Search in video 0:04 hi this is dr. Gary McNally with your unit 1 review 0:12 if we go back and you remember that we have a structural and functional organization of an organism we're going 0:19 to start off with atoms and molecules those are considered to be the chemical 0:25 level which is the smallest level of organization we then move up to cells 0:31 cells are made up of a group of molecules and molecules are made up of two or more atoms next is going to be a 0:40 tissue tissue is going to be made up of a group of cells if we take a group of 0:46 cells that work together to perform a 0:51 certain function that's going to give us a tissue so a tissue is a group of cells 0:59 that work together to perform a certain function organs now is made up of a 1:05 group of tissues that work together to perform a certain function and a group 1:10 of organs is called an organ system and a group of organ systems is going to 1:18 give us an organism so to review going backwards an organism is made up of a group of organ systems organ systems are 1:26 made up of groups of organs organs are made up of groups of different tissues 1:33 tissues are made up of several cells and 1:38 cells are made up of molecules and if we break the molecules down we have atoms 1:45 again atoms and molecules fall under chemical organization 1:54 then we have organ systems of the body don't forget the different functions of 1:59 each of these systems the integumentary system of course that is to protect 2:06 protects the body it makes vitamin D it excretes for example it helps to cool 2:16 the body if we perspire and that perspi ssin then is able to evaporate also we 2:26 secrete oils in the form of sebum then we have the skeletal system skeletal 2:33 system protects the body it acts as levers for movement it also helps to 2:41 store minerals such as calcium and then next door we have the muscular system in 2:48 the muscular system a course is for locomotion for movement 2:56 then we have a lymphatic system lymphatic system does a couple of things one it provides for the immune system it 3:06 also helps to regulate excess tissue fluids if as fluids get pushed into the 3:14 tissues the excess can drain off into the lymphatics then we also have the 3:20 respiratory system respiratory system is for the exchange of gas mainly we bring 3:27 in oxygen and we breathe out carbon dioxide which is a waste product from 3:33 your cells the digestive system is going to take large molecules we're going to 3:40 break those molecules down into smaller molecules such as lipids proteins amino 3:49 acids so even the proteins are made up of amino acids so we're going to break 3:55 it down even farther those lipids we're going to break those even farther down into fatty acids so basically we're 4:03 taking larger molecules breaking them down into smaller molecules that could be used by the body for either energy or 4:10 for building structures okay terminology 4:16 in the body plan if you remember anatomical position this lady here is in 4:22 anatomical position where the body is erect the face is forward the feet are 4:28 together and the palms are facing forward some other different body 4:37 positions we have supplying if you remember if you lay on your back if you lay on your spine your SAP ein so 4:45 basically supine is laying down face up and if you're prone you're laying face 4:51 down and my thought is if you're laying face down then you're prone to somebody's sneaking up on you okay so 4:59 prone is laying face down and some directional terms you want to know 5:05 and again these directional terms hmm excuse me we have opposites that we 5:13 have to consider so you can't just say something is superior you have to say it's superior to what okay so if we look 5:20 at some of those directional terms we have superior versus inferior superior is up inferior is down now we can also 5:32 use another term for superior and that's cephalic cephalic is toward the head or 5:38 inferior we can use the word coddle coddle is toward the tail so cephalic 5:44 and coddle are opposites and superior and inferior or opposites then we have 5:51 anterior versus posterior-anterior is in the front posterior is in the back and 5:58 another term that we can use is ventral and dorsal ventral is in the front and 6:05 dorsal means our ventral means a belly and then dorsal is in the back think 6:11 about the dorsal fin on the back of a shark and then we have medial versus 6:17 lateral medium if we look at this lady you'll see that there's a white dotted 6:23 line going down through the middle of her medial means toward that midline of 6:28 the body and lateral means away from the midline of the body proximal versus distal proximal is 6:37 toward the body distal is away from the body now we want to use proximal and 6:44 distal when we're talking about extremities so arms and legs think proximal and distal when you're thinking 6:50 arms and legs so for instance the elbow is proximal to the wrist and don't 6:56 forget this is all in anatomical position so the elbow is proximal to the 7:03 risk because the elbow is closer to the body than the wrist now the wrist would be distal to the 7:10 elbow because it's farther away from the body again in anatomical position 7:17 superficial versus deep superficial would be toward the surface 7:23 deep would be well below the surface so for