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WWI & Interwar Period Timeline: 1914-1933

June 28, 1914 - Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Bosnia.
July 28, 1914 - Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, starting WWI.
July 31, 1914 - Russian mobilisation
Aug 1-3 1914 - Germany declares war on Russia, then France and invaded Belgium.
April 1917 - US declared war on Germany
8th March-7th Nov 1917 - Bolshevik (Russian) Revolution, rise of USSR
○ February Revolution, return of Lenin
3rd March 1918 - Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (USSR)
○ Marked the USSR’s exit from the war, ceded 1mi square miles of territory, and
~55 million people lost
○ Recognise Ukraine’s independence
○ Baltic states [Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia] to Germany & A-H
○ Kars, Adarhan and Batum to Ottoman Empire
○ Lenin: “the abyss of defeat, dismemberment, enslavement & humiliation”
29th October 1918 - Start of German revolution
○ Naval mutiny at Kiel
○ Soldier & worker revolutions in protest of the war
9th Nov 1918 - Kaiser Abdicated
○ Social Democrat leader Freidrich Ebert is Chancellor, declares a republic.
11th Nov 1918 - Armistice signed, end of WWI
5th-12th January 1919 - Spartacist Uprising
○ Bolshevik-inspired, wanted to overthrow Republic.
○ Dec 1918 changed name to German Communist Party
○ Karl Leibknect & Rosa Luxembourg: establish a communist govt
■ Form a revolutionary committee
■ Seizure of Berlin newspapers
■ Strikes & armed street fighting
○ Army + Freikorps seize HQ, execute Karl & Rosa → FAILURE
■ Divided on tactics i.e. violence or delay
■ Death of leaders
■ Loyalty of army to government or Freikorps
18th January 1919 - Paris Peace Conference
○ Attended by 32 states, USSR & losers not invited
○ Big Three: Clemenceau, Lloyd George, Woodrow Wilson
11th August 1919 - End of German revolution
28th June 1919 - Treaty of Versailles signed with Germany
○ Covenant of the LON [moral disapproval, economic sanction, military sanction]
○ Reparations commission to decide fee
○ Article 231 - War Guilt Clause: total responsibility for war
○ Territorial losses:
African/Middle Eastern [all]: Togoland, Cameroon, SW Africa, German
East Africa, Marshall Island, Mariana Island, New Guinea
■ European: Alsace-Lorraine to France [taken in Franco-Prussian war]
■ Eupen, Malmedy & Moresnet to Belgium, North Schelswig to Denmark.
■ West Prussia, Posen, Upper Silesia to Poland
■ Saar Basin → LON administered, profits to France for 15 years.
■ Demilitarized Rhineland, on French Border.
○ Disarmament
■ 100k army with no conscription
■ No tanks & armoured vehicles, no air force
■ Limited navy:
● No submarines
● 6 battleships
○ Danzig made a free city, Poland could use it for trade.
○ Treaty of Brest-Litovsk cancelled. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania independent.
○ Disallowed from unification with Austria and Hungary.
July 1919 - Formation of Weimar Republic
10th September 1919 - Treaty of Saint Germain(Austria)
○ Accept the breaking of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
○ Recognise the independence of Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Hungary
and Romania.
