MSE 2203 Mechanical Behavior of Materials Fracture Mechanics Jahirul Islam Lecturer Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Email: Fracture Mechanics Reference: Chapter-11: Mechanical Metallurgy By G. E. Dieter Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 2 Introduction β’ It was shown in Chapter-7, that microcracks can be formed in metallurgical systems by a variety of mechanisms and that the critical step usually is the stress (σf) required to propagate the microcracks to a complete fracture. β’ The first theoretical approach to find the fracture stress (σf) has shown by Griffith as: 1/2 2πΈπΎπ π= ππ β’ But the limitation of Griffith theory was to avoid plastic deformation factor during fracture. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 3 Introduction β’ E. Orowan (1952) suggested to allow for the degree of plasticity in Griffith equation that would be made more compatible with brittle fracture in metal. β’ Therefore he suggested to include the term γp expressing the plastic work required to extend the crack wall. Therefore 2πΈ(πΎπ + πΎπ ) ππ = ππ 1/2 πΈπΎπ ≈ ππ 1/2 (1) β’ The surface-energy term can be neglected since estimates of the plastic-work term are about 102 to 103 J/m2 compared with values of γs of about 1 to 2 J/m2. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 4 Introduction β’ In this chapter we denote crack length by the symbol a, as is customary in the literature of fracture mechanics, rather than the symbol c, therefore πΈπΎπ ππ 1/2 πΈπΎπ → ππ = ππ 1/2 (1) β’ Later on the eqn. (11-1) was modified by G.R. Irwin (1958) to replace the hard to measure γp with a term, ξ that was directly measurable i.e. 1/2 πΈππ ππ = (2) ππ β’ Where ξc means the critical value of the crack extension force. Sometime it is also called fracture toughness of the material. πππ 2 π= (3) πΈ Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 5 Strain-energy Release Rate β We know, πΈππ ππ = ππ 1/2 πππ 2 →π= πΈ (3) β’ For any value of ξ, other than critical value is also called the strain-energy release rate, i.e., the rate of transfer of energy from the elastic stress field of the cracked structure to the inelastic process of crack extension. Now we will learn how ξ can be measured. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 6 Strain-energy Release Rate β Now we will learn how ξ can be measured. β’ A single-edge notched specimen (with a sharp notch, usually done by applying fatigue load) is loaded axially. β’ A strain gage is placed at the entrance to the notch to measure the displacement/propagation of the crack. β’ Now, for different length of notches, determine the Load (P) vs displacement (δ) curves. β’ Here P = Mδ. M is the stiffness of a specimen with a crack of length a. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 7 Strain-energy Release Rate β’ The elastic strain energy is given by the area under the curve to a particular value of P and δ. 1 π2 π0 = ππΏ = (4) 2 2π β’ As the specimen is rigidly gripped so that an increment of crack growth da results in a drop in load from P1 to P2. π1 π2 πΏ1 = πΏ2 = = π1 π2 β’ Since P/M constant, therefore after partial different equation, we obtain ππ 1 π(1/π) +π =0 ππ π ππ ππ π 1/π = −ππ ππ ππ (5) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 8 Strain-energy Release Rate β’ But, the crack extension force is defined as ππ0 π= ππ πΏ 1 2π ππ π(1/π) 2 = +π 2 π ππ ππ (6) β’ Combining eqn. (5 ) and (6): 1 2 π 1/π π=− π (7) 2 ππ β’ The fracture toughness, or critical strain-energy release rate, is determined from the load, Pmax, at which the crack runs unstably to fracture. 2 ππππ₯ π 1/π ππ = (8) 2 ππ β’ This is the criterion for brittle fracture in the presence of a cracklike defect was that unstable rapid failure would occur when the stresses at the crack tip exceeded a critical value (Pmax). Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 9 Stress Intensity Factor β’ The stress distribution/component of an applied nominal stress, σ at the crack tip in a thin plate (i.e. t, very small) are: π ππ₯ = π 2π 1/2 π π 3π πππ 1 − π ππ π ππ 2 2 2 π 1/2 π π 3π ππ¦ = π πππ 1 + π ππ π ππ 2π 2 2 2 π 1/2 π π 3π ππ₯π¦ = π π ππ πππ πππ 2π 2 2 2 (9) β’ From the above eqns. we can see that if the crack is oriented aligned to the loading direction (i.e. θ=0) π 1/2 ππ₯ = ππ¦ = π πππ ππ₯π¦ = 0 2π and if r=0; i.e. very sharp crack; σx and ay will be infinity. