Uploaded by Mark Neil Galut

curriculum mapping activity.docx

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1. Using the Sample Ai for Science Curriculum Map, what knowledge and
understanding have you learned? Analyze the matrix and answer the
questions that follow:
What are the main clusters of science contents that students
should learn from G3 to G10?
- The main clusters of science contents are Matter, Living
Things and Environment, Force, Motion and Energy and Earth
and Space.
1.2 How does science content progress from Grade 3 to Grade 10?
- The content is almost same. From Grades 3 to 7 , the same
content/subject matter. Then, from Grades 8 to 10, the
subject matter was jumbled but having the same content.
Meaning, no progression since they have the same topic, only
that it was presented in different order.
1.3 When you look at and analyze the map, what summary ideas can
you give?
- The learning is confined to a limited subject areas and
repetitively taught.
1.4 Science curriculum is spiral. How do you explain that in terms of
what you see in the map?
- The introduction of subject matter should be arranged in such
a way that it starts from simpler to more complex one.
2. Using Sample B, analyze and answer the following questions briefly:
2.1 What is the meaning of “Practised” with a green background for
subject Teaching Profession and PO1 “Applied basic and higher
21st century skills”?
2.2 What is your interpretation of the colored cell with “Learned”
that crossed between subject Social Dimensions and PO5,
Facilitate learning of different types of learners in diverse
learning environment?
2.3 What does the colored “Opportunity” in the cell of the subject
Curriculum Development that crosses with the PO6 “,Directed
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experiences in the field and classrooms experience in the field and
Make a wise decision. Show me that you understood the lesson. Know the
difference between YES and NO answer to each of the question
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1. Does curriculum mapping help a teacher understand what to
accomplish within the period of time?
2. Is a curriculum map a permanent document?
3. Can a curriculum map help explain to parent what their children are
learning in school?
4. Is curriculum mapping task of only one teacher?
5. Can a curriculum map as a tool be used in instructional supervision?
Reflect on the process of curriculum mapping and the sample curriculum
map in this lesson. As a future teacher, how will the process of mapping and
the map as a tool help you in your profession?
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