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Teenage Pregnancy in San Vicente During COVID-19

A Research Paper
Presented to
the Faculty of Froilan D. Lopez High School
Senior High School Department
San Vicente, Camarines Norte
In Partial Fulfillment of
The Requirements for the Subject
Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
John Lloyd C. Palencia
Grant Ipo B. Dedace
Rina B. De Vera
Kristine Joy R. Nieva
Florence B. Laad
Ronel L. Pineda
Table of Contents
Title Page
Recommendation for Oral Examination
Approval Sheet
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
Chapter 1
Background of the Study
Statement of the Problem
Significance of the Study
Profile of the Respondents
Scope and Delimitation
Chapter 2
Related Literature/Studies
Conceptual Framework
Definition of Terms
Chapter 3
Research Design
Population of the Study
Research Instrument
Data Gathering Procedure
Data Processing Procedure/Statistical Tools
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Summary of Findings
Teenage pregnancies and teenage motherhood should be given full attention
worldwide. From a historical point of view, teenage pregnancy is nothing new. It was
absolutely common that girls married during their late adolescence and experienced first
birth during their second decade of life. This kind of reproductive behavior was socially
desired and considered normal. Nowadays, however, the prevention of teenage pregnancies
and teenage motherhood is a priority for public health in nearly all developed and
increasingly developing countries. For a long time, teenage pregnancies were associated
with severe medical problems; however, most of the data supporting this viewpoint have
been collected some decades ago and reflect mainly the situation of socially disadvantaged
teenage mothers. According to more recent studies, teenage pregnancies are not risky ones.
A clear risk group is extremely young teenage mothers (younger than 15 years) who are
confronted with various medical risks, such as preeclampsia, preterm labor, and small for
gestational age newborns but also marked social disadvantages, such as poverty,
unemployment, low educational level, and single parenting. Additionally, it is estimated
that some three million teenage girls undergo unsafe abortions, which may result in
consecutive reproductive problems or even death.
Nowadays, teenagers are grown more aggressive, more dependent wildly than
before. And yes, pregnancy is natural to all the women in the world. It is the basis of being
a human that contributes to their living. But then, it is difficult and not applicable for those
who are beginning their adolescence because, in the first place, they are the ones whose
living is needed by strongly guided by the parents and preparing the lives of the future.
Being pregnant is the most precious blessing from god but when it happens in the most
unready and unprepared time, it will become the worst. It is not necessary to get along too
early, there are so much more things to be before than getting and becoming a mother at
underage. And for the many reasons why teenagers are getting involved with this situation
is just they are too weak, they choose to explore more and more things, they are coping
with their curiosity and that’s why some things that couldn't happen, happened in the same
This study will aim to identify and understand if there is a significant relationship
between the age when teenage pregnancy mostly occurs and the factors that are influencing
them. After the researchers identify the main objectives, this study would be beneficial for
a lot of persons and institutions specially for the teenagers, because they could get insight
about the factors that can influence them to get in an early pregnancy. Knowing those
factors could help them avoid the risk of entering unplanned pregnancy. The findings of
this study would also contribute in the current body of knowledge, for the municipal health
counselors, for the parents, teachers, and also for the future researchers that will conduct
the same study.
In the Philippines, teen pregnancy gets more problematic each year. The
government labeled it a national social emergency in 2019. However, the issue has now
worsened amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Covid - 19 pandemic has affected lives increased businesses and the economy in
the Philippines. But what’s more, threatening is the report from Save the Children: “Global
Girlhood 2020 COVID-19 and Progress in Peril” regarding the dramatic surge in child
marriage and adolescent pregnancies which is to be expected during this time of the
At the end of 2020, the Commission on Population and Development
(POPCOM) made a report that more than 70,000 families are being led by minors. They
also warned that those numbers will dramatically increase up to 133,265 by the end of
The alarming rate of increasing numbers of teenage pregnancies has also been
observed in the municipality of San Vicente, Camarines Norte that’s why the researchers
perform a study to determine just how much the increase of early pregnancy affects the
lives of teenagers who experience it. The researchers also want to determine what are the
reasons why the teenage pregnancy rate in San Vicente has risen in numbers.
