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Contemporary World Pre-Test: Globalization & International Relations

Republic of the Philippines
Catanduanes State University
Virac, Catanduanes
GEC 3 – The Contemporary World
Name: ________________________________ Date: _____________Score: _______
Course/Year/Block: ______________________ Schedule: ___________________
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer before the number.
_______ 1. A process of the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time
and world space.
a. Liberalization
b. Internationalization
c. Globalization
d. Acculturalization
_______2. Which of the following is a driver of globalization?
Technological advancement
Trade barriers and controls inflows of foreign direct investment
Weak competition
Economies of scale are being exploited to the maximum
_______3. It is the policy in which a country does not levy taxes, duties, subsidies or quota on the important
export of goods or services from other countries.
a. Product quality
b. Peace relations
c. Cheaper price
d. Free Trade
_______4. Globalization represents an increasing integration of all the following except:
a. Communication
b. Morals
c. Economics
d. Culture
_______5. It is the oldest international trade route that spanned form China to Middle East and Europe.
a. Silk Road
b. Hard Road
c. Gold Road
d. Bank Road
_______6. What is transnational company?
Moving across the world
Large global firms that operate in a number of countries
Getting a job from a company in different countries
Selling goods to countries
_______7. A system heightened interaction between various sovereign states for the desire of greater cooperation
and unity among states and people.
a. Globalization
b. Internationalization
c. Globalism
d. Internationalism
_______8. The following are key attributes of today’s world politics except___________.
a. Sovereignty
b. Citizens
c. Territory
d. Nations
_______9.What is the process of change from an agrarian and handicraft economy to one dominated by industry
and machine manufacturing?
a. Technological Innovation
c. Factory System
b. Industrial Revolution
d. Transportation Innovation
_______10. To prevent another war after French Revolution, an alliance called the “Concert of Europe” was
created. An alliance of great powers which is composed of the following countries except________.
a. United Kingdom
c. Russia
b. Austria
d. France
_______11. Given the scope of the activity of United Nations, what was there biggest challenges?
a. Relataed to the humanitarian rights
b. Related to the act of the military intervention
c. Related to issues of security
d. Related to the soveriegnty of state
_______12. What is the belief that the world’s nation had a right to a free, and sovereign government?
a. Nationalism
c. Principle of self-determination
b. Internationalism
d. Unification
_______13. Which system provided stability for the nations of Europe, until faced its first major challenged
by Napoleon Bonaparte.
a. Liberal Internationalism
c. Metternich System
b.Westphalian system
d. Socialist Internationalism
_______14. It is a group of countries located in the same geographically specifies area?
a. Regionalization
c. Regions
b. Globalization
d. Regionalism
_______15. Which of the following is not true about Regions?
a. Organized to regulate and “oversee flows and policy choices”
b. Made people aware of the world
c. An amalgamation of two regions a combination of more than two regions
d. Characterized by economic policies
_______16. . Which of the following economy is an original economic system in which traditions, customs,
and beliefs help shape the goods and the services the economy produces?
a. Traditional Economy
c. Market Economy
b. Command Economy
d. Planned Economy
_______17. It is the Growth of societal integration within a region and to the often undirected process of social and
economic interaction.
a. Regionalism
c. regionalism & regionalization
b. Regionalization
d. a & b are both correct
_______18. Refers to the regional concentration of economic flaws while regionalization refers to a political process
by economic policy if cooperation and coordination are present among countries.
a. Regionalism
b. Regionalization
c. regionalism & regionalization
d. a & b are both correct
_______19. What was the Bretton Woods system?
a. Global financial institutions that would promote economic interdependence
and prosperity.
b. To assist with reconstruction and revitalization after World War II
c. Economic system that would ensure a longer lasting peace
d. All of the aboveIt was tasked to promote international cooperation and to restore international order.
