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Adaptive Changes in Anemia: Presentation

Adaptive Changes in Anemia
Dr Oscar Mbembela
Define anaemia
Classification of anaemia
Clinical presentation of anaemia
Adaptive changes in anaemia
• Anaemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells or
their oxygen-carrying capacity is insufficient to meet physiologic
needs, which vary by age, sex, altitude, smoking, and pregnancy
status or
• Anaemia is the deficiency of hemoglobin in blood which can be
caused by either too few RBC or too little Hb in the cell.or
• Anaemia (An-without ,Emia-blood) is a decrease in the RBC
count, haemoglobin and/or haematocrit value resulting in low
ability for blood to carry oxygen to the body tissues
Normal range of Hb
Factor affecting Haemoglobin
• Haemoglobin interpretation is affected by plasma
– In dehydrated patient haemoglobin level may be high due to
depletion of plasma which cause the rise in Hb concentration
• In pregnant woman Hb is low due to increase in plasma
caused by increase in fluid retention by estrogen
• In haemorrhagic anaemia soon after bleeding Hb is high
because haemodilution has not yet taken place where by
after dilution the Hb drops
Classification of anaemia
Classification of anaemia
• Anaemia can be classified in main three categories
– According to the causes
• Increased blood loss
• Impaired /reduced RBCs Production
• Increased RBCs destruction
– According to the morphology
• Size of RBCs
– Microcytic
– Macrocytic
– normocytic
Classification of anaemia
• Hb concentration (Mean cell haemoglobin concentration)
– Normochromic
– Hypochromic
• Finally in combination
– Normocytic hypochromic
– Normocytic normochromic
– Microcytic hypochromic
– Macrocytic normochromic
Classification of anaemia
• Other classification due to severity
– Mild anaemia
– Moderate anaemia
– Severe anaemia
– Very severe anaemia
Classification based on causes of anaemia
• Blood loss anaemia
– Overt blood loss
• Surgery
• Accident
• Epistaxis
– Occult blood loss
• GI bleeding
• Genital urinary bleeding
Decreased RBC production
• Inadequate supply of nutrients for erythropoiesis
– Iron ,Vit B 12 deficiency
– Folic acid deficiency
– Protein calories malnutrition
• Depression of erythropoietin activity
• Chronic diseases
– Malignancies
– infections
Decreased RBC production
• Aplastic anemia
– Lack of bone marrow functioning which may be due to
– Exposure to high dose of radiation or chemotherapy
– Autoimmune disorder : lupus erythrematosis
– 50% of case are idiopathic(unknown)
• Replacement of bone marrow by
– Leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma etc
• Inheritance eg thalassaemia
Excessive RBC destruction
(haemolytic anaemia)
• Intrinsic defects in RBCs
– Congenital
• Membrane defect
– Hereditary spherocytosis , elliptocytosis , xerocytosis
• Haemoglobin defect
– Sickle cell anaemia
– Thalasaemia
» β –thalasaemia and ∞- thalasaemia
• Enzyme defect
– G6PD-Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
• Acquired
– Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
• Extrinsic defect
– Immune mechanism
– Haemolytic disease of new born
– Chemical induced haemolysis
– Mismatch haemoglobin
• Infection and toxic material
• Malaria
• Poisons &toxins eg. Lead poisoning
Morphological classification
• Microcytic hypochromic
– Iron deficiency(causes-menstruation , bleeding peptic ulcers ,
hookworm infestation)
– Anaemia of Chronic disease
– Lead poisoning
– Thalassemia
– Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
Morphological classification
• Macrocytic normochromic
– Vit B 12 and Folic acid deficiency
– Intrinsic factor deficiency
• Condition (pernicious anaemia and intestinal sprue) affect
the absorption of vit B 12 and Folic acid
• Thus lead to the slow production of erythroblast in bone
marrow as a result RBC grow too large with odd
– Alcoholism
– Liver diseases
Morphological classification
• Normocytic normochromic
– Anaemia of chronic disease
– Renal failure
– Iron deficiency-early
– Aplastic anaemia
– Invasion of bone marrow with cancer cell from blood stream
– Chemotherapy and radiation therapy
Clinical presentation
• Clinical presentation of anaemia is due to the body
response to decrease in oxygenation of tissues and
physiological adaptation of organs especially the heart
• Signs and symptom of anaemia depend on the
– cause and Hb level
– Acuteness and severity of anaemia
Clinical presentation
 for chronic anemia in children and young adult
symptoms are mild until Hb fall below 7-8 g/dl
 For acute anemia significant symptoms develop at
high Hb level
 Symptoms
 weakness or fatique, shortness of breath, palpitation,
jaundice,dizziness,headache,chastpain, tiredness
Signs of anaemia
• General: pallor of mucus membranes
• Signs of hyperdynamic circulation (tachycardia, bounding
pulse, cardiomegaly, and systolic flow murmur), heart
failure, orthostatic hypotension
• Koilonychia (ridging and spoon shape nails in iron
deficiency anemia)
• Jaundice (hemolytic anemia)
Signs of anaemia
Leg ulcers (sickle cell disease)