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to determine what are the reasons and effects of the increasing
numbers of teenage pregnancies in San Vicente, Camarines Norte during the COVID-19
The research has the following questions:
1. At what age bracket do most teenagers get pregnant?
2. What are the reasons why teenagers enter early pregnancy?
3. Is there a significance relationship between age bracket and reasons of early
Scope and Delimitation
This study about teenage pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic is conducted
in the municipality of San Vicente, Camarines Norte this includes barangay Calabagas, San
Jose, Fabrica, Asdum, Silangan, Kanluran, Cabanbanan, Man-ogob, and Iraya sur. The
respondents of this study will only be limited to pregnant teenagers who’s 10 to 19 years
of age living in any of the mentioned barangays.
Significance of the Study
The results of the study will then be beneficial to the following persons and
Teenagers. They could gain insight how alarming the rise of early pregnancy is among
their age, and be aware of some of the reasons why it is increasing during this pandemic.
After knowing some of the reasons they could also gain insight into some of the various
effects it would cause to the lives of a young teenager like them after experiencing early
Parents/Guardian. This study will provide them with the recommendation that they could
use to properly guide their daughters from preventing them to experience early pregnancy.
And if their daughters have already experienced early pregnancy there will also be
recommendations that could help them to properly give them support.
Teachers/Guidance councilors. The result of this study would give them relevant data that
can be unutilized in their counseling interactions with teenagers.
Municipal Officers. To address this issue and give proper solutions and educate teenagers
about this issue.
Related Literature/Studies (Local)
An effective study came out after it underwent a systematic investigation. This study aims
to produce a beneficial result that would be found advantageous to respective individuals and a
group of people. Hence, to consider this objective attainable, the distinguished related literature
that will improve the effectiveness of this paper.
Local Studies
Research shows that causes of adolescent pregnancy are rooted in the interplay of many
factors. In particular, family, peer, community, and societal influence are among the major reasons
for early pregnancy of adolescent girls (Asnong et al., 2018; Campero et al., 2014; Fuller et al.,
2018; Krugu et al., 2016; Morón-Duarte et al., 2014; Sámano et al., 2017; Sycharuen et al., 2018;
Yakubu & Salisu, 2018). Economic and situational circumstances also discourage young women
from early pregnancy due to the perceived consequences of childbearing (Charlton et al., 2018;
Psaki, 2016). Other precursors of early parenthood include the presence or lack of formal schooling
(Almeida & Aquino, 2011; Devkota et al., 2018; Glynn et al., 2018), parental supervision and
involvement (Copeland, 2017), aggressive behavior and substance abuse (Allen & Walter, 2018),
and knowledge of oral contraception (Burr et al., 2013; Caffe et al., 2017).
There are several implications to early pregnancy. Physically, it affects the adolescent
mother because the pregnancy stresses both her body and the growing baby (Jeha et al., 2015;
Kansu-Celice et al., 2017; Loto et al., 2009; Pauli et al., 2013; Pires et al., 2014; Sokulmez &
Ozenoglu, 2013; Xavier et al., 2018). Socially, adolescent pregnancy results in significant changes
to family roles and to community functioning (Annang et al., 2014; Aparicio et al., 2016; Dalton,
2015; Epstein et al., 2018; Hindin, 2014; Kleine, 2005; Shpiegel & Cascardi, 2018; Yussif et al.,
2017). Educationally, teenage pregnancy poses difficulties to students as parenting roles can
sometimes come into conflict with academic tasks (Almeida & Aquino, 2011; Glynn et al., 2018;
Kleine, 2005). Ultimately, social stigma arises, further complicating the already complex
circumstances the adolescent mother has to deal with (Banerjee et al., 2009; The National
Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, 2002). Interspersing the literature, the findings of this
research were understood in the lens of Parson’s theory of Adaptation, Goal Attainment,
Integration, and Latency or the AGIL model (1970).
Local Literatures
One of the most pressing issues that the Filipino youth are facing today is teenage
pregnancy. A UNFPA-commissioned study in 2016 revealed that those adolescents in the
Philippines who have begun childbearing before the age of 18 are less likely to complete secondary
education compared to the adolescents who have not begun childbearing. The non-completion of
secondary education impacts employment opportunities in the future and total life earnings of
families. The net estimated effect of early childbearing due to lost opportunities and foregone
earnings can be as high as 33 Billion pesos annual losses for the country.
