FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP ENTREPRENEURSHIP I (ENT115D) STUDY GUIDE 2022 Compiled by: ET du Plessis and F du Plessis January 2021 ENT115D i TUT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page THE STUDY GUIDE 1 PREFACE 2 1. SECTION A: ORGANISATIONAL COMPONENT 3 1.1 Subject description 3 1.2 Admission requirements 3 1.3 Subject lecturer 3 1.4 Timetables 4 1.5 Instructional strategy and approach 4 1.6 Evaluation 4 1.6.1 Requirements for passing 5 1.6.2 Class tests and assignments 5 1.6.3 Absence from lectures and tests 5 1.6.4 General – Sitting for tests and examination 5 1.7 Prescribed books and references 6 1.8 Instructions for using the study guide 6 1.9 Suggestions for studying this instructional offering (subject) 6 1.10 Description of illustrative action when determining learning objectives 7 2. SECTION B: STUDY COMPONENT 8 2.1 Curriculum – First Semester 8 2.1.1 Unit 1 – Entrepreneurial skills in perspective 8 2.1.2 Unit 2 – Basic business concepts and the business environment 8 2.1.3 Unit 3 - Innovation 9 2.1.4 Unit 4 - The identification and development of business ideas 9 2.1.5 Unit 5 – The viability of a business idea 10 2.1.6 Unit 6 – Setting up a business 10 2.1.7 Unit 7 – Financing the capital requirements of a small business 11 2.1.8 Unit 8 – The business plan 11 ENT115D ii TUT THE STUDY GUIDE 1. Serves as a frame of reference for the contents of the subject; 2. Guides the students and the lecturer for the preparation of classes and the education situation; 3. Provides guidelines for self-study; 4. Only forms the basis for the presentation of the subject. The mission of TUT refers to the presentation of state-of-the-art technology. Lecturers have the right to add new developments in the specific subject field to the education of the students and to examine students on this addition. The study guide does not limit the scope of the examination. Test and examination questions may be obtained from additional sources and lectures or applications founding practice. Remember that this learner guide serves as a guideline towards preparing for the tests examination. © COPYRIGHT: TUT All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any mean, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy and recording, without permission in writing from the publisher. ENT115D 1 TUT PREFACE A hearty welcome from the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship to all students from other departments at the start of this academic year. We trust that you are well motivated to prepare yourself becoming a manager as you are one step nearer. This instructional offering (subject) is a very important link in reaching this objective. It is therefore, of the utmost importance that you should work through this study guide with great care. The study guide consists of two sections, namely: 1. An organisational component: this contains information on the syllabus, lecturers, timetable, test dates, etc. 2. Study component: this contains information to direct your studies by means of learning objectives you have to reach. The purpose of this module is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skills and competence to understand entrepreneurial drive and acquire knowledge and skills in the following areas: drafting a business plan; the sources of finance, and the importance of forecasting financial requirements in the context of entrepreneurial ventures. These skills will assist entrepreneurs in successfully starting and running a business. The tuition comprises a basic theoretical component which will be put into practice by way of case studies. You will need to practice developing this theoretical knowledge in order to apply it in the business world. If you, as students are motivated, can work hard and attend your classes with the correct attitude, you will undoubtedly achieve success in this subject. Your lecturer ENT115D 2 TUT will do everything in his/her power to assist you with your academic problems and advise you were required. Make a note of your lecturer’s consulting hours and do not hesitate to ask him/her for assistance. Always remember that you are preparing yourself for a highly reputable and interesting profession. You should therefore act accordingly and have a positive approach towards your studies. Decision-makers need information that is new, relevant and that leads to actions. ENT115D 3 TUT 1. SECTION A: ORGANISATIONAL COMPONENT 1.1 SUBJECT DESCRIPTION Entrepreneurship is a subject designed to guide you as a future entrepreneur into the scenario of a business manager. The theoretical knowledge is required to execute the administrative functions of the business owner successfully. During this semester, the emphasis will be on how to start a business, business plan, innovation and entrepreneurial skills. 1.2 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS As the subject forms part of the syllabus for obtaining a diploma, the normal university admission requirements apply. 1.3 SUBJECT LECTURER Your subject lecturer for the current year is: Telephone number: (w) Office location: Consulting hours: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: 1.4 TIMETABLES You will by now have received your timetables. Your lectures comprise at least two double periods per week, for the day class students. ENT115D 4 TUT 1.5 INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY AND APPROACH The subject Entrepreneurship I has been planned in such a manner that it will be offered in Semester 1. The weekly programme comprises: At least four lectures x 30 minute per week Preparation: at least 2 hours per week Individual Assignment, Group assignments and self-study: Own time table in your room is highly advised. In accordance with the instructional policy of this University it is accepted that students should develop their academic and scientific abilities in order to become independent scientific practitioners who are capable of contributing, in a creative manager, to the development of the science. This boils down to a pro-active purposeful approach to training which represents a move away from the traditional lecturer-oriented instructional approach to a more dynamic student centered learning approach. In order to pass this subject it is necessary for you to identify your priorities at this stage already so as to conform to the requirement of regular preparation that is set by this department. 