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Taiwanese Clear Aligner Service in Thailand: A Case Study

Global MBA
College of Management
National Taiwan University
Master Thesis
(Chinese Thesis Name)
The case study of Taiwanese clear aligner service in Thailand
Ponlawat Tongklang
Advisor: Leon van Jaarsveldt, Ph.D.
中華民國 111 年 6 月
June, 2022
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Global MBA (Times New Roman and font size 14, 1.5 lines spacing)
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National Taiwan University(Times New Roman and font size 16, 1.5 lines spacing)
Master Thesis (Times New Roman and font size 16, 1.5 lines spacing)
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中華民國 108 年 2 月(字型為18之楷書、1.5倍行高)
February, 2019(Times New Roman and font size 18, 1.5 lines spacing)
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Master Thesis Certification by Oral Defense Committee
National Taiwan University
Thesis Topic (Chinese)
The case study of Taiwanese clear aligner service in Thailand
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Table of Contents
Acknowledgement .......................................................................................................................... ii
Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... iii
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................... iv
List of Tables and Figures............................................................................................................... v
List of Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................... vi
Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Problem................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Research Aims and Objectives............................................................................................. 2
1.4 Research Methodology......................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Importance and Significance of the Study ........................................................................... 2
1.6 Structure of the Thesis ......................................................................................................... 3
Chaper 2 Literature Review ............................................................................................................ 9
2.1 The of Taiwanese company doing business in Thailand
2.2 The global Clear Aligner Market Size and Share
2.3 The trend of global telemedicine
2.4 PESTLE Analysis
2.5 Five Force Analysis
2.6 The Orthodontics
Chapter 3 Research Methodology
3.1 Research Structure
3.2 The Research Process
3.3 Research Limitation
Chapter 4 Results
4.1 Market analysis related Taiwanese clear aligner product in Thailand.
4.1.1 The PESTLE Analysis for the situation relating Taiwanese Clear aligner product.
4.1.2 Market evaluation by the Clear aligner service 5 Force Analysis.
4.2 the case study of Innova
4.2.1 Product and service overview
4.2.2 The early state problem.
4.2.3 SWOT Analysis
4.2.4 Business Strategy for problem solution
Chapter 5 Discussion & Finding
5.1 Discussion
5.2 Finding
Chapter 6. Conclusion
List of Tables and Figures
The list of tables and figures will use the same formatting as above. The table below has
been coded to use the APA Figure Title style. To update, right click and select update entire
Figure 4. 1 Name of Figure. (Be specific and Descriptive) .Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
List of Abbreviations
If you are using any abbreviations, you may make a list of them and their definitions
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Background
The orthodontic industry in Thailand seems attractive to many players, both dentists and
equipment suppliers. Based on the Thailand Market Survey on dental equipment and oral care
products by Canvasso (Thailand) and the Italian Trade Agency (2018, P4), the overall dental
market constantly grew by 7.7% from 2013 to 2017, total 22,977 million baht in 2017. Dental
equipment accounts for one-fourth of the market cap. Likewise, the market for dentures and dental
products made by the dental laboratory is amount 841 million bath, and the growth rate of these
two segments is 5 per cent and 7.4 per cent, respectively. Also, it (Health Focus, 2019) is estimated
that there will be about 100,000 new orthodontic cases per year. Overall, the market value of
approximately 1.14 billion baht. Furthermore, the number of dentists is also scarce till 2030
(Canvasso and Italian Trade Agency, 2018). However, most dental equipment producers'
penetration is occupied by the big-name company.
The happen of covid 19 has resulted in the stagnant of Thailand's Economic growth from
2019 till the present. All medical centres and dental clinics are limited services for only urgent
patients. On the other hand, the trend of telemedicine has become popular during the period
pandemic. The advent of the high-speed internet network, Cloud, and IoTs involves changing
medical services from the traditional ways. Krungthai Compass (2020) estimates that using 5G
technology will bring about the decentralized of medical service and medical personnel, for
instance, teleconsultation. Moreover, wearable medical devices and big data are implemented for
disease prevention and symptom analysis. Furthermore, the affordability of ultra-speed internet
with very low latency also increases the trend of using the telemedical consultant between doctors
and patients via an application, especially in the urbanization area.