○ Union with Germany forbidden. Bohemia-Moravia protectorate in Austria →
Sudetenland, given to Czech
○ Disarmament, 30k army and navy broken up amongst allies
○ Liable for reparations, but none paid after bankruptcy declared
○ Loss of all sea ports → land-locked [loss of agricultural land]
October 1919 - Hitler joins DAP
27 November 1919 - Treaty of Neuilly (Bulgaria)
○ Territory ceded to Greece, Yugoslavia and Romania [Western Thrace, Smyrna]
○ Loss of access to the Mediterranean Sea
○ Army 20,000 men
○ Liable to reparations, but 75% were later remitted
○ Recognise the independence of Yugoslavia
○ 40 year unification struggle of Bulgarian populated territories failed, loss of pride
○ Disarmament
10th January 1920 - League of Nations
March 1920 - Kapp Putsch
○ Led by Dr Wolfgang Kapp
○ Plan to overthrow Weimar govt and replace it with a nationalist one
○ Freikorps march into Berlin, govt appeal to workers to strike worked & march
○ Neutrality of army → failure of putsch
May - Hitler becomes NSDAP leader
4th June 1920 - Treaty of Trianon (Hungary)
○ 70% territory lost [Slovakia, Croatia-Slovenia, Banat, Transylvania] to Czech,
Austria, Yugoslavia, Romania and Italy w/o plebiscite
○ 33% ethnic Hungarians now living in Czech, Transylvania in Romania and
○ 700,000 folk in new Hungary were German or Slovak, not Hungarians
○ Loss of Hungarian citizenship for those now outside of the country, within a year
from Trianon’s signing
○ Army 35,000
○ Reparations Commission
○ Breaking of Austro-Hungarian Empire
10th August 1920 - Treaty of Sèvres (Turkey)
○ 50,000 soldiers, 7 sailboat and 6 torpedos
○ Territory lost: Smyrna & Eastern Thrace to Greece, Rhodes Island to Italy
○ Break-up of Ottoman Empire: provinces of Kurdistan, Armenia, Hejaz, Iraq,
Palestine became British mandate, Syria → France
○ Dardanelles Strait international waterway
○ Led to nationalist movement by Mustafa Kamal, challenge treaty & fought to drive
Greek out of Smyrna.
11th January 1923 - Occupation of the Ruhr
○ Payment default in late 1922
○ Belgian and French soldiers intention to seize coal worth debts, backfire due to
passive resistance
○ Expulsion of 100,000 Germans [rehousing]
24th July 1923 - Treaty of Lausanne(Turkey)
○ Reclaimed [European] land lost to Armenia, no independent Kurdistan in Turkey
○ Dardanelles Strait returned
○ No reparations or disarmament clauses
○ Demilitarisation of islands neighbouring Greece
29th August 1923 - Corfu Incident (start)
○ Mussolini orders naval occupation of island Corfu, Greece.
○ Response to murder of Italian general & troop on border w Greece & Albania
○ Demanded 50mil lira & execute assassin
13th August 1923 - Gustav Stresemann appointed Chancellor
27th September 1923 - Corfu Incident (end)
○ Council of Ambassador forced Greece to pay
○ Italy withdraws
8th-9th November 1923 - Munich Putsch
○ 8 Nov evening - Bavarian PM Gustav von Kahr + Head Police & Military meeting
in Burgerbraukeller (beer hall) in Munich w/ businessmen
■ 600 stormtrooper, Hitler & Goering storm hall, Kahr gunpoint to join
Gen Ludendorff arrive late, Hitler stalled, Kahr agree to join. Mistakenly let
them leave the beer hall, Kahr inform army
○ 9 Nov - march towards Ministry of Defense
■ Hitler, Ludendorf & 3k Nazis march but blocked by police, Ludendorff not
shot and unharmed, Hitler missed by bullet and escape, but arrested 2
days later for trial.
20 November 1923 - Rentenmark was introduced
○ Stresseman’s initiative to resolve Ruhr hyperinflation
○ Mortgage on country’s industrial & agricultural resources
○ Supported by Hjalmar Schacht
April 1924 - Dawes Plan
○ Reduction of annual reparations, increasing as econ restabilise [1bn gold mark
per year]
○ France & Belgium agree to leave Ruhr
○ $200 million loan from U.S market
○ Accepted by Stresemann on Apr 17 & creation of Reichsmark
16th October 1925 - Locarno Treaties
○ Guarantee for mutual frontier of France, Belgium and Germany by Britain and
○ Britain to support any nation if were invaded/violated
8th September 1926 - Germany joins League of Nations
August 1929 - Young Plan signed
○ $6.6bn reduced to $2bn paid over 58 years
○ $300 million loan provided and last allied troops left Germany
3rd October 1929 - Death of Gustav Stresemann
27th August 1928 - Kellogg-Briand Pact
○ Pact for the renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy
○ French FM Briand’s attempt to tie US into Alliance, accepted by US SecState
Frank Kellogg
○ Agree solve all disputes by peaceful means, very ineffective
24th October 1929 - Wall Street Crash (Initial crash, Black Thursday)
○ Share prices plummet & frenzy of selling shares and bonds
○ BONDS - sold by Govt, borrowed $ from public, who would receive interest →
popularised stock purchase, stock broker offices
○ Buying on margin → borrowed $ from broker to buy stocks, repay later [90%
○ Public panic + minimal govt surveillance meant overpriced stocks, market
manipulation, Hoover’s belief in unfederated capitalism, 20% american wealth
○ Companies bankrupt, banks failed, redundant worker, unemployment,
1930 - Young plan adopted
18th September 1931 - Manchurian Crisis
Staged Mukden Incident, blamed Chinese bandits & invaded despite China’s
LON appeal
○ Mar 1932 renamed Manchuko, occupied whole province.
