucleophile SN2 Cl c. H CN H DBU sterically hindered base E2 H Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 8. Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions 219 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions 8–27 8.62 H H H Br H H2O H O H OH H2O Br above H H H + HBr + HBr H Br– H H H O H re-draw Br below H OH H H H + H H HBr H Br 8.63 good nucleophile O CH3 C O CH3 CHCH3 O C CH3 CH3COO is a good nucleophile and a weak base and so it favors substitution by SN2. O CH3 CHCH3 (only) Br CH3CH2O strong base CH3 CHCH3 + CH3CH CH2 The strong base gives both SN2 and E2 products, but since the 2° RX is OCH2CH3 20% 80% somewhat hindered to substitution, the E2 product is favored. 220 Smith: Study Guide/ 8. Alkyl Halides and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Elimination Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 8–28 8.64 Cl OCH3 CH3OH + + + + HCl OCH3 3° halide weak base SN1 and E1 Cl H CH3OH Cl OCH3 OCH3 Cl– HCl Cl H or HCl Cl– CH3OH HCl OCH3 Cl or OCH3 H HCl Cl H 8.65 E2 elimination needs a leaving group and a hydrogen in the trans diaxial position. Two different conformations: Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl This conformation has Cl's axial, but no H's axial. Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl This conformation has no Cl's axial. For elimination to occur, a cyclohexane must have a H and Cl in the trans diaxial arrangement. Neither conformation of this isomer has both atoms—H and Cl—axial; thus, this isomer only slowly loses HCl by elimination. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 8. Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions 221 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkyl Halides and Elimination Reactions 8–29 8.66 H Br CH 3 H and Br are anti periplanar. Elimination can occur. CH3O O O H H H (in the ring) and Br are NOT anti periplanar. Elimination cannot occur using this H. Instead elimination must occur with the H on the CH3 group. O O –HBr CH3 Br H major product Elimination can occur here. H CH3O O O O O –HBr H H Elimination cannot occur in the ring because the required anti periplanar geometry is not present. 8.67 leaving group H N C6H5O O S N C6H5O DBN N O B H H H H H N O overall reaction S O O H C CH2Cl O SN2 E2 H A sequence of two reactions forms the final product: E2 elimination opens the five-membered ring. Then the sulfur nucleophile displaces the Cl– leaving group to form the six-membered ring. H H N C6H5O Cl S O N CH2 C O O 8.68 a. H D SeOC6H5 SeOC6H5 and H are on the same side of the ring. syn elimination CH3 D b. C H Br CH3 Br rotate C H Br H C CH3 H C CH3 Zn CH3 Br Both Br atoms are on the opposite sides of the C–C bond. anti elimination H C C H CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Epoxides 223 Alcohols, Ethers, and Epoxides 9–1 C Chhaapptteerr 99:: A Allccoohhoollss,, EEtthheerrss,, aanndd EEppooxxiiddeess G Geenneerraall ffaaccttss aabboouutt R RO OH H,, R RO OR R,, aanndd eeppooxxiiddeess • All three compounds contain an O atom that is sp3 hybridized and tetrahedral (9.2). CH3 O CH3 H 109o an alcohol • 60o O O CH3 H H 111o an ether H H an epoxide All three compounds have polar C–O bonds, but only alcohols have an O–H bond for intermolecular hydrogen bonding (9.4). H C H = O = H C H H H H H O hydrogen bond • Alcohols and ethers do not contain a good leaving group. Nucleophilic substitution can occur only after the OH (or OR) group is converted to a better leaving group (9.7A). + R OH + R OH2 H Cl + Cl strong acid weak base good leaving group • Epoxides have a leaving group located in a strained three-membered ring, making them reactive to strong nucleophiles and acids HZ that contain a nucleophilic atom Z (9.15). leaving group With strong nucleophiles, O O C C Nu OH H OH C C [1] C C [2] Nu + OH Nu Nu A A nneew w rreeaaccttiioonn ooff ccaarrbbooccaattiioonnss ((99..99)) • Less stable carbocations rearrange to more stable carbocations by shift of a hydrogen atom or an alkyl group. Besides rearrangement, carbocations also react with nucleophiles (7.13) and bases (8.6). C C 1,2-shift R (or H) C C R (or H) PPrreeppaarraattiioonn ooff aallccoohhoollss,, eetthheerrss,, aanndd eeppooxxiiddeess ((99..66)) [1] Preparation of alcohols R X + OH R OH + X • • The mechanism is SN2. The reaction works best for CH3X and 1o RX. 224 Smith: Study Guide/ 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Epoxides accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 9–2 [2] Preparation of alkoxides (a Brønsted–Lowry acid–base reaction) R O H + Na+ H R O Na+ + H2 alkoxide [3] Preparation of ethers (Williamson ether synthesis) R X + OR' R OR' • • + X The mechanism is SN2. The reaction works best for CH3X and 1o RX. [4] Preparation of epoxides (Intramolecular SN2 reaction) • B H O [1] C C O C X + halohydrin O C C [2] C +X X H B+ A two-step reaction sequence: [1] Removal of a proton with base forms an alkoxide. [2] Intramolecular SN2 reaction forms the epoxide. R Reeaaccttiioonnss ooff aallccoohhoollss [1] Dehydration to form alkenes [a] Using strong acid (9.8, 9.9) C C H OH H2SO4 or TsOH • C C + • • Order of reactivity: R3COH > R2CHOH > RCH2OH. The mechanism for 2o and 3o ROH is E1; carbocations are intermediates and rearrangements occur. The mechanism for 1o ROH is E2. The Zaitsev rule is followed. • • The mechanism is E2. No carbocation rearrangements occur. • Order of reactivity: R3COH > R2CHOH > RCH2OH. The mechanism for 2o and 3o ROH is SN1; carbocations are intermediates and rearrangements occur. The mechanism for CH3OH and 1o ROH is SN2. H2O • [b] Using POCl3 and pyridine (9.10) C C H OH POCl3 C C pyridine + H2O [2] Reaction with HX to form RX (9.11) R OH + H X R X + H2O • • Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Epoxides 225 Alcohols, Ethers, and Epoxides 9–3 [3] Reaction with other reagents to form RX (9.12) R OH R OH + SOCl2 + R Cl • • pyridine PBr3 R Br Reactions occur with CH3OH and 1o and 2o ROH. The reactions follow an SN2 mechanism. [4] Reaction with tosyl chloride to form alkyl tosylates (9.13A) O R OH + Cl S CH3 pyridine O R O S O CH3 O R OTs • The C–O bond is not broken so the configuration at a stereogenic center is retained. R Reeaaccttiioonnss ooff aallkkyyll ttoossyyllaatteess Alkyl tosylates undergo either substitution or elimination depending on the reagent (9.13B). Nu C C + OTs • Substitution is carried out with strong :Nu– so the mechanism is SN2. • Elimination is carried out with strong bases so the mechanism is E2. H Nu C C H OTs B + HB+ C C –OTs + R Reeaaccttiioonnss ooff eetthheerrss Only one reaction is useful: Cleavage with strong acids (9.14) R O R' + H X R X + + R' X (2 equiv) (X = Br or I) H2O • • With 2o and 3o R groups, the mechanism is SN1. With CH3 and 1o R groups the mechanism is SN2. R Reeaaccttiioonnss ooff eeppooxxiiddeess Epoxide rings are opened with nucleophiles :Nu– and acids HZ (9.15). • OH O C C [1] Nu [2] H2O or HZ C C • Nu (Z) • The reaction occurs with backside attack, resulting in trans or anti products. With :Nu–, the mechanism is SN2, and nucleophilic attack occurs at the less substituted C. With HZ, the mechanism is between SN1 and SN2, and attack of Z– occurs at the more substituted C. 226 Smith: Study Guide/ 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Epoxides accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 9–4 C Chhaapptteerr 99:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 9.1 • Alcohols are classified as 1°, 2°, or 3°, depending on the number of carbon atoms bonded to the carbon with the OH group. • Symmetrical ethers have two identical R groups, and unsymmetrical ethers have R groups that are different. OH OH CH3 O 1° alcohol symmetrical ether 2° alcohol OH CH3 OH 3° alcohol O unsymmetrical ether O unsymmetrical ether 1° alcohol 9.2 Use the definition in Answer 9.1 to classify each OH group in cortisol. O OH HO 2° alcohol 1° alcohol OH H H 3° alcohol H O cortisol 9.3 To name an alcohol: [1] Find the longest chain that has the OH group as a substituent. Name the molecule as a derivative of that number of carbons by changing the -e ending of the alkane to the suffix -ol. [2] Number the carbon chain to give the OH group the lower number. When the OH group is bonded to a ring, the ring is numbered beginning with the OH group, and the “1” is usually omitted. [3] Apply the other rules of nomenclature to complete the name. 1 OH a. [1] OH [2] [3] 3,3-dimethyl-1-pentanol 5 carbons = pentanol b. [1] CH3 CH3 [2] OH 2-methyl [3] cis-2-methylcyclohexanol OH 1 6 carbon ring = cyclohexanol 6-methyl c. [1] OH OH [2] 3 9 carbons = nonanol 5-ethyl [3] 5-ethyl-6-methyl-3-nonanol Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 227 © The McGraw−Hill 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Epoxides Alcohols, Ethers, and Epoxides 9–5 9.4 To work backwards from a name to a structure: [1] Find the parent name and draw its structure. [2] Add the substituents to the long chain. OH 7 3 2 c. 2-tert-butyl-3-methylcyclohexanol a. 7,7-dimethyl-4-octanol 4 OH 1 5 b. 5-methyl-4-propyl-3-heptanol 3 OH OH d. trans-1,2-cyclohexanediol or OH OH OH 9.5 To name simple ethers: [1] Name both alkyl groups bonded to the oxygen. [2] Arrange these names alphabetically and add the word ether. For symmetrical ethers, name the alkyl group and add the prefix di. To name ethers using the IUPAC system: [1] Find the two alkyl groups bonded to the ether oxygen. The smaller chain becomes the substituent, named as an alkoxy group. [2] Number the chain to give the lower number to the first substituent. IUPAC name: a. common name: CH3 O CH2CH2CH2CH3 butyl methyl butyl methyl ether b. common name: OCH3 CH3 O CH2CH2CH2CH3 substituent: methoxy 1-methoxybutane IUPAC name: OCH3 substituent – methoxy methyl larger group – 6 C's cyclohexane cyclohexyl cyclohexyl methyl ether c. common name: CH3CH2CH2 O CH2CH2CH3 propyl propyl dipropyl ether larger group – 4 C's butane methoxycyclohexane IUPAC name: CH3CH2CH2 O CH2CH2CH3 propoxy propane 1-propoxypropane 228 Smith: Study Guide/ 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Epoxides accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 9–6 9.6 Name each ether using the rules from Answer 9.5. 1 CH3 a. b. CH3CH2 O CH2CH3 CH3 C O CH3 CH3 ethoxy ethane 2-methoxy 2-methyl propane 2-methoxy-2-methylpropane 1-ethoxyethane 9.7 Three ways to name epoxides: [1] Epoxides are named as derivatives of oxirane, the simplest epoxide. [2] Epoxides can be named by considering the oxygen as a substituent called an epoxy group, bonded to a hydrocarbon chain or ring. Use two numbers to designate which two atoms the oxygen is bonded to. [3] Epoxides can be named as alkene oxides by mentally replacing the epoxide oxygen by a double bond. Name the alkene (Chapter 10) and add the word oxide. H Three possibilities: [1] methyloxirane [2] 1,2-epoxypropane [3] propene oxide O a. CH3 c. O H Three possibilities: [1] cis-2-methyl-3-propyloxirane [2] cis-2,3-epoxyhexane [3] cis-2-hexene oxide 1 CH3 b. O 1-methyl epoxy group 2 Two possibilities: [1] 6 carbons = cyclohexane 1,2-epoxy-1-methylcyclohexane [2] 1-methylcyclohexene oxide 9.8 Two rules for boiling point: [1] The stronger the forces the higher the bp. [2] Bp increases as the extent of the hydrogen bonding increases. For alcohols with the same number of carbon atoms: hydrogen bonding and bp’s increase: 3° ROH < 2° ROH < 1° ROH. CH3 a. CH3 OH b. O OH OH OH VDW lowest bp VDW DD intermediate bp VDW DD hydrogen bonding highest bp 3° ROH lowest bp 2° ROH intermediate bp 1° ROH highest bp Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Epoxides 229 Alcohols, Ethers, and Epoxides 9–7 9.9 Draw dimethyl ether and ethanol and analyze their intermolecular forces to explain the observed trend. dimethyl ether CH3 O ethanol CH3CH2OH CH3 VDW DD no HB much lower bp VDW DD HB Two molecules of CH3CH2OH can hydrogen bond to each other. stronger forces = much higher bp Both molecules contain an O atom and can hydrogen bond with water. They have fewer than 5 C's and are therefore water soluble. H H O H CH3 O O H CH3 CH3CH2 O H 9.10 Strong nucleophiles (like –CN) favor SN2 reactions. The use of crown ethers in nonpolar solvents increases the nucleophilicity of the anion, and this increases the rate of the SN2 reaction. The nucleophile does not appear in the rate equation for the SN1 reaction. Nonpolar solvents cannot solvate carbocations so this disfavors SN1 reactions as well. 9.11 Compare the number of carbons and functional groups to determine if each compound is soluble in water, an organic solvent, or both. CH3 O O N CH3 O O H O Br– H O H O S CO2CH3 eplerenone 24 C's and 6 O's (from four functional groups) soluble in organic solvents probably borderline water solubility HO S tiotropium bromide 19 C's, 4 O's a salt – water soluble Because it has many C's, it is also probably soluble in organic solvent. 9.12 Draw the products of substitution in the following reactions by substituting OH or OR for X in the starting material. a. CH3CH2CH2CH2 Br + OH b. Cl + OCH3 c. CH2CH2–I + OCH(CH3)2 CH2CH2–OCH(CH3)2 d. Br + OCH2CH3 OCH2CH3 alcohol CH3CH2CH2CH2 OH + Br OCH3 + Cl + unsymmetrical ether + Br I unsymmetrical ether unsymmetrical ether 230 Smith: Study Guide/ 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Epoxides accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 9–8 9.13 To synthesize an ether using a Williamson ether synthesis: [1] First find the two possible alkoxides and alkyl halides needed for nucleophilic substitution. [2] Classify the alkyl halides as 1°, 2°, or 3°. The favored path has the less hindered halide. Two possibilities: Two possibilities: CH3 CH3 O a. CH3 O b. CH3 CH3CH2 O C CH3 CH3CH2 O C CH3 H H CH3 CH3O + Br CH3CH2 O CH3Br + O + CH3CH2 H methyl halide 2° halide CH3 Br C CH3 2° halide Br + 1° halide O C CH3 H less hindered RX preferred less hindered RX preferred 9.14 NaH and NaNH2 are strong bases that will remove a proton from an alcohol, creating a nucleophile. a. CH3CH2CH2 O H + Na+ H CH3 b. CH3CH2CH2 O Na+ + H2 CH3 + + Na NH2 C O H C O H Na+ + NH3 + H c. O H Na+ H CH3CH2CH2–Br + Na+ + H2 O O O d. H CH2CH2CH3 + Br– O Na+ H + Na+ + H2 Br O + Br– Br C6H10O 9.15 Dehydration follows the Zaitsev rule, so the more stable, more substituted alkene is the major product. H a. CH3 C CH3 TsOH CH2 CH CH3 + H2O OH CH3CH2 b. TsOH OH + H2O C CHCH3 CH3 trisubstituted major product CH2 disubstituted minor product Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Epoxides 231 Alcohols, Ethers, and Epoxides 9–9 CH3 OH c. CH2 CH3 TsOH + + H2O trisubstituted disubstituted major product minor product 9.16 The rate of dehydration increases as the number of R groups increases. (CH3)2CHCH2CH2CH2OH a. 1° alcohol slowest reaction (CH3)2CHCH2CH(OH)CH3 (CH3)2C(OH)CH2CH2CH3 2° alcohol intermediate reactivity 3° alcohol fastest reaction CH3 OH OH b. HO 1° alcohol slowest reaction CH3 3° alcohol fastest reaction 2° alcohol intermediate reactivity 9.17 There are three steps in the E1 mechanism for dehydration of alcohols and three transition states. transition state [1]: transition state [2]: CH3 CH3 + CH3 C CH3 + OH H CH3 C transition state [3]: CH3 CH3 +OH + C CH2 CH3 H 2 OSO3H OSO3H 9.18 transition state [1]: transition state [2]: H H CH3CH2 C H + OH CH3 C H H OSO3H OSO3H CH2 OH2 + 9.19 H H HSO4 H + This alkene is also formed in addition to Y from the rearranged carbocation. + rearranged 3° carbocation H2SO4 The initially formed 2° carbocation gives two alkenes: or HSO4 H H + H H + CH 2 H HSO4 232 Smith: Study Guide/ 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Epoxides accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 9–10 9.20 CH3 H a. CH3 C H C CH2CH3 CH3 H rearrangement + CH3 C + 1,2-H shift 3° carbocation more stable H rearrangement 1,2-H shift + c. + rearrangement 1,2-methyl shift H 2° carbocation b. + C CH2CH3 2° carbocation 3° carbocation more stable + 3° carbocation more stable 2° carbocation 9.21 CH3 H CH3 C C CH3 H CH3 H H2O CH3 C overall reaction Cl CH3 H C CH3 H CH3 C OH C CH3 HCl OH H The steps: CH3 H CH3 C Cl CH3 H C CH3 H CH3 C H2O and O H H CH3 H CH3 C C CH3 H Cl CH3 H C CH3 CH3 C CH3 H C CH3 H CH3 C H H2O 2° carbocation H O 3° carbocation C CH3 H H Rearrangement of H forms a more stable carbocation. Cl 9.22 CH3 a. CH3 C CH2CH3 HCl CH3 CH3 C CH2CH3 c. OH HBr Br + H2O Cl OH HI b. + H2O I OH + H2O 9.23 • CH3OH and 1° alcohols follow an SN2 mechanism, which results in inversion of configuration. • Secondary (2°) and 3° alcohols follow an SN1 mechanism, which results in racemization at a stereogenic center. H OH a. C CH3CH2CH2 I H D HI C CH3CH2CH2 D 1° alcohol so inversion of configuration Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 233 © The McGraw−Hill 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Epoxides Alcohols, Ethers, and Epoxides 9–11 CH3 b. Br HBr 3° alcohol, so Br attacks from above and below. The product is achiral. CH3 OH achiral starting material HO achiral product Cl HCl c. Cl 3° alcohol = racemization 9.24 OH a. HCl Cl HCl c. Cl OH (product formed after a 1,2-H shift) Cl HCl b. OH (product formed after a 1,2-CH3 shift) 9.25 Substitution reactions of alcohols using SOCl2 proceed by an SN2 mechanism. Therefore, there is inversion of configuration at a stereogenic center. H OH SOCl2 Reactions using SOCl2 proceed by an SN2 mechanism = inversion of configuration. Cl H pyridine S R 9.26 Substitution reactions of alcohols using PBr3 proceed by an SN2 mechanism. Therefore, there is inversion of configuration at a stereogenic center. PBr3 H OH Reactions using PBr3 proceed by an SN2 mechanism = inversion of configuration. Br H S R 9.27 Stereochemistry for conversion of ROH to RX by reagent: [1] HX—with 1°, SN2, so inversion of configuration; with 2° and 3°, SN1, so racemization. [2] SOCl2—SN2, so inversion of configuration. [3] PBr3—SN2, so inversion of configuration. OH a. SOCl2 c. Cl OH PBr3 Br pyridine OH HI I b. 3° alcohol, SN1 = racemization I SN2 = inversion 234 Smith: Study Guide/ 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Epoxides accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 9–12 9.28 To do a two-step synthesis with this starting material: [1] Convert the OH group into a good leaving group (by using either PBr3 or SOCl2). [2] Add the nucleophile for the SN2 reaction. H H H PBr3 CH3 C OH N3 CH3 CH3 C Br CH3 CH3 C N3 CH3CH2O CH3 H CH3 C OCH2CH3 CH3 bad leaving group good leaving group 9.29 O + CH3 a. CH3CH2CH2CH2 OH H OH b. CH3CH2CH2 C CH3CH2CH2CH2 O S SO2Cl pyridine CH3 + Cl O H OTs TsCl CH3 pyridine CH3CH2CH2 C + Cl CH3 9.30 OTs + a. 1° tosylate b. CN SN2 CN + CH3CH2CH2 OTs 1° tosylate K+ OC(CH3)3 E2 CH3CH CH2 + K+ OTs + HOC(CH3)3 strong bulky base H OTs c. CH3 HS H + C CH2CH2CH3 2° tosylate + OTs strong nucleophile SH SN2 strong nucleophile CH3 C SN2 product (inversion of configuration) CH2CH2CH3 (Substitution is favored over elimination.) 9.31 HO H S TsCl TsO H NaOH H OH SN2 pyridine retention S enantiomers inversion R One inversion from starting material to product. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Epoxides 235 Alcohols, Ethers, and Epoxides 9–13 9.32 These reagents can be classified as: [1] SOCl2, PBr3, HCl, and HBr replace OH with X by a substitution reaction. [2] Tosyl chloride (TsCl) makes OH a better leaving group by converting it to OTs. [3] Strong acids (H2SO4) and POCl3 (pyridine) result in elimination by dehydration. H a. CH3 C OH CH3 H SOCl2 pyridine CH3 C OH d. CH3 H b. H CH3 C Cl CH3 TsCl H CH3 C OH CH3 CH3 H c. CH3 H e. CH3 C OTs pyridine CH3 C Br CH3 H CH3 C OH H HBr [1] PBr3 [2] NaCN CH3 C CN CH3 H H2SO4 CH3 C OH CH2 CHCH3 CH3 C OH f. CH3 CH3 POCl3 CH2 CHCH3 pyridine 9.33 HBr a. CH3CH2 O CH2CH3 CH3 b. 2 CH3CH2 Br HBr CH3 C O CH2CH3 c. + H2O O CH3 HBr Br CH3 CH3 C Br H + CH3Br + + H2O CH3CH2Br + H2O H 9.34 Ether cleavage can occur by either an SN1 or SN2 mechanism, but neither mechanism can occur when the ether O atom is bonded to an aromatic ring. An SN1 reaction would require formation of a highly unstable carbocation on a benzene ring, a process that does not occur. An SN2 reaction would require backside attack through the plane of the aromatic ring, which is also not possible. Thus cleavage of the Ph–OCH3 bond does not occur. HBr OCH3 anisole OH + CH3Br phenol Br bromobenzene NOT formed SN1: SN2: O CH3 CH3OH H highly unstable carbocation CH3 O H Br 9.35 Compare epoxides and cyclopropane. For a compound to be reactive towards nucleophiles, it must be electrophilic. O + + epoxide cyclopropane O is electronegative and pulls electron density away from C's. This makes them electrophilic and reactive with nucleophiles. Cyclopropane has all C's and H's, so all nonpolar bonds. There are no electrophilic C's so it will not react with nucleophiles. 236 Smith: Study Guide/ 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Epoxides accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 9–14 9.36 Two rules for reaction of an epoxide: [1] Nucleophiles attack from the back side of the epoxide. [2] Negatively charged nucleophiles attack at the less substituted carbon. CH3 a. O CH3 OH [1] CH3CH2O [2] H2O O C C b. CH3 OCH2CH3 H Attack here: less substituted C backside attack [1] H H H HO C C H [2] H O 2 CH3 H H C C C CH Attack here: less substituted C backside attack 9.37 In both isomers, OH attacks from the back side at either C–O bond. cis-2,3-dimethyloxirane [1] –OH O H CH3 C C H CH3 CH3 OH H C [2] H2O C HO + H CH3 HO H C H CH3 CH3 C OH [1] –OH [2] H2O O H CH3 C C H CH3 enantiomers HO HO O H CH3 C [1] –OH C CH3 H CH3 OH H C [2] H2O HO trans-2,3-dimethyloxirane HO HO + C H CH3 CH3 H C H CH3 C OH identical Rotate around the C–C bond to see the plane of symmetry. HO OH C CH3 H C H CH3 meso compound [1] O –OH [2] H2O H CH3 C C CH3 H HO Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 237 © The McGraw−Hill 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Epoxides Alcohols, Ethers, and Epoxides 9–15 9.38 Remember the difference between negatively charged nucleophiles and neutral nucleophiles: • Negatively charged nucleophiles attack first, followed by protonation, and the nucleophile attacks at the less substituted carbon. • Neutral nucleophiles have protonation first, followed by nucleophilic attack at the more substituted carbon. BUT – trans or anti products are always formed regardless of the nucleophile. CH3 a. O HBr Br CH3 c. OH CH3CH2 CH3CH2 H H CH3 b. [1] CN [2] H2O negatively charged nucleophile: attack at less substituted C CH3CH2OH H2SO4 neutral nucleophile: attack at more substituted C neutral nucleophile: attack at more substituted C O CH3CH2 CH3CH2 O CH3 OH CN O d. CH3CH2 CH3CH2 OH C C CH3CH2O H HO H H [1] CH3O [2] CH3OH H C CH3CH2 CH3CH2 negatively charged nucleophile: attack at less substituted C H H C OCH3 238 Smith: Study Guide/ 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Epoxides accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 9–16 9.39 Draw the structure of each alcohol, using the definitions in Answer 9.1. OH OH a. OH 1° b. OH 2° 3° enol 9.40 Use the directions from Answer 9.3. a. (CH3)2CHCH2CH2CH2OH [1] [2] H CH3 C CH2CH2CH2OH H [3] 4-methyl-1-pentanol [3] 4-ethyl-6-methyl-3-heptanol [3] 4-ethyl-5-methyl-3-octanol [3] cis-1,4-cyclohexanediol [3] 3,3-dimethylcyclohexanol [3] (2R,3R)-2,3-butanediol [3] 5-methyl-2,3,4-heptanetriol CH3 C CH2CH2CH2OH CH3 CH3 5 carbons = pentanol b. 1 4-methyl (CH3)2CHCH2CH(CH2CH3)CH(OH)CH2CH3 [1] H [2] H OH CH3 C CH2 C CH CH3 CH2CH3 H CH3 C CH2 C CH CH2CH3 CH3 7 carbons = heptanol c. [1] CH2CH3 CH2CH3 6-methyl 4-ethyl 5-methyl [2] OH OH 8 carbons = octanol d. [1] 3 H OH 3 4 HO OH 4-ethyl [2] 1 HO OH cis cyclohexanediol e. [1] [2] HO HO 6 carbons = cyclohexanol f. [1] HO H 3,3-dimethyl [2] HO H 2 HO H 3 HO H 2R,3R 4 carbons = butanediol g. OH [1] OH OH 7 carbons = heptanetriol [2] 4 OH OH 5-methyl 2 OH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 239 © The McGraw−Hill 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Epoxides Alcohols, Ethers, and Epoxides 9–17 h. [1] [2] HO CH(CH3)2 [3] 1 CH(CH3)2 HO trans-3isopropylcyclopentanol 5 carbons = cyclopentanol 3-isopropyl 9.41 Use the rules from Answers 9.5 and 9.7. a. d. O O 1,2-epoxy-2-methylhexane or 2-butyl-2-methyloxirane or 2-methylhexene oxide dicyclohexyl ether 4,4-dimethyl b. CH2CH3 e. OCH2CH2CH3 longest chain = heptane substituent = 3-propoxy 4,4-dimethyl-3-propoxyheptane c. O epoxy 2 5 carbons = cyclopentane 1,2-epoxy-1-ethylcyclopentane or 1-ethylcyclopentene oxide CH3 O f. ethyl isobutyl ether or 1-ethoxy-2-methylpropane CH3 CH3 C O C CH3 CH3 CH3 tert-butyl tert-butyl di-tert-butyl ether 9.42 Use the directions from Answer 9.4. a. 4-ethyl-3-heptanol 3 d. 6-sec-butyl-7,7-diethyl-4-decanol 4 OH 6 OH 4 1 OH b. trans-2-methylcyclohexanol OH or CH3 HO 1 e. 3-chloro-1,2-propanediol HO CH3 OH 3 c. 2,3,3-trimethyl-2-butanol f. diisobutyl ether 2 2 O 7 3 Cl 240 Smith: Study Guide/ 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Epoxides accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 9–18 1 g. 1,2-epoxy-1,3,3-trimethylcyclohexane i. (2R,3S)-3-isopropyl-2-hexanol 3 O 2 1 OH 3 j. (2S)-2-ethoxy-1,1-dimethylcyclopentane 1 h. 1-ethoxy-3-ethylheptane O 1 3 2 O 9.43 Eight constitutional isomers of molecular formula C5H12O containing an OH group: OH 1-pentanol OH 1 OH 3-methyl-1-butanol 1° alcohol 3 1° alcohol 1 OH 2-methyl-1-butanol 1° alcohol 2-pentanol OH 2 1 2° alcohol OH OH 3-pentanol 2° alcohol 2,2-dimethyl-1-propanol 1° alcohol 2 3-methyl-2-butanol 2° alcohol OH 2-methyl-2-butanol 3° alcohol 2 9.44 Use the boiling point rules from Answer 9.8. a. CH3CH2OCH3 ether no hydrogen bonding lowest bp b. (CH3)2CHOH 2° alcohol hydrogen bonding intermediate bp CH3CH2CH2OH 1° alcohol hydrogen bonding highest bp CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2OH no OH group lowest water solubility one OH group intermediate water solubility HOCH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2OH two OH groups highest water solubility 9.45 Melting points depend on intermolecular forces and symmetry. (CH3)2CHCH2OH has a lower melting point than CH3CH2CH2CH2OH because branching decreases surface area and makes (CH3)2CHCH2OH less symmetrical so it packs less well. Although (CH3)3COH has the most branching and least surface area, it is the most symmetrical so it packs best in a crystalline lattice, giving it the highest melting point. OH –108 °C lowest melting point OH –90 °C intermediate melting point OH 26 °C highest melting point Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Epoxides 241 Alcohols, Ethers, and Epoxides 9–19 9.46 Stronger intermolecular forces increase boiling point. All of the compounds can hydrogen bond, but both diols have more opportunity for hydrogen bonding since they have two OH groups, making their bp’s higher than the bp of 1-butanol. 1,2-Propanediol can also intramolecularly hydrogen bond. Intramolecular hydrogen bonding decreases the amount of intermolecular hydrogen bonding, so the bp of 1,2-propanediol is somewhat lower. Increasing boiling point OH HO OH HO OH 1-butanol 118 °C 1,2-propanediol 187 °C 1,3-propanediol 215 °C 9.47 a. CH3CH2CH2OH b. CH3CH2CH2OH c. CH3CH2CH2OH d. CH3CH2CH2OH e. CH3CH2CH2OH f. CH3CH2CH2OH g. CH3CH2CH2OH h. CH3CH2CH2OH i. CH3CH2CH2OH H2SO4 CH3CH CH2 NaH + H2O CH3CH2CH2O Na+ HCl CH3CH2CH2Cl ZnCl2 HBr + H2 + H2O CH3CH2CH2Br + H2O SOCl2 CH3CH2CH2Cl pyridine PBr3 CH3CH2CH2Br TsCl CH3CH2CH2OTs pyridine [1] NaH [2] CH3CH2Br CH3CH2CH2O Na+ [1] TsCl CH3CH2CH2OTs [2] NaSH CH3CH2CH2OCH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2SH 9.48 a. OH NaH b. OH NaCl c. OH HBr d. OH HCl e. OH H2SO4 f. OH NaHCO3 Br g. OH [1] NaH Cl h. OH POCl3 pyridine O N.R. Na+ + H2 + H2O N.R. O [2] CH3CH2Br O CH2CH3 242 Smith: Study Guide/ 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Epoxides accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 9–20 9.49 Dehydration follows the Zaitsev rule, so the more stable, more substituted alkene is the major product. TsOH a. OH tetrasubstituted major product b. CH2CH3 OH c. OH disubstituted CH2CH3 CHCH3 TsOH TsOH trisubstituted disubstituted major product d. TsOH CH3CH2CH2CH2OH CH3CH2CH CH2 OH TsOH e. tetrasubstituted major product disubstituted Two products formed by carbocation rearrangement 9.50 The more stable alkene is the major product. OH H2SO4 trans and disubstituted major product monosubstituted cis and disubstituted 9.51 OTs is a good leaving group and will easily be replaced by a nucleophile. Draw the products by substituting the nucleophile in the reagent for OTs in the starting material. a. CH3CH2CH2CH2 OTs b. CH3CH2CH2CH2 OTs c. CH3CH2CH2CH2 OTs d. CH3CH2CH2CH2 OTs CH3SH SN2 NaOCH2CH3 SN2 NaOH SN2 K+ CH3CH2CH2CH2 SCH3 + HOTs CH3CH2CH2CH2 OCH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2CH2 OH + Na+ + Na+ –OTs –OTs – OC(CH3)3 E2 CH3CH2CH CH2 + (CH3)3COH + K+ –OTs Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Epoxides 243 Alcohols, Ethers, and Epoxides 9–21 9.52 HBr a. b. + HO H OH H D Br H HCl ZnCl2 H Br Cl 1° Alcohol will undergo SN2. inversion H D SOCl2 c. pyridine HO H SOCl2 always implies SN2. inversion H Cl TsCl pyridine d. 2° Alcohol will undergo SN1. racemization KI HO H TsO H SN2 inversion H I Configuration is maintained. C–O bond is not broken. 9.53 NaH (a) (b) (c) (2R)-2-hexanol B= O H TsCl pyridine HO H CH3I A= PBr3 CH3O H CH3O C= TsO H E= D= H OCH3 CH3O F= H Br CH3O H Routes (a) and (c) given identical products, labeled B and F. 9.54 Acid-catalyzed dehydration follows an E1 mechanism for 2o and 3o ROH with an added step to make a good leaving group. The three steps are: [1] Protonate the oxygen to make a good leaving group. [2] Break the CO bond to form a carbocation. [3] Remove a hydrogen to form the bond. 244 Smith: Study Guide/ 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Epoxides accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 9–22 OH a. CH3 H OSO3H CH3 CH3 + overall reaction The steps: CH2 + + H2O H O H CH3 H H + HSO4 CH3 + H2SO4 CH3 + H2O H HSO4 2° carbocation and + HSO4 H CH3 1,2-H shift CH2 CH2 H 3° carbocation and 2° carbocation H + HSO4 CH3 CH3 CH3 b. CH3 OH H OSO3H overall reaction + H2SO4 + H2SO4 CH3 + H2O CH3 The steps: CH3 CH3 CH3 + HSO4 CH3 + H O 2 1,2-CH3 shift 2° carbocation CH3 + H2SO4 CH3 H O H H CH3 + HSO4 3° carbocation CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 245 © The McGraw−Hill 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Epoxides Alcohols, Ethers, and Epoxides 9–23 9.55 a. Br OH Br C B A (E1 with acid) OH (E2 with base) D (E2 with base) (E1 with acid) 3,3-dimethylcyclopentene major product b. The best starting material to form 3,3-dimethylcyclopentene would be C since the alkene can be formed as a single product by an E2 elimination with base. 9.56 With POCl3 (pyridine), elimination occurs by an E2 mechanism. Since only one carbon has a hydrogen, only one product is formed. With H2SO4, the mechanism of elimination is E1. A 2° carbocation rearranges to a 3° carbocation, which has three pathways for elimination. O OH Cl P Cl H Cl O POCl2 N POCl2 N O H + N H V + W Cl + –OPOCl2 + N H OH H OSO3H + OH2 + + H2O V + HSO4– 2° carbocation 1,2–CH3 shift + 3° carbocation 246 Smith: Study Guide/ 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Epoxides accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 9–24 HSO4– H H + + + HSO4– HSO4– H 3° carbocation 3° carbocation X 3° carbocation Y + H2SO4 + Z + H2SO4 H2SO4 9.57 To draw the mechanism: [1] Protonate the oxygen to make a good leaving group. [2] Break the CO bond to form a carbocation. [3] Look for possible rearrangements to make a more stable carbocation. [4] Remove a hydrogen to form the bond. Dark and light circles are meant to show where the carbons in the starting material appear in the product. OH + H2O O H H H OSO3H H 2o carbocation + HSO4– + HSO4 – 3o carbocation 9.58 HO H HBr a. Br H H S HO H b. Br R HO H HCl c. Cl H SOCl2 pyridine PBr3 follows SN2 = inversion. H H Cl 2° alcohol SN1 = racemization R S HO d. 2° alcohol SN1 = racemization R H PBr3 Br H R Cl SOCl2 follows SN2 = inversion. + H2SO4 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Epoxides 247 Alcohols, Ethers, and Epoxides 9–25 9.59 OH 3-methyl-2-butanol [1] HBr H 1,2-H shift H Br Br [2] –H2O 2° carbocation 2-methyl-1-propanol HBr HO 3° carbocation H2O Br Br H Br H2O SN2 no carbocation The 2° alcohol reacts by an SN1 mechanism to form a carbocation that rearranges. The 1° alcohol reacts with HBr by an SN2 mechanism. no carbocation intermediate = no rearrangement possible 9.60 Conversion of a 1° alcohol into a 1° alkyl chloride occurs by an SN2 mechanism. SN2 mechanisms occur more readily in polar aprotic solvents by making the nucleophile stronger. No added ZnCl2 is necessary. HCl R OH R Cl HMPA polar aprotic solvent This makes Cl< a better nucleophile. 9.61 H Cl A Cl OH H2O OH2 two resonance structures for the carbocation B Cl Cl Cl Cl C 9.62 CH3CH2CH2CH2OH H2SO4, NaBr overall reaction CH3CH2CH2CH2Br CH3CH2CH CH2 CH3CH2CH2CH2OCH2CH2CH2CH3 Step [1] for all products: Formation of a good leaving group CH3CH2CH2CH2 OH H OSO3H CH3CH2CH2CH2 O H + HSO4 H Formation of CH3CH2CH2CH2Br: CH3CH2CH2CH2 O H H Br CH3CH2CH2CH2Br + H2O 248 Smith: Study Guide/ 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Epoxides accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 9–26 Formation of CH3CH2CH=CH2: CH3CH2CH CH2 O H H CH3CH2CH CH2 + H2O H2SO4 H HSO4– Ether formation (from the protonated alcohol): CH3CH2CH2CH2 CH3CH2CH2CH2 OH2 CH3CH2CH2CH2 O CH2CH2CH2CH3 + H2O H HSO4 O H CH3CH2CH2CH2 O CH2CH2CH2CH3 H2SO4 9.63 H OSO3H OH O OH2 + O + HSO4– O + HSO4 – H 1,2-shift O + O + H2SO4 + H2O H O + 9.64 HSO4– OH H OSO3H OH2 OH O OH + HSO4– H O OH + H2O + H2SO4 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 249 © The McGraw−Hill 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Epoxides Alcohols, Ethers, and Epoxides 9–27 9.65 a. c. O Br O CH3CH2OCH2CH2CH3 O 2° halide CH3CH2O + BrCH2CH2CH3 O Br 1° halide 1° halide less hindered RX preferred path OCH2CH2CH3 b. CH3CH2OCH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2Br + OCH2CH2CH3 1° halide Neither path preferred. OCH2CH2CH3 Br O OCH2CH2CH3 + BrCH2CH2CH3 2° halide 1° halide less hindered RX preferred path 9.66 A tertiary halide is too hindered and an aryl halide too unreactive to undergo a Williamson ether synthesis. Two possible sets of starting materials: CH3 CH3 CH3 O C CH3 Br C CH3 Br O C CH3 CH3 CH3 aryl halide unreactive in SN2 O CH3 3° alkyl halide too sterically hindered for SN2 9.67 a. b. (CH3)3COCH2CH2CH3 O HBr (CH3)3CBr + BrCH2CH2CH3 (2 equiv) HBr (2 equiv) 2 Br H2O H2O c. OCH3 HBr (2 equiv) Br CH3Br H2O 250 Smith: Study Guide/ 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Epoxides accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 9–28 9.68 overall reaction CH3 a. O I CH3 H I + H2O I The steps: I CH3 O CH3 + I H + CH3 O H H CH3 O CH3 CH3 O Cl Na+ H H O Cl CH3 O I CH3 H I H b. H I I + H2 + NaCl + H2 + Na+ O 9.69 OC(CH3)3 O C(CH3)3 H–OCOCF3 CH3 OH H CH2 + CF3CO2– C OH CH3 + CH3 C CH 2 H CH3 CF3CO2– + CF3CO2H 9.70 O a. H C O C H H H HBr d. H C BrCH2CH2OH H O b. H C C H H H O c. H C C H H2O e. H H2SO4 [2] H2O [1] HC C– H H C H HOCH2CH2OH H H [2] H2O O CH3CH2OCH2CH2OH C H CH2 CH2OH [1] OH C f. H C HC C [2] H2O O HOCH2CH2OH [1] CH3CH2O H H C [1] CH3S H H CH3SCH2CH2OH [2] H2O 9.71 O a. CH 3 CH3 H H CH3 b. O CH3CH2OH H2SO4 [1] CH3CH2O Na+ [2] H2O O CH3 OH CH3 C CH3CH2O C H H CH3 OH OCH2CH3 OH HBr c. O d. Br OH [1] NaCN [2] H2O CN Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 251 © The McGraw−Hill 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Epoxides Alcohols, Ethers, and Epoxides 9–29 9.72 CH3 H Cl C a. CH3 C H O Cl H C H CH3 H CH3 C C O H CH3 O C4H8O Na+ H H Cl CH3 C b. H O H Cl CH3 H C C CH3 CH3 H C C O H CH3 OH C c. CH3 C H H CH3 H Cl rotate C CH3 CH3 H C CH3 H O C4H8O Na+ H Cl C The 2 CH3 groups are anti in the starting material, making them trans in the product. CH3 H CH3 H Cl C C CH3 O H The 2 CH3 groups are gauche in the starting material, making them cis in the product. C H O backside attack CH3 H C C H CH3 O C4H8O Na+ H 9.73 O O CH3CH2O O CH3CH2O + Cl CH3CH2OCH2 Cl 9.74 a. (1R,2R)-2-isobutylcyclopentanol f. b. 2° alcohol [1] NaH HO O A H2SO4 HO A [2] HO c. stereoisomer POCl3 [3] pyridine HO HO Cl HCl (1R,2S)-2-isobutylcyclopentanol [4] HO SOCl2 d. constitutional isomer [5] HO pyridine Cl OH TsCl (1S,3S)-3-isobutylcyclopentanol [6] HO e. constitutional isomer with an ether O butoxycyclopentane pyridine TsO CH3 Cl– 252 Smith: Study Guide/ 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Epoxides accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 9–30 9.75 KOC(CH3)3 OTs a. b. OH * Bulky base favors E2. HBr H CH3 H CH3 O c. Keep the stereochemistry at the stereogenic center [*] the same here since no bond is broken to it. Br * CH3CH2 H [1] CN CH3CH2 C C H CH2CH3 H [2] H2O C + C H CH3CH2 CH2CH3 H NC KCN (CH3)3C H SN2 inversion Br CH3 O O CH3CO2 OTs pyridine H D CN OH H D Br Br OH CH3CO2 H D HBr OCH3 OH [1] NaOCH3 [2] H2O OH OH OCH3 O NaH OCH2CH3 CH3CH2I i. CH2CH3 CH3 j. CH3CH2 C O CH3 CH3 CH2CH3 CH2CH3 HI (2 equiv) CH3 CH3CH2 C I + I CH3 + H2O CH3 9.76 a. CH2CH3 SN2 inversion TsCl OH h. C CH3 f. g. C CN (CH3)3C PBr3 OH e. H H OTs d. HO OH OH b. OH c. OH HBr or PBr3 Br HCl, ZnCl2 or SOCl2, pyridine Cl [1] Na+ H O [2] CH3CH2Cl O identical Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Epoxides 253 Alcohols, Ethers, and Epoxides 9–31 [1] TsCl, pyridine d. OH OTs [2] N3 N3 Make OH a good leaving group (use TsCl); then add N3. 9.77 a. OH HCl or SOCl2, pyridine b. OH H2SO4 c. OH [1] Na+ H d. OH Cl [2] CH3Cl O OCH3 CN OTs [2] –CN [1] TsCl, pyridine Make OH a good leaving group (use TsCl); then add CN. 9.78 Br (a) = HBr or PBr3 or other strong base OH OTs (c) = (e) = (d) = KOC(CH3)3 or other strong base TsCl, pyridine H2SO4 or TsOH (b) = KOC(CH3)3 Br (f) = KOC(CH3)3 NBS or other strong base HOCl OH (g) = NaH (h) = OH + enantiomer O Cl OH, H2O OH 254 Smith: Study Guide/ 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Epoxides accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 9–32 9.79 OH O O Cl O O O NaH (CH3)2CHNH2 N H H O proton transfer O OH N H propranolol 9.80 a. All 2° OH groups on stereogenic centers are circled (40 stereogenic centers). OH OH O O HO OH O OH O OH NH2 OH OH OH HO OH OH OH OH OH OH O HO O N N H H HO OH OH O OH OH O OH OH OH H OH HO HO O OH O O HO OH O palytoxin OH OH HO OH H OH OH OH OH OH OH OH This carbocation is resonance stabilized, so loss of H2O to form it is easier than loss of H2O from a 2° alcohol, where the carbocation is not resonance stabilized. R b. R C OH OR' hemiacetal H+ R R C OH2 OR' R R R C R C OR' OR' resonance-stabilized cation H2O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 9. Alcohols, Ethers, and Epoxides 255 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Alcohols, Ethers, and Epoxides 9–33 9.81 If the base is not bulky, it can react as a nucleophile and open the epoxide ring. The bulky base cannot act as a nucleophile, and will only remove the proton. –N(CH H 2CH3)2 Li+ O + H OH O + HN(CH2CH3)2 LiOH OH 9.82 First form the 2° carbocation. Then lose a proton to form each product. H H CH3CH2 C CH2 OH CH3CH2 C CH2 H OH2 H OH2 H 1o alcohol no 1o carbocation at this step H H 1,2-shift CH3CH2 C CH2 + H2O H + H2O 2o carbocation H CH3CH2 C CH2 H CH3CH2 C CH2 H2O H + CH3 H + H + C C CH3 H H CH3CH2CH=CH2 H3O H C C CH3 CH C CH3 = CH3 H3O CH3 H2O 9.83 OH OH CH3 C C CH3 OH OH2 OH H OSO3H CH3 C CH3 CH3 CH3 C C CH3 pinacol C CH3 CH3 C shift CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 1,2-CH3 CH3 OH C CH3 + H2O + HSO4 CH3 H2SO4 + CH3 C CH3 O CH3 O H C CH3 C CH3 CH3 HSO4 C CH3 pinacolone 9.84 O O H O C I O H H O Na+ OH C I O O O O H H O C I O H H O O H C C H I O H H O I Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 10. Alkenes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 257 Alkenes 10–1 C Chhaapptteerr 1100:: A Allkkeenneess G Geenneerraall ffaaccttss aabboouutt aallkkeenneess • Alkenes contain a carbon–carbon double bond consisting of a stronger bond and a weaker bond. Each carbon is sp2 hybridized and trigonal planar (10.1). • Alkenes are named using the suffix -ene (10.3). • Alkenes with different groups on each end of the double bond exist as a pair of diastereomers, identified by the prefixes E and Z (10.3B). Two higher priority groups on the same side Two higher priority groups on opposite sides CH3 CH3 CH3 C C H CH2CH3 H E isomer (2E)-3-methyl-2-pentene • CH3 Z isomer (2Z)-3-methyl-2-pentene Alkenes have weak intermolecular forces, giving them low mp’s and bp’s, and making them water insoluble. A cis alkene is more polar than a trans alkene, giving it a slightly higher boiling point (10.4). cis-2-butene more polar isomer trans-2-butene CH3 CH3 H CH3 C C less polar isomer C C H H H CH3 no net dipole a small net dipole higher bp • CH2CH3 C C lower bp Since a bond is electron rich and much weaker than a bond, alkenes undergo addition reactions with electrophiles (10.8). SStteerreeoocchheem miissttrryy ooff aallkkeennee aaddddiittiioonn rreeaaccttiioonnss ((1100..88)) A reagent XY adds to a double bond in one of three different ways: • Syn addition—X and Y add from the same side. H BH2 C C • BH2 C C • Syn addition occurs in hydroboration. Anti addition—X and Y add from opposite sides. C C • H X2 or X2, H2O X • C C X(OH) Anti addition occurs in halogenation and halohydrin formation. Both syn and anti addition occur when carbocations are intermediates. C C H X or H2O, H+ H X(OH) C C • H and C C X(OH) Syn and anti addition occur in hydrohalogenation and hydration. 258 Smith: Study Guide/ 10. Alkenes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 10–2 A Addddiittiioonn rreeaaccttiioonnss ooff aallkkeenneess [1] Hydrohalogenation—Addition of HX (X = Cl, Br, I) (10.9–10.11) RCH CH2 + H X R CH CH2 X H alkyl halide • • • • • The mechanism has two steps. Carbocations are formed as intermediates. Carbocation rearrangements are possible. Markovnikov’s rule is followed. H bonds to the less substituted C to form the more stable carbocation. Syn and anti addition occur. [2] Hydration and related reactions—Addition of H2O or ROH (10.12) RCH CH2 + H OH H2SO4 R CH CH2 OH H alcohol RCH CH2 + H OR H2SO4 R CH CH2 OR H ether For both reactions: • The mechanism has three steps. • Carbocations are formed as intermediates. • Carbocation rearrangements are possible. • Markovnikov’s rule is followed. H bonds to the less substituted C to form the more stable carbocation. • Syn and anti addition occur. [3] Halogenation—Addition of X2 (X = Cl or Br) (10.13–10.14) RCH CH2 + X X R CH CH2 X X vicinal dihalide • • • • The mechanism has two steps. Bridged halonium ions are formed as intermediates. No rearrangements occur. Anti addition occurs. [4] Halohydrin formation—Addition of OH and X (X = Cl, Br) (10.15) RCH CH2 + X X H2O R CH CH2 OH X halohydrin • • • • • • The mechanism has three steps. Bridged halonium ions are formed as intermediates. No rearrangements occur. X bonds to the less substituted C. Anti addition occurs. NBS in DMSO and H2O adds Br and OH in the same fashion. [5] Hydroboration–oxidation—Addition of H2O (10.16) [1] BH3 or 9-BBN • Hydroboration has a one-step mechanism. RCH CH2 R CH CH2 • No rearrangements occur. [2] H2O2, HO H OH • OH bonds to the less substituted C. alcohol • Syn addition of H2O results. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 10. Alkenes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 259 Alkenes 10–3 C Chhaapptteerr 1100:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 10.1 Six alkenes of molecular formula C5H10: trans cis diastereomers 10.2 To determine the number of degrees of unsaturation: [1] Calculate the maximum number of H’s (2n + 2). [2] Subtract the actual number of H’s from the maximum number. [3] Divide by two. a. C2H2 [1] maximum number of H's = 2n + 2 = 2(2) + 2 = 6 [2] subtract actual from maximum = 6 – 2 = 4 [3] divide by two = 4/2 = 2 degrees of unsaturation b. C6H6 [1] maximum number of H's = 2n + 2 = 2(6) + 2 = 14 [2] subtract actual from maximum = 14 – 6 = 8 [3] divide by two = 8/2 = 4 degrees of unsaturation c. C8H18 [1] maximum number of H's = 2n + 2 = 2(8) + 2 = 18 [2] subtract actual from maximum = 18 – 18 = 0 [3] divide by two = 0/2 = 0 degrees of unsaturation d. C7H8O Ignore the O. [1] maximum number of H's = 2n + 2 = 2(7) + 2 = 16 [2] subtract actual from maximum = 16 – 8 = 8 [3] divide by two = 8/2 = 4 degrees of unsaturation e. C7H11Br Because of Br, add one more H (11 + 1 H = 12 H's). [1] maximum number of H's = 2n + 2 = 2(7) + 2 = 16 [2] subtract actual from maximum = 16 – 12 = 4 [3] divide by two = 4/2 = 2 degrees of unsaturation f. C5H9N Because of N, subtract one H (9 – 1 H = 8 H's). [1] maximum number of H's = 2n + 2 = 2(5) + 2 = 12 [2] subtract actual from maximum = 12 – 8 = 4 [3] divide by two = 4/2 = 2 degrees of unsaturation 10.3 One possibility for C6H10: a. a compound that has 2 bonds c. a compound with 2 rings b. a compound that has 1 ring and 1 bond d. a compound with 1 triple bond 10.4 To name an alkene: [1] Find the longest chain that contains the double bond. Change the ending from -ane to -ene. [2] Number the chain to give the double bond the lower number. The alkene is named by the first number. [3] Apply all other rules of nomenclature. To name a cycloalkene: [1] When a double bond is located in a ring, it is always located between C1 and C2. Omit the “1” in the name. Change the ending from -ane to -ene. [2] Number the ring clockwise or counterclockwise to give the first substituent the lower number. [3] Apply all other rules of nomenclature. 260 Smith: Study Guide/ 10. Alkenes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 10–4 3-methyl 1 a. [1] CH2 CHCH(CH3)CH2CH3 CH3 CH CHCHCH 2 [2] 2CH3 5 C chain with double bond pentene [3] 3-methyl-1-pentene 1-pentene 3 CH3CH2 b. [1] (CH3CH2)2C CHCH2CH2CH3 C CHCH2CH2CH3 [2] CH3CH2 7 C chain with double bond heptene [3] 3-ethyl-3-heptene 3-heptene 3-ethyl 2-ethyl c. [1] [2] 4-methyl [3] 2-ethyl-4-methyl-1-pentene 1 1-pentene 5 C chain with double bond pentene 1 [2] d. [1] 4 [3] 3,4-dimethylcyclopentene 3 3,4-dimethyl 5 C ring with a double bond cyclopentene 1-methyl e. [1] [2] [3] 5-tert-butyl-1-methylcyclohexene 1 5-tert-butyl 6 C ring with a double bond cyclohexene 10.5 Use the rules from Answer 10.4 to name the compounds. Enols are named to give the OH the lower number. Compounds with two C=C’s are named with the suffix -adiene. a. 1 3 [2] [1] [3] 4-ethyl-3-hexen-1-ol OH OH 4-ethyl 6 C chain with double bond hexene [1] OH 1 4 [2] [3] 5-ethyl-6-methyl-7-octen-4-ol OH b. 6-methyl 5-ethyl 8 C chain with double bond octene [1] 5 [2] 2 c. [3] 2,6-dimethyl-2,5-heptadiene 2-methyl 6-methyl 7 C chain with two double bonds heptadiene Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 10. Alkenes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 261 Alkenes 10–5 10.6 To label an alkene as E or Z: [1] Assign priorities to the two substituents on each end using the rules for R,S nomenclature. [2] Assign E or Z depending on the location of the two higher priority groups. • The E prefix is used when the two higher priority groups are on opposite sides. • The Z prefix is used when the two higher priority groups are on the same side of the double bond. higher priority Cl CH3 a. higher priority C C higher priority Two higher priority groups are on opposite sides: E isomer. OCH3 Br H H H c. higher priority higher priority C6H5 O H higher priority CH3CH2 b. CH2CH3 higher priority kavain C C H higher priority In both double bonds, the two higher priority groups are on opposite sides: E isomers. CH3 Two higher priority groups are on the same side: Z isomer. 10.7 To name an alkene: First follow the rules from Answer 10.4. Then, when necessary, assign an E or Z prefix based on priority, as in 10.6. 2-hexene Br CH2CH2CH3 CH3 [2] C C H higher priority CH2CH2CH3 CH3 a. [1] [3] (2E)-3-bromo-2-hexene C C E alkene 6 C chain with double bond hexene Br H higher priority 3-bromo 3-decene CH3CH2 b. [1] CH2CH2CH2CH2C(CH3)3 CH3CH2 [2] C C H higher priority CH2CH3 10 C chain with double bond decene CH3 C C Z alkene H CH3 CH2CH2CH2CH2CCH3 9,9-dimethyl higher priority 9,9-dimethyl CH2CH3 4-ethyl [3] (3Z)-4-ethyl-9,9-dimethyl-3-decene 262 Smith: Study Guide/ 10. Alkenes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 10–6 10.8 To work backwards from a name to a structure: [1] Find the parent name and functional group and draw, remembering that the double bond is between C1 and C2 for cycloalkenes. [2] Add the substituents to the appropriate carbons. a. (3Z)-4-ethyl-3-heptene The higher priority groups are on the same side = Z. c. (1Z)-2-bromo-1-iodo-1-hexene 6 carbons 7 carbons The double bond is between C1 and C2. I Br 4-ethyl The double bond is between C3 and C4. b. (2E)-3,5,6-trimethyl-2-octene The higher priority groups are on the same side = Z. The double bond is between C2 and C3. 8 carbons The higher priority groups are on opposite sides = E. 3,5,6-trimethyl 10.9 Draw all of the stereoisomers and then use the rules from Answer 10.6 to name each diene. E E E (2E,4E)-2,4-hexadiene Z Z (2E,4Z)-2,4-hexadiene Z (2Z,4Z)-2,4-hexadiene 10.10 To rank the isomers by increasing boiling point: Look for polarity differences: small net dipoles make an alkene more polar, giving it a higher boiling point than an alkene with no net dipole. Cis isomers have a higher boiling point than their trans isomers. CH3 CH3 CH3CH2 C C CH3 H CH3CH2 C C CH3 H All dipoles cancel. smallest surface area no net dipole lowest bp CH2CH3 C C CH2CH3 Two dipoles cancel. no net dipole trans isomer intermediate bp H H Two dipoles reinforce. net dipole cis isomer highest bp 10.11 Recall from Section 5.13B that the odor of a molecule is determined more by shape than by functional groups. That is why the R and S isomers of limonene smell so differently. H (R)-limonene H (S)-limonene Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 10. Alkenes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 263 Alkenes 10–7 10.12 Increasing number of double bonds = decreasing melting point. O O OH stearic acid no double bonds highest melting point OH stearidonic acid O 4 double bonds lowest melting point OH linolenic acid 3 double bonds intermediate melting point 10.13 Br a. H2SO4 OH CH2=CHCH2CH2CH2CH3 NaOCH2CH3 b. + CH3CH=CHCH2CH2CH3 10.14 To draw the products of an addition reaction: [1] Locate the two bonds that will be broken in the reaction. Always break the bond. [2] Draw the product by forming two new bonds. HCl H CH3 two new bonds a. c. Cl b. H HCl CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3CH2CH2CH CHCH2CH2CH3 two new bonds Cl H H HCl CH3CH2CH2 C C CH2CH2CH3 H Cl two new bonds 10.15 Addition reactions of HX occur in two steps: [1] The double bond attacks the H atom of HX to form a carbocation. [2] X attacks the carbocation to form a CX bond. transition state step [1]: H + H H H Cl [1] transition state step [2]: H H H H [2] Cl Cl + H Cl + Cl 264 Smith: Study Guide/ 10. Alkenes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 10–8 10.16 Addition to alkenes follows Markovnikov’s rule: When HX adds to an unsymmetrical alkene, the H bonds to the C that has more H’s to begin with. 2 H's H adds here. no H's Cl adds here. CH3 CH3 Cl HCl a. c. H H H CH2 HCl Cl CH3 no H's Cl adds here. one H H adds here. H no H's Cl adds here CH3 b. CH3 HCl C CH2 Cl C CH2 CH3 H CH3 2 H's H adds here. 10.17 To determine which alkene will react faster, draw the carbocation that forms in the ratedetermining step. The more stable, more substituted carbocation, the lower the Ea to form it and the faster the reaction. CH3 CH3 H C C CH3 CH3 C H X H C C H CH3 H CH2 H CH3CHCH2 H X 3° carbocation faster reaction H H 2° carbocation slower reaction 10.18 Look for rearrangements of a carbocation intermediate to explain these results. H Cl CH3 Cl H H H H Cl CH3 1-chloro-3methylcyclohexane H CH3 H H 2° carbocation CH3 H + Cl– 2° carbocation Rearrangement would not further stabilize this carbocation. H 1,2-H shift Cl CH3 3° carbocation CH3 Cl 1-chloro-1methylcyclohexane Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 10. Alkenes 265 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkenes 10–9 10.19 Addition of HX to alkenes involves formation of carbocation intermediates. Rearrangement of the carbocation will occur if it forms a more stable carbocation. H a. H CH3 CH3 C C H H CH3 H C C CH2CH3 CH2CH3 H C C CH2CH3 H H Br 3° carbocation no rearrangement b. CH3 H H H C C H CH3 C C CH2CH3 CH2CH3 CH3 C C CH2CH3 H Br H CH3 CH3 C C CH(CH3)2 CH3 C C CH(CH3)2 CH(CH3)2 (cis or trans) CH3 C C CH2CH3 H H H H H H H Br H 2° carbocation 2° carbocation Rearrangement would not further stabilize either carbocation. no rearrangement C C c. H H CH3 C C CH2CH3 H (cis or trans) CH3 H H 1,2-H shift H CH3 CH3 CH3 C C H H 2° carbocation Rearrangement would not further stabilize the carbocation. C CH3 H H 2° carbocation rearrangement 3° carbocation more stable H H H CH3 CH3 CH3 C C CH(CH3)2 CH3 C C Br H H H C CH3 Br 10.20 To draw the products, remember that addition of HX proceeds via a carbocation intermediate. Addition of H+ (from HBr) from above and below gives an achiral, trigonal planar carbocation. a. H H CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 Addition of Br– from above and below. CH3 CH3 CH3 Br CH3 CH3 CH3 Br CH3 enantiomers Addition of H+ (from HCl) from above and below by Markovnikov's rule forms an achiral 3° carbocation. b. CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 Cl– attacks from above and below. CH3 H CH3 CH3 CH3 Cl H achiral, trigonal planar 3° carbocation diastereomers CH3 Cl 266 Smith: Study Guide/ 10. Alkenes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 10–10 10.21 The product of syn addition will have H and Cl both up or down (both on wedges or both dashes), while the product of anti addition will have one up and one down (one wedge, one dash). CH3 H CH3 H CH3 H CH3 H Cl CH3 Cl CH3 Cl CH3 Cl CH3 A syn addition B anti addition C anti addition D syn addition 10.22 CH3 CH2CH2CH3 CH3 or CH2 C a. CH3 C CH2CH2CH3 OH C CHCH2CH3 CH3 CH3 H+ would add here to form a 3° carbocation. CH3 OH b. CH3 CH2 or H+ H+ would add here to form a 3° carbocation. would add here to form a 3° carbocation. or c. H+ OH H+ would add here to form a 3° carbocation. CH3CH CHCH3 would add here to form a 2° carbocation. (cis or trans) 10.23 H H2O OH H2SO4 1-pentene HO H enantiomers 10.24 The two steps in the mechanism for the halogenation of an alkene are: [1] Addition of X+ to the alkene to form a bridged halonium ion [2] Nucleophilic attack by X transition state [1]: X X X Step [1] C C transition state [2]: X X + + X C C X Step [2] C C C + C C X X X C 10.25 Halogenation of an alkene adds two elements of X in an anti fashion. a. Br2 Br Br Cl2 CH3 Cl CH3 Cl Cl Cl b. Br Br Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 10. Alkenes 267 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkenes 10–11 10.26 To draw the products of halogenation of an alkene, remember that the halogen adds to both ends of the double bond but only anti addition occurs. Cl Cl Cl CH3 Cl CH3 Cl2 a. c. Br2 CH3 CH3 CH3 Br enantiomers H b. C Br Br2 Br H C C H C H Br achiral meso compound 10.27 The two steps in the mechanism for the halogenation of an alkene are: [1] Addition of X+ to the alkene to form a bridged halonium ion [2] Nucleophilic attack by X CH3 trans-2-butene C C H Addition of Br+ can occur from above or below: Br Br CH3 overall H Attack of Br– can occur from the left or right: C CH3 C C CH3 H Br Br Br below CH3 CH3 H Br H above Br H H C H enantiomers C C CH3 Br CH3 right left left right + Br CH3 H Br C C H CH3 CH3 H Br C C + Br CH3 H C Br Br C H CH3 H CH3 CH3 C H C Br + Br H CH3 CH3 C H C Br H CH3 + Br Br H C CH3 H Br diastereomers C Br CH3 Br H C CH3 H C CH3 Br CH3 H C Br All four compounds are identical—an achiral meso compound. Br C H CH3 Br 268 Smith: Study Guide/ 10. Alkenes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 10–12 10.28 Halohydrin formation adds the elements of X and OH across the double bond in an anti fashion. The reaction is regioselective so X ends up on the carbon that had more H’s to begin with. Br NBS a. DMSO, H2O HO CH3 Cl2 b. HO H2O Br CH3 OH CH3 OH Cl Cl Cl bonds to the carbon with more H's to begin with. 10.29 H a. (CH3)2S H H CH2CH3 H B N CH2CH3 CH3 H B S b. (CH3CH2)3N CH3 H CH2CH2CH2CH3 H B P CH2CH2CH2CH3 c. (CH3CH2CH2CH2)3P H CH2CH3 H CH2CH2CH2CH3 10.30 In hydroboration the boron atom is the electrophile and becomes bonded to the carbon atom that had more H’s to begin with. CH3 a. C CH2 CH3 BH3 CH3 C CH2 CH3 BH3 CH2BH2 H BH2 C with more H's. B will add here. C with more H's. B will add here. BH3 b. CH2 c. BH2 H C with more H's. B will add here. 10.31 The hydroboration–oxidation reaction occurs in two steps: [1] Syn addition of BH3, with the boron on the less substituted carbon atom [2] OH replaces the BH2 with retention of configuration. a. CH3CH2CH CH2 BH3 CH3CH2CH CH2 H CH2CH3 b. c. CH3 CH3 BH3 H2O2, –OH CH3CH2CH CH2 BH2 H OH CH2CH3 H CH2CH3 H2O2, –OH H CH2CH3 H CH2CH3 H BH2 BH2 OH OH CH3 CH3 H CH3 BH2 BH2 H2O2, CH3 CH3 H OH CH3 H –OH CH3 CH3 H OH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 10. Alkenes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 269 Alkenes 10–13 10.32 Remember that hydroboration results in addition of OH on the less substituted C. OH HO a. c. b. (E or Z isomer can be used.) OH 10.33 CH2 a. CH2 H2O H2SO4 OH Hydration places the OH on the more substituted carbon. CH3 [1] BH3 CH2OH [2] H2O2, HO Hydroboration–oxidation places the OH on the less substituted carbon. OH Hydration places the OH on the more substituted carbon. H2O H2SO4 b. OH [1] BH3 [2] H2O2, HO OH H2O H2SO4 c. [1] BH3 [2] H2O2, HO Hydroboration–oxidation places the OH on the less substituted carbon. Hydration places the OH on the more substituted carbon. Hydroboration–oxidation places the OH on the less substituted carbon. HO 10.34 There are always two steps in this kind of question: [1] Identify the functional group and decide what types of reactions it undergoes (for example, substitution, elimination, or addition). [2] Look at the reagent and determine if it is an electrophile, nucleophile, acid, or base. acid: catalyzes loss of H2O acid a. CH2 HBr CH3 c. Br alkene: addition reactions H2SO4 OH alcohol: substitution and elimination nucleophile and base Cl b. CH2CH2CH3 OCH3 NaOCH3 2° alkyl halide: substitution and elimination CH3CH2CH=CHCH3 (cis and trans) CHCH2CH3 CH2CH2CH3 270 Smith: Study Guide/ 10. Alkenes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 10–14 10.35 To devise a synthesis: [1] Look at the starting material and decide what reactions it can undergo. [2] Look at the product and decide what reactions could make it. CH3 ? Br a. Cl OH alkyl halide Can undergo substitution and elimination. K+ –OC(CH3)3 halohydrin: Can form from an alkene with Cl2 and H2O. Cl2 Cl Br H2O OH OH is added to the more substituted C. CH3 ? OH b. OH alcohol Can undergo substitution and elimination. alcohol Can be formed by substitution and addition. CH3 OH CH3 [1] BH 3 H2SO4 [2] H2O2, HO– (major product) CH3 OH OH is added to the less substituted C. 10.36 Use the directions from Answer 10.2 to calculate degrees of unsaturation. a. C3H4 [1] maximum number of H's = 2n + 2 = 2(3) + 2 = 8 [2] subtract actual from maximum = 8 – 4 = 4 [3] divide by 2 = 4/2 = 2 degrees of unsaturation f. C8H9Br Because of Br, add one H (9 + 1 = 10 H's). [1] maximum number of H's = 2n + 2 = 2(8) + 2 = 18 [2] subtract actual from maximum = 18 – 10 = 8 [3] divide by 2 = 8/2 = 4 degrees of unsaturation b. C6H8 [1] maximum number of H's = 2n + 2 = 2(6) + 2 = 14 [2] subtract actual from maximum = 14 – 8 = 6 [3] divide by 2 = 6/2 = 3 degrees of unsaturation g. C8H9ClO Ignore the O; count Cl as one more H (9 + 1 = 10 H's). [1] maximum number of H's = 2n + 2 = 2(8) + 2 = 18 [2] subtract actual from maximum = 18 – 10 = 8 [3] divide by 2 = 8/2 = 4 degrees of unsaturation c. C40H56 [1] maximum number of H's = 2n + 2 = 2(40) + 2 = 82 [2] subtract actual from maximum = 82 – 56 = 26 [3] divide by 2 = 26/2 = 13 degrees of unsaturation d. C8H8O Ignore the O. [1] maximum number of H's = 2n + 2 = 2(8) + 2 = 18 [2] subtract actual from maximum = 18 – 8 = 10 [3] divide by 2 = 10/2 = 5 degrees of unsaturation e. C10H16O2 Ignore both O's. [1] maximum number of H's = 2n + 2 = 2(10) + 2 = 22 [2] subtract actual from maximum = 22 – 16 = 6 [3] divide by 2 = 6/2 = 3 degrees of unsaturation h. C7H9Br Because of Br, add one H (9 + 1 = 10 H's). [1] maximum number of H's = 2n + 2 = 2(7) + 2 = 16 [2] subtract actual from maximum = 16 –10 = 6 [3] divide by 2 = 6/2 = 3 degrees of unsaturation i. C7H11N Because of N, subtract one H (11 – 1 = 10 H's). [1] maximum number of H's = 2n + 2 = 2(7) + 2 = 16 [2] subtract actual from maximum = 16 – 10 = 6 [3] divide by 2 = 6/2 = 3 degrees of unsaturation j. C4H8BrN Because of Br, add one H, but subtract one for N (8 + 1 – 1 = 8 H's). [1] maximum number of H's = 2n + 2 = 2(4) + 2 = 10 [2] subtract actual from maximum = 10 – 8 = 2 [3] divide by 2 = 2/2 = 1 degree of unsaturation Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 10. Alkenes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 271 Alkenes 10–15 10.37 First determine the number of degrees of unsaturation in the compound. Then decide which combinations of rings and bonds could exist. C10H14 [1] maximum number of H's = 2n + 2 = 2(10) + 2 = 22 [2] subtract actual from maximum = 22 – 14 = 8 [3] divide by two = 8/2 = 4 degrees of unsaturation possibilities: 4 bonds 3 bonds + 1 ring 2 bonds + 2 rings 1 bond + 3 rings 4 rings 10.38 The statement is incorrect because in naming isomers with more than two groups on a double bond, one must use an E/Z label, rather than a cis/trans label. higher priority Cl higher priority Cl higher priority higher priority N(CH2CH3)2 O O enclomiphene E isomer N(CH2CH3)2 zuclomiphene Z isomer 10.39 Name the alkenes using the rules in Answers 10.4 and 10.6. CH3 a. CH2=CHCH2CH(CH3)CH2CH3 CH2 CHCH2CHCH2CH3 6 C chain with a double bond = hexene 1-hexene 4-methyl 4-methyl-1-hexene 5-ethyl 2-methyl b. 5-ethyl-2-methyl-2-octene 2-octene 8 C chain with a double bond = octene 2-isopropyl 2-isopropyl-4-methyl-1-pentene c. 1-pentene 5 C chain with a double bond = pentene d. CH3 CH3 4-methyl CH3 C C H CH3 C C CH2CH(CH3)2 CH3 higher 3-methyl priority 5-methyl CH2CHCH3 H e. 1-ethyl 5-isopropyl CH2CH(CH3)2 Higher priority groups are on opposite sides = E alkene. 6 C chain with a double bond = hexene 6 C ring with a double bond = cyclohexene C C H 2-hexene CH3 (2E)-3,5-dimethyl-2-hexene CH3 higher priority 1-ethyl-5-isopropylcyclohexene 272 Smith: Study Guide/ 10. Alkenes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 10–16 1-sec-butyl-2-methylcyclopentene 2-methyl f. 1-sec-butyl 5 C ring with a double bond = cyclopentene E double bond (higher priority groups on opposite sides with bold bonds) 4-isopropyl g. (4E)-4-isopropyl-4-hepten-3-ol 3-ol OH OH 7 C chain with a double bond = heptene 4-heptene 2-cyclohexene 5-sec-butyl-2-cyclohexenol 1-ol h. OH OH 5-sec-butyl 6 C ring with a double bond = cyclohexene 10.40 Use the directions from Answer 10.8. 2 4-ethyl a. (3E)-4-ethyl-3-heptene 7 carbons e. (2Z)-3-isopropyl-2-heptene 3-isopropyl 7 carbons 3 Higher priority groups on opposite sides = E. 3,3-dimethyl b. 3,3-dimethylcyclopentene 5 carbon ring 1 Higher priority groups on the same side = Z. 1 f. cis-3,4-dimethylcyclopentene or 3 4 5 carbon ring 3,4-dimethyl c. cis-4-octene g. trans-2-heptene 8 carbons 4 Higher priority groups on the same side = cis. 7 carbons 2 Higher priority groups on opposite sides = trans. 4-propyl 2 d. 4-vinylcyclopentene 5 carbon ring 4 1-isopropyl 1 h. 1-isopropyl-4-propylcyclohexene 6 carbon ring 10.41 a. (2E,4S)-4-methyl-2-nonene (2E,4R)-4-methyl-2-nonene (2Z,4S)-4-methyl-2-nonene A B C b. A and B are enantiomers. C and D are enantiomers. c. Pairs of diastereomers: A and C, A and D, B and C, B and D. (2Z,4R)-4-methyl-2-nonene D Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 10. Alkenes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 273 Alkenes 10–17 10.42 CH3 CH3 H CH3 a. c. (1Z,4S)-1,4-dimethylcyclodecene diastereomer (1E,4R)-1,4-dimethylcyclodecene CH3 CH3 CH3 H b. (1Z,4R)-1,4-dimethylcyclodecene diastereomer (1E,4S)-1,4-dimethylcyclodecene enantiomer 10.43 Name the alkene from which the epoxide can be derived and add the word oxide. 1-ethyl H derived a. O O c. from H derived from H 6 carbon ring cyclohexene 1-ethylcyclohexene 1-ethylcyclohexene oxide (3E)- 3-heptene oxide or trans-3-heptene oxide H 7 carbon chain heptene (3E)- 3-heptene or trans-3-heptene 2-methyl O b. derived derived d. C(CH3)3 C(CH3)3 from from 2-methyl-2-hexene oxide O 6 carbon chain hexene 2-methyl-2-hexene 5 carbon ring cyclopentene 4-tert-butylcyclopentene oxide 4-tert-butylcyclopentene 10.44 2-sec-butyl a. 2-butyl-3-methyl-1-pentene As written, this is the parent chain, but there is another longer chain containing the double bond. new name: 2-sec-butyl-1-hexene b. (Z)-2-methyl-2-hexene new name: 2-methyl-2-hexene Two groups on one end of the C=C are the same (2 CH3's), so no E and Z isomers are possible. 274 Smith: Study Guide/ 10. Alkenes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 10–18 1 c. (E)-1-isopropyl-1-butene new name: (3E)-2-methyl-3-hexene As written, this is the parent chain, but there is another longer chain containing the double bond. 1 d. 5-methylcyclohexene 4 As written the methyl is at C5. Re-number to put it at C4. e. 4-isobutyl-2-methylcylohexene new name: 4-methylcyclohexene 2 1 1 5 As written this methyl is at C2. Re-number to put it at C1. f. 1-sec-butyl-2-cyclopentene 3 1 1 3 2 new name: 3-sec-butylcyclopentene This has the double bond between C2 and C3. Cycloalkenes must have the double bond between C1 and C2. Re-number. g. 1-cyclohexen-4-ol new name: 5-isobutyl-1-methylcyclohexene OH OH 3 1 The numbering is incorrect. When a compound contains both a double bond and an OH group, number the C skeleton to give the OH group the lower number. 3-cyclohexenol (The "1" can be omitted.) OH h. 6 OH 3-ethyl-3-octen-5-ol The numbering is incorrect. When a compound contains both a double bond and an OH group, number the C skeleton to give the OH group the lower number. 4 5 6-ethyl-5-octen-4-ol 10.45 COOH a. and b. COOH CH3 H CH3O H E Z HOOC E S E E bongkrekic acid Z R Z c. Since there are 7 double bonds and 2 tetrahedral stereogenic centers, 29 = 512 possible stereoisomers. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 10. Alkenes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 275 Alkenes 10–19 10.46 H 2-methyl-1-pentene (2E)-4-methyl-2-pentene 4-methyl-1-pentene (2E)-3-methyl-2-pentene (3R)-3-methyl-1-pentene 2-methyl-2-pentene (2Z)-4-methyl-2-pentene 2-ethyl-1-butene (2Z)-3-methyl-2-pentene (3S)-3-methyl-1-pentene H 10.47 O stearic acid OH hIghest melting point no double bonds OH intermediate melting point one E double bond O elaidic acid O OH oleic acid lowest melting point one Z double bond 10.48 O a. O OH all trans double bonds higher melting point OH O eleostearic acid b. OH all cis double bonds lower melting point 276 Smith: Study Guide/ 10. Alkenes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 10–20 10.49 O a. O O O O O O * O O O O O A A has one tetrahedral stereogenic center, labeled with an asterisk [*]. B O O O b. O O O R S O H O H O O O O 10.50 transition state [1]: Br [1] + Br H C C H H [2] Br H C C H H Br H H Br H H Br C C H Energy Br2 H CH2 CH2 A transition state [2]: + Br A H CH2 CH2 BrCH2CH2Br + Br2 H H C C Br H Reaction coordinate 10.51 The more negative the H°, the larger the Keq assuming entropy changes are comparable. Calculate the H° for each reaction and compare. CH2 CH2 + HI CH3CH2 [1] Bonds broken I [2] Bonds formed Ho (kJ/mol) C–C bond + 267 I + 297 H Total + 564 kJ/mol Ho (kJ/mol) CH2ICH2 H 410 I 222 C Total [3] Overall Ho = sum in Step [1] + sum in Step [2] + 564 kJ/mol 632 kJ/mol – 68 kJ/mol 632 kJ/mol Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 10. Alkenes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 277 Alkenes 10–21 CH2 CH2 + HCl CH3CH2 Cl [3] Overall Ho = [2] Bonds formed [1] Bonds broken C–C bond + 267 CH2ClCH2 H 410 sum in Step [1] + sum in Step [2] H Cl + 431 C Cl 339 + 698 kJ/mol + 698 kJ/mol Total 749 kJ/mol Ho (kJ/mol) Total Ho (kJ/mol) 749 kJ/mol – 51 kJ/mol Compare the H°: Addition of HI: –68 kJ/mol more negative H°, larger Keq. Addition of HCl: –51 kJ/mol 10.52 H HBr a. Br Br2, H2O f. Br H HI b. NBS g. aqueous DMSO I H H2O H2SO4 CH3CH2OH d. H2SO4 Cl2 e. [2] H2O2, i. OH Br Br + OH OH HO– OH OH H OH H [1] BH3 h. c. Br + H [1] 9-BBN – [2] H2O2, HO OCH2CH3 OH Cl + Cl Cl Cl 10.53 CH3 a. C CH2 CH3 CH3 b. C CH2 HBr c. C CH2 CH3 CH3 d. C CH2 CH3 HI e. CH3 f. CH3 C CH3 C CH2 C CH2 H2SO4 CH3CH2OH H2SO4 Cl2 CH3 CH3 C CH3 OH CH3 h. CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 C CH2Cl Cl NBS aqueous DMSO [1] BH3 [2] H2O2, HO– CH3 CH3 C CH3 OCH2CH3 C CH2 i. C CH2 CH3 CH3 C CH2Br OH CH3 g. CH3 H2O CH3 Br2, H2O CH3 CH3 I CH3 C CH2 CH3 C CH3 Br CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 [1] 9-BBN [2] H2O2, HO– CH3 CH3 C CH2Br OH CH3 CH3 C CH2OH H CH3 CH3 C CH2OH H 278 Smith: Study Guide/ 10. Alkenes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 10–22 10.54 Br Br2 Br Halogenation a. OH Br2 b. Halohydrin formation: Br adds to the C that had more H's to begin with. Br H2O OCH3 Br2 Same as halohydrin formation, except CH3OH in place of H2O. Br c. CH3OH 10.55 Br a. Br d. CH3CH2CH2CH=CHCH3 Br Cl b. e. CH2 or CH3 Cl Cl CH3 CH3 c. CH3 C CH3 C CH2 CH3CH2 f. (CH3CH2)3CBr Br C CHCH3 CH3CH2 10.56 Hydroboration–oxidation results in addition of an OH group on the less substituted carbon, whereas acid-catalyzed addition of H2O results in the addition of an OH group on the more substituted carbon. a. OH c. hydroboration–oxidation and acid-catalyzed addition acid-catalyzed addition OH b. hydroboration–oxidation e. OH OH d. hydroboration–oxidation or OH Both methods would give product mixtures. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 10. Alkenes 279 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkenes 10–23 10.57 a. Cl (CH3CH2)2C=CHCH2CH3 CH3CH2 H CH3CH2 CH3CH2 H HCl C C Cl2 d. CH3CH2 C Cl CH2CH3 Cl C H CH2CH3 e. CH2 b. CH2Br OH Br adds here to less substituted C. (CH3CH2)2C=CH2 CH3CH2 f. CH3CH2 C CH3 H2SO4 CH3CH2 [1] 9-BBN CH3CH2 H2O C CH2 CH2 OH H [1] BH3 (CH3)2C=CHCH3 CH2OH [2] H2O2, HO OH adds here to less substituted C. H adds here to less substituted C. c. Br2 H2O H adds here to less substituted C. (CH3)2C DMSO, H2O CHCH3 H (CH3)2C OH Br Br adds here to less substituted C. [2] H2O2, HO BH3 adds here to less substituted C. NBS g. BH2 OH Br2 h. CHCH3 Br Br 10.58 CH3CH2 H or C C CH3CH2CH2 CH3 CH2CH2CH3 or CH3CH C H Cl C CHCH2CH3 CH3 CH3CH2 C CH2CH2CH3 CH3 CH3CH2 10.59 H a. CH3 H C C C C = H CH3 C H CH3 b. CH3 CH3CH2 H CH3CH2 CH3 CH3 C C H CH3CH2 CH3 CH3CH2 = C C c. CH3 = C C H CH3 C C CH3 H Cl2 HO H2O C CH3 CH3CH2 NBS DMSO, H2O H C Br H CH3 H C C CH3 H b. CH2 H2O H2SO4 (CH3)3C CH3 (CH3)3C OH I H H I C HO CH3 H C CH3CH2 CH3 CH3 CH3 H HO OH HI Cl CH3 CH3CH2 C 10.60 a. (CH3)3C C Br Cl HO C CH3 Br CH3CH2 CH3 C CH3 H Br Br H Br2 C Br 280 Smith: Study Guide/ 10. Alkenes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 10–24 CH3 Cl Cl2 c. CH3 CH3 CH3 Cl d. Cl CH3 CH3 Cl [1] BH3 CH3 only anti addition CH3 H [2] H2O2, HO CH3 CH3 CH3 H OH Br CH2CH3 CH3 only syn addition OH Br CH2CH3 HBr e. Cl Cl2 f. OH only anti addition + H2O OH Cl NBS g. Br DMSO, H2O h. H2O CH3CH=CHCH2CH3 Br HO CH3 HO CH3 H OH HO H H2SO4 OH 10.61 Cl CH3 CH2 C CH3 Br2 H NaCl H C CH2 C CH3 C Br Cl– acts as the nucleophile. Cl CH3 CH3 Br + Br Br acts as the electrophile and is therefore added to the C with more H's to begin with. CH3 + Br Br 10.62 Draw each reaction. (a) The cis isomer of 4-octene gives two enantiomers on addition of Br2. (b) The trans isomer gives a meso compound. H H Br2 a. H Br Br H H Br cis-4-octene Br (4R,5R)-4,5-dibromooctane (4S,5S)-4,5-dibromooctane enantiomers H Br2 b. H trans-4-octene H Br H H Br (4R,5S)-4,5-dibromooctane meso compound Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 10. Alkenes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 281 Alkenes 10–25 10.63 CH3CH2 CH3CH2 CH2CH3 C C H H H H Cl CH3CH2 CH3CH2 CH2CH3 H C C H H H Cl– CH3CH2 H C Cl Cl H CH2CH3 By protonation of the alkene, the cis and trans isomers produce identical carbocation intermediates. Cl– CH3CH2 CH2CH2CH3 CH2CH3 H Cl C C H H H C C C CH3CH2 C CH2CH2CH3 H CH3CH2 CH2CH2CH3 Cl C Cl CH2CH2CH3 H Both cis- and trans-3-hexene give the same racemic mixture of products, so the reaction is not stereospecific. 10.64 The alkene that forms the more stable carbocation reacts faster, according to the Hammond postulate. H Br a. CH CH CH CH CH CH H H CH CH CH CH CH CH H H H This 2° carbocation is resonance stabilized, making it more stable, so the starting alkene reacts faster with HBr. CH3 CH CH CH3 H Br b. CH3 CH CH CH3 H 2° carbocation no resonance stabilization CH3 Markovnikov CH3 addition CH2 C CH3 CH2OCH3 H Br C(CH3)2 faster H 3° carbocation H Br CH2 C CH2 Markovnikov addition CH3 CH2 H C CH2–OCH3 3° carbocation This carbocation is still 3°, but the nearby electronegative O atom withdraws electron density from the carbocation, destabilizing it. Thus, the reaction to form this carbocation occurs more slowly. 282 Smith: Study Guide/ 10. Alkenes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 10–26 10.65 Cl H H H Cl a. Cl H H H H O H HO H C O O O C H H CH3 O C CH3 H H H H H H Br b. Cl H and H Br Br C H CH3 C CH3 2o carbocation + HCl H H 1,2-H shift CH3 3o carbocation + Br– 10.66 a. H CH3 CH3 CH3 1,2-shift H2O CH3 CH3 O H – CH3 HSO4 CH3 OH CH3 H2SO4 HSO4– H OSO3H 2o carbocation H2O 3o + H2SO4 carbocation H OSO3H b. OH OH H2SO4 + H2SO4 O HSO4– CH3 H –OSO 3H O CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 10. Alkenes 283 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkenes 10–27 10.67 H H OH2 H + H3O+ O H H2O OH H2O H H O H 1,2-shift H2O H2O H H OH + H3O+ H2O O H 1,2-shift H2O OH H H + H3O+ 10.68 The isomerization reaction occurs by protonation and deprotonation. H CH2 OSO3H C CH3 CH3 CH3 C H CH3 CH3 C CH3 C H CH3 CH3 HSO4– 2,3-dimethyl-1-butene CH3 C C CH3 CH3 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene 10.69 H H C C H H Br H H CH3 C C C H H C C H H CH3CH CHCH2 Br CH3CH=CH–CH2Br H Br Br CH3CHCH CH2 Since two resonance structures can be drawn for the intermediate carbocation, two different products result from attack by Br–. 284 Smith: Study Guide/ 10. Alkenes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 10–28 10.70 Br HBr A OCH3 OCH3 B H Br COOCH3 C COOCH3 D H Br Br O OCH3 OCH3 H Br HBr H This carbocation is resonance stabilized by the O atom, and therefore preferentially forms and results in B. C H O CH3 O C CH3 + O H This carbocation is destabilized by the + on the adjacent C, so it does not form. This carbocation is formed preferentially and results in product D. It is not destabilized by an adjacent electron-withdrawing COOCH3 group. 10.71 Br Br H Br OH OH O Br O Br + HBr + Br + Br 10.72 OH PBr3 OH K+ –OC(CH3)3 Br H2O + H2SO4 a. OH adds to more substituted C. POCl3, pyridine Br b. CH3 C CH3 K+ –OC(CH3)3 Br Br2 CH3 CH CH2 CH3 C CH2Br H OH c. H H2SO4 [1] BH3 [2] H2O2, d. CH3 CH CH2I K+ –OC(CH3)3 OH HO– + H2 CH3 (CH3)2C CH2 HCl CH3 C Cl CH3 e. CH3 Cl Br Br2 K+ –OC(CH3)3 H2O f. CH3CH CH2 O– NaH Br2 Br OH Br CH3CH CH2 NaNH2 (2 equiv) CH3C CH CH3I OCH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 10. Alkenes 285 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkenes 10–29 10.73 Cl Cl2 a. H2O + H2 Br CN NaCN Br OH O O NaH NaOH c. O O OH HBr b. Cl Na+ H– CH3CH2CH2I (from b.) [1] –SH d. O [2] H2O OH + enantiomer SH (from a.) e. O [1] –CCH OH [2] H2O C + enantiomer (from a.) CH 10.74 Br Br K+ –OC(CH3)3 a. d. Br NaNH2 C CH (2 equiv) Br Br2 b. Br (from b.) OH OH Br2 c. O NaH Br e. (from a.) Br (from c.) H2O (from a.) 10.75 OH Br OH POCl3 Br2 pyridine H2O A B major product H2SO4 OH Br2 NaH O H2O O NaH Br C 286 Smith: Study Guide/ 10. Alkenes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 10–30 10.76 TsO H TsO– H + TsOH + TsO– A isocomene 10.77 Na+ HCO3– O H O O O O O O O I I I OCH3 HO OCH3 OCH3 B HO HO Na+ I OCH3 HO I– C H2CO3 10.78 TsO H OH OH2 nerol + TsOH H2O O H H H OH OH -terpineol OSO2Cl OH OH OH OTs H OSO2Cl HSO3Cl -cyclogeraniol nerol OSO2Cl 10.79 O H OSO3H O H OH + HSO4– H2O H O H HSO4– OH HO OH + H2SO4 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 11. Alkynes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 287 Alkynes 11–1 C Chhaapptteerr 1111:: A Allkkyynneess G Geenneerraall ffaaccttss aabboouutt aallkkyynneess • Alkynes contain a carbon–carbon triple bond consisting of a strong bond and two weak bonds. Each carbon is sp hybridized and linear (11.1). 