9/17/23, 2:06 PM Timber seasoning NAME : CLASS : Timber seasoning 9 Questions DATE : 1. What method of seasoning involves an oven-like compartment to season wood? A Natural seasoning 2. Natural/Air Seasoning is the cheaper method. True/False A True 3. In Kiln Seasoning, the fan circulates the warm air around the kiln. True/False? A True 4. B B B Kiln Seasoning False False What is this kind of Seasoning referred to as? 5. "The amount of moisture in wood" What does this statement best describe? A Moisture content B Relative humidity C Dry Rot D Dew point 6. Timber seasoning is the romoval of: A Excess moisture from wood B Compress air from the wood C Leaf from the wood ? https://quizizz.com/print/quiz/619b2e7981e73e001d56c9ba 1/2 9/17/23, 2:06 PM Timber seasoning 7. Seasoning timber increases its hardness, stiffness, and strength. A True 8. What is one disadvantage of using air seasoning? 9. The old, CHEAPEST METHOD of seasoning wood A log ponding B curing C air-drying D pressure method https://quizizz.com/print/quiz/619b2e7981e73e001d56c9ba B False 2/2