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Globalization Concepts: Migration, UN, Cities, Regionalism

1. Internal Migration - This is a form of migration wherein people move from one place to another, but
the movement takes place within one country only.
2. International Migration - This is a form of migration wherein people migrate from one area to another
which includes crossing borders of one country to another.
United Nations is an international organization (IO) primarily for the purpose of maintaining
international peace and order, managing international law among states in disputes, promoting
sustainable development goals to ensure that the next generations will still live in a healthy world,
provide humanitarian aid like relief operations in countries affected by calamities and terror attacks, and
protect human rights through making and implementing policies in connection with the said rights.
Media is a means to acquire and produce information to communicate a message. Everything where we
can find information is media.
Political globalization refers to the connection and collaboration of nation-states and intergovernmental
organizations primarily for economic and political purposes. One of the key purposes of political
globalization is to maintain peace among countries through treaties and international assemblies.
Global cities are the physical sites of globalization where the processes of globalization take place. These
cities are key locations for innovation, finance, high standard of living, and luxury.
Regionalism is the political process of countries in a certain region coming together to form an alliance
which is characterized by cooperation and coordination. Regionalization is under regionalism.
Regionalization, on the other hand, is the process of strengthening economic ties among countries in a
certain region to increase cross-border flows of goods, services, and whatnot.
Global governance refers to the political cooperation of government organizations from different
countries to solve issues that affect more than one country, or possibly the whole world. It can also be
defined as the process of countries coming together to solve global issues or problems like climate
change, COVID pandemic, and terrorism to name a few.
Globalization is the uneven process of the growing interconnectedness and interdependence of the
world to sharing of resources, culture, ideas, and whatnot. It is an uneven process because it affects the
different sectors in different manners, some in a positive way and others negatively.
The three types of media are print, broadcast, and digital media. Print media are those printed or
published ones like books, newspapers, and magazines. Broadcast media are those transmitted through
satellites and frequencies like radio and television. Films and dramas are also examples of broadcast
media. And digital media includes the internet and mass communication. Under the internet are social
media sites, messaging applications, and e-mails to name a few.
Some issues that affect global cities are terrorism, gentrification, and public order. First, terrorism is a
serious problem because it threatens the lives of people living in these global cities. Terrorists tend to
target these cities for the purpose of being known around the world, to prove that they can outdo the
security measures of these powerful cities, and to harm many people as these are primarily populous
cities. Second, gentrification is a serious problem because it refers to the process of driving out the poor
from their homes in favor of richer residents that can make bigger developments in that particular area.
This is a problem which creates more problems like homelessness, loss of jobs, and increase in poverty.
Lastly, public order is a problem which is very common to global cities because as development takes
place, more people tend to transfer to these cities to find greater opportunities, which leads to increase
in population. Similarly, this issue affects global cities in a way that it creates more problems such as
increase in crime rates, homelessness, poverty, and pollution to name a few.
First, Los Angeles is a global city because it is well known for its film industry that the whole world
consume in different ways. It is also a home for many international towns like Filipino town, China town,
Korea town, and many more. Second, Beijing, China is a global city because it is a hub for production
which supplies the whole world. With this, Beijing, China has one of the busiest ports for exporting
products and this is one of the manifestations of a country being a global city. Lastly, Washington DC is a
global city because it is the home of the political authority of America. It is where the White House is
located making it a place where lies America's center of authority.
Five examples of regionalism are European Union, Association of Southeast Asian Countries (ASEAN),
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), League of Arab States (LAS), and Organization of the
Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
First reason is for Military defense. Countries form alliances to protect each other from threats through
pooling their military defense resources. With this purpose, if one country is attacked, the other
countries in that regional organizations are obligated to help. Second is to protect small countries'
independence from powerful countries. Countries which join regional organizations believe in strength
in numbers. Small countries form alliances with fellow small countries so that they can be more stable
and to avoid invasion from super power countries. Lastly, to pool their resources. This reason means
that to widen the connection of transacting countries to be able to gain more exports which will mean
more profits.
Brain drain means that skillful and highly capable workers and professionals tend to migrate to other
developed countries to gain more in terms of salaries, benefits, and opportunities because their home
countries cannot provide them with what they deserve. This causes brain drain in their home countries
because the ones left are those not well-efficient workers and professionals.
Regionalism and regionalization are different from globalization in terms of its scope because the former
are concerned with smaller range of countries as it is a cooperation among countries within a specific
geographical area. In terms of purpose, it is to solve issues that affect the region and to strengthen their
capacity as a region through cooperation. It is yet part of globalization because it is a product such, and
it involves different countries making it global and for the purpose of solving issues that affect more
than one country at that.