180o H C C H = acetylene sp hybridized • • • Alkynes are named using the suffix -yne (11.2). Alkynes have weak intermolecular forces, giving them low mp’s and low bp’s, and making them water insoluble (11.3). Since its weaker bonds make an alkyne electron rich, alkynes undergo addition reactions with electrophiles (11.6). A Addddiittiioonn rreeaaccttiioonnss ooff aallkkyynneess [1] Hydrohalogenation—Addition of HX (X = Cl, Br, I) (11.7) • X H H X R C C H R C C H (2 equiv) X H Markovnikov’s rule is followed. H bonds to the less substituted C in order to form the more stable carbocation. geminal dihalide [2] Halogenation—Addition of X2 (X = Cl or Br) (11.8) • X X X X R C C H R C C H (2 equiv) • X X Bridged halonium ions are formed as intermediates. Anti addition of X2 occurs. tetrahalide [3] Hydration—Addition of H2O (11.9) R C C H H2O H2SO4 HgSO4 H R C C H HO enol • O R C CH3 ketone • Markovnikov’s rule is followed. H bonds to the less substituted C in order to form the more stable carbocation. The unstable enol that is first formed rearranges to a carbonyl group. 288 Smith: Study Guide/ 11. Alkynes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 11–2 [4] Hydroboration–oxidation—Addition of H2O (11.10) R C C H R C C [2] H2O2, HO H • O H R [1] BH3 OH C C H H H enol The unstable enol, first formed after oxidation, rearranges to a carbonyl group. aldehyde R Reeaaccttiioonnss iinnvvoollvviinngg aacceettyylliiddee aanniioonnss [1] Formation of acetylide anions from terminal alkynes (11.6B) + R C C H B R C C + + HB • Typical bases used for the reaction are NaNH2 and NaH. [2] Reaction of acetylide anions with alkyl halides (11.11A) H C C + R X H C C R + X • • The reaction follows an SN2 mechanism. The reaction works best with CH3X and RCH2X. [3] Reaction of acetylide anions with epoxides (11.11B) [1] O H C C CH2CH2OH H C C [2] H2O • • The reaction follows an SN2 mechanism. Ring opening occurs from the back side at the less substituted end of the epoxide. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 11. Alkynes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 289 Alkynes 11–3 C Chhaapptteerr 1111:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 11.1 • An internal alkyne has the triple bond somewhere in the middle of the carbon chain. • A terminal alkyne has the triple bond at the end of the carbon chain. HC C CH2CH2CH3 CH3 C C CH2CH3 HC C CH CH3 CH3 terminal alkyne internal alkyne terminal alkyne 11.2 Csp–Csp3 (c) Csp2–Csp (b) OH (a) Csp3–Csp2 Increasing bond strength: a < c < b O santalbic acid 11.3 Like alkenes, the larger the number of alkyl groups bonded to the sp hybridized C, the more stable the alkyne. This makes internal alkynes more stable than terminal alkynes. 11.4 To name an alkyne: [1] Find the longest chain that contains both atoms of the triple bond, change the -ane ending of the parent name to -yne, and number the chain to give the first carbon of the triple bond the lower number. [2] Name all substituents following the other rules of nomenclature. CH2CH2CH3 a. H C C CH2CCH2CH2CH3 CH2CH3 CH3 c. CH2=CHCH2CHC CH2CH2CH3 CH3 4,4-dipropyl-1-heptyne b. CH3C CCClCH2CH3 CCCH2CH2CH3 (Number to give the lower number to the first site of unsaturation.) 4-ethyl-7,7-dimethyl-1-decen-5-yne d. 1 5 (The longest chain must contain both functional groups.) CH3 3 4-chloro-4-methyl-2-hexyne 3-isopropyl-1,5-octadiyne 11.5 To work backwards from a name to a structure: [1] Find the parent name and the functional group. [2] Add the substituents to the appropriate carbon. OH a. trans-2-ethynylcyclopentanol 5 C ring with OH at C1 OH OH on C1 C CH ethynyl at C2 or C CH 290 Smith: Study Guide/ 11. Alkynes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 11–4 tert-butyl at C4 b. 4-tert-butyl-5-decyne 10 C chain with a triple bond triple bond at C5 c. 3-methylcyclononyne 9 C ring with a triple bond at C1 3-methyl triple bond at C1 11.6 Two factors cause the boiling point increase. The linear sp hybridized C’s of the alkyne allow for more van der Waals attraction between alkyne molecules. Also, since a triple bond is more polarizable than a double bond, this increases the van der Waals forces between two molecules as well. 11.7 To convert an alkene to an alkyne: [1] Make a vicinal dihalide from the alkene by addition of X2. [2] Add base to remove two equivalents of HX and form the alkyne. a. Br2CH(CH2)4CH3 Na+ –NH2 BrCH CHCH2CH2CH2CH3 Na+ –NH2 HC CCH2CH2CH2CH3 not isolated b. CH2=CCl(CH2)3CH3 c. CH2=CH(CH2)3CH3 Na+ –NH2 Cl2 HC CCH2CH2CH2CH3 CH2CHCH2CH2CH2CH3 Cl Cl Na+ –NH2 HC CCH2CH2CH2CH3 (2 equiv) 11.8 Acetylene has a pKa of 25, so bases having a conjugate acid with a pKa above 25 will be able to deprotonate it. a. CH3NH– [pKa (CH3NH2) = 40] pKa > 25 = Can deprotonate acetylene. b. CO32– [pKa (HCO3–) = 10.2] pKa < 25 = Cannot deprotonate acetylene. c. CH2=CH– [pKa (CH2=CH2) = 44] pKa > 25 = Can deprotonate acetylene. d. (CH3)3CO– {pKa [(CH3)3COH] = 18} pKa < 25 = Cannot deprotonate acetylene. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 11. Alkynes 291 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkynes 11–5 11.9 To draw the products of reactions with HX: • Add two moles of HX to the triple bond, following Markovnikov’s rule. • Both X’s end up on the more substituted C. Br 2 HBr a. CH3CH2CH2CH2 C C H CH3CH2CH2CH2 C CH3 Br b. CH3 C C CH2CH3 Br 2 HBr Br CH3 CH2 C CH2CH3 CH3 C CH2 CH2CH3 Br Br Br c. C CH 2 HBr C CH3 Br 11.10 a. + Cl c. Cl + + CH3 b. CH3 O CH2 O NH NH CH2 11.11 Addition of one equivalent of X2 to alkynes forms trans dihalides. Addition of two equivalents of X2 to alkynes forms tetrahalides. CH3CH2 C C CH2CH3 2 Br2 Br Br CH3CH2 C C CH2CH3 Br Br CH3CH2 C C CH2CH3 Cl Cl2 CH2CH3 C C CH3CH2 trans dihalide Cl 11.12 Cl2 CH3 C C CH3 Cl CH3 C C CH3 Cl The two Cl atoms are electron withdrawing, making the bond less electron rich and therefore less reactive with an electrophile. 11.13 To draw the keto form of each enol: [1] Change the C–OH to a C=O at one end of the double bond. [2] At the other end of the double bond, add a proton. H H C H CH2 a. OH O new C–H bond OH H H OH H O H H new C–H bond O b. H c. new C–H bond 292 Smith: Study Guide/ 11. Alkynes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 11–6 11.14 Treatment of alkynes with H2O, H2SO4, and HgSO4 yields ketones. H2O CH3CH=C(OH)CH2CH3 H2SO4, HgSO4 CH3C(OH)=CHCH2CH3 CH3 C C CH2CH3 O O Two enols form. two ketones after tautomerization 11.15 OH OH OH a. OH b. enol tautomers constitutional isomers, but not tautomers 11.16 Reaction with H2O, H2SO4, and HgSO4 adds the oxygen to the more substituted carbon. Reaction with [1] BH3, [2] H2O2, –OH adds the oxygen to the less substituted carbon. a. (CH3)2CHCH2 C C H (CH3)2CHCH2 b. C C H CH3 H2O H2SO4, HgSO4 C CH O CH2 C CH3 H Forms a ketone. H2O is added with the O atom on the more substituted carbon. CH3 [1] BH3 [2] H2O2, HO C CH CH3 C CH3 C O CH2 CH2 C H H Forms an aldehyde. H2O is added with the O atom on the less substituted carbon. O H2O Forms a ketone. H2O is added with the O atom on the more substituted carbon. C H2SO4, HgSO4 CH3 H H C C O H [1] BH3 [2] H2O2, HO Forms an aldehyde. H2O is added with the O atom on the less substituted carbon. 11.17 a. H C C H [1] NaH [1] NaH H C C + H2 C C + H2 [2] (CH3)2CHCH2–Cl (CH3)2CHCH2 C C H [2] CH3CH2–Br C C CH2CH3 + NaBr b. C CH [1] NaNH2 C C + NH3 [2] (CH3)3CCl CH3 C CH2 + NaCl CH3 + C CH + NaCl 1° alkyl halide substitution product 3° alkyl halide elimination product Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 11. Alkynes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 293 Alkynes 11–7 11.18 a. (CH3)2CHCH2C CH3 CH3 C CH2 H CH CH3 CH3 C CH2Cl H C C H terminal alkyne only one possibility C C H 1° RX b. CH3C CCH2CH2CH2CH3 CH3 C C [1] [1] CH2CH2CH2CH3 [2] C C CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH3Cl [2] CH3 C C Cl CH2CH2CH2CH3 internal alkyne two possibilities 1° RX c. (CH3)3CC CCH2CH3 CH3 CH3 C C C CH3 CH3 CH3 C C C CH3 CH2CH3 internal alkyne only one possibility Cl CH2CH3 1° RX CH3 CH3 C Cl CH3 The 3° alkyl halide would undergo elimination. C CCH2CH3 3° RX too crowded for SN2 reaction 11.19 Na+ H HC C H HC C Na+ H H C C CH2CH3 CH3CH2–Br C C CH2CH3 + H2 H + H2 + Na+Br– + Na+ (CH3)2CHCH2C Br H (CH3)2CHCH2CH2 – C C CH2CH3 + Br 11.20 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 C C C C CH3 CH3 CH3 C C C CH3 CH3 + X C CH3 CH3 CH3 The 3° alkyl halide is too crowded for nucleophilic substitution. Instead, it would undergo elimination with the acetylide anion. 2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-3-hexyne 11.21 CH3 a. [1] CH3 OH C C H O [2] H2O Epoxide is drawn up, so the acetylide anion attacks from below at less substituted C. C CH b. O [1] C C H [2] H2O C OH CH + C OH CH enantiomers Backside attack of the nucleophile (–CCH) at either C since both ends are equally substituted. 294 Smith: Study Guide/ 11. Alkynes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 11–8 11.22 a. CH3CH2CH2Br CH3CH2C C–Na+ b. (CH3)2CHCH2CH2Cl c. (CH3CH2)3CCl CH3CH2C C–Na+ CH3CH2C C–Na+ d. BrCH2CH2CH2CH2OH e. f. CH3CH2CH2C CCH2CH3 (CH3CH2)2C CH3CH2C C–Na+ O CH3CH2C C–Na+ O CH3CH2C C–Na+ (CH3)2CHCH2CH2C CCH2CH3 CHCH3 CH3CH2C CH BrCH2CH2CH2CH2O–Na+ CH3CH2C CH H2O CH3CH2C CCH2CH2OH H2O CH3CH2C CCH2CHCH3 OH 11.23 To use a retrosynthetic analysis: [1] Count the number of carbon atoms in the starting material and product. [2] Look at the functional groups in the starting material and product. Determine what types of reactions can form the product. Determine what types of reactions the starting material can undergo. [3] Work backwards from the product to make the starting material. [4] Write out the synthesis in the synthetic direction. ? CH3CH2C CCH2CH3 HC CH 6 C's CH3CH2C CCH2CH3 HC C H Na+ H HC C 2 C's CH3CH2C C CH3CH2–Br + CH3CH2Br CH3CH2C C H Na+ H HC C + CH3CH2Br CH3CH2–Br CH3CH2C C CH3CH2C CCH2CH3 11.24 O HC CH CH3CH2CH2 C H product: 4 carbons, aldehyde functional group (can be made by hydroboration–oxidation of a terminal alkyne) starting material: 2 carbons, CC functional group (can form an acetylide anion by reaction with NaH) O Retrosynthetic analysis: CH3CH2CH2 C Forward direction: H C C H CH3CH2C C H H C C H H Na+ H C C H CH3CH2–Br CH3CH2C C H [1] BH3 [2] H2O2, HO– O CH3CH2CH2 C H Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 11. Alkynes 295 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkynes 11–9 11.25 a., b. N O O O N O c. d. * = sp hybridized C e. 3 < 1 < 2 H HN (1) (2) * * * O * C* (3) HO erlotinib most acidic C–H proton phomallenic acid C most acidic proton shortest C–C single bond Csp–Csp2 11.26 Use the rules from Answer 11.4 to name the alkynes. 3-hexyne 1-hexyne 2-hexyne 3-methyl-1-pentyne 4-methyl-1-pentyne 3,3-dimethyl-1-butyne 4-methyl-2-pentyne 11.27 Use the rules from Answer 11.4 to name the alkynes. 5 3 a. CH3CH2CH(CH3)C CCH2CH3 CH3 5-methyl-3-heptyne 3-heptyne 5-methyl f. CH3CHC CCHCH3 CH3 5 2 CH3 7-methyl CH3CH2CHC CCHCHCH2CH3 CH2CH3 3,6-diethyl HC C CH(CH2CH3)CH2CH2CH3 1-hexyne 3-ethyl 6-methyl h. 3,6-diethyl-7-methyl-4-nonyne d. 2,5-octadiyne 2 5-ethyl 6 4-ethyl 4-nonyne CH3CH2 CCH3 g. 2,5-dimethyl c. CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2C CCH2C 2,5-dimethyl-3-hexyne CH3 3-methyl 3-ethyl-3-methyl-1-hexyne CH3CH2 C C CH 3-ethyl 3-hexyne b. e. 3-ethyl-1-hexyne (2E)-4,5-diethyl-2-decen-6-yne 1 ethynyl 1-ethynyl-6-methylcyclohexene 296 Smith: Study Guide/ 11. Alkynes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 11–10 11.28 Use the directions from Answer 11.5 to draw each structure. a. 5,6-dimethyl-2-heptyne d. cis-1-ethynyl-2-methylcyclopentane 1-ethynyl 2-heptyne or C CH C CH 2-methyl b. 5-tert-butyl-6,6-dimethyl-3-nonyne 6,6-dimethyl e. 3,4-dimethyl-1,5-octadiyne 3,4-dimethyl 3-nonyne 5-tert-butyl diyne c. (4S)-4-chloro-2-pentyne Cl H diyne f. (6Z)-6-methyl-6-octen-1-yne 4-chloro S configuration 6-methyl 2-pentyne Z 1 11.29 Keto–enol tautomers are constitutional isomers in equilibrium that differ in the location of a double bond and a hydrogen. The OH in an enol must be bonded to a C=C. O a. CH3 C OH CH3 and CH2 C CH3 • C=O • C=C • one more CH bond • OH on C=C keto–enol tautomers b. and OH is not bonded to the C=C. NOT keto–enol tautomers H and O • C=O • one more CH bond • C=C • OH on C=C keto–enol tautomers O OH O OH c. d. OH and NOT keto–enol tautomers OH is not bonded to the C=C. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 11. Alkynes 297 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkynes 11–11 11.30 To draw the enol form of each keto form: [1] Change the C=O to a C–OH. [2] Change one single C–C bond to a double bond, making sure the OH group is bonded to the C=C. O OH E/Z isomers possible a. O b. CH3CH2CHO = O OH CH2CH3 CH2CH3 c. OH + CH2CH3 OH H H E/Z isomers possible 11.31 Use the directions from Answer 11.13 to draw each keto form. a. OH O OH c. OH O O b. H 11.32 Tautomers are constitutional isomers that are in equilibrium and differ in the location of a double bond and a hydrogen atom. O O OH O O a. A OH OH tautomer O O c. b. constitutional isomer OH d. constitutional isomer neither 11.33 O O H A H2O H O OH + H3O H B H + H2O + H2 O 11.34 O H HO O O H OH HO O H OH 11.35 NHCH3 X H O H enamine 2 NHCH3 H + H2O NCH3 NCH3 H + H2O Y imine + H3O 298 Smith: Study Guide/ 11. Alkynes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 11–12 11.36 The equilibrium always favors the formation of the weaker acid and the weaker base. a. HC C + CH3OH c. HC CH + CH3O pKa = 15.5 pKa = 25 weaker acid Equilibrium favors products. b. CH3C CH pKa = 25 + CH3 + CH3C C Na+Br– HC CH + pKa = 25 weaker acid Equilibrium favors starting materials. d. CH3CH2C C CH4 HC C– Na + HBr pKa = –9 CH3CH2C CH + CH3COO + CH3COOH pKa = 25 pKa = 4.8 pKa = 50 weaker acid Equilibrium favors products. weaker acid Equilibrium favors products. 11.37 HC CCH2CH2CH2CH3 a. e. CH3 C CH2CH2CH2CH3 (2 equiv) Cl Br HBr b. O Cl HCl Br g. H [2] H2O2, HO– NaH f. CH3 CCH2CH2CH2CH3 (2 equiv) [1] BH3 C CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 Na+ C CCH2CH2CH2CH3 [1] –NH2 CH3CH2C CCH2CH2CH2CH3 [2] CH3CH2Br Cl Cl Cl2 c. HC CCH2CH2CH2CH3 Cl Cl (2 equiv) H2O d. h. H [2] OH O C C H2SO4, HgSO4 H [1] –NH2 CH3 CH2CH2CH2CH3 C O HOCH2CH2 C CCH2CH2CH2CH3 [3] H2O CH2CH2CH2CH3 11.38 Br Br HBr a. c. (2 equiv) O [1] BH3 d. (2 equiv) [2] H2O2, HO– Br Br 11.39 O a. (CH3CH2)3C C CH H2O H2SO4, HgSO4 b. (CH3CH2)3C C CH c. (CH3CH2)3C C CH d. (CH3CH2)3C C CH [1] BH3 [2] H2O2, HO– HCl (2 equiv) [1] NaH [2] CH3CH2Br O H2SO4 Br Br Br2 b. H2O (CH3CH2)3C (CH3CH2)3C C CH3 CH2CHO (CH3CH2)3CCCl2CH3 (CH3CH2)3C C CCH2CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 11. Alkynes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 299 Alkynes 11–13 11.40 Reaction rate (which is determined by Ea) and enthalpy (H°) are not related. More exothermic reactions are not necessarily faster. Since the addition of HX to an alkene forms a more stable carbocation in an endothermic, rate-determining step, this carbocation is formed faster by the Hammond postulate. H R C C R' HX H X R C C R' H HX R C C R' R C C R' H X R C C R' R C C R' H H H H H H sp2 hybridized carbocation more stable faster reaction sp hybridized carbocation less stable slower reaction 11.41 O OH C a. OH O b. C CH3 CH3 CH3 O C c. CH C CH3 C CH CH2 OH C CH3 d. CH3CH2 O CH C CH2 C C CH2CH3 OH 11.42 To determine what two alkynes could yield the given ketone, work backwards by drawing the enols and then the alkynes. H HC C CH2CH3 OH C C H CH2CH3 HO O CH3 C H CH3 C C CH3 C C CH2CH3 CH3 2-butanone CH3 11.43 a. CH2CHO C CH b. (CH3)2CHC CCH(CH3)2 O 11.44 Equilibrium favors the weaker acid. CH3CH2CH2CH2–Li+ is a strong enough base to remove the proton of an alkyne because its conjugate acid, CH3CH2CH2CH3, is weaker than a terminal alkyne. RC C H CH3CH2CH2CH2–Li+ RC C–Li+ pKa = 25 CH3CH2CH2CH3 pKa = 50 much weaker acid 11.45 a. C CH 2 HBr Br Br 300 Smith: Study Guide/ 11. Alkynes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 11–14 b. Cl 2 Cl2 (CH3)3CC (CH3)3CC CH CHCl2 Cl c. CH Cl Cl [1] Cl2 CH [2] NaNH2 C C C C (2 equiv) H H [1] BH3 C CH d. C [2] H2O2, HO e. O Cl HCl C CH C CH2 (1 equiv) HC C + D2O f. g. HC CD C C CH3 h. + DO– O H2O C CH2 H2SO4 CH3CH2C C + CH3CH2CH2–OTs CH3 O C CH2CH3 CH3 CH3CH2C CCH2CH2CH3 CH3 [1] HC C + OTs CH3 [2] HO–H O O i. H OH C CH C CH H j. CH3C C–H [1] Na+ H– [2] CH3C Br + C– CH3C C–H 2° halide E2 CH2–I k. CH3CH2C C–H [1] Na+ –NH2 C C–H [1] Na+ H– l. CH3CH2C C C C [2] O [2] CH3CH2C C CH2 C CCH2CH2O– [3] HO–H C C CH2CH2OH 11.46 CH2CH2Br KOC(CH3)3 CH=CH2 Br2 H H C C H Br Br A B KOC(CH3)3 C CH DMSO (2 equiv) C D C CCH3 CH3I NaNH2 C C E Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 11. Alkynes 301 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkynes 11–15 11.47 most acidic H [1] NaNH2 [2] CH3I H C C CH2CH2CH2OH CH3 C C CH2CH2CH2OH NaNH2 will remove the proton from the OH since it is more acidic. A H C C CH2CH2CH2OCH3 = B H C C CH2CH2CH2O CH3 I 11.48 stereogenic center at the site of reaction identical Cl HC C a. C CH D H H D stereogenic center NOT at the site of reaction O H CH3 [1] HC C H CH3 [2] H2O HO C CH3 C H CH3 C OH H C O C CH d. CH3 H H CH3 [1] HC C H CH3 [2] H2O HO H C H CH3 CH3 CH3 11.49 TsCl OH pyridine H D HC C OTs D H SN2 B A retention PBr3 SN 2 D H Br A inversion inversion HC C SN2 H D C inversion OH H C C C C CH OH CH3 HC HC enantiomers H D H Configuration is retained. CH3 H H D C C CH inversion Cl HC C b. c. CH3 H C H CH3 302 Smith: Study Guide/ 11. Alkynes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 11–16 11.50 H–C CCH2OR' new C–C bond CH3 Li+ OH a. Br PBr3 C CCH2OR' C CCH2OR' B OCOR OCOR OCOR A C OH O [1] D = HC C OR b. OH OR H C C [2] H2O OH H C C E = TsCl, pyridine These 2 C's are added. OCH2CH3 OCH2CH3 [1] NaH CH3 C C [2] CH3I OH OH [1] NaH H C C H C C H C C [2] F = CH3CH2Br G OTs new C–C bond 11.51 Br H CH3CH2 C C CH3CH2 H Br H H CH3–C H H C C Br NH2 Br 1-butyne H2N H C CH3 CH3 CH3 C C CH3 C C CH3 Br CH3CH2 C C H NH2 H Br major product more substituted alkyne 2-butyne (E and Z isomers possible) NH2 Reaction by-products: H Br H CH3CH2 C C NH2 H H Br H NH2 C H 2 NH3 + 2 Br– CH3CH C CH2 CH3 C C Br H 1,2-butadiene 11.52 Draw two diagrams to show and bonds. bond sp2 sp sp3 + CH2 C CH3 vinyl cation sp3 sp2 sp sp3 H H H H C H C H sp2 C H vacant p orbital for the carbocation C C H C H H sp3 All H's use 1s orbitals. All bonds above are bonds. The positive charge in a vinyl carbocation resides on a carbon that is sp hybridized, while in (CH3)2CH+, the positive charge is located on an sp2 hybridized carbon. The higher percent s-character on carbon destabilizes the positive charge in the vinyl cation. Moreover, the positively charged carbocation is now bonded to an sp2 hybridized carbon, which donates electrons less readily than an sp3 hybridized carbon. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 11. Alkynes 303 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkynes 11–17 11.53 A carbanion is more stable when its lone pair is in an orbital with a higher percentage of the smaller s orbital. A carbocation is more stable when its positive charge is due to a vacant orbital with a lower percentage of the smaller s orbital. In HCC+, the positively charged C uses two p orbitals to form two bonds. If the bond is formed using an sp hybrid orbital, the second hybrid orbital would have to remain vacant, a highly unstable situation. See also Problem 11.52. HC C CH2 CH sp hybridized higher % s-character more stable HC C sp2 hybridized lower % s-character less stable CH2 CH sp hybridized sp hybridized Vacant orbital has 50% s-character. Vacant orbital is a p orbital. more stable less stable 11.54 CH3 H Cl CH3 + C Cl– attack on the opposite side to the H yields the Z isomer. C C Cl CH3C CCH3 Cl C CH3 H CH3 CH3 CH3 C C H H Cl Cl Cl– attack on the same side as the H yields the E isomer. 11.55 a. C C C C C C C C H H C O H H CH3CH2 Li+ C H O OH H OH + CH3CH3 + Li+ H OSO3H OH HSO4 OH2 b. CH3 C C CH CH3 C C CH H + OH CH3 C C CH H2O C C CH CH3 H H H H O H CH3 C C C H H resonance structures HSO4 HSO4 CH3 CH CH O H C O H2SO4 H CH3 CH C C H OH CH3 CH C C H H O H CH3 CH C C H H H OSO3H 304 Smith: Study Guide/ 11. Alkynes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 11–18 11.56 H C C OCH3 CH3CH2CH2 H OH2 H CH3CH2CH2C C OCH3 H OH2 H2O H OH C C OCH3 CH3CH2CH2 OH C C OCH3 CH3CH2CH2 H C C OCH3 CH3CH2CH2 H H2O O CH3CH2CH2CH2 C OCH3 O H H2O CH3CH2CH2CH2 C OCH3 OH CH3CH2CH2CH2 C OCH3 H2O H OH2 11.57 a. H H CH3 C C CH2 CH3 C C CH2 NH2 CH3 C C CH2 CH3 C C CH H H 2-butyne NH3 NH2 H H2O NH2 NH2 CH3CH2 C C NH2 NH3 CH3 C C CH CH3CH2 C C H acetylide anion CH3 C C CH H 1-butyne NH3 H b. A more stable internal alkyne can be isomerized to a less stable terminal alkyne under these reaction conditions because when CH3CH2CCH is first formed, it contains an sp hybridized C–H bond, which is more acidic than any proton in CH3–CC–CH3. Under the reaction conditions, this proton is removed with base. Formation of the resulting acetylide anion drives the equilibrium to favor its formation. Protonation of this acetylide anion gives the less stable terminal alkyne. 11.58 Cl a. 2 –NH2 Cl Cl2 b. KOC(CH3)3 Cl (2 equiv) DMSO Cl c. POCl3 OH KOC(CH3)3 Cl2 Cl pyridine (2 equiv) DMSO Cl 11.59 a. C6H5CH2CH2Br KOC(CH3)3 C6H5CH=CH2 Br2 C6H5CHBrCH2Br NaNH2 excess C6H5C CH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 11. Alkynes © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 305 Alkynes 11–19 KOC(CH3)3 b. C6H5CHBrCH3 H2SO4 c. C6H5CH2CH2OH Br2 C6H5CH=CH2 Br2 C6H5CH=CH2 NaNH2 C6H5CHBrCH2Br excess NaNH2 C6H5CHBrCH2Br excess C6H5C CH C6H5C CH 11.60 The alkyl halides must be methyl or 1°. a. HC C CH2CH2CH(CH3)2 HC C Cl CH2CH2CH(CH3)2 CH3 b. CH3 CH3 C C C CH2CH3 CH3 Cl C C C CH2CH3 CH3 c. C C 1° RX CH3 CH2CH2CH3 C C Cl CH2CH2CH3 1° RX 11.61 a. HC C–H b. HC C–H Na+ H– (CH3)2CHCH2–Cl HC C Na+ H– (CH3)2CHCH2C NaH CH3CH2CH2–Cl HC C CH CH3CH2CH2C C CH3CH2CH2C CH CH3CH2CH2–Cl [1] BH3 c. CH3CH2CH2C CH (from b.) d. [2] H2O2, HO– H2SO4 HgSO4 (from b.) e. O H2O CH3CH2CH2C CH CH3CH2CH2 2 HCl CH3CH2CH2C CH CH3CH2CH2C CCH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2CH2CHO C CH3 CH3CH2CH2CCl2CH3 (from b.) f. CH3CH2CH2C CCH2CH2CH3 O H2O H2SO4, HgSO4 CH3CH2CH2 C CH2CH2CH2CH3 (from b.) 11.62 Cl2 a. CH3CH2CH CH2 b. CH3CH2C CH (from a.) c. CH3CH2C CH (from a.) d. CH3CH2CH CH2 HBr (2 equiv) Cl2 (2 equiv) Br2 Cl Cl CH3CH2CH CH2 CH3CH2CBr2CH3 CH3CH2CCl2CHCl2 CH3CH2CHBrCH2Br 2 –NH2 CH3CH2C CH 306 Smith: Study Guide/ 11. Alkynes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 11–20 e. NaH CH3CH2C CH CH3CH2CH2 Br CH3CH2C C CH3CH2C C CH2CH2CH3 (from a.) [1] f. CH3CH2C C O CH3CH2C C CH2CH2OH [2] H2O (from e.) O OH [1] g. CH3CH2C C [2] H2O (from e.) C CCH2CH3 (+ enantiomer) 11.63 NaH CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2Br a. HC CH b. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2C CH HC C NaH CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2C CH CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2C C CH3CH2Br CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2C CCH2CH3 (from a.) c. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2C C [2] H2O (from b.) d. O [1] CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2C CCH2CH2OH CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2C CCH2CH2OH [1] NaH CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2C CCH2CH2OCH2CH3 [2] CH3CH2Br (from c.) 11.64 K+ –OC(CH3)3 CH2 CH2 Br Br Br2 NaNH2 NaH HC CH HC C Br (2 equiv) Br H2O Br C C NaH C C HC C H2SO4, HgSO4 O 11.65 a. H2SO4 2 –NH2 Br2 OH Br CH3 C CH NaH CH3 C C Br CH3 C CCH2CH2CH3 SOCl2 OH NaH Cl2 b. (from a.) [1] CH3 C C Cl H2O OH O (from a.) [2] H2O Cl OH CH3C CCH2CHCH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 11. Alkynes 307 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Alkynes 11–21 11.66 a. H2SO4 OH CH2 CH2 Br Br2 NaNH2 (2 equiv) Br NaH HC CH HC C Br PBr3 OH [1] NaH C C HC C [2] O HO [3] H2O OH b. H2SO4 Br2 CH2 CH2 C C Br H2O NaH O OH C C NaH HO C C CH3CH2Br O CH3CH2 O (from a.) (from a.) 11.67 Br Br Br CH3 C C H CH3 Br CH3 H HO C C CH3 C C H H O H2O CH3 Br C C C C H H H O H Br– Br H + H2O H OH2 H2O CH3 O CH3 C Br C C H H O CH2Br H3O+ H H2O 11.68 Only this carbocation forms because it is resonance stabilized. The positive charge is delocalized on oxygen. H TsOH O TsO H H O O re-draw O + TsO– H not resonance stabilized (not formed) H OCH3 NOT O O CH3OH O OCH3 H CH3OH OCH3 X + CH3OH2 O Y 308 Smith: Study Guide/ 11. Alkynes Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 11–22 11.69 CH3 C C O H C O H CH3 CH3 OH OH2 C C C C O + H C CH3 H2O C CH3 C C O H2O CH3 O C OH H O C O CH3 C O CH3 C O H H C O CH3 C OH CH3 H HCOOH resonance structures C OH H enol O O C H H Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 12. Oxidation and Reduction © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 309 Oxidation and Reduction 12–1 C Chhaapptteerr 1122:: O Oxxiiddaattiioonn aanndd R Reedduuccttiioonn SSuum mm maarryy:: TTeerrm mss tthhaatt ddeessccrriibbee rreeaaccttiioonn sseelleeccttiivviittyy • A regioselective reaction forms predominately or exclusively one constitutional isomer (Section 8.5). CH3 I CH3 OH major product trisubstituted alkene • minor product disubstituted alkene A stereoselective reaction forms predominately or exclusively one stereoisomer (Section 8.5). H Br H Na+ –OCH2CH3 C C + C C H H C C H H trans alkene major product • CH2 + H cis alkene minor product An enantioselective reaction forms predominately or exclusively one enantiomer (Section 12.15). C C CH2OH allylic alcohol O C C Sharpless reagent or CH2OH C C O CH2OH One enantiomer is favored. D Deeffiinniittiioonnss ooff ooxxiiddaattiioonn aanndd rreedduuccttiioonn Oxidation reactions result in: • an increase in the number of C–Z bonds, or • a decrease in the number of C–H bonds. Reduction reactions result in: • a decrease in the number of C–Z bonds, or • an increase in the number of C–H bonds. [Z = an element more electronegative than C] R Reedduuccttiioonn rreeaaccttiioonnss [1] Reduction of alkenes—Catalytic hydrogenation (12.3) R CH CH R H2 Pd, Pt, or Ni H H R C C R H H alkane • • Syn addition of H2 occurs. Increasing alkyl substitution on the C=C decreases the rate of reaction. 310 Smith: Study Guide/ 12. Oxidation and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reduction accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 12–2 [2] Reduction of alkynes H H 2 H2 R C C R R C C R Pd-C [a] • Two equivalents of H2 are added and four new C–H bonds are formed (12.5A). • Syn addition of H2 occurs, forming a cis alkene (12.5B). The Lindlar catalyst is deactivated so that reaction stops after one equivalent of H2 has been added. H H alkane [b] R C C R R R H2 C C Lindlar catalyst H • H cis alkene [c] R C C R R Na H • C C NH3 H R Anti addition of H2 occurs, forming a trans alkene (12.5C). trans alkene [3] Reduction of alkyl halides (12.6) R X [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O R H alkane • • The reaction follows an SN2 mechanism. CH3X and RCH2X react faster than more substituted RX. • • The reaction follows an SN2 mechanism. In unsymmetrical epoxides, H– (from LiAlH4) attacks at the less substituted carbon. • • • The mechanism has one step. Syn addition of an O atom occurs. The reaction is stereospecific. • Ring opening of an epoxide intermediate with –OH or H2O forms a 1,2-diol with two OH groups added in an anti fashion. [4] Reduction of epoxides (12.6) O C C OH [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O C C H alcohol O Oxxiiddaattiioonn rreeaaccttiioonnss [1] Oxidation of alkenes [a] Epoxidation (12.8) C C + O C C RCO3H epoxide [b] Anti dihydroxylation (12.9A) [1] RCO3H C C HO C C [2] H2O ( H+ or HO–) OH 1,2-diol Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 12. Oxidation and Reduction © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 311 Oxidation and Reduction 12–3 [c] Syn dihydroxylation (12.9B) HO [1] OsO4; [2] NaHSO3, H2O C C OH C or [1] OsO4, NMO; [2] NaHSO3, H2O or KMnO4, H2O, HO– C • Each reagent adds two new C–O bonds to the C=C in a syn fashion. • Both the and bonds of the alkene are cleaved to form two carbonyl groups. 1,2-diol [d] Oxidative cleavage (12.10) R' R R C O [2] Zn, H2O or CH3SCH3 H R' R [1] O3 C C O C + R H ketone aldehyde [2] Oxidative cleavage of alkynes (12.11) [a] R [1] O3 R C C R' internal alkyne R' C O [2] H2O + • O C HO OH The bond and both bonds of the alkyne are cleaved. carboxylic acids [b] [1] O3 R C C H terminal alkyne [2] H2O R C O + CO2 HO [3] Oxidation of alcohols (12.12, 12.13) H [a] [b] PCC R C OH or HCrO4– H A-26 1o alcohol Amberlyst resin H R C OH H • Oxidation of a 1o alcohol with PCC or HCrO4– (Amberlyst A-26 resin) stops at the aldehyde stage. Only one C–H bond is replaced by a C–O bond. • Oxidation of a 1o alcohol under harsher reaction conditions—CrO3 (or Na2Cr2O7 or K2Cr2O7) + H2O + H2SO4—affords a RCOOH. Two C–H bonds are replaced by two C–O bonds. Since a 2o alcohol has only one C–H bond on the carbon bearing the OH group, all Cr6+ reagents—PCC, CrO3, Na2Cr2O7, K2Cr2O7, or HCrO4– (Amberlyst A-26 resin)—oxidize a 2o alcohol to a ketone. C O H aldehyde R CrO3 C O H2SO4, H2O 1o alcohol HO carboxylic acid H [c] R PCC or CrO3 or R HCrO4– 2o alcohol Amberlyst A-26 resin R C OH • R C O R ketone [4] Asymmetric epoxidation of allylic alcohols (12.15) H CH2 OH C C R H (CH3)3C OOH Ti[OCH(CH3)2]4 H R O C C CH2OH H with (–)-DET or H CH2OH R C C H O with (+)-DET 312 Smith: Study Guide/ 12. Oxidation and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reduction accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 12–4 C Chhaapptteerr 1122:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 12.1 Oxidation results in an increase in the number of C–Z bonds (usually C–O bonds) or a decrease in the number of C–H bonds. Reduction results in a decrease in the number of C–Z bonds (usually C–O bonds) or an increase in the number of C–H bonds. O O oxidation a. c. reduction b. CH3 d. C O CH3 CH3 CH2 CH2 C OCH3 CH3CH2Cl oxidation neither 1 new C–H bond and 1 new C–Cl bond 12.2 Hydrogenation is the addition of hydrogen. When alkenes are hydrogenated, they are reduced by the addition of H2 to the bond. To draw the alkane product, add a H to each C of the double bond. CH3 CH2CH(CH3)2 CH3 CH2CH(CH3)2 C C a. CH3 CH3 C H H c. C H H b. 12.3 Draw the alkenes that form each alkane when hydrogenated. a. or H2 Pd-C or c. or or or or or H2 Pd-C or b. H2 Pd-C 12.4 Cis alkenes are less stable than trans alkenes, so they have larger heats of hydrogenation. Increasing alkyl substitution increases the stability of a C=C, decreasing the heat of hydrogenation. CH3CH2 H H cis alkane less stable larger heat of hydrogenation H H or b. C C or C C a. CH3CH2 CH2CH3 CH2CH3 trans alkane trisubstituted disubstituted less stable larger heat of hydrogenation Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 12. Oxidation and Reduction © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 313 Oxidation and Reduction 12–5 12.5 Hydrogenation products must be identical to use hydrogenation data to evaluate the relative stability of the starting materials. Different products are formed. Hydrogenation data can't be used to determine the relative stability of the starting materials. 2-methyl-2-pentene 3-methyl-1-pentene 12.6 Increasing alkyl substitution on the C=C decreases the rate of hydrogenation. With one equivalent of H2, only the more reactive of the double bonds will be reduced. disubstituted more reactive CH3 trisubstituted CH2 H2, Pd-C CH3 (1 equiv) C CH3 CH3 C H CH3 limonene 12.7 Two enantiomers are formed in equal amounts: new stereogenic center H a. CH3 C CH2CH2CH3 C C H b. CH3 CH2CH3 CH2CH3 CH2CH3 CH2CH2CH3 CH2 H CH3 CH3 H = C CH3 + CH3 CH2CH3 + CH2CH2CH3 H CH3CH2CH2 C CH 3 H H CH3 diastereomers c. C(CH3)3 C(CH3)3 C(CH3)3 + diastereomers 12.8 A Molecular formula before hydrogenation C10H12 Molecular formula after hydrogenation C10H16 Number of rings 3 Number of bonds 2 B C C4H8 C6H8 C4H10 C6H12 0 1 1 2 Compound 314 Smith: Study Guide/ 12. Oxidation and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reduction accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 12–6 12.9 H2, Pd-C CH2OCO(CH2)16CH3 CHOCO(CH2)6(CH2CH=CH)2(CH2)4CH3 CH2OCO(CH2)16CH3 CHOCO(CH2)6(CH2CH2CH2)2(CH2)4CH3 B excess CH2OCO(CH2)16CH3 H2, Pd-C CH2OCO(CH2)16CH3 1 equiv A CH2OCO(CH2)16CH3 CH2OCO(CH2)16CH3 CHOCO(CH2)6CH2CH=CH(CH2)7CH3 CHOCO(CH2)9CH2CH=CH(CH2)4CH3 CH2OCO(CH2)16CH3 CH2OCO(CH2)16CH3 or C A has 2 double bonds. lowest melting point C has 1 double bond. intermediate melting point C B has 0 double bonds. highest melting point 12.10 Hydrogenation of HCCCH2CH2CH3 and CH3CCCH2CH3 yields the same compound. The heat of hydrogenation is larger for HCCCH2CH2CH3 than for CH3CCCH2CH3 because internal alkynes are more stable (lower in energy) than terminal alkynes. 12.11 O CH2 C CH3 O C CH2CH3 H2 H H C CH2CH3 C C Lindlar catalyst A CH3 cis-jasmone H (perfume component isolated from jasmine flowers) H 12.12 To draw the products of catalytic hydrogenation remember: • H2 (excess), Pd will reduce alkenes and alkynes to alkanes. • H2 (excess), Lindlar catalyst will reduce only alkynes to cis alkenes. a. b. CH2=CHCH2CH2 C C CH3 CH2=CHCH2CH2 C C CH3 H2 (excess) Pd-C H2 (excess) Lindlar catalyst CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH2 CH CH2 CH2 CH3 C C H H 12.13 Use the directions from Answer 12.12. a. CH3OCH2CH2C CCH2CH(CH3)2 H2 (excess) CH3OCH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH(CH3)2 Pd-C b. CH3OCH2CH2C CCH2CH(CH3)2 H2 (1 equiv) CH3OCH2CH2 C C Lindlar catalyst c. CH3OCH2CH2C CCH2CH(CH3)2 H2 (excess) Lindlar catalyst H CH3OCH2CH2 H CH2CH(CH3)2 C C H H CH3OCH2CH2 d. CH3OCH2CH2C CCH2CH(CH3)2 CH2CH(CH3)2 Na, NH3 H C C H CH2CH(CH3)2 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 12. Oxidation and Reduction © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 315 Oxidation and Reduction 12–7 12.14 D2 CH3CD2CD2CH2CH2CH3 Pd-C CH3 D2 CH3 C C CH2CH2CH3 C Lindlar catalyst CH2CH2CH3 C D D CH3 Na C ND3 D C D CH2CH2CH3 12.15 H2 H R Lindlar catalyst A B H 12.16 LiAlH4 reduces alkyl halides to alkanes and epoxides to alcohols. CH3 [1] LiAlH4 Cl a. H b. [2] H2O O [1] LiAlH4 H [2] H2O H replaces Cl. CH3 OH H H 12.17 To draw the product, add an O atom across the bond of the C=C. O mCPBA a. (CH3)2C CH2 b. (CH3)2C C(CH3)2 (CH3)2C c. CH2 CH2 mCPBA O mCPBA (CH3)2C C(CH3)2 12.18 For epoxidation reactions: • There are two possible products: O adds from above and below the double bond. • Substituents on the C=C retain their original configuration in the products. H CH3 mCPBA C C a. CH3 H H H CH3CH2 b. H mCPBA CH3CH2 H H CH3 c. H CH2CH3 C C H O C C mCPBA CH3 H H C C H enantiomers O O C C CH3CH2 CH2CH3 H C C H CH2CH3 O H identical CH3 CH3 O O H H enantiomers O CH2 316 Smith: Study Guide/ 12. Oxidation and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reduction accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 12–8 12.19 Treatment of an alkene with a peroxyacid followed by H2O, HO adds two hydroxy groups in an anti fashion. cis-2-Butene and trans-2-butene yield different products of dihydroxylation. cis-2Butene gives a mixture of two enantiomers and trans-2-butene gives a meso compound. The reaction is stereospecific because two stereoisomeric starting materials give different products that are also stereoisomers of each other. CH3 C C H HO CH3 [1] RCO3H H [2] H2O, HO C CH3 C CH3 H OH H cis-2-butene CH3 C C H CH3 H OH C C HO H CH3 enantiomers HO H [1] RCO3H CH3 [2] H2O, HO H C CH3 CH3 H CH3 C OH H OH C C H CH3 HO identical meso compound trans-2-butene 12.20 Treatment of an alkene with OsO4 adds two hydroxy groups in a syn fashion. cis-2-Butene and trans-2-butene yield different stereoisomers in this dihydroxylation, so the reaction is stereospecific. HO CH3 C C H CH3 [1] OsO4 H [2] NaHSO3, H2O OH C CH3 C H H [1] OsO4 HO H CH3 [2] NaHSO3, H2O CH3 C C HO OH C trans-2-butene CH3 CH3 H C H CH3 H CH3 H OH identical meso compound cis-2-butene CH3 C C H CH3 H H C CH3 C HO OH enantiomers 12.21 To draw the oxidative cleavage products: • Locate all the bonds in the molecule. • Replace all C=C’s with two C=O’s. Replace this bond with two C=O's. [1] O3 a. (CH3)2C CHCH2CH2CH2CH3 [2] Zn, H2O [1] O3 [2] Zn, H2O + O CHCH2CH2CH2CH3 aldehyde ketone + O One ketone and one aldehyde are formed. Two aldehydes are formed. O [2] Zn, H2O c. O H [1] O3 b. (CH3)2C H O O H A dicarbonyl compound is formed. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 12. Oxidation and Reduction 317 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Oxidation and Reduction 12–9 12.22 To find the alkene that yields the oxidative cleavage products: • Find the two carbonyl groups in the products. • Join the two carbonyl carbons together with a double bond. This is the double bond that was broken during ozonolysis. CH3 a. (CH3)2C O + (CH3CH2)2C O (CH3)2C c. C(CH2CH3)2 CH3 O only C CH3 CH3 b. CHCH3 + C CH3 With only one product, the alkene must be symmetrical around the double bond. Join this C to the same C in another identical molecule. Join these two C's. O CH3 C CH3CHO Join these two C's. 12.23 O a. [1] O3 O O [2] CH3SCH3 H H H O [1] O3 b. [2] CH3SCH3 H c. [2] CH3SCH3 O O O O O O H O H H H a. [2] H2O O O [1] O3 CH3CH2 C OH + HO C CH2CH2CH3 internal alkyne O [1] O3 b. C C C [2] H2O internal alkyne terminal alkyne c. O + OH HO C identical compounds internal alkyne H C C CH2 CH2 C C CH3 [1] O3 [2] H2O O CO2 + HO C O C O OH + HO C H O 12.24 To draw the products of oxidative cleavage of alkynes: • Locate the triple bond. • For internal alkynes, convert the sp hybridized C to COOH. • For terminal alkynes, the sp hybridized C–H becomes CO2. CH3CH2 C C CH2CH2CH3 H O O [2] CH3SCH3 H H H [1] O3 d. H O [1] O3 CH3 O 318 Smith: Study Guide/ 12. Oxidation and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reduction accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 12–10 12.25 a. c. CH3CH2CH(CH3)CO2H b. CO2 + CH3(CH2)8CO2H CH3CH2CH C C CHCH2CH3 CH3(CH2)8 C CH CH3 CH3CH2CO2H, HO2CCH2CO2H, CH3CO2H CH3CH2 C C CH2 C C CH3 CH3 d. HO2C(CH2)14CO2H 12.26 For oxidation of alcohols, remember: • 1° Alcohols are oxidized to aldehydes with PCC. • 1° Alcohols are oxidized to carboxylic acids with oxidizing agents like CrO3 or Na2Cr2O7. • 2° Alcohols are oxidized to ketones with all Cr6+ reagents. O PCC OH a. OH H c. CrO3 OH H2SO4, H2O O OH OH O O PCC b. CrO3 d. H2SO4, H2O 12.27 Upon treatment with HCrO4–– Amberlyst A-26 resin: • 1° Alcohols are oxidized to aldehydes. • 2° Alcohols are oxidized to ketones. H OH O HCrO4– a. c. Amberlyst A-26 resin b. HO OH H HCrO4– OH OH O HCrO4– O Amberlyst A-26 resin O O Amberlyst A-26 resin 12.28 NaOCl a. OH b. O The by-products of the reaction with sodium hypochlorite are water and table salt (NaCl), as opposed to the by-products with HCrO4–– Amberlyst A-26 resin, which contain carcinogenic Cr3+ metal. + NaCl + H2O Oxidation with NaOCl has at least two advantages over oxidation with CrO3, H2SO4 and H2O. Since no Cr6+ is used as oxidant, there are no Cr by-products that must be disposed of. Also, CrO3 oxidation is carried out in corrosive inorganic acids (H2SO4) and oxidation with NaOCl avoids this. 12.29 O HO OH ethylene glycol O H H O OH HO O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 12. Oxidation and Reduction © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 319 Oxidation and Reduction 12–11 12.30 To draw the products of a Sharpless epoxidation: • With the C=C horizontal, draw the allylic alcohol with the OH on the top right of the alkene. • Add the new oxygen above the plane if ()-DET is used and below the plane if (+)-DET is used. OH (CH3)3C a. OH OOH Ti[OCH(CH3)2]4 (+)-DET O H (+)-DET adds O below the plane. OH b. re-draw OH (CH3)3C H O OOH OH Ti[OCH(CH3)2]4 (–)-DET ()-DET adds O above the plane. 12.31 Sharpless epoxidation needs an allylic alcohol as the starting material. Alkenes with no allylic OH group will not undergo reaction with the Sharpless reagent. This alkene is part of an allylic alcohol and will be epoxidized. geraniol OH This alkene is not part of an allylic alcohol and will not be epoxidized. 320 Smith: Study Guide/ 12. Oxidation and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reduction accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 12–12 12.32 Use the rules from Answer 12.1. OH a. d. CH2CH3 reduction C CH O reduction O b. c. CH3CH2Br e. OH oxidation OH CH2 CH2 OH HO f. neither 1 C–H and 1 C–Br bond are removed. ClCH2CH2Cl oxidation (2 new C–Cl bonds) CH2 CH2 O O oxidation 12.33 Use the principles from Answer 12.2 and draw the products of syn addition of H2 from above and below the C=C. H2 Pd-C a. CH3 Pd-C CH3 CH2CH3 c. CH3 C CH2 (CH3)2CH + CH3 CH3 CH2CH3 H2 H2 Pd-C CH2CH3 + Pd-C CH3CH2 d. CH3 CH3 H2 b. CH3 CH3 CH2CH3 H C (CH3)2CH CH2CH3 + CH3 C (CH3)2CH H CH3 12.34 Increasing alkyl substitution increases alkene stability, decreasing the heat of hydrogenation. 2-methyl-2-butene trisubstituted smallest Ho = –112 kJ/mol 2-methyl-1-butene disubstituted intermediate Ho = –119 kJ/mol 3-methyl-1-butene monosubstituted largest Ho = –127 kJ/mol 12.35 A possible structure: a. Compound A: molecular formula C5H8: hydrogenated to C5H10. 2 degrees of unsaturation, 1 is hydrogenated. 1 ring and 1 bond b. Compound B: molecular formula C10H16: hydrogenated to C10H18. 3 degrees of unsaturation, 1 is hydrogenated. 2 rings and 1 bond c. Compound C: molecular formula C8H8: hydrogenated to C8H16. 5 degrees of unsaturation, 4 are hydrogenated. 1 ring and 4 bonds Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 12. Oxidation and Reduction 321 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Oxidation and Reduction 12–13 12.36 c. a. monosubstituted largest heat of hydrogenation b. fastest reaction rate O [1] O3 H [2] Zn, H2O A c. a. tetrasubstituted smallest heat of hydrogenation b. slowest reaction rate + H C H O [1] O3 O [2] Zn, H2O B + O identical c. a. trisubstituted intermediate heat of hydrogenation b. intermediate reaction rate O [1] O3 [2] Zn, H2O O + H C 12.37 Work backwards to find the alkene that will be hydrogenated to form 3-methylpentane. 2 possible enantiomers: or H R isomer 3-methylpentane H S isomer 12.38 O O H2 (excess) OH a. OH Pd-C stearidonic acid stearic acid O b. H2 (1 equiv) O OH OH Pd-C O O OH O OH c. trans one possibility OH 322 Smith: Study Guide/ 12. Oxidation and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reduction accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 12–14 O O d. OH O OH < OH < stearidonic acid 4 cis C=C's product in (b) 3 cis C=C's product in (c) 2 cis and one trans C=C's 12.39 H2 a. H2 b. Lindlar catalyst Na NH3 c. [1] LiAlH4 h. Pd-C no reaction no reaction (CH3)3COOH j. [1] CH3CO3H OH k. O OH O syn addition H2O, [2] H2O OH OH KMnO4 g. OH [1] LiAlH4 l. OH [2] NaHSO3, H2O no reaction mCPBA OH anti addition [1] OsO4 + NMO f. H Ti[OCH(CH3)2]4 ()-DET OH [2] H2O, HO O H [2] CH3SCH3 O e. O [1] O3 i. CH3CO3H d. no reaction [2] H2O syn addition HO OH 12.40 a. CH3CH2CH2 C C CH2CH2CH3 H2 (excess) Pd-C CH3CH2CH2 H2 b. CH3CH2CH2 C C CH2CH2CH3 C C Lindlar catalyst c. CH3CH2CH2 C C CH2CH2CH3 d. CH3CH2CH2 C C CH2CH2CH3 CH2CH2CH3 Na H H H CH2CH2CH3 [1] O3 C C CH3CH2CH2 H O [2] H2O CH3CH2CH2 NH3 cis alkene C trans alkene O + OH CH3CH2CH2 C OH identical 12.41 a. CH3CH2 C CH3 H C H2 Pd-C CH2OH H C * C CH2OH CH3 H [* = new stereogenic center] CH3 CH3 CH3CH2 H C CH3CH2 CH2CH2OH H + HOCH2CH2 H Two enantiomers are formed. C CH2CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 12. Oxidation and Reduction 323 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Oxidation and Reduction 12–15 b. CH3CH2 H C C CH3 O mCPBA CH3CH2 CH3 CH2OH H CH2OH CH3CH2 CH3 H CH2OH e. f. CH3 C C CH3CH2 CH2OH CH3 C C CH3CH2 CH2OH (CH3)3COOH Ti[OCH(CH3)2]4 (+)-DET H O c. CH3CH2 C CH3CH2 CrO3 CH2OH C H [1] PBr3 C CH2OH CH3CH2 CH3 COOH CH3CH2 C H2 HCrO4– H C C CH3 O OH H2SO4, H2O O d. OH PCC OH CF3CO3H H OH O O H e. f. OH [1] OsO4 [2] NaHSO3, H2O OH OH H OH OH OH OH OH OH [1] HCO3H [2] H2O, HO– OH OH OH OH OH OH H O OH g. OH (CH3)3COOH re-draw Ti[OCH(CH3)2]4 (+)-DET h. OH KMnO4 H2O, HO OH OH OH OH OH OH CH3 CH3CH2 Amberlyst A-26 CH2OH OH Na2Cr2O7 C CH3 Pd-C c. H C 12.42 OH CH2Br CH3CH2 H C C CH3 b. C CH3 CHO H2SO4, H2O OH H [2] LiAlH4 [3] H2O h. a. O CH3 CH3CH2 CH3CH2 C CH3 C CH3 H C g. H C CH2OH d. CH3CH2 CH3 PCC C CH3 C CH3CH2 H CH2OH H O (CH3)3COOH Ti[OCH(CH3)2]4 ()-DET H CH3 CH3CH2 OH H C CHO CH2OH H 324 Smith: Study Guide/ 12. Oxidation and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reduction accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 12–16 12.43 OH O PCC a. OH c. CrO3 OH H2SO4, H2O O O PCC b. CH3CH2CH2CH2OH CH3CH2CH2 C H 12.44 OH a. b. [1] SOCl2 CH2 [3] H2O [1] OsO4 OH [2] NaHSO3, H2O CH2OH O [1] mCPBA c. [2] LiAlH4 Cl pyridine CH2 [2] LiAlH4 OH [3] H2O CH3 H2 d. Lindlar catalyst 12.45 a. H2, Pd-C d. [1] LiAlH4 b. mCPBA O c. KMnO4 H2O, HO– or [1] OsO4 [2] NaHSO3, H2O OH OH f. PBr3 h. [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O or HBr [2] H2O g. CrO3, or PCC or HCrO4–, H2SO4, H2O Amberlyst A-26 resin O e. H2O (–OH) OH OH Br OH (+ enantiomer) 12.46 Alkenes treated with [1] OsO4 followed by NaHSO3 in H2O will undergo syn addition, whereas alkenes treated with [2] CH3CO3H followed by –OH in H2O will undergo anti addition. a. [1] (CH3)2CH CH(CH3)2 C C H [2] (CH3)2CH H H H C C CH(CH3)2 [1] OsO4 [2] NaHSO3, H2O [1] CH3CO3H [2] –OH, H2O anti addition HO (CH3)2CH H OH C H HO (CH3)2CH H C CH(CH3)2 H CH(CH ) 3 2 C C OH HO OH rotate (CH3)2CH H C C H CH(CH3)2 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 12. Oxidation and Reduction © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 325 Oxidation and Reduction 12–17 b. C6H5 [1] H C C H C6H5 C6H5 [2] C6H5 [1] CH3CO3H H [2] –OH, H2O rotate C H C6H5 syn addition HO OH C [2] NaHSO3, H2O C C H HO [1] OsO4 H HO H C C6H5 H C6H5 C6H5 C H C6H5 C6H5 C H C + enantiomer OH + enantiomer OH OH CH3CH2CH2 c. [1] CH2CH2CH3 C C H HO [1] OsO4 OH C CH3CH2CH2 [2] NaHSO3, H2O H CH3CH2CH2 H C H CH2CH2CH3 syn addition CH3CH2CH2 [2] H H H [1] CH3CO3H C C CH2CH2CH3 [2] –OH, H2O H CH2CH2CH3 OH 12.47 OH O H A O OH H OH + AlH3 + Li+ H3Al H Li D– (from LiAlD4) opens the epoxide ring from the back side, so it is oriented on a wedge in the final product. D OH H CH2CH2CH3 OH OH CH3CH2CH2 H rotate 326 Smith: Study Guide/ 12. Oxidation and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reduction accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 12–18 12.48 Cl H OH [1] C mCPBA O O O O O [2] Br OH Br Br OH H O OH H Na+ H Br [3] Cl C OH OH O Br Na+ + H2 + O Br– O + HO 12.49 Use the directions from Answer 12.21. a. (CH3CH2)2C CHCH2CH3 [1] O3 [2] CH3SCH3 (CH3CH2)2C O CHCH2CH3 CH3 [1] O3 b. + O O [2] Zn, H2O + O C CH3 O C CH c. C [1] O3 OH + CO2 [2] H2O O d. [1] O3 C C C [2] H2O O OH + HO C identical 12.50 a. (CH3)2C b. O and CH2 O O and O (CH3)2C CH2 c. d. CH3CH2CH2CH CHCH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2CHO only Join this C to the same C in another identical molecule. O O and 2 equivalents of Join both of these C's to a C from formaldehyde. CH2 O formaldehyde C Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 12. Oxidation and Reduction 327 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Oxidation and Reduction 12–19 12.51 Use the directions from Answer 12.22. Join these two C's. O [1] O3 a. C10H18 H [2] CH3SCH3 O 2 degrees of unsaturation one ring + one bond O [1] O3 b. C10H16 [2] CH3SCH3 3 degrees of unsaturation O two rings + one bond 12.52 Join these two C's. a. CH3CH2CH2CH2COOH and Join these two C's. COOH and CH3CH2CH2CH2C CH c. CO2 C CCH3 CH3COOH Join these two C's. CH3CH2C CCH2CH2CH3 b. CH3CH2COOH and CH3CH2CH2COOH 12.53 a. squalene A B B C B B A [1] O3 [2] Zn, H2O H + O O + O H 2 equiv (from portion A) O O H 4 equiv (from portion B) 1 equiv (from portion C) COOH b. c. linolenic acid [1] O3 [2] Zn, H2O [1] O3 [2] Zn, H2O O zingiberene H O + + H COOH O O 2 equiv 12.54 A a. C8H12 O [1] O3 [2] CH3SCH3 H + + H H O O O O H H H O H H O O 328 Smith: Study Guide/ 12. Oxidation and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reduction accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 12–20 [1] NaNH2 H2 (excess) b. C6H10 [2] CH3I Pd-C B C C7H12 12.55 The hydrogenation reaction tells you that both oximene and myrcene have 3 bonds (and no rings). Use this carbon backbone and add in the double bonds based on the oxidative cleavage products. H2 C10H16 Pd-C 2,6-dimethyloctane 3 degrees of unsaturation O Oximene: (CH3)2C O CH2 O CH2(CHO)2 CH3 C CHO O O Myrcene: (CH3)2C O CH2 O H C (2 equiv) C CH2CH2 CHO 12.56 a. H2 (2 equiv) H2 Pd-C Lindlar catalyst C7H12 A A oxidative cleavage B Na, NH3 O OH + other product(s) C b. A does not react with NaH because it is not a terminal alkyne. 12.57 OH H2SO4 H2 Pd-C decalin C10H18O A C10H16 B C10H16 C ozonolysis O O C10H16O2 E CHO D O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 12. Oxidation and Reduction © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 329 Oxidation and Reduction 12–21 12.58 Since hydrogenation of DHA forms CH3(CH2)20COOH, DHA is a 22-carbon fatty acid. The ozonolysis products show where the double bonds are located. DHA CO2H A B B B B C B [1] O3 [2] Zn, H2O + CH3CH2CHO OHCCH2CHO + OHCCH2CH2CO2H 5 equiv (from portion B) (from portion A) (from portion C) 12.59 The stereogenic center (labeled with *) in both structures can be R or S. * O O H O H H H2 ozonolysis O O H Pd-C or H * butylcyclopheptane O possible structures for dictyopterene D' H 12.60 OH OH a. re-draw (CH3)3COOH Ti[OC(CH3)2]4 ()-DET b. H C C (CH3)3C CH2OH H H (CH3)3C (CH3)3COOH C Ti[OC(CH3)2]4 (+)-DET C H O OH H CH2OH H O 12.61 OH re-draw OH (CH3)3COOH Ti[OC(CH3)2]4 ()-DET O CH2OH H major product 87% CH2OH + O H minor product 13% enantiomeric excess = % one enantiomer – % second enantiomer ee = 87% – 13% = 74% 330 Smith: Study Guide/ 12. Oxidation and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reduction accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 12–22 12.62 O H a. Replace this O to make an alkene. H H H CH2 H HOCH2 HOCH2 CH3 CH3 C C CH3 O H CH2OH H (+)-DET CH2OH CH3 C (–)-DET Replace this O to make an alkene. H O c. (–)-DET HO HO b. Replace this O to make an alkene. C CH3 CH3 12.63 Use retrosynthetic analysis to devise a synthesis of each hydrocarbon from acetylene. a. CH3CH2CH CH2 CH3CH2CH CH NaH HC CH CH3CH2Cl C CH C CH HC CH H2 CH3CH2C CH CH3CH2CH CH2 Lindlar catalyst CH3 CH3 C C b. H CH3 C C CH3 C CH CH3 C CH HC CH H NaH HC CH CH3Cl C CH NaH CH3 C CH CH3 C C CH3Cl CH3 H2 CH3 C C CH3 C C Lindlar catalyst CH3 d. CH3 C C CH3 NaH C CH CH3Cl C CH CH3 C CH CH3 C CH (CH3)2CHCH2CH2CH2CH2CH(CH3)2 HC CH H HC CH CH3 H HC CH H H C C c. CH3 NaH Cl C CH HC C NaH CH3 C C CH3Cl CH3 C C CH3 Na CH3 NH3 H HC CCH2CH(CH3)2 NaH C C C CH Cl C C HC CH H2 (2 equiv) Pd-C H C C CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 12. Oxidation and Reduction © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 331 Oxidation and Reduction 12–23 12.64 Cl NaH HC CH HC C NaH Cl H2 Lindlar catalyst 12.65 Br –NH 2 Br2 Na NH3 (2 equiv) cis trans Br 12.66 CH3 O a. CH3 C H C HC CH C CH3 H NaH CH3 H CH3 C C CH3 C H CH3Cl HC C HC C CH3 HC C CH3 NaH C C CH3 O CH3 H C C CH3Cl mCPBA CH3 H HC CH CH3 C C CH3 CH3 C H H2 Lindlar catalyst CH3 C H O b. H C C CH3 H CH3 H CH3 CH3 (+ enantiomer) CH3 C C CH3 c. C H H C H CH3 H H CH3 H C C CH3 CH3 H2O, HO C C CH3 H + enantiomer H CH3 KMnO4 HC CH O mCPBA CH3 C C CH3 C C H CH3 (from a.) CH3 C C CH3 OH HC C CH3 H H Na, NH3 (from a.) HO CH3 C C CH3 C C CH3 HO C H CH3 OH C H CH3 HC C CH3 HC CH 332 Smith: Study Guide/ 12. Oxidation and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reduction accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 12–24 HO d. OH C H CH3 H C H CH3 CH3 C C CH3 C C CH3 CH3 HC C CH3 HC CH H (+ enantiomer) H CH3 HO KMnO4 C C CH3 H H2O, HO (from b.) OH (+ enantiomer) C C H CH3 H CH3 12.67 [1] BH3 a. C6H5CH CH2 PCC C6H5CH2 CH2OH [2] H2O, –OH C6H5CH2 CHO HO H2O b. C6H5CH CH2 H2SO4 [1] BH3 c. C6H5CH CH2 [2] H2O, O PCC C6H5CH CH3 C5H5 CrO3 C6H5CH2 CH2OH –OH C CH3 C6H5CH2 COOH H2SO4, H2O HC CH NaH O mCPBA d. C6H5CH CH2 C6H5 C C H H H HO [1] C CH C6H5CH CH2C CH [2] H2O 12.68 Br Br2 Br NaH 2 NaNH2 1-pentene CH3Cl Na (2E)-2-hexene NH3 12.69 a. b. CH3CH2CH CH2 CH3CH2CH2CH2OH [1] 9-BBN or BH3 [2] H2O2, HO– POCl3 pyridine CrO3 CH3CH2CH2CH2OH CH3CH2CH CH2 mCPBA H2SO4, H2O CH3CH2CH2COOH HO O [1] LiAlH4 CH3CH2CH CH3 CH3CH2CH CH2 [2] H2O H2O, H2SO4 CrO3 H2SO4, H2O CH3CH2 C O CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 12. Oxidation and Reduction 333 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Oxidation and Reduction 12–25 c. OH [1] OsO4 [2] NaHSO3, H2O OH [2] CH3I (2 equiv) O mCPBA d. OCH3 OH H2O HC C O OCH3 [1] NaH (2 equiv) C CH NaH O PCC C CH C CH HC CH 12.70 NaH a. HC CH CH3CH2Br HC C NaH HC C CH2CH3 C C CH2CH3 O H2 Lindlar catalyst OH OH b. HO CH2CH2 C C CH2CH3 Na c. OH O CH2CH2 C C CH2CH3 OH NH3 (from a.) H2O PBr3 Br (from b.) PCC d. CHO OH (from b.) 12.71 H2 a. [2] H2O2, HO– Lindlar catalyst [1] LiAlH4 mCPBA b. OH [1] 9-BBN or BH3 C CH O [2] H2O OH (from a.) c. C CH HO NaH C C O H mCPBA d. (from c.) H CH3 (+ enantiomer) CH3Cl C C CH3 Na NH3 KMnO4 H2O, HO– OH 334 Smith: Study Guide/ 12. Oxidation and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reduction accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 12–26 12.72 HC CH NaH Br C CH NaH CH3CH2 C CH Br CH3CH2 C C Na, NH3 Cl H Cl2 anti addition Cl H (3R,4S)-3,4-dichlorohexane 12.73 a. OH HC CH K+–OC(CH3)3 PBr3 NaH CH2 CH2 Br Br C CH Br2 2 NaNH2 Br NaH CH3CH2 C CH HC CH Br Br CH3CH2 C C Na, NH3 H2 b. (from a.) H Lindlar catalyst HO [1] OsO4 c. (from b.) O mCPBA [2] NaHSO3, H2O H C CH3CH2 H C H CH2CH3 OH 12.74 OCH2CH3 H OCH2CH3 H OCH3 Li OCH3 OCH3 Li OCH3 Li H OCH2CH3 OCH3 OCH3 H OCH2CH3 Li Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 12. Oxidation and Reduction 335 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Oxidation and Reduction 12–27 12.75 The favored conformation for both molecules places the tert-butyl group equatorial. OH (CH3)3C OH H H = (CH ) C 3 3 A A OH (CH3)3C = (CH3)3C OH B This OH is axial and will react faster because the OH group is more hindered. B This OH is equatorial and will react more slowly because the OH group is less hindered. 12.76 O H O Cl O O O C O Cl O O O O H O C O mCPBA OSiR3 OSiR3 R = alkyl group O C O H Cl O O O H O O O OH O O C Cl O O O OH OSiR3 C O O H O O O Cl OSiR3 OSiR3 O O C O Cl HO C Cl C Cl 336 Smith: Study Guide/ 12. Oxidation and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reduction accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 12–28 12.77 O mCPBA "down" bond a. O comes in from below. X "up" bond OH Br2 b. Br H2O Br Br+ comes in from below. X H2O attacks from the back side at the more substituted C. This places the OH group axial, on an "up" bond. NaH O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 13. Mass Spectrometry and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Infrared Spectroscopy 337 Mass Spectrometry and Infrared Spectroscopy 13–1 C Chhaapptteerr 1133:: M Maassss SSppeeccttrroom meettrryy aanndd IInnffrraarreedd SSppeeccttrroossccooppyy M Maassss ssppeeccttrroom meettrryy ((M MSS)) • • • • • • • • Mass spectrometry measures the molecular weight of a compound (13.1A). The mass of the molecular ion (M) = the molecular weight of a compound. Except for isotope peaks at M + 1 and M + 2, the molecular ion has the highest mass in a mass spectrum (13.1A). The base peak is the tallest peak in a mass spectrum (13.1A). A compound with an odd number of N atoms gives an odd molecular ion. A compound with an even number of N atoms (including zero) gives an even molecular ion (13.1B). Organic chlorides show two peaks for the molecular ion (M and M + 2) in a 3:1 ratio (13.2). Organic bromides show two peaks for the molecular ion (M and M + 2) in a 1:1 ratio (13.2). The fragmentation of radical cations formed in a mass spectrometer gives lower molecular weight fragments, often characteristic of a functional group (13.3). High-resolution mass spectrometry gives the molecular formula of a compound (13.4A). EElleeccttrroom maaggnneettiicc rraaddiiaattiioonn • The wavelength and frequency of electromagnetic radiation are inversely related by the following equations: = c/ or = c/ (13.5). • The energy of a photon is proportional to its frequency; the higher the frequency the higher the energy: E = h (13.5). IInnffrraarreedd ssppeeccttrroossccooppyy ((IIR R,, 1133..66 aanndd 1133..77)) • Infrared spectroscopy identifies functional groups. • IR absorptions are reported in wavenumbers: wavenumber = ~ = 1/ • • • The functional group region from 4000–1500 cm–1 is the most useful region of an IR spectrum. C–H, O–H, and N–H bonds absorb at high frequency, 2500 cm–1. As bond strength increases, the wavenumber of an absorption increases; thus triple bonds absorb at higher wavenumber than double bonds. C C ~ 1650 cm–1 C C ~ 2250 cm–1 Increasing bond strength Increasing ~ • The higher the percent s-character, the stronger the bond, and the higher the wavenumber of an IR absorption. C C H C H H Csp3–H 25% s-character 3000–2850 cm–1 Csp2–H 33% s-character 3150–3000 cm–1 Csp–H 50% s-character 3300 cm–1 Increasing percent s-character Increasing ~ 338 Smith: Study Guide/ 13. Mass Spectrometry and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Infrared Spectroscopy accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 13–2 C Chhaapptteerr 1133:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 13.1 The molecular ion formed from each compound is equal to its molecular weight. a. C3H6O molecular weight = 58 molecular ion (m/z) = 58 b. C10H20 molecular weight = 140 molecular ion (m/z) = 140 c. C8H8O2 molecular weight = 136 molecular ion (m/z) = 136 d. C10H15N molecular weight = 149 molecular ion (m/z) = 149 13.2 Some possible formulas for each molecular ion: a. Molecular ion at 72: C5H12, C4H8O, C3H4O2 b. Molecular ion at 100: C8H4, C7H16, C6H12O, C5H8O2 c. Molecular ion at 73: C4H11N, C2H7N3 13.3 To calculate the molecular ions you would expect for compounds with Cl, calculate the molecular weight using each of the two most common isotopes of Cl (35Cl and 37Cl). Do the same for Br, using 79Br and 81Br. a. C4H935Cl = 92 C4H937Cl = 94 Two peaks in 3:1 ratio at m/z 92 and 94 d. C4H11N = 73 One peak at m/z 73 b. C3H7F = 62 One peak at m/z 62 e. C4H4N2 = 80 One peak at m/z 80 c. C6H1179Br = 162 C6H1181Br = 164 Two peaks in a 1:1 ratio at m/z 162 and 164 13.4 After calculating the mass of the molecular ion, draw the structure and determine which C–C bond is broken to form fragments of the appropriate mass-to-charge ratio. e– Cleave bond [1]. [1] CH3 CH3 CH3 C C H H m/z = 100 CH3 C CH3 + CH3CHCH2CH3 H m/z = 43 CH2CH3 e– Cleave bond [1]. CH3 C CH2CH3 H m/z = 57 + (CH3)2CH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 339 © The McGraw−Hill 13. Mass Spectrometry and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Infrared Spectroscopy Mass Spectrometry and Infrared Spectroscopy 13–3 13.5 Break this bond. CH3 H CH3 C CH3 C e– C CH3 H CH3 H + CH3 C CH3 CH3 m/z = 114 H CH3 C C CH3 H H m/z = 57 This 3° carbocation is more stable than others that can form, and is therefore the most abundant fragment. 13.6 a. OH Cleave bond [1]. + CH3 C CH2 CH3 OH H m/z = 59 CH3 C CH2 CH3 H [1] OH [2] Cleave bond [2]. CH2CH3 + CH3 C H m/z = 45 b. OH – H2O CH3 C CH2 CH3 CH2=CHCH2CH3 + CH3CH=CHCH3 m/z = 56 H m/z = 56 13.7 O a. C O C CH3CH2 C O CH3CH2 (from cleavage of bond [2]) [1] b. 13.8 (from cleavage of bond [1]) [2] CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2OH + CH2OH c. CH3CH2CH2CHO CH3CH2CH2C O HC O Use the exact mass values given in Table 13.1 to calculate the exact mass of each compound. C7H5NO3 mass: 151.0270 C8H9NO2 C10H17N mass: 151.0634 compound X mass: 151.1362 340 Smith: Study Guide/ 13. Mass Spectrometry and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Infrared Spectroscopy accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 13–4 13.9 CH3 benzene C6H6 m/z = 78 toluene C7H8 m/z = 92 CH3 CH3 p-xylene C8H10 m/z = 106 GC–MS analysis: Three peaks in the gas chromatogram. Order of peaks: benzene, toluene, p-xylene, in order of increasing bp. Molecular ions observed in the three mass spectra: 78, 92, 106. 13.10 Wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional. The higher frequency light will have a shorter wavelength. a. Light having a of 102 nm has a higher than light with a of 104 nm. b. Light having a of 100 nm has a higher than light with a of 100 m. c. Blue light has a higher than red light. 13.11 The energy of a photon is proportional to its frequency, and inversely proportional to its wavelength. a. Light having a of 108 Hz is of higher energy than light having a of 104 Hz. b. Light having a of 10 nm is of higher energy than light having a of 1000 nm. c. Blue light is of higher energy than red light. 13.12 The larger the energy difference between two states, the higher the frequency of radiation needed for absorption. The 400 kJ/mol transition requires a higher of radiation than a 20 kJ/mol transition. 13.13 Higher wavenumbers are proportional to higher frequencies and higher energies. a. IR light with a wavenumber of 3000 cm–1 is higher in energy than IR light with a wavenumber of 1500 cm–1. b. IR light having a of 10 m is higher in energy than IR light having a of 20 m. 13.14 Stronger bonds absorb at a higher wavenumber. Bonds to lighter atoms (H versus D) absorb at higher wavenumber. a. CH3 C C CH2CH3 or CH2 C(CH3)2 stronger bond higher wavenumber b. CH3 H or CH3 D lighter atom H higher wavenumber 13.15 Cyclopentane and 1-pentene are both composed of C–C and C–H bonds, but 1-pentene also has a C=C bond. This difference will give the IR of 1-pentene an additional peak at 1650 cm–1 (for the C=C). 1-Pentene will also show C–H absorptions for sp2 hybridized C–H bonds at 3150–3000 cm–1. 13.16 Look at the functional groups in each compound below to explain how each IR is different. O CH3 C A CH3 C=O peak at ~1700 cm–1 OH CH3OCH CH2 B C=C peak at 1650 cm–1 Csp2–H at 3150–3000 cm–1 C O–H peak at 3200–3600 cm–1 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 13. Mass Spectrometry and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Infrared Spectroscopy 341 Mass Spectrometry and Infrared Spectroscopy 13–5 13.17 a. Compound A has peaks at ~3150 (sp2 hybridized C–H), 3000–2850 (sp3 hybridized C–H), and 1650 (C=C) cm–1. b. Compound B has a peak at 3000–2850 (sp3 hybridized C–H) cm–1. 13.18 All compounds show an absorption at 3000–2850 cm–1 due to the sp3 hybridized C–H bonds. Additional peaks in the functional group region for each compound are shown. O e. a. no additional peaks b. OH Csp2–H at 3150–3000 cm–1 C=O at ~1700 cm–1 C=C at 1650 cm–1 O–H above 3000 cm–1 The OH of a COOH is much broader than the OH of an alcohol and occurs at 3500–2500 cm–1 (see Chapter 19). OH O–H bond at 3600–3200 cm–1 c. O Csp2–H at 3150–3000 cm–1 C=C bond at 1650 cm–1 d. f. CH3O HO N H O–H at 3600–3200 cm–1 N–H at 3500–3200 cm–1 Csp2–H at 3150–3000 cm–1 C=O at ~1700 cm–1 C=C at 1650 cm–1 aromatic ring at 1600, 1500 cm–1 O C=O bond at ~1700 cm–1 13.19 Possible structures are (a) CH3COOCH2CH3 and (c) CH3CH2COOCH3. Compounds (b) and (d) also have an OH group that would give a strong absorption at ~3600–3200 cm–1, which is absent in the IR spectrum of X, thus excluding them as possibilities. 13.20 a. Hydrocarbon with a molecular ion at m/z = 68 IR absorptions at 3310 cm–1 = Csp–H bond 3000–2850 cm–1 = Csp3–H bonds 2120 cm–1 = CC bond Molecular formula: C5H8 H C C CH2CH2CH3 or H C C CHCH3 CH3 b. Compound with C, H, and O with a molecular ion at m/z = 60 IR absorptions at 3600–3200 cm–1 = O–H bond 3000–2850 cm–1 = Csp3–H bonds Molecular formula: C3H8O CH3CH2CH2 O H or CH3CH O H CH3 342 Smith: Study Guide/ 13. Mass Spectrometry and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Infrared Spectroscopy accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 13–6 13.21 c. a. e. (CH3)3CCH(Br)CH(CH3)2 O molecular formula: C5H10O molecular ion (m/z): 86 molecular formula: C6H6 molecular ion (m/z): 78 Cl d. b. molecular formula: C10H16 molecular ion (m/z): 136 molecular formula: C8H17Br molecular ions (m/z): 192, 194 molecular formula: C5H11Cl molecular ions (m/z): 106, 108 13.22 O CH2CH2CH3 C9H12 molecular weight = 120 C OCH2CH3 CH2CH3 C9H10O molecular weight = 134 C8H10O molecular weight = 122 13.23 Examples are given for each molecular ion. a. molecular ion 102: C8H6, C6H14O, C5H10O2, C5H14N2 b. molecular ion 98: C8H2, C7H14, C6H10O, C5H6O2 c. molecular ion 119: C8H9N, C6H5N3 d. molecular ion 74: C6H2, C4H10O, C3H6O2 13.24 Likely molecular formula, C8H16 (one degree of unsaturation—one ring or one bond). Four structures with m/z = 112 13.25 CH3 CH3 CH CO2CH3 Cl B C4H7O2Cl molecular weight: 122, 124 should show 2 peaks for the molecular ion with a 3:1 ratio Mass spectrum [1] C OCH3 C8H10O molecular weight: 122 Mass spectrum [2] CH3CH2CH2Br A C3H7Br molecular weight: 122, 124 should show 2 peaks for the molecular ion with a 1:1 ratio Mass spectrum [3] Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 13. Mass Spectrometry and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Infrared Spectroscopy 343 Mass Spectrometry and Infrared Spectroscopy 13–7 13.26 H2 or or or or Pd-C Possible structures C7H12 (exact mass 96.0940) 13.27 [1] [2] a. OH OH OH (from cleavage of bond [1]) [1] O [2] (from cleavage of bond [2]) O O b. (from cleavage of bond [1]) (from cleavage of bond [2]) [1] [2] c. O O O (from cleavage of bond [1]) (from cleavage of bond [2]) 13.28 [1] a. – H2O C6H5 CH CH2 H H Cleave bond [1]. H H m/z = 104 H e– C6H5 C C OH m/z = 122 (resonance-stabilized carbocation) C6H5 C H m/z = 91 e– CH2 C Cleave bond [1]. [3] CH3 H H b. CH2 C C C H m/z = 68 – H2O [1] CH3 H H CH2 C C C OH [2] H H m/z = 86 H H C C OH H H m/z = 71 e– Cleave bond [2]. e– Cleave bond [3]. CH2 C CH3 m/z = 41 CH2 OH m/z = 31 344 Smith: Study Guide/ 13. Mass Spectrometry and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Infrared Spectroscopy accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 13–8 13.29 Cleave bond [1]. [1] [2] CH3 + CH3 CH3CH2 C CH2CH2CH2CH3 m/z = 127 CH2CH3 CH3CH2 C CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH3 CH2CH3 [3] Cleave bond [2]. m/z = 142 + CH2CH2CH2CH3 m/z = 85 CH3CH2 C CH2CH3 CH3 Cleave bond [3]. CH2CH3 + C CH2CH2CH2CH3 m/z = 113 CH2CH3 13.30 Ketone A Ketone B O O m/z = 128 m/z = 128 cleavage cleavage O CH2CH3 + O + CH3 + + m/z = 99 m/z = 113 This is ketone A since cleavage gives a fragment with m/z of 99. This is ketone B since cleavage gives a fragment with m/z of 113. 13.31 One possible structure is drawn for each set of data: a. A compound that contains a benzene ring and has a molecular ion at m/z = 107 c. A compound that contains a carbonyl group and gives a molecular ion at m/z = 114 O NH2 CH3 CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 C7H14O C7H9N b. A hydrocarbon that contains only sp3 hybridized carbons and a molecular ion at m/z = 84 C d. A compound that contains C, H, N, and O and has an exact mass for the molecular ion at 101.0841 O CH3 C6H12 C NHCH2CH2CH3 C5H11NO 13.32 Use the values given in Table 13.1 to calculate the exact mass of each compound. C8H11NO2 (exact mass 153.0790) is the correct molecular formula. 13.33 Molecules with an odd number of N's have an odd number of H's, making the molecular ion odd as well. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 345 © The McGraw−Hill 13. Mass Spectrometry and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Infrared Spectroscopy Mass Spectrometry and Infrared Spectroscopy 13–9 13.34 Two isomers such as CH2=CHCH2CH2CH2CH3 and (CH3)2C=CHCH2CH3 have the same molecular formulas and therefore give the same exact mass, so they are not distinguishable by their exact mass spectra. 13.35 Cleavage of a 1° alcohol (RCH2OH) forms an alkyl radical R• and a resonance-stabilized carbocation with m/z = 31. CH2OH CH2 OH m/z = 31 resonance-stabilized carbocation 13.36 An ether fragments by cleavage because the resulting carbocation is resonance stabilized. [1] (CH3)2CH [2] CH2 O CH2 CH3 Cleave bond [1]. Cleave bond [2]. (CH3)2CH CH2 O CH2 CH3 CH2 O CH2 CH3 resonance-stabilized carbocations (CH3)2CH CH3 CH2 O CH2 (CH3)2CH CH2 O 13.37 a. (CH3)2C O or (CH3)2CH OH stronger bond higher ~ absorption b. (CH3)2C NCH3 or (CH3)2CH NCH3 stronger bond higher ~ absorption c. H or H stronger bond higher ~ absorption 13.38 Locate the functional groups in each compound. Use Table 13.2 to determine what IR absorptions each would have. a. Csp3–H at 2850–3000 cm–1 d. O b. C CH Csp–H at 3300 cm–1 Csp3–H at 2850–3000 cm–1 C–C triple bond at 2250 cm–1 e. OH O OH O–H at 3200–3600 cm–1 Csp3–H at 2850–3000 cm–1 f. O–H at 3200–3600 cm–1 Csp2–H at 3000–3150 cm–1 Csp3–H at 2850–3000 cm–1 C=C at 1650 cm–1 O–H at > 3000 cm–1 Csp2–H at 3000–3150 cm–1 C=O at ~1700 cm–1 phenyl group at 1600, 1500 cm–1 The OH of the RCOOH is even broader than the OH of an alcohol (3500–2500 cm–1), as we will learn in Chapter 19. C c. Csp3–H at 2850–3000 cm–1 C=O at 1700 cm–1 OH CH2 346 Smith: Study Guide/ 13. Mass Spectrometry and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Infrared Spectroscopy accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 13–10 13.39 a. and C=C bond 1650 cm–1 Csp2–H at 3150–3000 cm–1 HC CCH2CH2CH3 CC bond 2250 cm–1 Csp–H at 3300 cm–1 O b. CH CH 3 2 OCH3 OCH3 d. O and CH3(CH2)5 no C=O bond C OCH3 C=O bond ~1700 cm–1 O C and OH CH3 C e. OCH3 O–H bond no O–H bond > 3000 cm–1 [See note on OH in Answer 13.38f.] and CH3C CCH3 CH3CH2C CH Csp–H bond 3300 cm–1 CC bond at ~2250 cm–1 no CC absorption due to symmetry O c. CH3CH2 C and CH3 f. CH3CH CHCH2OH HC CCH2N(CH2CH3)2 O–H bond 3200–3600 cm–1 Csp2–H at 3150–3000 cm–1 C=C bond at 1650 cm–1 C=O bond 1700 cm–1 and CH3(CH2)5C N Csp–H bond 3300 cm–1 13.40 The IR absorptions above 1500 cm–1 are different for each of the narcotics. CH3 HO C O CH3O O O O H H HO O N CH3 CH3 morphine C O H H O heroin • C=O bond at ~1700 cm–1 • no O–H bond • O–H bond at ~3200–3600 cm–1 • no C=O bond N CH3 H N OH O CH3 oxycodone • C=O bond at ~1700 cm–1 • O–H bond at ~3200–3600 cm–1 13.41 Look for a change in functional groups from starting material to product to see how IR could be used to determine when the reaction is complete. Loss of the C=C will be visible in the IR by disappearance of the peak at 1650 cm–1. H2 a. Pd OH O PCC b. [1] O3 c. CH3 O [2] CH3SCH3 d. OH [1] NaH [2] CH3Br Loss of the O–H group will be visible in the IR by disappearance of the peak at 3200–3600 cm–1 and appearance of the C=O at ~1700 cm–1. O C CH3 O Loss of the C=C will be visible in the IR by disappearance of the peak at 1650 cm–1 and appearance of the C=O at ~1700 cm–1. Loss of the O–H will be visible in the IR by disappearance of the peak at 3200–3600 cm–1. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 13. Mass Spectrometry and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Infrared Spectroscopy 347 Mass Spectrometry and Infrared Spectroscopy 13–11 13.42 In addition to Csp3–H at ~3000–2850 cm–1: Spectrum [1]: Spectrum [2]: CH2=C(CH3)CH2CH2CH2CH3 (B) C=C peak at 1650 cm–1 Csp2–H at ~3150 cm–1 (CH3CH2)3COH (F) OH at 3600–3200 cm–1 Spectrum [3]: Spectrum [4]: (CH3)2CHOCH(CH3)2 (D) No other peaks above 1500 cm–1 CH(CH3)2 (C) Csp2–H at ~3150 cm–1 Phenyl peaks at 1600 and 1500 cm–1 Spectrum [5]: Spectrum [6]: CH3CH2CH2CH2COOH (A) OH at ~3500–2500 cm–1 C=O at ~1700 cm–1 CH3COOC(CH3)3 (E) C=O at ~1700 cm–1 13.43 In addition to Csp3–H at ~3000–2850 cm–1: O CH3 C O CH3 ~1700 cm–1 CH3CH2 C H CH2OH C H ~1700 cm–1 H OH C CH3 O CH=CH2 H (OH) 3200–3600 cm–1 (OH) 3200–3600 cm–1 (C=C)1650 cm–1 (C=C)1650 cm–1 (Csp2–H) 3150–3000 cm–1 (Csp2–H) 3150–3000 cm–1 No enols (such as CH3CH=CHOH) are drawn since these compounds are not stable. 13.44 a. Compound with a molecular ion at m/z = 72 IR absorption at 1725 cm–1 = C=O bond Molecular formula: C4H8O O O O CH3 No additional peaks above 1500 cm–1 c. Compound with a molecular ion at m/z = 74 IR absorption at 3600–3200 cm–1 = O–H bond Molecular formula: C4H10O OH or b. Compound with a molecular ion at m/z = 55 The odd molecular ion means an odd number of N's present. Molecular formula: C3H5N IR absorption at 2250 cm–1 = CN bond CH3CH2C N OH OH OH or 348 Smith: Study Guide/ 13. Mass Spectrometry and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Infrared Spectroscopy accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 13–12 13.45 Chiral hydrocarbon with a molecular ion at m/z = 82 Molecular formula: C6H10 IR absorptions at 3300 cm–1 = Csp–H bond 3000–2850 cm–1 = Csp3–H bonds 2250 cm–1 = CC bond Two possible enantiomers: CH3 * HC CCHCH2CH3 C CH3 stereogenic center CH3CH2 CH3 or C CH C HC C H H CH2CH3 13.46 The chiral compound Y has a strong absorption at 2970–2840 cm–1 in its IR spectrum due to sp3 hybridized C–H bonds. The two peaks of equal intensity at 136 and 138 indicate the presence of a Br atom. The molecular formula is C4H9Br. Only one constitutional isomer of this molecular formula has a stereogenic center: Br Br and Y= two possible enantiomers 13.47 O H CH3 Zn(Hg) HCl m/z = 92; molecular formula C7H8 IR absorptions at: 3150–2950 cm–1 = Csp3–H and Csp2–H bonds 1605 cm–1 and 1496 cm–1 due to phenyl group Z 13.48 H O Br O H–Br H + Br H Br H CH3 CH3 HBr O C CH2 CH3 CH3 H C H O CH2 H Br Br H2O 13.49 O fragments: J C6H12O m/z = 100 IR absorption at 2962 cm–1 = Csp3–H bonds 1718 cm–1 = C=O bond O O cleavage product cleavage product m/z = 43 m/z = 85 The fragment at m/z = 57 could be due to (C4H9)+ or (C3H5O)+. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 13. Mass Spectrometry and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Infrared Spectroscopy 349 Mass Spectrometry and Infrared Spectroscopy 13–13 13.50 O C NH2 CHO L C7H6O m/z = 106 K C7H9N m/z = 107 IR absorptions at 3373 and 3290 cm–1 = N–H 3062 cm–1 = Csp2–H bonds 2920 cm–1 = Csp3–H bonds 1600 cm–1 = benzene ring m/z = 105 m/z = 77 IR absorption at 3068 cm–1 = Csp2–H bonds on ring 2850 cm–1 = Csp3–H bond 2820 cm–1 and 2736 cm–1 = C–H of RCHO (Appendix E) 1703 cm–1 = C=O bond 1600 cm–1 = aromatic ring The odd molecular ion indicates the presence of a N atom. 13.51 Possible structures of P: Cl Cl2 CH3O CH3O Cl or Cl or CH3O CH3O FeCl3 C7H7ClO m/z = 142, 144 IR absorption at 3096–2837 cm–1 = Csp3–H bonds and Csp2–H bonds 1582 cm–1 and 1494 cm–1 = benzene ring The peak at M + 2 shows the presence of Cl or Br. Since Cl2 is a reactant, the compound presumably contains Cl. 13.52 The mass spectrum has a molecular ion at 71. The odd mass suggests the presence of an odd number of N atoms; likely formula, C4H9N. The IR absorption at ~3300 cm–1 is due to N–H and the 3000–2850 cm–1 is due to sp3 hybridized C–H bonds. H N Br H Br N N H H + Na+ Br– + H2 W + Na+ + H2 Na+ H 13.53 The ,-unsaturated carbonyl compound has three resonance structures, two of which place a single bond between the C and O atoms. This means that the C–O bond has partial single bond character, making it weaker than a regular C=O bond, and moving the absorption to lower wavenumber. O + O + three resonance structures for 2-cyclohexenone O 350 Smith: Study Guide/ 13. Mass Spectrometry and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Infrared Spectroscopy accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 13–14 13.54 PCC a. and b. H PCC NaOCOCH3 O O O Cr OH OH H A molecular ion at 154 C10H18O IR at 1730 cm–1 (C=O) O + H B PCC + O Cr OH O H OH OH O + B + OH H + +H B B a. and c. + O H O HO isopulegone + + H B + Cr4+ B citronellol O isopulegone + Cr4+ + H B+ O + H2O O O H OH B OH B Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 14. Nuclear Magnetic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance Spectroscopy 351 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 14–1 C Chhaapptteerr 1144:: N Nuucclleeaarr M Maaggnneettiicc R Reessoonnaannccee SSppeeccttrroossccooppyy 11 1H HN NM MR R ssppeeccttrroossccooppyy [1] The number of signals equals the number of different types of protons (14.2). CH3 O CH3 Ha CH3CH2 CH3 O CH2CH3 Cl Ha Ha Hb Ha all equivalent H's 1 NMR signal 2 types of H's 2 NMR signals Hb Hc 3 types of H's 3 NMR signals [2] The position of a signal (its chemical shift) is determined by shielding and deshielding effects. • Shielding shifts an absorption upfield; deshielding shifts an absorption downfield. • Electronegative atoms withdraw electron density, deshield a nucleus, and shift an absorption downfield (14.3). C H • This proton is shielded. Its absorption is upfield, 0.9–2 ppm. C H X This proton is deshielded. Its absorption is farther downfield, 2.5–4 ppm. Loosely held electrons can either shield or deshield a nucleus. Protons on benzene rings and double bonds are deshielded and absorb downfield, whereas protons on triple bonds are shielded and absorb upfield (14.4). H C C H H deshielded H downfield absorption shielded H upfield absorption [3] The area under an NMR signal is proportional to the number of absorbing protons (14.5). [4] Spin-spin splitting tells about nearby nonequivalent protons (14.6–14.8). • Equivalent protons do not split each other’s signals. • A set of n nonequivalent protons on the same carbon or adjacent carbons split an NMR signal into n + 1 peaks. • OH and NH protons do not cause splitting (14.9). • When an absorbing proton has two sets of nearby nonequivalent protons that are equivalent to each other, use the n + 1 rule to determine splitting. • When an absorbing proton has two sets of nearby nonequivalent protons that are not equivalent to each other, the number of peaks in the NMR signal = (n + 1)(m + 1). In flexible alkyl chains, peak overlap often occurs, resulting in n + m + 1 peaks in an NMR signal. 