IIA – Indian Institute of Architects The Indian Institute of Architects (IIA) is the National body of Architects in the country. Established in 1917, the institute today has more than 25,000 members and It plays a major role in promoting the profession of architecture by organising and uniting the Architects of India to promote aesthetic, scientific and practical efficiency of the profession both in Practice and in Education. AIIA - Associate of the Indian Institute of Architects MIIA - Members of the Indian Institute of Architects FIIA - Fellow of the Indian Institute of Architects COA – Council of Architecture The (CoA) has been constituted by the Government of India in the Ministry of Education under the provisions of the Architects Act, 1972. The Act provides for registration of Architects, standards of education, recognized qualifications and standards of practice to be complied with by the practicing architects. Any person desirous of carrying on the profession of 'Architect' must have registered himself / herself with Council of Architecture. For the purpose of registration, one must possess the requisite qualification as appended to the Architects Act. ITPI - Institute of Town Planners, India Institute of Town Planners, India (ITPI); established in 1951, is committed to promote planned, economic, scientific and artistic development of towns, cities and rural areas; in addition to encouraging town planning profession; advancing town and country planning education and research. AITP - Associateship of the Institute of Town Planners (India) FITP - Fellow of the Institute of Town Planners (India) HUDCO - HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. A Public Sector Company, under the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), HUDCO has been a key partner with the Government in building assets for the Nation. HUDCO is a unique institution with its motto of "Profitability with Social Justice". In its operations, HUDCO lays a considerable emphasis on the housing need of the "deprived" that is Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) and Low-Income Groups (LIG). TCPO - Town & Country Planning Organisation (Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, India) Town and Country Planning Organisation (TCPO) was set up in 1962 with the merger of the erstwhile Town Planning Organization (TPO) and Central Regional and Urban Planning Organization (CRUPO). Policy formulation and guidance at national, regional and local levels for planning and development of urban areas of various categories ranging from small town to super-metro/mega cities. ARCASIA - Architects Regional Council Asia The ARCASIA consists of the Presidents of National Institutes of Architects in Asia. The organization itself serves as an extension of each member institutes' regional programme and relations. Annual meetings are held to deliberate on, give collective direction and representation to matters that affect the architectural profession in the Asian region. SAARCH - South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation of Architects Discuss and develop professional affairs among architects of the SAARC(The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation ) region; develop architectural education and institutional affairs in the region; coordinate architectural activities. The member states are Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. CAA - Commonwealth Association of Architects CAA is a membership organisation for professional bodies representing architects in Commonwealth countries. Formed in 1965 to promote co-operation for ‘the advancement of architecture in the Commonwealth’ and particularly to share and increase architectural knowledge, it currently has 36 members. UIA – (French: Union Internationale des Architectes ) (Eglish: International Union of Architects) The UIA is federation of national professional organisations working to unify architects, influence public policies and advance architecture in service to the needs of society. The UIA was founded on 28 June 1948 in Lausanne, Switzerland Its headquarters is located in Paris. The organisation is recognised as the only global architecture organisation by most United Nations agencies, including UNESCO, UNCHS, ESOSOC, UNIDO and the World Health Organization as well as the WTO. The current (2021-2023) president is José Luis Cortés from Mexico.