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Age of Exploration Worksheet: Explorers & Motives

Name: _________________________
Date: _________________________ Grade: _________________________
A. Write the letter of the best answer (10 marks)
1. Which European country was the leader in developing and applying 15th century sailing innovations?
a. Italy
b. Spain
c. Portugal
d. The Netherlands
2. Both Dias and Da Gama sailed from which city?
a. Seville
b. Lisbon
c. Melilla
d. Madeira
3. Which country began explorations first?
a. The Netherlands
b. Portugal
c. China
d. Japan
4. What were Europeans’ main motives for making voyages of exploration?
a. to test their technology
b. to grow wealthy and c. to break the Portuguese d. to gain extra land for a
spread Christianity
monopoly on trade
growing population
5. What did Vasco da Gama succeed in gaining for Portugal?
a. a control of the Spice b. a sea route between c. a sea route between d. a profitable trade with
Portugal and India
Portugal and China
the Philippine Islands
6. Bartolomeu Dias sailed what route?
a. west across the Atlantic b. along the West Coast of c. across the Indian Ocean d. around the Southern tip
to India
of Africa
7. The Line of Demarcation established a boundary between which two regions?
a. Portugal and Spain
b. claimed and unclaimed c. New lands Portugal d. The part of the world
could claim and those that was under the pope’s
Spain could claim
control and the part that
was not
8. Which nation did Prince henry the Navigator help t take the lead in overseas exploration?
a. Italy
b. Spain
c. Portugal
d. The Netherlands
9. By the 1700s, which nation’s East India Company dominated the Indian Ocean trade?
a. France
b. England
c. Portugal
d. The Netherlands
10. What was the purpose of the Treaty of Tordesillas signed by Portugal and Spain?
a. To divide up the trade b. to decrease conflict over c. to promote cooperation d. to create an alliance that
routes to the East
the claiming of new lands
of would
technological advances
domination of sea routes
B. If the statement is true, write true on the line. If it is false, change the underlined word or words to make it true. (7 marks)
1. Portugal explored the African coast to find all-water route to Asia.
2. Today’s mestizos are descendant of Italian colonists and Native American.
3. Hernan Cortes conquered the Aztec Empire.
4. The purpose of Christopher Columbus’s second voyage to the Americas was to establish Spanish colonies on the islands of India.
5. Moctezuma II, the leader of the Arawak people of Brazil, fell out of favor with his subjects over his response to the Spanish conquest.
6. Francisco Pizarro, kidnapped the Sapa Inca and after the ransom, Atahualpa was killed by his own people.
7. The Dutch were ousted from North America by the English.
B. Briefly answer the following question. (3 marks)
1. Do you think native peoples of the Americas could have successfully defended their civilizations if they had been more suspicious
of the first Spanish to arrive? Explain
A. Write the letter of the best answer (7 marks)
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1. Why did Europeans see Africans as a better source of labor than Native Americans?
a. Africans had complete b.
no c. Africans were strangers d. Africans were already
immunity to all diseases, so experience in farming, so in the Americas, so they Christians, so they didn’t
they wouldn’t die off
they wouldn’t try to do wouldn’t have allies or have to be converted.
things their way
places to hide.
2. What did the encomienda system provide for New Spain?
a. more land
b. more settlers
c. military protection
d. a cheap labor source
3. Which European country was the first the first to import enslaved Africans to the Americas?
a. The Netherlands
b. France
c. England
d. Spain
4. As part of the Columbian Exchange, which of the following was carried west across the Atlantic?
a. livestock
b. tobacco
c. potatoes
d. tomatoes
5. Which of the following areas was originally founded as a settlement by the Dutch?
a. Quebec
b. Montreal
c. New York
d. Massachussetts
6. What did ships transport on the middle passage?
a. coins, enslaved Africans, b. gold and enslaved c. rum, trade goods, and d. sugar, molasses, and
and sugar
enslaved Africans
7. What did England export?
a. salt, fruit, and wines
b. sugar, molasses and fruit
c. bill of exchange
d. manufactured goods