Hydrate Calculation Models The Hydrate Formation Analysis can handle three types of hydrates: Type I, Type II, and Type H. The hydrate type that will form is determined automatically. The models used in predicting the hydrate formation conditions are based on fundamental thermodynamic principles and the original hydrate equilibrium model proposed by van der Waals and Platteeuw, coupled with a modification suggested by Parrish and Prausnitz (van der Waals-Platteeuw; see, for example, W.R. Parrish, J.M. Prausnitz, Ind. Eng. Chem. Proc. Des. Dev. 11 (1) (1972) 26–35.). Two models/methods are available for Type I and Type II hydrates: • Ng & Robinson • CSM These models have been incorporated and enhanced by AspenTech in the model used for its hydrate predictions. In addition, the equation of state is used to predict properties of the hydrate-forming components that are in equilibrium with the solid hydrate phase. This model is referred to as the Ng & Robinson model. The Ng & Robinson model is based on the following references: • H.-J. Ng and D.B. Robinson. “The prediction of hydrate formation in condensed systems.” AIChE Journal, 23, 4 (1977). • H.-J. Ng and D.B. Robinson. “The measurement and prediction of hydrate formation in liquid hydrocarbon-water system.” Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam.15, 4 (1976). • H.-J. Ng and D. B. Robinson. “A method for predicting the equilibrium gas phase water content in gas-hydrate equilibrium.” Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam. 19 (1980). A new hydrate model developed by the Colorado School of Mines (CSM) is also available. This work also follows the formulation of van der Waals and Platteeuw but with very significant enhancements to thermodynamic models for the hydrate and aqueous phases. This model is referred to as the CSM model and is described in further detail below. The Ng & Robinson model consists of three submodels: 2-Phase, 3-Phase, and Assume Free Water, as described below. By default, the most appropriate submodel is selected automatically based on the process conditions. Since the CSM model is more general, it does not require a submodel. For structure H hydrate calculations, the model developed by Mehta and Sloan is used (E.D. Sloan, C. A. Koh. Clathrate Hydrates of Natural Gases, Third Edition. Taylor & Franci Group, 2007). The hydrate calculation model can be specified on the Design tab | Connections page using the Model drop-down list. By default, the Ng & Robinsonmodel is used. Currently, the Hydrate Formation Analysis can be used with the following property packages: Peng-Robinson, SRK, Glycol Package, and CPA. • CPA: When methanol, MEG, DEG, or TEG is used as the hydrate inhibitor, CPA is recommended. The CPA property method has built-in pure component and binary parameters for use in modeling processes that contain methanol, MEG, DEG, or TEG. CPA is also recommended when using CSM models, since it is based on an SRK-based equation of state. A quick introduction to the CPA and methanol partitioning can be accessed at: o Methanol Partition Using the Cubic Association Fluid Package • Peng-Robinson: Peng-Robinson has the largest applicable range for temperature and pressure and can be used for Hydrate Formation Analysis. • SRK: When using the CSM model in the Hydrate Formation Analysis, the SRK property package can be used to achieve better results. The CSM model was developed based on SRK. • Glycol Package: When Glycols (MEG, DEG, and TEG) are used as the hydrate inhibitor, starting in V10, we recommend that you use the improved CPA property package to model MEG, DEG, and TEG dehydration processes. The V10 CPA package includes updated validated parameters that cover a broader range of components and operating conditions. You can continue to use the Glycol property package for legacy TEG dehydration cases or for situations where faster performance is required. Hydrate Calculation Modes The hydrate prediction submodel (the Calculation Mode), which is automatically selected for the calculation, is reported in the Calculation Mode field on the Design and Performance tabs in the Hydrate Formation Analysis. The calculation modes reported are as follows: For Ng & Robinson Model • Use 2-Phase Model • Use 3-Phase Model • Assume Free Water The Ng-Robinson model is based on the following references: • H.-J. Ng and D.B. Robinson, “The prediction of hydrate formation in condensed systems,” AIChE Journal, 23, 4 (1977). • H.-J. Ng and D.B. Robinson, “The measurement and prediction of hydrate formation in liquid hydrocarbon-water system,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam., 15, 4 (1976). • H.-J. Ng and D. B. Robinson, “A method for predicting the equilibrium gas phase water content in gas-hydrate equilibrium,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam., 19 (1980) For the CSM Model Use CSM For Type H Hydrate Use SH Model These hydrate calculation modes and the appropriate model treatments are described as follows. 