_______20. What does the “the regional concentration of economic flows” refers to?
a. Regionalization
c. Regionalism
b. Regions
d. Globalization
_______21. According to the International Monetary Fund it is a historical process, the result of human innovation
and technological progress.
a. Economic Development Plan
b. Economic Globalization
c. Millennium Development Plan
d. Development Center
_______22. The following facilitates globalization, which is not?
Improvement of communication
Barriers to trade and investment
Loose immigration control
Removal of controls on movement of capital across borders
_______ 23. The United Nations is an international organization founded in the year _______?
a. 1945
b. 1955
c. 1965
d. 1975
_______24. Some countries created an association which refuse to join with any superpower countries. This
association is called___________?
a. Neutral Movement
b. Non-aligned Movement
c. Liberal Movement
d. Socialist Movement
_______25. A more complex organizations that have investments in foreign operations and has a central corporate
facility but give decision-making, research and development and marketing powers to each individual foreign market.
a. International Companies
b. Global Companies
c. Multinational Companies
d. Transnational Companies
_______26. All are global corporations’ common attributes which is not?
An agent of desired economic development
An economic prominence
Able to create crisis in many parts of the globe
Very powerful entity that can create a crisis
_______27. Considered as the facet of contemporary political globalization that seeks to form collaboration among
nation-states through the establishment of intergovernmental organization.
a. Globalism
b. Socialist International
c. Global Interstate System
D. Internationalism
_______28. An international governmental organization established in November 1993 with 28 state members. One
of its goals is to promote peace, its values, and the well-being of its citizens.
a. World Trade Organization
b. European Union
c. Global Interstate System
_______29. This refers to an organization of UN task to settle in accordance with international law, legal disputes
submitted to it by states and to give advisory opinions.
a. International Court of Justice
b. Security Council
c. Secretariat
d. Economic and Social Council
_______30. A part of the power of international organization that can invent and apply categories that creates
powerful global standards.
a. Power of fix meanings
b. Power of classifications
c. Power to diffuse norms
d. Power to destiny
_______31. The following are key attributes of today’s world politics except ___________.
There are countries or states that are independent
An international organization’s job is to facilitates
These countries interact with each other through diplomacy
An international organization facilitates these interactions
________32. Globalization can create problems for business because _____________.
It can result in more competition
It means that they can increase prices
It reduces vulnerability to political risk and uncertainty when operating abroad.
All are correct
_______33. The following are Security Council’spermanent member countries except;
a. Russia
b. United States
c. Germany
d. France
_______34. A metaphor for interstate inequality and a product of Western imagination.
a. Global South
b. Rich North
c. Global North
d. Poor South
_______35. Among all the continents, it has the biggest population of atleast two-thirds of the world’s inhabitants. It
is a continent that comprise one third of the world’s population.
a. Russia
b. Asia
c. Europe
d. China
_______36. After its establishment, what makes Asian nation stronger than ever is _________.
The growth of societal integrated
Collaborations and cooperation based on respect
Political process by economic policy
Free movement of people, goods, services and capital within the EU market
_______37. Refers to the new concept among the continental communities.
a. ASEAN+3
b. American Free Trade Agreement
c. Asian Regionalism
d. East Asia Economic Group
_______38. Considered as the home of all members of the Group of Eight (G8).It is also the abode of the four
powerful permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.
a. Global South
b. Rich North
c. Global North
d. Poor South
_______39. Socialist economies were referred to as _____________.
a. Western Capitalism
b. Third World
c. Second World
d. First World
_______40. Known as the bank established by Asian countries that is more focused on Asia and the Pacific as a
reaction to global economic integration.
a. ASEAN Declaration
b. Asian Development Bank
c. ASEAN+3
D. East Asia Economic Group
_______41. Which of the following defines a situation in which one nation assumes economic power or influence
over the others?
a. Global Economic Imperialism
b. Economic and Cultural Imperialism
c. Imperialism
d. Cultural Imperialism
_______42. What was the Bretton Woods system?
a. Global financial institutions that would promote economic interdependence
and prosperity.
