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University Attendance Policy: Benefits & Argument

Many people still think that going to university will be very leisurely because students can freely
leave school if they like. But International University has a rule that if a student misses more
than 20% of the class, they will be barred from taking the final exam. Because the lecturer thinks
that this will ensure that students will go to school and listen fully to the lecture. In my view, I
absolutely agree with this argument because it ensures student quality.
First, going to school and listening fully to the lecture helps us understand the lesson better. If we
have questions about the lesson, we can freely ask and argue with the teacher. This helps
improve the quality of students for the school and also helps students improve their knowledge.
At the same time, study to gain more experience in the major you have chosen. And International
University is one of the schools that uses one hundred percent English, so regular attendance is
also a good opportunity for students to practice English.
In addition, going to school fully helps us make more friends and build social relationships. And
it can bring many benefits and interesting experiences for us. There are quite a few exchange
students at other schools at the International University, so making friends is more open and
willing to accept cultural differences. There will be collisions, differences of opinion, ways of
life, but also, thanks to that, we will be exposed and broaden our horizons. And gradually, after
gaining understanding and sympathy, your thoughts will also become more open.
In summary, it is right to prohibit students from attending school for less than eighty percent of
the lessons in order to take part in the final exam because it brings many benefits to ourselves
and many good opportunities that we would find hard to get without going to school.