"Innova" is the Taiwanese Clear aligner brand established in 2019 and implementing the
telemedicine pattern for its service treatment. Even though there is a global pandemic such as
Covid-19, which affects the dental service and limits the sale of orthodontic services, Innova sales
are gradually increasing rather than the company's expectation. Despite the significant growth of
sales, there are also many hindrances that Inova had to solve in entering the Thailand Market.
1.2 Research Problem
Reasons and needs to study on this thesis is first, to find the main barrier or negative factor
of doing business in Thailand, especially in the medical equipment business and small Taiwanese
enterprise. Secondly, at present, many Taiwanese company as well as other telecommunication
companies in Thailand keep an eye on telemedicine service. therefore, the case study of this thesis
will be implemented to the understanding the readiness of Thai people for tele-orthodontics service
as well as the Telemedicine service in Thailand.
1.3 Research Aims and Objectives
Objective one: To learn the process of Taiwanese SME businesses introducing their
product in Thailand and how to overcome the barrier of Thailand creating a Taiwanese company.
Objective two: To understand Taiwanese entrepreneurs' marketing perspective toward the
Thailand market. Especially, the clear aligner market, the factors of product success and the failure.
Objective three: To learn the possibility and find the strategy of providing future
telemedicine in Thailand.
1.4 Research Methodology
This research is conducted by using the qualitative method. This paper's information for
explanation and analysis is retrieved from academic journals, theses, newspapers, and company
reports. Moreover, the researcher also collects the case study company's data by training new
employees from July to August to learn the company history, product, customer, problem, and
1.5 Importance and Significance of the Study
This research aims to find out the main obstacles to doing business in Thailand, not only
for the small foreign enterprise but also for medical device producers. This research could be
contributed as the source of factor consideration to Taiwanese SMEs having intention to enter the
Thailand market. Moreover, the put come of the market and product analysis should be value to
Innova brand for adaptation with its future strategy
Moreover, based on the researcher’s background in the telecom industry, telemedicine is
the new rising star business in the telecommunication circle. However, there is various concern
about the market condition. The story of this case study can be an example of telemedicine service
for an interested company to invest in Thailand.
1.6 Structure of the Thesis
2. Literature Review
2.1 The of Taiwanese company doing business in Thailand
- Challenges of doing business in Thailand for Chinese Firms, Narawichaya supaporn
- Factors Affecting Business Success of Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Thailand,
Chuthamas Chittithaworn, Md. Aminul Islam, Thiyada Keawchana, Dayang Hasliza Muhd
- The sequence of strategies when establishing Taiwanese restaurant in Thailand, Tzong-Ru Lee ,
Nirote Sinnarong ,Yi-Hsiang Hsu, Hsiang-Ying Lan, Ching-Hua Yeh , Per Hilletofth
2.2 The global clear aligner market size and share
- Clear Aligners Market Size, Share & COVID-19 Impact Analysis, By Patient Age Group
(Teenager, and Adults), By End-User (Hospitals, and Dental & Orthodontic Clinics), and
Regional Forecast, 2021-2028 , Fortune Business Insight
2.3 The trend of global telemedicine
- Recent Directions in Telemedicine: Review of Trends in Research and Practice(2015) Laurence
S. Wilson, PhD, Anthony J. Maeder, PhD
- From 5G to future of Smart Healthcare, (March, 2020), Krungthai COMPASS.
- Telemedicine and current clinical practice trends in the COVID-19 pandemic, S.E. Wahezi,
L.R. Kohan, B. Spektor et al.
2.4 PETLE Analysis
2.5 Force Analysis
2.6 The Orthodontics
Definition of Orthodontics
According to Thai Association of Orthodontists, it has introduced the definitions and the
concepts of Orthodontics in Thailand as follows
Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry to diagnose, prevent and treat disorders of teeth
alignment and occlusal problems, including problems of abnormalities in the size and relationship
of the jaws to the face
Orthodontics is a treatment for better occlusion for efficient chewing as well as reducing
the risk of tooth decay or gum disease due to difficulty in cleaning teeth and gums in the area
where the teeth are aligned abnormally. Orthodontics also help to avoid abnormal tooth wear from
improper alignment or occlusal teeth. It may also promote personality by having aligned beautiful
Orthodontist is a dentist who provides orthodontic treatment. Orthodontist is a dentist who
has been educated to specialize in orthodontics from a university or institute that has a course of
at least 2 years and has been certified by the Office of the Thai Civil Service Commission to have
knowledge and ability to diagnose, prevent and treat malocclusion.