b. To assist with reconstruction and revitalization after World War II
c. Economic system that would ensure a longer lasting peace
d. All of the above
_______43. Which item below is an example of Multinational Companies?
a. McDonald’s
c. Pharmacy
b. Shell
d. General Electric
_______44. IMF means;
a. International Monetary Fund
c. International Monetary Finance
b. Indian Monetary Fund
d. Indian Monetary Fund
_______45. Refers to the central deliberative and only organ where all member-states have equal representation in
discussion and consideration, and policy making.
a. Economic and Social Council
b. Trusteeship Council
c. Secretariat
d. General Assembly
_______46. UN’s five permanent Security Council members have a veto power.
a. China, France, Russia, Kingdom and United States United
b. Japan, United Kingdom, United States, China, Finland
c. China, France, Japan, United States, India
d. United States, North Korea, India, Singapore, China
_______47. Which item below is an example of Global companies?
a. McDonald’s
b. Shell
c. Pharmacy
d. General Electric
_______48. This institution is responsible for funding postwar reconstruction project of WWII.
a. World Trade Organization
c. World Bank
b. IMF
d. United Nation
_______49. It is an organization monitors international agreements on trade, investment, government and
a. World Trade Organization
c. World Bank
b. United Nations
d. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
_______50. Which of the following states that it is not only states that agree to work together in the name of a single
a. Non-state Regionalism
c. Nation-state
b. Non-government Organization
d. Regionalism
_______51. It is a socially defined patterns of beliefs concerning the ultimate meaning of life and It assumes the
existence of the supernatural, they refer to the phenomenon of _______________?
a. Religion
c. Environment
b. Culture
d. Spiritual
_______52. Which of the following is best scholarly description of “globalization” as provided by Manfred Steger?
a. The expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time and
across world-space.
b. The degree of interconnection between two or more provinces.
c. The management of cultural consciousness across the world.
d. The social battle of different countries in the world.
_______53. Which of the following refers to the unified style of human knowledge, beliefs, and behaviour from which
people learn, and the ability to communicate knowledge to the next generations?
a. Norms
c. Culture
b. Folklores
d. Myths
_______54. Which of the following does not speak about broadcast media?
a. Radio
b. Television
c. Film
d. Newspapers
_______55. Which of the following does not speak about the print media?
a. Radio
b. Magazines
c. Newspapers
d. Books
_______56. The development and the used of media in the contemporary world is very crucial to achieve the goal of
the globalization. What order does media develop?
a. Oral communication, script, electronic, printing press, digital
b. Oral communication, electronic, script, printing press, digital
c. Oral communication, script, printing press, electronic, digital
d. Oral communication, electronic, printing press, script, digital
_______57. Which of the following term refers to the sacred scripture of Buddhism?
a. Tripitaka
c. Quran
b. Vedas
d. Torah
_______58. It is a belief which people are rewarded when they do good things, and when they do terrible things,
they suffer the consequences depending on how the previous life was spent. In what principles does this statement
a. Dharma and Carnation
c. Karma and Carnation
b. Dharma and Reincarnation
d. Karma and Reincarnation
_______59. Which of the following is not true about Buddhism?
a. Believe that by following dharma wheel you can achieve the nirvana
b. Believe in the poor noble truth of Buddha
c. Buddha was the enlightened one
d. Believe that life in not a bed of roses instead it filled with suffering, frustration and pain.
_______60. Which type of political violence anchored on the beliefs that a supreme being grants violence in the act
of glorifying one’s faith?
a. Religious extremist
c. Religious radicals
b. Religious diplomat
d. Religious people
_______61. Which outcomes of the globalization on culture suggest that globalization spawns an increasing and
ongoing mixing of cultures?
a. Cultural hybridity
c. Cultural differentialism
b. Cultural convergence
d. Cultural ethniculture
_______62. This term coined from globalization and localization.
a. Globacation
b. Glocalization
c. Glozationic
d. Glocanimic
_______63. Religion and globalism are contrasting belief; which argument does not support this statement?
a. Religion concerned with the preservation of sacredness, Globalism gives emphasis on the
progression towards acquiring material wealth.
b. Religion follow divine commandments; Globalism abides human-made laws.
c. Religious people less concerned with highest material satisfaction while globalist concerned with
d. Religious people main duty is to live a virtuous, sin-less life while Globalist on the other hand are
less worried of whether they end up in heaven or hell.
