Uploaded by Scott Marazoff

Learn Manual Transmission: Clutch Control & Hill Starts

The stage 2 thing just means that the clutch clamps down a little more tightly than stock. Not
IDEAL to learn on as it's not as forgiving as a stock clutch, but you can quickly get the hang of it.
I was able to get it to click for him by having him do the following:
1) Find a flat area such as an empty parking lot, your own driveway...whatever.
2) Start the car, release the hand brake, push the clutch to the floor and slide the shifter into 1st,
let go of the foot brake. This is where that flat, empty area comes into play. Make sure the car
doesn't go rolling into anything.
3) Slowly...Slowly...SLOOOOOOOWLY let up on the clutch pedal. You will reach a point where
you'll notice the RPM's dip, and you'll feel the car start to creep forward. It will be REALLY slight.
4) Push the clutch back down.
5) Repeat.
That point where the car starts to move is your engagement point. That's where the clutch starts
to grab. Practice that little exercise until you can find that point without even thinking about it
every time. Once you find that point, start applying a little bit of throttle as you ease the clutch
out further and start moving forward. This part I can't explain, as it's all up to you to develop the
feel for it.
For practice, hit up your favorite empty parking lot and just drive around in circles. Take off nice
and smooth, come to a stop. Over and over. Eventually, it will become second nature and you
won't even have to think about it.
It sucks learning at first, but we've all been there!
If you find yourself on an uphill incline at a stop light or stop sign with a car behind you:
1) As they say in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: "DON'T PANIC!"
2) Put the transmission in first with the clutch held to the floor and keep your foot on the brake
3) Reach down and pull up on your hand brake (e-brake, park brake...whatever you like to call
4) Hold the little silver button down with your thumb and hold the lever up manually.
5) When the light goes green, release the foot brake. Assuming your handbrake is properly
adjusted, it will hold you there so you don't go rolling back into the car behind you. That's
embarrassing and annoying for all parties involved.
6) Take off as you normally would, but just as you feel the clutch start to engage, lower the
handbrake lever - you did remember to keep the silver button pressed down with your thumb so
it didn't lock in place, right?