1133 CN NM MR R ssppeeccttrroossccooppyy ((1144..1111)) 13C [1] The number of signals equals the number of different types of carbon atoms. All signals are single lines. [2] The relative position of 13C signals is determined by shielding and deshielding effects. • Carbons that are sp3 hybridized are shielded and absorb upfield. • Electronegative elements (N, O, and X) shift absorptions downfield. • The carbons of alkenes and benzene rings absorb downfield. • Carbonyl carbons are highly deshielded, and absorb farther downfield than other carbon types. 352 Smith: Study Guide/ 14. Nuclear Magnetic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance Spectroscopy accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 14–2 C Chhaapptteerr 1144:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 14.1 Use the formula = [observed chemical shift (Hz)/ of the NMR (MHz)] to calculate the chemical shifts. a. CH3 protons: = [1715 Hz] / [500 MHz] = 3.43 ppm 14.2 Calculate the chemical shifts as in Answer 14.1. a. one signal: = [1017 Hz] / [300 MHz] = 3.39 ppm 14.3 b. The positive direction of the scale is downfield from TMS. The CH3 protons absorb upfield from the OH proton. OH proton: = [1830 Hz] / [500 MHz] = 3.66 ppm second signal: = [1065 Hz] / [300 MHz] = 3.55 ppm b. one signal: 3.39 = [x Hz] / [500 MHz] x = 1695 Hz second signal: 3.55 = [x Hz] / [500 MHz] x = 1775 Hz To determine if two H’s are equivalent replace each by an atom X. If this yields the same compound or mirror images, the two H’s are equivalent. Each kind of H will give one NMR signal. 2 kinds of H's 2 NMR signals e. CH3CH2CO2CH2CH3 4 kinds of H's 4 NMR signals g. CH3CH2OCH2CH3 2 kinds of H's 2 NMR signals d. (CH3)2CHCH(CH3)2 2 kinds of H's 2 NMR signals f. CH3OCH2CH(CH3)2 4 kinds of H's 4 NMR signals h. CH3CH2CH2OH 4 kinds of H's 4 NMR signals c. CH3CH2CH2CH3 a. CH3CH3 1 kind of H 1 NMR signal b. CH3CH2CH3 2 kinds of H's 2 NMR signals 14.4 Each C is a different distance from the Cl. This makes each C different, and each set of H's different. There are 8 different kinds of protons. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2Cl 14.5 Draw in all of the H’s and compare them. If two H’s are cis and trans to the same group, they are equivalent. H H CH3 Ha a. 4 identical H's Hb H CH3 H 2 NMR signals 14.6 Ha CH3 b. Hc H CH3 Ha Ha H Ha H c. Hb H H H Hd 4 NMR signals Hb Hb H CH3 H Hc Hb CH3 Hc 3 NMR signals If replacement of H with X yields enantiomers, the protons are enantiotopic. If replacement of H with X yields diastereomers, the protons are diastereotopic. In general, if the compound has one stereogenic center, the protons in a CH2 group are diastereotopic. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 353 © The McGraw−Hill 14. Nuclear Magnetic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance Spectroscopy Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 14–3 CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 a. c. replacement of H with X CH3 C CH3CH2CH2CH2 Pick one configuration at the existing stereogenic center. CH3 C H X CH3CH2CH2CH2 CH3 X H H C HO enantiomers = enantiotopic H's b. CH3CH(OH)CH2CH2CH3 X replacement of H with X CH3 C C CH2CH3 H X HO H C CH2CH3 H diastereomers = diastereotopic H's CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 replacement of H with X no stereogenic center CH3CH2CHCH2CH3 neither enantiotopic nor diastereotopic X 14.7 The two protons of a CH2 group are different from each other if the compound has one stereogenic center. Replace one proton with X and compare the products. a. The stereogenic center makes the H's in the CH2 group diastereotopic and therefore different from each other. stereogenic center Cl H Hb Hd CH3 C C CH3 Hc H H He Ha c. b. Hc H H Hd Cl C C O CH3 He Hb Hc stereogenic center H H H Hd Ha CH3 C C C CH3 stereogenic center Ha H CH3 Hb Hf Hg 5 NMR signals 7 NMR signals 5 NMR signals 14.8 He Br H H Decreased electron density deshields a nucleus and the absorption goes downfield. Absorption also shifts downfield with increasing alkyl substitution. a. FCH2CH2CH2Cl F is more electronegative than Cl. The CH2 group adjacent to the F is more deshielded and the H's will absorb farther downfield. b. CH3CH2CH2CH2OCH3 The CH2 group adjacent to the O will absorb farther downfield because it is closer to the electronegative O atom. c. CH3OC(CH3)3 The CH3 group bonded to the O atom will absorb farther downfield. 14.9 O a. ClCH2CH2CH2Br Ha Hb Hc 3 types of protons: Hb < Hc < Ha b. CH3OCH2OC(CH3)3 Ha Hb Hc 3 types of protons: Hc < Ha < Hb c. CH3 C CH2CH3 Ha Hb Hc 3 types of protons: Hc < Ha < Hb 354 Smith: Study Guide/ 14. Nuclear Magnetic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance Spectroscopy accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 14–4 14.10 O a. CH3 C C H CH3CH CH2 CH3CH2CH3 Hc Hb Ha Hc protons are shielded because they are bonded to an sp3 C. Ha is shielded because it is bonded to an sp C. Hb protons are deshielded because they are bonded to an sp2 C. Hc < Ha < Hb b. CH3 C Ha OCH2CH3 Hb Hc Hc protons are shielded because they are bonded to an sp3 C. Ha protons are deshielded slightly because the CH3 group is bonded to a C=O. Hb protons are deshielded because the CH2 group is bonded to an O atom. Hc < Ha < Hb 14.11 An integration ratio of 2:3 means that there are two types of hydrogens in the compound, and that the ratio of one type to another type is 2:3. a. CH3CH2Cl 2 types of H's 3:2 - YES b. CH3CH2CH3 2 types of H's 6:2 or 3:1 - no c. CH3CH2OCH2CH3 2 types of H's 6:4 or 3:2 - YES d. CH3OCH2CH2OCH3 2 types of H's 6:4 or 3:2 - YES 14.12 To determine how many protons give rise to each signal: • Divide the total number of integration units by the total number of protons to find the number of units per H. • Divide each integration value by this value and round to the nearest whole number. C8H14O2 total number of integration units = 14 + 12 + 44 = 70 units total number of protons = 14 H's 70 units/14 H's = 5 units per H Signal [A] = 14/5 = 3 H Signal [B] = 12/5 = 2 H Signal [C] = 44/5 = 9 H 14.13 downfield absorption closer to O downfield absorption closer to O CH3O2CCH2CH2CO2CH3 CH3CO2CH2CH2O2CCH3 A ratio of absorbing signals 2:3 Signal [1] = 4 H = 2.64 Signal [2] = 6 H = 3.69 6 H's with downfield absorption B ratio of absorbing signals 3:2 Signal [1] = 6 H = 2.09 Signal [2] = 4 H = 4.27 4 H's with downfield absorption 14.14 To determine the splitting pattern for a molecule: • Determine the number of different kinds of protons. • Nonequivalent protons on the same C or adjacent C’s split each other. • Apply the n + 1 rule. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 14. Nuclear Magnetic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance Spectroscopy 355 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 14–5 a. O O C C CH3CH2 c. Cl Ha Hb Ha: 3 peaks - triplet Hb: 4 peaks - quartet Ha CH2CH2Br e. d. CH3 C Br H Ha H Hb Cl Br Ha Ha: 2 peaks - doublet Hb: 4 peaks - quartet Ha Ha: 2 peaks - doublet Hb: 2 peaks - doublet f. C C Br H C C CH3 Hb Hc Ha: 1 peak - singlet Hb: 3 peaks - triplet Hc: 3 peaks - triplet Hb H b. CH3 CH3CH2 ClCH2CH(OCH3)2 Hb H Ha Hb Ha: 2 peaks - doublet Hb: 3 peaks - triplet Ha: 2 peaks - doublet Hb: 2 peaks - doublet 14.15 Identical protons do not split each other. Ha Ha H Cl H Cl Cl C C Cl Br C C Cl Cl H Br H Ha Ha: 1 singlet All protons are equivalent. Hb Ha: 2 peaks - doublet Hb: 2 peaks - doublet 14.16 Use the directions from Answer 14.14. Ha Ha Ha O a. O Hb Hb c. CH3 C H Ha: quartet Hb: triplet 2 NMR signals Hb Ha: doublet Hb: quartet 2 NMR signals O b. CH3 C OCH2CH2OCH3 Ha and Hd are both singlets. Ha Hb Hc Hd Hb: triplet Hc: triplet 4 NMR signals Ha: triplet Hb: doublet Hc Hc: singlet 3 NMR signals d. Cl2CHCH2CO2CH3 Ha Hb 14.17 CH3CH2Cl 3 units 2 units 3 chemical shift (ppm) 1 There are two kinds of protons, and they can split each other. The CH3 signal will be split by the CH2 protons into 2 + 1 = 3 peaks. It will be upfield from the CH2 protons since it is farther from the Cl. The CH2 signal will be split by the CH3 protons into 3 + 1 = 4 peaks. It will be downfield from the CH3 protons since the CH2 protons are closer to the Cl. The ratio of integration units will be 3:2. 356 Smith: Study Guide/ 14. Nuclear Magnetic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance Spectroscopy accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 14–6 14.18 Cl a. (CH3)2CHCO2CH3 b. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 c. CH2Br Ha C C d. H Hb Ha H Ha Hb Hc Ha: split by 2 H's Ha: split by 1 H 3 peaks 2 peaks Hc: split by 4 equivalent H's Hb: split by 2 sets of H's 5 peaks (1 + 1)(2 + 1) = 6 peaks Hb: split by 2 sets of H's (3 + 1)(2 + 1) = 12 peaks (maximum) Since this is a flexible alkyl chain, the signal due to Hb will have peak overlap, and 3 + 2 + 1 = 6 peaks will likely be visible. split by 6 equivalent H's 6 + 1 = 7 peaks H H Hb (all H's) Br H Hc Ha: split by 2 different H's (1+1)(1+1) = 4 peaks Hb: split by 2 different H's (1+1)(1+1) = 4 peaks Hc: split by 2 different H's (1+1)(1+1) = 4 peaks C C 14.19 CH3CH2 O b. a. CH3OCH2CH3 Ha CH3CH2 H b Hc Ha: singlet at ~3 ppm Hb: quartet at ~3.5 ppm Hc: triplet at ~1 ppm C c. CH3OCH2CH2CH2OCH3 OCH(CH3)2 H a Hb Hc Hd Ha: triplet at ~1 ppm Hb: quartet at ~2 ppm Hc: septet at ~3.5 ppm Hd: doublet at ~1 ppm Ha d. Hb Hc Hb Ha Ha CH2CH3 Ha C C H Ha: singlet at ~3 ppm Hb: triplet at ~3.5 ppm Hc: quintet at ~1.5 ppm Hb H Hc Ha: triplet at ~1 ppm Hb: multiplet (8 peaks) at ~2.5 ppm Hc: triplet at ~5 ppm 14.20 Hb Splitting diagram for Hb Hb Cl Jab = 13.1 Hz Cl Ha Hc Hc 1 trans Ha proton splits Hb into 1 + 1 = 2 peaks a doublet 2 Hc protons 2 Hc protons split Hb into 2 + 1 = 3 peaks Now it's a doublet of triplets. trans-1,3-dichloropropene Jbc = 7.2 Hz 14.21 Cl H Hb ClCH2 C3H4Cl2 Cl CH3 Ha A Ha: 1.75 ppm, doublet, 3 H, J = 6.9 Hz Hb: 5.89 ppm, quartet, 1 H, J = 6.9 Hz singlet Cl H doublet H doublet B signal at 4.16 ppm, singlet, 2 H signal at 5.42 ppm, doublet, 1 H, J = 1.9 Hz signal at 5.59 ppm, doublet, 1 H, J = 1.9 Hz Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 14. Nuclear Magnetic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance Spectroscopy 357 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 14–7 14.22 Remember that OH (or NH) protons do not split other signals, and are not split by adjacent protons. triplet singlet doublet triplet b. CH3CH2CH2OH a. (CH3)3CCH2OH singlet c. (CH3)2CHNH2 singlet singlet singlet 3 NMR signals 7 peaks 3 NMR signals 12 peaks (maximum) 6 peaks (more likely, resulting from peak overlap) 4 NMR signals 14.23 H Hc C CH3 Hd 5 H's on benzene ring OH Hb A Ha Ha: doublet at ~1.4 due to the CH3 group, split into two peaks by one adjacent nonequivalent H (Hc). Hb: singlet at ~2.7 due to the OH group. OH protons are not split by nor do they split adjacent protons. Hc: quartet at ~4.7 due to the CH group, split into four peaks by the adjacent CH3 group. Hd: Five protons on the benzene ring. 14.24 Use these steps to propose a structure consistent with the molecular formula, IR, and NMR data. • Calculate the degrees of unsaturation. • Use the IR data to determine what types of functional groups are present. • Determine the number of different types of protons. • Calculate the number of H’s giving rise to each signal. • Analyze the splitting pattern and put the molecule together. • Use the chemical shift information to check the structure. • Molecular formula C7H14O2 2n + 2 = 2(7) + 2 = 16 16 – 14 = 2/2 = 1 degree of unsaturation 1 bond or 1 ring • IR peak at 1740 cm–1 C=O absorption is around 1700 cm–1 (causes the degree of unsaturation). No signal at 3200–3600 cm–1 means there is no O–H bond. • NMR data: absorption ppm integration singlet 1.2 26 26 units/3 units per H = 9 H's 1.3 10 triplet 10 units/3 units per H = 3 H's (probably a CH3 group) 4.1 6 quartet 6 units/3 units per H = 2 H's (probably a CH2 group) • 3 kinds of H's • number of H's per signal total integration units: 26 + 10 + 6 = 42 units 42 units / 14 H's = 3 units per H • look at the splitting pattern The singlet (9 H) is likely from a tert-butyl group: The CH3 and CH2 groups split each other: CH3 CH3 C CH3 CH3 CH2 358 Smith: Study Guide/ 14. Nuclear Magnetic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance Spectroscopy accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 14–8 • Join the pieces together. O C CH3CH2O O CH3 C CH3 or CH3CH2 C CH3 O C CH3 CH3 CH3 Pick this structure due to the chemical shift data. The CH2 group is shifted downfield (4 ppm), so it is close to the electron-withdrawing O. 14.25 • Molecular formula: C3H8O • • IR peak at 3200–3600 cm–1 NMR data: • doublet at ~1.2 (6 H) • singlet at ~2.2 (1 H) • septet at ~4 (1 H) • Calculate degrees of unsaturation 2n + 2 = 2(3) + 2 = 8 8 – 8 = 0 degrees of unsaturation Peak at 3200–3600 cm–1 is due to an O–H bond. 3 types of H's septet from 1 H singlet from 1 H doublet from 6 H's from the O–H proton split by 6 H's split by 1 H Put information together: CH3 HO C CH3 H 14.26 a. Absorption [A]: Absorption [B]: Absorption [C]: Absorption [D]: singlet at ~3.8 ppm multiplet at ~3.6 ppm triplet at ~2.9 ppm singlet at ~1.9 ppm b. H N H CH3 N CH3O split by 2 adjacent nonequivalent H's into a triplet O H H HH CH3O– CH2N CH2 adjacent to five-membered ring CH3C=O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 359 © The McGraw−Hill 14. Nuclear Magnetic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance Spectroscopy Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 14–9 14.27 Identify each compound from the 1H NMR data. singlet at 2.5 a. CH2 CHCOCH3 O HCl H H CH3 b. triplet at 3.6 Cl (CH3)2C O base O OH H2O H H singlet A B singlet at 2.2 triplet at 3.05 singlet at 1.3 singlet at 3.8 14.28 Each different kind of carbon atom will give a different 13C NMR signal. O b. a. CH3CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2 Ca Cb Cb Ca C c. CH3CH2CH2 O CH2CH2CH3 OCH3 Ca Cb Cc Cc Cb Ca same groups on both sides of O 3 kinds of C's 3 13C NMR signals Each C is different. 4 kinds of C's 4 13C NMR signals 2 kinds of C's 2 13C NMR signals CH3CH2 d. H C C H H Each C is different. 4 kinds of C's 4 13C NMR signals 14.29 Hb Ha Ha Hb Ha Hd a. Ha H H H Hc H H H Hb Ha H C C C H H C C C H H Cl Cl Cl H Cl Hc Hb 4 1H NMR signals b. 2 1H NMR signals Ha H Cl H H C C C H H C C C H H H Cl H Cl H Hb 3 1H NMR signals all H's identical 1 1H NMR signal Hc H H H H H H H H Cl H Cl H H C C C H H C C C H H C C C H H C C C H H Cl Cl Ca Cl H Cl Ca Cb Each C is different. 3 kinds of C's 3 13C NMR signals c. H H Cl Hc 2 kinds of C's 2 13C NMR signals H H Cl Each C is different. 3 kinds of C's 3 13C NMR signals Ca H Cl H Ca Cb 2 kinds of C's 2 13C NMR signals Although the number of 13C signals cannot be used to distinguish these isomers, each isomer exhibits a different number of signals in its 1H NMR spectrum. As a result, the isomers are distinguishable by 1H NMR spectroscopy. 14.30 Electronegative elements shift absorptions downfield. The carbons of alkenes and benzene rings, and carbonyl carbons are also shifted downfield. O a. CH3CH2OCH2CH3 The CH2 group is closer to the electronegative O and will be farther downfield. b. BrCH2CHBr2 The C of the CHBr2 group has two bonds to electronegative Br atoms and will be farther downfield. c. H C OCH3 The carbonyl carbon is highly deshielded and will be farther downfield. d. CH3CH CH2 The CH2 group is part of a double bond and will be farther downfield. 360 Smith: Study Guide/ 14. Nuclear Magnetic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance Spectroscopy accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 14–10 14.31 a. In order of lowest to highest chemical shift: Ca C b C c Cd CH3CHCH2CH3 OH C d < C a < C c < Cb b. In order of lowest to highest chemical shift: (CH3CH2)2C=O Ca Cb Cc Ca < Cb < Cc 14.32 • molecular formula C4H8O2 2n + 2 = 2(4) + 2 = 10 10 – 8 = 2/2 = 1 degree of unsaturation O • no IR peaks at 3200–3600 or 1700 cm–1 no O–H or C=O O • 1H NMR spectrum at 3.69 ppm only one kind of proton • 13C NMR spectrum at 67 ppm only one kind of carbon This structure satisifies all the data. One ring is one degree of unsaturation. All carbons and protons are identical. 14.33 O OH • molecular formula C4H8O 2n + 2 = 2(4) + 2 = 10 10 – 8 = 2/2 = 1 degree of unsaturation • 13C NMR signal at > 160 ppm due to C=O • molecular formula C4H8O 2n + 2 = 2(4) + 2 = 10 10 – 8 = 2/2 = 1 degree of unsaturation • all 13C NMR signals at < 160 ppm NO C=O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 14. Nuclear Magnetic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance Spectroscopy 361 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 14–11 14.34 Use the directions from Answer 14.3. a. e. (CH3)3CH O 2 kinds of H's b. h. f. CH3CH2 H Hb Br Hc H H g. Hd CH3 C C CH3 Ha HO H Hf He Hc 6 kinds of H's CH3CH2CH2OCH2CH2CH3 3 kinds of H's C C H i. 3 kinds of H's CH2CH3 H Hc H H C C c. CH3CH2OCH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 7 kinds of H's Hb CH3 4 kinds of H's (CH3)3CC(CH3)3 Ha CH3 Hd CH2CH3 C C Hb 5 kinds of H's 1 kind of H d. CH3 Ha Hd j. 4 kinds of H's Ha H Hb H Hc CH3 O H Hd 4 kinds of H's 14.35 CH3 H H Hb CH3 H a. H Hc Ha H Ha Hb b. Hd Hf Hd H H H H H H Hb CH2CH3 Hg Hf H H H Hd Hd H Ha H H H Hb H H H H c Ha CH3 Hd H Ha CH3 d. Hc H CH3 c. H Hb 3 kinds of protons He Hc 4 kinds of protons Hb Hc H Hb 4 kinds of protons Hd CH3 Ha Hc 7 kinds of protons 14.36 equivalent O O a. CH3 O b. CH3 CHO c. d. N N OH H N N CH3 caffeine 4 NMR signals OCH3 OH vanillin 6 NMR signals thymol 7 NMR signals CH3O N H HO capsaicin 15 NMR signals equivalent 362 Smith: Study Guide/ 14. Nuclear Magnetic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance Spectroscopy accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 14–12 14.37 a. 2.5 = x Hz/300 MHz x = 750 Hz b. ppm = 1200 Hz/300 MHz = 4 ppm c. 2.0 = x Hz/300 MHz x = 600 Hz (in ppm) = [observed chemical shift (Hz)] / of the NMR (MHz)] 14.38 2.16 = x Hz/500 MHz x = 1080 Hz (chemical shift of acetone in Hz) 1080 Hz + 1570 Hz = 2650 Hz 2650 Hz/500 MHz = 5.3 ppm, chemical shift of the CH2Cl2 signal 14.39 Use the directions from Answer 14.8. a. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 or c. CH3CH2CH2OCH3 CH3OCH2CH3 or Increasing alkyl substitution farther downfield Adjacent O deshields the H's. farther downfield b. CH3CH2CH2I or CH3CH2CH2F d. CH3CH2CHBr2 or CH3CH2CH2Br Two electronegative Br's deshield the H. farther downfield More electronegative F deshields the H's. farther downfield 14.40 Use the directions from Answer 14.12. [total number of integration units] / [total number of protons] [13 + 33 + 73] / 10 = ~12 units per proton Signal of 13 units is from 1 H. Signal of 33 units is from 3 H's. Signal of 73 units is from 6 H's. 14.41 Hb Hb Hb Ha CH3 a. CH3CO2C(CH3)3 and CH3CO2CH3 c. Ha Hb Ha Hb CH3 CH3 Ha Ha Ha : Hb = 1:3 Ha : Hb = 1:1 different ratio of peak areas Hb in CH3CO2CH3 is farther downfield than all H's in CH3CO2C(CH3)3. and Hb CH3 Ha Hb Hb Hb CH3 Ha : Hb = 3:1 Ha : Hb = 3:2 different ratio of peak areas b. CH3OCH2CH2OCH3 and CH3OCH2OCH3 Ha Hb Hb Ha Ha Hb Ha Ha : Hb = 3:2 Ha : Hb = 3:1 different ratio of peak areas 14.42 The following compounds give one singlet in a 1H NMR spectrum: CH3 CH3CH3 CH3 C C CH3 Cl Cl Br Br CH3 O C C CH3 CH3 (CH3)3C C C(CH3)3 Ha Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 14. Nuclear Magnetic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance Spectroscopy 363 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 14–13 14.43 CH3 Ha CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH3CHCH2CH2CH3 Ha Hb Hc Hc Hb Ha Ha Hb Hc Hd He 3 signals: Ha: split by 2 Hb protons - triplet Hc: split by 2 Hb protons - triplet Hb: split by 3 Ha + 2 Hc protons - 12 peaks (maximum) Since Hb is located in a flexible alkyl chain, peak overlap occurs, so that only 3 + 2 + 1 = 6 peaks will likely be observed. Hc 5 signals: Ha: split by 1 Hb proton - doublet Hb: split by 6 Ha + 2 Hc protons - 21 peaks (maximum) Hc: split by 1 Hb + 2 Hd protons - 6 peaks (maximum) Hd: split by 2 Hc + 3 He protons - 12 peaks (maximum) He: split by 2 Hd protons - triplet Since Hb, Hc, and Hd are located in a flexible alkyl chain, it is likely that peak overlap occurs, so that the following is observed: Hb (6 + 2 + 1 = 9 peaks), Hc (1 + 2 + 1 = 4 peaks), and Hd (2 + 3 + 1 = 6 peaks). Ha Ha CH3 Hc CH3CH2CHCH2CH3 CH3 Ha Hb Hb Ha Hd 4 signals: CH3 CH3 Ha: split by 2 Hb protons - triplet CH CH CHCH3 3 Hb: split by 3 Ha + 1 Hc protons - 8 peaks (maximum) Hc: split by 4 Hb + 3 Hd protons - 20 peaks (maximum) Ha Hb Hb Ha Hd: split by 1 Hc proton - doublet Since Hb and Hc are located in a flexible alkyl chain, it 2 signals: is likely that peak overlap occurs, so that the following Ha: split by 1 Hb proton - doublet is observed: Hb (3 + 1 + 1 = 5 peaks) and Hc (4 + 3 + H b: split by 6 Ha protons - septet 1 = 8 peaks). CH3CH2 C CH3 Ha Hb CH3 Hc Hc 3 signals: Ha: split by 2 Hb protons - triplet Hb: split by 3 Ha protons - quartet Hc: no splitting - singlet 14.44 O a. CH3CH(OCH3)2 e. (CH3)2CH CH3 protons split by 1 H = doublet CH proton split by 3 H's = quartet O b. CH3OCH2CH2 C OCH3 both CH2 groups split each other = triplets c. CH2CH3 CH3 protons split by 2 H's = triplet CH2 protons split by 3 H's = quartet d. CH3OCH2CHCl2 CH2 protons split by 1 H = doublet CH proton split by 2 H's = triplet H a Hb C O OCH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2 Hc H d Ha protons split by 1 H = doublet Hb proton split by 6 H's = septet Hc protons split by 3 H's = quartet Hd protons split by 2 H's = triplet f. h. HOCH2CH2CH2OH g. CH3CH2CH2CH2OH Ha Hb Hc Hd OH Ha H b H c Ha protons split by 2 H's = triplet Hc protons split by 2 H's = triplet Hb protons split by CH3 + CH2 protons = 12 peaks (maximum) Since Hb is located in a flexible alkyl chain, it is likely that peak overlap occurs, so that only 3 + 2 + 1 = 6 peaks will be observed. Ha Hb Ha protons split by 2 CH2 groups = quintet Hb protons split by 2 H's = triplet C O i. CH3CH2 Ha C H Hb Ha: split by CH3 group + Hb = 8 peaks (maximum) Hb: split by 2 H's = triplet Ha protons split by 2 H's = triplet Hb protons split by CH3 + CH2 protons = 12 peaks (maximum) Hc protons split by 2 different CH2 groups = 9 peaks (maximum) Hd protons split by 2 H's = triplet Since Hb and Hc are located in a flexible alkyl chain, it is likely that peak overlap occurs, so that the following is observed: Hb (3 + 2 + 1 = 6 peaks), Hc (2 + 2 + 1 = 5 peaks). 364 Smith: Study Guide/ 14. Nuclear Magnetic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance Spectroscopy accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 14–14 H CH3 j. k. C C CH3CH2 H l. C C Br Hb Ha H CH3 Ha Hb H Hc Ha: split by 1 H = doublet Hb: split by 1 H = doublet Ha: split by 1 H = doublet Hb: split by 1 H = doublet CH3 H Ha C C H H Hb Ha: split by Hb + Hc doublet of doublets (4 peaks) Hb: split by Ha + Hc doublet of doublets (4 peaks) Hc: split by CH3, Ha + Hb - 16 peaks 14.45 Ha H Hb H Br H Br C C Ha C C CO2CH3 Hb H Ha: split by 1 H = doublet Hb: split by 1 H = doublet Ha and Hb are geminal. CO2CH3 Ha: split by 1 H = doublet Hb: split by 1 H = doublet Ha and Hb are trans. Both compounds exhibit two doublets for the H's on the C=C, but the coupling constants (Jgeminal and Jtrans) are different. Jgeminal is much smaller than Jtrans (0–3 Hz versus 11–18 Hz). 14.46 Hb Ha C C Hc CN Jab = 11.8 Hz Jbc = 0.9 Hz Jac = 18 Hz Ha: doublet of doublets at 5.7 ppm. Two large J values are seen for the H’s cis (Jab = 11.8 Hz) and trans (Jac = 18 Hz) to Ha. Hb: doublet of doublets at ~6.2 ppm. One large J value is seen for the cis H (Jab = 11.8 Hz). The geminal coupling (Jbc = 0.9 Hz) is hard to see. Hc: doublet of doublets at ~6.6 ppm. One large J value is seen for the trans H (Jac = 18 Hz). The geminal coupling (Jbc = 0.9 Hz) is hard to see. Ha Splitting diagram for Ha 1 trans Hc proton splits Ha into 1 + 1 = 2 peaks a doublet Jac = the coupling constant between Ha and Hc 1 cis Hb proton splits Ha into 1 + 1 = 2 peaks Now it's a doublet of doublets. Jab = the coupling constant between Ha and Hb 14.47 Four constitutional isomers of C4H9Br: Br Br Br Br 4 different C's 4 different C's 2 different C's 3 different C's Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 14. Nuclear Magnetic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance Spectroscopy 365 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 14–15 14.48 Only two compounds in Problem 14.42 give one signal in their 13C NMR spectrum: CH3CH3 14.49 O R C O OR' C R OR' The O atom of an ester donates electron density so the carbonyl carbon has less +, making it less deshielded than the carbonyl carbon of an aldyhyde or ketone. Therefore, the carbonyl carbon of an aldehyde or ketone is more deshielded and absorbs farther downfield. 14.50 d. a. HC(CH3)3 2 signals CH2 g. O 5 signals 7 signals e. CH3CH2 b. CH2CH3 h. O C C 5 signals H 4 signals H 3 signals c. CH3OCH(CH3)2 f. i. OH 3 signals 7 signals 3 signals 14.51 O a. CH3CH2 Ca Cb O OH C OH Cc Ca < Cb < Cc b. CH3CH2CHCH2CH3 c. C Ca Ca Cb Cc Ca < Cb < Cc d. CH2 CHCH2CH2CH2Br CH2CH3 Ca Cb Cc Cc < Cb < Ca Cb Cc Cb < Cc < Ca 14.52 19 ppm 62 ppm a. CH3CH2CH2CH2OH 14 ppm 35 ppm 16 ppm 205 ppm b. (CH3)2CHCHO 41 ppm 143 ppm 23 ppm c. CH2=CHCH(OH)CH3 113 ppm 69 ppm 366 Smith: Study Guide/ 14. Nuclear Magnetic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance Spectroscopy accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 14–16 14.53 Ca Cb Ca Cb O Ca Cd a. CH3O2C H H H b. Cc C C Cc CO2CH3 H CH3O2C Cb Ca Ca Cb CO2CH3 Cb Ca 3 signals 3 different C's 3 signals H Cc C C Cc Cd CO2CH3 C C H O Cc CO2CH3 Cb Ca 4 signals O Ce O C b Cc Ca 5 signals 14.54 Use the directions from Answer 14.24. a. C4H8Br2: 0 degrees of unsaturation IR peak at 3000–2850 cm–1: Csp3–H bonds NMR: singlet at 1.87 ppm (6 H) (2 CH3 groups) singlet at 3.86 ppm (2 H) (CH2 group) CH3 CH3 C CH2Br Br b. C3H6Br2: 0 degrees of unsaturation IR peak at 3000–2850 cm–1: Csp3–H bonds NMR: quintet at 2.4 ppm (split by 2 CH2 groups) triplet at 3.5 ppm (split by 2 H's) Br Br c. C5H10O2: 1 degree of unsaturation IR peak at 1740 cm–1: C=O NMR: triplet at 1.15 ppm (3 H) (CH3 split by 2 H's) triplet at 1.25 ppm (3 H) (CH3 split by 2 H's) quartet at 2.30 ppm (2 H) (CH2 split by 3 H's) quartet at 4.72 ppm (2 H) (CH2 split by 3 H's) O CH3CH2 C O CH2CH3 d. C6H14O: 0 degrees of unsaturation IR peak at 3600–3200 cm–1: O–H NMR: triplet at 0.8 ppm (6 H) (2 CH3 groups split by CH2 groups) singlet at 1.0 ppm (3 H) (CH3) quartet at 1.5 ppm (4 H) (2 CH2 groups split by CH3 groups) singlet at 1.6 ppm (1 H) (O–H proton) CH3 CH3CH2 C CH2CH3 OH e. C6H14O: 0 degrees of unsaturation IR peak at 3000–2850 cm–1: Csp3–H bonds NMR: doublet at 1.10 ppm (integration = 30 units) (from 12 H's) septet at 3.60 ppm (integration = 5 units) (from 2 H's) H H CH3 C O C CH3 CH3 CH3 f. C3H6O: 1 degree of unsaturation IR peak at 1730 cm–1: C=O O NMR: triplet at 1.11 ppm C multiplet at 2.46 ppm CH3CH2 H triplet at 9.79 ppm Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 14. Nuclear Magnetic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance Spectroscopy 367 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 14–17 14.55 Two isomers of C9H10O: 5 degrees of unsaturation (benzene ring likely) Compound B: IR absorption at 1688 cm–1: C=O NMR data: Absorptions: triplet at 1.22 (3 H) (CH3 group split by 2 H's) quartet at 2.98 (2 H) (CH2 group split by 3 H's) multiplet at 7.28–7.95 (5 H) (likely a monosubstituted benzene ring) Compound A: IR absorption at 1742 cm–1: C=O NMR data: Absorptions: singlet at 2.15 (3 H) (CH3 group) singlet at 3.70 (2 H) (CH2 group) broad singlet at 7.20 (5 H) (likely a monosubstituted benzene ring) O CH2 C O C CH3 CH2CH3 14.56 Compound C: molecular ion 146 (molecular formula C6H10O4) IR absorption at 1762 cm–1: C=O 1H NMR data: Absorptions: Ha: doublet at 1.47 (3 H) (CH3 group adjacent to CH) Hb: singlet at 2.07 (6 H) (2 CH3 groups) Hc: quartet at 6.84 (1 H adjacent to CH3) Hc O CH3 Hb C H O C O CH3 O C CH3 Hb Ha 14.57 Hb O [1] LiC [2] H2O CH OH Hc CH3 C C CH Ha CH3 Ha D Compound D: molecular ion 84 (molecular formula C5H8O) IR absorptions at 3600–3200 cm–1: OH 3303 cm–1: Csp–H 2938 cm–1: Csp3–H 2120 cm–1: C C 1H NMR data: Absorptions: Ha: singlet at 1.53 (6 H) (2 CH3 groups) Hb: singlet at 2.37 (1 H) alkynyl CH and OH Hc: singlet at 2.43 (1 H) 368 Smith: Study Guide/ 14. Nuclear Magnetic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance Spectroscopy accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 14–18 14.58 Compound E: C4H8O2: 1 degree of unsaturation IR absorption at 1743 cm–1: C=O NMR data: Compound F: C4H8O2: 1 degree of unsaturation IR absorption at 1730 cm–1: C=O NMR data: total integration units/# H's (23 + 29 + 30)/8 = ~10 units per H total integration units/# H's (18 + 30 + 31)/8 = ~10 units per H Ha: quartet at 4.1 (23 units - 2 H) Hb: singlet at 2.0 (29 units - 3 H) Hc: triplet at 1.4 (30 units - 3 H) Ha: singlet at 4.1 (18 units - 2 H) Hb: singlet at 3.4 (30 units - 3 H) Hc: singlet at 2.1 (31 units - 3 H) O CH3 C Hb O OCH2CH3 CH3 Ha Hc Hc C CH2OCH3 Ha Hb 14.59 Compound H: C8H11N: 4 degrees of unsaturation IR absorptions at 3365 cm–1: N–H 3284 cm–1: N–H 3026 cm–1: Csp2–H 2932 cm–1: Csp3–H 1603 cm–1: due to benzene 1497 cm–1: due to benzene Compound I: C8H11N: 4 degrees of unsaturation IR absorptions at 3367 cm–1: N–H 3286 cm–1: N–H 3027 cm–1: Csp2–H 2962 cm–1: Csp3–H 1604 cm–1: due to benzene 1492 cm–1: due to benzene NMR data: NMR data: multiplet at 7.2–7.4 ppm, 5 H on a benzene ring Ha: triplet at 2.9 ppm, 2 H, split by 2 H's Hb: triplet at 2.8 ppm, 2 H, split by 2 H's Hc: singlet at 1.1 ppm, 2 H, no splitting (on NH2) Ha multiplet at 7.2–7.4 ppm, 5 H on a benzene ring Ha: quartet at 4.1 ppm, 1 H, split by 3H's Hb: singlet at 1.45 ppm, 2 H, no splitting (NH2) Hc: doublet at 1.4 ppm, 3 H, split by 1 H CH3 CH2CH2NH2 H Hb Hc C NH2 Hc Hb Ha 14.60 a. C9H10O2: 5 degrees of unsaturation IR absorption at 1718 cm–1: C=O NMR data: multiplet at 7.4–8.1 ppm, 5 H on a benzene ring quartet at 4.4 ppm, 2 H, split by 3 H's triplet at 1.3 ppm, 3 H, split by 2 H's O C OCH2CH3 downfield due to the O atom b. C9H12: 4 degrees of unsaturation IR absorption at 2850–3150 cm–1: C–H bonds NMR data: singlet at 7.1–7.4 ppm, 5 H, benzene septet at 2.8 ppm, 1 H, split by 6 H's doublet at 1.3 ppm, 6 H, split by 1 H CH3 C CH3 H Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 369 © The McGraw−Hill 14. Nuclear Magnetic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance Spectroscopy Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 14–19 14.61 a. Compound J has a molecular ion at 72: molecular formula C4H8O 1 degree of unsaturation O IR spectrum at 1710 cm–1: C=O 1H NMR data (ppm): C CH3 CH2CH3 1.0 (triplet, 3 H), split by 2 H's 2.1 (singlet, 3 H) 2.4 (quartet, 2 H), split by 3 H's b. Compound K has a molecular ion at 88: molecular formula C5H12O 0 degrees of unsaturation IR spectrum at 3600–3200 cm–1: O–H bond 1 OH H NMR data (ppm): CH 0.9 (triplet, 3 H), split by 2 H's 3 C CH3 1.2 (singlet, 6 H), due to 2 CH3 groups CH2CH3 1.5 (quartet, 2 H), split by 3 H's 1.6 (singlet, 1 H), due to the OH proton 14.62 Compound L has a molecular ion at 90: molecular formula C4H10O2 0 degrees of unsaturation total integration units/# H's IR absorptions at 2992 and 2941 cm–1: Csp3–H (25 + 46 + 7)/10 = ~8 units per H 1H NMR data (ppm): O Ha: 1.2 (doublet, 3 H), split by 1 H H+ CH3 OH Hb: 3.3 (singlet, 6 H), due to 2 CH3 groups H Hc: 4.8 (quartet, 1 H), split by 3 adjacent H's H Hc CH3 C OCH3 Ha OCH3 L 14.63 TsOH multiplet at ~2.0 singlet at ~1.7 multiplet at ~1.5 triplet at ~0.95 triplet at ~0.95 2 singlets at ~1.6 M OH OH2 H N triplet at ~5.1 H OTs two signals at ~4.6 triplet at ~2.0 OTs 1,2-H shift H TsOH N H H H2O OTs or TsOH H OTs M Hb Hb 370 Smith: Study Guide/ 14. Nuclear Magnetic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance Spectroscopy accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 14–20 14.64 Compound O has a molecular formula C10H12O. 5 degrees of unsaturation IR absorption at 1687 cm–1 1H NMR data (ppm): Ha: 1.0 (triplet, 3 H), due to CH3 group, split by 2 adjacent H's Hb: 1.7 (sextet, 2 H), split by CH3 and CH2 groups Hc: 2.9 (triplet, 2 H), split by 2 H's 7.4–8.0 (multiplet, 5 H), benzene ring O C CH2CH2CH3 Hc Hb Ha O 14.65 Compound P has a molecular formula C5H9ClO2. 1 degree of unsaturation 13C NMR shows 5 different C's, including a C=O. O 1H NMR data (ppm): C ClCH2CH2 OCH2CH3 Ha: 1.3 (triplet, 3 H), split by 2 H's Hc Hb Hd Ha Hb: 2.8 (triplet, 2 H), split by 2 H's Hc: 3.7 (triplet, 2 H), split by 2 H's P Hd: 4.2 (quartet, 2 H), split by CH3 group 14.66 Compound Q: Molecular ion at 86. Molecular formula: C5H10O: O 1 degree of unsaturation C CH3 CH2CH3 IR absorption at ~1700 cm–1: C=O NMR data: Ha: doublet at 1.1 ppm, 2 CH3 groups split by 1 H Hb: singlet at 2.1 ppm, CH3 group Hc: septet at 2.6 ppm, 1 H split by 6 H's Hb O [1] strong base [2] CH3I CH3 C Hc Ha = Q CH(CH3)2 MW = 86 14.67 a. Compound R, the odor of banana: C7H14O2 1 degree of unsaturation 1H NMR (ppm): Ha: 0.93 (doublet, 6 H) Hb: 1.52 (multiplet, 2 H) Hc: 1.69 (multiplet, 1 H) Hd: 2.04 (singlet, 3 H) He: 4.10 (triplet, 2 H) Hc O CH3 C b. Compound S, the odor of rum: C7H14O2 1 degree of unsaturation 1H NMR (ppm): OCH2CH2CHCH3 CH3 Hd He Hb Ha Ha Ha: 0.94 (doublet, 6 H) Hb: 1.15 (triplet, 3 H) Hc: 1.91 (multiplet, 1 H) Hd: 2.33 (quartet, 2 H) He: 3.86 (doublet, 2 H) Hc O CH3CH2 C OCH2CHCH3 CH3 Hb Hd He Ha Ha Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 371 © The McGraw−Hill 14. Nuclear Magnetic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance Spectroscopy Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 14–21 14.68 C6H12: 1 degree of unsaturation K+ –OC(CH3)3 T 1H Br H+ U 1H NMR of T (ppm): Ha: 1.01 (singlet, 9 H) Hb: 4.82 (doublet of doublets, 1 H, J = 10, 1.7 Hz) Hc: 4.93 (doublet of doublets, 1 H, J = 18, 1.7 Hz) Hd: 5.83 (doublet of doublets, 1 H, J = 18, 10 Hz) NMR of U: 1.60 (singlet) ppm. CH3 C OH CH3 CH3 C CH3 Hc Ha (CH3)3C H C C Hd H H Hb All H's are identical, so there is only one singlet in the NMR. 14.69 Both A and B have the same molecular ion—since they are isomers—and show a C=O peak in their IR spectra. 1H NMR spectroscopy is the best way to distinguish the two compounds. O CH3O C O or C(CH3)3 CH3 C OC(CH3)3 B A Both A and B have two singlets in a 3:1 ratio in their 1H NMR spectra. But A has a peak at ~3 ppm due to the deshielded CH3 group bonded to the O atom. B has no proton that is so deshielded. Both of its singlets are in the 1–2.5 ppm region. 14.70 a. C6H12O2: 1 degree of unsaturation IR peak at 1740 cm–1: C=O 1H NMR 2 signals: 2 types of H's 13C NMR: 4 signals: 4 kinds of C's, including one at ~170 ppm due a C=O O CH3 C C O CH3 CH3 CH3 b. C6H10: 2 degrees of unsaturation IR peak at 3000 cm–1: Csp3–H bonds peak at 3300 cm–1: Csp–H bond peak at ~2150 cm–1: CC bond 13 C NMR: 4 signals: 4 kinds of C's CH3 HC C C CH3 CH3 14.71 O H C O N(CH3)2 N,N-dimethylformamide H C + CH3 N CH3 cis to the O atom cis to the H atom A second resonance structure for N,N-dimethylformamide places the two CH3 groups in different environments. One CH3 group is cis to the O atom, and one is cis to the H atom. This gives rise to two different absorptions for the CH3 groups. 372 Smith: Study Guide/ 14. Nuclear Magnetic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance Spectroscopy accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 14–22 14.72 Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Hi Hi Ho Hi Hi Ho Hi Hi Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho 18-Annulene has 18 electrons that create an induced magnetic field similar to the 6 electrons of benzene. 18-Annulene has 12 protons that are oriented on the outside of the ring (labeled Ho), and 6 protons that are oriented inside the ring (labeled Hi). The induced magnetic field reinforces the external field in the vicinity of the protons on the outside of the ring. These protons are deshielded and so they absorb downfield (8.9 ppm). In contrast, the induced magnetic field is opposite in direction to the applied magnetic field in the vicinity of the protons on the inside of the ring. This shields the protons and the absorption is therefore very far upfield, even higher than TMS (–1.8 ppm). 14.73 Ca stereogenic center CH3 H CH3 C H C CH3 Replace a CH3 group with X. OH Cb H HO C CH3 X C CH3 H Replace Ca. 3-methyl-2-butanol H or HO C CH3 CH3 C X H Replace Cb. The CH3 groups are not equivalent to each other, since replacement of each by X forms two diastereomers. Thus, every C in this compound is different and there are five 13C signals. 14.74 O CH3 P OCH3 OCH3 One P atom splits each nearby CH3 into a doublet by the n + 1 rule, making two doublets. Ha Hb Ha All 6 Ha protons are equivalent. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 15. Radical Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 373 Radical Reactions 15–1 C Chhaapptteerr 1155:: R Raaddiiccaall R Reeaaccttiioonnss G Geenneerraall ffeeaattuurreess ooff rraaddiiccaallss • A radical is a reactive intermediate with an unpaired electron (15.1). • A carbon radical is sp2 hybridized and trigonal planar (15.1). • The stability of a radical increases as the number of C’s bonded to the radical carbon increases (15.1). least stable most stable RCH2 CH3 o 1 R2CH R3C o 3o 2 Increasing alkyl substitution Increasing radical stability • Allylic radicals are stabilized by resonance, making them more stable than 3o radicals (15.10). CH2 CH CH2 CH2 CH CH2 two resonance structures for the allyl radical R Raaddiiccaall rreeaaccttiioonnss [1] Halogenation of alkanes (15.4) R H X2 h or X = Cl or Br • • R X alkyl halide • • The reaction follows a radical chain mechanism. The weaker the C–H bond, the more readily the H is replaced by X. Chlorination is faster and less selective than bromination (15.6). Radical substitution results in racemization at a stereogenic center (15.8). [2] Allylic halogenation (15.10) CH2 CH CH3 NBS h or ROOR CH2 CHCH2Br allylic halide • The reaction follows a radical chain mechanism. [3] Radical addition of HBr to an alkene (15.13) H H • A radical addition mechanism is followed. HBr RCH CH2 R C C H • Br bonds to the less substituted carbon atom to h, , or H Br form the more substituted, more stable radical. ROOR alkyl bromide [4] Radical polymerization of alkenes (15.14) CH2 CHZ ROOR Z Z polymer Z • A radical addition mechanism is followed. 374 Smith: Study Guide/ 15. Radical Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 15–2 C Chhaapptteerr 1155:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 15.1 1° Radicals are on C’s bonded to one other C; 2° radicals are on C’s bonded to two other C’s; 3° radicals are on C’s bonded to three other C’s. a. CH3CH2 CHCH2CH3 c. b. 2° radical 15.2 3° radical 1° radical b. (CH3)3CCHCH3 c. (CH3)3CCH2 d. Reaction of a radical with: • an alkane abstracts a hydrogen atom and creates a new carbon radical. • an alkene generates a new bond to one carbon and a new carbon radical. • another radical forms a bond. a. CH3 CH3 b. CH2 CH2 15.4 2° radical The stability of a radical increases as the number of alkyl groups bonded to the radical carbon increases. Draw the most stable radical. a. (CH3)2CCH2CH3 15.3 d. Cl CH3 CH2 H Cl Cl c. Cl d. Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl CH2 CH2 + O O Cl O O Monochlorination is a radical substitution reaction in which a Cl replaces a H generating an alkyl halide. Cl2 a. Cl b. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 c. (CH3)3CH H Cl2 ClCH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 Cl H CH3 C CH3 H CH3CH2 C CH2CH2CH3 Cl Cl Cl2 CH3 C CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH3 C CH2Cl CH3 CH3 15.5 A Cl2 Cl Cl2 B Cl Cl Cl Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 15. Radical Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 375 Radical Reactions 15–3 15.6 Br Initiation: Propagation: CH3 h or Br Br H Br CH3 Br Br + Br CH3 Br Br CH3 Termination: + Br + H Br Br Br Br or CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 or CH3 Br CH3 Br 15.7 Step 1: CH3 H + Br CH3 1 bond broken +435 kJ/mol CH3 Step 2: 15.8 1 bond formed –368 kJ/mol Br Br CH3 Br + 1 bond broken +192 kJ/mol 1 bond formed –293 kJ/mol H° = –101 kJ/mol Br The rate-determining step for halogenation reactions is formation of CH3• + HX. CH3 H + I CH3 1 bond broken +435 kJ/mol 15.9 H° = +67 kJ/mol H Br H I 1 bond formed –297 kJ/mol H° = +138 kJ/mol This reaction is more endothermic and has a higher Ea than a similar reaction with Cl2 or Br2. The weakest C–H bond in each alkane is the most readily cleaved during radical halogenation. a. b. H H 3° most reactive c. CH3CHCH2CH3 H 3° most reactive 2° most reactive 376 Smith: Study Guide/ 15. Radical Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 15–4 15.10 To draw the product of bromination: • Draw out the starting material and find the most reactive C–H bond (on the most substituted C). • The major product is formed by cleavage of the weakest C–H bond. Br2 a. Br2 c. Br Br Br Br2 b. Br2 Br d. 15.11 Cl2 Cl Cl h Cl Cl Cl This is the desired product, 1-chloro-1-methylcyclohexane, but many other products are formed. 15.12 If 1o C–H and 3o C–H bonds were equally reactive there would be nine times as much (CH3)2CHCH2Cl as (CH3)3CCl since the ratio of 1o to 3o H’s is 9:1. The fact that the ratio is only 63:37 shows that the 1o C–H bond is less reactive than the 3o C–H bond. (CH3)2CHCH2Cl is still the major product, though, because there are nine 1o C–H bonds and only one 3o C–H bond. 15.13 CH3 Br2 a. CH3 C H CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 C Br c. CH3 H2O C CH2 CH3 CH3 C OH H2SO4 CH3 CH3 (from b.) CH3 b. (CH3)3CO–K+ CH3 C Br CH3 CH3 C CH2 CH3 d. CH3 (from a.) Cl2 C CH2 CH2Cl CH3 C Cl CCl4 CH3 CH3 (from b.) 15.14 Br2 a. Br K+ –OC(CH ) 3 3 h mCPBA b. (from a.) Br2 Br + enantiomer Br O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 15. Radical Reactions 377 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Radical Reactions 15–5 15.15 Since the reaction does not occur at the stereogenic center, leave it as is. C1 C4 H Br CH3 H Br Cl2 C C h CH2CH3 H Br C CH2CH3 ClCH2 (2R)-2-bromobutane CH3 CH2CH2Cl R S 15.16 Cl Cl Cl2 a. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2Cl Cl b. Cl2 CH3 H c. H Cl Cl2 d. H Cl CH3 CH3 C CH3 Cl H CH(CH2CH3)2 H Cl H Cl h (Consider attack at C2 and C3 only.) CH3 H Cl H CH2CH3 Cl Cl CH3 ClCH2CH2CH(CH2CH3)2 CH3CH2 C CH2CH3 h CH2CH3 C Cl CH3 Cl Cl2 CH3CH2 C CH2CH3 Cl CH3 CH3 H CH3 CH3CH2CH2 CH3CH2CH2 Cl Cl CH2Cl C CH3CH2CHCH2CH3 Cl C CH(CH2CH3)2 H Cl 15.17 O N Chain propagation: O N O + O3 + O O N O + O2 O N + O2 The radical is re-formed. 15.18 Draw the resonance structure by moving the bond and the unpaired electron. The hybrid is drawn with dashed lines for bonds that are in one resonance structure but not another. The symbol • is used on any atom that has an unpaired electron in any resonance structure. a. CH3 CH CH CH2 CH3 CH CH CH2 hybrid: CH3 CH CH c. CH2 hybrid: b. d. hybrid: hybrid: 378 Smith: Study Guide/ 15. Radical Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 15–6 15.19 Reaction of an alkene with NBS or Br2 + h yields allylic substitution products. Br NBS a. c. CH2 CH CH3 h Br2 CH2CHCH3 Br Br NBS b. CH2 CH CH3 CH2 CH CH2Br h 15.20 c. CH2 C(CH2CH3)2 CH3 CH CH CH2Br h + h b. + BrCH2C(CH2CH3) CHCH3 NBS h CH3 CH3 Br CH3 CH3 + Br 15.21 CH3 CH3 CH3 NBS CH3 Br CH3 Br h Br Br 15.22 Reaction of an alkene with NBS + h yields allylic substitution products. a. one possible product: high yield Br b. CH3CH2CH CHCH2Br CH2 C CH2CH3 CH3CH(Br)CH CH2 CH3 CH3 CHBrCH3 NBS NBS a. CH3 CH CH CH3 c. Br Cannot be made in high yield by allylic halogenation. Any alkene starting material would yield a mixture of allylic halides. 15.23 OOH second resonance structure Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 15. Radical Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 379 Radical Reactions 15–7 15.24 The weakest C–H bond is most readily cleaved. To draw the hydroperoxide products, add OOH to each carbon that bears a radical in one of the resonance structures. O O C H C OH OH linoleic acid This allylic C–H bond is most readily cleaved. O O C C OH OH hydroperoxide products: HO O O O C C OH O O C HO OH OH (E/Z isomers are possible.) OH O 15.25 R O H (CH3)3C O C(CH3)3 (CH3)3C C(CH3)3 BHT H H H H CH3 O (CH3)3C O C(CH3)3 H CH3 O (CH3)3C H C(CH3)3 H CH3 H (CH3)3C H CH3 O C(CH3)3 (CH3)3C H H CH3 CH2 CHCH2CH2CH2CH3 HBr CH3CHCH2CH2CH2CH3 Br CH2 CHCH2CH2CH2CH3 HBr CH2BrCH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 ROOR b. HBr Br HBr ROOR H CH3 15.26 a. C(CH3)3 Br 380 Smith: Study Guide/ 15. Radical Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 15–8 HBr c. CH3CH CHCH2CH2CH3 CH3CH CH2CH2CH2CH3 or HBr, ROOR CH3CH2 CHCH2CH2CH3 Br Br 15.27 In addition of HBr under radical conditions: • Br• adds first to form the more stable radical. • Then H• is added to the carbon radical. CH3 H 2 radical possibilities: Br C CH3 or C C CH3 H CH3 CH3 H H C Br H H C C Br CH3 H 3° radical more stable This radical forms. 1° radical less stable 15.28 Br HBr ROOR a. c. Br2 Br Br Br HBr b. 15.29 Transition state 1: H CH3 C Energy Transition state 2: CH2 Br H CH3 C CH2 H Br Br CH3 CH CH2 + Br –18 kJ/mol [Use the bond dissociation energies in Appendix C.] H CH3 C CH2 Br –29 kJ/mol H CH3 C CH2 + Br H Br Reaction coordinate Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 15. Radical Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 381 Radical Reactions 15–9 15.30 H a. H CH2 C H H CH2 C CH2 C CH2 C6H5 C6H5 b. C C6H5 CH2 CH OCOCH3 C6H5 O O O COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 polystyrene poly(vinyl acetate) 15.31 Initiation: RO OR Cl [1] + CH2 C 2 RO Cl [2] ROCH2 C H H Cl Cl Propagation: ROCH2 C Cl [3] ROCH2 C CH2 C H Cl Cl H H CH2 C Cl CH2 C H H H Repeat Step [3] over and over. Termination: carbon radical new C–C bond Cl Cl [4] C CH2 CH2 C C CH2 [one possibility] H H 15.32 a. increasing bond strength: 2 < 3 < 1 b. and c. CH3 CH2 C CHCH3 CH3 H CH2 C CHCH3 H H H 1° radical least stable 2° radical intermediate stability CH3 H CH2 C CHCH3 H 3° radical most stable d. increasing ease of H abstraction: 1 < 3 < 2 15.33 Use the directions from Answer 15.2 to rank the radicals. a. (CH3)2CHCH2CH(CH3)CH2 1° radical least stable (CH3)2CHCHCH(CH3)2 (CH3)2CCH2CH(CH3)2 2° radical intermediate stability 3° radical most stable b. 2° radical least stable 3° radical intermediate stability allylic radical most stable 382 Smith: Study Guide/ 15. Radical Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 15–10 15.34 Draw the radical formed by cleavage of the benzylic C–H bond. Then draw all of the resonance structures. Having more resonance structures (five in this case) makes the radical more stable, and the benzylic C–H bond weaker. CH2 H benzylic C–H bond bond dissociation energy = 356 kJ/mol CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 15.35 Hb Hd H H CH2 CHCHCHC(CH3)CH2 H Ha H Hc Ha = bonded to an sp3 3° carbon Hb = bonded to an allylic carbon Hc = bonded to an sp3 1° carbon Hd = bonded to an sp3 2° carbon Increasing ease of abstraction: Hc < Hd < Ha < Hb 15.36 Cl a. Cl b. (CH3)3CCH2CH2CH2CH3 (CH3)3CCH2CH2CH2CH2Cl Cl (CH3)3CCH2CH2CHCH3 (CH3)3CCH2CHCH2CH3 CH2Cl Cl (CH3)2CCH2CH2CH2CH3 (CH3)3CCHCH2CH2CH3 Cl Cl Cl c. Cl Cl Cl d. CH3 CH3 Cl CH3 CH3 CH2Cl 15.37 To draw the product of bromination: • Draw out the starting material and find the most reactive C–H bond (on the most substituted C). • The major product is formed by cleavage of the weakest C–H bond. Br a. c. CH3 Br CH3 Br b. (CH3)3CCH2CH(CH3)2 (CH3)3CCH2C(CH3)2 Br d. (CH3)3CCH2CH3 (CH3)3CCHCH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 15. Radical Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 383 Radical Reactions 15–11 15.38 Draw all of the alkane isomers of C6H14 and their products on chlorination. Then determine which letter corresponds to which alkane. Cl * * h A Cl Cl Cl2 Cl Cl Cl2 Cl * Cl * * * h Cl Cl B Cl2 * h Cl Cl C Cl Cl2 Cl2 * Cl h D Cl Cl h * Cl Cl * [* = stereogenic center] E 15.39 Halogenation replaces a C–H bond with a C–X bond. To find the alkane needed to make each of the alkyl halides, replace the X with a H. Br a. Cl c. Br b. d. (CH3)3CCH3 (CH3)3CCH2Cl 15.40 For an alkane to yield one major product on monohalogenation with Cl2, all of the hydrogens must be identical in the starting material. For an alkane to yield one major product on bromination, it must have a more substituted carbon in the starting material. a. Cl c. d. Cl b. Br These two compounds can be formed in high yield from an alkane. three different C–H bonds Br Br on 2° carbon The product with Br on 3° carbon will form predominantly. These two compounds cannot be formed in high yield from an alkane. 384 Smith: Study Guide/ 15. Radical Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 15–12 15.41 Chlorination with two equivalents of Cl2 yields a variety of products. Cl Cl2 (2 equiv) Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl The desired product is only one of four products formed. 15.42 In bromination, the predominant (or exclusive) product is formed by cleavage of the weaker C–H bond to form the more stable radical intermediate. CH3 Br2 CH2 H CH3 CH2Br CH3 weaker bond H o C stronger bond H = 356 kJ/mol o As usual, more product is formed H = 460 kJ/mol by homolysis of the weaker bond. CH3 Br D NOT formed 15.43 Chlorination is not selective so a mixture of products results. Bromination is selective, and the major product is formed by cleavage of the weakest C–H bond. Cl Cl Cl Cl2 a. Cl Y Br2 b. Br Y K+–OC(CH3)3 Br2 c. Y Br 15.44 Draw the resonance structures by moving the bonds and the radical. CH2 a. b. Cl Cl CH2 c. Z Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 15. Radical Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 385 Radical Reactions 15–13 15.45 Reaction of an alkene with NBS + h yields allylic substitution products. Br NBS a. h Br NBS b. CH3CH2CH CHCH2CH3 c. (CH3)2C CHCH3 h NBS (CH3)2C h Br CH3CH2CH CHCHCH3 CHCH2Br (CH3)2C(Br)CH Br CH3CH2CHCH CHCH3 CH2 C(CH3)CH(Br)CH3 BrCH2C(CH3) CHCH3 CH2 Br NBS d. h Br Br 15.46 It is not possible to form 5-bromo-1-methylcyclopentene in good yield by allylic bromination because several other products are formed. 1-Methylcyclopentene has three different types of allylic hydrogens (labeled with *), all of which can be removed during radical bromination. Br * * NBS Br Br h * Br Br 5-bromo-1-methylcyclopentene 15.47 Br NBS h Br X Br Br Br Br 15.48 Cl + Cl2 a. h Cl Cl Cl CH3 + Br2 b. CH3 CH3 CH3 Br CH3 CH3 (major product) 386 Smith: Study Guide/ 15. Radical Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 15–14 Br c. + Br2 Br Br h (minor product) (two major products) Br h + NBS CH2 d. CH2 Br Br Br2 HBr e. Br h. HBr ROOR f. Br Br Br i. g. h HBr CH2 ROOR CH=CHCH2Br NBS Br 15.49 Br Br HBr a. Br Br2 b. NBS c. h Br + enantiomer 15.50 KOC(CH3)3 Br2 h O Br Br A ozonolysis cyclohexanone B C D 15.51 CH3 a. CH3 b. Br2 h Cl2 h CH3 Br CH2Cl CH3 CH3 CH3 Cl Cl CH3 CH3 Cl Cl Cl CH3 Cl CH3 Cl O acetone Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 15. Radical Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 387 Radical Reactions 15–15 Cl Cl2 c. Cl Cl Cl h Cl Cl Cl Cl CH3 d. Br2 h CH3 CH3 CH3 Br2 e. H CH3 CH3 Br Br CH3 CH3 + CH3 Br CCl3 f. C CH3CH2 CH3 Br CH3 CCl3 Cl2 F H C ClCH2CH2 F H CCl3 + C F Cl CH3CH2 CCl3 + F Cl + C CH2CH3 F H F H CH3 C C CCl3 + CH3 H Cl C C CCl3 Cl H 15.52 Cl Cl Cl2 Cl Cl Cl a. h Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl A B C D E Cl (2R)-2-chloropentane Cl Cl Cl G F b. There would be seven fractions, since each molecule drawn has different physical properties. c. Fractions A, B, D, E, and G would show optical activity. 15.53 Cl2 a. H Cl Cl Cl h Cl 1 2 3 Cl 4 Cl Cl Cl 5 6 9 Cl 7 Cl 10 11 8 Cl Cl 388 Smith: Study Guide/ 15. Radical Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 15–16 a. There would be 10 fractions, since 4 and 5 (two enantiomers) would be in one fraction. b. All fractions except the one that contains 4 and 5 would be optically active. 15.54 Br NBS CH2 Br CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 h A Br CH2Br Br CH2Br 15.55 CH3 a. CH3 h CH3 C CH3 + Br2 CH3 C CH3 + HBr H Br C–H bond broken +381 kJ/mol Br–Br bond broken +192 kJ/mol C–Br bond formed –272 kJ/mol total bonds broken = +573 kJ/mol Br b. Initiation: (CH3)3C Propagation: h or Br H (CH3)3C Termination: (one possibility) Br + total bonds formed = –640 kJ/mol Br Br + H–Br bond formed –368 kJ/mol + Br Br Br (CH3)3C c. H° = (bonds broken) – (bonds formed) = (+381 kJ/mol) + (–368 kJ/mol) = +13 kJ/mol H° = (bonds broken) – (bonds formed) = (+192 kJ/mol) + (–272 kJ/mol) = –80 kJ/mol H Br (CH3)3C Br H° = –67 kJ/mol Br Br Br Br d. and e. Transition state 1: Transition state 2: +13 kJ/mol Energy Transition state 1: (CH3)3C H CH3 (CH3)3C CH3 + Br C CH 3 H Br –80 kJ/mol (CH3)3C Reaction coordinate Br Br Transition state 2: CH3 CH3 C CH3 Br Br Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 15. Radical Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 389 Radical Reactions 15–17 15.56 O Initiation: O N Br N + Br h O NBS O Propagation: + Br H Br Br Br + Br (from NBS) H Br (from NBS) + Br + Br Br Br Termination: (one possibility) + Br Br Br 15.57 Calculate the H° for the propagation steps of the reaction of CH4 with I2 to show why it does not occur at an appreciable rate. CH3 H + I CH3 +435 kJ/mol Ho = +138 kJ/mol I –297 kJ/mol I CH3 H I CH3 +151 kJ/mol I This step is highly endothermic, making it difficult for chain propagation to occur over and over again. Ho = –83 kJ/mol I –234 kJ/mol 15.58 Calculate H° for each of these steps, and use these values to explain why this alternate mechanism is unlikely. [1] + Cl C–H bond broken +435 kJ/mol C–Cl bond formed –351 kJ/mol + Cl2 Cl–Cl bond broken +242 kJ/mol H–Cl bond formed H° = –189 kJ/mol –431 kJ/mol CH4 CH3Cl + H H [2] HCl + H° = +84 kJ/mol The H° for Step [1] is very endothermic, making this mechanism unlikely. Cl 15.59 H Br Br– 1,2-CH3 shift Br Br– 3,3-dimethyl-1-butene 2o carbocation 3o carbocation 2-bromo-2,3-dimethylbutane 390 Smith: Study Guide/ 15. Radical Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 15–18 Br 3,3-dimethyl-1-butene HBr Br HBr peroxide The 2o radical does NOT rearrange. Br Br 1-bromo-3,3-dimethylbutane Addition of HBr without added peroxide occurs by an ionic mechanism and forms a 2o carbocation, which rearranges to a more stable 3o carbocation. The addition of H+ occurs first, followed by Br–. Addition of HBr with added peroxide occurs by a radical mechanism and forms a 2o radical that does not rearrange. In the radical mechanism Br• adds first, followed by H•. 15.60 Cl Initiation: CH3 H Propagation: One possibility for termination: h or Cl + Cl + Cl CH3 Cl Cl CH3 CH3 Cl CH3 H Cl CH3 Cl Cl CH3 CH3 CH3 CH2 H CH3CH2 + Cl Cl Cl CH3CH2 CH3CH2 Cl H Cl Cl 15.61 H Step 1: CH3 CH CH2 + Cl CH3 C CH2 H1° = –72 kJ/mol Cl 1 bond broken +267 kJ/mol H Step 2: 1 bond formed –339 kJ/mol H CH3 C CH2 + H–Cl Cl CH3 C CH2 H Cl 1 bond broken +431 kJ/mol 1 bond formed –397 kJ/mol H2° = +34 kJ/mol This step of propagation is endothermic. It prohibits chain propagation from occurring over and over. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 15. Radical Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 391 Radical Reactions 15–19 15.62 Cl2 a. Cl mCPBA f. O (from b.) Cl b. K+ –OC(CH3)3 g. (from a.) Br Br2 Br (from c.) Br Br NBS c. Br ROOR h. (from b.) (from b.) OH i. H2SO4 OH mCPBA OH O (from h.) Cl Cl2 e. OH (from c.) H2O d. OH Br OH j. [1] NaCN O Cl (from b.) [2] H2O (from f.) CN 15.63 Br2 a. Br H2O K+–OC(CH3)3 OH H2SO4 h major product mCPBA b. Cl2 c. O Cl + enantiomer Cl (from a.) (from a.) 15.64 a. CH3CH2CH3 b. Br Br2 h CH3CHCH3 K+ –OC(CH3)3 CH3CH CH2 Br Br Br2 CH3 C C H Br H H K+ –OC(CH3)3 HBr K+ –OC(CH3)3 CH3C CH (2 equiv) DMSO Br ROOR c. HC CH NaH HC C CH3CH2Br H2 HBr Lindlar catalyst ROOR Br 15.65 a. CH3 CH3 b. HC CH (from a.) Br2 h NaH CH3 CH2Br HC C K+ –OC(CH3)3 CH3 CH2Br (from a.) CH2 CH2 HC CCH2CH3 Br2 BrCH2 CH2Br 2 NaNH2 HC CH 392 Smith: Study Guide/ 15. Radical Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 15–20 O [1] HC mCPBA c. CH2 CH2 C HC CCH2CH2OH (from b.) (from a.) [2] H2O d. HC CCH2CH3 NaH C CCH2CH3 CH3 CH2Br CH3CH2 C C CH2CH3 (from a.) (from b.) Na NH3 H2O e. CH3CH2 C C CH2CH3 H2SO4 HgSO4 (from d.) O 15.66 Cl Cl2 K+ –OC(CH3)3 [1] O3 CHO OHC h [2] (CH3)2S 15.67 O2 abstracts a H here. O O COOH HH COOH COOH O O C5H11 C5H11 C5H11 arachidonic acid + HOO R H OOH COOH C5H11 O O COOH + COOH R H C5H11 C5H11 another molecule of arachidonic acid 5-HPETE This process is repeated. 15.68 [1] O H O O O O [2] H O O O O O [3] + HOO O O OH + O Then, repeat Steps [2] and [3]. 15.69 HOO a. OOH (cis and trans) Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 15. Radical Reactions 393 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Radical Reactions 15–21 O2 abstracts a H here. O O b. O O [1] H H + HOO [2a] [3a] R H O O O O [2b] OOH [3b] HOO + R R H O O O O [RH = 1-hexene] + R Repeat Steps [2] and [3] again and again. 15.70 (CH3)3C H O OCH3 Abstraction of the phenol H produces a resonance-stabilized radical. BHA (CH3)3C (CH3)3C O OCH3 O (CH3)3C OCH3 (CH3)3C (CH3)3C O OCH3 O O OCH3 OCH3 15.71 Abstraction of the labeled H forms a highly resonance-stabilized radical. Four of the possible resonance structures are drawn. OH HO OH OH O HO O OH vitamin C O HO –O O OH O HO O OH O O HO O O O O X OH OH O HO O O O HO O O O O 15.72 The monomers used in radical polymerization always contain double bonds. a. b. CH2 CHCO2Et COOEt COOEt COOEt polyisobutylene poly(ethyl acrylate) (used in Latex paints) Et = CH2CH3 394 Smith: Study Guide/ 15. Radical Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 15–22 15.73 a. CH3 CH3 CH2 C CH2 C COOCH3 CH2 CH3 C CH2 C COOCH3 COOCH3 COOCH3 methyl methacrylate b. CH3 PMMA CH3 CH2 C HO CO2CH2CH2OH O hydroxyethyl methacrylate poly-HEMA O O O OH 15.74 Overall reaction: CH2 CHCN ROOR CN Initiation: RO OR [1] CN CN + CH2 C 2 RO CN CN [2] ROCH2 C H H CN CN Propagation: ROCH2 C CN [3] ROCH2 C CH2 C H CN NC CH2 C [4] C CH2 H CN CH2 C H H H Repeat Step [3] over and over. Termination: carbon radical new C–C bond CN CN CH2 C C CH2 H [one possibility] H H 15.75 a. CH3O CH=CH2 A OCH3 OCH3 OCH3 b. The OCH3 group stabilizes an intermediate carbocation by resonance. This makes A react faster than styrene in cationic polymerization. OCH3 OCH3 OCH3 three of the possible resonance structures Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 15. Radical Reactions © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 395 Radical Reactions 15–23 15.76 singlet singlet at 2.23 at 4.04 Cl2 Cl Cl doublet at 1.69 Cl Cl h Cl Cl Cl multiplet Cl B at 4.34 A C doublet at 5.85 15.77 molecular formula C3H6Cl2 Integration: (57 units + 29 units)/6 H's = 14 units per H one signal is 57 units/14 units per H = 4 H's second signal is 29 units/14 units per H = 2 H's 1H NMR data: quintet at 2.2 (2 H's) split by 4 H's triplet at 3.7 (4 H's) split by 2 H's triplet Cl2 Cl h Cl quintet minor product 15.78 a. CH3CH3 Cl2 equivalent H's singlet doublet quartet ClCH2CH2Cl CH3CHCl2 h Cl b. Initiation: Propagation: X h Cl Y Cl or + Cl H H + CH3 C H Cl CH3 C H H Cl H H H + CH3 C Cl Cl CH3 C Cl Cl H H H Cl Formation of Y: CH3 CH Cl Cl Cl Cl H CH2 CH2Cl Cl Cl ClCH2CH2Cl X Cl + Cl H Cl CH2 CH2Cl CH2 CH2Cl Termination: Cl CH3CHCl2 Y CH3 CH Cl Formation of X: H Cl CH3 CH Cl Cl Cl Cl 396 Smith: Study Guide/ 15. Radical Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 15–24 15.79 RO OR RO O O CH3 C OR O [1] H OR CH3 [2] C O H C O CH3 [3] + H OR CH3 O C (Repeat Steps [2] and [3].) 15.80 Initiation: R3SnH R3Sn + Z Propagation: + HZ CH2 Br + R3SnBr R3Sn R3SnH CH2 R3SnH CH2 CH2 R3SnH + + R3Sn + R3Sn R3Sn 15.81 CO2H O O COOH O O O COOH O O A O COOH O O COOH O O OOH + R O O R H Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance, and Dienes 397 Conjugation, Resonance, and Dienes 16–1 C Chhaapptteerr 1166:: C Coonnjjuuggaattiioonn,, R Reessoonnaannccee,, aanndd D Diieenneess C Coonnjjuuggaattiioonn aanndd ddeellooccaalliizzaattiioonn ooff eelleeccttrroonn ddeennssiittyy • The overlap of p orbitals on three or more adjacent atoms allows electron density to delocalize, thus adding stability (16.1). • An allyl carbocation (CH2=CHCH2+) is more stable than a 1o carbocation because of p orbital overlap (16.2). • In any system X=Y–Z:, Z is sp2 hybridized to allow the lone pair to occupy a p orbital, making the system conjugated (16.5). FFoouurr ccoom mm moonn eexxaam mpplleess ooff rreessoonnaannccee ((1166..33)) [1] The three atom “allyl” system: X Y Z * X Y Z * * = +, –, •, or •• [2] Conjugated double bonds: [3] Cations having a positive charge adjacent to a lone pair: X Y [4] Double bonds having one atom more electronegative than the other: X Y + + X Y + Electronegativity of Y > X X Y R Ruulleess oonn eevvaalluuaattiinngg tthhee rreellaattiivvee ““ssttaabbiilliittyy”” ooff rreessoonnaannccee ssttrruuccttuurreess ((1166..44)) [1] Structures with more bonds and fewer charges are more stable. CH3 more stable resonance structure CH3 C O + C O CH3 CH3 all neutral atoms one more bond charge separation [2] Structures in which every atom has an octet are more stable. + + CH3 O CH2 CH3 O CH2 more stable resonance structure All 2nd row elements have an octet. [3] Structures that place a negative charge on a more electronegative element are more stable. The (–) charge is on the more electronegative O atom. O CH3 C O CH2 CH3 C CH2 more stable resonance structure 398 Smith: Study Guide/ 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance, and Dienes accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 16–2 TThhee uunnuussuuaall pprrooppeerrttiieess ooff ccoonnjjuuggaatteedd ddiieenneess [1] The C–C bond joining the two double bonds is unusually short (16.8). [2] Conjugated dienes are more stable than similar isolated dienes. Ho of hydrogenation is smaller for a conjugated diene than for an isolated diene converted to the same product (16.9). [3] The reactions are unusual: • Electrophilic addition affords products of 1,2-addition and 1,4-addition (16.10, 16.11). • Conjugated dienes undergo the Diels–Alder reaction, a reaction that does not occur with isolated dienes (16.12–16.14). [4] Conjugated dienes absorb UV light in the 200–400 nm region. As the number of conjugated bonds increases, the absorption shifts to longer wavelength (16.15). R Reeaaccttiioonnss ooff ccoonnjjuuggaatteedd ddiieenneess [1] Electrophilic addition of HX (X = halogen) (16.10–16.11) CH2 CH CH CH2 HX (1 equiv) CH2 CH CH H X 1,2-product kinetic product • • • • CH2 + CH2 CH CH CH2 H X 1,4-product thermodynamic product The mechanism has two steps. Markovnikov’s rule is followed. Addition of H+ forms the more stable allylic carbocation. The 1,2-product is the kinetic product. When H+ adds to the double bond, X– adds to the end of the allylic carbocation to which it is closer (C2 not C4). The kinetic product is formed faster at low temperature. The thermodynamic product has the more substituted, more stable double bond. The thermodynamic product predominates at equilibrium. With 1,3-butadiene, the thermodynamic product is the 1,4-product. [2] Diels–Alder reaction (16.12–16.14) Z 1,3-diene • • • • • • • Z The three new bonds are labeled in bold. dienophile The reaction forms two and one bond in a six-membered ring. The reaction is initiated by heat. The mechanism is concerted: all bonds are broken and formed in a single step. The diene must react in the s-cis conformation (16.13A). Electron-withdrawing groups in the dienophile increase the reaction rate (16.13B). The stereochemistry of the dienophile is retained in the product (16.13C). Endo products are preferred (16.13D). Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance, and Dienes 399 Conjugation, Resonance, and Dienes 16–3 C Chhaapptteerr 1166:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 16.1 Isolated dienes have two double bonds separated by two or more bonds. Conjugated dienes have two double bonds separated by only one bond. a. b. One bond separates two double bonds = conjugated diene c. Two bonds separate two double bonds = isolated diene d. One bond separates two double bonds = conjugated diene Four bonds separate two double bonds = isolated diene 16.2 isolated isolated isolated O OOH C OH 5-HPETE conjugated 16.3 a. Conjugation occurs when there are overlapping p orbitals on three or more adjacent atoms. Double bonds separated by 2 bonds are not conjugated. CH2 CH CH CH CH CH2 All of the carbon atoms are sp2 hybridized. Each bond is separated by only one bond. conjugated b. The two bonds are separated by three bonds. NOT conjugated c. e. O The two bonds are separated by only one bond. conjugated d. + This carbon is not sp2 hybridized. NOT conjugated + Three adjacent carbon atoms are sp2 hybridized and have an unhybridized p orbital. conjugated 16.4 Two resonance structures differ only in the placement of electrons. All bonds stay in the same place. Nonbonded electrons and bonds can be moved. To draw the hybrid: • Use a dashed line between atoms that have a bond in one resonance structure and not the other. • Use a symbol for atoms with a charge or radical in one structure but not the other. 400 Smith: Study Guide/ 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance, and Dienes accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 16–4 resonance hybrid: a. + + + The + charge is delocalized on two carbons. + resonance hybrid: b. + + + The + charge is delocalized on two carbons. + The + charge is delocalized on two carbons. + resonance hybrid: c. + + + Each different kind of carbon atom will give a different 13C signal. When a carbocation is delocalized as in structure B, carbons become equivalent. 16.5 + The two + carbons are identical. CH3 + B 4 different kinds of C 4 13C NMR signals A 5 different kinds of C 5 13C NMR signals SN1 reactions proceed via a carbocation intermediate. Draw the carbocation formed on loss of Cl and compare. The more stable the carbocation, the faster the SN1 reaction. 16.6 CH3CH2CH2Cl is a 1o halide, which does not react by an SN1 reaction because cleavage of the C–Cl bond forms a highly unstable 1o carbocation. 3-chloro-1-propene CH2 CHCH2Cl more reactive CH2 CH CH2 CH2 CH CH2 1-chloropropane less reactive resonance-stabilized carbocation Two resonance structures delocalize the positive charge on 2 C's making 3-chloro-1-propene more reactive. CH3CH2CH2Cl CH3CH2CH2 only one Lewis structure very unstable 16.7 a. CH2 CH CH CH CH2 CH2 CH CH CH CH2 CH2 CH CH CH CH2 Move the charge and the double bond. O b. CH3CH2 C O C CH3 H Move the charge and the double bond. d. Move the charge and the double bond. CH3CH2 C + C H CH3 c. CH3 CH Cl Move the lone pair. + CH3 CH Cl Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 401 © The McGraw−Hill 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance, and Dienes Conjugation, Resonance, and Dienes 16–5 16.8 To compare the resonance structures remember: • Resonance structures with more bonds are better. • Resonance structures in which every atom has an octet are better. • Resonance structures with neutral atoms are better than those with charge separation. • Resonance structures that place a negative charge on a more electronegative atom are better. no octet a. CH3 one more bond + NH2 + C NH2 CH3 C CH3 + + NH2 + CH3 C c. hybrid CH3 least stable most stable one more bond All atoms have an octet. better resonance structure intermediate stability CH3 b. CH3 C CH3 NH least stable C O O + one more bond better resonance structure intermediate stability least stable + most stable O O O O NH CH3 negative charge on the more electronegative atom better resonance structure intermediate stability C d. NH hybrid most stable N least stable – + N one more bond better resonance structure N most stable intermediate stability 16.9 OCH3 OCH3 OCH3 OCH3 largest contribution more bonds and all atoms have octets 16.10 O a. CH3 C O OH A no charges All atoms have an octet. 4 bonds (C–C + C–O) most stable lowest energy resonance structure CH3 C O O OH CH3 C b. OH + + OH C CH3 D C B 2 charges 2 charges C does not have an octet. All atoms have an octet. 4 bonds (C–C + C–O) 3 bonds (C–C + C–O) intermediate stability least stable intermediate energy highest energy resonance hybrid lower in energy than any single resonance form c. In order of increasing energy: D < A < C < B 16.11 Remember that in any allyl system, there must be p orbitals to delocalize the lone pair. CH2 O a. O b. CH3 C c. O sp2 hybridized trigonal planar geometry sp2 hybridized trigonal planar geometry sp2 hybridized trigonal planar geometry 402 Smith: Study Guide/ 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance, and Dienes accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 16–6 16.12 The s-cis conformation has two double bonds on the same side of the single bond. The s-trans conformation has two double bonds on opposite sides of the single bond. a. (2E,4E)-2,4-octadiene in the s-trans conformation c. (3Z,5Z)-4,5-dimethyl-3,5-decadiene in both the s-cis and s-trans conformations Z double bonds on opposite sides s-trans b. (3E,5Z)- 3,5-nonadiene in the s-cis conformation s-cis Z s-trans Z Z Z E double bonds on the same side s-cis 16.13 s-cis conjugated OH conjugated s-trans E E conjugated isolated Z Z HO Z O isolated OH Z isolated isolated 16.14 Bond length depends on hybridization and percent s-character. Bonds with a higher percent s-character have smaller orbitals and are shorter. HC C C CH sp hybridized carbons 50% s-character shortest bond CH2 CH CH CH2 CH3 CH3 sp2 hybridized carbons 33% s-character intermediate length sp3 hybridized carbons 25% s-character longest bond 16.15 Two equivalent resonance structures delocalize the bond and the negative charge. O CH3 C O CH3 CH3 C O O hybrid: O C O These bond lengths are equal because they are identical. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance, and Dienes 403 Conjugation, Resonance, and Dienes 16–7 16.16 The less stable (higher energy) diene has the larger heat of hydrogenation. Isolated dienes are higher in energy than conjugated dienes, so they will have a larger heat of hydrogenation. or a. Double bonds separated by one bond = conjugated diene smaller heat of hydrogenation Double bonds separated by two bonds = isolated diene larger heat of hydrogenation or b. Double bonds separated by one bond = conjugated diene smaller heat of hydrogenation Double bonds separated by two bonds = isolated diene larger heat of hydrogenation 16.17 Isolated dienes are higher in energy than conjugated dienes. Compare the location of the double bonds in the compounds below. * * * 3 conjugated double bonds most stable * 2 conjugated double bonds intermediate stability 0 conjugated double bonds least stable * 16.18 Conjugated dienes react with HX to form 1,2- and 1,4-products. a. HCl CH3 CH CH CH CH CH3 CH3 CH CH H Cl CH CH CH3 Cl H isolated diene c. Cl HCl Cl Cl d. Cl HCl A B Cl 1,4-product 1,2-product HCl b. CH3 CH CH CH CH CH3 C This double bond is more reactive, so C is probably a minor product because it results from HCl addition to the less reactive double bond. 404 Smith: Study Guide/ 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance, and Dienes accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 16–8 16.19 The mechanism for addition of DCl has two steps: [1] Addition of D+ forms a resonance-stabilized carbocation. [2] Nucleophilic attack of Cl forms 1,2- and 1,4-products. [1] D D Cl + Cl D Cl [2] [2] Cl Cl D D 16.20 Label the products as 1,2- or 1,4-products. The 1,2-product is the kinetic product, and the 1,4product, which has the more substituted double bond, is the thermodynamic product. This is C1. The H added here. The H added here. CH3 CH3 HCl CH3 Cl + Cl This is C4. 1,2-product kinetic product 1,4-product thermodynamic product 16.21 To draw the products of a Diels–Alder reaction: [1] Find the 1,3-diene and the dienophile. [2] Arrange them so the diene is on the left and the dienophile is on the right. [3] Cleave three bonds and use arrows to show where the new bonds will be formed. COOH + a. re-draw COOH COOH dienophile diene CH3 re-draw + b. COOCH3 COOCH3 diene Rotate to make it s-cis. CH3 + O dienophile CH3 dienophile re-draw c. COOCH3 diene Rotate to make it s-cis. O O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance, and Dienes 405 Conjugation, Resonance, and Dienes 16–9 16.22 For a diene to be reactive in a Diels–Alder reaction, a diene must be able to adopt an s-cis conformation. rotate s-trans cannot rotate unreactive s-cis most reactive The diene is always in the s-cis conformation. s-cis reactive 16.23 (2Z,4Z)-2,4-hexadiene (2E,4E)-2,4-hexadiene sterically unhindered more reactive sterically hindered Steric interactions between the two CH3 groups make it difficult for the diene to adopt the needed s-cis conformation. 16.24 Electron-withdrawing substituents in the dienophile increase the reaction rate. H H CH2 CH2 HOOC COOH no electron-withdrawing groups least reactive H C C CH2 C one electron-withdrawing group intermediate reactivity COOH two electron-withdrawing groups most reactive 16.25 A cis dienophile forms a cis-substituted cyclohexene. A trans dienophile forms a trans-substituted cyclohexene. CH3OOC a. COOCH3 + H COOCH3 C C + H COOCH3 cis dienophile CH3OOC b. COOCH3 + COOCH3 COOCH3 COOCH3 trans-substituted products O + COOCH3 + trans dienophile c. COOCH3 cis-substituted products H H COOCH3 H O H O + O cis dienophile H O identical cis-substituted product H O 406 Smith: Study Guide/ 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance, and Dienes accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 16–10 16.26 The endo product (with the substituents under the plane of the new six-membered ring) is the preferred product. + a. CH2 CHCOOCH3 COOCH3 COOCH3 + b. endo substituent COOCH3 both groups endo COOCH3 COOCH3 16.27 To find the diene and dienophile needed to make each of the products: [1] Find the six-membered ring with a C–C double bond. [2] Draw three arrows to work backwards. [3] Follow the arrows to show the diene and dienophile. COOCH2CH3 COOCH2CH3 COOCH2CH3 + a. CH3O CH3O COOCH3 COOCH3 CH3O COOCH3 + b. COOCH3 COOCH3 Cl Cl c. Cl Cl H H H H CH3OOC O O Cl O Cl O O O O O O + 16.28 CH3O CH3O + CH3O CH3O NC O O NC H (+ enantiomer) H O A O 16.29 Conjugated molecules absorb light at a longer wavelength than molecules that are not conjugated. a. or conjugated longer wavelength b. not conjugated or all double bonds conjugated longer wavelength one set of conjugated dienes Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance, and Dienes 407 Conjugation, Resonance, and Dienes 16–11 16.30 Sunscreens contain conjugated systems to absorb UV radiation from sunlight. Look for conjugated systems in the compounds below. O a. O b. CH3O c. O CH3O OH conjugated system could be a sunscreen O not a conjugated system conjugated system could be a sunscreen 408 Smith: Study Guide/ 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance, and Dienes accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 16–12 16.31 Use the definition from Answer 16.1. CH2=CHC N 3 bonds with only 1 bond between conjugated 1 bond with no adjacent sp2 hybridized atoms NOT conjugated 2 multiple bonds with only 1 bond between conjugated CH2OCH3 CH2 3 bonds with 2 or more bonds between NOT conjugated This C is sp2. 