Uploaded by Joey Maula

Anatomy & Physiology Review: Heart, Lymph, Digestion, Respiration

Final Review
Chapter 21:
1. What are the layers of the heart from deepest to superficial?
2. Trace the blood flow through the heart.
3. Label the following structures
a. ___________
b. ___________
c. ___________
d. ___________
e. ___________
f. ___________
g. ___________
h. ___________
4. Label the conduction system of the heart and trace the conducting pathway.
Chapter 22:
1. ______ carries oxygenated blood.
a. Arteries
b. Veins
c. Capillaries
2. Which is the correct order of blood vessel tunics from deepest to superficial?
a. Tunica Externa, Tunica Media, Tunica Intima.
b. Tunica Media, Tunica Intima, Tunica Externa
c. Tunica Intima, Tunica Externa, Tunica Media
d. Tunica Intima, Tunica Media, Tunica Externa
3. ________ are composed of a thicker Tunica Media.
4. True or False: Muscular arteries have the largest diameter.
5. Where would you find elastic arteries? Why would they be beneficial in these areas?
6. What are the types of veins in the body?
7. How do veins prevent backflow?
8. Veins rely on ______ to move blood.
a. Tunica media
b. Muscular contraction
c. Temperature
9. True or False: IVs are injected into arteries.
10. Explain why for question 9.
11. Which capillary is the most common type found in the body?
a. Continuous
b. Sinusoid
c. Fenestrated
12. Which capillary would be found in the kidney?
a. Continuous
b. Sinusoid
c. Fenestrated
13. What supplies capillaries with blood?
14. The ring of arteries in the brain is called the ___________________.
15. Make sure to go over the blood vessels of the body. There is way too much information to
squeeze into one session. Be able to trace a drop of blood from one area to another. There
will definitely be a question on the test.
Chapter 23:
1. What are the functions of the lymphatic system?
2. What structures are included in the lymphatic system?
3. Lymph is a type of __________ tissue.
a. Connective
b. Epithelial
c. Muscular
d. Nervous
4. Lymph is consisted of: (mark all that apply)
a. Water
b. Wastes
c. Ions
d. Pathogens and WBC’s
e. Platelets
5. Tonsils would be found in all the following EXCEPT:
a. Nasopharynx
b. Laryngopharynx
c. Oropharynx
6. True or False: Lymphatic nodules are surrounded by a protective capsule.
7. MALT are clusters of lymphatic tissues found where?
8. What is the largest lymphatic organ and functions in the storage of leukocytes?
a. Thymus
b. Lymph Bodes
c. Spleen
9. What types of tissue is the Spleen composed of?
10. What do all lymphatic organs have in common?
11. Where do T lymphocytes originate and where do they mature?
a. Bone Marrow/Bone Marrow
b. Thymus/ Thymus
c. Thymus/Bone Marrow
d. Bone Marrow/Thymus
12. How would lymph nodes react to an extreme infection?
13. Lymph nodes are clustered in specific locations. Mark all that apply.
a. Axillary
b. Inguinal
c. Thoracic
d. Cervical
e. Lumbar
14. What is the function of lymphatic capillaries and they are often found where?
15. How are lymphatic vessels similar to veins?
16. Lymphatic __________ are larger vessels that collect lymph from specific body regions.
a. Tubercles
b. Trunk
c. Capillaries
d. Ducts
17. Name the areas that return fluid back to the:
a. Right Lymphatic Duct:
b. Thoracic Duct:
18. Match the following terms.
a. Turn off the body’s immune response.
b. Kill a wide variety of cells (infected or cancerous), not specific
c. Can differentiate into plasma or memory cells.
d. Kill specific pathogens marked by helper T Cells, cause cells to lyse
e. Produce and secrete antibodies.
f. Recognize foreign pathogens, attach then present them to other lymphatic cells.
g. Longest living blood cell
h. Leukocytes that engulf pathogens or cellular debris, extend cytoplasm into “arms” to
consume bacteria.
