AI VIRTUAL ASSISTANT ROBOT OBJECTIVE: The object is to build an AI Assistant Robot that will do the speech to text part, process the text and will also do Text to Speech .Means the robot will listen, understand and talkback. For body movements We save some movements (encapsulated in functions ) in Arduino board .The function for each movementsare executed by the python code. HARDWARE COMPONENT: The hardware components we are going to use are following: Arduino Nano -1x Micro Servo sg90-3x Ultra Sonic Sensor HCsr04-1x Circuit Diagram: SOFTWARE : Python3 Arduino.ide Jupiter Notebook DESCRIPTION: For building an AI robot we use arduino uno r3 and other hardware components for perceiving and making actions .We use libraries like numpy,Pathlib,Ipython.display and torch for object detection and speechrecognition ,pyaudio,pyttsx3,pywhatkit,pyserial for interacting robot with user. APPLICATIONS: Our AI Virtual Asssistant can do a wide range of things. It can give answers to general questions that we program for it and able to perform some movements like moving its right and left arm. It can also search text on web browser when you ask something by searching command. It can detect object by making its model with the help of torch library and labeling. You can interact with your laptop’s microphone/console. The response generated by the assistant will display on the console or speech via the speaker. AI Project Proposal Project Title:AI Virtual Assistant Robot BSCS 3RD YEAR MISS HUMERA BASHIR Group Members:Tooba Tasleem,Zoya Urooj, Tooba Najeeb, Shifa Altaf Registration No: (#510078),(#513922),(#511643),(#512218)