GENETIC MUTATION DATABASE Minimum of 10 Genetic Mutation Cystic Fibrosis Effects on the Nervous System The study shows that loss of CFTR protein directly alters Schwann cell function and leads to subtle structural abnormalities in the myelin surrounding the nerve fibers. These abnormalities, although significantly milder, resemble myelin defects seen in known human neuropathies. Effects on the Endocrine System Cystic fibrosis can cause multiple endocrine disorders including diabetes, bone disease, short stature, and male hypogonadism. The etiologies are multifactorial but may be directly related in some cases to CFTR dysfunction. Effects on the Reproductive System In the reproductive system, the thickened secretions can cause obstructions and affect the development and function of the sexual organs. Most males with CF have obstruction of the sperm canal known as the congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) Illustration Reference (APA Style) Uiowa. (2015, March 19). Study suggests cystic fibrosis affects nervous system. Iowa Now. Retrieved February 28, 2022, from,seen%20in%20known%20human%20neuropathies.