_______64. Which of the following cities become the most livable city in the world?
a. Melbourne
b. Los Angeles
c. Tokyo
d. Beijing
_______65. A phenomenon in which people migrate from one province to another is known ________.
a. Intercontinental migration
b. Interstate migration
c. Interlocal migration
d. International migration
_______66. A kind of migration when people move daily or weekly from place of residence to place of work or
a. Semi-permanent migration
b. Casual type of migration
c. Periodic type of migration
d. Pendulum type of migration
_______67. A kind of migration when people move out of their habitat due to emergency or some other causes.
a. Semi-permanent migration
b. Casual type of migration
c. Temporary type of migration
d. Pendulum type of migration
_______68. The statistical study of human populations especially with reference to size, and density distribution and
vital statistics.
a. Global demography
b. Global biography
c. Global anthropology
d. Global seismology
_______69. Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations
to meet their own needs. This statement refers to _____________________?
a. Sustainability development
b. Sustained development
c. Sustainable development
d. Sustainment development
_______70. In attaining sustainability, which should be the government center of action?
a. Implementation of Laws
b. Environment
c. Peace and order
d. Urban poor
_______71. Which is consider as the vital resource for human kind and a necessity for survival?
a. Clothes
b. Home
c. Food
d. Security
_______72. With the growing and persistent demand for food of the world with over population, there is in need to
give way for _________________ sector.
Technological sector
Economic sector
Agricultural sector
Businesses sector
_______73. The following listed the subtle differences between sustainability and stability, which one is not?
Sustainable development leads countries in a developed country
Stable environment is resistant to change but lack of resiliency
Sustainability leads to stability but stability alone may not lead to sustainability.
Sustainable environment is resilient enough to withstand man-made and natural challenges.
________74. The following listed are the characteristics of global citizen, which one is not?
Must not participate in and contribute to the community at all levels from local to global;
Willingness to act to make the world a more equitable and sustainable place;
Take responsibility for his/her actions.
Outraged by Social Injustice;
_______75. It is a socially defined patterns of beliefs concerning the ultimate meaning of life and It assumes
the existence of the supernatural, they refer to the phenomenon of _______________?
a. Religion
b. Culture
c. Environment
_______76. Which of the following is best scholarly description of “globalization” as provided by Manfred
e. The expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time and
across world-space.
f. The degree of interconnection between two or more provinces.
g. The management of cultural consciousness across the world.
h. The social battle of different countries in the world.
_______77. Which of the following does not speak about broadcast media?
e. Radio
b. Television
c. Film
d. Newspapers
_______78. Which of the following does not speak about the print media?
e. Radio
b. Magazines
c. Newspapers d. Books
_______79. Which of the following is considered as the real media?
a. Social Media
b. Oral Communication c. People
d. Electronic Media
_______80. Which one is the right sequence of the stages of Media?
Printing press, Oral Communication, Electronic, Script, Digital
Digital, Script, Electronic, Oral Communication, Printing Press
Oral Communication, Script, Printing Press, Electronic, Digital
Electronic, Digital, Printing Press, Script, Oral Communication
_______81. The phenomena wherein globalization will bring about the growing sameness of cultures is
a. Cultural Convergence
b. Cultural Differentialism
c. Cultural Hybridity
d. Cultural Imperialism
_______82. The phenomenon wherein globalization increases the mixture of cultures defines _________.
a. Cultural Convergence
b. Cultural Differentialism
c. Cultural Hybridity
d. Cultual Imperialism
_______83. The belief that Global media had homogenized the culture is called _______.
a. Cultural Convergence
b. Cultural Differentialism
c. Cultural Hybridity
d. Cultual Imperialism
I. Insisting globalization is an unidirectional process of foreign cultures overwhelming local ones
is reasonable.