1 bond with an adjacent sp2 hybridized atom 1 bond with no adjacent sp2 hybridized atoms NOT conjugated The lone pair occupies a p orbital, so there are p orbitals on three adjacent atoms. conjugated 16.32 Use the definition from Answer 16.1. conjugated a. conjugated conjugated isolated conjugated isolated c. b. isolated isolated conjugated isolated conjugated 16.33 Although 2,3-di-tert-butyl-1,3-butadiene has four adjacent p orbitals, the bulky tert-butyl groups prevent the diene from adopting the s-cis conformation needed for the Diels–Alder reaction. Thus, this diene does not undergo a characteristic reaction of conjugated dienes. 16.34 a. (CH3)2C CH CH2 (CH3)2C CH CH2 e. CH3O CH CH CH2 CH3O b. c. d. CH CH CH2 CH3O CH CH CH2 CH2 CH2 f. O O N(CH3)2 O N(CH3)2 g. O h. O O O O O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance, and Dienes 409 Conjugation, Resonance, and Dienes 16–13 16.35 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 a. OH OH OH OH OH b. CH2 c. CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 OCH3 OCH3 OCH3 OCH3 OCH3 d. CH2 OCH3 16.36 resonance hybrid: Five resonance structures delocalize the negative charge on five C's making them all equivalent. All of the carbons are identical in the anion. 16.37 The N atom of C6H5CH2NH2 is surrounded by four groups and is sp3 hybridized. Although the N atom of C6H5NH2 is surrounded by four groups, it is also bonded to a benzene ring. To be conjugated with the benzene ring, the N atom must be sp2 hybridized and its lone pairs must occupy a p orbital. In this way the lone pair can be delocalized, as shown in one resonance structure. NH2 sp2 conjugated NH2 [+ three other resonance structures] NH2 sp3 The N atom is not conjugated with the benzene ring. 410 Smith: Study Guide/ 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance, and Dienes accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 16–14 16.38 CH2 a. CH CH2 H CH3CH2CH2 H more acidic CH2 CH CH2 CH2 CH less acidic CH3CH2CH2 CH2 only one Lewis structure Resonance stabilization delocalizes the negative charge on 2 C's after loss of a proton. This makes propene more acidic than propane. b. Draw the products of cleavage of the bond. ethane CH3 CH3 CH3 + 1-butene CH3 CH2CH=CH2 CH3 CH3 + CH2 CH CH2 CH2 CH CH2 One resonance-stabilized radical forms. This makes the bond dissociation energy lower because a more stable radical is formed. Two unstable radicals form. 16.39 Use the directions from Answer 16.12. a. (3Z)-1,3-pentadiene in the s-trans conformation c. (2E,4E,6E)-2,4,6-octatriene d. (2E,4E)-3-methyl-2,4-hexadiene in the s-cis conformation double bonds on opposite sides s-trans b. (2E,4Z)-1-bromo-3-methyl-2,4-hexadiene Br s-cis 16.40 E Z C 1,4-pentadiene (3E)-1,3-pentadiene (3Z)-1,3-pentadiene 2-methyl-1,3-butadiene C C 3-methyl-1,2-butadiene 2,3-pentadiene 16.41 2E,4E 2E,4Z 2Z,4E 2Z,4Z 1,2-pentadiene Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance, and Dienes 411 Conjugation, Resonance, and Dienes 16–15 16.42 and a. and c. Z E (3E)-1,3,5-hexatriene (3E)-1,3,5-hexatriene both s-cis both s-trans different conformations b. (3E)-1,3,5-hexatriene (3Z)-1,3,5-hexatriene different stereoisomers and (3Z)-1,3,5-hexatriene (3Z)-1,3,5-hexatriene both s-cis both s-trans different conformations 16.43 Use the directions from Answer 16.16 and recall that more substituted double bonds are more stable. Increasing heat of hydrogenation conjugated diene one tetra-, one disubstituted double bond smallest heat of hydrogenation conjugated diene one di-, one trisubstituted double bond smaller intermediate heat of hydrogenation isolated diene one di-, one trisubstituted double bond larger intermediate heat of hydrogenation isolated diene both disubstituted double bonds largest heat of hydrogenation 16.44 Conjugated dienes react with HX to form 1,2- and 1,4-products. Br a. HBr major product, formed by addition of HBr to the more substituted C=C (1 equiv) isolated diene b. Br HBr Br (E and Z isomers can form.) (1 equiv) 1,2-product 1,4-product Br Br c. Br HBr (1 equiv) Br 1,2-product 1,4-product 1,2-product (E and Z isomers) 1,4-product 412 Smith: Study Guide/ 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance, and Dienes accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 16–16 16.45 This cation forms because it is benzylic and resonance stabilized. CH CHCH3 A CH CH2CH3 H Br Br CH CH2CH3 CH CH2CH3 CH CH2CH3 CH CH2CH3 Br CHCH2CH3 C H CH2CH CH2 C–CH CH3 H B 2o H Br CH CH2CH3 1,2H shift Br Br CHCH2CH3 C This 2o carbocation is also benzylic, making it resonance stabilized, as above. carbocation 16.46 To draw the mechanism for reaction of a diene with HBr and ROOR, recall from Chapter 15 that when an alkene is treated with HBr under these radical conditions, the Br ends up on the carbon with more H’s to begin with. RO OR RO OR HOR + H Br Br Use each resonance structure to react with HBr. Br Br H Br Br Br Br H Br Br Br Br 16.47 C2 CH2 a. and b. HCl X H adds here at C1. CH3 Cl Y Cl added at C2. 1,2-product kinetic product CH3 C4 Cl Z Cl added at C4. 1,4-product thermodynamic product Y is the kinetic product because of the proximity effect. H and Cl add across two adjacent atoms. Z is the thermodynamic product because it has a more stable trisubstituted double bond. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance, and Dienes 413 Conjugation, Resonance, and Dienes 16–17 If addition occurred at the other C=C, the following allylic carbocation would form: Addition occurs at the labeled double bond due to the stability of the carbocation intermediate. c. CH2 CH3 CH3 CH2 The two resonance structures for this allylic cation are 3o and 2o carbocations. more stable intermediate Addition occurs here. CH2 The two resonance structures for this allylic cation are 1o and 2o carbocations. less stable 16.48 Addition of HCl at the terminal double bond forms a carbocation that is highly resonance stabilized since it is both allylic and benzylic. Such stabilization does not occur when HCl is added to the other double bond. This gives rise to two products of electrophilic addition. Cl H Cl Cl 1,2-product Cl 1,4-product Cl (+ three more resonance structures that delocalize the positive charge onto the benzene ring) 16.49 There are two possible products: disubstituted C=C (CH3)2C H CH CH C(CH3)2 (CH3)2C Br CH CH C(CH3)2 H Br trisubstituted C=C 1,2-product 1,4-product The 1,2-product is always the kinetic product because of the proximity effect. In this case, it is also the thermodynamic (more stable) product because it contains a more highly substituted C=C (trisubstituted) than the 1,4-product (disubstituted). Thus, the 1,2-product is the major product at high and low temperature. 16.50 The electron pairs on O can be donated to the double bond through resonance. This increases the electron density of the double bond, making it less electrophilic and therefore less reactive in a Diels–Alder reaction. CH2 CH OCH3 CH2 + CH OCH3 methyl vinyl ether This C now bears a net negative charge. 414 Smith: Study Guide/ 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance, and Dienes accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 16–18 16.51 Use the directions from Answer 16.21. a. re-draw dienophile diene COOCH3 b. Cl diene COOCH3 Cl Cl trans-substituted products trans dienophile COOCH3 c. COOCH3 COOCH3 COOCH3 Cl Cl Cl diene cis dienophile cis-substituted products O H O d. H diene dienophile endo ring e. O re-draw O H endo substituent dienophile diene O O f. H H + H O H Both C=C's of the dienophile react so two Diels–Alder reactions take place. or excess H O diene O O H H O H dienophile 16.52 Use the directions from Answer 16.27. CH3 a. CH3 COOCH3 COOCH3 COOCH3 COOCH3 COOCH3 b. + CH3 O c. CH3 COOCH3 CH3 CH3 O H H COOCH3 COOCH3 O + COOCH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance, and Dienes 415 Conjugation, Resonance, and Dienes 16–19 + d. identical Cl Cl O e. O O C CH3 Cl CH3 O O O f. O + O C C CH3 O + O O O O O O 16.53 O O This pathway is preferred because the dienophile has electronwithdrawing C=O groups that make it more reactive. O O O O CH2 + CH2 O O no electron-withdrawing groups less reactive 16.54 COOCH3 a. diene COOCH3 + HC C COOCH3 dienophile CO2CH3 + CH3O2C C C CO2CH3 b. diene dienophile CO2CH3 CO2CH3 CO2CH3 416 Smith: Study Guide/ 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance, and Dienes accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 16–20 16.55 OCH3 OCH3 + CHO CHO OCH3 + CHO C OCH3 H 1,2-disubstituted product major O C OCH3 1,3-disubstituted product minor The major product is formed when the circled carbons with a + and – react. H O resonance hybrids: +OCH3 +OCH3 O + + H +H + For the 1,2-product, carbons with unlike charges would react. This is favored because the electron-rich and the electronpoor C's can bond. O For the 1,3-product, there are no partial charges of opposite sign on reacting carbons. This arrangement is less attractive. 16.56 COOH + COOH COOH COOH These are the only two double bonds that are conjugated and have the s-cis conformation needed for a Diels–Alder reaction. 16.57 H C + Cl Cl Cl Cl X Cl Cl Y Cl mCPBA Cl Cl 1 equiv Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl C H Cl Cl Cl Cl Z aldrin O dieldrin This double bond is more electron rich, so it is epoxidized more readily. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance, and Dienes 417 Conjugation, Resonance, and Dienes 16–21 16.58 In each problem, the synthesis must begin with the preparation of cyclopentadiene from dicyclopentadiene. 2 dicyclopentadiene a. HO [1] OsO4 COOCH3 cyclopentadiene HO [2] NaHSO3, H2O COOCH3 COOCH3 O O b. O mCPBA O O O c. O O O O H2 (excess) CHO [1] NaH Pd-C CHO [2] CH3CH2CH2CH2Br OH O 16.59 O re-draw O a. diene O dienophile COOCH3 re-draw b. COOCH3 COOCH3 dienophile diene 16.60 A transannular Diels–Alder reaction forms a tricyclic product from a monocyclic starting material. O O O O 418 Smith: Study Guide/ 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance, and Dienes accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 16–22 16.61 CH3CH CHCH2OH CH3CH CHCH2 OH2 + Br CH3CH CHCH2 two resonance structures H Br + H2O CH3CH CHCH2Br + Br CH3CHCH CH2 CH3CHCH CH2 Br + Br 16.62 a. HCl (CH3)2C=CHCH2CH2CH=CH2 (CH3)2C(Cl)CH2CH2CH2CH=CH2 isolated diene (CH3)2C=CHCH2CH2CHClCH3 major product minor product I b. HI I conjugated diene 1,4-product 1,2-product O O H c. O + O H O O O O diene dienophile COOCH3 + d. diene COOH + COOH COOH diene cis dienophile HBr f. COOCH3 + trans dienophile + e. COOCH3 COOH COOH COOH Br Br conjugated diene 1,2-product 1,4-product 16.63 The mechanism is E1, with formation of a resonance-stabilized carbocation. OH OH2 H H A A H2O A H A Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Resonance, and Dienes 419 Conjugation, Resonance, and Dienes 16–23 16.64 Cl 2 a. 1 loss of H (from 1 C ) + Cl conjugated more stable major product loss of H (from 2 C) + Cl more substituted b. Dehydrohalogentaion generally forms the more stable product. In this reaction, loss of H from the 1 carbon forms a more stable conjugated diene, so this product is preferred even though it does not contain the more substituted C=C. 16.65 singlet at 1.42 ppm H O mCPBA Each H is a doublet of doublets in the 5.2–5.4 ppm region. H isoprene H H H doublet of doublets at 5.5–5.7 ppm two doublets at 2.7–2.9 ppm 16.66 1 H: doublet of doublets at 6.0 ppm The IR shows an OH absorption at 3200–3600 cm–1. H Br H2O H B H Each H is a doublet of doublets in the 4.9–5.2 ppm region. OH OH peak at 1.5 ppm 6 H: singlet at 1.3 ppm 16.67 isolated diene shortest wavelength 1 2 conjugated bonds intermediate wavelength 2 3 conjugated bonds intermediate wavelength 3 4 conjugated bonds longest wavelength 4 16.68 O The phenol makes ferulic acid an antioxidant. Loss of H forms a highly stabilized phenoxy radical that inhibits radical formation during oxidation. C HO OCH3 ferulic acid OH The highly conjugated system makes it a sunscreen. 420 Smith: Study Guide/ 16. Conjugation, Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Resonance, and Dienes accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 16–24 16.69 O + H H O O H O3 cleaves the C=C. O [1] O3 H O O O [2] (CH3)2S O H H O O O The Diels–Alder reaction establishes the stereochemistry of the four carbons on the sixmembered ring. All four carbon atoms bonded to the six-membered ring are on the same side. Endo product formed. 16.70 O O O CH3 CH3 + O + H O Diels–Alder reaction O H COOCH3 CH3O2C COOCH3 A O loss of CO2 O C O B 16.71 diene 1st Diels–Alder reaction C CO2CH3 CO2CH3 CO2CH3 CO2CH3 + CH3O2C C C CO2CH3 Either of these alkenes becomes the dienophile 2nd Diels–Alder for an intramolecular Diels– reaction Alder reaction in a second step. D CO2CH3 + CO2CH3 two products C16H16O4 16.72 Retro Diels–Alder reaction forms a conjugated diene. Intramolecular Diels–Alder reaction then forms N. CO2CH3 CO2CH3 CO2CH3 NOCH3 HN NOCH3 NOCH3 retro Diels–Alder HN M intramolecular Diels–Alder reaction HN N Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 17. Benzene and Aromatic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Compounds 421 Benzene and Aromatic Compounds 17–1 C Chhaapptteerr 1177:: B Beennzzeennee aanndd A Arroom maattiicc C Coom mppoouunnddss C Coom mppaarriinngg aarroom maattiicc,, aannttiiaarroom maattiicc,, aanndd nnoonnaarroom maattiicc ccoom mppoouunnddss ((1177..77)) • Aromatic compound • A cyclic, planar, completely conjugated compound that contains 4n + 2 electrons (n = 0, 1, 2, 3, and so forth). An aromatic compound is more stable than a similar acyclic compound having the same number of electrons. • • Antiaromatic compound • A cyclic, planar, completely conjugated compound that contains 4n electrons (n = 0, 1, 2, 3, and so forth). An antiaromatic compound is less stable than a similar acyclic compound having the same number of electrons. • • A compound that is not aromatic • A compound that lacks one (or more) of the requirements to be aromatic or antiaromatic. PPrrooppeerrttiieess ooff aarroom maattiicc ccoom mppoouunnddss • Every carbon has a p orbital to delocalize electron density (17.2). • They are unusually stable. Ho for hydrogenation is much less than expected, given the number of degrees of unsaturation (17.6). • They do not undergo the usual addition reactions of alkenes (17.6). • 1H NMR spectra show highly deshielded protons because of ring currents (17.4). EExxaam mpplleess ooff aarroom maattiicc ccoom mppoouunnddss w wiitthh 66 eelleeccttrroonnss ((1177..88)) benzene N N H pyridine pyrrole + cyclopentadienyl anion tropylium cation EExxaam mpplleess ooff ccoom mppoouunnddss tthhaatt aarree nnoott aarroom maattiicc ((1177..88)) not cyclic not planar not completely conjugated 422 Smith: Study Guide/ 17. Benzene and Aromatic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Compounds accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 17–2 C Chhaapptteerr 1177:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 17.1 Move the electrons in the bonds to draw all major resonance structures. N(CH3)2 O N(CH3)2 O O N(CH3)2 O N(CH3)2 diphenhydramine 17.2 Look at the hybridization of the atoms involved in each bond. Carbons in a benzene ring are surrounded by three groups and are sp2 hybridized. Csp2–Csp3 a. b. H Csp2–Csp2 Csp2–H1s Csp2–Csp2 Cp–Cp Csp2–Csp2 Cp–Cp shortest of all the indicated bonds in (a) and (b) 17.3 • • • To name a benzene ring with one substituent, name the substituent and add the word benzene. To name a disubstituted ring, select the correct prefix (ortho = 1,2; meta = 1,3; para = 1,4) and alphabetize the substituents. Use a common name if it is a derivative of that monosubstituted benzene. To name a polysubstituted ring, number the ring to give the lowest possible numbers and then follow other rules of nomenclature. isopropyl group a. OH 1 3 isopropylbenzene b. I 4 2 c. PhCH(CH3)2 1 CH2CH3 Two groups are 1,3 = meta. butyl group phenol m-butylphenol CH3 1 2 Br ethyl 2 3 iodo Two groups are 1,4 = para. p-ethyliodobenzene 2-bromo d. Cl 5 5-chloro toluene (CH3 group must be at the "1" position, if the molecule is named as a toluene derivative.) 2-bromo-5-chlorotoluene Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 17. Benzene and Aromatic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Compounds 423 Benzene and Aromatic Compounds 17–3 17.4 Work backwards to draw the structures from the names. a. isobutylbenzene c. cis-1,2-diphenylcyclohexane e. 4-chloro-1,2-diethylbenzene isobutyl group Cl b. o-dichlorobenzene f. 3-tert-butyl-2-ethyltoluene d. m-bromoaniline Br Cl Cl NH2 aniline 17.5 Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl 1,2,3-trichlorobenzene Cl 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene 17.6 Molecular formula C10H14O2: 4 degrees of unsaturation IR absorption at 3150–2850 cm–1: sp2 and sp3 hybridized C–H bonds NMR absorptions (ppm): 1.4 (triplet, 6 H) O O 4.0 (quartet, 4 H) 6.8 (singlet, 4 H) 17.7 Count the different types of carbons to determine the number of 13C NMR signals. Ce Cf Ca a. Cb CH2CH3 Cd Ca Cc Cb Cc c. Cd b. Cl Cb 4 types of C's in the benzene ring 6 signals 17.8 Cc Cb CH3 Cd Cc Cb C C Ca b c 4 signals All C's are different. 7 signals Each of the three isomeric trichlorobenzenes exhibits a different number of 13C NMR signals. Cd Cc Cc Ca Cl Ca Cl Cl Cb 4 signals Cc Cb Cd Cl Ca Cl Cf Cl Ce 6 signals Cl Cb Ca Cb Ca Cl Ca Cl Cb 2 signals 424 Smith: Study Guide/ 17. Benzene and Aromatic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Compounds accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 17–4 17.9 The less stable compound has a larger heat of hydrogenation. CH3 CH2 A B no benzene ring, less stable larger H° benzene ring, more stable smaller H° 17.10 The protons on sp2 hybridized carbons in aromatic hydrocarbons are highly deshielded and absorb at 6.5–8 ppm whereas hydrocarbons that are not aromatic show an absorption at 4.5–6 ppm, typical of protons bonded to the C=C of an alkene. H H H H H a. H H H not aromatic alkene H's ~ 4.5–6 ppm H H c. b. H H aromatic ring H's ~ 6.5–8 ppm aromatic ring H's ~ 6.5–8 ppm 17.11 To be aromatic, a ring must have 4n + 2 electrons. 16 e 4n 4(4) = 16 antiaromatic 20 e 4n 4(5) = 20 antiaromatic 22 e 4n + 2 4(5) + 2 = 22 aromatic 17.12 Annulenes have alternating double and single bonds. An odd number of carbon atoms in the ring would mean there would be two adjacent single bonds. Therefore an annulene having an odd number of carbon atoms cannot exist. 17.13 17.14 In determining if a heterocycle is aromatic, count a nonbonded electron pair if it makes the ring aromatic in calculating 4n + 2. Lone pairs on atoms already part of a multiple bond cannot be delocalized in a ring, and so they are never counted in determining aromaticity. O a. b. O Count one lone pair from O. 4n + 2 = 4(1) + 2 = 6 aromatic + O no lone pair from O 4n + 2 = 4(1) + 2 = 6 aromatic c. d. O N N With one lone Both N atoms are part of a double bond, so the lone pair from each O there would be 8 electrons. pairs cannot be counted: there are 6 electrons. If O's are sp3 hybridized, the 4n + 2 = 4(1) + 2 = 6 ring is not completely aromatic conjugated. not aromatic Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 17. Benzene and Aromatic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Compounds 425 Benzene and Aromatic Compounds 17–5 17.15 H quinine (antimalarial drug) N HO H N is sp3 hybridized and the lone pair is in an sp3 hybrid orbital. CH3O N N is sp2 hybridized and the lone pair is not part of the aromatic ring. This means it occupies an sp2 hybrid orbital. 17.16 a. The five-membered ring is aromatic because it has 6 electrons, two from each bond and two from the N atom that is not part of a double bond. F N 2 N N F CF3 N CF3 N N N sp2 hybridized N lone pair in sp2 orbital sp2 hybridized N lone pair in sp2 orbital NH2 O F N F sp3 hybridized N lone pair in sp3 orbital 2 NH2 O sp2 hybridized N lone pair in p orbital F 2 F sp2 hybridized N lone pair in p orbital b. and c. sitagliptin 17.17 17.18 Compare the conjugate base of 1,3,5-cycloheptatriene with the conjugate base of cyclopentadiene. Remember that the compound with the more stable conjugate base will have a lower pKa. B B H H 1,3,5-cycloheptatriene pKa = 39 H 8 Electrons make this conjugate base especially unstable (antiaromatic). Since the conjugate base is unstable, the pKa of 1,3,5-cycloheptatriene is high. H H cyclopentadiene H 6 electrons aromatic conjugate base very stable anion Since the conjugate base is very stable, the pKa of cyclopentadiene is much lower. 426 Smith: Study Guide/ 17. Benzene and Aromatic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Compounds accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 17–6 17.19 The compound with the most stable conjugate base is the most acidic. Conjugate bases: no resonance delocalization 2 resonance structures aromatic conjugate base most stable most unstable base so least acidic acid The acid is intermediate in acidity. The acid is the most acidic. 17.20 17.21 To be aromatic, the ions must have 4n + 2 electrons. Ions in (b) and (c) do not have the right number of electrons to be aromatic. 2 electrons 4(0) + 2 = 2 aromatic a. d. 10 electrons 4(2) + 2 = 10 aromatic 17.22 absorbs at 7.6 ppm H A = The NMR indicates that A is aromatic. The C’s of the triple bond are sp hybridized. Each triple bond has one set of electrons in p orbitals that overlap with other p orbitals on adjacent atoms in the ring. This overlap allows electrons to delocalize. Each C of the triple bonds also has a p orbital in the plane of the ring. The electrons in these p orbitals are localized between the C’s of the triple bond, and not delocalized in the ring. Although A has 24 e– total, only 18 e– are delocalized around the ring. 2 antibonding MOs 1 bonding MO + 17.23 In using the inscribed polygon method, always draw the vertex pointing down. 2 electrons All bonding MOs are filled. aromatic Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 17. Benzene and Aromatic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Compounds 427 Benzene and Aromatic Compounds 17–7 17.24 Draw the inscribed pentagons with the vertex pointing down. Then draw the molecular orbitals (MOs) and add the electrons. Cation: Radical: 2 antibonding MOs 3 bonding MOs 4 electrons Not all bonding MOs are filled. not aromatic 5 electrons Not all bonding MOs are filled. not aromatic 17.25 C60 would exhibit only one 13C NMR signal because all the carbons are identical. 17.26 a. If the Kekulé description of benzene was accurate, only one product would form in Reaction [1], but there would be four (not three) dibromobenzenes (A–D), because adjacent C–C bonds are different—one is single and one is double. Thus, compounds A and B would not be identical. A has two Br’s bonded to the same double bond, but B has two Br’s on different double bonds. b. In the resonance description, only one product would form in Reaction [1], since all C’s are identical, but only three dibromobenzenes (ortho, meta, and para isomers) are possible. A and B are identical because each C–C bond is identical and intermediate in bond length between a C–C single and C–C double bond. Br [1] Br Br Br [2] Br Br Br Br Br A B C D 17.27 propylbenzene 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene isopropylbenzene o-ethyltoluene p-ethyltoluene m-ethyltoluene 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene 428 Smith: Study Guide/ 17. Benzene and Aromatic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Compounds accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 17–8 17.28 C8H10: Br Br Br C8H9Br: Br Br Br Br Br Br 3 isomers 2 isomers 3 isomers 1 isomer 17.29 To name the compounds use the directions from Answer 17.3. NH2 d. a. CH3CH2 aniline CH2CH2CH3 g. Cl sec-butylbenzene Br b. e. m-chloroethylbenzene Cl toluene p-chlorotoluene h. Br NH2 CH2CH3 CH3 1-ethyl-3-isopropyl-5-propylbenzene Br Cl c. CH(CH3)2 o-chloroaniline aniline 2,3-dibromoaniline OH f. NO2 NO2 2,5-dinitrophenol phenol (OH at C1) Ph cis-1-bromo-2-phenylcyclohexane Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 17. Benzene and Aromatic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Compounds 429 Benzene and Aromatic Compounds 17–9 17.30 a. p-dichlorobenzene d. o-bromonitrobenzene Cl g. 2-phenyl-2-propen-1-ol Br Cl OH NO2 b. m-chlorophenol e. 2,6-dimethoxytoluene h. trans-1-benzyl-3-phenylcyclopentane OCH3 Cl CH3 OCH3 OH c. p-iodoaniline or f. 2-phenyl-1-butene I H2N 17.31 a. constitutional isomers of molecular formula C8H9Cl, and b. names of the trisubstituted benzenes Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl stereoisomers for this isomer Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl 2-chloro-1,3-dimethylbenzene 1-chloro-2,3-dimethylbenzene 4-chloro-1,2-dimethylbenzene Cl Cl Cl 1-chloro-2,4-dimethylbenzene c. stereoisomers Cl 1-chloro-3,5-dimethylbenzene 2-chloro-1,4-dimethylbenzene Cl 17.32 Count the electrons in the bonds. Each bond holds two electrons. a. b. 10 electrons 7 electrons c. d. 10 electrons e. 14 electrons 12 electrons 430 Smith: Study Guide/ 17. Benzene and Aromatic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Compounds accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 17–10 17.33 To be aromatic, the compounds must be cyclic, planar, completely conjugated, and have 4n + 2 electrons. Circled C's are not sp2. not completely conjugated not aromatic a. 14 electrons in outer ring aromatic b. 4 benzene rings joined together aromatic c. Circled C is not sp2. not completely conjugated not aromatic d. 12 electrons does not have 4n + 2 electrons not aromatic e. 12 electrons does not have 4n + 2 electrons not aromatic f. 17.34 In determining if a heterocycle is aromatic, count a nonbonded electron pair if it makes the ring aromatic in calculating 4n +2. Lone pairs on atoms already part of a multiple bond cannot be delocalized in a ring, and so they are never counted in determining aromaticity. S O a. c. O 6 electrons counting a lone pair from S 4(1) + 2 = 6 aromatic not aromatic not aromatic N N b. H N f. h. 10 electrons 4(2) + 2 = 10 aromatic 6 electrons, counting a lone pair from O 4(1) + 2 = 6 aromatic 17.35 Circled C's are not sp2. not aromatic a. c. Circled C is not sp2. not aromatic d. 4 electrons 4(1) = 4 antiaromatic O b. 10 electrons in 10-membered ring 4(2) + 2 = 10 aromatic Count these 2e–. N N N 6 electrons counting a lone pair from O 4(1) + 2 = 6 aromatic N 6 electrons counting the lone pair from N 4(1) + 2 = 6 aromatic O d. O g. e. 10 electrons 4(2) + 2 = 10 aromatic These lone pairs are on doubly bonded N atoms, so they can't be counted. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 17. Benzene and Aromatic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Compounds 431 Benzene and Aromatic Compounds 17–11 17.36 6 electrons in this ring 6 electrons in this ring + A A resonance structure can be drawn for A that places a negative charge in the five-membered ring and a positive charge in the seven-membered ring. This resonance structure shows that each ring has 6 electrons, making it aromatic. The molecule possesses a dipole such that the sevenmembered ring is electron deficient and the five-membered ring is electron rich. 17.37 Each compound is completely conjugated. A compound with 4n + 2 electrons is especially stable, while a compound with 4n electrons is especially unstable. pentalene azulene 8 electrons 4(2) = 8 antiaromatic unstable heptalene 10 electrons 4(2) + 2 = 10 aromatic very stable 12 electrons 6(2) = 12 antiaromatic unstable 17.38 Benzene has C–C bonds of equal length, intermediate between a C–C double and single bond. Cyclooctatetraene is not planar and not aromatic so its double bonds are localized. cyclooctatetraene a c b 6 electrons: aromatic all bonds of equal length intermediate d not aromatic longer single bond localized double bond: shorter 17.39 N N N N H purine d<a=b<c sp2 hybridized but with lone pair in p orbital a. Each N atom is sp2 hybridized. b. The three unlabeled N atoms are sp2 hybridized with lone pairs in one of the sp2 hybrid orbitals. The labeled N has its lone pair in a p orbital. c. 10 electrons d. Purine is cyclic, planar, completely conjugated, and has 10 electrons [4(2) + 2] so it is aromatic. 432 Smith: Study Guide/ 17. Benzene and Aromatic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Compounds accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 17–12 17.40 a. 16 total electrons b. 14 electrons delocalized in the ring. [Note: Two of the electrons in the triple bond are localized between two C's, perpendicular to the electrons delocalized in the ring.] c. By having two of the p orbitals of the C–C triple bond co-planar with the p orbitals of all the C=C's, the total number of electrons delocalized in the ring is 14. 4(3) + 2 = 14, so the ring is aromatic. C 17.41 The rate of an SN1 reaction increases with increasing stability of the intermediate carbocation. Increasing reactivity Cl Cl + + Cl The aromatic carbocation is delocalized over the whole ring, making it a very stable intermediate and most easily formed in an SN1 reaction. + 4 electrons 6 electrons 2o carbocation antiaromatic aromatic very unstable intermediate very stable intermediate Increasing stability 17.42 Na+ H – H OH D D D D + Na+ OH +H D HO H Two additional resonance structures are not drawn. D D D D H OH 17.43 -Pyrone reacts like benzene because it is aromatic. A second resonance structure can be drawn showing how the ring has six electrons. Thus, -pyrone undergoes reactions characteristic of aromatic compounds—that is, substitution rather than addition. O O -pyrone O + O 6 electrons Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 17. Benzene and Aromatic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Compounds 433 Benzene and Aromatic Compounds 17–13 17.44 a. cyclopropenyl radical b. N N N H H H and pyrrole N N N H H H c. phenanthrene 17.45 Naphthalene can be drawn as three resonance structures: (a) (a) (a) (b) (b) (b) In two of the resonance structures bond (a) is a double bond, and bond (b) is a single bond. Therefore, bond (b) has more single bond character, making it longer. 17.46 a. N N N H H H and pyrrole N N N H H H O O Pyrrole is less resonance stabilized than benzene because four of the resonance structures have charges, making them less good. b. O O O and O furan Furan is less resonance stabilized than pyrrole because its O atom is less basic, so it donates electron density less "willingly." Thus, charge-separated resonance forms are more minor contributors to the hybrid than the charge-separated resonance forms of pyrrole. 434 Smith: Study Guide/ 17. Benzene and Aromatic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Compounds accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 17–14 17.47 The compound with the more stable conjugate base is the stronger acid. Draw and compare the conjugate bases of each pair of compounds. conjugate bases a. or or more acidic resonance-stabilized but not aromatic 6 electrons, aromatic more stable conjugate base Its acid is more acidic. or b. or more acidic 6 electrons, aromatic more stable conjugate base Its acid is more acidic. antiaromatic highly destabilized conjugate base 17.48 + NaNH2 + NH3 Na+ indene The conjugate base of indene has 10 electrons making it aromatic and very stable. Therefore, indene is more acidic than many hydrocarbons. 17.49 Ha Ha Hb Hc – Hb CH3 CH3 A B Hb is most acidic because its conjugate base is aromatic (6 electrons). – Hc CH3 CH3 Hd Hd Hc is least acidic because its conjugate base has 8 electrons, making it antiaromatic. 17.50 conjugate base pyrrole N N H conjugate base cyclopentadiene more acidic H H H Both pyrrole and the conjugate base of pyrrole have 6 electrons in the ring, making them both aromatic. Thus, deprotonation of pyrrole does not result in a gain of aromaticity since the starting material is aromatic to begin with. Cyclopentadiene is not aromatic, but the conjugate base has 6 electrons and is therefore aromatic. This makes the C–H bond in cyclopentadiene more acidic than the N–H bond in pyrrole, since deprotonation of cyclopentadiene forms an aromatic conjugate base. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 17. Benzene and Aromatic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Compounds 435 Benzene and Aromatic Compounds 17–15 17.51 H H + H+ a. N H pyrrole or + H+ H H C2 H N N H H H Protonation at C2 forms conjugate acid A because the positive charge can be delocalized by resonance. There is no resonance stabilization of the positive charge in B. N H A N H H B b. H H Both C and its conjugate base pyridine are aromatic. Since C has six electrons, it is already aromatic to begin with, so there is less to pKa = 5.2 be gained by deprotonation, and C is thus less acidic than A. C Loss of a proton from A (which is not aromatic) gives two electrons to N, and forms pyrrole, which has six electrons that can then delocalize in the five-membered ring, making it aromatic. This makes deprotonation a highly favorable process, and A more acidic. H N A pKa = 0.4 N H 17.52 a. 3 antibonding MOs 2K 2 nonbonding MOs 3 bonding MOs cyclooctatetraene cyclooctatetraene and its 8 electrons dianion of cyclooctatetraene b. Even if cyclooctatetraene were flat, it has two unpaired electrons in its HOMOs (nonbonding MOs) so it cannot be aromatic. c. The dianion has 10 electrons. d. The two additional electrons fill the nonbonding MOs; that is, all the bonding and nonbonding MOs are filled with electrons in the dianion. e. The dianion is aromatic since its HOMOs are completely filled, and it has no electrons in antibonding MOs. 17.53 4 antibonding MOs 4 antibonding MOs + cyclononatetraenyl cation 8 electrons antiaromatic 5 bonding MOs 4 antibonding MOs 5 bonding MOs cyclononatetraenyl radical 9 electrons not aromatic 5 bonding MOs cyclononatetraenyl anion 10 electrons aromatic All bonding MOs are filled. 436 Smith: Study Guide/ 17. Benzene and Aromatic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Compounds accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 17–16 17.54 The number of different types of C’s = the number of signals. 3 4 1 2 CH3 CH3 1 a. 2 3 1 1 c. b. 1 3 5 2 4 CH2CH3 5 different C's all unique 9 different C's 2 d. 1 3 2 2 1 2 3 different C's 3 4 3 2 3 4 3 2 1 1 4 different C's 17.55 Draw the three isomers and count the different types of carbons in each. Then match the structures with the data. 5 4 5 4 3 2 3 2 1 ortho isomer 5 types of C 5 lines in spectrum Spectrum [B] 17.56 6 1 5 4 5 2 3 1 1 2 3 4 3 2 meta isomer 6 types of C 6 lines in spectrum Spectrum [A] 4 3 1 2 4 4 para isomer 4 types of C 4 lines in spectrum Spectrum [C] 1 a. C10H14: IR absorptions at 3150–2850 (sp2 and sp3 hybridized C–H), 1600, and 1500 (due to a benzene ring) cm–1 1 H NMR data: Absorption ppm # of H’s Explanation doublet 1.2 6 6 H’s adjacent to 1 H (CH3)2CH group singlet 2.3 3 CH3 septet 3.1 1 1 H adjacent to 6 H’s multiplet 7–7.4 4 a disubstituted benzene ring You can’t tell from these data where the two groups are on the benzene ring. They are not para, since the para arrangement usually gives two sets of distinct peaks (resembling two doublets) so there are two possible structures—ortho and meta isomers. or b. C9H12: 13C NMR signals at 21, 127, and 138 ppm means three different types of C’s. 1 H NMR shows 2 types of H’s: 9 H’s probably means 3 CH3 groups; the other 3 H’s are very deshielded so they are bonded to a benzene ring. Only one possible structure fits: CH3 CH3 CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 17. Benzene and Aromatic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Compounds 437 Benzene and Aromatic Compounds 17–17 c. C8H10: IR absorptions at 3108–2875 (sp2 and sp3 hybridized C–H), 1606, and 1496 (due to a benzene ring) cm–1 1 H NMR data: Absorption ppm # of H’s Explanation Structure: triplet 1.3 3 3 H’s adjacent to 2 H’s CH2CH3 quartet 2.7 2 2 H’s adjacent to 3 H’s multiplet 7.3 5 a monosubstituted benzene ring 17.57 a. Compound A: Molecular formula C8H10O IR absorption at 3150–2850 (sp2 and sp3 hybridized C–H) cm–1 1 H NMR data: Absorption ppm # of H’s Explanation triplet 1.4 3 3 H’s adjacent to 2 H’s quartet 3.95 2 2 H’s adjacent to 3 H’s multiplet 6.8–7.3 5 a monosubstituted benzene ring b. Compound B: Molecular formula C9H10O2 IR absorption at 1669 (C=O) cm–1 1 H NMR data: Absorption ppm # of H’s Explanation singlet 2.5 3 CH3 group singlet 3.8 3 CH3 group doublet 6.9 2 2 H’s on a benzene ring doublet 7.9 2 2 H’s on a benzene ring Structure: OCH2CH3 Structure: O C CH3 CH3O or O CH3 C OCH3 It would be hard to distinguish these two compounds with the given data. 17.58 3 equivalent H's singlet at ~2.3 ppm * 3 other H's on benzene ring (arrows with *) at ~6.9 ppm CH3 * H * H H thymol OH H CH3 CH3 1H septet at ~3.2 ppm 6 equivalent H's doublet at ~1.2 ppm IR absorptions: 3500–3200 cm–1 (O–H) 3150–2850 cm–1 (C–H bonds) 1621 and 1585 cm–1 (benzene ring) 438 Smith: Study Guide/ 17. Benzene and Aromatic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Compounds accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 17–18 X Thymol must have this basic structure given the NMR and IR data since it is a trisubstituted benzene ring with one singlet and two doublets in the NMR at ~6.9 ppm. However, which group [OH, CH3, or CH(CH3)2] corresponds to X, Y, and Z is not readily distinguished with the given data. The correct structure for thymol is given. Y Z basic structure of thymol 17.59 The induced magnetic field by the circulating electrons opposes the applied field in this vicinity, shifting the absorption upfield to a lower chemical shift than other sp3 C–H protons. In this case the protons absorb upfield from TMS, an unusual phenomenon for C–H protons. Induced magnetic field H H 2.84 ppm H –0.6 ppm (upfield from TMS) H Induced magnetic field B0 The induced magnetic field by the circulating electrons reinforces the applied field in this vicinity, shifting the absorption downfield to a somewhat higher chemical shift. 17.60 C1 C 2 C3 13C C4 CH3 NMR has four lines that are located in the aromatic region (~110–155 ppm), corresponding to the four different types of carbons in the aromatic ring of the para isomer. The ortho and meta isomers have six different C's, and so six lines would be expected for each of them. O N CH3 OCH2CH3 C2 C3 17.61 H O O O O a. HO OH OCH3 OCH3 curcumin The enol form is more stable because the enol double bond makes a highly conjugated system. The enol OH can also intramolecularly hydrogen bond to the nearby carbonyl O atom. sp3 HO OCH3 keto form OH OCH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 17. Benzene and Aromatic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Compounds 439 Benzene and Aromatic Compounds 17–19 O O O O b. HO OH OCH3 HO OCH3 OH OCH3 The enol O–H proton is more acidic than an alcohol O–H proton because the conjugate base is resonance stabilized. O O OCH3 HO OH OCH3 OCH3 c. Curcumin is colored because it has many conjugated electrons, which shift absorption of light from the UV to the visible region. d. Curcumin is an antioxidant because it contains a phenol. Homolytic cleavage affords a resonance-stabilized phenoxy radical, which can inhibit oxidation from occurring, much like vitamin E and BHT in Chapter 15. (+ other resonance structures) O O O O phenoxy radical Resonance delocalizes the radical on the ring and C chain of curcumin. 17.62 a. Pyrazole rings are aromatic because they have 6 electrons—two from the lone pair on the N atom that is not part of the double bond, and four from the double bonds. b. OH H sp2 H N N H H p H 440 Smith: Study Guide/ 17. Benzene and Aromatic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Compounds accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 17–20 OH OH OH c. H H N N H H H H N N H H H H N H H OH H N H H H OH OH H N H N H H H H N N H H H N H N H H H H OH H H N N H d. H H The N atom in the NH bond in the pyrazole ring is sp2 hybridized with 33% s-character, increasing the acidity of the N–H bond. The N–H bond of CH3NH2 contains an sp3 hybridized N atom. 17.63 A second resonance structure for A shows that the ring is completely conjugated and has 6 electrons, making it aromatic and especially stable. A similar charge-separated resonance structure for B makes the ring completely conjugated, but gives the ring 4 electrons, making it antiaromatic and especially unstable. O O O + A 6 electrons aromatic stable O + B 4 electrons antiaromatic not stable 17.64 The conversion of carvone to carvacrol involves acid-catalyzed isomerization of two double bonds and tautomerization of a ketone to an enol tautomer. In this case the enol form is part of an aromatic phenol. Each isomerization of a C=C involves Markovnikov addition of a proton, followed by deprotonation. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 17. Benzene and Aromatic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Compounds 441 Benzene and Aromatic Compounds 17–21 O O HSO4– O O HSO4– H H OSO3H O H H OSO3H H OSO3H (R)-carvone OH OH H2SO4 + H HSO4– carvacrol 17.65 Resonance structures for triphenylene: A B C D I H G E F Resonance structures A–H all keep three double and three single bonds in the three six-membered rings on the periphery of the molecule. This means that each ring behaves like an isolated benzene ring undergoing substitution rather than addition because the electron density is delocalized within each six-membered ring. Only resonance structure I does not have this form. Each C–C bond of triphenylene has four (or five) resonance structures in which it is a single bond and four (or five) resonance structures in which it is a double bond. Resonance structures for phenanthrene: A B C D E With phenanthrene, however, four of the five resonance structures keep a double bond at the labeled C’s. (Only C does not.) This means that these two C’s have more double bond character than other C–C bonds in phenanthrene, making them more susceptible to addition rather than substitution. 442 Smith: Study Guide/ 17. Benzene and Aromatic Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Compounds accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 17–22 17.66 X Y O N(CH3)2 N(CH3)2 C H 113 ppm O C O C H H 130 ppm The negative charge and increased electron density make the carbon more shielded and shift the absorption upfield. The positive charge and decreased electron density make the carbon deshielded and shift the absorption downfield. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 18. Electrophilic and Aromatic Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 443 Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution 18–1 C Chhaapptteerr 1188:: EElleeccttrroopphhiilliicc A Arroom maattiicc SSuubbssttiittuuttiioonn M Meecchhaanniissm m ooff eelleeccttrroopphhiilliicc aarroom maattiicc ssuubbssttiittuuttiioonn ((1188..22)) • Electrophilic aromatic substitution follows a two-step mechanism. Reaction of the aromatic ring with an electrophile forms a carbocation, and loss of a proton regenerates the aromatic ring. • The first step is rate-determining. • The intermediate carbocation is stabilized by resonance; a minimum of three resonance structures can be drawn. The positive charge is always located ortho or para to the new C–E bond. H E H E H E (+) ortho to E (+) para to E (+) ortho to E TThhrreeee rruulleess ddeessccrriibbiinngg tthhee rreeaaccttiivviittyy aanndd ddiirreeccttiinngg eeffffeeccttss ooff ccoom mm moonn ssuubbssttiittuueennttss ((1188..77––1188..99)) [1] All ortho, para directors except the halogens activate the benzene ring. [2] All meta directors deactivate the benzene ring. [3] The halogens deactivate the benzene ring. SSuum mm maarryy ooff ssuubbssttiittuueenntt eeffffeeccttss iinn eelleeccttrroopphhiilliicc aarroom maattiicc ssuubbssttiittuuttiioonn ((1188..66––1188..99)) Substituent Inductive effect Resonance effect Reactivity Directing effect donating none activating ortho, para withdrawing donating activating ortho, para withdrawing donating deactivating ortho, para withdrawing withdrawing deactivating meta R [1] R = alkyl Z [2] Z = N or O X [3] X = halogen [4] Y (+ or +) 444 Smith: Study Guide/ 18. Electrophilic and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Aromatic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 18–2 FFiivvee eexxaam mpplleess ooff eelleeccttrroopphhiilliicc aarroom maattiicc ssuubbssttiittuuttiioonn [1] Halogenation–Replacement of H by Cl or Br (18.3) H Cl X2 • Br or FeX3 [X = Cl, Br] aryl chloride aryl bromide Polyhalogenation occurs on benzene rings substituted by OH and NH2 (and related substituents) (18.10A). [2] Nitration–Replacement of H by NO2 (18.4) H NO2 HNO3 H2SO4 nitro compound [3] Sulfonation–Replacement of H by SO3H (18.4) H SO3H SO3 H2SO4 benzenesulfonic acid [4] Friedel–Crafts alkylation–Replacement of H by R (18.5) R H RCl AlCl3 • • • alkyl benzene (arene) • Variations: H [1] with alcohols Rearrangements can occur. Vinyl halides and aryl halides are unreactive. The reaction does not occur on benzene rings substituted by meta deactivating groups or NH2 groups (18.10B). Polyalkylation can occur. R ROH H2SO4 R H [2] with alkenes CH2 CHR H2SO4 CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 18. Electrophilic and Aromatic Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 445 Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution 18–3 [5] Friedel–Crafts acylation–Replacement of H by RCO (18.5) O H RCOCl AlCl3 C • R ketone The reaction does not occur on benzene rings substituted by meta deactivating groups or NH2 groups (18.10B). O Otthheerr rreeaaccttiioonnss ooff bbeennzzeennee ddeerriivvaattiivveess [1] Benzylic halogenation (18.13) Br R Br2 h or or NBS h or ROOR R benzylic bromide [2] Oxidation of alkyl benzenes (18.14A) R COOH KMnO4 • A benzylic C–H bond is needed for reaction. benzoic acid [3] Reduction of ketones to alkyl benzenes (18.14B) O C R Zn(Hg), HCl or NH2NH2, –OH R alkyl benzene [4] Reduction of nitro groups to amino groups (18.14C) NO2 H2, Pd-C or Fe, HCl or Sn, HCl NH2 aniline 446 Smith: Study Guide/ 18. Electrophilic and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Aromatic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 18–4 C Chhaapptteerr 1188:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 18.1 The electrons of benzene are delocalized over the six atoms of the ring, increasing benzene’s stability and making them less available for electron donation. With an alkene, the two electrons are localized between the two C’s making them more nucleophilic and thus more reactive with an electrophile than the delocalized electrons in benzene. 18.2 H E H E E B + + 18.3 E B Reaction with Cl2 and FeCl3 as the catalyst occurs in two parts. First is the formation of an electrophile, followed by a two-step substitution reaction. + [1] + FeCl3 Cl Cl Cl Cl FeCl3 Lewis base Lewis acid H electrophile H Cl + [2] H Cl H Cl Cl Cl FeCl3 FeCl4 resonance-stabilized carbocation H Cl [3] 18.4 Cl FeCl3 Cl + HCl + FeCl3 There are two parts in the mechanism. The first part is formation of an electrophile. The second part is a two-step substitution reaction. R = A H O [1] O S O O H OSO3H + S O + O H H SO3H H + [2] = SO3H R R + SO3H + electrophile H SO3H H SO3H R R resonance-stabilized carbocation – HSO4 H SO3H [3] SO3H H2SO4 R R B HSO4– Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 18. Electrophilic and Aromatic Substitution 447 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution 18–5 Friedel–Crafts alkylation results in the transfer of an alkyl group from a halogen to a benzene ring. In Friedel–Crafts acylation an acyl group is transferred from a halogen to a benzene ring. 18.5 CH(CH3)2 (CH3)2CHCl + a. O O AlCl3 c. + CH3CH2 C C Cl Cl b. CH2CH3 AlCl3 + AlCl3 Remember that an acyl group is transferred from a Cl atom to a benzene ring. To draw the acid chloride, substitute a Cl for the benzene ring. 18.6 O C a. O CH2CH2CH(CH3)2 O C Cl O O C C c. CH2CH2CH(CH3)2 Cl O C Cl b. C 18.7 + [1] CH3CH2 Cl + _ CH3CH2 Cl AlCl3 AlCl3 electrophile H + [2] H CH2CH3 _ H CH2CH3 H CH2CH3 CH3CH2 Cl AlCl3 + resonance-stabilized carbocation AlCl4– _ [3] H CH2CH3 Cl AlCl3 CH2CH3 To be reactive in a Friedel–Crafts alkylation reaction, the X must be bonded to an sp3 hybridized carbon atom. 18.8 Br a. sp2 Br Br b. unreactive 18.9 AlCl3 HCl c. sp3 reactive sp2 d. unreactive Br sp3 reactive The product has an “unexpected” carbon skeleton, so rearrangement must have occurred. CH3 [1] CH3 C CH2 Cl H AlCl3 CH3 CH3 C + _ CH2 Cl AlCl3 1,2-H shift H Rearrangement CH3 CH3 C CH3 + AlCl4– 448 Smith: Study Guide/ 18. Electrophilic and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Aromatic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 18–6 H H H C(CH3)3 + C(CH3)3 [2] H C(CH3)3 C(CH3)3 _ Cl AlCl3 H C(CH3)3 [3] C(CH3)3 HCl AlCl3 18.10 Rearrangements do not occur with acylium ions formed in a Friedel–Craft acylation because the acylium ion is resonance stabilized. R C O R C O 18.11 Both alkenes and alcohols can form carbocations for Friedel–Crafts alkylation reactions. OH H2SO4 a. + b. + (CH3)2C C(CH3)3 H2SO4 CH2 H2SO4 + c. OH d. H2SO4 + 18.12 [1] Cl Cl Cl O A Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl O Cl Cl3Al Cl Al Cl + AlCl4– O Cl O Cl H [2] Cl H Cl Cl O H O Cl Cl H O Cl _ [3] Cl O Cl Cl O Cl B O Cl Cl AlCl3 H Cl + HCl + AlCl3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 18. Electrophilic and Aromatic Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 449 Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution 18–7 18.13 In parts (b) and (c), a 1,2-shift occurs to afford a rearrangement product. a. Cl c. OH b. 18.14 a. b. CH2CH2CH2CH3 alkyl group electron donating c. OCH2CH3 electronegative O electron withdrawing Br halide electron withdrawing 18.15 Electron-donating groups place a negative charge in the benzene ring. Draw the resonance structures to show how –OCH3 puts a negative charge in the ring. Electron-withdrawing groups place a positive charge in the benzene ring. Draw the resonance structures to show how –COCH3 puts a positive charge in the ring. O a. b. O CH3 O CH3 O O O C C C CH3 CH3 O O C C CH3 O CH3 CH3 O CH3 O CH3 C CH3 O C CH3 CH3 18.16 To classify each substituent, look at the atom bonded directly to the benzene ring. All R groups and Z groups (except halogens) are electron donating. All groups with a positive charge, +, or halogens are electron withdrawing. I OCH3 a. b. lone pair on O electron donating halogen electron withdrawing C(CH3)3 c. R group electron donating 450 Smith: Study Guide/ 18. Electrophilic and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Aromatic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 18–8 18.17 First classify the substituents in the starting material as: ortho, para activating, ortho, para deactivating, or meta deactivating. Then draw the products. CH2CH3 CH3CH2Cl OCH3 a. OCH3 OCH3 CH3CH2 AlCl3 lone pair on O o,p activating ortho product para product NO2 b. HNO3 Br Br H2SO4 halogen o,p deactivating O2N ortho product Br para product Cl c. NO2 Cl2 NO2 FeCl3 meta deactivating meta product 18.18 Electron-donating groups make the compound react faster than benzene in electrophilic aromatic substitution. Electron-withdrawing groups make the compound react more slowly than benzene in electrophilic aromatic substitution. O C a. O CH3 O2N C Cl CH3 O2N + halogen electron withdrawing reacts slower electron withdrawing reacts slower CN Cl d. CN NO2 Cl O2N b. CH2CH3 electron withdrawing reacts slower CH2CH3 e. NO2 OH OH OH c. + NO2 lone pairs on O electron donating reacts faster R group electron donating reacts faster O2N + CH2CH3 O2N 18.19 Electron-donating groups make the compound more reactive than benzene in electrophilic aromatic substitution. Electron-withdrawing groups make the compound less reactive than benzene in electrophilic aromatic substitution. C(CH3)3 a. OH b. + COOCH2CH3 c. N(CH3)3 d. OH R group electron donating more reactive two OH's electron donating more reactive C with 2 electronegative O's electron withdrawing less reactive electron withdrawing less reactive Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 18. Electrophilic and Aromatic Substitution 451 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution 18–9 18.20 Cl NO2 OCH3 CH3 b. a. halogen electron withdrawing least reactive intermediate reactivity lone pairs on O electron donating most reactive electron withdrawing least reactive R group electron donating most reactive intermediate reactivity 18.21 Especially stable resonance structures have all atoms with an octet. Carbocations with additional electron donor R groups are also more stable structures. Especially unstable resonance structures have adjacent like charges. C(CH3)3 C(CH3)3 a. NO2 C(CH3)3 C(CH3)3 H H H NO2 NO2 NO2 especially stable with additional R group stabilized carbocation OH OH b. NO2 OH OH OH H H H H NO2 NO2 NO2 NO2 especially stable All atoms have an octet. O CHO CHO CHO C H H H NO2 NO2 NO2 c. NO2 O C H H H NO2 especially unstable 2 adjacent (+) charges 18.22 Cl H ortho attack Cl Cl E H E + + + Cl Cl H E + + H E Cl H E E preferred especially good All atoms have an octet. product Cl meta attack Cl E+ H Cl Cl + H E + H E + Cl H E E 452 Smith: Study Guide/ 18. Electrophilic and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Aromatic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 18–10 + Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl + para attack + E+ H H + H E E H E H E E preferred product especially good All atoms have an octet. 18.23 Polyhalogenation occurs with highly activated benzene rings containing OH, NH2, and related groups with a catalyst. OH OH Cl2 a. Cl OH Cl OH CH3 Cl Cl2 b. FeCl3 OH c. Cl CH3 Cl2 CH3 Cl FeCl3 Cl Cl 18.24 Friedel–Crafts reactions do not occur with strongly deactivating substituents including NO2, or with NH2, NR2, or NHR groups. a. SO3H CH3Cl no reaction c. AlCl3 N(CH3)2 CH3Cl AlCl3 no Friedel–Crafts reaction strongly deactivating CH3 CH3 b. Cl CH3Cl AlCl3 Cl is an o,p director. Cl d. CH3 Cl NHCOCH3 CH3Cl NHCOCH3 AlCl3 + CH3 NHCOCH3 18.25 To draw the product of reaction with these disubstituted benzene derivatives and HNO3, H2SO4 remember: • If the two directing effects reinforce each other, the new substituent will be on the position reinforced by both. • If the directing effects oppose each other, the stronger activator wins. • No substitution occurs between two meta substituents. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 18. Electrophilic and Aromatic Substitution 453 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution 18–11 o,p o,p OCH3 OCH3 a. CH3 NO2 HNO3 c. H2SO4 COOCH3 CH3 NO2 HNO3 O2N CH3 NO2 H2SO4 meta COOCH3 NO2 o,p meta o,p (strong) OCH3 OCH3 Br b. HNO3 O2N Cl OCH3 Br Cl Br H SO Cl O 2N HNO3 d. Br H2SO4 2 4 o,p oppose products due to OCH3 directing effects NO2 Br Br NO2 NO2 o,p 18.26 Cl a. OH Cl2, FeCl3 SO3, H2SO4 c. SO3H OH CH3Cl, AlCl3 CH3 (+ ortho isomer) O ClCOCH3 CH3 Br goes ortho to the stronger activator. O HNO3, H2SO4 C AlCl3 Br Br2 SO3H Put meta director on first. b. OH C CH3 CH3 O2N 18.27 This reaction proceeds via a radical bromination mechanism and two radicals are possible: A (2o and benzylic) and B (1o). Since B (which leads to C6H5CH2CH2Br) is much less stable, this radical is not formed so only C6H5CH(Br)CH3 is formed as product. CH2CH3 CHCH3 CH2CH2 or A 2o and benzylic 1o B Br CHCH3 only product CH2CH2Br not formed 454 Smith: Study Guide/ 18. Electrophilic and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Aromatic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 18–12 18.28 Radical substitution occurs at the carbon adjacent to the benzene ring (at the benzylic position). CH(CH3)2 a. CH(CH3)2 Br2 CH(CH3)2 + FeBr3 Br Br conditions for electrophilic aromatic substitution CH(CH3)2 c. Br CH(CH3)2 b. + FeCl3 C(CH3)2 Br2 h CH(CH3)2 Cl2 Cl CH(CH3)2 conditions for electrophilic aromatic substitution conditions for radical substitution Cl 18.29 Br Br2 Br2 h a. Br K+ OC(CH3)3 FeBr3 Br Br (+ para isomer) Br NaOH Br2 h b. OH Br c. O mCPBA K+ OC(CH3)3 Br2 h OH [1] BH3 d. [2] H2O2, HO– (from c.) 18.30 First use an acylation reaction, and then reduce the carbonyl group to form the alkyl benzenes. O a. Cl C O C CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 Zn(Hg) + HCl AlCl3 O b. Cl C O C C(CH3)3 CH2C(CH3)3 Zn(Hg) + HCl C(CH3)3 AlCl3 18.31 O O Cl Zn(Hg) O AlCl3 HCl O Cl AlCl3 p-isobutylacetophenone (+ ortho isomer) Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 18. Electrophilic and Aromatic Substitution 455 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution 18–13 18.32 When R = CH3 in C6H5CH2R, the product can be made by two different Friedel–Crafts reactions. O Cl C O CH3 Zn(Hg) AlCl3 CH3CH2Cl CH3 HCl AlCl3 18.33 CH3Cl CH3 COOH KMnO4 a. AlCl3 NO2 HNO3 b. H2SO4 Pd-C CH3 CH3Cl c. NH2 H2 CH3 Br2 FeBr3 AlCl3 COOH KMnO4 Br Br (+ para isomer) 18.34 CH3 O ClCH2CH3 a. C Cl O C CH3 CH2CH3 O SO3 CH3 AlCl3 AlCl3 C H2SO4 HO3S CH2CH3 CH2CH3 (+ ortho isomer) Br o,p director O o,p director C b. Cl Br CH3 AlCl3 CH2CH3 Both are o,p directors, but they are meta to each other. The alkyl group must be obtained by reduction of a carbonyl. Br Br2 C CH3 Zn(Hg) FeBr3 C O CH3 HCl CH2CH3 O Br c. Cl2 FeCl3 CH3CH2Cl Cl AlCl3 K+ –OC(CH3)3 Br2 Cl h Cl Cl (+ ortho isomer) CHO Cl [1] BH3 [2] H2O2, –OH OH PCC Cl 456 Smith: Study Guide/ 18. Electrophilic and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Aromatic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 18–14 18.35 OH is an ortho, para director. OH OH HNO3 a. OH OH OH NO2 Cl Cl2 g. H2SO4 FeCl3 NO2 OH OH Cl OH OH OH SO3H SO3 b. h. (+ ortho isomer) H2SO4 OH OH NH2 OH OH OH (+ ortho isomer) AlCl3 O OH C (+ ortho isomer) HCl CH2CH(CH2CH3)2 OH OH CH(CH2CH3)2 AlCl3 Zn(Hg) CH(CH2CH3)2 O C (CH3CH2)2CHCOCl d. (+ ortho isomer) HCl NO2 i. OH Sn SO3H CH3CH2Cl c. Cl NH2NH2 (+ ortho isomer) j. OH O C (+ ortho isomer) OH CH2CH(CH2CH3)2 CH(CH2CH3)2 OH O C CH(CH2CH3)2 (+ ortho isomer) k. OH OH Br Br2 e. (+ ortho isomer) h Br OH OH Br OH l. Br Br2 f. Br2 Br FeBr3 OH OH OH (+ ortho isomer) KMnO4 (+ ortho isomer) O C OH Br 18.36 CN is a meta director that deactivates the benzene ring. CN CN CN Br2 a. c. FeBr3 CN CN SO3H CN CN H2SO4 H2SO4 Br d. NO2 CH3COCl e. CH3CH2CH2Cl HNO3 b. CN SO3 No reaction AlCl3 AlCl3 No reaction Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 18. Electrophilic and Aromatic Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 457 Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution 18–15 18.37 CH(CH3)2 CH3CH2COCl a. CH(CH3)2 AlCl3 O CH3CH2 O C O CH3CH2COCl C b. CH2CH3 C CH(CH3)2 + CH(CH3)2 N(CH3)2 No reaction AlCl3 CH3CH2COCl c. No Friedel–Crafts reaction AlCl3 Br Br CH3CH2COCl d. AlCl3 Br CH2CH3 C O CH3CH2 H N e. C CH3 CH3CH2 C O C O H N CH3CH2COCl O + C H N CH3 + CH3CH2 O AlCl3 C O 18.38 NO2 HNO3 a. NO2 HO CH3 b. O2N NO2 H2SO4 SO3 NO2 CH3 OH H2SO4 OH HO HO CH3 HO3S OH SO3H CH2CH3 c. Cl OCOCH3 CHO d. CH3 CH3CH2Cl Cl AlCl3 OCOCH3 CHO Br2 FeBr3 CHO Br CH3 CH3 Br COCH3 e. O CH3COCl NHCOCH3 NO2 NO2 NHCOCH3 AlCl3 CH3O f. O O2N HNO3 H2SO4 CH3O NO2 NO2 NO2 NO2 NO2 Cl g. CH3O COOCH3 Cl2 FeCl3 CH3O COOCH3 C O CH3 458 Smith: Study Guide/ 18. Electrophilic and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Aromatic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 18–16 OCH3 Br Br SO3 h. OCH3 Br SO3H HO3S H2SO4 OCH3 18.39 Watch out for rearrangements. a. Cl b. c. Cl d. Cl Cl rearrangement 2° carbocation rearrangement 3° carbocation 18.40 O O O Cl Cl OCH3 AlCl3 OCH3 A AlCl3 18.41 a. CH3 KMnO4 C(CH3)3 HOOC C(CH3)3 Br Br2 b. h CH3 Zn(Hg), HCl c. C CH3 CH2CH2CH3 C H H O Br2 d. FeBr3 Br O NH2NH2 e. – OCH2CH3 f. CH2CH2CH3 OH Br Br2 OCH2CH3 FeBr3 Br Br Br OCH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 18. Electrophilic and Aromatic Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 459 Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution 18–17 18.42 C bonded to 2 H's must use acylation followed by reduction. O O Cl Zn(Hg) a. AlCl3 HCl C bonded to 1 H can be added directly by alkylation. Cl b. AlCl3 O O CH2CH3 Cl c. C C CH3 AlCl3 Ethyl group can be introduced by two methods. C(CH3)3 CH3CH2Cl HCl AlCl3 Method [1] Method [2] C(CH3)3 (CH3)3CCl d. CH2CH3 CH3 Zn(Hg) AlCl3 no H's 18.43 SO3H SO3H [1] CH3COCl, AlCl3 a. [2] Cl2, FeCl3 Cl O Alternate synthesis: Cl AlCl3 SO3H SO3 CH3COCl Cl2 FeCl3 Step [1] won't work because a Friedel–Crafts reaction = A can't be done on a deactivated benzene ring, as is the case with the SO3H substituent. Even if Step [1] did work, the second step would introduce Cl meta to CH3 SO3H, not para as drawn. Cl H2SO4 O CH3 (+ para isomer) (+ isomer) Cl O CH3 460 Smith: Study Guide/ 18. Electrophilic and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Aromatic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 18–18 OCH3 Step [1] involves a Friedel–Crafts alkylation o = B using a 1 alkyl halide that will undergo rearrangement, so that a butyl group will not be NO2 introduced as a side chain. OCH3 [1] CH3CH2CH2CH2Cl, AlCl3 b. [2] HNO3, H2SO4 CH3CH2CH2CH2 Alternate synthesis: OH OCH3 [1] NaH OCH3 CH3(CH2)2COCl AlCl3 [2] CH3Cl (+ ortho isomer) CH3CH2CH2 O OCH3 CH3CH2CH2CH2 NO2 Zn(Hg), HCl OCH3 HNO3 H2SO4 CH3CH2CH2CH2 B 18.44 Use the directions from Answer 18.19 to rank the compounds. OH NO2 a. CHCl2 CH2Cl d. least reactive intermediate reactivity CHO most reactive least reactive Cl intermediate reactivity CH2NH2 b. most reactive CH3 NH2 e. least reactive intermediate reactivity most reactive least reactive intermediate reactivity most reactive NH2 NO2 c. least reactive intermediate reactivity most reactive 18.45 Electron-withdrawing groups place a positive charge in the benzene ring. Draw the resonance structures to show how NO2 puts a positive charge in the ring, giving it an electron-withdrawing resonance effect. Electron-donating groups place a negative charge in the benzene ring. Draw the resonance structures to show how F puts a negative charge in the ring, giving it an electrondonating resonance effect. a. O O O O N N N N O O O O O O N N O O O N O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 18. Electrophilic and Aromatic Substitution 461 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution 18–19 F F F F F b. 18.46 Br C N [1] a. b. c. d. O [2] withdraw donate less deactivate a. b. c. d. C [3] withdraw withdraw less deactivate a. b. c. d. CH3 O withdraw donate more activate 18.47 O O C a. b. O c. CH3 more electron rich due to CH3 group more reactive more electron rich due to O atom more reactive more electron rich due to C atom more reactive 18.48 E a. N more electron rich due to N atom faster O2N c. N E electron withdrawing N(CH3)3 less electron rich due to (+) charge on N and electron-withdrawing NO2 group slower N O2N N(CH3)3 E E b. NH(CH3)2 less electron rich due to (+) charge on N slower E NH(CH3)2 d. O2N N electron electron donating withdrawing Effects cancel out. similar in reactivity to benzene O2N N 462 Smith: Study Guide/ 18. Electrophilic and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Aromatic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 18–20 18.49 E a. E+ + A benzene ring is an electron-rich substituent that stabilizes an intermediate positive charge by an electron-donating resonance effect. As a result, it activates a benzene ring toward reaction with electrophiles. E Ortho and para products are isolated. ortho, para director With ortho and para attack there is additional resonance stabilization that delocalizes the positive charge onto the second benzene ring. Such additional stabilization is not possible with meta attack. Ortho attack: H E H E H E H E H E H E+ E H Meta attack: H E H H E H E E+ Para attack: E+ H E H H E H E H E H E H E E b. O N ortho, para director E+ O N + O N E Ortho and para products are isolated. With ortho and para attack there is additional resonance stabilization that delocalizes the positive charge onto the nitroso group. Such additional stabilization is not possible with meta attack. This makes –NO an ortho, para director. Since the N atom bears a partial (+) charge (because it is bonded to a more electronegative O atom), the –NO group inductively withdraws electron density, thus deactivating the benzene ring towards electrophilic attack. In this way, the –NO group resembles the halogens. Thus, the electron-donating resonance effect makes –NO an o,p director, but the electron-withdrawing inductive effect makes it a deactivator. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 18. Electrophilic and Aromatic Substitution 463 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution 18–21 Ortho attack: E H H E H E H E H E+ O N O N O N O N O N especially stable Meta attack: H E H H E H E E+ O N O N O N O N Para attack: E+ O N H H E O N H E O N H E O N O N especially stable 18.50 O OCH2CH3 alkyl group on the benzene ring R stabilizes (+) charges on the o,p positions by an electron-donating inductive effect. This group behaves like any other R group so that ortho and para products are formed in electrophilic aromatic substitution. O O OCH2CH3 OCH2CH3 (+) charge on atom bonded to the benzene ring Drawing resonance structures in electrophilic aromatic substitution results in especially unstable structures for attack at the o,p positions— two (+) charges on adjacent atoms. This doesn't happen with meta attack, so meta attack is preferred. This is identical to the situation observed with all meta directors. 18.51 Under the acidic conditions of nitration, the N atom of the starting material gets protonated, so the atom directly bonded to the benzene ring bears a (+) charge. This makes it a meta director, so the new NO2 group is introduced meta to it. H N(CH3)2 HNO3 N(CH3)2 + H2SO4 acts as a base N(CH3)2 HNO3 H2SO4 now a meta director NO2 H E 464 Smith: Study Guide/ 18. Electrophilic and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Aromatic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 18–22 18.52 a. H AlCl3 Cl Cl 1,2-H shift + _ AlCl3 3° carbocation + AlCl4– H H H H _ Cl AlCl3 HCl + AlCl3 Cl b. AlCl3 + + _ + Cl AlCl3 + + AlCl4– resonance-stabilized carbocation Use both resonance forms to show how two products are formed. _ Cl AlCl3 H H H H + + + + + H HCl + AlCl3 + + + H + H H _ Cl AlCl3 18.53 OCH3 H OSO3H H OCH3 + OCH3 OCH3 H H OCH3 HSO4– HSO4– OCH3 H2SO4 + Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 18. Electrophilic and Aromatic Substitution 465 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution 18–23 18.54 OH H OSO3H CH3O OH2 CH3O CH3O + CH3O CH3O HSO4– H CH3O 1,2-CH3 shift CH3O H + H2O CH3O H CH3O H2SO4 + H HSO4– 18.55 a. The product has one stereogenic center. stereogenic center b. The mechanism for Friedel–Crafts alkylation with this 2° halide involves formation of a trigonal planar carbocation. Since the carbocation is achiral, it reacts with benzene with equal probability from two possible directions (above and below) to afford an optically inactive, racemic mixture of two products. H Cl AlCl3 (2R)-2-chlorobutane H Cl AlCl3 H H AlCl4 trigonal planar achiral carbocation – racemic mixture optically inactive H 466 Smith: Study Guide/ 18. Electrophilic and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Aromatic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 18–24 18.56 E E E+ A This product is formed. B This product is not formed. H E H E H E H E E+ Attack to form A proceeds via a carbocation for which 7 resonance structures can be drawn. Four resonance structures contain an intact A benzene ring. E E+ H E H E E H Attack to form B proceeds via a carbocation for which 6 resonance structures can be drawn. Only two resonance structures contain an intact benzene ring. E H H E E H E E H B A reaction that occurs by way of the more stable carbocation is preferred so product A is formed. 18.57 O CCl3 C H OSO3H H H CCl3 H O C H CCl3 Cl O C OH OH H C H Cl H C CCl3H HSO4– H OSO3H Cl CCl3 HSO4– (+ 3 resonance structures) OH2 H C HSO4– Cl CCl3 HSO4– CCl3 Cl H CCl3 C Cl H Cl C H DDT H2SO4 (+ 3 resonance structures) Cl Cl H C Cl CCl3 H2O (+ 5 resonance structures) H H Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 18. Electrophilic and Aromatic Substitution 467 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution 18–25 18.58 O O O O O O O O O AlCl3 O O O AlCl3 H resonance-stabilized acylium ion AlCl3 AlCl3 O O O O AlCl3 O O O AlCl3 H H O O AlCl3 + HB+ B H OH2 O (any base in the reaction mixture) O OH H2O + AlCl3 18.59 Benzyl bromide forms a resonance-stabilized intermediate that allows it to react rapidly under SN1 conditions. Formation of a resonance-stabilized carbocation: CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 Br benzyl bromide resonance-stabilized carbocation CH2OCH3 CH2 CH2OCH3 + HBr H + CH3OH O2N CH2Br electron-withdrawing group destabilizing slower reaction + Br CH2Br benzyl methyl ether CH3O CH2Br electron-donor group stabilizing faster reaction The electron-withdrawing NO2 group will destabilize the carbocation so the benzylic halide will be less reactive, while the electron-donating OCH3 group will stabilize the carbocation, so the benzylic halide will be more reactive. 468 Smith: Study Guide/ 18. Electrophilic and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Aromatic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 18–26 18.60 Addition of HBr will afford only one alkyl bromide because the intermediate carbocation leading to its formation is resonance stabilized. H H CH3 CH3 H Br H H CH3 H H CH3 H H CH3 H H H H resonance stabilized or H Br H H CH3 Br CH3 H H H only no resonance stabilization As a result, this carbocation does not form. 18.61 O H O + H OSO3H + + OH H HSO4 H H O + resonance-stabilized cation HSO4 OH OH (+ 3 additional resonance structures) H OSO3H H HO H OH bisphenol A H2SO4 HO OH + HSO4 18.62 Cl a. AlCl3 O O b. Zn(Hg), HCl Cl AlCl3 O c. Cl2 FeCl3 Cl Cl Zn(Hg), HCl Cl AlCl3 O (+ para isomer) OH H2O (+ 5 additional resonance structures) (+ 3 additional resonance structures) O H OH HO O Cl HSO4 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 18. Electrophilic and Aromatic Substitution 469 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution 18–27 d. NO2 NO2 HNO3 Br2 FeBr3 H2SO4 Br f. NO2 HNO3 Br2 e. (+ para isomer) H2SO4 FeBr3 Br CH3Cl CH3 AlCl3 Br CH3 SO3 H2SO4 COOH KMnO4 SO3H SO3H (+ para isomer) CH3 CH3Cl g. COOH KMnO4 AlCl3 COOH HNO3 H2SO4 NO2 CH3Cl h. AlCl3 O i. Cl C Br2 CH3 KMnO4 Br CH3 FeBr3 Br COOH (+ ortho isomer) O NO2 O Br2 CH2CH3 CH2CH2CH3 Zn(Hg), HCl FeBr3 AlCl3 CH2CH2CH3 HNO3 H2SO4 Br Br Br (+ isomer) CH3 j. CH3 CH3 CH3Cl SO3 Cl2 (excess) AlCl3 H2SO4 FeCl3 Cl COOH Cl SO3H KMnO4 SO3H Cl Cl SO3H (+ ortho isomer) Br k. (CH3)2CHCl HNO3 AlCl3 H2SO4 Cl2 NO2 FeCl3 (+ para isomer) Br2 Cl NO2 (+ isomer) h K+ –OC(CH3)3 Cl NO2 Cl NO2 470 Smith: Study Guide/ 18. Electrophilic and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Aromatic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 18–28 18.63 NO2 a. NH2 Br2 HNO3 Sn FeBr3 H2SO4 HCl Br Br Br (+ ortho isomer) b. CH3 CH3 CH3 Br CH3Cl HNO3 Br2 AlCl3 H2SO4 FeBr3 NO2 NO2 (+ ortho isomer) NO2 Cl Cl HNO3 O c. AlCl3 AlCl3 (+ isomer) H2SO4 O O (+ para isomer) d. CH3Cl HNO3 AlCl3 CH3 H2SO4 NO2 NO2 KMnO4 HCl HOOC CH3 NH2 Sn HOOC (+ ortho isomer) O O Cl e. AlCl3 Zn(Hg) SO3 NaOH HCl H2SO4 SO3– Na+ SO3H (+ ortho isomer) O O Cl f. AlCl3 O Br Br2 NH2NH2 FeBr3 Br HNO3 Br H2SO4 –OH NO2 (+ isomer) H2 Pd-C Br NH2 O g. CH3CH2Cl AlCl3 AlCl3 Br2 Br Cl2 Cl O FeCl3 O h O Cl (+ ortho isomer) Cl K+ –OC(CH3)3 NH2NH2 – Cl O OH Cl Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 18. Electrophilic and Aromatic Substitution 471 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution 18–29 18.64 CH3 CH2Br Br2 a. h CH2OH b. product in (a) c. product in (a) d. product in (b) NaOH CH2OC(CH3)3 OC(CH3)3 CHO PCC Cl2 CH3 e. CH3 FeCl3 Cl KMnO4 COOH (+ para isomer) Cl O f. Cl CH3 C (CH2)4CH3 O C CH3 AlCl3 Zn(Hg), HCl CH3 (CH2)5CH3 (CH2)4CH3 (+ ortho isomer) O g. CH3 CH3 O Cl C O C CH3 COOH (+ ortho isomer) CH3 HNO3 KMnO4 CH3 CH3 AlCl3 CH3 h. C CH3 COOH HNO3 NO2 H2SO4 NO2 KMnO4 NO2 H2SO4 (+ para isomer) NO2 NO2 O CH3 Br 2 i. FeBr3 CH3 AlCl3 Br CH3 Cl h Br (+ ortho isomer) O O CH3 –OH Br OH Br Br O O O O HNO3 j. Br2 O2N NH2NH2 O2N Cl AlCl3 H2SO4 – OH H2 Pd-C (+ ortho isomer) H2N 472 Smith: Study Guide/ 18. Electrophilic and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Aromatic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 18–30 O Cl CH3 k. O AlCl3 Br Br2 Cl2 CH3 CH3 FeCl3 h O O Cl (+ ortho isomer) Cl –OH PCC CHO CH2OH O O Cl Cl 18.65 Cl [1] NaH a. [2] CH3Br HO AlCl3 CH3O CH3O (+ ortho isomer) b. HO CH3 [1] NaH CH3Cl [2] CH3CH2Br CH3CH2O AlCl3 CH3CH2O h (+ ortho isomer) OCH3 [1] NaH [2] CH3I HO CH3 CH3Cl c. AlCl3 CH3O CH3O (+ ortho isomer) HNO3 H2SO4 (excess) CH3CH2O –OH CH2OH [1] NaH [2] CH3I CH3CH2O CH2Br Br2 CH3CH2O O2N CH3 H2 H2N CH3 Pd-C CH O 3 CH3O NO2 NH2 18.66 HO Br SOCl2 a. K+ OC(CH3)3 Br2 Cl Br Br Br2 2 NH2 C CH h AlCl3 Br HBr b. ROOR (from a.) C CH c. C C NaH O C CCH2CH2O C CCH2CH2OH H2O (from a.) HNO3 d. O2N H2SO4 (from a.) Br2 h K+ –OC(CH3)3 O2N O2N Br (+ ortho isomer) HC CH NaH O2N CH2CH2 C CH HBr ROOR Br C CH O2N Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 18. Electrophilic and Aromatic Substitution 473 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution 18–31 C CH e. C CCH2CH3 [1] NaH [2] CH3CH2Cl (from a.) Na NH3 (from a.) Br Br2 f. FeBr3 (from a.) K+ OC(CH3)3 Br2 h Br Br OH [1] OsO4 Br [2] H2O, NaHSO3 Br OH (+ ortho isomer) g. Cl2 HNO3 FeCl3 H2SO4 (from a.) Cl Br2 Cl K+ –OC(CH3)3 Cl h NO2 (+ ortho isomer) Cl Br NO2 mCPBA NO2 Cl O NO2 18.67 Cl Br O O AlCl3 NH2NH2 Br2 –OH h K+ –OC(CH3)3 (E + Z) Br2 Br 2 NaNH2 Br 18.68 One possibility: Cl Br Br2 O Cl AlCl3 h AlCl3 O O K+ –OC(CH3)3 (+ ortho isomer) HO Na2Cr2O7 O HO [1] BH3 [2] H2O, –OH H2O, H2SO4 O Zn(Hg), HCl HO O ibufenac O O 474 Smith: Study Guide/ 18. Electrophilic and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Aromatic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 18–32 18.69 HO CH3 CH3Cl [1] NaH [2] CH3CH2CH2Br O AlCl3 COOH KMnO4 O O (+ ortho isomer) HNO3 H2SO4 COOH O2N X O 18.70 Use integration data and the molecular formula to determine the number of H’s that give rise to each signal (Section 14.5, How To). 1 1 H NMR data of compound A (C8H9Br): Absorption ppm # of H’s triplet 1.2 3 quartet 2.6 2 two signals 7.1 and 7.4 2+2 H NMR data of compound B (C8H9Br): Absorption ppm # of H’s triplet 3.1 2 triplet 3.5 2 multiplet 7.1–7.4 5 Explanation 3 H’s adjacent to 2 H’s 2 H’s adjacent to 3 H’s para disubstituted benzene Explanation 2 H’s adjacent to 2 H’s 2 H’s adjacent to 2 H’s monosubstituted benzene Structure: Br Structure: Br 18.71 IR absorption at 1717 cm–1 means compound C has a C=O. 1 H NMR data of compound C (C10H12O): Absorption ppm # of H’s singlet 2.1 3 triplet 2.8 2 triplet 2.9 2 multiplet 7.1–7.4 5 Explanation 3 H’s 2 H’s adjacent to 2 H’s 2 H’s adjacent to 2 H’s Structure: O monosubstituted benzene 18.72 1 H NMR data of compound X (C10H12O): Absorption ppm # of H’s doublet 1.3 6 septet 3.5 1 multiplet 7.4–8.1 5 Explanation 6 H’s adjacent to 1 H 1 H adjacent to 6 H’s monosubstituted benzene Structure: O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 18. Electrophilic and Aromatic Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 475 Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution 18–33 1 H NMR data of compound Y (C10H14): Absorption ppm # of H’s doublet 0.9 6 multiplet 1.8 1 doublet 2.5 2 multiplet 7.1–7.3 5 Explanation 6 H’s adjacent to 1 H 1 H adjacent to many H’s 2 H’s adjacent to 1 H monosubstituted benzene Structure: 18.73 a CH3 CH3 OH + C CH2 d b H2SO4 OH c CH3 CH3 p-cresol C(CH3)3 d 2-methyl-1-propene (2 equiv) C(CH3)3 a 1H NMR spectral data: 1.4 (singlet, 18 H) (a) 2.27 (singlet, 3 H) (b) 5.0 (singlet, 1 H) (c) 7.0 (singlet, 2 H) (d) ppm BHT (C15H24O) H OSO3H CH3 HSO4– CH3 C CH3 C CH2 CH3 CH3 OH OH OH C(CH3)3 H CH3 C CH3 OH C(CH3)3 H OH C(CH3)3 H C(CH3)3 H CH3 CH3 CH3 OH CH3 CH3 CH3 OH C(CH3)3 H C(CH3)3 Repeat to add the second C(CH3)3 group. H2SO4 HSO4– CH3 CH3 18.74 Molecular formula (Z): C9H9ClO IR absorption at 1683 cm–1: C=O 1 H NMR spectral data: Absorption ppm # of H’s triplet 1.2 3 quartet 2.9 2 multiplet 7.2–8.0 4 Explanation 3 H’s adjacent to 2 H’s 2 H’s adjacent to 3 H’s disubstituted benzene Structure: O Cl Z 476 Smith: Study Guide/ 18. Electrophilic and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Aromatic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 18–34 18.75 Five resonance structures can be drawn for phenol, three of which place a negative charge on the ortho and para carbons. These illustrate that the electron density at these positions is increased, thus shielding the protons at these positions, and shifting the absorptions to lower chemical shift. Similar resonance structures cannot be drawn with a negative charge at the meta position, so it is more deshielded and absorbs farther downfield, at higher chemical shift. OH OH OH OH OH (–) charges on the ortho and para positions 18.76 a. Pyridine: The electron-withdrawing inductive effect of N makes the ring electron poor. Also, electrophiles E+ can react with N, putting a positive charge on the ring. This makes the ring less reactive with another positively charged species. To understand why substitution occurs at C3, compare the stability of the carbocation formed by attack at C2 and C3. Electrophilic attack on N: Electrophilic attack at C2: Electrophilic attack at C3: E H E+ N N + E E N E+ N H E N N less reactive than benzene E H N H E N E H N H E N does not have an octet. (+) charge on an electronegative N atom poor resonance structure attack at C2 does not occur N better resonance structures Since attack at C3 forms a more stable carbocation, attack at C3 occurs. Attack at C4 generates a carbocation of similar stability to attack at C2, so attack at C4 does not occur. