ACTIVE LISTENING SKILLS WORKSHEET **********************************************************

Your assignment is to work together in a group and find the answers to
these questions. Take turns getting the answers and sharing with each
other to accomplish the assigned task. You need to use the Young Living
textbook, pages 26-35. Watch the time, you need to get this done!
Once you have the answers, review them. Your goal is for everyone to
be able to answer these questions.
In your notebook, please,
 Write the definitions for these words: impression, first
impression, stereotype, maturity, empathy, conversation,
communication, body language, nonverbal communication, and
 Name five qualities that can help you get along with others.
 Tell the three characteristics of a mature person.
 What are the disadvantages of stereotypes?
 What are the effects of a positive attitude?
 How do you make a good impression?
 Name four forms of nonverbal communication.
 Why are gossip and rumors dangerous?
Also, REVIEW the four Active Listening Skills
1. H_________________
2. I__________________
3. E_________________
4. R_________________