○ No LON action [depression, no econ sancton, fear war & colonies]
○ Lytton Commission arrives in April, report reviewed 18mo later in February ‘33
1932 - Disarmament Conference (Geneva Protocol)
○ France, Poland, Czech afraid of Germany & disbelief in collective security [want
to keep arms]
○ France only disarm w/ UK-US guarantee e.g Anglo American Treaty Guarantee
May 1932 - Von Papen becomes Chancellor
○ Centre party member, Catholic, unpopular, willing to work with Hitler and make a
RW Gov
○ No majority
July 1932 Elections
○ 37.3% vote, 250 seats won by Nazis
○ Largest majority won ever in Republic
November 1932 Elections
○ Papen didn’t receive increased support as hoped
○ Apathy, Nazi vote drop to 33.1% or 196 seats
■ Excessive violence and thuggery by the SA, party funds also low
3rd December 1932 - Von Schleicher becomes Chancellor
○ Army general, resigns on 28 Jan 1933 as unable to raise support and get a
January 1933:
○ 4th - Papen schemes with Hitler to oust Schliecher, wants to be VC to Hitler
○ 22 Jan- Hindenburg refuses Papen’s request
○ 28 Jan - Schliecher resigns in defeat
30th January 1933 - Hitler appointed as Chancellor
○ Too risque to install Papen, as no majority
○ Nazis given 3 cabinet seats out of 12 to limit policy change
○ Main reasons for appointment
■ The Depression
■ Hitler’s leadership skills
■ Nazi tactics [campaign, radio, flights, pageants]
■ Weakness of Weimar: proportional rep, no majority
■ Maneuvering by Papen
○ Secret rearmament begins
4th February 1933 - Free & Fair Elections Decree by Hindenburg
○ All political meetings held must inform police 48h in advance
○ Police given authority to prohibit meetings that posed “danger to public security”
■ Goering - Minister of Interior in Prussia, control police
■ 17 Feb: instructed to disrupt all communist meeting, not SA/Nationalists
■ 22 Feb: Nazi SA appointed official auxillary police force
24th February 1933 - Japan leaves League of Nations
○ Lytton Report voted on 42-1
27th February 1933 - Reichstag fire
○ Dutch communist, Van der Lubbe blamed and arrested → communist purge
○ 4000 communist leaders arrested by Prussian Police
28th February 1933 - Reichstag Fire Decree
○ Suspension of constitutional articles for: personal liberty, freedom
○ Police emergency power, can ban meeting & seize offices, introduce death
penalty for crimes
○ Goering takes control of state radio station, prev controlled by anti-Nazis
5th March Reichstag Elections
○ 43.9% vote, 288 seats → LARGEST majority ever, SA & police at polls
○ Communists banned, but still not 50%, other RW parties didn’t support
23th March 1933 - Enabling Act
○ Kroll Opera House, Berlin - new Reichstag’s first meeting
○ Catholic Centre Party co-op, 441-94 pass (Social Dem oppose)
○ Hitler does not need Reichstag to pass laws
○ Next 12 years of Reich → 12 assemblies, only to hear Hitler speak
26th April 1933 - Gestapo created by Hermann Goering
23rd October, 1933 - Germany withdraws from Disarmament Conference
1934 - Disarmament Conference (Geneva Protocol)
1934 - Dr Hjalmer Schacht’s New Plan
○ Financial plan by Minister of Economy to improve German economy
■ Controlled imports, individual trade agreement with countries e.g.