Splenomegaly, petechaie/purpura (bleeding disorder)
Glossitis (iron, folate, vitamin B12 deficiencies)
Neurologic abnormalities (vitamin B12 deficiency)
Adaptive changes in anaemia
• The function of the RBCs is to deliver oxygen from the
lungs to the tissue and carbon dioxide from tissues to the
lungs(accomplished by using haemoglobin)
• Decrease in number of RBCs decrease oxygen delivery to
the tissue hence tissue hypoxia
• Adaptive and coordinated physiological process is
initiated to maintain oxygen delivery and limit oxygen
• Physiological response to anaemia varies according to
acute and type of the insult
• Allow onset of compensatory mechanisms to take place
• Mechanisms for adaptive changes in anaemia
– Stimulation of erythropoiesis
– Increase cardiac output
– Changes in regional blood flow
– Decrease haemoglobin oxygen affinity
Stimulation of erythropoiesis
Stimulation of erythropoiesis
• Tissue deoxygenation stimulate erythropoiesis(RBCs
• Condition that decrease quantity of oxygen transported to
tissue increase the rate of RBCs production
– Example
Lung diseases
Cardiac failure
Very high altitudes
Stimulation of erythropoiesis
• Anaemia cause hypoxia to different tissue, hypoxia in the
kidney cause synthesis of erythropoietin which stimulate
erythropoiesis(RBC production)
• Mechanism of erythropoietin production
– Renal hypoxia increase tissue level of hypoxia inducible factor
1(HIF 1) (act as transcription factor)
– HIF-1 bind to hypoxia response element in the erythropoietin
gene and induce transcription of mRNA
– Hence increase erythropoietin synthesis
Stimulation of erythropoiesis
• Erythropoietin secreted from the kidney but the exactly
part is unknown suggested to be from
– Fibroblastic like interstitial cells surrounding the tubules in the
cortex and outer medulla
– Renal epithelial cells
• Non renal
– Other tissue hypoxia sensors send signal to the kidney to
produce erythropoietin, the role played by
– Epinephrine, norepinephrine and prostaglandins
Stimulation of erythropoiesis
• When on organism is placed in hypoxic state
– Erythropoietin begin to be formed in minutes to hours and attain
maximum in 24 hours
– After 5 day RBCs appear in blood
• Role of erythropoietin
– Stimulate production of proerythroblast from hematopoietic
stem cell
– Fasten the different erythroblast stages than normal
Increase in cardiac output
• In mild and moderate anaemia cardiac output is not
• In severe anaemia whether acute or chronic adaptive
mechanism in increasing cardiac output is set in motion
• Response in anaemia
– Rapid velocity blood flow and tachycardia with increase in
volume of cardiac output
Increase in cardiac output
• less concentration of RBCs low viscosity more
fluid entry increase in venous return increase in
cardiac output
• Hypoxia peripheral (venous) vasodilatation more
fluid entry increase in venous return increase in
cardiac output
Increase in cardiac output
• In acute blood loss physiological response
• Blood loss decrease in blood volume reduction in oxygen
carrying capacity hypoxia and hypovolemia hypotension
• Detected by stretch receptors in the carotid bulb, aortic
arch, heart and lung
• Impulse send to medulla oblongata, cerebral cortex and
pituitary gland through vagus and glossopharyngeal
Increase in cardiac output
• In medulla sympathetic is activated and renin angiotensin
aldosterone mechanism is stimulated lead to increase in
water reabsorption(in response to decrease renal
• Hence increase in blood volume and blood flow and
oxygen delivery is enhanced
Increase in cardiac output
• Sympathetic N.S– increase systemic vascular resistance
– Increase in venous tone increase pre load ,end diastolic
volume stroke volume(cardiac output)
Sympathetic discharge dominate the vasodilator effect of
Change in regional blood flow
The brain and the heart are the two most organs
demanding oxygen in the body
To enable enough blood flow to the vital organs, the small
blood vessels in the skin contract, causing resistance to
flow of blood to the skin  Pallor
Since blood pumped out of the heart follows the path
of least resistance, it will go through vital organs
Change in regional blood flow
• As a result of diversion or redistribution of the blood
the patient becomes pale as observed in the skin and
mucous membranes.
Decrease haemoglobin oxygen affinity
• Hypoxia caused by poor tissue blood flow increase
formation of 2,3 biphosphoglycerate in RBCs hence
increase concentration in blood.
• Increase in 2,3 BPG and acid and other metabolites
decrease Hb oxygen affinity and increase oxygen
extraction by the tissues
• shifting the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right.
• Therefore, under some conditions, the BPG mechanism
can be important for adaptation to hypoxia,
Shift of the oxygen-hemoglobin
dissociation curve to the right
caused by
 an increase in hydrogen ion
concentration (decrease in pH).
 BPG, 2,3-biphosphoglycerate
• Guyton and hall: textbook of medicalphysiology 13th
• www.emedicine.mediscape.com
• Pubmed –pathophysiology of anaemia: focus on the heart
and blood vessels