The Philippines’ population will reach 108.8 million in 2020, according to the Philippine
Statistics Authority (PSA) estimate. More than 53 million are below 25 years of age, including
10.3 million adolescent girls (10-19 years old). Countries with a “demographic window of
opportunity” and large shares of young people, such as the Philippines, have an opportunity to
accelerate development if strategic investments are made. This is a phenomenon known as the
“demographic dividend” which is discussed in Chapter 13 of the Philippines Development Plan
2017-2022.Early childbearing may result in poor health outcomes and may be a threat to the
country’s economic growth. Pregnant adolescents are less likely to complete higher education and
have lesser ability to earn more income over the course of a lifetime, causing economic losses to
the country. According to the National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS 2017) of the
Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), the percentage of young women who have begun
childbearing is lower in urban areas than in rural areas (7% versus 10%). Young women with some
primary education and those from the poorest households are more likely to have begun
childbearing than young women with higher education levels and those from the wealthiest
What Are the Effects of Teenage Pregnancy?
According to the World Health Organization, pregnancy and childbirth complications are
the leading causes of death among girls aged 15-19 years globally, with low and middle-income
countries accounting for 99% of global maternal deaths of women aged 15-49 years. Teenage
pregnancy was declared as “National Social Emergency'' in the Philippines. To curb the rise in
teenage pregnancy cases, the Commission on Population and Development (PopCom),
Department of Social Welfare and Development and Save the Children Philippines — an
organization to support Filipino children, together with other agencies, are looking forward to the
swift passage of a bill that institutionalize a national policy on teenage pregnancy prevention.
Carrying a baby and becoming a mom not only creates physical changes. Women also go through
mental changes. Young moms face added stress from: sleepless nights, arranging, child care,
making doctor’s appointments, attempting to finish high school. While not all teenage mothers are
affected greatly by mental and physical changes, many are. If you experience mental health
changes after childbirth, it’s important to reach out to others and seek professional help.
Pregnancy during teenage years is also associated with a higher risk of health problems such as
preeclampsia, anemia, contracting STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), premature delivery,
postpartum hemorrhage, and poor mental health outcomes. Teenage mothers are more likely to
experience violence and depression that can increase the risk of mental disorders. Mothers with
poor maternal health are more likely to give birth to a low birth-weight baby, with inadequate
complementary feeding and breastfeeding, frequent infections, and inadequate food, health and
care, the low birth-weight baby will grow as a stunted child, a stunted teenager, and finally to a
malnourished pregnant woman who, in turn, has another low-birth-weight baby, and the cycle
persists through generations. Their body may compete with developing fetuses being carried for
nutrition and may not be psychologically ready to nurse babies after delivery since some pregnancy
among teenagers is either unintended or unwanted. Lack of knowledge on nutrition can also lead
to poor health outcomes.
"Prevention of early pregnancy among adolescents is a way of protecting children's rights",
said DOST Assistant Secretary for Human Resources Management, Management Services, and
Special Concerns, OIC for Gender and Development (GAD) and Regional Support Service and
DOST-wide GAD Focal Person, Dr. Diana I. Ignacio, during her message.
Related Literature/Studies (Foreign)
Foreign Studies
Teenage pregnancy is an issue with significant societal impact world wide. Around 16
million girls aged 15-19years old give birth every year(World Health Organization,2014).Where
poverty is closely linked to adolescent child bearing because it hinders young mothers’ ability to
attend school and find job opportunities. The causes of adolescent pregnancy are rooted in the
interplay of many factors. In particular, family, peer, community, and societal influence are among
the major reasons for early pregnancy of adolescent girls (Asnong et al., 2018; Campero et al.,
2014; Fuller et al., 2018; Krugu et al., 2016; Morón-Duarte et al., 2014; Sámano et al., 2017;
Sycharuen et al., 2018; Yakubu & Salisu, 2018). Economic and situational circumstances also
discourage young women from early pregnancy due to the perceived consequences of child bearing
(Charlton et al., 2018; Psaki, 2016). Other precursors of early parenthood include the presence or
lack of formal schooling (Almeida & Aquino, 2011; Devkota et al., 2018; Glynn et al., 2018),
parental supervision and involvement (Copeland, 2017), aggressive behavior and substance abuse
(Allen & Walter, 2018), and knowledge of oral contraception (Burr et al., 2013; Caffe et al,2017).