II. Proponents of the idea of Cultural Imperialism ignored the fact that media messages are not
just made by producers but also consumed by audiences.
a. First statement is True and the Second statement is False
c. Both statement are False
b. First statement is False and the Second statement is True
d. Both statement are True
I. Social Media is a democratized access of communication.
II. Social Media cannot be used as a tool for government propaganda.
a. First statement is True and the Second statement is False
c. Both statement are False
b. First statement is False and the Second statement is True
d. Both statement are True
_______86. It is a system of beliefs and rituals that serves to bind people together through shared worship,
thereby creating a social group.
a. Culture
b. Religion
c. Customs
d. Mores
_______87. The fastest growing religion in the world is ______.
a. Christianity
b. Islam
c. Buddhism
d. Hinduism
_______88. The following are the effects of Globalization in Religion except ______.
The return of religion into the private life
The proliferation of international terrorism
The increasing personalized individual religiosity
The rise of religious nationalism
_______89. The following listed the subtle differences between sustainability and stability, which one is not?
Sustainable development leads countries in a developed country
Stable environment is resistant to change but lack of resiliency
Sustainability leads to stability but stability alone may not lead to sustainability.
Sustainable environment is resilient enough to withstand man-made and natural challenges.
_______90. The following listed are the characteristics of global citizen, which one is not?
Must not participate in and contribute to the community at all levels from local to global;
Willingness to act to make the world a more equitable and sustainable place;
Take responsibility for his/her actions.
Outraged by Social Injustice;
_______91. It is a cultural feature that blurs the lines b/w culture and place thus, transcends territorial boundaries.
a. Deterritorialization
b. Religious Hybridity
c. Global Migration
d. Religious Migration
_______92. Which outcomes of the globalization on culture suggest that globalization spawns an increasing
and ongoing mixing of cultures?
a.Cultural hybridity
c. Cultural convergence
b. Cultural differentialism
d. Cultural ethniculture
_______93. This strategy of Glocalization of Religion showcases the blending of universal religions with local
a. Transnationalization
b. Nationalization
c. Indigenization
d. Vernacularization
_______94. This strategy of Glocalization of Religion, transforms the universal religion to suit the specifics of a
particular ethnic group.
a. Transnationalization b. Nationalization
c. Indigenization
_______95. This term coined from globalization and localization.
a. Globacation
b. Glocalization
d. Vernacularization
c. Glozationic
_______96. Which type of political violence anchored on the beliefs that a supreme being grants violence in the
act of glorifying one’s faith?
a. Religious extremist
b. Religious radicals
c. Religious diplomat
d. Religious people
_______97. Religion and globalism are contrasting belief; which argument does not support this statement?
a. Religion concerned with the preservation of sacredness, Globalism gives emphasis on the progression
towards acquiring material wealth.
b. Religion follows divine commandments; Globalism abides human-made laws.
c. Religious people less concerned with highest material satisfaction while globalist concerned with wealth
d. Religious people main duty is to live a virtuous, sin-less life while Globalist on the other hand are less
worried of whether they end up in heaven or hell.
_______98. The statistical study of human populations especially with reference to size, and density
distribution and vital statistics.
a.Global demography
c. Global biography
b. Global anthropology
d. Global seismology
_______99. The following listed the subtle differences between sustainability and stability, which one is not?
a. Sustainable development leads countries in a developed country
b. Stable environment is resistant to change but lack of resiliency
c. Sustainability leads to stability but stability alone may not lead to sustainability.
d. Sustainable environment is resilient enough to withstand man-made and natural challenges.
_______100. The following listed are the characteristics of global citizen, which one is not?
Must not participate in and contribute to the community at all levels from local to global;
Willingness to act to make the world a more equitable and sustainable place;
Take responsibility for his/her actions.
Outraged by social injustice