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Poe's Cask & Annabel Lee: Analysis & Themes

Edgar Allan Poe’s
“The Cask of Amontillado” and “Annabel”
About Edgar Allan Poe
● He went to college at the University of Virginia,
but soon his gambling debt forced him to drop out
(“Poe’s Biography”).
● He served 2 years in the United States army which
won him an appointment to west point (“Edgar
● Was born to traveling actors, but within three years
his parents passed away (“Poe’s Biography”).
● While his brother and sister went to live with other
families, Poe was taken in by John Allan (“Poe’s
Important Event: Death of His Wife
She developed tuberculosis in 1842 and died in 1847
(“Virginia Clemm”).
After the death of his wife, Poe fell into alcoholism
(“Virginia Clemm”).
▫ “The Cask of Amontillado” and “The Black Cat”
reference Poe’s alcoholism (“How Was Poe's Writing
Affected by His Life”).
Poe’s poems around the time his wife got sick and passed
away often included or mentioned beautiful dead
women, whose memories haunt the speaker (“Virginia
▫ “Lenore”, ‘The Raven”, “Annabel Lee”, “The Oval
Portrait”, “The Fall of The House of Usher” (“Virginia
Virginia Eliza
Clemm Poe
Literary Time Period:The Romantic Period
From 1830 to 1870 (Luebering).
This was a movement embrace by American
writers in the 19th century (“Periods of
American Literature”).
This movement focused on individuality, and
opposed the enforcement of logical reasoning
preferring emotion over reason (Luebering).
Valued wildness of nature, and helped express
one’s connection to nature (“Periods of
American Literature”).
Literary Time Period SubGenre: Transcendentalism
● Transcendentalism was the school of American philosophical
and theological and the belief based not on scientific
knowledge, but rather intuitive (“Transcendentalism”).
● It has its origins in New England around the 1800’s and was
born between a debate between “new light” theologians and
“old light” opponents (“Transcendentalism”).
● Transcendentalists advocated the personal knowledge of God
which was believing that no mediator was needed for spiritual
insight (“Transcendentalism”).
● While transcendentalism was more of being one with nature,
poe’s work was often more anti-transcendentalism. In
literature it was shown by portraying only bad and good and
dark humour which poe had in his stories like “The Cask of
Amontillado” (“Edgar Allan”).
Literary time Period Subgenre: Dark Romanticism
Works in the dark romantic spirit were influenced
by Transcendentalism (“Dark Romanticism”).
The term dark romanticism comes from both the
pessimistic nature of the subgenre's literature and
the influence it derives from the earlier Romantic
literary movement (“Dark Romanticism”).
This period was influenced by Gothic Fiction and
features elements of darkness and the supernatural
and includes themes of dark mystery and
skepticism regarding man (“Dark Romanticism”).
Historical Event: The Gold Rush
● The California Gold Rush wasn't personal to Poe as he was
more of a gothic/dark writer, but did in fact inspire one of
his writings “Eldorado” (“Eldorado”).
● Over 300,00 fortune seekers were in california searching
for gold after it was found in Stutter’s Mill. It was
estimated that 2 billion dollars was extracted in gold.
● The gold rush peaked in 1852 and the end of the decade it
died down and was soon over (“Eldorado”).
● The story of “Eldorado” tells of a knight who traveled his
whole life in search for a city of gold. As he searches, he
later finds out that this “city of gold” is only acquired in
the afterlife (“Eldorado”).
Historical Event: Creation of the Telegraph
The telegraph was invented in 1844 and the rise of this
“Victorian Internet” coincided with some of Poe’s Final
works (“Poe in Cyberspace”).
Poe’s short story The Thousand-and-Second Tale of
Scheherazade” was inspired by his faith in the telegraph
(“Poe in Cyberspace”).
The telegraph also impacted Poe in the way of
communication, the rise of the telegraph also coincided
with his job as an editor of the Grahm’s Magazine
meaning. (“Poe in Cyberspace”).
▫ News Papers joined together to form a consortium to
share telegraph news, called the Associated Press (“Poe
in Cyberspace”).
Famous Works
“A Dream within a Dream”
▫ The poem was written in 1849 (“A Dream within a
Dream” Analysis).
This poem is one of his many epic poems that
explore the grief through the loss of a loved one
The poem is famous for the way it presents
human’s dilema of transient life and dreams. The
poem consists of the speaker’s profound feelings
regarding an anxious state of mind and existential
crisis of life and dreams
Famous Works
“The Raven”
▫ The poem was published in 1845 (Lorcher).
The poem is recognized for its use of symbolism that
give a supernatural haunting experience (Lorcher).
The tale became famous because of the way the
character experiences grief and becomes maddened
by the experienced guided by the raven (Lorcher).