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 18. Electrophilic and Aromatic Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 477 Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution 18–35 b. Pyrrole is more reactive than benzene because the C's are more electron rich. The lone pair on N has an electron-donating resonance effect. Attack at C2: Attack at C3: + E+ N H N H N H N H N H E H + E+ H E N H N H more reactive than benzene E N H H H E N H E N H H E 3-position N H fewer resonance structures Attack at C3 does not occur. N H E 2-position more resonance structures attack at C2 Since attack at C2 forms a more stable carbocation, electrophilic substitution occurs at C2. 18.77 O H OSO3H OH OH OH OH 1,2-CH3 shift HSO4– OH HSO4– H 478 Smith: Study Guide/ 18. Electrophilic and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Aromatic Substitution accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 18–36 18.78 Draw a stepwise mechanism for the following intramolecular reaction, which was used in the synthesis of the female sex hormone estrone. overall reaction Lewis acid OH or HA RO RO A H A The steps: + + + OH2 RO + H2O RO + A RO (+ 1 resonance structure) A H + H A + RO A RO (+ 3 resonance structures) 18.79 a. The reaction could follow a two-step mechanism: [1] addition of the nucleophile to form a carbanion, followed by [2] elimination of the leaving group. O2N + Cl OCH3 [1] Cl O2N [2] OCH3 O2N resonance-stabilized carbanion OCH3 + Cl– b. The NO2 group stabilizes the negatively charged intermediate by an electron-withdrawing inductive effect and by resonance. Cl O2N OCH3 O Cl O2N OCH3 O Cl N N OCH3 O The negative charge can be delocalized onto the electronegative O atom. O O N O Cl OCH3 Cl OCH3 c. m-Chloronitrobenzene does not undergo this reaction because no resonance structure can be drawn that delocalizes the negative charge of the reactive intermediate onto the O atom of the NO2 group. Cl OCH3 O2N meta NO2 group O2N Cl Cl OCH3 OCH3 O2N Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 19. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 the Acidity of the O−H Bond Carboxylic Acids and the Acidity of the O–H Bond 19–1 C Chhaapptteerr 1199:: C Caarrbbooxxyylliicc A Acciiddss aanndd tthhee A Acciiddiittyy ooff tthhee O O––H HB Boonndd G Geenneerraall ffaaccttss • Carboxylic acids contain a carboxy group (COOH). The central carbon is sp2 hybridized and trigonal planar (19.1). • Carboxylic acids are identified by the suffixes -oic acid, carboxylic acid, or -ic acid (19.2). • Carboxylic acids are polar compounds that exhibit hydrogen bonding interactions (19.3). SSuum mm maarryy ooff ssppeeccttrroossccooppiicc aabbssoorrppttiioonnss ((1199..44)) IR absorptions C=O O–H ~1710 cm–1 3500–2500 cm–1 (very broad and strong) 1 O–H C–H to COOH 10–12 ppm (highly deshielded proton) 2–2.5 ppm (somewhat deshielded Csp3–H) C=O 170–210 ppm (highly deshielded carbon) H NMR absorptions 13 C NMR absorption G Geenneerraall aacciidd––bbaassee rreeaaccttiioonn ooff ccaarrbbooxxyylliicc aacciiddss ((1199..99)) • Carboxylic acids are especially acidic O O + because carboxylate anions are R C B R C + H B O H O resonance stabilized. • For equilibrium to favor the products, carboxylate anion pKa 5 the base must have a conjugate acid with a pKa > 5. Common bases are listed in Table 19.3. FFaaccttoorrss tthhaatt aaffffeecctt aacciiddiittyy Resonance effects. A carboxylic acid is more acidic than an alcohol or phenol because its conjugate base is more effectively stabilized by resonance (19.9). OH ROH pKa = 16–18 O R C OH pKa = 10 pKa 5 Increasing acidity Inductive effects. Acidity increases with the presence of electron-withdrawing groups (like the electronegative halogens) and decreases with the presence of electron-donating groups (like polarizable alkyl groups) (19.10). 479 480 Smith: Study Guide/ 19. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to the Acidity of the O−H accompany Organic Bond Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 19–2 Substituted benzoic acids. • Electron-donor groups (D) make a substituted benzoic acid less acidic than benzoic acid. • Electron-withdrawing groups (W) make a substituted benzoic acid more acidic than benzoic acid. COOH COOH COOH D W less acidic higher pKa pKa = 4.2 pKa > 4.2 more acidic lower pKa pKa < 4.2 Increasing acidity O Otthheerr ffaaccttss • Extraction is a useful technique for separating compounds having different solubility properties. Carboxylic acids can be separated from other organic compounds by extraction, because aqueous base converts a carboxylic acid into a water-soluble carboxylate anion (19.12). • A sulfonic acid (RSO3H) is a strong acid because it forms a weak, resonance-stabilized conjugate base on deprotonation (19.13). • Amino acids have an amino group on the carbon to the carboxy group [RCH(NH2)COOH]. Amino acids exist as zwitterions at pH 6. Adding acid forms a species with a net (+1) charge [RCH(NH3)COOH]+. Adding base forms a species with a net (–1) charge [RCH(NH2)COO]– (19.14). Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 19. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 the Acidity of the O−H Bond Carboxylic Acids and the Acidity of the O–H Bond 19–3 C Chhaapptteerr 1199:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss To name a carboxylic acid: [1] Find the longest chain containing the COOH group and change the -e ending to -oic acid. [2] Number the chain to put the COOH carbon at C1, but omit the number from the name. [3] Follow all other rules of nomenclature. 19.1 3 a. 2 4 H CH3 c. CH3CH2CH2 C CH2COOH CH3 2 H CH3CH2 C CH2 1 CH3CH2 1 C COOH CH2CH3 Number the chain to put COOH at C1. 6 carbon chain = hexanoic acid 2,4-diethylhexanoic acid Number the chain to put COOH at C1. 6 carbon chain = hexanoic acid 3,3-dimethylhexanoic acid O 4 b. 6 H CH3 C CH2CH2COOH d. 1 Cl Number the chain to put COOH at C1. 5 carbon chain = pentanoic acid 4-chloropentanoic acid 4 1 OH 8 9 Number the chain to put COOH at C1. 9 carbon chain = nonanoic acid 4-isopropyl-6,8-dimethylnonanoic acid 19.2 a. 2-bromobutanoic acid c. 3,3,4-trimethylheptanoic acid O O e. 3,4-diethylcyclohexanecarboxylic acid O HO OH HO Br b. 2,3-dimethylpentanoic acid d. 2-sec-butyl-4,4-diethylnonanoic acid O O HO f. 1-isopropylcyclobutanecarboxylic acid COOH OH 19.3 O a. -methoxyvaleric acid OH c. ,-dimethylcaproic acid OCH3 O O b. -phenylpropionic acid OH d. -chloro--methylbutyric acid OH Cl OH O 481 482 Smith: Study Guide/ 19. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to the Acidity of the O−H accompany Organic Bond Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 19–4 19.4 C5 or carbon OH a. OH C2 or carbon b. CO2H CO2H HO C3 or carbon IUPAC: 2-hydroxypropanoic acid common: -hydroxypropionic acid IUPAC: 3,5-dihydroxy-3-methylpentanoic acid common: ,-dihydroxy--methylvaleric acid 19.5 O O a. O Li+ lithium benzoate b. Na+ O O O c. H sodium formate or sodium methanoate O d. K+ O Br potassium 2-methylpropanoate sodium 4-bromo-6-ethyloctanoate 19.6 COO–Na+ COOH C2 2-propylpentanoic acid 19.7 19.8 sodium 2-propylpentanoate More polar molecules have a higher boiling point and are more water soluble. COOCH3 CH2CH2CH2OH least polar lowest boiling point least H2O soluble intermediate polarity intermediate boiling point CH2COOH most polar highest boiling point most H2O soluble Look for functional group differences to distinguish the compounds by IR. Besides sp3 hybridized C–H bonds at 3000–2850 cm–1 (which all three compounds have), the following functional group absorptions are seen: O CH3CH2CH2CH2 C OH O OH Na+ CH3CH2CH2CH2 C OCH3 carboxylic acid 2 strong absorptions ~1710 (C=O) ~2500–3500 (OH) cm–1 ester 1 strong absorption ~1700 (C=O) cm–1 Molecular formula: C4H8O2 one degree of unsaturation 1 O alcohol 1 strong absorption ~3600–3200 (OH) cm–1 19.9 H NMR data (ppm): 0.95 (triplet, 3 H) 1.65 (multiplet, 2 H) 2.30 (triplet, 2 H) 11.8 (singlet, 1 H) O HO Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 483 © The McGraw−Hill 19. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 the Acidity of the O−H Bond Carboxylic Acids and the Acidity of the O–H Bond 19–5 19.10 O H O O OH HO OH H H Hb Ha Hc Hc Hd Hd 2 singlets 2 singlets 1:1 ratio 1:1 ratio Although both compounds have an absorption at 10–12 ppm in their 1H NMR spectra (due to Hb and Hc), Ha, which is bonded directly to the carbonyl carbon, is much farther downfield than Hd because it is more deshielded. 19.11 HO HO COOH HO There are five tetrahedral stereogenic centers. Both double bonds can exhibit cis–trans isomerism. Therefore, there are 27 = 128 stereoisomers. COOH HO OH PGF2 a prostaglandin OH enantiomer 19.12 1° Alcohols are converted to carboxylic acids by oxidation reactions. O a. OH c. OH COOH CH2OH O b. (CH3)2CH C (CH3)2CH OH CH2 OH 19.13 a. CH2OH Na2Cr2O7 A b. CH3C CCH3 B c. O2N COOH H2SO4, H2O KMnO4 CH3 O2N COOH C (Any R group with benzylic H's can be present para to NO2.) OH [1] O3 [2] H2O 2° OH d. CH3COOH (2 equiv) D O CrO3 OH CO2H H2SO4, H2O 1° OH 19.14 a. b. COOH CH3 CH3 NaOH OH NaOCH3 COO CH3 Na+ + H2 O O Na+ + HOCH3 d. CH3 NaH c. CH3 C OH CH3 COOH CH3 C O Na+ + H2 CH3 NaHCO3 COO Na+ + H2CO3 484 Smith: Study Guide/ 19. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to the Acidity of the O−H accompany Organic Bond Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 19–6 19.15 CH3COOH has a pKa of 4.8. Any base with a conjugate acid with a pKa higher than 4.8 can deprotonate it. a. F– pKa (HF) = 3.2 not strong enough b. (CH3)3CO– pKa [(CH3)3COH]= 18 strong enough c. CH3– pKa (CH4) = 50 strong enough d. –NH2 pKa (NH3) = 38 strong enough e. Cl– pKa (HCl) = –7.0 not strong enough 19.16 Ha H OHb Increasing acidity: Ha < Hb < Hc OHc H OHb – Ha O OHc negative charge on C unstable conjugate base O mandelic acid Ha H O – Hb OHc O Ha Ha H OHb – Hc negative charge on O more stable conjugate base H OHb O O O O negative charge on O, resonance stabilized most stable conjugate base 19.17 Electron-withdrawing groups make an acid more acidic, lowering its pKa. CH3CH2 COOH least acidic pKa = 4.9 ICH2 COOH CF3 COOH one electron-withdrawing group intermediate acidity pKa = 3.2 three electron-withdrawing F's most acidic pKa = 0.2 19.18 Acetic acid has an electron-donating methyl group bonded to the carboxy group. The CH3 group both stabilizes the acid and destabilizes the nearby negative charge on the conjugate base, making CH3COOH less acidic (with a higher pKa) than HCOOH. O electron-donating CH3 group CH3 + C OH acetic acid CH3 stabilizes the partial positive charge. O CH3 C O– conjugate base CH3 destabilizes the negative charge. a less stable conjugate base 19.19 a. CH3COOH least acidic HSCH2COOH HOCH2COOH intermediate acidity most acidic b. ICH2CH2COOH least acidic ICH2COOH I2CHCOOH intermediate acidity most acidic Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 19. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 the Acidity of the O−H Bond Carboxylic Acids and the Acidity of the O–H Bond 19–7 19.20 a. CH3 COOH least acidic COOH Cl intermediate acidity COOH most acidic O b. CH3O COOH CH3 COOH C COOH CH3 least acidic intermediate acidity most acidic 19.21 OH Phenol A has a higher pKa than phenol because of its substituents. Both the OH and CH3 are electron-donating groups, which make the conjugate base less stable. Therefore, the acid is less acidic. HO A 19.22 To separate compounds by an extraction procedure, they must have different solubility properties. a. CH3(CH2)6COOH and CH3CH2CH2CH2CH=CH2: YES. The acid can be extracted into aqueous base, while the alkene will remain in an organic layer. b. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH=CH2 and (CH3CH2CH2)2O: NO. Both compounds are soluble in organic solvents and insoluble in water. Neither is acidic enough to be extracted into aqueous base. c. CH3(CH2)6COOH and NaCl: one carboxylic acid, one salt: YES. The carboxylic acid is soluble in an organic solvent while the salt is soluble in water. d. NaCl and KCl: two salts: NO. 19.23 To separate compounds by an aqueous extraction technique, compounds must have different solubility properties. CH3CH2COOH and CH3CH2CH2OH are low molecular weight organic compounds that can hydrogen bond to water, so they are water soluble. They also both dissolve in organic solvents. As a result, they are inseparable because of their similar solubility properties. 19.24 weaker conjugate base better leaving group CF3SO3H CF3 is electron withdrawing. stronger acid lower pKa CF3SO3– stronger conjugate base worse leaving group CH3SO3H CH3 is electron donating. weaker acid higher pKa CH3SO3– 485 486 Smith: Study Guide/ 19. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to the Acidity of the O−H accompany Organic Bond Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 19–8 19.25 phenylalanine COOH C H2N methionine COOH H H COOH C C NH2 H2N COOH H CH2CH2SCH3 H CH3SCH2CH2 C R R NH2 S S 19.26 Since amino acids exist as zwitterions (i.e., salts), they are too polar to be soluble in organic solvents like diethyl ether. Thus, they are soluble in water. 19.27 COOH H3N C H COO COO H 3N C H H2N C H H H H pH = 1 glycine pH = 11 neutral form 19.28 COO pI = pKa(COOH) + pKa(NH3+) (2.58) + (9.24) = 2 2 = 5.91 H3N C H CH2 19.29 + + H3N CH COOH H electron-withdrawing group H3N CH COO– H The nearby (+) stabilizes the conjugate base by an electron-withdrawing inductive effect, thus making the starting acid more acidic. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 19. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 the Acidity of the O−H Bond Carboxylic Acids and the Acidity of the O–H Bond 19–9 19.30 Use the directions from Answer 19.1 to name the compounds. a. (CH3)2CHCH2CH2CO2H b. BrCH2COOH COOH 4-methylpentanoic acid g. o-bromobenzoic acid 2-bromoacetic acid or 2-bromoethanoic acid Br O h. c. CH3CH2 COOH p-ethylbenzoic acid OH 4,4,5,5-tetramethyloctanoic acid d. – + O lithium butanoate CH3CH2CH2COO Li O– Na+ i. sodium 2-methylhexanoate 1-ethylcyclopentanecarboxylic acid e. COOH COOH 10 j. 3 7 2,4-dimethylcyclohexanecarboxylic acid f. 5 7-ethyl-5-isopropyl-3-methyldecanoic acid COOH 19.31 OH f. o-chlorobenzoic acid a. 3,3-dimethylpentanoic acid COOH O Cl OH b. 4-chloro-3-phenylheptanoic acid CH3 O c. (2R)-2-chloropropanoic acid Cl O K+ O h. sodium -bromobutyrate Cl Cl e. m-hydroxybenzoic acid C O OH Na+ Br O d. ,-dichloropropionic acid Cl g. potassium acetate O i. 2,2-dichloropentanedioic acid O O O HO OH HOOC OH Cl Cl j. 4-isopropyl-2-methyloctanedioic acid OH O HO OH O 19.32 O O OH pentanoic acid OH 3-methylbutanoic acid O– Na+ sodium pentanoate O– Na+ sodium 3-methylbutanoate OH OH 2-methylbutanoic acid 2,2-dimethylpropanoic acid O O O O O O O– Na+ sodium 2-methylbutanoate O– Na+ sodium 2,2-dimethylpropanoate 487 488 Smith: Study Guide/ 19. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to the Acidity of the O−H accompany Organic Bond Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 19–10 19.33 O a. OH OH O lowest boiling point intermediate boiling point O highest boiling point O OH b. HO lowest boiling point intermediate boiling point highest boiling point 19.34 O OH a. CrO3 OH [1] O3 c. KMnO4 CH3 + CO2 [2] H2O H2SO4, H2O b. (CH3)2CH COOH C C H HOOC d. CH3(CH2)6CH2OH COOH Na2Cr2O7 CH3(CH2)6COOH H2SO4, H2O 19.35 [1] BH3 a. CH2 [2] H2O2, OH B [1] NaNH2 HC CH HC CCH3 [2] CH3I C [2] CH3CH2I CH(CH3)2 (CH3)2CHCl c. COOH H2SO4, H2O A [1] NaNH2 b. CrO3 CH2OH – CH3CH2C CCH3 [1] O3 CH3CH2COOH [2] H2O D CH3COOH E + F COOH KMnO4 AlCl3 G H 19.36 Bases: [1] –OH pKa (H2O) = 15.7; [2] CH3CH2– pKa (CH3CH3) = 50; [3] –NH2 pKa (NH3) = 38; [4] NH3 pKa (NH4+) = 9.4; [5] HCC– pKa (HCCH) = 25. a. CH3 COOH pKa = 4.3 All of the bases can deprotonate this. b. –OH, Cl c. (CH3)3COH OH pKa = 9.4 CH3CH2–, –NH2, and HCC– can deprotonate this. pKa = 18 CH3CH2–, –NH2, and HCC– can deprotonate this. 19.37 a. COOH K+ OC(CH COO K+ 3)3 + HOC(CH3)3 pKa = 18 Reaction favors products. pKa = 4.2 OH b. pKa 16 NH3 O NH4+ pKa = 9.4 Reaction favors reactants. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 19. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 the Acidity of the O−H Bond Carboxylic Acids and the Acidity of the O–H Bond 19–11 Na+ NH2 + OH c. + NH3 + Na+ O pKa = 10 d. Reaction favors products. pKa = 38 CH3–Li+ COOH COO Li+ CH3 CH4 Reaction favors products. pKa = 50 CH3 pKa 4 e. Na+H OH Na+ O Reaction favors products. pKa = 35 pKa 16 CH3 f. H2 OH Na2CO3 O– Na+ CH3 With the same pKa for the starting acid and the conjugate acid, an equal amount of starting materials and products is present. Na+ HCO3 pKa = 10.2 pKa = 10.2 19.38 The stronger acid has a lower pKa and a weaker conjugate base. COOH CH2OH a. or c. carboxylic acid stronger acid lower pKa weaker conjugate base CH3 or COOH Cl Cl is electron withdrawing. stronger acid lower pKa weaker conjugate base CH3 is electron donating. weaker acid higher pKa stronger conjugate base alcohol weaker acid higher pKa stronger conjugate base or ClCH2COOH FCH2COOH F is more electronegative. weaker acid stronger acid higher pKa lower pKa stronger conjugate base weaker conjugate base b. d. or NCCH2COOH CN is electron withdrawing. stronger acid lower pKa weaker conjugate base CH3COOH weaker acid higher pKa stronger conjugate base 19.39 Br a. COOH least acidic COOH OH b. CH3 COOH Cl more electronegative most acidic OH Cl least acidic OH O2N most acidic intermediate acidity COOH c. Cl Br is electronegative intermediate acidity COOH CH3 COOH CF3 least acidic intermediate acidity OH most acidic OH OH d. Br least acidic O2N intermediate acidity O2N NO2 most acidic COOH 489 490 Smith: Study Guide/ 19. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to the Acidity of the O−H accompany Organic Bond Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 19–12 19.40 O a. BrCH2COO– BrCH2CH2 weakest base COO– (CH3)3 intermediate basicity CCOO– strongest base O2N weakest base b. O NH weakest base O O c. intermediate basicity strongest base CH2 intermediate basicity strongest base 19.41 Increasing acidity ICH2COOH pKa values BrCH2COOH least acidic 3.12 FCH2COOH 2.86 2.66 F2CHCOOH F3CCOOH most acidic 0.28 1.24 19.42 The OH of the phenol group in morphine is more acidic than the OH of the alcohol (pKa 10 versus pKa 16). KOH is basic enough to remove the phenolic OH, the most acidic proton. most acidic proton HO The OH is part of a phenol. Methylation occurs here. O O [1] KOH H an alcohol H HO N [2] CH3I H H HO codeine N CH3 HO CH3 O H H HO N CH3 O O O H H N Many resonance structures stabilize the conjugate base. O O O HO morphine CH3O O H CH3 O H N CH3 H HO O H N CH3 H HO H N CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 491 © The McGraw−Hill 19. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 the Acidity of the O−H Bond Carboxylic Acids and the Acidity of the O–H Bond 19–13 19.43 a. The negative charge on the conjugate base of p-nitrophenol is delocalized on the NO2 group, stabilizing the conjugate base, and making p-nitrophenol more acidic than phenol (where the negative charge is delocalized only around the benzene ring). OH O + N O p-nitrophenol pKa = 7.2 O O O + N O + O O OH O N phenol pKa = 10 two of the possible resonance structures for the conjugate base (See part b. for all the possible resonance structures.) b. In the para isomer, the negative charge of the conjugate base is delocalized over both the benzene ring and onto the NO2 group, whereas in the meta isomer it cannot be delocalized onto the NO2 group. This makes the conjugate base from the para isomer more highly resonance stabilized, and the para substituted phenol more acidic than its meta isomer. OH O2N O O O2N O O O2N pKa = 7.2 p-nitrophenol O N O N O O2N O negative charge on two O atoms very good resonance structure more stable conjugate base O2N stronger acid OH NO2 O O O NO2 O NO2 O NO2 NO2 O O NO2 pKa = 8.3 m-nitrophenol 19.44 A CH3O group has an electron-withdrawing inductive effect and an electron-donating resonance effect. In 2-methoxyacetic acid, the OCH3 group is bonded to an sp3 hybridized C, so there is no way to donate electron density by resonance. The CH3O group withdraws electron density because of the electronegative O atom, stabilizing the conjugate base, and making CH3OCH2COOH a stronger acid than CH3COOH. – H+ O CH3O OH more acidic acid O CH3O O more stable conjugate base 492 Smith: Study Guide/ 19. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to the Acidity of the O−H accompany Organic Bond Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 19–14 In p-methoxybenzoic acid, the CH3O group is bonded to an sp2 hybridized C, so it can donate electron density by a resonance effect. This destabilizes the conjugate base, making the starting material less acidic than C6H5COOH. O – H+ CH3O O O CH3O CH3O OH O O less acidic acid like charges nearby less stable conjugate base 19.45 The O in A is more electronegative than the N in C so there is a stronger electron-withdrawing inductive effect. This stabilizes the conjugate base of A, making A more acidic than C. CO2H CO2H O A pKa = 3.2 O N H B pKa = 3.9 C CO2H pKa = 4.4 Since the O in A is closer to the COOH group than the O atom in B, there is a stronger electron-withdrawing inductive effect. This makes A more acidic than B. 19.46 CO2H CO2H O2N O2N D C E – H+ – O CO2H H+ – H+ O O O O O2N O2N O Since the benzene ring is bonded to the carbon (not the carbonyl carbon), this compound is not much different than any alkylsubstituted carboxylic acid. least acidic The electron withdrawingSince the NO2 group is bonded to a inductive effect of the NO2 benzene ring that is bonded directly to the group helps stabilize the COO– carbonyl group, inductive effects and resonance effects stabilize the conjugate group. base. For example, a resonance intermediate acidity structure can be drawn that places a (+) charge close to the COO– group. Two of the resonance structures for the conjugate base of C: most acidic O O O N O O N O O O unlike charges nearby stabilizing Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 493 © The McGraw−Hill 19. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 the Acidity of the O−H Bond Carboxylic Acids and the Acidity of the O–H Bond 19–15 19.47 O CH3 C * OH NaOH CH3 O O C * O C * O CH3 + H3O+ H3O labeled O atom OH O CH3 The resonance-stabilized carboxylate anion can now be protonated on either O atom, the one with the label and the one without the label. C * OH CH3 C * O The label is now in two different locations. 19.48 O a. Ha O Hc Hb loss of Hb: Ha Hc The most acidic proton forms the most stable conjugate base. O O 1,3-cyclohexanedione increasing acidity: Hb < Ha < Hc O one Lewis structure least stable conjugate base O loss of Ha: Hc Hb O Hc O Hb O loss of Hc: H a O O Ha Hb O 2 resonance structures intermediate stability Ha Hb O Hb O 3 resonance structures most stable conjugate base Hb N N b. Hc O Ha N Hc loss of Hb: O Ha O Ha acetanilide N N Hc O Ha Ha Hb Hb N N N O one Lewis structure least stable conjugate base Ha N Hc O Hb Hc Hc O 7 resonance structures most stable conjugate base increasing acidity: Ha < Hc < Hb loss of Ha: N Hc Ha N loss of Hc: Ha O Ha 2 resonance structures that delocalize the negative charge intermediate stability Hc O O Ha Hc O 494 Smith: Study Guide/ 19. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to the Acidity of the O−H accompany Organic Bond Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 19–16 19.49 O O O H H H H H O O H H H HO OH O O H H H H HO O H The conjugate base is resonance stabilized. Two of the structures place a negative charge on an O atom. weaker conjugate base stronger acid The conjugate base has only one Lewis structure. stronger conjugate base weaker acid O 19.50 As usual, compare the stability of the conjugate bases. With RSO3H, loss of a proton forms a conjugate base that has three resonance structures, all of which are equivalent and place a negative charge on a more electronegative O atom. With the conjugate base of RCOOH, there are only two of these resonance structures. Thus, the conjugate base RSO3– is more highly resonance stabilized than RCOO–, so RSO3H is a stronger acid than RCOOH. O O O O R S O R S O R S O O O O O O base R S O H O O R C base O H R C O R C three resonance structures for the conjugate base two resonance structures for the conjugate base O 19.51 The negatively charged C is more nucleophilic than the negatively charged O atom. CH3COOH CH2COO– strong base (2 equiv) CH3CH2CH2CH2 Br X CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2COO– H3O+ Two equivalents of strong base remove both the O–H and C–H protons. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2COOH hexanoic acid 19.52 CH3 O O C C NH2 acetamide CH3 C N CH3 N CH3 C O O H O is more electronegative than N, making the conjugate base of CH3COOH more stable than the conjugate base of acetamide. Therefore, acetamide is less acidic. O OH C somewhat less stable with the (–) charge on N O CH3 O H CH3 C O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 19. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 the Acidity of the O−H Bond Carboxylic Acids and the Acidity of the O–H Bond 19–17 19.53 COOH A • • B • Dissolve both compounds in CH2Cl2. Add 10% NaHCO3 solution. This makes a carboxylate anion (C10H7COO–) from B, which dissolves in the aqueous layer. The other compound (A) remains in the CH2Cl2. Separate the layers. 19.54 OH OH and • • • Dissolve both compounds in CH2Cl2. Add 10% NaOH solution. This converts C6H5OH into a phenoxide anion, C6H5O–, which dissolves in the aqueous solution. The alcohol remains in the organic layer (neutral) since it is not acidic enough to be deprotonated to any significant extent by NaOH. Separate the layers. 19.55 To separate two compounds in an aqueous extraction, one must be water soluble (or be able to be converted into a water-soluble ionic compound by an acid–base reaction), and the other insoluble. 1-Octanol has greater than 5 C’s, making it insoluble in water. Octane is an alkane, also insoluble in water. Neither compound is acidic enough to be deprotonated by a base in aqueous solution. Since their solubility properties are similar, they cannot be separated by an extraction procedure. 19.56 O C one double bond or ring a. Molecular formula: C3H5ClO2 ClCH2CH2 OH C=O and O–H IR: 3500–2500 cm–1, 1714 cm–1 NMR data: 2.87 (triplet, 2 H), 3.76 (triplet, 2 H), and 11.8 (singlet, 1 H) ppm b. Molecular formula: C8H8O3 5 double bonds or rings CH3O COOH IR: 3500–2500 cm–1, 1688 cm–1 C=O and O–H NMR data: 3.8 (singlet, 3 H), 7.0 (doublet, 2 H), 7.9 (doublet, 2 H), and 12.7 (singlet, 1 H) ppm para disubstituted benzene ring 5 double bonds or rings c. Molecular formula: C8H8O3 OCH2COOH IR: 3500–2500 cm–1, 1710 cm–1 C=O and O–H NMR data: 4.7 (singlet, 2 H), 6.9–7.3 (multiplet, 5 H), and 11.3 (singlet, 1 H) ppm monosubstituted benzene ring 495 496 Smith: Study Guide/ 19. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to the Acidity of the O−H accompany Organic Bond Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 19–18 19.57 Compound A: Molecular formula C4H8O2 (one degree of unsaturation) IR absorptions at 3600–3200 (O–H), 3000–2800 (C–H), and 1700 (C=O) cm–1 1 H NMR data: Absorption singlet singlet triplet triplet ppm 2.2 2.55 2.7 3.9 # of H’s 3 1 2 2 Explanation a CH3 group 1 H adjacent to none or OH 2 H’s adjacent to 2 H’s 2 H’s adjacent to 2 H’s Structure: O CH3 C A CH2CH2OH Compound B: Molecular formula C4H8O2 (one degree of unsaturation) IR absorptions at 3500–2500 (O–H) and 1700 (C=O) cm–1 1 H NMR data: Absorption doublet septet singlet (very broad) ppm 1.6 2.3 10.7 # of H’s 6 1 1 Explanation 6 H’s adjacent to 1 H 1 H adjacent to 6 H’s OH of RCOOH Structure: CH3 CH3 C COOH H B 19.58 Compound C: Molecular formula C4H8O3 (one degree of unsaturation) IR absorptions at 3600–2500 (O–H) and 1734 (C=O) cm–1 1 H NMR data: Absorption triplet quartet singlet singlet ppm 1.2 3.6 4.1 11.3 # of H’s 3 2 2 1 Explanation a CH3 group adjacent to 2 H’s 2 H’s adjacent to 3 H’s 2 H’s OH of COOH Structure: O O OH C 19.59 Compound D: Molecular formula C9H9ClO2 (five degrees of unsaturation) C NMR data: 30, 36, 128, 130, 133, 139, 179 = 7 different types of C’s 1 H NMR data: 13 Absorption triplet triplet two signals singlet ppm 2.7 2.9 7.2 11.7 # of H’s 2 2 4 1 Explanation 2 H’s adjacent to 2 H’s 2 H’s adjacent to 2 H’s on benzene ring OH of COOH Structure: COOH Cl 19.60 Molecular formula C6H12O2 (1 double bond due to COOH) 1H NMR: 1.1 (singlet), 2.2 (singlet), and 11.9 (singlet) ppm CH3 CH3 C CH2COOH CH3 D Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 19. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 the Acidity of the O−H Bond Carboxylic Acids and the Acidity of the O–H Bond 19–19 19.61 Molecular formula: C8H6O4: 6 degrees of unsaturation IR 1692 cm–1 (C=O) 1H NMR 8.2 and 10.0 ppm (singlets) O O HO OH COOH aromatic H 19.62 A COOH COOH B O C OH 3 different C's Spectrum [2]: peaks at 27, 39, 186 ppm 5 different C's Spectrum [1]: peaks at 14, 22, 27, 34, 181 ppm 4 different C's Spectrum [3]: peaks at 22, 26, 43, 180 ppm 19.63 GBL: Molecular formula C4H6O2 (two degrees of unsaturation) IR absorption at 1770 (C=O) cm–1 1 H NMR data: Absorption multiplet triplet triplet ppm 2.28 2.48 4.35 # of H’s 2 2 2 Explanation 2 H’s adjacent to several H’s 2 H’s adjacent to 2 H’s 2 H’s adjacent to 2 H’s Structure: O O GBL 19.64 HOOC H C threonine OH HOOC H C H H2N C H2N CH3 OH HOOC C CH3 H HOOC C H H2N 2S,3S 2R,3S OH H C C CH3 H2N H C OH H CH3 2S,3R naturally occurring 2R,3R 19.65 NH NH COOH NH2 COOH proline enantiomer O O COO zwitterion 19.66 a. methionine O H3N CH C OH b. serine O O H3N CH C O H2N CH C O CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2SCH3 CH2SCH3 CH2SCH3 OH OH OH pH = 1 pH = 6 form at isoelectric point pH = 11 H3N CH C OH pH = 1 H3N CH C O O H2N CH C O pH = 6 form at isoelectric point pH = 11 497 498 Smith: Study Guide/ 19. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to the Acidity of the O−H accompany Organic Bond Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 19–20 19.67 pKa(COOH) + pKa(NH3+) a. cysteine pI = = (2.05) + (10.25) / 2 = 6.15 2 b. methionine pI = pKa(COOH) + pKa(NH3+) = (2.28) + (9.21) / 2 = 5.75 2 19.68 O O H2N C C OH lysine This lone pair is localized on the N atom, making it a base. H2N H N H H2N H OH tryptophan This lone pair is delocalized in the system to give 10 electrons, making it aromatic. This is similar to pyrrole (Chapter 17). Since these electrons are delocalized in the aromatic system, this N atom in tryptophan is not basic. 19.69 The first equivalent of NH3 acts as a base to remove a proton from the carboxylic acid. A second equivalent then acts as a nucleophile to displace X to form the ammonium salt of the amino acid. O R R OH X O O NH3 acid–base reaction NH3 O– NH4+ SN2 reaction X R O– NH4+ NH3 19.70 a. At pH = 1, the net charge is (+1). NH3 b. increasing pH: As base is added, the most acidic proton is removed first, then the next most acidic proton, and so forth. NH3 C HOOCCH2CH2 COOH H COOH H base (1 equiv) NH3 C HOOCCH2CH2 COO– H base (2nd equiv) NH3 C OOCCH2CH2 COO– H base (3rd equiv) NH2 C OOCCH2CH2 H NH3 C OOCCH2CH2 H C HOOCCH2CH2 c. monosodium glutamate COO– COO– Na+ Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 19. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 the Acidity of the O−H Bond Carboxylic Acids and the Acidity of the O–H Bond 19–21 19.71 The first equivalent of NaH removes the most acidic proton; that is, the OH proton on the phenol. The resulting phenoxide can then act as a nucleophile to displace I to form a substitution product. With two equivalents, both OH protons are removed. In this case the more nucleophilic O atom is the stronger base; that is, the alkoxide derived from the alcohol (not the phenoxide), so this negatively charged O atom reacts first in a nucleophilic substitution reaction. nucleophile most acidic proton NaH – O (CH2)4OH –O (CH2)4O– (1 equiv) HO [1] CH3I CH3O (CH2)4OH [2] H2O (CH2)4OH NaH (2 equiv) [1] CH3I HO (CH2)4OCH3 [2] H2O nucleophile 19.72 O HO COOH HO C O p-hydroxybenzoic acid less acidic than benzoic acid + HO O C O like charges on nearby atoms destabilizing The OH group donates electron density by its resonance effect and this destabilizes the conjugate base, making the acid less acidic than benzoic acid. O H OH O COOH C O o-hydroxybenzoic acid more acidic than benzoic acid Intramolecular hydrogen bonding stabilizes the conjugate base, making the acid more acidic than benzoic acid. 19.73 O Hd OHe HaO HbO Hc O 2-hydroxybutanedioic acid increasing acidity: Hd < Hc < Hb < He < Ha Ha and He must be the two most acidic protons since they are part of carboxylic acids. Loss of a proton forms a resonance-stabilized carboxylate anion that has the negative charge delocalized on two O atoms. Ha is more acidic than He because the nearby OH group on the carbon increases acidity by an electron-withdrawing inductive effect. Hb is the next most acidic proton because the conjugate base places a negative charge on the electronegative O atom, but it is not resonance stabilized. The least acidic H’s are Hc and Hd since these H’s are bonded to C atoms. The electronegative O atom further acidifies Hc by an electron-withdrawing inductive effect. 499 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Chemistry 501 Introduction to Carbonyl Chemistry 20–1 C Chhaapptteerr 2200:: IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo C Caarrbboonnyyll C Chheem miissttrryy R Reedduuccttiioonn rreeaaccttiioonnss [1] Reduction of aldehydes and ketones to 1o and 2o alcohols (20.4) O R C OH NaBH4, CH3OH H(R') R C H(R') or H [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O 1o or 2o alcohol or H2, Pd-C [2] Reduction of ,-unsaturated aldehydes and ketones (20.4C) OH NaBH4 CH3OH • reduction of the C=O only R O O H2 (1 equiv) R Pd-C • reduction of the C=C only R OH H2 (excess) Pd-C • reduction of both bonds R [3] Enantioselective ketone reduction (20.6) [1] (S)- or (R)CBS reagent O C R HO H C [2] H2O H OH R (R) 2o alcohol C or R • A single enantiomer is formed. (S) 2o alcohol [4] Reduction of acid chlorides (20.7A) [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O O R C RCH2OH 1o alcohol • LiAlH4, a strong reducing agent, reduces an acid chloride to a 1o alcohol. • With LiAlH[OC(CH3)3]3, a milder reducing agent, reduction stops at the aldehyde stage. Cl O [1] LiAlH[OC(CH3)3]3 [2] H2O R C H aldehyde 502 Smith: Study Guide/ 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Chemistry accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 20–2 [5] Reduction of esters (20.7A) [1] LiAlH4 RCH2OH [2] H2O 1o alcohol O R C • LiAlH4, a strong reducing agent, reduces an ester to a 1o alcohol. • With DIBAL-H, a milder reducing agent, reduction stops at the aldehyde stage. OR' O [1] DIBAL-H C R [2] H2O H aldehyde [6] Reduction of carboxylic acids to 1o alcohols (20.7B) O R C [1] LiAlH4 OH [2] H2O RCH2OH 1o alcohol [7] Reduction of amides to amines (20.7B) O R C [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O N RCH2 N amine O Oxxiiddaattiioonn rreeaaccttiioonnss Oxidation of aldehydes to carboxylic acids (20.8) O R C O CrO3, Na2Cr2O7, K2Cr2O7, KMnO4 H or Ag2O, NH4OH C R OH All Cr6+ reagents except PCC oxidize RCHO to RCOOH. Tollens reagent (Ag2O + NH4OH) oxidizes RCHO only. Primary (1°) and secondary (2°) alcohols do not react with Tollens reagent. • carboxylic acid PPrreeppaarraattiioonn ooff oorrggaannoom meettaalllliicc rreeaaggeennttss ((2200..99)) [1] Organolithium reagents: R X [2] Grignard reagents: • R X + 2 Li R Li + Mg (CH3CH2)2O [3] Organocuprate reagents: R X 2 R Li + 2 Li + CuI + LiX R Mg X R Li + LiX R2Cu Li+ + LiI Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Chemistry 503 Introduction to Carbonyl Chemistry 20–3 [4] Lithium and sodium acetylides: Na+ –NH2 R C C H R C C Na+ + NH3 a sodium acetylide R Li R C C H R C C Li + R H a lithium acetylide R Reeaaccttiioonnss w wiitthh oorrggaannoom meettaalllliicc rreeaaggeennttss [1] Reaction as a base (20.9C) R M + H O R R H M+ + • • O R RM = RLi, RMgX, R2CuLi This acid–base reaction occurs with H2O, ROH, RNH2, R2NH, RSH, RCOOH, RCONH2, and RCONHR. [2] Reaction with aldehydes and ketones to form 1o, 2o, and 3o alcohols (20.10) O R C OH [1] R"MgX or R"Li R C H (R') [2] H2O H (R') R" 1o, 2o, or 3o alcohol [3] Reaction with esters to form 3o alcohols (20.13A) [1] R"Li or R"MgX (2 equiv) O R C OR' OH R C R" [2] H2O R" 3o alcohol [4] Reaction with acid chlorides (20.13) [1] R"Li or R"MgX (2 equiv) [2] H2O O R C OH • More reactive organometallic reagents—R"Li and R"MgX—add two equivalents of R" to an acid chloride to form a 3o alcohol with two identical R" groups. • Less reactive organometallic reagents— R'2CuLi—add only one equivalent of R' to an acid chloride to form a ketone. R C R" R" 3o alcohol Cl O [1] R'2CuLi [2] H2O R C R' ketone 504 Smith: Study Guide/ 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Chemistry accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 20–4 [5] Reaction with carbon dioxide—Carboxylation (20.14A) O [1] CO2 R MgX R C [2] H3O+ OH carboxylic acid [6] Reaction with epoxides (20.14B) OH O C [1] RLi, RMgX, or R2CuLi C C [2] H2O C R alcohol [7] Reaction with ,-unsaturated aldehydes and ketones (20.15B) [1] R'Li or R'MgX OH R [2] H2O C C C C • More reactive organometallic reagents— R'Li and R'MgX—react with ,unsaturated carbonyls by 1,2-addition. • Less reactive organometallic reagents— R'2CuLi— react with ,-unsaturated carbonyls by 1,4-addition. R' O R C allylic alcohol C O H C C R [1] R'2CuLi [2] H2O C R' ketone PPrrootteeccttiinngg ggrroouuppss ((2200..1122)) [1] Protecting an alcohol as a tert-butyldimethylsilyl ether CH3 R O H + Cl CH3 Si C(CH3)3 CH3 R O Si C(CH3)3 N CH3 NH R O TBDMS Cl TBDMS tert-butyldimethylsilyl ether [2] Deprotecting a tert-butyldimethylsilyl ether to re-form an alcohol CH3 R O Si C(CH3)3 CH3 (CH3CH2CH2CH2)4N+ F– R O H + F Si C(CH3)3 CH3 R O TBDMS CH3 F TBDMS Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Chemistry 505 Introduction to Carbonyl Chemistry 20–5 C Chhaapptteerr 2200:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 20.1 [1] Csp2–Csp2 a. [3] Csp2–Csp2 20.2 [2] : C –O : Cp–Op sp2 O -sinensal sp2 A carbonyl compound with a reasonable leaving group undergoes substitution reactions. Those without good leaving groups undergo addition. O a. CH3 C O b. CH3 CH3CH2CH2 no good leaving group addition reactions 20.3 b. The O is sp2 hybridized. Both lone pairs occupy sp2 hybrid orbitals. H C O O c. Cl CH3 Cl–good leaving group substitution reactions C C d. OCH3 OCH3–reasonable leaving group substitution reactions H no good leaving group addition reactions A carbonyl compound with a reasonable leaving group (NR2 or OR bonded to the C=O) undergoes substitution reactions. Those without good leaving groups undergo addition. O no good leaving group addition reactions O O O O OH N O H All other C=O's have leaving groups. substitution reactions OH HO O O H O O O 20.4 Aldehydes are more reactive than ketones. In carbonyl compounds with leaving groups, the better the leaving group, the more reactive the carbonyl compound. O a. CH3CH2CH2 C O H or CH3CH2CH2 C O CH3 c. O CH3CH2 C O or CH3 less hindered carbonyl more reactive C Cl or CH3 C OCH3 better leaving group more reactive less hindered carbonyl more reactive b. CH3CH2 O CH3CH(CH3) C O d. CH2CH3 CH3 C O or OCH3 better leaving group more reactive CH3 C NHCH3 506 Smith: Study Guide/ 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Chemistry accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 20–6 NaBH4 reduces aldehydes to 1° alcohols, and ketones to 2° alcohols. 20.5 O a. CH3CH2CH2 OH NaBH4 C H CH3CH2CH2 C H CH3OH NaBH4 c. H CH3OH O OH NaBH4 O b. OH CH3OH 1° Alcohols are prepared from aldehydes and 2° alcohols are from ketones. 20.6 H OH O a. OH b. O OH O c. 20.7 OH 3° Alcohols cannot be made by reduction of a carbonyl group, because they do not contain a H on the C with the OH. 1-methylcyclohexanol 20.8 O a. O OH [1] LiAlH4 d. [2] H2O O Pd-C OH NaBH4 O e. b. O O H2 (1 equiv) c. NaBH4 (excess) NaBD4 f. CH3OH Pd-C 20.9 O OH NaBH4 a. OH CH3OH NaBH4 CHO b. CH3OH c. (CH3)3C O OH NaBH4 CH3OH (CH3)3C OH (CH3)3C 20.10 O HO H Cl A Cl [1] (S)-CBS reagent [2] H2O OH CH3OH CH3OH O OH H2 (excess) B OH D OH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 507 © The McGraw−Hill 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Chemistry Introduction to Carbonyl Chemistry 20–7 20.11 Part [1]: Nucleophilic substitution of H for Cl O O C CH3 Cl [1] O CH3 C Cl [2] H H3Al H C CH3 H replaces Cl. aldehyde + AlH3 Cl– + H Part [2]: Nucleophilic addition of H– to form an alcohol O O CH3 C H [3] H3Al H OH H OH CH3 C H [4] H + AlH3 + –OH CH3 C H H 1o alcohol 20.12 Acid chlorides and esters can be reduced to 1° alcohols. Keep the carbon skeleton the same in drawing an ester and acid chloride precursor. O O CH2OH a. C or Cl OH CH2OH OCH3 Cl b. C O C O CH3O or O c. OCH3 CH3O or Cl C O OCH3 CH3O 20.13 O a. O [1] LiAlH4 OH C c. OH [2] H2O N(CH3)2 [1] LiAlH4 CH2N(CH3)2 [2] H2O O O b. [1] LiAlH4 NH2 NH2 [2] H2O d. NH [1] LiAlH4 NH [2] H2O 20.14 O CH2NH2 a. C O NH2 c. O N b. CH2CH3 CH2CH3 C O N CH2CH3 CH2CH3 or N CH2CH3 N H N H 508 Smith: Study Guide/ 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Chemistry accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 20–8 20.15 O COOCH3 a. [1] LiAlH4 O b. CH3O [1] LiAlH4 CH3O OH CH3O OH [2] H2O + HOCH3 OH NaBH4 COOCH3 CH3OH O O c. OH [2] H2O NaBH4 CH3O OH CH3OH [1] LiAlH4 OH [2] H2O NaBH4 CH3OH HO OH + HOCH3 Neither functional group reduced 20.16 CO2CH2CH3 a. O b. CO2CH2CH3 O CO2CH2CH3 c. H2 CO2CH2CH3 (1 equiv) Pd-C O H2 CO2CH2CH3 (2 equiv) Pd-C OH [1] LiAlH4 OH [2] H2O O d. + CH3CH2OH OH CO2CH2CH3 NaBH4 CO2CH2CH3 CH3OH O OH 20.17 Tollens reagent reacts only with aldehydes. Ag2O, NH4OH a. b. CH2OH Na2Cr2O7 H2SO4, H2O COOH Ag2O, NH4OH OH No reaction OH O C CHO O Na2Cr2O7 H2SO4, H2O OH O C OH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 509 © The McGraw−Hill 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Chemistry Introduction to Carbonyl Chemistry 20–9 20.18 O OH CHO c. B CHO PCC O HO B H OH OH CH2OH NaBH4 a. B d. B O Ag2O, NH4OH C HO CH3OH HO O O OH [1] LiAlH4 b. B [2] H2O OH CH2OH e. B C CrO3 H2SO4, H2O HO OH O OH 20.19 a. CH3CH2Br + 2 Li c. CH3CH2Br + 2 Li CH3CH2Li + LiBr b. CH3CH2Br + Mg CH3CH2MgBr CH3CH2Li 2 CH3CH2Li + CuI + LiBr LiCu(CH2CH3)2 + LiI 20.20 HC CCH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 + NaH Na+ C CCH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 + H2 hydrogen gas HC CCH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 BrMgC CCH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 + CH4 methane gas + CH3MgBr 20.21 + LiOH Li + H2O a. CH3 H2O CH 3 C MgBr + b. CH3 MgBr c. CH3 CH3 C H + HOMgBr + HOMgBr + H2O d. CH3CH2C C Li + H2O CH3CH2C CH + LiOH CH3 20.22 To draw the product, add the benzene ring to the carbonyl carbon and protonate the oxygen. OH O a. H C OH H C H [1] H O MgBr c. [2] H2O CH3CH2 C [1] H MgBr CH3CH2 C H [2] H2O OH O b. CH3CH2 C [1] CH2CH3 MgBr CH3CH2 C CH2CH3 d. [2] H2O O [1] [2] H2O MgBr OH 510 Smith: Study Guide/ 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Chemistry accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 20–10 20.23 To draw the products, add the alkyl or phenyl group to the carbonyl carbon and protonate the oxygen. [1] CH3CH2CH2Li a. [2] H2O O b. H C Li [1] H O [2] H2O HO CH2CH2CH3 OH O OH [1] C6H5Li c. d. C C Na+ [1] CH2=O C C CH2OH [2] H2O H C H [2] H2O 20.24 Addition of RM always occurs from above and below the plane of the molecule. H OH O a. CH3 C H CH3 b. H OH [1] CH3CH2MgBr + [2] H2O O [1] CH3CH2Li CH2CH3 CH3 + OH CH3 OH [2] H2O CH2CH3 20.25 OH OH a. O CH3 C CH3 CH3MgBr + H b. c. CH2OH H MgBr C CH3 + C + CH3CH2MgBr H + H C O OH O MgBr O OH O C CH2CH3 MgBr + d. H OH O + CH3MgBr CH2CH3 H OH or O C CH2CH3 + CH3CH2MgBr H H 20.26 OH O a. + CH3Li linalool (three methods) OH Li O Li lavandulol O + CH2=O Li Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Chemistry 511 Introduction to Carbonyl Chemistry 20–11 b. c. Linalool is a 3° ROH. Therefore, it has no H on the carbon with the OH group, and cannot be prepared by reduction of a carbonyl compound. CHO OH NaBH4 CH3OH 20.27 N(CH3)2 N(CH3)2 OH O BrMg OCH3 OCH3 venlafaxine 20.28 CH3 O CH3 O TBDMS–Cl CH3OH C CH [1] Li C CH imidazole [2] H2O HO TBDMSO TBDMSO estrone (CH3CH2CH2CH2)4NF CH3OH C CH ethynylestradiol HO 20.29 O a. CH3CH2 C Cl b. CH3CH2 C CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH2CH2CH2CH3 [2] H2O O C OH [1] CH3CH2CH2CH2MgBr (2 equiv) OCH3 [1] CH3CH2CH2CH2MgBr (2 equiv) OH CH3CH2CH2CH2 C CH2CH2CH2CH3 [2] H2O O c. OCH2CH3 [1] CH3CH2CH2CH2MgBr (2 equiv) OH CH3CH2CH2CH2 C CH2CH2CH2CH3 [2] H2O CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 20.30 O OH a. C CH3 CH3O C + MgBr CH3 (2 equiv) O b. (CH3CH2CH2)3COH CH3O C CH2CH2CH3 + CH3CH2CH2MgBr (2 equiv) 512 Smith: Study Guide/ 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Chemistry accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 20–12 O OH c. CH3 C CH2CH(CH3)2 C CH3O CH2CH(CH3)2 CH3 + CH3MgBr (2 equiv) 20.31 The R group of the organocuprate has replaced the Cl on the acid chloride. O a. CH3CH2 C Cl CH3CH2 [2] H2O O O C C Cl c. CH3CH2 CH3 O [1] (Ph)2CuLi Cl [2] H2O Ph O [1] [CH3CH2CH(CH3)]2CuLi O b. [1] (CH3)2CuLi [2] H2O 20.32 O a. (CH3)2CHCH2 C O O [1] LiAlH[OC(CH3)3]3 Cl [2] H O 2 C (CH3)2CHCH2 H c. (CH3)2CHCH2 O b. (CH3)2CHCH2 C C [2] H2O O Cl HO [1] CH3CH2Li (2 equiv) d. (CH3)2CHCH2 O [1] (CH3CH2)2CuLi Cl C [1] LiAlH4 Cl [2] H2O [2] H2O (CH3)2CHCH2CH2OH 20.33 O C a. O 2CuLi CH3 Cl C CH3 Cl + [(CH3)3C]2CuLi b. O or O C O or O C CH3 (CH3)2CuLi Cl Cl O + [(CH3)2CH]2CuLi O 20.34 O [1] Mg Br MgBr [2] CO2 a. b. c. CH3O Cl [1] Mg CH2Br MgCl [1] Mg CH3O C O O [2] CO2 [3] H3O+ COO– CH2MgBr [2] CO2 C OH [3] H3O+ CH3O COOH CH2COO– [3] H3O+ CH3O CH2COOH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 513 © The McGraw−Hill 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Chemistry Introduction to Carbonyl Chemistry 20–13 20.35 OH a. O O c. b. OH OH O OH O d. (+ enantiomer) 20.36 The characteristic reaction of ,-unsaturated carbonyl compounds is nucleophilic addition. Grignard and organolithium reagents react by 1,2-addition and organocuprate reagents react by 1,4-addition. O O CH3 a. CH3 [1] (CH3)2CuLi O [1] (CH3)2CuLi c. [2] H2O [1] H C C Li [2] H2O O CH3 [2] H2O CH3 CH3 HO C CH CH3 HO C CH [1] H C C Li [2] H2O CH3 [1] (CH3)2CuLi b. [2] H2O O O CH3 [1] H C C Li [2] H2O HO C CH 20.37 [1] (CH2=CH)2CuLi a. O [2] H2O O O (from a.) O b. [1] CH2=CHLi c. [1] CH2=CHLi [2] H2O OH [2] H2O OH 514 Smith: Study Guide/ 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Chemistry accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 20–14 20.38 a. CH3CH2OH HBr or PBr3 PCC OH Mg CH3CH2Br O CH3CH2MgBr [1] CH3CH2MgBr OH [2] H2O HBr OH b. Br (from a.) OH c. H2SO4 H2 + Pd-C (from a.) OH d. HBr or PBr3 Mg Br H2O CH3CH2OH O e. MgBr PCC O OH CH3CHO OH H2O MgBr PCC (from d.) H2SO4 CH3CH2OH CH2=CH2 O mCPBA 20.39 O a. O NaBH4 H CH3OH OH [1] LiAlH4 OH h. [1] C6H5Li H [2] H2O O H2 OH [1] (CH3)2CuLi i. H Pd-C H PCC O Na2Cr2O7 e. H H O No reaction Ag2O NH4OH j. [1] HCCNa H O O OH H2SO4, H2O O f. No reaction [2] H2O O d. OH H [2] H2O O c. H O H OH [2] H2O O b. [1] CH3MgBr g. k. OH l. [2] H2O [1] CH3CCLi H O OH OH [2] H2O TBDMSCl OH imidazole O–TBDMS Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 515 © The McGraw−Hill 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Chemistry Introduction to Carbonyl Chemistry 20–15 20.40 O a. O OH NaBH4 CH3OH [2] H2O O O OH [1] LiAlH4 b. OH [1] CH3MgBr g. [2] H2O [2] H2O O O OH H2 c. [1] (CH3)2CuLi i. Pd-C O PCC O No reaction Na2Cr2O7 e. No reaction [2] H2O O d. C6H5 OH [1] C6H5Li h. OH [1] HCCNa j. [2] H2O O No reaction H2SO4, H2O OH [1] CH3CCLi k. [2] H2O f. O OH Ag2O No reaction NH4OH O–TBDMS TBDMSCl l. imidazole 20.41 Li (2 equiv) a. Br b. Br c. Br d. Li MgBr e. MgBr (CH3CH2CH2CH2)2CuLi f. Li + Li Mg LiBr [1] Li (2 equiv) [2] CuI (0.5 equiv) H2O + LiOH D2O D CH3CCH + + DOMgBr LiCCCH3 20.42 a. MgBr b. MgBr CH2 O H2O OH O HO H2O OH c. MgBr CH3CH2COCl H2O g. MgBr CH3COOH h. MgBr HC CH i. MgBr CO2 + CH3COO HC C O H3O+ OH O d. MgBr CH3CH2COOCH3 e. MgBr f. MgBr H2O OH H2O + j. MgBr k. MgBr l. MgBr OH H2O D2O D + OD OH O CH3CH2OH + CH3CH2O H2O OH 516 Smith: Study Guide/ 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Chemistry accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 20–16 20.43 O C O Cl a. C (CH3CH2CH2CH2)2CuLi CH2CH2CH2CH3 O C OCH3 b. (CH3CH2CH2CH2)2CuLi No reaction O O CH3 c. CH3 [1] (CH3CH2CH2CH2)2CuLi [2] H2O O d. CH3 [1] (CH3CH2CH2CH2)2CuLi CH3 [2] H2O CH2CH2CH2CH3 HO 20.44 Arrange the larger group [(CH3)3C–] on the left side of the carbonyl. HO H H OH a. NaBH4, CH3OH S O R HO H b. [1] (S)-CBS reagent; [2] H2O R H OH c. [1] (R)-CBS reagent; [2] H2O S 20.45 HO OH CH3 a. NaBH4, CH3OH C d. [1] CH3Li; [2] H2O O O CH3 C CH3 HO CH2CH3 C CH3 b. H2 (1 equiv), Pd-C CH3 e. [1] CH3CH2MgBr; [2] H2O OH O A c. H2 (excess), Pd-C CH3 CH3 C f. [1] (CH2=CH)2CuLi; [2] H2O CH3 CH=CH2 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 517 © The McGraw−Hill 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Chemistry Introduction to Carbonyl Chemistry 20–17 20.46 O C a. (CH3)2CHCH2CH2 Cl b. (CH3)2CHCH2CH2 [1] (CH2=CH)2CuLi Cl c. (CH3)2CHCH2CH2 [1] C6H5MgBr (2 equiv) Cl O C d. (CH ) CHCH CH 3 2 2 2 (CH3)2CHCH2CH2 [2] H2O O C (CH3)2CHCH2CH2 [2] H2O C H O O C O [1] LiAlH[OC(CH3)3]3 CH=CH2 OH (CH3)2CHCH2CH2 [2] H2O C C6H5 C6H5 OH [1] LiAlH4 Cl C (CH3)2CHCH2CH2 [2] H2O C H H 20.47 O a. CH3CH2 C [1] LiAlH4 OCH2CH2CH3 O b. CH3CH2 C [1] CH3CH2CH2MgCl (2 equiv) OCH2CH2CH3 O c. CH3CH2 C CH3CH2CH2OH [2] H2O OH CH3CH2 C CH2CH2CH3 [2] H2O CH2CH2CH3 O [1] DIBAL-H OCH2CH2CH3 [2] H2O CH3CH2 C H 20.48 OH a. HO CHO O CrO3 CHO PCC O CHO COOH HO NH4OH H b. HO Ag2O CHO OH c. HO H2SO4, H2O O Na2Cr2O7 CHO d. HO HOOC COOH H2SO4, H2O 20.49 a. NaBH4 O COOCH3 OH O [1] LiAlH4 c. CH3OH COOCH3 OH (CH3)2N [2] H2O OH (CH3)2N O b. O [1] LiAlH4 COOCH3 [2] H2O OH d. CH2OH [1] LiAlH[OC(CH3)3]3 O OH Cl O [2] H2O O OH H O 518 Smith: Study Guide/ 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Chemistry accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 20–18 20.50 CH3 a. CH3 CH3 [1] CO2 MgBr CH3 COOH [1] CH2=O MgBr f. [2] H3O+ CH3 CH3 O OH O [1] CH3CH2MgBr b. CH2OH [2] H2O O [1] (CH3)2CuLi g. [2] H2O [2] H2O OH O c. OH [1] C6H5Li CHO [1] CH3MgBr h. [2] H2O COCl d. O i. [1] C6H5MgBr (excess) OH [1] C6H5Li [2] H2O OH OH C O [2] H2O [1] (CH3)2CuLi j. C6H5 e. COOCH2CH3 [1] CH3MgCl (excess) CH3 [2] H2O OH [2] H2O C CH3 20.51 O [1] C6H5MgBr a. HO C6H5 + HO C6H5 [2] H2O b. (CH3)3C O [1] CH3Li [2] H2O c. (CH3)3C OH [1] CH3CH2MgBr O OH + CH2CH3 [2] H2O CH3 O [1] (CH2=CH)2CuLi OH [1] Mg COOH [2] CO2 H [3] H3O+ O OH CH=CH2 CH=CH2 Br H CH2CH3 + [2] H2O e. + (CH3)3C CH3 OH d. [1] (S)-CBS reagent H OH f. [2] H2O O H OH [1] (R)-CBS reagent g. [2] H2O CH3 [2] H2O OH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 519 © The McGraw−Hill 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Chemistry Introduction to Carbonyl Chemistry 20–19 O h. [1] LiAlH4 OCH2CH3 CH2OH + HOCH2CH3 [2] H2O H H 20.52 Both ketones are chiral molecules with carbonyl groups that have one side more sterically hindered than the other. In both reductions, hydride approaches from the less hindered side. The CH3 groups on the bridgehead carbon make the top more hindered. H– attacks from below to afford an exo OH group. Attack comes from below. 2 H's less hindered Attack comes from above. H H CH3 CH3 [1] LiAlH4 H CH3 H [2] H2O O [1] LiAlH4 from above OH O OH [2] H2O H endo OH group from exo OH group below The concave shape of the six-membered ring makes the bottom face of the C=O more sterically hindered. Addition of the H– occurs from above to place the new C–H bond exo, making the OH endo. 20.53 Since a Grignard reagent contains a carbon atom with a partial negative charge, it acts as a base and reacts with the OH of the starting halide, BrCH2CH2CH2CH2OH. This acid–base reaction destroys the Grignard reagent so that addition cannot occur. To get around this problem, the OH group can be protected as a tert-butyldimethylsilyl ether, from which a Grignard reagent can be made. basic site Br OH Mg acidic site OH BrMg proton transfer CH3 O + HOMgBr These will react. INSTEAD: Use a protecting group. Br OH TBDMS–Cl imidazole OTBDMS Br Mg ether BrMg OTBDMS O [1] protected OH [2] H2O OH (CH3CH2CH2CH2)4NF OH A OH OTBDMS 520 Smith: Study Guide/ 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Chemistry accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 20–20 20.54 Compounds F, G, and K are all alcohols with aromatic rings so there will be many similarities in their proton NMR spectra. These compounds will, however, show differences in absorptions due to the CH protons on the carbon bearing the OH group. F has a CH2OH group, which will give a singlet in the 3–4 ppm region of the spectrum. G is a 3o alcohol that has no protons on the C bonded to the OH group so it will have no peak in the 3–4 ppm region of the spectrum. K is a 2o alcohol that will give a doublet in the 3–4 ppm region of the spectrum for the CH proton on the carbon with the OH group. [1] O3 [2] CH3SCH3 O C CHO O OH [1] Mg H2SO4 [1] C6H5MgBr HCl Cl D [2] H2O [2] CH2=O CH2OH F [3] H2O B A mCPBA [1] LiAlH4 [1] (CH3)2CuLi O E [2] H2O OH Br OH MgBr PBr3 G OH CH3 [2] H2O [1] C6H5CHO Mg [2] H2O I H J K 20.55 O O R a. Cl Si R H OH [1] (R)-CBS reagent R Si [2] H2O R O O H OH Cl O NaI I O R Si A R O B (CH3CH2)3SiCl imidazole H OH HO H N KF O R H OSi(CH2CH3)3 NHCH(CH3)2 Si HO R O D O R (CH3)2CHNH2 Si R O H OSi(CH2CH3)3 I C Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 521 © The McGraw−Hill 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Chemistry Introduction to Carbonyl Chemistry 20–21 O b. O N(CH3)2 O N(CH3)2 [1] C6H5MgBr N(CH3)2 H2SO4 [2] H2O E HO O F (Z and E isomers) O O [1] LiCu(CH CH CHC5H11)2 COOCH3 c. COOCH3 OR' RO [2] H2O RO G OR' O several steps COOH HO OH PGE1 20.56 H OH O O O a. O O O CH3 MgBr O + + MgBr O H OH + + MgBr CH3 MgBr OH HOMgBr + OH H OH O b. O O O O CH2CH2CH2CH2 BrMg CH2CH2CH2CH2 MgBr MgBr BrMg H OH O O O + + MgBr + + MgBr OH HOMgBr + OH 522 Smith: Study Guide/ 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Chemistry accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 20–22 20.57 O O CH3 MgBr O OCH3 O O OCH3 O OCH3 + O O (CH3)3COH + OH O CH3 MgBr O O OCH3 O CH3 MgBr H OH CH3 C CH3 CH3 O H OH OH O O OH CH3 MgBr O OH O + OH + OH + OCH3 H OH H OH CH3OH + OH 20.58 MgBr + CH O 3 O O C CH3O C OCH3 OCH3 O CH3O C + CH3O MgBr MgBr HO H O O O C C CH3O C MgBr MgBr + CH3O MgBr H2O OH C + CH3OH + HOMgBr 20.59 CH2OH a. MgBr O H C b. H H MgBr OH or H O MgBr O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 523 © The McGraw−Hill 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Chemistry Introduction to Carbonyl Chemistry 20–23 OH c. BrMg (C6H5)2C=O (C6H5)3COH O MgBr e. BrMg d. HO O or O MgBr or O CH3MgBr 20.60 O OH a. C CH3O O C MgBr c. (CH3CH2CH2CH2)2C(OH)CH3 (2 equiv) CH3O b. CH3 C CH2CH2CH(CH3)2 CH3O C CH3 BrMg (2 equiv) O OH C CH2CH2CH(CH3)2 + CH3–MgBr CH3 (2 equiv) 20.61 OH Li O c. H (two ways) C CH2CH3 O or (three ways) H + Li O OH b. OH + a. O C + or Li + O or (three ways) + or Li CH2CH3 O Li CH2CH3 + Li O or + Li CH3CH2 O C Li OCH3 + (2 equiv) 524 Smith: Study Guide/ 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Chemistry accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 20–24 20.62 OH a. O + MgBr HO H H c. O C6H5 b. H + BrMg C6H5 O H MgBr + OH 20.63 C6H5 C6H5 Br Mg Br KOC(CH3)3 C6H5 H2 C6H5 C6H5 Pd-C LiAlH4 Br C6H5 H2O MgBr C6H5 C6H5 20.64 PBr3 a. OH Mg Br O PCC H [1] BrMg CH2CH3 [2] H2O OH CH3OH PBr3 CH3Br Mg O b. [1] CH3MgBr H OH O PCC [2] H2O [1] CH3MgBr OH [2] H2O (from a.) OH PBr3 Br c. CH3OH OH OH [2] H2C=O [3] H2O (from b.) d. [1] Mg H2SO4 PCC CH2 CH2 mCPBA O [1] BrMg CH2CH3 OH (from a.) [2] H2O 20.65 Br Mg O MgBr OH H2O H CHO MgBr Mg Br Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Chemistry 525 Introduction to Carbonyl Chemistry 20–25 20.66 OH Br PBr3 a. MgBr Mg CH2OH [1] CH2=O [2] H2O MgBr b. COOH [1] CO2 [2] H3O+ (from a.) OH c. O CrO3 [1] CH3MgBr H2SO4, H2O H2SO4 OH [2] H2O mCPBA O major product OH d. mCPBA H2SO4 O OH [1] C6H5MgBr [2] H2O O [1] CH3CH2CH2MgBr e. OH Pd-C + OH [1] CH3MgBr H2SO4 [1] O3 CH3 [2] H2O [2] (CH3)2S (from c.) O CHO major product OH [1] O MgBr OH O (from a.) H PCC g. PCC [2] H2O (from a.) [1] MgBr (from a.) O OH H2SO4 h. [2] H2O (from c.) C6H5 H2 (from c.) f. C6H5 H2SO4 [2] H2O O O PCC major product 526 Smith: Study Guide/ 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Chemistry accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 20–26 20.67 OH OH f. (from c.) O PCC b. MgBr Cl SOCl2 a. c. PBr3 [1] CH3CHO (CH3)2CHD [1] O MgBr h. MgBr (from b.) [2] H2O MgBr OH [2] H2O [1] O i. [1] O MgBr CHO (from c.) Mg OH D2O g. Br PCC [2] H2O MgBr OH OH [1] CH2=O (from c.) OH d. [2] H2O [2] H2O (from c.) [1] 2 Li j. OH [(CH3)2CH]2CuLi Br [2] CuI (0.5 equiv) MgBr [1] CO2 e. + [2] H3O (from c.) (from c.) COOH [1] O [2] H2O O 20.68 OH H O H H H PCC H HO O [1] NaH H H HO H H [2] CH3I H CH3O estradiol [1] HC CLi [2] H2O OH C CH H H H CH3O mestranol Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 527 © The McGraw−Hill 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Chemistry Introduction to Carbonyl Chemistry 20–27 20.69 Br a. CH3CH2Cl Br2 AlCl3 h Br Br2 K+ –OC(CH3)3 [2] H2O2, –OH MgBr Mg O OH [1] FeBr3 [2] H2O CH3Cl Br2 AlCl3 h OH MgBr [1] H2C=O Br Mg [2] H2O O OH MgBr [1] CH3CH=O b. OH [1] BH3 PCC [2] H2O (from a.) O CH3 O Cl CH3Br AlCl3 O Br NaOH OH PCC H O OH Mg [1] CH3MgBr PCC [2] H2O (from a.) 20.70 HBr a. [1] Mg ROOR Br [2] CO2 [3] H3O+ [1] Mg b. Br (from a.) OH c. Br2 Br [2] H2C=O [3] H2O h O [1] Mg OH [2] O [3] H2O 20.71 Br Br2 a. MgBr Mg [2] H3O+ FeBr3 MgBr b. [1] CH2=O [2] H2O (from a.) COOH [1] CO2 CH2OH PCC CHO CH3OH PCC CH2=O OH 528 Smith: Study Guide/ 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Chemistry accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 20–28 OH O [1] PhMgBr CHO PCC (from a.) c. [2] H2O (from b.) PBr3 d. CH3CH2CH2OH Mg CH3CH2CH2Br PCC CH3CH2CH2OH CH3CH2CH2MgBr [1] CH3CH2CH2MgBr CH3CH2CHO HO [1] PhMgBr PCC [2] H2O OH O (from a.) [2] H2O O OH e. PCC H OH O O H2O O Br Br2 PCC FeBr3 MgBr (from a.) 20.72 PCC a. HO [1] CH3CH2MgBr H O OH O CH3CH2MgBr CH3CH2Br O PCC b. OH Mg PBr3 CH3CH2OH PCC [2] H2O OH [1] CH3CH2CH2MgBr [2] H2O OH c. Mg PBr3 CH3CH2CH2OH CH3CH2CH2MgBr CH3CH2CH2Br PCC H [1] CH3CH2CH2CH2MgBr PCC [2] H2O O CH3CH2CH2CH2OH H d. OH O Mg PBr3 CH3CH2CH2CH2MgBr CH3CH2CH2CH2Br [1] (CH3)2CHCH2MgBr PBr3 Mg [2] H2O O OH Br (from c.) (CH3)2CHCH2OH PBr3 (CH3)2CHCH2Br MgBr [1] CO2 Mg (CH3)2CHCH2MgBr [2] H3O+ CO2H Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 529 © The McGraw−Hill 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Chemistry Introduction to Carbonyl Chemistry 20–29 e. HBr OH Br Mg MgBr H2O K+ –OC(CH3)3 PBr3 + OH H (from c.) Br O 20.73 a. [1] (CH3)2CuLi O [1] CH3MgBr [2] H2O O [2] H2O H2SO4 OH H2, Pd-C + b. PCC CHO OH OH [1] A OTs TsCl [2] H2O pyridine PBr3 –CN CN Mg Br MgBr A O c. OCH3 [1] LiAlH4 OH Br2 FeBr3 [2] H2O O CH3CH2I OH NaH Br Br O Br (+ ortho isomer) MgBr [1] Br2, FeBr3 d. H2O [2] Mg OH mCPBA [1] NaH e. HC CH O HO CH3CHC CH [2] CH3CH=O [3] H2O TBDMS–Cl imidazole OTBDMS CH3CHC CH NaH OTBDMS CH3CHC C [1] O [2] H2O OTBDMS OH CH3CHC C OH (CH3CH2CH2CH2)4NF OH 20.74 Hb Hb O CH3 Ha H CH3 Hb IR peak: 1716 cm–1 (C=O) 1H NMR: 2 signals (ppm) CH3 doublet 1.2 (Hb) H CH3 Ha septet 2.7 (Ha) Hb C7H14O A Hd Hd Hb NaBH4 H CH3 CH3OH H Hc OHa CH3 H CH3 CH3 Hd Hd C7H16O B Hc IR peak: 3600–3200 cm–1 (OH) 1H NMR: 4 signals (ppm) doublet 0.9 (Hd) singlet 1.5 (Ha) multiplet 1.7 (Hc) triplet 3.0 (Hb) 530 Smith: Study Guide/ 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Chemistry accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 20–30 20.75 Hb H Hb H O CH3 CH3 C4H8O Ha Ha Hc Hc H H IR peak 3600–3200 cm–1 (OH) NMR: 4 signals (ppm) singlet (6 H) 1.2 (Ha) singlet (1 H) 1.6 (Hb) singlet (2 H) 2.7 (Hc) multiplet (5 H) 7.2 (benzene ring) OHb [1] C6H5MgBr 1H CH3 CH3 [2] H2O Ha Ha C10H14O C NMR: 2 signals (ppm) singlet (6 H) 1.3 (Ha) singlet (2 H) 2.4 (Hb) D 1H 20.76 O CH3 C Hc OCH2CH3 Ha Hb C4H8O2 E IR peak 1743 cm–1 (C=O) 1H NMR: 2 signals (ppm) triplet (3 H) 1.2 (Hc) singlet (3 H) 2.0 (Ha) quartet (2 H) 4.1 (Hb) [1] CH3CH2MgBr (excess) [2] H2O Hb OH Hb d CH3CH2 C CH2CH3 Ha CH3 Hc C6H14O F Ha IR peak 3600–3200 cm–1 (OH) 1H NMR: 4 signals (ppm) triplet (6 H) 0.9 (Ha) singlet (3 H) 1.1 (Hc) quartet (4 H) 1.5 (Hb) singlet (1 H) 1.55 (Hd) 20.77 Molecular ion at m/z = 86: C5H10O (possible molecular formula). Determine the number of integration units per H: Total number of integration units: 25 + 17 + 24 + 17 = 83 83 units/10 H's = 8.3 units per H Divide each integration value by 8.3 to determine the number of H's per signal: 25 units/ 8.3 = 3 H's 24 units/ 8.3 = 3 H's 17 units/ 8.3 = 2 H's H Hb CH3CH2CH2C N O [1] CH3MgBr H H CH3 [2] H3O+ Hc b CH3 H H Ha Hd Hd G IR peak 1721 cm–1 (C=O) 1H NMR: 4 signals (ppm) triplet (3 H) 0.9 (Ha) sextet (2 H) 1.6 (Hb) singlet (3 H) 2.1 (Hc) triplet (2 H) 2.4 (Hd) 20.78 Molecular ion at m/z = 86: C5H10O (possible molecular formula). Hb Hd Hd [1] (CH3)3CLi [2] CH2=O [3] H2O CH3 H H H OH He H Hf H H Hc Hc H Ha IR peaks: 3600–3200 cm–1 (OH) 1651cm–1 (C=C) 1H NMR: 6 signals (ppm) singlet (1 H) 1.7 (Ha) singlet (3 H) 1.8 (Hb) triplet (2 H) 2.2 (Hc) triplet (2 H) 3.8 (Hd) two signals at 4.8 and 4.9 due to 2 H's: He and Hf Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Chemistry 531 Introduction to Carbonyl Chemistry 20–31 20.79 Hb He [1] CH3MgBr O [2] H2O IR peak 3600–3200 cm–1 (OH) 1H NMR: 5 signals (ppm) triplet (3 H) 0.94 (Ha) multiplet (2 H) 1.39 (Hb) multiplet (2 H) 1.53 (Hc) singlet (1 H) 2.24 (Hd) triplet (2 H) 3.63 (He) OH Ha Hc Hd CH3 MgBr O HOMgBr OH O H OH 20.80 O OH Br [1] (R)-CBS reagent [2] H2O HO OTBDMS Br imidazole (2 equiv) HO COOCH3 COOCH3 [1] NaH HO C6H5 Br TBDMSCl [2] Br A TBDMS O COOCH3 Br O C6H5 Br NH3 H2N O B A + OTBDMS H N B TBDMS O COOCH3 OTBDMS H N TBDMS O O C6H5 [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O O C6H5 (CH3CH2CH2CH2)4NF OH (R)-salmeterol C6H5 532 Smith: Study Guide/ 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Chemistry accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 20–32 20.81 larger group equatorial axial OH [1] L-selectride (CH3)3C O (CH3)3C [2] H2O H = (CH3)3C OH equatorial cis-4-tert-butylcyclohexanol major product 4-tert-butylcyclohexanone L-Selectride adds H– to a C=O group. There are two possible reduction products—cis and trans isomers— but the cis isomer is favored. The key element is that the three sec-butyl groups make L-selectride a large, bulky reducing agent that attacks the carbonyl group from the less hindered direction. O– O (CH3)3C OH axial H2O H (CH3)3C R3B H H equatorial (CH3)3C equatorial cis product When H– adds from the equatorial direction, the product has an axial OH and a new equatorial H. Since the equatorial direction is less hindered, this mode of attack is favored with large bulky reducing agents like L-selectride. In this case, the product is cis. R3B H Axial H's hinder H axial attack. H (CH3)3C H O (CH3)3C H axial axial O– H2O OH equatorial (CH3)3C trans product The axial H's hinder H– attack from the axial direction. As a result, this mode of attack is more difficult with larger reducing agents. In this case the product is trans. This product is not formed to any appreciable extent. 20.82 The carbon of an ,-unsaturated carbonyl compound absorbs farther downfield in the 13C NMR spectrum than the carbon, because the carbon is deshielded and bears a partial positive charge as a result of resonance. Since three resonance structures can be drawn for an ,unsaturated carbonyl compound, one of which places a positive charge on the carbon, the decrease of electron density at this carbon deshields it, shifting the 13C absorption downfield. This is not the case for the carbon. 122.5 ppm O 150.5 ppm mesityl oxide O O O hybrid: + + Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 20. Introduction to Carbonyl Chemistry 533 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Introduction to Carbonyl Chemistry 20–33 20.83 CH2CN OH CN OH [1] Li+ –N[CH(CH3)2]2 [2] N(CH3)2 CH2NH2 OH [1] LiAlH4 O OCH3 [2] H2O OCH3 OCH3 OCH3 [3] H2O W H H C CN – N[CH(CH3)2]2 X C15H19NO2 H C CN O H OH O OCH3 venlafaxine Y OCH3 HN[CH(CH3)2]2 CN OH CN OCH3 OCH3 OH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 — Nucleophilic Addition 535 Aldehydes and Ketones 21–1 C Chhaapptteerr 2211:: A Allddeehhyyddeess aanndd K Keettoonneess— —N Nuucclleeoopphhiilliicc A Addddiittiioonn G Geenneerraall ffaaccttss • Aldehydes and ketones contain a carbonyl group bonded to only H atoms or R groups. The carbonyl carbon is sp2 hybridized and trigonal planar (21.1). • Aldehydes are identified by the suffix -al, while ketones are identified by the suffix -one (21.2). • Aldehydes and ketones are polar compounds that exhibit dipole–dipole interactions (21.3). CO O ((2211..44)) SSuum mm maarryy ooff ssppeeccttrroossccooppiicc aabbssoorrppttiioonnss ooff R RC CH HO O aanndd R R222C –1 C=O ~1715 cm for ketones IR absorptions • increasing frequency with decreasing ring size ~1730 cm–1 for aldehydes • For both RCHO and R2CO, the frequency decreases with conjugation. Csp –H of CHO ~2700–2830 cm–1 (one or two peaks) CHO C–H to C=O 9–10 ppm (highly deshielded proton) 2–2.5 ppm (somewhat deshielded Csp –H) C=O 190–215 ppm 2 1 H NMR absorptions 13 C NMR absorption 3 N Nuucclleeoopphhiilliicc aaddddiittiioonn rreeaaccttiioonnss [1] Addition of hydride (H–) (21.8) O R C OH NaBH4, CH3OH R C H(R') or H(R') H [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O 1o • • The mechanism has two steps. H:– adds to the planar C=O from both sides. • • The mechanism has two steps. R:– adds to the planar C=O from both sides. or 2o alcohol [2] Addition of organometallic reagents (R–) (21.8) O R C OH [1] R"MgX or R"Li R C H(R') [2] H2O H(R') R" 1o, 2o, or 3o alcohol [3] Addition of cyanide (–CN) (21.9) O R C NaCN H(R') HCl OH R C H(R') CN cyanohydrin • • The mechanism has two steps. CN adds to the planar C=O from both sides. – 536 Smith: Study Guide/ 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to — Nucleophilic Addition accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 21–2 [4] Wittig reaction (21.10) R R C O + Ph3P C C • alkene • R" • • The reaction is fastest at pH 4–5. The intermediate carbinolamine is unstable, and loses H2O to form the C=N. • • The reaction is fastest at pH 4–5. The intermediate carbinolamine is unstable, and loses H2O to form the C=C. • The reaction is reversible. Equilibrium favors the product only with less stable carbonyl compounds (e.g., H2CO and Cl3CCHO). The reaction is catalyzed with either H+ or –OH. C (R')H (R')H Wittig reagent The reaction forms a new C–C bond and a new C–C bond. Ph3P=O is formed as by-product. [5] Addition of 1o amines (21.11) R R R"NH2 C O C N mild acid (R')H (R')H imine [6] Addition of 2o amines (21.12) O NR2 R2NH H (R')H (R')H mild acid enamine [7] Addition of H2O—Hydration (21.13) H2O H+ or –OH O R C H(R') OH R C H(R') OH • gem-diol [8] Addition of alcohols (21.14) O R C H+ H(R') OR" R C H(R') + R"OH (2 equiv) OR'' acetal + H2O • • • The reaction is reversible. The reaction is catalyzed with acid. Removal of H2O drives the equilibrium to favor the products. O Otthheerr rreeaaccttiioonnss [1] Synthesis of Wittig reagents (21.10A) RCH2X [1] Ph3P [2] Bu Li Ph3P CHR • • Step [1] is best with CH3X and RCH2X since the reaction follows an SN2 mechanism. A strong base is needed for proton removal in Step [2]. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 — Nucleophilic Addition 537 Aldehydes and Ketones 21–3 [2] Conversion of cyanohydrins to aldehydes and ketones (21.9) OH O –OH R C H(R') CN C H(R') + H2O aldehyde or ketone + –CN R • This reaction is the reverse of cyanohydrin formation. [3] Hydrolysis of nitriles (21.9) OH R C H(R') CN OH H2O H+ or –OH R C H(R') COOH -hydroxy carboxylic acid [4] Hydrolysis of imines and enamines (21.12) NR O NR2 H (R')H or H2O, H (R')H imine + (R')H H + RNH2 or R2NH aldehyde or ketone enamine [5] Hydrolysis of acetals (21.14) OR" R C H(R') OR" • O H+ + H2O R C H(R') aldehyde or ketone + R"OH (2 equiv) • The reaction is acid catalyzed and is the reverse of acetal synthesis. A large excess of H2O drives the equilibrium to favor the products. 538 Smith: Study Guide/ 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to — Nucleophilic Addition accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 21–4 C Chhaapptteerr 2211:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss As the number of R groups bonded to the carbonyl C increases, reactivity towards nucleophilic attack decreases. 21.1 a. (CH3)2C O CH3CH O 2 R groups CH2 O b. O O O 1 R group 0 R groups Increasing reactivity decreasing alkyl substitution Increasing reactivity decreasing steric hindrance More stable aldehydes are less reactive towards nucleophilic attack. 21.2 CHO CHO cyclohexanecarbaldehyde This aldehyde has no added resonance stabilization. benzaldehyde Several resonance structures delocalize the partial positive charge on the carbonyl carbon, making it more stable and less reactive towards nucleophilic attack. O O O C C C H H O O C C H O H C H O C H H • To name an aldehyde with a chain of atoms: [1] Find the longest chain with the CHO group and change the -e ending to -al. [2] Number the carbon chain to put the CHO at C1, but omit this number from the name. Apply all other nomenclature rules. • To name an aldehyde with the CHO bonded to a ring: [1] Name the ring and add the suffix -carbaldehyde. [2] Number the ring to put the CHO group at C1, but omit this number from the name. Apply all other nomenclature rules. 21.3 CHO a. (CH3)3CC(CH3)2CH2CHO c. 4 3 2 1 H 5 H O 5 C chain = pentanal O 3,3,4,4-tetramethylpentanal 8 CHO b. 6 8 C chain = octanal 1 7 CHO 5 4 3 2 2,5,6-trimethyloctanal Cl Cl 2 1 CHO Cl 3 4 Cl 3,3-dichlorocyclobutane4 C ring = carbaldehyde cyclobutanecarbaldehyde Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 539 © The McGraw−Hill 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 — Nucleophilic Addition Aldehydes and Ketones 21–5 Work backwards from the name to the structure, referring to the nomenclature rules in Answer 21.3. 21.4 a. 2-isobutyl-3-isopropylhexanal c. 1-methylcyclopropanecarbaldehyde CHO 3 carbon ring O 6 C chain CH3 H b. trans-3-methylcyclopentanecarbaldehyde 5 carbon ring CHO d. 3,6-diethylnonanal CHO 9 C chain H or O CH3 CH3 21.5 • To name an acyclic ketone: [1] Find the longest chain with the carbonyl group and change the -e ending to -one. [2] Number the carbon chain to give the carbonyl C the lower number. Apply all other nomenclature rules. • To name a cyclic ketone: [1] Name the ring and change the -e ending to -one. [2] Number the C’s to put the carbonyl C at C1 and give the next substituent the lower number. Apply all other nomenclature rules. a. 1 O 4 c. 5 O 8 C chain = octanone (CH3)3C 3 b. 1 8 O 5-ethyl-4-methyl-3-octanone CH3 (CH3)3C O 5 C ring = cyclopentanone (CH3)3CCOC(CH3)3 5 C chain = pentanone CH3 3 2 3 4 5 O 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-3-pentanone 2 1 O 3-tert-butyl-2-methylcyclopentanone Most common names are formed by naming both alkyl groups on the carbonyl C, arranging them alphabetically, and adding the word ketone. 21.6 a. sec-butyl ethyl ketone d. 3-benzoyl-2-benzylcyclopentanone e. 6,6-dimethyl-2-cyclohexenone 6 C ketone benzyl group: benzoyl group: 5 C ketone O b. methyl vinyl ketone O O CH2 C f. 3-ethyl-5-hexenal O O c. p-ethylacetophenone O CHO O CH2 540 Smith: Study Guide/ 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to — Nucleophilic Addition accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 21–6 Compounds with both a C–C double bond and an aldehyde are named as enals. 21.7 a. (2Z)-3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienal 3 7 6 b. (2E,6Z)-2,6-nonadienal 2 1 3 7 CHO 6 2 cucumber aldehyde 1 CHO neral Even though both compounds have polar C–O bonds, the electron pairs around the sp3 hybridized O atom of diethyl ether are more crowded and less able to interact with electrondeficient sites in other diethyl ether molecules. The O atom of the carbonyl group of 2-butanone extends out from the carbon chain making it less crowded. The lone pairs of electrons on the O atom can more readily interact with the electron-deficient sites in the other molecules, resulting in stronger forces. 21.8 O O diethyl ether 2-butanone For cyclic ketones, the carbonyl absorption shifts to higher wavenumber as the size of the ring decreases and the ring strain increases. Conjugation of the carbonyl group with a C=C or a benzene ring shifts the absorption to lower wavenumber. 21.9 a. CHO or conjugated C=O lower wavenumber CHO b. or O higher wavenumber O smaller ring higher wavenumber 21.10 Since a charge-separated resonance structure can be drawn for a carbonyl group, more electron donor R groups stabilize the (+) charge on this resonance form. The two R groups on the ketone C=O thus help to stabilize it. O R C O R With an aldehyde, only one electron-donor R: O CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2 C R CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2 C R With a ketone, two electron-donor R groups: O H C O H The H of RCHO does not stabilize the charge-separated resonance structure, so it contributes less to the hybrid. The C=O has more double bond character. higher wavenumber CH3CH2 C O CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2 C CH2CH2CH3 The 2 R groups stabilize the charge-separated resonance structure, so it contributes more to the hybrid. The C=O has more single bond character. weaker bond lower wavenumber Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 541 © The McGraw−Hill 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 — Nucleophilic Addition Aldehydes and Ketones 21–7 21.11 The number of lines in their 13C NMR spectra can distinguish the constitutional isomers. O O 2-pentanone 5 lines O 3-pentanone 3 lines 3-methyl-2-butanone 4 lines 21.12 [1] DIBAL-H a. CH3CH2CH2COOCH3 CH3CH2CH2CHO [2] H2O PCC b. CH3CH2CH2CH2OH CH3CH2CH2CHO [1] BH3 c. HC CCH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2CHO [2] H2O2, HO– d. CH3CH2CH2CH CHCH2CH2CH3 [1] O3 [2] Zn, H2O CH3CH2CH2CHO 21.13 O Cl a. O O CH3 c. AlCl3 H2O C CH H2SO4 HgSO4 O O [1] (CH3)2CuLi Cl b. [2] H2O 21.14 OCH3 CH3O CH3O OCH3 [1] O3 OHC CHO [2] (CH3)2S Cleave this C=C with O3. 