The Lymphatic System TONSIL The tonsils are also part of the immune system. Because of their location at the throat and palate, they can stop germs entering the body through the mouth or the nose. The tonsils also contain a lot of white blood cells, which are responsible for killing germs. BONE MARROW Bone marrow is a sponge-like tissue found inside the bone. That is where most immune system cells are produced and then also multiply. These cells move to other organs and tissues through the blood. SKIN, MUCOUS MEMBRANES AND FIRST- LINE DEFENSES Skin produces oils and secretes other protective immune system cells. Mucous membranes line the respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive tracts. These membranes secrete mucus, which lubricates and moistens surfaces STOMACH AND BOWEL Stomach acid kills many bacteria soon after they enter the body. Humans also have beneficial (good) bacteria in your intestines that kill harmful bacteria The lymphatic system is an interactive network of lymphoid organs, cells, humoral factors, and cytokines. Its essential function in host defense is best illustrated when it goes wrong; underactivity resulting in the severe infections and tumors of immunodeficiency, overactivity in allergic and autoimmune disease (Parkin & Cohen, 2001). Overall, the lymphatic system is responsible for keeping the body free from hazardous organisms in the body. GROUP 4 - SCIENCE King, Ashly Nuevo, Joie Michelle B. Oatis, Leica Juliana Lumbao, Nancy Priscilla Z. Orbeta, Glaivorne THYMUS Located behind the breastbone above the heart. This gland-like organ reaches full maturity only in children, and is then slowly transformed to fatty tissue. Special types of immune system cells called thymus cell lymphocytes (T cells) mature in the thymus. SPLEEN The spleen sits in the upper left of the abdomen, protected by the rib cage. It is the largest organ of the lymphatic system — the circulation of the immune system. It recycles old red blood cells and stores platelets (components of the blood that help stop bleeding) and white blood cells. . LYMPH NODES Lymph nodes are small bean-shaped tissues found along the lymphatic vessels. The lymph nodes act as filters. Various immune system cells trap germs in the lymph nodes and activate the creation of special antibodies in the blood. Protect. The body system continuously barricades these deleterious agents from its framework. Regulate. Keeping the health balance of the body. The cells produced by the organs functioning in the this system performs filtration and extermination of harmful substances foreign from the body. Adapt. The body relies on the immune and lymphatic system’s capability to grow and evolve.