Hungary, raw material for butter/vege oil
■ Increased govt spending in industry
■ Unemployment reduction through autobahn project, Reich Labour
Service, replacement of Jews
January 1934 - 10-yr non-aggression pact with Poland
○ Eliminate a war front in case war breaks out w/ Czech
30th June-2nd July - Night of Long Knives (SA and SS)
○ SA membership > 2 million, under Rohm
○ Ernst Rohm’s different views
■ Anti-capitalist agenda, reduce big business power, many of whom support
army leadership
■ SA to merge with army → disdain, army more dignified
■ Rohm felt Nazi seizure not ‘extreme’ enough, could use SA for second
■ 29 June → Goering & Himmler forge ‘evidence’ Rohm plots 2nd coup, via
Gestapo & SD
○ 200 SA member round up incl von Schleicher, 400 executions
July 1934 - Attempted union with Anschluss
○ Murder of Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss, Mussolini disapprove
2nd August 1934 - Death of Hindenburg
○ Hitler Head of State, Commander in Chief Army → Reich Fuhrer
■ SS membership >50k men
■ Himmler, Head of SS made Police President in Bavaria. Heydrich Head of
Gestapo, taken from Goering
■ Soldiers oath of loyalty to Hitler
18th September 1934 - Russia joins League of Nations
January 1935 - Saar Plebiscite
○ First legal/peaceful gain of Saar Basin, w lots of COAL
April 1935 - Stresa Front
○ Coalition of France, Britain, and Italy formed in April 1935 at Stresa, Italy
○ Oppose Adolf Hitler's rearmament
18 June 1935 - Anglo German Naval Agreement
○ Legalised and authorised German rearmament
○ Fleet 35% size of UK and only 45% of submarines
15th October 1935 - Nuremberg Laws
○ Law for Protection of German Blood & Honour - no marriage/sexual intercourse
with jews
○ Reich Citizenship law - rescinded citizenship, Jews ‘subjects’ w/o rights
October 1935 - Abyssinian Crisis
○ Boost public opinion of Mussolini, since Abyssinia low economic value no
○ Dec 1934 Wal Wal border incident, army gather at bordering Eritrea/Somaliland
○ Oct 35: two prong attack launched
■ Chemical weapons, ruthless treatment
■ LON impose sanctions BUT
● Suez Canal kept open, supply route out of fear of attack on
Malta/Gibraltar for UK/France
● Coal & oil not sanctioned
December 1935 - Hoare Laval Pact (Britain and France, Abyssinia)
○ Italy given ⅔ Abyssinia, remaining country got ⅓ and sea access via Eritrea
○ Leaked to press, bad rep for Brit/France FMs
○ May 36 - Addis Ababa captured
○ July 36 - Sanctions on Italy lifted
1936 - Hitler Youth made compulsory membership for 14-18yo
○ Military drills and training
○ Rifle handling, camp craft, map reading, etc
7th March 1936 - Rhineland remilitarisation: “goose step”
○ 2 division, 20k soldiers sent anticipating French retaliation
○ French financial crisis & election in 6w, organised for defence
○ 25-year non aggression pact promised afterwards
17th July 1936 - Spanish Civil War starts
○ RW, facist Falange Party member General Franco against the democratic system
and Popular Front gov, anarchist/socialist/communist.
○ Proxy war
■ Hitler + Mussolini support Franco together-gether
■ USSR support Popular Front
■ 30 months fighting, ¾ million lives, Franco wins
○ Luftwaffe practice dive-bombing in Guernica, Basque of N Spain ‘dress rehearsal’
25 October 1936 - Rome-Berlin Axis
○ Coalition of mutual support in case war breaks out
25th November 1936 - Anti- Comintern Pact
○ German-Japan alliance against Communist International (Comintern) and agree
not to support USSR.
