Uploaded by Paul Haak

Circulatory System Worksheet: Form 3

Worksheet about the circulatory system
Form 3
Answer these questions while watching the video:
1. How is the protein called that oxygen latches onto when we breath in?
2. How are the four chambers of the heart called?
3. What is the main function of valves in your heart (and blood vessels)?
4. Fill in the gaps:
The heart is often described as a double pump. The first pump sends blood from your
heart to your A. and the second pump sends blood from your heart to B.
5. The pumping of your heart is regulated by the …
How does it flow?
1. Through which veins and chambers in the heart does blood flow that starts in your
liver and ends up in your left ventricle? Write your answer down using arrows.
2. Through which veins and chambers in the heart does blood flow that starts in your
stomach and ends in your lungs?
3. Through which veins and chambers in the heart does blood flow that starts in your
toe and ends in your toe again?
Summary questions
1. Which artery takes blood to the lungs?
2. Which atrium in the heart receives blood from the lungs?
3. Which ventricles has the ticker muscle? Why?
4. What stops blood back-flowing in the heart?