In Thailand, dentists who treat orthodontics have to be listed as a member of the Thai
Association of Orthodontists. In February 2022, the numbers of listed Orthodontists are 799
The Issue of Orthodontic Treatment.
(1) Upper teeth protrusion - the upper teeth overhang or overlap beyond the bottom front
teeth. It may cause the trauma issue to the gum and mouth.
(2) Lower teeth protrusion - the lower front teed overlap beyond the upper front teeth
due to the lower jaw overhanging as “bulldog” appearance. This case will cause the
unproper bike and jaw joint problems.
(3) Cross bite - this condition is caused by the misalignment of top molars or premolars
fitting inside the bottom teeth. Cross bites may lead to the problem of chewing and biting
over time. Also, it might affect the appearance of the jaw.
(4) Open bite - The open bites are classified as anterior and a posterior.
- An anterior open bite is the condition as the upper and lower teeth do not overlap when
the back teeth are together
- A posterior open bite is the problem from the gap between the back upper molars and
back lower molars when the upper and lower teeth meet.
These teeth condition may cause the biting, swallowing, and pronunciation problems.
(5) Midline Shift - The center of the upper teeth does not coincide with the lower teeth
which may lead to inefficient enough of food occlusion.
(6) Spaced out teeth - there is the wide gap or uneven space between the teeth. This
condition result in teeth decaying and gum decease because of the sticking of particles and
plaque in the wider teeth spaces.
(7) Over crowing - there is crowded teeth due to the inadequate space in a narrow jaw
bringing about the inefficient of cleaning and gum problem.
The type of Orthodontics in Thailand Dental Market
With the reference from MedThai website, a Thai medical information website, there are
popular type of Orthodontics providing in Thailand as follows.
(1) Metal Braces
This is a popular and conventional orthodontic treatment by attaching a metal tool
to the front surface of the teeth. A dentist inserts the wire through the bracket groove and
use the rubber (O-Ring) to fasten the braces to the orthodontic wire to help move the teeth
and align them beautifully.
Because steel wire can pull all teeth, a Metal Braces can solve all types of teeth
problem Whether it is protruding teeth, Cross bite, deep occlusal teeth, open mouth teeth,
Midline Shift, gaping teeth, overlapping teeth, or internal staggered teeth, and etc. The
treatment duration takes at least two years. Also, the price of conventional braces treatment
seems as more affordable than any others, approximately 35,000-45000 baht.
However, there is visibility of equipment may cause the irritation on patient’s lip
and inner cheek. If the cleaning is not good, it can cause tooth decaying in both in front
teeth and the area around the steel. Monthly appointment by an orthodontist is mandatory
(2) Clear Braces
A fixed braces treatment uses clear ceramic material that is similar in color to the
teeth to attach to the front teeth surface. As same as the metal braces, a dentist inserts the
wire through the bracket groove and use a clear O-Ring to fasten the braces to the
orthodontic wire. to help control the to move the teeth into the correct position.
Clear Braces has the same process and treatment period as normal orthodontics;
however, the orthodontic material is a special ceramic type will blend in with the color of
the teeth, when at first glance, it will be less noticeable. The price of this treatment will
double than the conventional braces.
(3) Self-Ligating Braces
It is a modern and more efficient orthodontic braces method that does not require a
rubber band which can help to shorten the time of treatment and less clinical appointment.
Due to the smaller size and using less frictional force to align teeth, self-Ligating Braces
can reduce the occasion of pulling out a tooth, the irritation from the equipment, and the
chance of tooth decay. This treatment cost estimate 55,000 to 100,000 bath
(4) Lingual Braces
Lingual orthodontics is a braces device installed on the back or inside of the teeth.
The instrument is designed specifically for each individual tooth, with smaller size,
thereby, reducing friction and resistance as well. While talking or smiling, it is not
noticeable suitable for patient who want to solve the problem of misalignment of teeth
without the orthodontic tools noticeable.
In orthodontics, internal braces generally take the same amount of time as outer
orthodontic braces, while the price is more expensive due to more professional orthodontist
requirement. Initially, the tongue may be irritated in the 1-4 week after installation.
