ECE 106: Chapter Review Questions A Guidance Approach for the Encouraging Classroom (each chapter=s questions are worth 2 points unless otherwise noted) Chapter 1 1. Define guidance. 2. How do you think guidance is different from discipline and punishment? 3. Name two of the guidance tradition pioneers, and discuss their contributions. Chapter 2 (4 points) 1. Compare and contrast the ideas of Piaget and Vygotsky focusing on how they each believed children learn. 2. Name the four life-conflicts Erikson discussed in early childhood. 3. List and give a brief description of the eight intelligences that Gardner has outlined. 4. Give a definition for emotional intelligence (EI)? 5. What is temperament (from Thomas and Chess)? 6. Choose one theory/theorist and tell how the ideas of that theorist/theory influence your ideas about guidance. Choose one from: Piaget, Vygotsky, Erikson, Gardner, Thomas and Chess, or Goleman Chapter 3 1. What is mistaken behavior? How do you think mistaken behavior is different from misbehavior? 2. List and define the three levels of mistaken behavior. 3. When would a comprehensive guidance plan be used? What are the five steps in developing a comprehensive guidance plan? Chapter 4: To be determined during the class session. Chapter 5 1. List the learning centers that are typically present in a preschool classroom. Rate each center as bucolic, busy, or boisterous. In your ideal classroom, how would you arrange these centers to avoid mistaken behaviors? 2. Children need a minimum of minutes to become actively engaged and fully involved in the learning center activities. 3. Describe the three functions of learning centers. How does the use of learning centers reduce mistaken behavior? Chapter 6 (4 points) 1. Why do children need both a sense of reliability and the promise of novelty@ in the daily program? How does including both prevent mistaken behavior in the classroom? 2. What are the benefits and drawbacks of “Show and Tell@? How can this activity be presented in a developmentally appropriate format? 3. How can the classroom schedule increase or reduce mistaken behavior? (give an example) Why is it important to include all three types of activities in the schedule: bucolic, busy, and boisterous? 4. Compare and contrast large group instruction and learning centers. Describe a successful large group experience with preschool age children. Chapter 7 1. Compare and contrast rules and guidelines. Be sure to list the benefits of guidelines. 2. What is the difference between a logical consequence and punishment? Chapter 8 1. What does it mean to Alisten to life experiences@? 2. Describe contact talks at the preschool level. 3. How do teachers use leadership communication in the parent-teacher conference? Chapter 9 1. Name and describe the five steps of the five finger formula. Provide one example of how you would use this in the classroom. 2. Explain the following terms: a. High level mediation b. Low level mediation c. Child negotiation 3. How does understanding child development assist in conflict management? Chapter 10 1. Name and define 4 quick intervention strategies. 2. How can teachers help children learn self-calming skills and increase impulse control, in ways that respect the child? 3. What are four strategies when intervention require follow-up? Chapter 11 1. Name and describe the four methods of crisis management. 2. Name and describe the steps of the IGP (Individual Guidance Plan). 3. What considerations are important when boys have conflicts? Chapter 12: 1. What is liberation teaching? 2. What is anti-bias education? 3. How does liberation teaching take the importance of guidance further? Family Relationships: (sign up in class for questions) Rev. 1/11