instance your skin is superficial to 7:31 your bones the bones of the hand are deep to the skin 7:40 okay body planes this is how we would cut up a body and this is important when 7:46 you look at things like CT scans and MRI scans so here is a sagittal section okay 7:55 now if we're very specific with this sagittal section if you notice it's right in the middle of the body so this 8:02 is a midsagittal section a midsagittal section will give you equal right and 8:09 left halves so remember a sagittal section gives you right and left halves 8:14 if this were off to the side a bit off of centre off of the midline we would 8:22 have what's called a parasagittal section which would give us unequal right and left sections and there we go 8:31 sachit all midsagittal we can also call it a median section and again parasagittal it would be just off to the 8:38 side this one is going to be a transverse horizontal or cross section a 8:48 transverse section is going to give us a top and a bottom okay so we'll have a superior piece in 8:56 an inferior piece in this one this is a frontal or coronal section that is going 9:04 to give us a front and a back 9:10 and if we are off of the right angle if 9:17 we're anything other than a right angle we're going to call that an oblique cut and you can see this section here is an 9:24 oblique cut now looking at body cavities 9:31 we have two main cavities and that's going to be your ventral cavity and your 9:37 dorsal cavity now what makes up your ventral cavity is going to be your 9:42 thoracic cavity and your abdominal pelvic cavity and it's the diaphragm 9:48 that separates the two cavities and if we take the thoracic cavity and break 9:54 that apart we've got the pleural cavities where the lungs are found and the mediastinal cavity which is right in 10:01 the center of the chest now also some authors will throw in the pericardial 10:07 cavity which of course is where the heart lies the abdominal pelvic cavity is divided up into the abdominal cavity 10:15 and the pelvic cavity if we draw a line 10:20 from the top of the pubic bone to the top of the sacrum that anything below 10:26 that is going to be in the pelvic cavity now if we look at the dorsal cavity we're going to have the cranial cavity 10:33 which houses the brain and the vertebral cavity which houses the spinal cord 10:42 homeostasis homeostasis is basically how 10:49 we're going to regulate the internal environment of the body okay the body 10:56 tries to maintain itself and basically homeostasis is a value of variables that 11:03 fluctuate around a set point to establish a normal range of values so 11:09 the set point is your ideal we can usually go up a little bit above that 11:15 value we can usually go a little bit below that value and we consider that a normal range when you go outside that 11:23 normal range that's when you start to get into diseases and disorders so again the set 11:31 points the ideal normal value for a variable and like for instance if we 11:37 look at the set point for body temperature what is a normal body temperature if you'd guess 98.6 11:46 Fahrenheit or 37 degrees Celsius then you'd be correct 11:51 now some people run a little bit below that okay while the ideal set point is 11:57 that 37 or 98.6 some people fall without you know outside of that still 12:04 considered within a normal range but it 12:09 deviates a bit from the set point now two things the control feedback or the 12:17 control homeostasis is negative feedback and if we have negative feedback course we have positive feedback negative 12:24 feedback I want you to think of like a thermostat on a thermostat we set our 12:31 temperature let's say we set for 72 degrees that's our set point now it's 12:38 going to fluctuate a little bit above and below that but when it reaches a certain point let's say we set it for 72 12:45 and the temperature drops to 68 degrees 12:50 well then that thermostat is going to send a signal to your heater your 12:57 furnace and that furnace is going to come on and heat up the area until your 13:05 thermometer in the thermostat registers the temperature around 72 degrees maybe 13:13 a little bit above and then it sends a signal back to the furnace to tell it to 13:20 shut off that's where the negative feedback comes in because once it gets 13:26 the feedback that yes worth or correct temperature then it sends that signal and says okay stop 13:33 keep going negative negative stop we're at the temperature we need to be 13:38 so that's how it gets its name and so if we look at this slide here we'll see 13:47 maybe going out of the out of the normal ranges here so an increase in the 13:53 variable is detected by a receptor and this is what you need as far as feedback 13:59 systems you need a receptor that would be like the thermometer in our 14:06 thermostat and then number four here a control center responds to information 14:13 from the receptor okay now again if we look at our or thermostat it would be 14:18 the thermostat itself would be the control center okay so the receptor is 14:24 the the thermometer the control center 14:31 is going to be the thermostat itself and then the activity of the effector 14:37 changes and so basically it's going to send a signal to the effector and the 14:45 effector in our thermometer or our thermostat example is going to be the 14:52 heater and so that affects