(5) Clear Aligner
Clear Aligner is a removable clear orthodontics tools designed individually, by
using a thin, clear and smooth material attached to the dentin without braces. It is another
innovative alternative to move teeth to be in shape with less suffer from the pain of using
braces by wearing these clear orthodontic tools or devices. The instrument is made from
plastic by using thermal or Computer Numerical Control (CNC) process. Because of
removability, this treatment will have the less problem on brushing teeth.
This equipment requires the orthodontist and dental lap for treatment planning and
equipment design. The patient needs the requirement to change the instrument regularly
two weeks. The ability to treat orthodontics issue of this product depend on the material of
product as well as the potential of dental lap, mostly use the less time than conventional
treatment, 6-24 month with strict wearing from patient. There are variety of price range
from 20,000 baht to 200,000 baht up to the duration of treatment and product brand. Some
orthodontists also combine between Clear aligner and braces together for orthodontics
3. Research Methodology
3.1 Research Structure
The report will focus on searching the information in several references and analytical tools
of Analysis such as PESTLE and Five Force To understand the circumstance of Thailand's
orthodontic service competitiveness in the market and the market opportunities and challenges.
Likewise, this research will study the Arix CNC Machine Co., Ltd as the case study of this thesis
about Taiwanese Clear Aligner producers introducing the service in Thailand.
3.2 The Research Process
1) Firstly, the research will study the dental service market in Thailand from the business
newspaper, the annual report of dental business listed on the Thailand Stock Exchange market,
and the other related reference
2) The second information will be gathered from the source which involved the
Taiwanese business operation in Thailand, Thai people's behaviour, and Related Technology in
being the reference for PESTLE Analysis and 5 Force Analysis
3) The researcher got the opportunities to train with the Innova new employees and at
Arix CNC Machine Co., Ltd, Tainan, from July to August 2021, to collect the information, under
deeply supervise by Mr Nattana Teerawanidsan Innova Thailand E-commerce manager. This
result of training illustrates the company information, service pattern, competitor, and problem to
summarize the SWOT analysis. Moreover, this report also summarizes this company's solution
to solve the problem of services in Thailand also.
3.3 The research limitation
The orthodontic service is a very specified market in Thailand, especially traditional
bracelets and clear aligner products. The majority of research was published and was achieved in
several university libraries. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 situation in Thailand and the
restriction of the Taiwan government, the researcher was not able to access those data for this
Secondly, The Non-disclosure and confidentiality agreement between the researcher and
Arix CNC Machine Co., Ltd (Appendix 1) may limit some very sensitive discoveries for the
company in the research.
4. Research Results
4.1 Market Analysis related Taiwanese clear aligner product in Thailand.
4.1.1 The PESTLE Analysis for the situation relating Taiwanese Clear aligner product.
1) Political
Thailand-Taiwan Political Relationship
At present, Thailand and Taiwan do not have an official diplomatic relationship. However,
Both Thailand and Taiwan also have healthy relationships in terms of economic relationships.
There are the Economic and Cultural offices between each other. According to the Department of
Trade Promotion, Ministry of Commerce, Thailand, Taiwan is the 19th export market and
Thailand's 7th import market in 2020. The total trade value is 12,040.63 million USD, with
3,796.08 million USD imports and 8,244.55 USD million export. Most Thailand import product
from Taiwan is electronic board, chemical product, steel, and electric machine.
According to o the Thailand Board of Investment, Taiwan is the fifth investment country
in Thailand, with 647.42 million USD in 2020. Also, there is the establishment of the Thai –
Taiwan Business Association, TTBA in Thailand, with more than 5,000 thousand Taiwanese
companies in Thailand. However, there is no free trade agreement (FTA) between Thailand and
The Southbound Policy
On 16 August 2016 Taiwan government, led by President Tsai Ying Wen, introduced the
New Southbound Policy (NSP). This policy aims to promote economic, technology, and cultural
cooperation between Southeast Asian and South Asian countries. According to this policy, there
are four pillars of collaboration; 1) Promote Economic Collaboration, 2) Conduct People-to-People
Exchange, 3) Enhance Resource Sharing, and 4) Forge Regional Links.