1936 German - Austrian Agreement
○ Austrian policy in-line w Germany but retains independence
1937 - Italy leaves League
6th November 1937 - Anti - Comintern Pact (Italy joins)
March 1938 - Anschluss
○ Feb 38 Chancellor Kurt von Schuschnigg discuss ‘persecution’ of Austrain Nazis,
appoints Seyss-Inquart as Minister of Interior
○ Schusnigg’s 13 Mar plebiscite call off, and he resigns
○ Austrian Nazi disrupt → ‘German Nazis to restore law and order’
15th September 1938 - Hitler and Chamberlain - Summit 1- Berchtesgaden, Bavaria
○ Discuss which areas of Sudetenland to seize, subject to approval of UK, France
and Czechoslovakia
22nd September 1938 - Hitler and Chamberlain - Summit 2- Bad Godesberg, Rhineland
○ Chamberlain reports approval of Sudetenland transfer
○ Hitler requests immediate action, Czech to withdraw by 1 Oct to avoid conflict.
Chamberlain mobilise UK army.
29th September 1938 - Munich Conference
○ Deladier, Neville, Hitler & Mussolini [suggest conf to avoid war]
○ Sudetenland to be transferred in 10 days’ time
○ Plebscite held in areas of doubt
○ 4 powers guarantee rest of Czech in the event of invasion
9th-10th November 1938 - Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass)
○ Response to the assasination of Ernst von Rath, German Embassy Paris
○ Goebbels’ way to win favor, Heydrich’s rules of engagement not received
■ German property not meant to be destroyed, no looting to occur
○ Est 7500 shops burnt, 400 synagogue destroyed, 30k men sent to CC camp
○ 12 Nov - Jews fined 1bn reichsmark for damages, transfer title deeds
15th March 1939 - German invasion of Czechoslovakia
31st March 1939 - British-French guarantee to Poland(support against German
1st April 1939 - Spanish Civil War ends
23rd August 1939 - Nazi-Soviet Pact
1st September 1939 - Start of WW2(Britain-France declare war on Germany) with
invasion of Poland
November 1939 - USSR expelled from League
1941 - Final solution
1941 - Germany invaded Russia
1941 - Reza Khan abdicates throne to son, Mohd Reza Pahlavi
○ Iran → constitutional monarchy, secular, westernised
1945 - French Indo-China (Vietminh)
1945 - Japan surrendered to Soviets in North, U.S in South (Korea)
1945 - United Nations was founded
4th - 11th February 1945 - Yalta conference
○ Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt → focused on war outcome
○ German decisions
■ Unconditional surrender, no separate peace, divy into 4, eastern border
moves west, $20bn reparations with 50% to USSR
○ Establish UNO: all states at war w Germany join, UNSC member 5 with veto, first
convene in San Fran, June ‘45
○ USSR enter war Japan, following German defeat & gain lost territory from 1904-5
war with outer Mongolia part of influence sphere
○ Poland: provisional gov [Soviet Lublin + London Poles] with free & fair multiparty
election in future
17th July - 2nd August 1945 - Potsdam conference
○ Clement Attlee, Harry Truman, Stalin
○ Majority of E. EU liberated, Soviet in power midst of installing sympathetic gov
○ Manhattan Project info release, but KGB been knew
○ Disagreements
■ Polish govt dowan Lublin, but USSR don’t care. USSR want no industry in
Germany and desire Ruhr but reject. USSR want Japan, Truman reject.
○ Agreements
■ Pol/Ger border at Oder-Neisse Line, Denazification & war trials to occur, ACC
in Berlin governing, take reparation from own occupation zone w/ some equip
to USSR from West side, CFM est. to deal with other IR losers
1947 - UNO calls for free, nationwide elections in Korea
March 1947 - Truman Doctrine + secret POLITICAL unification of Brit, US, French zones
○ Based on G.Kennan’s Long Telegram, USSR hostile due to insecurity, marxist
belief that no conflict can be solved peacefully, containment policy ‘will stop
where met with resistance’, USSR eventual internal collapse
○ Divide between free world and oppressor, open-end commit to defend free
○ $400 million in aid save Greece & Turkey
May 1947 - Bizona, single economic unit formed (UK+USA)
June 1947 - Marshall Plan
○ Marshall AID approved Apr 1948 following Feb 48 communist takeover in Czech
○ ‘Empire by invitation’ or creation of EU power bloc?