21.15 LiAlH4 or NaBH4 O O C C H H weaker base Equilibrium favors the weaker base. The H– nucleophile is a much stronger base than the alkoxide product. stronger base 21.16 Addition of hydride or R–M occurs at a planar carbonyl C, so two different configurations at a new stereogenic center are possible. O a. H OH NaBH4 CH3OH new stereogenic center O b. (CH3)3C H OH H OH Add OH CH=CH2 stereochemistry: [1] CH2 CHMgBr [2] H2O Add stereochemistry: CH=CH2 OH (CH3)3C (CH3)3C (CH3)3C CH=CH2 OH 542 Smith: Study Guide/ 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to — Nucleophilic Addition accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 21–8 21.17 Treatment of an aldehyde or ketone with NaCN, HCl adds HCN across the double bond. Cyano groups are hydrolyzed by H3O+ to replace the 3 C–N bonds with 3 C–O bonds. OH CHO a. CHCN NaCN OH b. HCl OH H3O+, CN COOH 21.18 HO HO HO O O OH HO HO O O CN HO enzyme OH C O CN enzyme H C H + HCN toxic by-product amygdalin 21.19 CH3 a. CH3 + C O Ph3P=CH2 C CH2 CH3 b. CH3 O + Ph3P=CHCH2CH2CH2CH3 CHCH2CH2CH2CH3 21.20 BuLi a. Ph3P + BrCH2CH3 Ph3PCH2CH3 Br– b. Ph3P + BrCH(CH3)2 Ph3PCH(CH3)2 Ph3P=CHCH3 BuLi Ph3P=C(CH3)2 Br– c. Ph3P + BrCH2C6H5 BuLi Ph3PCH2C6H5 Ph3P=CHC6H5 Br– 21.21 CHO a. CH2CH3 + Ph3P CHCH2CH3 CH2CH3 CHO + b. c. CHO + Ph3P CHC6H5 COOCH3 Ph3P CHCOOCH3 COOCH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 543 © The McGraw−Hill 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 — Nucleophilic Addition Aldehydes and Ketones 21–9 21.22 To draw the starting materials of the Wittig reactions, find the C=C and cleave it. Replace it with a C=O in one half of the molecule and a C=PPh3 in the other half. The preferred pathway uses a Wittig reagent derived from a less hindered alkyl halide. CH3 CH2CH3 C C CH3 H a. CH3 C CH3 CH2CH3 + PPh3 O C or H CH3 C O + Ph3P CH3 2° halide precursor (CH3)2CHX b. C C H CH2CH3 + C PPh3 H H 1° halide precursor XCH2CH2CH3 preferred pathway CH3CH2 CH2CH3 CH3CH2 CH2CH3 C (only one route possible) O C H H (cis or trans) C6H5 c. CH3 C6H5 C C H C PPh3 H C6H5 CH3 + H or O C H (cis or trans) 1° halide precursor C6H5CH2X CH3 C O + Ph3P C H H (both routes possible) 1° halide precursor XCH2CH3 21.23 a. Two-step sequence: O HO CH3 [1] CH3MgBr H2SO4 [2] H2O One-step sequence: O b. minor product Ph3P=CH2 tetrasubstituted major product (E and Z isomers) only product Two-step sequence: O [1] C6H5CH2MgBr OH [2] H2O CH2C6H5 H2SO4 trisubstituted conjugated C=C One-step sequence: O CHC6H5 Ph3P=CHC6H5 CH2C6H5 trisubstituted CHC6H5 only product 21.24 When a 1o amine reacts with an aldehyde or ketone, the C=O is replaced by C=NR. a. CHO O b. CH3CH2CH2CH2NH2 CH3CH2CH2CH2NH2 CH NCH2CH2CH2CH3 NCH2CH2CH2CH3 c. O CH3CH2CH2CH2NH2 NCH2CH2CH2CH3 544 Smith: Study Guide/ 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to — Nucleophilic Addition accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 21–10 21.25 Remember that the C=NR is formed from a C=O and an NH2 group of a 1° amine. CH3 a. CH3 C C NCH2CH2CH3 b. O + NH2CH2CH2CH3 H H CH3 N CH3 O NH2 21.26 overall reaction H2O H H O H rhodopsin N H OPSIN N OPSIN 11-cis-retinal NH2 OPSIN H3O nucleophilic attack proton transfer OPSIN OPSIN NH2 C O NH H OPSIN C OH H 21.27 N(CH3)2 N(CH3)2 CH3 N H + CH3 21.28 O H This carbon has four bonds to C's. To make an enamine, it needs a H atom, which is lost as H2O when the enamine is formed. 21.29 • Imines are hydrolyzed to 1° amines and a carbonyl compound. • Enamines are hydrolyzed to 2° amines and a carbonyl compound. O H2O a. CH N + C H+ H2N H imine 1° amine H2O b. CH2 N CH3 enamine H+ CH2 N H CH3 2° amine C OH2 H H OH2 O NH + O H2O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 — Nucleophilic Addition 545 Aldehydes and Ketones 21–11 c. (CH3)2NCH C(CH3)2 O H2O H+ enamine + (CH3)2NH C CH(CH3)2 H 2° amine 21.30 • A substituent that donates electron density to the carbonyl C stabilizes it, decreasing the percentage of hydrate at equilibrium. • A substituent that withdraws electron density from the carbonyl C destabilizes it, increasing the percentage of hydrate at equilibrium. a. CH3CH2CH2CHO or b. CH3CH2COCH3 one R group on C=O higher percentage of hydrate 2 R groups on C=O CH3CF2CHO or CH3CH2CHO F atoms are electron withdrawing. higher percentage of hydrate 21.31 H O H H OH2 O H O H O H O H + O + H2O + H3O (+ 1 resonance structure) H2O 21.32 Treatment of an aldehyde or ketone with two equivalents of alcohol results in the formation of an acetal (a C bonded to 2 OR groups). O a. O + 2 CH3OH OCH3 TsOH + HO b. OH TsOH OCH3 21.33 OCH3 OCH3 a. b. OCH3 O OCH3 2 OR groups on different C's 2 ethers O c. 2 OR groups on same C acetal CH3 CH3 2 OR groups on same C acetal d. OCH3 OH 1 OR group and 1 OH group on same C hemiacetal O O 546 Smith: Study Guide/ 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to — Nucleophilic Addition accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 21–12 21.34 The mechanism has two parts: [1] nucleophilic addition of ROH to form a hemiacetal; [2] conversion of the hemiacetal to an acetal. O O O TsOH + HOCH CH OH 2 2 + H2O overall reaction O H TsO H HO O CH2CH2OH O H HO O CH2CH2OH + TsOH + TsO hemiacetal HOCH2CH2OH H HO O CH2CH2OH H O O CH2CH2OH O CH2CH2OH O CH2CH2OH TsOH + H2O + TsO– O CH2CH2OH O TsO O H O O + TsOH carbocation re-drawn acetal 21.35 CH3O OCH3 a. b. + H2O O H2SO4 CH3 O O O CH3 + 2 CH3OH + c. H2O H2SO4 CH3 O O OH + C CH3 OH O H2SO4 + H2O C CH3 C CH3 + HOCH2CH2OH 21.36 HO O O H2O O H2SO4 safrole + H H HO formaldehyde 21.37 Use an acetal protecting group to carry out the reaction. O O O O H3 O+ [2] H2O TsOH COOCH2CH3 O O [1] CH3Li (2 equiv) HOCH2CH2OH COOCH2CH3 OH OH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 547 © The McGraw−Hill 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 — Nucleophilic Addition Aldehydes and Ketones 21–13 21.38 OH O C4 C1 OH O a. HO O H b. C1 O H C4 OH C5 C1 C5 C1 21.39 The hemiacetal OH is replaced by an OR group to form an acetal. OH a. OCH2CH3 O H+ + CH3CH2OH O OH HO OCH2CH3 O b. H+ + CH3CH2OH HO HO O HO 21.40 acetal O HO H O O H OH O O H OCH3 H acetal HO O H O HO COOH HO monensin O H O HO O H O OH acetal OH acetal O OH H digoxin hemiacetal Ether O atoms are indicated in bold. 21.41 HO OH a. HO OH O * * * HO * OH * OH 5 stereogenic centers (labeled with *) OH d. HO CHO OH HO OH b. HO OH O HO hemiacetal C OH OH HO OH O OH HO OH -D-galactose O OCH3 HO OH -D-galactose c. e. HO OH + O HO OH OCH3 O 548 Smith: Study Guide/ 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to — Nucleophilic Addition accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 21–14 21.42 Use the rules from Answers 21.3 and 21.5 to name the aldehydes and ketones. O a. (CH3)3CCH2CHO O O re-draw H 4 C = butanal 3,3-dimethylbutanal h. (CH ) C 3 3 re-draw C CH(CH3)2 5 C = pentanone 2,2,4-trimethyl3-pentanone (common name: tert-butyl isopropyl ketone) O 5 C = pentanone 2-chloro-3-pentanone b. Cl O 8 C = octanone 8-phenyl-3-octanone c. Ph d. CHO 5 C ring 2-methylcyclopentanecarbaldehyde O O j. f. (CH3)2CH CH3 O CHO O 6 C ring = cyclohexanone 5-isopropyl-2-methylcyclohexanone k. CHO 6 C = hexanal 3,4-diethylhexanal E 8 C = octenone (5E)-2,5-dimethyl-5-octen-4-one CHO trans-2-benzylcyclohexanecarbaldehyde l. CH2Ph o-nitroacetophenone NO2 6 C ring = cyclohexanone 5-ethyl-2-methylcyclohexanone e. g. CH3 i. 6 C = hexenal 3,4-diethyl-2-methyl-3-hexenal 21.43 f. 2-formylcyclopentanone a. 2-methyl-3-phenylbutanal O O CHO H O O b. dipropyl ketone CHO g. (3R)-3-methyl-2-heptanone c. 3,3-dimethylcyclohexanecarbaldehyde h. m-acetylbenzaldehyde CHO O d. -methoxypropionaldehyde O H i. 2-sec-butyl-3-cyclopentenone O OCH3 O j. 5,6-dimethyl-1-cyclohexenecarbaldehyde e. 3-benzoylcyclopentanone CHO O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 — Nucleophilic Addition 549 Aldehydes and Ketones 21–15 21.44 O O H O H H 2-ethylbutanal hexanal O O H 2,2-dimethylbutanal O H (2S)-2,3-dimethylbutanal O 3,3-dimethylbutanal O H (2R)-2,3-dimethylbutanal H 4-methylpentanal O H O H (2S)-2-methylpentanal (2R)-2-methylpentanal O H H (3R)-3-methylpentanal (3S)-3-methylpentanal 21.45 H = C6H5CH2CHO phenylacetaldehyde O a. NaBH4, CH3OH b. [1] LiAlH4; [2] H2O g. C6H5CH2CH2OH C6H5CH2CH2OH h. C6H5CH2CH(OH)CH3 NaCN, HCl e. Ph P CHCH 3 3 OCH2CH3 CH3CH2OH (excess), H+ OCH2CH3 C6H5CH2CH(OH)CN H NH C6H5CH2CH=CHCH3 mild acid H (CH3)2CHNH2 j. O OH HO NCH(CH3)2 mild acid (E and Z isomers) N i. (E and Z isomers) f. (E and Z isomers) N(CH2CH3)2 c. [1] CH3MgBr; [2] H2O d. H (CH3CH2)2NH, mild acid O H+ 21.46 O 2-heptanone a. NaBH4, CH3OH OH d. [1] LiAlH4; [2] H2O e. OH c. [1] CH3MgBr; [2] H2O NC OH CHCH3 OH b. NaCN, HCl Ph3P CHCH3 + f. (CH3)2CHNH2, mild H (E and Z isomers) NCH(CH3)2 550 Smith: Study Guide/ 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to — Nucleophilic Addition accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 21–16 N(CH2CH3)2 (CH3CH2)2NH, mild H+ g. N(CH2CH3)2 (E and Z isomers) CH3CH2O OCH2CH3 CH3CH2OH (excess), H+ h. NH N i. N mild H+ (E and Z isomers) OH HO j. O O H+ 21.47 H Ph3P CHCH2CH3 O a. CHO Ph3P CHCOOCH3 c. CHCH2CH3 COOCH3 H + COOCH3 H CHO b. Ph3P O d. Ph3P CH(CH2)5COOCH3 H CH(CH2)5COOCH3 H 21.48 a. CH3CH2Cl [1] Ph3P [1] Ph3P CH3CH=C(CH3)2 c. CH2Cl [2] BuLi [3] (CH3)2C=O CH=CHCH2CH2CH3 [2] BuLi [3] CH3CH2CH2CHO (E and Z isomers) c. Ph3P CHCH=CH2 BrCH2CH=CH2 [1] Ph3P b. CH2Br [2] BuLi [3] C6H5CH2CH2CHO CH=CHCH2CH2C6H5 (E and Z isomers) 21.49 a. Ph3P CHCH2CH2CH3 b. Ph3P C(CH2CH2CH3)2 BrCH2CH2CH2CH3 BrCH(CH2CH2CH3)2 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 551 © The McGraw−Hill 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 — Nucleophilic Addition Aldehydes and Ketones 21–17 21.50 HO CHO O [2] H2O2, –OH CH HO C CH [1] LiC A HO COOH C Ag2O B [1] BH3 NH4OH O O HO [2] H2O TBDMSO E TBDMS–Cl D H2O TBDMSO OH F [1] CH3Li [2] H2O H2SO4 HgSO4 N NH (CH3CH2CH2CH2)4N+F HO G OH 21.51 a. CH3CH2CHO + b. mild H2N O CH3CH2CH N acid HOCH2CH2OH O H+ O H3O+ c. H2N N O O d. mild + C6H5 N H N acid (E and Z isomers) C6H5 HO CN C e. C6H5 H3O+, HO COOH C6H5 C6H5 C6H5 CH3CH2OH OH f. O H3O+ N g. OCH2CH3 H+ O OCH3 h. CH3O O H3O+ OCH3 + HN O + HOCH3 CH3O 21.52 CH3CH2O OCH2CH3 O + HOCH2CH3 a. CH3O O OCH3 OCH3 OCH3 b. HO O + HOCH3 OCH2CH3 OCH3 OCH3 H c. O + HOCH2CH3 552 Smith: Study Guide/ 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to — Nucleophilic Addition accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 21–18 21.53 Consider para product only, when an ortho, para mixture can result. Br Br2 O CH3COCl FeBr3 O HOCH2CH2OH Br AlCl3 O Br B A O Mg O H+ MgBr D C [1] CH3CHO [2] H2O O O O H2O O PCC O H+ G F O OH O E 21.54 Ph3P=CHCH2CH2CH3 a. CH3CH2CH2CHO CH3CH2CH2 CH2CH2CH3 H O HO CN NaCN b. + + C C H CH3CH2CH2 H C C H CH2CH2CH3 NC OH HCl NaBH4 O c. OH CH3OH CH3CH2 d. HO + OH CH3CH2 O CH3OH HO CH3CH2 + O O HO HCl OCH3 OH OCH3 21.55 new stereogenic center O OH O OH O OH CHO HO A achiral S new stereogenic center H CHO chiral H O S HO H B An equal mixture of enantiomers results, so the product is optically inactive. H O OH O OH A mixture of diastereomers results. Both compounds are chiral and OH they are not enantiomers, so the mixture is optically active. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 — Nucleophilic Addition 553 Aldehydes and Ketones 21–19 21.56 OH H HO a. acetal O O O H H acetal acetal O O etoposide O O H CH3O O OCH3 OH b. Lines of cleavage are drawn in. OH H HO O H O O O H O H+ O O H CH3O OH H HO H2O O OCH3 O + HO H CH3O OH HO OH H O CH HO H O OH OH + CH3CHO + CH2=O OCH3 OH 21.57 Use the rule from Answer 21.1. O O H a. O O O b. O Increasing reactivity decreasing steric hindrance Increasing reactivity decreasing steric hindrance 21.58 O H2O HO OH Less stable carbonyl compounds give a higher percentage of hydrate. Cyclopropanone is an unstable carbonyl compound because the bond angles around the carbonyl carbon deviate considerably from the desired angle. Since the carbonyl carbon is sp2 hybridized, the optimum bond angle is 120°, but the three-membered ring makes the C–C–C bond angles only 60°. This destabilizes the ketone, giving a high concentration of hydrate when dissolved in H2O. 21.59 Electron-donating groups decrease the amount of hydrate at equilibrium by stabilizing the carbonyl starting material. Electron-withdrawing groups increase the amount of hydrate at equilibrium by destabilizing the carbonyl starting material. Electron-donating groups make the IR absorption of the C=O shift to lower wavenumber because they stabilize the charge-separated resonance form, giving the C=O more single bond character. 554 Smith: Study Guide/ 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to — Nucleophilic Addition accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 21–20 O 2N COCH3 CH3O COCH3 a. p-nitroacetophenone NO2 withdrawing group less stable b. higher percentage of hydrate p-methoxyacetophenone CH3O donating group more stable lower percentage of hydrate c. higher wavenumber lower wavenumber 21.60 Use the principles from Answer 21.22. CH3CH2 a. CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2 H CH3CH2 C C CH3CH2 CH3CH2 CH2CH2CH3 C O Ph3P C C PPh3 or H CH2CH3 CH3 C C b. H CH3 or Ph3P C H CH2CH3 C PPh3 H O C H H (Both routes possible.) 1° alkyl halide precursor (XCH2CH3) 1° alkyl halide precursor (XCH2CH2CH3) O PPh3 c. Ph3P CH2 or methyl halide precursor (CH3X) preferred pathway C6H5 d. H 2° alkyl halide precursor [(CH3CH2)2CHX] CH2CH3 C O H O C CH3CH2 1° alkyl halide precursor (XCH2CH2CH2CH3) preferred pathway CH3 CH2CH2CH3 C6H5 O Ph3P CH2 O 2° alkyl halide precursor (CH3CH2CH2CHXCH3) or C6H5 PPh3 H 1° alkyl halide precursor (C6H5CH2X) preferred pathway 2° alkyl halide precursor X 21.61 a. N O O O H + HOCH2CH2OH c. O + NH2 b. N O + HN d. CH3O OCH3 OCH3 CH3O + HOCH3 H O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 555 © The McGraw−Hill 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 — Nucleophilic Addition Aldehydes and Ketones 21–21 21.62 PCC a. C6H5–CH2OH b. C6H5–COCl C6H5–CHO [1] LiAlH[OC(CH3)3]3 f. C6H5–CH=CH2 [2] Zn, H2O C6H5–CHO g. C6H5–CH=NCH2CH2CH3 [2] H2O c. C6H5–COOCH3 [1] DIBAL-H [1] O3 h. C6H5–CH(OCH2CH3)2 C6H5–CHO [2] H2O [1] LiAlH4 d. C6H5–COOH e. C6H5–CH3 [2] H2O KMnO4 PCC C6H5–CH2OH C6H5–COOH H2O C6H5–CHO H+ H2O C6H5–CHO H+ C6H5–CHO [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O C6H5–CHO PCC C6H5–CH2OH C6H5–CHO 21.63 PCC a. OH Cl b. c. CH3COCl (CH3CH2)2CuLi e. CH3C CCH3 O O (CH3)2CuLi d. CH3CH2C CH O O H2O H2SO4 HgSO4 O H2O H2SO4 HgSO4 O 21.64 O a. One-step sequence: preferred route only one product formed Ph3P or O Two-step sequence: OH H2SO4 [1] CH3CH2CH2MgBr [2] H2O b. One-step sequence: CHO Ph3P preferred route only one product formed or OH CHO [1] (CH ) CHMgBr 3 2 H2SO4 Two-step sequence: [2] H2O + other alkenes that result from carbocation rearrangement 21.65 a. CH3CH2CH2CH CHCH3 PCC One possibility: CHO OH PBr3 OH Br [1] Ph3P [2] BuLi CHO Ph3P CHCH3 CH3CH2CH2CH CHCH3 (E and Z) 556 Smith: Study Guide/ 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to — Nucleophilic Addition accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 21–22 b. C6H5CH CHCH2CH2CH3 CH3OH One possibility: SOCl2 CH3Cl Br2 AlCl3 h CHO Br [1] Ph3P [2] BuLi C6H5CH PPh3 C6H5CH CHCH2CH2CH3 (from a.) (E and Z) c. PCC OH OH O Br PBr3 O [1] Ph3P Ph3P CHCH(CH3)2 [2] BuLi 21.66 H2O a. PCC OH H2SO4 Ph3P CHCH2CH3 H+ O CHCH2CH3 O b. O HOCH2CH2OH O (from a.) PBr3 CH3CH2CH2OH O c. CH3CH2CH2Br H2NCH2CH2CH3 [1] Ph3P [2] BuLi Ph3P CHCH2CH3 NCH2CH2CH3 mild acid NH3 (excess) (from a.) BrCH2CH2CH3 PBr3 HOCH2CH2CH3 OH d. Br HBr MgBr Mg CH3OH PCC [1] H2C=O OH O H PCC MgBr [2] H2O [1] (from a.) C(OCH2CH3)2 O CH3CH2OH (2 equiv) PCC TsOH 2 e. [1] OsO4 [2] NaHSO3, H2O OH OH O TsOH PCC OH OH O O [2] H2O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 557 © The McGraw−Hill 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 — Nucleophilic Addition Aldehydes and Ketones 21–23 21.67 CH3OH SOCl2 CH3Cl a. KMnO4 CH3 AlCl3 OH COOH Br PBr3 OH [1] LiAlH4 PCC CHO [2] H2O PPh3 [1] PPh3 [2] BuLi PPh3 CH CH CHO (E and Z isomers) OH b. CH3Cl (from a.) AlCl3 OH OCH3 [1] NaH [2] CH3Br CH3 OCH3 P(C6H5)3 h CH3 PBr3 (+ ortho isomer) OCH3 Br2 Br P(C6H5)3 CH3OH Br BuLi OCH3 CH3O CH CH (CH3)3COH C(CH3)3 P(C6H5)3 (E and Z isomers) HCl CH3Cl (from a.) C(CH3)3 (CH3)3CCl AlCl3 AlCl3 C(CH3)3 C(CH3)3 KMnO4 CH3 C(CH3)3 [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O [3] PCC OHC HOOC (+ ortho isomer) 21.68 O a. OH HOCH2CH2OH O O OH H+ PBr3 O [1] Mg O PCC OH O O Br [2] (CH3)2CO [3] H2O OH H2O, H+ O [1] LiAlH4 OH O [2] H2O OH OH CH3CH2CH2OH PCC b. O [1] Ph3P O Br (from a.) [2] BuLi O O PPh3 CH3CH2CHO O H3O+ O CH=CHCH2CH3 (E/Z mixture) O CH=CHCH2CH3 558 Smith: Study Guide/ 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to — Nucleophilic Addition accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 21–24 21.69 O a. CH3CH2OH PCC CH3 C H PBr3 Mg CH3CH2Br CH3CH2MgBr H2SO4 b. CH3CH2OH O [1] C CH3 H [2] H2O Br2 CH2=CH2 H OH PCC C CH3 CH2CH3 Br 2 NaNH2 Br O CH3 CH2CH3 [1] CH3 O O OH O C [2] H2O H (from a.) OH PCC CH2CH3 HC C Na+ [2] NaHSO3, H2O HO CH3 C OCH2CH3 TsOH NaH HC CH [1] OsO4 O OCH2CH3 CH3CH2OH C TsOH 21.70 O O O mCPBA O O OH NHC(CH3)3 O (CH3)3CNH2 NHC(CH3)3 O H2O O O O H3O+ X OH NHC(CH3)3 HO + (CH3)2C=O HO albuterol 21.71 Br Mg O Br CHO O [1] HOCH2CH2OH TsOH BrMg O O O OH O O [2] H2O H2O H+ OH A 21.72 a. O H Na+H– O Cl + H2 + Na+ b. O O acetal O CH3 O + Cl– O methoxy methyl ether CHO Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 559 © The McGraw−Hill 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 — Nucleophilic Addition Aldehydes and Ketones 21–25 H O O c. O H OH2 H H2O O O + H2O O O O O H2O H + HOCH3 (The three organic products are boxed in.) O CH2 H + H3O H O O H H OH2 O O OH H CH2 OH H2O CH2 O H CH2 O H2O + H3O 21.73 H H N N H2O H2O H OH H HO N H N HO H OH2 H H N a. H H OH2 H2O (+ 1 resonance structure) O O H2O NH3 O NH2 H OH2 H H2O NH2 (+ 1 resonance structure) 560 Smith: Study Guide/ 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to — Nucleophilic Addition accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 21–26 NH2 H O NH2 H O H H H H N O b. NH2 O N proton transfer N H OH2 OH NH2 O NH2 O H2O N N N N OH2 N H OH2 H2O H N N NH2 O NH2 O proton OH transfer H OH2 H N H H O H3O+ H2O N N + H3O+ N H2O N H 21.74 The OH groups react with the C=O in an intramolecular reaction, first to form a hemiacetal, and then to form an acetal. O O OH HO OH O O OH OH adds here to form a hemiacetal. Then, the acetal is formed by a second intramolecular reaction. hemiacetal acetal C9H16O2 21.75 O H218O 18O H+ overall O OH H+ OH 18 OH + H218O H H218O + OH H 18 OH + H318O OH2 18 OH 18O + H2O H H218O + H318O 18 O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 561 © The McGraw−Hill 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 — Nucleophilic Addition Aldehydes and Ketones 21–27 21.76 H H OH a. O OCH2CH3 O OCH2CH3 O H H OH2 + OH O H H2O H OH H OH2 + H OCH2CH3 H2O O H3O+ O O HO H O HO H OH + H2O O H H O b. H OH2 H OH OH + H H O O OH H H OH2 O OH H OH OH2 H OH O O O H H OH H OH H O H2O H O O O O H OH + H3O+ O 21.77 OCH3 OCH3 + CH3O O HO H OTs enol ether CH3O OH H O O O acetal O OH OH + OTs H OTs + H OTs OTs H O O H CH3O O OH OTs + CH3OH OH + OTs 562 Smith: Study Guide/ 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to — Nucleophilic Addition accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 21–28 21.78 H O HO O NH2 + CH3 HO C N C H H CH3 H HO H OH2 H OH proton HO CH3 transfer HO N C H HO dopamine H OH2 HO HO HO NH HO NH HO H CH3 H3O HO CH3 N H HO CH3 CH3 H2O salsolinol N C H (+ 3 more resonance structures) C HO H2O H H2O 21.79 O O O (CH3)2S CH2 H Bu Li (CH3)2S CH2 + (CH3)2S S(CH3)2 sulfur ylide X sulfonium salt X + Bu H + LiX 21.80 Hemiacetal A is in equilibrium with its acyclic hydroxy aldehyde. The aldehyde can undergo hydride reduction to form 1,4-butanediol and Wittig reaction to form an alkene. OH O a. OH O OH C A OH H This can now be reduced with NaBH4. OH O O b. OH A C Ph3P=CHCH2CH(CH3)2 H reacts with the Wittig reagent 1,4-butanediol (CH3)2CHCH2CH=CHCH2CH2CH2OH (E and Z isomers) Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 563 © The McGraw−Hill 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 — Nucleophilic Addition Aldehydes and Ketones 21–29 21.81 O H OH2 CH3–MgI O HO OCH3 HO OCH3 OCH3 OCH3 OCH3 OCH3 H2O 5,5-dimethoxy-2-pentanone OCH3 OCH3 H2O H H OH2 H HO H OH2 HO OCH3 HO HO OCH3 OH OCH3 OH H O OCH3 (+ 1 resonance structure) H H2O H2O H2O HO H O CH3 O OH OH O H3O OH H (+ 1 resonance structure) Y H2O H O CH3 21.82 cyclopropenone (1640 cm–1) O O 2-cyclohexenone (1685 cm–1) O O These three resonance structures include an aromatic ring; 4n + 2 = 2 electrons. Although they are charge separated, the stabilized aromatic ring makes these three structures contribute to the hybrid more than usual. Since these three resonance contributors have a C–O single bond, the absorption is shifted to a lower wavenumber. O O O There are three resonance structures for 2cyclohexenone, but the charge-separated resonance structures are not aromatic so they contribute less to the resonance hybrid. The C=O absorbs in the usual region for a conjugated carbonyl. 21.83 CHO a. and c. O aldehyde ketone The sp2 hybridized C–H bond of the aldehyde absorbs at 2700–2830 cm–1. b. and O higher wavenumber for C=O O conjugated with a benzene ring lower wavenumber O and O smaller ring higher wavenumber for C=O 564 Smith: Study Guide/ 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to — Nucleophilic Addition accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 21–30 21.84 A. Molecular formula C5H10O IR absorptions at 1728, 2791, 2700 cm–1 NMR data: singlet at 1.08 (9 H) singlet at 9.48 (1 H) ppm B. Molecular formula C5H10O IR absorption at 1718 cm–1 NMR data: doublet at 1.10 (6 H) singlet at 2.14 (3 H) septet at 2.58 (1 H) ppm C. Molecular formula C10H12O IR absorption at 1686 cm–1 NMR data: triplet at 1.21 (3 H) singlet at 2.39 (3 H) quartet at 2.95 (2 H) doublet at 7.24 (2 H) doublet at 7.85 (2 H) ppm D. Molecular formula C10H12O IR absorption at 1719 cm–1 NMR data: triplet at 1.02 (3 H) quartet at 2.45 (2 H) singlet at 3.67 (2 H) multiplet at 7.06–7.48 (5 H) ppm 1 degree of unsaturation C=O, CHO 3 CH3 groups CHO CHO CH3 C CH3 CH3 1 degree of unsaturation C=O 2 CH3's adjacent to H CH3 CH adjacent to 2 CH3's O 5 degrees of unsaturation (4 due to a benzene ring) C=O CH3 adjacent to 2 H's CH3 CH2 adjacent to 3 H's 2 H's on benzene ring 2 H's on benzene ring O CH3 5 degrees of unsaturation (4 due to a benzene ring) C=O CH3 adjacent 2 H's 2 H's adjacent to 3 H's CH2 a monosubstituted benzene ring O 21.85 C7H16O2: 0 degrees of unsaturation IR: 3000 cm–1: C–H bonds NMR data (ppm): Ha: quartet at 3.5 (4 H), split by 3 H's Hb: singlet at 1.4 (6 H) Hc: triplet at 1.2 (6 H), split by 2 H's CH3 Hb CH3CH2 O C O CH2CH3 Hc Ha CH3 Ha Hc Hb 21.86 B. Molecular formula C9H10O A. Molecular formula C9H10O 5 degrees of unsaturation 5 degrees of unsaturation IR absorption at 1720 cm–1 C=O IR absorption at 1700 cm–1 C=O –1 IR absorption at ~2700 cm–1 CH of RCHO IR absorption at ~2700 cm CH of RCHO NMR data (ppm): NMR data (ppm): 2 triplets at 2.85 and 2.95 (suggests –CH2CH2–) triplet at 1.2 (2 H's adjacent) multiplet at 7.2 (benzene H's) quartet at 2.7 (3 H's adjacent) signal at 9.8 (CHO) doublet at 7.3 (2 H's on benzene) doublet at 7.7 (2 H's on benzene) O singlet at 9.9 (CHO) CH2 CH2 C H O C H CH2 CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 565 © The McGraw−Hill 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 — Nucleophilic Addition Aldehydes and Ketones 21–31 21.87 C. Molecular formula C6H12O3 1 degree of unsaturation IR absorption at 1718 cm–1 C=O To determine the number of H's that give rise to each signal, first find the number of integration units per H by dividing the total number of integration units (7 + 40 + 14 + 21 = 82) by the number of H's (12); 82/12 = 6.8. Then divide each integration unit by this number (6.8). O OCH3 NMR data (ppm): singlet at 2.2 (3 H's) OCH3 doublet at 2.7 (2 H's) singlet at 3.2 ( 6 H's – 2 OCH3 groups) triplet at 4.8 (1 H) 21.88 D. Molecular ion at m/z = 150: C9H10O2 (possible molecular formula) 5 degrees of unsaturation IR absorption at 1692 cm–1 C=O O NMR data (ppm): triplet at 1.5 (3 H's – CH3CH2) quartet at 4.1 (2 H's – CH3CH2) doublet at 7.0 (2 H's – on benzene ring) doublet at 7.8 (2 H's – on benzene ring) singlet at 9.9 (1 H – on aldehyde) CHO 21.89 OH OH OH a. HO b. CHO HO HO HO OH OH CHO OH 21.90 OH OH O HO HO OH H Cl OH O HO HO OH OH -D-glucose CH3OH HO HO above OH O OH OH H O below OH Cl + HCl acetal OH O HO HO OCH3 CH3 OH CH3OH O HO HO OH O CH3 H The carbocation is trigonal planar, so CH3OH attacks from two different directions, and two different acetals are formed. HO HO O OH + acetal OCH3 O OH H2O Cl O HO HO HO HO OH Cl OH OH O HO HO OH2 OH HCl 566 Smith: Study Guide/ 21. Aldehydes and Ketones Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to — Nucleophilic Addition accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 21–32 21.91 H+ H O H O OH O OH O OH O O OH O OH O H O O H2O H3O 21.92 O a. O brevicomin O HO b. O OH Br O [1] Ph3P O O Br [2] BuLi H+ PPh3 CH3CH2CHO brevicomin O H3O+ OH H3O+ O OH O [1] OsO4 O PCC O CH=CHCH2CH3 [2] NaHSO3, H2O OH CH3CH2CH2OH (E and Z isomers) OH 21.93 OH a. HO HO acetal carbon OCH3 O c. OH HO O HO O CH3O CH3O CH3O OH O HO (OH can be up or down.) OH OH [2] CH3OH, HCl HO HO O OH HO O HO O HO OCH3 (OCH3 can be up or down.) OCH3 [3] NaH (excess) CH3I (excess) O CH3O OH (OH can be up or down in both products.) hemiacetal carbon HO OH HO CH3O OH HO + b. [1] H3O HO OCH3 O CH3O CH3O O CH3O O CH3O OCH3 O OCH3 OCH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Their Derivatives — Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution 567 Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives 22–1 C Chhaapptteerr 2222:: C Caarrbbooxxyylliicc A Acciiddss aanndd TThheeiirr D Deerriivvaattiivveess— —N Nuucclleeoopphhiilliicc A Accyyll SSuubbssttiittuuttiioonn SSuum mm maarryy ooff ssppeeccttrroossccooppiicc aabbssoorrppttiioonnss ooff R RC CO OZZ ((2222..55)) IR absorptions • All RCOZ compounds have a C=O absorption in the region 1600–1850 cm–1. • RCOCl: 1800 cm–1 • (RCO)2O: 1820 and 1760 cm–1 (two peaks) • RCOOR': 1735–1745 cm–1 • RCONR'2: 1630–1680 cm–1 • Additional amide absorptions occur at 3200–3400 cm–1 (N–H stretch) and 1640 cm–1 (N–H bending). • Decreasing the ring size of a cyclic lactone, lactam, or anhydride increases the frequency of the C=O absorption. • Conjugation shifts the C=O to lower wavenumber. 1 H NMR absorptions 13 C NMR absorption • • C–H to the C=O absorbs at 2–2.5 ppm. N–H of an amide absorbs at 7.5–8.5 ppm. • C=O absorbs at 160–180 ppm. SSuum mm maarryy ooff ssppeeccttrroossccooppiicc aabbssoorrppttiioonnss ooff R RC CN N ((2222..55)) • • IR absorption 13 C NMR absorption CN absorption at 2250 cm–1 CN absorbs at 115–120 ppm. –– SSuum mm maarryy:: TThhee rreellaattiioonnsshhiipp bbeettw weeeenn tthhee bbaassiicciittyy ooff ZZ– aanndd tthhee pprrooppeerrttiieess ooff R RC CO OZZ • Increasing basicity of the leaving group (22.2) • Increasing resonance stabilization (22.2) R O O O C C C Cl R acid chloride O anhydride O R R O OH carboxylic acid ~ R C O OR' ester R C NR'2 amide • Increasing leaving group ability (22.7B) • Increasing reactivity (22.7B) • Increasing frequency of the C=O absorption in the IR (22.5) G Geenneerraall ffeeaattuurreess ooff nnuucclleeoopphhiilliicc aaccyyll ssuubbssttiittuuttiioonn • The characteristic reaction of compounds having the general structure RCOZ is nucleophilic acyl substitution (22.1). • The mechanism consists of two basic steps (22.7A): [1] Addition of a nucleophile to form a tetrahedral intermediate [2] Elimination of a leaving group • More reactive acyl compounds can be used to prepare less reactive acyl compounds. The reverse is not necessarily true (22.7B). 568 Smith: Study Guide/ 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Their Derivatives — accompany Organic Nucleophilic Acyl Chemistry, Third Edition Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 22–2 N Nuucclleeoopphhiilliicc aaccyyll ssuubbssttiittuuttiioonn rreeaaccttiioonnss [1] Reactions that synthesize acid chlorides (RCOCl) [a] From RCOOH (22.10A): O R O + C SOCl2 OH R + C + SO2 Cl HCl [2] Reactions that synthesize anhydrides [(RCO)2O] [a] From RCOCl (22.8): O R C +– Cl O O O C C R' R O O C Cl– + R' O OH [b] From dicarboxylic acids (22.10B): O O + OH H2O O O cyclic anhydride [3] Reactions that synthesize carboxylic acids (RCOOH) O O [a] From RCOCl (22.8): [b] From (RCO)2O (22.9): R R C + Cl O O C C O H2O pyridine R R C + OH R H2O 2 R C Cl– OH O + OR' H2O (H+ or –OH) R C O OH (with acid) or R R C C O– + (with base) O H2O, H+ [d] From RCONR'2 (R' = H or alkyl, 22.13): + N H O + O [c] From RCOOR' (22.11): C + + R'2NH2 + R'2NH + + N H OH O R C NR'2 R' = H or alkyl O H2O, –OH R C O– [4] Reactions that synthesize esters (RCOOR') O [a] From RCOCl (22.8): R C O + Cl R'OH pyridine R C OR' Cl– R'OH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Their Derivatives — Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution 569 Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives 22–3 [b] From (RCO)2O (22.9): O R C O O O C + R'OH R O [c] From RCOOH (22.10C): R C OH + + RCOOH OR' O H2SO4 R'OH C R R C + H2O OR' [5] Reactions that synthesize amides (RCONH2) [The reactions are written with NH3 as the nucleophile to form RCONH2. Similar reactions occur with R'NH2 to form RCONHR', and with R'2NH to form RCONR'2.] O [a] From RCOCl (22.8): R C O + NH3 Cl R (2 equiv) [b] From (RCO)2O (22.9): O R C O O C [c] From RCOOH (22.10D): R R NH3 R (2 equiv) R OH R [2] C NH2 R C C NH2 + RCOO– NH4+ + H2O O OH R'NH2 + C R DCC O [d] From RCOOR' (22.11): NH4+Cl– O [1] NH3 O C + NH2 O + O C C + H2O NHR' O + NH3 OR' R C NH2 + R'OH N Niittrriillee ssyynntthheessiiss ((2222..1188)) Nitriles are prepared by SN2 substitution using unhindered alkyl halides as starting materials. R X + –CN R C N X– + SN2 R = CH3, 1o R Reeaaccttiioonnss ooff nniittrriilleess [1] Hydrolysis (22.18A) R C N O H2O (H+ or –OH) R C O OH (with acid) or R C O– (with base) 570 Smith: Study Guide/ 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Their Derivatives — accompany Organic Nucleophilic Acyl Chemistry, Third Edition Substitution Chapter 22–4 [2] Reduction (22.18B) [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O R CH2NH2 1o amine R C N O [1] DIBAL-H [2] H2O R C H aldehyde [3] Reaction with organometallic reagents (22.18C) R C N O [1] R'MgX or R'Li [2] H2O R C R' ketone © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Their Derivatives — Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution 571 Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives 22–5 C Chhaapptteerr 2222:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 22.1 The number of C–N bonds determines the classification as a 1o, 2o, or 3o amide. NH2 1° amide O O O 1° amide H2N O NH oxytocin All seven others are 2° amides. NH O N H O O O HN N H N O N H H2N NH2 S H N O 1° amide S 3° amide O HO 22.2 As the basicity of Z increases, the stability of RCOZ increases because of added resonance stabilization. R O O C C O R + Br Br R C + Br The basicity of Z determines how much this structure contributes to the hybrid. Br– is less basic than –OH, so RCOBr is less stable than RCOOH. 22.3 O CH3 Cl CH3 CH3 NH2 H C O Cl CH3 O O C C NH2 H C Cl NH2 This resonance structure contributes little to the hybrid since Cl– is a weak base. Thus, the C–Cl bond has little double bond character, making it similar in length to the C–Cl bond in CH3Cl. This resonance structure contributes more to the hybrid since –NH2 is more basic. Thus, the C–N bond in HCONH2 has more double bond character, making it shorter than the C–N bond in CH3NH2. 22.4 a. (CH3CH2)2CH COCl b. C6H5COOCH3 re-draw re-draw O O Cl 2-ethylbutanoyl chloride 2-ethyl OCH3 methyl benzoate alkyl group = methyl acyl group = benzoate 572 Smith: Study Guide/ 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Their Derivatives — accompany Organic Nucleophilic Acyl Chemistry, Third Edition Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 22–6 O c. CH3CH2CON(CH3)CH2CH3 e. re-draw CH3CH2 O C O C benzoic propanoic anhydride O N acyl group = propanoic N-ethyl-N-methyl N-ethyl-N-methylpropanamide acyl group = propanamide 1 O d. C H acyl group = benzoic OCH2CH3 CN f. 3 alkyl group = ethyl acyl group = formate 3-ethylhexanenitrile 6 carbon chain = hexanenitrile ethyl formate 22.5 a. 5-methylheptanoyl chloride d. N-isobutyl-N-methylbutanamide g. sec-butyl 2-methylhexanoate O O O N Cl b. isopropyl propanoate O e. 3-methylpentanenitrile h. N-ethylhexanamide O O CN O O H O O O N H f. o-cyanobenzoic acid c. acetic formic anhydride OH CH3 CN CH3CONH2 has two H’s bonded to N that can hydrogen bond. CH3CON(CH3)2 does not have any H’s capable of hydrogen bonding. This means CH3CONH2 has much stronger intermolecular forces, which leads to a higher boiling point. 22.6 22.7 a. CH3 O O O C C C OCH2CH3 and CH3 N(CH2CH3)2 c. CH3CH2CH2 amide: C=O at lower wavenumber O b. and O O d. O O smaller ring: C=O at a higher wavenumber NHCH3 and CH3CH2CH2 2° amide: 1 N–H absorption at 3200–3400 cm–1 O O O anhydride: 2 C=O peaks NH2 1° amide: 2 N–H absorptions O and C Cl Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Their Derivatives — Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution 573 Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives 22–7 22.8 Hb O Hc signal from the 5 H's on the aromatic ring Ha O H H CH3 Ha A Molecular formula C9H10O2 5 degrees of unsaturation IR: 1743 cm–1 from ester C=O 3091–2895 cm–1 from sp2 and sp3 C–H 1 H NMR: Ha = 2.06 ppm (singlet, 3 H) – CH3 Hb = 5.08 ppm (singlet, 2 H) – CH2 Hc = 7.33 ppm (broad singlet, 5 H) O H H O Hb Hb signal from the 10 H's on the two aromatic rings B Molecular formula C14H12O2 9 degrees of unsaturation IR: 1718 cm–1 from conjugated ester C=O 3091–2953 cm–1 from sp2 and sp3 C–H 1H NMR: Ha = 5.35 ppm (singlet, 2 H) Hb = 7.26–8.15 ppm (multiplets, 10 H) 22.9 NH2 H2N H H H N S O HO CH3 N H H H N S O CH3 N O O COOH H COOH cephalexin (Trade name: Keflex) amoxicillin a. 4 stereogenic centers b. 24 = 16 possible stereoisomers c. enantiomer a. 3 stereogenic centers b. 23 = 8 possible stereoisomers c. enantiomer H2N NH2 H H H N S O HO H H H N S CH3 N CH3 O N O O H COOH COOH 22.10 To draw the products of these nucleophilic acyl substitution reactions, find the nucleophile and the leaving group. Then replace the leaving group with the nucleophile and draw a neutral product. nucleophile O a. CH3 C nucleophile CH3OH Cl CH3 O O C C OCH3 + HCl b. CH3 O NH3 OCH2CH3 CH3 C NH2 + HOCH2CH3 leaving group leaving group 22.11 More reactive acyl compounds can be converted to less reactive acyl compounds. a. CH3COCl CH3COOH more reactive YES b. CH3CONHCH3 less reactive NO c. less reactive CH3COOCH3 more reactive CH3COOCH3 less reactive d. (CH3CO)2O more reactive CH3COCl NO more reactive YES less reactive CH3CONH2 574 Smith: Study Guide/ 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Their Derivatives — accompany Organic Nucleophilic Acyl Chemistry, Third Edition Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 22–8 22.12 The better the leaving group is, the more reactive the carboxylic acid derivative. The weakest base is the best leaving group. O O C C OCH 3 strongest base least reactive b. 2 CH3CH2 C OCH3 NH2 a. NH O Cl weakest base most reactive intermediate O O O C C C CH3CH2 NHCH3 NHCH 3 OH CH3CH2 OH intermediate strongest base least reactive Cl O O C CH2CH3 OOCCH 2CH3 weakest base most reactive 22.13 CH3 O O O O C C C C O CH3 Cl3C O The Cl atoms are electron withdrawing, which makes the conjugate base (the leaving group, CCl3COO–) weaker and more stable. CCl3 acetic anhydride trichloroacetic anhydride 22.14 O H2O a. O O OH + pyridine Cl O b. CH3COO N – H Cl c. NH2 + NH4+Cl– NH3 excess O O O CH3 + Cl– (CH3)2NH N(CH3)2 d. + (CH3)2NH2 Cl– excess 22.15 The mechanism has three steps: [1] nucleophilic attack by O; [2] proton transfer; [3] elimination of the Cl leaving group to form the product. OCH3 O OH + OCH3 O Cl OCH3 O Cl O Cl O H N H OCH3 OCH3 N OCH3 OCH3 O O OCH3 A Cl Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Their Derivatives — Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution 575 Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives 22–9 22.16 O O O O O OH H2O O NH3 HO a. c. O b. CH3OH NH2 O O NH4 excess O CH3 O O (CH3)2NH HO d. O N(CH3)2 excess O (CH3)2NH2 22.17 Nucleophilicity decreases across a row of the periodic table so an NH2 group is more nucleophilic than an OH group. more nucleophilic Acetylation occurs here. H N NH2 HO C CH3 O HO acetaminophen (active ingredient in Tylenol) less nucleophilic 22.18 Reaction of a carboxylic acid with thionyl chloride converts it to an acid chloride. O a. CH3CH2 C O SOCl2 OH CH3CH2 C O C b. Cl O [1] SOCl2 OH O [2] (CH3CH2)2NH (excess) C Cl C N(CH2CH3)2 (CH3CH2)2NH2 Cl– 22.19 COOH + CH3CH2OH a. H2SO4 C OCH2CH3 + H2O O O COOH b. + OH C H2SO4 + H2 O O O COOH c. + C NaOCH3 O Na+ + CH3OH 576 Smith: Study Guide/ 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Their Derivatives — accompany Organic Nucleophilic Acyl Chemistry, Third Edition Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 22–10 O O H2SO4 d. HO + H2O OH O 22.20 O C O CH318OH OH C 18 OCH3 + H2O 22.21 O C HO OH O HOSO3H H C HO HO OH O H O HO OH H HSO4– + O –OSO O + H2SO4 3H HSO4– O H O HO OH2 O O H2O + HOSO3H + HSO4– 22.22 O a. O CH3NH2 O H3NCH3 OH b. c. + O O CH3NH2 DCC O O [1] CH3NH2 OH NHCH3 OH NHCH3 + H2O [2] 22.23 R OH OH OH O H O H C C C C C OR' R OR' R OR' R product of step [1] OH R O H OH R product of step [5] 22.24 O [1] H3O+ OH + HO O + HO O a. O CH3O CH3O [2] H2O, –OH octinoxate CH3O O C OH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 577 © The McGraw−Hill 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Their Derivatives — Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives 22–11 O [1] H3O+ O b. OH O + HO + HO OH O OH [2] H2 octyl salicylate O, –OH O OH 22.25 O a. CH3CH2 –OH, H2O C 18 OCH3 18 O CH3CH2 C O + H18OCH3 b. O– CH3CH2 –OH, C 18 O H2O CH3CH2 OCH3 C O O CH3CH2 C 18 O + HOCH3 22.26 HOCH2 O OH HOCH2 HO RCOOH, H2SO4 O O HO RCOOCH2 OH OH RCOO CH2OH a long chain fatty acid RCOO OOCR OOCR CH2 O O CH2OOCR OOCR O RCOO sucrose olestra 22.27 CH2OCO(CH2)15CH3 CH2 OH Na+ OOC(CH2)15CH3 CH OH Na+ OOC(CH2)15CH3 CH2 OH Na+ OOC(CH2)7CH=CH(CH2)7CH3 hydrolysis CHOCO(CH2)15CH3 CH2OCO(CH2)7CH=CH(CH2)7CH3 cis glycerol soap cis 22.28 O O NH H2O, OH OH proton transfer O N H H O NH O O NH2 22.29 Aspirin has an ester, a more reactive acyl group, but acetaminophen has an amide, a less reactive acyl group. a. The ester makes aspirin more easily hydrolyzed with water from the air than acetaminophen. Therefore, Tylenol can be kept for many years, whereas aspirin decomposes. b. Similarly, aspirin will be hydrolyzed and decompose in the aqueous medium of a liquid medication, but acetaminophen is stable due to the less reactive amide group, allowing it to remain unchanged while dissolved in H2O. 578 Smith: Study Guide/ 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Their Derivatives — accompany Organic Nucleophilic Acyl Chemistry, Third Edition Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 22–12 ester O C amide H N CH3 O COOH CH3 O HO acetylsalicylic acid C acetaminophen 22.30 "Regular" amide is not hydrolyzed. H H H N S R O H3 H H N R O+ O N O H S HN OH O COOH COOH 22.31 O H N O H N N H N H O O nylon 6,10 O Cl Cl H2N + NH2 O 22.32 OH + HOOC COOH HO 1,4-dihydroxymethylcyclohexane In the polyester Kodel, most of the bonds in the polymer backbone are part of a ring, so there are fewer degrees of freedom. Fabrics made from Kodel are stiff and crease resistant, due to these less flexible polyester fibers. terephthalic acid O O O O O O O O Kodel 22.33 O O OH OH + OH OH Reaction occurs here (–H2O). O O O O O O O O PLA polyl(lactic acid) Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 579 © The McGraw−Hill 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Their Derivatives — Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives 22–13 22.34 Acetyl CoA acetylates the NH2 group of glucosamine, since the NH2 group is the most nucleophilic site. HO HO O O HO OH + CH3 C O HO NH2 HO OH SCoA HN HO glucosamine O NAG 22.35 a. CH3CH2CH2 Br NaCN CH3CH2CH2 CN H2O, –OH c. CN CN H2O, H+ b. COO COOH CN COOH 22.36 a. CH3 O OH NH C C C NH2 CH3 O b. C c. NH CH3CH2 NH2 OH CH3CH2 C O OH C NHCH3 NCH3 22.37 a. CH3CH2 Br [1] NaCN [2] LiAlH4 [3] H2O [1] DIBAL-H b. CH3CH2CH2 CN CH3CH2 CH2NH2 O CH3CH2CH2 C [2] H2O H 22.38 OCH3 a. [1] CH3CH2MgCl CN [2] H2O OCH3 O C CH2CH3 O CN C [1] C6H5Li b. [2] H2O 22.39 O O CH2 CN a. [1] CH3MgBr CH2 CN CH2 C CH3 [2] H2O c. [1] DIBAL-H CH2 C H [2] H2O O CH2 CN b. [1] (CH3)3CMgBr [2] H2O O CH2 C CH2 CN C(CH3)3 d. CH2 C H3O+ OH 580 Smith: Study Guide/ 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Their Derivatives — accompany Organic Nucleophilic Acyl Chemistry, Third Edition Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 22–14 22.40 CH3 C N O O [1] CH3CH2MgBr [1] CH3MgBr CH3CH2 C N [2] H2O [2] H2O 22.41 O Cl a. g. 2,2-dimethylpropanoyl chloride N O N-cyclohexylbenzamide H O b. h. cyclohexyl pentanoate m-chlorobenzonitrile O Cl CN c. O O O i. Cl 3-phenylpropanoyl chloride isobutyl 2,2-dimethylpropanoate d. 2-ethylhexanenitrile O j. C CN O e. Cl O cis-2-bromocyclohexanecarbonyl chloride Br O O k. N cyclohexanecarboxylic anhydride N,N-diethylcyclohexanecarboxamide O O f. l. phenyl phenylacetate O cyclopentyl cyclohexanecarboxylate O 22.42 a. propanoic anhydride O e. isopropyl formate H b. -chlorobutyryl chloride O O O O i. benzoic propanoic anhydride O O O f. N-cyclopentylpentanamide O j. 3-methylhexanoyl chloride NH O Cl Cl O Cl c. cyclohexyl propanoate g. 4-methylheptanenitrile k. octyl butanoate O O CN O d. cyclohexanecarboxamide C l. N,N-dibenzylformamide h. vinyl acetate O O O O NH2 O CH3 H N Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 581 © The McGraw−Hill 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Their Derivatives — Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives 22–15 22.43 Rank the compounds using the rules from Answer 22.12. O a. O O NH2 OCH2CH2CH3 NH OCH CH CH 2 2 3 2 strongest base least reactive Cl weakest base most reactive intermediate O b. Cl O O O O ester least reactive anhydride intermediate O O F3C O O CF3 anhydride with electronwithdrawing F's most reactive O O c. OH SH OH Cl SH intermediate strongest base least reactive Cl weakest base most reactive 22.44 a. Better leaving groups make acyl compounds more reactive. A has an electron-withdrawing NO2 group, which stabilizes the negative charge of the leaving group, whereas B has an electron-donating OCH3 group, which destabilizes the leaving group. O CH3 C O O NO2 CH3 A C OCH3 O B an electron-withdrawing substituent an electron-donating substituent O O O N O N O O OCH3 O OCH3 O one possible resonance structure leaving group from B Adjacent negative charges destabilize the leaving group. one possible resonance structure leaving group from A Delocalizing the negative charge on the NO2 stabilizes the leaving group making A more reactive than B. resonance structures for the leaving group b. O O C N N R imidazolide Nu R C N Nu O N R C Nu N N N N N N N N N The leaving group is both resonance stabilized and aromatic (6 electrons), making it a much better leaving group than exists in a regular amide. N 582 Smith: Study Guide/ 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Their Derivatives — accompany Organic Nucleophilic Acyl Chemistry, Third Edition Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 22–16 22.45 Reaction as an acid: O CH3 C O B NH2 CH3 O C NH CH3 C CH3CH2 NH2 NH B CH3CH2 NH no resonance stabilization of the conjugate base These two resonance structures make the conjugate base more stable, and therefore CH3CONH2 a stronger acid. Reaction as a base: O CH3 C O NH2 CH3 C This electron pair is localized on N. CH3CH2 NH2 NH2 This electron pair is delocalized by resonance, making it less available for electron donation. Thus CH3CONH2 is a much weaker base. 22.46 CH3CH2CH2CH2COCl NH3 H2O a. CH3CH2CH2CH2COOH pyridine b. d. N Cl– H CH3CH2OH c. O CH3COO CH3CH2CH2CH2 O CH3 CH3CH2CH2CH2CON(CH2CH3)2 excess N Cl– H O (CH3CH2)2NH2 Cl– C6H5NH2 f. Cl– excess CH3CH2CH2CH2CONHC6H5 C6H5NH3 Cl– 22.47 O O O a. SOCl2 d. no reaction H2O 2 NaCl no reaction O O b. (CH3CH2)2NH OH e. excess N(CH2CH3)2 O O CH3OH c. O H2N(CH2CH3)2 OCH3 O O f. OH NH4 Cl– (CH3CH2)2NH e. CH3CH2CH2CH2COOCH2CH3 pyridine CH3CH2CH2CH2CONH2 excess CH3CH2NH2 excess NHCH2CH3 O O H3NCH2CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Their Derivatives — Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution 583 Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives 22–17 22.48 C6H5CH2COOH a. O NaHCO3 O Na b. NaOH O c. SOCl2 O O CH3OH H2SO4 + H2CO3 g. OCH3 O CH3OH h. + H2 O –OH O Na i. O [1] NaOH [2] CH3COCl O Cl d. NaCl no reaction j. O CH3NH2 DCC e. NH3 O k. (1 equiv) O NH4 f. O [1] NH3 [2] l. NH2 O O NHCH3 [1] SOCl2 O [2] CH3CH2CH2NH2 NHCH2CH2CH3 O [1] SOCl2 [2] (CH3)2CHOH OCH(CH3)2 22.49 c. CH3CH2CH2CO2CH2CH3 O H2O, –OH HO O O a. SOCl2 no reaction d. NH3 NH2 O b. HO O H3O+ HO OH e. CH3CH2NH2 NHCH2CH3 HO 22.50 NH2 a. H3O+ CH2COOH b. CH2COO H2O, –OH O 22.51 a. H3O+ COOH d. [1] CH3CH2Li [2] H2O C6H5CH2CN b. H2O, –OH COO [2] H2O C [2] H2O O [1] LiAlH4 CH2NH2 f. O H e. [1] DIBAL-H CH3 c. [1] CH3MgBr O [2] H2O 584 Smith: Study Guide/ 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Their Derivatives — accompany Organic Nucleophilic Acyl Chemistry, Third Edition Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 22–18 22.52 O COOH C SOCl2 a. OH g. O h. C6H5CH2COOH + + C6H5 N H (excess) N C6H5 [2] H2O d. (CH3)2CHCOOH + H3O+ C6H5CH2CH2CH2COOH HOOC O COOH (CH3CO)2O + NH2 O H2O –OH NHCOCH3 (excess) + NH2 O O + CH3COO– H3N O O f. C6H5CH2CH2CH2CN O k. NHCOCH3 O C6H5(CH2)2NH(CH2)3CH3 OCH(CH3)CH2CH3 CH3 e. CH3CH2CH2CH2 O j. C (CH3)2CH [1] SOCl2 CH2CH2CH3 O H2SO4 CH3CH2CHOH i. C [2] H2O, –OH [2] CH3CH2CH2CH2NH2 [3] LiAlH4 [4] H2O N Cl– H H O [1] CH3CH2CH2MgBr c. C6H5CN CH3CH2CH2CH2Br OH b. C6H5COCl O [1] NaCN Cl H3O+ OH l. C6H5CH2CH2COOCH2CH3 OH O H2O –OH C6H5CH2CH2COO– + O HOCH2CH3 22.53 Both lactones and acetals are hydrolyzed with aqueous acid, but only lactones react with aqueous base. O a. O O O X H3O+ O OH O OH COOH OH NaOH b. O O O O X H2O O CO2 Na+ OH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 585 © The McGraw−Hill 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Their Derivatives — Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives 22–19 22.54 Br NaCN CN H3O+ COOH SOCl2 A COCl [1] (CH3)2CuLi C [2] H2O O D B [1] LiAlH4 CH3OH, [2] H2O CH3 E H+ PCC CH2NH2 CO2CH3 [1] DIBAL-H CHO [1] CH3Li [2] H2O C G F OH [2] H2O H [1] LiAlH4 (CH3CO)2O [2] H2O CH2OTs NaCN CH2OH CH2NHCOCH3 CH2CN TsCl, pyridine I K J L [1] CH3MgBr [2] H2O O M 22.55 O H D C CH3 a. CH3COCl OH O c. pyridine CH3 CH3 Br b. CH3 NaCN H+ COOH O CN H D C H D CH3CH2OH D H d. CH3 C + Cl C H 6 5 CH3 C CH3 CH3 C C H NH2 (2 equiv) C6H5 CH3 H NH C O COOCH2CH3 + CH3 22.56 Hydrolyze the amide and ester bonds in both starting materials to draw the products. a. O O CO2CH2CH3 H2O O CO2H O HO N H OH H2N NH2 oseltamivir NH2 C6H5 C H NH3 + Cl– 586 Smith: Study Guide/ 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Their Derivatives — accompany Organic Nucleophilic Acyl Chemistry, Third Edition Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 22–20 NH2 H N HOOC b. NH2 H2O O CH3O HOOC H2N + CH3OH OH COOH O O aspartame phenylalanine 22.57 O C Cl a. O C Cl C Cl H O HO O b. NHNH2 + Cl + HN N O C NH2NH NH2NH NH2NH2 O O O O O proton O OH transfer HO OH H+ O OH 22.58 H+ O CH3 C OH OH CH3 C OH OH 18 O H H 18 CH3 C OH2 18 18 O H + H2 O OH CH3 C OH CH3 C OH O H OH CH3 C 18 + H2O O H O H CH3 C O H2O 18 CH3 OH C 18 + H3O+ OH A OH CH3 C 18 O H A OH CH3 18 O H A + H3O+ + H2 O Two possibilities for A: OH CH3 C C 18 O H OH H2O CH3 C 18 O + H3O+ Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 587 © The McGraw−Hill 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Their Derivatives — Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives 22–21 22.59 H2O H H2O O H O O OH OH OH HOH2 O O OH O OH O H2O OH H -butyrolactone HOH2 O H3O O HO HO OH H H2O OH 4-hydroxybutanoic acid GHB 22.60 enzyme CH2OH CH2 O H O O CO2H H A aspirin O O OH CO2H OH CO2H CH2 A H A O O OH CO2H A CH2 H O O HA CH2O C CH2O C CH3 inactive enzyme A O H OH O CO2H OH CO2H + CH3 salicylic acid A 588 Smith: Study Guide/ 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Their Derivatives — accompany Organic Nucleophilic Acyl Chemistry, Third Edition Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 22–22 22.61 O R O C O R' + OH This bond is not broken. H CH3 O CH3 C O R CH2CH3 X C mechanism CH3 C + R'OH O H CH3 O accepted C R H2O SN2 O H CH3 O HO C CH2CH3 (2R)-2-butanol CH3 C O X C CH2CH3 According to the accepted mechanism, the stereochemistry around the stereogenic center is retained in the product. This bond is cleaved. H CH3 O CH3 C C O CH2CH3 CH3 C H2 O SN2 alternative X CH3 H O OH O CH3CH2 C OH (2S)-2-butanol This SN2 mechanism would form the product of inversion leading to (2S)-2butanol. Since (2R)-2-butanol is the only product formed, the SN2 mechanism does not occur during ester hydrolysis. 22.62 CH3O CH3O O C O O OH OH O O proton O OH O O OCH3 transfer HO OCH3 CO2H HO OCH3 D H OH2 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 589 © The McGraw−Hill 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Their Derivatives — Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives 22–23 22.63 H OCH2CH3 O OH O O H–Cl A Cl H O O CH2CH3 OCH2CH3 OH OH O Cl H–Cl OCH2CH3 OH2 OCH2CH3 O OH OCH2CH3 O O OH OCH2CH3 OH O H Cl H H–Cl Cl Cl CO2CH2CH3 OCH2CH3 OCH2CH3 O Cl + Cl Cl = O H2 O B 22.64 The mechanism is composed of two parts: hydrolysis of the acetal and intramolecular Fischer esterification of the hydroxy carboxylic acid. H2O H O O OH H OH2 O O H2O O HO O O OH O O H2O H O O OH OH O + H2O HO H HO HO H OH2 O HO HO HO HO O OH O OH HO OH O + H3O+ O + H2O H H OH2 H2O HO H O OH OH OH HO HO O OH H OH2 OH OH HO + H2O O O O O HO O H HO HO + H3O+ H2O OH2 OH + H2O 590 Smith: Study Guide/ 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Their Derivatives — accompany Organic Nucleophilic Acyl Chemistry, Third Edition Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 22–24 22.65 (any base) B O NH2 OH + CH3CH2O X C H N OCH2CH3 O C OCH2CH3 O OCH2CH3 C H N OH OCH2CH3 OCH2CH3 OH + HB+ diethyl carbonate O O HN H HN + CH3CH2O– O Y O OCH2CH3 H N O O H N H C OCH2CH3 OH B + HB+ HB+ O OCH2CH3 + CH3CH2O– CH3CH2OH + B 22.66 sp3 C sp2 C O RCH2 Cl R less electrophilic C more crowded C since it is surrounded by four atoms C Cl O R C Cl more electrophilic C due to electron-withdrawing O more reactive This resonance structure illustrates how the electronegative O atom withdraws more electron density from C. The sp2 hybridized C of RCOCl is much less crowded, and this makes nucleophilic attack easier as well. 22.67 O H3 HO CN O+ Ha A C6H10O2: 2 degrees of unsaturation O Hb H c A IR: 1770 cm–1 from ester C=O in a five-membered ring 1H NMR: H = 1.27 ppm (singlet, 6 H) – 2 CH groups a 3 Hb = 2.12 ppm (triplet, 2 H) – CH2 bonded to CH2 Hc = 4.26 ppm (triplet, 2 H) – CH2 bonded to CH2 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Their Derivatives — Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution 591 Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives 22–25 proton HO C N HO C N OH2 HO transfer C NH H OH2 OH imidic acid H2O C NH2 HO C NH2 HO OH C NH2 HO O H OH2 O H amide H2O H2O H2O HO NH2 HO NH2 O H H O H OH2 O H O NH3 O O NH3 O H3O H2O H2O O 22.68 Fischer esterification is treatment of a carboxylic acid with an alcohol in the presence of an acid catalyst to form an ester. a. (CH3)3CCO2CH2CH3 (CH3)3CCOOH O c. + HOCH2CH3 O b. OH O HO O OH O O d. HO OH HO O O O 22.69 NH3 Br excess a. NH2 H3O+ NaCN Br H N OH NH2 CN O DCC O NaOH b. Br OH H2SO4 OH OH (from a.) (from a.) O O [1] c. O CN [2] H2O MgBr Mg Br O MgBr 592 Smith: Study Guide/ 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Their Derivatives — accompany Organic Nucleophilic Acyl Chemistry, Third Edition Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 22–26 O d. OH (from b.) CrO3 OH H2SO4, H2O H2SO4 OH O O (from c.) [1] MgBr e. OH (2 equiv) O [2] H2O O (from d.) (from c.) [1] f. MgBr OH (2 equiv) O [2] H2O O (from b.) 22.70 a. Br –CN H2O, CN b. CN H+ COOH (from a.) c. COOH SOCl2 COCl (from b.) d. COOH (from b.) e. HOCH2CH3 CO2CH2CH3 H2SO4 [1] CH3MgBr CN (from a.) C [2] H2O CH3 O [1] DIBAL-H f. CN (from a.) g. CHO [2] H2O [1] LiAlH4 CN (from a.) h. CH2NH2 (from g.) CH2NH2 [2] H2O CH3COCl CH2NHCOCH3 22.71 a. CH3Cl + NaCN CH3 CN H3O+ CH3 COOH [1] CO2 CH3 Cl + Mg Br + NaCN b. sp2 Br + Mg CH3 MgCl [2] H3O+ CH3 COOH This method can't be used because an SN2 reaction can't be done on an sp2 hybridized C. MgBr [1] CO2 [2] H3O+ COOH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 593 © The McGraw−Hill 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Their Derivatives — Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives 22–27 This method can't be used because an SN2 reaction can't be done on a 3° C. c. (CH3)3CCl + NaCN (CH3)3C (CH3)3C Cl + Mg d. HOCH2CH2CH2CH2Br [1] CO2 MgCl (CH3)3C [2] H3O+ H3O+ HOCH2CH2CH2CH2 CN + NaCN COOH HOCH2CH2CH2CH2 COOH This method can't be used because you can't make a Grignard reagent with an acidic OH group. HOCH2CH2CH2CH2 Br + Mg 22.72 CH3OH O SOCl2 CH3 CH3Cl HNO3 H2SO4 AlCl3 CH3 COOH KMnO4 O2N H2SO4 O 2N C CH3CH2OH OCH2CH3 O2N H2 Pd-C (+ ortho isomer) O C OCH2CH3 H2N 22.73 O NH2 HO N H N H HO CH3COCl NaH N H O N H SOCl2 serotonin O N H CH3Cl CH3COOH SOCl2 CH3OH O CrO3 H2SO4, H2O N H CH3O CH3CH2OH N H melatonin 22.74 O O CH3CH2Cl a. OH COH KMnO4 AlCl3 OH CNH2 NH3 OH OH OH salicylamide NO2 HNO3 Cl (2 equiv) OH (+ para isomer) b. SOCl2 O H2, Pd-C H2SO4 HO (+ ortho isomer) HO NH2 H N CH3COCl HO (More nucleophilic NH2 reacts first.) C CH3 O acetaminophen 594 Smith: Study Guide/ 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Their Derivatives — accompany Organic Nucleophilic Acyl Chemistry, Third Edition Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 22–28 H N c. C CH3 NaH O HO H N C CH3 H N CH3CH2Br O O CH3 O CH3CH2O acetaminophen (from b.) C p-acetophenetidin 22.75 HO [1] CrO3, H2SO4, H2O [2] SOCl2 O a. O O Cl Cl2 Cl AlCl3 FeCl3 CH3OH O SOCl2 b. CH3Cl CH3 AlCl3 CH3 HNO3 H2SO4 COOH KMnO4 C CH3OH O2N H O2N O2N (+ ortho isomer) H2, Pd-C O C O c. FeBr3 Br HNO3 H2SO4 O O OCH3 N H Br2 OCH3 + C Cl [1] CrO3, H2SO4, H2O [2] SOCl2 Br O2N (+ ortho isomer) H2N CH3CH2CH2OH O Br H2, Pd-C Br Cl H2N OCH3 [1] CrO3, H2SO4, H2O [2] SOCl2 CH3CH2OH H N O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 595 © The McGraw−Hill 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Their Derivatives — Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives 22–29 (CH3)3COH CH3OH HCl SOCl2 (CH3)3CCl d. CH3Cl AlCl3 KMnO4 SOCl2 HO AlCl3 Cl (+ ortho isomer) Br Br2 FeBr3 Br CH3Cl O O Br KMnO4 Br NaOH HO AlCl3 (+ ortho isomer) O O O O O O (CH3)3C Br 22.76 CH3Cl a. CH3 AlCl3 CH3OH SOCl2 Br2 CH2Br h NaCN CH2CN H2O H+ CH2COOH HOCH2CH3 H2SO4 CH3Cl CH2COOCH2CH3 ethyl phenylacetate NO2 (from a.) b. CH3 CH3Cl NO2 CH3 HNO3 NH2 COOH KMnO4 H2SO4 AlCl3 NH2 COOH H2 HOCH3 Pd-C H2SO4 COOCH3 methyl anthranilate (+ para isomer) (from a.) O CH3 KMnO 4 CH3Cl c. COOH AlCl3 CH3CH2OH OH CH3COOH H2SO4 [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O CrO3 H2SO4, H2O O benzyl acetate CH3COOH 22.77 [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O Cl a. Cl –CN NC excess CN O H2O H2SO4 NH2 H2N OH HO O b. Br2 h Br KOC(CH3)3 [1] O3 CHO CrO3 COOH [2] Zn, H2O CHO H2SO4, H2O COOH 596 Smith: Study Guide/ 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Their Derivatives — accompany Organic Nucleophilic Acyl Chemistry, Third Edition Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 22–30 22.78 O a. CH3 C O CH313CH2OH OH d. CH3 CH2OH – 13 CH3 CH2Br 13C CH3 H2SO4 OH O CH3 18 OH OCH2CH3 CH3COCl CH3CH218OH + base (H18O–) PBr3 C CH3 H218O 13 O CH3CH2OH 13 H2SO4, H2O c. CH3CH2Br 13 OCH2CH3 O CrO3 b. CH313CH2OH C CH3 H2SO4 CH3 CH218OH C 18 OCH2CH3 18O CrO3 13 H2SO4, H218O 18O 13 C 18 CH3 OH CH3CH2OH H2SO4 13 C CH3 + OCH2CH3 H218O 22.79 a. HO OH HO and C C O O O O O OH O O O O O O NH b. ClOC COCl and NH2 H2N O HN NH O HN 22.80 O a. O O O O O O O OH HO O O O O O b. O O HO OH O O O O O HO OH HO OH O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Their Derivatives — Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution 597 Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives 22–31 22.81 a. Docetaxel has fewer C’s and one more OH group than taxol. This makes docetaxel more water soluble than taxol. OH O b. O O O OH O N O H carbamate = RO OH HO O docetaxel carbamate H O NHR O O O O RO O NHR RO 1 most stable O NHR O RO 4 least stable NHR RO 3 2 More basic N atom allows N to donate electron density more than O, so this structure contributes more than 3 to the hybrid. Increasing stability: 4 < 3 < 2 < 1 H OH2 O c. OH O O NHR O NHR H O C H H2O NHR H2O H2O NHR H OH2 O C + NH2R H OH2 O H3O H2O H3NR OH O d. O O OH O N H O H3O+ OH docetaxel HO O O H O O O CO2 COOH OH H3N OH OH O O OH CH3CO2H HO HO H HO HO O 598 Smith: Study Guide/ 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Their Derivatives — accompany Organic Nucleophilic Acyl Chemistry, Third Edition Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 22–32 22.82 O a. CH3 C O and OCH3 CH3CH2 C c. OH contains a broad, strong OH absorption at 3500–2500 cm–1 O N(CH3)2 and C=O at < 1700 cm–1 due to the stabilized amide NH2 2 NH absorptions at 3200–3400 cm–1 C=O absorption higher wavenumber O O and b. O O d. O Cl OH O and CH3 Cl Acid chloride CO absorbs at much higher wavenumber. OH absorption at 3500–3200 cm–1 + C=O ketone only C=O 22.83 O a. C6H5COOCH2CH3 CH3CH2COOCH2CH3 O b. most resonance stabilized least resonance stabilized CH3COOCH3 CH3CONH2 Increasing wavenumber CH3COCl Increasing wavenumber 22.84 a. C6H12O2 one degree of unsaturation IR: 1738 cm–1 C=O NMR: 1.12 (triplet, 3 H), 1.23 (doublet, 6 H), 2.28 (quartet, 2 H), 5.00 (septet, 1 H) ppm d. C4H7ClO one degree of unsaturation IR: 1802 cm–1 C=O (high wavenumber, RCOCl) NMR: 0.95 (triplet, 3 H), 1.07 (multiplet, 2 H), 2.90 (triplet, 2 H) ppm O O Cl O b. C4H7N IR: 2250 cm–1 triple bond NMR: 1.08 (triplet, 3 H), 1.70 (multiplet, 2 H), 2.34 (triplet, 2 H) ppm CH3CH2CH2C N c. C8H9NO IR: 3328 (NH), 1639 (conjugated amide C=O) cm–1 NMR: 2.95 (singlet, 3 H), 6.95 (singlet, 1 H), 7.3–7.7 (multiplet, 5 H) ppm e. C5H10O2 one degree of unsaturation IR: 1750 cm–1 C=O NMR: 1.20 (doublet, 6 H), 2.00 (singlet, 3 H), 4.95 (septet, 1 H) ppm O O f. C10H12O2 five degrees of unsaturation IR: 1740 cm–1 C=O NMR: 1.2 (triplet, 3 H), 2.4 (quartet, 2 H), 5.1 (singlet, 2 H), 7.1–7.5 (multiplet, 5 H) ppm O O O N H CH3 g. C8H14O3 two degrees of unsaturation IR: 1810, 1770 cm–1 2 absorptions due to C=O (anhydride) NMR: 1.25 (doublet, 12 H), 2.65 (septet, 2 H) ppm O O O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Their Derivatives — Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution 599 Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives 22–33 22.85 A. Molecular formula C10H12O2 five degrees of unsaturation IR absorption at 1718 cm–1 C=O NMR data (ppm): triplet at 1.4 (CH3 adjacent to 2 H's) singlet at 2.4 (CH3) quartet at 4.4 (CH2 adjacent to CH3) doublet at 7.2 (2 H's on benzene ring) doublet at 7.9 (2 H's on benzene ring) O O B. IR absorption at 1740 cm–1 C=O NMR data (ppm): singlet at 2.0 (CH3) triplet at 2.9 (CH2 adjacent to CH2) triplet at 4.4 (CH2 adjacent to CH2) multiplet at 7.3 (5 H's, monosubstituted benzene) O O 22.86 Molecular formula C10H13NO2 five degrees of unsaturation IR absorptions at 3300 (NH) and 1680 (C=O, amide or conjugated) cm–1 NMR data (ppm): triplet at 1.4 (CH3 adjacent to CH2) singlet at 2.2 (CH3C=O) quartet at 3.9 (CH2 adjacent to CH3) CH3CH2O doublet at 6.8 (2 H's on benzene ring) singlet at 7.2 (NH) doublet at 7.4 (2 H's on benzene ring) H N CH3 O phenacetin 22.87 Molecular formula C11H15NO2 five degrees of unsaturation IR absorption 1699 (C=O, amide or conjugated) cm–1 NMR data (ppm): triplet at 1.3 (3 H) (CH3 adjacent to CH2) singlet at 3.0 (6 H) (2 CH3 groups on N) quartet at 4.3 (2 H) (CH2 adjacent to CH3) doublet at 6.6 (2 H) (2 H's on benzene ring) doublet at 7.9 (2 H) (2 H's on benzene ring) CH3 O N CH3 OCH2CH3 C 22.88 a. Molecular formula C6H12O2 one degree of unsaturation IR absorption at 1743 cm–1 C=O 1 O H NMR data (ppm): triplet at 0.9 (3 H) – CH3 adjacent to CH2 O multiplet at 1.35 (2 H) – CH2 D multiplet at 1.60 (2 H) – CH2 singlet at 2.1 (3 H – from CH3 bonded to C=O) triplet at 4.1 (2 H) – CH2 adjacent to the electronegative O atom and another CH2 600 Smith: Study Guide/ 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Their Derivatives — accompany Organic Nucleophilic Acyl Chemistry, Third Edition Substitution © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 22–34 b. Molecular formula C6H12O2 one degree of unsaturation IR absorption at 1746 cm–1 C=O O 1 H NMR data (ppm): doublet at 0.9 (6 H) – 2 CH3's adjacent to CH O E multiplet at 1.9 (1 H) singlet at 2.1 (3 H) – CH3 bonded to C=O doublet at 3.85 (2 H) – CH2 bonded to electronegative O and CH 22.89 O There is restricted rotation around the amide C–N bond. The 2 H's are in different environments (one is cis to an O atom, and one is cis to CH2Cl), so they give different NMR signals. O ClCH2 C ClCH2 C NH2 N H 4.02 ppm H different environments 7.35 and 7.60 ppm This resonance structure gives a significant contribution to the resonance hybrid. 22.90 18 18 O C6H5 C –OH OCH2CH3 ethyl benzoate 18 O C6H5 C OCH2CH3 OH H2O OH C6H5 C OCH2CH3 18 –OH OH OH O C6H5 C OCH2CH3 O C6H5 C OCH2CH3 18 – Two OH groups are now equivalent and either can lose H2O to form labeled or unlabeled ethyl benzoate. OH Unlabeled starting material was recovered. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 22. Carboxylic Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Their Derivatives — Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution 601 Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives 22–35 22.91 NH2 abbreviate as: R N H CH3O NH2 R H NH2 C RCH2CH2NH2 H C O O CH3OOC CH3OOC CH3OOC OCOCH3 CH3OOC OCOCH3 OCH3 OCH3 proton transfer H RCH2CH2N H2O RCH2CH2NH OH2 H C CH3OOC any proton CH3OOC source CH3OOC CH3OOC OCOCH3 CH3OOC OCH3 RCH2CH2NH OH H C OCOCH3 CH3OOC OCH3 OCOCH3 OCH3 R RCH2CH2N H BH3 RCH2CH2N CH3O CH3OOC CH3OOC OCOCH3 OCH3 H3O CH3O CH3O N N O H O C O OCOCH3 CH3OOC OCH3 CH3OOC H H OCOCH3 OCH3 N CH3OOC OCOCH3 OCH3 BH3 CH3O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 of Carbonyl Compounds at the a Carbon 603 Substitution Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds 23–1 C Chhaapptteerr 2233:: SSuubbssttiittuuttiioonn R Reeaaccttiioonnss ooff C Caarrbboonnyyll C Coom mppoouunnddss aatt tthhee C Caarrbboonn K Kiinneettiicc vveerrssuuss tthheerrm mooddyynnaam miicc eennoollaatteess ((2233..44)) O Kinetic enolate • The less substituted enolate • Favored by strong base, polar aprotic solvent, low temperature: LDA, THF, –78 oC R kinetic enolate O Thermodynamic enolate • The more substituted enolate • Favored by strong base, protic solvent, higher temperature: NaOCH2CH3, CH3CH2OH, room temperature R thermodynamic enolate H Haallooggeennaattiioonn aatt tthhee ccaarrbboonn [1] Halogenation in acid (23.7A) O R C O C H X2 R CH3COOH C X C • • The reaction occurs via enol intermediates. Monosubstitution of X for H occurs on the carbon. • The reaction occurs via enolate intermediates. Polysubstitution of X for H occurs on the carbon. -halo aldehyde or ketone X2 = Cl2, Br2, or I2 [2] Halogenation in base (23.7B) O R C C R O X2 (excess) –OH R C C R • X X H H X2 = Cl2, Br2, or I2 [3] Halogenation of methyl ketones in base—The haloform reaction (23.7B) O R C CH3 –OH X2 = Cl2, Br2, or I2 • O X2 (excess) R C O– + HCX3 haloform The reaction occurs with methyl ketones, and results in cleavage of a carbon–carbon bond. 604 Smith: Study Guide/ 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to of Carbonyl Compounds at accompany Organic the a Carbon Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 23–2 R Reeaaccttiioonnss ooff --hhaalloo ccaarrbboonnyyll ccoom mppoouunnddss ((2233..77C C)) [1] Elimination to form ,-unsaturated carbonyl compounds O R Li2CO3 Br LiBr DMF O R • Elimination of the elements of Br and H forms a new bond, giving an ,unsaturated carbonyl compound. • The reaction follows an SN2 mechanism, generating an -substituted carbonyl compound. [2] Nucleophilic substitution O O Nu Br R R Nu A Allkkyyllaattiioonn rreeaaccttiioonnss aatt tthhee ccaarrbboonn [1] Direct alkylation at the carbon (23.8) O • O C H C [1] Base C R C [2] RX + X– The reaction forms a new C–C bond to the carbon. LDA is a common base used to form an intermediate enolate. The alkylation in Step [2] follows an SN2 mechanism. • • [2] Malonic ester synthesis (23.9) [1] NaOEt [2] RX [3] H3O+, H • R CH2COOH • H C COOEt COOEt diethyl malonate [1] NaOEt [1] NaOEt [2] RX [2] R'X [3] H3O+, The reaction is used to prepare carboxylic acids with one or two alkyl groups on the carbon. The alkylation in Step [2] follows an SN2 mechanism. R CHCOOH R' [3] Acetoacetic ester synthesis (23.10) O CH3 C H C H [1] NaOEt [2] RX [3] H3O+, • O CH3 C CH2 R • COOEt ethyl acetoacetate O [1] NaOEt [2] RX [1] NaOEt [2] R'X [3] H3O+, CH3 C CH R R' The reaction is used to prepare ketones with one or two alkyl groups on the carbon. The alkylation in Step [2] follows an SN2 mechanism. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 605 © The McGraw−Hill 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 of Carbonyl Compounds at the a Carbon Substitution Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds 23–3 C Chhaapptteerr 2233:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 23.1 • To convert a ketone to its enol tautomer, change the C=O to C–OH, make a new double bond to an carbon, and remove a proton at the other end of the C=C. • To convert an enol to its keto form, find the C=C bonded to the OH. Change the C–OH to a C=O, add a proton to the other end of the C=C, and delete the double bond. [In cases where E and Z isomers are possible, only one stereoisomer is drawn.] HO a. O OH O b. O d. C6H5 OH H C6H5 C6H5 H c. C6H5 C6H5 O O O OH O e. O O O OH OH f. C6H5 Draw mono enol tautomers only. OH C6H5 O OH OH (Conjugated enols are preferred.) 23.2 O OH OH (E and Z) 2-butanone 23.3 C=C has one C bonded to it. C=C has two C's bonded to it. The more substituted double bond is more stable. The mechanism has two steps: protonation followed by deprotonation. OH OH H H OH2 O H H H H2O H H O H H H3O+ O 606 Smith: Study Guide/ 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to of Carbonyl Compounds at accompany Organic the a Carbon Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 23–4 23.4 Cl H H H O O D D D Cl H H O D D Cl Cl D H D Cl H O D O D H Cl H Cl D D D D H H D Cl O D O Cl 23.5 a. CH3CH2O O O O O O C C C C C C OCH2CH3 CH3CH2O H b. CH3 C OCH2CH3 CH3CH2O H O O O O C C C C C OCH2CH3 CH3 C c. CH3 O C C CHC N CH3 C OCH2CH3 OCH2CH3 CH3 O C C H O C H O CH O OCH2CH3 H O CH3 CHC N C C C N H 23.6 The indicated H’s are to a C=O or CN group, making them more acidic because their removal forms conjugate bases that are resonance stabilized. O a. CH3 C O b. CH2CH2CH3 c. CH3CH2CH2 CN CH3CH2CH2 C OCH2CH3 d. O O CH3 23.7 O O O –H+ O O –H+ O O –H+ O O O no resonance stabilization least acidic O O O O O O Two resonance structures stabilize the conjugate base. intermediate acidity Three resonance structures stabilize the conjugate base. most acidic O O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 607 © The McGraw−Hill 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 of Carbonyl Compounds at the a Carbon Substitution Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds 23–5 23.8 In each of the reactions, the LDA pulls off the most acidic proton. O O O LDA a. c. THF CHO b. O LDA CH3 C OCH2CH3 CHO LDA CN d. THF CH2 C THF OCH2CH3 CN LDA THF 23.9 the gas O O O O O CH4 OCH2CH3 H3 OCH2CH3 O O+ OCH2CH3 + + MgBr H CH3–MgBr The CH2 between the two C=O’s contains acidic H’s, so CH3MgBr reacts as a base to remove a proton. Thus, proton transfer (not nucleophilic addition) occurs. 23.10 • LDA, THF forms the kinetic enolate by removing a proton from the less substituted C. • Treatment with NaOCH3, CH3OH forms the thermodynamic enolate by removing a proton from the more substituted C. O O LDA, THF O a. O O NaOCH3 LDA, THF O c. CH3OH NaOCH3 O CH3OH LDA, THF O b. O NaOCH3 CH3OH 23.11 a. This acidic H is removed with base to form an achiral enolate. O O H CH3 NaOH (2R)-2-methylcyclohexanone O H2O O CH3 CH3 H H achiral Protonation of the planar achiral enolate occurs with equal probability from two sides so a racemic mixture is formed. The racemic mixture is optically inactive. 608 Smith: Study Guide/ 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to of Carbonyl Compounds at accompany Organic the a Carbon Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 23–6 b. O O O NaOH or H H CH3 O CH3 H2O H CH3 H CH3 (3R)-3-methylcyclohexanone This stereogenic center is not located at the carbon, so it is not deprotonated with base. Its configuration is retained in the product, and the product remains optically active. 23.12 O Cl a. O H2O, HCl O b. CH3CH2CH2 C Br Br2, CH3CO2H Cl2 O O c. O Br2 H CH3CO2H CH3CH2CH C H Br 23.13 O O O Br Br Br2, –OH a. O I2, –OH b. I I I I O O I2, –OH c. O + HCI3 23.14 O O O a. Br Li2CO3 LiBr DMF O CH3SH c. Br O SCH3 O CH3CH2NH2 b. Br NHCH2CH3 23.15 Bromination takes place on the carbon to the carbonyl, followed by SN2 reaction with the nitrogen nucleophile. CH3 Br O O O N O O O O NHCH3 Br2 LSD CH3CO2H N COC6H5 N COC6H5 N M COC6H5 (Section 18.5) Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 609 © The McGraw−Hill 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 of Carbonyl Compounds at the a Carbon Substitution Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds 23–7 23.16 O a. CH3CH2 C CH2CH3 O O [1] LDA, THF CH3CH2 [2] CH3CH2I C O [1] LDA, THF CHCH3 O c. O [2] CH3CH2I CH2CH3 O O [1] LDA, THF [1] LDA, THF b. CH2CH2CN d. CH2CHCN [2] CH3CH2I [2] CH3CH2I CH2CH3 23.17 O O [1] LDA, THF a. [2] CH3I O O O + [1] LDA, THF b. [2] CH3I COOCH3 c. [1] LDA, THF C [2] CH3I O CH3 + C O O CH3 O 23.18 Three steps are needed: [1] formation of an enolate; [2] alkylation; [3] hydrolysis of the ester. CO2CH2CH3 CO2CH2CH3 [1] LDA CH3O CO2CH2CH3 [2] CH3I CH3O CH3O A [3] H3O+ The product is racemic because the new stereogenic center is formed by alkylation of a planar enolate with equal probability from above and below. CH3O CO2H naproxen 23.19 LDA O a. O O CH3CH2Br THF O b. NaOCH2CH3 O CH3Br O NaOCH2CH3 CH3CH2OH O O LDA c. (from a.) CH3CH2OH THF O CH3I O CH3Br O 610 Smith: Study Guide/ 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to of Carbonyl Compounds at accompany Organic the a Carbon Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 23–8 O d. O O LDA CH3Br THF (from b.) 23.20 LDA THF O O Br CH3I O O O O A Br2 O CH3CO2H O C B CH2 Li2CO3 LiBr DMF O O -methylene-butyrolactone 23.21 Decarboxylation occurs only when a carboxy group is bonded to the C of another carbonyl group. O COOH a. COOH b. COOH O c. COOH d. COOH COOH YES NO YES NO 23.22 H3O+ [1] NaOEt a. CH2(CO2Et)2 [2] Br CH2 CH2COOH b. CH2(CO2Et)2 [1] NaOEt [1] NaOEt H3O+ [2] CH3Br [2] CH3Br CH3 CH3 C COOH H 23.23 COOH a. Cl b. Cl Br O Br O COOH 23.24 Locate the C to the COOH group, and identify all of the alkyl groups bonded to it. These groups are from alkyl halides, and the remainder of the molecule is from diethyl malonate. a. (CH3)2CHCH2CH2CH2CH2 CH2COOH H3O+ [1] NaOEt CH2(CO2Et)2 [2] (CH3)2CHCH2CH2CH2CH2Br b. (CH3)2CHCH2CH2CH2CH2CH2COOH COOH [1] NaOEt [1] NaOEt [2] CH3CH2CH2Br [2] CH3CH2CH(CH3)CH2CH2Br CH2(CO2Et)2 H3O+ COOH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 of Carbonyl Compounds at the a Carbon 611 Substitution Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds 23–9 c. (CH3CH2CH2CH2)2 CHCOOH H3O+ [1] NaOEt [1] NaOEt [2] CH3CH2CH2CH2Br [2] CH3CH2CH2CH2Br (CH3CH2CH2CH2)2CHCOOH CH2(CO2Et)2 23.25 The reaction works best when the alkyl halide is 1° or CH 3X, since this is an SN2 reaction. a. (CH3)3C–CH2COOH COOH b. (CH3)3CX 3° alkyl halide (too crowded) c. (CH3)3C–COOH This compound has 3 CH3 groups on the carbon to the COOH. The malonic ester synthesis can be used to prepare mono- and disubstituted carboxylic acids only: RCH2COOH and R2CHCOOH, but not R3CCOOH. X aryl halide (leaving group on an sp2 hybridized C) Aryl halides are unreactive in SN2 reactions. 23.26 O O a. CH3 C [1] NaOEt CH2CO2Et [2] CH3I [3] H3O+, C CH3 O O CH2CH3 b. C CH3 [1] NaOEt CH2CO2Et CH3 [2] CH3CH2CH2Br [3] NaOEt [4] C6H5CH2I [5] H3O+, C CH CH2 CH2CH2CH3 23.27 Locate the C. All alkyl groups on the C come from alkyl halides, and the remainder of the molecule comes from ethyl acetoacetate. O a. CH3 C O CH2 CH2CH3 CH3 C CH2 COOEt O H3O+ [1] NaOEt [2] CH3CH2Br CH3 C CH2CH2CH3 O O b. CH3 C C CH3 CH(CH2CH3)2 CH2 COOEt [1] NaOEt [1] NaOEt [2] CH3CH2Br [2] CH3CH2Br O H3O+ CH3 C CH(CH2CH3)2 O O O c. CH3 C CH2 [1] NaOEt [1] NaOEt [2] CH3CH2Br [2] CH3(CH2)3Br COOEt 23.28 O CH3 C CH2CO2Et + Br H3O+ Br O NaOEt (2 equiv) CH3 X CO2Et 612 Smith: Study Guide/ 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to of Carbonyl Compounds at accompany Organic the a Carbon Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 23–10 23.29 O O O a. CH3 C H3 [1] NaOEt CH2CO2Et [2] CH3O Br CO2Et b. CH3 C O [1] LDA, THF CH3 [2] CH3O CH3O nabumetone CH3O O O+ Br CH3O nabumetone Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 613 © The McGraw−Hill 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 of Carbonyl Compounds at the a Carbon Substitution Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds 23–11 23.30 Use the directions from Answer 23.1 to draw the enol tautomer(s). In cases where E and Z isomers can form, only one isomer is drawn. O a. OH H O O HO O HO O d. H (mono enol form) O OH conjugated enol (more stable) e. b. O conjugated enol (more stable) O OH O c. OH OH O OH O OH O f. OEt OH O OH OEt OEt unconjugated enol (less stable) O O OH OH OH OEt OEt 23.31 O O O OCH2CH3 O The ester C=O is resonance stabilized, and is therefore less available for tautomerization. Since the carbonyl form of the ester group is stabilized by electron delocalization, less enol is present at equilibrium. OCH2CH3 ethyl acetoacetate 23.32 a. CH3CH2CH2CO2CH(CH3)2 c. e. NC O OH O C CH2CH3 O b. O d. CH3O CH2CN f. HOOC 23.33 O CH2 a. CH3CH2 C OH Ha Hb Hc Ha is part of a CH3 group = least acidic. Hb is bonded to an C = intermediate acidity. Hc is bonded to O = most acidic. b. C H Hb O CH3 Ha Hc Hc is bonded to an sp2 hybridized C = least acidic. Ha is bonded to an C = intermediate acidity. Hb is bonded to an C, and is adjacent to a benzene ring = most acidic. O 614 Smith: Study Guide/ 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to of Carbonyl Compounds at accompany Organic the a Carbon Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 23–12 Hc O O O c. d. H CH3 H H Hc e. HO Hb Ha Ha H Ha Hb Hc is bonded to an C = least acidic. Ha is bonded to an C, and is adjacent to a benzene ring = intermediate acidity. Hb is bonded to an C between two C=O groups = most acidic. O COOH sp3 H H Hb Hc sp3 hybridized Ha is bonded to an C = least acidic. Hb is bonded to an C = intermediate acidity. Hc is bonded to O = most acidic. hybridized Hb is bonded to an C = least acidic. Hc is bonded to an C = intermediate acidity. Ha is bonded to O = most acidic. 