1.6 EVALUATION 1.6.1 Requirements for passing Continuous assessment: Test 1 – 0nline 20% Test 2 – Sit in 20% ENT115D 5 TUT Test 3 – Online 20% Test 4 – Summative sit in 40% The pass mark per semester IS 50%. Should you experience problems with the semester mark posted on the noticeboards, you should lodge your objection with the lecturer within THREE DAYS. 1.6.2 Class tests, Practicals and Assignments The marks you receive for class tests, case studies and assignments all add up to your predicate mark. Your lecturer will announce the study unit themes and the dates on which tests will be conducted. Case studies and assignments will only be marked if they are prepared according to instructions and handed in on or before the due date. 1.6.3 Absence from lectures and tests Prior arrangements have to be made where possible. The onus is on students to catch up with work already done. All tests are compulsory. A valid doctor’s certificate must be handed in to the lecturer at the first class after the test. No supplementary tests are permitted. Note: A supplementary test, if granted by the lecturer, will be scheduled after the valid doctor’s certificate was handed in. If a student misses this test no further tests will be permitted. 1.6.4 General – sitting for tests and examinations Students are required to have their student cards with them for checking by the invigilator when writing scheduled tests and examinations. ENT115D 6 TUT Semester examinations on study unit themes as indicated by the lecturers will be conducted at the end of the first and second semester. When sitting for examinations, students are required to provide their identity documents as well as the proof of admission to the examination issued to them. The document issued as proof of admission to the examination does not imply that you have obtained a satisfactory year mark for admission. The study unit themes covered in the first semester examination will not be examined again in the second semester examination. 1.7 PRESCRIBED BOOKS AND RECOMMENDED READING Prescribed Textbook : NIEUWENHUIZEN,C.,2019.Entrepreneurship an African Perspective. Cape Town : Juta 1.8 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE STUDY GUIDE The number of periods as well as the chapters which will be covered for each syllabus theme is indicated in the study component. For each study unit exit level outcomes are set, and you should reach these objectives after intensive study of each study unit. In order to master the exit level outcomes, it is recommended that you follow these methods of work. Where applicable, read the chapter(s) concerned as indicated in the study component before each lecture. After the lecture, study the learning content in depth. Get down to its core and test yourself on the basis of the assessment criteria. This will enable you to reach the exit level outcomes by means of self-study. Reformulate each outcome as a question (e.g. exit level outcome: “After having studied this study unit theme, you should be able to evaluate the effectiveness of a system in the office. Reformulate as a question: ENT115D 7 TUT “Evaluate the effectiveness of mailing procedure from the system point of view.” 1.9 SUGGESTIONS FOR STUDYING THIS INSTRUCTIONAL OFFERING (SUBJECT) The following are a few general guidelines for mastering the learning contents of this subject. Personal motivation to succeed in your studies is one of the most important requirements. You must also try to understand the purpose of each module and syllabus theme in order to understand the use to the learning content and why you have to study it. Take part in all discussions arranged by your lecturer and make your own contributions/comments during lectures. Ask questions if you wish to find out more about the subject. Make sure that you understand everything. Use a separate file for filing your notes, assignments and tests. Make your own summaries of the work regularly. Also use this file for all your assignments and to prepare your learning goals. Do your self-study from scratch and work regularly. The volume of work increase rapidly and it is not easy to catch up once you have fallen behind. Test yourself regularly to find out whether you have mastered the assessment criteria. Discuss the topics with fellow group members to familiarize yourself with the contents. Read periodicals, newspapers and other reference works to keep yourself abreast of the latest developments in your field of study. ENT115D 8 TUT Get into the habit of demonstrating your insights into the learning contents by providing full explanations and examples, applications and motivations to your answers. Answers with too few particulars and too little detail are one of the main reasons why some students do not excel as expected in this subject. Try to understand continuously so that the learning contents of each study unit contribute towards you becoming a better administrative manager. This will give relevance to your profession. 