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IPE 3106 Product Design Sessional Syllabus

IPE 3106
Product Design Sessional
Marks Distribution
Attendance (10%),
Lab Report + Performance (50%),
Quiz Exam (20%), and
Central Viva (20%,conducted centrally)
Group Distribution
Group 1: Roll-01 to 12.
Group 2: Roll-13 to 24.
Group 3: Roll-25 to 36.
Group 4: Roll-37 to 48.
Group 5: Roll-49 to 60.
How to write a report???
Experiment no.
Experiment name
Abstract (summary of report)
Objective (s)
Theory related to study
Experimental set-up/Instruments/Data collection
Data analysis
Result and discussion
Experiment no. 01
Experiment name:
Study and analysis of different product types.
Group 1: Departmental Store (KUET).
Group 2: Canteen Store (Ekushy Hall).
Group 3: Bakibillah Traders. (Fulbarigate, KUET main road).
Group 4: Mizan Store (Fulbarigate, KUET main road).
Group 5: Rafiq Store (Fulbarigate Bazar).
Product Design Proposal
• Must have-- Innovative product or
 Existing product with innovative design/criteria
[write three proposals (three products) for
further development/new development]
Experiment no. 02
Experiment name:
Preparation of mission statement of (product
Group 1: Product Name: Convertible Furniture.
Group 2: Product Name: Origami Furniture.
Group 3: Product Name: Foldable Backpack Chair.
Group 4: Product Name: Water purifier based on solar energy
and distillation process.
Group 5: Product Name: Smart Chair.
• Create a form
• Collect minimum 25 sample of form.