In 2018, Taiwan planned to enhance the handbook of "Taiwan-Thai Friendship, the New
Southbound Policy, " directing expanding Taiwanese entrepreneurs' future economic and trade
cooperation. Likewise, Taiwan will more focus on the collaboration in the exchange the medical
knowledge and professional medical personnel, including promoting export of the medical devices
and services in ASEAN, especially in Thailand.
2) Economic
Thailand Economic outlook
According to the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council
(NESDC), Thailand's Economic constantly has grown by 4.2 per cent since 2017. Most economic
activities have come from the industrial and service sectors, at about 39 per cent and 52 per cent,
respectively. However, in 2019 and 2020, the GDP has dramatically decreased to 2.3 per cent and
negative 6.1 per cent, respectively, due to the COVID-19 epidemic. Bank of Thailand also stated
that Thailand's economy backed to an uptrend again with an actual 1.6 per cent in 2021 and will
rise to an estimated 3.2 per cent in 2022. The unemployment rate is meagre. At the end of 2019,
the unemployment rate is 0.98. However, the Covid-19 situation boosted the number to 1.86 and
1.64 at the end of 2020 and 2021, respectively. NESDC also project that Thailand's economy will
recover in 2022 due to a better situation after increasing the number of people vaccinated.
GDP per Thai Capital
The statistical information about Thailand’s Gross Domestic Product Per Capita from
Gross Regional and Provincial Product Chain Volume Measures 2020 Report, NESDC, shows that
in 2019 the average income of Thai people is 243,705 Thai Baht or 7,241 US Dollars. Most highincome earners are concentrated in the Eastern region, Bangkok, and Metropolitan provinces. The
province with the utmost income is Rayong province at 1,008,167 Thai Baht (29,956 USD),
followed by Bangkok at 636,882 Thai Baht (18,924 USD), Prachin Buri at 559,834 Thai Baht
(16,635 USD), and Chon Buri at 554,149 Thai Baht (16,466 USD). Likewise, the average income
of each people in Bangkok and Vicinities with 16.9 million residents is 475,041 Baht (14,122
USD) per year. Moreover, the GDP per capita in the eastern region, Bangkok, and Metropolitan
provinces tend to significantly increase due to the massive investment in mega government project
“Eastern Economic Corridors” (EEC).
3) Social
The Population Structure
According to Civil Registration in 2021 from the Department of Provincial
Administration, Ministry of Interior, the total number of populations is 66.17 million people.
Bangkok is the most populous province, with 5.52 million populations. At the same time, the
report from NESDC in 2020 states that 16.93 million Thai people inhabit the Bangkok and
vicinities area.
The female population is higher than the males in the population structure, with 33.28
million and 31.68 million. If we classify the generation breakdown, Millennials or Generation Y
(26-44 years old) is the highest population at 18.29 million, followed by Centennials or
Generational Z (6-25 years old) at 16.13 million, and Generation X (45-56 years old) at 12.16
million. The Baby Boomers and Silent generation amount to 14.83 million. In contrast, the Alpha
(under five years old) is only 3.6 million.
The accessibility to Dental Care Services in the Thai Population
Following the article "Accessibility to Dental Care According to Type service in Thai
Population" by Wararat Jaichuen in the Journal of Health Systems Research, 2018, the percentage
of the Thai population who received dental service from 2007to 2015 had remained stable at an
average of 9 per cent of All population. In a category by a group of services, the simple treatment
also was the majority at 74.8 per cent in 2007. However, the penetration had gradually reduced to
60.7 per cent in 2015. On the other hand, the complicated dental treatment had significantly raised
from 16.5 per cent to 28 per cent within eight years. Oral health prevention had fluctuated from
about 6.7 – 11 per cent.
The age of Thai orthodontic patients
The article "A 10 -year trend analysis of patients seeking orthodontic treatment at a dental
hospital in Thailand" By Siritida Pongsupo, from The Online Journal of Thai Association of
Orthodontists, show the result of 5 , 7 7 5 patient who reviewed the orthodontic treatment from
Dental Hospital of Prince of Songkla University in southern Thailand during 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 1 8 as the
The gender of patients was female at 77.3 per cent, while the male was 22.7 per cent. The
patient's age was mainly about 1 9 to 3 5 years at 5 3 . 1 per cent, followed by adolescent patients
(13-18 years) at 30.2 per cent. The children under 12 years old accounted for 10.5 per cent, and
the adults aged between 3 6 to 5 5 years old were 5 . 4 per cent. The period of treatment is mostly
more than two years. However, the research also points out that the trend of the female patient was
slightly grouped as same as the patients at age 1 9 to 3 5 years. At the same time, young adult
patients tended to increase.
