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World History Final Exam Review - High School

2021 World History Final Exam Review
Label the continents and oceans:
Religions of the World
Identify the following Terms and Names from the Religions Unit:
13. polytheism vs. monotheism- Poly / believing in many gods, Mono/ believing in one
14. Buddhism’s nirvana- Ultimate heaven, goal
15. Hinduism’s moksha- Ultimate heaven, goal
16. Siddhartha Gautama
17. caste system- Class structure
18. karma- Actions driven by intention
19. reincarnation- Being reborn after death, more than one life
20. yoga- Spiritual meditation practice
21. What are the 4 Noble Truths in Buddhism?
the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the
truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering
22. What is the Middle Way in Buddhism?
Buddhist way of understanding practical life
23. Who was the father of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?
24. Which religion focuses more on the Gospels than the others as a main belief system?
25. Qu’ran
Islamic holy book
26. In what order did these religions appear? (number 1 being earliest; 4 being most recent)
27. Why did the Aztec and Mayan cultures great emphasis on astronomical observations and the
development of a complex religious calendar?
28. Shinto – Japanese religion, worshipping deceased ancestors
29. Which three sects did Christianity split into during the middle ages?
Roman catholic, protestant, Orthodox
30. New trends in Renaissance art
Bright colours, water colour, realism
31. Inventions that spread ideas
32. Humanism
an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance rather than divine or supernatural matters.
33. The Prince
Written Niccolò Machiavelli on how to instruct princes and royalty, Iron fist
34. King James Bible written in the vernacular
Written in Latin so that more people could understand
35. Leonardo da Vinci
Italian engineer, scientist, theorist, sculptor and architect.
36. How and why did Luther become an outlaw in the Holy Roman Empire?
He wrote his 95 thesis and he was excommunicated from the church
37. Luther’s noble protectors/supporters?
Charles the 5th, Fredrick the great
38. What caused the English Reformation?
The pope refused to annul King henrys marriage
39. Analyze the areas in which the Protestant faiths gained prominence. (example: Anglican Church in
England) The reformation led to the creation of new national Protestant churches. The largest of the
new church's groupings were the Lutherans
Scientific Revolution
Identify the following Key Terms and Names
40. Geocentric vs. heliocentric theory
geocentric says that the earth is at the center of the cosmos or universe, and the planets, the sun and
the moon, and the stars circles around it. heliocentric says the sun is the center, and the planets revolve
around the sun.
41. Isaac Newton
Founded Laws of physics, enlightened thinker
42. Antoine Laurent Lavoisier’s Chemistry
Father of modern Chemistry
43. Aristotle
Contributed to all fields of philosophy and science, he invented the field of formal logic, and he
identified the various scientific disciplines
44. Francis Bacon
Created scientific method
45. Galileo
Invented the telescope
46. Andreas Vesalius
Founder of modern human anatomy
47. Johannes Kepler
Discovered three major laws of planetary motion, planets orbit in an oval
48. Number the order in which the following took place (1-4, 1 being the earliest)
Copernicus created a theory of the universe
Ptolemy created a theory of the universe
Galileo regularly observed the universe with his telescope.
Isaac Newton explained the laws of the universal motion.
49. What were the main causes of the Scientific Revolution?
The rise of empiricism and humanism, new inventions, discovery of New World
Exploration and Colonization
50. 3 Gs of Exploration
51. Which 2 countries led the way in early exploration and colonization of the Americas?
52. How did the conquistadors defeat the Incan and Aztec Empires?
53. What was the Columbian Exchange?
54. Middle Passage and Triangular Trade.
55. Declaration of Independence/Enlightenment ideals
56. Republican form of government
57. French Revolution as a turning point in European history.
58. Causes of Rebellion in France
Reign of Terror and Napoleon
59. Maximilien Robespierre and The Committee for Public Safety
60. coup d’etat
Latin American Revolutions
61. How did Napoleon’s overthrow of the Spanish and Portuguese monarchies affect Latin America?
Industrial Revolution
62. Around what geographic features most early industrial centers located in Great Britain?
63. Where on the globe to we see the most industrialized regions?
64. Working conditions and child labor in factories
65. Japanese Silk Factories
66. What were the economic and religious motives for imperialism?
67. White Man’s Burden- cartoon demonstrating the leaders trying to colonize native and British
68. Spheres of influence- Powers in china taken by Europeans and British
69. Opium Wars- War caused by opium being sold in China by the british
70. Sepoy Mutiny
71. Monroe Doctrine
72. Open Door Policy