23.34 CN LDA a. d. THF O CN LDA THF O O OCH3 b. LDA THF O O O LDA e. THF O f. LDA c. O OCH3 LDA O O THF O O THF 23.35 Enol tautomers have OH groups that give a broad OH absorption at 3600–3200 cm–1, which could be detected readily in the IR. 23.36 O O Hb Ha Ha remove Ha Hb Ha Ha Hb Ha O O Hb Ha O Hb Hb remove Hb Ha Ha Hb Hb Removal of Ha gives two resonance structures. The negative charge is never on O. O Hb Ha Ha O Hb Ha Ha Removal of Hb gives three resonance structures. The negative charge is on O in one resonance structure, making the conjugate base more stable and Hb more acidic (lower pKa). Hb Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 615 © The McGraw−Hill 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 of Carbonyl Compounds at the a Carbon Substitution Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds 23–13 23.37 O O HO O 5,5-Dimethyl-1,3-cyclohexanedione exists predominantly in its enol form because the C=C of the enol is conjugated with the other C=O of the dicarbonyl compound. Conjugation stabilizes this enol. 5,5-dimethyl-1,3cyclohexanedione O O HO The enol of 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-cyclohexanedione is not conjugated with the other carbonyl group. In this way it resembles the enol of any other carbonyl compound, and thus it is present in low concentration. O 2,2-dimethyl-1,3cyclohexanedione 23.38 In the presence of acid, (R)--methylbutyrophenone enolizes to form an achiral enol. Protonation of the enol from either face forms an equal mixture of two enantiomers, making the solution optically inactive. O OH O H3O+ O H2O H H H achiral (E and Z isomers) (R)--methylbutyrophenone In the presence of base, (R)--methylbutyrophenone is deprotonated to form an achiral enolate, which can then be protonated from either face to form an optically inactive mixture of two enantiomers. O O O O H2O –OH H H H achiral (R)--methylbutyrophenone 23.39 Protonation in Step [3] can occur from below (to re-form the R isomer) or from above to form the S isomer as shown. H A A H H O H O [1] H O O H OH R isomer inactive enantiomer O [2] OH H OH achiral enol H A A [3] H H O HA H + O S isomer active enantiomer H O H [4] O H H A (+ one more resonance structure) O OH H 616 Smith: Study Guide/ 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to of Carbonyl Compounds at accompany Organic the a Carbon Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 23–14 23.40 O CH3 C O O CH3 CH2 O C O CH3 CH2 C O O CH3 CH2 C O CH3 ester The O atom of the ester OR group donates electron density by a resonance effect. The resulting resonance structure keeps a negative charge on the less electronegative C end of the enolate. This destabilizes the resonance hybrid of the conjugate base, and makes the H's of the ester less acidic. CH3 O O C C CH3 CH2 O CH3 CH2 C CH3 no additional resonance structures ketone This structure, which places a negative charge on the O atom, is the major contributor to the hybrid, stabilizing it, and making the H's of the ketone more acidic. 23.41 LDA reacts with the most acidic proton. If there is any H2O present, the water would immediately react with the base: [(CH3)2CH]2N Li [(CH3)2CH]2NH H OH Li OH LDA 23.42 O O 2,4-pentanedione base (1 equiv) O O [1] CH3I O O [2] H2O A One equivalent of base removes the most acidic proton between the two C=O's, to form A on alkylation with CH3I. base (2nd equiv) O O [1] CH3I O O [2] H2O more nucleophilic site B With a second equivalent of base a dianion is formed. Since the second enolate is less resonance stabilized, it is more nucleophilic and reacts first in an alkylation with CH3I, forming B after protonation with H2O. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 617 © The McGraw−Hill 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 of Carbonyl Compounds at the a Carbon Substitution Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds 23–15 23.43 O NaOH (CH3)3C H2O O (CH3)3C A (CH3)3C B COCH3 O H H (CH3)3C C COCH3 (CH3)3C one axial and one equatorial group, less stable Both groups are equatorial. more stable This isomerization will occur since it makes a more stable compound. (CH3)3C COCH3 Both groups are equatorial. Compound C will not isomerize since it already has the more stable arrangement of substituents. Isomerization occurs by way of an intermediate enolate, which can be protonated to either reform A, or give B. Since B has two large groups equatorial, it is favored at equilibrium. COCH3 COCH3 H (CH3)3C OH (CH3)3C planar enolate 23.44 Protons on the carbon of an ,-unsaturated carbonyl compound are acidic because of resonance. There is no H on this C, so a planar enolate cannot form and this stereogenic center cannot change. O X Remove the H on this C. O O H OH H OH Removal of this proton forms a resonance-stabilized anion. One resonance structure places a negative charge on O. O O Protonation of the O planar enolate can occur from below (to re-form starting material), or from above to form Y. H Y 618 Smith: Study Guide/ 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to of Carbonyl Compounds at accompany Organic the a Carbon Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 23–16 23.45 The mechanism of acid-catalyzed halogenation consists of two parts: tautomerization of the carbonyl compound to the enol form, and reaction of the enol with halogen. A higher percentage of the more stable enol is present. O OH CH3COOH OH Br2 O O Br 2-pentanone C=C has 1 bond to C A C=C has 2 bonds to C more stable (E and Z isomers) Br B major product formed from the more stable enol 23.46 • The mechanism of acid-catalyzed halogenation [Part (a)] consists of two parts: tautomerization of the carbonyl compound to the enol form, and reaction of the enol with halogen. • In the haloform reaction [Part (b)], the three H’s of the CH3 group are successively replaced by X, to form an intermediate that is oxidatively cleaved with base. O O O H O H O O H O H H a. O H H O H O O Br O H Br O C b. C H H H – OH + Br H H I I H I + I– H Repeat [1] and [2] two times. C –CI + H C O O O Br [2] H O O O H H + H2O O CI3 CI3 OH 3 CHI3 –OH 23.47 Use the directions from Answer 23.24. a. CH3OCH2 CH2COOH CH3OCH2Br b. C6H5 c. COOH C6H5 H O C H Br Br Br O [1] H Br O H H O H Br Br COOH and Br O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 619 © The McGraw−Hill 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 of Carbonyl Compounds at the a Carbon Substitution Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds 23–17 23.48 a. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2 CH2COOH H3O+ [1] NaOEt CH2(CO2Et)2 [2] CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2Br CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2COOH b. [1] NaOEt [1] NaOEt [2] CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2Br [2] CH3Br CH2(CO2Et)2 COOH H3O+ COOH c. COOH [1] NaOEt [1] NaOEt [2] (CH3)2CHCH2CH2CH2CH2Br [2] CH3Br CH2(CO2Et)2 H3O+ COOH 23.49 O O O O [1] NaOEt O O O [2] CH3CH2CH2Br O [1] NaOEt O [2] CH3CH2CH2Br O O O H3O+ O O valproic acid 23.50 H3O+ [1] NaOEt a. CH2(CO2Et)2 [2] BrCH2CH2CH2CH2CH2Br [3] NaOEt b. COOH (from a.) c. COOH [1] LiAlH4 COOH CH2OH [2] H2O CH3OH H2SO4 CO2CH3 CH3 [1] CH3MgBr (2 equiv) C OH [2] H2O CH3 (from a.) d. COOH CH3CH2OH H2SO4 (from a.) COOCH2CH3 [1] LDA [2] CH3I CH3 COOCH2CH3 H 620 Smith: Study Guide/ 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to of Carbonyl Compounds at accompany Organic the a Carbon Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 23–18 23.51 a. O [1] Na+ –CH(COOEt)2 HO [2] H2O CH3CHCH2 CH(COOEt)2 O CH3 c. C CH3 O [1] Na+ –CH(COOEt)2 C [2] H2O CH3 CH(COOEt)2 Cl nucleophilic attack here b. [1] Na+ –CH(COOEt)2 [2] H2O CH2 O d. HOCH2CH(COOEt)2 CH3 O O C C O [1] Na+ –CH(COOEt)2 [2] H2O CH CH3 3 O C CH(COOEt)2 + CH3COOH 23.52 Use the directions from Answer 23.27. O O a. CH3 O CH3 COOEt C CH2 CH3 C [2] Br [1] NaOEt [1] NaOEt [2] CH3CH2Br [2] Br COOEt O c. O CH2 O b. O C CH2 H3O+ H3O+ [1] NaOEt COOEt O H3O+ [1] NaOEt O [2] Br O d. CH3 C [1] NaOEt CH2 COOEt O H3O+ [2] Br Br [3] NaOEt 23.53 O a. CH3 C [1] NaOEt CH2 COOEt b. CH3 C CH2 c. CH3 CH3 [1] NaOEt [1] NaOEt H3O+ [2] CH3Br [2] CH3Br COOEt O C [2] CH3CH2Br O O H3O+ O LDA CH(CH3)2 THF CH2 C C CH2CH2CH3 O CH3 C CH(CH3)2 O CH3I CH3CH2 CH(CH3)2 C CH(CH3)2 (from b.) O d. CH3 C CH(CH3)2 (from b.) NaOCH3 CH3OH O CH3 C O CH3I C(CH3)2 CH3 C C(CH3)3 O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 621 © The McGraw−Hill 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 of Carbonyl Compounds at the a Carbon Substitution Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds 23–19 23.54 O O O Li2CO3 a. LiBr DMF Br O f. (E and Z) [2] Li2CO3, LiBr, DMF O O COOH b. O [1] Br2, CH3CO2H O I2 (excess) g. O + CHI3 –OH COOH [1] LDA c. CH3CH2CH2CO2Et COOH CH3CH2 h. CH3CH2CHCO2Et Cl NaH CN C N [2] CH3CH2I O O Br d. O NHCH(CH3)2 (CH3)2CHNH2 O Br2 (excess) i. –OH O O O Br Br O [1] LDA e. NaI j. [2] CH3CH2I I Cl 23.55 O O O O [1] LDA O [1] LDA a. c. Cl [2] [2] CH3I H H O D H O [1] LDA C b. CH3 H D [2] C CH3 I 23.56 CHO a. OH NaBH4 CH3OH p-isobutylbenzaldehyde [1] PBr3 CN [2] CH3I [2] NaCN A CN [1] LDA B C H3O+ COOH ibuprofen 622 Smith: Study Guide/ 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to of Carbonyl Compounds at accompany Organic the a Carbon Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 23–20 COOH b. removal of the most acidic H D [2] CH3I COO [1] LDA COOCH3 substitution reaction + I– Removal of the most acidic proton with LDA forms a carboxylate anion that reacts as a nucleophile with CH3I to form an ester as substitution product. 23.57 CO2CH3 a. CO2CH3 Cl NH + N K2CO3 S Cl S Cl sp2 Cl on hybridized C does not react. Cl on sp3 hybridized C reacts. H COOH The N atom acts as a nucleophile to displace Cl–. H COOCH3 CH3OH b. HO H COOCH3 TsCl HO H2SO4 Cl NH B N inversion of configuration SN2 Cl C CO2CH3 S isomer S TsO pyridine Cl A clopidogrel (racemic) S Cl clopidogrel (single enantiomer) 23.58 O O O O LDA Br NaOCH2CH3 THF Br –78 oC A B CH3CH2OH room temperature A C 23.59 O O a. O + CO2 COOH In order for decarboxylation to occur readily, the COOH group must be bonded to the C of another carbonyl group. In this case, it is bonded to the carbon. [1] NaOEt (CH3CH2)3CCH(CO2Et)2 b. CH2(CO2Et)2 [2] (CH3CH2)3CBr The 3° alkyl halide is too crowded to react with the strong nucleophile by an SN2 mechanism. c. H O [1] LDA [2] CH3CH2I LDA removes a H from the less substituted C, forming the kinetic enolate. This product is from the thermodynamic enolate, which gives substitution on the more substituted C. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 of Carbonyl Compounds at the a Carbon 623 Substitution Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds 23–21 23.60 O O O CH3 LDA O I + O I– O CH3 I I– + 23.61 O O O O O O O EtO O O OEt EtO OEt EtO OEt H H H EtO O OEt O + HOEt – OEt – OEt O CO2Et H3O+ O O O H OEt O O OEt O O + HOEt 23.62 LDA = B O C6H5 H Br B Br C6H5 C6H5 O + Br + HB+ O Br + HB+ C6H5 H B O H Br C6H5 Br –OC(CH Br C6H5 3)3 C6H5 + HB+ C6H5 O H C6H5 O Br C6H5 O Br O Br C6H5 + C6H5 B O O O + HOC(CH3)3 O + Br This reaction occurs with both bases [LDA and KOC(CH3)3]. + Br 624 Smith: Study Guide/ 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to of Carbonyl Compounds at accompany Organic the a Carbon Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 23–22 23.63 1st new C–C bond O H H OCH2CH3 O LDA THF –78 oC Remove proton here. H OCH2CH3 [3] Cl Cl B O OCH2CH3 LDA THF –78 oC [2] H [1] A O OCH2CH3 Cl Cl [4] O Cl OCH2CH3 C 2nd new C–C bond Cl 23.64 O COCH3 a. O Cl2 Cl NHC(CH3)3 H2NC(CH3)3 H2O, HCl COO– COCH3 –OH, I 2 excess b. H3O+ COOH + CHI3 O COCH3 [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O [1] LDA, THF c. OH [2] CH3CH2CH2Br O COCH3 Br2 [1] LDA, THF d. Li2CO3 CH3COOH [2] CH3Br Br 23.65 O O Br Br2 a. CH3COOH O O Br b. OCH3 NaOCH3 (from a.) O OH O [1] LDA, THF c. d. [1] LiAlH4 [2] CH2=CHCH2Br [2] H2O O O O O O [1] LDA, THF [1] LDA, THF [2] CH3Br [2] CH3CH2Br LiBr DMF Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 625 © The McGraw−Hill 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 of Carbonyl Compounds at the a Carbon Substitution Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds 23–23 O O Br e. (from a.) CH3CH2Br [1] Li (2 equiv) [2] CuI (0.5 equiv) Li2CO3 LiBr DMF [2] H2O O O O Br [1] LDA, THF f. O [1] (CH3CH2)2CuLi NaOCH2CH3 [2] BrCH2CH2CH2CH2Br O O O [1] LDA, THF g. [1] LDA, THF [2] CH3CH2Br O Li2CO3 CH3COOH [2] CH3CH2Br O Br O [1] NaOCH2CH3 h. O O Br2 O Br Br2 Li2CO3 LiBr DMF CH3COOH [2] CH3CH2Br LiBr DMF (from g.) 23.66 O O O Cl AlCl3 O Cl2 Br2 FeCl3 CH3CO2H Br Cl Cl H2NC(CH3)3 O NHC(CH3)3 Cl bupropion 23.67 O a. OH PBr3 Br O O [1] NaOEt COOEt COOEt H3O+ [2] mCPBA Br O O O O b. COOEt O [1] NaOEt [2] HC CCH2Br H3O+ HOCH2CH2OH TsOH O COOEt O O [1] NaH [2] CH3I H3O+ O O H2 Lindlar catalyst O O CH3 626 Smith: Study Guide/ 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to of Carbonyl Compounds at accompany Organic the a Carbon Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 23–24 O O COOEt c. [1] NaOEt O COOEt [2] OH H3O+ NaBH4 CH3OH CH2Br CH3 Br2 h 23.68 O O Br2 a. O CH3CH2NH2 CH3COOH NH3 (excess) Br CH3CH2Br NHCH2CH3 PBr3 CH3CH2OH O b. O Li2CO3 LiBr DMF Br OH NaBH4 CH3OH (from a.) Br2 c. Br FeBr3 [1] Li (2 equiv) [2] CuI (0.5 equiv) O (from b.) O [1] (C6H5)2CuLi [2] H2O C6H5 SOCl2 d. CH2Br Br2 h CH3 CH3OH CH3Cl AlCl3 [1] Li (2 equiv) [2] CuI (0.5 equiv) O (from b.) [1] (C6H5CH2)2CuLi [2] H2O O C6H5 NaBH4 CH3OH OH C6H5 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 of Carbonyl Compounds at the a Carbon 627 Substitution Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds 23–25 23.69 O O O CH3CH2I LDA THF HO –78 oC A O CH3CH2O most acidic H To synthesize the desired product, a protecting group is needed: O O O LDA TBDMS–Cl imidazole HO THF TBDMSO A TBDMSO CH3CH2I O O (CH3CH2CH2CH2)4N+F– HO B TBDMSO 23.70 CH2(COOEt)2 NaOEt OH PBr3 Br – CH(COOEt)2 CH(COOEt)2 H3O+, Cl Y SOCl2 COOH O 23.71 O a. O O Y = [1] CH3Li W [2] CH3I (CH3)2CH Ha O Y Hb C Hc Hd CH2CH2CH3 He C7H14O one degree of unsaturation IR peak at 1713 cm–1 C=O 1 H NMR signals at (ppm) He: triplet at 0.8 (3 H) Ha: doublet at 0.9 (6 H) Hd: sextet at 1.4 (2 H) Hc: triplet at 1.9 (2 H) Hb: septet at 2.1 (1 H) 628 Smith: Study Guide/ 23. Substitution Reactions Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to of Carbonyl Compounds at accompany Organic the a Carbon Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 23–26 O O b. CH3 Li O O O O O O + I– Y CH3 I 23.72 Removal of Ha with base does not generate an anion that can delocalize onto the carbonyl O atom, whereas removal of Hb generates an enolate that is delocalized on O. CO2CH3 CO2CH3 CO2CH3 Delocalization of this sort can't occur by removal of Ha, making Ha less acidic. H H H B O H O O Ha Hb B H CO2CH3 CO2CH3 H CO2CH3 H O CO2CH3 H O H O O Removal of Hb gives an anion that is resonance stabilized so Hb is more acidic. Mechanism: CO2CH3 H OCH3 CO2CH3 CO2CH3 O O CO2CH3 Br O O + CH3OH CO2CH3 O CO2CH3 CO2CH3 HO H + O B + Br– CO2CH3 O –OH H O + HB+ Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 23. Substitution Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds at the a Carbon 629 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Substitution Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds 23–27 23.73 CH3 Li O OCH2CH3 H OH2 O CH3 OCH2CH3 OH H3O+ OH2 OCH2CH3 CH3 + Li+ OCH2CH3 CH3 + H2O CH3 OCH2CH3 + H2O + H2O X H CH3 OH OCH2CH3 H OH2 OH OCH2CH3 CH3 CH3 + H2O OH OCH2CH3 CH3 OCH2CH3 H + H2O O H + H2O O + H2O H3O+ HOCH2CH3 23.74 O O O O O O R X e H e H NH2 or O H NH2 OH H proton transfer OH O R + X– + NH2 e Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions 631 Carbonyl Condensation Reactions 24–1 C Chhaapptteerr 2244:: C Caarrbboonnyyll C Coonnddeennssaattiioonn R Reeaaccttiioonnss TThhee ffoouurr m maajjoorr ccaarrbboonnyyll ccoonnddeennssaattiioonn rreeaaccttiioonnss Reaction type Reaction [1] Aldol reaction (24.1) O 2 RCH2 OH –OH C H H2O [2] Claisen reaction (24.5) RCH2 C C or R OR' [1] NaOR' O [2] H3O+ C RCH2 H H3O+ CHO C R (E and Z) ,-unsaturated carbonyl compound -hydroxy carbonyl compound O 2 CHCHO H aldehyde (or ketone) RCH2 –OH RCH2 C O CH ester C OR' R -keto ester O O [3] Michael reaction (24.8) –OR' + R – ,-unsaturated carbonyl compound [4] Robinson annulation (24.9) R 1,5-dicarbonyl compound carbonyl compound –OH H2O O O ,-unsaturated carbonyl carbonyl compound compound 2-cyclohexenone U Usseeffuull vvaarriiaattiioonnss [1] Directed aldol reaction (24.3) O O R'CH2 C [1] LDA R" R" = H or alkyl [2] RCHO [3] H2O HO O R C CH C H R' O H2O OH + O O or R" -hydroxy carbonyl compound – OH or H3O+ C R C H R" C R' (E and Z) ,-unsaturated carbonyl compound 632 Smith: Study Guide/ 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 24–2 [2] Intramolecular aldol reaction (24.4) [a] With 1,4-dicarbonyl compounds: O O NaOEt O [b] With 1,5-dicarbonyl compounds: EtOH O O NaOEt O EtOH [3] Dieckmann reaction (24.7) [a] With 1,6-diesters: OEt O [1] NaOEt O O O C [2] H3O+ OEt OEt [b] With 1,7-diesters: OEt O O O [1] NaOEt [2] H3 OEt O+ O C OEt Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 633 © The McGraw−Hill 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions Carbonyl Condensation Reactions 24–3 C Chhaapptteerr 2244:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 24.1 O CH2CHO H a. OH c. CH3 C OH O CH3 C CH2 C CH3 CH3 CH3 O O (CH3)3CCH2CHO b. HO C(CH3)3 (CH3)3CCH2C C CHO H O HO d. H 24.2 O O O CHO a. c. b. (CH3)3C H no H no aldol reaction C d. (CH3)3C H no H no aldol reaction yes C CHO e. H CH3 H yes yes 24.3 base O a. O O OH base O c. HO HO CHO CHO base b. (E and Z isomers) 24.4 H OSO3H O C C C H H H HO H CH3 OH2 H CH3 C H H O C C H CH3 C H C C H + + HSO4 O H O HSO4 CH3CH CH C H H + H2O H2SO4 Locate the and C’s to the carbonyl group, and break the molecule into two halves at this bond. The C and all of the atoms bonded to it belong to one carbonyl component. The C and all of the atoms bonded to it belong to the other carbonyl component. 24.5 O OH CHO a. b. C6H5 c. C6H5 OH H C6H5 O O CHO H CHO CHO O C6H5 O 634 Smith: Study Guide/ 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 24–4 24.6 –OH O H H H H C H OH O C O H C C H H C H O O + H2O OH OH H C + H C –OH C H CHO + H2O C H H O O –OH 24.7 CHO a. CH3CH2CH2CHO and CH2=O CHO or O c. C6H5CHO OH and O O b. C6H5COCH3 and CH2=O (E and Z isomers) 24.8 CO2Et H a. CO2Et CH2(CO2Et)2 O H c. O H CH3COCH2CN NC COCH3 H b. COCH3 (E and Z isomers) COCH3 CH2(COCH3)2 O 24.9 2 – CHO OH CHO a. H2O NaBH4 OH CH3OH OH OH CHO b. CHO [1] (CH3)2CuLi –OH (E and Z mixture) [2] H2O CHO NaBH4 c. (from b.) CH3OH CH3CH2CH2CH C(CH2CH3)CH2OH CHO [1] CH3MgBr d. (from b.) [2] H2O CH3CH2CH2CH C(CH2CH3)CH(CH3)OH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 635 © The McGraw−Hill 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions Carbonyl Condensation Reactions 24–5 24.10 Find the and C’s to the carbonyl group and break the bond between them. O OH O a. b. O OH O c. O O H H O O H O 24.11 O O H N CH3O CH3O O O H2 N CH3O N CH3O Pd-C X CH3O donepezil CH3O 24.12 All enolates have a second resonance structure with a negative charge on O. O O H O EtO O O O H H H EtO O OH O + OH H H OH O O O EtO H EtOH 24.13 O O – a. CHO O O OH O b. H2O [1] O3 [2] (CH3)2S CHO O –OH H2O – OH H2O 24.14 1-methylcyclopentene EtOH EtOH H H O 2-cyclohexenone 636 Smith: Study Guide/ 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 24–6 24.15 Join the C of one ester to the carbonyl C of the other ester to form the -keto ester. O a. OCH3 O O O b. O OCH2CH3 OCH3 O OCH2CH3 24.16 In a crossed Claisen reaction between an ester and a ketone, the enolate is formed from the ketone, and the product is a -dicarbonyl compound. O a. CH3CH2CO2Et and HCO2Et H O OEt Only this compound can form an enolate. b. O and CO2Et HCO2Et H C OEt O Only this compound can form an enolate. O CH3 c. C O and CH3 CH3 C O O OEt The ketone forms the enolate. d. O and O O C C OEt O The ketone forms the enolate. 24.17 A -dicarbonyl compound like avobenzone is prepared by a crossed Claisen reaction between a ketone and an ester. O O O O O CH3O CH3O O C(CH3)3 Break the molecule into two components at either dashed line. avobenzone C(CH3)3 or O O CH3O C(CH3)3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions 637 Carbonyl Condensation Reactions 24–7 24.18 O O O [1] NaOEt a. OEt [2] (EtO)2C=O O b. C C6H5CH2 O [1] NaOEt C [2] ClCO2Et OEt EtO OEt O 24.19 O O CO2Et OEt OEt CH3 O [1] NaOEt [1] NaOEt [2] CH3I O [2] (EtO)2C=O A EtO EtO B H3O+ CO2H ibuprofen 24.20 O CH3O2C CO2CH3 base CH3O CH3O2C CO2CH3 O OR OR X 1,6-Diester forms a five-membered ring. 24.21 O O O O O OEt EtO EtO OEt O 24.22 A Michael acceptor is an ,-unsaturated carbonyl compound. O a. ,-unsaturated yes - Michael acceptor O O O d. c. b. O not ,-unsaturated not ,-unsaturated CH3O ,-unsaturated yes - Michael acceptor 638 Smith: Study Guide/ 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 24–8 24.23 O a. + CH2 CHCO2Et CH3 C [1] NaOEt [2] H2O CH2CO2Et CH3 O O C C OEt COOEt [1] NaOEt + CH2(CO2Et)2 b. [2] H2O O O EtO2C O O c. + CH2 CH3 C CH2CN O [1] NaOEt [2] H2O CO2Et CN O 24.24 O O O O EtO2C a. CO2Et b. O O O O 24.25 The Robinson annulation forms a six-membered ring and three new carbon–carbon bonds: two bonds and one bond. new C–C bond O O O OH re-draw + a. O O O H2O O O new and bonds new C–C bond O O COOEt + b. COOEt re-draw O COOEt OH H2O O O new and bonds new C–C bond O c. O + re-draw OH O O H2O O new and bonds Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 639 © The McGraw−Hill 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions Carbonyl Condensation Reactions 24–9 new C–C bond EtO2C O + d. O COOEt EtOOC re-draw O OH H2O O O new and bonds 24.26 a. O O O b. c. O O O O O O 640 Smith: Study Guide/ 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 24–10 24.27 The product of an aldol reaction is a -hydroxy carbonyl compound or an ,-unsaturated carbonyl compound. The latter type of compound is drawn as product unless elimination of H2O cannot form a conjugated system. a. (CH3)2CHCHO only O OH – OH H2O – (CH3)2CHCHC(CH3)2 d. (CH3CH2)2C=O only CHO OH H2O O CH3 –OH b. (CH3)2CHCHO + CH2=O e. (CH3CH2)2C=O + CH2=O CH3 C CHO H2O H2O CH2OH O CHO –OH c. C6H5CHO + CH3CH2CH2CHO –OH O – H2O + C6H5CHO f. OH H2O (E and Z isomers) (E and Z isomers) 24.28 HO CHO O H OH CHO H O OH OH CHO CHO 24.29 O O a. CH3 C OH [1] LDA O CH3CH2CH2 C CH2 C CH3 [2] CH3CH2CH2CHO H [3] H2O b. CH CH 3 2 CH3 C OH [1] LDA OEt [2] O O [3] H2O CHO O C CH C H CH3 O O 24.30 O O CHO a. O c. O b. OHC CHO CHO O OEt Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 641 © The McGraw−Hill 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions Carbonyl Condensation Reactions 24–11 24.31 Locate the and C’s to the carbonyl group, and break the molecule into two halves at this bond. The C and all of the atoms bonded to it belong to one carbonyl component. The C and all the atoms bonded to it belong to the other carbonyl component. O O a. OH b. O d. c. C6H5 O O CH CHCN C6H5 O H e. C6H5 O CH3 O O O CH3 C6H5 CH2=O O C6H5 CH3CN CHO C6H5 24.32 O CHO (CH3)2C=O NaOEt EtOH CH3O CH3O X 24.33 O O O O c. b. a. d. HO O O O H H O O O CH3 CH3 H O O 24.34 Ozonolysis cleaves the C=C, and base catalyzes an intramolecular aldol reaction. O O NaOH [1] O3 H2O [2] (CH3)2S O C D C10H14O 24.35 O a. C6H5CH2CH2CH2CO2Et O C6H5CH2CH2CH2 OEt CH2CH2C6H5 O b. (CH3)2CHCH2CH2CH2CO2Et (CH3)2CHCH2CH2CH2 O OEt CH2CH2CH(CH3)2 642 Smith: Study Guide/ 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 24–12 CH3O c. CH3O O O CH2COOEt OEt OCH3 24.36 O O CH3CH2CH2CH2CO2Et + CH3CH2CO2Et O O OEt O OEt O O O OEt OEt 24.37 O O a. CH3CH2CH2CO2Et only O OEt f. CH3CH2CO2Et + (EtO)2C=O CH2CH3 O O b. CH3CH2CH2CO2Et + C6H5CO2Et g. O c. CH3CH2CH2CO2Et + (CH3)2C=O O h. O O H O O + Cl C OEt OEt O O O + HCO2Et CH2CH3 O EtO O OEt O O EtO O OEt d. EtO2CC(CH3)2CH2CH2CH2CO2Et O O e. C6H5COCH2CH3 + C6H5CO2Et 24.38 O O CH3O CH3O a. O OEt (EtO)2C=O or O CH3O O OEt EtO OEt C6H5 b. O O O C6H5 O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 643 © The McGraw−Hill 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions Carbonyl Condensation Reactions 24–13 O CHO c. d. C6H5CH(COOEt)2 H CH3 O O O O C6H5 OEt OEt EtO OEt or O CH3CHO OEt 24.39 O To form bond (b): To form bond (a): O O O O EtO bond (a) EtO bond (b) CH3 O 24.40 Only esters with 2 H’s or 3 H’s on the carbon form enolates that undergo Claisen reaction to form resonance-stabilized enolates of the product -keto ester. Thus, the enolate forms on the CH2 to one ester carbonyl, and cyclization yields a five-membered ring. This is the only carbon with 2 H's. O O NaOCH3 OCH3 CH3O CH3O O OCH3 [1] nucleophilic attack CH3O CH3OH O CH3O O O CO2CH3 CH3O2C [2] loss of CH3O– [3] deprotonation O B O H3 CO2CH3 CH3O2C O+ CH3O2C OCH3 CO2CH3 CH3O2C H O O O highly resonance-stabilized enolate Formation of this enolate drives the reaction to completion. acidic H between 2 C=O's 24.41 O a. O + C6H5 C6H5 –OEt, O O EtOH C6H5 C6H5 O O CO2Et b. –OEt, + O EtOOC EtOH O O O c. + CH2(CN)2 –OEt, EtOH CN CN 644 Smith: Study Guide/ 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 24–14 O O O d. + –OEt, CO2Et EtOH O EtO2C 24.42 O O O a. c. b. O O CO2Et O EtO2C O d. CN CO2Et O O O O O O O C6H5 CO2Et EtO2C CN CO2Et C6H5 24.43 O O H a. Michael reaction CH3 O A O (E or Z isomer can be used.) O O b. H OH O O H OH O O H2O OH O O OH H2O H OH OH O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions 645 Carbonyl Condensation Reactions 24–15 24.44 O O OH a. + H2O O O O O O + b. OH re-draw C6H5 + O O H2O C6H5 O C6H5 O O re-draw c. OH + + H2O O O O O O OH re-draw d. + O H2O O O 24.45 O O c. a. O O O O O O O O d. O b. O O O 24.46 CH3CH2CH2CHO a. –OH CH3CH2CH2 H2O b. –OH CHO (E and Z) H CH2 CH2=O, H2O CH2CH3 CHO C CH2CH3 g. h. CHO c. i. [1] LDA [2] CH3CHO; [3] H2O d. e. H NaOEt, EtOH CO2Et j. [1] CH3Li k. NaBH4 CH3OH HOCH2CH2OH TsOH CH3NH2 mild acid O (CH3)2NH mild acid CrO3 CH3CH2CH2CH2OH l. O H CH3CH2CH2 C CH3 N H CH3CH2CH=CHN(CH3)2 (E and Z) CH3CH2CH2COOH H2SO4 [2] H2O f. CH3CH2CH2CH2OH OH CH3CH2CH2 CH2(CO2Et)2 EtO2C OH H2 Pd-C O Br2 H CH3COOH Br 646 Smith: Study Guide/ 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 24–16 m. Ph3P=CH2 CH3CH2CH2 O OH n. C CH2 NaCN, HCl o. CH3CH2CH2 C H H [1] LDA; [2] CH3I H CN 24.47 O O O –OH a. e. H2O C O O NaOEt, EtOH f. b. O (CH3)2C=O O + CHO CH3 C C6H5 NaOCH3 C6H5 + CH3OH O O O CO2Et OH H2O O C6H5 + –OH C6H5 H2O g. – CH3 CHO CN O d. [2] CH3CH2CHO O NaOEt, EtOH c. NCCH2CO2Et CH3 O [3] H2O O O CH3 OH [1] LDA CH2CO2Et [1] NaOEt, EtOH CH2CO2Et [2] H3O+ (E and Z) h. O (E and Z) O O O OEt 24.48 O A [1] NaOEt O CO2Et [2](EtO)2CO [3] H3O+ G [1] LDA [2] CH3CH2CHO [3] H2O, –OH H H2, Pd-C O (1 equiv) O B [1] NaOEt [2] CH3CH2I C H3O+ CO2Et O HO D [1] CH3CH2MgBr [2] H2O E [1] LDA [2] CH3I O I [1] LDA [2] HCO2Et [3] H3O+ O O F H2SO4 O H major product J [1] O3 O O K –OH H2O O [2] (CH3)2S Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 647 © The McGraw−Hill 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions Carbonyl Condensation Reactions 24–17 24.49 H H B B CH CHCl C CHCl H CH2 CH2Cl CH2 CH2Cl sp2 sp3 Vinyl halides undergo elimination by an E1cB mechanism more readily than alkyl halides because the carbanion intermediate formed from a vinyl halide has an sp2 hybridized C, while the carbanion derived from CH3CH2Cl is sp3 hybridized. The higher percent s-character of the sp2 hybridized anion makes it more stable, and therefore, it is formed more readily. 24.50 The final step in the reaction sequence involves an intramolecular crossed Claisen reaction between a ketone and an ester to form a -dicarbonyl compound. [1] O3 CrO3 O [2] (CH3)2S CHO EtOH O H2SO4 H2O O H2SO4 COOH A COOCH2CH3 B C [1] NaOEt, EtOH [2] H3O+ O O D C13H20O2 24.51 O [1] O3 O O [2] (CH3)2S O O O NaOH EtOH H B O H O O OH Form the enolate here to generate a five-membered ring in the product. A new C–C bond The RCHO has the more accessible carbonyl. 24.52 O H C C H H CO32– [1] H H C O O C C H H + HCO3– + H O HH H [2] O C C C H H H OCO2 H HO C O O HH [3] C C H H HOCH2 H C C H HOCH2 CH2OH + CO32– Repeat steps [1]–[3] with these two H's and CO32–. 648 Smith: Study Guide/ 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 24–18 24.53 Enolate A is more substituted (and more stable) than either of the other two possible enolates and attacks an aldehyde carbonyl group, which is sterically less hindered than a ketone carbonyl. The resulting ring size (five-membered) is also quite stable. That is why 1-acetylcyclopentene is the major product. O O H H OH O H O H H – –OH OH H O OH O A O most stable enolate less hindered carbonyl O H2O H OH O H2O – OH 1-acetylcyclopentene major product O H H –OH O – H O H O H O O OH H O H OH H B The more hindered ketone carbonyl makes nucleophilic attack more difficult. OH OH O H H H2O CHO –OH H2O O H H H H – O H OH O O H OH H2O H H H –OH OH O O O O OH C less stable enolate H2O These two reacting functional groups are farther away than the reacting groups in the first two reactions, making it harder for them to find each other. Also, the product contains a less stable seven-membered ring. O –OH 24.54 All enolates have a second resonance structure with a negative charge on O. O O O O O a. HH Na+ –OEt O O O O O H + O H + EtOH O H2O + O O H3 O+ EtO O + EtOH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 649 © The McGraw−Hill 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions Carbonyl Condensation Reactions 24–19 Na+ –OCH3 H H H CH3O b. CH3O O O O O O O O O COOCH3 H OH + CH3OH –OH O O COOCH3 24.55 Removal of a proton from CH3NO2 forms an anion for which three resonance structures can be drawn. O O H CH2 N O CH2 N O O CH2 N O CH2 N O O –OH O C6H5 C O O CH2 N H H OH C6H5 C CH2 O OH NO2 OH C6H5 C CH NO2 H C6H5CH CHNO2 C6H5 C CH NO2 H H H + –OH + H2O –OH 24.56 All enolates have a second resonance structure with a negative charge on O. O O O O H H O + H2O OH H OH H OH O O O O H H OH H OH HO OH O OH O HO O H O H OH O 650 Smith: Study Guide/ 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 24–20 24.57 Polymerization occurs by repeated Michael reactions. B H B H [1] B [2] O O O O O O O O O O O O Repeat step [2]. new C–C bonds B O O O O O O polytulipalin 24.58 O O H O H O H CH3 C O O O C O H CH3 CH3 O O CH3COO– + C H O O O O H O CH3COO CH2 H CH3COO– CH3COO– OH OH O H OCOCH3 H + CH3COOH O O O O H O O O O CH2 O + CH3COOH O O + –OH coumarin 24.59 C6 CO2Et a. O + EtOH H ethyl 2,4-hexadienoate CO2Et OEt EtO O OEt CO2Et CO2Et O EtO O OEt diethyl oxalate O CO2Et EtO2C O OEt CO2Et + OEt Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions 651 Carbonyl Condensation Reactions 24–21 b. The protons on C6 are more acidic than other sp3 hybridized C–H bonds because a highly resonance-stabilized carbanion is formed when a proton is removed. One resonance structure places a negative charge on the carbonyl O atom. This makes the protons on C6 similar in acidity to the H’s to a carbonyl. c. This is a crossed Claisen because it involves the enolate of a conjugated ester reacting with the carbonyl group of a second ester. 24.60 O O –OH, a. H2O C6H5 C6H5CHO O b. O – OH, H2O O CH2OH O PCC CHO H2C=O O O –OH, c. HCO2Et –OEt, CH3CH2OH O H2O O O O OH [1] LiAlH4 [1] LDA, THF d. [2] CH3CH2CH2CH2Br [2] H2O or O [1] LDA, THF H2 (excess) [2] CH3CH2CH2CHO Pd-C [3] H2O, –OH (E and Z isomers) O e. O OH –OH H2 (excess) H2O Pd-C 24.61 CHO [1] O3 CHO [2] (CH3)2S CHO NaOEt EtOH A B 24.62 O O [1] LDA, THF a. [2] O H [3] H2O, –OH O O –OH b. O H2O O 652 Smith: Study Guide/ 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 24–22 O O O [1] NaOEt [1] Br2, CH3COOH c. O [2] Li2CO3, LiBr, DMF O H3O+ O O O OEt COOEt [2] H2O O CN NaOEt, EtOH d. CH2(CN)2 CN O – e. [1] (CH3)2CuLi OH, H2O O O O [2] H2O 24.63 O OH O [1] LDA a. [2] CH3CH2CHO [3] H2O PCC OH O O O O O [1] LDA [1] NaOEt [2] CH3CO2Et [2] CH3Br b. OH H2SO4 O CrO3 OH PBr3 H2SO4 H2O CH3OH OH O O OH [1] LDA c. CH3OH O C6H5 [2] C6H5CHO SOCl2 – H2O unstable PCC [1] Br2, h CH3Cl C6H5 OH [2] –OH AlCl3 HO O C6H5 d. H2 (excess) C6H5 Pd-C (from c.) O [1] CH3MgBr e. O OH H2SO4 [1] O3 [2] H2O [2] (CH3)2S Mg CH3OH PBr3 CH3Br major product O CHO –OH, H2O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions 653 Carbonyl Condensation Reactions 24–23 24.64 [1] NaOEt OEt a. CO2Et [2] H3O+ O b. O [1] NaOEt CO2Et [2] O CO2Et Br (from a.) O PBr3 OH C6H5 [1] NaOEt c. CO2Et [2] O CO2Et Br C6H5 C6H5 [1] LiAlH4 OH [2] H2O O OH (from a.) CH3OH + SOCl2 [1] CH3Cl, AlCl3 Br [2] Br2, h C6H5 OEt d. [1] NaOEt O O C6H5 [2] H3O+ O O AlCl3 O Cl SOCl2 O CrO3 OH OH H2SO4 H2O 24.65 a. [1] O3 CHO – [2] (CH3)2S CHO H2O CHO OH NaBH4 CHO b. OH CH3OH (from a.) O c. CHO CrO3 COOH CHO H2SO4 COOH (from a.) H2SO4 O CO2Et [1] NaOEt [2] CH3I (from c.) CO2Et [1] NaOEt CO2Et [2] H3O+ H2O O d. OH O CO2Et H3O+ CO2Et 654 Smith: Study Guide/ 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 24–24 24.66 O O CHO O a. CH3O + O CH3O octinoxate [1] NaH b. [2] CH3Cl HO Br Br2 CH3O [2] H2C=O CH3O SOCl2 CH2OH [1] Mg (+ ortho isomer) CH3O PCC PCC CH3OH CH3OH O O H2SO4 HO HO CHO O CH3O CrO3 H2SO4, H2O H2O HO CH2=O [1] PBr3 BrMg NaOR, ROH HO octinoxate [2] Mg H2O O BrMg Mg Br PCC PBr3 HO HO 24.67 O O [1] HCO2Et a. [2] CHO H3O+ NaOEt, EtOH O O CHO b. O NaOEt, EtOH CHO O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 655 © The McGraw−Hill 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Companies, 2011 Reactions Carbonyl Condensation Reactions 24–25 O O O O O H OEt H OEt c. O H OEt O O + O O + O HCO2Et OEt + O H OH2 d. = O O O O +OH + H OH H2O H2O + OH H OH2 OH no H OH O OH OH + H OH2 H2O +O H O -hydroxy ketone + OH2 H + H2O H2O H2O H3O+ O O O H2O This reaction is an acid-catalyzed aldol that proceeds by way of enols not enolates. The -hydroxy ketone initially formed cannot dehydrate to form an ,-unsaturated carbonyl because there is no H on the carbon. Thus, dehydration occurs but the resulting C=C is not conjugated with the C=O. O e. H CHO This H is now more acidic because it is located between two carbonyl groups. As a result, it is the most readily removed proton for the Michael reaction in the next step. 656 Smith: Study Guide/ 24. Carbonyl Condensation Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Reactions accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 24–26 24.68 Rearrangement generates a highly resonance-stabilized enolate between two carbonyl groups. OEt O O O OEt O O OEt O OEt O OEt O H OCH2CH3 OCH2CH3 OCH2CH3 OCH2CH3 CH3CH2O H OCH2CH3 OCH2CH3 O O H CO2CH2CH3 O OEt O OEt CO2CH2CH3 CO2CH2CH3 O OCH2CH3 (+ 2 resonance structures) H OCH2CH3 This product is a highly resonance stabilized enolate. This drives the reaction. H3O+ O H CO2CH2CH3 24.69 All enolates have a second resonance structure with a negative charge on O. O O O O B [2] [1] + H OH O O H OH [3] B O [4] OH [5] + OH HB+ + HB+ + –OH O OH O O HO + O Repeat steps [1]–[5] by deprotonating the indicated CH3. O H isophorone + HB+ (+ 2 resonance structures) H B Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 24. Carbonyl Condensation Reactions 657 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Carbonyl Condensation Reactions 24–27 24.70 All enolates have a second resonance structure with a negative charge on O. B O O COOEt O H H O CO2CH3 CO2CH3 CO2CH3 new bond new bond H2O + –OH O CO2CH3 24.71 a. – H CH2 OH N CH2 CH2 N (+ other resonance structures) one possible resonance structure The negative charge is delocalized on the electronegative N atom. This factor is what makes the CH3 group bonded to the pyridine ring more H OH acidic, and allows the condensation to occur. O C6H5 N O H CH2 OH C6H5 C CH2 N N OH C6H5 C CH H N C6H5 C CH H H N H H2O OH CH CH N A OH b. The condensation reaction can occur only if the CH3 group bonded to the pyridine ring has acidic hydrogens that can be removed with –OH. OH N CH2 N H CH2 OH H CH2 3-methylpyridine Since the negative charge is delocalized on the N, the CH3 contains acidic H's and reaction will occur. CH2 (+ other resonance structures) 2-methylpyridine N N N CH2 N CH2 N CH2 N CH2 No resonance structure places the negative charge on the N so the CH3 is not acidic and condensation does not occur. N CH2 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 25. Amines © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 659 Amines 25–1 C Chhaapptteerr 2255:: A Am miinneess G Geenneerraall ffaaccttss • Amines are organic nitrogen compounds having the general structure RNH2, R2NH, or R3N, with a lone pair of electrons on N (25.1). • Amines are named using the suffix -amine (25.3). • All amines have polar C–N bonds. Primary (1°) and 2° amines have polar N–H bonds and are capable of intermolecular hydrogen bonding (25.4). • The lone pair on N makes amines strong organic bases and nucleophiles (25.8). SSuum mm maarryy ooff ssppeeccttrroossccooppiicc aabbssoorrppttiioonnss ((2255..55)) Mass spectra Molecular ion Amines with an odd number of N atoms give an odd molecular ion. IR absorptions N–H 3300–3500 cm–1 (two peaks for RNH2, one peak for R2NH) 1 NH CH–N 0.5–5 ppm (no splitting with adjacent protons) 2.3–3.0 ppm (deshielded Csp3–H) C–N 30–50 ppm H NMR absorptions 13 C NMR absorption C Coom mppaarriinngg tthhee bbaassiicciittyy ooff aam miinneess aanndd ootthheerr ccoom mppoouunnddss ((2255..1100)) • Alkylamines (RNH2, R2NH, and R3N) are more basic than NH3 because of the electron-donating R groups (25.10A). • Alkylamines (RNH2) are more basic than arylamines (C6H5NH2), which have a delocalized lone pair from the N atom (25.10B). • Arylamines with electron-donor groups are more basic than arylamines with electron-withdrawing groups (25.10B). • Alkylamines (RNH2) are more basic than amides (RCONH2), which have a delocalized lone pair from the N atom (25.10C). • Aromatic heterocycles with a localized electron pair on N are more basic than those with a delocalized lone pair from the N atom (25.10D). • Alkylamines with a lone pair in an sp3 hybrid orbital are more basic than those with a lone pair in an sp2 hybrid orbital (25.10E). PPrreeppaarraattiioonn ooff aam miinneess ((2255..77)) [1] Direct nucleophilic substitution with NH3 and amines (25.7A) R X + NH3 excess R NH2 + NH4+ X– 1o amine • • R' R X + R' N R' R' + R N R' X– R' ammonium salt • The mechanism is SN2. The reaction works best for CH3X or RCH2X. The reaction works best to prepare 1o amines and ammonium salts. 660 Smith: Study Guide/ 25. Amines Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 25–2 [2] Gabriel synthesis (25.7A) • • O R X + CO2– –OH N R NH2 H2O + CO2– 1o amine O The mechanism is SN2. The reaction works best for CH3X or RCH2X. Only 1o amines can be prepared. • [3] Reduction methods (25.7B) [a] From nitro compounds H2, Pd-C or R NO2 [b] From nitriles R NH2 Fe, HCl or Sn, HCl 1o amine [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O R C N R CH2NH2 1o amine O [c] From amides C R [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O NR'2 RCH2 N R' R' R' = H or alkyl 1o, 2o, and 3o amines [4] Reductive amination (25.7C) R C O R2"NH + • R NaBH3CN R' C N R" R' H R" • R', R" = H or alkyl 1o, 2o, and 3o amines Reductive amination adds one alkyl group (from an aldehyde or ketone) to a nitrogen nucleophile. Primary (1°), 2°, and 3° amines can be prepared. R Reeaaccttiioonnss ooff aam miinneess [1] Reaction as a base (25.9) R NH2 + + H A R NH3 + A [2] Nucleophilic addition to aldehydes and ketones (25.11) With 1o amines: With 2o amines: O R C O NR' C H R = H or alkyl R'NH2 R C C imine H R C C H R = H or alkyl NR'2 R'2NH R C C enamine Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 25. Amines © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 661 Amines 25–3 [3] Nucleophilic substitution with acid chlorides and anhydrides (25.11) O R C O + R'2NH (2 equiv) Z R Z = Cl or OCOR R' = H or alkyl C NR'2 1o, 2o, and 3o amides [4] Hofmann elimination (25.12) C C H NH2 [1] CH3I (excess) • C C [2] Ag2O [3] The less substituted alkene is the major product. alkene [5] Reaction with nitrous acid (25.13) With 1o amines: R NH2 With 2o amines: NaNO2 + R N N Cl– NaNO2 R N H HCl alkyl diazonium salt R N N O HCl R R N-nitrosamine R Reeaaccttiioonnss ooff ddiiaazzoonniiuum m ssaallttss [1] Substitution reactions (25.14) N2 Cl– F X OH phenol With HBF4: With CuX: With H2O: + aryl chloride or aryl bromide aryl fluoride X = Cl or Br With NaI or KI: With CuCN: I aryl iodide With H3PO2: CN H benzonitrile benzene [2] Coupling to form azo compounds (25.15) N2+ Cl– + Y Y = NH2, NHR, NR2, OH (a strong electrondonor group) N N azo compound Y + HCl 662 Smith: Study Guide/ 25. Amines Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 25–4 C Chhaapptteerr 2255:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 25.1 Amines are classified as 1o, 2o, or 3o by the number of alkyl groups bonded to the nitrogen atom. 1o amine 2o amine a. H N 2 C6H5 H N N H NH2 b. CH3CH2O 2o amine N CH3 O 1o amine 3o amine 25.2 3o amine CH3 a. b. HO C CH2NH2 CH3 N CH2CH2OH CH3 3o alcohol 25.3 CH3 1o amine 1o alcohol The N atom of a quaternary ammonium salt is a stereogenic center when the N is surrounded by four different groups. All stereogenic centers are circled. OH + CH3 HO CH3 + a. CH3 N CH2CH2 N CH2CH3 CH3 H N b. HO H N has 3 similar groups. 25.4 CH3 NH2 NH2 NH2 + 3 more resonance structures 140 pm partial double Because the lone pair on N can be delocalized bond character on the benzene ring, the C–N bond has partial double bond character, making it shorter. Both the C and N atoms must be sp2 hybridized (+ have a p orbital) for delocalization to occur. The higher percent s-character of the orbitals of both C and N shortens the bond as well. 147 pm The C–N bond is formed from two sp3 hybridized atoms and the lone pair is localized on N. 25.5 NHCH2CH3 a. CH3CH2CH(NH2)CH3 2-butanamine or sec-butylamine c. N(CH3)2 N,N-dimethylcyclohexanamine e. N-ethyl-3-hexanamine CH3 b. (CH3CH2CH2CH2)2NH dibutylamine d. f. NHCH2CH2CH3 NH2 2-methyl-5-nonanamine 2-methyl-N-propylcyclopentanamine Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 25. Amines 663 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Amines 25–5 25.6 An NH2 group named as a substituent is called an amino group. a. 2,4-dimethyl-3-hexanamine c. N-isopropyl-p-nitroaniline g. N-methylaniline e. N,N-dimethylethylamine NHCH(CH3)2 NHCH3 N O2N NH2 b. N-methylpentylamine d. N-methylpiperidine f. 2-aminocyclohexanone h. m-ethylaniline O NH2 NH2 NHCH3 N CH2CH3 25.7 Primary (1°) and 2o amines have higher bp’s than similar compounds (like ethers) incapable of hydrogen bonding, but lower bp’s than alcohols that have stronger intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Tertiary amines (3°) have lower boiling points than 1o and 2o amines of comparable molecular weight because they have no N–H bonds. O a. (CH ) CHCH CH CH C CH CH 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 alkane lowest boiling point 25.8 ketone intermediate boiling point (CH3)2CHCH2NH2 amine N–H can hydrogen bond. highest boiling point CH3 alkane lowest boiling point O CH3 ether intermediate boiling point NH2 amine N–H can hydrogen bond. highest boiling point 1o Amines show two N–H absorptions at 3300–3500 cm–1. 2o Amines show one N–H absorption at 3300–3500 cm–1. molecular weight = 59 one IR peak = 2° amine 25.9 b. CH3 N CH2CH3 H The NH signal occurs between 0.5 and 5.0 ppm. The protons on the carbon bonded to the amine nitrogen are deshielded and typically absorb at 2.3–3.0 ppm. The NH protons are not split. molecular formula C6H15N 1H NMR absorptions (ppm): 0.9 (singlet, 1 H) 1.10 (triplet, 3 H) 1.15 (singlet, 9 H) 2.6 (quartet, 2 H) NH CH3 adjacent to CH2 (CH3)3C CH2 adjacent to CH3 N H 664 Smith: Study Guide/ 25. Amines Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 25–6 25.10 The atoms of 2-phenylethylamine are in bold. O N (CH3CH2)2N a. CH3 b. H CH3O O H N H LSD lysergic acid diethyl amide H HO N CH3 codeine 25.11 SN2 reaction of an alkyl halide with NH3 or an amine forms an amine or an ammonium salt. NH3 Cl a. NH2 excess NH2 b. CH3CH2Br N(CH2CH3)3 Br– excess 25.12 The Gabriel synthesis converts an alkyl halide into a 1o amine by a two-step process: nucleophilic substitution followed by hydrolysis. CH3O NH2 a. b. Br (CH3)2CHCH2CH2NH2 CH3O NH2 Br c. (CH3)2CHCH2CH2Br 25.13 The Gabriel synthesis prepares 1° amines from alkyl halides. Since the reaction proceeds by an SN2 mechanism, the halide must be CH3 or 1°, and X can’t be bonded to an sp2 hybridized C. NH2 a. NH2 b. aromatic An SN2 does not occur on an aryl halide. cannot be made by Gabriel synthesis can be made by Gabriel synthesis NH2 N H c. d. 2° amine cannot be made by Gabriel synthesis N on 3° C An SN2 does not occur on a 3° RX. cannot be made by Gabriel synthesis 25.14 Nitriles are reduced to 1o amines with LiAlH4. Nitro groups are reduced to 1o amines using a variety of reducing agents. Primary (1°), 2o, and 3o amides are reduced to 1o, 2o, and 3o amines respectively, using LiAlH4. O a. CH3CHCH2NH2 CH3CHCH2NO2 CH3 CH3 CH3CHC N CH3CHCNH2 CH3 CH3 O b. CH2NH2 CH2NO2 C N C NH2 c. NH2 NO2 C N O NH2 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 25. Amines © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 665 Amines 25–7 25.15 Primary (1°), 2o, and 3o amides are reduced to 1o, 2o, and 3o amines respectively, using LiAlH4. CONH2 O CH2NH2 a. NHCH3 c. NHCH3 O b. N N 25.16 General reaction: (CH3)2CHNH2 [H] R C N isopropylamine RCH2NH2 The amine needs 2 H's here. The C bonded to the N must have 2 H's for the amine to be formed by reduction of a nitrile. 25.17 Only amines with a CH2 or CH3 bonded to the N can be made by reduction of an amide. NH2 a. N bonded to benzene cannot be made by reduction of an amide NH2 NH2 b. c. N on 2° C on both sides cannot be made by reduction of an amide N bonded to a 3° C cannot be made by reduction of an amide N bonded to CH2 can be made by reduction of an amide N H d. 25.18 Reductive amination is a two-step method that converts aldehydes and ketones into 1o, 2o, and 3o amines. Reductive amination replaces a C=O by a C–H and C–N bond. a. CHO CH3NH2 NHCH3 c. NaBH3CN O b. NH3 NaBH3CN O (CH3CH2)2NH NaBH3CN NH2 d. O + 25.19 NH2 a. O NH3 OH b. OH NHCH3 O NH2CH3 or OH NH2 CH2=O NH2 NaBH3CN N(CH2CH3)2 NHCH(CH3)2 666 Smith: Study Guide/ 25. Amines Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 25–8 25.20 Only amines that have a C bonded to a H and N atom can be made by reductive amination; that is, an amine must have the following structural feature: H a. NH2 C N phentermine In phentermine, the C bonded to N is not bonded to a H, so it cannot be made by reductive amination. b. systematic name: 2-methyl-1-phenyl-2-propanamine 25.21 The pKa of many protonated amines is 10–11, so the pKa of the starting acid must be less than 10 for equilibrium to favor the products. Amines are thus readily protonated by strong inorganic acids like HCl and H2SO4, and by carboxylic acids as well. a. CH3CH2CH2CH2 NH2 CH3CH2CH2CH2 NH3 + Cl– + HCl b. C6H5COOH + c. pKa 10 weaker acid products favored pKa = –7 pKa = 15.7 pKa 10 weaker acid reactants favored pKa = 10.7 weaker acid products favored pKa = 4.2 N H H N H (CH3)2NH2 + C6H5COO– (CH3)2NH + HO– + H2O 25.22 An amine can be separated from other organic compounds by converting it to a water-soluble ammonium salt by an acid–base reaction. In each case, the extraction procedure would employ the following steps: • Dissolve the amine and either X or Y in CH2Cl2. • Add a solution of 10% HCl. The amine will be protonated and dissolve in the aqueous layer, while X or Y will remain in the organic layer as a neutral compound. • Separate the layers. a. NH2 and X b. (CH3CH2CH2CH2)3N and + H Cl CH3 NH3 Cl– CH3 X • insoluble in H2O • soluble in CH2Cl2 • soluble in H2O • insoluble in CH2Cl2 (CH3CH2CH2CH2)2O + H Cl Y (CH3CH2CH2CH2)3NH Cl– • soluble in H2O • insoluble in CH2Cl2 (CH3CH2CH2CH2)2O Y • insoluble in H2O • soluble in CH2Cl2 25.23 Primary (1°), 2o, and 3o alkylamines are more basic than NH3 because of the electron-donating inductive effect of the R groups. a. (CH3)2NH and NH3 2° alkylamine CH3 groups are electron donating. stronger base b. CH3CH2NH2 1° alkylamine stronger base and ClCH2CH2NH2 1° alkylamine Cl is electron withdrawing. weaker base Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 25. Amines 667 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Amines 25–9 25.24 Arylamines are less basic than alkylamines because the electron pair on N is delocalized. Electron-donor groups add electron density to the benzene ring making the arylamine more basic than aniline. Electron-withdrawing groups remove electron density from the benzene ring, making the arylamine less basic than aniline. NH2 NH2 NH2 NH2 a. NH2 NH2 b. CH3OOC O2N CH3O electronwithdrawing group least basic arylamine intermediate basicity electrondonating group most basic electronwithdrawing group least basic arylamine intermediate basicity alkylamine most basic 25.25 Amides are much less basic than amines because the electron pair on N is highly delocalized. CONH2 NH2 NH2 amide least basic arylamine intermediate basicity alkylamine most basic 25.26 sp2 hybridized more basic This N is also sp2 hybridized but the electron pair CH3 occupies a p orpital so it can N N delocalize onto the aromatic a. Electron pair on N CH3 occupies an sp2 ring. Delocalization makes hybrid orbital. this N less basic. DMAP 4-(N,N-dimethylamino)pyridine b. sp3 hybridized N stronger base N H CH3 N nicotine sp2 hybridized N higher percent s-character weaker base 25.27 This electron pair is delocalized, making it a weaker base. Br 2 H N N stronger base sp3 hybridized N 25% s-character HO H NH2 CH3O a. N stronger base This compound is similar to DMAP in Problem 25.26a. b. sp2 hybridized N 33% s-character sp hybridized N 33% s-character N c. N(CH3)2 stronger base sp3 hybridized N 25% s-character 668 Smith: Study Guide/ 25. Amines Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 25–10 25.28 Amines attack carbonyl groups to form products of nucleophilic addition or substitution. CH3CH2CH2NH2 O a. b. CH3 O O C C O NCH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2NH2 CH3 CH3 COCl c. O O O C C C NHCH2CH2CH3 CH3 O CONHCH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2NH2 (CH3CH2)2NH O N(CH2CH3)2 O (CH3CH2)2NH CH3 COCl CH3 C N(CH2CH3)2 CON(CH2CH3)2 (CH3CH2)2NH 25.29 [1] Convert the amine (aniline) into an amide (acetanilide). [2] Carry out the Friedel–Crafts reaction. [3] Hydrolyze the amide to generate the free amino group. O a. C CH3 NH2 O C CH3 (CH3)3CCl (CH ) C NH 3 3 AlCl3 Cl (+ ortho isomer) O NH2 b. C CH3 O C CH3 H3O+ NH (CH3)3C H N Cl Cl C CH3 H N O AlCl3 O C CH3 NH2 H3O+ O CCH2CH3 O O (+ para isomer) 25.30 transition state + Energy transition state: N(CH3)3 H Ea OH starting materials (no 3-D geometry shown here) H° products Reaction coordinate 25.31 a. CH3CH2CH2CH2 NH2 b. (CH3)2CHNH2 [1] CH3I (excess) [2] Ag2O [3] [1] CH3I (excess) [2] Ag2O [3] CH3CH2CH=CH2 CH3CH=CH2 c. NH2 [1] CH3I (excess) [2] Ag2O [3] NH2 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 25. Amines 669 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Amines 25–11 25.32 In a Hofmann elimination, the base removes a proton from the less substituted, more accessible carbon atom, because of the bulky leaving group on the nearby carbon. [1] CH3I (excess) a. CH2CHCH3 CH=CHCH3 [2] Ag2O [3] NH2 major product [1] CH3I (excess) b. H2N major product + [1] CH3I (excess) c. [2] Ag2O [3] CH2CH=CH2 N H [2] Ag2O [3] (3 C's) least substituted carbon CH3CH=CH(CH2)3N(CH3)2 + CH2=CH(CH2)2CHN(CH3)2 + CH3 CH2=CH(CH2)4N(CH3)2 major product, formed by removal of a H from the least substituted C 25.33 K+ –OC(CH3)3 a. K+ –OC(CH3)3 c. Cl Br [1] CH3I (excess) b. NH2 [1] CH3I (excess) d. [2] Ag2O [3] (E and Z) [2] Ag2O [3] NH2 25.34 N2+ Cl– NH2 NaNO2 a. HCl CH3 b. H CH3CH2 N CH3 HCl HCl N H CH3 NaNO2 NaNO2 c. N NO NaNO2 CH3CH2 N CH3 d. HCl NO N2 Cl– NH2 25.35 a. NH2 [1] NaNO2, HCl [2] CuBr b. NH2 Br [1] NaNO2, HCl OH c. CH3O NH2 d. N2+ Cl– [2] H2O O2N O2N Cl [1] NaNO2, HCl [1] CuCN CH2NH2 [2] LiAlH4 [3] H2O Cl 25.36 NH2 NO2 a. HNO3 H2 H2SO4 Pd-C F [1] NaNO2, HCl [2] HBF4 CH3O [2] HBF4 F 670 Smith: Study Guide/ 25. Amines Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 25–12 NO2 b. NO2 HNO3 H2 H2SO4 Pd-C (from a.) OH NH2 [1] NaNO2, HCl [2] H2O NO2 OH NH2 CH3 [1] NaNO2, HCl c. CH3Cl [2] NaI NH2 I (+ para isomer) AlCl3 I (from a.) NH2 NH2 Cl Cl Cl2 (excess) d. Cl Cl [1] NaNO2, HCl [2] H3PO2 FeCl3 (from a.) Cl Cl 25.37 OH NH2 N N a. NH2 c. HO OH N N HO b. HO N N OH 25.38 To determine what starting materials are needed to synthesize a particular azo compound, always divide the molecule into two components: one has a benzene ring with a diazonium ion, and one has a benzene ring with a very strong electron-donor group. O2N a. H2N Cl b. HO N N N N CH3 O2N H2N Cl HO Cl– N2 Cl– N2 CH3 25.39 a. N N OH b. O2N NO2 alizarine yellow R para red + N N Cl– N N OH COOH + NO2 O2N N N Cl– OH COOH OH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 25. Amines © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 671 Amines 25–13 25.40 O CH3 O O O O O – O3S N N O Dacron O methyl orange To bind to fabric, methyl orange (an anion) needs to interact with positively charged sites. Since Dacron is a neutral compound with no cationic sites on the chain, it does not bind methyl orange well. N CH3 672 Smith: Study Guide/ 25. Amines Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 25–14 25.41 a. CH3NHCH2CH2CH2CH3 N-methyl-1-butanamine (N-methylbutylamine) b. i. N H tripropylamine CH2CH3 2-ethylpyrrolidine f. (C6H5)2NH diphenylamine NH2 1-octanamine (octylamine) c. (CH3CH2CH2)3N e. CH3CH2CH2CH(NH2)CH(CH3)2 2-methyl-3-hexanamine N C(CH3)3 g. NH2 j. NH2 k. CH2CH3 4,6-dimethyl-1-heptanamine 3-ethyl-2-methylcyclohexanamine N-tert-butyl-N-ethylaniline CH3 N d. h. O l. NH2 N(CH2CH3)2 CH2CH2CH3 4-aminocyclohexanone N-methyl-N-propylcyclohexanamine N,N-diethylcycloheptanamine 25.42 a. cyclobutylamine h. 3-methyl-2-hexanamine e. N-methylpyrrole NH2 NH2 N b. N-isobutylcyclopentylamine CH3 i. 2-sec-butylpiperidine f. N-methylcyclopentylamine N NHCH3 H c. tri-tert-butylamine N H g. cis-2-aminocyclohexanol N[C(CH3)3]3 NH2 NH2 or d. N,N-diisopropylaniline OH N[CH(CH3)2]2 j. (2S)-2-heptanamine H NH2 OH 25.43 NH2 1-butanamine H N N-methyl-1-propanamine NH2 2-butanamine N H diethylamine NH2 2-methyl-1-propanamine N H N-methyl-2-propanamine NH2 2-methyl-2-propanamine N N,N-dimethylethanamine Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 25. Amines 673 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Amines 25–15 25.44 [* denotes a stereogenic center.] a. * N CH3 b. CH2CH3 * * CH3CH2CHCH CH CH 2 2 2 N CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH2CH3 CH3 1 stereogenic center 2 stereoisomers N H H CH3 CH3 CH3CH2 CH2CH2CH2 H CH3 N Cl CH3 N Cl CH2CH2CH2 N Cl CH3 CH2CH3 C CH3CH2 CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH2CH2CH2 H CH3 CH3 CH2CH3 C CH3CH2 CH2CH3 H CH3 CH3 CH2CH3 C CH2CH3 H CH3 2 stereogenic centers 4 stereoisomers CH2CH2CH2CH3 CH3 CH2CH3 C CH3CH2 CH2CH2CH2CH3 N Cl CH2CH2CH2 N Cl CH2CH2CH2CH3 25.45 a. c. (CH3CH2)2NH (CH3CH2)2NH or N sp3 hybridized N stronger base b. 2° alkylamine stronger base sp2 hybridized N weaker base HCON(CH3)2 or (CH3)3N or (ClCH2CH2)2NH 2° alkylamine Cl is electron withdrawing. weaker base or d. NH N H amide alkylamine weaker base stronger base weaker base (delocalized electron pair on N) stronger base 25.46 a. NH2 NH2 NH3 arylamine intermediate least basic basicity alkylamine most basic O2N b. N H delocalized electron pair on N least basic d. N sp2 hybridized N intermediate basicity NH2 c. N H sp3 hybridized N most basic NH2 Cl CH3 electronwithdrawing group least basic intermediate basicity (C6H5)2NH C6H5NH2 diarylamine least basic NH2 arylamine intermediate basicity electrondonating group most basic NH2 alkylamine most basic 674 Smith: Study Guide/ 25. Amines Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 25–16 25.47 The electron-withdrawing inductive effect of the phenyl group stabilizes benzylamine, making its conjugate acid more acidic than the conjugate acid of cyclohexanamine. The conjugate acid of aniline is more acidic than the conjugate acid of benzylamine, since loss of a proton generates a resonance-stabilized amine, C6H5NH2. NH3 CH2NH3 pKa = 10.7 NH3 pKa intermediate NH2 alkylamine cyclohexanamine pKa = 4.6 CH2NH2 electron-withdrawing inductive effect of the sp2 hybridized C's benzylamine NH2 resonance-stabilized aromatic amine aniline 25.48 The most basic N atom is protonated on treatment with acid. O O O O NH a. NH2 CH3CO2H N N more basic O CH2COOH + CH3CO2– O CH2COOH benazepril N N b. NH CH3CO2H N NH2 + CH3CO2– N varenicline most basic 25.49 Nc O C a. NHNH2 N Nb < Na < Nc Nb Na Na Nc N NH2 b. N Nb H N b < Na < N c Order of basicity: Nb < Na < Nc Nb – The electron pair on this N atom is delocalized on the O atom; least basic. Na – The electron pair on this N atom is not delocalized, but is on an sp2 hybridized atom. Nc – The electron pair on this N atom is on an sp3 hybridized N; most basic. Order of basicity: Nb < Na < Nc Nb – The electron pair on this N atom is delocalized on the aromatic five-membered ring; least basic. Na – The electron pair on this N atom is not delocalized, but is on an sp2 hybridized atom. Nc – The electron pair on this N atom is on an sp3 hybridized N; most basic. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 25. Amines 675 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Amines 25–17 25.50 The most basic N atom is protonated on treatment with acid. a 3° alkylamine with an sp3 hybridized N most basic O O Cl a. N Cl Cl b. HCl N NH N H Cl– NH aripiprazole a delocalized electron part of an amide pair on the benzene ring least basic intermediate O Cl N O 25.51 The para isomer is the weaker base because the electron pair on its NH2 group can be delocalized onto the NO2 group. In the meta isomer, no resonance structure places the electron pair on the NO2 group, and fewer resonance structures can be drawn: O2N NH2 O2N NH2 O2N NH2 O2N NH2 O2N NH2 meta NH2 NH2 O2N O2N NH2 O para N NH2 O2N NH2 O2N O NH2 O N NH2 O O N O 25.52 N A N This two-carbon bridge makes it difficult for the lone pair on N to delocalize on the aromatic ring. B pKa of the conjugate acid = 5.2 pKa of the conjugate acid = 7.29 Resonance structures that place a double bond between the N atom and the benzene ring are stronger conjugate acid weaker conjugate acid destabilized. Since the electron pair is more weaker base stronger base localized on N, compound B is more basic. The electron pair of this arylamine is delocalized on the benzene ring, decreasing its basicity. N B N Geometry makes it difficult to have a double bond here. 676 Smith: Study Guide/ 25. Amines Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 25–18 25.53 B NH N N pyrrole pKa = 23 stronger acid N N N B NH pyrrolidine pKa = 44 weaker acid weaker conjugate base The electron pair is delocalized, decreasing the basicity. The N atom is sp2 hybridized. N stronger conjugate base The electron pair is not delocalized on the ring. The N atom is sp3 hybridized. 25.54 a. C6H5CH2CH2CH2Br b. C6H5CH2CH2Br NH3 excess NaCN c. C6H5CH2CH2CH2NO2 [1] LiAlH4 C6H5CH2CH2CN H2 Pd-C d. C6H5CH2CH2CONH2 C6H5CH2CH2CH2NH2 [2] H2O [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O C6H5CH2CH2CH2NH2 e. C6H5CH2CH2CHO NH3 NaBH3CN C6H5CH2CH2CH2NH2 C6H5CH2CH2CH2NH2 C6H5CH2CH2CH2NH2 25.55 a. (CH3CH2)2NH NH2 b. N(CH3)2 c. H N d. O CH3 C NHCH2CH3 H N N(CH3)2 NH2 O or O O CH3 N C H O 25.56 In reductive amination, one alkyl group on N comes from the carbonyl compound. The remainder of the molecule comes from NH3 or an amine. NH2 a. H + NH3 O b. H N C6H5 H C6H5 or NH2 O (CH3CH2CH2)2NH H N H H or H C O CH2CH3 O d. NH2 C6H5 O O c. (CH3CH2CH2)2N(CH2)2CH(CH3)2 H2N H CH3CH2CH2 N H Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 25. Amines 677 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Amines 25–19 25.57 a. NH2 C6H5 O b. O C6H5 c. C6H5 NH3 CHO NH NaBH3CN C6H5 CH2NH2 NaBH3CN NH2 (CH3)2NH d. N(CH3)2 NaBH3CN NaBH3CN O NH 25.58 a. CH2NH2 Br NH3 excess CN CH2NH2 [1] LiAlH4 b. [2] H2O CONH2 CH2NH2 [1] LiAlH4 c. [2] H2O CHO CH2NH2 NH3 d. NaBH3CN CH3 CH2Br e. NH3 h excess COOH CONH2 [1] SOCl2 f. [2] NH3 NH2 g. CH2NH2 [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O CN [1] NaNO2, HCl CH2NH2 [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O [2] CuCN h. CH2NH2 Br2 NO2 HNO3 H2 Pd-C H2SO4 NH2 Then as in (g). 25.59 Use the directions from Answer 25.22. Separation can be achieved because benzoic acid reacts with aqueous base and aniline reacts with aqueous acid according to the following equations: COOH NaOH benzoic acid • soluble in CH2Cl2 • insoluble in H2O COO–Na+ + H2O (10% aqueous) • soluble in H2O • insoluble in CH2Cl2 + NH2 NH3 Cl– H Cl aniline • soluble in CH2Cl2 • insoluble in H2O (10% aqueous) • soluble in H2O • insoluble in CH2Cl2 678 Smith: Study Guide/ 25. Amines Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 25–20 Toluene (C6H5CH3), on the other hand, is not protonated or deprotonated in aqueous solution so it is always soluble in CH2Cl2 and insoluble in H2O. The following flow chart illustrates the process. CH3 COOH NH2 CH2Cl2 10% NaOH CH2Cl2 H2O COO–Na+ CH3 NH2 10% HCl H2O CH2Cl2 + Cl– NH3 CH3 25.60 H N N-ethylaniline a. b. HCl H H N f. CH3I (excess) Cl– + CH2=CH2 O CH3CH2COCl CH3COOH N g. H H N CH3COO– O h. The product in (g) c. N(CH3)2 Ag2O N N H2SO4 N (CH3)2C=O HNO3 O O2N NO2 CH3 N d. e. CH2O i. The product in (g) [1] LiAlH4 NaBH3CN CH3I CH3 CH3 N (excess) I– N [2] H2O O j. The product in (h) H2 O N Pd-C NH2 H2N N Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 25. Amines © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 679 Amines 25–21 25.61 NH2 p-methylaniline CH3 CH3COCl f. HCl a. CH3 NH3 CH3COCl CH3COOH g. h. NaNO2 i. Step (b), then excess e. N2+Cl– CH3 HCl C CH3 NH c. (CH3CO)2O CH 3 CH3I NH3 CH3COO– CH3 C CH3 NH CH3 O d. NH2 Cl– O b. AlCl3 AlCl3 CH3 O CH3COCl C CH3 NH CH3 AlCl3 N(CH3)3 I– CH3 (CH3)2C=O CH3 C O CH3 N C(CH3)2 j. CH3CHO NaBH3CN CH3 25.62 a. CH3CH2CH2CH2NH2 b. CH3CH2CH2CH2NH2 c. CH3CH2CH2CH2NH2 d. CH3CH2CH2CH2NH2 e. CH3CH2CH2CH2NH2 f. CH3CH2CH2CH2NH2 ClCOC6H5 CH3CH2CH2CH2NHCOC6H5 O=C(CH2CH3)2 [1] CH3I (excess) [2] Ag2O [3] C6H5CHO NaBH3CN NaBH3CN CH3CHO CH3I excess CH3CH2CH2CH2N=C(CH2CH3)2 CH3CH2CH=CH2 CH3CH2CH2CH2NHCH2C6H5 CH3CH2CH2CH2NHCH2CH3 [CH3CH2CH2CH2N(CH3)3]+I– 25.63 a. CH3(CH2)6NH2 [1] CH3I (excess) [2] Ag2O [3] CH3(CH2)4CH=CH2 [1] CH3I (excess) b. NH2 [2] Ag2O [3] (E + Z) major product NHCH2CH3 680 Smith: Study Guide/ 25. Amines Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 25–22 c. [1] CH3I (excess) N H CH2=CH2 e. major product + (CH3)2CHN(CH3)2 [2] Ag2O [3] 1 2 N H [2] Ag2O [3] 3 CH2=CHCH3 + CH3CH2N(CH3)2 CH3 [2] Ag2O [3] NH2 CH3 N(CH3)2 + major product 2 (CH3)2N [1] CH3I (excess) d. 1 [1] CH3I (excess) CH3 CH3 + (E + Z) (CH3)2N CH3 CH3 (E + Z) CH2 major product CH3 25.64 N(CH3)2 O HN(CH3)2 a. mild acid O NH2CH2CH2CH3 b. NCH2CH2CH3 mild acid NH2 O NH3 c. NaBH3CN NH2 O d. [1] NaBH4, CH3OH [1] CH3I (excess) [2] H2SO4 [2] Ag2O [3] O NH3 NaBH3CN OH O CH3NH2 mCPBA NHCH3 e. (from d.) O O O Br2 f. CH3COOH 25.65 CH3 N a. one stereogenic center benzphetamine Br NH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 NHCH2CH2CH2CH3 3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 25. Amines © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 681 Amines 25–23 b. Amides that can be reduced to benzphetamine: CHO N N and O c. Amines + carbonyl compounds that form benzphetamine by reductive amination: NHCH3 O or H O or 1 H N NH CH2=O CH3 N [1] CH3I 2 [2] Ag2O [3] d. (CH3)2NCH2 major product elimination across , 1 (elimination across , 2) 25.66 a. CH2CH2Cl NH3 g. CH2CH2NH2 NH NaNO2 N N O HCl excess O CO2 [1] KOH b. NH O c. Br NH2 + [2] (CH3)2CHCH2Cl [3] –OH, H2O NO2 Sn NH + C6H5CHO NaBH3CN Br NH2 O + i. N N H [1] LiAlH4 d. CN [2] H2O CONHCH2CH3 N CH2C6H5 CO2 HCl e. h. j. CH3CH2CH2 N CH(CH3)2 CH2NH2 [1] LiAlH4 H CH2NHCH2CH3 [2] H2O f. C6H5CH2CH2NH2 + (C6H5CO)2O C6H5CH2CH2NHCOC6H5 + C6H5CH2CH2NH3+ C6H5COO– [1] CH3I (excess) [2] Ag2O [3] CH3CH=CH2 (CH3)2NCH(CH3)2 CH3CH2CH2N(CH3)2 682 Smith: Study Guide/ 25. Amines Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 25–24 25.67 NH2 and H must be anti for the Hofmann elimination. Rotate around the C–C bond so the NH2 and H are anti. C6H5 a. NH2 H C6H5 NH2 CH3 b. H CH3 C6H5 CH2CH3 CH3 c. H (CH3)3C C(CH3)3 NH2 CH2CH3 CH2CH3 C(CH3)3 rotate 120° counterclockwise three steps (CH3)3C rotate 120° counterclockwise C6H5 NH2 CH3 CH2CH3 H C6H5 C(CH3)3 (CH3)3C CH2CH3 NH2 CH3 H three steps three steps (CH3)3C (CH3)3C 25.68 N2+ Cl– Cl HO Cl Br a. H2O b. H3PO2 A Cl h. C6H5NH2 d. CuBr H Cl Cl NH2 N N OH Cl NC Cl F Cl e. CuCN i. C6H5OH c. CuCl N N Cl Cl f. HBF4 I I Cl Cl j. KI g. NaI 25.69 Under the acidic conditions of the reaction, aniline is first protonated to form an ammonium salt that has a positive charge on the atom bonded to the benzene ring. The –NH3+ is now an electron-withdrawing meta director, so a significant amount of meta substitution occurs. NH2 H OSO3H NH3 + HSO4– This group is now a meta director. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 25. Amines 683 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Amines 25–25 25.70 CH3 R C CH3CH2CH2 [1] CH3I (excess) H NH2 H C C [2] Ag2O [3] A H B O [1] O3 H [2] CH3SCH3 CH2CH2CH3 H C O H H C CH2CH2CH3 25.71 a. Br Br H H Na+ N Br OH H N Br Br Na+ + CH3CH2NH2 Br N H CH2CH3 + H2O Na+ OH + H2O + Na+ N CH2CH3 H A H O O H N O H b. N proton transfer NH2 OH2 H N H3B–H H H N + H2O proton source + A H N + BH3 25.72 OH O OH HN H N H2C=O H A OH OH N proton transfer A OH OH OH H N OH2 OH H2C N N N A H2O H A OH H OH H N OH H N N 684 Smith: Study Guide/ 25. Amines Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 25–26 25.73 N N N N N N N N N N X R N N X alkyl diazonium salt The N2+ group on an aromatic ring is stabilized by resonance, whereas the alkyl diazonium salt is not. aryl diazonium salt 25.74 NaNO2 Overall reaction: HCl, H2O NH2 The steps: OH + + OH NaNO2 + HCl NH2 N N O Cl H + + HCl + N O N N O N N O H H N N O H H + H Cl + H Cl – N N OH2 + Cl N N O H H Cl + O H OH H + HCl H + B A O H H H OH Cl H B + HCl Cl + +N A H OH Cl + 1,2-H shift N N + OH + HCl N + H2O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 25. Amines 685 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Amines 25–27 25.75 A nitrosonium ion (+NO) is a weak electrophile so electrophilic aromatic substitution occurs only with a strong electron-donor group that stabilizes the intermediate carbocation. H Cl O N O NaCl HO N O H Cl H O N O H Na N(CH3)2 O N H N(CH3)2 O N H Cl N(CH3)2 O N H O N H O N H N(CH3)2 O N N(CH3)2 especially good resonance structure All atoms have octets. resonance-stabilized carbocation N O H2O N O N(CH3)2 N(CH3)2 H2O OH 25.76 O a. NH2 NH3 [1] CH3I NaBH3CN [2] Ag2O [3] O OH NaBH4 b. (Hofmann elimination, less substituted C=C favored) H2SO4 (more substituted C=C favored) CH3OH (E + Z isomers formed) 25.77 NO2 HNO3 H2SO4 a. b. NO2 Br2 FeBr3 NH2 H2 Pd-C ClCOCH3 H2 Br NO2 Pd-C Br NH2 Br NHCOCH3 (from a.) CH3Cl AlCl3 c. CH3 HNO3 O2N H2SO4 CH3 H2 Pd-C H2N CH3 [1] NaNO2, HCl [2] NaI I (+ ortho isomer) H2N [1] NaNO2, HCl d. NC Br2 FeBr3 [2] CuCN NC Br (from a.) e. Br2 FeBr3 HNO3 Br H2SO4 NO2 Br (+ para isomer) H2 Pd-C NH2 Br [1] NaNO2, HCl [2] H2O OH Br CH3 686 Smith: Study Guide/ 25. Amines Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 25–28 f. O2N CH3 KMnO4 O2N COOH H2 H2N Pd-C COOH [1] NaNO2, HCl HO [2] H2O COOH (from c.) O O ClCOCH3 g. HNO3 H2SO4 AlCl3 h. NH2 [1] NaNO2, HCl O O2N O H2N H2 [1] NaNO2, HCl [2] NaI Pd-C C6H5N2+Cl– OH I N N OH [2] H2O (from a.) (from d., Step [1]) 25.78 NH2 a. CN [1] NaNO2, HCl COOH H3O+ [2] NaCN [2] NH2CH3 Br Br Br2 CH3COCl NH2 b. CONHCH3 [1] SOCl2 Br – CH3Cl NHCOCH3 FeBr3 OH NHCOCH3 H2O NHCOCH3 AlCl3 (+ ortho isomer) NH2 [1] NaNO2, HCl [2] H3PO2 CH3 Br COOH COOCH2CH3 HOCH2CH3 c. H2SO4 Br (from a.) d. COOH [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O CH2OH Br2 Br FeBr3 CH2OH (3x) (from a.) Br HO H2N e. HO HO [1] NaNO2, HCl [2] H2O CH3Cl AlCl3 C6H5N2 CH3 (+ ortho isomer) +Cl– (from a., Step [1]) N N CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 25. Amines 687 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Amines 25–29 25.79 CH3Cl [1] Br2 h AlCl3 H2C=O NH2 (excess) –OH Br [2] NH3 Br OH N H NaBH3CN CHO CH NH 3 2 PCC N H NaBH3CN (from [1]) [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O O COOH [1] SOCl 2 KMnO4 [2] CH3NH2 [3] NCH3 [1] LiAlH4 H [2] H2O N H (from [1]) [4] CHO CN [1] DIBAL-H [1] HNO3, H2SO4 Then route [2]. [2] H2O [2] H2, Pd-C [3] NaNO2, HCl [1] LiAlH4 [4] CuCN [2] H2O NH2 Br Br2 [5] Then route [1]. COOH MgBr [1] CO 2 Mg Then route [3]. [2] H3O+ FeBr3 [1] H2C=O [2] H2O OH Then route [2]. 25.80 O O mCPBA O O O [1] LiAlH4 O [2] H2O O PBr3 OH O PCC O NHCH3 O CH3NH2 O NaBH3CN O CH3NH2 O O Br a. CH3O MDMA MDMA [part (b)] [part (a)] CH3O CN [1] LiAlH 4 NaCN [2] H2O CH3O CH3O NHCH3 O 25.81 CH3O Br O CH3O CH3O NH2 CH3O CH3O mescaline 688 Smith: Study Guide/ 25. Amines Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 25–30 CH3O Br CH3O CH3O HBr b. CH3O CH3O ROOR CH3O excess CH3O CH3O CH3O Br CH3O Mg MgBr c. CH3O NH2 NH3 O [1] CH3O [2] H2O CH3O CH3O CH3O OH PBr3 CH3O CH3O CH3O Br CH3O CH3O CH3O NH3 excess CH3O NH2 CH3O CH3O 25.82 NO2 HNO3 a. H2SO4 NH2 H2 CN [1] NaNO2, HCl COOH H3O+ [2] CuCN Pd-C COOH Cl2 FeCl3 Cl Cl2 HNO3 b. NO2 CH3Cl NH2 CH3 OH H2 NO2 CH3 Pd-C CH3CH2Cl d. AlCl3 HNO3 CH3CH2 H2SO4 CH2NH2 [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O H2 NO2 Pd-C CH3CH2 NH2 [1] NaNO2, HCl [2] NaCN (+ ortho isomer) CH3 CH3 CH3CH2 CH3 Br2 O2N CH3 (from c.) Br Cl [1] NaNO2, HCl N N [2] NH2 (from b.) (from a.) Cl NH2 H3O+ CH3 Br Cl NH2 Cl H2N NH2 [1] NaNO2, HCl [2] CuCN COOH Pd-C FeBr3 f. H2 CN CH3CH2 (+ ortho isomer) e. O2N Cl [2] H2O Pd-C H2SO4 Cl [1] NaNO2, HCl NO2 HNO3 CH3 AlCl3 Cl H2 FeCl3 (2X) H2SO4 c. Cl Cl Cl CH3CH2 [1] NaNO2, HCl [2] H2O CN HO CH3 Br Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 25. Amines 689 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Amines 25–31 25.83 O NO2 HNO3 a. NO2 H 2 Cl2 FeCl3 H2SO4 NH2 O H N O O Pd-C Cl Cl2 FeCl3 H N Cl Cl O Cl (+ isomer) Cl H2 b. Pd-C H2N O2N NO2 [1] NaNO2, HCl HNO3 [2] H2O H2SO4 HO HO NH2 H2 Pd-C HO O (+ ortho isomer) (from a.) O O H N O HO O ClCOCH2CH3 c. O O Cl2 AlCl3 OH NHCH3 NaBH4 Cl NH2CH3 NHCH3 CH3OH H2O, HCl 25.84 CH3OH OH NH2 a. [1] HNO3, H2SO4 [1] NaNO2, HCl [2] H2, Pd-C [2] H2O SOCl2 OH OH CH3Cl Br2 AlCl3 FeBr3 (2X) Br OCH3 Br [1] NaH CH3 CH3 CH3 [1] Br2, h Br NH2 CH3O Br CH3CH2OH CrO3, H2SO4, H2O CH3COOH SOCl2 CH3COCl b. O H N O (from a.) H N Cl –OH, O AlCl3 O (+ ortho isomer) H2O Br [2] CH3Cl (+ ortho isomer) NH2 Br O NH2 [2] NH3 (excess) 690 Smith: Study Guide/ 25. Amines Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 25–32 CH3OH SOCl2 [1] CH3Cl, AlCl3 Cl2 c. Cl FeCl3 HOOC [2] KMnO4 [1] LiAlH4 [2] H2O Cl HO Cl PCC O Cl H (+ ortho isomer) NH2 (from a.) mild acid N CH Cl CH3OH SOCl2 CH3 CH3Cl d. H2SO4 AlCl3 CH3 HNO3 COOCH3 [1] KMnO4 [2] CH3OH, H+ O2N COOCH3 H2 Pd-C O2N H2N PCC (+ ortho isomer) O (CH3)2CHNH CO2CH3 OH NaBH3CN NH2 e. O2N CH3 (from d.) [1] H2, Pd-C F CH3 [2] NaNO2, HCl [3] HBF4 O O [1] KMnO4 F F C [2] SOCl2 Cl HN (from a.) Probably a strong enough activator that the Friedel–Crafts reaction will still occur. O NHCOCH3 O Make two parts: AlCl3 Cl CH3 C NH O f. I I CN CN NHCOCH3 NHCOCH3 NHCOCH3 [1] HNO3, H2SO4 [1] NaNO2, HCl [2] H2, Pd-C [2] CuCN (from b.) NH2 CN (+ ortho isomer) CH3 O2N [2] NaNO2, HCl (from d.) CH3 [1] H2, Pd-C [3] NaI I O [1] KMnO4 Cl [2] SOCl2 I Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 25. Amines © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 691 Amines 25–33 25.85 molecular weight = 87 C5H13N two IR peaks = 1° amine H H H H H N N N N H H H H H N H H H N H H N H N 25.86 H2N NHCH2CH3 CH2CH3 CH2NHCH3 Compound A: C8H11N Compound B: C8H11N IR absorption at 3400 cm–1 2° amine IR absorption at 3310 cm–1 2° amine 1H NMR signals at (ppm): 1H NMR signals at (ppm): 1.3 (triplet, 3 H) CH3 adjacent to 2 H's 1.4 (singlet, 1 H) amine H 2.4 (singlet, 3 H) CH3 3.1 (quartet, 2 H) CH2 adjacent to 3 H's 3.8 (singlet, 2 H) CH2 3.6 (singlet, 1 H) amine H 6.8–7.2 (multiplet, 5 H) benzene ring 7.2 (multiplet, 5 H) benzene ring Compound C: C8H11N IR absorption at 3430 and 3350 cm–1 1° amine 1H NMR signals at (ppm): 1.3 (triplet, 3 H) CH3 near CH2 2.5 (quartet, 2 H) CH2 near CH3 3.6 (singlet, 2 H) amine H's 6.7 (doublet, 2 H) para disubstituted 7.0 (doublet, 2 H) benzene ring 25.87 HO C N HO Compound D: Molecular ion at m/z = 71: C3H5NO (possible formula) IR absorption at 3600–3200 cm–1 OH 2263 cm–1 CN Use integration values and the molecular formula to determine the number of H's that give rise to each signal. 1H NMR signals at (ppm): 2.6 (triplet, 2 H) CH2 adjacent to 2 H's 3.2 (singlet, 1 H) OH 3.9 (triplet, 2 H) CH2 adjacent to 2 H's NH2 Compound E: Molecular ion at m/z = 75: C3H9NO (possible formula) IR absorption at 3600–3200 cm–1 OH 3636 cm–1 N–H of amine 1H NMR signals at (ppm): 1.6 (quintet, 2 H) CH2 split by 2 CH2's 2.5 (singlet, 3 H) NH2 and OH 2.8 (triplet, 2 H) CH2 split by CH2 3.7 (triplet, 2 H) CH2 split by CH2 25.88 Guanidine is a strong base because its conjugate acid is stabilized by resonance. This resonance delocalization makes guanidine easily donate its electron pair; thus it's a strong base. NH H2N C HA NH2 guanidine H2N NH2 NH2 NH2 C C C NH2 pKa = 13.6 H2N NH2 H2N NH2 NH2 H2N C NH2 692 Smith: Study Guide/ 25. Amines Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 25–34 25.89 CH3 N [1] CH3I (excess) CH3 N CH3 I [2] Ag2O [2] Ag2O [1] CH3I (excess) [3] [3] N(CH3)2 C8H10 N(CH3)3 I Y 25.90 One possibility: O O O CH3COCl a. O O AlCl3 O Br2 H2NC(CH3)3 CH3CO2H O O Br O O O (+ isomer) NaBH4 CH3OH HO O H3O+ HO OH albuterol b. O + HN(CH2CH3)2 H2SO4 O N 2 OH N H A [1] NaNO2, HCl H2 Pd-C O N H N(CH2CH3)2 HO HNO3 N H [2] H2O H2N [1] NaH HO O Cl [2] Br2 O2N COOH HNO3 O SOCl2 O2N O Br COOH H2SO4 H3O+ CO2 O O O COCl A O2N O O N(CH2CH3)2 H2 H2N Pd-C O Mg O O N(CH2CH3)2 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 26. Carbon−Carbon Bonding−Forming Reactions in Organic Synthesis © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition C–C Bond-Forming Reactions 26–1 C Chhaapptteerr 2266:: C Caarrbboonn––C Caarrbboonn B Boonndd--FFoorrm miinngg R Reeaaccttiioonnss iinn O Orrggaanniicc SSyynntthheessiiss C Coouupplliinngg rreeaaccttiioonnss [1] Coupling reactions of organocuprate reagents (26.1) • R'X can be CH3X, RCH2X, 2o cyclic + RCu R' X + R2CuLi R' R halides, vinyl halides, and aryl halides. + LiX X = Cl, Br, I • X may be Cl, Br, or I. • With vinyl halides, coupling is stereospecific. [2] Suzuki reaction (26.2) Y R' X + Pd(PPh3)4 R B NaOH Y X = Br, I R' R + HO BY2 + NaX • [3] Heck reaction (26.3) Pd(OAc)2 R' X Z • R' Z P(o-tolyl)3 X = Br or I • • • (CH3CH2)3N (CH3CH2)3NH X– • C Cyycclloopprrooppaannee ssyynntthheessiiss [1] Addition of dihalocarbenes to alkenes (26.4) C X X C CHX3 C KOC(CH3)3 C CH2I2 C C Zn(Cu) H H C C C + ZnI2 R'X is a vinyl halide or aryl halide. Z = H, Ph, COOR, or CN With vinyl halides, coupling is stereospecific. The reaction forms trans alkenes. • • The reaction occurs with syn addition. The position of substituents in the alkene is retained in the cyclopropane. • • The reaction occurs with syn addition. The position of substituents in the alkene is retained in the cyclopropane. • Metathesis works best when CH2=CH2, a gas that escapes from the reaction mixture, is formed as one product. C [2] Simmons–Smith reaction (26.5) R'X is most often a vinyl halide or aryl halide. With vinyl halides, coupling is stereospecific. M Meettaatthheessiiss ((2266..66)) 2 RCH CH2 Grubbs RCH CHR catalyst Grubbs catalyst diene + CH2 CH2 + CH2 CH2 693 694 Smith: Study Guide/ 26. Carbon−Carbon Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Bonding−Forming accompany Organic Reactions in Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Synthesis © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 26–2 C Chhaapptteerr 2266:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 26.1 A new C–C bond is formed in each coupling reaction. a. (CH2=CH)2CuLi Cl new C–C bond b. (CH3)2CuLi Br CH3 new C–C bond c. CH3O CH3O I (CH3CH2CH2CH2)2CuLi CH3O new C–C bond CH3O Br d. 2 new C–C bond CuLi 26.2 I OH OH A= B= (CH3CH2)2CuLi several steps I (CH3)2CuLi OH several steps OH O CO2CH3 C18 juvenile hormone 26.3 Br a. (CH3)2CHCH2CH2I [1] Li [(CH3)2CHCH2CH2]2CuLi CH2CH2CH(CH3)2 [2] CuI or Br b. [1] Li [2] CuI [1] Li Cl (CH3)2CHCH2CH2I CuLi CH2CH2CH(CH3)2 2 CuLi Br [2] CuI 2 Cl c. Cl [1] Li [2] CuI CuLi 2 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 26. Carbon−Carbon Bonding−Forming Reactions in Organic Synthesis © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition C–C Bond-Forming Reactions 26–3 26.4 I + a. b. O Pd(PPh3)4 O NaOH B B(OCH3)2 Pd(PPh3)4 + Br NaOH c. [1] Li Br B(OCH3)2 + LiOCH3 [2] B(OCH3)3 O O B C C H + H B d. O O 26.5 O O H B O a. CH3CH2CH2 C C H b. I Li Li CH3O O B(OCH3)3 Br Br2 c. I B H CH3O Pd(PPh3)4, NaOH B(OCH3)2 Li Li I NaOH B(OCH3)2 B(OCH3)3 Br Pd(PPh3)4 CH3O CH3O Pd(PPh3)4 NaOH (+ ortho isomer) CH3O 26.6 Br Heck a. + b. I reaction OCH3 + OCH3 Heck reaction Br c. CN + OCH3 d. Heck CN reaction Br + O Heck OCH3 reaction O 26.7 Locate the double bond with the aryl, COOR, or CN substituent, and break the molecule into two components at the end of the C=C not bonded to one of these substituents. O a. Br OCH3 O OCH3 695 696 Smith: Study Guide/ 26. Carbon−Carbon Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Bonding−Forming accompany Organic Reactions in Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Synthesis © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 26–4 Br b. O c. O CO2CH3 CO2CH3 Br 26.8 Add the carbene carbon from either side of the alkene. H CH3 a. CHCl3 C C CH3 C H KOC(CH3)3 H H Cl Cl C C H + CH3 H C H enantiomers H H C C Cl Cl CH3CH2 b. CH2CH3 CHCl3 C KOC(CH3)3 CH3CH2 H C C H H Cl Cl C C + CH2CH3 H CH3CH2 H c. CH3 CHCl3 CCl2 KOC(CH3)3 C CH2CH3 H C identical CH3 C Cl Cl CH3 + CCl2 H H enantiomers 26.9 CHCl3 a. Cl Cl KOC(CH3)3 Br Br (from b.) CHBr3 b. LiCu(CH3)2 c. Br Br KOC(CH3)3 26.10 a. CH2I2 + ZnI2 Zn(Cu) H b. CH2I2 + Zn(Cu) H ZnI2 c. CH2I2 Zn(Cu) + ZnI2 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 26. Carbon−Carbon Bonding−Forming Reactions in Organic Synthesis © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition C–C Bond-Forming Reactions 26–5 26.11 The relative position of substituents in the reactant is retained in the product. CH3CH2 C C H H H C H CH2I2 CH2CH3 Zn(Cu) CH3CH2 C H trans-3-hexene C CH3CH2 H C C H CH2CH3 C H H H CH2CH3 two enantiomers of trans-1,2-diethylcyclopropane 26.12 Grubbs catalyst a. c. (E and Z) Grubbs catalyst OCH3 Grubbs catalyst b. (CH2=CH2 is also formed in each reaction.) (E and Z) OCH3 OCH3 26.13 + cis-2-pentene + There are four products formed in this reaction including stereoisomers, and therefore, it is not a practical method to synthesize 1,2-disubstituted alkenes. 