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 10 Stress Intensity Factor β’ Also we can see that, the local stresses (i.e. stress component) near a crack depend on the product of the nominal stress σ and the square root of the half-flaw length (a/2). β’ G. R. Irwin (1954) stated this, as stress intensity factor, K which indicate the localized stress intensity and he stated that for a sharp elastic crack in an infinitely wide plate, K is defined as πΎ = π ππ (10) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 11 Stress Intensity Factor β Features of Stress Intensity Factor (K)/ Fracture Toughness (Kc): β’ The stress intensity factor K is a convenient way of describing the stress distribution around a flaw. β’ It is the inherent resistance of the material to failure in the presence of a crack-like defect. β’ Relationship of ξc and K is as follows: K2 = ξcΕ β’ That’s why, ξc also called fracture toughness as said earlier and the K determination process is more likely similar to ξc. β’ Note the K has the unusual dimensions of MNm-3/2 or MPam1/2 β’ As the crack-tip stresses condition can be described by the stress intensity factor K, a critical value of K (i.e.. Kc) can be used to define the conditions for brittle failure. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 12 Stress Intensity Factor β Features of Stress Intensity Factor (K)/ Fracture Toughness (Kc): β’ If Kc is known, then it is possible to compute the maximum allowable stress for a given flaw size. β’ While Kc is a basic material property, in the same sense as yield strength, it changes with important variables such as temperature and strain rate. β’ Kc usually decreases with decreased temperature and increased strain rate. β’ If two flaws of different geometry have the same value of Kc, then the stress fields around each of the flaws are identical. β’ For a given alloy, Kc is strongly dependent on such metallurgical variables as heat treatment, microstructure, melting practice, impurities, inclusions, etc. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 13 Stress Intensity Factor β Features of Stress Intensity Factor (K)/ Fracture Toughness (Kc): β’ The magnitude of Kc, depends on the geometry of the solid containing the crack, the size and location of the crack, and the magnitude and distribution of the loads imposed on the solid. β’ Therefore a general eqn. for Kc is: πΎ = πΌπ ππ (12) where α is a geometrical factor of the specimen β’ Due to different loading condition (i.e. σx/ σy/ τxy), different mode of deformation of crack can be occurred at crack tip. β’ Therefore, the Kc will also change along with different loading condition at crack tip ( usually 3 modes deformation occurs). Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 14 Stress Intensity Factor β Modes of Crack Deformation (3modes of loading condition @ crack): β’ Mode I: the crack-opening mode, refers to a tensile stress applied in the y-direction normal to the faces of the crack. β’ This is the usual mode for fracture toughness tests and a critical value of stress intensity determined for this mode would be designated, KIc. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 15 Stress Intensity Factor β Modes of Crack Deformation (3modes of loading condition @ crack): β’ Mode II: the forward shear mode or sliding mode, refers to a shear stress applied normal to the leading edge of the crack but in the plane of the crack. β’ Mode III: the parallel shear mode or tearing mode, is for shearing stresses applied parallel to the leading edge of the crack. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 16 Fracture Toughness (KIc) and Design β’ A properly determined fracture toughness, KIc independent of crack length, geometry, or loading system (i.e. shape factor α is negligible). β’ It is a material property in the same sense that yield strength is a material property. β’ If the material is selected, KIc is fixed. β’ For the presence of a relatively large stable crack, then the design stress is fixed and must be less than KIc. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 17 Fracture Toughness (KIc) and Design Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 18 Fracture Toughness (KIc) and Design Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 19 Effects of Specimen Thickness on Stress and Mode of Fracture β’ Depends on material thickness, crack deformation Mode-I can be two type. β’ With thin plate-type specimens the stress state is plane stress (i.e. stress is uniform) while with thick specimens there is a planestrain (strain is uniform) condition. Plane stress: πΎ 2 = ππΈ (14) Plane-strain: πΎ 2 = ππΈ/(1 − π 2 ) (15) β’ A notch in a thick plate is far more damaging than in a thin plate because it leads to a plane-strain state of stress with a high degree of triaxiality and the values of KIc are lower than for plane-stress specimens. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 20 Effects of Specimen Thickness on Stress and Mode of Fracture β’ From Fig. a mixed-mode, ductile brittle fracture with 45° shear lips is obtained for thin specimens. β’ Once the specimen has the critical thickness, the fracture surface is flat and the fracture stress is constant with increasing specimen thickness. β’ The minimum thickness to achieve plane-strain conditions and valid KIc measurements is πΎπΌπ π΅ = 2.5 π0 2 (18) where σ0 is the 0.2 percent offset yield strength Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 21 Measurement of KIc Plane-strain Condition β’ The KIc measurement process is not a straight forward single test process through which KIc can be measured directly. β’ It is more likely, assume a starting value and run the test process, then check. β’ This trial and error process is running until certain criteria meet at the end of the process. β’ Assume an expected KIc value and determine the specimen thickness using the eqn. πΎπΌπ π΅ = 2.5 π0 2 (18) where σ0 is the 0.2 percent offset yield strength Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 22 Measurement of KIc Plane-strain Condition β’ A notch is machined in the specimen. The sharpest possible crack is produced at the notch root by fatiguing the specimen typically 1,000 cycles with a strain of 0.03. β’ The test is carried out and a continuous autographic record of load P and relative crack displacement value are obtained from machine. β’ Usually three types of load crackdisplacement curves are obtained for different materials. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 23 Measurement of KIc Plane-strain Condition β’ Type-I load-displacement curve represents the behavior for a wide variety of ductile metals in which the crack propagates by a tearing mode with increasing load. β’ This curve contains no characteristic features to indicate the load corresponding to the onset of unstable fracture. β’ The ASTM procedure is to first draw the secant line OPs from the origin with a slope that is 5 percent less than the tangent OA. This determines Ps. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 24 Measurement of KIc Plane-strain Condition β’ Next draw a horizontal line at a load equal to 80 percent of Ps and measure the distance x1 along this line from the tangent OA to the actual curve. β’ If x1 exceeds one-fourth of the corresponding distance xs at Ps, the material is too ductile to obtain a valid KIc value. β’ If the material is not too ductile, then the load Ps is designated PQ and used to calculate a conditional value of fracture toughness denoted KQ, using the equation described latter. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 25 Measurement of KIc Plane-strain Condition β’ The type II load-displacement curve has a point where there is a sharp drop in load followed by a recovery of load. β’ The load drop represents a "pop in" which arises from sudden unstable, rapid crack propagation before the crack slows down to a tearing mode of propagation. β’ The same criteria for excessive ductility is applied to type II curves, but in this case PQ is the maximum recorded load. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 26 Measurement of KIc Plane-strain Condition β’ The type III curve shows complete "pop in" instability where the initial crack movement propagates rapidly to complete failure. β’ This type of curve is characteristic of a very brittle “elastic materials”. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 27 Measurement of KIc Plane-strain Condition β’ If the material is not too ductile, then the load Ps is designated PQ and used to calculate a conditional value of fracture toughness denoted KQ, using the equation described below: ππ πΎπ = π΅π 1/2 π 29.6 π 1/2 3 2 π π − 185.5 + 655.7 π π 7 9 π 2 π 2 −1017.0 + 638.9 π π 5 2 (19) β’ The crack length, a used in the equations is measured after fracture. β’ Next, use the value of KQ to calculate the material thickness, B using the eqn. 2 πΎπ π΅ = 2.5 π0 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 28 Measurement of KIc Plane-strain Condition β’ The value of PQ determined from the load-displacement