Foreign literature
Being Independent Despite Early Adolescent Pregnancy.
Interspersing the literature, the findings of this were understood in the lens of Parson’s
theory of Adaptation, Goal Attainment, Integration, and Latency or the AGIL model (1970). The
changes emotionally, spiritually, financially and physically arise especially in a teenage mom.
Emotional challenges include fear of what will happen, uncertainty with the future, anger to
oneself, and denial. These emotions were identified because of the seemingly insurmountable
adversities that these women experienced during their pregnancy (Asnong et al., 2018; Chi Watts
et al., 2015; Ndjukendi et al., 2017). Perceptions of emotional burden on the part of the adolescent
mothers emanate from the thought of communicating their situation to their parents (Lloyd, 2010).
Consequently, the feelings of the young mothers correspond to the stages of grieving, where
humans undergo the stages of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance in the face of
losing something (Kubler-Ross, 2014). The thought of losing academic opportunities due to early
pregnancy evokes feelings of fear, uncertainty, anger, and denial, which also correspond to the
five phases of grief. The consequences of adolescent pregnancy, on the other hand, include stigma
from the community, prejudice from family and friends, and discontinued education. Early
pregnancy outside of marriage also begets social stigma (Banerjee et al., 2009; Copeland, 2017;
Mokwena et al., 2016). This stigma is likely a direct consequence of conservative cultural
sensibilities shaped by Catholic doctrines in a predominantly Christian country. Theoretically, the
participants’ reactions to their pregnancy can be best explained by, and are related to, Erikson’s
theory of psychosocial development. During this stage, adolescents are concerned with their
individuality and how others would perceive them. Their perceptions of what other people would
say would explain the subcategories of stigma from the community and prejudice from family and
friends that emerged from the interviews.
Family adjustments include the subcategories of isolation from their partner, co-parenting,
violence, and neglect and/or transition to parenthood. Several changes in family dynamics occur
during adolescent pregnancy. Firstly, some adolescent men may opt not to accept the challenge
of growing into teen fatherhood; hence, they neglect their responsibilities, abuse their partner, or
isolate themselves from their partners (Derlan et al., 2018; Lohan et al., 2013;Uengwongsapat et
al., 2018).This category demonstrates the power of support systems in enabling adolescent mothers
to overcome difficult situations (Bell et al., 2013; Challa et al., 2017; Derlan et al., 2018; Loke &
Lam, 2014; Mann et al., 2015; Morón-Duarte et al., 2014; Shahabuddin et al., 2017). Lessons
learned include the subcategories of accepting things that will not change, maturity in one’s
outlook, and motivation for self-improvement. The meaningful life experiences of adolescent
mothers influence them to have a more positive outlook that can serve as springboard for selfimprovement (Gama Ibiapina et al., 2016). The ideation of a united family is a common attitude
among adolescent parents, as it is viewed as an important element in correct social functioning
(Derlan et al., 2018; Lohan et al., 2013). These views are manifestations of what the adolescent
mothers have learned after overcoming hardships (Dweck, 2000; Mezirow, 2009). The lived
experiences of a teenage mothers and the stages they went through reflects Parson’s AGIL
paradigm. Ordeals, challenges, and hardships were perceived as circumstances they must “adapt”
to. These mothers endured emotional setbacks, social disapprovals, educational struggles,
economic sacrifices, domestic violence, abuse, and neglect that strengthened their worldview of
education. With the life episodes they had, the adolescent or teenage mothers embraced the value
of education and built their “goals and aspirations.” They realized that their life is no longer
centered around them, but on the welfare of their children. Adjusting to their new role, the
adolescent mothers “integrate” themselves to society by standing up and being strong for their
families. Having a firm resolve, they envisioned a sustainable and maintained future for their
significant others. These actions have enabled the adolescent mothers to Assimilate to society’s
expectations of responsible adulthood.