26.14 O a. Ph + O O Ph CO2CH3 O CO2CH3 CO2CH3 b. CO2CH3 26.15 High dilution conditions favor intramolecular metathesis. O Y = O O Under high dilution conditions, an intramolecular reaction is favored, resulting in Y. Two different molecules do not often come into contact, so two double bonds in the same molecule react. 697 698 Smith: Study Guide/ 26. Carbon−Carbon Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Bonding−Forming accompany Organic Reactions in Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Synthesis © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 26–6 long chain 1 O Alkenes 1 and 2 differ in proximity to the ether side chain. Three products are possible because alkene 1 can react with alkene 1 in another molecule (forming Z); alkene 1 can react with alkene 2 in another molecule (forming Z'); and alkene 2 can react with alkene 2 in another molecule (forming Z"). At usual reaction concentrations, the probability of two molecules approaching each other is greater than the probability of two sites (connected by a long chain) in the same molecule reacting together, so the intermolecular reaction is favored. O O 2 long chain O Z O = O O O O O Z' = O O O O O O Z" = O O O O O 26.16 Cleave the C=C bond in the product, and then bond each carbon of the original alkene to a CH2 group using a double bond. a. O O c. O b. CH3O CH3O OH OH CO2CH3 CO2CH3 CHO CHO O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 26. Carbon−Carbon Bonding−Forming Reactions in Organic Synthesis © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition C–C Bond-Forming Reactions 26–7 26.17 Cl CH2CH2CH3 + a. (CH3CH2CH2)2CuLi N B(OCH3)2 b. Pd(PPh3)4 Br + N NaOH O O Pd(OAc)2 Br + c. P(o-tolyl)3 (CH3CH2)3N N d. Cl [1] Li [2] CuI [3] Br O e. Br Pd(PPh3)4 B + O f. NaOH Br + CH3O N CO2CH3 Pd(OAc)2 CH3O P(o-tolyl)3 (CH3CH2)3N g. Br CO2CH3 [1] Li [2] B(OCH3)3 Br + Pd catalyst [3] O [1] H B h. (CH3)3C C C H O [2] C6H5Br, Pd(PPh3)4, NaOH 26.18 Br a. c. CO2CH3 Br CO2CH3 Br d. b. Br CH3O CH3O 699 700 Smith: Study Guide/ 26. Carbon−Carbon Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Bonding−Forming accompany Organic Reactions in Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Synthesis © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 26–8 26.19 Each coupling reaction uses Pd(PPh3)4 and NaOH to form the conjugated diene. I A I O H H B O O C C H B B O H ethynylcyclohexane I C It is not possible to synthesize diene D using a Suzuki reaction with ethynylcyclohexane as starting material. Hydroboration of ethynylcyclohexane adds the elements of H and B in a syn fashion affording a trans vinylborane. Since the Suzuki reaction is stereospecific, one of the double bonds in the product must therefore be trans. D 26.20 Locate the styrene part of the molecule, and break the molecule into two components. The second component in each reaction is styrene, C6H5CH=CH2. a. Br b. c. Br Br styrene part styrene part styrene part 26.21 Inversion of configuration occurs with substitution of the methyl group for the tosylate. a. H (CH3)2CuLi OTs H (CH3)2CuLi CH3 d. CH3 OTs (CH3)2CuLi 26.22 HBr 1-butene ROOR Br + CuLi 2 [1] Li [2] CuI CuLi 2 H CH3 H H (CH3)2CuLi OTs H H OTs b. c. CH3 octane H Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 26. Carbon−Carbon Bonding−Forming Reactions in Organic Synthesis 701 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition C–C Bond-Forming Reactions 26–9 26.23 Add the carbene carbon from either side of the alkene. H Cl CHCl3 a. CHCl3 e. KOC(CH3)3 Cl KOC(CH3)3 Cl Cl C H H H CH2I2 b. H C H CH3 Br CHBr3 Br KOC(CH3)3 H Cl Cl CH3 Br + Br Cl Cl C H H H CH2I2 C C H H d. C H Zn(Cu) c. H + C CHCl3 f. KOC(CH3)3 + H C C H Zn(Cu) H H 26.24 Since the new three-membered ring has a stereogenic center on the C bonded to the phenyl group, the phenyl group can be oriented in two different ways to afford two stereoisomers. These products are diastereomers of each other. CHI2 H H H + Zn(Cu) H H H 26.25 High dilution conditions favor intramolecular metathesis. H OH H Grubbs catalyst N a. OH N OH c. Grubbs catalyst CO2CH3 OH O O O b. CO2CH3 O Grubbs catalyst 26.26 Retrosynthetically break the double bond in the cyclic compound and add a new =CH2 at each end to find the starting material. O a. O O O O b. O CO2CH3 O c. O CO2CH3 702 Smith: Study Guide/ 26. Carbon−Carbon Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Bonding−Forming accompany Organic Reactions in Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Synthesis © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 26–10 26.27 Alkene metathesis with two different alkenes is synthetically useful only when both alkenes are symmetrically substituted; that is, the two groups on each end of the double bond are identical to the two groups on the other end of the double bond. a. CH3CH2CH CH2 CH3CH2CH2CH CHCH2CH3 + CH3CH2CH CHCH2CH3 + CH3CH2CH2CH CHCH2CH2CH3 + + CH2 CH2 (Z + E) CH3CH2CH2CH CH2 (Z + E) b. (Z + E) This reaction is synthetically useful since it yields only one product. + c. + + + + + + CH3CH CHCH3 + CH3CH2CH CHCH2CH3 (Z + E) (Z + E) + 26.28 O O O M O O 26.29 All double bonds can have either the E or Z configuration. a. c. b. 26.30 Br Br CHBr3 a. KOC(CH3)3 Br COOH + b. CO2CH3 COOH CH3O2C Pd(OAc)2 P(o-tolyl)3 (CH3CH2)3N Br + c. NHCOCH3 Pd(OAc)2 P(o-tolyl)3 (CH3CH2)3N NHCOCH3 CH3 CH3 d. B(OCH3)2 O e. B Br + O CH3O + Br Pd(PPh3)4 NaOH Pd(PPh3)4 NaOH CH3O O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 26. Carbon−Carbon Bonding−Forming Reactions in Organic Synthesis 703 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition C–C Bond-Forming Reactions 26–11 O O Grubbs f. catalyst O O CH2I2 g. Zn(Cu) Br Br h. (CH3)2CuLi Product in (a) [1] Li Cl i. [2] CuI Br [3] O [1] j. H B H O CH3CH2 C C H [2] Br H Pd(PPh3)4 NaOH 26.31 O Cl Cl3C C Cl O Na+ C Na+ + O C O Cl Cl C + CO2 + NaCl Cl 26.32 This reaction follows the Simmons–Smith reaction mechanism illustrated in Mechanism 26.5. Br CHBr2 Zn(Cu) [1] CH Zn [2] Br + ZnBr2 26.33 Ph2S O OCH3 Ph2S a sulfur ylide 1,4-addition of the sulfur ylide to the carbon O OCH3 OCH3 a resonance-stabilized enolate O methyl trans-chrysanthemate Ph2S 704 Smith: Study Guide/ 26. Carbon−Carbon Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Bonding−Forming accompany Organic Reactions in Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Synthesis © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 26–12 26.34 + N2 A N N CO2CH3 N N CO2CH3 CO2CH3 diazo compound CO2CH3 B 26.35 I PAr3 [1] a. Ar3P Pd Pd(PAr3)2 oxidative addition I PAr3 [2] + I Ar3P Pd syn addition PAr3 Ar3P Pd I PAr3 [3] H H H The H cis to Pd is eliminated. + syn elimination H E This H is trans to Pd. Ar3P Pd [4] I reductive elimination Pd(PAr3)2 + HI b. This suggests that the stereochemistry in Step [3] must occur with syn elimination of H and Pd to form E. Product F cannot form because the only H on the C bonded to the benzene ring is trans to the Pd species, and therefore it cannot be removed if elimination occurs in a syn fashion. 26.36 O H B Br NaNH2 C CH O Br O (– HBr) B O (Z)-2-bromostyrene Pd(PPh3)4 NaOH A 26.37 Br2 FeBr3 O O H H B O B O Br Pd(PPh3)4, NaOH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 26. Carbon−Carbon Bonding−Forming Reactions in Organic Synthesis 705 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition C–C Bond-Forming Reactions 26–13 26.38 HO SOCl2 OH HO Cl TBDMS–Cl imidazole HC CH NaH HC C Cl TBDMSO O B OH O O Bu4NF BH O O HC C B OTBDMS OTBDMS O 26.39 a. CH3O CH3O HNO3 NO2 H2SO4 H2 NH2 Pd-C Br2 [1] NaH OH [2] CH3Br PBr3 Synthesize these two components, and then use a Heck reaction to synthesize the product. Br CH3O NaNO2 N2+Cl– HCl CH3O H2O OH Br CH3OH CH3CH2OH SOCl2 CH3CH2Cl CH2CH3 AlCl3 h Pd(OAc)2 Br CH3O Br2 CHCH3 KOC(CH3)3 Br CH3O P(o-tolyl)3 (CH3CH2)3N Br CH3CH2OH SOCl2 Br CH3CH2Cl b. CH3O AlCl3 (from a.) Br CO2Et CH3O CH3O CO2Et Pd(OAc)2 P(o-tolyl)3 (CH3CH2)3N CO2Et H2 Pd-C CH3O Br2 Br CH3O MgBr Mg [1] (2 equiv) [2] H2O FeBr3 OH CH3O 706 Smith: Study Guide/ 26. Carbon−Carbon Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Bonding−Forming accompany Organic Reactions in Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Synthesis © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 26–14 26.40 CH2I2 a. Zn(Cu) Br Br b. OH OH Br Br NBS Br NaOH CHBr3 OH h OH KOC(CH3)3 Br c. Br CH2I2 (CH3CH2CH2CH2)2CuLi Zn(Cu) (from b.) Br d. CuLi CH2I2 2 Br Zn(Cu) (from b.) 26.41 Br Br2 a. CH2I2 CH2=CH2 Pd(OAc)2 P(o-tolyl)3 (CH3CH2)3N FeBr3 Zn(Cu) styrene CHCl3 b. styrene (from a.) Cl KOC(CH3)3 Br Cl CO2CH3 CO2CH3 c. Pd(OAc)2 P(o-tolyl)3 (CH3CH2)3N (from a.) Br d. [1] Li Br CuLi [2] CuI (from a.) 2 For an alternate synthesis of styrene see Problem 26.39. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 26. Carbon−Carbon Bonding−Forming Reactions in Organic Synthesis © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition C–C Bond-Forming Reactions 26–15 26.42 [1] NaH a. C CH HC CH Cl [2] [1] NaH H2 Lindlar catalyst [2] Cl CH2I2 Zn(Cu) + enantiomer [1] NaH b. [1] NaH C CH HC CH [2] Na Cl [2] NH3 Cl CH2I2 Zn(Cu) + enantiomer c. O CH2I2 CH2 Ph3P=CH2 Zn(Cu) Br d. O Br2 CH3CO2H O LiBr O Li2CO3, DMF [1] (CH3)2CuLi O [2] H2O Ph3P=CH2 [1] (CH3)2CuLi CHCl3 [2] H2O Cl Cl KOC(CH3)3 707 708 Smith: Study Guide/ 26. Carbon−Carbon Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Bonding−Forming accompany Organic Reactions in Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Synthesis © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 26–16 26.43 Either compound can be used to a. CH3 OCH3 CH3 Br Br OCH3 synthesize the organoborane, so two routes are possible. Possibility [1]: CH3Cl Br2 CH3 AlCl3 Br2 [1] Li CH3 FeBr3 HNO3 Br FeBr3 Br [2] B(OCH3)3 Br NO2 H2 CH3 Br B(OCH3)2 NH2 Pd-C H2SO4 [1] NaNO2, HCl Br OH [2] H2O [1] NaH [2] CH3I Br Pd(PPh3)4 CH3 B(OCH3)2 Br OCH3 NaOH CH3 OCH3 OCH3 Possibility [2]: Br OCH3 Pd(PPh3)4 [1] Li (CH3O)2B OCH3 [2] B(OCH3)3 CH3 Br NaOH (from Possibility [1]) (from Possibility [1]) CH3 HO OCH3 HO b. Br Br The acidic OH makes it impossible to prepare an organolithium reagent from this aryl halide, so this compound must be used as the aryl halide that couples with the organoborane from bromobenzene. O2N O2N HNO3 Br2 H2SO4 FeBr3 Br2 FeBr3 Br H2N Br [1] Li (CH3O)2B [2] B(OCH3)3 HO Pd(PPh3)4 Br NaOH [1] NaNO2, HCl Br Pd-C HO (CH3O)2B HO H2 Br [2] H2O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 26. Carbon−Carbon Bonding−Forming Reactions in Organic Synthesis 709 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition C–C Bond-Forming Reactions 26–17 Br O c. Br O O O This can't be converted to an organoborane reagent via an organolithium reagent. three B(OCH3)2 (as in 26.43b) steps Br2 FeBr3 HNO3 Br H2SO4 [1] NaNO2, HCl H2 Br NO2 Pd-C NH2 Br [2] H2O Br OH CH3COCl pyridine B(OCH3)2 Br O Br Pd(PPh3)4 NaOH O O O 26.44 EtO2C CO2Et EtO2C CO2Et Grubbs catalyst a. Synthesis of starting material: [1] NaOEt CH2(CO2Et)2 [2] CH(COEt)2 EtO2C CO2Et [1] NaOEt [2] Cl Cl SOCl2 OH SOCl2 OH OTBDMS b. OTBDMS Grubbs catalyst Synthesis of starting material: OH PCC H OH O OH PBr3 H2O Br Mg O O MgBr TBDMS–Cl imidazole OTBDMS 710 Smith: Study Guide/ 26. Carbon−Carbon Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Bonding−Forming accompany Organic Reactions in Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Synthesis © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 26–18 26.45 O O Grubbs catalyst a. Synthesis of starting material: O SOCl2 CrO3 OH H2SO4 H2O OH O O Cl AlCl3 OH O NaBH4 [1] NaOEt CH3OH [2] Cl SOCl2 OH b. O O Grubbs catalyst O O Synthesis of starting material: Br2 Br MgBr Mg OH FeBr3 OH H2SO4 O CH2 CH2 PCC CHO H2O mCPBA OH TsOH O O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 26. Carbon−Carbon Bonding−Forming Reactions in Organic Synthesis 711 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition C–C Bond-Forming Reactions 26–19 26.46 Cl CH3 CH3O N Cl CH3 CH3O CO2CH3 N [1] (CH3CH2CH2CH2)4N+ F— CO2CH3 [2] PCC Cl CH3 CH3O N CO2CH3 OTBDMS LiCu OTBDMS I CHO 2 directed aldol [1] CH3CHO + LDA CH2CHO [2] H3O+ O N O O Cl CH3O O Cl O N CH3 CH3O N several steps CO2CH3 O CH3O OH N H O CHO A maytansine 26.47 NH2 NO2 Br Br H2 HNO3 a. OH Br [1] NaNO2, HCl Pd-C H2SO4 OCH3 Br [1] NaH [2] H2O OCH3 CuLi Br [1] Li [2] CH3I [2] CuI 2 Br OCH3 OCH3 OH H2O (2 enantiomers) OH b. [1] OsO4 OTBDMS TBDMS–Cl HO Br H2SO4 Br [2] NaHSO3, H2O TBDMSO imidazole [1] Li [2] CuI Br OTBDMS Br OTBDMS TBDMSO TBDMSO CuLi 2 (CH3CH2CH2CH2)4N+F– OH HO (2 enantiomers) O H HB c. O O B O Br Pd(PPh3)4, NaOH 712 Smith: Study Guide/ 26. Carbon−Carbon Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Bonding−Forming accompany Organic Reactions in Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Synthesis © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 26–20 Cl Br d. Br AlCl3 CO2CH3 CO2CH3 Pd(OAc)2 P(o-tolyl)3 (CH3CH2)3N CO2CH3 Br e. CO2CH3 Pd(OAc)2 P(o-tolyl)3 (CH3CH2)3N Br CO2CH3 H (+ enantiomer) [1] Li f. H Zn(Cu) CH2I2 O mCPBA CuLi [2] CuI Br 2 (2 enantiomers) 26.48 O a. O O O b. O O O O [1] LiAlH4 2 CO2Et EtO2C CO2Et CO2Et OH [2] H2O OH [1] NaH (2 equiv) Cl (2 equiv) [2] O O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 26. Carbon−Carbon Bonding−Forming Reactions in Organic Synthesis 713 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition C–C Bond-Forming Reactions 26–21 26.49 I O O + A Pd(PPh3)4 B O N H OCH2CH3 N NaOH B C OCH2CH3 OCH2CH3 H3O+ H D C11H11NO N O O OCH2CH3 H OH2 H OH2 NH OCH2CH3 NH O OCH2CH3 N H + H2O O N + H2O O O C H H H2O N N D N O O OCH2CH3 O + H2O resonance-stabilized H3O+ H OCH2CH3 26.50 O CH3O CH3O H O X O PPh3 PPh3 CH3O H O Y O Ph3P CH3O CH3O O + PPh3 O Ph3P + Ph3P=O Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 27. Carbohydrates © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 715 Carbohydrates 27–1 C Chhaapptteerr 2277:: C Caarrbboohhyyddrraatteess IIm mppoorrttaanntt tteerrm mss • Aldose A monosaccharide containing an aldehyde (27.2) • Ketose A monosaccharide containing a ketone (27.2) A monosaccharide with the O bonded to the stereogenic center farthest from the • D-Sugar carbonyl group drawn on the right in the Fischer projection (27.2C) • Epimers Two diastereomers that differ in configuration around one stereogenic center only (27.3) • Anomers Monosaccharides that differ in configuration at only the hemiacetal OH group (27.6) • Glycoside An acetal derived from a monosaccharide hemiacetal (27.7) A Accyycclliicc,, H Haaw woorrtthh,, aanndd 33--D D rreepprreesseennttaattiioonnss ffoorr DDD--gglluuccoossee ((2277..66)) CHO Haworth projection CH2OH O H H OH H H H HO OH HO H OH CH2OH O H H OH OH H H H OH H OH H HO H CH2OH anomer CHO H 3-D representation O HO HO H HO HO H C OH OH OH OH H HO C H H H H H C OH H OH anomer acyclic form OH OH OH H H C OH O H OH H CH2OH R Reeaaccttiioonnss ooff m moonnoossaacccchhaarriiddeess iinnvvoollvviinngg tthhee hheem miiaacceettaall [1] Glycoside formation (27.7A) OH HO HO OH O OH OH ROH HCl OH O HO HO + HO OR HO OH OR -D-glucose O • • Only the hemiacetal OH reacts. A mixture of and glycosides forms. • A mixture of and anomers forms. OH glycoside glycoside [2] Glycoside hydrolysis (27.7B) OH OH HO HO O OH OR H3O+ HO HO OH O HO + HO OH OH OH OH anomer anomer + O ROH 716 Smith: Study Guide/ 27. Carbohydrates Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 27–2 R Reeaaccttiioonnss ooff m moonnoossaacccchhaarriiddeess aatt tthhee O OH H ggrroouuppss [1] Ether formation (27.8) OR OH O HO HO OH OH O RO RO Ag2O RX • • All OH groups react. The stereochemistry at all stereogenic centers is retained. • • All OH groups react. The stereochemistry at all stereogenic centers is retained. OR OR [2] Ester formation (27.8) OH HO HO O Ac2O or OH AcCl OH OAc O AcO AcO OAc AcO pyridine R Reeaaccttiioonnss ooff m moonnoossaacccchhaarriiddeess aatt tthhee ccaarrbboonnyyll ggrroouupp [1] Oxidation of aldoses (27.9B) CHO COOH COOH • [O] or • CH2OH CH2OH aldose aldonic acid Aldonic acids are formed using: • Ag2O, NH4OH • Cu2+ • Br2, H2O Aldaric acids are formed with HNO3, H2O. COOH aldaric acid [2] Reduction of aldoses to alditols (27.9A) CHO CH2OH NaBH4 CH3OH CH2OH CH2OH aldose alditol [3] Wohl degradation (27.10A) This C–C bond is cleaved. CHO H OH CHO [1] NH2OH • [2] Ac2O, NaOAc [3] NaOCH3 CH2OH • CH2OH • The C1–C2 bond is cleaved to shorten an aldose chain by one carbon. The stereochemistry at all other stereogenic centers is retained. Two epimers at C2 form the same product. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 27. Carbohydrates © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 717 Carbohydrates 27–3 [4] Kiliani–Fischer synthesis (27.10B) CHO CHO H CHO OH HO [1] NaCN, HCl H • + [2] H2, Pd-BaSO4 • [3] H3O+ CH2OH CH2OH One carbon is added to the aldehyde end of an aldose. Two epimers at C2 are formed. CH2OH O Otthheerr rreeaaccttiioonnss [1] Hydrolysis of disaccharides (27.12) O H3O+ This bond is cleaved. O + O O O OH OH OH A mixture of anomers is formed. [2] Formation of N-glycosides (27.14B) CH2OH O H H OH H H OH OH RNH2 mild H+ CH2OH O H H OH H H + NHR OH CH2OH O H H OH NHR H H OH • Two anomers are formed. 718 Smith: Study Guide/ 27. Carbohydrates Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 27–4 C Chhaapptteerr 2277:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 27.1 A ketose is a monosaccharide containing a ketone. An aldose is a monosaccharide containing an aldehyde. A monosaccharide is called: a triose if it has three C’s; a tetrose if it has four C’s; a pentose if it has five C’s; a hexose if it has six C’s, and so forth. CHO CH2OH a. a ketotetrose C O b. an aldopentose H C OH COOH = CH3 CHO HO CH3 OHC OH H C OH CH2OH HO H C CH3 CHO CH2CH3 re-draw H HOCH2 H CHO re-draw C C c. CH2CH2OH CH2CH2OH CHO = HO CH3 H H CHO CH2OH = H CHO re-draw HO CH3 C CH3 CH2OH CH2CH3 CH2CH3 OH d. H C CHO C CHO = HO CH3 H H For each molecule: [1] Convert the Fischer projection formula to a representation with wedges and dashes. [2] Assign priorities (Section 5.6). [3] Determine R or S in the usual manner. Reverse the answer if priority group [4] is oriented forward (on a wedge). CH2NH2 a. Cl [1] H [1] Cl C H CH2NH2 [2] H [1] CHO CH2NH2 [3] 1 H H CHO CHO [3] 1 Cl C H 4 1 3 2 2 CHO CHO [3] 1 Cl C H 4 1 Cl C H CH2OH CH2OH COOH CH2Br H [1] Cl C CH2Br H [2] 1 Cl C CH2Br 2 H 4 S configuration H forward S configuration 3 3 3 COOH H forward 3 3 d. Cl Cl C H CH2NH2 CH2NH2 [2] S configuration 2 2 [2] CH2OH COOH Cl C CH2Br 2 4 Cl C H CH2OH CH2NH2 1 Cl C CH2Br 2 CH2NH2 CHO Cl CHO 3 3 H CHO b. Cl CH2NH2 Cl C CH2Br CH2Br H c. H C OH CH2OH COOH 27.3 c. an aldotetrose Rotate and re-draw each molecule to place the horizontal bonds in front of the plane and the vertical bonds behind the plane. Then use a cross to represent the stereogenic center in a Fischer projection formula. a. CH3 C OH b. H C OH H C OH CH2OH 27.2 CHO H C OH COOH [3] 1 Cl C CH2Br 2 H S configuration Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 27. Carbohydrates © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 719 Carbohydrates 27–5 27.4 R CHO S H C OH R HO C H H C OH R H C OH CH2OH D-glucose 27.5 a. aldotetrose: 2 stereogenic centers b. a ketohexose: 3 stereogenic centers CH2OH CHO C O H C * OH H C* OH H C * OH [• = stereogenic center] H C* OH H C* OH CH2OH CH2OH A D sugar has the OH group on the stereogenic center farthest from the carbonyl on the right. An L sugar has the OH group on the stereogenic center farthest from the carbonyl on the left. 27.6 CHO a. H OH H OH HO CHO HO H H HO CH2OH CHO H HO OH HO H OH CH2OH B A H H CH2OH OH group on the left: L sugar H C OH group on the left: L sugar OH group on the right: D sugar b. A and B are diastereomers. A and C are enantiomers. B and C are diastereomers. 27.7 The D- notation signifies the position of the OH group on the stereogenic carbon farthest from the carbonyl group, and does not correlate with dextrorotatory or levorotatory. The latter terms describe a physical phenomenon, the direction of rotation of plane-polarized light. 27.8 There are 32 aldoheptoses; 16 are D sugars. C2 R CHO CHO CHO CHO C3 R H OH H OH H OH H OH H OH H OH H OH H OH H OH HO H H OH H OH HO H OH H CH2OH H HO H H OH HO OH H OH H CH2OH CH2OH H OH CH2OH 720 Smith: Study Guide/ 27. Carbohydrates Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 27–6 27.9 Epimers are two diastereomers that differ in the configuration around only one stereogenic center. epimers CHO H H CHO OH HO OH H H OH CH2OH CH2OH D-erythrose D-threose CHO and H HO OH H CH2OH L-threose 27.10 a. D-allose and L-allose: enantiomers b. D-altrose and D-gulose: diastereomers but not epimers c. D-galactose and D-talose: epimers d. D-mannose and D-fructose: constitutional isomers e. D-fructose and D-sorbose: diastereomers but not epimers f. L-sorbose and L-tagatose: epimers 27.11 a. HO CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH C O C O C O H H H H OH HO OH HO OH CH2OH D-fructose HO H H HO H H H CH2OH L-fructose enantiomers 27.12 CH2OH S C O CH2OH S C O H HO H OH HO H OH H HO CH2OH D-fructose b. H H OH CH2OH D-tagatose OH CH2OH D-tagatose CH2OH C O c. HO H HO H OH H CH2OH L-sorbose Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 27. Carbohydrates © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 721 Carbohydrates 27–7 27.13 Step [1]: Place the O atom in the upper right corner of a hexagon, and add the CH2OH group on the first carbon counterclockwise from the O atom. Step [2]: Place the anomeric carbon on the first carbon clockwise from the O atom. Step [3]: Add the substituents at the three remaining stereogenic centers, clockwise around the ring. a. Draw the anomer of: CH2OH O H [1] CHO [2] OH H OH D sugar, CH2OH H OH is drawn up. H OH H H H HO [1] O CH2OH [2] is drawn down. H farthest away C, OH on left = L sugar c. Draw the anomer of: OH H OH OH CH2OH O CH2OH OH [2] D sugar, CH2OH is drawn up. farthest away C, OH on right = D sugar H [3] HO O OH CH2OH OH OH H H H The anomer The first two substituents are has the OH and on the left so they are CH2OH trans. In drawn up. The third is on an L sugar, the the right, drawn down. OH must be drawn up. CH2OH O H OH H H H H [1] CH2OH O H OH OH H H L sugar, CH2OH H First three substituents are on the right so they are drawn down. H CH2OH HO anomer OH is down for a D sugar. H OH CHO HO farthest away C, OH on right = D sugar CHO HO H [3] CH2OH O H H H OH b. Draw the anomer of: HO H OH H CH2OH CH2OH O H anomer OH is up for a D sugar. [3] H HO CH2OH O OH H OH H H OH H The first substituent is on the left so it is drawn up. The other two are on the right, drawn down. 722 Smith: Study Guide/ 27. Carbohydrates Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 27–8 27.14 To convert each Haworth projection into its acyclic form: [1] Draw the C skeleton with the CHO on the top and the CH2OH on the bottom. [2] Draw in the OH group farthest from the C=O. A CH2OH group drawn up means a D sugar; a CH2OH group drawn down means an L sugar. [3] Add the three other stereogenic centers, counterclockwise around the ring. “Up” groups go on the left, and “down” groups go on the right. "up" group on left CH2OH CH2OH is up = D sugar O HO H H a. OH CHO [1] CHO [2] H H H OH CHO [3] H OH H OH HO OH H CH2OH "down" groups on right OH H H CH2OH OH CH2OH OH on right = D sugar CH2OH is down = L sugar H O H CH2OH OH H OH H b. HO OH "down" groups on right CHO [1] CHO [2] CHO [3] HO H HO "up" group on left H CH2OH CH2OH H H OH H OH HO H CH2OH OH on left = L sugar 27.15 To convert a Haworth projection into a 3-D representation with a chair cyclohexane: [1] Draw the pyranose ring as a chair with the O as an “up” atom. [2] Add the substituents around the ring. O is an "up" atom. CH2OH HO O HO H H a. OH [1] O H [2] OH H H OH H H OH HO OH H H b. O is an "up" atom. O H H CH2OH OH H H [1] O [2] HO OH H H OH H OH O H H OH HO O H H HO OH OH With so many axial groups, this is not the more stable conformation of this sugar. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 27. Carbohydrates © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 723 Carbohydrates 27–9 27.16 Cyclization always forms a new stereogenic center at the anomeric carbon, so two different anomers are possible. Two anomers of D-erythrose: CHO H H OH H OH H O H H OH OH OH H CH2OH H OH O H H OH OH H H D-erythrose 27.17 HO HO CH3CH2OH HO OH HO HCl HO O a. HO HO HO HO O H H HO O + HO OCH2CH3 HO OCH2CH3 H -D-mannose OH OH OH CH3CH2OH O H b. OH OH OH OH O OH O + H HCl OH OH HO OCH2CH3 OCH2CH3 OH HO H -D-gulose c. CH2OH O OH CH3CH2OH HO H HCl H CH2OH H OH CH2OH O OCH2CH3 + HO H H CH2OH H OH CH2OH O CH2OH HO H H OCH2CH3 H OH -D-fructose 27.18 H OH2 H + HOCH2 H H OH OCH2CH3 O HOCH2 H H OH + OCH2CH3 O H H OH H OH H + H2O HOCH2 O H H OH H + H + CH3CH2OH OH resonance-stabilized carbocation HOCH2 + O H H H OH OH H 724 Smith: Study Guide/ 27. Carbohydrates Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 27–10 H HOCH2 H2O above HOCH2 O + H H OH OH O H H OH H OH H H H2O + O H HOCH2 OH O + H3O+ H H OH H OH H H planar carbocation HOCH2 H2O H below H H OH HOCH2 H O HO H O + H O H HO OH H + H3O+ H H OH H2O 27.19 a. All circled O atoms are part of a glycoside. b. Hydrolysis of rebaudioside A breaks each bond indicated with a dashed line and forms four molecules of glucose and the aglycon drawn. OH HO OH OH OH OH O O O HO O OH OH O O HO OH O HO O OH + OH HO OH HO + OH HO OH OH OH HO H OH rebaudioside A Trade name: Truvia H O O HO O OH HO + OH O H + H O OH HO OH HO OH O HO OH aglycon HO Both anomers of glucose are formed, but only the anomer is drawn. 27.20 OH CH3O OH Ag2O O a. OH HO OH H OH c. H OCH2C6H5 NaH OH C6H5CH2O OCH3 CH3O C6H5CH2O OH HO C6H5CH2O CH3I O CH3O O b. OCH3 C6H5CH2Cl OH H OCH2C6H5 O OCH2C6H5 C6H5CH2O H O C6H5CH2O OCH2C6H5 C6H5CH2O C6H5CH2O H OCH2C6H5 O H3O+ OH C6H5CH2O C6H5CH2O H + anomer + HOCH2C6H5 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 27. Carbohydrates © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 725 Carbohydrates 27–11 OH OH d. Ac2O OH HO OH H C6H5COO O + C6H5 OH HO C Cl pyridine OOCC6H5 C6H5COO O product in (c) OOCC6H5 O C6H5COO OH H f. OAc AcO AcO O e. O pyridine OH H OH OAc OAc O + C6H5 C C6H5CH2O H OCH2C6H5 O Cl pyridine C6H5CH2O + anomer OCOC6H5 C6H5CH2O H 27.21 CH2OH HO HO H CH2OH CH2OH O H H NaBH4 HO H CH3OH HO OH H CH2OH OH HO H H HO H H HO OH CH2OH CH2OH D-tagatose H H OH D-galactitol D-talitol 27.22 Carbohydrates containing a hemiacetal are in equilibrium with an acyclic aldehyde, making them reducing sugars. Glycosides are acetals, so they are not in equilibrium with any acyclic aldehyde, making them nonreducing sugars. hemiacetal hemiacetal HO a. CH2OH O H H OH OH b. H H H OH reducing sugar CH2OH O H H OH H H OH OH reducing sugar acetal CH2OH O H c. H OH hemiacetal HO HO H H O O d. HO OCH2CH3 OH O HO nonreducing sugar OH OH HO lactose reducing sugar 27.23 CHO a. HO H H OH H OH COOH Ag2O NH4OH HO b. H OH H OH H OH CH2OH H OH H OH CH2OH COOH Br2 H2O H OH CHO H CHO c. HO H CH2OH HO H HO H H OH H OH CH2OH CH2OH COOH HNO3 H2O HO H H H OH OH COOH OH 726 Smith: Study Guide/ 27. Carbohydrates Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 27–12 27.24 Molecules with a plane of symmetry are optically inactive. CHO CHO a. COOH H OH H OH H OH H CH2OH D-erythrose H HO H HO OH OH HO H OH HO H HO H COOH H OH H CH2OH OH COOH optically inactive D-galactose COOH HO H H optically inactive HO H c. COOH OH HO CHO b. H H H H OH CH2OH COOH D-lyxose optically active 27.25 CHO HO H HO H OH OH H OH H H CHO H OH or HO H CH2OH D-idose CHO H H HO OH H OH H OH CH2OH CH2OH D-gulose D-xylose 27.26 CHO HO a. H H OH CHO HO H H HO H HO H CH2OH OH H CH2OH b. H OH H OH H OH CH2OH D-ribose H OH H OH CH2OH D-threose CHO CHO CHO c. OH HO H HO H H OH CH2OH D-galactose CHO HO CHO H H OH H OH H OH H OH H OH OH H H CH2OH OH CH2OH CHO HO H HO HO H CHO H H OH OH H OH H HO H HO OH CH2OH H H H OH CH2OH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 27. Carbohydrates 727 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Carbohydrates 27–13 27.27 Possible optically inactive D-aldaric acids: CHO COOH H OH H H H OH OH H OH OH H OH CH2OH COOH H plane of symmetry HO H H H COOH A' CHO OH OH HO OH H H OH COOH CH2OH A" This OH is on the right for a D sugar. There are two possible structures for the D-aldopentose (A' and A''), and the Wohl degradation determines which structure corresponds to A. This is A. Product of Wohl degradation: CHO CHO H OH H OH H OH CHO Wohl H OH H OH CH2OH COOH [O] COOH H OH HO H OH H CH2OH COOH A' optically inactive CHO [O] H HO OH H COOH Wohl H OH H H H CH2OH optically active OH HO OH CH2OH A" B Since this compound has no plane of symmetry, its precursor is B, and thus A'' = A. 27.28 CHO HO CH2OH H H HO OH HO H H H H HO OH CHO H HO OH rotate H H 180° HO OH CH2OH CHO H OH D-idose H H OH CH2OH identical 27.29 Optically inactive alditols formed from NaBH4 reduction of a D-aldohexose. CHO CH2OH CH2OH H OH H OH H H OH H OH HO H H OH H OH HO H H OH H OH H NaBH4 CH2OH CH2OH optically inactive A' H HO H H CH2OH OH CH2OH optically inactive CHO K–F COOH A'' COOH H OH H OH H OH HO H H OH H OH H OH HO H H OH H OH H OH H A' NaBH4 OH HO This is A. This is B. OH CH2OH H OH CHO H CHO OH CH2OH B' [O] COOH optically inactive CHO CHO [O] OH COOH optically active HO H HO H H OH H K–F OH HO H HO H H OH CH2OH CH2OH B'' A'' 728 Smith: Study Guide/ 27. Carbohydrates Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 27–14 Two D-aldohexoses (A' and A'') give optically inactive alditols on reduction. A'' is formed from B'' by Kiliani–Fischer synthesis. Since B'' affords an optically active aldaric acid on oxidation, B'' is B and A'' is A. The alternate possibility (A') is formed from an aldopentose B' that gives an optically inactive aldaric acid on oxidation. 27.30 OH OH O HO HO HO HO OH OH O HO OH HO H OH2 O+ OH + OH OH HO + H2O HO HO OH + O H O HO OH O HO HO OH OH O + OH O HO O OH HO HO -D-glucose OH H2O above OH H O HO HO H2O + OH HO OH O HO HO OH HO O HO HO -D-glucose + OH + H3O+ OH planar carbocation below OH O HO HO H2O HO O HO HO + OH HO H OH -D-glucose H2O 27.31 OH O HO HO OH O HO HO HO O O OH OH HO OH OH OH H3O+ OH -D-glucose + HO HO O OH HO -D-glucose anomer 27.32 glycoside bond OH O HO HO 4 1 O OH O HO OH cellobiose OH OH Two possible anomers here. OH is drawn. The same products are formed on hydrolysis of the and anomers of maltose. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 27. Carbohydrates © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 729 Carbohydrates 27–15 27.33 a. 4 OH HO 4 O O HO OH HO 4 O O HO OH HO O O O HO b. O HO 1 1 dextran 1 HO HO O 1 6 O HO HO 1 HO O 6 O HO HO HO 27.34 OH O OH O O HO O HO NHAc HO NHAc OH O OH O OHO NHAc O NHAc chitin—a polysaccharide composed of NAG units OH O OH O HO O NH2 HO NH2 O HO OH O OH O chitosan OHO O NH2 NH2 27.35 OH a. CH2OH O H H OH H OH H H OH CH3NH2 mild H+ CH2OH O H H OH H OH b. C6H5NH2 OH OH + OH CH2OH O H H OH OH H mild H OH OH NHC6H5 + H+ OH + H2O H O HO NHCH3 H OH O HO OH NHCH3 H OH H OH H O HO H OH OH + H2O NHC6H5 730 Smith: Study Guide/ 27. Carbohydrates Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 27–16 27.36 OH OH OH O HO HO O HO HO OH OH + OH2 OH OH H OH2 OH O HO HO HO HO + O+ + H2O OH + H2O OH OH CH3CH2NH2 HO HO above H H2O + NHCH2CH3 O O HO HO NHCH2CH3 + OH HO OH H3O+ O HO HO + OH OH OH HO HO below CH3CH2NH2 O HO O HO HO + OH + NHCH2CH3 H H3O+ NHCH2CH3 H2O 27.37 O O NH a. N HO CH2 O N HO CH2 O N N NH2 O H H OH OH NH b. OH 27.38 a. Two purine bases (A and G) are both bicyclic bases. Therefore they are too big to hydrogen bond to each other on the inside of the DNA double helix. b. Hydrogen bonding between guanine and cytosine has three hydrogen bonds, whereas between guanine and thymine there are only two. This makes hydrogen bonding between guanine and cytosine more favorable. H H O N N H H O N H guanine G H cytosine C H O NH N N N O N N N H N N H N H guanine G O H CH3 N N H thymine T Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 27. Carbohydrates 731 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Carbohydrates 27–17 27.39 Label the compounds with R or S and then classify. CHO H H OH b. a. CH3CH2 C OH CH2CH3 c. A R R identical d. C CH3CH2 H OH CHO CHO OH H CHO R identical C CH2CH3 H HO CHO S enantiomer S enantiomer 27.40 Use the directions from Answer 27.2 to draw each Fischer projection. COOH = a. CH3 C Br CH3 S Br Br b. CH3 C Cl H C Br = H S re-draw CH3 CH3 CH2CH3 C C CH3CH2 f. S CH2CH3 OCH2CH3 OCH2CH3 Cl S Br H Cl S R C g. H S CH2CH3 S Cl Cl C H Br H C R Br = Br Cl S R re-draw CH3 H re-draw CH3CH2 H Br C H Cl = CH3CH2 S CH3 h. HO Br Br CHO CHO H 27.41 Epimers are two diastereomers that differ in the configuration around only one stereogenic center. CHO CHO OH HO H H H HO OH HO CH2OH C4 OH H H CH2OH D-xylose L-arabinose 27.42 CHO HO a. H H H CHO H OH HO OH HO CH2OH D-arabinose CHO OH H H CH2OH enantiomer HO b. HO C3 H CHO H H H c. HO OH CH2OH epimer H OH H OH OH O d. HO OH OH CH2OH diastereomer (but not epimer) H H OH CH2OH CH2OH H H S HO = S HO C H HO R H C OH HO H Br CH3 CH3 HO H H OH re-draw HO C H Cl Br H C Br = H S Br C H Br S CHO H H H CH3 Br C Br Cl re-draw Br C H C CH3 OCH3 H CH2CH3 Br Cl CH2CH3 = CH3 Cl d. Br OCH3 CH3O OCH2CH3 C H CH3 Cl Cl H = Cl C H CH3 re-draw CH3 H C Br e. H H c. CH3 COOH constitutional isomer 732 Smith: Study Guide/ 27. Carbohydrates Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 27–18 27.43 CHO HO CHO H HO CHO H H CH2OH C O OH H OH H OH HO H H OH H OH H OH HO H H OH H OH HO OH H OH H H CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH A B C a. A and B epimers b. A and C diastereomers CH2OH O H H H OH H OH CH2OH OH D HO OH OH HO O OH HO F H E c. B and C enantiomers d. A and D constitutional isomers e. E and F diastereomers 27.44 OH H H OH OH H a. anomers, epimers, diastereomers, reducing sugars b. CHO O H H H A H HO OH OH OH O H H OH H OH B OH H This is the acyclic form of both A and B. OH CH2OH D-xylose 27.45 Use the directions from Answer 27.13. a. -D-talopyranose [1] CHO HO H HO H HO H H OH CH2OH CH2OH O H [2] CH2OH O H OH [3] OH H H CH2OH O OH H OH OH H H H anomer OH is up for a D sugar. D sugar, CH2OH is drawn up. farthest away C, OH on right = D sugar D-talose b. -D-mannopyranose CHO HO HO H H [1] CH2OH O H [2] CH2OH O H H H H OH OH CH2OH D-mannose OH D sugar, CH2OH is drawn up. farthest away C, OH on right = D sugar anomer OH is up for a D sugar. [3] CH2OH O OH H OH OH H OH H H H Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 27. Carbohydrates © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 733 Carbohydrates 27–19 c. -D-galactopyranose CH2OH O H [1] CHO H CH2OH O H [2] H OH OH HO H D sugar, CH2OH HO H is drawn up. H OH CH2OH anomer OH is down. CH2OH O H [3] OH H OH H OH H H OH farthest away C, OH on right = D sugar D-galactose d. -D-ribofuranose CH2OH O [1] [2] H CHO H OH H OH H OH CH2OH CH2OH O H H OH [3] CH2OH H O H OH anomer OH is down. D sugar, CH2OH is drawn up. H H OH OH farthest away C, OH on right = D sugar D-ribose e. -D-tagatofuranose CH2OH O [1] CH2OH H C O HO H HO H H OH CH2OH [2] CH2OH O CH2OH H OH [3] D sugar, CH2OH is drawn up. anomer OH is down. farthest away C, OH on right = D sugar 27.46 CHO a. HO H HO H HO H HO OH anomer OH D sugar HOOH OH D sugar HOOH HO O O HO OH anomer CH2OH farthest away C, OH on right = D sugar CHO b. H H HO H OH OH H OH CH2OH farthest away C, OH on right = D sugar D sugar OH HO O OH OHOH anomer D sugar OH HO O OH OH OH anomer CH2OH OH H OH H D-tagatose H CH2OH OH O H 734 Smith: Study Guide/ 27. Carbohydrates Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 27–20 c. CHO HO D sugar HOOH OH H H O OH HO H H OH OH D sugar HOOH HO O OH OH OH anomer anomer CH2OH farthest away C, OH on right = D sugar 27.47 Use the directions from Answer 27.14. "up" group on left CH2OH OH a. CH2OH is up = D sugar O H OH CHO [2] "up" group on left H OH b. H H HO OH HO "down" group on right [1] CHO H H H OH = H CH2OH "up" group on left H H OH HO H HO H CH2OH CH2OH OH on left = L sugar CH2OH is up = D sugar O [1] OH CHO CHO [2] CHO [3] HO OH H OH OH H OH CHO [3] HO CH2OH H CH2OH CHO [2] HO OH H CH2OH H "down" group on right OH CH2OH OH OH OH on right = D sugar O H CH2OH OH H OH HO O H "up" group on left CH2OH is down = L sugar OH CHO [3] H H HO CHO H H c. [1] OH H H CH2OH OH CH2OH OH on right = D sugar H H OH H OH H OH CH2OH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 27. Carbohydrates © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 735 Carbohydrates 27–21 CHO d. OH H OH O H OH HO OH OH H OH OH H OH CHO = HO HO CH2OH OH O H H OH = HO H H OH CH2OH OH C O CH2OH OH OH H OH OH OH H H OH CH2OH D sugar e. HOCH2 H O f. HO O H OH H OH H OH CH2OH 27.48 CHO HO H H H a. OH OH H CH2OH b. CH2OH OH CH2OH H H O HO H O HO H OH H OH OH anomer D-arabinose H H H O OH OH OH H OH H anomer H H H O H OH OH H OH OH two anomers in the pyranose form 27.49 Two anomers of D-idose, as well as two conformations of each anomer: anomer axial O HO OH OH OH OH O OH OH HO OH 4 axial substituents anomer OH equatorial CH2OH group OH OH OH O 4 equatorial OH groups More stable conformation for the anomer—the CH2OH is axial, but all other groups are equatorial. equatorial CH2OH group OH OH 3 axial substituents OH O HO axial OH axial OH HO 3 equatorial OH groups The more stable conformation for the anomer—the CH2OH is axial, as is the anomeric OH, but three other OH groups are equatorial. 736 Smith: Study Guide/ 27. Carbohydrates Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 27–22 27.50 CH3O HO O D-gulose g. The product in (a), then H3O+ O HO C6H5CH2O OCH3 OCH2C6H5 O c. C6H5CH2Cl, Ag2O OOCC6H5 O O OOCC H 6 5 COC6H5 OCH3 OCH 3 O + anomer + anomer HO OH C6H5COO OCH3 OH b. CH3OH, HCl HO OH f. C6H5COCl, pyridine CH3O CH3O HO OH C6H5COO OCH3 O a. CH3I, Ag2O CH3O CH3O OH OAc h. The product in (b), then Ac2O, pyridine OAc O + anomer O OCH2C6H5 CH2C6H5 C6H5CH2O HO OAc i. The product in (g), then C6H5CH2Cl, Ag2O OH O CH3O d. C6H5CH2OH, HCl OCH3 O + anomer HO OH OAc OCH2C6H5 CH3O OAc CH3O CH3O OCH3 O OAc OAc OAc CH3O CH3O 27.51 OH OH O a. CH3OH, HCl HO CHO HO OH COOH d. Br2, H2O + anomer OCH3 H H OH H OH H OH b. (CH3)2CHOH, HCl HO CH2OH OH OH O OH D-altrose c. NaBH4, CH3OH HO HO H H OH H OH H OH CH2OH + anomer OCH(CH3)2 COOH e. HNO3, H2O HO H H OH CH2OH H OH H H H OH H OH H + anomer OCH2C6H5 j. The product in (d), then CH3I, Ag2O O e. Ac2O, pyridine OAc OCH3 OH CH2OH OH COOH + anomer OCH2C6H5 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 27. Carbohydrates 737 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Carbohydrates 27–23 CHO f. [1] NH2OH [2] (CH3CO)2O, NaOCOCH3 [3] NaOCH3 H OH H OH H OH OCH3 OCH3 O h. CH3I, Ag2O CH3O OCH3 OCH3 CH2OH CHO HO H H OH + AcO OH HO OAc OAc O i. Ac2O, pyridine CHO H g. [1] NaCN, HCl [2] H2, Pd-BaSO4 HO H [3] H3O+ H OH H OH H OH H OH H OH + anomer OAc OAc H CH2OH + anomer j. C6H5CH2NH2, mild H+ OH OH O HO + anomer CH2OH NHCH2C6H5 OH 27.52 a. CH3OH, HCl CH2OH OCH3 OH H CHO H HO H OH H O OH H H OCH(CH3)2 OH OH CH2OH g. [1] NaCN, HCl [2] H2, Pd-BaSO4 [3] H3O+ HO H OH HO H + H H H OH H OH HO OH H H CH2OH CH2OH H CHO H HO + anomer OH c. NaBH4, CH3OH H H CHO CH2OH H D-xylose HO + anomer H CH2OH CHO f. [1] NH2OH [2] (CH3CO)2O, NaOCOCH3 [3] NaOCH3 H H b. (CH3)2CHOH, HCl H O OH OH CH2OH OH H h. CH3I, Ag2O CH2OCH3 H O OH OCH3 H H OCH3 OCH3 H CH2OH + anomer COOH d. Br2, H2O H HO H OH H OH i. Ac2O, pyridine CH2OAc O OAc H H H OAc OAc H + anomer CH2OH COOH e. HNO3, H2O H HO H OH H OH COOH j. C6H5CH2NH2, mild H+ CH2OH H O OH H H NHCH2C6H5 OH H + anomer 738 Smith: Study Guide/ 27. Carbohydrates Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 27–24 27.53 OH H H OH H O H OH H H H H O OH OH H N H O O H H HO H3O+ OH OH O solanine HO H H HO HO OH OH O HO + HO H aglycon monosaccharide (both anomers) OH N H + O HO O O H OH H OH aglycon H OH HO HO HO + monosaccharide (both anomers) H HO O HO HO H3O+ salicin OH OH H O HO HO OH OH O HO OH OH OH monosaccharide (both anomers) monosaccharide (both anomers) 27.54 CHO H CHO OH HO H H H CHO HO H HO HO OH H OH H CH2OH OH H OH H CH2OH D-glucose H H OH OH CH2OH D-arabinose D-mannose 27.55 CHO CHO HO a. H OH H OH CH2OH H H H OH H OH CH2OH H OH H OH CH2OH HO HO H CHO CHO HO H H H HO H HO H HO H HO OH CH2OH H OH CH2OH H OH H H OH CH2OH c. CHO CHO HO H H HO H HO H HO H HO H HO H HO H H HO H HO OH CHO b. CHO CHO HO H OH CH2OH H OH CH2OH H OH H OH CH2OH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 27. Carbohydrates © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 739 Carbohydrates 27–25 27.56 OH OH CH3OH O a. HO OH HO HO HO HCl OH + anomer H H NaBH4 HO H OH CH3OH H OH H CH3I H OH Ag2O H OH c. H H OCH3 H OCH3 CH2OCH3 COOH H COOH OH H Br2 HO H OH H2O H OH H OH H OH HO OCH3 CH3O CH2OH OH H Ac2O H CH2OH OCH3 OCH2CH3 + anomer H H CHO O CH3CH2O CH3CH2O CH2OCH3 OH CH2OH H Ag2O OH CH2OH OH HO OCH3 OCH2CH3 + anomer CHO b. CH3CH2I O OAc AcO pyridine H H OAc H OAc CH2OH CH2OAc 27.57 Molecules with a plane of symmetry are optically inactive. CHO H H NaBH4 OH H CHO CH2OH OH CH3OH OH H H H CH2OH OH H OH HO NaBH4 H H OH CH2OH OH CH3OH OH H H H CH2OH CH2OH OH HO OH CH2OH D-xylose D-ribose 27.58 OH OH O a. HO + OCH3 H3O HO OH OH OH HOCH2 c. OH O OH OH OCH3 HO O HO O HO OH OH b. OH O H3O+ OCH3 HO O HO OCH2CH3 NHCH2CH3 OH OH H3O+ HOCH2 OH O HO OH OH OH OCH3 HO O OH OH + CH3OH OH + CH3CH2OH OH HOCH2 OH O + NH2CH2CH3 OH OH 740 Smith: Study Guide/ 27. Carbohydrates Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 27–26 27.59 OH OH O HO HO HO HO OH OH OH O + HO HO OH2 OH OH OH H OH H OH2 OH OH O HO HO O HO HO resonance-stabilized carbocation H OH + OH O HO HO OH OH O O HO HO OH OH OH + O H H OH2 H H OH H OH 27.60 H O C6H5 C H OH C6H5 C H C6H5 CH2OH HO HO O H OH B (any base) OH H O HO HO C6H5 O OCH3 OCH3 O HO HO OH O + HB+ OCH3 OH OH OH2 C6H5 O H O HO OH B C6H5 O OCH3 O O HO + H2O O OH + HB+ OCH3 C6H5 O OH (any base) C6H5 O HO HO OCH3 O HO HO O OCH3 OH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 27. Carbohydrates 741 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Carbohydrates 27–27 27.61 OH OH O HO HO OH OH OH HO H O HO O O HO OH O HO HO OCH3 HO HO O + OH OCH3 OH OH OH O + A OH + + H2O H OH2 O+ HO HO OH O HO HO OCH3 B HO OH OH O HO HO OCH3 OH O HO HO HO HO B HO HO OCH3 H OH H OH2 + O+ HO HO OH A + H2 O + OH O + CH3OH OH H2O above OH H O HO HO H2O + OH HO OH O HO HO OH HO O HO HO + H3O+ + A OH OH below OH O HO HO H2O HO O HO HO + HO OH H OH H2O 27.62 COOH H OH H OH H OH H OH H = CH2OH OH O H H H OH OH H A H OH OH OH CH2OH + OH OH H H H OH OH HO H O OH HO OH A = H H H OH O H O H H H OH OH O OH OH + H A OH OH OH OH A H H H A OH OH OH OH OH H H OH OH O A O+ OH OH + CH2OH H OH H OH O H H H H O H A O H H H OH + H2O OH OH + OH2 OH OH OH + A 742 Smith: Study Guide/ 27. Carbohydrates Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 27–28 27.63 OH CHO H OH HO H H H C O C O C OH C OH HO OH H H H H H2O OH H CH2OH HO OH H OH H CH2OH Protonation of this enolate can occur from two directions. D-glucose H C OH H OH C OH H HO OH H OH H H OH + OH OH CH2OH CH2OH enediol A Protonation on O forms an enediol. H2O two protonation products CHO HO H HO H H OH H OH CH2OH H OH H H C OH C OH C OH C O C O C O H HO OH H H H HO OH H OH H H CH2OH H OH H CH2OH enediol A Deprotonation of the OH at C2 of the enediol forms a new enolate that goes on to form the ketohexose. HO OH H H H C OH C O H HO OH H OH H CH2OH H OH + OH CH2OH + H2O 27.64 Two D-aldopentoses (A' and A'') yield optically active aldaric acids when oxidized. Optically active D-aldaric acids: CHO HO H H OH H OH CH2OH A' COOH COOH [O] HO H H H HO H OH HO H OH H COOH optically active OH COOH optically active CHO [O] HO H HO H H OH CH2OH A" D-lyxose OH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 27. Carbohydrates 743 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Carbohydrates 27–29 CHO HO CHO H H OH H OH Wohl H OH H OH [O] H OH HO H OH H CH2OH CH2OH COOH COOH A' [O] HO H OH Wohl H H COOH COOH optically inactive CHO CHO OH HO H HO H H CH2OH OH CH2OH no plane of symmetry optically active A" Only A" undergoes Wohl degradation to an aldotetrose that is oxidized to an optically active aldaric acid, so A'' is the structure of the D-aldopentose in question. 27.65 CHO HO CH2OH H HO CH2OH H HO H OH H OH HO H OH H OH H CH2OH CH2OH CHO H HO H HO OH H H CH2OH OH CH2OH identical (by rotating 180°) D-arabinose H D-lyxose 27.66 Only two D-aldopentoses (A' and A'') yield optically inactive aldaric acids (B' and B''). CHO COOH H OH H OH H OH [O] COOH H OH H H OH HO H OH H CHO OH H H [O] OH CH2OH COOH A' B' B'' optically inactive optically inactive HO H COOH OH H OH CH2OH A" Product of Kiliani–Fischer synthesis: CHO CHO H OH H OH H OH K–F CH2OH CHO OH HO H OH H OH H H OH H OH HO OH H OH H H CH2OH A' D' [O] COOH plane of symmetry H CHO H HO CHO H H OH OH H OH H OH HO H H OH CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH C' C" D" [O] [O] [O] COOH COOH COOH H OH HO H OH H OH H H H OH H OH HO H OH H OH H HO H H OH OH H OH H OH HO H H OH COOH COOH COOH COOH optically inactive optically active optically active optically active CHO H K–F HO H OH H OH CH2OH A" 744 Smith: Study Guide/ 27. Carbohydrates Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 27–30 Only A' fits the criteria. Kiliani–Fischer synthesis of A' forms C' and D' which are oxidized to one optically active and one optically inactive aldaric acid. A similar procedure with A'' forms two optically active aldaric acids. Thus, the structures of A–D correspond to the structures of A'–D'. 27.67 Only two D-aldopentoses (A' and A'') are reduced to optically active alditols. CHO HO CH2OH H H OH H OH HO [H] CH2OH H HO H OH HO H OH H CH2OH HO [H] H H H CH2OH optically active H HO OH CH2OH A' CHO H OH CH2OH A" optically active Product of Kiliani–Fischer synthesis: CHO CHO HO H H H OH K–F H OH HO H H CH2OH CHO H HO H H H HO H HO H HO H OH HO H HO H OH H OH H OH H CH2OH C' C" [O] [O] COOH HO OH CH2OH B' H CHO HO CH2OH A' CHO OH H COOH HO H H H HO H HO H HO H HO OH HO H OH H OH H COOH COOH optically active OH OH CH2OH A" OH H H H COOH optically active OH COOH H H H H [O] HO OH H K–F HO B'' OH H HO CH2OH [O] COOH CHO OH OH COOH optically active optically inactive Only A'' fits the criteria. Kiliani–Fischer synthesis of A'' forms B'' and C'', which are oxidized to one optically inactive and one optically active diacid. A similar procedure with A' forms two optically active diacids. Thus, the structures of A–C correspond to A''–C''. 27.68 D-gulose CHO CH2OH CHO H OH H OH H H OH H OH HO HO H H OH CH2OH A HO H H OH CH2OH B OH H H OH CH2OH C CHO CH2OH H OH HO H H OH CH2OH D HO H H OH CH2OH E COOH HO CH2OH H H OH OH H OH COOH HO H F H H OH CHO G Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 27. Carbohydrates © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 745 Carbohydrates 27–31 27.69 A disaccharide formed from two galactose units in a 14--glycosidic linkage: glycoside bond OH O HO HO OH O 1 O OH 4 OH HO OH 27.70 A disaccharide formed from two mannose units in a 14--glycosidic linkage: glycoside bond HO HO O HO HO 1 O HO 4 OH O HO OH 27.71 OH a. OH O OH O HO OH HO OH OH OCH3 OCH 3 O CH3I O Ag2O CH3O OCH3 OCH3 (Both anomers of B and C are formed, but only one is drawn.) O CH3O OCH3 OH O CH3I b. HO OH O HO HO HO Ag2O H3O+ OCH3 O OCH3 O OH + CH3O OCH3 OH E OCH3 O HO CH3O CH3O + OCH3 O OH F + CH3OH (Both anomers of E and F are formed, but only one is drawn.) OCH3 D OH OCH3 + CH3OH C OCH3 OCH 3 O H3O+ OCH3 O HO CH3O OH CH3O OCH3 O CH3O OCH3 O CH3O CH3O OCH3 OCH3 A B OH OCH3 O 27.72 OH a. glycoside bond OH O 1 HO OH b. c. 4 O OH OH OH O O OH HO OH 1 4--glycoside bond reducing sugar (hemiacetal) HO HO 1 O HO HO reducing sugar (hemiacetal) glycoside bond 6 OH O 1 6-glycoside bond OH 746 Smith: Study Guide/ 27. Carbohydrates Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 27–32 27.73 a and b. OH OH CH2OH O HO O CH2 O OH OH OH 1 6--glycoside bond HO OH stachyose 1 2--glycoside bond OH HOCH2 O OH O c. CH2OH O CH2OH O OH O OH O OH OH HO OH OH HOCH2 O HO OH OH OH O O CH2OH OH OH OH HO OH OH OH O 2 HO OH CH2OH OH O O = O OH OH O HO O CH2 H3O+ OH 1 6--glycoside bond OH OH CH2OH OH OH OH identical Two anomers of each monosaccharide are formed, but only one anomer is drawn. d. Stachyose is not a reducing sugar since it contains no hemiacetal. e. CH3I Ag2O OCH3 CH3O OCH3 O CH3O O CH3O O CH3O OCH3 O O OCH3 CH3O CH3O f. product in (e) H3O+ O O O OCH3 OCH3 CH3 CH2OCH3 O CH3O OH OCH3 OCH3 OCH3 OCH3 CH2OH O CH2OH O OH OCH3 OCH3 OH OCH3 CH3O OCH3 Two anomers of each monosaccharide are formed. CH3OCH2 CH3O OH O CH3O CH2OCH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 27. Carbohydrates © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 747 Carbohydrates 27–33 27.74 OH O HO HO isomaltose + anomer OH O Isomaltose must be composed of two glucose units in an -glycosidic linkage. Since it is a reducing sugar it contains a hemiacetal. The free OH groups in the hydrolysis products show where the two monosaccharides are joined. O HO HO OH the hemiacetal OH [1] CH3I, Ag2O [2] H3O+ OCH3 O CH3O CH3O 1 CH3O OH 6 O CH3O CH3O OH CH3O (Both anomers are present.) OH 27.75 OH O HO HO CH3O CH3O CH3I trehalose OH O Ag2O OH OCH3 O CH3O H3O+ O OH OH O HO OCH3 CH3O CH3O OCH3 OCH3 O CH3O OCH3 O CH3O OH (both anomers) Trehalose must be composed of D-glucose units only, joined in an -glycosidic linkage. Since trehalose is nonreducing it contains no hemiacetal. Since there is only one product formed after methylation and hydrolysis, the two anomeric C's must be joined. 27.76 HO a. HO O H2N CH2OH 1 O HO HO c. 6 O H O H HO H H OH NH2 O NHCH2C6H5 O CH3 b. HO HO OH OH O 4 1 d. OH O HO OH mannose glucose N HO CH2 O NH OH OH O H OH O 748 Smith: Study Guide/ 27. Carbohydrates Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 27–34 27.77 Ignoring stereochemistry along the way: A HO OH OH H H A O O [1] OH OH OH A OH A O O OH HO OH [4] OH OH HO H A HO OH HO C [5] O CH3 OH O CH3 O OH C CH3 [8] HO OH H [7] HO HO O [6] OH2 HO OH HO [3] OH OH OH O OH [2] OH OH H OH OH HO H A HO OH + HA CH3 – H2O O O O HO HO [9] OH O O O H OH HO A [10] OH OH O O HO OH C OH CH3 OH + H2O [11] O O O O [14] OH O O – H2O HO O [13] OH O O O H2O HO O OH O O OH HO HO O HO O H A A [15] [12] HO O H A A O H O O O HO O O [16] O O O O HO O + HA = O O H O HO H O CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 27. Carbohydrates 749 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Carbohydrates 27–35 27.78 The hydrolysis data suggest that the trisaccharide has D-galactose on one end and D-fructose on the other. D-Galactose must be joined to its adjacent sugar by a -glycosidic linkage. D-Fructose must be joined to its adjacent sugar by an -glycosidic linkage. HO CH3O OH O HO OH galactose O HO HO HO O HO O CH3I Ag2O CH3O OCH3 O O CH3O CH3O CH3O O CH3O O OH OH glucose HO CH3O O OCH3 (Hydrolysis cleaves all acetals, indicated with arrows.) OCH3 O CH3O O CH3O CH3O H3O+ fructose 2 anomers CH3O CH3O CH3O OH OH CH3O CH3O CH3O O O CH3O OH OCH3 OH OH 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-D-glucose 1,3,6-tri-O-methyl-D-fructose D-galactose (Both anomers of each compound are formed.) Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 28. Amino Acids and Proteins © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 751 Amino Acids and Proteins 28–1 C Chhaapptteerr 2288:: A Am miinnoo A Acciiddss aanndd PPrrootteeiinnss SSyynntthheessiiss ooff aam miinnoo aacciiddss ((2288..22)) [1] From -halo carboxylic acids by SN2 reaction NH3 R CHCOOH R CHCOO–NH4+ (large excess) SN2 Br + NH4+ Br– • Alkylation works best with unhindered alkyl halides—that is, CH3X and RCH2X. NH2 [2] By alkylation of diethyl acetamidomalonate O H H C N C COOEt CH3 COOEt R [1] NaOEt H2N C COOH [2] RX H [3] H3O+, [3] Strecker synthesis O R C NH4Cl H NaCN NH2 NH2 H3O+ R C CN R C COOH H H -amino nitrile PPrreeppaarraattiioonn ooff ooppttiiccaallllyy aaccttiivvee aam miinnoo aacciiddss [1] Resolution of enantiomers by forming diastereomers (28.3A) • Convert a racemic mixture of amino acids into a racemic mixture of N-acetyl amino acids [(S)and (R)-CH3CONHCH(R)COOH]. • React the enantiomers with a chiral amine to form a mixture of diastereomers. • Separate the diastereomers. • Regenerate the amino acids by protonation of the carboxylate salt and hydrolysis of the N-acetyl group. [2] Kinetic resolution using enzymes (28.3B) H2N C COOH (CH3CO)2O AcNH H R C COOH acylase H R H2N C COOH H R (S)-isomer (S)-isomer separate H2N C COOH R H (CH3CO)2O AcNH C COOH R H acylase AcNH C COOH R H (R)-isomer enantiomers enantiomers NO REACTION 752 Smith: Study Guide/ 28. Amino Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Proteins accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 28–2 [3] By enantioselective hydrogenation (28.4) R NHAc H AcNH H2 C C Rh* COOH C H2O, –OH COOH H CH2R C COOH H CH2R S enantiomer Rh* H2N S amino acid = chiral Rh hydrogenation catalyst SSuum mm maarryy ooff m meetthhooddss uusseedd ffoorr ppeeppttiiddee sseeqquueenncciinngg ((2288..66)) • Complete hydrolysis of all amide bonds in a peptide gives the identity and amount of the individual amino acids. • Edman degradation identifies the N-terminal amino acid. Repeated Edman degradations can be used to sequence a peptide from the N-terminal end. • Cleavage with carboxypeptidase identifies the C-terminal amino acid. • Partial hydrolysis of a peptide forms smaller fragments that can be sequenced. Amino acid sequences common to smaller fragments can be used to determine the sequence of the complete peptide. • Selective cleavage of a peptide occurs with trypsin and chymotrypsin to identify the location of specific amino acids (Table 28.2). A Addddiinngg aanndd rreem moovviinngg pprrootteeccttiinngg ggrroouuppss ffoorr aam miinnoo aacciiddss ((2288..77)) [1] Protection of an amino group as a Boc derivative R H2N H C R [(CH3)3COCO]2O (CH3CH2)3N CO2H Boc N H H C CO2H [2] Deprotection of a Boc-protected amino acid R H C Boc N H CO2H CF3CO2H or HCl or HBr R H2N H C CO2H [3] Protection of an amino group as an Fmoc derivative H2N C C R H O R H OH + CH2O C O Fmoc Cl Na2CO3 Cl H2O Fmoc N H C C O OH Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 28. Amino Acids and Proteins © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 753 Amino Acids and Proteins 28–3 [4] Deprotection of an Fmoc-protected amino acid R H C Fmoc N H R H C OH H2N C O C OH O N H [5] Protection of a carboxy group as an ester O O H2N C C OH CH3OH, H2N H+ C C H2N OCH3 H R H R O O C C C6H5CH2OH, H+ OH H2N C C OCH2C6H5 H R H R methyl ester benzyl ester [6] Deprotection of an ester group O H2N C C O O –OH OCH3 H2N C H2O H R C OH H R H2N C C O H2O, –OH OCH2C6H5 H2N or H2, Pd-C H R C H R benzyl ester methyl ester SSyynntthheessiiss ooff ddiippeeppttiiddeess ((2288..77)) [1] Amide formation with DCC R H Boc N H C OH + C O O H2N C H R C R H OCH2C6H5 DCC Boc N H C C O H N O C C OCH2C6H5 H R [2] Four steps are needed to synthesize a dipeptide: a. Protect the amino group of one amino acid using a Boc or Fmoc group. b. Protect the carboxy group of the second amino acid using an ester. c. Form the amide bond with DCC. d. Remove both protecting groups in one or two reactions. SSuum mm maarryy ooff tthhee M Meerrrriiffiieelldd m meetthhoodd ooff ppeeppttiiddee ssyynntthheessiiss ((2288..88)) [1] Attach an Fmoc-protected amino acid to a polymer derived from polystyrene. [2] Remove the Fmoc protecting group. [3] Form the amide bond with a second Fmoc-protected amino acid using DCC. [4] Repeat steps [2] and [3]. [5] Remove the protecting group and detach the peptide from the polymer. C OH 754 Smith: Study Guide/ 28. Amino Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Proteins accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 28–4 C Chhaapptteerr 2288:: A Annssw weerrss ttoo PPrroobblleem mss 28.1 H CH3 O S C S OH R H2N H O H CH3 O S C R C H CH3 OH S H2N H CH3 OH H O R H NH2 R C OH H NH2 L-isoleucine 28.2 a. b. NH3+ C COO– (CH3)2CH c. NH3+ (CH3)2CHCH2 C COO– + HOOCCH2CH2 C COO– N H H NH3+ d. COO– H H H 28.3 In an amino acid, the electron-withdrawing carboxy group destabilizes the ammonium ion (–NH3+), making it more readily donate a proton; that is, it makes it a stronger acid. Also, the electron-withdrawing carboxy group removes electron density from the amino group (–NH2) of the conjugate base, making it a weaker base than a 1o amine, which has no electron-withdrawing group. 28.4 The most direct way to synthesize an -amino acid is by SN2 reaction of an -halo carboxylic acid with a large excess of NH3. a. NH3 Br CH COOH large excess H b. Br CH COOH CH CH3 NH3 large excess H2N CH COO– NH4+ H c. Br CH COOH CH2 glycine NH3 large excess H2N CH COO– NH4+ CH2 H2N CH COO– NH4+ CH CH3 CH2 phenylalanine CH2 CH3 CH3 isoleucine 28.5 CH3I a. CH3 H2N C COOH alanine c. H (CH3)2CHCH2Cl b. CH2CH(CH3)2 H2N C COOH leucine 28.6 H H C N C COOEt CH3 COOEt CH(CH3)CH2CH3 H2N C COOH H H O CH3CH2CH(CH3)Br [1] NaOEt [2] CH2=O [3] H3O+, CH2OH H2N C COOH H serine isoleucine Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 28. Amino Acids and Proteins 755 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Amino Acids and Proteins 28–5 28.7 O a. H2N CHCOOH (CH3)2CH CH CH3 O b. H2N CHCOOH C H C (CH3)2CHCH2 CH2 O c. H2N CHCOOH H C6H5CH2 CH2 C H CH CH3 CH3 valine CH3 leucine phenylalanine 28.8 a. BrCH2COOH NH3 large excess H b. CH3CONH C COOEt COOEt NH2CH2COO– NH4+ H [1] NaOEt [2] (CH3)2CHCl CH(CH3)CH2CH3 H d. CH3CONH C COOEt CH(CH3)2 H2N CHCOOH [2] H3O+ H H2N C COOH [3] H3O+, [1] NH4Cl, NaCN c. CH3CH2CH(CH3)CHO COOEt [1] NaOEt [2] BrCH2CO2Et H2N C COOH CH2CO2H [3] H3O+, A chiral amine must be used to resolve a racemic mixture of amino acids. 28.9 N CH3 H a. C6H5CH2CH2NH2 achiral c. b. d. C N CH3CH2 achiral H NH2 N chiral (can be used) H O H HO chiral (can be used) 28.10 NH2 C NH2 COOH + R S Ac2O AcNH C AcNH COOH + H CH2CH(CH3)2 C proton transfer H CH2CH(CH3)2 S C C6H5 (R isomer only) CH3 H COO– enantiomers R H2N Step [1]: React both enantiomers with the R isomer of the chiral amine. COOH C (CH3)2CHCH2 H S AcNH enantiomers (CH3)2CHCH2 H H CH2CH(CH3)2 To begin: Convert the amino acids into N-acetyl amino acids (two enantiomers). COOH C + H3N C CH3 H R C6H5 AcNH C (CH3)2CHCH2 H R COO– + H3N C CH3 H C6H5 diastereomers R These salts have the same configuration around one stereogenic center, but the opposite configuration about the other stereogenic center. 756 Smith: Study Guide/ 28. Amino Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Proteins accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 28–6 separate Step [2]: Separate the diastereomers. AcNH + COO– C H3N H CH2CH(CH3)2 C C6H5 AcNH CH3 H S C C C6H5 C CH3 H R R H2O, –OH NH2 H3N (CH3)2CHCH2 H R Step [3]: Regenerate the amino acid by hydrolysis of the amide. + COO– H2O, –OH COOH NH2 H CH2CH(CH3)2 COOH C H2N + (CH3)2CHCH2 H (S)-leucine C C6H5 CH3 H (R)-leucine The chiral amine is also regenerated. The amino acids are now separated. 28.11 COOH H2N [1] (CH3CO)2O H2N C H [2] acylase CH2CH(CH3)2 C H COOH N C C O (CH3)2CHCH2 H COOH CH3 + H CH2CH(CH3)2 (S)-leucine (mixture of enantiomers) N-acetyl-(R)-leucine 28.12 H a. H2N CHCOOH H CH3 (CH3)2CH NHAc b. H2N CHCOOH C C COOH H2NCOCH2 NHAc C C H CH2 c. H2N CHCOOH COOH CH2 CH CH3 CH2 CH3 CONH2 NHAc C C H COOH 28.13 Draw the peptide by joining adjacent COOH and NH2 groups in amide bonds. amide O a. H2N CH C OH (CH3)2CH H O H2N CH C OH CH CH3 CH2 CH3 CH2 Val COOH H2N C N-terminal O O H2N CH C OH H2N CH C OH H CH2 Gly C C C-terminal OH H CH2CH2COOH amide O H2N CH C OH O O Val–Glu Glu b. C H N NH N CH2 H2N CH CH3 CH3 Leu His H H C C O N-terminal (CH3)2CHCH2 H O H N C C OH C N C H O H CH2 C-terminal amide NH Gly–His–Leu N Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 28. Amino Acids and Proteins © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 757 Amino Acids and Proteins 28–7 O O O O c. H2N CH C OH H2N CH C OH H2N CH C OH H2N CH C OH CH2 CH3 CH2SCH3 M A CH OH CH OH CH3 CH3 T T N-terminal CH2SCH3 amide CH3 CH2 H O CHOH H C C C H2N H N C O C CH3 H N H amide C O H N O C H OH C-terminal CHOH CH3 M–A–T–T 28.14 N HN CONH2 a. H2N C O CH2 H C C N H C H N O H CH2 O C C H2N b. OH H CH(CH3)2 C Arg–Asn–Val R–N–V NH C N H C O O H N C C OH H CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CONH2 CH2 C NH2 NH2 HN CH2 H C H CH2 CH2 CH2 O Lys–His–Gln K–H–Q 28.15 There are six different tripeptides that can be formed from three amino acids (A, B, C): A–B–C, A–C–B, B–A–C, B–C–A, C–A–B, and C–B–A. 28.16 The s-trans conformation has the two C’s oriented on opposite sides of the C–N bond. The s-cis conformation has the two C’s oriented on the same side of the C–N bond. O H2N C C H H O H H C OH N C H H2N C C HH O H s-trans N C H H C OH O s-cis 28.17 O H2N HO N H H N O O N H leu-enkephalin H N O O OH 758 Smith: Study Guide/ 28. Amino Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Proteins accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 28–8 28.18 O HO HS O a. H2N H H N O O H2N H2N COOH H O N N COOH H2N H S H N N COOH HS O NH2 O O glutathione b. H OH COOH N S N N COOH O H H O OH O The peptide bond beween glutamic acid and its adjacent OH amino acid (cysteine) is formed from the COOH in the R group of glutamic acid, not the COOH. O This comes from the amino acid glutamic acid. O OH This carboxy group is used to form the amide bond in the peptide, not the COOH, as is usual. That's what makes glutathione's structure unusual. COOH glutamic acid 28.19 O C6H5 a. S O C6H5 N CH3 N H b. S from Ala N N H from Val 28.20 Determine the sequence of the octapeptide as in Sample Problem 28.2. Look for overlapping sequences in the fragments. common amino acids Answer: Ala–Leu–Tyr Tyr–Leu–Val–Cys Ala–Leu–Tyr–Leu–Val–Cys–Gly–Glu Val–Cys–Gly–Glu 28.21 Trypsin cleaves peptides at amide bonds with a carbonyl group from Arg and Lys. Chymotrypsin cleaves at amide bonds with a carbonyl group from Phe, Tyr, and Trp. a. [1] Gly–Ala–Phe–Leu–Lys + Ala [2] Phe–Tyr–Gly–Cys–Arg + Ser [3] Thr–Pro–Lys + Glu–His–Gly–Phe–Cys–Trp–Val–Val–Phe b. [1] Gly–Ala–Phe + Leu–Lys–Ala [2] Phe + Tyr + Gly–Cys–Arg–Ser [3] Thr–Pro–Lys–Glu–His–Gly–Phe + Cys–Trp + Val–Val–Phe Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 28. Amino Acids and Proteins © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 759 Amino Acids and Proteins 28–9 28.22 Edman degradation gives N-terminal amino acid: Carboxypeptidase identifies the C-terminal amino acid: Leu–___–___–___–___–___–___ Leu–___–___–___–___–___–Glu Partial hydrolysis common amino acids Ala–Ser–Arg Gly–Ala–Ser Leu–Gly–Ala–Ser–Arg–___–Glu or Gly–Ala–Ser–Arg Leu–___–Gly–Ala–Ser–Arg–Glu Cleavage by trypsin is after Arg and yields a dipeptide; therefore, this must be the peptide: Leu–Gly–Ala–Ser–Arg–Phe–Glu 28.23 a. O (CH3)2CHCH2 H H2N C Leu OH C O (CH3)2CHCH2 H [(CH3)3COCO]2O C OH Boc N C (CH3CH2)3N H O (CH3)2CHCH2 H Boc N H C OH + C O O H2N C C H2N C O C C6H5CH2OH, H+ OH H CH(CH3)2 H CH(CH3)2 C Val new amide bond DCC Boc N H C C O O H N C C OCH2C6H5 H CH(CH3)2 HBr, CH3COOH (CH3)2CHCH2 H H2N C C O H N C OCH2C6H5 H CH(CH3)2 (CH3)2CHCH2 H OCH2C6H5 H2N O C C OH H CH(CH3)2 Leu–Val 760 Smith: Study Guide/ 28. Amino Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Proteins accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 28–10 O CH3 H b. C H2N Ala C CH3 H [(CH3)3COCO]2O OH Boc N H (CH3CH2)3N O C H2N C OH C6H5CH2OH, H+ H2N H CH(CH3)CH2CH3 O A C OH O C C OCH2C6H5 CH(CH3)CH2CH3 H Ile C B new amide bond A + CH3 H DCC B Boc N H C C O O H2N C C H H H N O C C CH3 H H2 Pd-C OCH2C6H5 Boc N H C OH H2N C C C C OH H CH(CH3)CH2CH3 C O C6H5CH2OH, H+ C O H CH(CH3)CH2CH3 O H N OCH2C6H5 H H Gly new amide bond O C + H2N C H H C CH3 H OCH2C6H5 DCC Boc N H C C O O H N C H C N H C OCH2C6H5 HBr CH3COOH O CH(CH3)CH2CH3 CH3 H Ala–Ile–Gly H2N C C O H N H O C C N H C OH O CH(CH3)CH2CH3 Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 28. Amino Acids and Proteins 761 © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Amino Acids and Proteins 28–11 O CH3 H c. H2N C CH3 H C OH [(CH3)3COCO]2O (CH3CH2)3N Ala O C Boc N H H2N OH C C C H H O O C6H5CH2OH, H+ OH H H Gly new amide bond + DCC B Boc N H CH3 H H2N C C C CH3 H O H N O C C6H5CH2OH, OH H2N + H2N C C H2 OCH2C6H5 Boc N H Pd-C C C O H H O H N C C OH H H C C C OCH2C6H5 new amide bond C C CH3 H DCC OCH2C6H5 BOC N H O C C H N O O C C CH3 H N H H H C C H2 OCH2C6H5 Pd-C O CH3 H Boc N H C CH3 H B DCC Boc N H C C O H N O C C H H CH3 H N H C C O H N C O new amide bond + B O CH3 H D OCH2C6H5 CH3 H H+ Ala O C C C A CH3 H A H2N O H N C C C C N H C OH O H H D O C CH3 H HBr OCH2C6H5 H H CH3COOH CH3 H H2N C C O H N O C C H H CH3 H N H C C O Ala–Gly–Ala–Gly H N O C H H C OH 762 Smith: Study Guide/ 28. Amino Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Proteins accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 28–12 28.24 All Fmoc-protected amino acids are made by the following general reaction: R H C H2N C R H Fmoc–Cl OH Na2CO3, H2O O H H The steps: Fmoc N H C OH C Fmoc N H C C OH O [1] base [2] Cl CH2 POLYMER O H H Fmoc N H C C O CH2 POLYMER O [1] [2] DCC N H H Fmoc N O C C OH H CH(CH3)CH2CH3 (CH3)2CHCH2 H Fmoc N H C C H N O H C O H H C C N H C [1] O CH2 O CH(CH3)CH2CH3 [1] N H CH3 H [2] DCC C OH Fmoc N C H O N H POLYMER [2] DCC H Fmoc N H (CH3)2CHCH2 H Fmoc N H C C H H O C C C N H C O CH2 POLYMER O CH(CH3)CH2CH3 OH O [1] N (CH3)2CHCH2 H H H O O H H [2] HF H Fmoc N C C C C O CH2 POLYMER N C N N C C C H H O O H CH3 H CH(CH3)CH2CH3 (CH3)2CHCH2 O H H O H H H2N C C C C OH N C N N C C C H H O O H CH3 H CH(CH )CH CH 3 2 3 Ala–Leu–Ile–Gly + F CH2 POLYMER 28.25 Antiparallel -pleated sheets are more stable then parallel -pleated sheets because of geometry. The N–H and C=O of one chain are directly aligned with the N–H and C=O of an adjacent chain in the antiparallel -pleated sheet, whereas they are not in the parallel -pleated sheet. This makes the latter set of hydrogen bonds weaker. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 28. Amino Acids and Proteins © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 763 Amino Acids and Proteins 28–13 28.26 In a parallel -pleated sheet, the strands run in the same direction from the N- to C-terminal amino acid. In an antiparallel -pleated sheet, the strands run in the opposite direction. H H O CH3 H N C C C N H CH3 H H C H N O O CH3 H C C N H CH3 H C C HO OH O H CH3 O H H CH3 O H C C N C C N C N C C N C H H O H CH H O H CH 3 H H N N O CH3 H H O CH3 H C C N C C OH C N C C N C H H CH O H CH3 H 3 O H C O C H CH3 3 CH3 H H C N N H C O O CH3 H C C H CH3 N H C C OH O antiparallel parallel 28.27 a. Ser and Tyr b. Val and Leu H2N CH COOH H2N CH COOH CH2 CH2 OH side chains with OH groups H2N CH COOH c. 2 Phe residues H2N CH COOH CH CH3 CH2 CH3 CH CH3 H2N CH COOH H2N CH COOH CH2 CH2 CH3 OH hydrogen bonding side chains with only C–C and C–H bonds van der Waals forces van der Waals forces 28.28 a. The R group for glycine is a hydrogen. The R groups must be small to allow the -pleated sheets to stack on top of each other. With large R groups, steric hindrance prevents stacking. b. Silk fibers are water insoluble because most of the polar functional groups are in the interior of the stacked sheets. The -pleated sheets are stacked one on top of another so few polar functional groups are available for hydrogen bonding to water. 764 Smith: Study Guide/ 28. Amino Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Proteins accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 28–14 28.29 All L-amino acids except cysteine have the S configuration. L-Cysteine has the R configuration because the R group contains a sulfur atom, which has higher priority. 1 2 The S atom gives the R group a higher priority than COOH, resulting in the R configuration. 1 NH2 NH2 C HSCH2 3 COOH H 2 C R COOH H 3 With all other R groups, the COOH has a higher priority than R, giving it the S configuration. 28.30 a. R COOH S H2N C H COOH CH3 C SH COOH b. H C NH2 H2N C H CH3 C SH CH3 H2N C H CH3 C S CH3 (R)-penicillamine COOH CH3 (S)-penicillamine S C CH3 CH3 28.31 Amino acids are insoluble in diethyl ether because amino acids are highly polar; they exist as salts in their neutral form. Diethyl ether is weakly polar, so amino acids are not soluble in it. N-Acetyl amino acids are soluble because they are polar but not salts. NH3+ C R H NHCOCH3 R H COO– amino acid, a salt H2O soluble and ether insoluble C COOH N-acetyl amino acid ether soluble 28.32 The electron pair on the N atom not part of a double bond is delocalized on the five-membered ring, making it less basic. H2N CH COOH CH2 HA H2N CH COOH CH2 + NH NH2 N N When this N is protonated... H2N CH COOH CH2 NH N sp3 hybridized N atom ...the ring is no longer aromatic. H2N CH COOH CH2 HA preferred path When this N is protonated... H2N CH COOH CH2 + NH NH +N H N H ...the ring is still aromatic. 6 electrons Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 28. Amino Acids and Proteins © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 765 Amino Acids and Proteins 28–15 28.33 H2N CH COOH H2N CH COOH CH2 CH2 The ring structure on tryptophan is aromatic since each atom contains a p orbital. Protonation of the N atom would disrupt the aromaticity, making this a less favorable reaction. H2N HN + no p orbital on N This electron pair is delocalized on the bicyclic ring system (giving it 10 electrons), making it less available for donation, and thus less basic. 28.34 At its isoelectric point, each amino acid is neutral. a. + COO– H3N C H b. + COO– H3N C H CH3 CH2CH2SCH3 alanine methionine c. + COO– H3N C H CH2COOH aspartic acid d. COO– H2N C H + CH2CH2CH2CH2NH3 lysine 28.35 [1] glutamic acid: use the pKa’s 2.10 + 4.07 [2] lysine: use the pKa’s 8.95 + 10.53 [3] arginine: use the pKa’s 9.04 + 12.48 b. In general, the pI of an acidic amino acid is lower than that of a neutral amino acid. c. In general, the pI of a basic amino acid is higher than that of a neutral amino acid. a. 28.36 a. threonine pI = 5.06 (+1) charge at pH = 1 H3N CH COOH b. methionine pI = 5.74 (+1) charge at pH = 1 H3N CH COOH c. aspartic acid pI = 2.98 (+1) charge at pH = 1 H3N CH COOH d. arginine pI = 5.41 (+2) charge at pH = 1 H3N CH COOH CH OH CH2 CH2 CH2 CH3 CH2 COOH CH2 S CH2 CH3 NH C NH2 NH2 766 Smith: Study Guide/ 28. Amino Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Proteins accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 28–16 28.37 a. valine pI = 6.00 (–1) charge at pH = 11 b. proline pI = 6.30 (–1) charge at pH = 11 c. glutamic acid pI = 3.08 (–2) charge at pH = 11 COO– H2N CH COO– H2N CH COO– CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 COO– CH2 H2N CH COO– CH CH3 HN CH3 d. lysine pI = 9.74 (–1) charge at pH = 11 CH2 NH2 28.38 The terminal NH2 and COOH groups are ionizable functional groups, so they can gain or lose protons in aqueous solution. O a. CH3 H H2N CH C OH CH3 H2N Ala b. At pH = 1 C C O CH3 H H3N C C O H N O CH3 C C H CH3 N H H N O CH3 C C H CH3 N H H C C OH A–A–A O H C C OH O c. The pKa of the COOH of the tripeptide is higher than the pKa of the COOH group of alanine, making it less acidic. This occurs because the COOH group in the tripeptide is farther away from the –NH3+ group. The positively charged –NH3+ group stabilizes the negatively charged carboxylate anion of alanine more than the carboxylate anion of the tripeptide because it is so much closer in alanine. The opposite effect is observed with the ionization of the –NH3+ group. In alanine, the –NH3+ is closer to the COO– group, so it is more difficult to lose a proton, resulting in a higher pKa. In the tripeptide, the –NH3+ is farther away from the COO–, so it is less affected by its presence. Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 28. Amino Acids and Proteins © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 767 Amino Acids and Proteins 28–17 28.39 H CH2CH(CH3)2 H2N C COOH leucine C H2N g. C6H5COCl, pyridine C6H5 COOCH3 CH3 C N H C C OH C H2N N H C C O H CH2CH(CH3)2 h. [(CH3)3COCO]2O Boc N H (CH3CH2)3N C COOH i. The product in (d), then NH2CH2COOCH3 + DCC H CH2CH(CH3)2 H C N COOCH3 AcNH C C COOCH2C6H5 O H CH2CH(CH3)2 d. Ac2O, pyridine AcNH e. C H3N C H2N C H CH2CH(CH3)2 H C N COOCH Boc N C C 3 H O H H COO H CH2CH(CH3)2 k. Fmoc–Cl, Na2CO3, H2O Fmoc N H O COOH H CH2CH(CH3)2 f. NaOH (1 equiv) H H j. The product in (h), then NH2CH2COOCH3 + DCC COOH H CH2CH(CH3)2 HCl (1 equiv) OH O H CH2CH(CH3)2 c. C6H5CH2OH, H+ C H CH2CH(CH3)2 O b. CH3COCl, pyridine H CH2CH(CH3)2 O H CH2CH(CH3)2 + a. CH3OH, H l. C6H5N=C=S C6H5 S N C COOH CH2CH(CH3)2 N H 768 Smith: Study Guide/ 28. Amino Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Proteins accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 28–18 28.40 H CH2C6H5 H2N C COOH phenylalanine C H2N g. C6H5COCl, pyridine COOCH3 CH3 C N H C C OH C H2N h. N H [(CH3)3COCO]2O C O (CH3CH2)3N Boc N H COOCH2C6H5 C COOH i. The product in (d), then NH2CH2COOCH3 + DCC H CH2C6H5 H C N COOCH3 AcNH C C O H CH2C6H5 d. Ac2O, pyridine C AcNH C H3N f. H CH2C6H5 H C N COOCH3 Boc N C C H O H H COOH H CH2C6H5 k. Fmoc–Cl, Na2CO3, H2O H2N C Fmoc N H O COOH l. C6H5N=C=S H CH2C6H5 NaOH (1 equiv) C6H5 COO S 28.41 a. (CH3)2CHCH2CHCOOH Br b. CH3CONHCH(COOEt)2 NH3 (CH3)2CHCH2CHCOO– NH4+ + NH4+Br– excess NH3 NH2 [1] NaOEt [2] O C O CH3 HO CH2 CHCOOH CH2Br [3] H3O+, O NH2 O c. [1] NH4Cl, NaCN H N H [2] H3O+ HOOC O NH2 O [1] NH4Cl, NaCN d. CH3O CHO e. CH3CONHCH(COOEt)2 [2] H3O+ H H j. The product in (h), then NH2CH2COOCH3 + DCC H CH2C6H5 e. HCl (1 equiv) OH C H CH2C6H5 O H CH2C6H5 c. C6H5CH2OH, H+ C6H5 C H CH2C6H5 O b. CH3COCl, pyridine H CH2C6H5 O H CH2C6H5 a. CH3OH, H+ COOH HO [1] NaOEt [2] ClCH2CH2CH2CH2NHAc [3] H3O+, NH2 CH2CH2CH2CH2NH2 H2N C COOH H N C COOH CH2C6H5 N H Smith: Study Guide/ Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 28. Amino Acids and Proteins © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition 769 Amino Acids and Proteins 28–19 28.42 a. Asn b. His O H2N CH C OH c. Trp O H2N CH C OH CH2 CH2Br C O C O NH2 NH2 CH2Br CH2 O CH2Br H2N CH C OH CH2 NH NH HN N N HN 28.43 OH O H H C N C COOEt CH3 CHCH3 [1] NaOEt H2N C COOH [2] CH3CHO [3] H3O+, COOEt H threonine 28.44 Br2 a. CH3CHO CH3 C + NH3 H3NCH2COO– excess glycine NH2 [1] NH4Cl, NaCN H BrCH2COOH H2SO4, H2O CH3COOH O b. CrO3 BrCH2CHO CH3 C COOH [2] H3O+ H alanine 28.45 O N–K+ CH2(COOEt)2 Br2 Br CH(COOEt)2 CH3COOH O O N CH(COOEt)2 A B O [1] NaOEt [2] ClCH2CH2SCH3 O H H2N C COOH CH2CH2SCH3 D [1] NaOH, H2O COOEt N [2] H3O+, C COOEt CH2CH2SCH3 O C 770 Smith: Study Guide/ 28. Amino Acids and Text Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany: Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition Solutions Manual to Proteins accompany Organic Chemistry, Third Edition © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 Chapter 28–20 28.46 O OEt H H C N C COOEt CH3 COOEt [1] O NaOEt CH2 CHCOOEt H EtOH C N C COOEt + CH3 O [2] COOEt H C N C COOEt CH3 COOEt CH2–CHCOOEt H OH2 [3] H2N CHCOOH H3O+ CH2 O COOEt H C N C COOEt CH3 CH2COOH CH2CH2COOEt glutamic acid + H O 2 28.47 CH3 CH3 COOH C R CH3 H2N C6H5 C (R isomer only) CH3 H C + H3N C C6H5 CH3 H H OH R enantiomers S proton transfer COO– COOH HO H H OH Step [1]: React both enantiomers with the R isomer of the chiral amine. C + CH3 COO– H3N C C6H5 diastereomers CH3 H HO H R C R S These salts have the same configuration around one stereogenic center, but the opposite configuration about the other stereogenic center. separate Step [2]: Separate the diastereomers. CH3 Step [3]: Regenerate lactic acid by protonation. + COO– H3N C C H OH CH3 H R R C6H5 CH3 COO– C C COOH H OH R C C6H5 CH3 H HO H R S H3O+ CH3 +