LCON Student Exam Review Guide Topic Focused Topic Areas Fetal growth and developmen t Key Terms Summarize growth and development of the embryo/fetus: know different stages of development o Sperm and egg unite in the fallopian tubes to become a zygote. After the sperm Growth enters the egg, a zona reaction occurs to keep any other sperm from entering. and o The zygote then grows and becomes a morula- 16 cell zygote. Developme o Fluid then enters the morula to become a blastocyst. The blastocyst is made up of 2 nt parts: trochoblast- which attaches to the uterine wall, embryoblast- which becomes the embryo. (10-12 o The embryotic phase lasts from 15 days till 8 weeks. This is the most critical time in Questions) the pregnancy. o Organs are forming in the embryotic phase Name teratogens and their effect fetal growth and development. o Aminopterin, Androgens, ACE inhibitors, Carbamazepine, Cigarrette smoking, Cocaine, Coumarin anticoagulants, Cytomegalovirus, Diethylstillbestrol, Ethanol (>1 drink/day), Etretinate, Hyperthermia, Iodides, Ionizing radiation (>10 rad), Isotretinion, Lead, Lithium, Methimazole, Methyl mercury, Parvovirus B19, Penicillamine, Phenytoin, Radioiodine, Rubella, Syphilis, Tetracycline, Thalidomide, Toxoplasmosis, Trimethadione, Valproic acid, Varicella o Things the mother is exposed to that can cross the placental membrane and harm the fetus. Know the development/structure/function of the placenta/umbilical cord/amniotic fluid. o Placenta- Begins to form at implantation and complete by the twelfth week. Functions: Endocrine gland function- produces 4 hormones necessary to maintain the pregnancy and support the embryo and fetus. Human Chorionic Villi- can be detected in the maternal serum by 8-10 days after conception, shortly after implantation. This is the hormone for pregnancy test. Preserves the function of the ovarian corpus luteum, ensuring continued supply of estrogen and progesterone needed to maintain pregnancy. Human Chorionic somatomammotropin (hCS) is similar to a growth hormone and stimulates the maternal metabolism to supply nutrients needed for fetal growth. It also increases the resistance to insulin, facilitates glucose transport across the placental membrane, and stimulates breast development to prepare for lactation. Progesterone maintains the endometrium, decreases the contractility of the uterus, and stimulates maternal metabolism and development of breast alveoli. Estrogen stimulates uterine growth and uterplacental blood flow Metabolic functions are respiration, nutrition, excretion, and storage. The placenta functions as lungs for the fetus o Umbilical Cord- Contains 3 vessels- Created during the third week. 2 arteries and a vein. The vein is larger than the arteries and carries nutrients to the fetus. Covered by Whartons Jelly to keep the cord from becoming compressed. When the chord is wrapped around the fetal neck, it is called a nuchal cord. This study source was downloaded by 100000789901250 from on 05-15-2022 15:54:31 GMT -05:00 o Amniotic fluid- consists of fetal urine, tissue, hair. Approximately 1,000ml of fluid. Functions: maintains a constant body temp., a source of oral fluid and a repository Infant amnion amniotic fluid blastocyst cephalocaudal chorion chorionic villi decidua basalis ductus arteriosus ductus venosus embryo embryoblast fertilization fetus foramen ovale hematopoiesis human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) implantation L/S ratio lanugo morula nuchal cord oligohydramnios placenta surfactants teratogens trophoblast vernix caseosa zygote Be sure to know the following: *** This is NOT all inclusive, please use your individual class learning outcomes and this guide to prepare you for the exam. Best of luck! Email me any questions. This study source was downloaded by 100000789901250 from on 05-15-2022 15:54:31 GMT -05:00 Powered by TCPDF (