The internet using the behaviour of Thai people
The Global Digital Report from We Are Social and Hootsuite platform shows the statistics
of Digital and Social Media consumer behaviour before April 2022.
77.8 per cent or 51.48 million Thai people are already online, while the worldwide average
is 6 3 per cent. Likewise, Thai people spent about 8 hours 4 9 minutes using the internet. Most
internet access device is Mobile phones accounting for 9 4 . 6 per cent of internet user, while
computer user is only 50.2 per cent. The most internet activity is finding information by following
news and event and video entertainment, with 6 7 . 6 per cent, 6 4 . 1 per cent, and 6 0 . 8 per cent,
respectively. The most visited websites yearly are Google (11.71 billion visits), Youtube.com (5.7
billion visits), Facebook (5 . 0 7 million visits), Twitter (1 . 2 6 billion visits) and Pantip.com (7 4 6
million visits)
The active social media of Thai users is 83.2 per cent of the total population, or 55 million
users. Thai people spent almost 3 hours on social media. The people between 25 and 34-year-old
with almost one-third of the population (male 15.6 per cent and female 15.6 per cent). The main
purpose of using social media is to keep in touch with friends and family at 5 8 . 7 per cent, while
looking for things or buying stuff is 3 4 . 3 per cent. The most-used social media platform is
Facebook (93.3 per cent), Line (92.8 per cent), Facebook messenger (84.2 Percent), TikTok (84.2
per cent), Instagram (68.2 per cent), and Twitter (53.1 per cent). However, only 15.2 per cent of
Thai social media users follow influencers but 71.5 per cent. Facebook also have the potential for
advertising for Thai people, with 84.6 per cent reach to user.
67.7 per cent of Thai internet users buy something online each week. Likewise, one-third
of Thai internet users use mobile payment services monthly. However, the percentage of internet
users checking health symptoms on online channels is 1 5 . 3 per cent lower than the worldwide
average of 25.9 per cent.
The impact of COVID-19 on Thai people's behaviour
The COVID 19 epidemic brings about the changing norm in Global and Thai society.
Implementing the self-quarantine rule and Social Distance measure make people have more minor
contracts with each other. The behaviour of Thai consumers significantly changed from physical
stores to e-commerce. Moreover, some service as medical or dental treatment in Thailand is also
limited to offer the service. Telemedicine is motivated to practice both in the Private and Public
health services to follow up on the symptom of chronic disease patients. Moreover, the application
of remote doctor services has become more recognized and used but not distinctively soars as other
countries due to the Thai people's economic condition and trust.
4) Technology
The readiness of high spreed broadband infarstructure
Household high speed broadband, 4g for mobile, 5g for industry
The implementation of Digital Dental treatment in Thailand Public Hospital.
In 2021, The Assistive Technology and Medical Devices Research Center (A-MED),
Thailand, introduced the Digital Dentistry platform in Thailand by integrating it via cloud
technology. The concept of this platform is to enhance dental treatment with digital technology.
For instance, the dentist manages to plan the treatment via using an image scan device and
designing a program. After the planning and design, the treatment material will be fabricated from
Dental CAD, CAM, CNC, or 3D printing machines. At present, this platform is piloted in 7 public
hospitals in Thailand.
5) Legal
The regulation of Orthodontic equipment sales.
In Thailand, all Orthodontic instruments need to be sold only by the orthodontist or dentist's
orders. The supplier or dental lab is not allowed to sell the product to patients directly. According
to the Notifications of the office of the consumer protection board's order No. 1//2561 B.E. (2018),
Selling all types of orthodontic materials without affecting medical treatment is an illegal act.
Punishable by imprisonment for not more than five years, a fine of not more than 500,000 baht, or
Consideration of Food and Drug Administration
Thailand Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is consider that the process of requiring
dental materials for all orthodontic applications classified as a product that must be registered as a
medical device to have control from the import, production, distribution, and advertising that
requires official permission according to Medical Device Act B.E. 2551 (2008).
The prohibit of medical service sale promotion law.
6) Environment
The concern about microplastic in Thai people.