1) Macrophages: ________
2) Natural Killer Cells: ________
3) B Lymphocytes: ________
4) T Lymphocytes: ________
5) Cytotoxic T Cells: ________
6) Suppressor T Cells: ________
7) Plasma Cells: ________
8) Memory Cells: ________
19. Where are antigens present?
a. On the surface of the cell
b. Within the nucleus
c. Circulate in the cell’s cytoplasm
d. Studded on the rough ER
20. Antibodies target specifically: (choose the best answer)
a. Foreign cells
b. Pathogens
c. Foreign Antigens
d. Viruses
21. What mechanism allows macrophages to attach multiple foreign antigens at once?
22. Where do B cells originate from and mature?
a. Bone Marrow/Thymus
b. Thymus/Bone Marrow
c. Bone Marrow/Bone Marrow
d. Thymus/Thymus
Chapter 25:
1. What are the functions of the digestive system?
2. What is the difference between the major organs and the accessory organs of the digestive
3. All of the following are secretions of the digestive system EXCEPT:
a. Bile
b. Pancreatic juice
c. Hemoglobin
d. Insulin
e. Saliva
f. Mucus
g. Gastric Secretions
4. How many layers are there in the GI tract?
a. 5
b. 6
c. 3
d. 4
5. What two layers of muscle make up the esophagus ?
a. Oblique/circular
b. Oblique/longitudinal
c. Longitudinal/Circular
6. How many layers is the muscular externa in the stomach? Explain your answer.
7. What is the most superficial layer of the GI tract?
a. Serosa
b. Submucosa
c. Mucosa
d. Muscularis Externa
8. Which layer of the GI tract contains goblet cells?
a. Serosa
b. Submucosa
c. Mucosa
d. Muscularis Externa
9. Which layer of the GI tract is innervated?
a. Serosa
b. Submucosa
c. Mucosa
d. Muscularis Externa
10. Match the following terms with the type of teeth. How many do we have of each type?
1) Incisor: _______
2) Molar: _______
3) Premolar: _______
4) Canine: _______
1) Enamel: ________
2) Root: ________
3) Crown: ________
4) Pulp Cavity: ________
5) Dentin: ________
6) Gingiva: ________
7) Root: ________
12. What are the functions of the stomach?
1) Fundus: ________
2) Greater Curvature: ________
3) Lesser Curvature: ________
4) Longitudinal Layer: ________
5) Circular Layer: ________
6) Oblique: ________
7) Pyloric Sphincter: ________
14. How does the stomach protect itself from the acidic environment?
15. What is the function of rugae?
16. Label the parts of the small intestine.
17. True or False: Complete digestion occurs in the large intestine.
18. The band of smooth muscle that runs along the large intestine is the:
a. Haustrum
b. Tenia Coli
c. Epiploic Projections
d. Diaphragm
19. The pouch like sections formed by the band of smooth muscle is called:
a. Haustrum
b. Tenia Coli
c. Epiploic Projections
d. Diaphragm
20. What type of gland is the pancreas?
21. Bile is made in the:
a. Gall Bladder
b. Liver
c. Kidneys
d. Pancreas
22. What is the function of the pancreas in digestion?
23. What are the functions of the liver?
24. Which cells of the liver produce bile?
a. Hepatocytes
b. Kupffer Cells
c. Bilian Cell
d. Nephrocyte
25. Which cell filters toxins from the blood?
a. Hepatocytes
b. Kupffer Cells
c. Bilian Cell
d. Nephrocyte
1. What are some functions of the respiratory system?
Provide an extensive area for gas exchange
Protect respiratory surfaces from dehydration, temperature changes
Produce sounds
Defense against pathogens
Helping regulate blood volume, blood pressure, and pH
2. What are the functions of nasal conchae?
a. Increase surface area
b. Dry air before inhalation
c. Decrease surface area
3. Divide the following terms between the upper and respiratory tract.
a. Paranasal sinuses
b. Larynx
c. Trachea
d. Nasal Conchae
e. Nose
f. Bronchi
g. Lungs
h. Bronchioles
i. Nasal cavity
j. Nasopharynx
k. Alveoli
4. The _______ separates the nasal and oral cavities:
a. Maxilla
b. Nasal Conchae
c. Nasopharynx
d. Palate
5. What provides structure to the trachea during the pressure changes of breathing?
a. Tracheal Cartilage
b. Esophageal Sphincter
c. Hyoid
d. Alveoli
6. The area of the throat containing the vocal cords, used for breathing, swallowing, and talking
is the:
a. Pharynx
b. Larynx
c. Trachea
d. Bronchioles
7. The ________ bronchus is shorter and wider.
The ________ bronchus is longer and narrower.
8. How many lobes does the right lung have?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
9. How many lobes does the left lung have?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
10. What is the hilum?
11. Alveolar 1 functions in:
a. Site of gas exchange
b. Produce surfactant
c. Warms and humidifies air
12. What muscles allow for normal inhalation and exhalation?
13. What muscle allows for force exhalation?
a. Internal Intercostals
b. Parasternal
c. Scalene
d. Neck Muscles
Cricoid Cartilage: _________
Hyoid: _________
Thyroid Cartilage: _________
Epiglottis: _________
Arytenoid Cartilage: _________
Cricothyroid Ligament: _________