INVESTIGATIVE PROJECT NAME: DATE: 2022/05/17 SUBJECT: Biology Unit 1 TITLE: The effect of pH on the activity of Catalase AIM: To compare the number of bubbles produced from the decomposition of H2O2 by the enzyme catalase at different pH conditions. INTRODUCTION Give information about the enzyme catalase, where it is found and how it works. Also discuss what the information is all about APPARARTUS AND MATERIALS 3 Test tubes 3 potato cubes Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) Distilled water Razor blade METHOD 1. Three (3) test tubes were labelled with the numbers: 1, 2, and 3. 2. The following was added to the appropriate test tubes: Test Tube # 1: 3 ml of distilled water and 1 diced potato cube. Test Tube # 2: 3 ml of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and 1 diced potato cube. Test Tube #3: 3 ml of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and 1 diced potato cube. 3. After 3 minutes, the pH of each test tube was measured with a small piece of pH paper. 4. 5 ml of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was added and the number of bubbles produced was observed. 5. The results were tabulated. RESULTS Table showing the degree of bubbling at different pH conditions. Test Tube 1-Distilled water 2-Suphuric acid 3-Sodium hydroxide pH Number of Bubbles Explanation DISCUSSION Discuss the results in detail. Explain how the ph affected the activity of the enzyme catalase (be specific to the results of the experiment LIMITATIONS The potato cubes may not have been the exact dimension and the variations in size may have affected the amount of catalase acting on H2O2 The activity of catalase could have been affected by the temperature of the environment. SOURCE OF ERRORS Experimenter error in counting bubbles when they were generated. PRECAUTIONS Care was exercised when handling the chemicals. REFLECTION State what you learnt from the experiment State how the experiment is relevant to real life Discuss the Impact of knowledge gained from experiment How can the experiment be changed and improved CONCLUSION Make a conclusion and state if the hypothesis is true or not. Investigative Project Skill Assessed: A/I Criteria Results Complete set of results from quantities mentioned in method Discussion Complete set of calculations or statement of observations or trends Interpretations of calculated values, observations or trends linked to data in results Limitations and Sources of Error Limitation stated Source of error stated Reflections Relevance of experiment to real life Impact of knowledge gained from experiment How can experiment be changed and improved Conclusion Clearly stated and related to aim in PD Total Maximum Marks 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 Marks Awarded