1.10 DESCRIPTION OF ILLUSTRATIVE ACTIONS WHEN DETERMINING LEARNING OBJECTIVES VERBS USED MANAGEMENT SCIENCES ASSESSMENT STANDARDS AND LEVELS OF UNDERSTANDING – LOW LEVEL= 1 HIGH LEVEL =6 VERBS Analyse – level 4, apply - 3, assess-6, collaborate-2, compare-2, contribute-3, debate-4, describe-1, design-5, determine-2, develop-5, devise (strategies)-5, differentiate-4, discuss-2, evaluate-6, examine-6, explain-2, generate-2, identify-1, interpret-2, investigate-3, motivate-6, present-3, reflect-3, research3, respond-6, select-1 2. SECTION B: STUDY COMPONENT 2.1 CURRICULUM FIRST SEMESTER 2.1.1 STUDY UNIT 1: Entrepreneurial skills in perspective Learning outcomes: After studying this unit the students should be able: Distinguish between skills and management skills and knowledge and entrepreneurial competencies Identify three groups of competencies, which are characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. Explain the meaning of internal and external locus of control. ENT115D 9 TUT Identify the entrepreneurial skills to the three groups of competencies and an internal locus of control. Assessment Criteria: Discuss the difference between skills and management skills and knowledge and entrepreneurial competencies Identify three groups of competencies, which are characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. Discuss the meaning of internal and external locus of control. Explain the entrepreneurial skills to the three groups of competencies and an internal locus of control. 2.1.2 STUDY UNIT 2 Basic business concepts and the business environment Learning outcomes: After studying this unit you should be able: Explain the business environment with its impact on the business Assessment Criteria: Explain the relationship between a business and establishment Discuss the classification of a business and its establishment in the economy Explain the business environment 2.1.3 STUDY UNIT 3: Innovation Learning outcomes: After studying this unit the students should be able: Distinguish between creativity and innovation.’ Explain the innovation process. Describe the different innovation strategies. Discuss the conditions for innovation. ENT115D 10 TUT Assessment Criteria: Discuss the difference between creativity and innovation.’ Discuss the innovation process. Describe the different innovation strategies. Discuss the conditions for innovation. 2.1.4 STUDY UNIT 4: The identification and development of business ideas Learning outcomes: After studying this unit the students should be able: Identify and explain the stages in setting up a business Explain the cultivation of an entrepreneurs creative attitude Explain the generation of business ideas Discuss the generation and evaluation of business ideas Assessment Criteria: The three stages of setting up a business must be identified and discussed. Define creativity. Determine your own level of creativity. Improve the creativity of a team by using various creativity techniques. The generation of ideas from the entrepreneur’s skills, expertise and aptitude must be discussed Discuss the development of your business ideas Determine whether your business idea is feasible 2.1.5 STUDY UNIT 5: The viability of a business idea. Learning outcomes: ENT115D 11 TUT After studying this unit you should be able: Explain the term viability Explain the term market research Explain the needs analysis and characteristics of customers Explain the structure of the business Explain the mission statement and objectives of a business Calculate the expected market share of the business Calculate the expected net profit of a business Explain the cash planning in a business Assessment Criteria: Determine whether a need exists for a product or a service. The market share of the product must be calculated The income that can be derived from the product or service must be calculated. Determine whether a sustainable profit can be made. A cash budget to determine whether the business can service its financial obligations as they occur must be drawn up. Viability of start-ups is described. 2.1.6 STUDY UNIT 6: Setting up a business Learning outcomes: After studying this unit the students should be able: Identify the factors that influence the choice of business form. Identify the duties and legal requirements of various business forms. Indicate a clear understanding of the labor legislation that should be considered when starting a new business. Identify the procedure that need to be followed when setting up a new business ENT115D 12 TUT Assessment Criteria: Discuss the factors that influence the choice of business form. Provide an overview of the duties and legal requirements of various business forms. Demonstrate a clear understanding of the labor legislation that should be considered when starting a new business. Explain the procedure that need to be followed when setting up a new business 2.1.7 STUDY UNIT 7: Financing the capital requirements of a small business Learning outcomes: After studying this unit the students should be able: Define the two primary sources of capital: own capital and outside capital Describe the major characteristics of Permanent, long-term, medium term, and short term finance and its sources Explain what is involved in choosing the applicable sources of finance Assessment Criteria: Distinguish between own and outside capital Elaborate on the different forms of Finance available Discuss what is involved in choosing the applicable sources of finance 2.1.8 STUDY UNIT 8: The business plan Learning outcomes: After studying this unit the students should be able: Understand the purpose and principles of a business plan. Identify the users of a business plan Explain the business plan ENT115D 13 TUT Explain the structure of the business plan Indicate guidelines for writing the business plan Assessment Criteria: Explain the reasons for drawing-up a business plan. List the users of the business plan. Explain the character of a business plan. List the guidelines for writing the business plan. Draft a business plan for your own business idea ENT115D 14 TUT