a change in other words it starts blowing out heat 14:58 into the vents and then a decrease in the variable is caused by the response 15:04 of the effector okay so if we look at that in the body a receptor would be 15:09 like well we have for instance hot and cold receptors in our skin okay the 15:17 control center is going to be the brain and the effector if we're talking about 15:22 temperature might be our sweat glands for instance so but we can also talk 15:29 about like hormones and things like that most of those not all but most are controlled by negative feedback so again 15:36 just to review we have a receptor of a control center and we have an effector 15:43 and this is what's going to help maintain homeostasis through negative or 15:48 positive feed positive feedback now when a deviation 15:54 occurs the response is to make the deviation greater and this leads away 16:00 from homeostasis and it can also result in death now a couple of normal 16:06 instances of positive feedback would be childbirth okay you get a contraction 16:13 which leads to a stronger contraction which leads to a stronger contraction until finally the baby is born the 16:20 placenta is delivered and that stretch on the ural wall is no longer there and 16:27 the positive feedback stops also blood clotting for instance if you cut 16:34 yourself platelets are going to stick to the edges of the tissues they're going 16:40 to give off chemicals that make other platelets in the area sticky they'll stick to the platelets which gives off a 16:46 chemical that makes other platelets sticky and so on so forth until the area 16:52 is totally clotted up this however can go out of control and someone who is 16:59 bleeding severely can actually use up all of their clotting factors and if all 17:05 your clotting factors are gone because you've used them up all of a sudden because of this positive feedback then 17:13 you're going to bleed out 17:18 okay diffusion through a plasma membrane or actually movement through a plasma 17:24 membrane we have diffusion osmosis and active transport now diffusion and 17:29 osmosis are passive that means there is no energy applied 17:37 there's no ATP needed batteries not included okay this just doesn't take 17:45 anything for this to happen we're going to talk about actually how each of these work in just a little bit 17:52 but again no energy is required active transport however needs the input 17:59 of energy it needs ATP so if we look at diffusion diffusion is 18:06 the movement of solutes from an area of high concentration to low concentration in a solution so basically we need 18:15 concentration or density gradients we need to look at viscosity which is how 18:23 easily a fluid flows and these things are going to regulate how fast diffusion 18:29 could take place also some other things that can affect diffusion is temperature 18:35 increase the temperature diffusion is going to happen a lot faster decrease the temperature diffusion is going to 18:42 happen a lot slower so if you think about taking I'll say a if we take a 18:52 drop of ink and we put it into a beaker you'll see a heavy concentration of that 18:58 drop in one area over a little bit of time you notice that that ink will 19:04 disperse okay so that's an example of diffusion now it did take any energy you 19:10 didn't have to stick a spoon in there and start stirring if you just left it alone it would eventually disperse until 19:17 it reached equilibrium and completely change the color of that water now 19:25 jumped ahead here to as Moses as Moses is the diffusion of water waters is 19:31 solvent across the selectively permeable membrane or semipermeable membrane from 19:37 an area of low concentration of solute to an area of high concentration of solute so you've got to remember that 19:45 now my definition of a solute is a water magnet okay a water magnet and so just 19:55 remember that if you have more water magnets water's going to flow to it okay 20:00 so I mean think about putting out a table put a couple of magnets on one set 20:07 of table whole pile of magnets on the other side of the table we drop maybe a bunch of paperclips in the middle of the 20:13 table which way is so the paperclip is going to go of course of course it's going to go toward 20:19 the area where there's more magnets okay so think of solutes is a water magnet 20:27 examples of solutes would be proteins sugars salts all of those act in the 20:36 body as a water magnet as a solute so again diffusion of water which is the 20:43 solvent across the selectively permeable membrane from an area of low 20:50 concentration of solute where there's fewer water magnets to an area of high 20:55 concentration of solute where there's more water magnets okay now this is 21:01 important because large volumes of changes are caused by water movement through a cell can disrupt normal cell 21:09 function okay so this is where we get into tonicity we can have cell shrinkage 21:18 or swelling isotonic situation is where 21:24 we have the same amount of solutes in a cell as we have in the solution 21:32 surrounding that cell so again let's use a beaker as an example so if I have a 21:37 beaker of water and that beaker of water has 0.9% saline solution in it so 0.9% 21:48 sodium chloride is in that water well that just happens to be the same amount 21:53 of sodium chloride in the