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Education Quality Factors in Lusaka Secondary Schools

1.1 Introduction
This chapter focuses on the background of the study, statement of the problem, the purpose of
the study, research objectives, research questions, significance of the study, limitations of the
study, and definitions of terms.
1.2 background of study
The following are some of the factors that affect the quality provision of academic education in
secondary schools namely: Teaching and learning materials, Teacher professional teaching
qualification, the covid 19 and HIV/AIDS pandemic, school infrastructure, over enrolment due to
the growing demand of the population and many others. Among the many, the excessive growth
of population adversely affects the delivery of quality education. The aim of secondary schools is
to provide an education and learning environment which facilitates the cultivation of each pupil’s
full educational potential (UNESCO, 2002)’’. This aim has not been achieved by most of the
pupils in secondary schools. And this is obviously attributed to factors affecting the provision of
quality education (Sujantha, 2000).
Zambia is no exception as she has embraced primary and secondary schools according to
Kalimaposo (2012). The study will explore the role of parents in improving performance in
selected secondary schools in Lusaka district. “Although the decline in both access to and
provision of quality education in Zambia began in the late 1970's, the wearing away of the
system did not become visible until mid-1980's when school infrastructure began to deteriorate,
teaching and learning materials became extremely scarce and the number of untrained teachers
increased dramatically. Today, the situation is critical. Some school infrastructure are in
dilapidated state.”
Furthermore, the problematic classroom management would lead inadvertently result in poor
academic performance. Educational experts favor a teacher taught ratio of 1:10. Therefore,
teachers are unable to devote sufficient attention to the abilities of their pupils in an overcrowded
1.3 Statement of the problem
When Zambia got its independence, the country made policy decisions that were aimed at
widening access to schooling. But like many other developing countries, Zambia has been
making attempts through policies to address itself to the challenges of old and new problems of
educational development. These challenges or problems include, lack of teacher professional
teaching qualification, no availability of solution to school problems, absence of adequate
teaching and learning materials, lack of school infrastructure in some parts of the country,
inefficiency in utilization and management of existing educational facilities and the lack of
access to schooling. These are some of the major attributes that lead to the poor provision of
quality academic education in Zambia. Anywhere else, these main factors that have been
eradicated would precisely lead to the ideal of quality Education.
1.4 Purpose of the study
The purpose of this study is to explore the factors affecting quality provision of academic
education in selected secondary schools in Lusaka district.
1.5 Research Objectives
This study will be guided by the following research objectives:
i. To explore the factors affecting quality provision of academic education in selected secondary
schools in Lusaka district.
ii. To find out the types of learning and teaching materials available in selected secondary
iii. To establish the possible solutions to the challenges that secondary schools face in the
provision of quality academic education in Lusaka district.
1.6 Research questions
i. What are the factors that affect the provision of quality education in secondary schools?
ii. How do these factors affect the education system?
iii. What is the government doing to help overcome the factors that affect the provision of quality
education in secondary schools?
iv. What measures can be taken to improve the effects of the factors that affect the provision of
quality education?
1.7 Significance of the study
i. The study will deliver information to the Ministry of Education, the general public and other
stake holders, of the many factors affecting the provision of quality education.
ii. It might also provide classroom teachers and school administrators, the knowledge of
strategies and skills to address the factors that affect the provision of quality education.
1.8 limitations of the study
Ideally the study should have covered the whole country to give a clear representation of the
outcome of the study. However, the findings of this study will be limited to selected respondents
in Lusaka district. Way of life in the covid 19 era is very difficult, hence it limits big gathering of
respondents due to guidelines which do not allow people to mingle normally.
1.9 Definitions of terms
Education: the act or process of imparting or acquiring knowledge..
Factors: facts or situations that influences the result of something.
Quality: is the measure of excellence or state of being free from defects, deficiencies and
significant variation.