2-Phase Model For scenarios that result in the absence of a free aqueous phase after an equilibrium flash (in other words, Vapor only, Liquid only, Vapor-Liquid, Liquid-Liquid, and Vapor-Liquid-Liquid, where Liquid refers to a hydrocarbon liquid), the 2-Phase model is used for hydrate predictions of the Types I and II. The 2-Phase model is based on the work of Ng and Robinson. The fugacity of water, as a function of pressure and temperature in the empty lattice (MT), is determined by data reduction. Plots of lnfw,o vs. l/T and of (dlnfw) / (dP) vs. T show linear relationships. where: fw,o = fugacity of the water at zero pressure over the unfilled Type II lattice The empty lattice water fugacity at any pressure is represented by the following expression: (1) where: = empty lattice fugacity at any pressure fw,o = fugacity of the water at zero pressure P = pressure By combining this expression with the linear regressed plots, the fugacity of water over the unfilled hydrate lattice as a function of temperature and pressure is obtained. The relationships depend on hydrate structure but are independent of the composition of the examined mixture. For hydrates of Type I, the fugacity relationships are found to be: (2) (3) where: T = temperature in Kelvin For hydrates of Type II, the fugacity relationships are found to be: (4) (5) where: T = temperature in Kelvin 3-Phase Model For scenarios that result in the presence of a free aqueous phase after an equilibrium flash (in other words, Aqueous only, Vapor-Aqueous, Liquid-Aqueous, and Vapor-Liquid-Aqueous, where Liquid refers to a hydrocarbon liquid), the 3-Phase model is used for hydrate predictions of the Types I and II. The 3-Phase model is based on the work of Ng and Robinson. The Parrish-Prausnitz algorithm is modified to allow for the prediction of hydrates in aqueous-containing systems. All fluid properties including phase behavior, volumetric behavior, and fugacities are calculated with the selected equation of state (Peng-Robinson, Soave Redlich Kwong, or Glycol package). The Kihara parameters for each hydrate-forming component are recalculated based on the work by Ng and Robinson. Assume Free Water Model In the absence of water as a component in the simulation or when the amount of water in the stream being analyzed equals zero, either the 3-Phase model or the SH model is used for hydrate predictions. The Assume Free Water model uses either the 3-Phase model or the SH model and calculates the hydrate formation by assuming the stream is at the saturation point of water at hydrate conditions, neglecting the amount of water present in the stream. Hydrate results for a waterless stream that uses the Assume Free Water in the default calculation model will be very similar to the hydrate results for the same stream with water that has had the calculation model manually changed to Assume Free Water. The difference is due only to the composition difference between the streams when water is removed. Asymmetric Model The Asymmetric model is equivalent to the default calculation model/method previously described; however, it does not include the Structure H calculation. This Asymmetric model automatically selects: • The 2-Phase model for scenarios that result in the absence of free aqueous phase after an equilibrium flash • The 3-Phase model for scenarios that result in the presence of free aqueous phase after the equilibrium flash • The Assume Free Water model when water is not traceable in a given stream. Symmetric Model The Symmetric model is the 3-Phase model. (For more information, refer to the Use 3-Phase Model section). Vapor Only Model The Vapor Only model is identical to the 2-Phase model (for more information, refer to the Use 2-Phase Model section). This model was originally developed for the Vapor only case. With an extension proposed by Sloan, the implemented model can be applied for any scenarios that result in the absence of free aqueous phase after an equilibrium flash; for example, the Liquid-only case (E.D. Sloan, C. A. Koh. Clathrate Hydrates of Natural Gases, Third Edition. Taylor & Franci Group, 2007). Most parameters used in the hydrate models in HYSYS were fitted from experimental data obtained at the saturation point of water at hydrate conditions. Therefore, the models will provide reasonable hydrate predictions at the saturated water condition. A saturated water condition can be obtained by: • Not incorporating water in a given stream (in other words, forcing the Hydrate Formation Analysis to use the Assume Free Water model). -or• Adding a sufficient amount of water in the given stream so that a free aqueous phase appears at the stream condition. When HYSYS cases containing Hydrate Formation Analyses (without the override specification) are loaded from previous versions, the default calculation method is automatically selected and is used for hydrate predictions in the current version. If you want to have control over the model selection (namely Assume Free Water, Asymmetric Model, Symmetric Model, or Vapor Only Model), you can override the model by accessing the Model Override page and then selecting the desired model.