cell so the 21:58 amount of water going in the cell equals the amount of water leaving the cell and the cell net neither shrinks nor swells 22:06 so we call that an isotonic solution hypertonic solution again we're talking 22:12 about the solution at the cell hypertonic solution let's say we dump a 22:18 whole lot maybe one or two percent of sodium chloride into that water now 22:26 that's going to be a lot more salt than what's in side the cell remember salt is this 22:32 solute it is a water magnet which means it's going to draw the water out of the 22:38 cell and cause that cell to shrink we call that Cree Nation okay 22:45 so cell shrinkage is cremation but let's suppose we just take plain distilled 22:51 water distilled water will have no solutes in it we drop a cell in there 22:57 and what we will see is that cell is going to have more solutes inside the 23:03 cell because the water you know especially distilled water has no solutes so it is going to then pull the 23:11 water inside that cell because there's more water magnets inside the cell pulls 23:17 the water inside the cell and the cell is going to swell up and if we're using 23:22 pure water you can be sure if that cell is most likely going to burst and that 23:28 is called lysis okay in front of Lysol it's called Lysol because when you spray 23:34 it on bacteria it disrupts its little cell membranes and in cell walls and 23:39 causes it to rupture so lysis is cell 23:46 rupturing or destruction and this just 23:51 shows an example of on side a here on the beaker on the Left we have a certain 23:59 amount of solutes and if we look at side B we have more solutes in that side of 24:05 the beaker so again which way is water going to move well there's more water 24:10 magnets on the right so the water is going to move from the left to the right if we look at the beaker on the right 24:16 there we'll see that the left side of the beaker the water becomes more 24:23 concentrated on the right side of the beaker that water becomes or that 24:29 solution becomes more dilute until they reach equilibrium so if we measured the 24:36 salinity of each side side a inside B of the beaker on the right we're going to 24:42 find out they have the same salinity okay and 24:50 again just to recap on hypotonic solutions isotonic solutions and hypertonic solutions hypotonic solution 24:58 with a low solute concentration results in swelling and lysis of a red blood 25:05 cell if it's placed into that solution so you can see that cell rupturing in B 25:12 an isotonic solution with a concentration of solutes equal to that 25:17 inside the cell results in normally shaped red blood cell water moves into 25:23 and out of the cell in equilibrium but there's no net water movement okay 25:30 and then a hypertonic solution like we see in C here hypertonic solution with a 25:37 high solute concentration causes shrinkage or creation of the red blood 25:43 cell as water moves out of the cell and into the hypertonic solution okay 25:52 tissues in histology if we look at the tissue level of organization we'll see 25:59 that all the tissues in your body are made up of four different types of 26:05 tissues we have epithelial tissue connective tissue muscle tissue and nervous tissue 26:11 so if we look at any type of tissue it's going to fall under one of these four 26:16 categories epithelial tissue cover surfaces because the cells are in 26:23 contact with each other so they make a nice covering okay think about your skin 26:30 the skin what we see of the skin is going to be epithelial tissue the skin 26:38 is also made of connective tissue and we'll talk about that in just a second 26:44 but back to epithelial it's going to cover the surface pretty well the cells 26:50 are in contact with each other think about the tile on a floor those tiles but right up against each other 26:56 and they form a nice surface okay to help protect what's below it epithelial tissue also 27:04 lines hollow organs cavities and ducts it also helps to form glands when the 27:10 cells sink beneath the surface connective tissue this is our biggest 27:16 category okay it's it's varies so much 27:21 bone for instance is an example of a connective tissue but then we look at 27:27 blood blood couldn't get any more different than bone but yet blood is a connective tissue as well so connective 27:35 tissue we have material found between the cells so there's filler material it's kind of 27:40 like concrete if you've ever seen a broken up piece of concrete you're going to see that there's um rocks and pieces 27:49 of substances in that concrete think about those as the cells then you have 27:54 the cement which binds all of those things together that's like our filler 28:00 material like our matrix is what we call it in the connective tissue in 28:06 connective tissues help to support and bind structures together it stores 28:11 energy such as fat fat is a type of connective tissue it's store it provides 28:17 immunity to disease again I mentioned blood right in the blood we have our 28:22 white blood cells and especially our B 28:27 and T lymphocytes that provide immunity is found in the blood it's a connective tissue muscle tissue 28:35 that's kind of a special tissue with a cell shorten in length to produce 28:41 movement and then nerve tissue as again as another special tissue and here the 28:49 cells conduct