Consistent with the literature reviewed and social theories mentioned, it can be concluded
that the lived experiences of being a pregnant teen while can be ascribed into themes, and that the
adolescent mothers have evolved to become enduring and responsible adults. They have realized
the importance of continuing their college education as a key to progress, independence, and
improved life quality. This research shows that teenage mothers are vulnerable in the education
setting and need proper guidance to achieve their full potential. This phenomenological research
affirms the many struggles young mothers faced during this significant life event and its positive
Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework will make the present study parallel to the foregoing theories
that were designed in figure 1.
The first box contains the input in which it compromises of the age brackets where teenage
pregnancy mostly occurs and the factors that are influencing the teenagers to enter early pregnancy.
The second box contains the process of conducting the study. First, the research instrument
will undergo a developing phase. Next, the data gathering procedure in which the researchers will
conduct a survey to the chosen respondents. Then, the evaluation phase will follow, wherein the
researchers will analyze and interpret the data gathered using statistical analysis.
The third box will show the output of the study which is the relationship between the age
bracket and the reasons of early pregnancy.
Data Collection
a. Conducting
Evaluation Phase
a. Statistical
b. Analysis and
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
relationship between age
influencing teenagers to
enter early pregnancy.
Definition of Terms
Teenage pregnancy -also known as adolescent pregnancy, is pregnancy in a female under
the age of 20, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). [2] Pregnancy can
occur with sexual intercourse after the start of ovulation, which can be before the first
menstrual period.
COVID-19 PANDEMIC -also known as the coronavirus pandemic, is an ongoing global
pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The novel virus was first identified from an
outbreak in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019.
Preeclampsia -is a pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure and signs
of damage to another organ system, most often the liver and kidneys. Preeclampsia usually
begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy in women whose blood pressure had been normal.
Preterm labor -occurs when regular contractions result in the opening of your cervix after
week 20 and before week 37 of pregnancy. Preterm labor can result in premature birth. The
earlier premature birth happens, the greater the health risks for your baby.
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) -is an international development agency
that works on population and development, sexual and reproductive health, and gender.
The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) -logo signifies its commitment to provide
timely and quality statistics necessary for decision making in all aspects of Filipino life.
The demographic dividend -is the accelerated economic growth that may result from a
decline in a country's birth and death rates and the subsequent change in the age structure
of the population. With fewer births each year, a country's young dependent population
declines in relation to the working-age population.
This chapter presents the research design, setting, respondents, instruments, and
statistical treatments.
Research Design
This study uses a qualitative research design. It will be use for the present study to describe
the age bracket where teenagers mostly get pregnant, the reasons why the teenage pregnancy rate
in San Vicente increases during the pandemic, and the relationship between the age bracket and
the reasons or factors of early pregnancy. The sampling procedure that will used on this study is
Purposive Sampling Method wherein the respondents are purposely chosen by the researchers.
Population of the Study
The researchers’ respondents on this study were limited to the municipality of San
Vicente only. The sample size is 30 teenagers purposely chosen from the total number of teenage
pregnant women registered in the local health center.
Research Instrument
Since it is a qualitative research, the researchers used a survey questionnaire as the primary
instrument for the present study. The formulated questionnaire will determine the age bracket
where teenagers mostly enters early pregnancy and the reasons/factors that influenced them. The
survey will be administered personally by the researchers.
Data Gathering Procedure
After the researcher made questionnaire was validated the researcher multiply it to the
number of copies sufficient to accommodate all the respondents. At the same time, the letter of
request to the Parents or guardian of the teens were prepared. The letter of request and the copies
of questionnaire were deliver personally by the researchers to the concern Parents. During the
delivery of the letter and the copies of the instrument that the researcher explains the details to
help the respondents accomplish the questionnaires. The questionnaires will be retrieved on the
same day when they were answer. The results of the retrieved copies of the questionnaire were to
be tabulated. Then the data will be analyzed and interpreted through the use of the most
appropriate statistical procedures.
Data Processing Procedure / Statistical Tools
The information that will be gathered from the respondents will be summarized using
tabular form. For analyzing the data gathered, the researchers will use percentage method to
identify which among the given answers on the questionnaire the respondents corresponds to. The
researchers will also use Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) to determine the
significance relationship pf age bracket and factors influence/ reasons of teenage pregnancy.
The formula for the percentage method is:
P = (f/n) 100%
P = percentage
f = frequency
n = total numbers of respondents
Study collections