As a minimum, the Systems Analysis Report should include => Robot Design - the basic design of the robot (or physical system) being controlled. Basic Robot Design -> The physical system contains the following => 1x – Arduino Uno 2x - 5mm Clear LEDs 4x – Plastic 65mm Wheels 4x – Plastic geared DC Motors 1x – Carbon Monoxide Sensor 1x – Ultrasonic Sensor (hc-sr04) 1x – L298n H-Bridge Motor Controller 1x – Half size Breadboard 2x – 9V Batteries From the above components, the wheels, motors and power system (batteries) will be connected to the motor controller which will take input from the Arduino. The LEDs, carbon monoxide sensor and ultrasonic sensor will be connected into the Arduino either directly or through a breadboard connection. Data Design - the data structures that will be required for the control system. Figure 1: 3D Model of Final Design - Not entirely correct Interface Design - describes internal and external program interfaces, as well as the design of human interface. Serial monitor is controller interface, it is the visible interface for the user to input commands so that the Arduino can control almost all processes performed by the robot. The only form of physical interface on the robot would be the on/off power button/ switch, physically mounted on the robot. System Architecture - describes the hardware of the system, including the basic design of sensors and motor controllers. Procedural Design - describes structured program execution using graphical, tabular and textual notations. Hint: Include a flowchart.