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Timber Seasoning: Methods, Advantages & Disadvantages

Seasoning of Timber
Why is timber seasoned?
Seasoning timber is essentially just to drain it
of water which is called its moisture content.
This can cause it to shrink but it helps to prevent warping, splitting, it will become
lighter and stronger and it becomes easier to machine.
List three reasons for seasoning timber.
1. To prevent shrinkage, splitting, checking and warping.
2. To achieve greater stiffness and strength.
3. To obtain a surface that will accept paint, polish or glue.
What is Equilibrium moisture content and find a definition (EMC)
The term “EMC” is an acronym for Equilibrium Moisture Content. The term is often used in
relation to "hygroscopic" materials, such as wood. The term hygroscopic refers to a material
that absorbs moisture from or releases moisture into the atmosphere until it achieves a
balance with its surroundings.
Air Seasoning
Briefly describe air seasoning. Giving an advantage and disadvantage
The timber is stacked on foundations to keep it off the ground. Strips of wood are
placed between the layers of boards to allow air to circulate. Ends of boards may
be painted to prevent drying and splitting.
A waterproof covering is placed over the stack to
protect the timber from the sun and the weather.
Disadvantage: Air seasoning is slow, taking up to a
year for a piece 25 mm thick and considerably longer
for thicker pieces.
Advantage: the timber produced is well suited to
outdoor work.
Timber stacked for air drying
Kiln Seasoning
Briefly describe kiln seasoning. Giving an advantage and disadvantage
Kiln seasoning is done in a large oven-like structure in which air circulation, humidity
and temperatures are controlled. The timber is stacked on the trucks in the same
way as for air drying. The trucks are on rails so that they can be moved into the kiln.
Care must be taken to see that the drying process while removing the free water is
not too rapid
Advantage: The moisture content can be reduced as per requirement.
Disadvantage: This method is costly (though the space required is less).
Solar Seasoning
Briefly describe Solar seasoning. Giving an advantage and disadvantage
Solar Kilns use collectors, fans and baffles to control air movement and temperature
 Controlled environment using solar energy
 Faster drying with better control than air seasoning
 Less expensive than kiln seasoning
It needs a larger space for seasoning.
In the table below summarize your research
Type of
the timber produced is well
suited to outdoor work.
Air seasoning is slow, taking up
to a year for a piece 25 mm thick
and considerably longer for
thicker pieces.
Kiln drying permits drying to
the exact M.C. required,
which may be much less
Disadvantage: This method is
costly (though the space required
is less).
than that of air dried timber.
Controlled environment
It needs a larger space for
using solar energy
Faster drying with
better control than air
Less expensive than
kiln seasoning
If you came across 2 pieces of timber in a timber yard, one was unseasoned and the
other seasoned; how could you tell the difference?
Unseasoned wood is wet and looks very new and fresh in the middle. The wood
is lighter towards the edges of the log and the bark is tightly attached.
To identify well seasoned wood, check the ends of the logs. If they are dark in colour
and cracked, they are dry. Dry seasoned wood is lighter in weight than wet wood and
makes a hollow sound when hitting two pieces together. If there is any green colour
visible or bark is hard to peel, the log is not yet dry.