4.1.2 Market evaluation by the Clear aligner service 5 Force Analysis.
1) Industry rivalry
- The effect of market competition remains medium, even though there are a lot of
clinics provide orthodontic treatment by using traditional tools and clear aligner, the
demand of customer is higher.
- There are few numbers of clear aligners brand in Thailand, as Invisalign, Zenyum,
Innova, clear aligner (brand).
2) Threat of new market players
- Threat of the new entries is low due to the cumulative knowledge, the regulation,
and the product also should be the certified from FDA
3) the threat of substitute products
- Threat of this part is very high from traditional bracelet product.
4) power of customers
- the bargaining of customer is high by
1) dentist customer – have can decide to use the any product material base on the
high profitability, the chance of the stealing patient from dentist partner. Moreover,
the number of orthodontists in Thailand is not enough for the high demand at
2) the patient customer did the good research information before choosing the
product also.
5) power of suppliers
- the threat of supplier seems low because, the main material of clear aligner is plastic
and the process of production require the dental lab from the clear aligner company
4.2 the case study of Innova
4.2.1 product and service overview
Company overview
Innova is owned by Arix CNC Machine Co., Ltd., Tainan, Taiwan. Arix CNC was
established in 1995 for heavy CNC machine manufacturing. In 2012 Arix CNC launch Ardenta,
the clear aligner solution with high precision CNC capability and concept of clear aligner for OEM
to Malaysian B2B customer. In 2019, the company introduced the clear aligner product for retail
customer and rebrand from Ardenta to Innova. The company current provide B2B and B2C
product in Taiwan, China, Malaysia, Australia, and Thailand (only B2C for Innova).
The service patterns
Innova is owned by Arix CNC Machine Co.The service processes
(1) Customer contact via Innova Facebook page
(2) appointment for oral checking at partner clinic.
(3) teeth and oral image taking, teeth imprinting.
(4) planning the treatment in Innova dental lab
(5) sending the product to customer, the number of clear aligner and period base on
the difficult estimation.
(6) Taking a photo after finish and sending the retainer
B2B with the dental clinic partner service processes
(1) Clinics do their own commercial.
(2) The clinic sent the treatment planning data to Innova dental lab
(3) Innova send the product to clinic partners.
4.2.2 The early state problem.
4.2.3 SWOT Analysis
1) Strength
(1) It has the own dental lap
(2) It also has their own know how-how and machine to product CNC clear aligner.
(3) The CNC clear aligner can provide more treatment than thermal plastic clear
(4) The cheap price of cost material
2) Weakness
(1) Few recognitions from Thai people compare to other brand.
(2) Don’t have the official treatment manual as the other brand.
(3) Lack of professional sale and marketing team.
(4) There is brick and motor clinic
3) Opportunities
(1) The trend of telemedicine
(2) The high-income people in Bangkok, metropolitan, and Eastern Economic
Corridor project area.
(3) The increasing number of relapse cases from previous orthodontic treatment.
(1) The unstable measures of Thailand custom agency
(2) The trading policy between Thailand and Taiwan
(3) The gap of partner clinic to steal the customer
(4) The defamation from ill-wishers on social media.
(5) The regulation from government agency.
4.4 Business Strategy for problem solution
1) Seeking service partner strategy (dentist)
2) the collaboration between National Cheng-Kung University for provide part-time
to International MBA student. (Online marketing)
3) The Facebook data analytic tools implementation.
4) The Thai-identity establishment plan (JV)
Chapter 5 Discussion & Finding
5.1 Discussion
5.2 Finding
1) The Taiwanese strength and weakness (having advance technology and good
product but fail to promote)
2) The implementation Idea of doing business in Thailand for foreign company
3) the potential of Thailand market for telemedicine service and the focusing area
of service (For CHT and FET)
Chapter 6. Conclusion
Thailand market survey on dental equipment and oral care products, (2018), Canvasso
(Thailand) Co., Ltd. and The Italian Trade Agency, p4.
Shortage of orthodontists, do "informal" courses flourishing, (October, 2019), Health focus,
retrieved from https://www.hfocus.org/content/2019/10/17903
From 5G to future of Smart Healthcare, (March, 2020), Krungthai COMPASS.
Appendix 1: Title
The Non-Disclosure And Confidentiality Agreement