“But we loved a love that was
more than love-” (Poe
[‘Annabel Lee’] line 9).
Quote Analysis
The meaning of this quote is that the love shared between
the speaker and someone was strong.
In the poem this line is used to inform the reader that
despite the fact the speaker and Annabel Lee were young
when they were in love their love was strong, special, and
“For the love of God, Montresor” (Poe
[“The Cask”] 6).
Quote Analysis
● This quote was written as the last words of Fortunato as
Montresor begins to wall up the entrance to the crypt,
trapping Fortunato inside.
● The final words between Montresor and Fortunato
demonstrates that Montresor needs fortunato more than
he wants to admit and how Fortunado taunts Montresor
with mentioning god, who has long abandoned him.
“The Cask of Amontillado” Summary
“The Cask of Amontillado” tells a story about revenge, as
Montresor is tired of Fortunato repeatedly insulting and
disrespecting him. Fortunato is to believe his “friend”,
Montresor, is leading him down into the fine wine
Amontillado to show him all the wines, as he is very fond of
wines, but in reality seeks revenge for Fortunato's insults and is
leading him to his death. By the time they get to the bottom,
Fortunato is intoxicated and is buried alive as Montresor builds
a wall to trap him, leaving him at the very bottom of the
Amontillado to die (Poe [“The Cask”] 1-6).
Analysis For “The Cask of Amontillado”
The horrors of “The Cask of Amontillado”
live in the fact that the lack of evidence in
Montresor claims about Fortunato’s
hundreds of injuries and insults.
The story is a secret murder which
completely ignores the law as Montresor has
no proof of the claims he states Fortunato has
done. This makes Montresor an unreliable
narrator, as he uses his personal experience
from Fortunato to become his own judge.
Poe uses his gothic writing style and writes
that Montresor covers his face in a “mask of
black silk” which represents the revenge he is
seeking (Poe [“The Cask of Amontillado”] 2).
▫ Thematic Statement:Obsession with revenge will
change a person
▫ Evidence:
“THE thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne
as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult
I vowed revenge.” (Poe [“The Cask of
Amontillado”] 1).
In this quote, Montresor is thinking back to all the times
Fortunato disrespected him and pledges for revenge.
Author’s Purpose
● The story serves the purpose of be careful
how you treat others
● He gives the people a story about a man
who is tired of being disrespected and
“ventured upon insult” by his friend so
much that he “vowed revenge” (Poe [“The
Cask of Amontillado”] 1).
● Poe wanted to give his audience the lesson,
treat other the way you want to be treated.
What it reveals about Poe
● After the death of his wife, Poe fell into alcoholism.
● The theme of drunkenness/alcoholism appears in a few of
his works including this one revealing to the audience
aspects of his life seeped into his works.
● Similarly he story also has themes of madness that reveals
to the reader his state after the death of his wife.
Summary of Annabel Lee
In the poem “Annabel Lee”by Edgar Allan Poe, the speaker
reminisces on the memory of young love that was cut short.
The speaker tells of his love for Annabel Lee along with the
sorrow that surrounds her tragic death (Poe [”Annabel Lee”]
lines 1-41).
Analysis for “Annabel Lee”
● The poem “Annabel Lee” Poe often References
numerous times the love he and annabel have as it
was “a love that the winged seraphs of heaven” (Poe
[“Annabel Lee”] line 11).
● This has a theme of youth as the two were
childhood sweethearts who fell in love and so when
she dies the narrator believes that the angels took
her away from him because they were jealous of the
love he and annabel had.
▫ Thematic Statement: Love is stronger than death.
▫ Evidence:
“And neither the angels in Heaven above
Nor the demons down under the sea
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee”(Poe [“Annabel Lee”] lines 3033).
In this quote the speaker is saying that no force is stronger than his love for
Annabel Lee, and that their love is stronger than even death,
Author’s Purpose
To inform to the reader that love can be
stronger than some forces and can even surpass
death as it did with him and annabel lee.
The quote “And neither the angels in Heaven
above, Nor the demons down under the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul”
demonstrates that love can occur not only on
earth but pass the human world.
What it Reveals About Poe
This poem was written shortly after the death of Poe’s
The reader can assume that if Poe is the speaker, then the
poem reveals Poe’s grief.
The poem also reveals how haunted Poe was left by the
death of his wife.
Poe and Dark Romanticism
Poe’s Writing includes many elements of Dark
Romanticism (“Dark Romanticism”).
Many of Poe’s works fall on the darker side of Dark
Romanticism bordered on Gothic Fiction (“Dark
His writing was often dark morbid and included
madness (“Dark Romanticism”).
Poe’s writing embraced the more morbid and
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Works Cited