○ 16 country, 4 years, $13.3 bn
○ 20% loan 80% grant, food shipment & machinery
September 1947 - COMINFORM (Communist Information Bureau)
○ Co-ord EU communist party activity
○ Increase control in satellite states, e.g. Czechoslovakia
1948 - Korean elections (N & S divided)
1948 - Italy CIA meddling in elections
○ CIA + American funded campaigns for anti-communist propaganda swung
expected communist victory
○ Marshall Aid re-equip Fiat, revive Italian economy
1948 - Berlin Blockade
June 1948 - Western powers introduce new currency in Berlin
January 1949 - COMECON [Council for Mutual Economic Assistance]
○ Coordinate national economies of Soviet bloc
○ Interesting note - 1948, Stalin requested $150mil aid from US following many bad
harvest, after expulsion of Tito’s Yugoslavia from COMINFORM
April 1949 - NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) and Trizonia is formed
○ W Germany joins NATO in 1955 but no biological, chemical or nuclear weapons
○ US joining NATO reluctantly, EU country most fearful
May 1949 - Political unification of West Germany (formally)
○ Federal Republic of Germany
○ Basic Law for constitution
○ National elections followed in August, and Konrad Adenauer of RW Christian
Dems became first chancellor, controlling domestic policy
12th May 1949 - Berlin Blockade ends
○ 300,000 flights and 2 million tonnes transported
○ 65 pilot lives lost
October 1949 - German Democratic Republic of East Germany
○ Based on 1948 People’s Council in Soviet zone
○ Socialist Unity Party (SED) from forced unification of Social Dem Party & German
Communist Party in authority
○ East Berlin capital
25th June 1950 - North Korea invade South Korea (Security council meet)
1951 - Nationalisation of Iranian oil industry
○ By PM Mussadeq of National Front party
○ Angers Anglo-Iranian oil company
July 23, 1952 - European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)
○ Formed from 1951 Treaty of Paris
○ Common market for coal and steel, initial members France, Italy, Belgium,
Netherlands, Luxembourg, West Germany
○ Supported by USA, later evolved into EU
1953 - End of Korean War
1953 - Eisenhower intervened between France and Vietnam (Sent military, support
○ Supportive remarks towards Hungary in speeches too
○ Commitment to fight communism
○ Eisenhower doctrine - allow use of US forces in MENA to aid anti communist
5th March 1953 - Stalin’s Death *sad soviet music*
August 1953 - CIA/MI6 plan to remove PM Mussadeq, Iran from power
○ Abadan Crisis: Brit engineer refuse to work to reduce revenue
○ Mussadeq seek support of Iranian Communist Party, US fear increased
○ Operation Ajax launched
1953 - Khrushchev comes to power (USSR)
○ De-Stalinization process begins; disallow arrest of 400 political opponent in
1955 - French left Vietnam
14th May 1955 - Warsaw Pact [Mutual Defense Treaty]
○ Unification of Soviet bloc militaries under single command
○ Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, USSR and East
○ Response to West Germany joining NATO
○ Commander in Chief, anyone important was Soviet officer
June 1956 - Polish protest, USSR made certain concessions.
October 1956 - Hungarian Uprising
○ 3k Hungarians killed, 12k arrested, 450 executed
○ Smallholders Party for Hungarian rights won 57% vote but USSR disallowed to
form govt, Hungarian Communist party with 17% formed govt
○ AVH secret police executed 2k, imprisoned 100k, control school & censored
○ Religion “dangerous propaganda”; Cardinal Mindszenty, Catholic, was tortured
and imprisoned.
○ Agricultural & industrial produce redirected to USSR despite poverty & famine
○ 23 Oct- student protest for ‘true socialism’; police open fire, 30ft Stalin statue
○ 24 Oct - Russian troop enter. Soviet tank outside Parliament & key road/bridges
to intimidate. New PM, Imre Nagy appointed:
■ Free elections promised
■ Withdrawal of Russian troops
○ 25 Oct - Protestors breach Parliament, Soviet-loyal politicians flee
○ 28 Oct - Krushchev agree to Nagy’s request, withdraw Soviet troop
29 Oct-3 Nov - democracy, freedom speech & religion introduced. Minszenty &
political prisoner released. Nagy announce withdraw Warsaw Pact. 1 Nov UN
○ 4 Nov - 1k Russian tank enter, capture airfield, bridge, junction. Fierce fighting.
