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Information Systems Project Guidelines

Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Information Systems
OIS 1301 Fundamentals of Information Systems
Task (Final project ) 40%
Final Project guidelines
• Develop a full documentation of software project (60%) with development
(40%) in one area of information systems and Enterprise Applications such
as: Enterprise systems (ERP), SCMs, CRMs, and KMSs, HRMs, E-learning
systems, medical system, online shopping . ….
Formulate the team works - sub-groups (3 students for each group )
Choose one information systems project
Write a description of your project
Write full SRS include the following :- (9 sections )
A- System models
B- System Architecture
C- Systems Algorithms (flowcharts)
D- Database structure and ERD model
E- Use case diagrams for the system main function
F- Systems interfaces (sample of interface design)
G- Define the main technology you will use for development
H- Cost and time estimation of project development
I- Development of module (functions ) as minimum 3 functions
J- Connect a system Database with the development function using any
technology such as Visual Basic.net , Visual C#.net , python , Java , …
The students have to deliver the following items;
Documentation which describes all software project components
and the scenario of the implementation process in word file
Your final Product (three functions work as minimum )
Power point presentation for 15 minutes to explain your system
Documentation format
 Font face:
Times New Romans
 Font size:
Normal: 12, Headings: 14 and Bold
 Font color:
Black (Auto)
 Spacing:
1.5 lines
 Alignment:
Justify Medium