electrical signals detects changes inside and outside the body it 28:54 responds with nerve impulses the antagonist 'im and basically this 29:02 consists of the skin the hair the nails and the glands and it has quite a 29:10 few functions protection is a biggie sensation we have temperature regulation 29:17 if we get overheated we're going to perspire also the 29:23 capillaries down in the dermis are going to dilate to bring more blood toward the 29:31 surface of the skin so that we can dissipate excess heat vitamin D 29:37 production okay as skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays it produces vitamin D 29:44 and an excretion like I said we can excrete things like oils we can secrete 29:53 perspiration sweat to help coulis and sometimes we can even secrete or excrete 30:00 waste products now starting at the 30:05 bottom and working our way up the hypodermis the skin rests on this but it's not part of the skin it consists of 30:13 loose connective tissue the types of cells we're going to find there are 30:19 fibroblasts which of course make fibers adipose cells or adipocytes 30:25 and macrophages now we have another name for the hypodermis and that would be the 30:33 subcutaneous tissue or in a clinical setting we would call it sub q if you're 30:39 an anatomist and you're dissecting a cadaver we might call it the superficial fashio now looking at the skin again 30:49 going from the bottom up we have the dermis dermis it's on top of the hypodermis that gives a structural 30:57 strength that gives us cleavage lines again if you remember cleavage lines are kind of the direction that the elastic 31:04 and collagen fibers are going in and there's two layers we have the papillary 31:11 layer which is the layer where you're going to find the dermal papilla now if 31:18 you notice on this picture the dermal papilla we have capillaries we 31:23 some blood vessels there okay and then okay that is the papillary layer and 31:32 then below that is going to be the reticular layer so the bulk of the dermis is the reticular layer and then 31:40 if we look at the epidermis the epidermis remember is a vascular again 31:46 if you've ever done this as a kid where you take a straight pin and you put it just underneath the skin underneath the 31:52 epidermis you know you didn't believe did you if you took that pin and you 31:57 went past the epidermis into the dermis you know you get into that papillary 32:04 layer there now you can hit a blood vessel and you can bleed but the 32:09 epidermis itself avascular no blood supply gets its nutrients and everything by diffusion it's made up primarily of 32:18 cells and the cells are going to be stratified squamous epithelium and it's 32:26 going to also have many layers to it to skin if we're talking about thick skin 32:31 and that's going to be on the palms of the hands the fingertips and the soles of the feet that is going to have five 32:38 layers if we're looking at the rest of the skin there's going to be four layers 32:44 of epidermis okay so five layers of epidermis four palms fingertips soles 32:53 the feet four layers of epidermis for the rest of the body and again that's 33:02 just a recap thick skin as all five epithelial stratified an area is subjected to pressure or friction palms 33:10 of the hands fingertips soles of the feet thin skin more flexible than thick skin and it does not contain the stratum 33:18 lucidum or where the lucidum is the clear layer and this covers the rest of 33:23 the body and here's our layers so if we look at this cartoon version here we 33:30 have a stratum corneum at the very top it contains your dead keratinocytes this is what's left off throughout the day 33:38 we have the stratum lucidum lucid means clear it's the clear layer then we have 33:43 the stratum granulosus on the grainy layer then below that we have the spiny layer the stratum spinosum and then 33:51 below that we have the stratum basale or germinativum the older name germanity 33:58 vem refers to the fact that this is where mitosis is taking place these are German ative cells again if you think 34:05 about planting a seed plant a seed you water it what do you hope that C does germinates what that means is the cells 34:13 are dividing and splitting and that's exactly what's happening in this basal 34:19 layer or this german ative layer here that's the epidermis now if we go below 34:25 that we're into the papillary layer of the dermis and again this is where blood 34:31 vessels are okay now again how do we remember this here's our mnemonic don't 34:37 forget crying little girls spray germs if we're talking about germinativum 34:43 or crying little girl spray boogers if we're looking at basil so here's a 34:48 crying little girl spring boogers all over the place okay now let's suppose 34:55 we're walking along and we don't see this nail and we happen to step on it 35:01 wow that looks painful so again let's shove that nail through the epidermis 35:07 down into the papillary layer of the dermis and so the layers that that nail 35:14 is going to go through are we start off with the stratum corneum then we go into 35:20 the stratum lucidum then the granulosa --m and the stratum spinosum then the 35:27 stratum basale and then all the way down into the 35:32 papillary layer the dermis so in that case if we pull that nail out we would 35:40 definitely be bleeding