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Who are the Disciples? Worksheet

Who are the Disciples? How did they become disciples?
1. What does the word ‘Disciple’ mean?
A personal follower of Jesus during his life.
2. Fill in the spaces with the names of the disciples and their occupations.
The disciples (Judas Iscariot, John, Matthew, James, Peter, Simon, Thomas, Andrew, Philip, Nathanael,
Thaddeaus, Thomas, Matthias)
Their jobs (fisherman, carpenter, tax collector, political zealot, tradesman)
1 Nathanael Also known as Bartholomew, he was unknown.
2 James the elder, Son of Zebedee, he was a fisherman.
3. Thomas, doubted the resurrection, he was a
4. also known as Judas,
5. Judas, the traitor, he was a baddie.
6. Andrew, Peter’s brother, he was an apostle.
7. James, Son of Alphaeus, he was an apostle.
8. Simon, The Zealot, he was a political Zealot.
9. Peter “The rock” was his nickname, he was a fisherman.
10. John, the beloved disciple, he was a fisherman.
11. Phillip Brought Bartholomew to see Jesus, he was unknown.
12. Matthew the tax collector, he was a tax collector.
13. Matteus replaced Judas, he was unknown.
3. What words did Jesus say to each of these men to cause them to leave their jobs and become
4. Why do you think they went with Jesus?