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Adler's Individual Therapy Summary

Adler’s Individual Therapy [Psychodynamic Psychotherapies)
Teleological Approach—behavior is purposeful and largely motivated by a person’s future goals
rather than past events. I.e. phenomena are best understood in terms of their purpose rather
than their causes.
Personality Theory
• Feelings of inferiority develop in childhood as a result of real/percieved bio, psycho,
social weakness. All people have the inherent tendency to strive for superiority-the
"perfect completion".
• Style of Life-how one compensates for inferiority and strives for superiority. Impacted
by early childhood experiences, especially with family, well established by 4 or 5.
Healthy Style of Life-goals that reflect optimism, confidence, concern for others
Mistaken Style of Life-self-centered, competitive, personal power
• Pampered kids (no social feelings) vs Neglected kids (need for revenge)
View of Maladaptive
• Mental Disturbance represents a mistaken Style of Life
Maladaptive attempts to compensate for inferiority
Preoccupation with personal power
Lack of social interest
• Child's misbehavior has one of four goals: attention, revenge, power, display
Each goal reflecting desire to belong; accompaied by faulty belives on how to do so.
Therapy Goals & Techniques
• Establish collaborative relationship with client
• Help client identify and understand their Style of Life and consequences
• "Life Style Investigation"-info about family constellation, fictional (hidden) goals, and "basic
mistakes" (distorted beliefs & attitudes)
• Reorient beliefs and goals to support more adaptive lifestyle
• Systemic Training for Effective Teaching (STET)-assumes all behavior is goal directed
and purposful
• Interpretation is important-"mistaken goals"
• Present & Future--not past