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Latin word scientia, meaning “knowledge.”
A systematic and methodical activity of building and organizing
knowledge about how the universe behaves through observation,
experimentation, or both.
Scientific method
John Heilbron
Famous American science historian
Science as a discovery of regularity in nature, enough for phenomena
to be described by principles and laws.
Science required invention to devise techniques, abstractions,
apparatuses, and organizations to describe these natural regularities
and their law-like descriptions.
Greek word techne, meaning “art, skill, or cunning of hand.”
Application of scientific knowledge, laws, and principles to produce
services, materials, tools, and machines aimed at solving real-world
Fulfil our needs and desires, or perform certain functions
The Medawar Lecture 1998: Is Science Dangerous? (Lewis
Reliable scientific knowledge has no moral or ethical value
Explain how nature and the universe work and that the obligations of
scientists, besides studying the nature of the universe, is to explain the
possible uses and applications of such scientific knowledge.
Science is not the same as technology.
Nature of science is that it is not possible to predict scientific
discoveries and how these discoveries may be applied.
Science and technology related?
Provides fertile source of novel scientific question
Justifies the allocation of resources needed to address these questions
in an efficient and timely manner, extending the agenda of science
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Source of otherwise unavailable instrumentation and techniques
needed to address novel and more difficult scientific questions more
Science, Technology, and Society
Field that combines the history of science, philosophy of science,
and sociology of science.
Generally, applies methods drawn from history, philosophy, and
sociology to study the nature of science and technology and ultimately
judge their value and place in the society.
As an interdisciplinary field, the emergence of STS was a result of
questions about science and technology’s dynamic interaction
with various aspects of society and was thus viewed as a socially
embedded enterprise.
Bridge the gap between two traditionally exclusive cultures –
humanities (interpretative) and natural sciences (rational) – so that
humans will be able to confront the moral, ethical, and existential
dilemmas brought about by continued developments in science and
Historical Antecedents of Science and Technology
History of S&T focuses on how it changed across time.
Explores the impacts of scientific and technological innovations on the
prevailing social, cultural, political, and economic contexts throughout
Ancient Period
The rise of ancient civilization paved the way for advances in science
and technology. These advances during the ancient period allowed
civilizations to flourish by looking for better ways to communicate,
transport, self-organize, and enhance their way of life, in general.
The Ancient Times were divided into three periods:
Stone Age (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic)
Bronze Age
Iron Age
Some Technologies or Inventions from the Ancient Period include:
Ancient Wheel
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Antikythera Mechanism
Middle Ages
Between the collapse of the Roman Empire in the 5th century AD and
the colonial expansion of Western Europe in the late 15th century AD,
major advances in scientific and technological development took place.
These include the steady increase of new inventions,
introduction of innovations in traditional production, and the
emergence scientific thinking and the scientific method.
Some Technologies or Inventions from the middle Ages include:
Heavy Plough
Paper Money
Mechanical Clock
Spinning Wheel
Modern Ages
As the world population steadily increased, people of the Modern Ages
realized the utmost importance of increasing the efficiency of
transportation, communication and production.
Industrialization took place with greater risks in human health, food
safety and environment which had to be addressed as scientific and
technological progress unfolded at an unimaginable speed.
Some Technologies or Inventions from the Modern Ages include:
Compound Microscope
Jacquard Loom
Engine-Powered Airplane
Inventions of Filipino Scientists
Necessity is also the mother of Philippine inventions.
Navigation, traditional ship building, textiles, food processing,
indigenous arts and techniques, and even cultural inventions. The
following are some of inventions of Filipino scientists and inventors:
1. E- Jeepney
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Most recognized national symbols of the Philippines. It is also one of the most
common mode of transportation for Filipinos.
The assembly and conversion of “jeepneys” for transport and utility from
scraps of American military jeeps left from World War 2 showed the ingenuity and
innovativeness of Filipinos.
However, as the demand for more environmentally friendly transportation
arose, e-jeepneys were introduced as an alternative to the traditional jeepney this
is because jeepneys were reported to be one of the root causes of air pollution
especially in urban areas. Their safety was held in question, as well.
E-jeepneys are designed to be environment-friendly, eliminating noise and air
pollution because they run on electricity.
2. Erythromycin
One of the most well- known antibiotics in the market
Invented by an Ilonggo scientist, Abelardo Aguilar, from a strain of
Streptomyces erythraeus.
However, Aguilar was not credited for this discovery because he was under
the employment of an American company, Eli Lilli Co. The company eventually
owned the merits for this discovery
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