Uploaded by Yasya Sali

Social Media Impact: A Project Work

Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages
Project work «Social media»
Prepared by Yasmin
Salikhojayeva 322
The 21st century is the age of rapidly
evolving technology. Every new day makes
its adjustments to our "online world":
applications are created, programs are
developed to simplify human work, or
applications appear for more social
communication and human interaction. But is
the 2D information world so good? How
blind are we to believe everything we see on
our gadget screens?
There are 7 different types of social media:
1. Social networking sites
2. Social review sites
3. Image sharing sites
4. Video hosting sites
5. Community blogs
6. Discussion sites
7. Sharing economy networks
Some cases and examples
Oli London has spent 149 thousand pounds
sterling to look like Park Jimin from the
Korean band BTS.
The best graduation gift in South
Korea is money for surgery.
In Kazakhstan the
situation is not as
bad, but still...
Perfect picture does not always mean
the same perfect life.
The main thing - always know the
measure and do not forget about
reality :)