Impressions in removable partial denture DR. ABHINAV GUPTA M.D.S. Contents Introduction Impression materials Impressions of the partially edentulous arch Distal extension rpd Factors influencing the support of a distal extension base Anatomic form impression Methods for obtaining functional support for the distal extension base WHAT IS AN IMPRESSION ? “a negative likeness or copy in reverse of the surface of an object ; an imprint of teeth and adjacent structures for use in dentistry.” (gpt-9) An impression of partially edentulous arch must record accurately the teeth in anatomic form and surrounding tissues in a functional form. Classification of impression materials IMPRESSION MATERIALS Factors influencing the selection of impression materials Convenience of use Time of manipulation & setting time Cost Operator training & preference Need for special trays IMPRESSION OF PARTIALLY EDENTULOUS ARCH Elastic impression materials are used This is due to the presence of undercuts in the partially edentulous mouth POSITION OF PATIENT AND DENTIST Dentist should stand &patient should sit upright Occlusal plane should be parallel to the floor MAXILLARY IMRESSION- dentist should stand at the right rear of patient MANDIBULAR IMPRESSION-dentist should stand at right front of patient IMPRESSION TRAY SELECTION Stock trays used for dentulous & partially edentulous arches are of 3 types Rimlock trays Perforated metal trays Plastic disposable trays CHECKING TRAY SIZE There should be a clearance of 4-5 mm between teeth and inner flanges of tray It should cover the desired anatomic areas Too Large tray may be difficult to insert& may interfere with the coronoid process of the mandible while making maxillary impression In case of mandibular impression ,if the tray extends too far lingually , there is a tendency to trap the tongue or floor of mouth Extending an impression tray Sometimes impression tray of adequate width may not cover the desired impression area In such cases , the tray is lengthened using modeling wax LOADING IMPRESSION TRAY Place impression material in small amounts Tray should be filled in level with the flanges Overfilling should be avoided MANDIBULAR IMPRESSION TECHNIQUE Inject some material over occlusal surface of teeth ,into vestibular areas & alveolo-lingual sulcus Then tray is rotated into the mouth & carefully seated Patient is asked to do the tongue movements Maintain the position of the tray by placing the forefinger of each hand on top of tray on premolar area& thumb under the patient’s chin MAXILLARY IMPRESSION TECHNIQUE Inject alginate into occlusal surface and vestibular areas & wipe some amount on the palate Tray must be centered and properly aligned & verify the position by looking at the patient’s face from above After this tray is seated by using fingers of both hands over premolar areas and stabilize the tray INSPECT THE IMPRESSION FOR DEFECTS Anatomical & functional form of ridge Anatomical form of ridge Functional form of ridge Anatomic or Resting form Supporting or Functional form Materials Used ANATOMIC IMPRESSION irreversible hydrocolloid elastomeric impression materials reversible hydrocolloid FUNCTIONAL IMPRESSIONS fluid waxes metallic pastes elastomeric impression materials soft liners FUNCTIONAL IMPRESSION “recording the functional form of residual ridge to obtain uniformity of support when the functional load is applied” Therefore, the impression must, Record and relate tissues under uniform loading Distribute the load over as large area as possible Accurately delineate the peripheral extent of the denture base Indications for Functional impression Mandibular distal extension partial dentures • Mainly kennedy’s class I & II edentulous arches. SUPPORT OF DISTAL EXTENSION BASED PARTIAL DENTURE minor support abutment teeth major support elastic fibrous connective tissue pad 5 Factors influencing the support of distal extension base Contour & Quality of residual ridge EXTENT OF RESIDUAL RIDGE COVERAGE BY THE DENTURE BASE TYPE & ACCURACY OF IMPRESSION REGISTRATION ACCURACY OF FIT OF DENTURE BASE •Design of partial denture framework METHODS OF FUNCTIONAL IMPRESSION PHYSIOLOGIC OR FUNCTIONAL IMPRESSION McLean’s method Hindel’s modification of McLean’s method Functional relining method the Fluid Wax technique SELECTED PRESSURE IMPRESSION TECHNIQUE McLean’s Physiologic Method McLean “The basic problem of partial denture stabilization is to equalize the resilient and non resilient support” Custom tray over a preliminary cast Functional impression of extension area under occlusal load Hydrocolloid impression over the first impression made under finger pressure. Disadvantages- Finger pressure not equal to biting pressure Closely affect the direct retention HINDEL’S MODIFICATION impression is made with a modified tray applying finger pressure. Disadvantage Tissues are in constant stage of compression Ischemia and bone resorption Premature contacts at rest. Functional Reline Method Layer of relief given The denture is processed & fitted in the mouth in customary manner, except that the relief metal is left in place. It should be worn for a trial period of a week & all needed adjustments are done The relief metal is stripped off from the acrylic. low fusing modeling compound is added in increments Border molding done. 1 mm Modeling plastic is removed from the intaglio surface. Impression made using one of the corrective materials : fluid wax, Zinc-oxide Eugenol pastes or any elastomeric impression material. DISADVANTAGE OCCLUSION MAY BE ALTERED SLIGHTLY FINE LINE OF DEMARCATION EXIST BETWEEN THE NEWLY ADDED & OLD RESIN FLUID WAX FUNCTIONAL IMPRESSION Make an anatomic impression of the arch using alginate Fabricate a refractory cast using this impression Fabricate the partial denture framework over the refractory cast Draw the outline of the denture base Cast is coated with separating medium Wax spacer is adapted over the crest of edentulous ridge Framework is placed over the spacer Auto-polymerizing resin is mixed to dough stage & is adapted and contoured over the framework along the length of the ridge Borders of the tray are trimmed IMPRESSION PROCEDURE Wax is softened at 51 to 54 degree Celsius Softened wax is painted on the tissue surface with a brush Wax is painted in excess near the border to record the sulcus Tray is seated and held in position Wait for 5 minutes to allow the wax to set The tray is removed and impression is examined Wax surface that has contacted soft tissue appear glossy & the other areas that has not contacted the tissues will appear dull THE MOST FREQUENTLY USED WAXES KORRECTA WAX NO.4 – Dr. o.c & S.G Applegate IOWA WAX – developed by Dr. Smith Korrecta wax no.4 is slightly more fluid than Iowa wax SELECTIVE PRESSURE IMPRESSION More force is applied to areas that can absorb stress without adverse response & relieve the areas that are least able to absorb force This is also known as dynamic impression method. MATERIALS USED-rubber base material - ZOE paste ALTERED CAST TECHNIQUE ALTERED CAST- a final cast that is revised in part before processing a denture base AKA CORRECTED CAST or SPLIT CAST TECHNIQUE It is mainly a modification of functional impression through lab procedure Edentulous area cut from the master cast Framework with attached impression seated on master cast Newly altered master cast with newly added stone COCLUSION An accurate impression is vital for the success of a cast partial denture .so proper selection of material ,impression technique and the skill of the dentist plays a key role in the success of the overall treatment. references McCracken’s removable partial prosthodontics Stewart’s removable partial prosthodontics