curve is used to calculate a conditional value of fracture toughness denoted KQ, using the equation described below: ππ πΎπ = π΅π 1/2 π 29.6 π 1/2 3 2 π π − 185.5 + 655.7 π π 7 9 π 2 π 2 −1017.0 + 638.9 π π 5 2 (19) β’ The crack length, a used in the equations is measured after fracture. β’ Next, use the value of KQ to calculate the material thickness, B using the eqn. 2 πΎπ π΅ = 2.5 π0 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 29 Measurement of KIc Plane-strain Condition β’ If this quantity, B is less than both the thickness and crack length of the specimen, then KQ is equal to KIc and the test is valid. β’ Otherwise it is necessary to us a thicker specimen to determine KIc. β’ The measured value of KQ can be used to estimate the new specimen thickness through eqn. (11-18). Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 30 Ductile to Brittle Transition Temperature (DBTT) Phenomenon Liberty ship broken in shipyard Broken in harbour Reference: Chapter-14: Mechanical Metallurgy By G. E. Dieter Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 31 Introduction β’ During WWII, the brittle fracture of mild steel (ductile material) ship draw a great deal of attention of researchers because some of these ships broke completely into two pieces. β’ Most of the failure occurred during the winter months. Failures occurred both when the ships were in heavy seas and when they were anchored at dock. β’ These calamities focused attention on the fact that normally ductile mild steel can become brittle under certain conditions. These are: β’ a triaxial state of stress (such as exists at a notch), β’ a low temperature, and β’ a high strain rate or rapid rate of loading. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 32 Introduction β’ All three of these factors do not have to be present at the same time to produce brittle fracture. β’ Steels which have identical properties when tested in tension or torsion at slow strain rates can show pronounced differences in their tendency for brittle fracture when tested in a notched-impact test. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 33 Notched-bar Impact Tests β’ Two classes of specimens have been standardized for notchedimpact testing. β’ Charpy bar specimens are used most commonly in the United States, while the Izod specimen is favored in Great Britain. β’ The Charpy specimen has a square cross section (10 x 10 mm) and contains a 45° V notch, 2 mm deep with a 0.25-mm root radius. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 34 Notched-bar Impact Tests β’ The specimen is supported as a beam in a horizontal position and loaded behind the notch by the impact of a heavy swinging pendulum (the impact velocity is approximately 5 m/s). β’ The specimen is forced to bend and fracture at a high strain rate. β’ The principal measurement from the impact test is the energy absorbed, Cv (in J) in fracturing the specimen. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 35 Important Findings from Impact Test β’ Energy measured by the Charpy test is only a relative energy absorbed due to fracture therefore this types of test result cannot be used directly to the design requirement. β’ However, a common measurement obtained from the Charpy test whether the fracture is fibrous (ductile fracture), granular (cleavage fracture), or a mixture of both. β’ The flat facets of cleavage fracture provide a high reflectivity and bright appearance, while the fibrous surface provides a lightabsorptive surface and dull appearance. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 36 Important Findings from Impact Test β’ Usually an estimate is made of the percentage of the fracture surface that is cleavage or fibrous fracture. β’ The test is used for comparing the influence of alloy studies and heat treatment on notch toughness. Figure: Photograph of fracture surfaces of A36 steel Charpy Vnotch specimens tested at indicated temperatures (in 0C). Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 37 Important Findings from Impact Test β’ The notched-bar impact test is most meaningful when conducted over a range of temperature so that the temperature at which the ductile-to-brittle transition takes place can be determined. β’ The energy absorbed decreases with decreasing temperature but that for most cases the decrease does not occur sharply at a certain temperature. β’ The material with the lowest transition temperature is to be preferred. β’ E.g. Steel-A shows higher notch toughness at room temperature; yet its transition temperature is higher than that of steel-B. