Topic: New musical artists want to start a music career in Winnipeg 1. When you listen to music, how often is it through streaming? (Spotify, Apple Music, Google Music, iHeartRadio, etc.) Never Rarely Sometimes Often 2. What is your preferred way to listen to music? ◎Streaming services ◎Radio stations ◎Youtube ◎CDs and cassettes ◎I don’t listen to music Always Not Applicable ◎Downloaded music ◎Music TV channels ◎Records ◎Other 3. Which music genre have you listened to the most in the past month? ◎Classical ◎Jazz ◎Rap ◎Pop ◎EDM ◎Folk ◎Country ◎Instrumental ◎Other ◎Indie ◎Rock ◎I do not listen to music ◎Metal ◎Hip Hop 4. What music genre do you dislike listening to the most? ◎Classical ◎Jazz ◎Pop ◎EDM ◎Country ◎Instrumental ◎Indie ◎Rock ◎Metal ◎Hip Hop ◎I do not dislike any of the listed genres ◎Rap ◎Folk ◎Other 5. In the past month, how often did you intentionally listen to Winnipeg artists? Never 1 - 2 times a month Once a week 1 - 2 times a week Once a day More than once a day This study source was downloaded by 100000816437334 from on 12-10-2021 18:48:11 GMT -06:00 Unsure 6. In a typical week, how many hours do you spend listening to music? ◎Less than 5 hours ◎Between 5-10 hours ◎Between 11-15 hours ◎Between 16-20 hours ◎More than 20 hours ◎I don't listen to music Research Objectives: - What genre of music is most prominent in Winnipeg? - How often do Winnipeggers listen to music? - Where do most Winnipeggers stream music? This study source was downloaded by 100000816437334 from on 12-10-2021 18:48:11 GMT -06:00 Powered by TCPDF (