Protestors lose.
○ Janos Kadar promises Nagy & follower safe exit. 3w later kidnap, try, execute for
1959 - Castro Overthrows Batista
○ Nationalisation of key industries once own by US companies
○ Rent cut by 50%, land distribution, more quality and segregation abolished, free
education, free healthcare for all, casino shut down bye bye mafia
1959 - N.Vietnam began attacking S.Vietnam (Vietcong)
1961 - Kennedy becomes president
17th April 1961 - Bay of Pigs invasion
○ Aim for takeover, 2 airstrike protected troops of 1.4k men to land in Bay of Pigs
near Havana
○ Failure
■ No secrecy, Cuban spies and exiles been knew, no air superiority as all
target missed and US disguise leak, no support from people, epic 20k
counter attack
13th August 1961 - Berlin Wall constructed
○ Brain drain in East Berlin, migration to West for better income, living standard,
1962 - Strategic Hamlet Program (USA wanted to limit Vietcong influence on peasants)
○ Relocation of farmer to SV army bases, away from Vietcong
○ Astronomical failure, farmer wanna stay near land & ancestors/dead, were forced
○ NLF membership jump to 17k, control 20% village in south
April 1962 - America place nuclear weapons in Turkey
Sept 1962 - Nuclear missiles arrive secretly to Cuba
22nd October 1962 - US quarantines Cuba
○ 25 Oct military readiness to defcon 2, nuclear war next
○ 26 Krushev offer remove missile if US not invade Cuba
○ 27 Oct U-2 spy plane shot down
28th October 1962 - USSR missiles leave Cuba
1963 - JFK assassination
1963 - White Revolution begins in Iran
○ Shah’s plan to modernise Iran
○ Non-muslims in Govt to the distaste of clergymen
○ Imported US food & building shopping mall [RIP bazaar, RIP farmer]
1964 - Brezhnev comes to power (USSR)
August 1964 - The Gulf of Tonkin Incident (V.P Lyndon Johnson, start of real warfare in
2 US warship attack by NV gunboat in ‘int water’ senate allow for direct armed
○ Feb 65 bombing begin, Mar 65 ground troops, Dec 65 150k troops present
1968 - Prague Spring (Czechoslovakia)
○ 1960s recession led to drop of standard living & unable to produce goods. Govt
controls relaxed, business control and set own prices/wages.
○ Antonin Novotny replaced with Alexander Dubcek due to student protest in CP,
promising reform:
■ Abolish censorship & introduce freedom of speech
■ Party members to be honest, ‘duty to act according to conscience’
■ Creation of Worker’s Councils & increase trade union right
■ Independent farms & control over produce
■ Freedom movement, & Slovak national identity recognised
○ Fear Hungary deja vu, Dubcek announce Czech keep FP, stay Warsaw & allies
with USSR
○ July 1968: West Germany ‘planning’ Sudetenland Invasion, Red Army sent to
protect Czech against Dubcek’s will in August. Govt. order people stand down,
Dubcek summoned to Kremlin and abandon reforms.
January 1968 - Tet offensive (Attack by N.Vietnamese troops)
September 1968 - Brezhnev Doctrine
○ One-party system in each country
○ All countries remain part of Warsaw Pact
○ A result of insecurity following Stalin’s death, communist countries to be mindful,
and in wake of Prague Spring & Albania resignation from Warsaw Pact.
1969 - Nixon elected as President
December 1970 - USA start withdrawing troops from Vietnam
1975 - N.Vietnam conquered S.Vietnam
1980 - Ronald Reagan elected as President
14th August 1980 - Strike in Gdańsk (Trade unions, 21 demands)
13th December 1981 - Solidarity was suspended
1985 - Gorbachev rises to power (Soviet Union)
January 1989 - Soviet troops withdraw from Afghanistan
17th April 1989 - Solidarity was legalised
June 1989 - Poland becomes independent
September 1989 - Hungary becomes independent
November 1989 - Berlin Wall removed
May 1991 - End of Soviet Union