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 38 Important Findings from Impact Test β Limitations β’ The results obtained from notched-bar tests are not readily expressed in terms of design requirements, since it is not possible to measure the components of the triaxial stress (σx, σy, σz) condition at the notch and difficult to correlate Cv data with service performance. β’ Moreover, there is no correlation of Charpy data with flaw size. β’ In addition, the large scatter inherent in the test may make it difficult to determine well-defined transition-temperature curves. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 39 Significance of DBTT Curve β’ The transition-temperature behavior of a wide spectrum of materials falls into the three categories: β’ Medium and low-strength fcc metals and most hcp metals have such high notch toughness that brittle fracture is not a problem. β’ High-strength materials (σ0 > E/150) have such low notch toughness that brittle fracture can occur at nominal stresses in the elastic range at all temperatures e.g. High strength steel, Ti and Al- alloy. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 40 Significance of DBTT Curve β’ The notch toughness of low- and medium-strength bcc metals, as well as Be, Zn, and ceramic materials is strongly dependent on temperature. β’ At low temperature the fracture occurs by cleavage while at high temperature the fracture occurs by ductile rupture. β’ Thus, there is a transition from notch brittle to notch tough behavior with increasing temperature. β’ In metals this transition occurs at 0.1 to 0.2 Tm (Tm = melting temperature), while in ceramics the transition occurs at about 0.5 to 0.7 Tm. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 41 Design Philosophy Using Transitiontemperature Curves β’ Using a DBTT sensitive material, the design strategy is to select a temperature above which brittle fracture will not occur. β’ It is preferable to have low DBTT than the operating temperature with high fracture toughness. β’ But the realistic problem is that there is no single criterion that can define the transition temperature. β’ The various definitions of transition temperature obtained from an energy vs temperature curve or a fracture appearance vs. temperature curve are illustrated in Fig. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 42 Design Philosophy Using Transitiontemperature Curves β’ Criterion-I: A more strict criteria for transition temperature is fracture transition plastic (FTP ) temperature where above the temperature the fracture is 100% fibrous (i.e. 0% Brittle fracture). β’ The probability of brittle fracture is negligible above the FTP. β’ Criterion-II: @50% Cleavage β’ Criterion-Ill: Average of upper and lower shelf temperature. β’ Criterion-IV: @ Cv = 20 J, ductility transition temperature; (after a huge investigation during WWII, it was established that brittle fracture would not initiate if Cv = 20 J). Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 43 Design Philosophy Using Transitiontemperature Curves β’ Criterion-V: @ 100% Cleavage (NDT= Nil Ductility Temperature). β’ Below the NDT the probability of ductile fracture is negligible. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 44 Metallurgical Factors Affecting Transition Temperature β Compositional Effects on DBTT β’ Carbon, (C)↑, DBTT ↑; DBTT ↑ @ 14 °C / 0.1%C β’ Manganese (Mn)↑, DBTT ↓; DBTT ↓ @ 5 °C / 0.1%Mn β’ Phosphorus, (P)↑, DBTT ↑: DBTT ↑ @ 7 °C / 0.01%P β’ Ni ↑ , DBTT ↓; Ni >2% effective β’ Silicon, (Si)↑, DBTT↑; Si>0.25%, DBTT ↑ β’ Oxygen, (O)↑, DBTT ↑; -15 °C @ 0.001% O2 & 340 °C @ 0.0057% O2 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 45 Metallurgical Factors Affecting Transition Temperature β’ Rimmed steel, with its high iron oxide content, generally shows a transition temperature above room temperature. β’ Semi-killed steels, which are deoxidized with silicon, have a lower transition temperature, while for steels which are fully killed with silicon plus aluminum the 20 J transition temperature will be around - 60°C. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 46 Effect of Grain Size DBTT β’ Grain size ↓(ASTM grain size number ↑), DBTT↓ β’ ASTM Grain number @ 5 DBTT = 20 oC β’ ASTM Grain number @ 20 DBTT = -50 oC β’ Cooling rate ↑, Grain size ↓, DBTT ↓ Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KUET 47 Thank You